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CVSNote 2019

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CVS Note(for PGY and Clerk)心外科見實習講義 武孟餘0

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目錄冠狀動脈解剖P2主動脈環解剖P5冠狀動脈繞道手術適應症 P6人工瓣膜的選擇 P8心內膜炎的治療與手術適應症 P9成人主動脈瓣膜疾病及手術適應症 P10成人二尖瓣膜疾病及手術適應症 P11成人三尖瓣膜疾病及手術適應症 P12主動脈氣球幫浦(IABP) P13體外膜式氧合器 (ECMO) P15心肺機(CPB) P16心臟移植 P18主動脈剝離 P21腹主動脈瘤 P24末端主動脈狹窄 P25周邊動脈狹窄 P26腔室症候群 P28常用心血管藥物 P30開心術後常見管路照顧 P33心外科見實習講義 武孟餘1

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interventricular groove. atrioventricular groove. artery.(A) L’t main coronary artery (B) LAD (C) RCA(D) LCX 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘2

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正常心導管影像:左側心外科見實習講義 武孟餘3

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正常心導管影像:右側心外科見實習講義 武孟餘4

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RCC=R’t coronary cusp, LCC= L’t coronary cusp, NCC= Non-coronary cusp,junction)心外科見實習講義 武孟餘5

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CoronaryArtery Bypass SurgeryCABG2. Indication Of CABG : Failure of medical therapy, Unstable angina,Left main coronary artery disease, Symptomatic 3 vessel CAD with depressed LV function, Postinfarction angina, AMI with cardiogenic shock ( including mitral regurgitation due to papillary muscle rupture or VSD due to septal rupture) , Failed PTCA, Reoperation for recurrent symptoms, Congenital anomalies of coronary arteries, Coronary aneurysm after Kawasaki’s diseaseoff-pump CAB)心外科見實習講義 武孟餘6

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(B)Anterior wall AMI + postinfarct VSD (C)Anterior wall AMI + acute mitral regurgitation AHA Guideline for carotid endarterectomy : Symptomatic carotid stensosis 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘7

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Prosthesis Selection INR Level (Mechanical valve) Aortic Valve : 1.5 ~ 2.0 x Mitral Valve : 2.0 ~ 2.5 x Tricuspid Valve : 2.5 ~3.0 x Ampicillin 1gm ivf st + GM 80 ~ 60心外科見實習講義 武孟餘8

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(3) Cyanotic congenital heart dx (4) Valvular heart dx (5) VSD (6) PDA(7) Coarctation of aorta (2) Valvular obstruction (3) Periannular/myocardial abscess, (4) Prosthetic valve dehiscence,Persistentbacteremia despite appropriate Abx, (5) Fungal infection. 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘9

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CVS Q & A 15Mild AS :AVA >1.5 cm2Very severe AS : AVA < 0.75 cm2( Braunwald 5E : Critical AS : AVA < 0.8 and transvalvular pressure gradient > 50 mmHg ) OP indication : (1) Symptomatic (Angina, syncope,heart failure ) patients with or without LV dysfunction insufficiency; AI LVESD > 45~ 50mm, or LVESV > 55 ml/m2, the operation should be carried out.) (1) Severe AI with NYHA class III-IVsymptoms and normal EF (2) Severe AI with Canadian heart Association Class II or greater angina with or without coronary artery dx (3) Severe AI with EF of 25 – 49% (4) Severe AI with NYHA class II symptoms and normal EF but with progressive LV dilatation on serial testing 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘10

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CVS Q & A 16placementIndication for Percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy(1) Suitable mitral valve morphology(2) MVA < 1.5 cm2 (3) No atrial thrombus (4) No moderate to severe MR (5) NYHA class II or more(6) Pulmonary HTN ( Systolic PAP >50 mmHg at rest and > 60 mmHg at exercise ) (7) High risk of surgery (8) New onset of AfIndication for mitral valve replacement(1) MVA < 1.5 cm2 (2) NYHA class II or more(3) Not suitable for Percutaneous mitral balloon valvotom or mitral valve repair心外科見實習講義 武孟餘11

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CVS Q & A 17ericuspid valve replacement(20%),anomalies, carcinoid or infectivTricuspid repairor tricuspid annulus diameter > Tpulmonary HTN, RV failure, number of valves operated, previous Tricuspid infective endocarditis : uncontrolled sepsis (2) recurrent 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘12

