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The IC-EU Book

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The Intercomprehension for European Citizenship ICEU BOOK K 01 A collection of activities for plurilingual conversations

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the frame of the Erasmus Programme as a Strategic Partnership for Youth The European Commissions support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission in the frame of the Erasmus Programme as a Strategic Partnership for Youth The European Commissions support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein

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Authors Editing Project coordinators Enoa Linguistics www enoalinguistics com A imaginat proiectul i a reunit echipa Monica Predatu n ale sale eforturi fiind sprijinit de Alexandra C rcu dovada vie c intercomprehensiunea func ioneaz Din echip au mai f cut parte cu entuziasm responsabilitate i spirit de ini iativ Magda Ungureanu C t lina Caraba Ana Maria Ruse i Mihaela Gre i Radu INTERCULTURA Fran a https www facebook com intercultura22 Fabrice le Floch Maria Teresa Bellini i Francois Guyot au r sp ndit entuziasm i au dat curaj sutelor de tineri i educatori motiva i s aduc oamenii mpreun i s celebreze cet enia european Intercomprehension for European Citizenship Autorul Manifestului intercomprehensiunii Davide Orlandini a avut grij s promoveze intercomprehensiunea pe meleaguri italiene al turi de eficienta echip format Salvatore Giametta Sofia Golban i Marianna Ragazzi Mul umiri speciale merg c tre Filomena Capucho CECC Centro de Estudos de Comunica o e Cultura Universidade Cat lica Portuguesa ale c rei numeroase proiecte derulate ne au inspirat s cre m IC EU fiindc ne a adus perspectiva mediului formal universitar unde se definesc conceptele cadrul i metodele intercomprehensiunii Design Bianca Dumitra cu a transpus ideile noastre n concepte grafice dinamice A reu it s surprind spiritul ICEU n splendide imagini foto i video Vladimir Gologan 05 04 2019 All rights reserved for Enoa Linguistics IFOA Intercultura IFOA Italia www ifoa it

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Authors Editing Project coordinators Enoa Linguistics www enoalinguistics com A imaginat proiectul i a reunit echipa Monica Predatu n ale sale eforturi fiind sprijinit de Alexandra C rcu dovada vie c intercomprehensiunea func ioneaz Din echip au mai f cut parte cu entuziasm responsabilitate i spirit de ini iativ Magda Ungureanu C t lina Caraba Ana Maria Ruse i Mihaela Gre i Radu INTERCULTURA Fran a https www facebook com intercultura22 Fabrice le Floch Maria Teresa Bellini i Francois Guyot au r sp ndit entuziasm i au dat curaj sutelor de tineri i educatori motiva i s aduc oamenii mpreun i s celebreze cet enia european Intercomprehension for European Citizenship Autorul Manifestului intercomprehensiunii Davide Orlandini a avut grij s promoveze intercomprehensiunea pe meleaguri italiene al turi de eficienta echip format Salvatore Giametta Sofia Golban i Marianna Ragazzi Mul umiri speciale merg c tre Filomena Capucho CECC Centro de Estudos de Comunica o e Cultura Universidade Cat lica Portuguesa ale c rei numeroase proiecte derulate ne au inspirat s cre m IC EU fiindc ne a adus perspectiva mediului formal universitar unde se definesc conceptele cadrul i metodele intercomprehensiunii Design Bianca Dumitra cu a transpus ideile noastre n concepte grafice dinamice A reu it s surprind spiritul ICEU n splendide imagini foto i video Vladimir Gologan 05 04 2019 All rights reserved for Enoa Linguistics IFOA Intercultura IFOA Italia www ifoa it

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Exerci iu de imagina ie i comunicare Exerci iu de imagina ie i comunicare Pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene avem cu to ii dreptul de a c l tori lucra sau studia dincolo de frontierele statelor noastre Dar ce se nt mpl c nd barierele care ne re in sunt pot s n eleg dar nu vorbesc o limb str in sau nu pot participa nu vorbesc englez Adesea acestea sunt credin e limitative care nl tur orice posibilitate de a mai ncerca s interac ion m cu vorbitori de limbi str ine Fie c au cump rat un bilet de autobuz n Fran a nainte de a memora termina iile verbelor sau au reu it s rezerve online o camer de hotel n turc nainte de a ti cum se spune bun ziua to i cei care au acceptat provocarea IC EU au tr it experien a intercomprehensiunii 07 06 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am ncurajat participan ii s ncerce Am folosit intercomprehensiunea ca instrument pentru a facilita conversa ii plurilingve n contextul educa iei interculturale i al cet eniei europene Am facilitat conversa ii perfect imperfecte care sunt fundamentul comunic rii dincolo de barierele de limb Prin activit ile propuse am creat un cadru n care participan ii s au sim it confortabil s gre easc i s au concentrat pe transmiterea i n elegerea mesajului Ne am propus s ncuraj m includerea a c t mai multor persoane fie c sunt formatori organizatori sau participan i n proiecte interna ionale sau activit i multiculturale i s le oferim un mod de comunicare intercultural IC EU este despre cum s dep e ti grani ele lingvistice comunic nd n limba matern s con tientizezi i s mbr i ezi diferen ele culturale pentru a te face n eles i pentru a l n elege pe cel lalt INTERCOMPREHENSION FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP IC EU Proiectul IC EU aventura noastr n comunicarea intercultural a fost o conversa ie n sine la nceput fiecare vine cu propriile presupuneri care se dezv luie treptat uneori chiar sub form

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Exerci iu de imagina ie i comunicare Exerci iu de imagina ie i comunicare Pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene avem cu to ii dreptul de a c l tori lucra sau studia dincolo de frontierele statelor noastre Dar ce se nt mpl c nd barierele care ne re in sunt pot s n eleg dar nu vorbesc o limb str in sau nu pot participa nu vorbesc englez Adesea acestea sunt credin e limitative care nl tur orice posibilitate de a mai ncerca s interac ion m cu vorbitori de limbi str ine Fie c au cump rat un bilet de autobuz n Fran a nainte de a memora termina iile verbelor sau au reu it s rezerve online o camer de hotel n turc nainte de a ti cum se spune bun ziua to i cei care au acceptat provocarea IC EU au tr it experien a intercomprehensiunii 07 06 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am ncurajat participan ii s ncerce Am folosit intercomprehensiunea ca instrument pentru a facilita conversa ii plurilingve n contextul educa iei interculturale i al cet eniei europene Am facilitat conversa ii perfect imperfecte care sunt fundamentul comunic rii dincolo de barierele de limb Prin activit ile propuse am creat un cadru n care participan ii s au sim it confortabil s gre easc i s au concentrat pe transmiterea i n elegerea mesajului Ne am propus s ncuraj m includerea a c t mai multor persoane fie c sunt formatori organizatori sau participan i n proiecte interna ionale sau activit i multiculturale i s le oferim un mod de comunicare intercultural IC EU este despre cum s dep e ti grani ele lingvistice comunic nd n limba matern s con tientizezi i s mbr i ezi diferen ele culturale pentru a te face n eles i pentru a l n elege pe cel lalt INTERCOMPREHENSION FOR EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP IC EU Proiectul IC EU aventura noastr n comunicarea intercultural a fost o conversa ie n sine la nceput fiecare vine cu propriile presupuneri care se dezv luie treptat uneori chiar sub form

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Rezultatele IC EU Activit iile IC EU de ne n elegeri Pe m sur ce te a terni la vorb acestea sunt clarificate iar la final consta i c prive ti oamenii din fa a ta ca pe o descoperire valoroas tocmai prin prisma diversit ii de idei perspective i experien e Intercomprehension for European Citizenship a nceput n septembrie 2017 fiind un proiect de parteneriat strategic finan at prin programul Erasmus n cadrul parteneriatului ntre Enoa Linguistics IFOA i Asocia ia Intercultura ne am propus s concepem o serie de materiale teoretice i o colec ie de activit i de educa ie non formal utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea Acestea sunt dedicate tuturor celor implica i n educa ia tinerilor i au rolul de a i ajuta pe tineri s n eleag dimensiunea european ce nseamn s fii cet ean european i de a i ncuraja s participe la mobilit i interna ionale n 2019 am documentat rezumat i mp rt it experien a noastr de a fi utilizat intercomprehensiunea pentru a promova cet enia european n cadrul a 4 evenimente de diseminare organizate n Italia Fran a i Rom nia Conferin a final IC EUrope o zi de prezent ri ateliere i activit i de educa ie non formal a redat concluziile proiectului i ne a ar tat c putem avea conversa ii plurilingve c putem participa la activit i ntr o limb pe care o st p nim la nivel de ncep tor sau deloc iar cheia succesului n comunicare o reprezint aten ia i deschiderea c tre interlocutor n iulie 2018 am organizat 1 mobilitate interna ional la care au participat 21 de tineri din Rom nia Fran a i Italia Am adus mpreun tineri din medii sociale i culturale diverse cu experien e de via diferite care au participat la acelea i activit i ntr un cadru nou n Dinan un mic or el din Bretania Fran a Activit ile propuse au avut ca scop educa ia intercultural con tientizarea privind stereotipurile prejudec ile i rasismul i comunicarea cu vorbitori de limbi str ine Elementul principal al acestei experien e a fost participarea la un festival de art stradal unde participan ii au Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am organizat 3 training uri n Bucure ti RO Reggio Emilia IT i Dinan FR pentru membrii echipei de proiect Scopul acestor activit i a fost s dob ndim cuno tin e aprofundate despre intercomprehensiune creativitate modul cum nv m i care sunt principalele contexte de nv are Av nd aceste informa ii am conceput activit i de educa ie intercultural ce folosesc intercomprehensiunea 09 08 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am avut n vedere 2 categorii de beneficiari membrii echipei de proiect implica i n educa ia tinerilor livrarea de programe educa ionale sau coordonatori de proiecte interna ionale i tineri cu v rste cuprinse ntre 14 i 30 de ani n categoria tineri am urm rit s aducem mpreun tineri adolescen i n risc de abandon colar i tineri absolven i de studii superioare cu experien profesional ACTIVIT ILE IC EU interac ionat at t cu localnicii voluntari n organizarea festivalului c t i cu arti ti din toate col urile lumii Experien a de a constata c pot comunica n limba lor cu vorbitori de limbi str ine le a dat ncredere n sine i le a ar tat perspective diferite asupra implic rii civice a educa iei prin art i diferen elor culturale i sociale dintre oameni Pe parcursul proiectului fiecare organiza ie a dus mai departe intercomprehensiunea n alte proiecte sau programe ale activit ii proprii n interac iunea cu al i membri din organiza ie n alte schimburi interna ionale de tineri c tre alte organiza ii partenere sau la conferin e interna ionale A a s a nt mplat ca IFOA s fie contactat de o universitate de medicin care dorea crearea unui program dedicat utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru studen ii sec iei de radiologie ceea ce nseamn c intercomprehensiunea a ajuns s fie de interes n cele mai nea teptate domenii REZULTATELE IC EU Curiozitate experimentare nv are adaptare aceste elemente specifice intercomprehensiunii sunt i fundamentul proiectului IC EU Am avut curiozitatea de a experimenta a nv a i a ne adapta constant n c l toria noastr de la idee la rezultatele IC EU Am nceput cu urm toarele premise putem avea o conversa ie chiar dac vorbim limbi diferite ascult nd o limb str in re inem vocabular nv m mai u or dac asociem activitatea de nv are cu o emo ie pozitiv Am continuat cu traininguri i schimburi interculturale pentru a testa ipoteze i a observa rezultatele activit ii noastre

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Rezultatele IC EU Activit iile IC EU de ne n elegeri Pe m sur ce te a terni la vorb acestea sunt clarificate iar la final consta i c prive ti oamenii din fa a ta ca pe o descoperire valoroas tocmai prin prisma diversit ii de idei perspective i experien e Intercomprehension for European Citizenship a nceput n septembrie 2017 fiind un proiect de parteneriat strategic finan at prin programul Erasmus n cadrul parteneriatului ntre Enoa Linguistics IFOA i Asocia ia Intercultura ne am propus s concepem o serie de materiale teoretice i o colec ie de activit i de educa ie non formal utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea Acestea sunt dedicate tuturor celor implica i n educa ia tinerilor i au rolul de a i ajuta pe tineri s n eleag dimensiunea european ce nseamn s fii cet ean european i de a i ncuraja s participe la mobilit i interna ionale n 2019 am documentat rezumat i mp rt it experien a noastr de a fi utilizat intercomprehensiunea pentru a promova cet enia european n cadrul a 4 evenimente de diseminare organizate n Italia Fran a i Rom nia Conferin a final IC EUrope o zi de prezent ri ateliere i activit i de educa ie non formal a redat concluziile proiectului i ne a ar tat c putem avea conversa ii plurilingve c putem participa la activit i ntr o limb pe care o st p nim la nivel de ncep tor sau deloc iar cheia succesului n comunicare o reprezint aten ia i deschiderea c tre interlocutor n iulie 2018 am organizat 1 mobilitate interna ional la care au participat 21 de tineri din Rom nia Fran a i Italia Am adus mpreun tineri din medii sociale i culturale diverse cu experien e de via diferite care au participat la acelea i activit i ntr un cadru nou n Dinan un mic or el din Bretania Fran a Activit ile propuse au avut ca scop educa ia intercultural con tientizarea privind stereotipurile prejudec ile i rasismul i comunicarea cu vorbitori de limbi str ine Elementul principal al acestei experien e a fost participarea la un festival de art stradal unde participan ii au Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am organizat 3 training uri n Bucure ti RO Reggio Emilia IT i Dinan FR pentru membrii echipei de proiect Scopul acestor activit i a fost s dob ndim cuno tin e aprofundate despre intercomprehensiune creativitate modul cum nv m i care sunt principalele contexte de nv are Av nd aceste informa ii am conceput activit i de educa ie intercultural ce folosesc intercomprehensiunea 09 08 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Am avut n vedere 2 categorii de beneficiari membrii echipei de proiect implica i n educa ia tinerilor livrarea de programe educa ionale sau coordonatori de proiecte interna ionale i tineri cu v rste cuprinse ntre 14 i 30 de ani n categoria tineri am urm rit s aducem mpreun tineri adolescen i n risc de abandon colar i tineri absolven i de studii superioare cu experien profesional ACTIVIT ILE IC EU interac ionat at t cu localnicii voluntari n organizarea festivalului c t i cu arti ti din toate col urile lumii Experien a de a constata c pot comunica n limba lor cu vorbitori de limbi str ine le a dat ncredere n sine i le a ar tat perspective diferite asupra implic rii civice a educa iei prin art i diferen elor culturale i sociale dintre oameni Pe parcursul proiectului fiecare organiza ie a dus mai departe intercomprehensiunea n alte proiecte sau programe ale activit ii proprii n interac iunea cu al i membri din organiza ie n alte schimburi interna ionale de tineri c tre alte organiza ii partenere sau la conferin e interna ionale A a s a nt mplat ca IFOA s fie contactat de o universitate de medicin care dorea crearea unui program dedicat utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru studen ii sec iei de radiologie ceea ce nseamn c intercomprehensiunea a ajuns s fie de interes n cele mai nea teptate domenii REZULTATELE IC EU Curiozitate experimentare nv are adaptare aceste elemente specifice intercomprehensiunii sunt i fundamentul proiectului IC EU Am avut curiozitatea de a experimenta a nv a i a ne adapta constant n c l toria noastr de la idee la rezultatele IC EU Am nceput cu urm toarele premise putem avea o conversa ie chiar dac vorbim limbi diferite ascult nd o limb str in re inem vocabular nv m mai u or dac asociem activitatea de nv are cu o emo ie pozitiv Am continuat cu traininguri i schimburi interculturale pentru a testa ipoteze i a observa rezultatele activit ii noastre

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Am aflat de la primele conversa ii plurilingve c atitudinea face diferen a Astfel n Manifestul intercomprehensiunii am extras principiile esen iale pentru conversa ii plurilingve Totodat acelea i principii ne ar ajuta s comunic m semnificativ mai bine chiar i atunci c nd vorbim aceea i limb IC EU Videos redau experien a participan ilor la activit ile desf urate n cadrul proiectului propuse n IC EU Book i vin cu mai multe informa ii privind contextul de nv are explica iile i modu de facilitare a activit ilor IC EUrope n 365 zile expozi ia foto ca instrument intercultural cuprinde 365 de fotografii i explica ii plurilingve ale pl cu elor stradale cu nume de dat din Europa dar i din col uri mai ndep rtate ale lumii De la 1 ianuarie p n la 31 decembrie fiecare zi a anului se g se te celebrat ntr un col din lume i are o semnifica ie specific localit ii sau recunoscut interna ional nv area continu Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture Europ enne travers l odonymie Expozi ia este un prilej de a observa i a con tientiza similitudinile i diferen ele culturale pe mapamond i poate fi utilizat ca punct de pornire pentru conversa ii i activit i plurilingve Rezultatele IC EU manualul video urile i expozi ia sunt disponibile pentru a sus ine i ncuraja organizarea i desf urarea a c t mai multe activit i de nv are intercultural utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru promovarea cet eniei europene NV AREA CONTINU nc de la nceputul proiectului a fost necesar s stabilim n ce limb vom comunica ntre noi Fiind un proiect despre conversa ii plurilingve am hot r t c vom vorbi fiecare n limba sa La final de proiect avem mailuri scrise conversa ii i experien e care s au desf urat n toate cele trei limbi Ne am creat contextul pentru a testa noi n ine intercomprehensiunea Fie c sunte i formatori organizatori voluntari sau participan i n proiecte interna ionale IC EU Book v va sus ine n activitatea voastr oferindu v idei perspective i experien e de intercomprehensiune ce pot fi utilizate ca atare sau integrate ntr un design de curs sau schimb de tineri Partea I Teoria ncepe cu definirea conceptelor i a cadrului de nv are i se ncheie cu informa ii necesare pentru con tientizarea competen elor dezvoltate n cadrul activit ilor propuse Partea II Metodologia cuprinde o serie de activit i de educa ie non formal ce au ca obiectiv antrenarea aten iei con tientizarea diferitelor modalit i de a comunica favorizarea coeziunii grupului promovarea drepturilor omului i ncurajarea unei atitudini deschise fa de diversitatea intercultural Partea III Experien a intercomprehensiunii trei module ce propun un parcurs complet de nv are intercultural utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea cu durat variabil de la o sesiune introductiv i p n la un schimb de experien de 7 zile Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU IC EU Book reune te colec ia de materiale teoretice i activit i de nv area experien ial utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru a educa tinerii n spiritul cet eniei europene i al drepturilor omului 11 Rezultatele IC EU Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU 10 Concluziile noastre la final de proiect se g sesc n paginile ce urmeaz Printre cele mai valoroase constat ri au fost teama de a nu te putea exprima astfel nc t s fii n eles perspectiva confrunt rii cu un poten ial e ec paralizeaz faptul c ne n elegerile n comunicare apar chiar c nd n elegem limba fiindc uneori ne scap sensul tim c se poate i altfel norma nu este unica op iune Cea mai important reu it este c noi organizatori formatori participan i avem aceast perspectiv diferit nu vorbesc o limb str in dar o n eleg sau pot participa chiar dac nu vorbesc englez Intercomprehensiunea ne dorim s ncurajeze c t mai multe conversa ii astfel nc t s ne dep im rezervele prejudec ile limitele i s ne bucur m de c t mai multe descoperiri interculturale Noi am descoperit bucuria de a constata c putem purta conversa ii plurilingve iar c nd inclusiv regulile conversa iei se schimb oare ce alte lucruri am mai putea face diferit

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Am aflat de la primele conversa ii plurilingve c atitudinea face diferen a Astfel n Manifestul intercomprehensiunii am extras principiile esen iale pentru conversa ii plurilingve Totodat acelea i principii ne ar ajuta s comunic m semnificativ mai bine chiar i atunci c nd vorbim aceea i limb IC EU Videos redau experien a participan ilor la activit ile desf urate n cadrul proiectului propuse n IC EU Book i vin cu mai multe informa ii privind contextul de nv are explica iile i modu de facilitare a activit ilor IC EUrope n 365 zile expozi ia foto ca instrument intercultural cuprinde 365 de fotografii i explica ii plurilingve ale pl cu elor stradale cu nume de dat din Europa dar i din col uri mai ndep rtate ale lumii De la 1 ianuarie p n la 31 decembrie fiecare zi a anului se g se te celebrat ntr un col din lume i are o semnifica ie specific localit ii sau recunoscut interna ional nv area continu Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture Europ enne travers l odonymie Expozi ia este un prilej de a observa i a con tientiza similitudinile i diferen ele culturale pe mapamond i poate fi utilizat ca punct de pornire pentru conversa ii i activit i plurilingve Rezultatele IC EU manualul video urile i expozi ia sunt disponibile pentru a sus ine i ncuraja organizarea i desf urarea a c t mai multe activit i de nv are intercultural utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru promovarea cet eniei europene NV AREA CONTINU nc de la nceputul proiectului a fost necesar s stabilim n ce limb vom comunica ntre noi Fiind un proiect despre conversa ii plurilingve am hot r t c vom vorbi fiecare n limba sa La final de proiect avem mailuri scrise conversa ii i experien e care s au desf urat n toate cele trei limbi Ne am creat contextul pentru a testa noi n ine intercomprehensiunea Fie c sunte i formatori organizatori voluntari sau participan i n proiecte interna ionale IC EU Book v va sus ine n activitatea voastr oferindu v idei perspective i experien e de intercomprehensiune ce pot fi utilizate ca atare sau integrate ntr un design de curs sau schimb de tineri Partea I Teoria ncepe cu definirea conceptelor i a cadrului de nv are i se ncheie cu informa ii necesare pentru con tientizarea competen elor dezvoltate n cadrul activit ilor propuse Partea II Metodologia cuprinde o serie de activit i de educa ie non formal ce au ca obiectiv antrenarea aten iei con tientizarea diferitelor modalit i de a comunica favorizarea coeziunii grupului promovarea drepturilor omului i ncurajarea unei atitudini deschise fa de diversitatea intercultural Partea III Experien a intercomprehensiunii trei module ce propun un parcurs complet de nv are intercultural utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea cu durat variabil de la o sesiune introductiv i p n la un schimb de experien de 7 zile Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU IC EU Book reune te colec ia de materiale teoretice i activit i de nv area experien ial utiliz nd intercomprehensiunea pentru a educa tinerii n spiritul cet eniei europene i al drepturilor omului 11 Rezultatele IC EU Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU 10 Concluziile noastre la final de proiect se g sesc n paginile ce urmeaz Printre cele mai valoroase constat ri au fost teama de a nu te putea exprima astfel nc t s fii n eles perspectiva confrunt rii cu un poten ial e ec paralizeaz faptul c ne n elegerile n comunicare apar chiar c nd n elegem limba fiindc uneori ne scap sensul tim c se poate i altfel norma nu este unica op iune Cea mai important reu it este c noi organizatori formatori participan i avem aceast perspectiv diferit nu vorbesc o limb str in dar o n eleg sau pot participa chiar dac nu vorbesc englez Intercomprehensiunea ne dorim s ncurajeze c t mai multe conversa ii astfel nc t s ne dep im rezervele prejudec ile limitele i s ne bucur m de c t mai multe descoperiri interculturale Noi am descoperit bucuria de a constata c putem purta conversa ii plurilingve iar c nd inclusiv regulile conversa iei se schimb oare ce alte lucruri am mai putea face diferit

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Il fatto che si sia creato un dubbio gi importante di per s per l applicazione dell intercomprensione Project Timeline nv area continu Ma l intercomprensione funziona o non funziona IC EU Project Timeline Start IC EU I nostri amici qui presenti alla conferenza finale IC EUrope Davide con il suo Manifesto Fabrice con la sua storia personale Filomena con la sua teoria Francois con i suoi giochi hanno aiutato la nascita di un dubbio ovvero che non dobbiamo utilizzare necessariamente la lingua inglese per comunicare con gli altri popoli Europei 2017 Septembrie Da qui in avanti l esperimento sarete voi Tutte le volte che incontrerete delle persone di altri paesi proverete a parlare nella vostra lingua materna o nella vostra lingua del cuore Non sara facile all inizio perch l obiettivo dell intercomprensione sar pi lento da raggiungere proprio per farsi capire dagli altri Ma dopo i primi tentativi probabilmente raggiungerete i risultati pi vicini alla vostra anima Octombrie France Intercomprehension Creativity Staff training Italia Learning to learn Staff training Decembrie Rom nia Februarie Italia 2018 Learning Contexts Staff training Aprilie France IC EU Fest Blended mobility for young people Iunie France Dac v am st rnit curiozitatea v ncuraj m s invita i partenerii colegii studen ii sau participan ii n activit ile voastre la o conversa ie plurilingv Kick off Partner meeting Evaluation Partner meeting Ve i fi surprin i Capire e farsi capire Multiplier event Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Monica Predatu Coordonator Intercomprehension for European Citizenship IC EU Fondator Enoa Linguistics 13 12 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU 2019 Iulie Italia IC EU Quartiers d t Multiplier event Iulie France IC EUrope final conference Multiplier event Noiembrie Romania Iulie Italia IC EU Erasmus Multiplier event Octombrie Romania The end and more to follow Noiembrie Romania

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Il fatto che si sia creato un dubbio gi importante di per s per l applicazione dell intercomprensione Project Timeline nv area continu Ma l intercomprensione funziona o non funziona IC EU Project Timeline Start IC EU I nostri amici qui presenti alla conferenza finale IC EUrope Davide con il suo Manifesto Fabrice con la sua storia personale Filomena con la sua teoria Francois con i suoi giochi hanno aiutato la nascita di un dubbio ovvero che non dobbiamo utilizzare necessariamente la lingua inglese per comunicare con gli altri popoli Europei 2017 Septembrie Da qui in avanti l esperimento sarete voi Tutte le volte che incontrerete delle persone di altri paesi proverete a parlare nella vostra lingua materna o nella vostra lingua del cuore Non sara facile all inizio perch l obiettivo dell intercomprensione sar pi lento da raggiungere proprio per farsi capire dagli altri Ma dopo i primi tentativi probabilmente raggiungerete i risultati pi vicini alla vostra anima Octombrie France Intercomprehension Creativity Staff training Italia Learning to learn Staff training Decembrie Rom nia Februarie Italia 2018 Learning Contexts Staff training Aprilie France IC EU Fest Blended mobility for young people Iunie France Dac v am st rnit curiozitatea v ncuraj m s invita i partenerii colegii studen ii sau participan ii n activit ile voastre la o conversa ie plurilingv Kick off Partner meeting Evaluation Partner meeting Ve i fi surprin i Capire e farsi capire Multiplier event Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU Monica Predatu Coordonator Intercomprehension for European Citizenship IC EU Fondator Enoa Linguistics 13 12 Intercomprehension for european citizenship IC EU 2019 Iulie Italia IC EU Quartiers d t Multiplier event Iulie France IC EUrope final conference Multiplier event Noiembrie Romania Iulie Italia IC EU Erasmus Multiplier event Octombrie Romania The end and more to follow Noiembrie Romania

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14 Qu un sentiment d appartenance commune soit fond sur la diversit linguistique et culturelle est un puissant antidote contre les fanatismes vers lesquels ont souvent d rap les affirmations identitaires en Europe et ailleurs hier comme aujourd hui N e de la volont de ses peuples divers qui ont librement choisi de s unir l Union europ enne n a ni la vocation ni la capacit de gommer leur diversit Elle a au contraire pour mission historique de pr server d harmoniser de d passionner et d panouir cette diversit et nous pensons qu elle peut s en donner les moyens Nous la croyons m me en mesure d offrir l humanit enti re le module d une identit fond e sur la diversit En un mot l id e europ enne nous semble b tie sur deux exigences ins parables l universalit des valeurs morales communes et la diversit des expressions culturelles en particulier la diversit linguistique repr sente pour des raisons historiques une composante majeure et aussi comme nous essaierons de le d montrer un magnifique outil d int gration et d harmonisation amin maalouf Un d fi salutaire comment la multiplicit des langues pourrait consolider l Europe source Propositions du Groupe des Intellectuels pour le Dialogue Interculturel Constitu l initiative de la Commission Europ enne Bruxelles 2008 http www bookine net maaloufrapport pdf 15 Le respect de notre diversit linguistique ce n est pas seulement la prise en compte d une r alit culturelle produite par l Histoire C est le fondement m me de l id e europ enne telle qu elle a merg des d combres des conflits qui ont marqu le XIXe si cle et la premi re moiti du XXe Si la plupart des nations europ ennes se sont construites sur le socle de leurs langues identitaires l Union europ enne ne peut se construire que sur le socle de sa diversit linguistique Ce qui de notre point de vue est particuli rement r confortant

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14 Qu un sentiment d appartenance commune soit fond sur la diversit linguistique et culturelle est un puissant antidote contre les fanatismes vers lesquels ont souvent d rap les affirmations identitaires en Europe et ailleurs hier comme aujourd hui N e de la volont de ses peuples divers qui ont librement choisi de s unir l Union europ enne n a ni la vocation ni la capacit de gommer leur diversit Elle a au contraire pour mission historique de pr server d harmoniser de d passionner et d panouir cette diversit et nous pensons qu elle peut s en donner les moyens Nous la croyons m me en mesure d offrir l humanit enti re le module d une identit fond e sur la diversit En un mot l id e europ enne nous semble b tie sur deux exigences ins parables l universalit des valeurs morales communes et la diversit des expressions culturelles en particulier la diversit linguistique repr sente pour des raisons historiques une composante majeure et aussi comme nous essaierons de le d montrer un magnifique outil d int gration et d harmonisation amin maalouf Un d fi salutaire comment la multiplicit des langues pourrait consolider l Europe source Propositions du Groupe des Intellectuels pour le Dialogue Interculturel Constitu l initiative de la Commission Europ enne Bruxelles 2008 http www bookine net maaloufrapport pdf 15 Le respect de notre diversit linguistique ce n est pas seulement la prise en compte d une r alit culturelle produite par l Histoire C est le fondement m me de l id e europ enne telle qu elle a merg des d combres des conflits qui ont marqu le XIXe si cle et la premi re moiti du XXe Si la plupart des nations europ ennes se sont construites sur le socle de leurs langues identitaires l Union europ enne ne peut se construire que sur le socle de sa diversit linguistique Ce qui de notre point de vue est particuli rement r confortant

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FR Partea I Theory 1 Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel 19 21 2 Concepts 2 1 Intercompr hension 2 2 Education et contextes d apprentissage 2 3 Education interculturelle 3 Les D clinaisons Th matiques 3 1 Droits Humains 3 2 Citoyennet 3 3 Education Interculturelle 3 4 Approches M thodologiques Communes 4 Les Comp tences D velopp es 5 IC EU_il Manifesto dell intercomprensione 29 30 31 32 34 37 FR Partea II Methodology 39 1 Activities for plurilingual conversations 1 Xixi_Coco 2 Camelli 3 Video 4 Idioms 5 Parole Ostili 6 Walleyball 7 Intersezioni 8 Una fable especial 40 41 44 45 48 49 50 52 54 56 57 60 65 67 69 71 75 76 79 81 83 87 91 98 9 Stereotipia 10 Gioca jouer 11 FIerra dell est 12 Ganouche 13 Telefono senza fili 14 Segui la mano 15 Council 16 Appuntamenti 17 La Storia di Abigail 18 Comunicarte 19 Per capirti meglio 20 Debate 21 Le monde de 100 habitants 22 Un pas en avant 23 365 odonymes et culture 24 Repas intercomprehensif 23 25 27 EN Partea I Theory 1 Intercomprehension and intercultural education 105 107 introduction 2 Concepts 2 1 Intercomprehension 2 2 Education and learning contexts 2 3 Intercultural education 3 Themes and Variations 3 1 Human rights education 3 2 Citizenship democratic citizenship global citizenship education 3 3 Intercultural education 3 4 Common methodological approaches in intercomprehension human rights education and intercultural education 4 Competences developed 120 EN Partea II Methodology 125 1 Activities for plurilingual conversations 1 Xixi Coco 2 11 camels 3 Video K Comp 4 Italian Idioms 5 Parole O Stili 126 127 130 131 134 135 136 138 140 142 143 146 151 153 155 157 159 162 165 167 169 6 Walleyball 7 Intersections 8 Una Fable Especial 9 Stereotyping 10 Gioca Jouer 11 Fiera dell Est 12 Ganouche 13 Chinese whispers 14 Follow the hand 15 Council 16 Dates 17 The story of Abigail 18 Comunicarte 19 To better understand you 20 Debate 21 If the world is a village of 100 people 109 111 113 115 116 118 119

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FR Partea I Theory 1 Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel 19 21 2 Concepts 2 1 Intercompr hension 2 2 Education et contextes d apprentissage 2 3 Education interculturelle 3 Les D clinaisons Th matiques 3 1 Droits Humains 3 2 Citoyennet 3 3 Education Interculturelle 3 4 Approches M thodologiques Communes 4 Les Comp tences D velopp es 5 IC EU_il Manifesto dell intercomprensione 29 30 31 32 34 37 FR Partea II Methodology 39 1 Activities for plurilingual conversations 1 Xixi_Coco 2 Camelli 3 Video 4 Idioms 5 Parole Ostili 6 Walleyball 7 Intersezioni 8 Una fable especial 40 41 44 45 48 49 50 52 54 56 57 60 65 67 69 71 75 76 79 81 83 87 91 98 9 Stereotipia 10 Gioca jouer 11 FIerra dell est 12 Ganouche 13 Telefono senza fili 14 Segui la mano 15 Council 16 Appuntamenti 17 La Storia di Abigail 18 Comunicarte 19 Per capirti meglio 20 Debate 21 Le monde de 100 habitants 22 Un pas en avant 23 365 odonymes et culture 24 Repas intercomprehensif 23 25 27 EN Partea I Theory 1 Intercomprehension and intercultural education 105 107 introduction 2 Concepts 2 1 Intercomprehension 2 2 Education and learning contexts 2 3 Intercultural education 3 Themes and Variations 3 1 Human rights education 3 2 Citizenship democratic citizenship global citizenship education 3 3 Intercultural education 3 4 Common methodological approaches in intercomprehension human rights education and intercultural education 4 Competences developed 120 EN Partea II Methodology 125 1 Activities for plurilingual conversations 1 Xixi Coco 2 11 camels 3 Video K Comp 4 Italian Idioms 5 Parole O Stili 126 127 130 131 134 135 136 138 140 142 143 146 151 153 155 157 159 162 165 167 169 6 Walleyball 7 Intersections 8 Una Fable Especial 9 Stereotyping 10 Gioca Jouer 11 Fiera dell Est 12 Ganouche 13 Chinese whispers 14 Follow the hand 15 Council 16 Dates 17 The story of Abigail 18 Comunicarte 19 To better understand you 20 Debate 21 If the world is a village of 100 people 109 111 113 115 116 118 119

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22 Step forward 23 365 odonyms and culture 173 177 24 Sharing a meal using intercomprehension 184 EN Partea III Intercomprehension experiences 187 1 Discovering Intercomprehension 3h 2 Experiencing Intercomprehension 3 days 3 Intercultural exchange 7 days 188 189 192 19 Theory 1

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22 Step forward 23 365 odonyms and culture 173 177 24 Sharing a meal using intercomprehension 184 EN Partea III Intercomprehension experiences 187 1 Discovering Intercomprehension 3h 2 Experiencing Intercomprehension 3 days 3 Intercultural exchange 7 days 188 189 192 19 Theory 1

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Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel 1 Intercompr hension Et Interculturel Ce manuel na t de la rencontre entre des linguistes travaillant sur l intercompr hension et des animateurs et formateurs travaillant sur l ducation aux Droits Humains et l apprentissage interculturel et du d fi qui en est suivi comment travailler l interculturel par le biais de l intercompr hension Comment cr er les conditions pour pratiquer l IC dans des contextes d apprentissage interculturel comme les changes les formations ou les s minaires europ ens Nous avons donc r fl chi la place de l Intercompr hension dans l Education Non Formelle en g n ral Et la possibilit de d cliner l approche de l IC pour certains outils propres de l ducation aux Droits Humains et l interculturel L objectif de ce manuel est d offrir aux travailleurs de jeunesse et plus en g n ral ceux qui travaillent aupr s des jeunes dans le secteur de l ducation non formelle la possibilit de mettre en valeur et utiliser la diversit linguistique comme ressource pour travailler l apprentissage interculturel 21 20 French Italian Romanian English L interaction plurilingue a t notre fa on de travailler pour obtenir ce r sultat traverser et s enrichir dans la diversit linguistique et culturelle notre d fi Chaque langue et chaque culture sont une fen tre travers laquelle regarder le monde pouvoir comprendre une autre langue et conna tre une autre culture enrichira notre fa on de regarder conna tre appr hender le monde

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Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel 1 Intercompr hension Et Interculturel Ce manuel na t de la rencontre entre des linguistes travaillant sur l intercompr hension et des animateurs et formateurs travaillant sur l ducation aux Droits Humains et l apprentissage interculturel et du d fi qui en est suivi comment travailler l interculturel par le biais de l intercompr hension Comment cr er les conditions pour pratiquer l IC dans des contextes d apprentissage interculturel comme les changes les formations ou les s minaires europ ens Nous avons donc r fl chi la place de l Intercompr hension dans l Education Non Formelle en g n ral Et la possibilit de d cliner l approche de l IC pour certains outils propres de l ducation aux Droits Humains et l interculturel L objectif de ce manuel est d offrir aux travailleurs de jeunesse et plus en g n ral ceux qui travaillent aupr s des jeunes dans le secteur de l ducation non formelle la possibilit de mettre en valeur et utiliser la diversit linguistique comme ressource pour travailler l apprentissage interculturel 21 20 French Italian Romanian English L interaction plurilingue a t notre fa on de travailler pour obtenir ce r sultat traverser et s enrichir dans la diversit linguistique et culturelle notre d fi Chaque langue et chaque culture sont une fen tre travers laquelle regarder le monde pouvoir comprendre une autre langue et conna tre une autre culture enrichira notre fa on de regarder conna tre appr hender le monde

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Intercompr hension Concepts 2 1 Intercompr hension Je parle ma langue tu parles ta langue et on se comprend Fran ois Guyot ou Fabrice Le Floch L Intercompr hension est un concept qui voit le jour dans le contexte de la didactique des langues et qui actuellement pose des enjeux politiques et conomiques outre que linguistiques Il s agit d une d marche qui permet dans un contexte multilinguistique que chacun utilise sa langue pour communiquer Comment est ce possible French Italian Romanian English 23 Comme nous l explique Filomena Capucho l interproduction est la comp tence linguistique et communicative mobilis e dans des contextes de communication plurilingue qui permet un locuteur de s exprimer dans la langue qu il pr f re et de se faire comprendre par son interlocuteur tenant compte du r pertoire linguistique et culturel commun de fa on permettre la co construction du sens C est un peu la fin du mythe du besoin absolu d une LINGUA FRANCA partag e en g n ral l anglais et une fa on de poursuivre le bonheur conversationnel Antoine Auchlin en absence duquel on dit ce qu on peut non ce qu on veut French Italian Romanian English DES VALEURS ET UNE APPROCHE METHODOLOGIQUE COMMUNeS Au croisement de l intercompr hension et de l interculturel donc des valeurs communes le respect et la mise en valeur de la diversit la promotion de la rencontre et du dialogue une ouverture constante vis vis de l inconnu et de l incompris Et une approche m thodologique tr s proche bas e sur la valeur positive de la diff rence l interaction l change la r ciprocit l coute des outils de coop ration En deux mots ACTIVE et PARTICIPATIVE 22 Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel INTER compr hension et INTER culturel ont en commun l INTER et donc la relation avec l autre L Intercompr hension comme l ducation interculturelle placent l autre au c ur des relations Filomena Capucho nous liste aussi quelles strat gies a mettre en place pour s approprier cette comp tence la gestion des l ments prosodiques le rythme les pauses fr quentes l accent la clart des vocalisations une intonation emphatique le choix lexical l utilisation consciente de mots transparents d expressions idiomatiques et de m taphores conceptuelles communes la s lection linguistique changements de langue dus une contig it linguistique lin aire ou de l empathie linguistique ou bien une langue de communication interpersonnelle les s quences de r paration collaboration confirmation source L IC est un processus communicatif qui permet la coconstruction du sens par des locuteurs de langues diff rentes dans des situations de r ception et ou d interaction plurilingue Filomena Capucho IC EU

