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JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 3 CPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCACONTRACTORCANADIAN PETROLEUMAn official publication of the CPCAin thisissue 5 Regional news 7 CPCA Annual General Meeting Highlights 10 OPCA Annual Conference Highlights 13 Member prole: R.A. Pilkey 14 POST safety bulletinadvertisersCanadian Petroleum Contractors Association 4Capital Petroleum Service Ltd. 6Clarkway Construction Ltd. 15DTE Industries (2010) Limited 8Meridian Manufacturing, Inc. 12National Energy Equipment Inc. 2Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association 3Pumps & Pressure Inc. 9R.A. Pilkey 13Steelcraft Inc. 11Velco Mechanical 11ZCL Composites Inc. 16Advertising Sales and Editorial Ofces: Stagnito Business Information + Edgell Communications2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1510, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4Telephone: 416.256.9908 Toll-free: 1.877.687.7321 Fax: 888.889.9522Contact: Elijah Hoffman Ext:1009 : ehoffman@stagnitomail.caPM42940023
4 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016BOARD OF DIRECTORSCPCA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONSAlberta Petroleum StorageSystems Contractors AssociationAssociation des Entrepreneurs Pétroliers du Québec Inc.British Columbia Petroleum Contractors AssociationManitoba Petroleum Contractors AssociationOntario Petroleum Contractors AssociationSaskatchewan Retail PetroleumConstruction AssociationALBERTAMarcus CormierCantest SolutionsTel: 403.912.9129 Ext. 12 mcormier@cantest.net Kim HansenMI PetroTel: 866.563.7868 khansen@mipetro.comMANITOBAChad KenwoodCentury Petroleum ConstructionTel: 204.694.2230 centpet@mts.net ONTARIOGord ThompsonComco Canada Inc.Tel: 705.728.0905 gord.thompson@comcocanada.comKen JamiesonKenstruct Ltd.Tel: 855.912.8453 ken@kenstruct.ca QUEBECGuy RochonService & Construction Mobile LtéeTel: 418.688.5751 grochon@groupemobile.com Louis RizzettoÉquipement National ÉnergieTel: 514.489.8281 lrizzetto@nee.caSASKATCHEWANArlene WrightCapital Petroleum Services Ltd.Tel: 306.757.3533 arlene_cps@sasktel.net Mike SeibelNational Energy Equipment Inc.Tel: 306.665.0223 mseibel@nee.ca BRITISH COLUMBIARob Bateman Western Oil ServicesTel: 604.514.4787 rbateman@westernoilservices.comMargo MiddletonMiddleton PetroleumTel: 250.372.7742 midpet@shaw.caCPCA OFFICEMichelle Rae, AdministratorMailing Address: 92 Caplan Ave. Suite 223 Barrie, ON L4N 0Z7 Toll Free – 1.866.360.6722 Tel: 705.735.9437 Fax: 705.735.9418info@cpcaonline.com Web: www.cpcaonline.comOFFICERS Marcus Cormier, President; Kim Hansen, Vice President;Louis Rizzetto, Secretary; Chad Kenwood, Treasurer
JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 5 regional newsBCPCA Regional MessageBy Rob BatemanAll is quiet on the Western Front for the BCPCA at the moment. It seems that all our members are busy with projects or expanding service workloads. We can report though that at our last AGM, we elected a new President of the BCPCA and assigned new positions for some of the direc-tors. Margot Middleton is the new President, and many of you had the opportunity to meet her at the recent CPCA – AGM in Quebec City.Margot has been in the business for a long time; Middleton Petroleum passed the 25-year mark at least five years ago. She was involved in the re-start of the BCPCA and active with the Steering Committee in the initiative to develop a training program and trade status for BC tech-nicians. She has been an energetic and strong contributor to the board of directors making her election as President an excellent choice.We would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing President, Mike Christie for his contribution over the last year.Our main activity over the next few months will be working with ITA to update our certification exams and our training mate-rial. We have a meeting scheduled with ITA staff in early June. We are also