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Agavero Tequila21 Seeds Tequila21 Seeds women-owned tequila brandboasts a lineup of three handcraftedoptions with proprietary agave blends andnaturally infused flavors: cucumberjalapeño, grapefruit hibiscus, andvalencia orange. Their goal for 21SEEDS is more than just a delicioustequila: they want it to inspire you togather your tribe of friends new and old,cross borders, share ideas and makeconnections. It’s the seed of somethingbigger.21 SEEDS CUCUMBER JALAPENO /750ML...............380904021 SEEDS GRAPEFRUIT HIBISCUS /750ML...............380914021 SEEDS VALENCIA ORANGE /750ML......................3809240In 1857 in the region of Jalisco Mexico,the master distiller Lazaro Gallardocreated Agavero, a secret recipedesigned to meet the refined taste of hisclose friends. Now, it’s yours to enjoy.100% Agave. 100% Amazing .Agaverocan be enjoyed straight, on the rocks, orin the perfect cocktail.AGAVERO ORANGE LIQUEUR /750ML...............3849640AGAVERO TEQUILA LIQUEUR /750ML...............3849540
ALACRAN BLANCO /750ML.....................3825041ALACRAN CRISTA ANEJO /750ML..........3825440ALACRAN MEZCAL BLANCO /750ML......3825340ALACRAN REPOSADO /750ML................3825240ALACRAN XTRA ANEJO / 750ML.............3825540Alacran TequilaUnconventional tequila with amodern twist, Alacran waslaunched in 2010 and is madefrom 100% blue weber agave.Amaras TequilaAMARAS JOVEN ESPADIN /750ML.....3540140Mezcal Amores (Or Amaras as it's known in the U.S.)focuses heavily on terrior and it shows in their product.Mezcal Amores believes that humans should benefitfrom the ecosystem by keeping it in balance. As of 2017,they had over 145,000 agave in their nurseries and theyhave a goal of planing ten agave for every one agavethey harvest. They also promote horizontal growth oftheir mezcal production across several differentproducers and they provide micro-loans to mezcaleroswho wish to upgrade their equipment.
Bandero TequilaOld world characteristics of bold flavors andauthentic leather bound canteen bottleembody the fearless resistance of those whorebelled against injustice and fought for theirbeliefs. Bandero Blanco is radical in flavor and style,bringing new meaning to the phrase, "elespíritu de la revolución," or, "Spirit of theRevolution."BANDERO BLANCO /750ML..................1344040Blue Nectar TequilaOur founders wanted to ensure that theirtequilas would be true to the terroir of theregion’s volcanic soils so they only usedestate-grown agave from fields adjacent tothe distillery. And while staying true totradition, they also desired to creatively craftunique tequilas. Great-tasting. Great-sounding. Great-looking. A distinctive glassbottle with plenty of gravitas. A tequila thatdemands attention.BLUE NECTAR REPOSADO EXTRA BLEND /750ML..................645740 BLUE NECTAR REPOSDAO SPECIAL CRAFT /750ML...............645840 BLUE NECTAR SILVER /750ML....................................................645940
Butterfly Cannon Tequila BUTTERFLY CANNON BLUE /750ML........................1709240BUTTERFLY CANNON ROSA /750ML ......................1709140BUTTERFLY CANNON CRISTALINO /750ML............1709040The Butterfly Cannon is a new approach toTequila – the range is 100% Agave Tequilafrom Mexico’s most awarded distillery. Thisrange will make you rethink tequila. A fresh,crisp silver Cristalino; Rosa infused withMexican pink grapefruit peel; Blue, infused withPrickly Pear and Clementine with anastonishing natural blue color.Cantera Negra TequilaCantera Negra was founded morethan 40 years ago, after Don AlbertoBecherano spent more than a decadeperfecting his proprietary method formaking what we believe to be the besttequila in the world. Today, he and hisfamily own and operate Cavas de DonMax. In the United States, CanteraNegra is distributed exclusively byTwo Sons Imports.C NEGRA ANEJO /750ML.....................3886140C NEGRA CAFE /750ML .....................3886440C NEGRA REPOSADO /750ML............3886240C NEGRA SILVER /750ML....................3886340C NEGRA X ANEJO /750ML.................3886040
CABRITO BLANCO /750ML..................2372240CABRITO REPOSADO /750ML.............2372340Cabrito TequilaCabrito tequila is made using 100percent Agave. It is distilled inMexico’s prestigious Arandas, Jaliscotequila district. Made the traditionalway, without cutting corners, Cabritooffers both Reposado and BlancoTequilas.Cactus Jack TequilaThe usual tequila aroma blends seductively withthe punchy and vibrant sours.Notes of agave blend seamlessly into thedistinct and powerful sour notes.A smooth and memorable finish that will haveyou coming back for more.CACTUS JACK GOLD /LITER......................3854030CACTUS JACK BLANCO /LITER..................3853030
CAMPO BRAVO /750ML................7068840 Campo Bravo TequilaMeaning “Brave Field”, Campo Bravo wascreated by agave farmers with a mission tocreate a tequila that over delivers character,quality, and tradition. 100% of our Blue WeberAgave is Estate Grown by us. We pick the bestagaves from our farms to control the quality thatgoes into each bottle.Centinela TequilaTequila Centinela was established in 1904 andwas the first distillery located in Arandas,Jalisco. Centinela combines tradition withtechnology to make their unique products. Thistequila is made with 100% agave that is hand-picked. It is then rounded in barrels, previouslyused for maturing bourbon, before it is bottled.CENTINELA ANEJO /750ML......................2372540CENTINELA BLANCO / 750ML...................2372741CENTINELA CLAS REPOSADO /750.ML...2372840CENTINELA REPOSADO /750ML...............2372841CENTINELA TRES ANEJO /750ML.............2373040