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Intercompr hension Concepts 2 1 Intercompr hension Je parle ma langue tu parles ta langue et on se comprend Fran ois Guyot ou Fabrice Le Floch L Intercompr hension est un concept qui voit le jour dans le contexte de la didactique des langues et qui actuellement pose des enjeux politiques et conomiques outre que linguistiques Il s agit d une d marche qui permet dans un contexte multilinguistique que chacun utilise sa langue pour communiquer Comment est ce possible French Italian Romanian English 23 Comme nous l explique Filomena Capucho l interproduction est la comp tence linguistique et communicative mobilis e dans des contextes de communication plurilingue qui permet un locuteur de s exprimer dans la langue qu il pr f re et de se faire comprendre par son interlocuteur tenant compte du r pertoire linguistique et culturel commun de fa on permettre la co construction du sens C est un peu la fin du mythe du besoin absolu d une LINGUA FRANCA partag e en g n ral l anglais et une fa on de poursuivre le bonheur conversationnel Antoine Auchlin en absence duquel on dit ce qu on peut non ce qu on veut French Italian Romanian English DES VALEURS ET UNE APPROCHE METHODOLOGIQUE COMMUNeS Au croisement de l intercompr hension et de l interculturel donc des valeurs communes le respect et la mise en valeur de la diversit la promotion de la rencontre et du dialogue une ouverture constante vis vis de l inconnu et de l incompris Et une approche m thodologique tr s proche bas e sur la valeur positive de la diff rence l interaction l change la r ciprocit l coute des outils de coop ration En deux mots ACTIVE et PARTICIPATIVE 22 Introduction Intercompr hension et interculturel INTER compr hension et INTER culturel ont en commun l INTER et donc la relation avec l autre L Intercompr hension comme l ducation interculturelle placent l autre au c ur des relations Filomena Capucho nous liste aussi quelles strat gies a mettre en place pour s approprier cette comp tence la gestion des l ments prosodiques le rythme les pauses fr quentes l accent la clart des vocalisations une intonation emphatique le choix lexical l utilisation consciente de mots transparents d expressions idiomatiques et de m taphores conceptuelles communes la s lection linguistique changements de langue dus une contig it linguistique lin aire ou de l empathie linguistique ou bien une langue de communication interpersonnelle les s quences de r paration collaboration confirmation source L IC est un processus communicatif qui permet la coconstruction du sens par des locuteurs de langues diff rentes dans des situations de r ception et ou d interaction plurilingue Filomena Capucho IC EU

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L intercompr hension est un jeu d quipe et de collaboration Il faut savoir s adapter tre patient e et concentr e l autre QUI PARLE QUI ECOUTE Faire des phrases simples et utiliser des mots transparents Faire l effort de comprendre le sens et pas mot mot Bien articuler et faire des pauses Demander si pas compris Se pr occuper de voir si l interlocuteur a compris si non et bien reformuler Confirmer si compris Education et contextes d apprentisage Le jeu de l intercompr hension et ses r gles Concepts Intercompr hension Concepts Pour nous l intercompr hension c est aller chercher les points communs pour se comprendre chacun parlant sa propre langue et s approcher plut t que souligner les diff rences pour s loigner et se s parer Pour faire cela pendant les activit s r alis es dans le cadre de IC EU on a donn des r gles ceux qui parlent et ceux qui ecoutent Les voici linguistiche Roma Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici Capucho F Silva M P et Chenoll A sous presse Co constructing meaning in international meetings an approach to plurilingual interactions In M H Ara jo e S et S Melo Pfeifer eds Multilingual interaction dynamics and achievements International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Auchlin A 1990 Analyse du discours et bonheur conversationnel Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 11 Universit de Gen ve 311 328 Auchlin A 1991 Le bonheur conversationnel fondements enjeux et domaines Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 12 Universit de Gen ve 103 126 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English Katharina Salzmann Luisa Giannandrea eds Educazione plurilingue ricerca didattica e politiche 25 24 Auchlin A 1996 Bonheur conversationnel et qualit du discours pour une approche exp rientielle et syst mique de la comp tence discursive Langage et Pratiques Lausanne Bulletin de l ARLD 13 17 Croiser l Intercompr hension avec l ducation aux Droits Humains et l ducation l interculturel nous interpelle sur les diff rents cadres de travail que l on rencontre au quotidien en tant que formateurs et animateurs Beaucoup parmi nous se sont form s et outill s avec le Conseil de L Europe Donc on fait r f rence la distinction que le Conseil de l Europe fait concernant les diff rents contextes ducatifs d apprentissage quant au contenu l organisation temporelle et la nature des activit s ducation informelle L ducation informelle correspond au processus d apprentissage tout au long de la vie d une personne par lequel elle adopte des comportements et des valeurs et acquiert des capacit s et des connaissances en se basant sur les influences et ressources ducatives de son propre environnement et de la vie quotidienne On apprend partout dans sa famille et son voisinage au march la biblioth que en visitant des expositions d art au travail ou encore par le jeu la lecture et le sport Les m dias jouent un r le important dans l ducation informelle que ce soit par l interm diaire des pi ces de th tre et des films de la musique et des chansons des d bats t l vis s ou des documentaires Dans ce cas l apprentissage est souvent non planifi et non structur Ne pas h siter utiliser tout son corps pour communiquer source Capucho F sous presse Plurilingual interactions the role of interproduction strategies In 2 2 ducation et contextes d apprentissage ducation informelle formelle et non formelle ducation formelle L ducation formelle renvoie au syst me ducatif structur qui s tend du primaire et dans certains pays du pr scolaire l universit et qui englobe des programmes sp cialis s de formation technique et professionnelle L ducation formelle est souvent assortie d une valuation de l apprentissage et des comp tences acquises et repose sur un programme qui peut tre plus ou moins ouvert une adaptation aux besoins et aux pr f rences de chacun L ducation formelle aboutit en g n ral une reconnaissance des acquis et la d livrance d un dipl me ducation non formelle L ducation non formelle recouvre tous les programmes et processus planifi s et structur s d ducation individuelle et sociale destin s

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L intercompr hension est un jeu d quipe et de collaboration Il faut savoir s adapter tre patient e et concentr e l autre QUI PARLE QUI ECOUTE Faire des phrases simples et utiliser des mots transparents Faire l effort de comprendre le sens et pas mot mot Bien articuler et faire des pauses Demander si pas compris Se pr occuper de voir si l interlocuteur a compris si non et bien reformuler Confirmer si compris Education et contextes d apprentisage Le jeu de l intercompr hension et ses r gles Concepts Intercompr hension Concepts Pour nous l intercompr hension c est aller chercher les points communs pour se comprendre chacun parlant sa propre langue et s approcher plut t que souligner les diff rences pour s loigner et se s parer Pour faire cela pendant les activit s r alis es dans le cadre de IC EU on a donn des r gles ceux qui parlent et ceux qui ecoutent Les voici linguistiche Roma Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici Capucho F Silva M P et Chenoll A sous presse Co constructing meaning in international meetings an approach to plurilingual interactions In M H Ara jo e S et S Melo Pfeifer eds Multilingual interaction dynamics and achievements International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Auchlin A 1990 Analyse du discours et bonheur conversationnel Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 11 Universit de Gen ve 311 328 Auchlin A 1991 Le bonheur conversationnel fondements enjeux et domaines Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 12 Universit de Gen ve 103 126 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English Katharina Salzmann Luisa Giannandrea eds Educazione plurilingue ricerca didattica e politiche 25 24 Auchlin A 1996 Bonheur conversationnel et qualit du discours pour une approche exp rientielle et syst mique de la comp tence discursive Langage et Pratiques Lausanne Bulletin de l ARLD 13 17 Croiser l Intercompr hension avec l ducation aux Droits Humains et l ducation l interculturel nous interpelle sur les diff rents cadres de travail que l on rencontre au quotidien en tant que formateurs et animateurs Beaucoup parmi nous se sont form s et outill s avec le Conseil de L Europe Donc on fait r f rence la distinction que le Conseil de l Europe fait concernant les diff rents contextes ducatifs d apprentissage quant au contenu l organisation temporelle et la nature des activit s ducation informelle L ducation informelle correspond au processus d apprentissage tout au long de la vie d une personne par lequel elle adopte des comportements et des valeurs et acquiert des capacit s et des connaissances en se basant sur les influences et ressources ducatives de son propre environnement et de la vie quotidienne On apprend partout dans sa famille et son voisinage au march la biblioth que en visitant des expositions d art au travail ou encore par le jeu la lecture et le sport Les m dias jouent un r le important dans l ducation informelle que ce soit par l interm diaire des pi ces de th tre et des films de la musique et des chansons des d bats t l vis s ou des documentaires Dans ce cas l apprentissage est souvent non planifi et non structur Ne pas h siter utiliser tout son corps pour communiquer source Capucho F sous presse Plurilingual interactions the role of interproduction strategies In 2 2 ducation et contextes d apprentissage ducation informelle formelle et non formelle ducation formelle L ducation formelle renvoie au syst me ducatif structur qui s tend du primaire et dans certains pays du pr scolaire l universit et qui englobe des programmes sp cialis s de formation technique et professionnelle L ducation formelle est souvent assortie d une valuation de l apprentissage et des comp tences acquises et repose sur un programme qui peut tre plus ou moins ouvert une adaptation aux besoins et aux pr f rences de chacun L ducation formelle aboutit en g n ral une reconnaissance des acquis et la d livrance d un dipl me ducation non formelle L ducation non formelle recouvre tous les programmes et processus planifi s et structur s d ducation individuelle et sociale destin s

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Education interculturelle L ducation non formelle devrait galement tre volontaire accessible tous dans l id al un processus organis vis e ducative participative centr e sur l apprenant fond e sur un apprentissage aussi bien individuel qu en groupe dans le cadre d une approche collective globale et orient e vers les processus fond e sur l exp rience et l action viser l acquisition de capacit s pr parant la vie et une citoyennet active partir des besoins des participants 2 3 ducation interculturelle Concepts Education et contextes d apprentisage Concepts aux jeunes et visant am liorer un ensemble d aptitudes et de comp tences en dehors du cursus ducatif officiel L ducation non formelle est ce qui se produit dans des lieux tels que les organisations de jeunesse les clubs de sport les groupes de th tre et les associations au sein desquels les jeunes entreprennent des projets en commun jouent discutent font du camping de la musique ou du th tre Nous vivons dans des soci t s multiculturelles o diff rentes cultures et groupes nationaux ethniques et religieux vivent sur le m me territoire mais n ont pas forc ment de contact la diversit est souvent per ue n gativement et les minorit s peuvent tre tol r es de mani re passive mais jamais tre accept es L ducation interculturelle est un processus d ducation sociale qui nous permet de transformer nos soci t s multiculturelles en soci t s interculturelles dans lesquelles les diff rentes cultures et groupes nationaux ethniques et religieux entretiennent des relations ouvertes d interaction avec des changes et la reconnaissance mutuelles de leurs modes de vie et valeurs respectives French Italian Romanian English 27 French Italian Romanian English 26 volont mais avant tout un projet social une fa on d appr hender le monde la base de l ducation Interculturelle il y a une conception des rapports humains o l alt rit est une valeur qui n cessite un apprentissage Il est n cessaire d apprendre conna tre les autres et d apprendre se conna tre soi m me d entrer dans un dialogue avec les autres La validation des acquis de l ducation non formelle est g n ralement plus difficile m me si leur reconnaissance sociale va croissante source Rep res Manuel pour la pratique de l ducation aux droits de l homme avec les jeunes Conseil de l Europe 2012 l Interculturel n est pas une affaire de bonne L interculture est bien un processus et non un objectif en soi Les principes interculturels sont ax s sur l ouverture aux autres le respect actif des diff rences la compr hension mutuelle la tol rance active la reconnaissance des cultures pr sentes la promotion de l galit des chances la lutte contre la discrimination L ducation interculturelle place l autre au coeur des relations Elle encourage une remise en question permanente des pr jug s et de ce que nous consid rons comme admis ainsi qu une ouverture constante vis vis de l inconnu et de l incompris Dans un processus d interaction et de d couverte mutuelle tout tre humain peut se r aliser personnellement socialement et globalement

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Education interculturelle L ducation non formelle devrait galement tre volontaire accessible tous dans l id al un processus organis vis e ducative participative centr e sur l apprenant fond e sur un apprentissage aussi bien individuel qu en groupe dans le cadre d une approche collective globale et orient e vers les processus fond e sur l exp rience et l action viser l acquisition de capacit s pr parant la vie et une citoyennet active partir des besoins des participants 2 3 ducation interculturelle Concepts Education et contextes d apprentisage Concepts aux jeunes et visant am liorer un ensemble d aptitudes et de comp tences en dehors du cursus ducatif officiel L ducation non formelle est ce qui se produit dans des lieux tels que les organisations de jeunesse les clubs de sport les groupes de th tre et les associations au sein desquels les jeunes entreprennent des projets en commun jouent discutent font du camping de la musique ou du th tre Nous vivons dans des soci t s multiculturelles o diff rentes cultures et groupes nationaux ethniques et religieux vivent sur le m me territoire mais n ont pas forc ment de contact la diversit est souvent per ue n gativement et les minorit s peuvent tre tol r es de mani re passive mais jamais tre accept es L ducation interculturelle est un processus d ducation sociale qui nous permet de transformer nos soci t s multiculturelles en soci t s interculturelles dans lesquelles les diff rentes cultures et groupes nationaux ethniques et religieux entretiennent des relations ouvertes d interaction avec des changes et la reconnaissance mutuelles de leurs modes de vie et valeurs respectives French Italian Romanian English 27 French Italian Romanian English 26 volont mais avant tout un projet social une fa on d appr hender le monde la base de l ducation Interculturelle il y a une conception des rapports humains o l alt rit est une valeur qui n cessite un apprentissage Il est n cessaire d apprendre conna tre les autres et d apprendre se conna tre soi m me d entrer dans un dialogue avec les autres La validation des acquis de l ducation non formelle est g n ralement plus difficile m me si leur reconnaissance sociale va croissante source Rep res Manuel pour la pratique de l ducation aux droits de l homme avec les jeunes Conseil de l Europe 2012 l Interculturel n est pas une affaire de bonne L interculture est bien un processus et non un objectif en soi Les principes interculturels sont ax s sur l ouverture aux autres le respect actif des diff rences la compr hension mutuelle la tol rance active la reconnaissance des cultures pr sentes la promotion de l galit des chances la lutte contre la discrimination L ducation interculturelle place l autre au coeur des relations Elle encourage une remise en question permanente des pr jug s et de ce que nous consid rons comme admis ainsi qu une ouverture constante vis vis de l inconnu et de l incompris Dans un processus d interaction et de d couverte mutuelle tout tre humain peut se r aliser personnellement socialement et globalement

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Droits Humains Concepts Le grand apport m thodologique de l DUCATION INTERCULTURELLE est qu elle se base non seulement sur une sollicitation intellectuelle et cognitive mais aussi et surtout sur l exp rimentation de situations concr tes qui mettent en jeu le niveau affectif et motionnel pour aborder les probl mes d homophobie ou de discrimination l gard des Rom Tsiganes et Gens du voyage plut t que de se borner des conf rences il serait mieux de donner aux jeunes la possibilit de ressentir ce que signifient les pr jug s et la discrimination au quotidien Il ne s agit pas de diminuer l importance de l information de base car celle ci est n cessaire pour lutter contre des pr jug s et des st r otypes solidement ancr s Les D clinaisons Th matiques Education interculturelle Les phases de l ducation Interculturelle sont les suivantes 1 S imaginer de l ext rieur r fl chir sur soi m me et sa propre culture 2 Comprendre le monde dans lequel on vit interd pendant avec responsabilit s partag es 3 Se familiariser avec les autres r alit s cultures et modes de vie 4 Appr hender la diff rence de mani re positive 5 Encourager les attitudes les valeurs et les comportements positifs 3 1 L ducation aux droits humains La d finition de l ducation aux droits humains peut tre bien large mais dans le manuel Rep res note 9 nous trouvons celle qui nous correspond le mieux la meilleure d finition est celle qui fixe des objectifs principalement l instauration d une culture de compr hension de protection et de respect des droits de l homme par tous Toute personne oeuvrant avec d autres ayant cet objectif l esprit et agissant dans le sens de sa r alisation peut tre consid r e comme engag e dans le domaine de l ducation aux droits de l homme et ce quels qu en soient les chemins et les orientations sp cifiques L ducation aux droits humains met l apprenant avec ses besoins ses capacit s et ses souhaits au centre du processus ducatif tout en tenant compte de son contexte social Dans le travail non formel et informel des travailleurs de jeunesse surtout l international l ducation aux droits humains est une approche compl te pour faire face aux d fis de nos soci t s en terme de respect solidarit et responsabilit Il nous para t que l intercompr hension sert les objectifs de l ducation aux droits humains et aide au d veloppement de comp tences telles que French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English Une coute et une communication actives la capacit d couter diff rents points de vue et de d fendre ses droits et ceux des autres La capacit coop rer et aborder les situations conflictuelles de mani re positive La capacit participer des groupes 29 28 Selon le Kit P dagogique du Conseil de l Europe Le d veloppement et renforcement de ces comp tences est vis par l ducation aux droits humains En gale mesure tant l intercompr hension que l ducation aux droits humains permettent de travailler autour de valeurs telles que La curiosit l ouverture d esprit et une appr ciation positive de la diversit L empathie et la solidarit vis vis des autres le sens de la dignit humaine de sa propre valeur et de celle des autres ind pendamment des diff rences sociales culturelles linguistiques ou religieuses L ducation la citoyennet et l interculturel sont deux aspects de la plus g n rale ducation aux droits humains

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Droits Humains Concepts Le grand apport m thodologique de l DUCATION INTERCULTURELLE est qu elle se base non seulement sur une sollicitation intellectuelle et cognitive mais aussi et surtout sur l exp rimentation de situations concr tes qui mettent en jeu le niveau affectif et motionnel pour aborder les probl mes d homophobie ou de discrimination l gard des Rom Tsiganes et Gens du voyage plut t que de se borner des conf rences il serait mieux de donner aux jeunes la possibilit de ressentir ce que signifient les pr jug s et la discrimination au quotidien Il ne s agit pas de diminuer l importance de l information de base car celle ci est n cessaire pour lutter contre des pr jug s et des st r otypes solidement ancr s Les D clinaisons Th matiques Education interculturelle Les phases de l ducation Interculturelle sont les suivantes 1 S imaginer de l ext rieur r fl chir sur soi m me et sa propre culture 2 Comprendre le monde dans lequel on vit interd pendant avec responsabilit s partag es 3 Se familiariser avec les autres r alit s cultures et modes de vie 4 Appr hender la diff rence de mani re positive 5 Encourager les attitudes les valeurs et les comportements positifs 3 1 L ducation aux droits humains La d finition de l ducation aux droits humains peut tre bien large mais dans le manuel Rep res note 9 nous trouvons celle qui nous correspond le mieux la meilleure d finition est celle qui fixe des objectifs principalement l instauration d une culture de compr hension de protection et de respect des droits de l homme par tous Toute personne oeuvrant avec d autres ayant cet objectif l esprit et agissant dans le sens de sa r alisation peut tre consid r e comme engag e dans le domaine de l ducation aux droits de l homme et ce quels qu en soient les chemins et les orientations sp cifiques L ducation aux droits humains met l apprenant avec ses besoins ses capacit s et ses souhaits au centre du processus ducatif tout en tenant compte de son contexte social Dans le travail non formel et informel des travailleurs de jeunesse surtout l international l ducation aux droits humains est une approche compl te pour faire face aux d fis de nos soci t s en terme de respect solidarit et responsabilit Il nous para t que l intercompr hension sert les objectifs de l ducation aux droits humains et aide au d veloppement de comp tences telles que French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English Une coute et une communication actives la capacit d couter diff rents points de vue et de d fendre ses droits et ceux des autres La capacit coop rer et aborder les situations conflictuelles de mani re positive La capacit participer des groupes 29 28 Selon le Kit P dagogique du Conseil de l Europe Le d veloppement et renforcement de ces comp tences est vis par l ducation aux droits humains En gale mesure tant l intercompr hension que l ducation aux droits humains permettent de travailler autour de valeurs telles que La curiosit l ouverture d esprit et une appr ciation positive de la diversit L empathie et la solidarit vis vis des autres le sens de la dignit humaine de sa propre valeur et de celle des autres ind pendamment des diff rences sociales culturelles linguistiques ou religieuses L ducation la citoyennet et l interculturel sont deux aspects de la plus g n rale ducation aux droits humains

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L ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme se distinguent du point de vue de leur cible et de leur port e plut t que de leurs objectifs et de leurs pratiques Aux termes de la Charte du Conseil de l Europe sur l ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme l ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme sont troitement li es et se confortent mutuellement Elles diff rent davantage par le sujet et la port e que par les objectifs et les pratiques L ducation la citoyennet d mocratique met essentiellement l accent sur les droits et les responsabilit s d mocratiques et sur la participation active en relation avec les aspects civiques politiques sociaux conomiques juridiques et culturels de la soci t alors que l ducation aux droits de l homme s int resse l ventail plus large des droits de l homme et des libert s fondamentales dans tous les domaines de la vie Education Interculturelle Les D clinaisons Th matiques Citoyennete Les D clinaisons Th matiques 3 2 L ducation la citoyennet la citoyennet d mocratique la citoyennet mondiale French Italian Romanian English 31 French Italian Romanian English 30 L ducation la citoyennet cherche d velopper les valeurs attitudes connaissances et capacit s qui leur permettront de faire face aux d fis d un monde de plus en plus interconnect de les comprendre et de les r soudre cultivant ainsi un esprit de responsabilit globale de citoyens du monde De l ducation interculturelle et de son importance strat gique dans l ducation de citoyennes responsables et solidaires on en a d j parl dans le chapitre pr c dent Ici nous voulons juste souligner l importance d aborder les questions li es l incompr hension interculturelle typiques de notre poque dans une approche orient e sur les droits humains L incompr hension interculturelle est souvent source de discrimination raciale d intol rance de d nigrement et de violence l chelon local et mondial Ces ph nom nes qui se manifestent dans toutes les soci t s sont la triste illustration des probl mes pouvant na tre de l incapacit des gens c toyer et respecter d autres cultures Les raisons des conflits ne sont jamais simples mais les in galit s de partage des ressources et d acc s aux droits politiques et sociaux figurent en r gle g n rale parmi les causes profondes de l intol rance et de la discrimination Il est donc tout fait logique que les praticiens de l ducation interculturelle adoptent une approche orient e sur les droits de l homme L ducation la citoyennet aborde des questions relatives la politique et au gouvernement au syst me juridique aux m dias au multiculturalisme et l galit des chances Le manuel du Conseil de l Europe Rep res propose tout un ventail d activit s pertinentes La D claration de Maastricht sur l ducation la citoyennet mondiale 2002 pr sente l ducation la citoyennet mondiale comme une ducation qui ouvre les yeux et veille l esprit des citoyens aux r alit s du monde globalis et les incite oeuvrer pour un monde de justice d galit et de droits de l homme pour tous Elle recouvre l ducation au d veloppement l ducation aux droits de l homme l ducation pour un d veloppement durable l ducation la paix et la pr vention des conflits et l ducation interculturelle 3 3 L ducation interculturelle

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L ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme se distinguent du point de vue de leur cible et de leur port e plut t que de leurs objectifs et de leurs pratiques Aux termes de la Charte du Conseil de l Europe sur l ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme l ducation la citoyennet d mocratique et l ducation aux droits de l homme sont troitement li es et se confortent mutuellement Elles diff rent davantage par le sujet et la port e que par les objectifs et les pratiques L ducation la citoyennet d mocratique met essentiellement l accent sur les droits et les responsabilit s d mocratiques et sur la participation active en relation avec les aspects civiques politiques sociaux conomiques juridiques et culturels de la soci t alors que l ducation aux droits de l homme s int resse l ventail plus large des droits de l homme et des libert s fondamentales dans tous les domaines de la vie Education Interculturelle Les D clinaisons Th matiques Citoyennete Les D clinaisons Th matiques 3 2 L ducation la citoyennet la citoyennet d mocratique la citoyennet mondiale French Italian Romanian English 31 French Italian Romanian English 30 L ducation la citoyennet cherche d velopper les valeurs attitudes connaissances et capacit s qui leur permettront de faire face aux d fis d un monde de plus en plus interconnect de les comprendre et de les r soudre cultivant ainsi un esprit de responsabilit globale de citoyens du monde De l ducation interculturelle et de son importance strat gique dans l ducation de citoyennes responsables et solidaires on en a d j parl dans le chapitre pr c dent Ici nous voulons juste souligner l importance d aborder les questions li es l incompr hension interculturelle typiques de notre poque dans une approche orient e sur les droits humains L incompr hension interculturelle est souvent source de discrimination raciale d intol rance de d nigrement et de violence l chelon local et mondial Ces ph nom nes qui se manifestent dans toutes les soci t s sont la triste illustration des probl mes pouvant na tre de l incapacit des gens c toyer et respecter d autres cultures Les raisons des conflits ne sont jamais simples mais les in galit s de partage des ressources et d acc s aux droits politiques et sociaux figurent en r gle g n rale parmi les causes profondes de l intol rance et de la discrimination Il est donc tout fait logique que les praticiens de l ducation interculturelle adoptent une approche orient e sur les droits de l homme L ducation la citoyennet aborde des questions relatives la politique et au gouvernement au syst me juridique aux m dias au multiculturalisme et l galit des chances Le manuel du Conseil de l Europe Rep res propose tout un ventail d activit s pertinentes La D claration de Maastricht sur l ducation la citoyennet mondiale 2002 pr sente l ducation la citoyennet mondiale comme une ducation qui ouvre les yeux et veille l esprit des citoyens aux r alit s du monde globalis et les incite oeuvrer pour un monde de justice d galit et de droits de l homme pour tous Elle recouvre l ducation au d veloppement l ducation aux droits de l homme l ducation pour un d veloppement durable l ducation la paix et la pr vention des conflits et l ducation interculturelle 3 3 L ducation interculturelle

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Participation La cr ation d un environnement qui soutient et encourage la prise de responsabilit que ce soit dans les processus de communication chacun dans sa propre langue ou dans les apprentissages propos s est la base des m thodes actives favorisant la participation des jeunes Tant dans l intercompr hension que dans l ducation interculturelle tous les sujets doivent s engager et s impliquer de mani re dynamique dans le processus on ne peut pas rester inactifs Dans l intercompr hension des efforts sont demand s tant aux gens qui parlent qu aux gens qui coutent Dans un cas comme dans l autre la posture est active Exactement comme dans les activit s pens es pour l ducation l interculturel dans des contextes nonformels Apprentissage coop ratif Apprendre respecter les autres et travailler ensemble est l un des buts de l ducation aux droits de l homme Dans le processus d apprentissage coop ratif on apprend en travaillant avec les autres pour obtenir des r sultats qui soient b n fiques la fois pour soi m me et pour l ensemble du groupe Cette forme d apprentissage permet d obtenir de meilleurs r sultats et assure une productivit accrue des relations plus sinc res plus r ciproques et plus engag es Ceci que l on retrouve dans le Approches M thodologiques Communes Les D clinaisons Th matiques L appel des m thodes actives de participation ainsi que l apprentissage coop ratif et exp rientiel Dans les deux approches on privil gie la mise en action des sujets French Italian Romanian English L exp rimentation de l intercompr hension dans des contextes non formels comme des changes de jeunes europ ens nous a permis de v rifier qu existent des communs dans l approche m thodologique de l intercompr hension et de l ducation interculturelle 33 Approches M thodologiques Communes Les D clinaisons Th matiques French Italian Romanian English 32 3 4 Des approches m thodologiques communes en intercompr hension et en ducation aux droits humains et l interculturel manuel Rep res d ducation aux droits humains peut s appliquer tel quel l Intercompr hension notament dans un jeu d quipe et de collaboration un jeu dont nous nous sommes pr occup e s de fixer les r gles voir chapitre 2 sur l intercompr hension Apprentissage exp rientiel apprentissage par l exp rience M me si nous sommes conscient e s que l exp rience en soi ne suffit pas l apprentissage il faut bien s r la r flexion un apport de connaissances th oriques une grande place est laiss e l apprentissage par l exp rience dans l ducation interculturelle et aux droits humains L apprentissage exp rientiel ou apprentissage par la d couverte est le pilier de l ducation aux droits de l homme car les aptitudes et valeurs fondamentales relatives aux droits de l homme telles que la communication la r flexion critique la d fense d une cause la tol rance et le respect ne peuvent v ritablement tre enseign es elles doivent tre acquises par l exp rience et mises en application sur le terrain L exp rience et la mise en application sur le terrain nous ont sembl aussi centrales dans l intercompr hension en contexte non formel apr s avoir tabli des r gles de base pour jouer l intercompr hension tous nos apprentissages sont pass s par l exp rience de la communication entre deux personnes ne parlant pas la m me langue Chacun a exp riment la frustration de ne pas comprendre au d but de demander de l aide et de collaborer la r ception en renvoyant des messages de confirmation est pass par la recherche de mots simples et transparents a essay des strat gies de communication corporelle non verbale a d reformuler en cas d chec Par l exp rience les personnes ont pu apprendre le jeu de l intercompr hension Mais comme le dit bien Rep res l exp rience seule ne suffit pas non plus Pour en retirer quelque chose il faut r fl chir ce qui s est pass en tirer des conclusions et mettre en pratique ce que l on a appris sans ce renforcement tout l acquis se perdra

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Participation La cr ation d un environnement qui soutient et encourage la prise de responsabilit que ce soit dans les processus de communication chacun dans sa propre langue ou dans les apprentissages propos s est la base des m thodes actives favorisant la participation des jeunes Tant dans l intercompr hension que dans l ducation interculturelle tous les sujets doivent s engager et s impliquer de mani re dynamique dans le processus on ne peut pas rester inactifs Dans l intercompr hension des efforts sont demand s tant aux gens qui parlent qu aux gens qui coutent Dans un cas comme dans l autre la posture est active Exactement comme dans les activit s pens es pour l ducation l interculturel dans des contextes nonformels Apprentissage coop ratif Apprendre respecter les autres et travailler ensemble est l un des buts de l ducation aux droits de l homme Dans le processus d apprentissage coop ratif on apprend en travaillant avec les autres pour obtenir des r sultats qui soient b n fiques la fois pour soi m me et pour l ensemble du groupe Cette forme d apprentissage permet d obtenir de meilleurs r sultats et assure une productivit accrue des relations plus sinc res plus r ciproques et plus engag es Ceci que l on retrouve dans le Approches M thodologiques Communes Les D clinaisons Th matiques L appel des m thodes actives de participation ainsi que l apprentissage coop ratif et exp rientiel Dans les deux approches on privil gie la mise en action des sujets French Italian Romanian English L exp rimentation de l intercompr hension dans des contextes non formels comme des changes de jeunes europ ens nous a permis de v rifier qu existent des communs dans l approche m thodologique de l intercompr hension et de l ducation interculturelle 33 Approches M thodologiques Communes Les D clinaisons Th matiques French Italian Romanian English 32 3 4 Des approches m thodologiques communes en intercompr hension et en ducation aux droits humains et l interculturel manuel Rep res d ducation aux droits humains peut s appliquer tel quel l Intercompr hension notament dans un jeu d quipe et de collaboration un jeu dont nous nous sommes pr occup e s de fixer les r gles voir chapitre 2 sur l intercompr hension Apprentissage exp rientiel apprentissage par l exp rience M me si nous sommes conscient e s que l exp rience en soi ne suffit pas l apprentissage il faut bien s r la r flexion un apport de connaissances th oriques une grande place est laiss e l apprentissage par l exp rience dans l ducation interculturelle et aux droits humains L apprentissage exp rientiel ou apprentissage par la d couverte est le pilier de l ducation aux droits de l homme car les aptitudes et valeurs fondamentales relatives aux droits de l homme telles que la communication la r flexion critique la d fense d une cause la tol rance et le respect ne peuvent v ritablement tre enseign es elles doivent tre acquises par l exp rience et mises en application sur le terrain L exp rience et la mise en application sur le terrain nous ont sembl aussi centrales dans l intercompr hension en contexte non formel apr s avoir tabli des r gles de base pour jouer l intercompr hension tous nos apprentissages sont pass s par l exp rience de la communication entre deux personnes ne parlant pas la m me langue Chacun a exp riment la frustration de ne pas comprendre au d but de demander de l aide et de collaborer la r ception en renvoyant des messages de confirmation est pass par la recherche de mots simples et transparents a essay des strat gies de communication corporelle non verbale a d reformuler en cas d chec Par l exp rience les personnes ont pu apprendre le jeu de l intercompr hension Mais comme le dit bien Rep res l exp rience seule ne suffit pas non plus Pour en retirer quelque chose il faut r fl chir ce qui s est pass en tirer des conclusions et mettre en pratique ce que l on a appris sans ce renforcement tout l acquis se perdra

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Les comp tences Les comp tences auxquelles nous nous r f rons sont les Comp tences cl s d finies par le Youthpass qui vise faciliter la reconnaissance de comp tences travaill s ou d velopp es pendant des activit s d ducation non formelle comme c est le cas pour nous Des comp tences cl s du Youthpass voici celles qui peuvent tre renforc es par la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques 4 Quelles comp tences sont d velopp es dans la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle Communication dans la langue maternelle facult d exprimer et de comprendre des id es des sentiments et des faits d avoir des interactions linguistiques appropri es dans la vie sociale et culturelle Comp tence sociale et civique comp tences personnelles interpersonnelles et interculturelles attitudes permettant un individu de participer la vie sociale professionnelle citoyenne Esprit d initiative et d entreprise capacit passer des id es aux actes capacit s cr er innover prendre des risques https www youthpass eu en French Italian Romanian English Apprendre apprendre capacit organiser et tre responsable de ses propres apprentissages g rer les obstacles valuer les r sultats de ses apprentissages 35 34 French Italian Romanian English Communication dans une ou plusieurs langues trang res attitudes positives face aux diff rences culturelles et une curiosit envers les langues et la communication interculturelle mais aussi une capacit de communication renforc e entre les membres de diff rentes cultures une plus grande flexibilit dans le contexte de diversit culturelle qui caract rise la soci t cette comp tence nous rajoutons aussi la capacit de r solution des probl mes De fa on transversale la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle permet de renforcer des attitudes telles que l ouverture d esprit en Intercompr hension nous sommes oblig s d avoir conscience de la diversit qui nous entoure pour l approcher la prendre en consid ration et donc pour communiquer de fa on tre compris tre ouvert d esprit c est accueillir la diversit culturelle et la diversit des opinions et s adapter en cons quence l adaptation au changement interagir avec d autres en situation de multilinguisme implique savoir changer ses fa ons habituelles de faire pour pouvoir ajuster sa fa on de communiquer la personne parlant une autre langue et renouveler cet ajustement en cas d chec le sens des relations interpersonnelles ceci est strictement li la comp tence sociale et civique du Youthpass tre l coute des autres se mettre la place des autres pour comprendre ce qu ils ressentent choisir le mode de communication le plus appropri son interlocuteur Plus en g n ral nous avons constat que ce qui sort consolid e en pratiquant l intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle est la confiance en soi dans la tentative de d passer ses limites on s entra ne prendre sa place et d velopper sa capacit d agir Sans nommer le renforcement de comp tences comme l coute l empathie et le respect des autres L importance de r fl chir La r flexion est un l ment crucial dans tout apprentissage C est travers la r flexion que l on peut revenir sur ses exp riences les comprendre et en tirer parti en les assimilant dans de nouvelles id es de nouvelles mani res de penser de nouvelles attitudes Il est donc important de prendre r guli rement le temps de faire le point de regarder en arri re et de dig rer ses exp riences La comp tence est acquise quand on a r fl chi ce qui s est pass on prend conscience de ses capacit s le fait par exemple de pouvoir communiquer dans sa propre langue avec des personnes qui parlent d autres langues et on les r utilise dans d autres contextes D le r le central des accompagnateurs les travailleurs de jeunesse dans les changes interculturels dans le cadre du programme Erasmus par exemple Les animateurs doivent faciliter la reconnaissance de ses ressources le fait que m me sans parler

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Les comp tences Les comp tences auxquelles nous nous r f rons sont les Comp tences cl s d finies par le Youthpass qui vise faciliter la reconnaissance de comp tences travaill s ou d velopp es pendant des activit s d ducation non formelle comme c est le cas pour nous Des comp tences cl s du Youthpass voici celles qui peuvent tre renforc es par la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques 4 Quelles comp tences sont d velopp es dans la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle Communication dans la langue maternelle facult d exprimer et de comprendre des id es des sentiments et des faits d avoir des interactions linguistiques appropri es dans la vie sociale et culturelle Comp tence sociale et civique comp tences personnelles interpersonnelles et interculturelles attitudes permettant un individu de participer la vie sociale professionnelle citoyenne Esprit d initiative et d entreprise capacit passer des id es aux actes capacit s cr er innover prendre des risques https www youthpass eu en French Italian Romanian English Apprendre apprendre capacit organiser et tre responsable de ses propres apprentissages g rer les obstacles valuer les r sultats de ses apprentissages 35 34 French Italian Romanian English Communication dans une ou plusieurs langues trang res attitudes positives face aux diff rences culturelles et une curiosit envers les langues et la communication interculturelle mais aussi une capacit de communication renforc e entre les membres de diff rentes cultures une plus grande flexibilit dans le contexte de diversit culturelle qui caract rise la soci t cette comp tence nous rajoutons aussi la capacit de r solution des probl mes De fa on transversale la pratique de l Intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle permet de renforcer des attitudes telles que l ouverture d esprit en Intercompr hension nous sommes oblig s d avoir conscience de la diversit qui nous entoure pour l approcher la prendre en consid ration et donc pour communiquer de fa on tre compris tre ouvert d esprit c est accueillir la diversit culturelle et la diversit des opinions et s adapter en cons quence l adaptation au changement interagir avec d autres en situation de multilinguisme implique savoir changer ses fa ons habituelles de faire pour pouvoir ajuster sa fa on de communiquer la personne parlant une autre langue et renouveler cet ajustement en cas d chec le sens des relations interpersonnelles ceci est strictement li la comp tence sociale et civique du Youthpass tre l coute des autres se mettre la place des autres pour comprendre ce qu ils ressentent choisir le mode de communication le plus appropri son interlocuteur Plus en g n ral nous avons constat que ce qui sort consolid e en pratiquant l intercompr hension dans des contextes d ducation interculturelle est la confiance en soi dans la tentative de d passer ses limites on s entra ne prendre sa place et d velopper sa capacit d agir Sans nommer le renforcement de comp tences comme l coute l empathie et le respect des autres L importance de r fl chir La r flexion est un l ment crucial dans tout apprentissage C est travers la r flexion que l on peut revenir sur ses exp riences les comprendre et en tirer parti en les assimilant dans de nouvelles id es de nouvelles mani res de penser de nouvelles attitudes Il est donc important de prendre r guli rement le temps de faire le point de regarder en arri re et de dig rer ses exp riences La comp tence est acquise quand on a r fl chi ce qui s est pass on prend conscience de ses capacit s le fait par exemple de pouvoir communiquer dans sa propre langue avec des personnes qui parlent d autres langues et on les r utilise dans d autres contextes D le r le central des accompagnateurs les travailleurs de jeunesse dans les changes interculturels dans le cadre du programme Erasmus par exemple Les animateurs doivent faciliter la reconnaissance de ses ressources le fait que m me sans parler

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Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques la langue de l autre on a pu parler sa propre langue et se faire comprendre et comprendre l autre Pour obtenir cela avant l Echange de jeunes dans chaque groupe national les accompagnateurs avaient pos aux participants des questions pour la pr paration au d part Je dis Intercompr hension tu penses quoi Est ce que tu as d j t en Roumanie Italie France Comment as tu communiqu Quelles langues parles tu Tu es un e citoyen ne urop en ne qu est ce que cela veut dire pour toi la fin lors de l valuation de l change pour faciliter la r flexion sur ce qu il s est pass ont t pos es les questions suivantes Qu est ce qui s est pass Comment as tu communiqu As tu r ussi comprendre et te faire comprendre Dans quelle langue Qu est ce que t en retires Donc selon la m thodologie Youthpass nous nous sommes servis d une auto valuation nourrie par le feedback des accompagnateurs ainsi que des pairs 37 36 French Italian Romanian English Si on devait synth tiser le processus de r flexion sur les comp tences d velopp es on pourrait utiliser les verbes suivants reformuler mettre en mots prendre conscience regarder les choses de plus loin les analyser les reconna tre

