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Latino Heritage Internship

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Latino Heritage Internship Program3Acknowledgements Statement of PurposeExecutive SummaryImpacts of COVID-19LHIP PrioritiesProgram Materials2020 Participant DemographicsIngtern PositionsIntern AchievementsLHIP Internship Host SitesProject HighlightsJoining the WorkforceCareer WorkshopWorkshop PresentersMedia HighlightsProgram Support and SustainabilityAppendix I: Internship BiosAppendix II: Workshop Agenda45689101112131718262728323334344141TABLE OF CONTENTSNational Park Service (NPS)George McDonald, Chief, Youth Programs • 202-513-7157Ernestine M. White, National Youth Employment Programs • 202-513-7157Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF)Michelle Neuenschwander, Director of MANO • 202-640-4436Environment for the Americas (EFTA)Dalia Dorta, Latino Programs • 720-438-1272World Migratory Bird DayLATINO HERITAGE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (LHIP)NATIONAL PARK SERVICEFY2020 ANNUAL REPORTNational Park Service Report FY2020Agreements: P20AC00263, P20AC00264 Report Design by Chu-Yu, Lin / Environment for the Americas Cover Photo Credit: Ana Cristina González

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Latino Heritage Internship Program4ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis program could not have happened without the vision and dedication of our many partners.We gratefully acknowledge the work and support of the following:• Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network• Dinosaur National Monument• Everglades National Park• Fire Island National Seashore • Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument• Fort Raleigh National Historic Site• Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site• Indiana Dunes National Park• Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail• Lassen Volcanic National Park (LAVO)• Longfellow House - Washington’s Headquarters NHS• Minute Man National Historical Park• National Parks of Boston• Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation • Point Reyes National Seashore• Rocky Mountain National Park • Saguaro National Park• Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites• San Antonio Missions National Historical Park• San Francisco Bay Monitoring System at Point Reyes • Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks• Southeast Archeological Center • Washington Area Support Office - NPS Citizen Science Committee • Wupatki National Monument• Auburn University• Bemidji State University • Broward College• California Baptist University• California State University• California State University Long Beach• California State University, Fullerton• Florida International University• Florida State University• Harvard College• Kansas State University• Mira Costa College• Montclair State University• Our Lady of the Lake University• Pima Community College• Southern Illinois University• St. Mary’s University• The Ohio State University• The State University of New York• Tulane University• Universidad de Puerto Rico Arecibo• University of California, Berkeley• University of Colorado• University of Arizona• University of California• University of California, Riverside• University of California, Santa Barbara• University of MarylandNPS UNITS HOSTING LHIP INTERNSHIP RECRUITING PARTNERS

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Latino Heritage Internship Program5 STATEMENT OF PURPOSEThe Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) targetsone of the fastest growing segments of our nation’spopulation who are not greatly reected in the visitation of our national parks or the agency’s workforce.The LHIP program was created in 2014 as a component of an overarching service-wide strategy for the National Park Service (NPS) to help address the lack of Latinoemployees in the workforce. LHIP, working incollaboration with conservation partners, allows the NPS to invest in cost ecient strategies geared towardsrecruiting and developing entry-level talent topotentially help build a more diverse and inclusiveworkforce.The goals and objectives of the LHIP program are toreach motivated undergraduate and graduate students18- 30 years old and recent military veterans 35 yearsold or younger to work alongside NPS sta in culturaland natural resources and interpretation/outreachprojects. The program helps to raise awarenessof our national parks and historic sites, theiraccessibility, and the need for the Latino community’sactive involvement in their preservation. LHIP meetsthe vision and priority of the U.S. Department of theInterior (DOI) and the NPS by fostering relationshipswith conservation organizations advocating forbalanced stewardship and the use of public lands. Theprogram also:■ Introduces employment opportunities in the NPS with an emphasis on cultural and natural resource stewardship, interpretation, and community outreach to Latino youth.■ Develops mission critical internship projects that support the NPS goals and objectives at local units.■ Creates strong and viable mentor and protégé relationships.■ Collaborates with Latino owned and operated conservation organizations to expand NPS outreach into Latino communities nationally and develop deep and sustainable relationships.■ Establishes a pipeline for converting talented Latino students into NPS professionals.Mission StatementThe Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) reaches out and connects with Latino college students from diverse backgrounds that have little or no access to their national parks, to invite them to serve inchallenging, educational, job-training, career exploration, and developmental opportunities throughinternships with the National Park Service (NPS). Program participants develop marketable career skills that could lead to career pathways with the NPS.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program6Percent who applied to federal positionNever Rarely Occasionally FrequentlyNational Park visitation frequencyEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Latino Heritage internship Program (LHIP) makes connecting Latino young adults to national parks a priority. The program oers participants unique opportunities to work side-by-side with park professionals, to gain new skills, and to network with other professionals at various stages of their careers. LHIP participants also serve as role models in local communities, reaching out to youth and families to raise their awareness of national parks and to increase visitation to parks and participation in park activities. Translation of materials into Spanish, social media messaging that engages youth, and direct communication and outreach help to build trust and condence. LHIP is administered by the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) and Environment for the Americas (EFTA). Both organizations have over 6 years of experience working specically with Latino communities, 234 interns, 9% hired by the NPS into permanent, term, or seasonal positions. Their sta provide expertise, Spanish language communication, and a shared cultural background that is required to eectively engage and mentor LHIP participants. In 2020, despite the impacts and interruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic, HAF and EFTA successfully recruited and placed 27 interns at national parks, hosted webinar trainings, developed and implemented a 4-day virtual Career and Leadership Workshop and a new website,, to coordinate and highlight the schedule, conducted a third party internship evaluation, and 7 site visits. Results from surveys completed by Latino interns since 2014 (*) including responses received from LHIP interns since the creation of the program in 2015, show the following: • The model we use to coordinate LHIP benets interns by providing strong support before, during, and even after the internships. • A majority of interns visit parks one or more times each year. Familiarity with NPS motivates interest. • Over 87% of Latino respondents express concerns about moving away from family during an internship. • Supervisor cultural competence and knowledge of topics related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion help to increase intern comfort while working at a park. Analysis of Environment for the Americas' surveys of interns shows that prior experience visiting national parks has a positive influence on the likelihood that interns have applied for positions with the National Park Service. * Survey and analysis done by EFTAResults of these surveys will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, Ecological Applications.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program7LHIP Summary 2015 - 2020INTERNS234HOURS OF SERVICE>70,6756HIRED BY NPS AS PERMANENT EMPLOYEESTahmoor Chadury , Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites, MA

