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Veterinary Diagnostic Test Kits & Reagents

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On behalf of the whole VMRD team, thank you for your business! VMRD was founded with the goal of bringing better tests to you, our customers. Better tests yield better diagnoses, better relationships, better outcomes, better bottom lines, and better days. Our products and services team members strive every day to accomplish the better test goal. If we ever fail to achieve this goal, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the VMRD team, including me personally, so that we can make it right. That is the way we would want to be treated, and we will do our best to treat you that way. May you have only good days at the bench!Soli Deo gloria,Ethan Adams, CEO

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3CONTENTSDiagnostic Test Kits ......................................................................................................................... 1-10Point-of-Care.....................................................................................................................................11-13Molecular .......................................................................................................................................... 14-16Immunology Reagents ......................................................................................................................17FA Reagents ................................................................................................................................... 18-26Antibodies ....................................................................................................................................... 27-28Equipment .......................................................................................................................................29-30Biologics Testing Services .............................................................................................................. 31Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................32Sensitivity & Specificity in PerspectiveRelative sensitivity and specificity values are calculated from data generated by diagnostic laboratory field testing (available upon request). These values are provided as guidelines only and should not be construed as the absolute sensitivity and specificity of the test in question for any population subset.

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Component 283-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 plate B. Positive Control 3.6 ml C. Negative Control 3.6 ml D. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.3 ml E. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 30 ml F. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 ml G. Substrate Solution 30 ml H. Stop Solution 30 ml Test Kit InsertKIT CONTENTSOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDURE1. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of Antigen-Coated Plate2. Incubate 60 minutes at room temperature3. Wash 2 times with Wash Solution4. Add 50 µl of Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate5. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature6. Wash 4 times with Wash Solution7. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution8. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature9. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution10. Read at 620-650 nmSetting the Standard in the Diagnosis of AnaplasmosisVMRD’s Anaplasma Antibody Test Kit is a competitive, enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assay (cELISA) for the detection of antibodies specific for Anaplasma in bovine serum samples. It is intended to provide results that will give guidance about the presence of Anaplasma infection in bovine species. Sensitivity and specificity are more than four-fold better than the complement fixation test (CFT) which was the former gold standard test. This OIE-recommended cELISA is a breakthrough in diagnosis of anaplasmosis in persistently-infected animals. It detects antibodies to Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma ovis, and Anaplasma centrale. Notwithstanding some recent publications, we do not believe that the assay should be relied upon for detection of antibodies to Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The kit is available in 2-plate format with breakaway stripwells.About AnaplasmosisAnaplasmosis is a non-contagious, arthropod-borne, parasitic disease of ruminants that results in significant economic losses to the cattle industry. The disease in cattle is caused by Anaplasma marginale, recently classified in geno-group II of Ehrlichiae. Anaplasma marginale is an intra-erythrocytic parasite that causes severe anemia, abortion, weight loss, jaundice and death. Diagnosis of the acute disease is based upon clinical signs, anemia and finding of Anaplasma inclusion bodies in erythrocytes. Animals surviving the acute phase become lifelong carriers. Ticks transmit the infection from carriers to naïve cattle, which develop clinical disease. Cycles of rickettsemia in carriers fluctuate between 102.5 and 107 infected erythrocytes per ml, levels generally undetectable by Giemsa staining. Carriers can be identified by detection of serum antibodies to A. marginale with VMRD’s Anaplasma Antibody Test Kit.Formula for calculating % inhibition: %I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Samples producing <30% inhibition are negative. Samples producing ≥30% inhibition are positive. For the test to be valid, the mean OD of the Negative Control must range from 0.40 to 2.10. The percent inhibition of the Positive Control must be ≥30%.DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | BOVINEVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentCATALOG NO.283-2SPECIES SAMPLEBovineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †100%SPECIFICITY †99.7%ASSAY TIME100 minutesCONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS182CATALOG NO.283-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageANAPLASMOSISAnaplasma Antibody Test KitcELISA v21

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VMRD’s highly-sensitive and specific enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit detects antibodies to bovine leukemia virus (BLV) glycoprotein 51 (gp51) in bovine sera. Sample serum antibodies bind to BLV gp51 molecules attached to the plastic wells of the microtiter plate. Binding of these serum antibodies is detected by reaction with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-affinity-purified goat antibodies to bovine immunoglobulins. Attached HRP-antibodies are detected by addition of enzyme substrate and quantitated by subsequent blue color product development. Strong color development indicates the presence of antibodies to BLV gp51 in the sample serum. Very weak or no color development indicates the absence of detectable antibodies to BLV gp51 in the sample serum. VMRD’s Bovine Leukemia Virus Antibody Test Kit is USDA-approved for export testing and is available in breakaway stripwell format. The assay requires that an ELISA plate reader be used for accurate results.About Bovine LeukosisEnzootic Bovine Leukosis (EBL) is an infectious, non-contagious viral disease of cattle. It is caused by BLV, an oncogenic delta retrovirus, which results in proliferation of B lymphocytes. Infection with BLV may lead to persistent lymphocytosis and in some adult cattle to the development of tumors with associated signs. The spread of disease from the introduction into a herd may reach enzootic proportions. Transmission of BLV occurs between animals primarily by transfer of B lymphocytes in blood. Trauma, use of common bleeding needles, and surgical procedures are the main means of transmission. It is rarely vertically transmitted. Most BLV infections are inapparent, with approximately 5% of animals developing clinical signs. AGID and ELISA tests are used to identify carrier cattle. Control programs for EBL include testing and removal of positive animals. Several European countries which have instituted eradication programs also require that imported cattle be free of BLV.Component 283-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 plate B. Positive Control 3.6 ml C. Negative Control 3.6 ml D. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.3 ml E. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 30 ml F. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 ml G. Substrate Solution 30 ml H. Stop Solution 30 ml Test Kit InsertDIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | BOVINE800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comCATALOG NO.284-2SPECIES SAMPLEBovineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †98%SPECIFICITY †100%ASSAY TIME60 minutesCONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS182CATALOG NO.284-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageBOVINE LEUKOSISBovine Leukemia Virus Antibody Test Kit ELISAComponent 284-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 plateB. Positive Control 4 mlC. Negative Control 4 mlD. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.3 mlE. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 30 mlF. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 mlG. Serum Diluting Buffer 60 mlH. Substrate Solution 30 mlI. Stop Solution 30 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTSOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDURE1. Dilute serum samples 1/25 with Serum Diluting Buffer2. Transfer 50 µl of each sample and controls into wells of the Antigen-Coated Plate3. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature4. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution5. Add 50 µl of Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate6. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature7. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution8. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution9. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature10. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution11. Read at 620-650 nmAll samples with mean OD values greater than or equal to the mean OD of the Positive Controls are considered positive for BLV. All samples with mean OD values less than the mean of the Positive Controls are negative for BLV. For the test to be valid, the mean OD of the Negative Controls must be less than 0.200. The mean OD of the Positive Controls must be ≥0.250 and <2.000.2

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DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | BOVINEVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentCATALOG NO.280-2SPECIES SAMPLEBovineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †96%SPECIFICITY †99%ASSAY TIME100 minutesCONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS184CATALOG NO.280-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageVMRD’s Neospora test is a competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) that detects antibodies against Neospora caninum in cattle sera. Our competitive ELISA format allows other species to be tested, but validation has been completed only on cattle. An immunodominant surface protein of 65 kDa is captured on the antigen plate using a monoclonal antibody. Another HRP-conjugated monoclonal antibody competes with serum antibodies for a specific epitope on p65. Sensitivity and specificity studies confirm the high accuracy of this kit. In a mass screening of 4,323 sera of unknown serologic status, only 5% of sera fell within ±5% of the cut-off value, demonstrating a clear distinction between positive and negative sera (bimodal distribution).About NeosporosisNeosporosis has been identified across the world in various species, including dogs, cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. It is caused by Neospora caninum, a protozoan parasite closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. Although canids have been identified as the definitive host for N. caninum, it is not known if there are other definitive hosts. No clinical signs are noted in cows that abort due to N. caninum either prior to the abortion or post-abortion. Aborted fetuses are usually autolyzed with no gross lesions and placentas are not retained. Abortions have been diagnosed in both heifers and cows from 3 months gestation to term. A majority (78%) of N. caninum abortions occur between 4 and 6 months gestation. This pattern of mid-gestation abortion is distinct from other diagnosed causes of infectious abortion in dairy cattle which tend to occur later in gestation. In dogs, N. caninum infection causes neuromuscular paralysis. Identification of carrier animals is based upon detection of specific antibody with serological tests while diagnosis of abortions is based upon microscopic examination of the fetus and immunohistochemistry.NEOSPOROSISNeospora caninum Antibody Test Kit cELISAComponent 280-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 plateB. Positive Control 3.6 mlC. Negative Control 3.6 mlD. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.3 mlE. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 30 mlF. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 mlG. Substrate Solution 30 mlH. Stop Solution 30 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTS1. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of the Antigen-Coated Plate2. Incubate 60 minutes at room temperature3. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution4. Add 50 µl of Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate5. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature6. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution7. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution8. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature9. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution10. Read at 620-650 nmOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDUREFormula for calculating % inhibition: % I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Samples producing <30% inhibition are negative. Samples producing ≥30% inhibition are positive.For the test to be valid, the mean OD of the Negative Control must be ≥0.30 and <2.50. The inhibition of the Positive Control must be ≥30%.3