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Les Comp tences D velopp es Les D clinaisons Th matiques la langue de l autre on a pu parler sa propre langue et se faire comprendre et comprendre l autre Pour obtenir cela avant l Echange de jeunes dans chaque groupe national les accompagnateurs avaient pos aux participants des questions pour la pr paration au d part Je dis Intercompr hension tu penses quoi Est ce que tu as d j t en Roumanie Italie France Comment as tu communiqu Quelles langues parles tu Tu es un e citoyen ne urop en ne qu est ce que cela veut dire pour toi la fin lors de l valuation de l change pour faciliter la r flexion sur ce qu il s est pass ont t pos es les questions suivantes Qu est ce qui s est pass Comment as tu communiqu As tu r ussi comprendre et te faire comprendre Dans quelle langue Qu est ce que t en retires Donc selon la m thodologie Youthpass nous nous sommes servis d une auto valuation nourrie par le feedback des accompagnateurs ainsi que des pairs 37 36 French Italian Romanian English Si on devait synth tiser le processus de r flexion sur les comp tences d velopp es on pourrait utiliser les verbes suivants reformuler mettre en mots prendre conscience regarder les choses de plus loin les analyser les reconna tre

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Methodology 39 38 2

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Methodology 39 38 2

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v GBaHPND2QJg Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 11 cammelli Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit facile facile per iniziare o concludere la giornata in modo caloroso Collection of activities Xixi Coco Collection of activities 1 Xixi Coco Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Evaluation N participants range 3 100 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 41 French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 100 40 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un piccolo racconto che apre tante riflessioni Ideale per concludere una sessione di lavoro e lasciare materiale su cui pensare Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 5 min Implementation description Musica Maestro Sei il direttore d orchestra dividi i partecipanti in 2 gruppi davanti a te il gruppo di sinistra suoner la nota xi e il gruppo di destra suoner la nota co Ripassa un momento per tutti la melodia dell Inno d Europa e riproducilo facendo suonare in modo alternato i due gruppi strumenti Per aumentare il divertimento cresci e cala la velocit della melodia e il passaggio da un gruppo all altro buona musica 2 11 cammelli Implementation description Un narratore racconta la storia poi a piccoli gruppi un po di tempo per confrontarsi La storia degli 11 cammelli Un cammelliere che sta per morire decide di fare testamento Ha 3 figli e scrive nel testamento che al primo gli lascia 1 2 dei suoi averi al secondo gli lascia 1 4 e al terzo gli lascia 1 6 Avr avuto le sue ragioni per fare questo E muore I figli aprono il testamento e leggono questa ripartizione e vedono

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v GBaHPND2QJg Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 11 cammelli Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit facile facile per iniziare o concludere la giornata in modo caloroso Collection of activities Xixi Coco Collection of activities 1 Xixi Coco Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Evaluation N participants range 3 100 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 41 French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 100 40 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un piccolo racconto che apre tante riflessioni Ideale per concludere una sessione di lavoro e lasciare materiale su cui pensare Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 5 min Implementation description Musica Maestro Sei il direttore d orchestra dividi i partecipanti in 2 gruppi davanti a te il gruppo di sinistra suoner la nota xi e il gruppo di destra suoner la nota co Ripassa un momento per tutti la melodia dell Inno d Europa e riproducilo facendo suonare in modo alternato i due gruppi strumenti Per aumentare il divertimento cresci e cala la velocit della melodia e il passaggio da un gruppo all altro buona musica 2 11 cammelli Implementation description Un narratore racconta la storia poi a piccoli gruppi un po di tempo per confrontarsi La storia degli 11 cammelli Un cammelliere che sta per morire decide di fare testamento Ha 3 figli e scrive nel testamento che al primo gli lascia 1 2 dei suoi averi al secondo gli lascia 1 4 e al terzo gli lascia 1 6 Avr avuto le sue ragioni per fare questo E muore I figli aprono il testamento e leggono questa ripartizione e vedono

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11 cammelli Collection of activities 11 cammelli Collection of activities che l asse ereditario consisteva in 11 cammelli Tutto quello che il padre era riuscito ad accumulare sull arco della vita Quindi 12 2 6 2 4 3 12 6 2 totale 11 A quel punto il cammelliere riprende il suo cammello e prosegue French Italian Romanian English x 43 42 French Italian Romanian English 11 cammelli E iniziano a litigare Perch 11 non divisibile per 2 Farebbe 5 e 1 2 allora il primo dice Datemene 6 E gli altri lo contestano Come 6 Hai avuto la fortuna di avere pi di noi accontentati di 5 Niente da fare come succede nelle migliori famiglie litigi Dalle parole si passa alle mani dalle mani al pugnale e questi si sarebbero scannati SE di l non fosse passato un mercante di cammelli che non conosceva i 3 e andava in una certa direzione Avendo visto il trambusto il cammelliere si fa raccontare l accaduto E a quel punto il cammelliere fa il gesto e cio dona senza essere quindi obbligato il suo cammello Allora l asse ereditario diventa 11 1 12 cammelli Dunque qual il messaggio anzi i due messaggi della storia 1 Chi pratica il dono non si impoverisce mai Il cammelliere ha fatto il dono gratuito E non ci ha perso anzi ci ha guadagnato la riconoscenza dei 3 fratelli I quali avendo visto che in quel gesto si sono risparmiati la vita gli avranno manifestato la loro riconoscenza 2 ancora pi interessante Le regole della giustizia il testamento ha valore di legge da sole non bastano a garantire la pace I 3 fratelli si sarebbero scannati Nella storia umana quante guerre sono state combattute in nome della giustizia Tantissime Quindi attenzione quando parlate della giustizia ci vuole ma non basta Ma quando la giustizia si sposa con il dono con il principio del dono il risultato ottenuto Vedete nella situazione finale le regole della giustizia sono state garantite perch ognuno ha avuto quanto era scritto nel testamento Per si evitato il conflitto tra fratelli Ecco il punto in questione noi abbiamo bisogno di declinare il concetto di giustizia benevolente Non basta la giustizia dobbiamo puntare alla giustizia benevolente Cio la giustizia che vuole il bene Perch se la giustizia non finalizzata al bene cosa diventa Giustizialismo che molto pericoloso tagliare la testa Come i giacobini fecero dopo la Rivoluzione Francese La vera sfida che non basta dire giusto giusto Perch voi potete avere una societ giusta dove la gente si ammazza oppure dove la gente viene ammazzata come sappiamo dalla storia Noi dobbiamo mirare alla giustizia benevolente cio alla giustizia che procede di pari passo con il principio del bene Quando queste cose marciano assieme allora si ha sia il benessere si ha la pace

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11 cammelli Collection of activities 11 cammelli Collection of activities che l asse ereditario consisteva in 11 cammelli Tutto quello che il padre era riuscito ad accumulare sull arco della vita Quindi 12 2 6 2 4 3 12 6 2 totale 11 A quel punto il cammelliere riprende il suo cammello e prosegue French Italian Romanian English x 43 42 French Italian Romanian English 11 cammelli E iniziano a litigare Perch 11 non divisibile per 2 Farebbe 5 e 1 2 allora il primo dice Datemene 6 E gli altri lo contestano Come 6 Hai avuto la fortuna di avere pi di noi accontentati di 5 Niente da fare come succede nelle migliori famiglie litigi Dalle parole si passa alle mani dalle mani al pugnale e questi si sarebbero scannati SE di l non fosse passato un mercante di cammelli che non conosceva i 3 e andava in una certa direzione Avendo visto il trambusto il cammelliere si fa raccontare l accaduto E a quel punto il cammelliere fa il gesto e cio dona senza essere quindi obbligato il suo cammello Allora l asse ereditario diventa 11 1 12 cammelli Dunque qual il messaggio anzi i due messaggi della storia 1 Chi pratica il dono non si impoverisce mai Il cammelliere ha fatto il dono gratuito E non ci ha perso anzi ci ha guadagnato la riconoscenza dei 3 fratelli I quali avendo visto che in quel gesto si sono risparmiati la vita gli avranno manifestato la loro riconoscenza 2 ancora pi interessante Le regole della giustizia il testamento ha valore di legge da sole non bastano a garantire la pace I 3 fratelli si sarebbero scannati Nella storia umana quante guerre sono state combattute in nome della giustizia Tantissime Quindi attenzione quando parlate della giustizia ci vuole ma non basta Ma quando la giustizia si sposa con il dono con il principio del dono il risultato ottenuto Vedete nella situazione finale le regole della giustizia sono state garantite perch ognuno ha avuto quanto era scritto nel testamento Per si evitato il conflitto tra fratelli Ecco il punto in questione noi abbiamo bisogno di declinare il concetto di giustizia benevolente Non basta la giustizia dobbiamo puntare alla giustizia benevolente Cio la giustizia che vuole il bene Perch se la giustizia non finalizzata al bene cosa diventa Giustizialismo che molto pericoloso tagliare la testa Come i giacobini fecero dopo la Rivoluzione Francese La vera sfida che non basta dire giusto giusto Perch voi potete avere una societ giusta dove la gente si ammazza oppure dove la gente viene ammazzata come sappiamo dalla storia Noi dobbiamo mirare alla giustizia benevolente cio alla giustizia che procede di pari passo con il principio del bene Quando queste cose marciano assieme allora si ha sia il benessere si ha la pace

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una video animazione che in breve d un idea rispetto alla distinzione tra apprendimento formale non formale e informale E illustra i principi dell 8 Competenze Chiave della UE Da inviare ai partecipanti come introduzione iniziale o riassunto finale Collection of activities Video K Comp Collection of activities 3 Video K Comp Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min N participants range 1 100 French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Guarda il video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY e fissa le differenze tra stili di apprendimento cercando di richiamare alla mente alcuni tuoi esempi personali Puoi prosegui e fai lo stesso per le 8 Competenze Chiave 45 44 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 4 Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit simpatica per scoprire i retroscena culturali della lingua italiana attraverso le frasi idiomatiche pi comuni Una delle sessioni centrali di una ipotetica giornata formativa Inspirational picture video

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una video animazione che in breve d un idea rispetto alla distinzione tra apprendimento formale non formale e informale E illustra i principi dell 8 Competenze Chiave della UE Da inviare ai partecipanti come introduzione iniziale o riassunto finale Collection of activities Video K Comp Collection of activities 3 Video K Comp Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min N participants range 1 100 French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Guarda il video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY e fissa le differenze tra stili di apprendimento cercando di richiamare alla mente alcuni tuoi esempi personali Puoi prosegui e fai lo stesso per le 8 Competenze Chiave 45 44 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 4 Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit simpatica per scoprire i retroscena culturali della lingua italiana attraverso le frasi idiomatiche pi comuni Una delle sessioni centrali di una ipotetica giornata formativa Inspirational picture video

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Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Il facilitatore chiede a ogni sottogruppo di mimare una frase idiomatica alla volta ed eventualmente scrive i corrispondenti individuati nelle altre lingue Feedback e commenti in plenaria French Italian Romanian English IT FR RO EN Avere un chiodo fisso in testa A i se pune pata To be fixated on something Un coniglio Un froussard Un troillard Iepure fricos A coward Capitare a fagiolo Tomber pic A pica la anc To happen just at the right time Andare a letto con le galline Se coucher avec les poules A se culca cu g inile To go to bed early Come il gatto e la volpe Ca oarecele i pisica A couple of very good maybe a bit naughty friends Avere la lingua lunga Avoir la langue bien pendue A avea gura mare To talk a lot and often without thinking Avere la luna storta tre mal lun A se trezi cu fa a la cear af To be in a bad mood Duration 60 min Implementation description Dividi il gruppo plurilingue in 4 5 sottogruppi misti per nazionalit e cultura distribuisci le carte con le frasi idiomatiche italiane Ogni gruppo lavora al proprio interno seguendo i vari step cercare di spiegare il significato della frase idiomatica cercare se esiste il corrispondente nella propria lingua selezionare 3 frasi idiomatiche da mimare in plenaria 46 Tabella per il facilitatore In bocca al lupo Bonne chance Baft Good luck Cadere dalle nuvole Tomber des nues A fi picat din nori To be completely surprised Filare liscio come l olio Comme dans du beurre Merge ca uns To go smoothly Non vedo l ora J ai h te Abia a tept I can t wait Prendere la palla al balzo Saisir la balle au bond A o prinde din zbor To seize the opportunity Buono come un pezzo di pane Bun de pus la ran A good person a really nice guy Non sapere che pesci prendere Ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser S nu tii pe unde s sco i c ma a To not know which way to turn Prendere due piccioni con una fava Faire d une pierre dux coups A impusca doi iepuri odata To kill two birds with one stone Avere il pollice verde Avoir la main verte To be a good gardener Essere come il prezzemolo Pousser comme du chiendent R sari ca ciupercile dup ploaie To turn up everywhere Perdere il treno Rater louper manquer le coche A pierde trenul To miss your chance or opportunity Cercare il pelo nell uovo Chercher le poil dans l oeuf A c uta nod n papur To be a perfectionist to be picky Furbo come una volpe Rus comme un renard Viclean ca vulpea Someone very clever Sly as a fox 47 Italian Idioms Collection of activities Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Il facilitatore chiede a ogni sottogruppo di mimare una frase idiomatica alla volta ed eventualmente scrive i corrispondenti individuati nelle altre lingue Feedback e commenti in plenaria French Italian Romanian English IT FR RO EN Avere un chiodo fisso in testa A i se pune pata To be fixated on something Un coniglio Un froussard Un troillard Iepure fricos A coward Capitare a fagiolo Tomber pic A pica la anc To happen just at the right time Andare a letto con le galline Se coucher avec les poules A se culca cu g inile To go to bed early Come il gatto e la volpe Ca oarecele i pisica A couple of very good maybe a bit naughty friends Avere la lingua lunga Avoir la langue bien pendue A avea gura mare To talk a lot and often without thinking Avere la luna storta tre mal lun A se trezi cu fa a la cear af To be in a bad mood Duration 60 min Implementation description Dividi il gruppo plurilingue in 4 5 sottogruppi misti per nazionalit e cultura distribuisci le carte con le frasi idiomatiche italiane Ogni gruppo lavora al proprio interno seguendo i vari step cercare di spiegare il significato della frase idiomatica cercare se esiste il corrispondente nella propria lingua selezionare 3 frasi idiomatiche da mimare in plenaria 46 Tabella per il facilitatore In bocca al lupo Bonne chance Baft Good luck Cadere dalle nuvole Tomber des nues A fi picat din nori To be completely surprised Filare liscio come l olio Comme dans du beurre Merge ca uns To go smoothly Non vedo l ora J ai h te Abia a tept I can t wait Prendere la palla al balzo Saisir la balle au bond A o prinde din zbor To seize the opportunity Buono come un pezzo di pane Bun de pus la ran A good person a really nice guy Non sapere che pesci prendere Ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser S nu tii pe unde s sco i c ma a To not know which way to turn Prendere due piccioni con una fava Faire d une pierre dux coups A impusca doi iepuri odata To kill two birds with one stone Avere il pollice verde Avoir la main verte To be a good gardener Essere come il prezzemolo Pousser comme du chiendent R sari ca ciupercile dup ploaie To turn up everywhere Perdere il treno Rater louper manquer le coche A pierde trenul To miss your chance or opportunity Cercare il pelo nell uovo Chercher le poil dans l oeuf A c uta nod n papur To be a perfectionist to be picky Furbo come una volpe Rus comme un renard Viclean ca vulpea Someone very clever Sly as a fox 47 Italian Idioms Collection of activities Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Parole O_Stili un progetto sociale di sensibilizzazione contro la violenza nelle parole Questa attivit pu essere utilizzata per iniziare un dibattito o all interno di un percorso di approfondimento Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v QATKI1I 79Y Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Walleyball Collection of activities Parole O Stili Collection of activities 5 Parole O Stili Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 6 12 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling N participants range 10 80 49 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video https vimeo com 23334504 Duration 60 min Duration 60 min 48 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Quanto pu essere difficile giocare una partita di pallavolo senza vedere l avversario Quanto possono essere labili i confini se li immaginiamo come una rete di gioco Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description Dopo una breve introduzione per fornire il contesto del progetto e i principali contenuti vai al sito ufficiale e seleziona il Manifesto nelle lingue che preferisci http paroleostili com traduzioni Forma dei gruppi misti plurilingui da 3 8 partecipanti e consegna a ogni gruppo il Manifesto in una delle lingue che hai selezionato Dai poi a ogni gruppo 30 min per preparare 3 scenette mimo che spieghino il significato e il senso di 3 punti del Manifesto le 3 scenette devono essere sketch di max 1 minuto se riesci fai la video registrazione degli sketch Alla fine ritaglia un momento di commento alle scenette in plenaria con un feedback da tutti i partecipanti 6 Walleyball Implementation description Si creano due squadre di minimo 3 giocatori per parte massimo 6 Se possibile avere a disposizione una palestra si copre la rete da pallavolo con delle lenzuola fino a terra in maniera de rendere invisibile la squadra avversaria Si inizia a giocare Nel caso in cui non ci sia una palestra a disposizione si pu optare per uno spazio aperto e la rete della partita pu essere un lenzuolo costruendo con del gesso il campo di gioco importante che i due avversari non si vedano Riferimenti Dal 1979 i residenti di Naco in Messico e quelli di Naco in Arizona disputano una partita di pallavolo sul recinto spinato che divide i due stati Allo stesso modo a Gorizia venne disputata una partita di pallavolo tra Goriziani e Yugoslavi Riflessioni L attivit pu aprire a due discussioni differenti la prima sulla difficolt di giocare quindi interagire con qualcuno che non vedi metaforicamente non conosci La seconda sulla inconsistenza dei confini se li immaginiamo come una linea una rete uno spazio di gioco

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Parole O_Stili un progetto sociale di sensibilizzazione contro la violenza nelle parole Questa attivit pu essere utilizzata per iniziare un dibattito o all interno di un percorso di approfondimento Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v QATKI1I 79Y Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Walleyball Collection of activities Parole O Stili Collection of activities 5 Parole O Stili Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 6 12 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling N participants range 10 80 49 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video https vimeo com 23334504 Duration 60 min Duration 60 min 48 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Quanto pu essere difficile giocare una partita di pallavolo senza vedere l avversario Quanto possono essere labili i confini se li immaginiamo come una rete di gioco Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description Dopo una breve introduzione per fornire il contesto del progetto e i principali contenuti vai al sito ufficiale e seleziona il Manifesto nelle lingue che preferisci http paroleostili com traduzioni Forma dei gruppi misti plurilingui da 3 8 partecipanti e consegna a ogni gruppo il Manifesto in una delle lingue che hai selezionato Dai poi a ogni gruppo 30 min per preparare 3 scenette mimo che spieghino il significato e il senso di 3 punti del Manifesto le 3 scenette devono essere sketch di max 1 minuto se riesci fai la video registrazione degli sketch Alla fine ritaglia un momento di commento alle scenette in plenaria con un feedback da tutti i partecipanti 6 Walleyball Implementation description Si creano due squadre di minimo 3 giocatori per parte massimo 6 Se possibile avere a disposizione una palestra si copre la rete da pallavolo con delle lenzuola fino a terra in maniera de rendere invisibile la squadra avversaria Si inizia a giocare Nel caso in cui non ci sia una palestra a disposizione si pu optare per uno spazio aperto e la rete della partita pu essere un lenzuolo costruendo con del gesso il campo di gioco importante che i due avversari non si vedano Riferimenti Dal 1979 i residenti di Naco in Messico e quelli di Naco in Arizona disputano una partita di pallavolo sul recinto spinato che divide i due stati Allo stesso modo a Gorizia venne disputata una partita di pallavolo tra Goriziani e Yugoslavi Riflessioni L attivit pu aprire a due discussioni differenti la prima sulla difficolt di giocare quindi interagire con qualcuno che non vedi metaforicamente non conosci La seconda sulla inconsistenza dei confini se li immaginiamo come una linea una rete uno spazio di gioco

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v jD8tjhVO1Tc Intersezioni Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Relazione scambio conoscenza aspetti in comune che non avresti mai pensato di avere Collection of activities Intersezioni Collection of activities 7 Intersezioni Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 2 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Crea con del nastro adesivo a terra una linea di confine Da una parte indica con un colore il gruppo di sinistra e fai lo stesso cambiando colore per il gruppo di destra Chiedi ai partecipanti di diversi in due gruppi liberamente French Italian Romanian English Duration 10 30 min 51 50 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Non importa che siano due gruppi omogenei Inizia a elencare una serie di coppie di preferenze a seconda del gruppo che ti trovi di fronte e chiedi ai partecipanti di spostarsi da una parte all altra del confine Alcuni esempi dolce o salato bianco o nero coca cola o aranciata mare o montagna carne o pesce gatto o cane fantasia o realt Europa o Italia Nel caso in cui ci siano persone con lingue diverse possibile fare il medesimo gioco attraverso delle immagini preparate precedentemente Riflessioni Ognuno di noi possiede delle preferenze ma voglia o no alcune di queste le condividiamo con altri Ci ci permette di capire che non apparteniamo solo a dei gruppi predefiniti razza religione stato di appartenenza ma che siamo esseri liquidi in grado di creare intersezioni diverse Altri esempi dividendo lo spazio in un lato YES e un lato NO preferisco il mare alla montagna preferisco il dolce al salato abito nella stessa nazione in cui sono nato i miei genitori sono nati nella mia stessa citt il mio colore preferito il BLU la scorsa settimana ho litigato coi miei mi ricordo cosa ho sognato stanotte so cosa voglio fare da grande mi piace ballare parlo il dialetto amo i film di Bud Spencer e Terence Hill ho fatto una cosa che non avrei voluto fare ho viaggiato fuori dall Europa sono innamorato a

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v jD8tjhVO1Tc Intersezioni Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Relazione scambio conoscenza aspetti in comune che non avresti mai pensato di avere Collection of activities Intersezioni Collection of activities 7 Intersezioni Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 2 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Crea con del nastro adesivo a terra una linea di confine Da una parte indica con un colore il gruppo di sinistra e fai lo stesso cambiando colore per il gruppo di destra Chiedi ai partecipanti di diversi in due gruppi liberamente French Italian Romanian English Duration 10 30 min 51 50 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Non importa che siano due gruppi omogenei Inizia a elencare una serie di coppie di preferenze a seconda del gruppo che ti trovi di fronte e chiedi ai partecipanti di spostarsi da una parte all altra del confine Alcuni esempi dolce o salato bianco o nero coca cola o aranciata mare o montagna carne o pesce gatto o cane fantasia o realt Europa o Italia Nel caso in cui ci siano persone con lingue diverse possibile fare il medesimo gioco attraverso delle immagini preparate precedentemente Riflessioni Ognuno di noi possiede delle preferenze ma voglia o no alcune di queste le condividiamo con altri Ci ci permette di capire che non apparteniamo solo a dei gruppi predefiniti razza religione stato di appartenenza ma che siamo esseri liquidi in grado di creare intersezioni diverse Altri esempi dividendo lo spazio in un lato YES e un lato NO preferisco il mare alla montagna preferisco il dolce al salato abito nella stessa nazione in cui sono nato i miei genitori sono nati nella mia stessa citt il mio colore preferito il BLU la scorsa settimana ho litigato coi miei mi ricordo cosa ho sognato stanotte so cosa voglio fare da grande mi piace ballare parlo il dialetto amo i film di Bud Spencer e Terence Hill ho fatto una cosa che non avrei voluto fare ho viaggiato fuori dall Europa sono innamorato a

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Una Fable Especial Collection of activities Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool C era una volta una favola speciale fatta di parole e segni provenienti da paesi diversi che possono celare sorprese inattese Collection of activities Una Fable Especial 8 Una Fable Especial Una volta fatto questo il foglio viene passato al proprio vicino facendo attenzione che non provengano dalla stessa zona paese citt stato e viene chiesto di immaginare quale potrebbe essere la sua rappresentazione Non importante la resa grafica quanto pi quello che quella parola evoca nella nostra immaginazione Per aiutare i partecipanti a seconda dell et ad esempio possibile utilizzare delle riviste e la tecnica del collage Una volta che ognuno dei partecipanti avr concluso la sua illustrazione allora il gioco si trasformer in creazione di storia confrontandosi sul reale significato o meno delle parole e sulla loro rappresentazione A seconda del numero di partecipanti possibile modificare il gioco dividendoli per esempio in gruppi un gruppo che si occupa dei personaggi uno dei luoghi uno delle azioni e cos via possibile distinguere i gruppi con dei fogli colorati Il gioco pu avere diverse varianti si pu partire dal tema della favola ma a seconda delle esigenze si pu calare il gioco in qualsiasi contesto diversit integrazione scuola musica e cos via Riferimenti I riferimenti sono Gianni Rodari con la sua Grammatica della fantasia e nello specifico i limerick e le composizioni surrealiste Riflessioni L attivit pu concludersi poi con una riflessione ad esempio sui disegni che hanno realmente ricalcato il significato della parola o meno o di quelle che in qualche modo si sono avvicinate Questo gioco funziona molto bene in gruppi molto eterogenei culturalmente lingue dialetti provenienze diverse Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 4 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Ad ogni partecipante viene chiesto di scrivere una parola nella propria lingua o dialetto pensando ad una favola della propria tradizione o della propria infanzia French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 120 min 53 52 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Plurilingual Interaction

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Una Fable Especial Collection of activities Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool C era una volta una favola speciale fatta di parole e segni provenienti da paesi diversi che possono celare sorprese inattese Collection of activities Una Fable Especial 8 Una Fable Especial Una volta fatto questo il foglio viene passato al proprio vicino facendo attenzione che non provengano dalla stessa zona paese citt stato e viene chiesto di immaginare quale potrebbe essere la sua rappresentazione Non importante la resa grafica quanto pi quello che quella parola evoca nella nostra immaginazione Per aiutare i partecipanti a seconda dell et ad esempio possibile utilizzare delle riviste e la tecnica del collage Una volta che ognuno dei partecipanti avr concluso la sua illustrazione allora il gioco si trasformer in creazione di storia confrontandosi sul reale significato o meno delle parole e sulla loro rappresentazione A seconda del numero di partecipanti possibile modificare il gioco dividendoli per esempio in gruppi un gruppo che si occupa dei personaggi uno dei luoghi uno delle azioni e cos via possibile distinguere i gruppi con dei fogli colorati Il gioco pu avere diverse varianti si pu partire dal tema della favola ma a seconda delle esigenze si pu calare il gioco in qualsiasi contesto diversit integrazione scuola musica e cos via Riferimenti I riferimenti sono Gianni Rodari con la sua Grammatica della fantasia e nello specifico i limerick e le composizioni surrealiste Riflessioni L attivit pu concludersi poi con una riflessione ad esempio sui disegni che hanno realmente ricalcato il significato della parola o meno o di quelle che in qualche modo si sono avvicinate Questo gioco funziona molto bene in gruppi molto eterogenei culturalmente lingue dialetti provenienze diverse Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 4 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Ad ogni partecipante viene chiesto di scrivere una parola nella propria lingua o dialetto pensando ad una favola della propria tradizione o della propria infanzia French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 120 min 53 52 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Plurilingual Interaction

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Lasciarsi guidare dall idea che gli altri hanno di noi Un gioco che svela i limiti dello stereotipo Inspirational picture video Stereotipia Collection of activities Stereotipia Collection of activities 9 Stereotipia Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description A seconda del gruppo sia per quello che concerne l et bambini adolescenti adulti sia per quello che riguarda la provenienza multietnico o meno e dell obiettivo che si vuole raggiungere integrazione stereotipi diversit etc crea dei cartoncini che abbiano ognuno scritto una categorie di persone immigrato cinese insegnante inglese marocchino French Italian Romanian English N participants range 5 20 55 54 French Italian Romanian English Duration 30 min italiano Scegli un volontario posizionalo al centro della stanza e su un cappellino o con una fascetta poni il cartoncino sulla testa del soggetto facendo attenzione che non legga Il soggetto in questione porr al gruppo delle domande su chi potrebbe essere cosa mangio come mi vesto come fatta la mia casa Il gruppo risponde Il gioco si conclude quando il soggetto capir che cosa c scritto sulla sua testa Riflessioni Questa attivit gioca sul concetto di stereotipo Soprattutto se sui cartoncini si scrivono categorie di persone che spesso vengono inserite in categorie generalizzate ci si render conto di quanto le risposte del gruppo rientrino all interno di un meccanismo come quello proprio dello stereotipo Inoltre giocando con gruppi di etnie differenti o di nazionalit diverse ma anche semplicemente di et differenti si vede come lo stereotipo cambia

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Lasciarsi guidare dall idea che gli altri hanno di noi Un gioco che svela i limiti dello stereotipo Inspirational picture video Stereotipia Collection of activities Stereotipia Collection of activities 9 Stereotipia Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description A seconda del gruppo sia per quello che concerne l et bambini adolescenti adulti sia per quello che riguarda la provenienza multietnico o meno e dell obiettivo che si vuole raggiungere integrazione stereotipi diversit etc crea dei cartoncini che abbiano ognuno scritto una categorie di persone immigrato cinese insegnante inglese marocchino French Italian Romanian English N participants range 5 20 55 54 French Italian Romanian English Duration 30 min italiano Scegli un volontario posizionalo al centro della stanza e su un cappellino o con una fascetta poni il cartoncino sulla testa del soggetto facendo attenzione che non legga Il soggetto in questione porr al gruppo delle domande su chi potrebbe essere cosa mangio come mi vesto come fatta la mia casa Il gruppo risponde Il gioco si conclude quando il soggetto capir che cosa c scritto sulla sua testa Riflessioni Questa attivit gioca sul concetto di stereotipo Soprattutto se sui cartoncini si scrivono categorie di persone che spesso vengono inserite in categorie generalizzate ci si render conto di quanto le risposte del gruppo rientrino all interno di un meccanismo come quello proprio dello stereotipo Inoltre giocando con gruppi di etnie differenti o di nazionalit diverse ma anche semplicemente di et differenti si vede come lo stereotipo cambia

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v SWLl5ejQY5c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Direttamente dagli anni 80 italiana una hit di Claudio Cecchetto Un motivetto ripetitivo utile per dinamizzare l ambiente Collection of activities Gioca Jouer Collection of activities 10 Gioca Jouer 11 Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storiella cantata una giullarata medioevale dal grande menestrello italiano Angelo Branduardi buona per familiarizzare coi nomi degli animali e con uno schema modulare di azioni che si ripete Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min Duration 30 min N participants range 5 50 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 56 57 Implementation description Dopo una breve introduzione si proietta il videoclip da seguire sia cantando sia con i movimenti Si pu ripetere 2 o 3 volte per permettere al gruppo di familiarizzare con la canzone Implementation description Si distribuisce il testo della canzone a piccoli team misti composti da 5 6 partecipanti Ogni team ha 10 min per preparare una rappresentazione su cartellone della storia o di quanto comprensibile della storia Poi il facilitatore far una narrazione mimata tutti in cerchio cos da chiarire il significato dei vari passaggi Infine tutti in cerchio si ascolter la canzone ripetendo i gesti appena appresi durante la narrazione Attachment Testo della canzone

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v SWLl5ejQY5c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Direttamente dagli anni 80 italiana una hit di Claudio Cecchetto Un motivetto ripetitivo utile per dinamizzare l ambiente Collection of activities Gioca Jouer Collection of activities 10 Gioca Jouer 11 Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storiella cantata una giullarata medioevale dal grande menestrello italiano Angelo Branduardi buona per familiarizzare coi nomi degli animali e con uno schema modulare di azioni che si ripete Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min Duration 30 min N participants range 5 50 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 56 57 Implementation description Dopo una breve introduzione si proietta il videoclip da seguire sia cantando sia con i movimenti Si pu ripetere 2 o 3 volte per permettere al gruppo di familiarizzare con la canzone Implementation description Si distribuisce il testo della canzone a piccoli team misti composti da 5 6 partecipanti Ogni team ha 10 min per preparare una rappresentazione su cartellone della storia o di quanto comprensibile della storia Poi il facilitatore far una narrazione mimata tutti in cerchio cos da chiarire il significato dei vari passaggi Infine tutti in cerchio si ascolter la canzone ripetendo i gesti appena appresi durante la narrazione Attachment Testo della canzone

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Fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E venne l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi Collection of activities Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi French Italian Romanian English di Angelo Branduardi 1976 59 Fiera dell Est Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 58 Alla fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E l Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E infine il Signore sull Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr

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Fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E venne l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi Collection of activities Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi French Italian Romanian English di Angelo Branduardi 1976 59 Fiera dell Est Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 58 Alla fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E l Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E infine il Signore sull Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una breve storia per iniziare un ragionamento sulle minoranze e il rapporto alle posizioni di potere Perch Quando Chi Come E noi Inspirational picture video Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities 12 Ganouche Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Il facilitatore legge la storia di Ganouche Poi in plenaria si comincia con una fase di brainstorming su quanto la storia suscita tutti seduti in cerchio ognuno d 3 parole che esprimano 3 sentimenti rispetto alla storia appena ascoltata Il facilitatore annota e divide le parole in positive neutre negative e restituisce un feedback al gruppo French Italian Romanian English N participants range 10 50 61 60 French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 min Poi in team di 4 6 persone ogni gruppo riceve una copia della storia ed avr 15 20 minuti per crearne una nuova su questo modello le storie potranno poi essere appese nella stanza Ogni gruppo legge e spiega la propria storia Il facilitatore conclude con un momento di contestualizzazione e feedback su quanto emerso Attachment Testo della storiella Ganouche Moi je m appelle Ganouche et je vis entour par des murs Je ne sais plus si c est moi qui ai construit les murs pour que les autres ne puissent pas nous envahir et entrer Ou si c est les autres qui ont construit les murs pour nous emp cher de sortir Ganouche un peu gadjio un peu manouche Esempi e test Attivit testata in Italia con due gruppi di cittadini migranti per un percorso di inclusione apr 2018 percorso Act in Time www actintime eu Amy Io sono Amy ho una scarpa Non mi ricordo pi se mio padre o mia madre che l ha comprato

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una breve storia per iniziare un ragionamento sulle minoranze e il rapporto alle posizioni di potere Perch Quando Chi Come E noi Inspirational picture video Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities 12 Ganouche Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Il facilitatore legge la storia di Ganouche Poi in plenaria si comincia con una fase di brainstorming su quanto la storia suscita tutti seduti in cerchio ognuno d 3 parole che esprimano 3 sentimenti rispetto alla storia appena ascoltata Il facilitatore annota e divide le parole in positive neutre negative e restituisce un feedback al gruppo French Italian Romanian English N participants range 10 50 61 60 French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 min Poi in team di 4 6 persone ogni gruppo riceve una copia della storia ed avr 15 20 minuti per crearne una nuova su questo modello le storie potranno poi essere appese nella stanza Ogni gruppo legge e spiega la propria storia Il facilitatore conclude con un momento di contestualizzazione e feedback su quanto emerso Attachment Testo della storiella Ganouche Moi je m appelle Ganouche et je vis entour par des murs Je ne sais plus si c est moi qui ai construit les murs pour que les autres ne puissent pas nous envahir et entrer Ou si c est les autres qui ont construit les murs pour nous emp cher de sortir Ganouche un peu gadjio un peu manouche Esempi e test Attivit testata in Italia con due gruppi di cittadini migranti per un percorso di inclusione apr 2018 percorso Act in Time www actintime eu Amy Io sono Amy ho una scarpa Non mi ricordo pi se mio padre o mia madre che l ha comprato

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Ganouche Boby Io mi chiamo Boby Io ho una domanda che non mi ricordo Io sono andato al deserto e ho visto che ci sono dei leoni che mi circolano ma allo stesso momento ho visto che sono tutti ammazzati Non lo so se la colpa mia o se ci sono alcuni che sono venuti a ucciderli Mamadou Io sono Mamadou Ho iniziato un corso di formazione in IFOA Come mi trover alla fine di questo corso io non lo so se lavorer Un lavoro oppure no Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities Drissa Mi chiamo Drissa Un anno fa mi sono alzato presto e ho visto tanti militari dietro della nostra casa Ma io non so se i soldati sono venuti di controllo della nostra casa o per battere tutti persone e paura per chiedere cosa loro fanno dietro della nostra casa Yacoub Je suis Yacoub je suis amoureux d une fille mais elle est italienne Moi je suis africain ses parents comment se posent notre relation Je dois faire quoi Paulo My name is Paulo and I have a parrot which I built a cage for Every morning before I go to work I always give him food in his cage every day But on wednesday evening when I returned back from work I did not find him in the cage but I remembered locking the cage after I gave him food Robby Mi chiamo Robby sono un pilota Abbiamo avuto un grande incidente nel mezzo della foresta dell Amazzonia Non mi ricordo cosa succedeva perch mi sono addormentato Mi sono alzato e mi sono ritrovato qua da solo con un grande ambiente verde non riesco a tornare Gift This story is about a girl named Gift She lives in Nigeria she lives very gently She hardly talks she dresses very decent Her family think she is a very nice Christian but the truth is she is just pretending because she has lot of boyfriends which her family doesn t know of They think she is a virgin but she is not she lies and pretend French Italian Romanian English Loso Ciao mi chiamo Loso Ho una domanda Quale domanda Ho perso mio telefono di mia mamma ma ho paura di andare a fare la denuncia con lei Abigail Ero una ragazza molto socievole e mi relazionavo molto facilmente con la gente ero molto estroversa Mi fidavo facilmente della gente ma poi ad un certo punto non so che cosa mi successo e sono diventata molto chiusa con me stessa e molto diffidente Faccio molta fatica a relazionarmi con gli altri adesso 63 62 French Italian Romanian English Mohamed Io sono un ragazzo che abita Guastalla Reggio Emilia Italia Ho 20 anni mi piace vivere una casa come questa Dopo tanti lavoro allora dove pi buona Reggio Emilia e Guastalla che meglio per abitare Io sono studente Saidou Je m appelle Saidou j ai deux fr res et une soeur Je suis au cours de l informatique IFOA Reggio Emilia dans la vie je suis m canicien et j ai un dipl me de dix ans Glory I am Glory What are you doing I am working On the road I lose my way Zakaria Mi chiamo Zakaria vivo in Italia da due anni Ma non mi ricordo se vero dove sono passato per arrivare qui in Italia Joy Sono Joy e sono nigeriana Vivere in italiano con i miei figli sono felice Sono gentile Puiroucoo Io sono Puiroucoo la mia storia grande Sono una persona per salvare il villaggio con problemi dell acqua

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Ganouche Boby Io mi chiamo Boby Io ho una domanda che non mi ricordo Io sono andato al deserto e ho visto che ci sono dei leoni che mi circolano ma allo stesso momento ho visto che sono tutti ammazzati Non lo so se la colpa mia o se ci sono alcuni che sono venuti a ucciderli Mamadou Io sono Mamadou Ho iniziato un corso di formazione in IFOA Come mi trover alla fine di questo corso io non lo so se lavorer Un lavoro oppure no Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities Drissa Mi chiamo Drissa Un anno fa mi sono alzato presto e ho visto tanti militari dietro della nostra casa Ma io non so se i soldati sono venuti di controllo della nostra casa o per battere tutti persone e paura per chiedere cosa loro fanno dietro della nostra casa Yacoub Je suis Yacoub je suis amoureux d une fille mais elle est italienne Moi je suis africain ses parents comment se posent notre relation Je dois faire quoi Paulo My name is Paulo and I have a parrot which I built a cage for Every morning before I go to work I always give him food in his cage every day But on wednesday evening when I returned back from work I did not find him in the cage but I remembered locking the cage after I gave him food Robby Mi chiamo Robby sono un pilota Abbiamo avuto un grande incidente nel mezzo della foresta dell Amazzonia Non mi ricordo cosa succedeva perch mi sono addormentato Mi sono alzato e mi sono ritrovato qua da solo con un grande ambiente verde non riesco a tornare Gift This story is about a girl named Gift She lives in Nigeria she lives very gently She hardly talks she dresses very decent Her family think she is a very nice Christian but the truth is she is just pretending because she has lot of boyfriends which her family doesn t know of They think she is a virgin but she is not she lies and pretend French Italian Romanian English Loso Ciao mi chiamo Loso Ho una domanda Quale domanda Ho perso mio telefono di mia mamma ma ho paura di andare a fare la denuncia con lei Abigail Ero una ragazza molto socievole e mi relazionavo molto facilmente con la gente ero molto estroversa Mi fidavo facilmente della gente ma poi ad un certo punto non so che cosa mi successo e sono diventata molto chiusa con me stessa e molto diffidente Faccio molta fatica a relazionarmi con gli altri adesso 63 62 French Italian Romanian English Mohamed Io sono un ragazzo che abita Guastalla Reggio Emilia Italia Ho 20 anni mi piace vivere una casa come questa Dopo tanti lavoro allora dove pi buona Reggio Emilia e Guastalla che meglio per abitare Io sono studente Saidou Je m appelle Saidou j ai deux fr res et une soeur Je suis au cours de l informatique IFOA Reggio Emilia dans la vie je suis m canicien et j ai un dipl me de dix ans Glory I am Glory What are you doing I am working On the road I lose my way Zakaria Mi chiamo Zakaria vivo in Italia da due anni Ma non mi ricordo se vero dove sono passato per arrivare qui in Italia Joy Sono Joy e sono nigeriana Vivere in italiano con i miei figli sono felice Sono gentile Puiroucoo Io sono Puiroucoo la mia storia grande Sono una persona per salvare il villaggio con problemi dell acqua

