Welcome to our Winter Newsletter which provides us all with a wonderful
opportunity to reflect on another action-packed term at Omagh Academy. We
continue to provide for the holistic development of our pupils within and beyond the
classroom and that is evidenced by the vast range of activities undertaken by our
pupils and staff, together with their academic achievements. At the start of term, we
warmly welcomed our Year 8 pupils, as well as a number of older pupils, and we are
delighted all have settled in well and have fully and embraced our School ethos. We
believe passionately that all our pupils thrive here in Omagh Academy and that their
personal growth, enhanced by the values of kindness, respect and responsibility, will
empower them to be the very best that they can be. During this term we welcomed
Miss Best to the Physical Education Department, Mr Crozier to the Technology and
Design Department, Mrs Galloway to the Religious Education Department, Mrs
Kenning to the Geography Department and Mr Strain to the Mathematics
Department. We welcomed Miss Aspinwall to our team of Classroom Assistants and
Miss Com-Nouge as our new French Language Assistant. Our warmest
congratulations are extended to Mrs Buchanan on the occasion of her marriage to Mr
Matthew Buchanan and to Mrs Jackson on the birth of her daughter, Isabella. Early in
the term, we said goodbye to Dr Robinson, Miss Roulston and Mr Hassard, who have
all taken up new posts, and we extend to them our thanks and warmest wishes for the
future. At the end of term, we say a fond goodbye to Mrs Waterson who is retiring,
having worked as Librarian of Omagh Academy for 20 years, as well as leading our
Equestrian Club. We thank Mrs Waterson for her years of service and commitment
and wish her a long, happy and fulfilling retirement.
Thank you for your continued support of Omagh Academy and I take this opportunity
to wish our entire School community, and all the families and friends of Omagh
Academy, a very happy Christmas.