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DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | EQUINE800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.com4About the B. caballi and T. equi Test KitsVMRD’s Babesia caballi Antibody Test Kit, cELISA and VMRD’s Theileria (Babesia) equi Antibody Test Kit, cELISA are competitive, enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assays which detect antibodies in equine sera to B. caballi or T. equi, respectively. Antibody to B. caballi or T. equi in sample serum inhibiting binding of primary monoclonal antibody. The binding of primary monoclonal antibody to the antigen-coated plate is detected by binding of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-secondary antibody. Finally, binding of the HRP-secondary antibody is quantified by the addition of enzyme substrate and subsequent color product development. Strong color development indicates little or no inhibition of primary monoclonal antibody binding and therefore the absence of B. caballi or T. equi antibody in sample sera. Weak color development due to inhibition of the primary monoclonal antibody binding to the antigen on the antigen-coated plate indicates the presence of B. caballi or T. equi antibodies in sample sera.† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageNOTEDespite many similarities, components (including wash), are NOT interchangeable between the Babesia caballi and Theileria equi test kits. Substituting reagents between these kits can have adverse consequences.Component A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 platesB. Positive Control 2 mlC. Negative Control 2 mlD. 100X Primary Antibody 0.3 mlE. 100X Secondary Antibody Conjugate 0.3 mlF. Antibody Diluting Buffer 60 mlG. Serum Diluting Buffer 10.5 mlH. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 mlI. Substrate Solution 30 mlJ. Stop Solution 30 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTSCATALOG NO. 273-2SPECIES SAMPLE EquineSAMPLE SerumSENSITIVITY † 100%SPECIFICITY † 100%ASSAY TIME 105 minutesCONFIGURATION 2 stripwell platesTESTS 182CATALOG NO.273-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution ConcentrateEQUINE PIROPLASMOSISBabesia caballi Antibody Test KitcELISACATALOG NO. 274-2SPECIES SAMPLE EquineSAMPLE SerumSENSITIVITY † 95%SPECIFICITY † 99.5%ASSAY TIME 105 minutesCONFIGURATION 2 stripwell platesTESTS 182CATALOG NO.274-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution ConcentrateTheileria equi Antibody Test Kit,cELISA1. Dilute serum samples 1/2 with Serum Diluting Buffer. 2. Transfer 50 µl of diluted samples and controls into wells of Antigen-Coated Plate3. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature4. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution5. Add 50 µl of Primary Antibody6. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature7. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution8. Add 50 µl of Secondary Antibody Conjugate9. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature10. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution11. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution12. Incubate 15 minutes at room temperature13. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution14. Read at 620-650 nmOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDUREFormula for calculating % inhibition: % I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Samples producing ≥40% inhibition are positive. Samples producing <40% inhibition are negative.For the test to be valid, the mean of the Negative Controls must produce an OD >0.300 and <2.000. The mean of the Positive Controls must produce an inhibition ≥40%.

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DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | EQUINEVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentVMRD’s Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test detects precipitating antibodies in sera of Equidae to a purified recombinant EIAV core protein of 26 kD molecular weight (p26). Use of highly purified recombinant p26 protein antigen reduces problems of interpretation associated with extraneous precipitin lines derived from contamination by non-relevant antigens. The antigen-antibody precipitation reaction takes place in agar gel using the 7-well standard procedure developed by John W. Black and described by Pearson (American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, 22nd Annual Proceedings, pp. 449-462, 1979). Purified soluble EIAV p26 antigen is placed in the center well and reference positive control serum is placed in three alternating peripheral wells. Sample sera are placed in the three remaining wells. After incubation, reference lines form between the antigen well and the reference positive control serum wells. Sample sera, if positive, will form a line that fuses with reference positive control lines or that deviate the reference positive control lines inward near the sample well without formation of a visible line. Negative sera will neither form a line that fuses with the reference positive control line nor cause deviation of the reference positive control lines.About Equine Infectious AnemiaEquine infectious anemia (EIA) is caused by a lentivirus. It produces acute episodes of disease that are interspersed with clinically normal periods. The acute episodes usually last for a few days and are associated with fever, thrombocytopenia, and anemia. In most of the infected horses, the disease episodes occur with decreasing frequency until an inapparent carrier state develops. The infection is life-long and, if stressed, inapparent carrier horses may express recurrent viremia and disease. Transmission occurs by transfer of blood from one horse to another by biting insects or contaminated needles and instruments. Transmission is most likely during episodes of clinical disease when the virus titer is highest in the blood, and is least likely during the inapparent carrier stage. Unfortunately, it is difficult to know at what stage an infected horse may be and when another episode might occur. EIA can be diagnosed by detection of antibody to the capsid p26 protein of the virus. This internal viral protein is relatively conserved among EIA virus strains, allowing detection of antibody in virtually all infected horses.EIAV Testing RegulationsFor USA customers: VMRD, in compliance with federal regulations, will only ship EIAV test kits to USDA-approved laboratories. The sale and use of EIAV test kits in the USA is restricted to laboratories approved by state and federal (USDA) animal health officials. The National Veterinary Services Laboratories will periodically supply coded check test samples to evaluate the competency of the USDA-approved laboratories. For questions about becoming an EIAV-licensed testing lab contact the USDA.CATALOG NO.400-200SPECIES SAMPLEEquineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †99%SPECIFICITY †100% ASSAY TIME30 minutes*FORMATAGIDTESTS200† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC page* Incubation period is 24 hoursEQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIAEquine Infectious Anemia Virus Antibody Test KitAGID5

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VMRD’s enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detects antibodies to Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) in equine sera. Sample serum EIAV antibodies bind recombinant EIAV p26 antigen coated on the plastic wells. Non-specific antibody is washed away and plate-bound EIAV-specific antibody captures the HRP-recombinant p26 protein conjugate via free Fab antigen binding sites. Unbound conjugate is washed away and the presence of bound HRP-labeled antigen is detected by the addition of an enzyme substrate with subsequent blue color product development. The addition of stop solution slows the enzyme reaction and changes the color product from blue to yellow. A cutoff positive control provides a color reference for visually reading results as well as an optical density (OD) reference for reading the assay with a microplate absorbance spectrophotometer. Yellow color or OD equal to or greater than the positive control indicates the presence of antibodies to EIAV p26 in sample sera. Color or OD lower than the positive control indicates the absence of detectable antibodies to EIAV p26.VMRD’s EIAV ELISA is rapid and convenient - only 35 minutes total incubation time, no sample dilution, and only two washes - yet it is highly specific and sensitive. VMRD’s ELISA sensitivity is comparable or superior to other USDA-licensed ELISAs on titrations of positive samples and in detection of “weak samples.”EIA Reference SerumVMRD offers EIA positive reference sera. These equine origin sera contain a level of antibody that gives a strong, medium or weak positive reaction in VMRD’s EIA ELISA. Each vial of serum comes complete with a certificate of analysis which includes a photograph of the reaction in AGID as well as the optical densities of the ELISA reaction as run in the VMRD laboratory. These reference sera are intended as reference samples for quality assurance of EIA ELISA tests.DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | EQUINE800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.com6CATALOG NO.5515.01-1SPECIES SAMPLEEquineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †100%SPECIFICITY †100%ASSAY TIME35 minutesCONFIGURATION1 stripwell plateTESTS94† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageEQUINE INFECTIOUS ANEMIAEquine Infectious Anemia Virus Antibody Test Kit ELISA v2Component 5515.01-1A. Antigen-Coated Plate 1 plateB. Positive Control 2 mlC. Negative Control 2 mlD. Antigen-Peroxidase Conjugate 8 mlE. Substrate Solution 15 mlF. Stop Solution 15 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTS1. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of the Antigen-Coated Plate2. Incubate 10 minutes at room temperature3. Wash 1 time4. Add 50 µl of Antigen-Peroxidase Conjugate5. Incubate 10 minutes at room temperature6. Wash 4 times7. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution8. Incubate 15 minutes at room temperature9. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution10. Read at 450 nm or by eyeOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDURESamples are positive if they produce an OD greater than or equal to the mean of the positive control. Samples are negative if they produce an OD less than the mean of the positive control.For the test to be valid, the OD of the Positive Control should be greater than or equal to 1.5 times the OD of the Negative Control. The OD of the Negative Control should be less than or equal to 0.15. For the test to be valid when reading by eye, the Positive Control should have visible yellow color and the Negative Control should have no or faint visible color that is less than the Positive Control. Samples producing positive test results be sent to the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) for confirmation.Weak Positive 0.5 ml RS-EIA-EW-0.5MLMedium Positive 0.5 ml RS-EIA-EM-0.5MLStrong Positive 0.5 ml RS-EIA-ES-0.5MLEIA REFERENCE SERUM SIZE CAT. NO.