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Telefono senza fili Lamin Io mi chiamo Lamin vengo da una parte in Sud America I woke up in the early morning thinking in my house when I was in a place where I never knew I saw people surrounding me and I was confused because I don t know where I am because I ve never been there before So I am thinking how to get out of where I am because I am feeling lonely and confused Collection of activities 15Ganouche Collection of activities Adama Mi chiamo Adama vivo in Italia Stamattina mi sono svegliata circondata da un muro Non ricordo pi se l ho fatto io per proteggermi che nessuno pu entrare o se l hanno fatto altre persone per mettermi in prigione che non posso uscire 13 Telefono senza fili Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Il gioco di una volta il telefono senza fili per analizzare come si trasforma la comunicazione e come evolve il messaggio nel passaggio da una persona all altra Quali elementi rimangono quali vengono persi e quali invece aggiunti La responsabilit di ciascuno sul significato finale Inspirational picture video Suir Mi chiamo Suir una donna sposata con un tunisino Lui pi vecchio di me di dieci anni con mentalit diversa A questo punto mi chiedo perch ho fatto questa scelta Sar il mio sbaglio oppure mi ha costretto la mia famiglia per un motivo o per un altro Non trovo pi una spiegazione convincente Sono molto confusa veramente French Italian Romanian English Montagne Je suis deux montagnes qui ne se touchent jamais mais qui jamais se s parent Qui suis je 65 64 French Italian Romanian English Bandia Mi chiamo Bandia vengo dal Senegal Ho passato momenti che non sapevo cosa c in questo mondo La mia memoria che non dimenticher mai una notte che il mio migliore amico stato messo in prigione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 5

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Telefono senza fili Lamin Io mi chiamo Lamin vengo da una parte in Sud America I woke up in the early morning thinking in my house when I was in a place where I never knew I saw people surrounding me and I was confused because I don t know where I am because I ve never been there before So I am thinking how to get out of where I am because I am feeling lonely and confused Collection of activities 15Ganouche Collection of activities Adama Mi chiamo Adama vivo in Italia Stamattina mi sono svegliata circondata da un muro Non ricordo pi se l ho fatto io per proteggermi che nessuno pu entrare o se l hanno fatto altre persone per mettermi in prigione che non posso uscire 13 Telefono senza fili Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Il gioco di una volta il telefono senza fili per analizzare come si trasforma la comunicazione e come evolve il messaggio nel passaggio da una persona all altra Quali elementi rimangono quali vengono persi e quali invece aggiunti La responsabilit di ciascuno sul significato finale Inspirational picture video Suir Mi chiamo Suir una donna sposata con un tunisino Lui pi vecchio di me di dieci anni con mentalit diversa A questo punto mi chiedo perch ho fatto questa scelta Sar il mio sbaglio oppure mi ha costretto la mia famiglia per un motivo o per un altro Non trovo pi una spiegazione convincente Sono molto confusa veramente French Italian Romanian English Montagne Je suis deux montagnes qui ne se touchent jamais mais qui jamais se s parent Qui suis je 65 64 French Italian Romanian English Bandia Mi chiamo Bandia vengo dal Senegal Ho passato momenti che non sapevo cosa c in questo mondo La mia memoria che non dimenticher mai una notte che il mio migliore amico stato messo in prigione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 5

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1 Ufficio Postale parole semplici da trasferire rapidamente per familiarizzare con l esercizio 2 Stamattina sono arrivato in ritardo perch non trovavo parcheggio frase pi lunga con diverse unit di significato e dettagli 3 La cultura gastronomica italiana molto forte infatti si mangia bene frase pi complessa da trasmettere con una variante ogni partecipante pu deve tradurre la frase nella lingua che preferisce senza ripeterla obbligatoriamente in italiano Segui la mano Collection of activities Telefono senza fili Collection of activities Implementation description Tutti i partecipanti si dispongono in cerchio al primo verr affidata una parola frase che sar poi trasferita di orecchio in orecchio sino all ultimo partecipante L ultimo partecipante scriver sulla lavagna quanto ha sentito poi si confronter il messaggio finale col messaggio iniziale analizzando qual stato il percorso di evoluzione variazione del messaggio 14 Segui la mano Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit non verbale fisica di movimento propedeutica all intercomprensione Utile per introdurre il tema dell attenzione reciproca e della combinazione libert responsabilit nella comunicazione Warm up comunicativo o eventualmente esercizio finale per concludere una formazione Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 66 67 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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1 Ufficio Postale parole semplici da trasferire rapidamente per familiarizzare con l esercizio 2 Stamattina sono arrivato in ritardo perch non trovavo parcheggio frase pi lunga con diverse unit di significato e dettagli 3 La cultura gastronomica italiana molto forte infatti si mangia bene frase pi complessa da trasmettere con una variante ogni partecipante pu deve tradurre la frase nella lingua che preferisce senza ripeterla obbligatoriamente in italiano Segui la mano Collection of activities Telefono senza fili Collection of activities Implementation description Tutti i partecipanti si dispongono in cerchio al primo verr affidata una parola frase che sar poi trasferita di orecchio in orecchio sino all ultimo partecipante L ultimo partecipante scriver sulla lavagna quanto ha sentito poi si confronter il messaggio finale col messaggio iniziale analizzando qual stato il percorso di evoluzione variazione del messaggio 14 Segui la mano Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit non verbale fisica di movimento propedeutica all intercomprensione Utile per introdurre il tema dell attenzione reciproca e della combinazione libert responsabilit nella comunicazione Warm up comunicativo o eventualmente esercizio finale per concludere una formazione Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 66 67 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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Il facilitatore spiega l esercizio con istruzioni minime si formano delle coppie l esercizio deve essere fatto in silenzio comunicando soltanto con lo sguardo ognuno alza una mano e la mette a una distanza di 4 dita dal suo compagno dovr essere mantenuta questa distanza per tutta la durata dell esercizio 3 2 1 via Comincia il partecipante A a condurre il movimento e B deve seguire mantenendo sempre la stessa distanza tra le loro mani A si pu muovere come vuole camminare alzarsi abbassarsi saltare qualsiasi movimento Quando A vorr rallenter il movimento fino a fermarsi per passare il comando a B Allora sar B a condurre e A seguir Dopo 3 4 cambi di conduzione l esercizio si conclude Council Collection of activities Segui la mano Collection of activities Implementation description 15 Council Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Dalla tradizione dei Nativi Americani e di molte altre culture riprendiamo il circolo di consultazione a volte anche istituzionalizzato come pratica prima di una decisione importante riguardo al gruppo e alla comunit Esercizio adatto come conclusione di percorso sessione di valutazione tra persone che si sono gi conosciute e condividono un percorso anche breve Inspirational picture video Joan Halifax TED https www youtube com watch v dQijrruP9c4 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 68 69 Il facilitatore guida l analisi e la raccolta dei feedback Cosa stato pi difficile Condurre o seguire Perch Come avete fatto per passarvi il comando da una persona all altra Perch non vi siete mai scontrati contro altre persone mobili muro Quando A che conduce arriva a un movimento che B non in grado di replicare cosa succede Differenza tra il primo scambio e l ultimo scambio Relazione io l altro noi le altre coppie il gruppo nel suo insieme Quali caratteristiche Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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Il facilitatore spiega l esercizio con istruzioni minime si formano delle coppie l esercizio deve essere fatto in silenzio comunicando soltanto con lo sguardo ognuno alza una mano e la mette a una distanza di 4 dita dal suo compagno dovr essere mantenuta questa distanza per tutta la durata dell esercizio 3 2 1 via Comincia il partecipante A a condurre il movimento e B deve seguire mantenendo sempre la stessa distanza tra le loro mani A si pu muovere come vuole camminare alzarsi abbassarsi saltare qualsiasi movimento Quando A vorr rallenter il movimento fino a fermarsi per passare il comando a B Allora sar B a condurre e A seguir Dopo 3 4 cambi di conduzione l esercizio si conclude Council Collection of activities Segui la mano Collection of activities Implementation description 15 Council Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Dalla tradizione dei Nativi Americani e di molte altre culture riprendiamo il circolo di consultazione a volte anche istituzionalizzato come pratica prima di una decisione importante riguardo al gruppo e alla comunit Esercizio adatto come conclusione di percorso sessione di valutazione tra persone che si sono gi conosciute e condividono un percorso anche breve Inspirational picture video Joan Halifax TED https www youtube com watch v dQijrruP9c4 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 68 69 Il facilitatore guida l analisi e la raccolta dei feedback Cosa stato pi difficile Condurre o seguire Perch Come avete fatto per passarvi il comando da una persona all altra Perch non vi siete mai scontrati contro altre persone mobili muro Quando A che conduce arriva a un movimento che B non in grado di replicare cosa succede Differenza tra il primo scambio e l ultimo scambio Relazione io l altro noi le altre coppie il gruppo nel suo insieme Quali caratteristiche Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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Appuntamenti Collection of activities Council Collection of activities Implementation description Si prepara una struttura circolare in cui tutti i partecipanti prendono posto a sedere per terra con sedie cuscini ecc allo stesso livello dove tutti possono vedersi e non c nessuno in posizione di leadership Al centro del cerchio viene posta una piccola fiammella fuoco candela ecc per ricordare l eredit di tutti i fuochi dell umanit e dare centralit al cerchio Il custode del cerchio facilitatore porta un talking piece un oggetto simbolico di cui si spiega il significato che viene posto al centro Chi ha il talking piece in mano ha diritto di parola nessuno lo interrompe fino a che non lo ripone Il custode del cerchio ha un piccolo strumento sonoro ad esempio un campanellino che potr utilizzare nel caso in cui qualcuno non stia rispettando una regola il suono non obbliga a terminare le proprie parole ma ricorda a chi parla un richiamo all essenziale e alla profondit Dopo il via ognuno prende la parola come e quando vuole prendendo e riponendo il talking piece per la persona successiva Alla fine conclude il facilitatore con alcune parole di riassunto e saluto 16 Appuntamenti Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un modo per entrare in contatto e conoscersi o per conoscere cose nuove dai nostri colleghi Ideale all inizio di un percorso o di una giornata di lavoro Eventualmente anche come momento conclusivo modificando le domande Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality French Italian Romanian English 1 Parlare dal cuore dal profondo non con la testa non col ragionamento 2 Ascoltare col cuore col profondo la comunicazione non passa dal ragionamento ma va da una profondit ad un altra profondit non c nessuna valutazione o feedback di quanto viene detto nessun rimando ma c la certezza di essere ascoltato ad un livello profondo in cui non sei giudicato in cui sei rispettato 3 Essere essenziali sobri 4 Non pensare a che cosa si dir fino a che non si ha il talking piece tra le mani che l ascolto sia ascolto evitando di pensare alla propria replica o al proprio discorso 71 70 French Italian Romanian English Regole Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 12 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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Appuntamenti Collection of activities Council Collection of activities Implementation description Si prepara una struttura circolare in cui tutti i partecipanti prendono posto a sedere per terra con sedie cuscini ecc allo stesso livello dove tutti possono vedersi e non c nessuno in posizione di leadership Al centro del cerchio viene posta una piccola fiammella fuoco candela ecc per ricordare l eredit di tutti i fuochi dell umanit e dare centralit al cerchio Il custode del cerchio facilitatore porta un talking piece un oggetto simbolico di cui si spiega il significato che viene posto al centro Chi ha il talking piece in mano ha diritto di parola nessuno lo interrompe fino a che non lo ripone Il custode del cerchio ha un piccolo strumento sonoro ad esempio un campanellino che potr utilizzare nel caso in cui qualcuno non stia rispettando una regola il suono non obbliga a terminare le proprie parole ma ricorda a chi parla un richiamo all essenziale e alla profondit Dopo il via ognuno prende la parola come e quando vuole prendendo e riponendo il talking piece per la persona successiva Alla fine conclude il facilitatore con alcune parole di riassunto e saluto 16 Appuntamenti Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un modo per entrare in contatto e conoscersi o per conoscere cose nuove dai nostri colleghi Ideale all inizio di un percorso o di una giornata di lavoro Eventualmente anche come momento conclusivo modificando le domande Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality French Italian Romanian English 1 Parlare dal cuore dal profondo non con la testa non col ragionamento 2 Ascoltare col cuore col profondo la comunicazione non passa dal ragionamento ma va da una profondit ad un altra profondit non c nessuna valutazione o feedback di quanto viene detto nessun rimando ma c la certezza di essere ascoltato ad un livello profondo in cui non sei giudicato in cui sei rispettato 3 Essere essenziali sobri 4 Non pensare a che cosa si dir fino a che non si ha il talking piece tra le mani che l ascolto sia ascolto evitando di pensare alla propria replica o al proprio discorso 71 70 French Italian Romanian English Regole Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 12 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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La storia di Abigail Collection of activities Appuntamenti Collection of activities Implementation description Ogni partecipante ha un foglio bianco e una penna il primo passaggio consiste nel disegnare 12 punti in cerchio Poi si passa ad aggiungere i numeri proprio come le ore di un orologio Ora tutti i partecipanti si alzano e vanno in giro per incontrarsi e darsi un appuntamento l obiettivo avere un appuntamento e uno soltanto per ogni ora nome da scrivere accanto al numero es alle 02 00 incontrer Anna completando cos il proprio orologio Per fare tutto questo si dar ai partecipanti un tempo di 3 minuti Ora il facilitatore scandir le ore dando una domanda per ogni ora su cui i due partecipanti che hanno appuntamento si confronteranno per 2 minuti Una domanda per ogni ora 1 Cosa ti piace di pi del tuo lavoro del tuo percorso formativo 2 I pro e i contro del tuo lavoro percorso formativo 3 Nella tua vita 1 cosa che hai rifiutato E 1 cosa che hai accettato 4 Un incontro particolare speciale che hai fatto nella tua vita 5 Un avventura che ti capitata in un viaggio 6 Il progetto pi interessante a cui hai partecipato 7 A scuola cosa amavi E cosa detestavi 8 La tua pi grande paura E il tuo pi grande sogno 9 Se il tuo lavoro fosse un film quale sarebbe 10 La cosa pi strana che ti capitato di mangiare 11 Cosa ti piace del tuo migliore amico a E cosa del tuo peggior nemico 12 Se il tuo lavoro fosse una canzone quale sarebbe 17 La storia di Abigail Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storia per discutere sulle proprie prospettive e valori i criteri attraverso cui valutiamo gli altri e le altre situazioni che ci troviamo di fronte Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 72 73 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours N participants range 5 30 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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La storia di Abigail Collection of activities Appuntamenti Collection of activities Implementation description Ogni partecipante ha un foglio bianco e una penna il primo passaggio consiste nel disegnare 12 punti in cerchio Poi si passa ad aggiungere i numeri proprio come le ore di un orologio Ora tutti i partecipanti si alzano e vanno in giro per incontrarsi e darsi un appuntamento l obiettivo avere un appuntamento e uno soltanto per ogni ora nome da scrivere accanto al numero es alle 02 00 incontrer Anna completando cos il proprio orologio Per fare tutto questo si dar ai partecipanti un tempo di 3 minuti Ora il facilitatore scandir le ore dando una domanda per ogni ora su cui i due partecipanti che hanno appuntamento si confronteranno per 2 minuti Una domanda per ogni ora 1 Cosa ti piace di pi del tuo lavoro del tuo percorso formativo 2 I pro e i contro del tuo lavoro percorso formativo 3 Nella tua vita 1 cosa che hai rifiutato E 1 cosa che hai accettato 4 Un incontro particolare speciale che hai fatto nella tua vita 5 Un avventura che ti capitata in un viaggio 6 Il progetto pi interessante a cui hai partecipato 7 A scuola cosa amavi E cosa detestavi 8 La tua pi grande paura E il tuo pi grande sogno 9 Se il tuo lavoro fosse un film quale sarebbe 10 La cosa pi strana che ti capitato di mangiare 11 Cosa ti piace del tuo migliore amico a E cosa del tuo peggior nemico 12 Se il tuo lavoro fosse una canzone quale sarebbe 17 La storia di Abigail Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storia per discutere sulle proprie prospettive e valori i criteri attraverso cui valutiamo gli altri e le altre situazioni che ci troviamo di fronte Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 72 73 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours N participants range 5 30 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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La storia di Abigail La storia di Abigail Implementation description Si legge e si distribuisce o si appende in modo che sia visibile a tutti la storia di Abigail Una tempesta ha distrutto il ponte che univa le due rive e ha risparmiato soltanto una barca Abigail domanda a Sinbad il proprietario della barca di condurla sull altra sponda del fiume Sinbad Collection of activities Collection of activities Abigail ama Tom che vive dall altra parte del fiume notte con lui alla madre Sua madre le dice che non vuole interferire nelle sue cose accaduto John allora va a picchiare Tom per quello French Italian Romanian English che ha fatto ad Abigail poi se ne va con lei 75 74 French Italian Romanian English Abigail accetta la proposta di Sinbad che poi come accaduto Tom la respinge e Abigail corre via Non lontano da casa di Tom Abigail incontra John il miglior amico di Tom Abigail gli racconta quanto Infine si passa alla valutazione in plenaria dei risultati presentati dai vari gruppi ragionando su come abbiano definito cosa meglio peggio Nella discussione finale si valuta l impatto che i valori hanno su quanto consideriamo buono giusto o cattivo sbagliato Poi si analizza quanto sia facile difficile una volta stabilito il giusto e lo sbagliato cercare una mediazione su questi nostri valori Si pu cercare di ricostruire gli step che hanno portato i gruppi alla creazione di una classifca comune condivisa Altra passaggio la possibilit di analizzare dove e come abbiamo costruito appreso la nostra idea di giusto sbagliato Cosa ci avvicina e cosa ci allontana Cosa ci accomuna e cosa ci differenzia Abigail non sa che cosa fare corre a casa e domanda Abigail corre tra le braccia di Tom e gli racconta quanto Poi in piccoli gruppi si discutono le varie classifiche individuali arrivando ad una classifica comune e condivisa da tutto il gruppo Specifica che non possibile procedere con metodi matematici di votazione ma necessario raggiungere una condivisione su cosa sia meglio peggio Domande ulteriori varianti E se Abigail avesse 13 anni E se Tom non amasse Abigail ma fosse stato con lei solo una sera Se la storia avesse dei ruoli di genere invertiti tra uomini e donne d accordo a patto che in cambio Abigail passi la promesso la accompagna sull altra sponda del fiume Poi si chiede a ogni partecipante di ri leggere individualmente la storia e di fare una classifica di tutti i personaggi DA chi si comportato meglio A chi si comportato peggio Attivit molto utile in preparazione ad uno scambio interculturale Importante creare un clima di apertura dove ogni classifica possibile e legittima non esiste una soluzione da trovare

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La storia di Abigail La storia di Abigail Implementation description Si legge e si distribuisce o si appende in modo che sia visibile a tutti la storia di Abigail Una tempesta ha distrutto il ponte che univa le due rive e ha risparmiato soltanto una barca Abigail domanda a Sinbad il proprietario della barca di condurla sull altra sponda del fiume Sinbad Collection of activities Collection of activities Abigail ama Tom che vive dall altra parte del fiume notte con lui alla madre Sua madre le dice che non vuole interferire nelle sue cose accaduto John allora va a picchiare Tom per quello French Italian Romanian English che ha fatto ad Abigail poi se ne va con lei 75 74 French Italian Romanian English Abigail accetta la proposta di Sinbad che poi come accaduto Tom la respinge e Abigail corre via Non lontano da casa di Tom Abigail incontra John il miglior amico di Tom Abigail gli racconta quanto Infine si passa alla valutazione in plenaria dei risultati presentati dai vari gruppi ragionando su come abbiano definito cosa meglio peggio Nella discussione finale si valuta l impatto che i valori hanno su quanto consideriamo buono giusto o cattivo sbagliato Poi si analizza quanto sia facile difficile una volta stabilito il giusto e lo sbagliato cercare una mediazione su questi nostri valori Si pu cercare di ricostruire gli step che hanno portato i gruppi alla creazione di una classifca comune condivisa Altra passaggio la possibilit di analizzare dove e come abbiamo costruito appreso la nostra idea di giusto sbagliato Cosa ci avvicina e cosa ci allontana Cosa ci accomuna e cosa ci differenzia Abigail non sa che cosa fare corre a casa e domanda Abigail corre tra le braccia di Tom e gli racconta quanto Poi in piccoli gruppi si discutono le varie classifiche individuali arrivando ad una classifica comune e condivisa da tutto il gruppo Specifica che non possibile procedere con metodi matematici di votazione ma necessario raggiungere una condivisione su cosa sia meglio peggio Domande ulteriori varianti E se Abigail avesse 13 anni E se Tom non amasse Abigail ma fosse stato con lei solo una sera Se la storia avesse dei ruoli di genere invertiti tra uomini e donne d accordo a patto che in cambio Abigail passi la promesso la accompagna sull altra sponda del fiume Poi si chiede a ogni partecipante di ri leggere individualmente la storia e di fare una classifica di tutti i personaggi DA chi si comportato meglio A chi si comportato peggio Attivit molto utile in preparazione ad uno scambio interculturale Importante creare un clima di apertura dove ogni classifica possibile e legittima non esiste una soluzione da trovare

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Inspirational picture video Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colori Comunicarte Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit sugli aspetti comunicativi di base a partire da alcune opere d arte utile come introduzione prima di arrivare ad analizzare il linguaggio scritto e orale Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 18 Comunicarte L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 French Italian Romanian English Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 77 76 French Italian Romanian English Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction

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Inspirational picture video Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colori Comunicarte Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit sugli aspetti comunicativi di base a partire da alcune opere d arte utile come introduzione prima di arrivare ad analizzare il linguaggio scritto e orale Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 18 Comunicarte L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 French Italian Romanian English Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 77 76 French Italian Romanian English Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction

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Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Mostra ogni opera d arte facendo emergere dai partecipanti le risposte ad alcune domande principali Questo che cos Cosa ha voluto rappresentare comunicare l artista Perch Su cosa ti basi per sostenere quanto affermi Come fai a capire intuire questi elementi Cosa c di strano o che non riesci a capire spiegare Per capirti meglio N participants range 5 50 19 Per capirti megli Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities Duration 30 min Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit di analisi per formare una prima ipotesi sul proprio stile di apprendimento e sulle proprie strategie di comprensione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 60 min French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 78 79 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Scegli alcuni video di riferimento da usare per l esercizio ad esempio ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM

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Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Mostra ogni opera d arte facendo emergere dai partecipanti le risposte ad alcune domande principali Questo che cos Cosa ha voluto rappresentare comunicare l artista Perch Su cosa ti basi per sostenere quanto affermi Come fai a capire intuire questi elementi Cosa c di strano o che non riesci a capire spiegare Per capirti meglio N participants range 5 50 19 Per capirti megli Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities Duration 30 min Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit di analisi per formare una prima ipotesi sul proprio stile di apprendimento e sulle proprie strategie di comprensione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 60 min French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 78 79 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Scegli alcuni video di riferimento da usare per l esercizio ad esempio ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM

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Debate Collection of activities Per capirti meglio Collection of activities I partecipanti prima ascolteranno ciascun video senza immagini cercando di capire quanti pi elementi possibili e di identificare la tematica principale di ogni video tra alcune possibili opzioni Amore Tecnologia Discriminazione Crimine Commercio Poi i partecipanti vedranno di nuovo gli stessi video per verificare le precedenti ipotesi fatte solo con l ascolto e aggiungere nuovi elementi alla comprensione Cosa capiamo Come Perch Come si sviluppa il nostro processo di comprensione 20 Debate Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit di espressione sul farsi capire secondo la consolidata metodologia del dibattito Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 80 81 Duration 120 min N participants range 6 60 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Dividi i partecipanti in 2 team ROSSO e BLU poi per ogni round comunica le posizioni che ciascun team dovr sostenere e le regole di gioco del singolo round Per ogni sessione assegnerai 1 punto alla squadra che ha combattuto meglio eventualmente 2 punti in caso di manifesta

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Debate Collection of activities Per capirti meglio Collection of activities I partecipanti prima ascolteranno ciascun video senza immagini cercando di capire quanti pi elementi possibili e di identificare la tematica principale di ogni video tra alcune possibili opzioni Amore Tecnologia Discriminazione Crimine Commercio Poi i partecipanti vedranno di nuovo gli stessi video per verificare le precedenti ipotesi fatte solo con l ascolto e aggiungere nuovi elementi alla comprensione Cosa capiamo Come Perch Come si sviluppa il nostro processo di comprensione 20 Debate Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Un attivit di espressione sul farsi capire secondo la consolidata metodologia del dibattito Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 80 81 Duration 120 min N participants range 6 60 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Dividi i partecipanti in 2 team ROSSO e BLU poi per ogni round comunica le posizioni che ciascun team dovr sostenere e le regole di gioco del singolo round Per ogni sessione assegnerai 1 punto alla squadra che ha combattuto meglio eventualmente 2 punti in caso di manifesta

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1 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose positive della propria idea 2 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose negative dell idea avversaria 3 5 min di preparazione per dire 2 cose positive della propria idea e 2 cose negative dell idea avversaria ROUND 2 Team BLU Per promuovere lo sviluppo del paese necessario focalizzarsi esclusivamente sulle energie rinnovabili elettrico eolico solare ecc Team ROSSO Per promuovere lo sviluppo del paese necessario garantire l accesso alle fonti di energia tradizionale gas carbone petrolio ecc Le monde est un village de 100 ROUND 1 Team BLU Trovare un lavoro buono dipende da me Team ROSSO Trovare un lavoro buono dipende dagli altri Collection of activities Debate Collection of activities superiorit o 1 punto di penalit in caso di performance di qualit troppo bassa o non adeguatamente preparate Alla fine si vedr quale team ha vinto ciascun round e chi ha vinto il match complessivo Inspirational picture video C est un Quizzz Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 1 hour N participants range 4 30 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 83 French Italian Romanian English 82 1 5 min di preparazione per dire 5 cose positive della propria idea 2 3 min di preparazione per dire 1 cosa positiva della propria idea e 1 cosa negativa dell idea avversaria 3 1 min di preparazione per lanciare un messaggio finale per conquistare i giudici Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Faire prendre conscience aux jeunes De la r partition de la population mondiale et de ses caract ristiques aujourd hui Des in galit s d acc s aux droits fondamentaux et de la croissance de celles ci sur la plan te De l influence de l entourage sur notre vision du monde Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction 1 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose positive della propria idea 2 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose negative dell idea avversaria 3 10 min di preparazione e ricerca per dire 2 cose positive della propria idea o 2 cose negative dell idea avversaria ROUND 3 Team BLU L integrazione culturale e religiosa rappresenta un grande problema musulmani cristiani buddisti ebrei induisti atei ecc Team ROSSO L integrazione culturale e religiosa rappresenta una grande opportunit musulmani cristiani buddisti ebrei induisti atei ecc 21 Le monde est un village de 100 Implementation description Si le nombre de joueurs est suffisant le fait de former des quipes permet de mettre les participants dans une configuration dynamique Devant chaque quipe une table avec des ardoises et 1 marqueur Au tableau l animateur fait autant de colonnes qu il y a de groupes et y indiquera les scores de chaque quipe L animateur pose les questions comme dans un quiz avec toujours la m me premi re partie de la question Si l on pouvait r duire la population du monde un village de 100 personnes tout en maintenant les proportions de tous les grands peuples existants sur la Terre combien y aurait il de Les questions peuvent tre crites sur un tableau ou projet es par un diaporama

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1 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose positive della propria idea 2 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose negative dell idea avversaria 3 5 min di preparazione per dire 2 cose positive della propria idea e 2 cose negative dell idea avversaria ROUND 2 Team BLU Per promuovere lo sviluppo del paese necessario focalizzarsi esclusivamente sulle energie rinnovabili elettrico eolico solare ecc Team ROSSO Per promuovere lo sviluppo del paese necessario garantire l accesso alle fonti di energia tradizionale gas carbone petrolio ecc Le monde est un village de 100 ROUND 1 Team BLU Trovare un lavoro buono dipende da me Team ROSSO Trovare un lavoro buono dipende dagli altri Collection of activities Debate Collection of activities superiorit o 1 punto di penalit in caso di performance di qualit troppo bassa o non adeguatamente preparate Alla fine si vedr quale team ha vinto ciascun round e chi ha vinto il match complessivo Inspirational picture video C est un Quizzz Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 1 hour N participants range 4 30 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 83 French Italian Romanian English 82 1 5 min di preparazione per dire 5 cose positive della propria idea 2 3 min di preparazione per dire 1 cosa positiva della propria idea e 1 cosa negativa dell idea avversaria 3 1 min di preparazione per lanciare un messaggio finale per conquistare i giudici Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Faire prendre conscience aux jeunes De la r partition de la population mondiale et de ses caract ristiques aujourd hui Des in galit s d acc s aux droits fondamentaux et de la croissance de celles ci sur la plan te De l influence de l entourage sur notre vision du monde Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction 1 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose positive della propria idea 2 5 min di preparazione per dire 3 cose negative dell idea avversaria 3 10 min di preparazione e ricerca per dire 2 cose positive della propria idea o 2 cose negative dell idea avversaria ROUND 3 Team BLU L integrazione culturale e religiosa rappresenta un grande problema musulmani cristiani buddisti ebrei induisti atei ecc Team ROSSO L integrazione culturale e religiosa rappresenta una grande opportunit musulmani cristiani buddisti ebrei induisti atei ecc 21 Le monde est un village de 100 Implementation description Si le nombre de joueurs est suffisant le fait de former des quipes permet de mettre les participants dans une configuration dynamique Devant chaque quipe une table avec des ardoises et 1 marqueur Au tableau l animateur fait autant de colonnes qu il y a de groupes et y indiquera les scores de chaque quipe L animateur pose les questions comme dans un quiz avec toujours la m me premi re partie de la question Si l on pouvait r duire la population du monde un village de 100 personnes tout en maintenant les proportions de tous les grands peuples existants sur la Terre combien y aurait il de Les questions peuvent tre crites sur un tableau ou projet es par un diaporama

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Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities Les questions et les r ponses 1 Combien vivent en Asie Afrique Am rique Nord Sud Europe Oc anie Asie 60 habitants 3 milliards 966 millions Afrique 15 habitants 917 millions Am rique 13 habitants 900 millions Europe 11 habitants 733 millions Oc anie 1 habitant 33 6 millions Total de 6 892 170 412 habitants Pour info En Antarctique 1 500 habitants 0 conflit avec une violence continue et syst matique o des mesures extr mes sont prises par les bellig rants et o les pertes mat rielles et humaines sont extensives et hypoth quent l avenir et 38 situations de conflit grave pour un enjeu donn des groupes sociaux recourent r guli rement la violence organis e 6 Combien savent lire crire compter Combien de femmes 60 savent lire crire et compter dont 40 sont des hommes 774 millions d tres humains sont analphab tes 72 millions d enfants ne sont pas scolaris s 2 3 des analphab tes sont des femmes L galit des sexes r duit la pauvret sauve et am liore des vies 7 Combien ont acc s aux soins 50 ont acc s aux soins La mortalit infantile avant 1 an est de 45 dans le monde mais avec des r alit s contrast es 86 en Afrique subsaharienne 56 en Asie du Sud 5 dans les pays riches 3 Combien ont moins de 25 ans 43 habitants ont moins de 25 ans mais ce chiffre monte jusqu 60 dans les pays pauvres 9 Combien poss dent 80 du village et de ses richesses 20 habitants poss dent 80 du village et de ses richesses uniquement des hommes Seule 1 femme poss de sa propre terre 4 Combien sont bouddhistes chr tiens hindous musulmans autres religions sans religion 6 bouddhistes 325 millions au Sri Lanka Tibet Asie du SudEst 33 chr tiens 2 6 milliards 15 hindous 1 milliard en Inde N pal Bangladesh 21 musulmans 1 5 milliard en Asie MoyenOrient Afrique et un peu en Europe Le 1er pays musulman est l Indon sie 11 autres religions 15 millions de juifs Europe et Am rique du Nord 14 sans religion dont 2 ath es 10 Combien habitent au sein m me du village et combien dans ses environs 50 habitants vivent dans le village et 50 sont parpill s autour En 1960 seul 1 3 de la population mondiale vivait dans des villes aujourd hui c est pr s de la moiti 33 de la population urbaine des pays en d veloppement vivent dans des bidonvilles 5 Combien vivent dans une situation de conflit arm 33 vivent dans une situation de confl it arm dont 23 sont des femmes Le rapport du Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict reasearch dresse chaque ann e l tat des lieux des conflits dans le monde Pour 2011 il recensait 388 conflits dont 20 guerres French Italian Romanian English 2 Combien y a t il d hommes combien de femmes 49 hommes et 51 femmes 8 Combien utilisent 90 des ressources naturelles et nerg tiques 30 habitants utilisent 90 des ressources naturelles et nerg tiques Les ressources nerg tiques sont de 3 ordres non renouvelable charbon gaz fioul et hydrocarbures nucl aires renouvelable thermique solaire g othermique bois et plus g n ralement la biomasse produits par les plantes prospective nergie des vagues de la houle des mar es fusion nucl aire 85 Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 84 chaque question l quipe r fl chit et se concerte afin de noter sa r ponse sur l ardoise papier L animateur interroge alors les quipes qui montrent leur s r ponse s en m me temps S ensuit un mini d bat avec les participants en leur demandant pourquoi ils avaient une telle repr sentation du monde sur cette question l Imaginaient ils de telles r partitions Qu en pensent ils Quelles peuvent tre les cons quences de telles r partitions Quelles peuvent en tre les causes Faire r fl chir les jeunes sur les in galit s existantes dans ce village O se situent ils dans ce village O peuvent se trouver les personnes qu ils vont rencontrer lors de leur voyage Quelle influence peut avoir leur situation sur leur vision du monde Quel est leur rapport aux personnes des pays du Sud 11 Combien sont en train de mourir de faim Combien sont suraliment s ou ob ses Combien souffrent de malnutrition 1 habitant est en train de mourir de faim 15 sont suraliment s ou ob ses 30 souffrent de malnutrition soit 2 milliards de personnes malnutries et 840 millions sous aliment es 6 millions d enfants meurent chaque ann e de faim En Asie du Sud 46 des enfants de moins de 5 ans sont malnutris l inverse

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Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities Les questions et les r ponses 1 Combien vivent en Asie Afrique Am rique Nord Sud Europe Oc anie Asie 60 habitants 3 milliards 966 millions Afrique 15 habitants 917 millions Am rique 13 habitants 900 millions Europe 11 habitants 733 millions Oc anie 1 habitant 33 6 millions Total de 6 892 170 412 habitants Pour info En Antarctique 1 500 habitants 0 conflit avec une violence continue et syst matique o des mesures extr mes sont prises par les bellig rants et o les pertes mat rielles et humaines sont extensives et hypoth quent l avenir et 38 situations de conflit grave pour un enjeu donn des groupes sociaux recourent r guli rement la violence organis e 6 Combien savent lire crire compter Combien de femmes 60 savent lire crire et compter dont 40 sont des hommes 774 millions d tres humains sont analphab tes 72 millions d enfants ne sont pas scolaris s 2 3 des analphab tes sont des femmes L galit des sexes r duit la pauvret sauve et am liore des vies 7 Combien ont acc s aux soins 50 ont acc s aux soins La mortalit infantile avant 1 an est de 45 dans le monde mais avec des r alit s contrast es 86 en Afrique subsaharienne 56 en Asie du Sud 5 dans les pays riches 3 Combien ont moins de 25 ans 43 habitants ont moins de 25 ans mais ce chiffre monte jusqu 60 dans les pays pauvres 9 Combien poss dent 80 du village et de ses richesses 20 habitants poss dent 80 du village et de ses richesses uniquement des hommes Seule 1 femme poss de sa propre terre 4 Combien sont bouddhistes chr tiens hindous musulmans autres religions sans religion 6 bouddhistes 325 millions au Sri Lanka Tibet Asie du SudEst 33 chr tiens 2 6 milliards 15 hindous 1 milliard en Inde N pal Bangladesh 21 musulmans 1 5 milliard en Asie MoyenOrient Afrique et un peu en Europe Le 1er pays musulman est l Indon sie 11 autres religions 15 millions de juifs Europe et Am rique du Nord 14 sans religion dont 2 ath es 10 Combien habitent au sein m me du village et combien dans ses environs 50 habitants vivent dans le village et 50 sont parpill s autour En 1960 seul 1 3 de la population mondiale vivait dans des villes aujourd hui c est pr s de la moiti 33 de la population urbaine des pays en d veloppement vivent dans des bidonvilles 5 Combien vivent dans une situation de conflit arm 33 vivent dans une situation de confl it arm dont 23 sont des femmes Le rapport du Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict reasearch dresse chaque ann e l tat des lieux des conflits dans le monde Pour 2011 il recensait 388 conflits dont 20 guerres French Italian Romanian English 2 Combien y a t il d hommes combien de femmes 49 hommes et 51 femmes 8 Combien utilisent 90 des ressources naturelles et nerg tiques 30 habitants utilisent 90 des ressources naturelles et nerg tiques Les ressources nerg tiques sont de 3 ordres non renouvelable charbon gaz fioul et hydrocarbures nucl aires renouvelable thermique solaire g othermique bois et plus g n ralement la biomasse produits par les plantes prospective nergie des vagues de la houle des mar es fusion nucl aire 85 Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 84 chaque question l quipe r fl chit et se concerte afin de noter sa r ponse sur l ardoise papier L animateur interroge alors les quipes qui montrent leur s r ponse s en m me temps S ensuit un mini d bat avec les participants en leur demandant pourquoi ils avaient une telle repr sentation du monde sur cette question l Imaginaient ils de telles r partitions Qu en pensent ils Quelles peuvent tre les cons quences de telles r partitions Quelles peuvent en tre les causes Faire r fl chir les jeunes sur les in galit s existantes dans ce village O se situent ils dans ce village O peuvent se trouver les personnes qu ils vont rencontrer lors de leur voyage Quelle influence peut avoir leur situation sur leur vision du monde Quel est leur rapport aux personnes des pays du Sud 11 Combien sont en train de mourir de faim Combien sont suraliment s ou ob ses Combien souffrent de malnutrition 1 habitant est en train de mourir de faim 15 sont suraliment s ou ob ses 30 souffrent de malnutrition soit 2 milliards de personnes malnutries et 840 millions sous aliment es 6 millions d enfants meurent chaque ann e de faim En Asie du Sud 46 des enfants de moins de 5 ans sont malnutris l inverse

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13 Combien ont acc s un ordinateur Combien sont connect s Internet 20 ont acc s un ordinateur dont 15 connect s un r seau Internet 14 Combien sont d j partis en vacances 5 sont d j partis en vacances Un pas en Avant 12 Combien ne boivent jamais d eau potable 42 ne boivent jamais d eau potable Collection of activities Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities 400 millions d adultes sont ob ses 1 6 milliard de 15 ans sont en surpoids dont 20 millions d enfants de 5 ans principalement dans des pays faible ou moyen revenu 22 Un pas en Avant Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Permettre aux jeunes de prendre conscience des in galit s dans l acc s aux droits fondamentaux entre pays mais aussi au sein d un m me pays Travailler sur les repr sentations et d construire les st r otypes Faire comprendre ce qu implique parfois l appartenance certaines minorit s sociales ou ethniques pour une personne et les cons quences induites Vivre l empathie gr ce l intercompr hension Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 15 Combien meurent et combien naissent dans l ann e 1 meurt dans l ann e et 2 naissent Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 86 87 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description 1 Les participants se voient attribuer une carte Profil au hasard qui repr sente le profil d une personne Demandez leur de la conserver et de ne pas la montrer aux autres de ne pas l changer 2 Invitez les lire leur carte Profil et se glisser dans la peau de ce per sonnage le temps du jeu Laissez leur quelques minutes pour imaginer leur histoire leur pass leurs envies leurs difficult s Vous pouvez les aider en lisant les questions suivantes comment s est pass e votre enfance Comment tait votre maison Quel m tier exer aient vos parents quoi ressemble votre vie aujourd hui Que faites vous de vos journ es O vivez vous

