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Love and Motivation

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YIN DOLMAH LOVE AND MOTIVATION Elektra is a great friend I have known for a few years. She studies the universe as a scientist at a space observatory. One day, while visiting with me, Elektra began to explain the relationship which exists between the sun and the earth. Not just the earth, but all the other planets. Elektra said to me as she showed me a picture of the solar system. She said: Yin, look at this beautiful picture of the solar system. Now, assume for a second you were a little child looking out your window and you saw this image at night. Assume nothing else was visible in the darkness of night except this image glowing in the horizon. What is the immediate thing that comes to mind? The first thing you probably think about is oh that small blue ball called earth must be the favorite of them all.

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YIN DOLMAH I see a hot glowing ball in the center, ostensibly, the leader of the group. I see all other balls moving around the big red ball. All the balls look rugged and sickly. They produce nothing, for the boss must not care for them. Except that little blue ball. That ball must be getting all the love the other balls are denied. Look how beautiful and sparkly and full of life that blue ball is. You are thinking this to yourself because you are not aware of a few things. What are you not aware of Yin? As the little child staring out of your window, you are oblivious of the fact that the ‘beautiful blue ball’ which is sparkly, full of life and beaming with joy has been dealt a very heavy hand by the boss. The big boss in the center does not give the blue ball any more favors than the other gloomy and dead balls. Let me explain further. The big boss in the center spews out the most dangerous radiations; powerful enough to obliterate the beautiful blue ball very quickly. What does the blue ball do? It gently uses its magnetism to ward off the toxic radiations, so they do not harm her or the loved ones within her. The boss in the center burns with unimaginable heat and fury. Heat, capable of burning the beautiful blue ball into oblivion. What does the beautiful blue ball do? First, she chooses the right distance to be away from the toxic heat of the hot boss. She then goes the extra mile of circulating around the hot boss in a manner that affords her a 360-degree view of the boss so she better understands his unusual outbursts. While circulating around the hot boss, she also spins herself gently, so she is neither too hot, nor too cold.

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YIN DOLMAH Just perfect. Her strategy works. She beams with beauty. She glows with joy. Her existence is full of life. She is the envy of all who see her. Those who do not know the heavy hand she has been dealt by the boss, continue to gossip regarding how she is the favorite of the boss. Some even say she sleeps with the boss, the reason she has all good things coming to her. Let them talk. They have no clue what the truth is. Let them continue to wallow in their gloom and doom while the beautiful crystal glows through time and space.” Elektra went on to explain the relationship between the beautiful blue crystal and the red-hot boss in the center as an example of how to love a difficult-to-love person while not destroying yourself. Elektra explained that love should never destroy the one who claims to be displaying love. She said, “if the actions which constitute your display of love towards the one you claim to love, only contribute to that person’s delinquency, or worse, destroys you the giver of the love, then let it be known to you that what you are practicing is everything else but love.” Elektra did not stop there. She shifted gears to explain a few more things. She said “Yin, we sit in a room full of light. Do you know how that light is produced?” I naively answered, “yes, it is produced by turning on the switch.” My answer gave Elektra an uncontrollable laugh. She laughed so hard she had to run to the bathroom. When she returned from the bathroom, she continued by saying “that was a good one Yin.”

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YIN DOLMAH I think she was giving me more credit than I deserved. She was acting as though I deliberately answered her question so foolishly in order to elicit a good laugh from her. That was not the case. That was my honest answer. Elektra continued, “The light we see is obviously not produced from turning on the light switch located on the wall. The light which luminates this room is produced when electrons in the outer orbit of an atom deexcite from an excited state. As the outer electrons deexcite, they emit radiation which is known as visible light. We call it visible light because for lack of a better word, it is visible. Not exactly, but they reflect colors and textures that allow us to see. The same atom also has electrons in the inner orbit. The electrons in the inner orbit also get excited and deexcited just as the electrons in the outer orbits do. But there is a difference. The inner electrons do not emit visible light when they deexcite. They emit something much more powerful and a lot more difficult to stop than visible light. They emit X-rays. X-rays are not visible to the human eye but travel a lot farther than visible light. You can stop visible light with a piece of paper. Good luck trying to stop x-rays with the same piece of paper. Why am I talking to you about atoms and electrons Yin? The reason I do so is because of the strong correlation between radiation emitted by outer electrons, inner electrons, and the way we behave as human beings when it comes to matters of love and motivation.

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YIN DOLMAH Similar to radiation emitted by outer electrons, love and motivation which are not deep rooted can easily be stopped by the least setback. Shallow rooted love and motivation enjoy making public spectacles for the entire world to see. Just like visible light, they display themselves with much noise and fanfare, and yet, all it takes is a piece of paper to stop all that glow and shine. The noise. In the same manner, deep rooted love and motivation, just like the radiation emitted by electrons in the inner orbit, are hard to see. As a matter of fact, they are seldom seen. But just like X-rays, they go on, and on, and on, and on ad infinitum. They are unstoppable.”

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