discussing the ways in which we can work with CPCA to con-solidate our training process and materials. This is a challenge because of the involvement of the ITA in the examination process and the trade status of the industry in BC, but we have had some good ideas and will proceed to work on these with everyone involved.In BC there is really no inspection re-quirement for fuel-related installations and of course this has led to incompetent contrac-tors performing this work. We are working on ways to communicate with government agen-cies to explain the necessity of establishing standards.Many of us are experiencing the effects of the low oil prices on the retail fuel service clients. The pressure to reduce our labour rates and parts margins has been very strong despite the increasing costs we have in these areas. My advice is: do your homework. APSSCA Regional MessageBy Marcus CormierAs summer finally approaches, the Alberta Board has been working on preparations for our Annual General Meeting being held at the Deerfoot Inn and Casino in Calgary on June 8 at 10am, as well as our 18th Annual Golf Tournament being held on June 9 at the Si-rocco Golf and Country Club in Calgary. I want to thank all the board members, volunteers, and sponsors that help make this a first-class event year after year. In a recent annual newsletter to members, we talked about the board having sent a let-ter to AB Municipal Affairs recommending the formal adoption of CSA B139 Code for oil burn-ing equipment. The letter was well received and the board will be involved in follow-up discussions throughout the upcoming year. We hope that you are able to attend the AGM as we will be hearing a presentation from our guest speaker Bruce Taylor (with the technical services division of the City of Edmonton) on some of the problems he and his department have been observing in the field with respect to these types of installations. We will try to obtain a copy of his presentation and post it on the APSSCA website for any members that want to review it. This year, we have two long-standing dir-ectors that will be retiring from our board of directors: Pat White (Leak Technologies Solu-tions Ltd.) and Mike Brochu (All Peace Petrol-eum. Mike is also one of our Past Presidents and will be helping us occasionally with spe-cial projects. It has been a pleasure serving with both of them and on behalf of the entire board; I want to thank them for their many years of service, energy, and contributions to our association. MPCA Regional MessageBy Chad Kenwood The MPCA has been weathering a number of changes over the last year specifically within the Board structure. Due to these changes, our association has not been as active as we like. However, we have a number of possible candidates for MPCA membership. We have reached out to these companies and have re-ceived good response to date. We anticipate holding a general meeting this coming fall in-cluding inviting speakers to discuss bacteria corrosion of inner tanks and address installa-tion concerns. With respect to regulation and compli-ance, LPT Inspection of all fuel sites in Mani-toba was to be finished by June 2016. Final upgrades to bring old sites to within compli-ance is still on going, but work on major oil fuel sites have been completed.We have been working with Manitoba Conservation with respect to regulation issues including the ongoing development of the Act and any improvements that may need to be addressed. We are also lobbying regulators to mandate the CPCA PMH or site operator course for service station operators to perform minor maintenance and to operate their sites. Manitoba Conservations is also working on departmental updates including website docu-mentation. We have invited them to provide an update of this as well as their expectations for facility operators and Licensed Petroleum Technicians moving forward into 2017 in a fu-ture issue. We look forward to this and contin-ued evolvement of our association.