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13 Combien ont acc s un ordinateur Combien sont connect s Internet 20 ont acc s un ordinateur dont 15 connect s un r seau Internet 14 Combien sont d j partis en vacances 5 sont d j partis en vacances Un pas en Avant 12 Combien ne boivent jamais d eau potable 42 ne boivent jamais d eau potable Collection of activities Le monde est un village de 100 Collection of activities 400 millions d adultes sont ob ses 1 6 milliard de 15 ans sont en surpoids dont 20 millions d enfants de 5 ans principalement dans des pays faible ou moyen revenu 22 Un pas en Avant Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Permettre aux jeunes de prendre conscience des in galit s dans l acc s aux droits fondamentaux entre pays mais aussi au sein d un m me pays Travailler sur les repr sentations et d construire les st r otypes Faire comprendre ce qu implique parfois l appartenance certaines minorit s sociales ou ethniques pour une personne et les cons quences induites Vivre l empathie gr ce l intercompr hension Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 15 Combien meurent et combien naissent dans l ann e 1 meurt dans l ann e et 2 naissent Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 86 87 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description 1 Les participants se voient attribuer une carte Profil au hasard qui repr sente le profil d une personne Demandez leur de la conserver et de ne pas la montrer aux autres de ne pas l changer 2 Invitez les lire leur carte Profil et se glisser dans la peau de ce per sonnage le temps du jeu Laissez leur quelques minutes pour imaginer leur histoire leur pass leurs envies leurs difficult s Vous pouvez les aider en lisant les questions suivantes comment s est pass e votre enfance Comment tait votre maison Quel m tier exer aient vos parents quoi ressemble votre vie aujourd hui Que faites vous de vos journ es O vivez vous

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4 Lisez les situations une par une Marquez une pause entre chacune afin que les participants puissent ventuellement avancer Observer leur place par rapport celle des autres Demandez leur qu ils se souviennent des affirmations pour lesquelles ils n ont pas pu avancer Un pas en Avant 3 Une fois que les participants se sont appropri leur profil demandez leur de se mettre en ligne au bout de la pi ce ou en bas de l escalier Expliquez leur que vous allez leur lire une liste de situations ou d v nements chaque fois qu ils sont en mesure de r pondre oui l affirmation ils doivent faire un pas en avant Dans le cas contraire ils restent sur place Collection of activities Un pas en Avant Collection of activities Combien gagnez vous Que faites vous pour vos loisirs Qu est ce qui vous motive et qu est ce qui vous fait peur 6 Le d briefing peut ensuite tre largi des questions plus g n rales afin d aller au del du jeu pour tirer des conclusions et r fl chir ensemble Quels sont les droits en jeu pour cette activit Les personnages jou s nous sont ils compl tement trangers French Italian Romanian English Commencez par leur demander ce qu ils ressentent suite l activit puis continuez en abordant les questions soulev es et ce qu ils ont appris Qu est ce que j ai ressenti quand les autres avan aient et pas moi et inversement Comment je me suis senti dans la peau de mon personnage Certains ont ils eu le sentiment que leurs droits fondamentaux n taient pas respect s quels moments Concernant ceux qui avan aient souvent quel moment ont ils constat que les autres n avancent pas aussi vite qu eux Ensuite on peut passer un moment sur les profils de chacun peuvent ils deviner le r le jou par les autres Certains peuvent lire leur carte Profil et pr senter en quelques mots le personnage tel qu il l avait imagin 89 88 French Italian Romanian English 5 L tape suivante consiste en un d briefing Pour cette animation cette tape est essentielle car elle lui permet de prendre tout son sens Le d briefing peut se faire en maintenant la place de chacun mais galement en pl ni re dans ce cas demandez chacun de prendre note de sa position finale Donnez leur 2 minutes pour sortir de la peau de leur personnage mais sans r v ler leur personnage aux autres Est ce que j imaginais que des carts si grands puissent exister Qu est ce qui m a le plus interpell Quelle est notre position par rapport la majorit de la population mondiale Et moi je me situerais o si je jouais mon propre r le O peuvent se situer les populations que je vais rencontrer Qu est ce que cela leur apprend de la vie des populations qu ils vont rencontrer et de leur propre vie Quelles peuvent en tre les cons quences lors d un voyage dans ces pays

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4 Lisez les situations une par une Marquez une pause entre chacune afin que les participants puissent ventuellement avancer Observer leur place par rapport celle des autres Demandez leur qu ils se souviennent des affirmations pour lesquelles ils n ont pas pu avancer Un pas en Avant 3 Une fois que les participants se sont appropri leur profil demandez leur de se mettre en ligne au bout de la pi ce ou en bas de l escalier Expliquez leur que vous allez leur lire une liste de situations ou d v nements chaque fois qu ils sont en mesure de r pondre oui l affirmation ils doivent faire un pas en avant Dans le cas contraire ils restent sur place Collection of activities Un pas en Avant Collection of activities Combien gagnez vous Que faites vous pour vos loisirs Qu est ce qui vous motive et qu est ce qui vous fait peur 6 Le d briefing peut ensuite tre largi des questions plus g n rales afin d aller au del du jeu pour tirer des conclusions et r fl chir ensemble Quels sont les droits en jeu pour cette activit Les personnages jou s nous sont ils compl tement trangers French Italian Romanian English Commencez par leur demander ce qu ils ressentent suite l activit puis continuez en abordant les questions soulev es et ce qu ils ont appris Qu est ce que j ai ressenti quand les autres avan aient et pas moi et inversement Comment je me suis senti dans la peau de mon personnage Certains ont ils eu le sentiment que leurs droits fondamentaux n taient pas respect s quels moments Concernant ceux qui avan aient souvent quel moment ont ils constat que les autres n avancent pas aussi vite qu eux Ensuite on peut passer un moment sur les profils de chacun peuvent ils deviner le r le jou par les autres Certains peuvent lire leur carte Profil et pr senter en quelques mots le personnage tel qu il l avait imagin 89 88 French Italian Romanian English 5 L tape suivante consiste en un d briefing Pour cette animation cette tape est essentielle car elle lui permet de prendre tout son sens Le d briefing peut se faire en maintenant la place de chacun mais galement en pl ni re dans ce cas demandez chacun de prendre note de sa position finale Donnez leur 2 minutes pour sortir de la peau de leur personnage mais sans r v ler leur personnage aux autres Est ce que j imaginais que des carts si grands puissent exister Qu est ce qui m a le plus interpell Quelle est notre position par rapport la majorit de la population mondiale Et moi je me situerais o si je jouais mon propre r le O peuvent se situer les populations que je vais rencontrer Qu est ce que cela leur apprend de la vie des populations qu ils vont rencontrer et de leur propre vie Quelles peuvent en tre les cons quences lors d un voyage dans ces pays

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365 et culture Collection of activities 23 365 odonymes et culture Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A travers le support odonymique nous souhaitons cr er un mouvement de connaissances sur 3 questions th matiques 1 Qu est ce que l odonymie 2 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture europ enne travers l odonymie 3 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de l identit travers l odonymie Ces 3 questions th matiques vont tre support la r flexion et l information et cr er de nouvelles pistes d int r t ducatif pour les participants et pour les formateurs Inspirational picture video 91 90 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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365 et culture Collection of activities 23 365 odonymes et culture Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A travers le support odonymique nous souhaitons cr er un mouvement de connaissances sur 3 questions th matiques 1 Qu est ce que l odonymie 2 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture europ enne travers l odonymie 3 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de l identit travers l odonymie Ces 3 questions th matiques vont tre support la r flexion et l information et cr er de nouvelles pistes d int r t ducatif pour les participants et pour les formateurs Inspirational picture video 91 90 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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Discussion La connaissent t ils Savent ils ce que signifie cette date Question qu est ce qu une date Quelle c r monie est li e une date D un point de vue personnel anniversaire et d un point de vue g n ral la date de no l la date de la f te nationale la date du ramadan etc etc qu est ce que l on f te 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Implementation description Un v nement historique est c l br quelque part en Europe le jour de ma naissance Un constat on f te plus la fin d une guerre que le d but On f te plus un homme qui a essaye de faire du bien qu un m chant La question Morale On f te plus la naissance d un po te que d un agriculteur On c l bre aussi la m moire travers la reconnaissance d un g nocide On c l bre plus des hommes morts que des vivants On c l bre l homme et la nature aussi Pourquoi la fonction d une rue est de c l bre Pourquoi la c l bration estelle importante Ces 3 questions th matiques vont tre support la r flexion et l information et cr er de nouvelle piste d int r t ducatif pour les participants et pour les formateurs qu est ce que l identit Qu est ce que la culture French Italian Romanian English 3 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de l identit travers l odonymie 93 92 French Italian Romanian English Les objectifs p dagogiques travers le support odonymique nous souhaitons cr er un mouvement de connaissances sur 3 questions th matiques 2 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture europ enne travers l odonymie La Culture va tre l ensemble des l ments qui vont nous permettre de vivre ensemble C est gr ce la culture que l on trouve des moyens de s assembler et de cr er un certain sens de la communaut La culture et faite d l ments que l on peut voir et dont on a conscience Et puis d un certain nombres d l ments dont on doit prendre conscience Prendre conscience permet d assumer des choix que l on doit faire pour parfaire son identit La culture r side dans plusieurs lieux dans la maison avec sa famille dans l cole avec ses amis dans ma r gion avec ses f tes locales dans mon pays avec son histoire globale dans ma communaut europ enne avec nos immigrations nos histoires crois es nos faits religieux communs nos c r monies culinaires etc etc Il tait une fois Ma rue un anniversaire quelque part et puis moi Laboratoire P dagogique formation ICEU sur le projet odonymique 3650 degr s 1 Qu est ce que l odonymie L identit est constitu des l ments non choisis qui me constituent et qui me rendent singulier et unique exemple la couleur de mes yeux de ma peau mon accent ma taille mon pr nom mon lieu de naissance la constitution de ma famille ma date d anniversaire L identit s oppose une autre identit si non elle n existe pas Pas d identit sans opposition Objectif de ce laboratoire Par le biais de l odonymie nous allons tenter de permettre aux participants d y voir plus clair dans ces deux concepts pour permettre une meilleure compr hension de l autre et ainsi valoriser la diversit culturelle dans nos coles dans notre pays et en Europe Permettre de valoriser une identit avec un certain sens de ce que peux tre une identit europ enne Valoriser une identit europ enne a travers une culture europ enne plus perceptible plus proche qui contient de vastes limites et qui est ouverte sur toutes les autres cultures Paradoxalement une identit incluante Nous avons en Europe un grand nombre d histoires communes

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Discussion La connaissent t ils Savent ils ce que signifie cette date Question qu est ce qu une date Quelle c r monie est li e une date D un point de vue personnel anniversaire et d un point de vue g n ral la date de no l la date de la f te nationale la date du ramadan etc etc qu est ce que l on f te 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Implementation description Un v nement historique est c l br quelque part en Europe le jour de ma naissance Un constat on f te plus la fin d une guerre que le d but On f te plus un homme qui a essaye de faire du bien qu un m chant La question Morale On f te plus la naissance d un po te que d un agriculteur On c l bre aussi la m moire travers la reconnaissance d un g nocide On c l bre plus des hommes morts que des vivants On c l bre l homme et la nature aussi Pourquoi la fonction d une rue est de c l bre Pourquoi la c l bration estelle importante Ces 3 questions th matiques vont tre support la r flexion et l information et cr er de nouvelle piste d int r t ducatif pour les participants et pour les formateurs qu est ce que l identit Qu est ce que la culture French Italian Romanian English 3 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de l identit travers l odonymie 93 92 French Italian Romanian English Les objectifs p dagogiques travers le support odonymique nous souhaitons cr er un mouvement de connaissances sur 3 questions th matiques 2 Qu est ce que je peux percevoir de la culture europ enne travers l odonymie La Culture va tre l ensemble des l ments qui vont nous permettre de vivre ensemble C est gr ce la culture que l on trouve des moyens de s assembler et de cr er un certain sens de la communaut La culture et faite d l ments que l on peut voir et dont on a conscience Et puis d un certain nombres d l ments dont on doit prendre conscience Prendre conscience permet d assumer des choix que l on doit faire pour parfaire son identit La culture r side dans plusieurs lieux dans la maison avec sa famille dans l cole avec ses amis dans ma r gion avec ses f tes locales dans mon pays avec son histoire globale dans ma communaut europ enne avec nos immigrations nos histoires crois es nos faits religieux communs nos c r monies culinaires etc etc Il tait une fois Ma rue un anniversaire quelque part et puis moi Laboratoire P dagogique formation ICEU sur le projet odonymique 3650 degr s 1 Qu est ce que l odonymie L identit est constitu des l ments non choisis qui me constituent et qui me rendent singulier et unique exemple la couleur de mes yeux de ma peau mon accent ma taille mon pr nom mon lieu de naissance la constitution de ma famille ma date d anniversaire L identit s oppose une autre identit si non elle n existe pas Pas d identit sans opposition Objectif de ce laboratoire Par le biais de l odonymie nous allons tenter de permettre aux participants d y voir plus clair dans ces deux concepts pour permettre une meilleure compr hension de l autre et ainsi valoriser la diversit culturelle dans nos coles dans notre pays et en Europe Permettre de valoriser une identit avec un certain sens de ce que peux tre une identit europ enne Valoriser une identit europ enne a travers une culture europ enne plus perceptible plus proche qui contient de vastes limites et qui est ouverte sur toutes les autres cultures Paradoxalement une identit incluante Nous avons en Europe un grand nombre d histoires communes

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Il suffit parfois de lever la t te de lire le nom d une rue de chercher le sens d une date et de la connecter avec d autres histoires Nous allons par le biais de ce laboratoire connecter chaque participant de l change de jeunes travers la date la plus pr cieuse de son histoire personnelle celle ou tout commence sa date de naissance 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Ces histoires font partie de notre patrimoine culturel Europ en Dans ce qui nous semble la pire comme la meilleure Les d couvrir les red couvrir et surtout tenter de discerner les dangers qui peuvent nous guetter si nous ne sommes pas attentifs a cette histoire Les contrefaile pour mieux les appr hender cela vas nous permettre de mieux vivre ensemble Nous allons connecter chaque date de naissance deux l ments Un lieu en Europe la ville ou la photo a t prise Une date li e un v nement historique French Italian Romanian English Qu est ce que l Europe Qu est ce que l histoire Qu est ce qu une guerre Qu est ce qu une paix Qu est ce qu une religion Qu estce que le nazisme Qu est ce que le fascisme Qu est ce que le communisme Qu est ce qu un pays Qu est ce qu un occupant Qu est ce qu un occup Pr sentation Je suis partie en voyage Je voyage pourquoi Pas pour dormir toute la journ e enfin la sieste c est diff rent Pas pour rester dans la piscine du camping m me si une fois Pas pour p cher des poissons sa mord pas avec moi Ni pour danser toute la nuit j ai arr t depuis que R sum je voyage pour prendre en photo des plaques de rue sur lesquelles il y a une date 95 French Italian Romanian English 94 Le formateur devra install la salle pr alablement en demi cercle lib rer un tableau et s informer sur les questions r guli rement abord es par les participants Sc ne 1 L animateur formateur voyageur Non enfin pas que cela je voyage pour prendre des photos puis pour les montrer et les donner Je ne prends pas n importe quelle photo Je me suis fix un objectif prendre des photos de plaque de rue En Bretagne en France en Europe et dans le monde Mais pas n importe quelle plaque de rue je dois distinguer voir sur cette plaque de rue une date Nous allons tenter de cr er une relation in dite entre une identit Europ enne et un v nement historique Europ en Entre l identit d un jeune Europ en et la culture europ enne D roulement du laboratoire Mat riel n cessaire pour l animateur Une valise Un carte g ographicue physique de l Europe La photo du jour de chaque date d anniversaire pour chacun des participants travail effectuer en amont une trousse papier colle un appareil photo instantan Nous f tons le jour ou l occupant est chass ou l opposant est tu le jour de la victoire sur quelque chose ou quelqu un une tyrannie une dictature une royaut f odale des syst mes limitant les libert s humaines qu est ce que le souvenir petit jeu Je me souviens de Paul Auster Qu est ce que la libert Sc ne 2 Pr sentation et participations des participants Par le bais du jeux des dates d anniversaire se placer en ligne sans parler en fonction de la date d anniversaire Qu est ce qu une date Qu est ce qu une date d anniversaire Est ce que tout le monde connait sa date d anniversaire Qu elles sont les dates qui nous appartiennent le jour de ma naissance de ma mort de mon mariage de No l de la naissance de mes enfants

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Il suffit parfois de lever la t te de lire le nom d une rue de chercher le sens d une date et de la connecter avec d autres histoires Nous allons par le biais de ce laboratoire connecter chaque participant de l change de jeunes travers la date la plus pr cieuse de son histoire personnelle celle ou tout commence sa date de naissance 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Ces histoires font partie de notre patrimoine culturel Europ en Dans ce qui nous semble la pire comme la meilleure Les d couvrir les red couvrir et surtout tenter de discerner les dangers qui peuvent nous guetter si nous ne sommes pas attentifs a cette histoire Les contrefaile pour mieux les appr hender cela vas nous permettre de mieux vivre ensemble Nous allons connecter chaque date de naissance deux l ments Un lieu en Europe la ville ou la photo a t prise Une date li e un v nement historique French Italian Romanian English Qu est ce que l Europe Qu est ce que l histoire Qu est ce qu une guerre Qu est ce qu une paix Qu est ce qu une religion Qu estce que le nazisme Qu est ce que le fascisme Qu est ce que le communisme Qu est ce qu un pays Qu est ce qu un occupant Qu est ce qu un occup Pr sentation Je suis partie en voyage Je voyage pourquoi Pas pour dormir toute la journ e enfin la sieste c est diff rent Pas pour rester dans la piscine du camping m me si une fois Pas pour p cher des poissons sa mord pas avec moi Ni pour danser toute la nuit j ai arr t depuis que R sum je voyage pour prendre en photo des plaques de rue sur lesquelles il y a une date 95 French Italian Romanian English 94 Le formateur devra install la salle pr alablement en demi cercle lib rer un tableau et s informer sur les questions r guli rement abord es par les participants Sc ne 1 L animateur formateur voyageur Non enfin pas que cela je voyage pour prendre des photos puis pour les montrer et les donner Je ne prends pas n importe quelle photo Je me suis fix un objectif prendre des photos de plaque de rue En Bretagne en France en Europe et dans le monde Mais pas n importe quelle plaque de rue je dois distinguer voir sur cette plaque de rue une date Nous allons tenter de cr er une relation in dite entre une identit Europ enne et un v nement historique Europ en Entre l identit d un jeune Europ en et la culture europ enne D roulement du laboratoire Mat riel n cessaire pour l animateur Une valise Un carte g ographicue physique de l Europe La photo du jour de chaque date d anniversaire pour chacun des participants travail effectuer en amont une trousse papier colle un appareil photo instantan Nous f tons le jour ou l occupant est chass ou l opposant est tu le jour de la victoire sur quelque chose ou quelqu un une tyrannie une dictature une royaut f odale des syst mes limitant les libert s humaines qu est ce que le souvenir petit jeu Je me souviens de Paul Auster Qu est ce que la libert Sc ne 2 Pr sentation et participations des participants Par le bais du jeux des dates d anniversaire se placer en ligne sans parler en fonction de la date d anniversaire Qu est ce qu une date Qu est ce qu une date d anniversaire Est ce que tout le monde connait sa date d anniversaire Qu elles sont les dates qui nous appartiennent le jour de ma naissance de ma mort de mon mariage de No l de la naissance de mes enfants

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Qu est ce que nous c l brons Est ce que nous c l brons le d but de la guerre Ou la fin de la guerre Le d but de la paix Ou la fin de la paix Le jour o est n un m chant homme ou le jour de sa mort Sc ne 3 des relations In dites 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Et les dates qui appartiennent ma culture Date de l armistice date de f te religieuses l aide p ques la Toussaint date de la f te nationale quasi religieuse Le formateur ouvre son classeur dedans il y a les photos Il annonce la date Elle correspond l anniversaire d un participant Ex Le 05 octobre Le participant se l ve prend la carte Derri re la carte il y a le nom de la ville le pays avec son drapeau et la petite histoire r sum en deux phrases Le participant garde la carte et va planter une punaise sur la ville d o vient l histoire Un v nement historique est c l br quelque part en Europe le jour de ma naissance Sc ne 4 Mon identit debriefingLa fonction de la poste dans les noms de rue Sans les noms de rue pas de poste pas d identit On a le nom de rue sur la carte d identit Parle cu qu elle fait partie de notre identit c est a dire de ce que l autre n a pas comme moi Et le peu qui ont la m me rue sont alors des voisins et ce qui nous s pare encore ce sont les num ros 2 rue Aim e Antignac au lieu du 5 French Italian Romanian English Pause 97 96 French Italian Romanian English Discussion Le connaissent ils Savent ils ce que signifie cet v nement On c l bre une histoire travers les noms D finition de l identit et de la culture Petits jeux sur les st r otypes pr jug s et la discrimination Sc ne 5 Conclusions La photo finale des participants avec leurs cartes postales devant la carte de l Europe Une nouvelle photo r alis par l animateur formateur voyageur qui la donne en cadeau Quelques missions eux de prendre le nom de leur rue Qu est ce que cela voque Cela fait r sonance quelle histoire Collecter le nom de toutes les rues du groupe pour faire une histoire Il y a des personnages il y a des lieux il y a des dates tout pour faire de nouvelles histoires

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Qu est ce que nous c l brons Est ce que nous c l brons le d but de la guerre Ou la fin de la guerre Le d but de la paix Ou la fin de la paix Le jour o est n un m chant homme ou le jour de sa mort Sc ne 3 des relations In dites 365 et culture Collection of activities 365 et culture Collection of activities Et les dates qui appartiennent ma culture Date de l armistice date de f te religieuses l aide p ques la Toussaint date de la f te nationale quasi religieuse Le formateur ouvre son classeur dedans il y a les photos Il annonce la date Elle correspond l anniversaire d un participant Ex Le 05 octobre Le participant se l ve prend la carte Derri re la carte il y a le nom de la ville le pays avec son drapeau et la petite histoire r sum en deux phrases Le participant garde la carte et va planter une punaise sur la ville d o vient l histoire Un v nement historique est c l br quelque part en Europe le jour de ma naissance Sc ne 4 Mon identit debriefingLa fonction de la poste dans les noms de rue Sans les noms de rue pas de poste pas d identit On a le nom de rue sur la carte d identit Parle cu qu elle fait partie de notre identit c est a dire de ce que l autre n a pas comme moi Et le peu qui ont la m me rue sont alors des voisins et ce qui nous s pare encore ce sont les num ros 2 rue Aim e Antignac au lieu du 5 French Italian Romanian English Pause 97 96 French Italian Romanian English Discussion Le connaissent ils Savent ils ce que signifie cet v nement On c l bre une histoire travers les noms D finition de l identit et de la culture Petits jeux sur les st r otypes pr jug s et la discrimination Sc ne 5 Conclusions La photo finale des participants avec leurs cartes postales devant la carte de l Europe Une nouvelle photo r alis par l animateur formateur voyageur qui la donne en cadeau Quelques missions eux de prendre le nom de leur rue Qu est ce que cela voque Cela fait r sonance quelle histoire Collecter le nom de toutes les rues du groupe pour faire une histoire Il y a des personnages il y a des lieux il y a des dates tout pour faire de nouvelles histoires

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Repas intercomprehensif Collection of activities 24 Repas intercompr hensif Short intro tip about how when to use the tool travers toutes les phases de l laboration d un repas interculturel nous allons favoriser l intercompr hension Les phases sont laboration d un menu interculturel gestion d un budget gestion des quantit s r alisation des courses transformation des aliments cuissons laboration de la table l ambiance la musique service vaisselle et rangement final Cette activit de la vie quotidienne est source de nombreux changes techniques histoire des plats changes d id es laboration commune implicite ou explicite des r gles de s curit et d hygi ne alimentaire d bat r partition des r les de chacun faire ensemble contribution au bien commun le repas quotidien Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v hQQ2Os1R55c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 2 hours 99 98 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction

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Repas intercomprehensif Collection of activities 24 Repas intercompr hensif Short intro tip about how when to use the tool travers toutes les phases de l laboration d un repas interculturel nous allons favoriser l intercompr hension Les phases sont laboration d un menu interculturel gestion d un budget gestion des quantit s r alisation des courses transformation des aliments cuissons laboration de la table l ambiance la musique service vaisselle et rangement final Cette activit de la vie quotidienne est source de nombreux changes techniques histoire des plats changes d id es laboration commune implicite ou explicite des r gles de s curit et d hygi ne alimentaire d bat r partition des r les de chacun faire ensemble contribution au bien commun le repas quotidien Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v hQQ2Os1R55c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 2 hours 99 98 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction

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English 101 100

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English 101 100

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While most of the European nations have been built on the platform of their language of identity the European Union can only build on a platform of linguistic diversity This from our point of view is particularly comforting A common sense of belonging based on linguistic and cultural diversity is a powerful antidote against the various types of fanaticism towards which all too often the assertion of identity has slipped in Europe and elsewhere in previous years as today 102 Born of the will of its diverse peoples who have freely chosen to unite the European Union has neither the intention nor the ability to obliterate their diversity On the contrary its mission historically is to preserve harmonise strike a balance and get the best out of this diversity and we think that it is up to the task We even believe that it can off er the whole of humanity a model for an identity based on diversity In a word the European ideal is founded on two inseparable conditions the universality of shared moral values and the diversity of cultural expression in particular linguistic diversity for historical reasons is a major component as well as being as we will try to illustrate a wonderful tool at the service of integration and harmonisation amin maalouf A rewarding challenge how the multiplicity of languages could strengthen europe Proposals from the Group of Intellectuals for Intercultural Dialogue set up at the initiative of the European Commission Brussels 2008 103 Respect for our linguistic diversity is not only to take due account of a cultural reality stemming from history It is the very basis of the European ideal as it emerged from the ashes of the conflicts which marred the 19th century and the first half of the 20th

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While most of the European nations have been built on the platform of their language of identity the European Union can only build on a platform of linguistic diversity This from our point of view is particularly comforting A common sense of belonging based on linguistic and cultural diversity is a powerful antidote against the various types of fanaticism towards which all too often the assertion of identity has slipped in Europe and elsewhere in previous years as today 102 Born of the will of its diverse peoples who have freely chosen to unite the European Union has neither the intention nor the ability to obliterate their diversity On the contrary its mission historically is to preserve harmonise strike a balance and get the best out of this diversity and we think that it is up to the task We even believe that it can off er the whole of humanity a model for an identity based on diversity In a word the European ideal is founded on two inseparable conditions the universality of shared moral values and the diversity of cultural expression in particular linguistic diversity for historical reasons is a major component as well as being as we will try to illustrate a wonderful tool at the service of integration and harmonisation amin maalouf A rewarding challenge how the multiplicity of languages could strengthen europe Proposals from the Group of Intellectuals for Intercultural Dialogue set up at the initiative of the European Commission Brussels 2008 103 Respect for our linguistic diversity is not only to take due account of a cultural reality stemming from history It is the very basis of the European ideal as it emerged from the ashes of the conflicts which marred the 19th century and the first half of the 20th

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Theory 105 1

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Theory 105 1

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Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction 1 Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction This handbook is the result of close cooperation between linguists working with intercomprehension and facilitators and trainers working in the fields of human rights and intercultural education Our aim is to offer youth workers and those working with young people in the field of non formal education the opportunity to benefit from and use linguistic diversity as a resource to advance intercultural learning Our challenge how can we use intercomprehension as a tool for intercultural education How can we favour the use of intercomprehension for intercultural learning in contexts such as European exchanges trainings or seminars 107 106 French Italian Romanian English Therefore we reflected on the role of intercomprehension in nonformal education in general and on the possibility of transferring the use of intercomprehension to specific tools used in human rights and intercultural education To achieve our objective we used plurilingual interaction in our work to overcome barriers and enrich our experience of linguistic and cultural diversity Each language and culture gives us a new perspective being able to understand another language and being familiar with another culture enhances our manner of seeing things of discovering and understanding the world INTERcomprehension and INTERcultural have the word INTER in common and therefore a relationship with the other another person in many ways similar and yet different from ourselves COMMON VALUES AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH At the crossroads between intercomprehension and intercultural education are

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Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction 1 Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction This handbook is the result of close cooperation between linguists working with intercomprehension and facilitators and trainers working in the fields of human rights and intercultural education Our aim is to offer youth workers and those working with young people in the field of non formal education the opportunity to benefit from and use linguistic diversity as a resource to advance intercultural learning Our challenge how can we use intercomprehension as a tool for intercultural education How can we favour the use of intercomprehension for intercultural learning in contexts such as European exchanges trainings or seminars 107 106 French Italian Romanian English Therefore we reflected on the role of intercomprehension in nonformal education in general and on the possibility of transferring the use of intercomprehension to specific tools used in human rights and intercultural education To achieve our objective we used plurilingual interaction in our work to overcome barriers and enrich our experience of linguistic and cultural diversity Each language and culture gives us a new perspective being able to understand another language and being familiar with another culture enhances our manner of seeing things of discovering and understanding the world INTERcomprehension and INTERcultural have the word INTER in common and therefore a relationship with the other another person in many ways similar and yet different from ourselves COMMON VALUES AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH At the crossroads between intercomprehension and intercultural education are

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In a nutshell having initiative and being engaging Intercomprehension Concepts Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction common values such as respect and appreciation of diversity favouring encounters and dialogue and being open when faced with uncertainty and the unknown and a very similar methodological approach based on the appreciation of differences interaction exchange reciprocity listening and cooperation 2 1 Intercomprehension Intercomprehension is a concept created in the context of language teaching but has more recently come to pose not only linguistics issues but also political and economic Its about an approach which allows each of us to use their own language in a linguistic context in order to communicate How is that possible I speak my language you speak yours and we understand each other Fran ois Guyot or Fabrice Le Floch during IC EU trainings a communicative process allowing the co construction of meaning by speakers of different languages in situations of plurilingual reception and or interaction Filomena Capucho during IC EU trainings French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 108 109 Interproduction is the linguistic and communicative competence used in contexts of plurilingual communication allowing a speaker to speak a language they prefer and to make themselves understood by the interlocutor while taking into account the common linguistic and cultural repertoire in order to allow the co construction of meaning This approach contests to a certain degree the absolute need of a shared LINGUA FRANCA generally the English language and favours the pursuit of conversational happiness in the absence of which not what we want to say but what we are able to say In order to acquire this competence there are several strategies to apply the management of prosodic elements such as rhythm frequent pauses accent clarity of vocalizations an empathic intonation lexical choice the conscious use of transparent words idioms and common conceptual metaphors inguistic selection changes of language due to a linear linguistic contiguity or to linguistic empathy or to a language for interpersonal communication remedial sequences collaboration confirmation During the project we came to view intercomprehension as an attitude of searching for similarities in order to understand each other while speaking our own languages In doing so we came

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In a nutshell having initiative and being engaging Intercomprehension Concepts Intercomprehension and intercultural education introduction common values such as respect and appreciation of diversity favouring encounters and dialogue and being open when faced with uncertainty and the unknown and a very similar methodological approach based on the appreciation of differences interaction exchange reciprocity listening and cooperation 2 1 Intercomprehension Intercomprehension is a concept created in the context of language teaching but has more recently come to pose not only linguistics issues but also political and economic Its about an approach which allows each of us to use their own language in a linguistic context in order to communicate How is that possible I speak my language you speak yours and we understand each other Fran ois Guyot or Fabrice Le Floch during IC EU trainings a communicative process allowing the co construction of meaning by speakers of different languages in situations of plurilingual reception and or interaction Filomena Capucho during IC EU trainings French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 108 109 Interproduction is the linguistic and communicative competence used in contexts of plurilingual communication allowing a speaker to speak a language they prefer and to make themselves understood by the interlocutor while taking into account the common linguistic and cultural repertoire in order to allow the co construction of meaning This approach contests to a certain degree the absolute need of a shared LINGUA FRANCA generally the English language and favours the pursuit of conversational happiness in the absence of which not what we want to say but what we are able to say In order to acquire this competence there are several strategies to apply the management of prosodic elements such as rhythm frequent pauses accent clarity of vocalizations an empathic intonation lexical choice the conscious use of transparent words idioms and common conceptual metaphors inguistic selection changes of language due to a linear linguistic contiguity or to linguistic empathy or to a language for interpersonal communication remedial sequences collaboration confirmation During the project we came to view intercomprehension as an attitude of searching for similarities in order to understand each other while speaking our own languages In doing so we came

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Intercomprehension is a team effort a game of cooperation The attitude that makes the difference You must know how to adapt be patient and stay focused on the other SPEAKER QUI ECOUTE Form simple sentences and use transparent words Focus your effort on understand the message not each single word Articulate clearly and pause often Ask questions when in doub Look for confirmation the interlocutor has understood the message If not rephrase Confirm you have understood Education and learning contexts The intercomprehension game guidelines Concepts Intercomprehension Concepts together focusing on the things we found in common rather than on how we are different In order to experience this during the youth mobility carried out within IC EU we prepared some guidelines for speakers and listeners Here they are Capucho F Silva M P et Chenoll A sous presse Co constructing meaning in international meetings an approach to plurilingual interactions In M H Ara jo e S et S Melo Pfeifer eds Multilingual interaction dynamics and achievements International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Auchlin A 1990 Analyse du discours et bonheur conversationnel Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 11 Universit de Gen ve 311 328 Auchlin A 1991 Le bonheur conversationnel fondements enjeux et domaines Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 12 Universit de Gen ve 103 126 French Italian Romanian English linguistiche Roma Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici Auchlin A 1996 Bonheur conversationnel et qualit du discours pour une approche exp rientielle et syst mique de la comp tence discursive Langage et Pratiques Lausanne Bulletin de l ARLD 13 17 111 French Italian Romanian English 110 Katharina Salzmann Luisa Giannandrea eds Educazione plurilingue ricerca didattica e politiche Using intercomprehension in human rights and intercultural education drew our attention to the different contexts we encounter every day as trainers and animators Many of us have been trained by and use the resources of the Council of Europe which is why we use it as reference for the different learning contexts in terms of content timeline and the nature of activities Informal education Informal education is the lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes values skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her own environment family peer group neighbours market place library mass media work play etc The media plays an important role in informal education whether as theatrical plays and films music and songs televised debates and documentary films We learn constantly and in this case learning is sometimes unplanned and unstructured Use body language source Capucho F sous presse Plurilingual interactions the role of interproduction strategies In 2 2 Education and learning contexts Informal formal and non formal education Formal education countries from the pre school level to university and which contains specialized programmes for technical and vocational training Formal education is often accompanied by the assessment of learning and the acquired skills and relies on a programme which may be more or less adapted to every person s needs and preferences Formal education is completed with the recognition of knowledge and the awarding of a diploma Non formal education Non formal education covers all planned and structured programmes and processes of individual and social education addressed to young people while aiming to improve aptitudes and competences outside the official educational curriculum Non formal education is what happens in places such as youth organizations sports clubs theatre groups and associations where young people engage in team projects play discuss go camping play music or

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Intercomprehension is a team effort a game of cooperation The attitude that makes the difference You must know how to adapt be patient and stay focused on the other SPEAKER QUI ECOUTE Form simple sentences and use transparent words Focus your effort on understand the message not each single word Articulate clearly and pause often Ask questions when in doub Look for confirmation the interlocutor has understood the message If not rephrase Confirm you have understood Education and learning contexts The intercomprehension game guidelines Concepts Intercomprehension Concepts together focusing on the things we found in common rather than on how we are different In order to experience this during the youth mobility carried out within IC EU we prepared some guidelines for speakers and listeners Here they are Capucho F Silva M P et Chenoll A sous presse Co constructing meaning in international meetings an approach to plurilingual interactions In M H Ara jo e S et S Melo Pfeifer eds Multilingual interaction dynamics and achievements International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism Auchlin A 1990 Analyse du discours et bonheur conversationnel Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 11 Universit de Gen ve 311 328 Auchlin A 1991 Le bonheur conversationnel fondements enjeux et domaines Cahiers de Linguistique fran aise 12 Universit de Gen ve 103 126 French Italian Romanian English linguistiche Roma Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici Auchlin A 1996 Bonheur conversationnel et qualit du discours pour une approche exp rientielle et syst mique de la comp tence discursive Langage et Pratiques Lausanne Bulletin de l ARLD 13 17 111 French Italian Romanian English 110 Katharina Salzmann Luisa Giannandrea eds Educazione plurilingue ricerca didattica e politiche Using intercomprehension in human rights and intercultural education drew our attention to the different contexts we encounter every day as trainers and animators Many of us have been trained by and use the resources of the Council of Europe which is why we use it as reference for the different learning contexts in terms of content timeline and the nature of activities Informal education Informal education is the lifelong process whereby every individual acquires attitudes values skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her own environment family peer group neighbours market place library mass media work play etc The media plays an important role in informal education whether as theatrical plays and films music and songs televised debates and documentary films We learn constantly and in this case learning is sometimes unplanned and unstructured Use body language source Capucho F sous presse Plurilingual interactions the role of interproduction strategies In 2 2 Education and learning contexts Informal formal and non formal education Formal education countries from the pre school level to university and which contains specialized programmes for technical and vocational training Formal education is often accompanied by the assessment of learning and the acquired skills and relies on a programme which may be more or less adapted to every person s needs and preferences Formal education is completed with the recognition of knowledge and the awarding of a diploma Non formal education Non formal education covers all planned and structured programmes and processes of individual and social education addressed to young people while aiming to improve aptitudes and competences outside the official educational curriculum Non formal education is what happens in places such as youth organizations sports clubs theatre groups and associations where young people engage in team projects play discuss go camping play music or

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Intercultural education Non formal education should also be voluntary accessible to all in an ideal world an organized process with educational goals participative learner centered based on both individual and group learning within a collective approach comprehensive and process oriented built on experience and action focused on the acquisition of capacities preparing for life and an active citizenship start from participants needs 2 3 Intercultural education Concepts Education and learning contexts Concepts act in the theatre The validation of knowledge of the non formal education is generally more difficult even if social recognition keeps developing We live in multicultural societies where different cultures and national ethnic and religious groups share the same territory without necessarily interacting diversity is often negatively perceived and minorities may be passively tolerated but never accepted Intercultural education is a process of social education allowing us to transform our multicultural societies into intercultural societies where different cultures and national ethnic and religious groups openly interact through exchanges and the mutual acknowledgement of their way of life and respective values The intercultural approach is not about showing willingness to engage it is above all a social project and a manner to understand the world Intercultural education is based on a concept of human relations where otherness is a value which must be learnt It is necessary to learn to know others and ourselves and to engage in dialogue with others French Italian Romanian English source Compass Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People Council of Europe 2012 Online version https www coe int en web compass 113 112 French Italian Romanian English Interculture is a process rather than an objective in itself Intercultural principles focus on developing an open attitude towards others a genuine respect for differences mutual understanding active tolerance acknowledgement of existing cultures the promotion of equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination Intercultural education places the other at the heart of relationships It encourages the permanent calling into question of prejudice and of what we consider as acceptable as well as being openminded towards uncertainty and the unknown In the process of mutual interacting and discovering every human can find fulfilment on a personal social or global level According to Pedagogical Kit of the Council of Europe the stages of intercultural education are the following

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Intercultural education Non formal education should also be voluntary accessible to all in an ideal world an organized process with educational goals participative learner centered based on both individual and group learning within a collective approach comprehensive and process oriented built on experience and action focused on the acquisition of capacities preparing for life and an active citizenship start from participants needs 2 3 Intercultural education Concepts Education and learning contexts Concepts act in the theatre The validation of knowledge of the non formal education is generally more difficult even if social recognition keeps developing We live in multicultural societies where different cultures and national ethnic and religious groups share the same territory without necessarily interacting diversity is often negatively perceived and minorities may be passively tolerated but never accepted Intercultural education is a process of social education allowing us to transform our multicultural societies into intercultural societies where different cultures and national ethnic and religious groups openly interact through exchanges and the mutual acknowledgement of their way of life and respective values The intercultural approach is not about showing willingness to engage it is above all a social project and a manner to understand the world Intercultural education is based on a concept of human relations where otherness is a value which must be learnt It is necessary to learn to know others and ourselves and to engage in dialogue with others French Italian Romanian English source Compass Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People Council of Europe 2012 Online version https www coe int en web compass 113 112 French Italian Romanian English Interculture is a process rather than an objective in itself Intercultural principles focus on developing an open attitude towards others a genuine respect for differences mutual understanding active tolerance acknowledgement of existing cultures the promotion of equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination Intercultural education places the other at the heart of relationships It encourages the permanent calling into question of prejudice and of what we consider as acceptable as well as being openminded towards uncertainty and the unknown In the process of mutual interacting and discovering every human can find fulfilment on a personal social or global level According to Pedagogical Kit of the Council of Europe the stages of intercultural education are the following