CHINACO ANEJO /750ML...................2563040CHINACO BLANCO /750ML.................2563140CHINACO REPOSADO /750ML...........2563240 Chinaco TequilaAuthentically Mexican, Chinaco Tequila embodiesMexico like no other tequila can – three generationsof family tradition go into producing the finestartisanal tequila possible. Chinaco was the first andis still the only tequila distillery in Tamaulipas. Tothis day, Chinaco utilizes the same exact formula asit did in 1978, and is dedicated to creating ahandcrafted product with the highest standards ofcraftsmanship that have been its trademarks sinceits inception. It is with good reason Chinaco Tequilatruly stands apart from all other tequilas.Cincoro TequilaCincoro Tequilas are uniquely made with Weberblue agave from both the highland and lowlandregions that have been cooked and distilledseparately then artfully blended together into asingle exceptional tequila.Born from a passion to create the finest tequila.CINCORO ANEJO BOX /750ML...........,....316241CINCORO BLANCO BOX /750ML.....,.......316041CINCORO EXTRA ANEJO /750ML............316340CINCORO REPOSADO BOX /750ML........316141
Clase Azul Tequila.CLASE AZUL ANEJO /750ML......................1722240CLASE AZUL GOLD /750ML........................1722840CLASE AZUL PLATA /750ML.......................1722540CLASE AZUL REP 20TH /750ML.................1722041CLASE AZUL REPOSADO/750ML...............1722040CLASE AZUL ULTRA ANEJO /750ML..........1722140From the superior tequila, to the unique &beautifully handcrafted bottles, Clase Azul is 100%authentic in every way. In the small Mexican town ofSanta Maria Canchesda, over 100 artisans dedicatetheir time to creating each bottle one at a time.Conciere TequilaConciere Tequilas are crafted in their birthplace,Tequila, Mexico at a historic family owned distillery.Distilled from the blue agave grown at the foot of theTequila Volcano and pure Mexican cane sugar,Conciere Tequilas are clean and smooth, yettraditional, perfect for modern cocktails or pouredstraight.CONCIERE SILVER /LITER....................1153530CONCIERE GOLD /LITER.......................1152530
Conquistador TequilaMade in Mexico from the finest 100% blueAgave. Its clean crisp flavor make it an excellentchoice for margaritas and cocktails, or straightwith or without salt and lime.CONQUISTADOR BLANCO /LITER........3828030 Corralejo TequilaFar from being just a company, HaciendaCorralejo's reach extends to many parts of theworld. Its attractions include not only tequila, butalso history, culture and learning. At the start of theHacienda Corralejo tour, a welcome sign reflectsthe company's human warmth. Visitors can satisfytheir curiosity and excitement about the processesused to make tequila. The atmosphere is a delightto both sight and smell, as exemplified by casks foraging tequila located in beautiful cellars and filledwith a suggestive and captivating aroma thatevokes the honey of cooked agave.CORRALE 99 HORAS ANEJO /750ML.....3804440CORRALEJO ANEJO /750ML...................3807041CORRALEJO BLANCO /750ML................3804141CORRALEJO REPOSADO /750ML...........3804341CORRALEJO REPOSAD /750ML..............3804041CORRALEJO TRIP DISTILLED /750ML.....3804240
Creyente MezcalA union of 100% Espadin agave from two distinctregions. A curious alchemy and an unbelievablemezcal drinking experience. This velvety smoothmezcal comes from a rich artisinal tradition,blending distinctive agaves, regions, and traits.CREYENTE MEZCAL JOVEN /750ML....................2370040 Jose Cuervo TequilaFor over 250 years, Jose Cuervo® has beenmaking tequila from the largest agave holdingsin the world. The journey begins in the fieldson the skirts of the Tequila Volcano. Afterseven years of maturation, the agave plantsare harvested and their cores, or “piñas,” aresent to the La Rojeña distillery. There, they areroasted, grinded, and smashed. The resultingextract is placed into fermentation tanks.Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection intoasted barrels.CUERVO GOLD /750ML................................................3805540CUERVO LA RESERVA /750ML....................................3805640CUERVO SILVER /750ML..............................................3817240CUERVO TRADITIONAL REPOSADO /750ML..............3805842CUERVO TRADITIONAL SILVER /750ML......................3827240CUERVO TRADITIONAL SILVER /750ML......................3827040CUERVO 250TH /750ML.................................................3827140