6 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016regional newsCAPITALPETROLEUMSERVICELTD.500 - 4th Ave EastRegina, SK S4N 4Z5Tel: (306) 757-3533825B - 46th St EastSaskatoon, SK S7K 0X2Toll Free: (800) 757-1982• Petroleum Construction & Maintenance• Fuel Tanks, Pumps & Equipment• Hoists – Surface & In Ground• DecommissioningAnnual general assembly of the CPCA ET A.E.P.Q.By Guy RochonThis assembly was held in Quebec City on May 5-7, 2016. More than 100 participants registered to make it a great success. An exhibition of products and services was held with a training session on the con-sole Picon. We had a total of eight booths. Many representatives of the RBQ were pres-ent to exchange ideas and suggestions with our members.The participants were delighted with the welcome cocktail and especially by the quality of food served at the two banquets on May 5-6.On top of the high quality of the food at the closing banquet, the 90 participants were thrilled with the exceptional performance of the magi-cian master Jack and for the banquet closure we have distributed more than 60 door prizes.The annual general assembly was held on the morning of Saturday, May 7. The approved grant of $350 000, to allow us to proceed with the completion of our training program, was announced.Mr. Jacques Poulin has definitely retired and Mrs. Myriam Michaud was elected to re-place him as new secretary.At this meeting, Mr. Denis Goulet and Mr. Jacques Poulin were each honoured with a plaque of thanks and a gift as a token of appre-ciation for their 40 years of service to A.E.P.Q.Finally, the A.E.P.Q. thanks Mrs. Michelle Rae and the CPCA for their excellent coopera-tion and Mrs. Myriam Michaud, Mr. Guy Ro-chon and Mr. Jacques Poulin for the success of this convention. Assemblée générale annuelle du C.P.C.A. et de l’A.E.P.Q.Cette assemblée s’est tenue à Québec du 5 au 7 mai 2016. Plus de 100 participants ont contribués au succès de celle-ci. Une exposition de produits et services comptait huit kiosques ainsi qu’un atelier de formation sur console Picon. Plusieurs repré-sentants de la Régie du bâtiment étaient sur place pour dialoguer avec nos membres.Les participants ont été enchantés par le cocktail de bienvenue et surtout par la qualité de la nourriture servie lors des deux banquets du 5 et du 6 mai.De plus, le 6 mai, Jack Maître magicien a su épater chaque convive par sa dextérité. Plus de 60 prix de présence ont été attribués.L’assemblée générale annuelle de l’A.E.P.Q. a eu lieu le samedi 7 mai au matin.La grande nouvelle a été l’annonce de l’ob-tention d’une subvention d’environ 350 000 $, qui permettra de mettre en place notre plan de formation.Monsieur Jacques Poulin s’est définitive-ment retiré et Madame Myriam Michaud a été élue pour le remplacer au poste de secrétaire.Lors de cette réunion, des plaques de re-merciements et des cadeaux ont été remis à Monsieur Denis Goulet et Monsieur Jacques Poulin, pour leur implication de plus de 40 ans à la tête de l’A.E.P.Q.Finalement, l’A.E.P.Q. tient à remercier Madame Michelle Rae et le CPCA pour leur excellente collaboration, ainsi que Madame Myriam Michaud, Monsieur Guy Rochon et Monsieur Jacques Poulin, pour la réussite de cette convention.
JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 7 The CPCA Annual General Meeting was held at the Hotel Clarion in Quebec City. Our host this year was the Association des Entrepreneurs Pétroliers du Québec (AEPQ). CPCA Board members from across Canada representing their re-spective provincial associations were Margot Middleton from the British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association, Marcus Cor-mier and Kim Hansen from the Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association, Mike Seibel from the Saskatchewan Re-tail Petroleum Construction Association, Gord Thompson from the Ontario Petroleum Contractors Association and Guy Rochon and Louis Rizzetto from the AEPQ. Several members from the AEPQ also attended the meeting. L’Assemblée générale annuelle de la CPCA s’est tenue à l’hôtel Clarion dans la ville de Québec. Cette année, nous avons été accueillis par l’Association des entrepreneurs pétroliers du Québec (AEPQ). Les membres du conseil d’administration de la CPCA de l’en-semble du Canada représentant leurs associations provinciales respectives sont les suivants : Margot Middleton de la British Columbia Petroleum Contractors Association, Marcus Cormier et Kim Hansen de l’Alberta Petroleum Storage System Contractors Association, Mike Seibel de la Saskatchewan Retail Petroleum Construction Association, Gord Thompson de l’Ontario Petro-leum Contractors Association et Guy Rochon et Louis Rizzetto de l’Association des entrepreneurs pétroliers du Québec. Plusieurs membres de l’AEPQ ont également pris part à la rencontre. By Michelle Rae, CPCA AdministratorCPCA meets in La belle province ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HIGHLIGHTSPOINTS SAILLANTS DE L’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE DE LA CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (CPCA)Par Michelle Rae, administratrice de la CPCAFROM LEFT: Margo Middleton, Marcus Cormier, Gord Thompson, Michelle Rae, Mike SeibelFROM LEFT: AEPQ President Guy Rochon and CPCA President Marcus Cormier