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114 Human rights citizenship interculturalism French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English to tackle issues relating to homophobia or the discrimination of Roma people gypsies and travellers instead of limiting oneself to conferences it would be better to give young people the possibility to feel what every day prejudices and discrimination mean It is not about diminishing the importance of basic information as it is essential to fighting deeply rooted prejudices and stereotypes Variations on a single theme The great methodological contribution of INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION is that it relies not only on the intellectual and cognitive efforts but also and above all on experiencing specific situations that prompt a reaction on an affective and emotional level Selon le Kit P dagogique du Conseil de l Europe 115 Intercultural education Concepts 1 Visualizing oneself from the exterior reflecting about one s self and culture 2 Understanding the world we live in interdependent with shared responsibilities 3 Becoming familiar with other realities cultures and ways of life 4 Understanding difference in a positive manner 5 Encouraging positive attitudes values and behaviours 3 1 Human rights education Human rights education may be quite vast but we found the most suitable one to be in the Compass manual the best definition is one that defines objectives mainly the establishment of a culture of understanding defending and observing human rights by all people Every individual working with others with this objective in mind and acting for its implementation may be considered as engaged in the field of human rights education regardless of the specific ways and orientations Human rights education places the learner its needs capacities and desires at the centre of the educational process while taking into account the social context In non formal and informal youth work especially abroad human rights education is a comprehensive approach to address the challenges of our societies in terms of respect solidarity and responsibility In our view intercomprehension serves the objectives of human rights education and enables the developement of competences such as Active listening and communication the ability to listen to different points of view and to be able to defend the rights of one and the other The capacity to cooperate and positively address conflict situations The capacity to take part in groups Human rights education focuses on the development and strengthening of these competences Both intercomprehension and human rights education enable working on values such as Curiosity openmindedness and appreciation of diversity Empathy and solidarity towards others The meaning of human dignity of selfworth and appreciating otherness regardless of social cultural linguistic and religious differences Clearning about citizenship and intercultural values are two essential aspects of the most basic human rights education

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114 Human rights citizenship interculturalism French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English to tackle issues relating to homophobia or the discrimination of Roma people gypsies and travellers instead of limiting oneself to conferences it would be better to give young people the possibility to feel what every day prejudices and discrimination mean It is not about diminishing the importance of basic information as it is essential to fighting deeply rooted prejudices and stereotypes Variations on a single theme The great methodological contribution of INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION is that it relies not only on the intellectual and cognitive efforts but also and above all on experiencing specific situations that prompt a reaction on an affective and emotional level Selon le Kit P dagogique du Conseil de l Europe 115 Intercultural education Concepts 1 Visualizing oneself from the exterior reflecting about one s self and culture 2 Understanding the world we live in interdependent with shared responsibilities 3 Becoming familiar with other realities cultures and ways of life 4 Understanding difference in a positive manner 5 Encouraging positive attitudes values and behaviours 3 1 Human rights education Human rights education may be quite vast but we found the most suitable one to be in the Compass manual the best definition is one that defines objectives mainly the establishment of a culture of understanding defending and observing human rights by all people Every individual working with others with this objective in mind and acting for its implementation may be considered as engaged in the field of human rights education regardless of the specific ways and orientations Human rights education places the learner its needs capacities and desires at the centre of the educational process while taking into account the social context In non formal and informal youth work especially abroad human rights education is a comprehensive approach to address the challenges of our societies in terms of respect solidarity and responsibility In our view intercomprehension serves the objectives of human rights education and enables the developement of competences such as Active listening and communication the ability to listen to different points of view and to be able to defend the rights of one and the other The capacity to cooperate and positively address conflict situations The capacity to take part in groups Human rights education focuses on the development and strengthening of these competences Both intercomprehension and human rights education enable working on values such as Curiosity openmindedness and appreciation of diversity Empathy and solidarity towards others The meaning of human dignity of selfworth and appreciating otherness regardless of social cultural linguistic and religious differences Clearning about citizenship and intercultural values are two essential aspects of the most basic human rights education

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The Declaration of Maastricht on global citizenship education 2002 presents global citizenship education as eye opening raising awareness among citizens regarding the realities of a globalized world and motivating them to contribute to creating a world based on justice equality and human rights for all It incorporates development education human rights education sustainable development education the education for peace and prevention of conflicts and intercultural education Citizenship education aims to develop values attitudes knowledge and capacities that will allow us to face understand and address the challenges of an ever more connected world cultivating a spirit of global responsibility of world citizens Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme Citizenship education tackles issues relating to policy and government the legal system the media multiculturalism and equal opportunities The Council of Europe Compass manual proposes a vast array of relevant activities French Italian Romanian English Democratic citizenship education and human rights education differ in terms of their target and significance rather than in objectives and practices According to the Council of Europe Charter on democratic citizenship education and human rights education democratic citizenship education and human rights education are closely connected and complementary They differ in focus and scope rather than in objectives and practices Education for democratic citizenship focuses primarily on democratic rights and responsibilities and active participation in relation to the civic political social economic legal and cultural aspects of society while human rights education is concerned with the broader spectrum of human rights and fundamental freedoms in every aspect of our lives 117 Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 116 3 2 Citizenship democratic citizenship global citizenship education 3 3 Intercultural education In a previous chapter we addressed the topic of intercultural education and its strategic importance for the education of responsible citizens demonstrating solidarity As such we will take this opportunity to highlight the importance of tackling intercultural incomprehension representative of our times in a human rights oriented approach Intercultural incomprehension is often a source of racial discrimination intolerance slander and violence on a local and global scale These phenomena manifesting in all societies are the sad illustration of the problems which may emerge from people s inability to interact with and show respect for other cultures The reasons for conflicts are never simple but inequities in sharing resources and access to political and social rights are generally among the root causes for intolerance and discrimination Therefore it is only natural for intercultural education professionals to a adopt human rights oriented approach

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The Declaration of Maastricht on global citizenship education 2002 presents global citizenship education as eye opening raising awareness among citizens regarding the realities of a globalized world and motivating them to contribute to creating a world based on justice equality and human rights for all It incorporates development education human rights education sustainable development education the education for peace and prevention of conflicts and intercultural education Citizenship education aims to develop values attitudes knowledge and capacities that will allow us to face understand and address the challenges of an ever more connected world cultivating a spirit of global responsibility of world citizens Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme Citizenship education tackles issues relating to policy and government the legal system the media multiculturalism and equal opportunities The Council of Europe Compass manual proposes a vast array of relevant activities French Italian Romanian English Democratic citizenship education and human rights education differ in terms of their target and significance rather than in objectives and practices According to the Council of Europe Charter on democratic citizenship education and human rights education democratic citizenship education and human rights education are closely connected and complementary They differ in focus and scope rather than in objectives and practices Education for democratic citizenship focuses primarily on democratic rights and responsibilities and active participation in relation to the civic political social economic legal and cultural aspects of society while human rights education is concerned with the broader spectrum of human rights and fundamental freedoms in every aspect of our lives 117 Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 116 3 2 Citizenship democratic citizenship global citizenship education 3 3 Intercultural education In a previous chapter we addressed the topic of intercultural education and its strategic importance for the education of responsible citizens demonstrating solidarity As such we will take this opportunity to highlight the importance of tackling intercultural incomprehension representative of our times in a human rights oriented approach Intercultural incomprehension is often a source of racial discrimination intolerance slander and violence on a local and global scale These phenomena manifesting in all societies are the sad illustration of the problems which may emerge from people s inability to interact with and show respect for other cultures The reasons for conflicts are never simple but inequities in sharing resources and access to political and social rights are generally among the root causes for intolerance and discrimination Therefore it is only natural for intercultural education professionals to a adopt human rights oriented approach

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Participation The creation of an environment which supports and encourages assuming responsibility be that in the communication process of each individual in their own language or in the learning outcomes proposed is the foundation of active methods which favour the participation of young people Both in intercomprehension and intercultural education all participants are required to engage and become actively involved in the process no one should remain inactive When using intercomprehension an effort must be made by both speakers and the listeners In both cases they must engage just as in the activities focused on intercultural education in non formal contexts Co operative learning Learning to respect others and to work together is one aim of HRE In co operative learning people learn through working together to seek outcomes that are beneficial both to themselves and to all members of the group Co operative learning promotes higher achievement and greater productivity more caring supportive and committed relationships and greater social competence and self esteem These principles found in the Compass manual of human rights education equally apply to intercomprehension which we have defined as a team cooperation game a game for which we have established the rules see chapter 2 on intercomprehension Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme The use of participative methods such as co operative and experiential learning in the two approaches required the active involvement of the participants Experiential learning learning by experience While we are aware experience alone is not enough for learning reflection requires theoretical knowledge when it comes to intercultural education and human rights education experiential learning has its place Learning through experience or discovery learning is the corner stone of human rights education because core human rights skills and values such as communication critical thinking advocacy tolerance and respect cannot be taught they have to be learned through experience and practised Experience and practice have been equally instrumental to us when using intercomprehension in a non formal context after having established basic rules to play at intercomprehension all our learning derives through the experience of communicating between two individuals who do not speak the same language Each listener experienced the initial frustration of not being able to understand then asking for help and cooperating to achieve understanding by sending confirmation messages The speaker experienced the initial uncertainty of being able to make themselves understood searched for simple and transparent words attempted to use body language non verbal communication and rephrased in case of incomprehension Through practice the participants learned to play the intercomprehension game French Italian Romanian English The piloting the use of intercomprehension in non formal contexts such as youth exchanges allowed us to confirm the common aspects in the methodological approach of intercomprehension and intercultural education 119 Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 118 3 4 Common methodological approaches in intercomprehension human rights education and intercultural education According to the Compass manual However experience in itself is not enough To gain from an experience it is important to reflect on what happened draw conclusions and practise what you have learned without reinforcement the learning will be lost

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Participation The creation of an environment which supports and encourages assuming responsibility be that in the communication process of each individual in their own language or in the learning outcomes proposed is the foundation of active methods which favour the participation of young people Both in intercomprehension and intercultural education all participants are required to engage and become actively involved in the process no one should remain inactive When using intercomprehension an effort must be made by both speakers and the listeners In both cases they must engage just as in the activities focused on intercultural education in non formal contexts Co operative learning Learning to respect others and to work together is one aim of HRE In co operative learning people learn through working together to seek outcomes that are beneficial both to themselves and to all members of the group Co operative learning promotes higher achievement and greater productivity more caring supportive and committed relationships and greater social competence and self esteem These principles found in the Compass manual of human rights education equally apply to intercomprehension which we have defined as a team cooperation game a game for which we have established the rules see chapter 2 on intercomprehension Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme The use of participative methods such as co operative and experiential learning in the two approaches required the active involvement of the participants Experiential learning learning by experience While we are aware experience alone is not enough for learning reflection requires theoretical knowledge when it comes to intercultural education and human rights education experiential learning has its place Learning through experience or discovery learning is the corner stone of human rights education because core human rights skills and values such as communication critical thinking advocacy tolerance and respect cannot be taught they have to be learned through experience and practised Experience and practice have been equally instrumental to us when using intercomprehension in a non formal context after having established basic rules to play at intercomprehension all our learning derives through the experience of communicating between two individuals who do not speak the same language Each listener experienced the initial frustration of not being able to understand then asking for help and cooperating to achieve understanding by sending confirmation messages The speaker experienced the initial uncertainty of being able to make themselves understood searched for simple and transparent words attempted to use body language non verbal communication and rephrased in case of incomprehension Through practice the participants learned to play the intercomprehension game French Italian Romanian English The piloting the use of intercomprehension in non formal contexts such as youth exchanges allowed us to confirm the common aspects in the methodological approach of intercomprehension and intercultural education 119 Human rights citizenship interculturalism Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 118 3 4 Common methodological approaches in intercomprehension human rights education and intercultural education According to the Compass manual However experience in itself is not enough To gain from an experience it is important to reflect on what happened draw conclusions and practise what you have learned without reinforcement the learning will be lost

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Communication in mother tongue Literacy competence the ability to express and understand ideas feelings and facts to have adequate linguistic interactions in the social and cultural life Communication in one or more foreign languages Multilingual competence positive attitudes towards cultural differences and curiosity in terms of languages and intercultural communication and also a consolidated communication capacity between the members of different cultures a greater flexibility in the context of cultural diversity characterising the society Learning to learn Personal social and learning to learn the capacity to organise and be responsible for one s own learning to manage obstacles and to assess the results of one s own learning Social and civic competence Citizenship competence personal interpersonal and intercultural competences and attitudes allowing an individual to participate in the social and professional life citizenship Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit Entrepreneurship competence the capacity to turn ideas into actions the capacity to create innovate take risks To this competence we would also add the ability to solve problems https www youthpass eu en Developed competences Variations on a single theme The practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education allows the stregthening of attitudes such as open mindedness when using intercomprehension we must be aware of the diversity surrounding us in order to address it take it into consideration and communicate in such a way so that we are understood Being open minded means welcoming cultural diversity and the diversity of opinions and adapting oneself accordingly adaptability to change relating to others in situations of multilingualism involves knowing how to change the usual habits and behaviours in order to adjust the manner of communicating to the speaker of another language and to repeat in case of incomprehension the meaning of interpersonal relations this is strictly connected to the social and civic competence of Youthpass listening to others putting oneself in another person s place to understand what they feel choosing the most adequate manner of communication for one s interlocutor In general we have noticed that the practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education builds self confidence in our attempt to overcome our limits we practice being engaged and we develop our ability to be proactive It also leads to strengthening competences such as listening empathy and the respect of others In general we have noticed that the practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education builds self confidence in our attempt to overcome our limits we practice being engaged and we develop our ability to be proactive It also leads to strengthening competences such as listening empathy and the respect of others French Italian Romanian English Competences Here we are referring to the Key competences as defined by the Youthpass which aims to facilitate the recognition of competences applied or developed during activities of non formal education as in our case Of the Youthpass key competences the following may be developed through the use of intercomprehension in intercultural education contexts 121 Developed competences Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 120 4 What competences are developed when using intercomprehension in intercultural education contexts The importance of reflection Reflection is a crucial element in any learning process Only by reflection can we recall our experiences understand them and take advantage of them by assimilating them to new ideas new ways of thinking new attitudes Therefore it is important to take our time to assess look back and process one s experiences A competence has been acquired when we reflected on what has happened we recognize our resources for example the fact of being able to communicate in one s own language with people speaking other languages and we are able to apply them in other contexts This is why the role of facilitators youth workers is essential in the intercultural exchanges within Erasmus for instance The

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Communication in mother tongue Literacy competence the ability to express and understand ideas feelings and facts to have adequate linguistic interactions in the social and cultural life Communication in one or more foreign languages Multilingual competence positive attitudes towards cultural differences and curiosity in terms of languages and intercultural communication and also a consolidated communication capacity between the members of different cultures a greater flexibility in the context of cultural diversity characterising the society Learning to learn Personal social and learning to learn the capacity to organise and be responsible for one s own learning to manage obstacles and to assess the results of one s own learning Social and civic competence Citizenship competence personal interpersonal and intercultural competences and attitudes allowing an individual to participate in the social and professional life citizenship Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit Entrepreneurship competence the capacity to turn ideas into actions the capacity to create innovate take risks To this competence we would also add the ability to solve problems https www youthpass eu en Developed competences Variations on a single theme The practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education allows the stregthening of attitudes such as open mindedness when using intercomprehension we must be aware of the diversity surrounding us in order to address it take it into consideration and communicate in such a way so that we are understood Being open minded means welcoming cultural diversity and the diversity of opinions and adapting oneself accordingly adaptability to change relating to others in situations of multilingualism involves knowing how to change the usual habits and behaviours in order to adjust the manner of communicating to the speaker of another language and to repeat in case of incomprehension the meaning of interpersonal relations this is strictly connected to the social and civic competence of Youthpass listening to others putting oneself in another person s place to understand what they feel choosing the most adequate manner of communication for one s interlocutor In general we have noticed that the practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education builds self confidence in our attempt to overcome our limits we practice being engaged and we develop our ability to be proactive It also leads to strengthening competences such as listening empathy and the respect of others In general we have noticed that the practice of intercomprehension in contexts of intercultural education builds self confidence in our attempt to overcome our limits we practice being engaged and we develop our ability to be proactive It also leads to strengthening competences such as listening empathy and the respect of others French Italian Romanian English Competences Here we are referring to the Key competences as defined by the Youthpass which aims to facilitate the recognition of competences applied or developed during activities of non formal education as in our case Of the Youthpass key competences the following may be developed through the use of intercomprehension in intercultural education contexts 121 Developed competences Variations on a single theme French Italian Romanian English 120 4 What competences are developed when using intercomprehension in intercultural education contexts The importance of reflection Reflection is a crucial element in any learning process Only by reflection can we recall our experiences understand them and take advantage of them by assimilating them to new ideas new ways of thinking new attitudes Therefore it is important to take our time to assess look back and process one s experiences A competence has been acquired when we reflected on what has happened we recognize our resources for example the fact of being able to communicate in one s own language with people speaking other languages and we are able to apply them in other contexts This is why the role of facilitators youth workers is essential in the intercultural exchanges within Erasmus for instance The

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Developed competences Variations on a single theme animators must facilitate sessions of reflection regarding these resources the fact that even without speaking another person s language we could speak our own and make ourselves understood and understand them To achieve this result before the youth exchange in every national group the facilitators asked participants to answer some questions for preparation to begin with When I say intercomprehension what do you think of Have you already been to Romania Italy France How did you communicate What languages do you speak You are a citizen born in Europe what does this mean to you During the evaluation of the exchange to facilitate reflection on what happened we asked the participants the following questions What happened How did you communicate Did you manage to understand and make yourself understood In what language What setbacks do you have According to the Youthpass methodology we used a self evaluation supported by the feedback of guides and peers 123 122 French Italian Romanian English If we had to summarize the process of reflection on the aquired competences we could use the following verbs rephrase put into words become aware of look at things from a distance analyse them and recognize them

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Developed competences Variations on a single theme animators must facilitate sessions of reflection regarding these resources the fact that even without speaking another person s language we could speak our own and make ourselves understood and understand them To achieve this result before the youth exchange in every national group the facilitators asked participants to answer some questions for preparation to begin with When I say intercomprehension what do you think of Have you already been to Romania Italy France How did you communicate What languages do you speak You are a citizen born in Europe what does this mean to you During the evaluation of the exchange to facilitate reflection on what happened we asked the participants the following questions What happened How did you communicate Did you manage to understand and make yourself understood In what language What setbacks do you have According to the Youthpass methodology we used a self evaluation supported by the feedback of guides and peers 123 122 French Italian Romanian English If we had to summarize the process of reflection on the aquired competences we could use the following verbs rephrase put into words become aware of look at things from a distance analyse them and recognize them

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Methodology 125 124 2

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Methodology 125 124 2

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Collection of activities Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An easy easy activity to start or end the day warmly Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v GBaHPND2QJg Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 11 camels Collection of activities Xixi Coco 1 Xixi Coco 2 11 camels Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A short story that opens up to many reflections Ideal to end a work session and to leave some material to think about Inspirational picture video Duration 5 min Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 10 100 Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Evaluation Duration 30 min N participants range 3 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Let s do some music You are the conductor divide the participants in two groups in front of you the left group will play the note xi and the right group will play the note co Take a moment to go over the melody of the European anthem for everyone and perform it playing the two groups instruments alternately To make it even funnier speed up and slow down the melody and switch from one group to the other have a good music 127 126 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description A narrator tells the story then he leaves to small groups a little time to confront The story of the 11 camels A cameleer at the point of death decides to do a will He has 3 sons and in the will he writes that At the first one he leaves 1 2 of his belongings At the second one he leaves 1 4 At the third one he leaves 1 6 And with the reasons he had for his decision he dies Then the sons open the will and read the repartition they see that

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Collection of activities Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An easy easy activity to start or end the day warmly Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v GBaHPND2QJg Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality 11 camels Collection of activities Xixi Coco 1 Xixi Coco 2 11 camels Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A short story that opens up to many reflections Ideal to end a work session and to leave some material to think about Inspirational picture video Duration 5 min Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 10 100 Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Evaluation Duration 30 min N participants range 3 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Let s do some music You are the conductor divide the participants in two groups in front of you the left group will play the note xi and the right group will play the note co Take a moment to go over the melody of the European anthem for everyone and perform it playing the two groups instruments alternately To make it even funnier speed up and slow down the melody and switch from one group to the other have a good music 127 126 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description A narrator tells the story then he leaves to small groups a little time to confront The story of the 11 camels A cameleer at the point of death decides to do a will He has 3 sons and in the will he writes that At the first one he leaves 1 2 of his belongings At the second one he leaves 1 4 At the third one he leaves 1 6 And with the reasons he had for his decision he dies Then the sons open the will and read the repartition they see that

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11 camels Collection of activities 11 camels Collection of activities the heritage consists of 11 camels all the father had managed to accumulate over the course of his life Therefore 12 2 6 2 4 3 12 6 2 totale 11 At that point the cameleer takes back his camel and keeps going French Italian Romanian English x 129 128 French Italian Romanian English 11 camels And they start to fighting because it is impossible to divide 11 camels in 2 parts It would be 5 and Therefore the first one says Give me 6 then And the others say 6 You ve been already lucky enough to have more than us be glad you ll have 5 There was nothing to do as it happens also in the best families they keep fighting From words to hands from hands to dagger and they would have killed each other IF a camel merchant had not passed by without knowing the 3 brothers Seeing the mess the cameleer asks what happened and they tell him about the division of the heritage At that point the cameleer do this act he donates without being forced his camel And so the heritage becomes 11 1 12 camels Then what is the message actually the two messages of the story 1 Those who practice the donation never impoverish themselves The cameleer donated for free And he didn t loose anything actually he earned the gratitude of the 3 brothers When they realized that with his act he saved their lives they showed him gratitude 2 even more interesting The rules of justice the will has a legal value alone are not enough to ensure peace The 3 brothers would have killed each other In the human history how many wars have been fought in the name of justice So many So be careful talking about justice it is needed but it s not enough Nevertheless when the justice marries the donation with the principle of the gift the result is achieved You see in the final situation the rules of justice have been guaranteed because everyone had what was written in the will And the conflict between brothers avoided This is the point the con cept of benevolent justice The justice is not enough we need to aim to a benevolent justice that is the justice that wants the good Because if the justice does not aim to good what becomes Justicialism that is very dangerous It is cutting off the heads as the Jacobins did after the French Revolution The real challenge is not just to be compliant Because you could leave in a fair society where people are killing each other or where people are killed as the history tells We must aim to benevolent justice namely the justice that walks with the good When this two things are walking together just then we have either wellness and peace

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11 camels Collection of activities 11 camels Collection of activities the heritage consists of 11 camels all the father had managed to accumulate over the course of his life Therefore 12 2 6 2 4 3 12 6 2 totale 11 At that point the cameleer takes back his camel and keeps going French Italian Romanian English x 129 128 French Italian Romanian English 11 camels And they start to fighting because it is impossible to divide 11 camels in 2 parts It would be 5 and Therefore the first one says Give me 6 then And the others say 6 You ve been already lucky enough to have more than us be glad you ll have 5 There was nothing to do as it happens also in the best families they keep fighting From words to hands from hands to dagger and they would have killed each other IF a camel merchant had not passed by without knowing the 3 brothers Seeing the mess the cameleer asks what happened and they tell him about the division of the heritage At that point the cameleer do this act he donates without being forced his camel And so the heritage becomes 11 1 12 camels Then what is the message actually the two messages of the story 1 Those who practice the donation never impoverish themselves The cameleer donated for free And he didn t loose anything actually he earned the gratitude of the 3 brothers When they realized that with his act he saved their lives they showed him gratitude 2 even more interesting The rules of justice the will has a legal value alone are not enough to ensure peace The 3 brothers would have killed each other In the human history how many wars have been fought in the name of justice So many So be careful talking about justice it is needed but it s not enough Nevertheless when the justice marries the donation with the principle of the gift the result is achieved You see in the final situation the rules of justice have been guaranteed because everyone had what was written in the will And the conflict between brothers avoided This is the point the con cept of benevolent justice The justice is not enough we need to aim to a benevolent justice that is the justice that wants the good Because if the justice does not aim to good what becomes Justicialism that is very dangerous It is cutting off the heads as the Jacobins did after the French Revolution The real challenge is not just to be compliant Because you could leave in a fair society where people are killing each other or where people are killed as the history tells We must aim to benevolent justice namely the justice that walks with the good When this two things are walking together just then we have either wellness and peace

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool It is a video that shortly gives an idea about the distinction between formal non formal and informal learning And illustrates the principles of the 8 Key Competences of the EU To be sent to the participants as an inicial introducition or final summary Collection of activities Video K Comp Collection of activities 3 Video K Comp Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min N participants range 1 100 French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Watch this video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY And determine the differences between learning styles trying to bring to mind some personal examples Then go ahead and do the same thing for the 8 Key Competences 131 130 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 4 Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A nice activity to discover some cultural backgrounds of the Italian language through the most common idiomatic sentences One of the central sessions of a hypothetical training day Inspirational picture video

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool It is a video that shortly gives an idea about the distinction between formal non formal and informal learning And illustrates the principles of the 8 Key Competences of the EU To be sent to the participants as an inicial introducition or final summary Collection of activities Video K Comp Collection of activities 3 Video K Comp Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min N participants range 1 100 French Italian Romanian English Implementation description Watch this video https www youtube com watch v m7sJgGJPGoY And determine the differences between learning styles trying to bring to mind some personal examples Then go ahead and do the same thing for the 8 Key Competences 131 130 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling 4 Italian Idioms Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A nice activity to discover some cultural backgrounds of the Italian language through the most common idiomatic sentences One of the central sessions of a hypothetical training day Inspirational picture video

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Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling The facilitator asks to each sub group to mime an idiomatic sentence at a time and possibly writes the correspondents identified in the other languages Feedback and comments in plenary French Italian Romanian English IT FR RO EN Avere un chiodo fisso in testa A i se pune pata To be fixated on something Un coniglio Un froussard Un troillard Iepure fricos A coward Capitare a fagiolo Tomber pic A pica la anc To happen just at the right time Andare a letto con le galline Se coucher avec les poules A se culca cu g inile To go to bed early Come il gatto e la volpe Ca oarecele i pisica A couple of very good maybe a bit naughty friends Avere la lingua lunga Avoir la langue bien pendue A avea gura mare To talk a lot and often without thinking Avere la luna storta tre mal lun A se trezi cu fa a la cear af To be in a bad mood Duration 60 min Implementation description Divide the plurilingual group in 4 5 sub groups mixed by nationality and culture hand out the cards with the idiomatic sentences Each group works on its own following these steps Trying to explain the meaning of the idiomatic phrase Finding if exists the equivalent in their own language Selecting 3 idiomatic phrases to mime in plenary 132 Table for the facilitator In bocca al lupo Bonne chance Baft Good luck Cadere dalle nuvole Tomber des nues A fi picat din nori To be completely surprised Filare liscio come l olio Comme dans du beurre Merge ca uns To go smoothly Non vedo l ora J ai h te Abia a tept I can t wait Prendere la palla al balzo Saisir la balle au bond A o prinde din zbor To seize the opportunity Buono come un pezzo di pane Bun de pus la ran A good person a really nice guy Non sapere che pesci prendere Ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser S nu tii pe unde s sco i c ma a To not know which way to turn Prendere due piccioni con una fava Faire d une pierre dux coups A impusca doi iepuri odata To kill two birds with one stone Avere il pollice verde Avoir la main verte To be a good gardener Essere come il prezzemolo Pousser comme du chiendent R sari ca ciupercile dup ploaie To turn up everywhere Perdere il treno Rater louper manquer le coche A pierde trenul To miss your chance or opportunity Cercare il pelo nell uovo Chercher le poil dans l oeuf A c uta nod n papur To be a perfectionist to be picky Furbo come una volpe Rus comme un renard Viclean ca vulpea Someone very clever Sly as a fox 133 Italian Idioms Collection of activities Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction N participants range 10 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling The facilitator asks to each sub group to mime an idiomatic sentence at a time and possibly writes the correspondents identified in the other languages Feedback and comments in plenary French Italian Romanian English IT FR RO EN Avere un chiodo fisso in testa A i se pune pata To be fixated on something Un coniglio Un froussard Un troillard Iepure fricos A coward Capitare a fagiolo Tomber pic A pica la anc To happen just at the right time Andare a letto con le galline Se coucher avec les poules A se culca cu g inile To go to bed early Come il gatto e la volpe Ca oarecele i pisica A couple of very good maybe a bit naughty friends Avere la lingua lunga Avoir la langue bien pendue A avea gura mare To talk a lot and often without thinking Avere la luna storta tre mal lun A se trezi cu fa a la cear af To be in a bad mood Duration 60 min Implementation description Divide the plurilingual group in 4 5 sub groups mixed by nationality and culture hand out the cards with the idiomatic sentences Each group works on its own following these steps Trying to explain the meaning of the idiomatic phrase Finding if exists the equivalent in their own language Selecting 3 idiomatic phrases to mime in plenary 132 Table for the facilitator In bocca al lupo Bonne chance Baft Good luck Cadere dalle nuvole Tomber des nues A fi picat din nori To be completely surprised Filare liscio come l olio Comme dans du beurre Merge ca uns To go smoothly Non vedo l ora J ai h te Abia a tept I can t wait Prendere la palla al balzo Saisir la balle au bond A o prinde din zbor To seize the opportunity Buono come un pezzo di pane Bun de pus la ran A good person a really nice guy Non sapere che pesci prendere Ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser S nu tii pe unde s sco i c ma a To not know which way to turn Prendere due piccioni con una fava Faire d une pierre dux coups A impusca doi iepuri odata To kill two birds with one stone Avere il pollice verde Avoir la main verte To be a good gardener Essere come il prezzemolo Pousser comme du chiendent R sari ca ciupercile dup ploaie To turn up everywhere Perdere il treno Rater louper manquer le coche A pierde trenul To miss your chance or opportunity Cercare il pelo nell uovo Chercher le poil dans l oeuf A c uta nod n papur To be a perfectionist to be picky Furbo come una volpe Rus comme un renard Viclean ca vulpea Someone very clever Sly as a fox 133 Italian Idioms Collection of activities Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Parole O_Stili it s a social project aimed to sensitise against the violence of word This activity can be used to start a debate or in a follow up course Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v QATKI1I 79Y Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Walleyball Collection of activities Parole O Stili Collection of activities 5 Parole O Stili Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 6 12 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling N participants range 10 80 135 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video https vimeo com 23334504 Duration 60 min Duration 60 min 134 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool How hard would it be playing a volleyball match without seeing the adversary How labile could the boundaries be if we imagine them as a game net Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description After a short introduction to provide the background of the project and the main contents go to the official website and select the Manifesto in the language you prefer http paroleostili com traduzioni Create mixed plurilingual groups of 3 8 participants and give to each group the Manifesto in one of the languages you selected Then give to each group 30 minutes to prepare 3 sketches mime to explain the meaning and the sense of 3 points of the Manifesto the 3 sketches have to be maximum 1 minute If you have the chance record the sketches At the end take a moment to do some comments about the sketches in the plenary with feedbacks from all the participants 6 Walleyball Implementation description Create two teams of minumum 3 players maximum 6 If you have the chance to have a gym cover the volleyball net with some sheets from the top to the ground making the adversary team invisible Let s start playing In case you can t find a gym you can choose an oper air space and the volleyball net can be made by sheets and the palying field drawn with a chalk It is important that the adversary teams can t see each other References From 1979 the residents of Naco in Mexico and of Naco in Arizona play a volleyball match on the barbed fence that divides the two states In the same way in Gorizia has been played a volleyball match between Goricians and Yugoslavs Reflections The activity can open to two different discussions the first one on the difficulty of playing and so interacting with someone you cannot see metaphorically someone you don t know The second one on the inconsistency of the borders if we imagine them as a line a game net or a playing field

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Parole O_Stili it s a social project aimed to sensitise against the violence of word This activity can be used to start a debate or in a follow up course Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v QATKI1I 79Y Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Walleyball Collection of activities Parole O Stili Collection of activities 5 Parole O Stili Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 6 12 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling N participants range 10 80 135 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English Inspirational picture video https vimeo com 23334504 Duration 60 min Duration 60 min 134 Short intro tip about how when to use the tool How hard would it be playing a volleyball match without seeing the adversary How labile could the boundaries be if we imagine them as a game net Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Implementation description After a short introduction to provide the background of the project and the main contents go to the official website and select the Manifesto in the language you prefer http paroleostili com traduzioni Create mixed plurilingual groups of 3 8 participants and give to each group the Manifesto in one of the languages you selected Then give to each group 30 minutes to prepare 3 sketches mime to explain the meaning and the sense of 3 points of the Manifesto the 3 sketches have to be maximum 1 minute If you have the chance record the sketches At the end take a moment to do some comments about the sketches in the plenary with feedbacks from all the participants 6 Walleyball Implementation description Create two teams of minumum 3 players maximum 6 If you have the chance to have a gym cover the volleyball net with some sheets from the top to the ground making the adversary team invisible Let s start playing In case you can t find a gym you can choose an oper air space and the volleyball net can be made by sheets and the palying field drawn with a chalk It is important that the adversary teams can t see each other References From 1979 the residents of Naco in Mexico and of Naco in Arizona play a volleyball match on the barbed fence that divides the two states In the same way in Gorizia has been played a volleyball match between Goricians and Yugoslavs Reflections The activity can open to two different discussions the first one on the difficulty of playing and so interacting with someone you cannot see metaphorically someone you don t know The second one on the inconsistency of the borders if we imagine them as a line a game net or a playing field

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v jD8tjhVO1Tc Intersections Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Relationship exchange knowledge common aspects you would never thought you have Collection of activities Intersections Collection of activities 7 Intersections Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 2 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Create with some tape a borderline on the ground On one side indicate with a color the left group and do the same changing the color for the right group Ask to the participants to divide in two groups freely It doesn t French Italian Romanian English Duration 10 30 min 137 136 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction matter if the two groups are not uniforms Start to list a set of preferences couples based on the group in front of you and ask to the participants to move side to side on the borderline Some examples sweet or savory white or black coke or orangeade sea or mountain meat or fish cat or dog fantasy or reality Europe or Italy In case there are people speaking different languages there s the chance to do this game using pre prepared images Reflections Each of us has preferences but whether we want to or not some of these we share with others This make us understand that we don t belong just to predefined groups race religion home state but that we are liquid beings that can create different kinds of intersections

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v jD8tjhVO1Tc Intersections Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Relationship exchange knowledge common aspects you would never thought you have Collection of activities Intersections Collection of activities 7 Intersections Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 2 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Create with some tape a borderline on the ground On one side indicate with a color the left group and do the same changing the color for the right group Ask to the participants to divide in two groups freely It doesn t French Italian Romanian English Duration 10 30 min 137 136 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction matter if the two groups are not uniforms Start to list a set of preferences couples based on the group in front of you and ask to the participants to move side to side on the borderline Some examples sweet or savory white or black coke or orangeade sea or mountain meat or fish cat or dog fantasy or reality Europe or Italy In case there are people speaking different languages there s the chance to do this game using pre prepared images Reflections Each of us has preferences but whether we want to or not some of these we share with others This make us understand that we don t belong just to predefined groups race religion home state but that we are liquid beings that can create different kinds of intersections

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Una Fable Especial Collection of activities Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Once upon a time a special fairytale made by words and signs from different countries that can hide unexpected surprises Collection of activities Una Fable Especial 8 Una Fable Especial Once done the paper is passed to the person next to him being careful that they are not coming from the same area village city state and it s asked to imagine what would it be its representation The graphic rendering it s not as important as what that word suggests in our imagination To help the participants based on the age for example is possible use some magazines and the collage technique Once each participant finish his illustration then the game will turn into the creation of a story confronting on the real meaning of the words and on their representations Based on the number of participants it s possible to modify the game dividing for example in groups one group takes care of characters one of locations one of actions and so on It s possible distinguish the groups with colored papers The game can have several variations you can start from the theme of the fairy tale but depending on the needs you can put the game in any context diversity integration school music and so on References The references are Gianni Rodari with his Grammatica della fantasia Grammar of the Fantasy and specifically the limericks and surrealist compositions Reflections The activity can then end with a reflection for example on the drawings that have really traced the meaning of the word or not or those that have somehow come closer This game works really well on very culturally heterogeneous groups languages dialects different backgrounds Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 4 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description It s asked to each participant to write a word in their own language or dialect thinking about a fairytale of their own tradition or childhood French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 120 min 139 138 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Plurilingual Interaction

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Una Fable Especial Collection of activities Inspirational picture video Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Once upon a time a special fairytale made by words and signs from different countries that can hide unexpected surprises Collection of activities Una Fable Especial 8 Una Fable Especial Once done the paper is passed to the person next to him being careful that they are not coming from the same area village city state and it s asked to imagine what would it be its representation The graphic rendering it s not as important as what that word suggests in our imagination To help the participants based on the age for example is possible use some magazines and the collage technique Once each participant finish his illustration then the game will turn into the creation of a story confronting on the real meaning of the words and on their representations Based on the number of participants it s possible to modify the game dividing for example in groups one group takes care of characters one of locations one of actions and so on It s possible distinguish the groups with colored papers The game can have several variations you can start from the theme of the fairy tale but depending on the needs you can put the game in any context diversity integration school music and so on References The references are Gianni Rodari with his Grammatica della fantasia Grammar of the Fantasy and specifically the limericks and surrealist compositions Reflections The activity can then end with a reflection for example on the drawings that have really traced the meaning of the word or not or those that have somehow come closer This game works really well on very culturally heterogeneous groups languages dialects different backgrounds Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 4 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description It s asked to each participant to write a word in their own language or dialect thinking about a fairytale of their own tradition or childhood French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 120 min 139 138 French Italian Romanian English Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Plurilingual Interaction

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Inspirational picture video Stereotyping Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Be guided by the idea that others have of us A game that reveals the limits of stereotype Collection of activities Stereotyping Collection of activities 9 Stereotyping Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Depending on the group either on what concerns the age kids teenagers adults either on what relates to the background multiethnic or not and on the aim to be achieved integration stereotypes diversity etc create cards with written categories of people immigrant Chinese teacher English Moroccan Italian Choose a volunteer put him in the middle of the room and on a hat with a band put the card on the head of the subject making sure he French Italian Romanian English N participants range 5 20 141 140 French Italian Romanian English Duration 30 min doesn t read what s written The subject will ask a group of questions about who might be what I eat How do I dress How is my house made The group answers The game ends when the subject understands what is written on his head Reflections This activity plays on the concept of stereotype Especially if on the cards are written categories of people that often are inserted in generalized categories will be clear how the group s responses fall within a mechanism such as the one that s proper of the stereotype Also playing with groups of different ethnicities or of different nationalities but also simply of different age can be seen how the stereotype changes

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Inspirational picture video Stereotyping Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Be guided by the idea that others have of us A game that reveals the limits of stereotype Collection of activities Stereotyping Collection of activities 9 Stereotyping Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Depending on the group either on what concerns the age kids teenagers adults either on what relates to the background multiethnic or not and on the aim to be achieved integration stereotypes diversity etc create cards with written categories of people immigrant Chinese teacher English Moroccan Italian Choose a volunteer put him in the middle of the room and on a hat with a band put the card on the head of the subject making sure he French Italian Romanian English N participants range 5 20 141 140 French Italian Romanian English Duration 30 min doesn t read what s written The subject will ask a group of questions about who might be what I eat How do I dress How is my house made The group answers The game ends when the subject understands what is written on his head Reflections This activity plays on the concept of stereotype Especially if on the cards are written categories of people that often are inserted in generalized categories will be clear how the group s responses fall within a mechanism such as the one that s proper of the stereotype Also playing with groups of different ethnicities or of different nationalities but also simply of different age can be seen how the stereotype changes