DELEON ANEJO /750ML........................3088540DELEON ANEJO /750ML........................3088541DELEON BLANCO /750ML.....................3033042DELEON DIAMANTE /750ML..................3088040DELEON EXTRA ANEJO /750ML............3088340DELEON LEONA /750ML.........................3088440DELEON PLATINUM /750ML...................3033040DELEON REPOSADO /750ML.................3088140DELEON REPOSADO /750ML.................3088141 Deleon TequilaDeLeón® Tequila is made from the finest 100%Highland Blue Weber agave sourced from the richearth of the Los Altos region of Jalisco. DeLeón®achieves astonishing depth of flavor in just twodistillations – allowing the tequila to retain theunique character acquired during the fermentationprocess. Our master distiller artfully cuts thebeginning and end of the distillation, allowing onlythe absolute best portion, or Corazon, to find its wayinto every bottle, creating a subtle taste profile withunrivaled smoothness.Don Anastacio TequilaTequila 100% pure Agave that has beenrecognized several times. Our Tequila offersthe perfect balance between the great taste ofAgave and the white oak casks where it rests.This premium Anejo possesses a crystalineand luminous appearance, and an enduringaroma containing hints of oak.DON ANASTACIO BLANCO /750ML. .........3172240 DON ANASTACIO ANEJO /750ML.............3172040DON ANASTACIO REPOSADO /750ML.....3172140
Don Julio TequilaDon Julio González revolutionized the world oftequila by choosing quality over quantity,painstakingly planting each agave further apart toallow proper room to grow and fully mature beforeharvesting. He would then select only the mostsucculent portions of the piña, before steamingthem for 72-hour cycles.DON JULIO ANEJO NO BOX /750ML.............3805043DON JULIO BLANCO /750ML.........................3806044DON JULIO BLANCO NC /750ML...................3806048DON JULIO REPOSADO /750ML...................3850043DON JULIO REAL /750ML..............................3822940DON JULIO 1942 /750ML................................3823040DON JULIO 70TH ANNIVERSARY /750ML....3850240 Dulce Vida TequilaMaking great tequila means we start withthe finest ingredients. The foundation of ourtequila differentiates us from thecompetition: Organic. 100% Blue Agave.Los Altos (Highlands). Handcrafted. Discover what happens when we infuse ouraward-winning 100% blue agave blancotequila with refreshing all-natural flavors:Lime and Grapefruit.DULCE VIDA BLANCO /750ML..............................7068740DULCE VIDA BLANCO /750ML..............................7078741DULCE VIDA GRPEFRUIT /750ML........................7079040DULCE VIDA LIME /750ML....................................7078940DULCE VIDA MARGARITA LIME /750ML..............7079440DULCE VIDA ANEJO /750ML................................7079240DULCE VIDA REPOSADO /750ML........................7078840DULCE VIDA PALOMA /750ML.............................7079340DULCE VIDA PINEAPPLE JALAPENO /750ML.....7079140
Durango TequilaThe Durango® family of products is crafted to beexceptionally smooth.The products range from tequila and triple sec tocoffee liqueur, ready-to-drinks and non-alcoholicmixers.Only quality spirits and ingredients are used toproduce Durango® that the taste is great enough tobe enjoyed from the passionate consumer to thenew drinkerDURANGO GOLD /LITER........................3800330DURANGO WHTE /LITER........................3800230 El Mayor TequilaOver four generations, we have been hardat work perfecting the art and craft ofgrowing agave and distilling tequila. To thisday, we instill age-old processes and valueshanded down from generation to generation.Every sip and every bottle represent thecontinuation of the very legacy we’veworked so hard to create.EL MAYOR ANEJO /750ML....................3497240EL MAYOR BLANCO /750ML.................3497040EL MAYOR BLANCO /750ML.................3497540EL MAYOR REPO CHARD /750ML.........3497640EL MAYOR CRISTA /750ML...................3497740EL MAYOR EXTRA ANJEO /750ML........3497440EL MAYOR REPOSADO /750ML............3497140EL MAYOR RUM CASK /750ML.............3497840
El Tesoro TequilaEl Tesoro is a celebration of our most preciousasset: our blue weber agave. The agave we use tomake our tequila is grown on the Camarena estatein the highlands of Jalisco, where the mineral-richred soil plants a more rounded, fruity and floralflavor. We capture this flavor immediately as itcomes off the still and bottle it in our Blanco tequila.We carefully age our Reposado and Añejo tequilasin American oak ex-bourbon barrels, which impartrich notes of oak and vanilla, enhancing the agaveflavor without masking it.EL TESORO PARADISO /750ML...............3844040EL TESORO ANEJO /750ML.....................3837940EL TESORO BLANCO /375ML..................3837460EL TESORO BLANCO /750ML..................3837740EL TESORO EXTRA ANEJO /750ML........3837540EL TESORO REPOSADO /750ML.............3837840EL TESORO REPOSADO /750ML.............3837842Exotico TequilaIt all begins with the Weber Blue Agavegrown in the highlands of Jalisco. Here thered clay soil produces a larger sweeteragave heart that gives Exotico its floral well-rounded taste. Ever so slowly the agaveplants rise, taking anywhere from 7 to 15years to reach full maturity. Even then, onlythe best are chosen. Once selected, thedistinct leaves are trimmed with a long-handled hoe-like tool called a “coa,” leavingonly the “piña” – a spherical, pineapple-shaped heart.EXOTICO BLANCO /750ML...................3090040EXOTICO REPOSADO /750ML..............3090140