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CATALOG NO.5010.20-2SPECIES SAMPLERuminantsSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †100%SPECIFICITY †99% ASSAY TIME40 minutesCONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS184CATALOG NO.288-100SPECIES SAMPLERuminantsSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †100%SPECIFICITY †99% ASSAY TIME30 minutes*CONFIGURATIONAGID TESTS100† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC page* Incubation period is 24 hoursDIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | MULTI-SPECIESVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentAbout Bluetongue VirusBluetongue is an infectious, non-contagious, arthropodborne, viral disease of wild and domestic ruminants. In cattle it is usually a subclinical infection, while in sheep it is often characterized by acute catarrhal inflammation of mucous membranes and hyperemia of coronary bands. Degenerative changes are present in skeletal and coronary musculature,leading to weakness, prolonged convalescence and significant economic losses.Bluetongue virus (BTV) belongs to the genus Orbivirus, family Reoviridae. Laboratory diagnosis of bluetongue is primarily established by isolation of the virus. Virus is isolated in Vero or BHK 21 cells, and its presence is confirmed by immunofluorescence. Serological methods used in diagnosis of this disease are AGID, ELISA, cELISA and immunofluorescence. Positive results confirm exposure to BTV but not necessarily carrier status.VMRD’s Bluetongue Virus cELISA v2VMRD’s competitive, enzyme-linked, immunosorbent assay (cELISA) detects antibody to bluetongue virus in ruminant sera. It has been demonstrated to detect all 24 known serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV) and to not detect antibody to serotypes 1 or 2 of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV). The kit has demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity in comparison with various benchmarks in several studies. VMRD’s new BTV cELISA v2 test kit offers the same rapid and convenient features of the original version (40 minutes total incubation time) along with new features including distilled water wash. The economics of this competitively-priced assay are further enhanced by its USDA-approved 18-month shelf life, also a testimony to the stability of the kit.VMRD’s Bluetongue Virus AGIDVMRD’s Bluetongue Virus agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test detects precipitating antibodies to bluetongue virus in sera of ruminants. Antibodies to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) are also detected. If positive, test sera will form a line that fuses with reference lines or that cause deviation of the positive reference lines inward near the test serum well without forming a visible line. Negative sera will neither form a line nor cause deviation of the positive reference lines.BLUETONGUEBluetongue Virus Anti-body Test KitcELISA v2Bluetongue Virus Anti-body Test Kit,AGID1. Samples and controls diluted 1/2 with Antibody Peroxidase Conjugate2. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of Antigen-Coated Plate3. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature4. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution5. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution6. Incubate 10 minutes at room temperature7. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution8. Read at 620-650 nmOverview of the ELISA Kit ProcedureSamples are positive if they produce an OD less than 50% of the mane of the Negative Controls.Samples are negative if they produce and OD greater than or equalt to 50% of the mean of the Negative Controls.For the test to be valid, the mean OD of the Negative Controls must be greater than 0.300 and less than 2.000. The mean OD of the Positive Controls must be less than or equal to 50% of the mean OD of the Negative Controls.7

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DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | MULTI-SPECIES800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comThe study of CAEV has a long history at VMRD. Dr. Scott Adams, President of VMRD, was a member of the team that initially isolated CAEV and characterized the disease and its control in the late 1970s and early 1980s. VMRD’s competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) is licensed to detect antibodies to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) in goat sera and antibodies to ovine progressive pneumonia virus (OPPV) in sheep sera. Our small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) cELISA test utilizes a proprietary xeno-monoclonal antibody derived by fusion of goat splenocytes and mouse myeloma cells which has excellent characteristics for use in cELISA. This antibody is conjugated to HRP and is used to compete with serum antibodies for antigen bound to the microtiter plate. Validation studies, in addition to those summarized here, have confirmed the superior quality of VMRD’s SRLV cELISA test kit.1About CAE and OPPCAE and OPP (also known as maedi-visna) are persistent lentivirus infections of goats and sheep, respectively. Molecular analysis indicates that these viruses are very similar and they are often grouped together as small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV). Polyarthritis is the main clinical sign of CAEV infection, while OPP typically manifests with labored breathing and emaciation caused by progressive pneumonitis. Most SRLV-infected sheep and goats show no clinical disease, but remain persistent carriers of the virus. The major mode of viral transmission is vertically through milk and colostrum. Respiratory secretions and feces also harbor infectious virus. Good management practices, supported by a reliable diagnostic tool, are the best means of controlling the spread of disease.REFERENCES1 Herrmann, L.M., et al. “Competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of serum antibodies to caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus: Diagnostic tool for successful eradication.” Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 10(2): 267-271 (2003).2 Herrmann, L.M., et al. “Detection of serum antibodies to ovine progressive pneumonia virus in sheep by using a caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.” Clin. Diagn. Lab Immunol. 10(5): 862-865 (2003).CAPRINE ARTHRITIS-ENCEPHALITIS & OVINE PROGRESSIVE PNEUMONIACATALOG NO.289-2SPECIES SAMPLECaprine/OvineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †100% (Caprine) 95% (Ovine)SPECIFICITY †99.6% (Caprine) 98.4% (Ovine)ASSAY TIME110 minutesCONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS184CATALOG NO.289-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageSmall Ruminant Lentivirus Antibody Test Kit cELISAComponent 289-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 platesB. Positive Control 3.6 mlC. Negative Control 3.6 mlD. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.3 mlE. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 30 mlF. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 mlG. Substrate Solution 30 mlH. Stop Solution 30 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTS1. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of the Antigen-Coated Plate2. Incubate 60 minutes at room temperature3. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution4. Add 50 µl of Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate5. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature6. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution7. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution8. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature9. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution10. Read at 620-650 nmOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDUREFormula for calculating % inhibition: % I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Samples producing <35% inhibition are negative. Samples producing ≥35% inhibition are positive.For the test to be valid, the mean OD of the Negative Controls must be ≥0.300. The mean of the Positive Controls must produce ≥35% inhibition.8

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comDIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | MULTI-SPECIESVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentCATALOG NO.5FMO.20-5SPECIES SAMPLEBovine/Ovine/ PorcineSAMPLESerumSENSITIVITY †99.6% (Bovine) 98.6% (Ovine) 96.9% (Porcine)SPECIFICITY †99.3% (Bovine) 100% (Ovine) 76.1% (Porcine)ASSAY TIME140 minutesCONFIGURATION5 stripwell platesTESTS455CATALOG NO.5FM0.20-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageVMRD’s Foot and Mouth Disease test is a competitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) that detects antibodies against the Foot and Mouth Disease virus non-structural protein (NS) 3ABC. Our assay is able to distinguish between vaccinated and infected animals as a DIVA assay because 3ABC is only present in replicating virus and not included in vaccines. Additionally, VMRD’s assay was shown to detect all 7 serotypes (A, O, C, Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2, and SAT 3) and has been validated for use in bovine, ovine, and porcine sera. The kit performs better than the most commonly used commercially available NS ELISA tests in the market. It is available in breakway strip-well format, and requires use of an ELISA plate reader for accurate results.About Foot and Mouth DiseaseFoot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, and antelope. It is characterized by fever, lameness, and vesicular lesions on the tongue, lips, mouth, feet, snout, and teats. An FMD outbreak can lead to devastating global economic losses that affect all areas of trade, including export and import of animal products. The ELISA is an approved method in determining FMD-free status and is incorporated into FMD surveillance programs to identify active infections as well as carrier animals. The VMRD FMD 3ABC assay has a 99.6% sensitivity and a 99.3% specificity for detecting live infections in cattle and is appropriate for use in vaccinated animal populations for FMD control programs.FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASEFoot and Mouth Disease Virus Antibody Test Kit, cELISAComponent 5FMO.20-5A. Antigen-Coated Plates 5 plateB. Positive Control 4 mlC. Negative Control 4 mlD. 100X Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate 0.5 mlE. Conjugate Diluting Buffer 60 mlF. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 2 x 120 mlG. Serum Diluting Buffer 25 mlH. Substrate Solution 60 mlI. Stop Solution 60 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTS1. Dilute serum samples 1/2 with Serum Diluting Buffer2. Transfer 50 µl of each sample and controls into wells of the Antigen-Coated Plate3. Incubate 90 minutes at room temperature4. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution5. Add 50 µl of Antibody-Peroxidase Conjugate6. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature7. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution8. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution9. Incubate 20 minutes at room temperature10. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution11. Read at 450 nmOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDUREFormula for calculating % inhibition: % I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Samples producing <40% inhibition are negative. Samples producing ≥40% inhibition are positive. For the test to be valid, the mean of the Negative Controls (NC) must produce an optical density of ≥0.40 and ≥1.60. The %CV of the Negative Controls must be ≥15%.The mean of the Positive Controls must have an inhibition of 50-70%.9