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v SWLl5ejQY5c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Straight from the Italian 80s a Claudio Cecchetto s hit A repetitive tune that is useful for energizing the environment Collection of activities Gioca Jouer Collection of activities 10 Gioca Jouer Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction 11 Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A sung story a medieval jester from the great Italian minstrel Angelo Branduardi good to familiarize with the names of the animals and with a modular scheme of actions that repeats itself Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min Duration 30 min N participants range 5 50 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 142 143 Implementation description After a brief introduction is projected the video to be followed both singing and dancing It can be repeated 2 or 3 time to allow the group to become familiar with the song Implementation description The lyric of the song is distributed to small mixed teams of 5 6 participants Each team has 10 min to prepare a representation on a billboard of the story or of what it s understandable of the story Then the facilitator will make a mimed narration all in a circle so as to clarify the meaning of the various steps Eventually everyone in a circle will listen to the song repeating the gestures just learned during the narration

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Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v SWLl5ejQY5c Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Straight from the Italian 80s a Claudio Cecchetto s hit A repetitive tune that is useful for energizing the environment Collection of activities Gioca Jouer Collection of activities 10 Gioca Jouer Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction 11 Fiera dell Est Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A sung story a medieval jester from the great Italian minstrel Angelo Branduardi good to familiarize with the names of the animals and with a modular scheme of actions that repeats itself Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 10 min Duration 30 min N participants range 5 50 N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 142 143 Implementation description After a brief introduction is projected the video to be followed both singing and dancing It can be repeated 2 or 3 time to allow the group to become familiar with the song Implementation description The lyric of the song is distributed to small mixed teams of 5 6 participants Each team has 10 min to prepare a representation on a billboard of the story or of what it s understandable of the story Then the facilitator will make a mimed narration all in a circle so as to clarify the meaning of the various steps Eventually everyone in a circle will listen to the song repeating the gestures just learned during the narration

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Fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E venne l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi Collection of activities Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi French Italian Romanian English di Angelo Branduardi 1976 145 Fiera dell Est Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 144 Alla fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E l Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E infine il Signore sull Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr

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Fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E venne l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi Collection of activities Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E venne il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi French Italian Romanian English di Angelo Branduardi 1976 145 Fiera dell Est Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 144 Alla fiera dell Est un topolino mio padre compr E l Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr E infine il Signore sull Angelo della Morte sul macellaio che uccise il toro che bevve l acqua che spense il fuoco che bruci il bastone che picchi il cane che morse il gatto che si mangi il topo che al mercato mio padre compr Alla Fiera dell Est per due soldi un topolino mio padre compr

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A short story to start a reflection about minorities and the relationship with the positions of power Why When Who How And us Inspirational picture video Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities 12 Ganouche Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English Implementation description The facilitator reads the story of Ganouche Then in plenary starts a brainstorming phase on what the story arouses all sitting in circle everyone gives 3 words that express 3 feelings in relation to the story just heard The facilitator writes down divides the words in positive neutral negative and gives a feedback to the group 147 146 French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 min Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Attachment Testo della storiella Ganouche My name is Ganouche and I live surrounded by walls I no longer know if I m the one who built the walls so that others can t invade us and come in Or if it was the others who built the walls to keep us from getting out Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 10 50 Then in teams of 4 6 people each group receives a copy of the story and will have 15 20 minutes to create a new one on that format the stories might be hanged in the room Each group reads and explains his story The facilitator concludes with a moment of contextualization and feedback on what has emerged Ganouche half gadjio how gypsy people call white people half manouche how white people call gypsy people Esempi e test Attivit testata in Italia con due gruppi di cittadini migranti per un percorso di inclusione apr 2018 percorso Act in Time www actintime eu Amy Io sono Amy ho una scarpa Non mi ricordo pi se mio padre o mia madre che l ha comprato Drissa Mi chiamo Drissa

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Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A short story to start a reflection about minorities and the relationship with the positions of power Why When Who How And us Inspirational picture video Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities 12 Ganouche Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English Implementation description The facilitator reads the story of Ganouche Then in plenary starts a brainstorming phase on what the story arouses all sitting in circle everyone gives 3 words that express 3 feelings in relation to the story just heard The facilitator writes down divides the words in positive neutral negative and gives a feedback to the group 147 146 French Italian Romanian English Duration 60 min Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Attachment Testo della storiella Ganouche My name is Ganouche and I live surrounded by walls I no longer know if I m the one who built the walls so that others can t invade us and come in Or if it was the others who built the walls to keep us from getting out Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality N participants range 10 50 Then in teams of 4 6 people each group receives a copy of the story and will have 15 20 minutes to create a new one on that format the stories might be hanged in the room Each group reads and explains his story The facilitator concludes with a moment of contextualization and feedback on what has emerged Ganouche half gadjio how gypsy people call white people half manouche how white people call gypsy people Esempi e test Attivit testata in Italia con due gruppi di cittadini migranti per un percorso di inclusione apr 2018 percorso Act in Time www actintime eu Amy Io sono Amy ho una scarpa Non mi ricordo pi se mio padre o mia madre che l ha comprato Drissa Mi chiamo Drissa

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Boby Io mi chiamo Boby Io ho una domanda che non mi ricordo Io sono andato al deserto e ho visto che ci sono dei leoni che mi circolano ma allo stesso momento ho visto che sono tutti ammazzati Non lo so se la colpa mia o se ci sono alcuni che sono venuti a ucciderli Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities Un anno fa mi sono alzato presto e ho visto tanti militari dietro della nostra casa Ma io non so se i soldati sono venuti di controllo della nostra casa o per battere tutti persone e paura per chiedere cosa loro fanno dietro della nostra casa Paulo My name is Paulo and I have a parrot which I built a cage for Every morning before I go to work I always give him food in his cage every day But on wednesday evening when I returned back from work I did not find him in the cage but I remembered locking the cage after I gave him food Glory I am Glory What are you doing I am working On the road I lose my way Loso Ciao mi chiamo Loso Ho una domanda Quale domanda Ho perso mio telefono di mia mamma ma ho paura di andare a fare la denuncia con lei Zakaria Mi chiamo Zakaria vivo in Italia da due anni Ma non mi ricordo se vero dove sono passato per arrivare qui in Italia Gift This story is about a girl named Gift She lives in Nigeria she lives very gently She hardly talks she dresses very decent Her family think she is a very nice Christian but the truth is she is just pretending because she has lot of boyfriends which her family doesn t know of They think she is a virgin but she is not she lies and pretend French Italian Romanian English Saidou Je m appelle Saidou j ai deux fr res et une soeur Je suis au cours de l informatique IFOA Reggio Emilia dans la vie je suis m canicien et j ai un dipl me de dix ans Abigail Ero una ragazza molto socievole e mi relazionavo molto facilmente con la gente ero molto estroversa Mi fidavo facilmente della gente ma poi ad un certo punto non so che cosa mi successo e sono diventata molto chiusa con me stessa e molto diffidente Faccio molta fatica a relazionarmi con gli altri adesso 149 French Italian Romanian English Yacoub Je suis Yacoub je suis amoureux d une fille mais elle est italienne Moi je suis africain ses parents comment se posent notre relation Je dois faire quoi Robby Mi chiamo Robby sono un pilota Abbiamo avuto un grande incidente nel mezzo della foresta dell Amazzonia Non mi ricordo cosa succedeva perch mi sono addormentato Mi sono alzato e mi sono ritrovato qua da solo con un grande ambiente verde non riesco a tornare Mohamed Io sono un ragazzo che abita Guastalla Reggio Emilia Italia Ho 20 anni mi piace vivere una casa come questa Dopo tanti lavoro allora dove pi buona Reggio Emilia e Guastalla che meglio per abitare Io sono studente 148 Mamadou Io sono Mamadou Ho iniziato un corso di formazione in IFOA Come mi trover alla fine di questo corso io non lo so se lavorer Un lavoro oppure no Joy Sono Joy e sono nigeriana Vivere in italiano con i miei figli sono felice Sono gentile Puiroucoo Io sono Puiroucoo la mia storia grande Sono una persona per salvare il villaggio con problemi dell acqua

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Boby Io mi chiamo Boby Io ho una domanda che non mi ricordo Io sono andato al deserto e ho visto che ci sono dei leoni che mi circolano ma allo stesso momento ho visto che sono tutti ammazzati Non lo so se la colpa mia o se ci sono alcuni che sono venuti a ucciderli Ganouche Collection of activities Ganouche Collection of activities Un anno fa mi sono alzato presto e ho visto tanti militari dietro della nostra casa Ma io non so se i soldati sono venuti di controllo della nostra casa o per battere tutti persone e paura per chiedere cosa loro fanno dietro della nostra casa Paulo My name is Paulo and I have a parrot which I built a cage for Every morning before I go to work I always give him food in his cage every day But on wednesday evening when I returned back from work I did not find him in the cage but I remembered locking the cage after I gave him food Glory I am Glory What are you doing I am working On the road I lose my way Loso Ciao mi chiamo Loso Ho una domanda Quale domanda Ho perso mio telefono di mia mamma ma ho paura di andare a fare la denuncia con lei Zakaria Mi chiamo Zakaria vivo in Italia da due anni Ma non mi ricordo se vero dove sono passato per arrivare qui in Italia Gift This story is about a girl named Gift She lives in Nigeria she lives very gently She hardly talks she dresses very decent Her family think she is a very nice Christian but the truth is she is just pretending because she has lot of boyfriends which her family doesn t know of They think she is a virgin but she is not she lies and pretend French Italian Romanian English Saidou Je m appelle Saidou j ai deux fr res et une soeur Je suis au cours de l informatique IFOA Reggio Emilia dans la vie je suis m canicien et j ai un dipl me de dix ans Abigail Ero una ragazza molto socievole e mi relazionavo molto facilmente con la gente ero molto estroversa Mi fidavo facilmente della gente ma poi ad un certo punto non so che cosa mi successo e sono diventata molto chiusa con me stessa e molto diffidente Faccio molta fatica a relazionarmi con gli altri adesso 149 French Italian Romanian English Yacoub Je suis Yacoub je suis amoureux d une fille mais elle est italienne Moi je suis africain ses parents comment se posent notre relation Je dois faire quoi Robby Mi chiamo Robby sono un pilota Abbiamo avuto un grande incidente nel mezzo della foresta dell Amazzonia Non mi ricordo cosa succedeva perch mi sono addormentato Mi sono alzato e mi sono ritrovato qua da solo con un grande ambiente verde non riesco a tornare Mohamed Io sono un ragazzo che abita Guastalla Reggio Emilia Italia Ho 20 anni mi piace vivere una casa come questa Dopo tanti lavoro allora dove pi buona Reggio Emilia e Guastalla che meglio per abitare Io sono studente 148 Mamadou Io sono Mamadou Ho iniziato un corso di formazione in IFOA Come mi trover alla fine di questo corso io non lo so se lavorer Un lavoro oppure no Joy Sono Joy e sono nigeriana Vivere in italiano con i miei figli sono felice Sono gentile Puiroucoo Io sono Puiroucoo la mia storia grande Sono una persona per salvare il villaggio con problemi dell acqua

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Chinese whispers Lamin Io mi chiamo Lamin vengo da una parte in Sud America I woke up in the early morning thinking in my house when I was in a place where I never knew I saw people surrounding me and I was confused because I don t know where I am because I ve never been there before So I am thinking how to get out of where I am because I am feeling lonely and confused Collection of activities 15Ganouche Collection of activities Adama Mi chiamo Adama vivo in Italia Stamattina mi sono svegliata circondata da un muro Non ricordo pi se l ho fatto io per proteggermi che nessuno pu entrare o se l hanno fatto altre persone per mettermi in prigione che non posso uscire 13 Chinese whispers Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An old time game the cordless phone to analyze how communication is transformed and how evolves the message in the passage from one person to another Which elements remain which one are lost and which one are added instead Each person s responsibility for the final meaning Inspirational picture video Suir Mi chiamo Suir una donna sposata con un tunisino Lui pi vecchio di me di dieci anni con mentalit diversa A questo punto mi chiedo perch ho fatto questa scelta Sar il mio sbaglio oppure mi ha costretto la mia famiglia per un motivo o per un altro Non trovo pi una spiegazione convincente Sono molto confusa veramente French Italian Romanian English Montagne Je suis deux montagnes qui ne se touchent jamais mais qui jamais se s parent Qui suis je 151 150 French Italian Romanian English Bandia Mi chiamo Bandia vengo dal Senegal Ho passato momenti che non sapevo cosa c in questo mondo La mia memoria che non dimenticher mai una notte che il mio migliore amico stato messo in prigione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 5

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Chinese whispers Lamin Io mi chiamo Lamin vengo da una parte in Sud America I woke up in the early morning thinking in my house when I was in a place where I never knew I saw people surrounding me and I was confused because I don t know where I am because I ve never been there before So I am thinking how to get out of where I am because I am feeling lonely and confused Collection of activities 15Ganouche Collection of activities Adama Mi chiamo Adama vivo in Italia Stamattina mi sono svegliata circondata da un muro Non ricordo pi se l ho fatto io per proteggermi che nessuno pu entrare o se l hanno fatto altre persone per mettermi in prigione che non posso uscire 13 Chinese whispers Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An old time game the cordless phone to analyze how communication is transformed and how evolves the message in the passage from one person to another Which elements remain which one are lost and which one are added instead Each person s responsibility for the final meaning Inspirational picture video Suir Mi chiamo Suir una donna sposata con un tunisino Lui pi vecchio di me di dieci anni con mentalit diversa A questo punto mi chiedo perch ho fatto questa scelta Sar il mio sbaglio oppure mi ha costretto la mia famiglia per un motivo o per un altro Non trovo pi una spiegazione convincente Sono molto confusa veramente French Italian Romanian English Montagne Je suis deux montagnes qui ne se touchent jamais mais qui jamais se s parent Qui suis je 151 150 French Italian Romanian English Bandia Mi chiamo Bandia vengo dal Senegal Ho passato momenti che non sapevo cosa c in questo mondo La mia memoria che non dimenticher mai una notte che il mio migliore amico stato messo in prigione Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 30 min N participants range 5

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Follow the hand Collection of activities 1 Post Office easy words to be quickly transferred to familiarize with the exercise 2 I arrived late this morning because I couldn t find parking longer sentence with different units of meaning and details 3 The Italian gastronomic culture is very strong in fact it s easy to eat well longer sentence more difficulto to transmit with a variation each participant can must transmit the sentence in the language of his choice without necessarily repeating it in English Collection of activities Chinese whispers Implementation description All participants take position in a circle will be given a word phrase to the first that will then be passed from ear to ear until the last participant The last participant will write on a board what he heard and then he will compare the final message with the initial one analyzing which has been the evolution variation of the message 14 Follow the hand Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A non verbal physical activity of movement preparatory to intercomprehension Useful to introduce the theme of mutual attention and the combination of freedom responsibility in communication Comunicative warm up comunicative or possibly a final exercise to complete a training Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 152 153 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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Follow the hand Collection of activities 1 Post Office easy words to be quickly transferred to familiarize with the exercise 2 I arrived late this morning because I couldn t find parking longer sentence with different units of meaning and details 3 The Italian gastronomic culture is very strong in fact it s easy to eat well longer sentence more difficulto to transmit with a variation each participant can must transmit the sentence in the language of his choice without necessarily repeating it in English Collection of activities Chinese whispers Implementation description All participants take position in a circle will be given a word phrase to the first that will then be passed from ear to ear until the last participant The last participant will write on a board what he heard and then he will compare the final message with the initial one analyzing which has been the evolution variation of the message 14 Follow the hand Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A non verbal physical activity of movement preparatory to intercomprehension Useful to introduce the theme of mutual attention and the combination of freedom responsibility in communication Comunicative warm up comunicative or possibly a final exercise to complete a training Inspirational picture video French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 152 153 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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The facilitator explains the exercise with minimal instructions couples are formed the exercise must be done in silence communicating only with the eyes each person raises a hand and puts it at a distance of 4 fingers from his partner this distance should be maintained throughout the exercise 3 2 1 go Participant A begins to lead the movement and B must follow while maintaining the same distance between their hands A can move as he wants walk stand up go down jump any movement When A wishes it will slow down the movement until it stops to pass the command to B Then B will lead and A will follow After 3 4 conduction changes the exercise ends Council Collection of activities Follow the hand Collection of activities Implementation description 15 Council Short intro tip about how when to use the tool From the tradition of Native Americans and many other cultures we take up the circle of consultation sometimes institutionalized as a practice before an important decision about the group and the community Exercise suitable as a conclusion of a course an evaluation session between people who have already met and share a path even short Inspirational picture video Joan Halifax TED https www youtube com watch v dQijrruP9c4 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 154 155 The facilitator guides the analysis and collection of feedback What was more difficult Lead or follow Why How did you manage to switch the command from one person to another Why you never bumped into other people furniture walls When A leads to a movement that B is unable to replicate what happens Difference between first switch and last switch Relationship me the other us the other couples the group as a whole Which characteristics Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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The facilitator explains the exercise with minimal instructions couples are formed the exercise must be done in silence communicating only with the eyes each person raises a hand and puts it at a distance of 4 fingers from his partner this distance should be maintained throughout the exercise 3 2 1 go Participant A begins to lead the movement and B must follow while maintaining the same distance between their hands A can move as he wants walk stand up go down jump any movement When A wishes it will slow down the movement until it stops to pass the command to B Then B will lead and A will follow After 3 4 conduction changes the exercise ends Council Collection of activities Follow the hand Collection of activities Implementation description 15 Council Short intro tip about how when to use the tool From the tradition of Native Americans and many other cultures we take up the circle of consultation sometimes institutionalized as a practice before an important decision about the group and the community Exercise suitable as a conclusion of a course an evaluation session between people who have already met and share a path even short Inspirational picture video Joan Halifax TED https www youtube com watch v dQijrruP9c4 French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 154 155 The facilitator guides the analysis and collection of feedback What was more difficult Lead or follow Why How did you manage to switch the command from one person to another Why you never bumped into other people furniture walls When A leads to a movement that B is unable to replicate what happens Difference between first switch and last switch Relationship me the other us the other couples the group as a whole Which characteristics Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 15 min N participants range 2 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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Dates 16 Dates Collection of activities Council Collection of activities Implementation description A circular structure is prepared in which every participant take a sit on the floor with chairs cushions etc at the same level where everyone can see each other and there is no one in a leadership position In the center of the circle is placed a small flame fire candle etc to remember the legacy of all the fires of mankind and give centrality to the circle The keeper of the circle facilitator brings a talking piece a symbolic object of which he explains the meaning and is placed in the center Whoever has the talking piece in his hand has the right to speak no one interrupts until he puts it away The keeper of the circle has a small sound instrument for example a bell that he can use in case someone is not respecting a rule the sound does not force him to stop his words but reminds the speaker of a reference to the essential and to the depth After the start everyone takes the talk as and when they want taking and putting away the talking piece for the next person At the end the facilitator concludes with few words of summary and greetings Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A way to get in touch and to know each other or to learn new things from our colleagues Ideal at the beginning of a course or a working day Possibly also as a concluding moment modifying the questions Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English 1 Speaking from the heart deep not with the head not with the reasoning 2 Listening from the heart deep communication does not pass from reasoning but goes from one depth to another depth there is no evaluation or feedback of what is said no referral but there is the certainty of being listened at a deep level where you are not judged where you are respected 3 Being essential sober 4 Don t think about what you will say until you have the talking piece in your hands that listening is listening avoiding to think about your own reply or your own speech 157 156 French Italian Romanian English Rules Duration 30 min N participants range 12 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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Dates 16 Dates Collection of activities Council Collection of activities Implementation description A circular structure is prepared in which every participant take a sit on the floor with chairs cushions etc at the same level where everyone can see each other and there is no one in a leadership position In the center of the circle is placed a small flame fire candle etc to remember the legacy of all the fires of mankind and give centrality to the circle The keeper of the circle facilitator brings a talking piece a symbolic object of which he explains the meaning and is placed in the center Whoever has the talking piece in his hand has the right to speak no one interrupts until he puts it away The keeper of the circle has a small sound instrument for example a bell that he can use in case someone is not respecting a rule the sound does not force him to stop his words but reminds the speaker of a reference to the essential and to the depth After the start everyone takes the talk as and when they want taking and putting away the talking piece for the next person At the end the facilitator concludes with few words of summary and greetings Short intro tip about how when to use the tool A way to get in touch and to know each other or to learn new things from our colleagues Ideal at the beginning of a course or a working day Possibly also as a concluding moment modifying the questions Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English 1 Speaking from the heart deep not with the head not with the reasoning 2 Listening from the heart deep communication does not pass from reasoning but goes from one depth to another depth there is no evaluation or feedback of what is said no referral but there is the certainty of being listened at a deep level where you are not judged where you are respected 3 Being essential sober 4 Don t think about what you will say until you have the talking piece in your hands that listening is listening avoiding to think about your own reply or your own speech 157 156 French Italian Romanian English Rules Duration 30 min N participants range 12 100 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Evaluation

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The Story of Abigail Collection of activities 17 The Story of Abigail Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storia per discutere sulle proprie prospettive e valori i criteri attraverso cui valutiamo gli altri e le altre situazioni che ci troviamo di fronte Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality French Italian Romanian English A question for each hour 1 What do like the most in your job training course 2 The pros and cons of your work training course 3 In your life one thing you refused And one you accepted 4 A particular special encounter you did in your life 5 An adventure that happened to you on a trip 6 The most interesting project you have taken part in 7 What did you love at school And what did you hate 8 Your biggest fear And your biggest dream 9 If your job were a movie what would it be 10 The strangest thing that you ever eat 11 What do you like about your best friend And what about your worst enemy 12 If your job were a song what would it be 159 Dates Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 158 Implementation description Each participant has a blank paper and a pen the first step is to draw 12 points in a circle Then proceed to adding numbers just like the hours of a clock Ora tutti i partecipanti si alzano e vanno in giro per incontrarsi e darsi un appuntamento l obiettivo avere un appuntamento e uno soltanto per ogni ora nome da scrivere accanto al numero es alle 02 00 incontrer Anna completando cos il proprio orologio Per fare tutto questo si dar ai partecipanti un tempo di 3 minuti Now all participants get up and go around to meet and arrange an appointment the goal is to have an appointment and only one for each hour name to be written next to the number eg at 02 00 I will meet Anna and so completing their clock To do all this will be given to participants a time of 3 minutes Now the facilitator will mark the hours giving a question for each hour on which the two participants who have an appointment will confront each other for 2 minutes Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours N participants range 5 30 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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The Story of Abigail Collection of activities 17 The Story of Abigail Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Una storia per discutere sulle proprie prospettive e valori i criteri attraverso cui valutiamo gli altri e le altre situazioni che ci troviamo di fronte Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality French Italian Romanian English A question for each hour 1 What do like the most in your job training course 2 The pros and cons of your work training course 3 In your life one thing you refused And one you accepted 4 A particular special encounter you did in your life 5 An adventure that happened to you on a trip 6 The most interesting project you have taken part in 7 What did you love at school And what did you hate 8 Your biggest fear And your biggest dream 9 If your job were a movie what would it be 10 The strangest thing that you ever eat 11 What do you like about your best friend And what about your worst enemy 12 If your job were a song what would it be 159 Dates Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 158 Implementation description Each participant has a blank paper and a pen the first step is to draw 12 points in a circle Then proceed to adding numbers just like the hours of a clock Ora tutti i partecipanti si alzano e vanno in giro per incontrarsi e darsi un appuntamento l obiettivo avere un appuntamento e uno soltanto per ogni ora nome da scrivere accanto al numero es alle 02 00 incontrer Anna completando cos il proprio orologio Per fare tutto questo si dar ai partecipanti un tempo di 3 minuti Now all participants get up and go around to meet and arrange an appointment the goal is to have an appointment and only one for each hour name to be written next to the number eg at 02 00 I will meet Anna and so completing their clock To do all this will be given to participants a time of 3 minutes Now the facilitator will mark the hours giving a question for each hour on which the two participants who have an appointment will confront each other for 2 minutes Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours N participants range 5 30 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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Abigail s smile turned into a frightful scream and she ran off crying She couldn t decide what to do She wanted to see Tom so badly but didn t want to sleep with Sinbad She felt torn between seeing her boyfriend and cheating on him with Sinbad and she felt she needed to ask someone for advice so sat down with mother and explained the whole story Abigail s mother listened to her story and when Abi had finished she looked at her mother waiting for her advice well her mother started you need to sort this one out for yourself Abigail s mother offered no advice as she wanted Abi to make the decision for herself Abi was now more confused than ever and sat in her park thinking over her options She decided she wanted to see Tom more than ever he would know what to do so she jumped up and went to Sinbad 1After she slept with him Sinbad kept his word and took her on his boat across the river Abi ran as soon as she arrived on shore to Tom Tears running her face she banged on his door and he was very shocked to see Abi and to see that she was so upset Abi explained everything that happened to her and when she told Tom she had to sleep with Sinbad to see her he went crazy WHAT he shouted you cheated on me with Sinbad Abi tried to explain why she did it but Tom was so angry he slammed the door shut and didn t want to speak to Abi again The Story of Abigail Collection of activities Abi cried some more and now was on the wrong side of the river to ask her mother for advice but she knew where Tom s best friend Bob lived She went around to Bob s house and explained everything to him Bob let her into his house and gave her a nice cup of tea to try and help things As Abi explained what had happened today Bob was disgusted with how Tom had acted So disgusted in fact that he went around to Tom s house and beat him up for treating Abi so badly Then Bob left with Abigail And this is where our story ends Then each participant is asked to individually re read the story and to make a ranking of all the characters FROM those who behaved better to those who behaved worse Then in small groups the various individual classifications are discussed arriving at a common ranking and shared by the whole group It specifies that it is not possible to proceed with mathematical voting methods but it is necessary to reach a sharing on what is better worse Finally we pass to the plenary evaluation of the results presented by the various groups thinking about how they defined what is best worst Additional questions variants What if Abigail was 13 years old What if Tom didn t love Abigail but had only been with her one night If the story had gender roles reversed between men and women French Italian Romanian English Once upon a time there was a pretty girl called Abigail who lived in a house with her mother Everyday she would walk across her town over the only bridge crossing the river to river to see her boyfriend Tom Abi thought Tom was lovely She would skip and sing on her way to see her boyfriend and they were very much in love Of course Tom also thought Abi was lovely He too would cross the town and the only bridge across the river to go and see Abi but he didn t skip and sing at least when the other boys were looking he didn t They were so in love and would walk around holding hands to show everyone how much they loved each other Aww One night a great storm flooded the river and swept away the bridge the only bridge so the next morning they could only stand on opposite banks of the river and wave to each other both very sad that they couldn t hold hands Abigail cried She cried and cried and cried and wanted to see her Tom but it would be months before a new bridge would be built and there was no other way to cross the river Then after a few days Abigail saw a little rowing boat tied up on the river and went to speak to the man who owned it Please Abi begged Please row me across the river so I can see my Tom The man who owned the boat was called Sinbad Not many people spoke to him and very little was known about him Sinbad thought about Abigail s problem and offered to help I will row you across the river Sinbad said and Abi smiled but she was happy to quickly Sinbad continued I will row you across the river if you sleep with me 161 The Story of Abigail Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 160 Implementation description Abigail s story is read and distributed or hung so that it is visible to all In the final discussion we evaluate the impact that values have on what we consider good right or bad wrong Then we analyze how easy difficult once established the right and the wrong to seek a mediation on these values of ours We can try to reconstruct the steps that led the groups to create a common shared ranking Another step is the possibility of analyzing where and how we built learned our idea of right wrong What brings us closer and what drives us away What brings us together and what differentiates us Attivit molto utile in preparazione ad uno scambio interculturale Importante creare un clima di apertura dove ogni classifica possibile e legittima non esiste una soluzione da trovare

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Abigail s smile turned into a frightful scream and she ran off crying She couldn t decide what to do She wanted to see Tom so badly but didn t want to sleep with Sinbad She felt torn between seeing her boyfriend and cheating on him with Sinbad and she felt she needed to ask someone for advice so sat down with mother and explained the whole story Abigail s mother listened to her story and when Abi had finished she looked at her mother waiting for her advice well her mother started you need to sort this one out for yourself Abigail s mother offered no advice as she wanted Abi to make the decision for herself Abi was now more confused than ever and sat in her park thinking over her options She decided she wanted to see Tom more than ever he would know what to do so she jumped up and went to Sinbad 1After she slept with him Sinbad kept his word and took her on his boat across the river Abi ran as soon as she arrived on shore to Tom Tears running her face she banged on his door and he was very shocked to see Abi and to see that she was so upset Abi explained everything that happened to her and when she told Tom she had to sleep with Sinbad to see her he went crazy WHAT he shouted you cheated on me with Sinbad Abi tried to explain why she did it but Tom was so angry he slammed the door shut and didn t want to speak to Abi again The Story of Abigail Collection of activities Abi cried some more and now was on the wrong side of the river to ask her mother for advice but she knew where Tom s best friend Bob lived She went around to Bob s house and explained everything to him Bob let her into his house and gave her a nice cup of tea to try and help things As Abi explained what had happened today Bob was disgusted with how Tom had acted So disgusted in fact that he went around to Tom s house and beat him up for treating Abi so badly Then Bob left with Abigail And this is where our story ends Then each participant is asked to individually re read the story and to make a ranking of all the characters FROM those who behaved better to those who behaved worse Then in small groups the various individual classifications are discussed arriving at a common ranking and shared by the whole group It specifies that it is not possible to proceed with mathematical voting methods but it is necessary to reach a sharing on what is better worse Finally we pass to the plenary evaluation of the results presented by the various groups thinking about how they defined what is best worst Additional questions variants What if Abigail was 13 years old What if Tom didn t love Abigail but had only been with her one night If the story had gender roles reversed between men and women French Italian Romanian English Once upon a time there was a pretty girl called Abigail who lived in a house with her mother Everyday she would walk across her town over the only bridge crossing the river to river to see her boyfriend Tom Abi thought Tom was lovely She would skip and sing on her way to see her boyfriend and they were very much in love Of course Tom also thought Abi was lovely He too would cross the town and the only bridge across the river to go and see Abi but he didn t skip and sing at least when the other boys were looking he didn t They were so in love and would walk around holding hands to show everyone how much they loved each other Aww One night a great storm flooded the river and swept away the bridge the only bridge so the next morning they could only stand on opposite banks of the river and wave to each other both very sad that they couldn t hold hands Abigail cried She cried and cried and cried and wanted to see her Tom but it would be months before a new bridge would be built and there was no other way to cross the river Then after a few days Abigail saw a little rowing boat tied up on the river and went to speak to the man who owned it Please Abi begged Please row me across the river so I can see my Tom The man who owned the boat was called Sinbad Not many people spoke to him and very little was known about him Sinbad thought about Abigail s problem and offered to help I will row you across the river Sinbad said and Abi smiled but she was happy to quickly Sinbad continued I will row you across the river if you sleep with me 161 The Story of Abigail Collection of activities French Italian Romanian English 160 Implementation description Abigail s story is read and distributed or hung so that it is visible to all In the final discussion we evaluate the impact that values have on what we consider good right or bad wrong Then we analyze how easy difficult once established the right and the wrong to seek a mediation on these values of ours We can try to reconstruct the steps that led the groups to create a common shared ranking Another step is the possibility of analyzing where and how we built learned our idea of right wrong What brings us closer and what drives us away What brings us together and what differentiates us Attivit molto utile in preparazione ad uno scambio interculturale Importante creare un clima di apertura dove ogni classifica possibile e legittima non esiste una soluzione da trovare

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Inspirational picture video Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colors Comunicarte Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An activity on the basic communicative aspects starting from some works of art useful as an introduction before going on to analyze the written and oral language Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 18 Comunicarte I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 French Italian Romanian English Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 163 162 French Italian Romanian English Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration

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Inspirational picture video Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colors Comunicarte Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An activity on the basic communicative aspects starting from some works of art useful as an introduction before going on to analyze the written and oral language Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 18 Comunicarte I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 French Italian Romanian English Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 163 162 French Italian Romanian English Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration

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Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Show each work of art by bringing out the answers to some of the main questions from the participants What is this What did the artist want to represent communicate Why What do you base yourself on to support what you say How do you understand guess these elements What is strange or you cannot understand explain To better understand you N participants range 5 50 19 To better understand you Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An analysis activity to form a first hypothesis on your learning style and your own understanding strategies Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 30 min Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 164 165 Duration 60 min N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Choose some reference videos to use for the exercise for example ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM

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Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Show each work of art by bringing out the answers to some of the main questions from the participants What is this What did the artist want to represent communicate Why What do you base yourself on to support what you say How do you understand guess these elements What is strange or you cannot understand explain To better understand you N participants range 5 50 19 To better understand you Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An analysis activity to form a first hypothesis on your learning style and your own understanding strategies Collection of activities Comunicarte Collection of activities 30 min Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 164 165 Duration 60 min N participants range 5 50 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Choose some reference videos to use for the exercise for example ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM

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Debate Collection of activities To better understand you Collection of activities The participants will first listen to each video without images trying to understand as many elements as possible and to identify the main theme of each video among some possible options Love Technology Discrimination Crime Commerce Then the participants will see the same videos again to check the previous hypotheses made only with listening and add new elements to understanding What do we understand Such as Why How does our understanding process develop 20 Debate Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An expression activity on making oneself understood according to the consolidated methodology of the debate Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 166 167 Duration 120 min N participants range 6 60 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Divide the participants into 2 teams RED and BLUE then for each round it communicates the positions that each team will have to support and the rules of play for the single round For each session you will assign 1 point to the team that has fought the best possibly 2 points in case of manifest superiority

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Debate Collection of activities To better understand you Collection of activities The participants will first listen to each video without images trying to understand as many elements as possible and to identify the main theme of each video among some possible options Love Technology Discrimination Crime Commerce Then the participants will see the same videos again to check the previous hypotheses made only with listening and add new elements to understanding What do we understand Such as Why How does our understanding process develop 20 Debate Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An expression activity on making oneself understood according to the consolidated methodology of the debate Inspirational picture video Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English French Italian Romanian English 166 167 Duration 120 min N participants range 6 60 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description Divide the participants into 2 teams RED and BLUE then for each round it communicates the positions that each team will have to support and the rules of play for the single round For each session you will assign 1 point to the team that has fought the best possibly 2 points in case of manifest superiority

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1 5 min of preparation to say 3 positive things about your idea 2 5 min of preparation to say 3 negative things about the opposing idea 3 5 min of preparation to say 2 positive things about your idea and 2 negative things about the opposing idea ROUND 2 Team BLU To promote the development of the country it is necessary to focus exclusively on renewable energies electric wind solar etc Team ROSSO To promote the development of the country it is necessary to guarantee access to traditional energy sources gas coal oil etc If the world were a village of 100 people ROUND 1 Team BLU Finding a good job depends on me Team ROSSO TFinding a good job depends on others 21 If the world is a village of 100 people Collection of activities Debate Collection of activities or 1 penalty point in case of too low quality performances or inadequately prepared Eventually you will see which team won each round and who won the overall match Inspirational picture video This is a Quizzz Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English N participants range 4 30 169 French Italian Romanian English 168 1 5 min of preparation to say 5 positive things about your idea 2 3 min of preparation to say 1 positive thing about your idea and 1 negative thing about the opposing idea 3 1 min of preparation to launch a final message to win over the judges Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 1 hour 1 5 min of preparation to say 3 positive things about your idea 2 5 min of preparation to say 3 negative things about the opposing idea 3 10 min of preparation and research to say 2 positive things about your idea or 2 negative things about the opposing idea ROUND 3 Team BLU Cultural and religious integration is a big problem Muslims Christians Buddhists Jews Hindus atheists etc Team ROSSO Cultural and religious integration represents a great opportunity Muslims Christians Buddhists Jews Hindus atheists etc Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Allow young people to become aware of The distribution of world population and its current characteristics The inequalities in terms of access to fundamental rights and the increase of these inequalities around the world The influence of the people close to us on our vision of the world Inspirational picture video Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description If the number of players is sufficient forming teams allows the participants to interact In front of each team there must be a table with writing boards or paper and 1 marker on it 1 On a larger board blackboard or whiteboard the activity leader will draw a column for each team where he she will write their score 2 The facilitator asks the participants a series of questions following this phrasing If the world were 100 people Questions may be written on the board or displayed using a projector

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1 5 min of preparation to say 3 positive things about your idea 2 5 min of preparation to say 3 negative things about the opposing idea 3 5 min of preparation to say 2 positive things about your idea and 2 negative things about the opposing idea ROUND 2 Team BLU To promote the development of the country it is necessary to focus exclusively on renewable energies electric wind solar etc Team ROSSO To promote the development of the country it is necessary to guarantee access to traditional energy sources gas coal oil etc If the world were a village of 100 people ROUND 1 Team BLU Finding a good job depends on me Team ROSSO TFinding a good job depends on others 21 If the world is a village of 100 people Collection of activities Debate Collection of activities or 1 penalty point in case of too low quality performances or inadequately prepared Eventually you will see which team won each round and who won the overall match Inspirational picture video This is a Quizzz Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction French Italian Romanian English N participants range 4 30 169 French Italian Romanian English 168 1 5 min of preparation to say 5 positive things about your idea 2 3 min of preparation to say 1 positive thing about your idea and 1 negative thing about the opposing idea 3 1 min of preparation to launch a final message to win over the judges Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Duration 1 hour 1 5 min of preparation to say 3 positive things about your idea 2 5 min of preparation to say 3 negative things about the opposing idea 3 10 min of preparation and research to say 2 positive things about your idea or 2 negative things about the opposing idea ROUND 3 Team BLU Cultural and religious integration is a big problem Muslims Christians Buddhists Jews Hindus atheists etc Team ROSSO Cultural and religious integration represents a great opportunity Muslims Christians Buddhists Jews Hindus atheists etc Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Allow young people to become aware of The distribution of world population and its current characteristics The inequalities in terms of access to fundamental rights and the increase of these inequalities around the world The influence of the people close to us on our vision of the world Inspirational picture video Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description If the number of players is sufficient forming teams allows the participants to interact In front of each team there must be a table with writing boards or paper and 1 marker on it 1 On a larger board blackboard or whiteboard the activity leader will draw a column for each team where he she will write their score 2 The facilitator asks the participants a series of questions following this phrasing If the world were 100 people Questions may be written on the board or displayed using a projector

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If the world were a village of 100 people Questions and answers If the world is a village of 100 people 1 How many people live in Asia Africa North South America Europe and Oceania Asia 60 inhabitants 3 billion 966 million Africa 15 inhabitants 917 million America 13 inhabitants 900 million Europe 11 inhabitants 733 million Oceania 1 inhabitant 33 6 million Total of 6 892 170 412 inhabitants For info In Antarctica 1 500 inhabitants 0 world In 2011 it made a list of 388 conflicts out of which 20 wars a conflict with continuous and systematic violence where belligerents take extreme measures and where the material and human losses are extensive and destroy the future and 38 severe conflict situations social groups regularly resort to organized violence for a given stake Collection of activities If the world were a village of 100 people Collection of activities 3 Each team reflects on each question and writes down their answer on the slate paper The teams show their answer s at the same time and the facilitator then asks them to explain their answer This is followed by a short debate between participants when asked how they had arrived at such a view of the world Did they imagine such distributions What do they think about it What might be the consequences of such distributions What might be the causes of it 4 Ask the young people to reflect on the inequalities existing in this village Where do they find themselves in this village Where are the people they are likely to meet during their journey through life How does their position in society influence their vision of the world What is their relationship with the inhabitants of the southern countries 7 How many people have access to medical care 50 people have access to medical care Infant mortality under the age of 1 is 45 in the world with contrasting realities 86 is SubSaharan Africa 56 in South Asia and 5 in the rich countries 2 How many of them are men and how many are women 49 men and 51 women French Italian Romanian English 171 French Italian Romanian English 170 5 how many people live in an armed conflict situation 33 people live in an armed conflict situation out of whom 23 are women The Report of Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research draws each year the situation of the conflict locations in the 8 How many people use 90 of the natural and energy resources 30 inhabitants use 90 of the natural and energy resources The energy resources fall into 3 categories non renewable carbon gas fuel oil and nuclear hydrocarbons thermal renewable solar geothermal wood and generally biomass produced by plants prospective wave energy swell energy tidal energy nuclear fusion 9 How many people own 80 of the village and its wealth 20 inhabitants own 80 of the village and its wealth only men Only 1 woman has her own land 3 How many people are under the age of 25 43 inhabitants are under the age of 25 this figure increases up to 60 in the poor countries 4 How many people are Buddhists Christians Hindus and Muslims have other religions or no religion 6 Buddhists 325 million in Sri Lanka Tibet South East Asia 33 Christians 2 6 billion 15 Hindus 1 billion in India Nepal Bangladesh 21 Muslims 1 5 billion in Asia Middle East Africa and a few in Europe The first Muslim country is Indonesia 11 other religions 15 million Jews Europe and North America 14 without any religion out of whom 2 are atheists 6 How many people can read write and count How many women 60 persons can read write and count out of whom 40 are men 774 million of human beings are illiterate 72 million children are not sent to school 2 3 of the illiterate persons are women Gender equality reduces poverty saves and improves lives 10 How many people live in the village and how many live in the surrounding area 50 inhabitants live in the village and 50 are spread all around In 1960 only 1 3 of the world population lived in cities nowadays almost half of it lives in cities 33 of the urban population in the developing countries lives in slums 11 How many people are going to starve to death How many are overfed or obese How many suffer from malnutrition 1 inhabitant is going to starve to death 15 are overfed or obese 30 suffer from malnutrition 2 billion people are malnourished and 840 million are underfed 6 million children die of starvation each year In South Asia 46 of the children under the age of 5 are malnourished Conversely 400 million adults are obese 1 6