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Latino Heritage Internship Program8IMPACTS OFCOVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic had many impacts on the internship program, both positive and negative. Impacts to the National Park ServiceThe COVID-19 situation arose just as supervisors were hiring interns and preparing for the summer. ■ Seven out of 30 initial sites terminated their 2020 internships because projects focused on working with the public; park facilities were unable to accommodate sta in facilities; and/or housing was reduced to ensure safe distancing.■ All supervisors had to alter positions, especially those that required interactions with the public. New requirements on social distancing required adapting public programs. Some interns delivered presentations from patios and other outdoor spaces. Many interns only met with their supervisors virtually, and some completed their work completely remotely. ■ Eleven positions were adjusted, so that they began later. This enabled the interns to do their work at their sites. For example, two interns postponed the start of their projects at Saguaro National Park to August. ■ Quarantining before starting work was a requirement at a number of sites. This was challenging for interns, because they could not work, and in some cases, they were isolated away from home in alternative housing. ■ Background checks and issuing of PIV cards were delayed.Impacts to the Interns■ 13 interns worked 100% remotely.■ 12 interns started their internships later in the summer.■ 13 positions were changed to accommodate the pandemic and reduce interactions with the public.■ 7 interns were required to quarantine during the rst two weeks of their internships. Impacts to the Coordinating Organization(s)■ Sta had to work with the uncertainties of internship positions during the early stages of COVID, communicating with supervisors to determine if positions could be hosted, could be oered on-site, or would be available remotely.■ All training was hosted virtually, including the nal Career and Leadership Workshop, where interns usually have the opportunity to meet face-to-face. Developing a new website and organizing a virtual workshop was new to all partners and required considerable time. ■ Because some internships began later, program coordinators managed interns later in the season, even after the Career and Leadership Workshop and into the fall.■ Due to the number of interns working remotely, program coordinators hosted more virtual gatherings each week, to help interns work independently while staying connected. ■ Sta did fewer site visits because of concerns about travel, changes to internships, and COVID distancing requirements.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program9LHIP PRIORITIESThe Latino Heritage Internship Program (LHIP) connects Latino young adults to national parks across the country and to diverse work experiences, from archiving historical documents, supporting visitor services to conducting research projects, such as surveys of breeding birds and much more. Our goal is to raise awareness of the diverse careers elds with the NPS, to give program participants opportunities to work side-by-side with historians, biologists, and other professionals, and to help create pathways for talented skilled Latinos to careers with NPS and or other public lands agencies.LHIP is administered by two conservation organizations, the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) and Environment for the Americas (EFTA). Both of these organizations have extensive experience working with Latino youth, which includes providing linguistically and culturally relevant mentorship and programming. Since LHIP’s inception 5 years ago, about 234 interns have served in the program. As of today, 6 have been hired into permanent positions. We are committed to continuing to build on our successes.Priority: Creating a conservation legacy second only to Teddy Roosevelt:One of LHIP’s goals is to connect diverse people to conservation. We accomplish this by connecting participants to public lands and by providing opportunities for them to engage in stewardship activities, which can range from developing bilingual educational programs, archiving historical objects to studying the oral nectar resources that pollinators need to survive and much more. Our interns contribute thousands of hours to national parks through stewardship of valuable natural and cultural resources while at the same time raising their own and their communities’ awareness of the relevance and role the national parks play to preserve our rich resources. Interns bring communities to national parks, and in the process they joined with other youth and adults sharing stewardship beyond park boundaries. Intern projects have also included improving access to national parks by providing visitor services and designing written materials that oer information about park access and resources. For example, intern Lisset Olvera Chan worked at Lassen Volcanic National Park to assess the quality of wilderness, including trails and other facilities, such as campsites located in wilderness areas. Her work contributes to our understanding of the impacts of human activity on visitor experiences. Priority: Restoring trust with local communities:LHIP serves as a bridge between gateway communities and national parks. Our interns reect those communities and can help connect residents to the parks near their homes. One successful example in 2020 was Maryana Carreon, who worked with the El Punto neighborhood to connect residents to Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historical Sites.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program10PROGRAMMATERIALSEach year, the LHIP coordinating organizations prepare materials that help to guide interns and supervisors during the internship experiences and provide interns with the supplies and gear to accomplish their work. In 2020, because interns did not meet face-to-face for their Career and Leadership Workshop, we also sent them a box of supplies to support them during four days of virtual conferencing. 2020 Intern ProlesLatinoHeritageIntern.comWorld Migratory Bird Day2020 INTERN HANDBOOK2020 SUPERVISOR HANDBOOK

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Latino Heritage Internship Program112020 PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICSEDUCATIONAGE GENDER24319- 2526-30FemaleMale198BachelorMaster234

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Latino Heritage Internship Program12INTERN POSITIONSChesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network Communications Assistant (DHA - RA)Fire Island National Seashore / Division of Interpretation, Education and Volunteers Education and Community Outreach InternHopewell Furnace National Historic Site Interpretation and Education InternSalem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites Education SpecialistSalem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites Education SpecialistLongfellow House-Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site GIS Story Map Exhibit Development Associate National Parks of Boston Youth Engagement Digital Communications Specialist Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation Cultural Landscape Graphics Modeling Assistant (DHA-RA) Cultural Resources, Partnerships and Science and NPS Citizen Science Steering Committee Citizen Science and Latino Culture Minute Man National Historical Park Resource Management Assistant Southeast Archeology Center Archeological InternFort Raleigh National Historic Site Interpretation and Community Engagement InternEverglades Park Cultural History Education Intern (DHA-RA)Indiana Dunes National Park Outreach AssistantTricentennial Media and Community Engagement InternVolunteer Management and Community Engagement InternDinosaur National Monument Science Communication and Resource Monitoring InternFlorissant Fossil Beds National Monument Education and Outreach InternRocky Mountain National Park - Division of Interpretation, Education & Outreach Rocky Mountain Interpretation & Outreach InternSaguaro National Park Biology AssistantWupatki National Monument Education and Outreach InternJuan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Interpretation, Education, and Outreach InternLassen Volcanic National Park (LAVO) - Resources Management Division Wilderness InternPoint Reyes National Seashore Interpretation and Outreach AssistantSan Francisco Bay Area Inventory and Monitoring Program Coho and Steelhead Monitoring InternSequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks River Safety and Stewardship InternRegion 8 - Lower Colorado BasinRegion 10 - California - Great BasinSan Antonio Missions National Historical ParkRegion 1 - North Atlantic - AppalachianRegion 2 - South Atlantic GulfRegion 3 - Great Lakes Region 6 - Arkansas - Rio Grande - Texas - GulfRegion 7 - Upper Colorado Basin

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Latino Heritage Internship Program13INTERNACHIEVEMENTSChesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network,Annapolis, MD: Sheila Garcia created a research-based communications tool kit with best practices for parks within the Chesapeake Bay watershed to better engage Hispanic and Latino audiences as potential park stewards. Focusing on the visitor contact station at Sandy Point State Park where many Latino families recreate each year.Dinosaur National Monument, Jensen, UT: Luis Falcón traveled far from his Florida home to follow the migrations of Monarch butterflies and to measure night sky quality in the park. By tagging Monarchs, he is helping researchers learn more about this species' population size and movements within the park, contributing to research that takes place not only in the park, but also across the country.Fire Island National Seashore,Ocean Beach, NY: Jhulian is contributing the park's communications through social media and the development of bilingual information and programming about park resources, visitor experiences, and youth employment opportunities.Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Florissant, CO: Astrid Garcia is working with park visitors to explain the geology, paleontology, and history of the park. She greets people on the patio, delivers interpretive presentations, and has developed new interpretation stations. Astrid comes to the position naturally, with a degree in geology and an outgoing personality.Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, Elverson, PA: Yahel works remotely from his home in Puerto Rico to help the park develop educational and informational materials for visitors. His focus on print and digital materials has resulted in Spanish language descriptions of the park and its history. He is also contributing to the park's social media by developing interactive content that motivates more engagement by the public. Indiana Dunes National Park, Indiana, IN: Although Aracely's work has been 100% remote, she's been able to focus on community outreach by translating materials and web site information into Spanish; creating social media and other non-personal interpretiveengaging materials.Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails NetworkRebecca FloresHopewell Furnace NH SiteYahel DelgadoIndiana Dunes National Park Araceli FigueroInterns work on a variety of projects for national parks, including gathering data, providing visitor services, and developing education materials. Below are examples of some of the projects interns accomplished in 2020.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program14Point Reyes National SeashoreRuby GonzalezSaguaro National ParkAdrianna MurrietaSalem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic SitesMaryana CarreonJuan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, San Juan Bautista, CA: Rebecca Flores produced a video that takes viewers on a guided walk on the trail. Presented primarily in English with Spanish subtitles, it shares the park's history and story in a simple, yet vivid way.Lassen Volcanic National Park, Darkesbad, CA: The Wilderness Act of 1964 highlights wilderness as untrammeled land, natural, undeveloped, and that provides outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive or unconfined type of recreation. Every 5 years, the park examines the wilderness character of its backcountry. The results of this survey helps to examine the impacts of increased visitation and the capacity of the parks to meet the goals of the Wilderness Act. Lisset Olvera Chan visited backcountry campgrounds and trails, using the amount of vegetation cover, the appearance of waste, the number of visitors, and other factors to help examine the quality of wilderness. The results of her work will help determine the number of backcountry permits that should be issued in the future.Point Reyes National Seashore, San Francisco, CA: Ruby Gonzalez developed creative social media to raise awareness of issues of diversity, equity and inclusion and to promote diversity in the parks. Her activities reached hundreds of viewers through Facebook and Instagram.Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, Estes Park, CO: Like most parks, Rocky Mountain National Park's programming has depended on presentations that take place onsite. Luis Avalos helped the park adapt to the need for more virtual programming by helping to develop Distance Learning programs. Some of the park's onsite field trip programs were converted into virtual programs, and new programming was created to focus on the multiple habitats in the park. These programs will be shared with classrooms nationwide.Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ: Interns Adrianna Murrieta and Mallary Rae Parker are developing the park's butterfly studies by conducting surveys. These stationary and walking surveys will identify which species use the park and which plants they depend on for nectar. Their work will also engage the public by inviting visitors to also identify these pollinators. Photographs and other information will be added to the website to help youth and adults learn about their identification and importance to plant reproduction.Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sitesl, Saleam, MA: Interns Maryana and Tahmoor are working with Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites to engage the El Punto neighborhood in their work. These new connections will help to create stronger relationships with surrounding Latino communities and encourage stewardship of the area's history.Wupatki National Monument, Flafsta,AZ: This park has a rich cultural history, and intern Raeann Garcia worked to learn about the pueblos and to explore ways the park can better connect with local Latino communities. She developed Discovery Hikes that take Latino visitors into the park's backcountry. She also created a bilingual video that summarizes the park's trails and the history of some of the Native American pueblos that can be seen from these trails. The video will be shared at the Arizona National Parks Festival.“As the days inch closer to my internship start date, I am lled with more and more enthusiasm and eagerness to learn as much as I can! I know I will never forget this experience, and I will denitely be encouraging my friends to apply for this amazing program!”Adiranna Murrieta, Saguaro National ParkWupatki National MonumentRaeann Garcia

