- Orientaon can be a whirlwind for parents and students alike. Although most departments on campus will give you informaon regarding their services, it is pernent to be aware of the services the First-Year Experience oereson campus. This “How To” Newsleer will highlight key things to look for and think about while at Orientaon. Parents are highly encouraged to aend Parent Orientaon; it provides parents with a wealth of informaon before their student starts at UL Lafayee. You can sign up for parent orientaon at a dierent session than your student if you are unable to make the orientaon session your student is aending. To sign up, visit the parent orientaon website. It is no secret that college can be an expensive investment. The last day to make a tuion payment or schedule a payment plan to reserve a student’s class schedule is Wednesday, August 9, 2017. Payment can be made either electronically (using Mastercard, Visa, American Express, or Discover) or in person (using cash or check ) through the Student Cashier Center. Any quesons regarding TOPS or nancial aid will be handled through the Oce of Financial Aid Their oce can be reached by phone at 337-482-6506 or by email at naid@louisiana.edu. Any quesons regarding scholarships should be handled directly through the Oce of Scholarships at 337-482-6515 or by email at scholar@louisiana.edu. If students have dual enrollment, AP credit, CLEP credit, or any type of credit that could potenally transfer to UL Lafayee, make sure to follow the proper procedure to get the credits transferred. College Credit—ocial transcripts can be sent digitally to etranscripts@louisiana.edu or by using the Request for Transcript of Credits Form, which is provided by the Oce of Admissions. AP and CLEP Credit—must be provided by the organizaon itself, not students or parents. Visit their website in order to request the credit(s) to be sent to UL Lafayee. Read here for more informaon about transfer credits. Contact our transfer coordinator at transfer@louisiana.edu for quesons. Do not forget to sign up for Housing. Please visit the housing portal through ULINK today and pick your room! The on-campus team is ready to help. Email oncampusliving@louisiana.edu or call at (337) 482-6471 if you need assistance in this process. For more informaon, visit the University of Louisiana at Lafayee Housing website. ’ Office of First-Year Experience 106 Lee Hall 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599 Oce Website ofye@louisiana.edu Oce of First-Year Experience The “How To” to Beginning College Oce of Orientation Buchanan Hall, 3rd Floor 111 Boucher Street 337-482-1391 Oce Website orientaon@louisiana.edu Oce of Financial Aid Foster Hall 337-482-6506 Oce Website naid@louisiana.edu Financial Aid Facebook Page
- - OFYE is on Facebook, Twier, and Instagram! We update our social media accounts daily with pernent informaon regarding the UL Lafayee campus and community. We hope you follow us! In LLCs, freshmen have the unique opportunity to live in the residence halls with a group of students who have similar interests. LLCs allow students to take classes with this group AND live together. Enrollment in the LLC program is connuously changing. Visit OFYE’s website to learn more and check availability. The following themes are oered for 2017-2018: Darwin Gateway to the Arts Honors Lifeme Recreaon Service and Leadership Taste of Business Travel, Language, and Culture If a student has not applied for housing, they can apply for an LLC when the housing applicaon is lled out. If a student has already applied for housing, please contact Dana Bekurs directly at dana@louisiana.edu. UL Lafayee has many campus resources that you and your student can ulize. At Parent Orientaon, you can nd and learn more about each resource. The bookstore has two locaons, one in the Student Union and one located at the intersecon of Rex Street and St. Mary Boulevard, oering any textbook required for a class at UL Lafayee. It is well-known that college textbooks can be expensive, so the bookstore allows students to rent or buy used textbooks to help with costs. We suggest using cauon when buying text-books prior to the rst day of class, as some books are not required. The university’s Academic Calendar contains important dates including rst day of classes, add/drop date, student holidays, and more. Click here to view the academic calendar and deadlines for each semester. Office of First-Year Experience 106 Lee Hall 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599 Oce Website ofye@louisiana.edu Oce of First-Year Experience The “How To” to Beginning College University Bookstore 104 East University Ave 337-482-1000 Oce Website bookstore@louisiana.edu Cajun Card Oce Student Union 134 337-851-2273 Oce Website cajuncash@louisiana.edu
- The Cajun Card is one of the most important things your student will need throughout college. The Cajun Card serves as your student’s campus idencaon card which will grant them access to residence halls, parking lots, building labs, and events on campus. Your student’s ULID, a very important number, is on the back of the card. This card is also used as a student’s library card, meal plan,and campus debit card with reloadable Cajun Cash. All students should receive their Cajun Cards at Orientaon. The Student Health Center, located on campus, is here to help your student stay healthy throughout college. The Student Health Center operates by appointment only by calling 337-482-1293 and is open during semester breaks and University administrave oce hours. Some of the services they provided include: Express Mail and Global Priority Parcel Post and stamp purchase Signature conrmaon Priority mail USPS tracking Air/Surface Services Return Receipts Cered, Insured, Registered Mail UL Lafayee maintains a U.S. Postal Service staon in the Student Union for our students’ convenience. Any student enrolled at the university is welcomed to rent a post oce box; these are free for on-campus residenal students as no mail is delivered directly to residence halls. Campus post oce services include the following and more: care for minor illnesses, injuries, or stable chronic con-dions some minor surgeries and procedures physical exams women’s health some immunizaons allergy shots IV therapy limited generic prescripon medicaons and more—call for more informaon In order to be fully admied to UL Lafayee, all students must submit a Proof of Immunizaon Compliance form to the university Student Health Center. Failure to submit immunizaon records keep hold stu-dents from scheduling classes for future semesters. For immunizaon quesons, please use the compliance ques-on form. For other health concerns, please contact the Student Health Center by phone at (337) 482-1293 or by email at shs@louisiana.edu. Office of First-Year Experience 106 Lee Hall 230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599 Oce Website ofye@louisiana.edu Oce of First-Year Experience The “How To” to Beginning College Campus Post Oce Student Union 158 337-482-6113 Oce Website postoce@louisiana.edu Student Health Center O.K. Allen Hall Saucier Wellness Center 337-482-5464 Oce Website shs@louisiana.edu