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Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)pulsation.Cardiogenic shock on maximalinotropic support defined by (1) Cardiac index < 1.8 L/min/m2 (2) SBP < 90 mmHg (3) LAP or RAP > 20 mmhg (4) Urine output < 20 c.c/hr(5) SVR > 2100 dynes-sec/cm5 Exclude if Bun > 100mg/L, Cr > 5 mg/dl, severe chronic lung or liver dx, metastatic cancer, sepsis,major neurologic deficit,incomplete revascularization, age > 60 y/o. 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘13

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(A) Systole心外科見實習講義 武孟餘14

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out).(aPTT 1.5~2x,ACT 180~220 second) (3) VA mode : Cardiac support(4) VV mode : Respiratory supportTaper ventilator setting toFiO2 < 60% and PIP < 30 cmH2OASAP to avoid ventilator-relatedlung injury.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘15

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心肺機簡介Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘16

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perfusion for brain perfusion (3) Lumbar drain for CSF drainage for spinal cord 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘17

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mmHgHeart Transplantation心外科見實習講義 武孟餘18

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Active infection Malignancy gradient)(A) Dilated cardiomyopathy with heart failure (B) Ischemic cardiomyopathy with cardiogenic shock (D) Complex congenital heart disease that can’t be corrected (A) < 65 y/o 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘19

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CVS Q & A 14biopsy grading system : Grade Finding Rejection severity 0 No rejection None1 A= Focal ( perivascular/interstitial) infiltrate B= Diffuse but sparse infiltrate without necrosisMild( without necrosis) 2 One focus only with aggressive infiltrate and/or myocyte damage Focal moderate 3 Myocyte damage A= Multifocal aggressive infiltrate and/or myocyte damage B= Diffuse inflammatory process with necrosisModerate damage 4 Diffuse aggressive polymorpholeukocyte infiltrate with edema, hemorrhage, vasculitis and necrosis Severe damage (A) lymphocyte infiltrate (B) Fibroblast present (C) Vascular proliferation (D) Polymorphonuclear cell infiltration 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘20

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CVS Q & A 18+inaorta only yey I + II)y III )I : Ascending aorta +archdescending aortavolvementII : AscendingIII : Descending aorta onlA : Ascending aortainvolvement ( DeBakB : No Ascending aortainvolvement ( DebakeType A Type B z c tamponade (rupture in to z mia(dissection toz ction) :z Rupture : hemothorax root) : Cardiapericardium)Cerebral ischebranches of aortic arch ) AMI (coronary artery dissez End organ involvementparaplegia, acute renal failure, ischemic bowel, ischemic legImageMediastinalIntimal flapwidening> 8cm AsAoDsAo心外科見實習講義 武孟餘21

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CVS Q & A 19Type A Type B g,olol) with or on : Mortality Without operati25% die in the first 24 hours 50% die in the first week 75% die in the first month90% die within a year ( paraplegia, ischemic bowel, ischemic leg, 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘22

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心外科見實習講義 武孟餘23

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CVS Q & A 20(1) Aneurysectomy (2) Endovascular stent graft(PTCA, Coronary Stenting ,or CABG).renal failure or ischemic colitis/ischemic bowel.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘24

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CVS Q & A 21Aortoiliac occlusion disease (Leriche syndrome)Type II- infrarenal aorta, common infrarenal aorta, iliac, femoral, popliteal, and tibial arteries.occlusionpulsation.aortoiliac endarterectomy, aortofemoralbypass, femoral-femoral bypass, axillobifemoral bypass 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘25

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CVS Q & A 22aniography.femoropopliteal segment (including the profunda femoris artery), and 心外科見實習講義 武孟餘26

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CVS Q & A 23心外科見實習講義 武孟餘27

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CVS Q & A 24Compartment syndromecompartment心外科見實習講義 武孟餘28

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CVS Q & A 25心外科見實習講義 武孟餘29

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Name Unit Frequency Limit Full EffectCarvedilol 25 & 6.25mg/tab 6.25~25mg bid 25mg/d 2wks Propranolol(inderol) 10 & 40mg/tab 40mg bid 640mg/dAmlodipine(Norvasc) 5mg/tab 1# qd ~bidDiltiazem(herbesser) 30 & 90 mg/tab 60 ~ 120 mg bid 360mg/d 2wks Nicardipine 20mg/tab 1# tidNifedipine(adalat) 10 & 30mg/tab 30 ~60mg qd 120mg/d 2wks Verapamil (isoptin) 40 & 120mg/tab 240mg qd 480mg/d 1wkCaptopril(capoten) 25mg/tab 1# bid to tid 150mg/d 2wks Enapril 5 & 20 mg/tab 5~10mg qd 40mg/d 2wks Losartan 50mg/tab 1# qd 100mg/dValsartan 80mg/tab 1# qd 320mg/dMinoxidil 10mg/tab 5mg qd or bid 100mg/d心外科見實習講義 武孟餘30