Ghost TequilaThere’s no need to fear the Ghost. It truly is theperfect blend of smooth, clean spice. The touch ofheat hits quick and then disappears without a traceafter a few seconds. Just splash some Ghost intoany cocktail and wait for those irresistible tingles toset in.GHOST TEQUILA /750ML......................3740040Juarez TequilaPour a delicious paloma. Blend up arefreshing margarita. Juárez® brings theperfect amount of flavor to whatever cocktailyou’re mixing up tonight.Versatile, flavorfuland affordable, Juárez is the essentialingredient you need to take any party orhappy hour to the next level.JUAREZ GOLD /LITER............................3851030JUAREZ SILVER /LITER..........................3842030JUAREZ GOLD LIQUEUR /LITER............3851000
KAH TequilaDesigned to pay reverence and honor to Mexicoand its peopleIts bottle and spirit are reflective ofthe Day of the Dead, the 3,000 year old Meso-American ritual honoring deceased loved ones.The KAH® taste profile has received manycompliments from tequila connoisseurs, which isconfirmed by numerous international awards.KAH ANEJO /750ML................................................0036640KAH BLANCO /750ML.............................................0036840KAH EXTRA ANEJO /750ML...................................0039040KAH REPOSADO /750ML........................................0640740Komos TequilaTequila Komos aged in French oak whitewine barrels (instead of bourbon barrels)and is stored in amphorae after apurification process that creates a crystalclear tequila that is “extremely smooth,” thecompany says. Each bottle is handmadeusing clay, with nods to the Mediterranean.KOMOS ANEJO CRISTALINO /750ML..........................3040040
Lobos 1707 TequilaFor almost five centuries, lore of the OsorioTequila was passed down. Diego Osorio, adescendent of the same name, set out torecreate the recipe, journeying back to Mexico,through Altos de Jalisco and Oaxaca. Manyjimadors, crafters, and contributors from aroundthe world helped refine the liquid and culminatethe brand that is Lobos 1707 – continuing alegacy of extraordinary Tequilas and Mezcal.LOBOS EXTRA ANEJO /750ML..............................1020240LOBOS JOVEN /750ML...........................................1020040LOBOS REPOSADO /750ML...................................1020140La Arenita TequilaArenita gold possesses a brilliant goldencolor, exquisite taste and characteristicaroma: best when mixed.LA ARENITA GOLD /LITER....................3893530
From deep within the heart of Mexico came atequila revolution. Los Arango. Created in a timewhen regimes were conquered, and troubleroamed the lands, a master tequilero producedan authentic tequila using an artisanal recipe andpoured it into a beautiful hand-crafted bottle. Itwas to be a gift for the revolutionary DoretoArango, better known as Pancho Villa, whoprotected his fields from aggressors, and fromthat thankful gesture, the Los Arango Tequilarange was born. Today, Los Arango is a world-class drink, made from blue agave with an 8-year maturation.Los Arango TequilaLOS ARANGO ANEJO /750ML..............3804540LOS ARANGO BLANCO /750ML...........3804640LOS ARANGO REPOSADO /750ML......3804740Lunazul TequilaLunazul was founded by FranciscoBeckmann, a seventh generationdescendent of Jose Antonio de Cuervo. Hefounded the Tierra de Agaves estate in2004 on a mission to create the world's firsttrue small batch, 100% agave tequila at anaffordable price point, thus Lunazul wasborn. We’re proud of our 100% agave,hand-harvested and hand-crafted for thosewith a hunger for life.LUNAZUL ANEJO /750ML.....................3852940LUNAZUL BLANCO /750ML..................3854640LUNAZUL EL HUMOSO /750ML...........3815040LUNAZUL EXTRA ANEJO /750ML........3852740LUNAZUL PRIMERO /750ML................3852840LUNAZUL REPOSADO /750ML.............3854540
Nose: Light musk Palate: Agave and stalky flavors Finish: Hot, ethanol finishMatador TequilaMATADOR GOLD /750ML.......................3842130MATADOR SILVER /750ML.....................3842230Milagro TequilaIt started with two friends who wanted atequila that bridged two worlds — the deeplyrooted integrity of traditional tequila, and thevibrant, creative culture of modern MexicoCity.MILAGRO ANEJO /750ML......................./..3821240MILAGRO REPOSADO BAR /750ML/........3821441MILAGRO REPOSADO /750ML.................3821140MILAGRO SELECT ANEJO /750ML......../..3821840MILAGRO SELECT REPOSADO /750ML/..3821740MILAGRO SELECT SILVER /750ML..........3821640MILAGRO SILVER BAR /750ML.................3821341MILAGRO SILVER /750ML..........................3821040
Tequila Partida is the World’s Highest-RatedTequila made from the freshest agave that isartisanally distilled like the finest single malt andaged beyond expectations.Partida TequilaPARTIDA ANEJO /750ML..........................2370640PARTIDA BLANCO /750ML.......................2370840PARTIDA ELEGANTE /750ML...................2371040PARTIDA REPOSADO /750ML..................2371140PARTIDA ROBLE ANEJO /750ML.............2374240PARTIDA ROBLE CRISTALINO /750ML....2374140 Patron TequilaOur entire tequila-making process takesplace at Hacienda Patrón, where we onlymake Patrón. And we take pride in everythingabout it. From our eco-friendly reverseosmosis irrigation system to the agavebyproduct we recycle. And most importantly,in the people involved in making our tequila –60 hands from beginning to end.PATRON ANEJO /750ML....................................3838083PATRON ANEJO /750ML....................................3838045PATRON EXTRA ANEJO /750ML.......................3838340PATRON EXTRA ANEJO /750ML.......................3838341PATRON GRAN PLATINUM /750ML...................3839840PATRON GRAN PLATINUM /750ML...................3839841PATRON REPOSADO /750ML............................3841056PATRON REPOSADO /750ML............................3841025PATRON ROCA ANEJO /750ML.........................1692440PATRON ROCA REPOSADO /750ML.................1692540PATRON ROCA SILVER /750ML........................1692340PATRON SILVER /750ML....................................3839041PATRON SILVER /750ML....................................3839052PATRON X ANEJO EN LALIQUE /750ML............3838141
