LETTERNEWSTHE LATEST NEWS, VIEWS &ANNOUNCEMENTSVOLUME 11, JUNE 2024 3rd QuarterHighlights 100 N. COLLIER BLVD. NAPLES, FL 34145Crescent Beach CondominiumWWW.CBMARCOISLAND.COM239-642-0100New Technology updatecoming soon via Building Link Read more page 17The summer months of June, July,and August are synonymous witha variety of holidays andcelebrations around the world.From traditional culturalfestivals to national observances,this period offers a rich tapestryof occasions for people to cometogether and commemoratedifferent aspects of life.The office will be closed only onThursday July 4th in observanceof Independence Day!Whats New?
WHAT’SVOLUME 11JUNE 2024IncludedT H E B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S , P g 2W E L C O M E N E W O W N E R S , P g 3U P C O M I N G 3 R D Q T R ’ 2 4 A S S E S S M E N T , P g 4M A Y 1 S T T O O C T O B E R 3 1 S T S E A T U R T L E , P G 5L E G A L A F F A I R & U P D A T E S , P g 6Y O U R C O M M U N I T Y U P D A T E S , P g 7H U R R I C A N E P R E P A R E D N E S S U P D A T E S , P g 9S C H E D U L E D M A I N T E N A N C E S E R V I C E S , P g 1 0P L A N N E D S U M M E R P R O J E C T U P D A T E S , P g 1 1W I N D M I T I G A T I O N U P D A T E , P g 1 4I M P O R T A N T R E M I N D E R S , P g 1 5H O T W A T E R H E A T E R R E P L A C E M E N T , P g 1 6T E C H N O L O G Y U P D A T E , P g 1 7U P C O M I N G E V E N T S , P g 1 8C o l l i e r V o t e s . g o v P g 1 9J U S T F O R F U N : F A C T O R F I C T I O N P g 2 0V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 1
President - Jeff Patterson Vice President - Peggy Frazier Treasurer - Pete Brown Secretary - Shari Mientus Director - Heidi Kallinich V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 2 The Board is responsible for overseeing the daily functions and financialresponsibilities of the Association, and for maintaining compliance with theCondominium Documents.T H E O P E R A T I O N O F T H E A S S O C I A T I O N I S G O V E R N E D B Y O U RC U R R E N T B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S .Association Complaints Guidelines• Avoid directly approaching a directorwith Association concerns.• Urgent matters should be addressedwith the Association Manager. Currently, the designated channel for communicating with the board is exclusivelythrough the comments and suggestions section in the resident portal. As part of our technological transitions, we will be migrating the resident portal to theBuildinglink platform, which will also facilitate the submission of messages to theboard. Further details can be found on page 17.
Welcome The Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity, on behalfof our entire ownership, to welcome you to the Crescent BeachCondominium Association.We hope you enjoy your living experience at Crescent Beach Condominium. Our friendly staff is here to assist you with any needs or questions you mayhave . TO CRESCENT BEACHNew OwnersJim & Yvonne MastracchioWilliam & Molly BaughmanUnit 602Unit 303V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 3
123-456-7890HELLO@REALLYGREATSITE.COMREALLYGREATSITE.COM@REALLYGREATSITER E A L E S T A T E A G E N TV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 4UPCOMINGAssessmentsR E M I N D E R : 3 R D Q U A R T E R L Y A S S E S S M E N T I S D U E O N J U L Y 1 S T CABLE TV($250) 1 BR $2,810 2 BR $3,697 2 BR CNR $3,993 3 BR $5,028 TH $5,473 WRITE AND POST-DATE 4 SEPARATE CHECKS Calculating your 3rd Q’24 Assessment +You can choose to pay your assessment for the entire year by writing and post-dating 4 separate checks, each for a different quarter. This will allow you tosubmit your payments in advance.Read more about this in the Technology Updates on page 17PAY ASSESSMENT FROM YOUR RESIDENT PORTALCan I pay in advance or electronically?Several owners have already settled their 2024 third-quarter assessments inadvance during the second quarter. A comprehensive statement was sent via email to all owners on June 1st,detailing all invoices and payment dates to provide a clear overview oftransactions up to that point.