8 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016Special guest speaker was David Mason of Canada Brokerlink. Dave has been working with the CPCA on a campaign to help con-tractors better understand their cost structures and make better decisions about the projects and/or activities that they are willing to undertake to get the best return for the use of their people and capital resources. The tool is especially useful for small contract-ors who may not evaluate their business on a regular basis. The CPCA will be publishing the information and the interactive model will be available to members in the coming weeks. An important mandate for CPCA is to maintain the training and certification program for members across Canada. We now have well over three hundred CPCA licensed individuals, 33 of those are new licenses issued over the last year. David Mason de Canada Brokerlink était le conférencier in-vité. David Mason a travaillé avec la CPCA lors d’une campagne visant à aider les entrepreneurs à mieux comprendre leurs struc-tures de coûts et à prendre des décisions plus judicieuses au sujet de projets ou d’activités qu’ils sont prêts à entreprendre en vue d’obtenir le meilleur rendement possible pour l’utilisation de leurs ressources humaines et leurs ressources en capital. L’outil mis en place est notamment très utilisé par les petits entrepreneurs qui ne sont pas en mesure d’évaluer leurs activités de façon régulière. La CPCA publiera les renseignements et le modèle interactif uti-lisé sera accessible aux membres dans les prochaines semaines. La CPCA s’est donnée pour mandat essentiel de continuer à offrir le programme de formation et de certification aux membres, d’un bout à l’autre du Canada. Notre association compte désormais plus de 300 membres certifiés CPCA, dont 33 ont obtenu leur per-mis l’année passée. La CPCA a également lancé son site Web d’apprentissage en 2015. Le site est un complément à notre cours d’étude à domicile ainsi qu’à notre manuel d’étude et à l’examen en classe. Il contient Part of our training and certification mandate is to work with officials from the Labour Mobility Coordinating Group to ensure all individuals with a recognized trade and/or certification can work province to province as per the Agreement on Internal Trade. 69 Comstock Road Toronto, ON M1L 2G9 Phone: 416-757-6278 Fax: 416-757-5579 Toll Free: 1-800-387-1400dteindustries.com sales@dteindustries.com“Your Partner in Total Containment Solutions”Protecting the environment for future generations.ISO 9001:2008 Certied Aboveground Tanks Underground Tanks Tank Accessories Fire Rated Tanks Double Bottom Tanks Fuel Oil Tanks Double Wall Oval Tanks Custom Fabrication Spill collectors- Wall Mounted, Free standing, Threaded & Integral Style Vertical Tanks Horizontal Tanks Bench Tanks Dike Tanks Utility Tanks Sub-Base Tanks Static Head Tanks Utility Pumps Rectangular TanksAll tanks are designed, fabricated and labeled in accordance to the latest edition of applicable standards UL, ULC, AWWA, API, Up to 250,000LT
JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 9 • Pressure Washers Hot & Cold• Complete Air Compressor Systems• Wash Bay Equipment• Commercial Vehicle Wash Systems• Waste Water Recycling Equipment• Bulk Fluid Handling Equipment• Parts Cleaning Systems• CAT Pumps & Replacement Parts• Design & Consulting• We install and service everything we sellwww.pumpsandpressure.comEdmonton780-430-9359Calgary403-263-7202Grande Prairie780-539-9939Leduc780-980-9294Brandon204-728-9303Burnaby604-434-2188Saskatoon306-242-6622HEAD OFFICE: 7018 Johnstone Drive | Red Deer, AB | T4P 3Y6TF: 1-888-430-9395 | P: 403-347-9770 | F: 403-343-7922P&P_CPCA_June16.indd 1 2016-05-26 4:17 PMCPCA also launched their learning website in 2015. The site is a companion to the home study course in addition to our study manual and in class review and contains online learning tools such as quizzes and video tutorials. We believe this form of blend-ed learning – part home study, part online and part classroom – improves the engagement for students. It also helps us monitor students progress and completion of the home study course so they come better prepared to the in class review session. Also as part of our training and certification mandate is to work with officials from the Labour Mobility Coordinating Group to ensure all individuals with a recognized trade and/or certifi-cation can work province to province as per the Agreement on Internal Trade. CPCA President Marcus Cormier commented on the event say-ing “…This was