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Latino Heritage Internship Program15Everglades National Park, Homestead, FL: Justin Marcano took a deeper dive this summer into looking at the history of the people that lived in the Everglades since pre-Colombian times. While the Everglades is known for its ecological history and importance, Justin wanted to show that the park was also home to marginalized communities for centuries before becoming a park.Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, Menteo, NC: This summer, Mayra Ramos created a pamphlet and three short videos on the civil rights history behind the Freedmen's Colony. Prior to Mayra joining, Fort Raleigh had scarce educational materials on the story about the colony that was made of freed African American slaves during the Civil War and she took the initiative to create videos and a pamphlet. She also fostered sustainable partnerships with nearby organizations and community partners.Longfellow House - Washington’s Headquarters NHS, Cambridge, MA: This summer, Nohemi Colin created two interactive story maps for the Longfellow House. Nohemi was able to catalog 80 items from around the world collected by the Longfellow family on a map that visitors can see on the web. Nohemi also incorporated another story map in which users can see if their current location was part of the original landscape owned by the Longfellows.Minute Man National Historical Park, Concord, MA: Patsy Herrera went above and beyond this summer to do an ecological health test on the area near the North Bridge, a historical battleground in the Revolutionary War. Patsy's findings were helpful as the park prepares for the 250th commemoration of the American Revolution in 2025. Patsy was able to identify the invasive species that needed to be removed and helped continue those conversations with the park and specialists.National Parks of Boston, Boston, MA: This summer, Ramon Galvan took the Historias de Boston program to new levels by implementing a website for the youth to follow along for the summer as they learned film and photography to tell the stories of Boston. All of this was done virtually unlike past years and Ramon amazed everyone with his ability to provide a holistic and well-rounded program to six young, diverse Bostonians. Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation, Boston, MA: This summer, Ashley Crespo did graphic modeling by doing 2D modeling and 3D graphing to show the physical history of the landscape at the Flight 93 Memorial. Ashley stunned everyone with her rendering and post-processing of graphs to show the actual health of the trees in the memorial dedicated to 9/11 victims.San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, San Antonio, TX: Both Tanya Helbig and Jazciel Solis were busy this summer creating new and fun ways to interact with the public using social media during the times of COVID-19. They held an Instagram live on Sustainability in Latinx families, and created a series of videos on Sustainability in the Missions. The series of videos were all in Spanish and highlighted rarely known facts about the Missions while also making them ADA accessible for viewers.San Francisco Bay Monitoring System at Point Reyes, Point Reyes, CA: Carter Adamson was able to conduct field work with coho-salmon this summer in two different creeks and examine their food patterns by taking samples of the food the fish have eaten. This is important to see how the fish interact with their habitat. Carter was able to work with the ample amount of young one year-old coho salmon.Fort Raleigh National Historic SiteMayra RamosEverglades National ParkJustin MarcanoSan Antonio Missions National Historical ParkTanya HelbigMinute Man National Historical ParkPatsy Herrera

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Latino Heritage Internship Program16Sequoia and Kings Canyon National ParksCynthiaSoutheast Archeological CenterAbigail HoukesSequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Three Rivers, CA: Due to COVID-19, Cynthia had to shift from working on river and water safety to new ways in which visitors can engage with river and water information. Cynthia researched different do-it-yourself type of scientific activities and was able to focus on creating a smartphone microscope. She created a prototype and was able to test it out in her own neighborhood. The park will be able to use her invention to use in the future.Southeast Archeological Center, Tallahassee, FL: This summer, Abigail Houkes spent her time labeling and entering data into the Comparative Collection for the SEAC. She also learned how to edit videos and was able to create a series of videos focusing on diversity within archeology and posted them on SEAC's Facebook page.NPS Citizen Science Committee, Washington, D.C.: Andrea Miralles-Barboza went above and beyond this summer for the NPS Citizen Science Comittee as she tried to gather data on how national parks across the country engaged with Latinx communities through citizen science opportunities. She was able to narrow down a few places that did and wrote recommendations for NPS sites to engage with Latinx communities specifically.WORDS FROM OUR SUPERVISORSFor the second year, we've been blessed to have a LHIP intern serving with us at Hopewell. Working with Jhulian in 2019 and Yahel in 2020 have been some of the greatest highlights of my entire NPS career. Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with such incredible people. Neil Koch - Hopewell Furnace National Historic SiteCommunication was smooth and timely. And we certainly appreciated the exibility of a program team in modifying the position to be half virtual and half on site.Margie Con - Minute Man National Historical Park Everyone I communicated with at HAF was excellent. They were friendly, accessible and worked to make the internships successful. Josh Nelson - Fort Raleigh National Historic SiteThis is a great program. Despite the COVID-19 set backs, we were able to oer a meaningful internship experience that was mutually benecial. This was due to teamwork and problem solving. Christopher Bentley - Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic TrailWe have had outstanding experiences with LHIP interns. Over the years, we have kept in touch with many of the former LHIP interns. Naomi Torres - Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail

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Latino Heritage Internship Program17LHIP INTERNSHIP HOST SITES• Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network• Dinosaur National Monument• Fire Island National Seashore/Division of Interpretation, Education and Volunteers• Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument• Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site• Indiana Dunes National Park• Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail• Lassen Volcanic National Park (LAVO)- Resources Management Division• Point Reyes National Seashore• Rocky Mountain National Park - Division of Interpretation, Education & Outreach• Saguaro National Park (2 interns)• Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites (2 interns)• Wupatki National Monument• Everglades National Park• Fort Raleigh National Historic Site• Longfellow House - Washington’s Headquarters NHS• Minute Man National Historical Park• National Parks of Boston • Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation• San Antonio Missions National Historical Park (2 interns)• San Francisco Bay Monitoring System at Point Reyes• Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks• Southeast Archeological Center• WASO - NPS Citizen Science Committee

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Latino Heritage Internship Program18PROJECT HIGHLIGHTSAstrid GarciaFlorissant Fossil Beds National Monument, COAstrid integrated her love of geology with a new-found passion for outreach and education at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument (FLFO). Her work included interpretation, outreach to park visitors, translation of materials to Spanish, and developing educational displays. Her outreach has even expanded outside FLFO to engage with activities at other national parks. She collaborated with artist Karen Ceballos at Oregon Pipe National Monument to create graphics for a "loteria" activity, a traditional game similar to bingo. The game illustrates the geologic, paleontologic and scenic resources of the park, and the activity will help Latino families learn about the park during a game night. She also created a Choose Your Own Eocene Adventure game that features diverse characters with ctionalized individual personalities that are appealing to children. Other artwork depicts a Latino family in front of a petried Redwood stump known as the Big Stump along with other images that connect Latino heritage and culture to the park. Her research on the fossilized plants and mammals found in Mexico, Central and South America was developed into a kid-friendly map image. And she worked with the park's volunteer historian to learn about Mexican and Spanish settlers in Colordo. To express the geology and paleontology of the park and its importance to Latino culture, she is used this history to develop poems about the topics with Franklin Cruz, a freelance poet. These poems were performed in videos for public enjoyment. All of her work will be published on the FLFO website and will be shared via social media, virtually with camps and school districts across the state, and to educators across the country.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program19Araceli FigueroaIndiana Dunes National Park, INAs Araceli describes, working remotely for a park that is located many miles away requires resilience. Some days, she was beaming with energy, homemade matcha latte in hand, checking o her tasks, while others days she was challenged to nd motivation, slowly punching in letters on her keyboard. Like other interns and park sta, however, she met the challenges with optimism and found that her virtual job oered unique opportunities to create her own projects, in addition to those identied in her work plan.Some of her work will help the park reach out to local Latino communities. She joined a virtual reunion of People of Color Leaders at the Dunes, which makes a conscious eort to create a welcoming atmosphere for all visitors, including those who have not historically felt welcome at national parks. These communications, though hosted remotely, were inspiring, because they brought together many professionals who are genuinely passionate about making the park a more equitable green space for all and to increasing diversity in the region's leadership roles.As Outreach Assistant, Araceli developed new ways to reach the public about the park, including direct communication with park sta and partners and social media. In a video about the park, Araceli is featured as the visitor, walking through the history of the park. Though she sat in California, her background features the habitats of Indiana Dunes and other examples of its extraordinatry features. To make the park more accessible to Spanish speakers, Araceli also translated park brochures and junior ranger pledges into Spanish, added Spanish captions to educational videos, and worked to establish permanent collaborations with diverse communities. "We are also thrilled with Araceli and working with her has been so benecial. She brings a great wealth of knowledge, expertise and creativity."Kimberly Swift, Chief of Education, Indiana Dunes National Park"I was over the moon ecstatic to be oered the position of outreach assistant at Indiana Dunes National Park! I saw it as an opportunity to nally explore longtime interests of mine: conservation and fostering environmental stewardship within Latinx communities."- Araceli Figueroa