Follow these guidelinesFollow these guidelinesFollow these guidelinesOtherwise,The City will fineOtherwise,The City will fineOtherwise,The City will fineC I T Y O F M A R C O I S L A N D ' S S E A T U R T L EC O N S E R V A T I O N E F F O R T SS A V E T H ET U R T L E S !V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 5In the serene coastal city of Marco Island, a remarkable annual eventunfolds as the sea turtles embark on their nesting and hatching season.From May 1st to October 31st, these magnificent creatures grace our shores,offering a glimpse into the wonders of nature.As stewards of the environment, it is our responsibility to ensure the safetyand well-being of these gentle giants. Turn Off all Unnecessary Lights after9:00 P.M.To protect the nesting and hatching sea turtles, a few simple yet crucialguidelines must be followed. As night falls, let us dim the lights after 9 pm, creating a conduciveenvironment for the sea turtles to navigate without disruptions. Opt for low-wattage yellow lights over bright white lights, as these areless intrusive to the turtles' natural instincts. Shield any luminous interior lights that may inadvertently disturb theturtles as they make their way to the shore.
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed about the latesthappenings in your community is more important than ever. Thissection is designed to keep residents like you in the loop for all theongoing activities and updates that matter most to you.YOURCOMMUNITYUPDATESV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 6
Q1: CAN ANOTHER UNIT OWNER WATCH MY UNIT?A1: THIS SHOULD ONLY BE PERFO1MED BY A REGISTERED AND INSURED OR BONDEDINSPECTOR. THE HOME WATCH SERVICE YOU USE IS RECOMMENDED TO HAVE A MINIMUMLIABILITY COVERAGE OF $500,000.Q2: I AM IN RESIDENCE ONCE A WEEK, DO I STILL NEED A CONDO WATCH COMPANY?A2: DURING THE DAYS YOUR UNIT IS OCCUPIED CONDO WATCH IS NOT REQUIRED. THIS ISONLY REQUIRED FOR UNITS THAT ARE UNOCCUPIED FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS.Q3: DO YOU HAVE ANY RECOMMENDATIONS?A3: THE ASSOCIATION'S PROPERTY MANAGER, PAM CAREY IS REGISTERED AND INSURED. SHECHARGES $8 WEEKLY. HOWEVER, YOU CAN USE ANY CONDO WATCH INSPECTOR OF YOURCHOICE.A RECENT DISCOVERY DURING A ROUTINE INSPECTION BROUGHT TOLIGHT A CONCERNING ISSUE WITHIN A UNIT KITCHEN CEILING. ONMAY 30TH, DISCOLORATION WAS OBSERVED ABOVE THEREFRIGERATOR, PROMPTING IMMEDIATE ACTION TO ADDRESS THEPOTENTIAL UNDERLYING PROBLEM.In the realm of condominium living, the diligent oversight of your unit is paramount to maintaining asafe and comfortable environment. Regular inspections serve as a crucial aspect of this oversight,ensuring that any potential issues are promptly addressed and resolved.To guarantee the effectiveness of these inspections, it is required to coordinate with your condo'sdesignated watch person or management team. By having them check in on your unit weekly orproviding updates via email, you can stay informed about the condition of your living space evenwhen you are not present.The significance of conducting these inspections, particularly in older buildings, cannot beoverstated. While you may notice certain issues when residing in your unit, there is a greaterlikelihood of unforeseen problems arising during your absence. By staying proactive and vigilant, youcan mitigate risks and safeguard the integrity of your condominium.Remember, prevention is key when it comes to property maintenance. By prioritizing regularinspections and effective communication with your condo management, you are taking proactivesteps to ensure the longevity and quality of your living space. Stay informed, stay engaged, and enjoypeace of mind in your condominium living experience.The Importance of Regular Condo InspectionsV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 7
Concrete repair work initially commenced on units within the 01 stack and has nowtransitioned to units in the 07 stack. In light of the approaching Hurricane Season, Gulfstreamis prioritizing the acceleration of concrete repair processes to uphold the safety and stabilityof the building. Comprehensive efforts are being made to guarantee that all necessary repairs are finalizedpromptly. Your patience and cooperation are greatly valued as we address any disruptions resultingfrom noise and construction operations.Concrete Repairs by Gulfstream South ElevatorThe crucial component required for the south elevator repair has been delivered toKone, and the installation is scheduled for Friday, June 21, 2024.The sofa located between the elevators will undergo fabric replacement. Theupholsterer, who has recently been discharged from the hospital, will proceed withthe refurbishment once he receives medical clearance and retrieves the sofa.Lobby SofaThe restoration project for a water “jug” located in the southern courtyard, whichsupplies water to the fountains, is scheduled to commence shortly.South Courtyard Water “jug”V O L U M E 1 0 | 2 N D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 8