a first class event. Thank you to everyone that was involved in organizing it and a special thanks to Jacques Poulin, Myriam Michaud and Michelle Rae for handling all the logistical details. I know it is not easy to put together an event like this one, but it was well done and the feedback from members was positive. And thank you to all the CPCA board members who travelled to Quebec City. I think we had some good conversation during our time there and I’m looking forward to building on our discussions over the coming year.” Thank you to all for your participation and support, this made our event a great success! des outils d’apprentissage en ligne comme des questionnaires et des tutoriels par vidéo. Nous croyons que ce mode d’apprentissage mixte – en partie à domicile, en partie en ligne et en partie en salle de classe – consolide la participation des étudiants. Cette façon de faire nous aide également à suivre les progrès réalisés par les étudiants et l’achèvement du cours d’étude à domicile afin que les étudiants soient mieux préparés pour assister à la séance d’examen en classe. De plus, dans le cadre de notre mandat de formation et de cer-tification, nous travaillons avec le Groupe coordonnateur de la mo-bilité de la main d´œuvre (GCMM) afin d’assurer que toutes les personnes exerçant un métier ou ayant une certification reconnus puissent travailler d’une province à l’autre, conformément aux dis-positions de l’Accord sur le commerce intérieur. Le président de la CPCA, Marcus Cormier, a dit à propos de l’évè-nement : «Je remercie toutes les personnes qui ont pris part à la plani-fication de l’évènement, tout particulièrement Jacques Poulin, Myriam Michaud et Michelle Rae qui se sont occupés de toute l’organisation logistique. Je sais qu’il n’est pas facile de prévoir un évènement de ce type, mais j’ai pu constater que le travail a été bien fait et la ré-troaction des membres a été positive. Je remercie tous les membres du conseil d’administration de la CPCA qui se sont rendus à Québec. Je pense que nous avons eu quelques discussions fructueuses durant notre rencontre et me réjouis de donner suite à ces discussions au cours de l’année à venir. Je vous remercie à tous de votre participation et appui qui ont contribué au succès de cet évènement!»
10 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016The OPCA held its 22nd annual conference March 7-9, 2016 in Toronto at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel. The schedule included manufacturer training, safety forum and annual general meeting at the conclusion of the three-day event. The conference was held in conjunction with The Convenience U CARWACS Show, which was held on March 8-9 at the International Centre in Toronto. The conference opened with manufacturers from Canada and the US providing training sessions on petroleum equipment, such as petrol-eum transfer piping, fueling containment systems and fuel manage-ment systems. Franklin Fueling Systems, OPW, Red Leonard & Associ-ates, Containment Solutions, Icon, PD McLaren, Morrison Bros., and Computrol provided the sessions. The OPCA is grateful for this collab-oration with the manufacturers as these sessions keep our members and their employees up to date on the latest industry technology and necessary certification.By Michelle Rae, OPCA Executive DirectorKeynote Speaker Candace Carnahan encourages attendees to have the “Courage to Care”OPCA members show their support in TorontoOPCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS
JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 11 905-738-9662PLANES • TRAINS • BUSESThe second day of the conference began with a safety forum hosted by the OPCA and centered around the Petroleum Oriented Safety Train-ing (POST) program, a national behavior-based safety program specific to the petroleum industry. Also, special thanks to Rob Rivers of Claybar Contracting, Russ Por-ter and Mike Lamont of National Energy Equipment and Scott Eadie of SAS Petroleum for helping us organize the event. Also, special thanks goes out to Russ for doing a terrific job as Master of Ceremonies.There were a number of presentations given at the forum. Rob Riv-ers spoke on the role of supervisors emphasizing their responsibilities on the job site and providing good leadership and a lead-by-example be-havior in the workplace. Mike Lamont gave a presentation on forecourt safety, including the importance of following POST barricading proced-ures, showing examples of accidents when protocols are not followed. Cindy Phillips of Washtech presented their companies “Work Alone” mobile app. The app monitors service technicians working alone by prompting them to check in periodically and alerts their office if they miss a scheduled check in (stay tuned for more information on this!). John Aird of Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Prevention Services provided an overview of