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1mg/c.c/amp心外科見實習講義 武孟餘31

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Appendix: Procedure 1Epicardial pacemaker心臟外科術後常見的引流管主要是指於術中置放的 chest tube or pericardial tube. 下圖是表示開心術後 pericardial tubes(PT)放置的位置. PTI 是放在 diaphragm 與 heart 之間, PTII 是放在 heart 與 sternum間. 若術中有打開 pleural cavity 則要在該側置放胸管. 術後出血時可依各管(PTI, PT II)流出血之多寡來研判大概出血的位置.Pacemaker wire 的正極縫在 sternotomy傷口下端的腹直肌上, 負極縫在右心室的前表面. Bradycardia 時要用 pacemaker wire 接在 pacemaker 上時, leads 要安裝對.一小段距離, 可能可改善其功能. 有殘餘氣胸時也可給予 15-20 cm H2O 之 low pressure suction 以利氣胸排除.2. 拔胸管時要先將胸管夾住, 請病人練習深呼吸, 吸飽氣後閉氣 30 秒左右, 將固定胸管的線解開, 欲拔胸管時請助手將胸管入口附近皮膚捏緊, 請病人吸飽氣後閉氣 30 秒左右,且告知拔胸管時儘量不要呼吸或張口叫喊, 左右轉動胸管無阻力後拔出, 快速將傷口 tie 好蓋上布膠. 而後照 CXR 看有無殘餘氣胸或積液. 請病人常做深吸氣( triflow)可加速肺部擴張.開以降低管內負壓。 遇阻力時不可硬拔, 尤其在 CABG 病人身上, 其 venous graft 可能會吸附在 PT的 side holes, 硬將 PT 扯出可能會導致 graft 斷裂而出血.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘33

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Appendix: Procedure 2原則上,中央靜脈導管有兩大功用(1)長期及大型靜脈輸液通路(約可用 7-14 天)(2) For central venous pressure monitoring (放置於 femoral vein 處則不能monitor CVP).中央靜脈導管可放置於 internal jugular vein, subclavian vein, femoral vein, 以 subclavian vein 穿刺來放置中央靜脈導管最為迅速但也最危險,較易造成氣/血胸, 放 femoral vein 較為安全但只能作輸液用,且長期置放較易感染.所以在放置中央靜脈導管前要先考慮病人的需要來挑選適合的血管.且置放時一定要注重無菌原則.若不小心穿刺到相鄰的動脈時,一定要施以 5-10 分鐘的壓迫,以免 pseudoaneurysm之形成.此時最好換位置打或 call for help.下針前, 病人採頭低腳高之姿勢, (Trendelenburg),肩膀墊高, 頭稍轉向對側, 暴露出欲下針部位來.小針偵側到 subclavian 後,再換 puncture 針循原路徑去穿刺 subclavian vein, 有時位置太深小針找不到, 就以 puncture 針朝 suprasternal notch 方向小心深入, 一路上都要 keep negative pressure.當穿刺到vein 時會有大量回血. 當未有回血但回抽阻力變得極小,一直抽到空氣時, 可能已造成氣胸.此為 internal jugular vein 的 anatomy, vein 比 artery 靠外側. 事前述之局部麻醉及小針探測原則均相同. 下針處在 SCM 肌的兩頭之間, 約與 cricoid cartilage同一 level, 離 carotid pulsation 1 –0.5 cm 處, 針尖朝向同側之 nipple 緩緩推進. 一路上都要 keep negative pressure, 當穿刺到 vein 時會有大量回血.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘34

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Appendix: Procedure 3此為 femoral vein 的 anatomy, 由外項內排是N(nerve)A(artery)V(vein),前述之局部麻醉及小針探測原則均相同. 下針處在 inguinal crease 下方, femoral pulse 內側 1 –0.5 cm 處,呈45角 , 當穿刺到 vein 時會有大量回血.導管置入的原則不管 pucture 哪條血管, 以 puncture 針打到 VEIN 後就要將 guidewire 放入,在 subclavian 處在將針筒disconnect後要先用左手拇指輕蓋住針頭, 以防大量空氣隨病人呼吸進入 central vein 造成 air emboli, 其他地方則不用如此.Guidewire 插入, 針頭拔出, dilator 再循 guidewire 插入血管(主要是 dilate 由 skin 到 vessel 間的 soft tissue, 製造一個 tract, 以利 catheter 放入). Dilator 再抽出, 將catheter 再循 guidewire 插入血管, 注意要等到 wire 已由 catheter 尾部穿出後 (表 wire 已貫穿整條catheter) 才能將 catheter 放入體內. 否則 guidewire 可能會進入血管跑至右心,引起極大的危險. 所以, 要將wire的深度控制在適當長度, 既不會滑出血管, 留在體外的部份也要較 catheter 長一點. 當循此原則將catheter 置入體內時便可將 guidewire 完全抽掉,catheter 深度在右邊 jugular and subclavian vein 約放 15cm, 然後再測回血, 通順即可.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘35Femoral Cannulation