V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 0 9Hurricane Preparedness UpdateWe are officially in hurricane season starting June 1st. It's crucial to equip ourselves with theknowledge and tools necessary to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of ourcommunities. First and foremost, staying informed is key. Keeping abreast of weather updates and officialwarnings can provide valuable insights into the trajectory and intensity of approaching storms. In addition to staying informed, preparedness is essential. Stocking up on emergency supplies suchas non-perishable food, water, batteries, and first aid kits can make a significant difference in theevent of a hurricane. As we confront the uncertainties of hurricane season, it's imperative to approach the situation withresilience and preparedness. By taking proactive measures, staying informed, and fostering strongcommunication channels, we can better weather the storm and emerge stronger. As we look ahead, the weather outlook for Marco Island includes a mix of sunny intervals andchances of showers and thunderstorms. The tropics are looking to get off to a quick start thisyear in the Atlantic as we are just over two weeks into what promises to be a highly activehurricane season. Potential Tropical Cyclone One will bring heavy rain, strong winds. Withfluctuating precipitation probabilities, it is advisable to plan activities accordingly and remainvigilant to changing weather patterns.CHECK WEATHER FORECAST
SERVICESCHEDULED DATEFire InspectionJune 12th, 13th & 14thPest ControlTri-Annually Tuesday - August 6th 2024A/C Maintenance1st Annual Week of July 8th2nd Annual Week of December 23rdV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 0We understand the importance of maintaining a safe and comfortableenvironment for all residents at Crescent Beach Condominium. Wewould like to inform you of the upcoming scheduled services atCrescent Beach Condominium to ensure that you are well-preparedand can plan accordingly. Please note that these maintenance servicesare mandatory as part of our commitment to ensuring safety.SCHEDULED MAINTENANCESERVICES If you are one of our new owners and are unsure about the necessarysteps to schedule HVAC maintenance, we encourage you to reach out toour office for assistance in obtaining the relevant information.An owner must show proof of service completion or a proof of servicecontract from a licensed service provider in order to opt out of theAssociation's managed preventative maintenance services.
Maintenance and ImprovementWe would like to inform you about the upcoming maintenance and improvementprojects at Crescent Beach Condominium this summer.Elevator Modernization Repair01Quotations have been obtained from elevator companies to replace our existingtwo elevators. ThyssenKrupp Elevator, also known as TKE, conducted aninspection on Tuesday to capture images of the current equipment.Subsequently, they forwarded this data to their sales representative, AdamStakey. Mr. Stakey visited the property on Wednesday to gather additionalinformation.Kitchen Stacks and AC Condensation Lines02We are pleased to inform you that as part of our ongoing efforts to maintain andimprove our condominium community, the cleaning of all 9 kitchen stacks isscheduled to take place this year. Additionally, the AC condensation lines will alsobe cleaned. These maintenance projects aim to ensure optimal functionality andhygiene in our kitchens and cooling systemsRESEAL BLACKTOP03In September, we have tentatively scheduled the repairs and sealing of the blacktop areas throughout the condominium premises. This important project willenhance the durability and appearance of our roadways, parking lots, andcommon areas. We kindly request your cooperation and understanding during thistime, as there may be temporary inconveniences due to restricted access tocertain areas.SUMMER PROJECT UPDATESV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 1