occupational health and safety issues and legislative developments impacting petroleum contractors such as Working at Heights, WHMIS (and the global harmonization system), the new Joint Heath and Safety Committees Certification Standard and new noise regulations coming into effect. Information, including John’s presentation, is available on the OPCA website. The OPCA also developed a survey to ascertain the audience’s level of engagement with respect to safety and POST philosophy. Ron Ballan-tyne, consultant for the OPCA, conducted the survey. Audience mem-bers were polled in real time and results were displayed immediately for discussion. It provided some positive insight on everyone’s com-mitment to safety. A video of this presentation is available through the POST website at posttraining.ca. Our keynote speaker for the forum was Workplace Safety Advo-cate, Candace Carnahan. In keeping with the theme of POST, Candace used her own experience of a devastating workplace accident to inspire people to have the “Courage to Care” through standing up for others. Candace’s energy and passion for safety definitely left an impression with the audience. We have already started planning the 2017 conference, which will take place March 7-9 at the International Plaza Hotel right across from the Toronto Congress Centre; the new venue for the 2017 Convenience U CARWACS Show. Looking for a superior storage containment solution?Storage Containment Solutions Since 1923STEELCRAFT Inc.offers a full line of standard and custom liquid containment tanks andsystems, as well as pressure vessels including: single and double-walled tanks,underground storage,process vessels,and field erected tanks.Field-proven after thousands of installations, our products meet stringent codespecifications and are the choice of engineers, contractors, and architects.With ourleading-edge engineering, custom manufacturing facilities, and in-house finishingcapability,you can trust us to deliver a quality product on time,every time.For lasting,trouble-free storage containment,STEELCRAFT Inc.www.steelcraftinc.comVisit our website or contact us:Waterloo,ON 1-800-265-8840Moncton, NB 1-888-258-8166Edmonton,AB 1-888-661-8265Innisfail,AB 1-800-661-2851Steelcraft_1011_Waterloo:Layout 1 10/25/11 6:15 AM Page 1
12 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016Innovation and Performance in Fuel Storage and Handling • Transport Canada Approved • Capacity 3,750L • 6.5hp Gas Engine Pump (40gpm) • Hose Reel (50’x1” Hose & Auto Nozzle• DEF Tank (208L) & 12v pump• Custom built to meet your specific needs • Built to ULC-601-7 Standard • Sizes: 2300L – 75,000L Tanks • Proud Member of OPCAMeridian Fuel Express TrailersMeridian Fuel Tanks ®Watch our videos onlinemeridianmfg.com/videos© 2016 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. Registered Trademarks used under License.Tanks Proudly built in Ontario!50,000L Triple Split DW Tank That evening, OPCA hosted a dinner with entertainment provided by the extremely talented comedian Big Daddy Tazz. A special thank you to members National Energy Equipment, KMD and Waleco who hosted hospitality for members afterwards. On the final day, members were invited to breakfast before launch-ing into the OPCA Annual General Meeting. OPCA Vice-President Phil Hughes took on the role of Chair for the meeting in place of OPCA President Gord Thompson who was unable to attend. Gord announced his retirement as President, however will continue on the Board in the Past President role. On behalf of the Board, Phil thanked Gord for his years of service to the OPCA and noted hopefully Gord will be in attend-ance next year to acknowledge him appropriately. Several guest speakers were on hand for the AGM including Ann-Marie Barker and Zenon Fraczkowski from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority who provided an update on the changes to the new Liquid Fuels Handling Code. Sarah Jeffrey-Hampton of the Min-istry of Government and Consumer Services was also invited to pro-vide a brief overview of their role between TSSA and stakeholders.Lisa McClemens from Environment and Climate Change Canada made a presentation on requirements for work on Federal Lands includ-ing an overview of storage tank systems under Section 209 of the Can-adian Environmental Protection Act. Ms. McClemens and her group have been very active with industry in ensuring regulations are communi-cated and the OPCA is very grateful for their continued participation. David Mason of Canada Brokerlink and administrator of OPCA’s in-surance program provided a recap of the insurance industry over the past year including an update on OPCA’s insurance program for members. The OPCA invited Threads of Life representatives Lorna Cat-rambone, Regional Development Coordinator for Central Canada and Patti Penny, volunteer speaker to attend as our special guests. The OPCA has been proud to support