Prospero TequilaBorn of the lush, volcanic soil of the tequilavalley, the majestic Blue Agave infuses thelandscape from which Próspero Tequila iscreated.Designed by Stella Anguiano, one ofMexico’s premier female Master Distillers,Próspero is a hand-crafted spirit that offers anunparalleled flavor with a smooth, elegant andperfectly balanced finish. Exquisite care is takenthroughout the production process to ensure thateach bottle reflects pride in the spirit – inside andout.PROSPERO ANEJO /750ML..................970940PROSPERO BLANCO /750ML...............970740PROSPERO REPOSADO /750ML..........970840Qui TequilaSeparating itself from the rest, QUI Tequila,the world’s first platinum extra añejo tequila,embodies the beautifully rich flavor, aroma,and character of extra-aged tequila, but withan incredibly smooth finish.After aging formore than three and a half years in AmericanWhiskey and French Bordeaux barrels, QUIundergoes a proprietary filtration anddistillation for the smoothest finish in theworld.With notes of vanilla, butterscotch anda hint of oak, QUI won the Gold Medal at theSpirits of the Americas Competition, as thebest extra añejo tequila judged.QUI PLATINUM EXTRA ANEJO /750ML......646040
Severo TequilaWhen creating Severo, we propose to pay homageto that Mexico of recalcitrant nationalism, thatknows that tequila is meant to be enjoyed neat inorder to fully enjoy Azul Tequilana Weber agavewhich matures for seven years before beingprocessed as tequila, to then become a deepflavoful “made of one piece" spirit that Mexicoappreciates as the original well crafted nationalidentity drink. Severo is an authentic tequila, madeexclusively with blue weber agave from the lands ofTequila; treated with the greatest care and love toextract the soul from these succulent plants and thelands roundabout.SEVERO ANEJO /750ML..........................................7500240SEVERO ANEJO CRISTALINO /750ML....................7500140SEVERO PLATA /750ML...........................................7550040SEVERO REPOSADO /750ML..................................7500340Suerte TequilaOur Story Starts...with a shared love of tequila between twofriends. One from Mexico City, the other fromPhiladelphia. Both ended up in Boulder.Through their mutual addinity for tequila,Lance and Laurence would muse about oneday creating their own. It would have thatpure blue weber agave essence. It wouldhave modern, clean packaging. It would bemade in the traditional handcrafted way. Andit would be priced so everyone could enjoy it.SUERTE ANEJO /750ML............................0642140SUERTE BLANCO /750ML.........................0642240SUERTE REPOSADO /750ML....................0642440
Tears of Llorona TequilaTears of Llorona is an extra extra añejo tequila. It begins as100% blue agaves from high volcanic slopes in Jalisco,where growth is slow. Master Tequilero Germán Gonzalezhand selects the agaves and has them harvested late,increasing their starch and sugars. The piñas are roastedslowly in the traditional way. His yeast is proprietary andfermentation is slow. Distillation is by copper pot still andbarreling is at very high specific gravity.Tears is aged inthree different barrels -- oak that has previously heldscotch, sherry, and brandy -- and brought together in verysmall batches to create a complex fusion that is more like acognac than a tequila. Germán then bottles at 43% specificgravity to balance the flavors. This results in a very highrate of osmotic loss - the “angel's tears” that are one reasonfor the name, Tears of Llorona.Tanteo TequilaTanteo® Tequila is the original 100% agavespicy tequila. Tanteo infuses artisanal blancotequila with fresh peppers by hand in the hillsof Jalisco, Mexico. The result is an award-winning artisanal tequila in a class of its own.LLORONA EXTRA ANEJO /LITER.............3227030TANTEO BLANCO /750ML......................0641740TANTEO CHIPOTLE /750ML...................0641240TANTEO COCOA /750ML........................0641340TANTEO HABANERO /750ML.................0036740TANTEO JALAPENO /750ML..................0641540TANTEO TROPICAL /750ML...................0641640
Made from some of the finest Agave in Jalisco, MX.Tattoo’s signature tequila’s feature the finest styles ofBlanco, Reposado and Anejo Tequilas.Tattoo TequilaTequila OchoTequila Ocho is made by Carlos Camarena,a third generation Tequilero, in partnershipwith Tomas Estes. ... Carlos and Tomasproduce tequila that is made slowly in anartisanal way. The result is a fine quality spiritthat accentuates the agave flavour.TATTOO ANEJO /750ML.....................646840TATTOO BLANCO /750ML..................646241TATTOO REPOSADO /750ML.............646140OCHO PLATA /750ML.................................0047640OCHO ANEJO /750ML................................0047740OCHO REPOSADO /750ML........................0047540OCHO EXTRA ANEJO /750ML....................0047840
Tarantula Azul is the ultimate shooter. A smooth blend ofpremium tequila and crisp citrus liqueur delivers aninvigorating icy-blue shot like nothing you’ve ever tastedbefore. Obey the shot. Obey the flavor. Get Bit and seewhere the night takes you.Tarantula Azul TequilaTres Agaves TequilaWhether you choose Tres Agaves Blanco,Añejo, or Reposado, all are single-sourced,organic, 100% blue agave Tequila. Ouragave comes only from the Tequila Valley,Mexico—the mecca for ideal Tequila soil andclimate. It’s a unique place with a specialterroir (yes, there’s “terroir” in Tequila) thatgives our Tequilas a luscious citrus, herbalquality.TARANTULA AZUL /750ML....................2373540 TRES AGAVES BLANCO 750ML.................0642840TRES AGAVES ANEJO /750ML...................0642640TRES AGAVES REPOSADO /750ML...........0643140TRES AGAVES ANEJO BARREL /750ML....0642643
Two Fingers TequilaA tasty gold tequila, this was produced in the Los Altosregion in the Jalisco Province. The distillery is family run,and the tequila is made from Mountain Blue agave plantswhich have been aged for between 8 and 10 years.Vespertino Creme TequilaVespertino is made with silver tequila, freshdairy cream, brown sugar, cinnamon and ahint of cocoa and vanilla that make it theperfect accomplice when day turns to night.VESPERTINO CREME 750ML.................5144040TWO FINGERS GOLD /750ML..................3813040TWO FINGERS WHITE /750ML.................3814040
Villa One TequilaUnlike other tequilas, Villa One sources100% blue weber agave from both theHighland and Lowland regions of Jalisco,Mexico. This unique combination of agaveflavors combines herbaceous, earthyLowland notes with the sweeter, fruity notesof Highland agave, resulting in a distinct,rounded profile.Volcan TequilaOur aromas come from the earth. Meticliouslydeveloped over milennia, basalt and ironhave given birth to the rich herbal nuances offresh mint, freshly cut grass, citrus tones, andspices.VILLA ONE ANEJO /750ML..................4490540VILLA ONE REPOSADO /750ML..........4490440VILLA ONE SILVER /750ML..................4490340VOLCAN BLANCO /750ML....................2993040VOLCAN CRISTALINO /750ML.............2993140
Yave TequilaYaVe, spelled "Llave" in Spanish means"Key". We spell it phonetically so everyonecan pronounce and remember the name. Keys represent access and can unlock newpotential. They are something you touchevery day and our Founder set out on amission to create a Tequila that offers aunique variety of flavors that unlockpossibilities to create drinks and specialexperiences amongst friends.Zapata TequilaPremium Mexican tequila distilled from theagave plant, smoothed and intensifiedthrough precise distillation.YAVE BLANCO /750ML..........................3862040YAVE JALAPENO /750ML......................3862240YAVE MANGO /750ML...........................3862140 ZAPATA GOLD /750ML............................0645330ZAPATA WHITE /750ML...........................0645430
2 0 2 1 N O N - E X C L U S I V EB U Y I N G G U I D E
Campeon TequilaCampeon Tequilas are meant to besmall batch Tequilas made intraditional, handcrafted methods. It isunusual in that it is distilled only to 80proof and not blended down withwater, which will retain a great deal ofthe Blue Weber Agave characteristicsin the final product.Product Codes:CAMPEON SILVER /750ML.......................0640040CAMPEON REPOSADO /750ML................0640140CAMPEON ANEJO /750ML........................0640240Cabo Wabo TequilaBorn in Mexico, praised in the bars,man caves and backyard barbecuesof America. Cabo's founder, SammyHagar, was devoted to creating atequila that would embody his beliefsof living free, working hard andplaying harder.Product Codes:CABO WABO BLANCO /750ML.....................3799040CABO WABBO REPOSADO /750ML.............3808040 CABO WABO ANEJO /750ML........................3808030
Casa Dragones TequilaCasa Dragones is a small batch producer with apassion for crafting exceptional tequila, onebottle at a time. Each bottle is hand-signed andnumbered, hallmarking our commitment toquality. At Casa Dragones, it is our love of thecraft and meticulous attention to detail thatensures an extraordinary experience and thehighest possible quality. Product Codes:CASA DRAGONES JOVEN SIGNATURE /750ML................0641140CASA DRAGONES BLANCO /750ML...................................0640840 CASA DRAGONES SPECIAL EDITION /750ML...................0641141Product Codes:CASA NOBLE ANEJO /750ML.....................................................3807240CASA NOBLE EXTRA ANEJO /750ML........................................3807640CASA NOBLE JOVEN /750ML.....................................................3807340CASA NOBLE TEQUILA CRYSTAL /750ML................................3807440CASA NOBLE REPOSADO /750ML.............................................3807540CASA NOBLE REPOSADO SINGLE BARREL /750ML...............3807040Casa Noble TequilaCasa Noble is a brand of premium 100% blueagave tequila produced by the Casa NobleTequila Company. It is a CCOF certified organictequila. ... The tequila is made from estate-grownagaves cooked in traditional stone ovens; theseare naturally fermented and distilled three times.
Cazadores TequilaIn 1922 in Arandas, Mexico, Don Jose MariaBanuelos looked out his window at the rollinghills of blue agave. What he saw, amidst the redclay and tall blue agave, was a deer, standingbravely in the center of the field. Somethingabout the prideful, confident beauty of the stagstruck a nerve with Don Jose— it was theperfect symbol for his new recipe for a smoothyet bold, highland tequila. Naturally, that tequilawas named Cazadores — or, The Hunters.Product Codes:CAZADORES ANEJO /750ML..................................3888040CAZADORES ANEJO CRISTALINO /750ML............3888240CAZADORES BLANCO /750ML................................3888143CAZADORES BLANCO /750ML................................3888140CAZADORES BLANCO SANER EDITION /750ML...3888144CAZADORES EXTRA ANEJO /750ML......................3887040CAZADORES REPOSADO /750ML..........................3845041CAZADORES REPOSADO /750ML..........................3845044CAZADORES REPOSADO /750ML..........................3845040 Corzo TequilaProduct Codes:CORZO ANEJO /750ML..................................2371640CORZO REPOSADO /750ML.........................2371840CORZO SILVER /750ML.................................2372040 Corzo Tequila Silver is an exceptionallyelegant and flavorfull tequila with notes ofcitrus and vanilla. As mentioned, it is bestenjoyed as a sipping tequila or whenprepared with the highest quality of mixers.Corzo combines art and science to createthe purest, most refined spirit possible – atequila of extraordinary character with thefull aroma and flavor of blue Agave
El Capo TequilaTequila El Capo Reposado is 100% Agave from theHighlands of Jalisco. El Capo Reposado rests inAmerican oak for 2 years, and exhibits a beautifulgolden color. Tequila El Capo is associated to one ofthe most fruitful and traditional distilleries in Mexico,Tequilera Newton. From its beginnings in 1941, ElCapo Tequila was one of the great creations distilledfrom carefully selected Blue Agave using manualdistillation and aging processes. Tequilera Newtonfounder, Enrique Guillermo Newton Alexanderson,and his family worked arduously for decades toperfect the quality of this great tequila.EL CAPO REPOSADO /750ML.......................3776140 El Jimador TequilaIn the field we stand: a band of dedicatedjimadores. Our coas at the ready, carefullyharvesting every plant, knowing – by eye –which are ready and which should be left fortomorrow. Our passion, fused with that of themaster distillers is what makes the difference.Grit, dedication and spirit go into every drop,and that’s why it stands alone.Product Code:EL JIMADOR REPOSADO /750ML....................1692641EL JIMADOR ANEJO /750ML.............................1656540EL JIMADOR BLANCO /750ML..........................1656640
Gas Monkey TequilaGas Monkey Garage is known for taking cars andputting their twist on them. Gas Monkey Tequilabrings the finest 100% blue agave from Mexico beforeadding that GMG twist, infusing it with naturalcinnamon.GAS MONKEY CINNAMON TEQUILA /750ML.......................644640 Herradura TequilaTequila Herradura is an ultra premium, 100%agave tequila, crafted using only the mostmature blue agave, traditional productionmethods and fermented naturally with wildyeast. Produced by Casa Herradura, one ofMexico’s most historic and renowned tequilaproducers, on the premises of a 19th centuryHacienda in Amatitán, Jalisco.HERRADURA COLECCION DE LA CASA RES /750ML................3829141HERRADURA COLECCION DE LA CASA REPOSADO /750ML...3829340HERRADURA COLECCION DE LA CASA REPOSADO /750ML...3829140HERRADURA ANEJO /750ML........................................................3832041HERRADURA LEGEND ANEJO /750ML........................................3832340HERRADURA REPOSADO BARREL /750ML................................3830140HERRADURA REPOSADO /750ML................................................3830042HERRADURA SUPREME EXTRA ANEJO /750ML........................3829040HERRADURA SILVER /750ML.......................................................3831042HERRADURA ULTRA ANEJO /750ML...........................................3832140HERRADURA 150TH EXTRA ANEJO /750ML...............................3836040
Hornitos TequilaHornitos® was boldly born in 1950 in honor ofMexican Independence Day. It all began in Jalisco,Mexico with our founder, Don Francisco, a manwho wasn’t shy about taking chances to makegreat tequila. From creating Reposado before itwas even a word, to revolutionizing the agavecooking process, to standing up to the Mexicangovernment and setting new standards for tequila.Since then, it has become our tradition to breaktradition, all in the name of bettering tequila.HORNITOS ANEJO CRISTALINO /750ML................3861041HORNITOS ANEJO /750ML.......................................3861040HORNITOS ANEJO BLACK BARREL /750ML...........3861640HORNITOS LIME SHOT /750ML................................3861940HORNITOS PLATA /750ML........................................3861840HORNITOS REPOSADO /750ML...............................3861440HORNITOS SPICED HONEY /750ML.........................3861540Hussongs TequilaIt all began in 1892, in the oldest and best-known cantina in Ensenada, Mexico, whereJuan Hussong served his own handmadetequila and the classic margarita is rumored tohave made its first known appearance. Over120 years later, Hussong’s Tequila carries onthe rich history and legacy of the Hussongfamily name.HUSSONGS ANEJO PLATINUM /750ML....643240HUSSONGS REPOSADO /750ML...............643840
Peligroso TequilaAfter countless trips chasing swells, surfers KeithRoss and Bruce Beach set out to create a drinkthat embodied memories made on the dusty roadsand beaches of Baja. Made the traditional way inthe highlands of Jalisco, Mexico Peligroso® is thatdrink.Inspired by the pursuit of big breaks andgood times south of SoCal, Peligroso® is craftedfor those who seek a life traveled off the beatenpath. For those who make their own rules. Thosewho push to live every moment to the fullest. Forthose hell bent on fully experiencing the ride. Forthose born to rattle the cage.PELIGROSO ANEJO /750ML.........................2370541PELIGROSO REPOSADO /750ML................2370441PELIGROSO SILVER /750ML........................0642540PELIGROSO CINNAMON /750ML.................2370240Pepe Lopez TequilaPepe Lopez® is a true Mexican tequila, producedin Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico and double-distilled toensure its appealing flavor. Pepe Lopez isproduced with the highest quality standards andhas been awarded the Direccion General deNormas – the Mexican government’s seal ofapproval, quality and origin. Pepe has also beenrecognized for making great tasting margaritas.Available in Oro (Gold) and Superior Silver (White)labels, Pepe Lopez is a fun, quality tequila perfectfor homemade margaritas and casual entertaining.PEPE LOPEZ GOLD /750ML...........................0643740PEPE LOPEZ WHITE /750ML..........................0643940
Sauza TequilaThere would be no Casa Sauza® if not for thethree Dons. Since 1873, each played aninstrumental role in the production of the world’sfinest tequilas. Today, their spirits live on in eachbottle that comes out of Casa Sauza®.SAUZA BLANCO /750ML..........................................3872040SAUZA BLUE REPOSADO /750ML..........................3861240SAUZA BLUE SILVER /750ML..................................3861140SAUZA COMMEMORATIVO ANEJO /750ML...........3868040SAUZA GOLD /750ML...............................................3869040SAUZA TRES GENERATION ANEJO /750ML..........3873040SAUZA TRES GENERATION REPOSADO /750ML..3694140SAUZA TRES GENERATION PLATA /750ML...........3879140 Sauza 100 Anos TequilaA favorite in the Sauza heartland of Mexico, 100Años tequila is well-priced, affordable, good formixing, and great of parties. Slightly sweeter thantoday’s modern counterparts, this tequila is a front-runner for all authentic Mexican cocktails. Availablein Blanco, Reposado, and Añejo.100 ANOS ANEJO /750ML.............................3872540100 ANOS BLANCO /750ML...........................3872140100 ANOS REPOSADO /750ML.....................3872240
Sauza GiroGiro tequila is a value brand and qualifies as a mixto tequila meaning that it will be at least 50%distilled of agave (with the remainder other typesof distilled alcohol–possibly grain).SAUZA GIRO SILVER /750ML........................3872640SAUZA GIRO GOLD /750ML...........................3872440 Soltado TequilaAt Soltado, our mission is simple: create the bestproducts and bring people unique, excitingexperiences. Every step of our tequila-makingprocess has been refined to deliver on theseprinciples. We found a craft distillery that combinestraditional and modern methods and incorporatedour own innovative ideas to bring you the evolutionof tequila.SOLTADO SPICY ANEJO /750ML.............................3768040
Tequila RoseTequila Rose is the original strawberry creamliqueur. Combining tequila with strawberry creamwas a bold innovation, the first drink of its kind topair cream with anything other than Irish whiskey.Exotic. Unexpected. Delicious. Over twenty yearslater, Tequila Rose remains the world’s best-selling strawberry cream liqueur and was theinspiration that paved the way for the uniquecream liqueurs that have followed.TEQUILA ROSE STRAWBERRY CREAM /750ML........................11660411800 Tequila1800 is the year the world’s first premiumtequila, real tequila, was born. For morethan two hundred years, 1800® has neverwavered from its original formula anddistillation process — producing a 100%agave, quality liquid each and every time.The bottles that end up on the shelvescontain the same quality tequila as everybottle that has left the distillery forcenturies.1800 ANEJO /750ML......................................38052401800 ARTIST SERIES /750ML.......................38068401800 COCONUT /750ML................................38065401800 EXTRA ANEJO COLECCION /750ML...38066401800 ANEJO CRISTALINO /750ML................38053401800 EXTRA ANEJO MILENIO /750ML..........38057401800 REPOSADO /750ML..............................38051401800 SILVER /750ML......................................3804840