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This enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detects antibodies in caprine serum, bovine serum and bovine milk to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne’s disease. Sample antibodies bind to MAP antigen attached to the plastic wells of the microtiter plate. Binding of these antibodies is detected by reaction with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled secondary antibody. Attached HRP-labeled antibodies are detected by addition of enzyme substrate and quantified by subsequent color product development. Strong color development indicates the presence of antibody to MAP in the sample. Very weak or no color development indicates the absence of antibody to MAP in the sample.About Johne’s DiseaseJohne’s disease is a chronic and highly contagious wasting disease of all ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Major clinical signs include weight loss, pipestream diarrhea, edema, decreased milk production, and eventually death. In the US, Johne’s disease affects: 70% of dairy herds,1 costing the industry up to $250 million per year in production loss.2 An estimated 5-10% of beef herds are also affected.3Currently, no effective vaccines or specific treatments are available, making proper diagnostic testing pivotal for management efforts.REFERENCES1 USDA. National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) - Dairy, 2008.2 Ott SL, et al. Prev Vet Med. , June 1999.3 USDA. NAHMS - Beef, 1999.DIAGNOSTIC TEST KITS | MULTI-SPECIES800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comCATALOG NO.5064.20-2SPECIES SAMPLEBovine serum & milk, caprine serumSENSITIVITY †93.1% (Bovine serum) 84.8% (Bovine milk) 100% (Caprine serum)SPECIFICITY †90% (Bovine serum) 82.1% (Bovine milk) 95.5% (Caprine serum)ASSAY TIME70 minutes (75 min. w/automation)CONFIGURATION2 stripwell platesTESTS184CATALOG NO.5064.20-WASH120mL of lot-specific 10X Wash Solution Concentrate† See Sensitivity & Specificity in Perspective on TOC pageJOHNE’S DISEASEMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Antibody Test Kit ELISAComponent 5064.20-2A. Antigen-Coated Plates 2 plateB. Positive Control 4 mlC. Negative Control 4 mlD. Peroxidase Conjugate 40 mlE. Sample Diluting Buffer 60 mlF. 10X Wash Solution Concentrate 120 mlG. Substrate Solution 30 mlH. Stop Solution 30 mlTest Kit InsertKIT CONTENTS1. Transfer 50 µl of samples and controls into wells of the antigen-coated plate2. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature 3. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution4. Add 50 µl of Antibody Peroxidase Conjugate5. Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature6. Wash 3 times with Wash Solution7. Add 50 µl of Substrate Solution8. Incubate 10 minutes at room temperature9. Add 50 µl of Stop Solution10. Read at 450 nmOVERVIEW OF KIT PROCEDUREFormula for calculating % inhibition: % I = 100 [1-(Sample OD ÷ Negative Control OD)]Bovine serum samples producing S/P < 0.30 are negative. Samples producing S/P ≥ 0.30 are positive. Bovine milk samples producing S/P < 0.13 are negative. Samples producing S/P ≥ 0.13 are positive. Caprine serum samples producing S/P < 0.80 are negative. Samples producing S/P ≥ 0.80 are positive. For the test to be valid, the mean of the Negative Control OD must be < 0.200. The mean of the Positive Control OD must be ≥ 0.300.10

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This accessory pack enables serum, EDTA plasma, or heparin plasma to be used in the Equine Serum Amyloid A (SAA) test. The standard SAA test pouches are set up for use with whole blood, however serum and plasma samples require greater dilution for accurate results. This pack includes (15) sampling devices that measure the exact amount of serum or plasma needed to achieve this dilution when coupled with the dilution tubes from the standard test pouches.Not for use with Feline Serum Amyloid A.Veterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentCATALOG NO.LFD-SAASPECIES SAMPLEEquineSAMPLESFresh bloodAnticoagulated bloodSerum/Plasma w/accessory Measurement PackTESTS15EQUINE SERUM AMYLOID A (SAA)Equine Serum Amyloid A Test, LATERAL FLOWEarly identification of systemic inflammation and infection can be challenging, as the clinical signs are often subtle.Serum amyloid A (SAA) is an indispensable tool to aid equine veterinarians in this challenge, as it is rapidly responsive to clinical changes. Virtually undetectable in normal horses, it increases within 6-12 hours following an acute inflammatory insult and peaks at 1000-fold baseline values1-3 – far quicker and more dramatic than fibrinogen or WBC count. As soon as disease begins to resolve, it begins dropping within 12-24 hours.3 This dynamic nature of SAA makes it an ideal marker for objective monitoring of clinical condition and treatment efficacy in cases of infection causing acute, systemic inflammation.1,2 VMRD SAA for equine is a lateral flow test that quantifies SAA in equine blood, serum, or plasma. Each self-contained test pouch contains: (1) test cartridge, (1) tube with dilution buffer, and (1) capillary device for measurement of a whole blood sample (either fresh or anticoagulated in EDTA or heparin). For testing serum or plasma, the serum/plasma measurement pack (below) can be purchased as an accessory item.Samples are measured with a small capillary tube, then diluted in buffer and applied to the test cartridge via dropper. Anti-SAA antibody labeled with colloidal gold becomes bound to any SAA protein in the sample as it flows through the membrane. This labeled SAA is then captured by membrane-bound antibody on two test lines, allowing accurate quantitation of SAA over a broad range. With increasing SAA concentration, more SAA is captured, and these lines become increasingly dark. The Control line (“C”) binds any leftover gold-conjugated antibody, and therefore becomes less dark as SAA concentration increases. The VMRD reader, with the test- and lot-specific calibration card affixed, measures the darkness of all lines and provides a numerical reading of SAA concentration in the patient sample.REFERENCES1 Belgrave RL, et al. 2013. JAVMA 243(1):113-119.2 Nolen-Walston R. 2015. AAEP Proc 61:130-137.3 Witkowska-Pilaszewicz OD, et al. 2019. Eq Vet J 51(3):293-298.CATALOG NO.LFD-SAA-SERUMSPECIES SAMPLEEquineSAMPLESSerum/PlasmaTESTS15Serum/Plasma Measurement Pack for Equine Serum Amyloid A (SAA)POINT-OF-CARE | EQUINE 11

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comFELINE SERUM AMYLOID A (SAA)CATALOG NO.LFD-SAA-FELINESPECIESFelineSAMPLESSerum/PlasmaTESTS15Feline Serum Amyloid A (SAA) TestLATERAL FLOWCats are notoriously stoic and hide illness well, often to their own detriment. This presents challenges for veterinarians when trying to diagnose and manage disease. Serum amyloid A (SAA) is the most sensitive acute phase protein in cats1, which makes it particularly valuable for early detection of infection, differentiating from other etiologies1, and monitoring response to treatment2.As with equine SAA, feline SAA closely mirrors clinical condition. It is virtually undetectable in normal animals but increases rapidly and dramatically with acute, systemic inflammation3, which is most frequently the result of bacterial or viral infection. Values are commonly normal with chronic or highly localized disease such as allergies, localized tumors1, and uncomplicated endocrinopathy or cardiopathy1. Once inflammation begins to resolve, as with effective treatment, SAA quickly decreases back to baseline level. Tracking SAA allows objective monitoring of treatment efficacy and can detect re-emergence of disease or other complications2, sometimes even before they become clinically evident.VMRD SAA for Feline is a lateral flow test that quantifies SAA in feline serum, EDTA plasma, or heparin plasma. Each test uses: (1) test cartridge, (1) tube with dilution buffer, and (1) capillary device for measurement of a plasma or serum sample. Samples are measured with the small capillary tube, then diluted in buffer and applied to the test cartridge via dropper. Anti-SAA antibody labeled with colloidal gold becomes bound to any SAA protein in the sample as it flows through the membrane. This labeled SAA is then captured by membrane-bound antibody on two test lines, allowing accurate quantitation of SAA over the full range typically observed in cats. With increasing SAA concentration, more SAA is captured, and these lines become increasingly dark. The Control line (“C”) binds any leftover gold-conjugated antibody, and therefore becomes less dark as SAA concentration increases. The VMRD reader, with the test- and lot-specific calibration card affixed, measures the darkness of all lines and provides a numerical reading of SAA concentration in the patient sample.REFERENCES1 Yuki M, et. al. 2020. Vet Clin Pathol 38(1):83-86.2 Tamamoto T, et. al. 2009. Vet Clin Pathol (38(1):83-86.3 Tamamoto T, et. al. 2008. J Vet Med Sci 70(11):1247-1252.POINT-OF-CARE | FELINE 12