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If the world were a village of 100 people Questions and answers If the world is a village of 100 people 1 How many people live in Asia Africa North South America Europe and Oceania Asia 60 inhabitants 3 billion 966 million Africa 15 inhabitants 917 million America 13 inhabitants 900 million Europe 11 inhabitants 733 million Oceania 1 inhabitant 33 6 million Total of 6 892 170 412 inhabitants For info In Antarctica 1 500 inhabitants 0 world In 2011 it made a list of 388 conflicts out of which 20 wars a conflict with continuous and systematic violence where belligerents take extreme measures and where the material and human losses are extensive and destroy the future and 38 severe conflict situations social groups regularly resort to organized violence for a given stake Collection of activities If the world were a village of 100 people Collection of activities 3 Each team reflects on each question and writes down their answer on the slate paper The teams show their answer s at the same time and the facilitator then asks them to explain their answer This is followed by a short debate between participants when asked how they had arrived at such a view of the world Did they imagine such distributions What do they think about it What might be the consequences of such distributions What might be the causes of it 4 Ask the young people to reflect on the inequalities existing in this village Where do they find themselves in this village Where are the people they are likely to meet during their journey through life How does their position in society influence their vision of the world What is their relationship with the inhabitants of the southern countries 7 How many people have access to medical care 50 people have access to medical care Infant mortality under the age of 1 is 45 in the world with contrasting realities 86 is SubSaharan Africa 56 in South Asia and 5 in the rich countries 2 How many of them are men and how many are women 49 men and 51 women French Italian Romanian English 171 French Italian Romanian English 170 5 how many people live in an armed conflict situation 33 people live in an armed conflict situation out of whom 23 are women The Report of Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research draws each year the situation of the conflict locations in the 8 How many people use 90 of the natural and energy resources 30 inhabitants use 90 of the natural and energy resources The energy resources fall into 3 categories non renewable carbon gas fuel oil and nuclear hydrocarbons thermal renewable solar geothermal wood and generally biomass produced by plants prospective wave energy swell energy tidal energy nuclear fusion 9 How many people own 80 of the village and its wealth 20 inhabitants own 80 of the village and its wealth only men Only 1 woman has her own land 3 How many people are under the age of 25 43 inhabitants are under the age of 25 this figure increases up to 60 in the poor countries 4 How many people are Buddhists Christians Hindus and Muslims have other religions or no religion 6 Buddhists 325 million in Sri Lanka Tibet South East Asia 33 Christians 2 6 billion 15 Hindus 1 billion in India Nepal Bangladesh 21 Muslims 1 5 billion in Asia Middle East Africa and a few in Europe The first Muslim country is Indonesia 11 other religions 15 million Jews Europe and North America 14 without any religion out of whom 2 are atheists 6 How many people can read write and count How many women 60 persons can read write and count out of whom 40 are men 774 million of human beings are illiterate 72 million children are not sent to school 2 3 of the illiterate persons are women Gender equality reduces poverty saves and improves lives 10 How many people live in the village and how many live in the surrounding area 50 inhabitants live in the village and 50 are spread all around In 1960 only 1 3 of the world population lived in cities nowadays almost half of it lives in cities 33 of the urban population in the developing countries lives in slums 11 How many people are going to starve to death How many are overfed or obese How many suffer from malnutrition 1 inhabitant is going to starve to death 15 are overfed or obese 30 suffer from malnutrition 2 billion people are malnourished and 840 million are underfed 6 million children die of starvation each year In South Asia 46 of the children under the age of 5 are malnourished Conversely 400 million adults are obese 1 6

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12 How many people never have clean drinkable water 42 never have clean drinkable water 13 How many people have access to a computer How many have internet access 20 people have access to a computer 15 of whom are connected to the internet Step forward Collection of activities If the world were a village of 100 people Collection of activities billion people aged over 15 are overweight out of whom 20 million children under the age of 5 mainly in the countries having a low or medium revenue 14 How many people have already been on holiday 5 have already been on holiday 22 Step forward Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Allows young people to become aware of the inequalities in terms of access to fundamental rights among countries and within the same country Enables working on representations and deconstructing stereotypes Helps understanding what belonging to certain social or ethnic minorities means for a person and the subsequent consequences Begin to practice empathy when using intercomprehension Inspirational picture video 15 How many people die and are born in a year 1 person dies and 2 are born in a year Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 French Italian Romanian English 173 172 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description 1 Participants are given a random Profile card representing the portrait of a person Ask them to hold it without showing it to others or exchanging it with others 2 Ask them to read their Profile card and to step into that character s shoes during the game Give them several minutes to imagine that person s history past wishes difficulties You can help them by reading the following questions How was your childhood What was your house like What were the jobs

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12 How many people never have clean drinkable water 42 never have clean drinkable water 13 How many people have access to a computer How many have internet access 20 people have access to a computer 15 of whom are connected to the internet Step forward Collection of activities If the world were a village of 100 people Collection of activities billion people aged over 15 are overweight out of whom 20 million children under the age of 5 mainly in the countries having a low or medium revenue 14 How many people have already been on holiday 5 have already been on holiday 22 Step forward Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Allows young people to become aware of the inequalities in terms of access to fundamental rights among countries and within the same country Enables working on representations and deconstructing stereotypes Helps understanding what belonging to certain social or ethnic minorities means for a person and the subsequent consequences Begin to practice empathy when using intercomprehension Inspirational picture video 15 How many people die and are born in a year 1 person dies and 2 are born in a year Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 French Italian Romanian English 173 172 French Italian Romanian English Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling Implementation description 1 Participants are given a random Profile card representing the portrait of a person Ask them to hold it without showing it to others or exchanging it with others 2 Ask them to read their Profile card and to step into that character s shoes during the game Give them several minutes to imagine that person s history past wishes difficulties You can help them by reading the following questions How was your childhood What was your house like What were the jobs

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3 Once the participants have embodied their Profile ask them to stand in line at the end of the room or at the bottom of the stairs Explain to them that you are going to read a list of situations or events Each time they would answer yes to the statement they must take a step forward If they would answer no they remain where they are Step forward Collection of activities Step forward Collection of activities your parents had What does your current life look like How do you live each day of your life Where do you live How much do you earn What do you do in your free time What motivates you and what scares you 4 Read the situations one by one Pause between them so that participants have time to step forward Notice their place in relation to that of the others Ask them to remember the statements for which they did not move forward 6 The debriefing can also include more general questions in order to move beyond the game and draw some conclusions and reflect together What rights addressed with this activity Are the Profiles completely unknown to us Did I imagine the extent of the inequalities French Italian Romanian English Begin by asking them how they feel following the activity and then continue by approaching the questions raised and what they learnt What did I feel like when the others stepped forward and I didn t how about when I stepped forward and others did not How did I feel as my character Did any of them have the feeling that their fundamental rights were violated In which moments As for those who stepped forward frequently when did they notice that the others did not step forward as frequently as they did Then you can spend a few minutes discussing each Profile can they guess the role played by the others Some of them may read their Profile card and briefly present their character as they imagined it 175 174 French Italian Romanian English 5 The following stage is a debriefing which is essential for this exercise because it enables the participants to fully understand the implications The debriefing can take place with each person maintaining the position they reached by the final question or in a plenary session in this case ask each of them to remember their final position Give them 2 minutes to step out of character without revealing their Profile to the others What puzzled me the most Where do we stand compared to the majority of the world s population What about me Where would I be if I played my own role Where would the people that I am going to meet find themselves compared to me What does this teach them about the life of the people they are going to meet and about their own life What might be the consequences of travelling to these countries

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3 Once the participants have embodied their Profile ask them to stand in line at the end of the room or at the bottom of the stairs Explain to them that you are going to read a list of situations or events Each time they would answer yes to the statement they must take a step forward If they would answer no they remain where they are Step forward Collection of activities Step forward Collection of activities your parents had What does your current life look like How do you live each day of your life Where do you live How much do you earn What do you do in your free time What motivates you and what scares you 4 Read the situations one by one Pause between them so that participants have time to step forward Notice their place in relation to that of the others Ask them to remember the statements for which they did not move forward 6 The debriefing can also include more general questions in order to move beyond the game and draw some conclusions and reflect together What rights addressed with this activity Are the Profiles completely unknown to us Did I imagine the extent of the inequalities French Italian Romanian English Begin by asking them how they feel following the activity and then continue by approaching the questions raised and what they learnt What did I feel like when the others stepped forward and I didn t how about when I stepped forward and others did not How did I feel as my character Did any of them have the feeling that their fundamental rights were violated In which moments As for those who stepped forward frequently when did they notice that the others did not step forward as frequently as they did Then you can spend a few minutes discussing each Profile can they guess the role played by the others Some of them may read their Profile card and briefly present their character as they imagined it 175 174 French Italian Romanian English 5 The following stage is a debriefing which is essential for this exercise because it enables the participants to fully understand the implications The debriefing can take place with each person maintaining the position they reached by the final question or in a plenary session in this case ask each of them to remember their final position Give them 2 minutes to step out of character without revealing their Profile to the others What puzzled me the most Where do we stand compared to the majority of the world s population What about me Where would I be if I played my own role Where would the people that I am going to meet find themselves compared to me What does this teach them about the life of the people they are going to meet and about their own life What might be the consequences of travelling to these countries

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365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities 23 365 odonyms and culture Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An odonym is used in reference to street names Using these odonyms we aim to raise awareness concerning the following questions 1 What are odonyms 2 What do odonyms tell me about European culture 3 What do odonyms tell me about identity These 3 questions will serve as support for reflection and understanding and can stimulate the interest of the participants and trainers to learn more Inspirational picture video 177 176 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities 23 365 odonyms and culture Short intro tip about how when to use the tool An odonym is used in reference to street names Using these odonyms we aim to raise awareness concerning the following questions 1 What are odonyms 2 What do odonyms tell me about European culture 3 What do odonyms tell me about identity These 3 questions will serve as support for reflection and understanding and can stimulate the interest of the participants and trainers to learn more Inspirational picture video 177 176 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 1 hour N participants range 6 40 Type of activity Ice breaker Energiser Team building Exercise Simulation Info session Story telling

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The question what is a date What ceremony is connected to a date What do we celebrate on a personal level anniversary and on a general level Christmas day National day the Ramadan etc The answer We celebrate the end of a war rather than its beginning We celebrate a human being who strives for good rather than a person considered a bad example The Moral question We celebrate the birth of a poet rather than that of a farmer We also commemorate by acknowledging a genocide we commemorate the dead more often than we celebrate the living We celebrate the human being as well as nature 365 odonyms and culture Discussion Do they know what the event is Do they know the meaning of the date or what this street symbolizes Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities Implementation description A historic event is celebrated somewhere in Europe on my birthday Once upon a time My street an event of some sort and then I Non formal learning workshop using the 365 odonym exhibition Aim of the workshop Using odonyms we are going to enable participants to better understand these two concepts to gain understanding of the other and to emphasize cultural diversity in our schools our countries and in Europe These 3 questions will serve as support for reflection and understanding and can stimulate the interest of the participants and trainers to learn more What is identity What is culture identity is made up of elements we did not choose which represent me and make me singular and unique French Italian Romanian English 3 What do odonyms tell me about identity 179 178 French Italian Romanian English Learning objectives Using these odonyms we aim to raise awareness concerning the following questions 2 What do odonyms tell me about European culture Culture is the set of elements which will allow us to live together Thanks to culture we can find means to come together and create a certain meaning within the community Culture is made up of elements we can see and we are aware of And then of a certain number of elements that we must become aware of Becoming aware allows us to accept the choices that we must make in order to define our identity Culture is found in many different places at home within our family at school among our friends in my region with its local holidays in my country with its global history in my European community with our migrations our tangled histories our common religious rites our culinary custom etc Why are street names used in celebration or commemoration Why is it important to celebrate or commemorate 1 What are odonyms for example the color of my eyes my skin my accent my height my given names my birthplaces the structure of my family my birthday Identity sets itself apart from another identityor else it doesn t exist There is no identity without opposition Understanding the value of a certain identity and reflect on the potential meaning of what a European identity could be Understand the value of a European identity by looking at European culture from a deeper more personal perspective which is extremely varied and is open towards all other cultures paradoxically an inclusive identity In Europe we have a large number of common histories These histories belong to our European cultural heritage With all that we consider it to be its best and worst elements To discover and rediscover these stories and above all to identify the dangers which might fall upon us if we are not aware of our history To make them our own in order to better understand them

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The question what is a date What ceremony is connected to a date What do we celebrate on a personal level anniversary and on a general level Christmas day National day the Ramadan etc The answer We celebrate the end of a war rather than its beginning We celebrate a human being who strives for good rather than a person considered a bad example The Moral question We celebrate the birth of a poet rather than that of a farmer We also commemorate by acknowledging a genocide we commemorate the dead more often than we celebrate the living We celebrate the human being as well as nature 365 odonyms and culture Discussion Do they know what the event is Do they know the meaning of the date or what this street symbolizes Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities Implementation description A historic event is celebrated somewhere in Europe on my birthday Once upon a time My street an event of some sort and then I Non formal learning workshop using the 365 odonym exhibition Aim of the workshop Using odonyms we are going to enable participants to better understand these two concepts to gain understanding of the other and to emphasize cultural diversity in our schools our countries and in Europe These 3 questions will serve as support for reflection and understanding and can stimulate the interest of the participants and trainers to learn more What is identity What is culture identity is made up of elements we did not choose which represent me and make me singular and unique French Italian Romanian English 3 What do odonyms tell me about identity 179 178 French Italian Romanian English Learning objectives Using these odonyms we aim to raise awareness concerning the following questions 2 What do odonyms tell me about European culture Culture is the set of elements which will allow us to live together Thanks to culture we can find means to come together and create a certain meaning within the community Culture is made up of elements we can see and we are aware of And then of a certain number of elements that we must become aware of Becoming aware allows us to accept the choices that we must make in order to define our identity Culture is found in many different places at home within our family at school among our friends in my region with its local holidays in my country with its global history in my European community with our migrations our tangled histories our common religious rites our culinary custom etc Why are street names used in celebration or commemoration Why is it important to celebrate or commemorate 1 What are odonyms for example the color of my eyes my skin my accent my height my given names my birthplaces the structure of my family my birthday Identity sets itself apart from another identityor else it doesn t exist There is no identity without opposition Understanding the value of a certain identity and reflect on the potential meaning of what a European identity could be Understand the value of a European identity by looking at European culture from a deeper more personal perspective which is extremely varied and is open towards all other cultures paradoxically an inclusive identity In Europe we have a large number of common histories These histories belong to our European cultural heritage With all that we consider it to be its best and worst elements To discover and rediscover these stories and above all to identify the dangers which might fall upon us if we are not aware of our history To make them our own in order to better understand them

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During this workshop we are going to help young people connect starting from the most important date of one s personal history the moment it all begins namely their birthday We are going to try to create an innovative connection between a European identity and a European historic event Between the identity of a young European person and the European culture 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities We are going to connect each birthday to two elements A place in Europe the city where the photo was taken A date connected to a historic event Sometimes all you need to do is look up read the name of a street search for the meaning of a date and connect it to others in history Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture This will allow us to live together more peacefully Workshop description Materials necessary for the facilitator A suitcase A physical map of Europe A photo of the day for each anniversary for each participant a thing that will be done beforehand A pencil case paper glue A camera What is a date What is an anniversary Does everyone know their date of birth French Italian Romanian English What is memory What is liberty No I travel to take photos to show them and share them I don t take any kind of photos I have one mission photograph of street signs In Brittany in France in Europe and around the world But not any street sign I must see a date on this street sign Act 2 Presentation and participation of participants Using the anniversary game without speaking to each other form a line in the order of your anniversary from January to December 181 French Italian Romanian English 180 We celebrate the day when the occupier is pushed out when the opponent is killed the day of a victory over something or someone a tyranny a dictatorship a feudal royalty systems limiting human freedoms Presentation I have gone on holiday Why do I travel Not to sleep all day long of course afternoon nap is something else Not to spend my day by the pool even if once Not to catch fish it s not my cup of tea Or to dance all night I stopped doing that since Summary I travel to take photos of street signs with dates The trainer will have to prepare the room beforehand in semicircle use a free whiteboard and research the answers to questions often raised by participants What is Europe What is history What is a war What is peace What is a religion What is Nazism What is fascism What is communism What is a country What is an occupier What is an occupied territory Act 1 Facilitator traveler What are the dates related to us my birthday the day of my death my marriage Christmas day the days when my children were born And the dates related to my culture The truce day the dates of religious holidays Easter day All Saints Day What do we celebrate Do we celebrate the beginning of a war or the end of a war Do we celebrate the beginning of peace or the end of peace The day when a mean person was born or the day of their death

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During this workshop we are going to help young people connect starting from the most important date of one s personal history the moment it all begins namely their birthday We are going to try to create an innovative connection between a European identity and a European historic event Between the identity of a young European person and the European culture 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities We are going to connect each birthday to two elements A place in Europe the city where the photo was taken A date connected to a historic event Sometimes all you need to do is look up read the name of a street search for the meaning of a date and connect it to others in history Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture This will allow us to live together more peacefully Workshop description Materials necessary for the facilitator A suitcase A physical map of Europe A photo of the day for each anniversary for each participant a thing that will be done beforehand A pencil case paper glue A camera What is a date What is an anniversary Does everyone know their date of birth French Italian Romanian English What is memory What is liberty No I travel to take photos to show them and share them I don t take any kind of photos I have one mission photograph of street signs In Brittany in France in Europe and around the world But not any street sign I must see a date on this street sign Act 2 Presentation and participation of participants Using the anniversary game without speaking to each other form a line in the order of your anniversary from January to December 181 French Italian Romanian English 180 We celebrate the day when the occupier is pushed out when the opponent is killed the day of a victory over something or someone a tyranny a dictatorship a feudal royalty systems limiting human freedoms Presentation I have gone on holiday Why do I travel Not to sleep all day long of course afternoon nap is something else Not to spend my day by the pool even if once Not to catch fish it s not my cup of tea Or to dance all night I stopped doing that since Summary I travel to take photos of street signs with dates The trainer will have to prepare the room beforehand in semicircle use a free whiteboard and research the answers to questions often raised by participants What is Europe What is history What is a war What is peace What is a religion What is Nazism What is fascism What is communism What is a country What is an occupier What is an occupied territory Act 1 Facilitator traveler What are the dates related to us my birthday the day of my death my marriage Christmas day the days when my children were born And the dates related to my culture The truce day the dates of religious holidays Easter day All Saints Day What do we celebrate Do we celebrate the beginning of a war or the end of a war Do we celebrate the beginning of peace or the end of peace The day when a mean person was born or the day of their death

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A historic event is celebrated somewhere in Europe my birthday 365 odonyms and culture The facilitator opens the collection of photographs where the photos are kept He announces the date It corresponds to the anniversary of one participant For example 5 October The participant stands up and takes the card On the back of the card there is the name of the city the country with its flag and short story summarized in two sentences The participant looks at the card and puts a pin on the city where the story comes from Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities Act 3 innovative connections Discussion Do they know what it is Do they know what it means or where that street is We celebrate a story using names Break Definition of identity and culture Short games on stereotypes prejudices and discrimination French Italian Romanian English The relationship between the postal service and the names of streets Without a street name there would be no postal deliveries or identity We have the street name on our identity card Because it is part of our identity meaning that another person doesn t have what I have The few people who the same street name are neighbors and what separates us are the numbers For example No 2 and No 5 Aim e Antignac Street 183 182 French Italian Romanian English Act 4 My identity debriefing Act 5 Conclusions Final photo of all participants with all their postcards in front of the map of Europe Another photo taken by the activity leader trainer traveler who gives it as a gift Challenges They are to photograph their own street signs name What does it represent What story does it refer to Collect all the street names of the group to make up a story There are characters places dates all of them in order to make up new stories

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A historic event is celebrated somewhere in Europe my birthday 365 odonyms and culture The facilitator opens the collection of photographs where the photos are kept He announces the date It corresponds to the anniversary of one participant For example 5 October The participant stands up and takes the card On the back of the card there is the name of the city the country with its flag and short story summarized in two sentences The participant looks at the card and puts a pin on the city where the story comes from Collection of activities 365 odonyms and culture Collection of activities Act 3 innovative connections Discussion Do they know what it is Do they know what it means or where that street is We celebrate a story using names Break Definition of identity and culture Short games on stereotypes prejudices and discrimination French Italian Romanian English The relationship between the postal service and the names of streets Without a street name there would be no postal deliveries or identity We have the street name on our identity card Because it is part of our identity meaning that another person doesn t have what I have The few people who the same street name are neighbors and what separates us are the numbers For example No 2 and No 5 Aim e Antignac Street 183 182 French Italian Romanian English Act 4 My identity debriefing Act 5 Conclusions Final photo of all participants with all their postcards in front of the map of Europe Another photo taken by the activity leader trainer traveler who gives it as a gift Challenges They are to photograph their own street signs name What does it represent What story does it refer to Collect all the street names of the group to make up a story There are characters places dates all of them in order to make up new stories

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Sharing a meal using intercomprehension Collection of activities 24 Sharing a meal using intercomprehension Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Use intercomprehension while you prepare together an intercultural meal To prepare the meal follow the steps below agree on an intercultural menu calculate the expense required determine the quantities shop for ingredients prepare the food cook the meal and set the table ambiance music decide who will serve the food decide what tableware to use and how the guests will be seated This activity is present in our daily life and is an opportunity for sharing about cooking recipes the story of the dishes we prepare exhanging ideas the implicit or explicit process of agreeing to work together and on the food safety rules debates distribution of tasks and the contribution of each participant for the well being of the group our daily meals Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v hQQ2Os1R55c Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours 185 184 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Sharing a meal using intercomprehension Collection of activities 24 Sharing a meal using intercomprehension Short intro tip about how when to use the tool Use intercomprehension while you prepare together an intercultural meal To prepare the meal follow the steps below agree on an intercultural menu calculate the expense required determine the quantities shop for ingredients prepare the food cook the meal and set the table ambiance music decide who will serve the food decide what tableware to use and how the guests will be seated This activity is present in our daily life and is an opportunity for sharing about cooking recipes the story of the dishes we prepare exhanging ideas the implicit or explicit process of agreeing to work together and on the food safety rules debates distribution of tasks and the contribution of each participant for the well being of the group our daily meals Inspirational picture video https www youtube com watch v hQQ2Os1R55c Language learning approach Non verbal Plurilingual Analysis Pluringual Interaction Duration 2 hours 185 184 French Italian Romanian English Topic Citizenship Human Rights Interculturality

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Intercomprehension experiences 187 186 3

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Intercomprehension experiences 187 186 3

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16 00 Analysis Listening to different videos songs trailers spots etc in various languages and trying to understand as many elements as possible Then seeing the same videos and going deeper with understanding What do we understand How Why How is our process of understanding working and developing fiche 19 Ex ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Ex ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w Ex ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA Ex FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA Ex ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM Ex ROM https www youtube com watch v jHhPMuhLNRw 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences 15 00 Activities Segui la mano fiche 14 Appuntamenti fiche 16 Plenary discussion and feedbacks about perception understanding and being understood Experiencing intercomprehension 3 days Day 1 Confusion 14 30 Introduction Intercomprehension concept Interculturality concept 15 30 Analysis Examples of intercultural differences cultural expression and communication options from art fiche 18 Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colori La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 16 30 Activities Telefono senza fili fiche 13 Idioms fiche 4 Plenary discussion and feedbacks about perception understanding and being understood French Italian Romanian English 14 30 Introduction Intercomprehension concept Interculturality concept 189 Dicovering Intercomprehension Intercomprehension experiences French Italian Romanian English 188 Discovering Intercomprehension 3 hours 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Day 1 Confusion 14 30 Introduction Sum up of day 1 and new ideas and inputs from participants 15 00 Analysis Listening to different videos songs trailers spots etc in various languages and trying to understand as many elements as possible Then seeing the same videos and going deeper with understanding What do we understand How Why How is our process of understanding working and developing fiche 19 Ex ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA

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16 00 Analysis Listening to different videos songs trailers spots etc in various languages and trying to understand as many elements as possible Then seeing the same videos and going deeper with understanding What do we understand How Why How is our process of understanding working and developing fiche 19 Ex ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA Ex ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w Ex ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA Ex FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA Ex ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM Ex ROM https www youtube com watch v jHhPMuhLNRw 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences 15 00 Activities Segui la mano fiche 14 Appuntamenti fiche 16 Plenary discussion and feedbacks about perception understanding and being understood Experiencing intercomprehension 3 days Day 1 Confusion 14 30 Introduction Intercomprehension concept Interculturality concept 15 30 Analysis Examples of intercultural differences cultural expression and communication options from art fiche 18 Il rettangolo di 2 3 100 1000 colori La citt ideale Unknown 1470 Mobili nella valle Giorgio De Chirico 1963 Dinamismo di un cane al guinzaglio Giacomo Balla 1912 L impero delle luci Ren Magritte 1954 I costruttori Fernand L ger 1950 Lincoln in Dalivision Salvador Dal 1976 16 30 Activities Telefono senza fili fiche 13 Idioms fiche 4 Plenary discussion and feedbacks about perception understanding and being understood French Italian Romanian English 14 30 Introduction Intercomprehension concept Interculturality concept 189 Dicovering Intercomprehension Intercomprehension experiences French Italian Romanian English 188 Discovering Intercomprehension 3 hours 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Day 1 Confusion 14 30 Introduction Sum up of day 1 and new ideas and inputs from participants 15 00 Analysis Listening to different videos songs trailers spots etc in various languages and trying to understand as many elements as possible Then seeing the same videos and going deeper with understanding What do we understand How Why How is our process of understanding working and developing fiche 19 Ex ITA https www youtube com watch v IVwCOO0PYZA

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Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences Ex ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w Ex ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA Ex FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA Ex ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM 16 30 Activities Parole o stili fiche 5 17 30 Conclusion Gioca Jouer fiche 10 Day 3 Being understood expressing yourself 14 30 Introduction Sum up of day 1 2 and new ideas and inputs from participants 15 00 Expression Debate fiche 20 IC EU 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Intercultural exchange for young people 191 190 French Italian Romanian English 17 00 Reflecion Take a look at the Whiplash clip and think about the goal of communication what is harmony what is the role of tempo etc https www youtube com watch v GBvBu5ErSSo Intersezioni fiche 7

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Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences Ex ITA ESP https www youtube com watch v oQJguNPIL8w Ex ENG POR https www youtube com watch v v4k6JgC7UVA Ex FRA https www youtube com watch v Xf YzRCQ3ZpA Ex ENG https www youtube com watch v S55APBUXReM 16 30 Activities Parole o stili fiche 5 17 30 Conclusion Gioca Jouer fiche 10 Day 3 Being understood expressing yourself 14 30 Introduction Sum up of day 1 2 and new ideas and inputs from participants 15 00 Expression Debate fiche 20 IC EU 17 30 Conclusion Summing up all inputs about comprehension understanding communication and connection with cultural differences background and contexts Xixi Coco fiche 1 Intercultural exchange for young people 191 190 French Italian Romanian English 17 00 Reflecion Take a look at the Whiplash clip and think about the goal of communication what is harmony what is the role of tempo etc https www youtube com watch v GBvBu5ErSSo Intersezioni fiche 7

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Day 1 energizer 9h 12h Se conna tre REPAS 15h 18h Pr sentation du projet Pr sentation de l expo 365 REPAS 21h Foire des associations 192 French Italian Romanian English Day 2 energizer 9h 12h L Europe une histoire Conf rence gesticule REPAS 15h 18h Lien entre 365 et Europe REPAS 21h Soir e Interculturelle centr e sur sa culture de r f rence Energizer Appuntamenti Fiche 16 Intercomprehension with expresion plurilingue and Oral Get to Know each other fiche 11 et fiche 07 Intercomprehension with orla and write exercices Introduction pr sentation of Ic concept Pr sentation of 365 Project Fiche 3 et Fiche 23 Foire des association Fare organisation Informal Education using Ic concept to communicate Energizer Fiche 13 Histoire de l Europe et conf rence gesticul Fiche 1 Try to understand the global sens of the conference Energizer Segui la mano fiche 14 le non verbal au service de la coop ration 365 fiche 23 Utilisation de l intercompr hension pour toucher les probl matique de la citoyennet Europeenne 365 est un pr texte Soir e interculturelle voir fiche repas 24 Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences Groupe de participants 4 jeunes et 1 leader par pays 5 pays participant s Italie Roumanie France Espagne Portugal Day 3 energizer 9h 12h Culture identit citoyennet Abiga l REPAS 15h 18h 365 et culture REPAS 21h On cr e on invente on texte on finalise les id es de jeux 365 Energizer fiche 7 Abigail fiche 17 intercompr hension en interaction plurilingue au service de la compr hension mutuelle Fiche 4 et fiche 20 et fiche 23 Le concept de culture abord en IC m thode Fiche 8 et fiche 12 La cr ativit d multipli e gr ce L IC m thode Day 4 9h 12h St r otype pr juger discrimination 1 village de cent REPAS 15h 18h 365 et st r otype REPAS French Italian Romanian English Participants Jeunes 18 25 ans 193 Intercultural exchange for young people Intercomprehension experiences Intercultural exchange 7 days 21h On cr e on invente on texte on finalise les id es de jeux 365 Energizer Fiche 5 Ic orale Le village de 100 fiche 21 interaction plurilingue sur nos repr sentations du monde St r otype et pr jug fiche 09 et fiche 23 en m thode Ic et sur le support 365 Fiche 14 La m thode IC support p ur d velopper la creativit Day 5 9h 12h Education aux droits humain 1 pas en avant REPAS 15h 18h 365 et droit de l homme Energizer fiche 2 Un pas en avant fiche 22 IC m thode interaction plurilingue qui renforce l empathie et la sensibilation l ducation aux droits humains

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Day 1 energizer 9h 12h Se conna tre REPAS 15h 18h Pr sentation du projet Pr sentation de l expo 365 REPAS 21h Foire des associations 192 French Italian Romanian English Day 2 energizer 9h 12h L Europe une histoire Conf rence gesticule REPAS 15h 18h Lien entre 365 et Europe REPAS 21h Soir e Interculturelle centr e sur sa culture de r f rence Energizer Appuntamenti Fiche 16 Intercomprehension with expresion plurilingue and Oral Get to Know each other fiche 11 et fiche 07 Intercomprehension with orla and write exercices Introduction pr sentation of Ic concept Pr sentation of 365 Project Fiche 3 et Fiche 23 Foire des association Fare organisation Informal Education using Ic concept to communicate Energizer Fiche 13 Histoire de l Europe et conf rence gesticul Fiche 1 Try to understand the global sens of the conference Energizer Segui la mano fiche 14 le non verbal au service de la coop ration 365 fiche 23 Utilisation de l intercompr hension pour toucher les probl matique de la citoyennet Europeenne 365 est un pr texte Soir e interculturelle voir fiche repas 24 Intercomprehension experience Intercomprehension experiences Groupe de participants 4 jeunes et 1 leader par pays 5 pays participant s Italie Roumanie France Espagne Portugal Day 3 energizer 9h 12h Culture identit citoyennet Abiga l REPAS 15h 18h 365 et culture REPAS 21h On cr e on invente on texte on finalise les id es de jeux 365 Energizer fiche 7 Abigail fiche 17 intercompr hension en interaction plurilingue au service de la compr hension mutuelle Fiche 4 et fiche 20 et fiche 23 Le concept de culture abord en IC m thode Fiche 8 et fiche 12 La cr ativit d multipli e gr ce L IC m thode Day 4 9h 12h St r otype pr juger discrimination 1 village de cent REPAS 15h 18h 365 et st r otype REPAS French Italian Romanian English Participants Jeunes 18 25 ans 193 Intercultural exchange for young people Intercomprehension experiences Intercultural exchange 7 days 21h On cr e on invente on texte on finalise les id es de jeux 365 Energizer Fiche 5 Ic orale Le village de 100 fiche 21 interaction plurilingue sur nos repr sentations du monde St r otype et pr jug fiche 09 et fiche 23 en m thode Ic et sur le support 365 Fiche 14 La m thode IC support p ur d velopper la creativit Day 5 9h 12h Education aux droits humain 1 pas en avant REPAS 15h 18h 365 et droit de l homme Energizer fiche 2 Un pas en avant fiche 22 IC m thode interaction plurilingue qui renforce l empathie et la sensibilation l ducation aux droits humains

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Intercultural exchange for young people REPAS Intercomprehension experiences Day 6 21 h 9h 12h Grand Jeu type Plan B Soir e Interculturelle 2 soir e des aux revoirs Centre sur ce que nous avons en commun 21h On joue aux jeux 365 cr es REPAS 15h 18h On joue les jeux 365 cr er REPAS Le projet 365 un outil pour promouvoir l ducation aux droits humains L IC methode valorise et renforce l Outil en Interaction plurilingue crite fiche 23 On joue aux jeux cr es dans les langues fiche 2 St r otype et prejug fiche 09 23 en methode IC et sur le support 365 Fiche 14 La m thode IC support pour d v lopper la creativit Energizer fiche 12 Grand jeux coop ratif On joue et d veloppe es jeux cr es partir du projets 365 dans les langues fiche 23 Soir e interculturelle fiche 19 24 9h 12h Evaluation Photo BD compl ter REPAS 15h 18h Les Attestations de participation Energizer fiche 06 valuation en langue maternelle fiche 15 et fiche 18 Youth pass les comp tences clefs fiche 15 18 REPAS 21h D part 195 194 French Italian Romanian English Day 7

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Intercultural exchange for young people REPAS Intercomprehension experiences Day 6 21 h 9h 12h Grand Jeu type Plan B Soir e Interculturelle 2 soir e des aux revoirs Centre sur ce que nous avons en commun 21h On joue aux jeux 365 cr es REPAS 15h 18h On joue les jeux 365 cr er REPAS Le projet 365 un outil pour promouvoir l ducation aux droits humains L IC methode valorise et renforce l Outil en Interaction plurilingue crite fiche 23 On joue aux jeux cr es dans les langues fiche 2 St r otype et prejug fiche 09 23 en methode IC et sur le support 365 Fiche 14 La m thode IC support pour d v lopper la creativit Energizer fiche 12 Grand jeux coop ratif On joue et d veloppe es jeux cr es partir du projets 365 dans les langues fiche 23 Soir e interculturelle fiche 19 24 9h 12h Evaluation Photo BD compl ter REPAS 15h 18h Les Attestations de participation Energizer fiche 06 valuation en langue maternelle fiche 15 et fiche 18 Youth pass les comp tences clefs fiche 15 18 REPAS 21h D part 195 194 French Italian Romanian English Day 7

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Fun intercultural learning which fosters youth employability and raises awareness as to the rights and responsibilities of EU citizens IC EU is a statement acknowledging the other being open patient and willing to understand their language and in a broader sense their culture using intercomprehension We are European citizens and we believe in educating young people to understand that they too are citizens of the European Union with freedoms rights and responsibilities We also believe in celebrating cultural diversity beyond language barriers which is why we came together and created IC EU Intercomprehension for European Citizenship A conversation using intercomprehension is possible when people work together listen to the other and help one another understand the general meaning behind the words The key is genuine interest in communicating and the willingness to reach a common understanding 197 196 A Europe of polyglots is not a Europe of people who speak many languages fluently but in the best case scenario of people who can communicate each one speaking his own language and understanding the one of the other People who while not being able to speak it fluently by understanding it even with difficulty would understand the spirit the cultural universe that everyone expresses when speaking the language of his ancestors and of his own tradition Umberto Eco La ricerca della lingua perfetta 1993 Partner organizations from Romania France and Italy team up to create a toolkit of materials and methodology designed for youth workers to engage with young people and invite them to reflect on European citizenship develop language competences and facilitate international mobility

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Fun intercultural learning which fosters youth employability and raises awareness as to the rights and responsibilities of EU citizens IC EU is a statement acknowledging the other being open patient and willing to understand their language and in a broader sense their culture using intercomprehension We are European citizens and we believe in educating young people to understand that they too are citizens of the European Union with freedoms rights and responsibilities We also believe in celebrating cultural diversity beyond language barriers which is why we came together and created IC EU Intercomprehension for European Citizenship A conversation using intercomprehension is possible when people work together listen to the other and help one another understand the general meaning behind the words The key is genuine interest in communicating and the willingness to reach a common understanding 197 196 A Europe of polyglots is not a Europe of people who speak many languages fluently but in the best case scenario of people who can communicate each one speaking his own language and understanding the one of the other People who while not being able to speak it fluently by understanding it even with difficulty would understand the spirit the cultural universe that everyone expresses when speaking the language of his ancestors and of his own tradition Umberto Eco La ricerca della lingua perfetta 1993 Partner organizations from Romania France and Italy team up to create a toolkit of materials and methodology designed for youth workers to engage with young people and invite them to reflect on European citizenship develop language competences and facilitate international mobility

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Atitudinea face diferen a La ICEU am observat cum ideea nu am studiat o limb str in nu pot participa la conversa ie predispune la excluziune social i lips de ini iativ Dac i tu sau cei din anturajul t u v a i confruntat cu astfel de situa ii ncerca i o abordare diferit Conversa ii de forma tu vorbe ti n limba ta i eu vorbesc n limba mea utilizeaz intercomprehensiunea ca exerci iu de comunicare plurilingv Noi am testat o n cadrul familiei de limbi latine i am observat entuziasmul participan ilor c nd constat c pot de i credeau c nu vor reu i Ferm convin i c grani ele n comunicare sunt elastice i au nevoie s fie redefinite n favoarea libert ilor umane am studiat metode de nv are ne am antrenat creativitatea am experimentat i am creat activit i de nv are experien ial care folosesc intercomprehensiunea pentru a explora cet enia european Acesta este primul pas c tre viitoare conversa ii interculturale inspira ionale inovatoare Hai s ne cuno tem www iceu enoalinguistics com iceu enoalinguistics com Facebook Intercomprehension for European Citizenship Intercomprehension for European Citizenship IC EU este co finan at prin programul Erasmus i coordonat de c tre Enoa Linguistics RO agen ie de servicii lingvistice i ini iative interculturale n parteneriat cu IFOA IT i Ass Intercultura FR This project has been funded with support from the Si ringrazia per il contributo teorico e metodologico European Commission in the frame of the Erasmus Filomena Capucho UCP Viseu PT 198 Programme as a Strategic Partnership for Youth

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Atitudinea face diferen a La ICEU am observat cum ideea nu am studiat o limb str in nu pot participa la conversa ie predispune la excluziune social i lips de ini iativ Dac i tu sau cei din anturajul t u v a i confruntat cu astfel de situa ii ncerca i o abordare diferit Conversa ii de forma tu vorbe ti n limba ta i eu vorbesc n limba mea utilizeaz intercomprehensiunea ca exerci iu de comunicare plurilingv Noi am testat o n cadrul familiei de limbi latine i am observat entuziasmul participan ilor c nd constat c pot de i credeau c nu vor reu i Ferm convin i c grani ele n comunicare sunt elastice i au nevoie s fie redefinite n favoarea libert ilor umane am studiat metode de nv are ne am antrenat creativitatea am experimentat i am creat activit i de nv are experien ial care folosesc intercomprehensiunea pentru a explora cet enia european Acesta este primul pas c tre viitoare conversa ii interculturale inspira ionale inovatoare Hai s ne cuno tem www iceu enoalinguistics com iceu enoalinguistics com Facebook Intercomprehension for European Citizenship Intercomprehension for European Citizenship IC EU este co finan at prin programul Erasmus i coordonat de c tre Enoa Linguistics RO agen ie de servicii lingvistice i ini iative interculturale n parteneriat cu IFOA IT i Ass Intercultura FR This project has been funded with support from the Si ringrazia per il contributo teorico e metodologico European Commission in the frame of the Erasmus Filomena Capucho UCP Viseu PT 198 Programme as a Strategic Partnership for Youth