such an important organization as Threads of Life, a very special organization that promotes safety in the workplace and supports families who have suffered a workplace fatality, traumatic life-altering injury, or occupational disease through many of their programs across Canada. To date, the OPCA has raised over $15,000 for their organization through our annual golf tourna-ment. Volunteer speaker Patti Penny shared her emotional story on the tragic loss of her son from a workplace incident, stressing the import-ance of workplace safety and that incidents are preventable.The meeting concluded with members engaging in roundtable dis-cussions on issues affecting the industry as well as their companies. The OPCA reviews this information to ascertain any issues that need to be addressed on behalf of the members, specifically to industry regulators. The OPCA would lastly like to thank all of the sponsors who either made a financial contribution or prize donation. All funds provided go directly to the prize draw. There were loads of fantastic prizes includ-ing a large screen TV, several iPads, Apple watch and numerous gift cards. Everyone also went home with an OPCA t-shirt. We have already started planning the 2017 conference, which will take place March 7-9 at the International Plaza Hotel right across from the Toronto Congress Centre; the new venue for the 2017 Convenience U CARWACS Show. We will also be host to the CPCA Annual General Meeting, so please make sure to join us and help us welcome our fellow members from across Canada. See you in 2017!
JUNE 2016 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • 13 Visit us at rapilkey.com45 Burgess Street, PO BOX 59, Burgessville, ON, N0J 1C0EMAIL: rapilkey@execulink.comOFFICE: 519-424-9121 CELL: 519-533-2763Our company has over 35 years of industry knowledge and technical expertise. With a staff of PM licensed mechanics, we are able to handle your needs from simple service work to full installation and removal of tanks and service stations.LOCATED IN THE HEART OF SOUTHERN ONTARIO WITH 24 HOUR ON CALL SERVICE.R.A. Pilkey is proud members of OPCA, CPCA and registered with TSSA.RAPilkey_CPCA_June16.indd 1 2016-05-25 11:23 AMmemberproleWHAT IS R.A. PILKEY? COMPANY NAME: R.A. Pilkey Service Station Maintenance LOCATION: Burgessville, Ontario TELEPHONE: 519.424.9121 WEBSITE: rapilkey.com OWNERS: Brian and Lisa Pilkey NUMBER OF YEARS IN BUSINESS: 37 years CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 5 AREAS SERVICED (GEOGRAPHIC): Southwestern Ontario COMPANY HISTORY In the summer of 1979, I (Rick Pilkey) resigned from Hague’s and took my family on vacation to the East Coast. When we re-turned, my wife, Susan and I formed R.A. Pilkey Service Station Maintenance. We started out with a 1974 Ford F100, which we purchased from Susan’s father. Every new business owner hopes to have plenty of business from the start. For us, service station work started out with a big disaster. In August of 1979, an F4 tornado tore through Oxford County, Woodstock and other nearby communities including Ox-ford Centre, New Durham and down to Vanessa. The aftermath generated all kinds of work for us: repairing pumps at service stations and farms, pumping out and recovering skid tanks which had blown quite a distance and landed in a local cemetery. Building a lasting relationship with many local gas stations in the area, some of these are now gone. However, R.A. Pilkey still works closely with the mom-and-pops to the service and keep them compliant. We’ve had a number of employees over the years. My son, Chris, worked with us from the time he graduated high school in 1994 until 2013 when he passed away from cancer. By this time, I was beginning to slow down, so in 2014, I sold the business to my cousins (Brian and Lisa Pilkey). R.A. Pilkey is still based in the main shop at 45 Burgess Street in Burgessville, with three service trucks on the road, a small backhoe and a float. Brian continues to keep busy with installations, decommissions and minor repairs. From time to time, I still work for Brian on site or giving technical advice. MEMBER PROFILE: R.A. PilkeyR.A. Pilkey started out in 1979 with one truck. Find out where they are now.By Rick PilkeyMORE ABOUT R.A. PILKEYCOMPANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: We are Veeder-Root trained and certied, as well as FE PETRO trained and certied. COMPANY AWARDS/HONOURS: Post certied as well as 37 years and counting in business. OTHER INFORMATION: The Company was purchased from Rick and Susan Pilkey in 2014 by Brian and Lisa Pilkey, still operating from the same shop and servicing the same area. NATURE OF BUSINESS: Service station maintenance, construction and tank removal, environmental remediation and new installs. SPECIFIC SERVICES THE COMPANY PROVIDES: We build gas stations and are concentrating on construction and installs as well as service.