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CATALOG NO.LFD-CUBECONFIGURATION1 Reader w/Travel CaseCOMPATIBILITY LFD-SAALFD-SAA-FELINE VMRD Reader LATERAL FLOWThe VMRD Reader is a portable palm-sized device that can be used with multiple lateral flow tests to provide numerical results. No more guessing about the darkness of a line or dot – the VMRD Reader will measure the intensity of the line(s) and calculate a result so that no visual Interpretation is required!In addition to the convenient size, this reader comes in a compact travel kit that protects the reader and can store up to 5 test pouches. It requires (3) CR 2032 batteries for operation, with an easily accessible battery compartment (no tools required). The reading window is also easy to access and clean if needed. Importantly, the reader will save the result from the previous test until a new test is started, so no important information is lost. In keeping with our VMRD standards of quality, the VMRD Reader is equipped with a calibration system that maintains consistency of results from one lot of tests to the next. This is accomplished through use of a lot-specific calibration card that stays affixed to the side of the reader and is changed out when a new lot of tests is opened. The calibration card also allows the reader to be used for different tests, since the specific information for the individual test and lot is programmed onto the card. This lot- and test-specific information is transmitted to the reader via RFID technology every time a test is run, requiring minimal effort by the user.The reader also stores at least 100 results, which can be transferred to a computer via a reader-specific program and exported to Excel in a tab delimited (tsv) format. This requires a USB cable that is available from VMRD as an accessory item.Veterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentPOINT-OF-CARE | READER VMRD READER13

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NOTEThe Magnetic Bead Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit extracts both RNA and DNA. It is not intended for genomic DNA extractions.NOTEThe separator contains strong permanent magnets! Avoid direct contact with beads or other loose ferrous material. Avoid contact with magnetic sensitive devices or with other magnetic separators.The VMRD Magnetic Bead Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit is suitable for manual or automated extraction of pathogen nucleic acids from a wide range of veterinary sample types. Purified RNA/DNA from viruses, bacteria, and parasites are ready-for-use in downstream reactions. Starting sample material may include bodily fluids such as blood, serum, plasma, semen, milk, and saliva (oral fluids), as well as swabs, feces, and tissues.The principles behind Magnetic Bead Extraction are Lyse, Bind/Adsorb, Separate, Wash, Elute. In the first step, nucleic acids are released from the sample upon lysis with the lysis master mix (SLS or ELS) containing Proteinase K. Binding Buffer and paramagnetic beads are next added to the lysate to facilitate nucleic acid binding to the beads. The magnetic beads are then separated from the remaining sample material by applying a magnetic field to the sample tubes or plate. (In automated plate systems, the beads are collected with 96 magnetized rods/pins.) After magnetic separation, unbound contaminants and salts are washed away from the beads/nucleic acids with Wash Buffers 1 and 2, then 80% ethanol. Residual ethanol is removed by brief air drying of the separated beads. Purified nucleic acids are eluted from the magnetic beads under low salt conditions.The magnetic separator is designed for use with the magnetic bead extraction kits in either the U-bottom or square well block plates. To separate the beads from the solution, the separation plate is seated/placed onto the magnetic separator. The beads are attracted to the magnet and collect against the walls of the plate wells (or tube), allowing for removal of wash buffers and/or recovery of elution liquid. The individual times for complete attraction of the beads to the magnetic pins should be determined independently for each system. It is recommended to use the separation plates or tubes specified in the appropriate kit protocol. 800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comMOLECULAR | NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTION CATALOG NO.MOL-EXTRACT-MAGSPECIESAllSAMPLESSerum/PlasmaSemen Milk Saliva (oral fluids) SwabsFecesTissuesPREPS96MAGNETIC BEAD EXTRACTIONMagnetic Bead Nucleic Acid EXTRACTION KITCATALOG NO.MOL-EXTRACT- SEPARATORMagnetic Separator Nucleic Acid EXTRACTION KIT14

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NOTEThe use of disruption devices must be evaluated to determine stability of the tube during intense agitation. Perform initial tests with water to avoid spillage of reagents or contamination by pathogenic material.MOLECULAR | NUCLEIC ACID EXTRACTIONVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentSPIN COLUMN EXTRACTIONCATALOG NO.MOL-EXTRACT-SPINSPECIESAllSAMPLESSerum/Plasma Tissue homogenates Oral fluidsSwabs - BAL swabs - Oropharyngeal swabs - Nasal swabsBlood: for pathogens onlyPREPS50The VMRD Spin Column Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit is designed for the rapid preparation of highly pure viral nucleic acids (e.g., Influenza, EHV, PRRS, SARS-CoV-2) from swabs, tissue homogenates, and biological fluid such as plasma and serum. The principles behind Spin Column Extraction are Lyse, Bind, Wash, Elute. Lysis breaks open the cells of the biological sample and the viral particles themselves to release nucleic acids. Liquid Proteinase K is included to facilitate adequate lysis of protein in the samples. Lysis Buffer and ethanol create appropriate conditions for binding of the released nucleic acids to the silica-membrane columns. Carrier RNA improves binding and recovery of low-concentrated viral nucleic acids. Contaminants (potential PCR inhibitors) like salts, metabolites, and other cellular components are removed in simple wash steps with alcoholic Wash Buffers. Nucleic acids are eluted in water and are ready-for-use in subsequent reactions. Little to no cross-contamination of samples is ensured due to closed system conditions.This Spin kit is suited to process either 200 µL or 400 µL sample fluid. The spin column centrifugation method allows a small elution volume (30 µL) for highly concentrated viral nucleic acids. The prepared nucleic acids are suitable for applications, such as automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, RT-PCR, PCR, or any kind of enzymatic reaction.Spin Column Nucleic Acid EXTRACTION KITNOTEWhole blood samples may be used for detection of pathogen DNA/RNA only.CATALOG NO.MOL-EXTRACT-BEADSSIZEPack of 50The VMRD MOL-EXTRACT-BEADS are individual 2 mL screw cap plastic tubes containing glass beads for the disruption of biological sample material and subsequent nucleic acid purification.These glass beads are recommended for bacterial disruption. Other sample types must be independently evaluated.Lysis Beads for Nucleic Acid EXTRACTION KIT15

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MTM has been evaluated for use in the following sample types:Respiratory swabs, saliva, sputum, swine oral fluids, stool/feces, urine, blood, serum, plasma, processing fluids, meat juices, skin & homogenized tissue, soils, liquid & aerosol environmental samples, remnants for biobanking, whole mosquitoes, mask punchesMOLECULAR | MOLECULAR TRANSPORT MEDIUM (MTM)800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comCATALOG NO.MOL-MTM-VIALSPECIESAllVOLUME1.5 ml SolutionSIZEPack of 50PrimeStore® Molecular Transport Medium (MTM) is a clear, colorless liquid composed of a proprietary blend of reagents for collection, transport, and storage of infectious samples for molecular applications. • Effectively disrupts/lyses lipid membranes• Inactivates infectious biological pathogens in samples for safe pooling, shipping, and handling• Complete inactivation of nucleases and proteases• Preserves and stabilizes both DNA and RNA even at elevated temperatures• Eliminates need for cold-storage and cold-transport since stable at room temperature up to 30 days• Compatible with spin columns and molecular bead extraction kits• Enables complex sequencing and RNA/proteomics analysisPRIMESTORE® MTMPrimestore® MTM VIALCATALOG NO.MOL-MTM-1 LSPECIESAllVOLUME1 L SolutionSIZE1 BottlePrimestore® MTM 1LCATALOG NO.MOL-MTM-20LSPECIESAllVOLUMEVOLUME20 L / 5 GALSIZE1 BoxPrimestore® MTM 20 LCAUTIONContains guanidine thiocyanate. DO NOT MIX WITH BLEACH: guanidine and bleach create cyanide gas. Refer to the SDS for additional information on proper handling.REFERENCES1 Daum, L T et al. “A clinical specimen collection and transport medium for molecular diagnostic and genomic applications.” Epidemiology and Infection vol. 139, 11 (2011): 1764-73.2 Omar, Shaheed V et al. “Laboratory evaluation of a specimen transport medium for downstream molecular processing of sputum samples to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis.” Journal of Microbiological Methods vol. 117 (2015): 57-63.3 Welch, Stephen R, et. al. “Analysis of Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by Specimen Transport Media, Nucleic Acid Extraction Reagents, Detergents, and Fixatives.” Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol. 58, 11 (2020): 1713-20.4 Ricci, Francesca, et. al. “A Novel Processing-Free Method for RNAseq Analysis of Spontaneous Sputum in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.” Frontiers in Pharmacology vol. 12 (2021): Article 704969. 5 Deng, Kaiping et al. “Interlaboratory comparison of SARS-CoV2 molecular detection assays in use by U.S. veterinary diagnostic laboratories.” Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation : Official Publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc vol. 33, 6 (2021): 1039-1051. 16