Blueworks is scheduled to conduct a thorough cleaning of your kitchen stack. Aspart of this project, we will require access to your unitsHere's what you can expect during the sanitary stack project:A notification will be sent to each stack ('00; '01; '02; '03; '04; '05; '06; '07; &'08) one day in advance before we need access to your unit and shut offyour water supply. Please refrain from using any kitchen plumbing duringthese hours.Your kitchen system will only be non-operational while our team is on-siteand will be restored at the end of each day, ensuring that you are notwithout it overnight.Our skilled technicians will be entering and exiting your unit throughout theday. If you won't be available to grant access, kindly arrange with the onsitemanager or maintenance personnel to facilitate our entry into your units.Please note that if access is not granted, Blueworks will be unable to carryout any work in units without access.We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this maintenanceperiod. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us. Thankyou for your attention to this matter.Blueworks has been awarded the SA contract to maintain and clean thevertical and horizontal pipes in the Kitchen Stacks. The buildup of debris,grease, and other pollutants in the pipes can result in blockages,decreased water flow, and potential health risks. By assigning thisresponsibility to Blueworks, a trusted facility maintenance specialist, theorganization is proactively addressing these issues to safeguard itsinfrastructure and promote longevity.V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 2KITCHEN STACK CLEANBLUEWORKS
Stay Informed: To keep residence informed and preparedwe will provide timely reminders, notices, aswell as parking and driving directions beforecommencing this project. This proactivecommunication strategy aims to ensure asmooth and hassle-free experience for all.During the recent Board Meeting on May 10, 2024, a significant decision wasmade to partner with ONYX ASPHALT USA, INC. for the provision of sealcoating,restriping, and asphalt repair services.Timely repairs are crucial for preventing further deterioration, avoidingsafety hazards, and extending the lifespan of the asphalt surface.Sealcoating and restriping will cover approximately 54,200 square feet,while asphalt repair will focus on an area of around 523 square feet.SealcoatingExpertise: With a meticulous approach, ONYXASPHALT USA, INC. will cover the specifiedarea using a combination of hand cuttingand machine spraying techniques. Thesealer employed is a premium formulainfused with H-l- " 60V, Top Tuff latexadditive, and silica sand, ensuring superiordurability, enhanced traction, and UVprotection. Sealcoating plays a crucial rolein preserving the structural integrity ofasphalt surfaces, extending their longevity,and elevating their visual appeal.01PrecisionRestriping: The restriping project involves theapplication of fast-drying, 100% acrylicwaterborne traffic paint with a hybrid-resinformulation. This innovative paint solutionguarantees optimal adhesion to bothasphalt and concrete surfaces. Withimproved color control, enhancedretention, and a UV inhibitor for lastingperformance, ONYX ASPHALT USA, INC.prioritizes safety and aesthetics throughtheir restriping services. Clear trafficmarkings not only enhance the look ofproperties but also ensure safe navigationfor all users.02V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 3SEALCOATINGONYX ASPHALT USA, INC.
ADVANCEMENTS IN WIND MITIGATION COMPLIANCE WINDMITIGATION UPDATEIn a recent update presented during the Board Meeting on April 19, 2024,President Jeff Patterson shared a comprehensive overview of the advancementsmade in adhering to the wind mitigation requirements within our community.President Patterson underscored the significant progress achieved in recentmonths, outlining the transformative journey undertaken.Looking back on the timeline, President Patterson disclosed that just 80 daysprior, on February 1st, only 84 units met the essential wind mitigation standards.Among them, 12 units encountered challenges linked to permit issues, which havesince been successfully addressed. By February 23rd, a mere 58 days later, thecount of compliant units or those in the process of compliance had surged to102, marking a noteworthy increase in adherence.REFLECTING ON THE JOURNEYAs of the latest update on June 14, 2024, the count now stands at 116 unitsconfirmed to be in compliance, with 1 unit actively undergoing the requisitemeasures for wind mitigation. As we acknowledge this milestone, it is imperative to maintainour dedication to upholding the highest safety standards andreadiness to ensure the well-being of all residents. By fosteringa culture of preparedness and continuous improvement, wereinforce our commitment to creating a secure and resilientliving environment for everyone in our community.V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 4CURRENT STATUS