14 • CANADIAN PETROLEUM CONTRACTOR • JUNE 2016safetybulletinNEW HOT WORK CHECKLIST:The POST committee has redeveloped the hot work checklist, specifically to align with the Canadian Electrical Code with respect to working in hazardous areas around dispensers, tanks and oil water separators. The checklist is available on the POST website in the documents section.POST SAFETY FORUM 2016:The OPCA recently held a POST safety forum in Toronto. Key presenters are featured on the POST website including discussing forecourt safety, managers and their roles and our Safety Engagement Interactive Survey. Be sure to check these out and feel free to incorporate into your safety meetings. SAFETY BULLETIN – GASOLINE VAPOUR EXPLOSION:Two workers were injured by a flash fire while working in sump. Please visit the POST website to download this important alert and share with your workers. POST SAFETY REMINDERS POSTER:These posters are great for jobsites to remind workers to follow proper safety procedures and are free to the POST community. FOUR REASONS to visit the POST website todaywww.POSTtraining.caORDER YOUR FREE POST SAFETY REMINDERS POSTERS FROM POSTTRAINING.CAbulletin de la sécurité POSTNOUVELLE LISTE DE VÉRIFICATION DE TRAVAIL À CHAUD :Le comité POST a mis à jour la liste de vérification de travail à chaud, afin de l’harmoniser avec le Code canadien de l’électricité en ce qui concerne de travail dans les zones dangereuses à proximité de distributeurs, réservoirs et séparateurs eau-pétrole. La liste de vérification est disponible sur le site Web POST sous la rubrique documents. FORUM SUR LA SÉCURITÉ POST :L’OPCA a récemment organisé un forum sur la sécurité POST à Toronto. Les présentations principales sont publiées sur le site Web POST, notamment la discussion sur la sécurité des stations-service, les gestionnaires et leurs rôles, et notre enquête interactive sur l’engagement envers la sécurité. Assurez-vous de les consulter et n’hésitez pas à les intégrer à vos réunions de sécurité. BULLETIN DE LA SÉCURITÉ – EXPLOSION DE VAPEUR DE GAZOLINE :Deux travailleurs ont été blessés par un embrasement éclair alors qu’ils travaillaient dans un puisard. Veuillez consulter le site Web POST pour télécharger cette alerte importante et la partager avec vos collègues. AFFICHES DE RAPPEL DE SÉCURITÉ POST :Ces affiches sont idéales pour rappeler aux travailleurs sur les chantiers de suivre les procédures de sécurité appropriées. Elles sont gratuites au sein de la communauté POST. QUATRE RAISONS d’aller sur le site Web POST dès aujourd’huiwww.POSTtraining.ca/fr
A TRUSTED LEADER1.800.661.8265 | zcl.comThe ZCL Advantage...• 30 Year Warranty (Long Term Peace of Mind)• Made in Canada (Local Manufacturing and Service)• 100% Resin and Glass (No “Low Cost” Fillers)• Integral Rib Construction (No Rib Delamination)• “Parabeam®” Interstitial Space (Superior Design)• Safer Tank (Additional Safety Options Available)ZCL is an unparalleled industry leader with the vision “To deliver piece of mind through corrosion resistant solutions that preserve and protect the environment”.FUEL TANKS | CAR WASH INTERCEPTORS | OIL/WATER SEPARATORS | POTABLE WATER TANKS | SEWAGE TANKS | DEF TANKS