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The Coombs test, also called direct antiglobulin test, is designed to detect immune-mediated erythrocyte destruction which occurs in autoimmune hemolytic anemias, and in some cases with infections and neoplastic disorders. Hemolysis in these diseases is caused by the erythrocytes being coated with antibody (IgG, IgM) and/or complement components (C3). Coated erythrocytes are either lysed in the bloodstream or removed by phagocytes.VMRD’s Coombs reagent is a caprine-origin antiserum against IgG, IgM, and C3. It does not agglutinate normal erythrocytes, but does agglutinate erythrocytes coated with IgG, IgM, and/or C3. Agglutination, which may be observed macroscopically or microscopically, is indicative of a Coombs positive.Canine CoombsAll dogs with anemia (including that caused by intravascular and extravascular hemolysis) of unknown origin are reasonable candidates for evaluation by Coombs testing. VMRD’s Canine Anti-Sheep Red Blood Cell (SRBC) reagent is used to prepare a positive control.Equine CoombsAll horses with anemia (including that caused by intravascular and extravascular hemolysis) of unknown origin are reasonable candidates for evaluation by Coombs testing. Foals with neonatal isoerythrolysis are often Coombs positive. VMRD’s Equine Anti-Sheep Red Blood Cell (SRBC) reagent is used to prepare a positive control.Feline CoombsAll cats with anemia (including that caused by intravascular and extravascular hemolysis) of unknown origin are reasonable candidates for evaluation by Coombs testing.IMMUNOLOGY REAGENTSVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentCOOMBS REAGENTSCanine Coombs Reagent 2 ml 392-2 Canine Coombs Reagent 5 ml 392-5 Canine Coombs Positive Control Canine anti-SRBC 1 ml 372-2CANINE COOMBS TEST SIZE CATALOG NUMBEREquine Coombs Reagent 2 ml 492-2 Equine Coombs Positive Control Equine anti-SRBC 1 ml 472-2EQUINE COOMBS TEST SIZE CATALOG NUMBERFeline Coombs Reagent 2 ml 592-2FELINE COOMBS TEST SIZE CATALOG NUMBER17

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comFA RREAGENTSIMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSThe most extensive range of veterinary fluorescent antibody products available anywhereFluorescent antibody (FA) techniques, direct and indirect, are standby procedures that remain unsurpassed for versatility and accurate detection of either antigen or antibodies. The FA technique offers rapid deployment of new assays with minimal development time. It has the distinct advantage over other assay methods of enabling the operator to visually distinguish between specific and non-specific reactions.Essential equipment and facilities to perform FA:• Quality epifluorescence microscope with a mercury, xenon, HID, or LED lamp located in a dark room to obtain optimum visualization.• Standard biomedical laboratory equipmentSet Apart by Quality, Consistency, Standardization and Support• Our secondary antibody conjugates are optimized for use in all of the applicable IFA systems that we sell. No further dilution is necessary or advised.• Anti-pathogen conjugates, positive controls and negative controls are provided at a ready-to-use dilution. • Diluents are tested in all of our systems in which they might be used to avoid problems with background, non-specificity, or lack of signal.• Positive and negative controls are provided for virtually all of our IFA systems.• Positive controls are adjusted to an antibody concentration two to four two-fold dilutions below endpoint to avoid an excessively strong positive control contaminating a negative sample.• Great care is taken with every step of conjugate production from antibody development to purification to conjugation to maximize specificity.• Detailed, lot-specific, certificates of analysis provide information such as screening dilution, specific reactions, and expiration date.• Photographs of positive reactions are provided on most technical data sheets. • Expert consulting and technical support are provided for all FA products.18

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Veterinary Medical Research & Development19Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), also known as indirect fluorescent antibody, is used to detect antibodies in body fluids of diseased animals. Materials for IFA include:• FA Substrate Slide Contains 12 wells spotted with an antigen. • FA Positive & Negative Controls Used on each slide for the purpose of comparison. • Serum Diluting Buffer Used to dilute samples to working dilution. (Catalog No. FASDB-100ML or SSDB-100ML)• Anti-Immunoglobulin FITC Conjugate Used to detect bound antibody on the slide.• FA Rinse Buffer Used for washing off unbound antibodies and conjugates. (Catalog No. FARB-4X)• FA Mounting Fluid Used to enhance visualization of fluorescence. (Catalog No. FAMF-10ML)Recommended Procedure for IFA1. Warm slide to room temperature before removing from foil pouch. 2. Dilute serum in serum diluting buffer, pH 7.2. Place diluted serum on the designated wells. 3. Incubate slide in humid chamber at 37°C for 30 minutes.4. Using a wash bottle, gently rinse slide briefly in FA rinse buffer, pH 9.0, and then soak for 10 minutes in FA rinse buffer, pH 9.0 at room temperature.5. Drain slide and dry around wells by pressing blotter (included in pouch) to front surface. Place FITC-conjugated anti-IgG or -IgM conjugate on the wells.6. Incubate as in step 3.7. Rinse as in step 4.8. Drain slide and dry back and edges with a paper towel. Do not allow stained surface to dry. Do not rinse with water.9. Mount with mounting fluid, cover with a cover slip, and view with a good quality fluorescence microscope at 100-250X. Confirmation may be made at 400X.FA RREAGENTSINDIRECT IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.com20FA RREAGENTSDIRECT IMMUNOFLUORESCENCEDirect immunofluorescence assay (FA), also known as direct fluorescent antibody, is used to detect antigens. Materials for direct immunofluorescence (FA) include:• Direct FA FITC Conjugate Antibodies conjugated to FITC. • Control Slide Used to verify performance of a conjugate. Contains two wells: one positive and one negative. • FA Rinse Buffer Used for washing off unbound antibodies and conjugates. (Catalog No. FARB-4X)• FA Mounting Fluid Used to enhance visualization of fluorescence. (Catalog No. FAMF-10ML)Recommended Procedure for FA1. Warm slide to room temperature before removing from foil pouch. 2. Place direct FA conjugate on the designated wells. 3. Incubate slide in humid chamber at 37°C for 30 minutes.4. Using a wash bottle, gently rinse slide briefly in FA rinse buffer, pH 9.0, and then soak for 10 minutes in FA rinse buffer, pH 9.0.5. Drain slide and dry back and edges with a paper towel. Do not allow stained surface to dry. Do not rinse with water.6. Mount with mounting fluid, cover with cover slip, and view with good quality fluorescence microscope at 100-250X. Confirmation may be made at 400X.

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21FA RREAGENTSVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentBOVINE IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSINFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Bluetongue Virus FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-BTV (BTV) FA Positive Control (bovine) 1 ml PC-IFA-BTV FA Negative Control (bovine) 1 ml NC-IFA-BTV FITC Conjugate MAb (murine) 10 ml CJ-F-BTV-MAB-10ML Bovine Adenovirus Type 1 (BAV-1) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-BAV1-10ML Bovine Adenovirus Type 3 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BAV3 (BAV-3) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-BAV3-10ML Bovine Adenovirus Type 5 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BAV5 (BAV-5) FITC Conjugate (bovine) 10 ml CJ-F-BAV5-10ML Bovine Coronavirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BCV (BCV) FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-BCV-10ML Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-IBR (BHV-1/IBR) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-IBR-10ML Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-PI3 (PI-3) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-PI3-10ML Bovine Parvovirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BPV (BPV) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-BPV-10ML Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BRSV (BRSV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-BRSV FA Positive Control (bovine) 1 ml PC-IFA-BRSV FA Negative Control (bovine) 1 ml NC-IFA-BRSV FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-BRSV-10ML Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-BVD (BVDV) FA Negative Control (bovine) 1 ml NC-IFA-BVD FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-BVD-10MLReovirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-REO (REO) FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-REO-10ML