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Appendix: Procedure 4放置胸管(Chest tube )前言:當肋膜腔因任何原因有空氣或液體留滯時, 便不能維持負壓的狀態, 而會壓迫到同側之 lung, 不利其換氣, 嚴重者會快速的造成 respiratory failure, 此時便需放置胸管. 一般而言, 在純粹 pneumothorax 的病人身上, 用管徑較細 ( Fr. 28 or less) 的胸管, 朝前放置在肺尖處即可. 若伴隨有 pleural effusion or hemothorax, 則要用管徑較大 ( Fr. 32 or more) 的胸管, 朝後放置, 用 angled chest tube 理論上更能放置在 lung base 處. 若病人為 tensionpneumothorax, 則可先用 20 or 18 號針頭於患側第二肋間插入先 decompression 再插胸管.在開完刀者, 可能因為 poor cough function 造成 lung atelectases 或因厲害的 pneumonia 而segmental consolidation, 照了 CXR 後發現有些地方 white out, 類似有 pleural effusion. 但除非病人連日來 I/O positive 很多, 或是躺著照片子整片 lung 都 white out (fluid 的 density), 或是連日來的 CXRs 有 pleural effusion 越來越多的傾向, 否則還是以 lung atelectases 作為第一考量, 要加強 chest care 而非插胸管引流.病人稍微側臥, 患側朝上, 該側的手屈區放於頭上, 如圖所示.插胸管非常疼痛, 病人若強烈掙扎, 肋間肌緊縮, 放置胸管會很困難.故局部麻醉及些微的 sedation 是相當重要的. 但要視病人的狀況來給藥, 因 sedatives 可能會造成 respiratory failure. 切口 (thoracostomy) 約在第 4 到 6 肋間的前腋線上, 在所選定欲進入的肋間約 3 公分下. 沿著肋骨的上緣 (下緣有 intercostal vessels) . 無菌措施及鋪單完成後, 先以 10 c.c 空針抽取 10 c.c 1% Lidocaine 將切口附近的 skin 及欲進入的肋間其下肋骨上緣之periostium 及 parietal pleura 麻醉.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘36

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Appendix: Procedure 5p l e u r a , 刺破後再以 kelly 撐開肋間肌及 parietal pleura.再來就用手指去感覺有無進入 pleural cavity (可摸到 respiratory lung) 及 dilate 整個 tract. 再將胸管朝前或後徐徐放入, 遇阻力要調整角度, 不要硬放, 以免插破 vital organ。最後將 mattress 縫線 tie 緊,將 chesttube 固定.將 chest tube 接在 chest bottle 上. Chest bottle 的頂部有三個孔洞, 一個是接病患端, 其管下端伸入水中約 2-3 cm (water seal), 一個是與大氣連通以排出由 pleural cavity 來的 air, 此管有蓋, 要打開. 另一個是chest bottle 加水的孔洞, 平時保持蓋上的狀態. Chest bottle 使用前要先加約 500c.c 的水, 使接病人端的管子在水下 2-3 cm. 當一切都按此原則安裝好後,要審視接病人端的管子中的液面(與 water seal 差不多的高度)有無隨呼吸起伏, 若無表可能安裝有誤或 chest tube 未在 pleural cavity 內,要再調整.此為當 pleural cavity 中有 air and fluid 時, bottle 1 用來收集 fluid, bottle 2 用來收集 air, bottle 3 用來接low pressure suction (來吸氣), 保持整個 system 是 negative pressure ( than pleural cavity)的狀態.心外科見實習講義 武孟餘37用刀切開已麻醉的皮膚, 切口約為管徑的 1.5 倍, 再以 No.3 之 silk 在傷口處縫一個 mattress 縫線但先不tie. 用 kelly 撐開皮下的 soft tissue, 向上跨過一個肋間, 扺住上一個肋骨的上緣, 稍施力刺破 parietal