Social Room CleanupResidents are reminded to clean upafter events, including linens, dishes,and counters.Proper disposal of items is required. Grills and Utensils CleaningAssociation cleans grills and utensilsevery morning Monday to Friday.Residents are responsible for cleanutensils and grills after their use. Trash Chute GuidelinesONLY USE DUSK TILL DAWNUse standard size garbage bags,larger bags get stuckNo glass down the chute (Usedesignated glass containers only)Do not lean on door and make surechute door closes before you leaveroom.Garbage GuidelinesBoxes must be broken down flatbefore disposal.Styrofoam and packing materialsshould be placed in a garbage bag. Disposal of Large ItemsProfessional disposal service, 1-800-GOT-JUNK, is recommended for largeitems.Donations to St. Mathews House areencouraged for large items in goodcondition. RecyclablesDo not place recyclables down the chutein a bag.The following is a list of acceptablerecyclable itemsPlastic bottles and containers (emptyand clean)Metal, aluminum, steel, and tin cans(empty and clean)Newspapers (bind in twine)Cereal, Pasta, Misc. food boxes(flatten)Important Cleaning & GarbageDisposal GuidelinesThank You!sV O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 5
HOT WATER HEATERREPLACEMENTHot water heaters should be replacedevery eight years as per regulations.+123-456-7890Water heaters play a critical role in providing hot water to all ourresidents. Over time, they may become less efficient, causinghigher energy consumption and increased utility bills. Byimplementing a consistent water heater replacement cycle, weaim to maintain the reliability and efficiency of our hot watersystems, ultimately benefiting all residents.Click the button below to review our spreadsheet. If you havereplaced a Hot Water Heater and that information is notreflected please let us know so our information is updatedand consistent. Check when yours is dueCB Boardmandated“FloodBuster” in theheater panfor earlydetection ofwaterleaks. It’srecommended to replacethe 9VBattery oncea year.AdditionalFloodBusters maybe purchasedin the officefor $25.00each. If a waterheater is notreplacedwhenrequired, andleaks to yourunit or unitsbelow, theowner will beliable for alldamages.V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 6CHECK DATA
V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 7Your main website at cbmarcoisland.com will remain intact for public view. However,the integration of Building Link will now replace the existing resident portal to makeway for a new innovative platform. This will mark a significant leap forward for yourresident experience at CB.Ensuring the accuracy of your information is crucial for the smooth progression of theimplementation phase. Kindly complete the form provided by July 1st 2024, with yourlatest details. If you prefer to be contacted by our office for this purpose, please inform usso that we can assist you accordingly.UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION TODAY!viaBuildingLinkNEW RESIDENT PORTAL A STRATEGIC MOVE TOWARDS A MORETRANSPARENT AND EFFICIENT MANAGEMENTSYSTEM FOR CB OWNERS.For ResidentsStaying connected is moreconvenient then ever! Fromreceiving time- sensitiveannouncements and notificationsto package notifications; residentswill have convenient access toeverything Cb has to offer! Features Include:Online AssessmentPayment Resident MobileApp & PortalBulletin Board /Classifieds SurveysVoting RequestVisitor Parking Pet RegistryBuilding & StaffDirectoryAnnouncementsEvent Calendar &RSVPsDocument LibraryUnit InstructionsService RequestsAmenityReservationsPersonal Profile Notification OptionsContact B.O.DCOMPLETE FORMTHIS
2024Jun222024Jul4V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 1 8UPCOMINGEventsMarco Island Car Cruise with theMarco Island Corvettes & MuscleCars ClubJoin the Marco Island Corvettes andMuscle Cars Club for the SaturdayCruise at Marco Lutheran Church(Again on June 28th & 29th)Saturday, 10-12 pmThursday 9-945 pm 4th of July Fireworksat South BeachCatch an amazing firework show offthe coast of South Beach or atResidents' Beach (members only).
Colliervotes.govFlorida residents who are registered voters are required to submita new request for a mail-in ballot due to recent rulemodifications. For further information, please visitcolliervotes.gov or contact 239-252-VOTE (8683) via call or text.
V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E R 2 0Did You Know?Did You Know?Did You Know?This is factThis is factThis is factFACT ORFICTION?June has both the longest and the shortest days of the year,depending on where you’re standing! If you live in the northernhemisphere, then June 21st is the longest day of the year. If youlive in the southern hemisphere, then the 21st is the shortestday of the year.
V O L U M E 1 1 | 3 R D Q U A R T E R 2 0 2 4 N E W S L E T T E RNewsletterS E E Y O U I N O U R N E X T