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22FA RREAGENTS800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comCANINE IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSINFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Brucella canis FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CB FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CB FA Negative Control (canine) 1 ml NC-IFA-CB Canine Adenovirus FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-CAV-10ML (CAV-2) Canine Coronavirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-CCV (CCV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CCV FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-CCV-10ML Canine Distemper Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-CDV (CDV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CDV IgG FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CDV-G IgM FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CDV-M FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-CDV-10ML FITC Conjugate MAb (murine) 10 ml CJ-F-CDV-MAB-10ML Positive Blood Smear Slide each SLD-BSP-CDV Negative Blood Smear Slide each SLD-BSN-CDV Canine Herpesvirus Type 1 FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CHV (CHV-1) FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CHV FITC Conjugate (canine) 10 ml CJ-F-CHV-10ML Canine Parainfluenza Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-CPI Type 2 (CPI-2) FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CPI FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-CPI-10MLCanine Parvovirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-CPV (CPV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CPV IgG FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CPV-G IgM FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-CPV-M FITC Conjugate (murine) 10 ml CJ-F-CPV-MAB-10MLEhrlichia canis FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-EC FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-EC FA Negative Control (canine) 1 ml NC-IFA-EC Leishmania infantum FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-LSH FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-LSH FA Negative Control (canine) 1 ml NC-IFA-LSH Rickettsia rickettsii FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-RMSF Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever FA Positive Control (canine) 1 ml PC-IFA-RMSF (RMSF) FA Negative Control (canine) 1 ml NC-IFA-RMSF

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23FA RREAGENTSVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentEQUINE IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSINFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-ERV (EHV-1/ERV) FA Positive Control (equine) 1 ml PC-IFA-ERV-EQ FITC Conjugate (caprine) 10 ml CJ-F-ERV-10ML Influenza Virus Type A FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FLUA (FLUA) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FLUAFELINE IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSINFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Bartonella henselae FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-BH IgM FA Positive Control (feline) 1 ml PC-IFA-BH-M Feline Calicivirus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FCV(FCV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FCV FA Positive Control (feline) 1 ml PC-IFA-FCV FA Negative Control (feline) 1 ml NC-IFA-FCVFeline Infectious Peritonitis FIP-1 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FIP1Virus Type 1 (FIP-1) FIP-1 FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FIP1 FIP-1 FA Positive Control (feline) 1 ml PC-IFA-FIP1 FIP-1 FA Negative Control (feline) 1 ml NC-IFA-FIP1Feline Infectious Peritonitis FIP-2 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FIP2 Virus Type 2 (FIP-2) FIP-2 FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FIP2 FIP-2 FA Positive Control (feline) 1 ml PC-IFA-FIP2 FIP-2 FA Negative Control (feline) 1 ml NC-IFA-FIP2Feline Infectious Peritonitis FITC Conjugate (feline & porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-FIP-10ML Virus Types 1 & 2 (FIP-1&2) Feline Herpesvirus Type 1 FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FVR (FHV-1/FVR) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FVR FA Positive Control (feline) 1 ml PC-IFA-FVR FITC Conjugate (feline) 10 ml CJ-F-FVR-10ML Feline Immunodeficiency FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FIVVirus (FIV) FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-FIV FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-FIVFeline Leukemia Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FELV(FeLV) Primary Antibody (caprine) 10 ml AB1-FELV Secondary FITC Conjugate (equine) 10 ml AB2-FELV Negative Blood Smear Slide each SLD-BSN-FELVFeline Panleukopenia Virus FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-FPL(FPLV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-FPL FITC Conjugate MAb (murine) 10 ml CJ-F-FPL-MAB-10ML

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24FA RREAGENTS800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comPORCINE IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSINFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER Porcine Adenovirus (PAV) FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-PAV-10ML Porcine Circovirus Type 1 (PCV-1) FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-PCV1 Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV-2) FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-PCV2 FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-PCV2 FA Positive Control (porcine) 1 ml PC-IFA-PCV2 FA Negative Control (porcine) 1 ml NC-IFA-PCV2 FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-PCV2-10ML Porcine Circovirus FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-PCV1&2-10MLType 1 & 2 (PCV1&2) Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-PEDVVirus (PEDV) FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-PEDV FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-PEDV FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-PEDVPorcine Hemagglutinating FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-PHEV-10ML Encephalomyelitis Virus (PHEV) Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-PPV-10ML Porcine Reproductive and FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-PRRS-NA Respiratory Syndrome Virus FA Positive Control (porcine) 1 ml PC-IFA-PRRS-NA (PRRSV-NA) North American Strain FA Negative Control (porcine) 1 ml NC-IFA-PRRS Porcine Reproductive and FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-PRRS-EURespiratory Syndrome Virus FA Negative Control (porcine) 1 ml NC-IFA-PRRS(PRRSV-EU) European StrainTransmissible Gastroenteritis FITC Conjugate (porcine) 10 ml CJ-F-TGE-10ML Virus (TGEV)

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25FA RREAGENTSVeterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentMULTIPLE SPECIES IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENTSAnaplasma phagocytophilum FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-AP(formerly Ehrlichia equi) FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-AP FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-AP Borrelia burgdorferi FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-LD (Lyme Disease) FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-LD FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-LDClostridium chauvoei FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CCO FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-CCO-10ML Clostridium novyi FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-CNO-10ML Clostridium septicum FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CSE FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-CSE-10ML Clostridium sordellii FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-CSO FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-CSO-10MLClostridium spp 4-way FA Substrate Slide 4 well SLD-IFA-C4 Neospora caninum FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-NC FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-NC-BOV FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-NC-CAN FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-NC-BOV FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-NC-CAN FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-NC-10ML Rabies Recombinant FA Control Slide 2 well SLD-FAC-RABNucleoprotein (rNP)Toxoplasma gondii FA Substrate Slide 12 well SLD-IFA-TOXO IgG FA Positive Control 1 ml PC-IFA-TOXO-FEL-G FA Negative Control 1 ml NC-IFA-TOXO-FEL Vesicular Stomatitis Virus FITC Conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-VSV-10ML (VSV) INFECTIOUS AGENT PRODUCT TYPE (ORIGIN) SIZE CATALOG NUMBER

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FA RREAGENTS800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comIMMUNOFLUORESCENCE BUFFERS & MOUNTING FLUIDIMMUNOFLUORESCENCE REAGENT SECONDARY CONJUGATESFA Conjugate Diluting Buffer 100 ml FACDB-100MLFA Serum Diluting Buffer 100 ml FASDB-100MLFA Special Serum Diluting Buffer 100 ml SSDB-100MLFA Mounting Fluid 10 ml FAMF-10ML4X FA Powered Rinse Buffer (makes 4 L) 1 pkg FARB-4XRINSE BUFFERS & MOUNTING FLUID SIZE CATALOG NUMBER FITC ANTI-IMMUNOGLOBULIN CONJUGATES SIZE CATALOG NUMBERAnti-Bovine IgG1,2 (heavy and light chains) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-BOVG-AP-10ML (caprine origin) Anti-Canine IgG FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-CANG-AP-10ML (rabbit origin) Anti-Canine IgM (heavy chain specific) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-CANM-AP-10ML (caprine origin) Anti-Equine IgG FITC conjugate, affinity purified (caprine origin) 10 ml CJ-F-EQUG-AP-10ML Anti-Feline IgG (heavy and light chains) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-FELG-AP-10ML (caprine origin) Anti-Feline IgM (heavy chain specific) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-FELM-AP-10ML (caprine origin) Anti-Caprine IgG FITC conjugate 10 ml CJ-F-CAPG-10ML(rabbit origin) Anti-Camelid IgG (heavy and light chains) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-CAMG-AP-10ML (caprine origin) Anti-Murine IgG FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-MURG-AP-10ML (rabbit origin) Anti-Porcine IgG (heavy and light chains) FITC conjugate, affinity purified 10 ml CJ-F-PORG-AP-10ML (caprine origin) 26

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Veterinary Medical Research & Development27ANTIBODIESPOLYCLONAL AND MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIESPOLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO INFECTIOUS AGENTSBovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR), caprine origin 2 ml PAB-IBR Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), caprine origin 2 ml PAB-BVD Canine Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 (CPI-2), porcine origin 2 ml PAB-CPI Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 (EHV-1/ERV), caprine origin 2 ml PAB-ERV Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI-3), caprine origin 2 ml PAB-PI3Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV-2), porcine origin 2 ml PAB-PCV2 SPECIFICITY SIZE CATALOG NUMBERMonolconal antibodiesMost of VMRD’s monoclonal antibodies are produced as murine ascites and sold clarified, filtered, and preserved with sodium azide. Monoclonals are packaged in liquid form, usually at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml and are available in 0.1 mg increments.Monoclonal antibodies will be shipped within one business day when the order is received before 12 pm (Pacific Time Zone). Orders received after this time will be shipped the following day.We can also provide customized antibodies to meet your specific needs. Please call or e-mail for more information.