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Latino Heritage Internship Program20Luis ÁvalosRocky Mountain National Park, CORocky Mountain National Park's Division of Interpretation, Education, & Outreach is going virtual, and Luis' work provided new ways to connect with students. He contributed to a Distance Learning Program that will be shared with classrooms nationwide. Explorations of the park that were once held in-person were adapted, so that they can be shared digitally. Five distance learning programs will ultimately reach visitors virtually, and these are: Ecosystem Explorers, Animals of RMNP, Who Works in a National Park, and What is a National Park? Luis was thrilled to have the opportunity to be in the park to develop the programs. Visiting unique sites, such as Lake Haiyaha, helped him to understand the biotic zones of the Rocky Mountains. Not only did his forays into the park's backcountry oer breathtaking views, these trips also gave him educational content and hands-on experience with the topics he interpreted. Developing each virtual experience was complicated. While working on Ecosystem Explorers, for example, he viewed live zoom presentations of the program to learn about how the topic could be shared. Afterwards, he reviewed program outlines and explored how the lesson correlates with Colorado’s State Standards for education. Through each step of his work, he met with park sta for review and feedback of his work. After each review and edit, he could see large improvments in his work. For more information about the park's Distance Learning Program and to see Luis' work, please visit: "Not only do I work with some amazing people, but I am also living in an absolutely beautiful national park!"- Luis Ávalos

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Latino Heritage Internship Program21Luis Garcia FalcónDinosaur National Monument, UTThe internship at Dinosaur National Monument focuses on learning more about Monarch populations in the park. However, Luis had the opportunity to experience a variety of jobs within the conservation eld. In addition to studying Monarchs, he learned about electroshing with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, where electricity is used to shock sh, making them easier to catch. This enables biologists to survey the shing stock in Utah's Green River and and to t native sh with tracking devices for continued monitoring. He also joined the Bureau of Land Management on a mission to vaccinate Prairie Dogs against the Sylvatic plague. This was his rst time directly handling animals that weren't insects. The process included tagging prarie dogs, recording their weight, drawing blood, and releasing them. Among his favorite activities at the park was creating social media posts to share various topics from Monarchs to Night Sky quality metering. This gave him the opportunity to connect with the general public in a way that was engaging and safe during COVID-19. He was also entrusted with the annual night sky quality metering, which required long hours of gazing at the endless night sky. Insects did remain central to his work, however, and he learned about declining populations of Monarch butteries. His work will contribute to the park's growing knowledge of how this animal uses the habitats in the area and an estimate of the numbers found there. The quality of this year's Monarch season will be determined by the overwintering populations in Mexico, Arizona, and California. Even with low numbers, Luis enjoyed his work capturing Monarchs and searching for their eggs and larvae."It has been a great learning experience in a eld of biology that I had no real experience with before. It opened my eyes to the large community of conservationists and NGOs ghting for Monarch butteries and their migration."- Luis Garcia Falcon

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Latino Heritage Internship Program22"Jazciel Solis did exceptional work as the Tricentennial Outreach Intern at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. Jazciel brought engaging bilingual content to our park social media channels, which helped the park to connect with diverse audiences in our surrounding communities and across the country."- Justine HanrahanVisual Information Specialist at SAAMTanya Helbig & Jazciel SolisSan Antonio Missions National Historical Park,TXOriginally we had all fteen sites picked out, but due to COVID, we had four sites decide to cancel their projects. Because we have developed a great relationship with San Antonio Missions since the beginning of the LHIP, we thought they would be great to host an additional intern. When we asked if they would be interested, they automatically said yes. The two interns collaborated to create a series of videos on sustainability within the park, including a cooking video to show the historical culture that exists, and collaborated with Hispanic Access to do a joint Instagram Live on sustainability within Latino culture. All of these ideas came from the two interns brainstorming with the San Antonio team. Since both interns were local to San Antonio, they were able to meet and lm content for their videos together while also practicing social distancing. It was an even more special year because the two LHIP interns got to work and collaborate with Chantelle Ruidant-Hansen who was an LHIP intern. Chantelle was extended through partner funding and nally got hired on as the rst bilingual park ranger at San Antonio Missions. Although COVID posed a threat to the quality of the intern experience, San Antonio Missions went above and beyond to provide a well-rounded program that impacted both of the interns in multiple ways.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program23Patsy HerreraMinute Man National Historical Park, MAMinute Man National Historical Park hosted another LHIP intern, Patsy Herrera this summer. Although many sites went virtual due to COVID, Patsy was able to travel down from New Jersey to do on-site eld work for the duration of her internship. Patsy was able to work closely with Margie Brown who has served as the supervisor of LHIP interns for the past two years. Patsy was able to work with experts to help identify current insects, spiders, grasses to assess the ecological health of the area. She did this in order to see which insects and grasses were invasive species to the area around the North Bridge. This is critical work for Minute Man NHP as the North Bridge is the most visited part of the park and they want the surrounding area to be historically accurate to what the area was like at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. The park is currently focused on 2025, the 250th commemoration of the American Revolution and with this critical work that was done by Patsy, they can seek funding to help improve the ecological health of the aected area. Patsy also organized various Latino Conservation Week events alongside Nohemi Colin, a fellow LHIP intern at the Longfellow House. Patsy went above and beyond to connect with Nohemi and bring two parks together to celebrate the week.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program24These interactive, dynamic online exhibits are particularly signicant in a year where the site is not open for in-person interpretation. These projects have demonstrated the utility of StoryMaps as a tool for interpretation of dierent historical stories. Nohemi presented teach-backs of her skills learned in research, mapping in ArcGIS, and building StoryMaps to NPS standards to NPS sta as part of the conclusion of her internship, leaving the park with both inspiration and concrete tools for further work.- Kathryn Hanson PlassActing Archives SpecialistNohemi ColinLongfellow House Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site, MANohemi Colin worked virtually this summer from Chicago, Illinois while her LHIP site was in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This summer, Nohemi created two interactive story maps that described the estate boundaries within Boston and also the artifacts the Longfellows collected during their travels around the world. Nohemi had to work diligently with Kate Hanson Plass and Chris Beagan to be inclusive of the lands that they were covering.Due to dimensions of photographs, their project was going to be cut to 40 items instead of 80 but Nohemi worked hard to look in their archive for photos of items and was able to collect over 80 items to share in her second story map. Nohemi worked really hard to get the work done and was able to conduct a teach back the last week of her internship to the Northeast region and stay connected with GIS specialists in NPS.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program25Justin MarcanoEverglades National Park, FLThis summer, Everglades National Park hosted Justin Marcano as a Cultural History Education Intern, further developing the Hole in the Donut work done by last year’s LHIP intern, David Riera. Although Justin was not able to work in the oce, he was able to explore Everglades on day excursions by himself with the guidance of his supervisor, Yvette Cano because he lived within driving distance to the park. Each week he researched the cultural component of the Everglades, looking past the ecological history, and focusing on the history of the people that lived there before. He came to discover that many marginalized communities lived there and suered from displacement, diseases and poverty. Justin’s curiosity helped him develop a more holistic approach and storytelling of Native American and Black communities that lived in the Everglades at one point. Even with so much research needed to be done in order to complete all of his requirements, Justin attended every webinar, call with the HAF team, and engaged with other LHIP interns during group calls.

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JOINING THE WORKFORCEEduardo J. Chaidez Park Guide GS5, Volunteer Coordinator-Interpretation John Muir NHS, CAAlvin RiveraPark Guide GS5San Francisco Maritime NHP, CAFrancisco UribeJohn Muir NHS, CAAn important component of LHIP is ensuring that interns compete well for jobs. We provide additional training, mentorship, and assistance with resumes, interviews, letters of recommendation, and more. Our interns credit their internships for creating pathways to careers in natural resources. Meet some of the interns who are now pursuing their passions as federal employees, in nonpermanent positions with the NPS and other federal agencies, and with other nongovernmental organizations. Tomás DezaOutdoor Recreation Planner NPS, D.C.Cristina Martinez GuzmánSequoia & Kings Canyon NP, CAYaneris Soto MuñizInternational Institute of Tropical ForestryHightlights of Interns Hired by Other Federal and Non-governmental OrganizationsAshleyann Perez RiveraUS Fish & Wildlife Service HQ, Falls Church, VALEGENDNF - National ForestNHP = National Historical ParkNHS - National Historic SiteNM = National MonumentNP = National ParkGibrán Lule-HurtadoCommunity Planner NPS GS11/12,Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance, TXPermanent HiresSeasonal HiresRoxana Saravia Cape Hatteras National Seashore, NCJessica MillmanWilderness PlannerFairbanks, AKGenomé Rodriguez RayaSequoia & Kings Canyon, CARocio GomezSequoia & Kings Canyon, CALindsay MartinezWildlife Management East Foundation, TXBrandon BarraganPoint Reyes National Seashore Association, CAEvelyn HurtadoInland Empire Resource Conservation District, CAEvelyn Arredondo RamirezHispanic Access Foundation Washington, DCNatias MathiasSoutheast Archeological Center, FLAstrid GarciaSCA, Florissant CO Edgar HernándezBenet Authorizer GS9Social Security AdministrationChicago, IL

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Latino Heritage Internship Program27CAREER WORKSHOPIn 2020, the LHIP team adapted quickly to the needs of the parks and the interns. The annual gathering of interns in-person was cancelled, but a dynamic virtual program was developed to provide additional training, motivate discussion, and provide opportunities for the interns to interact. The 4-day workshop was conducted via Zoom, with portions livestreamed to Facebook to reach the broader public. A new website was developed to provide the schedule and to highlight the many guest speakers who contributed to the workshop. Because of the virtual nature of the program, we involved a more diverse group of presenters than previous years. 15Guest Speakers10Alumni4Days

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Latino Heritage Internship Program28WORKSHOPPRESENTERSThe virtual workshop gave us the opportunity to work with special guest speakers across the country. Authors, CEO's, and National Park Service sta shared their stories, their expertise, and their experience and engaged interns in dynamic conversations.Guest SpeakersNoel LopezREGIONAL CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGIST FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, NPSDoug HaleHUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST, NPSCarolyn FinneySTORYTELLER, AUTHOR, AND CULTURAL GEOGRAPHERCarlos MartinezPRESIDENT & CEO, LATINO COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONRuben AndradeSUPERINTENDENT, CÉSAR E. CHÁVEZ NATIONAL MONUMENT, NPSMaite ArceCEO & FOUNDER, HISPANIC ACCESS FOUNDATIONLisa CollinsOWNER, EDUCATION THROUGH ENGAGEMENTFranklin CruzPOET

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Latino Heritage Internship Program30AlumniFormer LHIP interns joined the workshop to provide advice to 2020 interns, describe their careers, and answer questions about working for the federal government. Some of these alumni are now working for NPS, while others have positions with other federal agencies or non-governmental organizations, and some are in school. Daniela AlvizLHIP INTERN, 2016Chantelle Ruidant-HansenLHIP INTERN, 2016Ashleyann Perez-RiveraLHIP INTERN, 2016Norma HartellLHIP INTERN, 2016Cristina MartínezLHIP INTERN, 2016Sophia Bass WernerLHIP INTERN, 2017Manny GalavitzLHIP INTERN, 2015Gibrán LuleLHIP INTERN, 2015Edgar HernándezLHIP INTERN, 2019David RieraLHIP INTERN, 2019

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Latino Heritage Internship Program31Intern PresentationsDHA-RA interns gave 15-minute oral presentation about their projects during the virutal Career and Leadership Workshop. PLC interns developed project posters and also shared their work through presentations. All presentations were livestreamed through the LHIP Facebook.Recognition of Outstanding InternsSix interns were recognized for their exceptional eort during their internships, including performance at the parks, completion of requirements, such as blogs and reports, and activities that went above and beyond the tasks dened in their ppositio descriptions. Rebecca FloresJuan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, CAJhulian GarciaFire Island National Seashore, NYAstrid GarciaFlorissant Fossil Beds National Monument, COAshley Crespo Olmsted Center for LandscapePreservation, MAJustin MarcanoEverglades National Park, FLPatsy HerreraMinute Man National Historical Park, MA

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Latino Heritage Internship Program32MEDIA HIGHLIGHTSJhulian Gutierrez, Fire Island National Seashore, NYJhulian's work was highlighted by the National Park Service, and his interview describes how his interest in working for the NPS has grown. He was also interviewed with National Park Service leaders. Miralles-Barboza - NPS Article Andrea Miralles-Barboza explains her passion for bringing diversity to Citizen Science projects done by NPS sites across the country. She also shares the importance of dierent perspectives and minds to help protect and conserve the environment. Ramos, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site - NPS Article Mayra Ramos was interviewed by her supervisor to answer how she was encouraged to apply to LHIP. Ramos now sees herself working for a public agency after her LHIP experience. Gutierrez Mayra RamosTahmoor Chadury - NPS ArticlesTahmoor conducted interviews with National Park Service sta to learn more about their career pathways.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program33PROGRAM SUPPORT AND SUSTAINABILITY“ has been an amazing 8 weeks. Although I did not expect to work remotely from my little jungle (my room), I am still having a very unique experience that I am signicantly grateful for."Sheila L Garcia, Chesapeake Bay Gateway and Watertrails NetworkThe National Park Service Youth Programs Division support for the Latino Heritage Internship Program provided 11 - 12 week internships, travel and lodging, uniforms and eld supplies, and training and mentoring throughout the internships.Program partners leveraged additional LHIP positions and extensions, and parks contributed funding to support intern travel , some extensions, and lodging. LHIP funding is detailed below.FUNDS PARK AMOUNTExtensions & Additional internships Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites $28,214Florissant Fossill Beds National Monument $11,420Fire Island National Seashore $8,977National Parks of Boston $1,839Mission Heritage Partners $1,220LodgingJuan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail $2,500Saguaro National Park $1,500Travel Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation $578.63Programmatic SupportNational Park Service - Washington D.C. Area Support Oce $425,000In-KindContributed time developing Diversityin Conservation website$1,000TOTAL FUNDING $482,248.63

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Latino Heritage Internship Program34Tahmoor Chadury • The Ohio State UniversitySalem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites, MATahmoor is a rising senior and on track to attain a double major in history and biology. He is the child of immigrants; his mother is Chilean and his father is from Pakistan. He was born and raised in New York City. This summer, he worked at Salem Maritime National Historic Site on a grassroots outreach program that aims to make our nation’s parks more inclusive and wide-reaching for the Latino population. He hopes to gain real-life experience and make many memories as well! In his free time, he likes to hike, listen to jam bands, play basketball, and spend hours looking at maps and flags.Maryana Carreon • University of California, Santa Barbara Salem Maritime and Saugus Iron Works National Historic Sites, MAMaryana is from Hemet, California and a first-generation college graduate and daughter of Mexican immigrants. She recently graduated with a major in Cultural Anthropology and a minor in History. She became interested in LHIP because because she wants to pursue a career with the National Park Service (NPS) and felt that this program is the perfect way to combine her career interest with her cultural heritage. She wants to explore the many ways the NPS preserves history and recreation. She appreciates that the Latino Heritage Internship Program encourages the Latino community to engage and participate in conservation and preservation, as this is important and historical work that may cause many Latinos to feel left out of or not necessarily connected to our national parks. With this experience, she hopes to engage and connect communities to the National Park Service and to discover and explore my own interests in this greater context of conservation and culture.Luis Avalos • Kansas State UniversityRocky Mountain National Park, COLuis is a Mexican-Salvadoran-American born and raised in southwest Kansas. He is currently completing his undergraduate studies at Kansas State University and will be graduating in December of 2020. Upon graduating, he will receive a B.S. from the College of Agriculture majoring in Park Management & Conservation with a secondary major in Natural Resources & Environmental Science and a minor in Music. His past field work experience includes working with the Conservation Legacy-Appalachian Conservation Corps in Virginia where he engaged in conservation projects across the Shenandoah Valley. He returned again in the summer of 2020, but this time as a crew leader to inspire and grow the next environmental stewards. In the future, he desires to continue his passion for preserving the environment by becoming an Interpretative Park Ranger and guiding individuals on their personal journeys towards environmental protection.Environment for the Americas Intern ProlesYahel Delgado-Diaz • Universidad de Puerto Rico AreciboHopewell Furnace National Historic Site , PA Yahel would like to become a teacher, a coach and a mentor for kids like himself. He is also planning on studying long-term with the goal of achieving a Ph.D. in sports management. The reason for his interest in LHIP and all of his efforts is his never-ending passion for education and hopes of creating a generation full of capable people with the potential to become athletes and to guide them to a better future. He believes we should all have the same opportunities to succeed and become what we want in life. Yahel comes from a long line of educators, and this is a calling for him. His goal is to be an inspiring educator in any environment, and LHIP is his first internship. Yahel believes that Puerto Rico’s educational system does not encourage other methods of work and does not challenge its youth. He aspires to change that. Appendix I: Intern Bios

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Latino Heritage Internship Program35Araceli Figueroa • California State University, Fullerton Indiana Dunes National Park, INAraceli graduated in May of 2017 with a BFA in Creative Photography and coursework in Art Education. She constantly seeks educational opportunities outside of formal educational institutions. In 2018, she took a six-week-long course on launching a food business from the local county’s small business development center. In addition, she continues to take advantage of the courses and certification programs her city job offers. She applied for the LHIP Outreach Assistant Internship because it aligns with her personal interests to expand community development, communication/marketing, environmental education, and resource equity. This program also allowed her to better understand her specific interests and career goals. She was thrilled to contribute her Spanish speaking skills, making valuable cultural connections, and using her graphic design and technical editing skills to create new educational materials. As an outreach assistant, she had the humbling opportunity to work on increasing park visitor diversity and inspiring individuals, especially Latinx folks, to recognize the important role they have in advocating for our parks’ conservancy. Her professional interest is to creatively promote conservancy and environmental education, regardless of what field her chosen profession is in.Luis Garcia Falcon • Florida International UniversityDinosaur National Monument, UTLuis is a passionate advocate for the natural world and science communicator who worked at Dinosaur National Monument. He was born in Cuba and moved to the United States of America at the age of five. Now, he lives in Miami, Florida where he spends the majority of his time in the Everglades, Florida Springs or Pine Rocklands photographing its unmatched beauty. He is a senior at Florida International University graduating with a Bachelor’s in Sustainability and the Environment. His interests include the full range of the environmental field, from research and policy to communications. Specifically, he is interested in how scientific data can be used to promote ethical and equitable conservation of natural resources and environmental justice of underprivileged communities. At Dinosaur NM, he studied the Monarch butterfly population of the Great Basin region, as well as worked with local communities and visitors to share the project and connect them with the natural resources around them. After the project, he wants to continue his education and complete a Ph.D. in the Environmental and Conservation field. Rebecca Flores • University of California, BerkeleyJuan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, CARebecca grew up along the U.S. – Mexico border in a small town called Laredo. In this Texas oasis, she nurtured her passion for community work. She was raised in a Mexican-American household where she learned the value of hard work and devotion. She received her Bachelor of Arts at Smith College where she double-majored in Architecture and Italian Studies. This experience expanded her understanding of the built environment, made her trilingual, and allowed her to expand a vibrant Latinx organization on campus with the help of close friends. She is currently pursuing her Masters in Architecture at the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley. Her work in architecture revolves around social and environmental issues. Through the Latino Heritage Internship program, she helped to build cultural bridges from the national parks to under-served Latinx communities.Astrid Garcia • University of California, Riverside Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, COAstrid's hometown is Hesperia, California, where her parents immigrated from Colima, Mexico. Growing up in the Mojave Desert, she saw how the desert landscape is easily impacted by people who fail to appreciate and understand the importance of these areas. Prior to college, she wasn’t aware of her local geology until taking introductory courses. Through her education, she realized the importance of the geologic sciences in relation to my surroundings. Astrid's interests range from the application of remote sensing technology, to tectonics geomorphology, to land conservation, and to educational advocacy of the earth sciences. She spends her time participating and volunteering with local organizations to accomplish clean-ups, habitat restoration projects, and community outreach. She is thankful to LHIP for allowing her to combine her passion and knowledge to inspire families to treasure the rich geologic history at Florissant Fossil Beds NM.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program36Raeann Garcia • Auburn UniversityWupatki National Monument, AZIn May 2020, Raeann received her Master’s degree in geoscience. She studied the geochemistry and geochronology of gold and silver epithermal deposits in Silver City, Idaho. She previously received her B.S. in Geology at the University of Texas at Austin, where she studied the microstratigraphy of MVT deposits in Tennessee. She was very excited to be a part of LHIP, because ever since middle school, she has been passionate about increasing the diversity and inclusivity in STEM. LHIP gave her the opportunity to contribute. Raeann was also enthusiastic to share her knowledge and love of geology to audiences who may not know anything about the subject. LHIP also serves as an entryway to experience with the National Park Service, and she expanded her professional network. Ideally, Raeann would like to work in an environment where she is broadening someone’s perspective of the Earth and geoscience. She also want to be in a position where she can lead and create opportunities for underrepresented communities to engage with geosciences. Sheila Lucero Garcia • California Baptist UniversityChesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, MD Sheila is a senior majoring in Anthropology with a concentration in Cultural Anthropology. She has extensive education in Anthropology and Environmental Science. Her interest in LHIP comes from her passion, as well as from the overall mission of the National Park Service. She has always been interested in protecting the environment and strives to be a steward of the environment. In the last four years, she has gained an appreciation and passion for anthropology. Culture is fascinating to her in every way and in her opinion, it is important for it to be preserved just as much as the environment. This program gave her the opportunity to put her expertise and experience to work within the NPS, which has been a lifelong career goal for her. In terms of professional interest, LHIP gave her the chance to learn about the National Park Service and the many different branches of working towards conservation and preservation. She was excited to see what her project would bring to the Hispanic community in Maryland!Ruby Gonzalez • California State University Long BeachPoint Reyes National Seashore, CARuby is a first-generation college graduate with a Bachelor’s in Science in Environmental Studies. Although her academic studies heavily emphasized the biological and ecological components of Environmental Science, her work experience centers around Environmental Justice and the social implications of environmental issues. She believes that to be a great scientist, social disparities must be acknowledged and assessed. Her career goal is to bridge the gap between overburdened and underrepresented communities and the institutions that burden them. She currently works as an outdoor science teacher for elementary school-aged kids where she teaches environmental lessons in outdoor environments, such as regional parks. She loves working alongside nature and states that "nature is the best coworker." She was very excited to learn more about the National Park Service and is especially grateful for LHIP and the opportunity to explore all that our National Parks have to offer. Jhulian Gutierrez • Broward College Fire Island National Seashore, NYJhulian was born and raised in Miami, Florida, but currently reside in Sunrise, Florida. Ever since he was a young boy, he has been fascinated with zoology and wildlife conservation. Growing up, his aunt, who is also his mentor, would tell him stories of her career in environmental science and work as a park ranger. These stories left him in awe, and as a result, his love for wildlife conservation has grown stronger every minute. He dreams of one day having a career that he loves and that will challenge him every day. As a first-generation college student, this has become a passion. He is now at Broward College, where he is pursuing an associate’s degree. He then wants to transfer to a university to obtain his bachelor's in marine zoology and a minor in education. This is Jhulian's second season with LHIP, and he is very grateful for the contributions the experiences will make to his futue career.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program37Adrianna Murrieta • Pima Community CollegeSaguaro National Park, AZAdrianna will be transferring to the University of Arizona in the fall, where she will be working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Conservation Biology. She is interested in LHIP, because it gives Latino students a chance to gain access to the skills and knowledge that they may not have previously had. Latinos are an underrepresented community and it is chances like this that allow Latinos to get their foot in the door and earn their way to having a better life. For her, this program in particular stood out, because it is a chance to learn how to do professional work in the field, as opposed to many other internships that are lab-based. It is her goal and dream to work as a scientist, and her work at Saguaro National Park gave her hands-on field experience, learning and practicing science. Because she is interested in Conservation Biology as well as marine science, she hopes to one day do her own research or work for the National Park Service. Some of the skills she gained during her internship included teamwork, observation, how to record data, and communication skills. These are skills that she will take with her and use throughout her career.Lisset Olvera Chan • Bemidji State University Lassen Volcanic National Park, CAIn fall 2020, Lisset will finish her major in Wildlife Biology after completing her internship as a Wilderness intern at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California. She was born in Cancun, Mexico and moved to Minnesota when she was 6 years old. Once in the country, she became a US citizen. Since she was a young girl, Lisset has had a love for the outdoors and the animals that live there. Over the years, her passion for wildlife grew as she learned more about conservation and protecting endangered and at-risk species. Working with the National Park Service helped her learn more about how the United States approaches wildlife conservation. LHIP also connected her to other young Latinos who are passionate about wildlife and environmental conservation, furthering her interest in wildlife. One of her career goals is to work for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and work in non-game wildlife to help others understand the importance of wildlife and to help protect birds and other non-game animals. Lisset also aspires to become an ornithologist, so she can study and interact with wild birds in their habitats.Mallary Rae Parker • University of ArizonaSaguaro National Park, AZMallary studied Natural Resources with an emphasis in Conservation Biology at the University of Arizona and graduated in May 2019. They got a minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology and another in Anthropology. They can do research on animals, plants, genetics, and cultures and hope to find a position that combines all of those passions into work that empowers communities to conserve the environment. Their past research experience includes studies of plant genetics, the biodiversity of the Kimberley region in Western Australia, frog genetics, lizard behavior patterns on the UA campus, and the bird biodiversity of Tumamoc Hill. Mallary enjoys fieldwork and has always had an interest in learning more about insects. Their 2020 internship with LHIP engaged them in studying the butterflies of Saguaro National Park and they shared that this is their favorite park.“As I’m nishing my third week of my internship, I have learned a lot about Wupatki and everything it has to oer. I’ve spent a lot of time roaming the trails by myself to get acquainted with everything, so that I’ll be ready to answer any visitor’s question at any moment!”RaeAnn Garcia – Wupatki National Monument

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Latino Heritage Internship Program38Ashley Crespo • The State University of New YorkOlmsted Center for Landscape Preservation, MABorn and raised in New York, Ashley Crespo is a first year Masters of Landscape Architecture student at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Architecture and Environmental Science in May 2017. Since then, she has camped her way from New York to Alaska, exploring 31 states and many landscape wonders. This experience confirmed her passion for the outdoors and the realities of the human interactions with the surrounding environment. She continues her work as a Landscape Ecologist on Long Island and hopes her studies will inform better design practices to increase the quantity and quality of human connection to nature. When she is not out exploring, Ashley can be found sketching or learning how to snowboard. Nohemi Colin • Southern Illinois University Longfellow House Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site, MANohemi Colin is from Chicago, IL. She is a first-generation college graduate from SIUe where she earned a B.A. in international studies, focused on sustainability and development, with a minor in environmental studies. In the spring of 2019, She studied abroad with Semester at Sea and gained a global comparative experience sailing to several countries around the world. While studying abroad, Nohemi became interested in visiting and learning more about UNESCO World Heritage Sites. She continues to travel and visit many American history sites and national parks which is what ultimately drew her to the Longfellow House-Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site. She was excited to help put the pieces together and help visitors understand the evolution of the neighborhood by mapping changes to the historic property using GIS Story Maps.Cynthia Agustin • California State UniversitySequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, CACynthia Agustin is a first-generation Guatemalan-American, born and raised in Southern California. She grew up going on hikes and camping trips with her family, and fell in love with the outdoors at a young age. Her most cherished memories involve visiting National Parks in California, where she found her passion in conservation and sustainability. While growing up in Southern California, she witnessed the environmental and social impacts that climate change and pollution has had on her community, which inspired her to pursue her education in environmental science. Cynthia is currently a senior at California State University, Long Beach, where she will obtain a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science and Policy with a Minor in Geography. In the future, she plans to further her education and pursue a Masters degree in environmental conservation. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, baking, hiking, spending time with her family and friends, and hopes to visit many more National Parks throughout the country. Carter Adamson • University of CaliforniaSan Francisco Bay Area Monitoring System at Point Reyes, CAA second-generation Cuban American, Carter spent his youth gaining an appreciation for nature in the forests, streams, and mountains of Virginia. Inspired to aid in the preservation and understanding of wildlife and wild spaces, he attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, earning a Bachelor of Science in Ecology in 2020. He believes that ecological research and hands-on conservation are more important now than ever before. He has conducted two independent ecological field studies – one on wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and the other on crabs and sea urchins in the coral reefs near Cuajiniquil, Costa Rica. Additionally, he has participated in larger studies of California wildflowers and deer populations in Virginia. In the future, he hopes to continue building on these research and applied fieldwork experiences in order to make a difference and help protect the environment. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, SCUBA diving, and playing bass guitar, and he is also in the process of writing a novel. Hispanic Access Foundation Intern Proles

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Latino Heritage Internship Program39Abigail Houkes • Florida State UniversitySoutheast Archeological Center, FLAbigail Houkes is a Mexican-American recent anthropology graduate from Florida State University. During her undergraduate career, Abigail focused on researching biological anthropology, specifically osteological analysis of different populations and researching forensic anthropology at the University of South Florida. Also, during her time in undergrad, Abigail was involved in her local community through a community service co-ed fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. Her passion for community service can be seen through working on the Menstrual Hygiene Project, which assists in providing menstrual hygiene materials to the local homeless shelters and being on the leadership board for three consecutive semesters. In the future, in fall 2020, Abigail will begin her master’s program in anthropology studying forensic anthropological methodologies in the hopes of helping victims and their families. Other passions Abigail has is hiking, cross-stitching, thrifting, attending music concerts, and going to her local coffee shops.Patsy Herrer • Montclair State University Minute Man National Historical Park, MAPatsy Herrera is an undergraduate Biology major with a concentration in Environmental Science and a minor in Anthropology from Montclair State University. Born and raised in New Jersey, Patsy and her twin brother are first generation Mexican-Americans. Her interests focus on research and doing fieldwork in ecological agriculture that aids in conservation and food scarcity in underprivileged communities. During her undergraduate studies, she was part of a research project in Madagascar led by a Montclair State professor as a field assistant, an intern for PSEG Institute for Sustainable Studies, STEM Pioneer Mentor, and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation mentor and scholar. She also enjoys learning about soil science, insects, data analytics, permaculture, and making GIS maps. In her free time she enjoys painting, gardening, going on picnics with friends, and volunteering for nonprofits that support underrepresented people. Patsy will be completing her undergraduate degree in May 2020. She is grateful to be part of LHIP this summer with the people at Minute Man National Historical Park.Tanya Helbig • St. Mary’s UniversitySan Antonio Missions National Historical Park, TXTanya Helbig was born in Kiel, Germany, but raised in San Antonio Texas. She is a second-generation college student working towards an undergraduate degree at St. Mary’s University in Environmental Science and minoring in Business Administration. She has worked on projects during her undergraduate education that involved sustainability, conservation, and environmental management. Her goal is to promote sustainability in all communities and inspire others to become more environmentally active. Tanya aspires to work with either non-profit organizations or government agencies relating to environmental management/policy. She is proud of her Mexican/German culture because it has made her the diverse and open-minded person she is today. In her free time, she enjoys getting out of the city and going to parks to enjoy the great outdoors. National parks have always had a special place in her heart and have been the reason she cherishes the preservation of natural environments. Ramon Galvan • Harvard CollegeNational Parks of Boston, MARamon was born and raised in a small town in Texas. As a freshman in high school, Ramon first operated a video camera during a live production of the Special Olympics held at his school. A college undergrad, he developed his cinematic sensibilities with the support of filmmakers Robb Moss and Guy Maddin. In between his junior and senior years, he worked as a staff production assistant for the first season of USA’s Colony. During his senior spring semester, he co-instructed an introductory media course at the Harvard Extension School with his colleague Dan Coffey. Ramon graduated from Harvard College in 2017 with a degree in English and a secondary field in Film/Video. Over the past several years he has worked for CS50, Harvard University’s largest course, as a video producer and outreach coordinator. Ramon has worked on various film projects in numerous roles. His latest film project is about his father. Besides his production work, Ramon values his teenage years he spent working at a barbecue restaurant. He writes and reads though these days he more often listens to music and podcasts. He currently lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.

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Latino Heritage Internship Program40Jazciel Solis • Our Lady of the Lake UniversitySan Antonio Missions National Historical Park, TXJazciel is an undergraduate student attending Our Lady of the Lake University. She is going on her third year of college pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English with a concentration in technical and professional writing, and a drama minor. Being a first-generation college student, she hopes to help her community with her education. Jazciel was raised to have a caring heart, she hopes to help people by becoming a grant writer to help non-profits. Jazciel has always loved nature parks and admired them for their peaceful tranquility. Mayra Ramos • Mira Costa CollegeFort Raleigh National Historic Site, NCMayra Ramos is a college student pursuing her associate’s degree in math and science. As a first-generation college student, she wants to set an example for her younger siblings and be an active member of her community. She volunteers for a local preservation center in southern California. Her interest in conservation and education has inspired her to eventually earn a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies. She hopes that in the feature she can be in a position to teach others how to be good stewards of their environments. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, sightseeing, hiking, and taking landscape photos. Andrea Miralles-Barboza • University of MarylandNPS Citizen Science Steering Committee, D.C.A Maryland native, Andrea Miralles-Barboza is a Venezuelan American who grew up in Miami, Florida. Having grown up in areas shaped by water and other natural resources, she became interested in human-natural systems and how environmental issues could be addressed by studying humans. She received a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Policy in May 2018 at the University of Maryland where she was able to attend an environmental field school in New Zealand that emphasized the need to collaborate with local communities when doing environmental research. She is now back at the University of Maryland pursuing an M.S. in the Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences (MEES) program. She has also done work in environmental advocacy, consulting and lab research. Currently, she researches the social science of climate change displacement, looking at groups who are highly vulnerable to issues of climate change like sea level rise. In the future, she hopes to be able to contribute to developing accessible and appropriate climate change adaptation plans that consider not just environmental vulnerability, but social vulnerability as well. In her free time, she likes to spend time outdoors, cook, hike, sing and make tequeños. Justin Marcano • Tulane UniversityEverglades National Park, FLJustin Curtis Marcano is an undergraduate student attending Tulane University. Justin is entering his senior year of university pursuing a triple major bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, Environmental Studies and Philosophy. Born to immigrant parents of Cuban and Venezuelan descent, in Miami, Justin is eager to begin his work as a Cultural History Education Intern with Everglades National Park. Justin will be working closely with the park’s Division of Resource Education and Interpretation, the archives program under the South Florida Collection Management Center and park scientist under the South Florida Natural Resource Center to finalize and grow curriculum focused on the area in the park identified as the “Hole in the Donut” (HID).

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Latino Heritage Internship Program41Appendix IIIIWorkshopAgendaTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 9:30Welcome to the Career and Leadership Workshop and the Value of Youth and Young Adult ProgramsGeorge McDonald9:30 - 10:15 Thank you for your Service from the U.S. Department of the Interior Rick May10:15 - 10:25 Spotlight: Where Are LHIP Alumni Now? Veronica Barreto10:25 - 10:30 Stretch BreakCristina MartinexSophia Bass wernerGibrán LuleVanessa TorresNaomi Torres11:45 - 12:30 Brunch BreakDoug HaleCrystal Gailes2:00 -2:15 Break2:15 - 4:30Direct Hire Authority - Resource Assistant Internship (DHA-RAI) and Public Land Corps Presentations4:30 - 4:45 Closeout the DayTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 10:00 Restorative yoga with music (optional) Griselda Madrigal Lara10:00 - 11:00 Space, place and culture: Protecting Latino American Cultural and Historical SitesAshleyann Perez-Rivera, Norma hartell, Manny Galavitz11:00 - 11:05 Stretch BreakMaite ArceAngelou EzeiloSusan Bonfield12:05 - 12:15 Spotlight: Where are LHIP Almuni Now? Chantelle Ruidant-Hansen12:15 - 1:15 The Power of YOU Andrea Droulers-Trejo1:15 - 2:00 Brunch BreakNoel LopezRuben Andrade3:30 - 3:45 Break3:45 - 5:00 Philanthropists: the Next Generation Carlos MartinezTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 9:30 Meditation and Yoga: Energy to Face the Future (Optional) Gladys Brina9:30 - 11:30 Poster SeeionRebecca FloresDaniela Alviz1:00 -2:00 Brunch Break2:00 - 3:30 The Reflection of Programming Exxperiences Lisa Collins3:30 - 3:45 Break3:45 - 5:00Author Discussion: Black Fraces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great OutdoorsCarolyn FinneyTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:30 - 10:00 Breathing and Meditation (Optional) Mary MbabaDalia DortaMichelle NeuenschwanderMaite ArceSusan Bonfield11:00 - 11:45 Closing Event: Keynote Speaker David Vela David Vela11:45 - 12:00 Virtual Congratulations to LHIP Participants12:00 - 12:30 Brunch12:30 - 1:30 Spoken Word Performance Grounded Voices Franklin CruzMonday, August 3Panel Discussion - NPS Journey: Latino Leaders Sharing Their Career Paths10:30 - 11:45Tuesday, August 411:05 - 12:05 CEO Partner Panel Thursday, August 610:00 - 11:00Ways to Stay Connected with Us Wednesday, August 5Human Resources Breakout Session: Navigating the Federal Hiring Process12:30 - 2:00Virtual Tour of Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail and Airboat Tour of Everglades National Park11:45 - 1:00Different Latino Histories Told through NPS2:00 -3:30Workshop Agenda

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Latino Heritage Internship Program42Time (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 9:30Welcome to the Career and Leadership Workshop and the Value of Youth and Young Adult ProgramsGeorge McDonald9:30 - 10:15 Thank you for your Service from the U.S. Department of the Interior Rick May10:15 - 10:25 Spotlight: Where Are LHIP Alumni Now? Veronica Barreto10:25 - 10:30 Stretch BreakCristina MartinexSophia Bass wernerGibrán LuleVanessa TorresNaomi Torres11:45 - 12:30 Brunch BreakDoug HaleCrystal Gailes2:00 -2:15 Break2:15 - 4:30Direct Hire Authority - Resource Assistant Internship (DHA-RAI) and Public Land Corps Presentations4:30 - 4:45 Closeout the DayTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 10:00 Restorative yoga with music (optional) Griselda Madrigal Lara10:00 - 11:00 Space, place and culture: Protecting Latino American Cultural and Historical SitesAshleyann Perez-Rivera, Norma hartell, Manny Galavitz11:00 - 11:05 Stretch BreakMaite ArceAngelou EzeiloSusan Bonfield12:05 - 12:15 Spotlight: Where are LHIP Almuni Now? Chantelle Ruidant-Hansen12:15 - 1:15 The Power of YOU Andrea Droulers-Trejo1:15 - 2:00 Brunch BreakNoel LopezRuben Andrade3:30 - 3:45 Break3:45 - 5:00 Philanthropists: the Next Generation Carlos MartinezTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:00 - 9:30 Meditation and Yoga: Energy to Face the Future (Optional) Gladys Brina9:30 - 11:30 Poster SeeionRebecca FloresDaniela Alviz1:00 -2:00 Brunch Break2:00 - 3:30 The Reflection of Programming Exxperiences Lisa Collins3:30 - 3:45 Break3:45 - 5:00Author Discussion: Black Fraces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great OutdoorsCarolyn FinneyTime (EST) Topic Speakers9:30 - 10:00 Breathing and Meditation (Optional) Mary MbabaDalia DortaMichelle NeuenschwanderMaite ArceSusan Bonfield11:00 - 11:45 Closing Event: Keynote Speaker David Vela David Vela11:45 - 12:00 Virtual Congratulations to LHIP Participants12:00 - 12:30 Brunch12:30 - 1:30 Spoken Word Performance Grounded Voices Franklin CruzMonday, August 3Panel Discussion - NPS Journey: Latino Leaders Sharing Their Career Paths10:30 - 11:45Tuesday, August 411:05 - 12:05CEO Partner Panel Thursday, August 610:00 - 11:00 Ways to Stay Connected with Us Wednesday, August 5Human Resources Breakout Session: Navigating the Federal Hiring Process12:30 - 2:00Virtual Tour of Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail and Airboat Tour of Everglades National Park11:45 - 1:00Different Latino Histories Told through NPS2:00 -3:30Luis Garcia Falcón,Dinosaur National Monument, UT

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