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Anaplasma marginale (MSP1) Mouse Ascites IgG3 15D2Anaplasma marginale (MSP2) Mouse Ascites IgG1 O50A2Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR) (gB - gI) Mouse Ascites IgG2b D9E7Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR) (gB - gI) Mouse Ascites IgG2b H2Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR) (gC - gIII) Mouse Ascites IgG1 G2Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR) (gC - gIII) Mouse Ascites IgG2b F2Bovine Herpesvirus Type 1 (BHV-1/IBR) (gD - gIV) Mouse Ascites IgG1 1B8-F11Bovine Herpesvirus Type 5 (BHV-5) (gC) Mouse Ascites IgM L6GBovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (gp51 - G) Mouse Ascites IgG1 BLV1Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (gp51 - D-D’) Mouse Ascites IgG1 BLV2Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) (p24) Mouse Ascites IgG1 BLV3Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) (gp55) Mouse Ascites IgG2a D89Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 1 (BVDV-1) E2 (gp53) Mouse Ascites IgG2a 157Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Type 2 (BVDV-2) E2 (gp53) Mouse Ascites IgG2a BA-29 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Types 1 & 2 (BVDV-1&2) Mouse Ascites IgG1 3.12F1Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Types 1 & 2 (BVDV-1&2) E2 (gp53) Mouse Ascites IgG2a BA-2Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Types 1 & 2 (BVDV-1&2) E2 (gp53) Mouse Ascites IgG1 BA-26(a) Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Types 1 & 2 (BVDV-1&2) E2 (gp53) Mouse Ascites IgG2b 348Canine Adenovirus Type 1 (CAV-1) Mouse Ascites IgG1 2E10-H2Canine Adenovirus Type 2 (CAV-2) Mouse Ascites IgG2a 4H1-A7Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) (nucleoprotein) Mouse Ascites IgG2b CDV-NPCanine Distemper Virus (CDV) (envelope) Mouse Ascites IgG1 1C42H11Canine Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 (CPI-2) Cell Culture Supernatant IgG1, K CPI-A-CA Canine Parvovirus (CPV) Mouse Ascites IgG2a A3B10Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV-63, CAEV-Co, MVV, OPPV) Mouse Ascites IgG1 CAEP5A1Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV-63, CAEV-Co, MVV) Mouse Ascites IgG1 CAEP10A1Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV-63, CAEV-Co, MVV) Mouse Ascites IgG1 CAEP8B1Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV-63, CAEV-Co) Mouse Ascites IgG1 CAEP13B1Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV-63) Mouse Ascites IgG1 CAEP12A1Equine Arteritis Virus (EAV) (nucleocapsid) Mouse Ascites IgG1 17D3Neospora caninum (gp65) Mouse Ascites gG1 5B6-25Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI-3) (p69) Mouse Ascites IgG2a 1B6Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (PI-3) (p69) Mouse Ascites IgG2a 2A2Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) Mouse Ascites IgG1 3C9D11H11Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) (nucleocapsid) Mouse Ascites IgG2b 2D6 Prion Protein (IHFG) Mouse Ascites IgG1 F89/160.1.5Prion Protein (QYQRES) Cell Culture Supernatant IgG1 F99/97.6.1 Pseudorabies Virus (PRV) (gIII) Mouse Ascites IgG2b 3G9F3 ANTIBODIES800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comMONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO INFECTIOUS AGENTSSPECIFICITY ORIGIN ISOTYPE CELL LINE28

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Veterinary Medical Research & Development29EQUIPMENT | TOOLS | SOFTWAREEQUIPMENT | TOOLS, SOFTWAREELISAWare™ by VMRD Microplate reading softwareVMRD ELISAWare™ microplate-reading software supports all VMRD ELISA test kits. It retrieves data from a microplate absorbance reader, displays the data, validates the assay, calculates the qualitative results, displays the results, stores sample identifications and results, and generates reports. Report options include a detailed analytical report for internal laboratory use or a client report displaying only the informationrelevant to a particular client. Exporting OD values to Microsoft® Excel® is as easy as clicking your mouse!Currently, ELISAWare™ supports microplate readers from four major manufacturers. If your reader is not supported, please contact VMRD by phone, or e-mail and we will do our best to add your driver to ELISAWare™. ELISAWare™ validates and calculates results for all of VMRD’s test kits. It can retrieve ODs from a plate reader for any given ELISA but only validates and calculates results for VMRD’s assays. As we bring new kits to the market we will offer upgrades that keep your software current with all of our newest ELISA kits.ELISAWare™ displays its reports in your Internet browser, providing multiple options for displaying, exporting, and analyzing ELISA results.We welcome your feedback on ELISAWare™.

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comEQUIPMENT | INSTRUMENTSELISAPro by VMRD Automated ELISA ProcessorThe ELISAPro is a fully automated and lightweight processor that will run an ELISA from start to finish. Installation is quick and all necessary equipment is included: laptop, sample and reagent racks, a reader loaded with 5 wavelengths, and a probe that conducts sample dilutions, washing, and reagent dispense. Features & Benefits• Intuitive user interface• Space saving design - fits standard 60 cm lab bench• 96 sample capacity• High precision syringes• Exterior status indicator light• LIS Connectivity• Competitive pricing• Low consumable costs (no disposable tips)• Software keeps records of all assay results andmaintenance performed Validated programs are available to run VMRD assays• Anaplasma v2• Babesia caballi• Bovine Leukemia Virus• Bluetongue Virus v2• Equine Infectious Anemia v2• Johne’s bovine serum• Johne’s caprine serum• Neospora caninum• Small Ruminant Lentivirus• Theileria equiEQUIPMENT | INSTRUMENTS30

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31BIOLOGICS TESTING SERVICES Veterinary Medical Research & DevelopmentBIOLOGICS TESTING SERVICESVMRD’s Testing Services division specializes in testing of raw materials and seeds for the presence of adventitious agents to satisfy various regulatory requirements and quality assurance needs for the global serum, veterinary and pharmaceutical industries.Regulatory compliance testing for adventitious agents in virus seeds of various species follows 9CFR guidance. These materials may be used in research or final products.The following are a list of tests available. For complete details on these tests, go to our website: Material & Serum Testing• 9CFR Virus Testing• Sterility Testing• EMA & EP Virus Testing• Mycoplasma Testing• Bovine Polyomavirus (BPyV)• Senecavirus A (SVA)Virus Bank Characterization• 9CFR Virus Testing• Sterility Testing• Mycoplasma Testing• Bovine Polyomavirus (BPyV)• Senecavirus A (SVA)Cell Line Characterization• 9CFR Virus Testing• Sterility Testing• Mycoplasma Testing• Bovine Polyomavirus (BPyV)• Senecavirus A (SVA)Testing Resources• Custom Testing• Testing with VMRD• Biologics Testing Submission• Customer Portal Interested in learning more?Our technical library has years of data, articles, and FAQ to help you understand your project’s needs. Search our online Technical Library for more information:

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800.222.8673 | www.vmrd.comBusiness HoursMonday - Friday, 7 am - 3 pm (Pacific Time Zone)BackordersOut-of-stock items are placed on backorder and shipped as soon as available unless otherwise requested.Custom OrdersCustom orders are prepared on a contract basis only. Please contact us for information.ReturnsCall for authorization prior to returning any item. Custom orders may not be returned.Technical AssistanceOur technical support team is available to assist as needed. You can reach them at Consulting and research services are also available on a contract basis.Product InformationFor information throughout the year on VMRD products visit our website,; send an e-mail to; or call 800.222.8673.Ordering ProceduresWhen placing an order, please supply the appropriate customer identification number, catalog number(s), quantity of the items needed, and a brief description of each product.Invoicing ProceduresBilling invoices are emailed immediately after order fulfillment unless an alternative submission method is preferred. Default payment terms are Net 30 days, payable in U.S. Dollars. Please inquire to arrange payment by wire transfer. Payment may also be made by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit cards. Please specify payment by credit card when the order is placed. Do not use email to send credit card information. Invoice questions may be directed to our Customer Service Department at +1-509-334-5815 or 1-800-222-8673. Bank Wire Transfer Notification and payment Instructions are available upon request.Shipping ProceduresMost items ship within one business day from the date the order is received, except where special certificates are required. Shipping fees are prepaid and added to the invoice, unless the recipient provides courier account information.International OrdersInternational orders should include a copy of any necessary import permits or other documentation required for customs clearance. Payment of duties and taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.ORDER INFORMATIONOrders may be placed by e-mail or telephone.E: order@vmrd.comT: 509.334.5815 (Toll free) 800.222.8673ORDER INFORMATION32

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Version 2022MAILING ADDRESSVMRDPO Box 502Pullman, WA 99163 USAPHYSICAL ADDRESS425 NW Albion DrivePullman, WA 99163PHONE(Toll Free) 800.222.8673P: