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1987 Volume 4 Number 3 Dusty Times Magazine

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Spencer Low and Goodyear Wrangler mdials make a lasting.imp ssion at the season opener. · · Over 1,000 years ago, near the course of this year's Parker 400, ritual-istic Indian carvings or ''intaglios'' were woven onto the Southwest desert floor. ' . puring this year's SCORE/HORA season opener, protection for these "Silent Giants of the Desert" was pro-vided by the Federal Bureau of Land Management. · But the drivers' protection from ' the rugged Great Mojave.and Sonoran Deserts was provided by their trucks .and their tires. . · . For Goodyear driver Spencer Low, his Nissan Hardbody took on the deep silt, the cracked rock, and won the race on the very same tires you can buy: Goodyear Wr~gler radials. They're the same tires that helped Spe cer win the Class 7S Champion-· shi' and the.Mµi.i-Metal Challenge Ch~pionship for the last two con-secutive years. · " . · I The tires thc3,t a:re .design~d to take on ~he toughest terrain. The toughest conditions. So no matter what kind of truck you own, get the tires that will d·ig deep, bite hard and get you·through. · · · Goodyear Wrangler radials. They'll quickly,give you-a.whole new impressiori of off-road driving . .. GOODfi'EAR ... ,, . . . ! Take me home. The quick w.ay., 1.

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Volume 4 Number 3 March .1987 ,., In This. Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm. Controller John Calvin Circulation:. Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Darla Crown Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Dennis Henneberg Martin Holmes Danny McKenzie Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises . Art Director Larry E. • Worsham· Typesetting & Production Michelle's Tv,pesettin~ Services THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF SC()RE ~A AND•.-~' ~,.. "-··· SuS,oripri= Ra<esa ---j-::: I $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreig.n subs] ription rates .on request. Contributions: .· · . . ' -DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributi ns, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited $aterial will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. · I , Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD A{:TION NEWS, "USPS-305-609" is published monthly by Hill- . side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No.part of this publication may be repro-duced. without written permiss.ion. from the pur l.ishei:. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. . POSTMASTER: Send address changes to. Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is r quired for c. hange of .address. Please furnish both old abd new . I address, and send to D. USTY TIMES,5331 Derryj ,Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. - . - , SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• ~ I, FEATURES Page Score Parker 400' .................................. 12 Oktoberfest in Kitchener ........................... 24 SNORE Conservation Award ........................ 27 Stadium Racing in San Diego ............ . ........... 30 · Glen Helen Rallycross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ice Racing ... . , . • ...................... ; ........... 36 Paris-Dakar Rally Raid ............................. -40 WCS Monte Carlo Rally . ............... ............ 42 1987 Range Rover ................... · .............. 43 New Pickups: Mazda and Chevrolet ................... 44 Carson City Rally History ................. . : .... ,· . . . 45 HDRA Gold Coast 300'-Entry List -Map ... ....... . . . 46 Score Great Mojave 250 Preview ..................... 55 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . Soap Box by Judy Smith ..•..................... , . . . . 4 Happenings .... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tech Tips by Bill Savage ............................ 10 Trail Notes ......................... · .............. 10 Side Tracks by Judy Smith .......................... 11 Dr. Downshift Report .............................. 26 The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 39 Pit Team·Register and Reports . ...................... 48 California Rally Series by Lynnette Allison ............ 48 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Classified Ads ..................................... 54 Yokohama 6-50 Club .............................. 55 Inde;z to Advertisers .......... ·• ........ '. ........... 55 ON THE COVER-Jim Stiles had his bright red Raceco flying at the Parker 400, and he drove alone to fly into the finish line the Class IO · I I winner, beating 46 others in class ·and taking a· quick ninth overall as well. The sleek ·white Class 2 Chenowth driven by Bob and Rob Gordon established a record at Parker. Not' only did the father and son team win Class 2 and overall car honors, they also.led the Class 2 sweep of overall positions, beating the motorcycles for absolute first overall. Color Photography by M:uk Chen and Harold Crawford ofTrackside Photo Enterprises. DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year-$12.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 □ 3 years -$30.00 Take acl:lvantage of your subscription bonus ••• I . . Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. I , (Form on inside back page) IL I, I, Name----------'------------------"Shoot, Clem, these brand new tires were suppos~d to grip the trail, not put us sideways to the horizon". This "Roll-by-Four" shot was taken by Lee Perfect during the Fireworks 250 near Barstow, CA. The spectator truck was righted with help from bystanders, and scant damage was done. On a more serious note, the access for spectators to off road races is becoming more and more limited. And, the very real threat to any kind of access by motor vehicles to off road trails in California is described in the Soap Box column on the next page. Please read it, and do follow your own choice of action to be taken on this.very serious land closure attempt now pending in the U.S. Congress. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies." or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster_ for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used, If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. · I 1' I •1 I I I I I I I I Address __ .:.._ ____________ ..:._ _____ ___;__ City State-------'--------------Zip ________ _ Send c.heck or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 11vear $15.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates quoted on request). I I I I I I I _J_ Dusty Times March 1987 Page 3

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Soa'-Box ••• The Disappearing Desert By Judy Smith .Alan Cranston is at it again. Last year Senator Cranston (D ), California, tried to implement a proposal to create 4.5 MILLION ACRES of new wilderness areas in the California desert. The planned bill failed. But, Cranston has now made some small changes to the proposal, and he's trying again in the 100th Congress. This plan, put together by the conserva-tionists of California, ( such organizations as 'the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, and similar groups) takes the existing plan, which took the B.L.M. five years to survey and create, and enlarges on it drastically. For example, in addition to the 4.5 million acres-that would be new wilderness areas, another 1.5 million acres would become part of the National Park System. As it is proposed, Cranston's new bill would double the wilderness area in the California desert from that designated by the B.L.M. plan. Recently, a group of off roaders who are concerned about this proposed bill in Congress met with Kathy Lacey, Senator Cranston's legislative assistant, in his Los Angeles. office, to see the proposed map of the new wilderness areas and hear some of the Senator's views on the plan. His views apparently coincide with those of the .conservationists and environ-mentalists, who created and presented this plan. They feel that the B.L.M. didn't designate enough wilderne_ss areas in the desert, and that many more acres are eligible for the wilderness designation. The B.L.M. field men, including Jim Moses of the Barstow office who was present at the meeting, feel that their plan is working and in place, and they don't have the personnel to handle it effectively as it is. They wonder how it will be possible to police all the new areas if this plan becomes a bill and is passed by Congress. . -Sal Fish, Score President, who was also in attendance at the meeting, pointed out that while the desert is a favorite weekend and vacation area for thousands of people, they are just the folks who don't have the hours to spend defending its boundaries. Sal made the point that the well organized and well paid personnel of groups like the Sierra Club have an easy time getting Mr. Cranston's attention, while the average desert user, with an eight hour day job and family concerns, can't spend hours trying to convince a senator that he really shouldn't close off his favorite spot in the desert. · Bob Renz, who is a business ~an as well as an off road racer, 4uestioned the future of such areas as Barstow and the California side of the Colorado River, in the Parker area. He foars that if this proposal is accepted, the RV areas will be forced to close, and that will create great West Coast.Distributor fOfl HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page·4 financial . hard.ship it:i areas that depend on recreational vehicle users for a source of income. He predicted that many small industries which depend qn RVs would fail, causing a spreading circle of economic failure. Renz said that he felt' some sort of economic impact study should be done before Senator Cranston asks for the implementation of the plan. Many members of the group felt that these new wilderness areas closed off many acres of desert to people who had no way to travel without some sort of motorized vehicle. They asked how the elderly could be expected to hike into the Turtle Mountains, for example, or how a handicapped person was to get into the wilderness with no vehicle. Some questioned whether families with small children would be able to use the wilderness areas, because of the impossibility of traveling on foot or horseback with kids. The impracticability of traveling in · the desert on foot for the many months of extreme temperatures in the year was also discussed. One area in the El Paso Mountains. which was to be closed to vehicular traffic is a favorite hunting area. Jim Moses pointed out, that while no roads or trails show on the rhap of the plan ( which was made and copyrighted by the Sierra Club, incidentally), the whole area is criss-crossed by trails a.nd roads which do not show. Part of the official designation of a wilderness area is that it does not contain roads or routes of travel. Lewis McKee, ( the Phantom Duck of the Desert who worked so hard to restore the S-arstow and Vegas race), poit'lted out that one area, marked to be reserved as wilderness by the conserva-tionists' plan, was directly under a corridor used by the military for practice low altitude jet flights: All along . the stretch, which is near Barstow, jets are not only permitted, but expected to fly at altitudes as low as 60 feet, and as fast as 400 miles per hour. McKee questioned the compatibility of a low altitude jet flight pattern with a wilderness camping area. He also pointed out that some areas to be named as wilderness abutted practice bombing ranges. Charlie Engelhart, from the L.A. County Sheriff's office, questioned tne feasibility of maintaining adequate police protection in these new areas. He stated that in some desert areas, where the local law enforcement agencies cooperate, and respond to a call on the basis of whoever is closest, whether it be city police, Sheriff or B.L.M. Ranger, the average time to answer a call now is 90 to 180 minutes. Engelhart feared that with more and larger wilderness areas, the length of response time would be even greater. . MS. Lacey explained that the conservationists had moved many of tlie borders set up by the B.L.M., bringing them right out to the roads or highways that run. alongside the wilderness areas. Moses explained that when the B.L.M. has set their boundaries, they had deliberately moved them back from the roads and highways for a couple of reasons. March 1987 One is the fact that if the we don't want~ many acres of wilderness borders right on the desert to disappear from public highway, folks will not have an access. Write to him, Senator approach, or a place to park their Cranston, Senate Office vehicles, or a spot to set up their Building, Washington,· D.C., camper, before taking off into 20510, and don't forget to let the wilderness on foot. With the Senator Pete Wilson, same new borders, campers with address, know your feelings as h · k well. · • motor omes or pie up campers, Our sincere thanks to our star or horse trailers, are forced to herch right by the side of .the columnist Judy Smith for her re/><irt on this meeting-u•ith an Alai1 ighway. Moses also said it f'' L_. seemed sensible to have the CranSton sta 1er on Ferrruary 1 1 · boundaries represent the area as We «·c.>re nor ahle to heg-, huy or et'C.'ll · h steal a ma/> for reproduction, hut it' was actually used .. In ot er this la1ul "rah is a hi" <me, anJ it words, the B.L.M. drew the " " boundaries more or less at the «·ill close foret•c.>r a g-reat many furthest point to which a po/>ular and lrmg-standing- areas for t•ehicular recreation in the· motorized recreationist would choose to go. They picked the California desc.>rt. Thc.>re are 25 million acres of fedc.>ral la1ul natural stopping point for f h vehicles, 'and drew their lines managed hy the Department O t e there. lntc.>rior in California, and a goodly when asked why the />ortion is already in u·ildemess recreational vehicle users were desil{nation or u•ithin the National h Park System. Slicinl{ off anothL'T six not asked for their input on t e million acres isahil{hunk. Ifthehill 1987 version of the bill, (S 7) l{OL'S throu!{h you could find your MS. Lacey said, ·"Then it would only t•ieu· o[Death Valley through a not have been the conservation-tour hus u·ind.ou·, and the same for ists' proposal." She also said, Joshua Tree, scheduled w add 245 "We do not expect the bill to thousmul acres to the area wul pass in just this form." She also hecome a National Park. mentioned that-three similar bills With the financial and lohhying are in the planning stages in the I su/>/)(Jrt from eiwirnnmenta ist House of Representatives. And, u'iou/>s amilahle, this type of hill she stated that Cranston wants a " lu could easily pass this year, wit ,ur proposal from other groups also. an amlanche of lettL'TS to.Congress, MS. Lacey told the group of not just· to Cranston; «·ho is a/read)' off roaders that the Senator and committed to this hill, but to the committee presenting the California's Junior Senator Pete proposal are willing to cooperate Wilson and your man in the House to change areas of the plan when of Representatiws. it becomes necessary. As an Ei•c.'11 if you don't lii•e in example, she spoke of a certain California, «'Tite to your oim part of the plan that contained SC.'IWWrs wul ref>resencatii•es in within its boundaries, part of the Congress. It «·ill take a floor mte in aqueduct which brings drinking hoth houses to get this land !{rah water to Los Angeles. The scheme through the /micess and into aqueduct was underground at la«:. Rememlx.>r, the people hehinJ that point, and the conserva- this hill are never satisfied, they tionists reasoned that it wouldn't alu•ays «•ant more land. Their disturb the wilderness. (Appar-·· slogan might udl he -~ . Today ently those who drew lines on the California - Tomcnw«· the L'lltire map had no hands on experience · USA! So, educate your three in the desert or in survey work . . re/JTesentatii•es in Congress to your Ed.) But the folks responsible for fedinl{s on recreational use of Jmhlic the maintenance and upkeep· on lands. It could helJ> def eat this hill the aqueduct, th,e Los Arigeles nou·, and et•ery year it «·ill he Department of Water and introduced until Cranstoi1 is mted Power, didn't like the idea of no our o( office or retires. access. If some sort of problem We are smdinl{ a cof>y of this occurred in the aqueduct system, issue of DUSTY TIMES to ewry a · blockage or a leak, they memherof the 100th Congress, anJ, couldn't get to them with motor if just a small J>L'TCL'llta!{e of them vehicles or excavate in the area. read the Soap Box column, the effort So, the boundary was ~oved to «·ill />ay ·off. Follou· u/J yuurself, put the aqueduct outside the indii•idual lettc.>rs haw far mme wilderness borders. . im/wct on />oliticians than form . MS. Lacey says there may be letters, anJ the:y Jo make a hody other things, such as mines or count of letters. other privately owned land, that Also note the National Wiliilife fall within the boundaries. They Federation's award to SNORE on are hoping that people will come pal{e 27. forward to tell them about these Send your letter to your ·senators problems, and no doubt they and Representative hy name, The would if they knew what was Senate Office Building, Washing-happening. ton, D.C. 20510, and House of When asked how marw acres Representatives Office Building, of the desert would be left open · Washington, D.C. 205 r5, and do it to the recreational vehicle user, no«•, the clock is tickinl{. Remember MS. Lacey said there would be the saying "Eternal Vigilance is the four million acres, out of the 25 Price·of Freedom". million. Lewis McKee said that Volu11teersarei1witedtoclimbon the open area would, in fact, be their ''Soap Box'' and fill this space less than one half of one percent with their thoughts about what is of the total. l{Ood and «•hat is not so good about It is important that we get the the state of off road racing-. message to Senator Cranstqn Call or «'Tite DUSTY TIMES· that we are willing to share the «·ith your ideas [or a Soap Box desert with other users, but that column, and get on the schedule. AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Dusty Times

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ILEII HAIIIS 111S IFF-11111111. PIii AT JACK IIIPIY SJAIIII. · 1986 marked the most succes~ful year in Mazda truck racing _ · history. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Glenn Harris wasted little time securing Mazda's first win of the 1987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000's.270 rotary-driven horsepower, Harris flew· off the starting grid, grabbed the lead and never looked back. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing Team have their sights set on what lies ahead. I Another 11 ldi::t ua successful year for Mazda in 1987. ~

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1987 ·HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 April 11 Penasco Twilight 250 Sonora, Mexico July 18 High Country 150 Flagstaff, AZ September 5-6 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 5 Sonoita to Rpcky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 -(818) 340-5750 October 9-11 Carrera de los Campeones San Felipe, B.C. 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 June 27-28 .Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 4-6 Brush Run 101 World Championship Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (714) 736-1442 March 22 Carlsbad Rallycross Carlsbad, CA Page 6 April 10-12 High Desert Trails Ridgecrest, CA May 2-3 Rim of the World Rally Lancaster, CA May30 Glen Helen Rallycross #2 San Bernardino, CA .. August 22-23 Prescott Forest Ra_lly Prescott, AZ August (TBA) Glen Helen Rallycross #3 San Bernardino, CA September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gorman, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII Indio, CA FAST CAMELS P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 April 24-26 33rd Annual Fast Camel 4WD Cruise and Barbecue Indio, CA FORDA Florida Off Readers Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 FLORIDA OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES P.O. Box40 Inverness, FL 32651 (813) 933-7947 (904) 726-6560 FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 8, 1987 Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed El Centro, CA October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster_ City, CA December 31, i 98 7 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Assoc.iation Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 March 5 50 miles Cordele~ GA April 5 100 miles Alabama April26 Winder, GA June 7 100 miles Alabama June 28 Winder, GA July 26 Cordele, GA · August 23 Winder, GA September 13 100 miles Alabama September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT WESTERN POINTS SE~IES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason · Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 May'.3 Raceland Denver, CO May 24 Gordon, NE June 7 St. Francis, KS June 21 · Raceland Denver, CO July 19 Raceland Denver, CO August 8-9 St. Francis, KS ·. August 30 · Raceland Denver, CO September 20 Raceland Championship -SC Denver, CO ROD HALL'S GHOST TOWN ADVENTURE 2150 Hunter Lake Drive Reno; NV 89509 (702) 786-6748 (open to Dodge 4x4s only) June 18-21 3 Day Trail Ride Lake Tahoe, NV March 1987 HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 March 6-8, 1987 Gold Coast 250 Las Vegas, Nevada May 7-10, 1987 Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV July 3-5, 1987 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 11-13, 1987 Craig/Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet ' Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Darla Crown P.O. Box 83 Wall, South Dakota 57790 (605) 279-2245 August 16 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, S.D. October 24 Last Chance Baja Wall,S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714)880-1733 March 22, 1987 Short Course Race June 14, 1987 Short Course Race September 2 7, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES . Tommy Bowling · Rt. 6, Box 833G Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915} fi63-9154 · March 7 I · El Paso, TX I April 4 Big Spring, TX May30 Freedom, OK ' June 27 Albuquerque, NM August 1 . Freedom, OK September 12 Albuquerque, NM October 3 Big Spring, TX November 7 El Paso, TX M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (81 7) 625-884 3 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Brad bury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 March 21 Silverdome Pontiac, MI March 29 Hoosier Dome Indianapolis, IN May 2 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA June 20 or 27 Kingdome Seattle, WA September 26 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV October 10 · LA. County Fairplex Pomona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP April 25-26 Rocky Mountain Rally Calgary, Alberta John Sim (403) 272-0605 June 5-7 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA John Robinson (716) 223-1369 July 3-4 Rallye Baie Des Chaleur New Richmond, Quebec Donald LeBlanc (418) 392-6120 July 10-12 · Da~tmouth Highlands Rally Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Clarke Paynter (902) 435-3948 August 21-23 Sunriser 400 Forest Rally Columbus, OH Dick Paddock (614) 87602277 September 4-5 Rally~ of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario . Dave Carlin (705) _474-8007 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-7176 October 2-4 Ojibwe Pro Rally Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen (612) 776-4471 October 9-11 Defi Ste.~Agathe Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Andre Lavigne (514) 747-3663 October 28-November 1 · Press on Regardless Houghton, MI Dick Cole (313) 685-2853 November 21-22 Rally of the Tall Pines Pe'tersborough, Ontario Ross Wood (416) 876-1492 Dusty Times

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OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 June 25-29 WRC Olympus International Olympia, WA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS • 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 March 7 Sun Clty Baja 150 El Paso, TX November 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 ( 405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 April 24-25 O.O.R.R.A. 150 May 29-30 · Badlands 200 . July 10-11 Moccasin Creek 250 August 1 Freedom 300 October 16-17 O.O.R.R.A. 150 ORSA Randy Miller · 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, _CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. May 16-17 June 27r28 July 25-26 August 29-30 September 26-27 October 10-11 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc . P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 · (206) 242-1773 (503 ) 620-0313 March 20-21 250 miles Richland, WA May 23-25 Y errington 250 Yetrington, NV Dusty nmes . June 19-20 250 miles Richland, WA July 24-25 400K Ashcroft, BC September 18-19 Millican 400 MiHican Valley; OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 694-7223 I · May 14-17, 1987 Centennial Pro Rally Westcliff, CO June 5.7; 1987 Susquehannoc~ Trail Wellsboro, \ A June 25-29 Olympus International Rally . Olympia, I A July 24-25, ~987 Arkansas Tr~veler Little Rock,IAR August 21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, F H September 11-13, 1987 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally_ Grand Rapids, MN October i9-31, 1987 Press On Regardless· Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES April 10-12 High Desert Trails Ridgecrest, CA Ray Hocker (619) 375-1028 . May 1-3 Rim of the World · ·. . Lancaster, CA Mike & Paula Gibeault (619) 375-8704 May 9 Lake Winona Little Rock, AR Janet Mitcham (501) 666-5093 May 23 Paris by Night Paris, TX Roger Gibson (214) 644-3946 July 25 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR Jane.t Mitcham (501) 666-5093 A smart new oll rdter ... desq!lled to keep your ride alive!. High Flow Inlet-will not restrict lubricant flow or contribute to a reduction of pressure. Die Cast Aluminum Housing~available polished or anodized. · -Anti-Aeration Filter Cone-extra strong, con-structed from DuPont glass impregnated ZYTEL. Easy To Clean-in soap or solvent, will not absorb waste or debris. Tuttle-Thie Inspection~q~ick removal and easy to read filtra-tion screen gives early warning of internal problems. High Flow By-Pass-maintains maximum efficiency to 5 Microns before activation. Made from DuPont glass impregnated ZYTEL and sonic welded to provide a completely secure unit. Introductory. Price $89.95.· Introducing the strongest, most versatile, com-petition oil filter ever produced. These filters are designed to operate under the worst possible conditions....:yet provide infinite filtration of critical fluids. Best of all they're easy to install. Simply "~pin 'em on" to your engine or existing remote filter mounts. SYSTEM 1 filters require NO additional plumbing. When compared I to other competition and hi I performance type filters the ,,..-SYSTEM 1 filters consistently· delivered higher flow rates. Dual O-Rings-deliver double the sealing power. Double the security. Universal Mounting Inserts-adapts nousing to all popular engines and remote filter systems. Stainless Steel Filter Medium-woven, double dutch twill, provides greaw filtration area and lubricant flow while promoting full sys-tem pressure. Durable enough to last a lifetime. Filter is easily tuneable to a wide variety of viscosities. Rer,fect.for high temperature 'applications. Housing Ribs-increase strength and surface area for. added cooling. Larger Housing--increases oil and cooling capacity. Short housing style also available. Removable Inspection Cap-provides quick, easy access to filter without remov-ing the entire housing. Uses 131,6" cir%" drive wrench. re burst tested at over 1,000 PSI and are available with or without filter by-pass valving. With more than 2 dozen specific and unique features it's easy to see why we believe a SYSTEM 1 filter is the perfect choice for all racing professionals and serious enthusiasts ... For TOLL-FREE order--ing and technical information call: National California (800) 554-3533-or (800) 2.31-9137 1822A.E. Main St., Visalia, CA 93291 March 1987. Page 7 ' ' 1 .J

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Additional . . HAPPENINGS ••• SCCA continued August 22-23 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ Rob Cherry (602) 778-6489 September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Gorman, CA Gary English (714) 497-4670 SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 April 3-5, 1987 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 5-7, 1987 Baja Internacional Ensenada, B.C., Mexico August 14-16, 1987 · Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA · November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV . SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514)692-6171 SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anahefm; CA SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 · (702) 452-4522 June 13, 1987 Twilight Race Las Vega·s, NV July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 25-27 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV October 31 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 5 Black Jack 200 · Las Vegas, NV Herrington · Control~ Patented Sealed Distributor.-System ELIMINATES DUST & MOISTURE PROBLEMS IN YOUR DISTRIBUTOR! Available for ALL Gasoline Engines .. Page 8 INSTALLS EASILY $69·.95. · See us at Contingency Row GOLD COAST 300 PACIFIC-COAST SALES (805) 646-0749 TONY H0ENSEL, Rep. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED S.O;R.R.P. Speedway Off Road · Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 STADIUM RACING, U.S.A Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 (619) 463-0654 April 17 Ascot Park Gardena, CA May 15 Ascot Park Gardena, CA July 18 El Cajon Speedway El Cajon, CA November 28 (Location TBA) SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES . S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 May 23-24 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI June 19 Chicago Classic Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL June 27-28 Spring Ruri 101 Crandon, WI July 4-5 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI .. -July 18-19 ,. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 26 General Tire Sprints Macon Coun~y Fair Decatur, IL August 22-23 (Location TBA) September 5-6. Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI _ September 19 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI October 3 :, Indian Summer Sprints ·.Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Gen:eva, WI SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 9266Q (714) 760-1606. SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 May 23-24 Memorial '87 Dresser, WI March 1987 · June 6-7 Oft Road Race Antigo, WI June 20-21 Off Road Race Land-O-Lakes, WI (tentative) July 4-5 Off Road Challenge Sugar Camp, W1 July 18-19 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 1-2 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 22-23 Brown County Fair Challenge DePere, WI (tentative) September 19-20 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. ·Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 1 General Membeship & Rules Meeting Paul Bunyan Lodge Sacramento, CA April 12 Short Course Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA May 3 Long Course Track Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA May 23-25 Yokohama/VORRA 350 · Yerington, NV June 20-21 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV July 11 Stadium Type Race' Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA September 5-6 Yerington/VORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 10 Champ\onship Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway -Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 .Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Banci;oft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 -(613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 August 1-2 Brighton Wheel to Wheel Weekend Brighton Speedw_ay Brighton, Ontario August 14-16 Bancroft's Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancroft1 Ontario WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada . I (604) 576-6256 April 12 Ashcroft, B.C. · May 16-17 Kamloops, B.C. May 31 Mission, B.C. June 26-28 Sand Drags Only Mission, B.C. August 16 Mission, B.C. September 5-6 Kamloops, B.C. October 10-11 Ashcroft, B.C. FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP March 10-15, 1987 Port Wine Rally Estoril, Portugal April 1(>-20, 1987 .Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 7-10, 1987 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 30-June 4, 1987 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 25-29, 1987 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 Ivory. Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coa_st October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS Lise your coming evencs in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as soon as possible for !iscing in this column. Mail your race orrally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 z Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. WANT A BRAND NEW CLASS 2 RACECO FOR $100? The race car will be raffled off at the Mint 400 drawing on April 8. The winner also gets a free entry to the Mint 400. Tickets are $100 each . and only 200 tickets will be sold. The High Desert Racing Associa-tion is handling the raffle. Make you·r check payable to K. Roderick, but send your entry to H.D.R.A. Raffle, 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., So., Las Vegas, N'i/ 89124. Call HORA for more information;· (702) 361-5404. -Dusty Times

Page 9

y 0 K 0 Mike Lesle and John Johnson, Class 7 4X4 1 Yokohama$ best·· conquer Arizonas worst. Yokohama followed up their phenomenal 1986 season of six Class Points Champion-ships with seven Class wins at the season opening Parker 400 SCORE/HORA race in Parker, Arizona. Yokohama off-road tires were on the Class 7 4x4 Jeep,,Comanche of Mike Lesle and John -Jim Stiles, Class 10 Johnson. It proved . to be an astonish-· . ing victory because this new truck was completed with lit-erally no test time just prior to' the race. In Class 14 · modified four-wheel-drive trucks, Giti Gowland and Jerry Miller drove their Yokohama equipped Toyota to a trouble-free win. Their Yokohamas held up Without a problem for the duration. · The 1986 Overall Points Champion, Jack Ramsay, started 1987 with all intentions of repeating as champion. Despite back pain, M -o T 0 R • H A M A Giti Gowland and lJerry Miller, Class 14 Ramsay took one of the toughest,aces of the day in his Class 1/2-1600 Yokohama team Bunderaon. . Class 10 turn_ed out another victor on trouble free Yokohamas. Jim Stiles drove the distance himself to wrap up this win. Yokohama shod vehicles also took Challenger Class with' Rick Minga, Class 1 with Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson, Steve Sourapas Class l and Dave Richardson and Class 5-1600 driven . by Carl Haynes and Robert Whitted. These three victories added to an incredible final vic-tory total . These seven class winners all had one thing in common. When contending with Arizona's worst, they chose off-road's best. ·Yokohama. , For more information about what Yokohama can do for you write lJS at, Yokohama Tire Corporation, P.O. Box 4550, 601 S. Acacia Boulevard, Fullerton, CA 92631. >,rvoKOHAMA What the world's best have in common. -© 1987 Yokohama Tire Corporation s p 0 R T s

Page 10

Tech Tips By Bill Savage, HORA-SCORE Technical Director The feeling you get when you are in the winner's circle is not too different from the way you feel when you look at a piece of work you just turned out that is really gocxi. You enjoy a special feeling when you think about all the other people who had something to do with making it a good job, not just you but a lot of people working together. Just like that driver on the victory stand, thinking about his crew and his sponsors and the manufacturers who produced his race machine and the many volunteers who did something to help along the way. Those same feelings occurred to us after the SCORE Parker 400, where we tried a new tech , inspection system for the first time. We did it to cut down on the lines that always back up from the inspection station and to give us a chance to get a closer look at limited class cars. We wanted to catch obvious problems before the race and save those big headaches later, when racers go into jeopardy of being disqualified. Tech inspection worked as well as we could have hoped at Parker. First, we pre-teched on a couple of weekends before the race to catch the bad problems so they could be fixed in plenty of time. Then, at Parker, we divided· the tech inspection stations into two groups, one at the city yard for limited classes and the other at the park for unlimiteds. For the limited classes we concen-trated on 1-2-1600, 5-1600 and Challenger. The result was everything went smoother, lines were shorter and we caught things that could have meant disqualification after the race for SQme racers. By concentrating on limited classes all in one place we could see constructors' mistakes more easily. For their help, we'd like to thank all our crew, the city workers who helped out -they put up a special fence in the city yard and stayed till we were done before locking up at night -and the folks at Saguaro Chevrole,t, who made things go so smoothly for us in post-race inspections. To all you stock class competitors, I'd like to urge you to pay close attention to the word "stock." We all have our interpretations, especially when it comes to working with rule books, but my definition of stock, if you want to avoid trouble in tech, is "the way the part was delivered from the factory." That means no cutting, grinding, folding, denting, slicing or making any other modifica-tions, unless the rule book allows it . . I'll give you an example. At Parker we had two motors built by the same builder in Class 1-2-1600 · that had slightly altered intake manifolds. The, tube that carries gas to the cylinders has a T assembly, and there was a dentin the bottom, apparently to assist the flow of gasoline. Now, both· were stock manifolds. The rule says no internal modifications, and in the opinion of the builder there were none, because the dent was made· on the outside. But the dent made on the outside caused the internal modification. We allowed this builder to keep the alteration for Parker only, but told him he would have to come to the rest of the races with a truly stock manifold. Challenger Class competitors: Intake manifolds cannot be altered as allowed in 1-2-1600 and 5-1600, where the intake manifold becomes too long and can be shortened to fit the motor. It is legal to remove heat riser tubes and aluminum cast around stock manifolds. Cool tin can be located under the cylinders. Stock cylinder shrouds may not be cut or modified. You can put a breather tube on the valve cover, modifying the tin a minimum to allow for this. Class 5-1600 builders have noted that the rule _calling for a minimum of 42 cc in the head has disappeared from the rule book. If you have wondered about it, it was deliberately deleted to make 5-1600 engine rules the same as 1-2-1600 rules. Class 11 rules are the same, except they require stock exhaust systems. Last issue we asked for suggestions about spindles and trailing arms for 1-2-1600 and 5-1600, but we haven't heard from anybody yet. We noted that one car builder had taken it on himself to· survey 1-2-1600 competitors at Parker, but he hasn't reported anything to us yet. When he does, we'll give you a report. TEAftn SANDWINDER CHASSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER -BUDWEISER 250 f&1vt~~h lt.l;~ -,~ CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES CALL FOR DETAILS 714-825-0583 714-888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 Page 10 That brings us to another input request, about how to deal with 4-valve motors in Class 10 for 1988. We have had no suggestions and have nothing to report on that subject either. We're anticipating that the manufacturers will be giving us input soon. , Any suggestions on these or other subjects, please put them in writing to me and send your mail to Dept. HORA-SCORE, cl o T-Mag, 300 N. Clara Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92703. We've had requests from Classes 7S and 7 4x4 to raise the rear inner fender panels to allow for more wheel travel. We are allowing thefanels to be raised a maximum o one inch. But the entire stock inner fender must be used, and it must be the stock configuration in width. F.I.A. has done away with its exciting Group B rally cars, a move that has turned out to be a great opportunity for us in off road racing, because we seem to be a race arena of last resort for these incredible cars. Recently we had a meeting . with the people from Michelin and Peugeot, who field the team that won this year's Paris-to-Dakar rally. The group from France has already gone to Baja to make a familiarization run around the most likely course where the SCORE Baja 1000 will be run, to check out the terrain. Our rule book calls for Group B cars to run in Class 6, and the only problem to be addressed is the rule which disallows turbos . for other cars in this class. (The turbo Audi Quattro finished second in Class 6 at the 1986 Score Baja 1000. Ed.) Have you ever known a group of racers who didn't complain? So far this year the Academy Award for bitching goes to the new pol icy that wi 11 cut down the number of classes by eliminating those with minimum fields of competitors. Any class which doesn't have 48 entries for the eight races ( or 24 in the case of motorcycles and ATVs, which only compete .in four races) won't be around in 1988. First, when a class is eliminated it will be combined with another class. There will still be an equitable class .to run. in, except for those classes which simply can't be combined. An example this year is Class 6S, whose champion could have kept running in it one more season but chose to go in Class 2 instead. He wanted some competition. It wasn't fun running· alone, he said. Second, there are seven races left, enough time to stir up some action from the other competi-tors who haven't been racing. Instead of complaining, which, does nobody any good, the best thing would be to get more cars out. That means more prize money and more fun racing. You know that if any of the factory-heavy classes arc in jeopardy near the end of the year, the factories will encourage more entries in those classes to save tht·m. Why wait for the factories to save their classes, if you can go to work earlier to save your own? March 1987 THE MTEG STADIUM RACE at Pontiac, Michigan will have quite an . added attraction to entice fans out to see the show. Three time Indy 500 winner Al Unser, Sr. will join his son on the Enduro Racing Team and drive the second Jeep Comanche in the Grand National Sport Truck events. The Al Unsers, father and son, will join forces on the same race team for the first time when they drive,the Jeeps at the Silverdome. While they will be teammates, they. will comp~te against each other as well as against the T oyotas, N issans, Chevrolets, Dodges and Mazdas. Al Sr. will drive the Turbo Wash sponsored Jeep and Al]r. will drive the Stroh's Jeep entry. 1t should be quite a sight for the race fans in Pontiac on March 21st. · SPECIAL ST AGES .FOR THE ONE LAP 0F AMERICA! The world's greatest long distance rally has been made even tougher with the additipn of high speed tests on some of America's most famous race tracks and test circuits. Competitors in the fourth annual Uniroyal Goodrich One Lap of America will also be required to compete in seven challenging road rally sections along the 8000 mile route. The event starts on April 17 and will finish nine days later on. April 26: The start and fin_ish ceremonies will take place at the Uniro1yal Goodrich Automotive Techni!=al Center ip Troy, Michigan, near Detroit. . ' The field of I 50 cars and light trucks is split into two classes this year. Added is a Performance Touring Class, that will be required to carry-roll bars and full safety equ)pment to permit them to compete on the race track s·ections. The Touring Class vehicles will run under the SCCA ShowroOIT\ Stock rules, and will not be required to carry full race track safety equipment. High speeds are exclusive to the race and test track competition. All highway travel will be run at or below the posted speed limits. In the past.three _One Laps, competitors have logged nearly three million accident free miles. FIRESTONE POSTS'DESERTRACE SERIES CONTINGENCY. The Firestone Tire and ~ubber_ Company will offer $40,000 in contingency prize funds for contestants using Firestone light truck tires in the 198.7 desert series races sanctioned by the High Desert Racing Association and Score International. Beginning with the Parker 400 race, Firestone will offer$ 1000 to the top Firestone equipped finisher who is running on Radial ATX or ATX Radial 23° light truck tires in each of five classes, The classes are Class 4, 7, 7S, 7 4x4 and 8. The $1000 prize will be offered in all five each of the series eight races scheduled for 1987. "We have been extremely pleased with the successful performance of Firestone tires in HORA and-SCORE off road competition," said Jerry Kerr, Firestone's director of advertising. "We are confident that our 1987 contingency progtam will 'encourage even fDOre competitors to become familiar with our line of light truck tires." CORVA ALERT!! The California Off Road Vehicle Association, Inc., reported that January ofl 987 a new bill threatening off road activity has appeared in the California state legislature. Assemblyman Jim Costa has _introduced AB 354 which will "steal" five million dollars from the Off Highway Vehicle Fund (Green Sticker Fund) to finance a "rare and endangered species program." For fulr information, call COR VA, Bob Ham, 1-800-237-5436. NISSAN MINI MINT - The first annual Nissan "Mini-Mint" is planned for Friday, May 8, and it is an event for street legal mini trucks or sport utility rigs, whose owners will get their shot at battling a portion of the legendary Mint 400 course. Entry is limited to competitors who have never raced in a HORA or SCORE event. The Nissan "Mini-Mint" will feature about 60 miles of the grueling Mint 400 terrain in a specially timed event the day before the Mint 400. Nissan is posting a total of$10,000 in prizes to be distributed to the to·p finishers. The overall winner will receive a cash prize of$1000. The event is a great opp0rtunity for the average off roader to take his four wheel drive vehicle over the Mint 400 course. With a few safety modifications to the vehicle, any entrant can experience the _thrill of bouncing over the Nevada desert, just like the off road racing stars. "We are limiting the entries to 100 for the initial eventi'' said Bill Correia, truck r11erchandising manager for Nissan U.S.A. "And it is open to any mini pickup or enclosed sport utility vehicle,' not just Nissans. We wanted the enthusiasts who don't have the money to race to get a chance to drive over the Mint course. And, maybe win something to boot" Correia explained that some of the safety requirements will include safety belts, a fire extinguisher and a regulation helmet for b_oth driver and rider. Complete rules and requirements and entry forms will be available from HDRA. ' "We want the first time competitor to have minimal costs in this e;ent,!' added Correia. '' And, we want to emphasize that this a timed event, not a race. Excluding safety equipment, the only equipm_ent allowed to be used by the participants is a stop watch and his odometer. Consistency will be the name of the game." All vehicles will 'go through a special tech. inspection, and ·a valid license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance is r~quired. • · THE SCORE SHOW will be celebrating its terith anniversary next June with the tenth annual edition of the Off Road Equipment Show at the · 'Anaheim Convention Center. The show will be confined to one ha'll this year, so the exhibits will be in a more compact area. The Score Show runs from June 26 through June 28, not that far away on the calendar. CASABLANCA FAN RACE TEAM. The Casablanca Fan Company has come out in full force in the off road racing world with the introduction of its new Class 8 Chevrolet pickup and its Porsche powered Class 2 Raceco. The· Class8 Chevy was built by Hi-Tech Motorsports in Temple City, CA; head'ed by John Kaiser, a familiar name in off road and boat racing. Chief design engineer Jim Diroff has been building off road racing trucks for some time for famous racers. The ·truck is piloted by veteran off ,roaJ· race, driver Don McCormack, who recently has been racing ,a Class 4 'Dodge. D~n is the General Manager of Saguaro Chevrolet in Parker, AZ, and his 1987 sponsors include BFGoodrich, American Racing, Art CarrT ransmissions arid Saguaro Chevrolet. The Class 2 Raceco is driven by John Kaiser and Frank Smith, who finished ninth in class at the Parker 400. McCormack finished.the California loop before new car woes put him out of the r~nning. The team has the neatest big rig trailer for summer racing, with a quartet of Casablanca fans hanging from the roof. Bet it will be a popular spot at the summer races. mgre TRAIL NOTES on page 45 Dusty Times

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Side Tracks~ •• By Judy Smith . As off road racing matures-, it has attracted a number of second generation racers, the most notable of whom -right now is Robby Gordon, son of Bob Gordon, who teamed with his dad to win the Parker race overall. · · A casual scan of the entry list at Parker reveals at least three dozen other families with second generation racers, and at least two that have a third generation racer. Some of the names are very illustrious, like Stewart, Mears, McMillin and DeVercelly, and most have had some degree of success, which explains why we can scan the list and pick them out so easily. But they all have one thing in common; they're fathers and sons or grandsons. But that may be changing. We've had more ladies showing up in the entry lists, and some must surely be second generation family members, but we can't always identify them because their names change. However, we learned of one such team at Parker. . Bob Gray, from Los Gatos, .California, has been involved in Coming Next Month ... off road for many ye,1rs, and used . to race in the 1-2-1600 class. He has a teenaged daughter, Lisa, who started pre-running wii:h him when she was 13 years old. Lisa always enjoyed the pre-runs, ~nd started talking about racing early on. So when Lisa got to be a licensed driver, Bob gave her a VW Thing, to drive to school, so she'd have lots of practice shifting a Volkswagen. Then dad bought a used twc) seat 1600 race car. He got it all together, · and Lisa, now 17, teamed with her 16 year old boy cousin, Chris Gray, to drive a VORRA race in Carson City. Their fathers rode along, and the teens had a good race. They got the car up into second place, had some distributor trouble, and finished fourth in the class, their first time out. Then Lisa started talking about the Parker race, and Bob decided to give it a go. They got· the car together, entered Lisa and Chris as the drivers, with Bob and his brother, Mike (Chris's dad) riding. Chris and Mike started in California and did just fine until HORA GOLD COAST 300 SNOR.E BOTTOM DOLLAR BADLANDS BAJA 100 BARBARY COAST PRO RALLY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SWEDISH RALLY· · ... Plus all the Regular Features they got over to the Chemehue~i Wash, where a big rock got two tires. They had nojspare on their 1600, and limpeq I along for a long way with flatslon both front and rear, until they found someone who'd let them have a front tire. Then they put that on the· rear and hobbled the rest of the . way. in . to thej finish of. the California side. Thr1Y were about an hour down by fhen. · But the car was still in good h I . s ape, and after refueling, replacing the tires, and checking things over on the down time, Lisa was ready for. the re-start on time. Bob was riding with her. Everything went ljust fine to Midway, and then they got into the new rough and dirty part, went about two miles and the car quit. Bob paid for his ride by getting out to find the trouble, found dust in ·thb distributor, cleaned it out, and!they went on. As could be expected, this happened a couplt more times, and then they final'ly reached the end of the stuff andlsaw a pit. Bob told Lisa to pull in, even though they didn't know the folks. Now Bob hopp~d out of his seat and asked the pit folks if they might have an air [hose to blow the dust out of the distributor. · They allowed as holw there might be one, and one or two said they'd look arounc!:I, but no one was in a great rushl to help these strange_rs who'd <Ilropped into their laps. Bob tµrned to his daughter and said, ''Lisa, you stay in the car ... ", and the pit folks' ears perked jup. The said, "Lisa? Is that a girl driving?" to go a Jittle extra effort to get her When Bob told them it was his moving again . . It's nic:e for the daughter, they were galvanized - ladies, i_f a bit tough on · the ihto action. They found the air average male driver. If she'd been hose right away, cleaned the _in her cousin Chris's fix, with distributor, hustled Bob back two flats, she'd have probably into the car, gave them a push received two good tires. It's not and cheered them on with a "Go, fair, certainly, but no one ever Lisa, go!" Bob, new to the world said life was fair. qf lady off roaders, was As Lisa and Bob went on they djelighted, if a little surprised. had mor,e trouble, losing a fan Now they charge_d along in belt about three-quarters of the good shape until they passed the ·way in, which Bob was able to fix next deep sand, and as they easily. But then, after crossing pulled into the check to get their Shea Road and getting into the chit, Bob saw the oil light come rocks, they broke a spring plate c>in, and the oil-pressure slid to and three shocks. There aren't zero. So he told Lisa to pull over any pits-allowed on that part of t~? the closest pit, which the course, so no good . happened to be Larry Minor's. samaritans showed up to hdp He asked someone there to check them. This time it took so long to their oil, and was told that a valve get things together that they ran chver was missing. Bob figured out of time, and never did get he'd have to get out to do back to the start/finish area and something, so he turned to Lisa over the line. So Lisa and Charles · apd, once again, said, "Lisa, you became non-finishers. But they stay in the car." And got the same had a lot of·fun, and Lisa even rea';tion1 "There's a girl driving!" had the pleasure of passing Don '.'Here's a valve cover, with a Adams when he took a turn a bit gasket!" "Here's the oil!", "Go! too wide. They're ready to go Go!" And they were back on again. · t~eir way, with a new valve cover Lisa will graduate from high a11d five quarts of oil, in no time . . school in June, on the weekend ~hivalry still exists in off road of the Baja 500, and plans to start pjts. college in "the fall. But she's Having met Lisa, who has a already told her family that she's beautiful dimpled smile, . and going to plan her col)ege classes long dark hair, we know that if around off road racing as much the pit folk had seen her without as possible. And she's· only the hh helmet, they'd have thrown first of the second · generation . tijeir best off road jackets in-front Grays to come along. Lisa has a of her to help her get through the fifteen year old sister, Tanya, silt; a la Sir Walter Raleigh. But, who's all ready to get into racing, as it _is, knowing only that she's and a 10 year old brother, Roger, f~male, most pits will be willing who rides desert bikes. - j WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPiRESS OVR SINCERE TH1f:JKS TO ALL OF THE PE Of LE WHO SUPPORTED U8r AND STUCK BY US _ THROUGH TWO· YEARS OF NQN-FINISHES. IT ALL I GAM1E TOGETHER IN 1987! . I I . .. . . . . \/VE. DID IT AT PARKER!! THANKS TO: FAT PERFORMANCE SUMMERS BROS. YOKOHAMA TIRES CHECKERS SWAY-A-WAY OFF ROAD ENGi NEERING NORTH AMERICAN RACECO WRIGHT PLACE BEARDS SEA TS JUDY SMITH AND EVERYONE ELSE WE FORGOT McKENZJ1s TRICK GAS ' D&D METAL WORKS SUPER aboT · I BILL VARNES i Dusty Times March 19~7 THANKS FROM ALL OF US AT STILES RACING: JIM STILES JEFF STILES, SR. JEFF STILES, JR. JIM WILLIS Page 11

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SCORE PARKER 400 Bob Gordon and Son Rob Beat the Bikes for Absolute Overall Honors! By Jean Calvin Phows: Trackside Photo Enterprises ' Youngster Rob Gordon speeds past the red rocks in Arizona in the Class 2 Chenowth that he and his dad Bob Gordon drove to the class victory and absolute first overall. fast time of the entire race. The desert racing season opened with a massive entry at the Score Parker 4DO. At 419 starters it was the largest starting herd at Parker. since Score International took over the race in 1974, except for the 421 starters in 1980. The entry limit of 425 was filled ten days before registration opened, but a dozen or so hopefuls went on the standby list. As usual, all standby enteries made the starting line. There was an equally large turnout of contingency donors, stretching for blocks down the street in Parker, Arizona. The tiny Colorado River town was stretched beyond capacity with the influx. Many racers and support groups were strung up and down the river, renting homes just so they could be assured of getting a meal and a bed. Memories of the snowy 1985 Parker 400 returned on Friday when the contingency row opened. Leaden skies and warm jacket _temperatures greeted the • parade of race vehicles that . moved very slowly through the rows of product booths, and on across town to the tech and Junction had to conte~d with a half dozen California Highway Patrol cars in the last 20 miles before the river. The 'CHP enjoyed the bonanza of much heavier than normal traffic and garnered well over their quota of traffic tickets. Tickets of another ilk were also a hazard to the racers. This year the B.L.M. imposed a "30 mph speed limit" on pre-running, difficult at best to determine since few race cars or serious pre-runners are equipped with speedo_meters. While only one such citation was made public, it was a heavy one. Arizona driver Jerry Finney was caught on the course traveling at "a high rate of speed" by an Arizona Fish and Game Warden. Finney was not only cited for the infraction, but disqualified from the race by Score. Reports of B.L.M. citations and fines were legion, and one was ludicrous. Mike Moore, running support for Roger Mears who was testing his Nissan on Friday, stepped out of his truck at a crossing to wave Mears through, and a tissue fell out of his truck. Before Moore could get back to his veh,icle, a B.L.M. officer was there writing him a citation for littering. This type of harrassment is peculiar only to the B.L.M. group that control the federal land used for the Parker 400. It is in sharp contrast to the cooperation normally found with the offo::ers and rangers from other B.L.M. offices in the western states. · Race day dawned with clear skies and tourist brochure sunshine as the bikes sped away from the California start before 6:30 a.m. The cars started two hours after the last trike left, and it was Mark McMilli~, first away in Class 1, at 8:4 7 in the morning. The firial starters, the Odysseys, cleared the California start just before noon, a time when· the bike winners had already finished their three legs, and were heading for a celebration lunch. As usual, this · report will follow the car classes in the order they left the start line. They covered 110 miles in California, trailered close to 30 miles to the Ariz<;ma main· pit, fixed things, and restarted two hours after their California finish time. In recent years only the leg (lap) times are recorded, instead of the former method of timing through the on course check-points as well. Class 1 took off with 27 starters just about everbody currendy_ racing unlimited single seaters. Because of heavy water runoff, the California course was rougher than normal, so no record times wer.e set this year. Starting third, I van Stewart looked good in the Toyota pickup, first to arrive at the finish in two hours flat plus 59 seconds, wid~ the Class 1 lead as well. Pushing Stewart .. hard in the Funco · he shared with Rick Munyon was Al Arciero, in at 2:01.41. It was tight up front, as Rob MacCachren was third at 2:02.18, and ,i984 overall car winner at Parker Bob Shephard had his new · car fourth at 2:03.02. Rick Nicholson had his Outlaw just astern at 2:03.49, with last year's winner Tom Koch, Raceco, in his dust at 2:03.53. A half dozen more were very close, but only 19 completed the first 110 miles. Contenders amoung the missing were Ron Brant, Rob Gordon, and ·long shot entry Greg George/Jerry Whelchel. Larry Noel broke a link . pin, but managed to finish and restart in Arizona. Ivan Stewart kept up his torrid pace in Arizbna, doing the first · round in 1 :46.30, holding the class lead by a full minute over Nick Nicholson .on total- time. With a 1:44.42 Tom Koch moved up to third, only seven seconds behind Nicholson in a . real horse race. Arciel'o dropped to fourth, with the Raceco of Steve Sourapas/ Dave Richard-son about 2.5 minutes back and picking up steam. The weather was cooling and jackets were donned as the clock neared 4:30 p.m. at the finish line. The high pitched howl of an unlimited air cooled engine was heard, but it wasn't a Class 1, it was the Class 2 Chenowth with Robbie Gordon at the helm, en route to overall victory. Fourth on the road at the overnight impound. Late comers A. fresh red and silver paint scheme worked for Steve Sourapas and Dave entering Parker via Vida 1 Richardson, as they drove the Raceco to the Class 1 victory at Parker. Nick Nicholson had a great day in his unique Outlaw, as he drove solo in the race and finished second in Class 1, just over a minute behind. Page 12 · March 1987 Dusty Times

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te.enager was truly excited when ' he heard that he and his dad had beaten all the bikes, with a total time of 5:24.33. His rider-Oerek Collins spent some trying to get . his land legs _back after a wild 96 mile last lap. · Al Arciero had his best day in the desert in a long time, taking the Class 1 Fun co up front in California and finishing a very close third. .. · Running very close In Class 1,-Tom Koch had a tire disaster just minutes from the finish line and d}opped to fourth in class in the Raceco. Danny Letner and Henry Bergdahl ran second all day, and finished second in Class 2 and overall, also beating all the bikes with a time of 5:32.16. Sliding into third in class, and third overall ahead of the best motorcycle time, was the team of John Kruger and Julie Appling, in with a time of 5:34.27. Frank Arciero, with Don Tebbe riding, had woes on the last leg and dropped to fourth with the loss of over 20 minutes. Moving up a spot each leg, Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin were fifth in Class 2 in the Funco O.R.E. scheduled for retirement now that this team is going truck racing. Only 14 Danny Letner made a great start on the season in the Raceco-Porsche, taking absolute second overall and second in Class 2, ahead of all the bikes on time. ,::,:.-: John Kruger ran very well in his Class 2 Raceco and he also beat all the mototcycles on time, taking third in class and absolute third overall. finish line was the newly repainted Class 1 Raceco, back to the Coors red and silver colors, of Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson. They moved up from fifth to first in class on the last tough leg in Arizona. This route was also slower than in the p~st with the eli~i_nation of the htgh speed road mto Bouse. It was replaced with ditches and silt beds. Sourapas, a last minute entry in Class 1, was pleased to be first, taking the victory by less than a minute from Nick Nicholson, who arrived ahead of the Raceco. Less than another minute back came Al Arciero/ Rick Munyon, a solid third in an unusually tight finish in Class 1. back. Mark McMillin had a flat in California, and bystanders changed it for him, but, they did not get the spare tire mount _ completely fastened. So, the wrecked tire fell off in a few miles and tore the brake line off, costing time. Mark kept going in the Chenowth to finish sixth in Class 1. And Ivan Stewart had his Baja experience all over again. Just before Swansea on the last lap a lower track rod pulled out of the frame. So Ivan had towaitfo'rthe pit crew to arrive to weld the Toyota together in order to finish, in seventh place. Only two more finished in Class 1, the Raceco of Bob Renz and Dick Clark and absolute last overall in cars, ninth in class,. was the Chaparral of Doc Ingram and Albert Bright. A 6½ hour first lap in Arizona did them in and they finished with only 11 minutes and changJ left on the 12 , hour time allowance. Class 2 showed_ up with a mob of 40 starters, and !this class ·was the star of the 198f Parker 400, the top three in class all beating the fastest bike timt As far as we remember·, it is the first time not one but three cars have beaten the fastest bike at any desert race where the motorcydes and cars run together on the same day. The swift Race tbok its toll, however, with 14 Class 2s out of the show in California. Zipping in with a hot 1:57.41, Frank Arciero, Jr. had his Raceco. in the Class 2 lead at one third distance. Being pushed by a six cylinder Porsche engine, Danny Letner /Henry Bergdahl were next in line, the Raceco doing a 1:59.36, but Bob Gordon was right there with a 1:59.51 in his Chenowth. Rounding out the fast five were John Kruger, Raceco, at 2:02.21, and the team of Mark Hamilton and Marty Letner, a four time Parker winner, in a Raceco. Jim and Mark Temple w:ere next at 2:06.46, running on three cylinders. The ddwn time fix didn't work and they were out on the first Arizona loop. In fact another eight were out on the next leg. At two thirds distance Frank Arciero held his Class 2 lead, about · five minutes ahead of Danny Letner. In third were the Gordons, father and son. Young Rob was out of the Class 1 ·action, so he hopped into his dad's two seater in Arizona, but the intake manifold came loose, Tom Koch had troubles on the final round. He picked up a horseshoe nail in a tire just three miles from the finish. His attempt to ride it in on the flat failed, and he had to stop and change the tire himself. Tom was over six minutes behind Arciero, in for fourth in class, even though he wasn't listed on the first set of results. After rolling the car in California, Frank Snook turned the Raceco over to Eric Arras, and he climbed from 11th to seventh .to finish the-team in fifth place, another 11 minut~s Frank Arciero, Jr. led Class 2 for the first two legs in his Raceco, then lost 25 minutes on the last loop and dropped to fourth in class. Dusty TimeS-March 1987 which caused an unscheduled pit stop between Arizona laps. Hanging on tight to fourth, John Kruger was now just over four minutes behind the Gordons, and Bob Richey IT om Baker were up to fifth in their Raceco. Doing an incredible 1 :40.44 last lap, Robbie Gordon drove the first car in any class to arrive at the finish line, barely slowing down after the flag waved, The I. This is the system run by most off road race winners · Class 2 starters finished the surprisingly tough route. A whopping 47 cars started in Class 10, and this bunch also suffered high attrition with 20 falling out in California. Missing were r;r TRl•MIL BOBC~T • CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 . (213) 234•9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 13

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Steve and bon Barlow stayed very close n time all day, and they came in 4th by bare minutes in the hefry size Class 1-2-1600 contest. Hometown hero Jim Madison and Russ Mortenson tried hard in Class 5, but this round the swift team had to settle for second place at the flag. Never worse thari fourth in Class 5, John Cooiey arid Mark Fox move~ up to 3rd in Arizona, and stayed there all the way to pay dirt. DNFs last season, took third at 6: 18.11. Dick an_d Gary Weyrich moved into fourth in a fine drive at 6:22.00; just barely ~head of another father and son team, Las Vegans John and Ron Ellenburg whose Raceco was in at6:22.19. It was a great day for Stiles Racing, and Jim Stiles went all the way to take over the Class 10 lead on the last leg and win thi;i big class in his Raceco. Jerry Leighton had the Class_ 10 lead with one lap to go, qut troubles cost him some 20 minutes, and his Raceco ended up second in class. Clas~ 8 trucks were the first water pumpers on the starting line with a greatfield of 24. But, only one quarter of them would see the checkered flag. Attrition started early in California: Frank Vessels blew.a head gasket on the Chevy on Thunder Alley and was done for the day. B.rian.Stewart's Ford was out when the mounting brackets broke · on the front 1-beam. Getting a discouraging start1 _'Walker Evans lost the power steering on his Dodge before Rice, then broke an axle, and finally lost oil pressure, but he was one of· 15 trucks that ~ two time winners Jack Irvine/Kit Trenholm with a blown engine, Dwight Lundell, Greg Hibbs/ Mike Julson, Jim Greenway and many more. Fast time for the class in California went to Ed and Levi Beard, in a Chaparral, with a swift 2:08.08, but a lead in Class 10 is measured in seconds rather than minutes. Second at this point was Jerry Leighton, going solo in his Raceco, with a 2:08.41, closely tagged by Brad Perso"i-t/Greg Diehl, Dirtrix, at 2:08.52. Fred Ronn/Steve Tetrick were close at 2:09.33, and Jim Stiles, also solo in his Raceco, was tight at 2: 10.01. Stiles felt he had been leading and was first on the road in the class, when he came into the last narrow canyon and was b_locked by an overturned two seater. He had to get out and help right the· car before he could get by, and figured that cost him the class lead on the first loop. The Beard, ·Person and Ronn entries went out on the first Arizona lap, and Jerry Leighton dashed off a 1 :48.57 to take the class lead. But, Jim Stiles had no more traffic trouble and he did a 1:48.09, putting him in second just over · a minute behind Leighton. From Yuma, AZ, Richard Binder came back from problems with a 1:49.29, pulling up from sixth to third here, but his ORBS car failed on the last leg. Jim Zupanovich pulled up i"as NEVADA Vegas . OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N ~ ...:..: :> :: ..., ;:: ;., Street -Stock - Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave SAHAH,\ X 2 N . l·,\'-,TLHN '-ilHll 1<, Locations fX z 0 to :S I-\.? z '-iPHI'-<, MT:'-i Serve You 5: (S) Better! ~ WEST NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642_-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 14 March 1987 N from seventh to fourth, then later broke a tie rod end, and ended up finishing 12th. The father and son team of Dick and Gary W eyrich were into fifth here in · their Oregon based Raceco. The final lap was a sprint race for the front.runners, and just 15 Class 10s finished the course. · Binder vanished on the last leg. First to arrive, but unsure of his position with a starting number of 1008, was Jim Stiles. His crew · was subdued, counting the minutes out for Jerry Leighton, who was #1027, and Binder, # 10 31. Leigh ton apparently lost about 15 minutes on the leg, and the clock ran out. The Stiles group whooped it up as Jim had vowed, after a 1986 season of leading, then breaking, that he would finish this race. He not only finished the winner, with a quick 5:49.26, he was ninth overall among cars on this horsepower demanding course with a 1650 cc FAT Rabbit engine. It is the first major desert Class 10 victory for a Rabbit water cooled engine. Jerry Leighton salvaged second in Class 10 with total time of 6:04;19, and he was the second Class 10 at the finish line. Moving up smartly with each lap, the team of Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson, also plagued with · finished the Califor:nia leg, down to seventh place . . Out front in California was Steve Kell~y, his Chevy doing a 2: 17.38. Keeping him honest, Dave Shoppe was ab.out five , minutes back in the Ford with the Randy Salmont/ Michael Nesmith GMC in his dust, just 22 seconds ·behind. The older Ford of Greg and Ron Kishiyama was five more minutes back, followed by Joh11 Gable, Ford. Both Gable and Evans were out early in Arizona, Gable with ignition failure and Evans with a blown engine. Despite high oil temperatures, which did him in at ,the Baja 1000, Kelley continued to lead Shoppe by about five minutes after the first AZ loop. Salmont/Nesmith stayed in third, the Kishiyamas held fourth, all maintaining a similar time gap. The field was down to seven trucks. Steve, Kelley stayed out front all the way to pay dirt, suffering from spongy brakes on the last leg. But, he won Class 8 by a resounding 15 minutes and change. Finishing second, typically with some body panels missing, Dave Shoppe said he was passing i;r Coming hack from troubles in California Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson drove the Rabbit powered Raceco into a keen third in Class 10 action. Dusty Times

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Nissan starts tbe·newseason .· ..... first · · All last year-right up to the seasons final off-road event-events such as the Parker 400 mean more to us than victory .. Nissan Trucks scored victory after victory. }:\nd now, we started _ 1he challenge of racing makes us·push ourselves to the · our victof y march again at the first ofhoad event of the year, lif it ... and then some! And its the knowledge we gain from . the Par~er 400. our racing success thathelps to enhance the power, perf or-Piloting his Nissan Truck ove_r bone-jarring terrain, Spencer n:iance ... the p·ure fun and pleasure of the cars and trucks we Low drove like he was on smooth flattop. Not only did he win build for the street. Class 7S (Stock Mini-Pickup) by a long lead, but he beat every You can get the same top p~rformance too, with Nissans other compact truck in every other class entered in the race-full line of specialized parts ·for racing vehicles and production ! . I even Cla_ss 7 with.its exotic $150,000 machines~ Proving once cars.-Just send.your $10 check or money order-do not send again that Nissan Hardbody-tough trucks have the rugged cbsh-for our tompetition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor · durability it takes to make a real winner. · Corporation 'in V.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, Nissan congratulates Spencer Low on his win. Of course, _ CA 90247. Please allow six weeks for delivery. •~ THE NAMEISNISSAN

Page 16

Going very well despite front drive problems, Tom Strong and Steve Broden kept the slick Chevrolet in second place all the way in Class 4. Michael Horner and Greg Foreman moved from 7 4x4 ranks to Class 14 and they drove the Chevy S-10 right into a fine 2nd in class. Randy and Rick Wilson climbed steadily through the ranks to finish in 2nd place in Class 5-1600, a very close battle for that position. Dave Anckner and Darrell Wiggins started out fast, holding , second spot in 5-1600 until the last lap, where they lost a lot of time and took third. The swift Ford team of Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas • survil(ed a trans faJlure to bring the Ranger home a strong second in Class 7S. Paul and David Simon moved their Ford Ranger from 6th to 3rd in Class 7S and go/it home in 3rd place as well, after some troubles. Dick and Gary Wey rich, a father and son team, moved steadily up the charts-in their Raceco to come in a very tight fourth in Class 10. - I r,.,.. Kishiyama in a wash lap· and dropped to fourth, still and they made contact, taking off· · hours ahead of -David Westhen Shoppe's right front fender. The and Russ Wernimont, GMC, Ford of Greg and Ron Kishiyama who had over.. an hour on · ran reliably into a solid third Herman Meister/ Danny Small, place, about 12 minutes back. Ford. After a lot of pit work, the Salmont and Nesmith spent an Larry Wilcox/ Dale Sexton Ford extra 45 minutes out on the last vanished on the last lap. Don't miss out! Order Your With 56 starters Class 1-2-Cff-Road Racing 1600 continues to be the largest class in desert racing. The field was packed with potential winners, and the mob of 1600s were the fifth group to leave the starting line, one every 30 seconds. Only ten failed to complete the California route. When the dust cleared it was Bob Scott and Mike Voyles who .., led at one third distance in their homebuilt single seater. They were only ten seconds ahead of 1987 CALENDM Features: Top Drivers Action Photos MAJOR RACE DATES Now $5.00 Postage Included M&M,ENTERPRISES 5318 Don Pio Drive Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Steve Kelley had the Chevrolet humming at Parker, and he led every lap in Class B, had scant trouble and won by over 25 minutes, getting a swell start on the points. · 1986 overall' points champion · Jack Ramsay, with Rick Mills riding in the Bunderson that carried Ramsay to the title.Jack's new single seater had some parts delayed because of an air freighter crash, so he took the "For Sale" sign off the two seater and went racing at Parker. Steve and Don Barlow had their O.R.E. roaring around California and were about 1.5 minutes behind Ramsay in third. And, Larry Job, in his short course style Interceptor, was another minute back in fourth, followed in half a minute by the Mirage of Russ Butow and Ken Miller.' It was tight on time through the first 20 here. The Chenowth of Morley and Mike Williams whipped off a 1:55.04 in Arizona to take over the lead, but Ramsay was only 32 seconds behind. Scott/Voyles slowed a tad and dropped to third, about three minutes behind Ramsay: 'Having lost his power steering, Larry Job still held -fourth, another · minute back. Trailing by just five minutes, Ken Snyder and David Marini moved up to fifth, followed closely by Peter McCowen/ Scott Pfeiffer. His hands blistered, Job put Rob MacCachren, whose Class 1 was down and out, in his car for the final)oop, but Rob did not finish. flrst to the finish line was Jack Ramsay in the Bunderson, but Jack had started first, and.he felt he was prob;i.bly second on time. The Ramsay group stayed at the· finish line to see some others arrive. It was exciting, as the Scott/ Voyles #1613 took the flag· with the Williams, #161'6, right on the bumper. · Word came that MacCachren was out and Butow was fixing things on course. It was clear that Jack Ramsay started the season right by • winning the Class .1-2-1600 honors, as he had last year in the same car, and he has to also be · the overall points leader at this point. In some pain, after a hard . landing in Arizona revived a two week old back injury, Jack · Ramsay was elated with the victory, and is looking forward to the .Gold Coast race in March _ on his home turf. Morl_ey and Mike Williams took second spot, about eight minutes out of the wir:i, . but just 1.5 minutes ahead of Bob Scott and Mike Voyles. Hauling qack into the money on the last leg, Steve and Don Barlow were fourth, another three minutes down and less than two minutes ahead of Ken Snyder/ David Marini, who had two minutes on Peter McCowan/ Scott Pfeiffer. Baja winners Art Peterson, Roger Mears, Jr. and Richard Goldbaum ended up seventh, with down_ t-ime on the· first leg. In all, 30 of the resticted 1600 cars finished . A dozen showed up for the battle in Class 5, all strong Dave Shoppe kept the Class 8 leader in his sights all day, but he had to settle for a comfortable second place in the Ford at the flag. Greg and Ron Kishiyama had a fine race in their older Ford, running fourth in Cl_ass 8 through two legs, and moving up to third at the finish. Page 16 March 1987 Dusty Times

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': -,,., i .-. ' i ' Larry Ragland had the lead in Class 7 in California, but the Chevy developed terminal front end failure, and Ragland did not finish. . Jerry McDonald has his Class 7 4x4 Chevy S-10 in the lead on the - first loop, but problems dropped him to 2nd place at the finish line. running Bugs. After a couple of years going their own way, Jim Jeeps are real crowd pleasers off road, and Buck Griffin and Don Coffland drove their CJ 8 to a clean 2nd place in Class 3 action. Whee/standing off the start, Larry and Karla Martin moved into second place in Challenge Class in Arizona and they finished second in the Chenowth. Mike Schwellinger s·kips over a bump in his Jeep CJ 7, and he ended up third in Class 3 by a very ~lim _margin, just 40 seconds. Sandwinder builder Don Rountree and Gary Schnekenburger did a great job in the mid-engined Challenge car, taking a strong third place. final 96 ~ile dash. the field. John Cooley / Mark Fox lost time on the last miles, but • were third. Slater/ Henry held on in fourth, hours ahead of Tim Rodriguez, the final Class 5 finisher. -Cocores and Doug White were back together, and this team soon showed they had lost none of the magic, either in driving ; ; skill or car prep. They led the · · pack into the California finish with a 2:19.36 time. Second irian equally tidy Bug were Arizonans Greg Diehl a'nd Mike Longley with. 2:22.59. Craig Slater and Rick Henry were about 6.5 minutes back in third, with John Cooley and Mark Fox mere seconds behind them. Parker's own Jim Madison and Russ Mortensen were fifth, another 4.5 minutes out, and ten finished the loop. Diehl/Longley vanished early in Arizona, and u~ front Cocores/White . extended their lead to over 11 minutes. Hauling into second was the1 tamer looking Madison Bug, just four seconds ahead of CooleyyFox on total time after two legs. Back s_ome distance, Slaterl/Henry held fourth, and eight started the Alth6ugh White lost some time on the last round, so did everyone else. The new silt bed swallowed a lot of cars. Jim Cocores and Doug Whitded all the way to win Class 5 by just over four minutes over Jim Madison and Russ Mortensen. The two cars were well ahead of An under quota five rigs showed up in Class 4, and the expected challengers to the Rod Hall r.. -I I : . ;.~.: ~ ~/",. ___ ..,,_ --II ,. ' . 't!li ' l --~-~·- ·. ,.., t-· ~ . . THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" f ACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON: - - • I YOKOHAMA TIRES, PERMACOOL, J-MAR, EARLS PRODUCTS, CENTERLINE, ' . j . NEAL PRODUCTS, SWAY-A-WAY, CIMA PISTONS, ARMS_FRONG NORSEMAN TIRES, S&S EXHAUST, GEM GEARS, VDO GAUGES, K&N FILTERS, CHENOWTH, WEBER, ENGLE CAMS, KYB, Dl;LLORTO, RACE-TECH FRONT ENDS & THOUSANDS OF OTHER ITEMS. . . . . VISIT THE WORLDS LARGEST! VDO KEN IV I car custom SWAY·A·WAY DEil.S!R!o Carbu,eton _-_ High Performance& 5toch VWParts 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Ca. 91702 ~ PERMA-CDDL WALK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967 Dusty nmes March 1987 Page 17

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Defending points champion Rick Johnson flew his Hi Jumper into Mike Abbott and Fausto Parisotto led the first two laps in their Giving away a lot of horsepower, Arne Gunnarsson and John Johnstone still placed second in Class 6 in the Saab 96, and were the last Glass finisher. · · a 4th place finish in the hotly contested Challenge Class action. .Class 11 Beetle, but they vanished into the dark on the last leg. ~ domination of this class faded early. Bill Donahoe, attempting to change his luck by changing brands, retired his Jeep Honcho and bought Don McCormack's Dodge. But, the · Dodge dropped a ·transfer case during testing on Friday. All night thrashing got it to the impound, but on· the parade to start, the Dodge dropped the transfer case again, imd Donahoe was the earliest DNF at Parker. · The Tom Strong/Steve Broden Chevy made a strong bid. but the rig blew all the front end gears short of the California finish, costing them 25 minutes . . They finished the leg ~econd by .over·an hour. Out front was Rod Hall, with Dodge truck honcho Jerry York riding the first two legs. Down and out was the Jeep of Rodney Inch and Eric Heiden. The Jeep J-10 of John Dyck and Al Baker broke a pitman arm in the rock pile, which cost them more than two hours,· but they were third at the restart. Hall, with Jim Fricker riding 00 [[} Cm ~ D CID 00-DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT '3UILD-UP._1...:....i""' Standard Lock Outer Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight · and optimum strength · * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated• 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ..•.•. $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE. TO: 0 0{](]]~~0[[)00 · 0 O the last loop, kept on trucking with scant pressure on him or the Dodge, and he took the Class 4 win easilYi_ by an hour and 20 minutes. Tom Strong and Steve Broden stayed with tne effort and brought the Chevy in second, while Dyck and Baker carried on with two good rounds in Arizona to take third. An even slimmer entry showed up in Class 14, and two of the three were new to the class. Gitti Gowland's ex 7 4x4 Toyota now has too wide a rear end since the rules changed in 1'987 ." Michael Horner was also a refugee from 7 4x4 rules, his fuel injection system on the Chevy S-10 not being legal with the rules. changes. The defending points .champ Steve Mize! failed to finish the first round in the Ford Bronco, leaving the battle . to the mini pickups. It wasn't much of a battle as Gowland and ·Jerry Miller led all three legs in the Toyota, starting with a 26 minute edge on the · fir~t lap, and · increasing the margin in victory to 47 minutes at the finish line. Michael Horner and Gre_g Foreman soldiered on to finish the course in second place. A healthy entry of 24 5-1600 · Bugs started the race, and all bur-five covered the first 110 mile trek. R.C. Jones and Paul Maxey whipped along the quickest, scoring 2:45.04 on time, but they Driving his two seat Bunderson, last year's overall winner, Jack Ramsay overcame a few probtem·s to start his points hunt with vic.tory in the biggest class at the race. were not seen moving much eron · Steele and Mike Harding longer. Five minutes back here moved up from eighth to third, was the David Anckner/ Darrell and Randy and Rick Wilson Wiggins Bug, only 33 seconds improved their position to ahead of Brian Parkh0use/ Brad fourth. Greg and Sue Burgin Young, who in turn had a mere were now fifth. 25 seconds on . the Andy The Whitted/Haynes Bug DeVercellys, father and son. seemed to like the Arizona route, Another 1.5 minutes in arrears and the team went ori. to win the were Robert Whitted and C:irl 5-1600 honors by a bunch. Most Haynes, followed by Robert of the Bugs had .some trouble, Knight and LeRoy Hansen, and some were stuc~ in the silt, and so it went down the ranks in the standings shuffled again. Class 5-1600. Taking second at the flag were Things changed rapidly in Randy and Rick Wilson, over Arizona. After the first loop it half an hour back but just three was the Whitted/ Haynes Bug in minutes ahead of the Anckner/ the lead by about five minutes . Wiggins Bug. Cameron · Steele over Anckner/ Wiggins. Cam- and Mike Harding lost time on the last miles, and ·were five minutes back in fourth. LeRoy Hansen put his son Mark in for the last lap, and despite a stop to fix a bad oil pump, Mark put the team into fifth at the flag. In all 14 5-1600s finished, strung out over nearly five hours on time. Morley and Mike Williams went from fourth to the lead in two laps, but their Chenowth dropped t~ second iii Class 1-2-1600 at the fin1sh. Class 7S cont.inues to show strength · in numbers with 19 starters at Parker, and all but three covered the California course. First home was the Ford Ranger of Bill Milen and Ron Keefe with a quick 2:41.05, exactly 9ne minute ahead of Spencer Low/Paul Delang, Nissan, the defending points champ. Baja 1000 winners Chuck Johnson and Scott Oouglas were third at this point, but had a large hole in the transmission case, which had to be changed on the down time. Only 34 more secqnds behind was Tudy Esquerra in his Ford, just a minute ahead of Mike and Pat Falkosky, . Toyota. This looked like a real race to come in Arizona. Despite losing a fan belt, Spencer Low moved into.the lead at two thirds distance. But, with a fresh trans, Chuck Johnson was now just six minutes back in second, with Tudy Esquerra two more minutes back. After a slow 3447 W. University . s . . start with fan belt trouble, Willie Same Day ervice Valdez had his Ford up to fifth. Fresno,.CA 93722 Shipped U. P.S. Milen/ Keefe had hig trouble and (209)275-5183 Calif: Res.Add 6% Sales Tax High flying Bob Scott and Mike Voyles led Class 1-2-1600 in California, but a did not finish the last loop, while ~~!!!!!!'t!!!/!!!!!!!'t!!!/!!!!!!!/!!!/!!!!!!!'t!!!/!!!!'!!!~~~~~~~f:e:w!:.p'.:ro~b~le:'.m=s~sl~o:w_::ed:::_th:'.:e'.:m~l~a~te'.'.:_r.:_an:'.d:!:_th'.:e::y~to~o~k~t~h~irdC!.!_P~la'.:ce~h~on:o:r:s: ____ ,:_ F_a_lk_o_s_k_y_i;w--________ _ Page 18 March 1987 · Dusty Times

Page 19

.90F THE TOI' 10 FINISHERS! ' ' FAT Performance & Sports Racing Gaspline . 1 ·Congratulate the FAT-powered '87 Parker "°io Winners. I . FAT did it again.. We made our presence known where it counts,,. al 1the finish line. 10t the top 10 finishers, we powered 90% of them. And it wasn't Just a coincideroce. We've been there many times before. . . \ · 1 It's the right technology, the right know-how, the right timing, 1and Just plain street-. smarts when it comes to off-road. We've got the combinations. One of which is a FAT motor and SPORTS RACING GASOLINE It gets results. The record goes without ~aying. So don't be left behind. Discover FAT PERFORMANCE and SPORTS RACING GASOLINE, and put some distance between you and the rest of the crowd. FAT highly recommends the use of PBBl'OIUUIGB 1450 North Glassel/ Orange,! CA 92667 (714) 639-2833 Join the growing list of FAT performers: Class 1 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 8th -Class2 Steve Sourapas Dave Richardson Nick Nicholson Albert Arciero Tom Koch Bob Renz Dick Clark \. , 1st Bob & Hob Gordon , · 3rd John Kruger 4th Frank Arciero Jr. 5th Cam Theriot Greg Lewin 6th Greg Foster 8th Bob Richey Tom Baker Class 10 1st Jim Stiles 3rd 4th 7th Craig Watkins Greg Aronson Dick Weyrich · Rick Rowland Leroy Van Kirk

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Frank Snook and Eric Arras came back from rolling the Raceco on the first loop to finish fifth among the 27 starters in Class 1. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin gave the Funco 0.R.E. a fine final race ride as the team had scant troubles en route to fifth place in Class 2. John and Ron Ellenburg, fattJer and son, whipped their aceco hard over the desert to fifth in Class 10, by a slim margin of 19 seconds. Randy Salmont and Michael Nesmith kept the GMC in third spot in Class 8, until the last lap when trouble struck and they dropped to fourth. ~ was out on the first· round with a blown head gasket. Esquerra went down with electrical problems on the last leg, while Spencer Low had no problems at all and won Class 7S in the Nissan by over 11 minutes. The Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas team looks like the one to be a threat, however, scoring a clean second in class, 27 minutes ahead of the Ford of Paul and David Simon. Valdez never did get up to full steam, but came in fourth, well ahead of Steve Lu_p_ort, whose Ford was fifth. With only _fuur starters, Class 7 may be another endangered species, and have a tough time making the entry quota tnis year. Roger Mears had a short day as recurring suspension and shock breakage put his Nissan out midway around California. Out front was Larry Ragland, with Dave Beck riding in the Chevy S-10. He finished the lodp with over ten minutes in hand over defending champ Manny Esquerra, whose Ford broke springs and shackles on the leg. The Toyota of Marlin Schwibert and Tom Ayers was third here, but did not go much farther. On the down time in Arizona there was heavy front end work done on the Ragland Chevy, but to no avail. The front end collapsed again early on the first Arizona loop. Meanwhile, Esquerra's Ford broke more s_pring shackles, and, still on the first AZ loop, broke the transmission. It began to look as if Ragland might win by default, but the Stroppe crew found Manny and got him back on the road with a new -trans in about three hours. Esquerra went on to ·finish the entire distance, the sole survivor and the <;::las~_l_ winner, Only 14 of the 40 starters finished in Class'2, but Greg and Bill· Foster held their Raceco together to place 6th on the tough course. David Westhen and Russ Wernimont had trouble in Calfiornia, patched up the GMC and went on to finish fifth in Class 8. 7 CLASS WINS P.ER RACE WITH PACE Jim Cocores and Doug White had the old sparkle working again in Class 5 as they led all three rounds in the b[ight red Bug and won by about four minutes. FM 2-WAYS Landmaster I I I - $725 OVER 300 ON THE COURSE • Handhelds • Antennas • Intercoms • Rentals • Helmet Wired cf 125 - . Amp_lifiers • Official Radio of: SCORE - HDRA -SNORE -SCORE Medical Team • • Emergency Medical Rescue Team - Goodyear Weatherman Radio Relay Team• C • Emergency Rescue Service • ••• 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 ~ ~ ,ACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 March 1987 The competition faded early in the race in Class 4, and Rod Hall and Jim Fricker drove easily to yet another victory in the Dodge 4/(4, Dusty Times

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Ken Snyder and David Marini got a slow start in Class 1-2-1600, but they came on strong in Arizona to finish fifth in the O.R.B.S. Peter McGowan and Scott Pfeiffer, 1another biker gone to buggies, drove the.spiffy looking Raceco to a close finish, sixth in Class 1-2-1600. I Cameron Steele and Mike Harding had their ups and downs at Parker, and the team ended up with a good fourth in Class 5-1600. Robert Knight and LeRoy Hansen, with an assis·t from Mark Hansen, flew their Bug fast enough to.finish well, fifth in Class 5-1600. ·Minor trouble slowed Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado all day, · but they trucked into fourth in Class 7S driving the Ford Ranqer. ·Rich Richardson and Mike La Plant were high as third in the Challenge Class, but sank to fifth in 'the Jimco at the finish line. The Brawley based team of Robert Whitted and Carl Haynes surprised the regulars in Class 5-1600, taking the lead in Arizona and they held the spot to win the class. Spencer Low and Paul DeLang started the defense of their 7s title in grand style, the Nissan leading the last two legs and to victory by 11 minutes. With a slim entry,. Class 7 turned out to be a survival exercise, and Manny Esquerra had the fastest pit crew and was the only class finisher. Dusty nmcs his eighth victory in his hometown of Parker. Class 3 started seve rigs, four Jeeps and three Ford Broncos, and six covered the California route. Out, front here was i:he Jeep Cherokee of Don · Adams and Larry Olsen, a scant 1.5 minutes ahead of Barstdiw winner Mike Schwellinger tho had General Tire's Olga!, Vernon riding in the CJ 7. Buck Griffin and Don Coffland we¥ third in the CJ 8, about seven more minutes back, but on!~ a minutf ahead of the Ford Bronco of Matt Pike and Burt McCready. Ken Nance and Peter Welsh were just a few more minutes back in another Bronco. On the first Arizona round the Adams/Olsen combine in-creased their lead to 21 min~tes over Schwellinger. Pike/Mc-Cread1/ were now third; seven more minutes back but merely a minut~ ahead of Griffin/Coff-land. \The Nance Bronco was missing, and David Bryan and his sister Debbie Keefe moved into fifth. in a CJ 6. · The: Adams/Olsen Cherokee lost some time on the last leg, but not enough to cost them another Class 3 victory. Doing the fast last lap for the class, Buck Griffin and Don Coffland whipped into second, about 17 minutes back. It was a close duel-for third as Matt Pike and Michael Schwell-inger arrived together at the finish, the J ee_p taking third place by merely 40 seconcls over the Bronco, the last finisher in the class. The average race entry quota for a class to continue in 1988 is six, and r;r KC HAS SHINED THE.WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN . ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! At KC HiLiTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? ~--=--KC HiLiTES, l!lC, • Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635·2607. March 1987 f Page 21 I

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~ Class 7 4x4 just made it, was Mike Lesle in a brand new · Houghton and David Henry, fielding a half dozen, two Jeeps, a Jeep Comanche built by" John. Toyota. John Swift had problems Ford, a Chevy, a Nissan and a Johnson, and car prepper Craig with his Ford, but finished in Toyota. Defending champ Jerry --Stewart was riding along. Just California before vanishing from McDonald led the group in another four minutes down was the charts. California, his Chevy holding an the Nissan of Jim Conner and · Mike Lesle had · ·a secret 11 minute edge. In second spot Carl Jackson, well ahead of Stan weapon, John Johnson as co-SCORE PARKER 400 January 31, 1987 - Official Results POS. POS.CAR DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME Q/ A CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -27 START - 9 FINISH 1, 112 Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson Race co 5:46.28 5 2. 106 Nick Nicholson (solo) Outlaw 5:47.37 6 3, 109 Al Arciero /Rick Munyon Fun co 5:48,25 7 4, 113 Tom .Koch (solo) Raceco 5:55.04 10 5, 114 Frank Snook/Eric Arras Race co 6:06.07 13 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -40 START - '14 FINISH 1, 200 Bob & Rob Gordon Chenowth 5:24,33 1 2. -2)6 Dam1y Leiner /Henry Bergdahl Raceco 5:32.16 2 3. 204 John Kruger/ Julie Appling Race co 5:34.27 3 4, 217 Frank Arciero, Jr./Don Tebbe Raceco , 5:45.04 4 5, 230 Cam Thieriot /Greg Lewin Funco/ 0.RE. 5:48.57 8 CLASS 1-2-1600-1600cc RESTRICTED -56 START-30 FINISH 1. ,, 1600 Jack Ramsay /Rick Mills Btinderson 6:33.40 21 ' 2, 1616 Morley & Mike Williams Chenowth 6:41.55 24 3, 1613 Bob Scott /Mike Voyles Homebuilt 6:43.18 27 4, 1631 Steve• & Don Barlow O.RE. 6:46.38 28-5,, 1645 Ken Snyder /David Marini O.RB.S. 6:48.15 30 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4x4 - 7 START - 4 FINISH 1, 300 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Cherokee 8:35.33 84 2 306 Buck Griffin/Don Coffland . Jeep CJ 8 8:52.48 92 3, 303 Mike Schwellinger /Olga Vernon Jeep CJ 7 9:12.10 99 4, 301 Matt Pike /Burt Mccready Ford Bronco 9:12.50 100 5, 302 David Bryan/Debbie Keefe Jeep CJ 6 6:16.16 (2 laps) CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4x4 - 5 START - J FINISH 1. 400 Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 7:21.12 48 2 , 401 Tom Strong/Steve Broden Chevrolet 8,41.00-87 3, 404 John Dyck/Al Baker JeepJ-10 11:00.17 132 4, 403 Rodney Inch/Eric Heiden Jeep J-10 no time CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -12 START - 5 FINISH 1, · 514 Jim Cocores/Doug White Baja Bug 7:04,41 37 2. 507 Jim Madison/Russ Mortensen Baja Bug 7:08.48 38 3. 508 John Cooley /Mark Fox Baja Bug 7:35.07 55 4. 506 Craig Slater /Rick Henry Baja Bug 7:52.53 64 5, 513 Tim Rodriguez Baja Bug 9:40,06 114 CLASS 5-1600-1600cc BAJA BUG -24 START-14 FINISH 1, 553 Robert Whitted/Carl Haynes Baja Bug 7:42.42 60 2. 557 Randy & Rick Wilson _Baja Bug 8:14.13 72 3. 593 David Anckner /Darrell Wiggins Baja Bug 8:17.32 76 4, 596 Cameron Steele /Mike Harding Baja Bug 8:22.31 78 5, 551 Robert.Knight/LeRoy Hansen Baja Bug 8:30.45 81 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 7 START - 2 FINISH 1, 600 Larry Schwacofer /Sid Spradling · 55 Chevrolet 9:34,53 110 2, 619 Arne Gunnarsson/John Johnstone Ill Saab 96 11:16.49 137 3. 602 Dale & Randy Jordan Nissan 710 8:31.15 (2 laps) CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MIDI-MINI PICKUP - 4 START - 1 FINISH l, 700 Manny Esquerra/Harry Lewin Ford Ranger 9:18.10 103 2, 718 Larry Ragland/Dave Beck Chevrolet S-10 2:42.24 (1 lap) CLASS 7S -STOCK MIDI-MINI PICKUP -19 START - 9 FINISH 1. 720 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 7:37.16 56 2. 725 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 7:48.36 63 3. 745 Paul & David Simon Ford Ranger 8:15.00 73 4, .730 Willie Valdez/Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 8:29.28 80 5. 727 Steve Luport Ford Ranger 9:14.31 101 CLASS 7 4x4 -STOCK MIDI-MINI PICKUP 4x4 - 6 START - 3 FINISH 1. 768 Michael Lesle / John· Johnson Jeep Comanche 9:36.26 112 2, 750 Jerry McDonald/Joe MacPherson Chevrolet S-10 10:32.58 124 3, 757 Stan Houghton/David Henry Toyota 10:58,55 131 4, 756 Mike Randall /Bob Grum be in Jeep 8:29.20 (2 laps) CLASS 8 -2WD STANDARD PICKUP -24 START - 6 FINISH 1, 805 Steve Kelley/George Eckardt Chevrolet 6: 19:40 16 2, 817 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Ford 6:35.24 22 3. 806 Greg & Ron Kishiyama -Ford 6:47.54 29 4. 814 Randy Salmont/Michael Nesmith GMC -7:09,23 39 5, 857 David Westhen/Russ Wernimont GMC 9,29,44 106 driver. John drove in Arizona, and Lesle hopped in to ride, observe _and help if needed. The Jeep took the lead after one loop, and McDonald's Chevy lost a · good 45 minutes. The Conner/ Jackson Nissan suffered terminal transfer case breakage, putting Houghton in third. Next came the Jeep of Mike Randall and Bob Grumbein, but· it failed to cover the final loop. On the last lap the leading Jeep bent a fan blade, endangering the radiator. JohnJohnson cruised to the nearest pit, borrowed a torch and trimmed the blade at the bend, then trimmed the other blades to match. Johnson's vast ·experience at "Mexineering" worked again. He and Mike Lesle came to the finish line the Class 7 4x4 winners in the first outing for the new Comanche that had almost zero test time! About an hour later Jerry McDonald· salvaged second place _po_ints. Stan Houghton and David Henry were the third and final finishers. Growing like Topsy, the Challenge Class fielded 46 starters, of which 24 went all the way to the checkered flag. All but five got around the California route. With performance-severely limited by chassis and engine restrictions, this bunch always have a good race, or races down through the standings. Doing the best and out front at the California finish was Nick Gross, in with 2:52.32, but this was the only leg he finished. Lurking less than a minute back was strong running Rich Minga . with Mark Wheelus riding in the Chenowth. Barstow winner Billy Bunch was about five more minutes back in the Sandwinder Midi, followed in a couple of minutes by the Jimco of Rich While a new Jeep is being built, Don Adams and Larry Olsen took the older Cherokee to the Class 3 victory at Parker, and the Jeep led all three laps. Despite some down time Mike Leste and John Johnson drove a .brand new Jeep Comanche to the Class 7 4x4 victory, leading the pack at the flag by nearly an hour. Richardson and Mike LaPlant, only three , minutes ahead of Larry and Karla Martin, Chenowth. This gang had a very tight dice. · Rich Minga moved out front in Arizona, leading the Martins on the first loop by fess than four minutes, Bunch had big trouble, and did rrot finish the final leg, Richardson/ LaPlant moved up to third, about 8.5 minutes back, and Sandwinder builder Don Rountree and Gary Schneken-burger slid into fourth, followed by defending points champ Rick Johnson, Hi Jumper. A fine 36 Challenge cars. covered two legs. Rich 1'.f jnga increased his lead on the fmal, dark loop, as his only trouble had been running the first leg on a bald spare tire, when a hen t wheel was discovered off the start. Minga won the big class ·in fine style in the Chenowth, holding a full 18 minutes margin ip, victory. Larry and Karla Martin hung on in second plac~ at the flag in the Chenowth. ,f\,nother 7.5 minutes back came old desert master Don Rountree, solid in · third With about eight minutes in hand over Rick Johnsoh. Rich Richardson/ Mike LaPlant lost . about 20 minutes or. the final leg, dropping to lfifth in the Jimco. . _ Stacy Scott/ Russell Winkler were sixth, followed by John Hettinger/ Airt Eu'genio. Round-ing out the top ten in class were Jon Kennedy II/ Ed Deering, Thomas Wiatson/Jeff Bennet, and Charlie and Diane Philpot. CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -46 START -24 FINISH 1. 992 Rich Minga/Mark Wheelus Chenowth 7:57,51 2. 906 Larry & Karla Martin Chenowth 8:16.19 65 74 The Hard Luck King of the 19B6·season, Rich Minga's luck has changed as he led.the 46 car herd of Challengers for the final two thirds distance af'/d won by Of the half dozen starters . in Class 11, five _got around the California loop. Leading here was the team of Mike Abbott/ Fausto . Parisotto,, who won Parker last y-ear. But, only three minutes slower were the 1986 points champs, Ramon Castro and Victor Preciado, and nobody else was close. Andy Diaz did not complete the leg, but four went on to the finish another round in Arizona. 3, 905 Don Rountree/Gary Schnekenburger Sandwinder 8:23.57 4, 900 Rick Johnson Hi Jumper 8:32.34 5, 912 Rich Richardson/Mike LaPlant Jimco 8:35.49 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650cc -47 START -15 FINISH 1. 1008 Jim Stiles (solo) Raceco 5:49.26 2, 1027 Jerry Leighton (so.lo) Raceco 6:04.19-3, 1009 Craig Watkins/Greg Aronson Raceco 6 18.11 4. 1017 Dick & Gary Weyrich Race co 6:22.00 5, 1025 John & Ron Ellenburg Raceco 6:22,19 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN - 6 START - 1 FINISH 1, 1100 Ramon Castro/Victor Preciado VW Beetle 11:34.31 2, 1101 Mike Abbott/Fausto Parisotto VW Beetle 7:07.08 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4x4 - 3 START - 2 FINISH 1. 1499 Gitti Gowland/Jerry Miller Toyota PU 9:32.19 2. 1401 Michael Horner /Greg Foreman Chevrolet S-10 10:19.28 3. 1400 Steve Mize! Ford Bronco no time Starters -Cars - 333-Motorcycles - 40-ATV/Odyssey -46 -Total -419 ' Finishers -Cars -142 -Motorcycles -29 -ATV/Odyssey -30* -Total -201 . Race Distance -302 miles -Time Allowance -12 hours Fast Time Overall -Bob & Rob Gordon -Chenowth -Class 2 - 5:46.28 *Classes did not cover the entire distance for an official finish, **Overall times on results chart are for car classes only, Page 22 79 83 85 9 12 15 17 18 141, (2 laps) 109 123 18 minutes, · Ramon Castro and Victory Preciado started their defense of the Class 11 points title by being the winner and the only class finisher at the Parker 400. March 1987 With two thirds of the race done, Castro had trouble, Abbott and Parisotto held the lead, with 41 minutes. in hand over A.), DeNunzio, and -Castro was another five minutes back. Three of· the · remaining four failed to finish·in 12·hours time. The winner and only finisher was the Beetle of Ramon Castro and Victor Preciado, with a time of 11 :34 .31. Abbott gained second place with i:he fast tim:e for two legs, followed by DeNunzio, and Chris Fraser/ Bill Bellefontaine, all doing two laps. Dusty Times

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Stacy Scott and Russell Winkler showed off their Speedco in Challenge Class, and the two seater finished well, and close, in sixth place. Young Jon Kennedy and Ed Deering were sixth in Challenge Mark McMillin had his disaster in the Chenowth-Porsche in Class in CA, had big troubles on the next rou·nd, but came .back California, but he carried on and climbed up the charts to finish to finish eighth. sixth in Class 1. Mike Lund and Dave Ryskamp ran smooth and steady in the Chenowth and turned good times to take seventh in the hot and running Class 2 ranks. Rick Rowland and LeRoy Van Kirk drove their very tidy Raceco consistently all the way to finish sev~nth in the huge Class 10 ~It I I I The trio of Art Peterson, Roger Mears, Jr.-and Richard Goldbaum each took a lap in the O.R.C. and the team finished seventh in Class 1-2-16Q0. Last to start but far from the an Arizona B.L.M. officer who last to finish were the seven Class refused to let the four person 6 cars. Two were out in the first crew of HORA Jefe Walt Lott round, including Parker charger into the area where they were Mick Newton. Up front on the assigned to monitor the course so 110 mile loop was a Chevy the racers would not enter onto Camara driven by Wes Moser forbidden land. Lott, who can be and William Russell, holding convincing, failed to dent the about five minutes on points officer's party line instructions, champs Larry Schwacofer and so he and his crew had an easy Sid Spradling in the '55 Chevy. day. Dale and Randy Jordan had their This year the usual festive air Nissan 710 in third, and Arne seemed to be missing at the finish Gunnarsson was fourth in the line, but only a dozen or so cars small Saab 96 followed by a were routed through the Arizona similar Saab of Steve Mariochhio finish instead of around on their and Mark Rheude. second lap, so that ratio is All five covered a lap in improving. Of course the usual Arizona, but Moser fell to fourth number on non-racing trucks and did not complete the race. and cars drove through the finish $chwacofer and Spradling rolled line before several classes had a on, and Gunnarrson was about finisher home. Maybe some of an hour back in second, with the the festive atmosphere was Jordans third. . missing due to the chilly weather Larry Schwacofer and Sid after the sun went down. Also · Spradling started the year by missing was Score President Sal winning at Parker in the old Fish, the first time in memory Chevy, now painted black. Arne that he has not been on hand to Gunnarsson and John Johnstone - greet the finishing competitors. were the only other finishers, in Missing completely at Parker second, while the Jordans were was the BARRA radio group credited with third in class. and these are the folks who rela; It wouldn't be a Parker race start and finish times to race without a few snafus, the more headquarters so the computer serious being when the finish line can be fed. While a radio net of timers missed both Tom Koch sorts was concocted, the passage and Don Rountree, both top time reports.moved at a snail's finishers in their classes. This was pace. With no times, there was straightened out on Sunday. no input, and the computer Almost amusing was the zeal of prints ran well behind the usual Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling had a new paint job on the old Chevy, but they still led most of the way and at the flag in the strong Class 6 contest. Dusty Times pace. But, by the Thursday after the race all the results were corrected and , printed, the trophies and checks were all in the right hands, and the desert racers w.ere hard at work on their cars. The HORA Gold Coast race at Las Vegas was just four weeks away. I WE MANUFACTURE FUEL SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITION RACING OVAL TRACK, OFF-ROAD, RACE BOATS FUEL TANKS: All sizes for all fuels. FUEL BLADDERS: Gasoline or Alcohol/Methanol · · Stock sizes or to your print. SAF-FOAM, PLATES, FILLER CAPS, CHECK VALVES USAC, SCCA, SCORE/HDRA APPROVED Winner of the 1986 CNA Award for Safety in Racing. FBI Fuel Systems (213} 542-3835 March 1987 Page 13

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l . Paul and Pat Plunkett beat a 21 rig field to win the feature eventfor Class 4 in the Brampton Off Road Center Modified Jeep Honcho. Dean Wilson drove hard to win · Class 3 both days in his Jeep, surviving this mud blast on Sunday. Wilson was also presented with the Sporisman·award for the meet. Driving the new and potent V-8 powered single seater, Correy · Heynon, here with Scott Taylor on his tail, led wire to wire to win the _Class 1 contest. . Oktoberfest By Zak W aubuno The sun shone again! For the fourth time in as many years, Kitchener, Ontario's Oktober-fest race was blessed with great weather. ·Not warm, but no snow! If the weather was unpredictably boring, nothing · else was. Most of the Ontario season class championships had yet t9 be decided and virtually every competitive Canadian racer was entered - plus a few important additions. Former Canadian superstars John McPherson and Erni,e Jakubow-ski came out of retirement, along with midwest ace and long-time-. Oktoberfest competitor Steve Norris. Two other friends of Oktoberfest also made surpris-ing visits. Curt Leduc tO'!\'ed in,' but without his 'big Class 14. Curt was pinning his hopes on the classy little Ranger. Scott Taylor raised a few eyebrows when he unloaded a new 2-1600 Eliminator and a pretty new co-driver, Paula Sorenson. If that wasn't enough to rattle the Canuck Limited 1600's, their field was rounded out by Michigan's Chuck Williams, fresh from dominating his seri~s class championship in the mid west. · Leduc was going to be missed in the Heavy Metal action. The big truck class, less Curt, featured the largest entry in recent years, including · the · "Third Wave" trucks of Quebec's Guy Poisson and Rene' Laroche along with Oqtario's "Cookie Monster" now sporting an ugly paint job {just for the Bill Lefeuvre did well all weekend with a win and a second a·nd capped it off with a come from behind victory in the Challenge of Champion_s all class finale. Page 24 Photos: Gerry Donelle . weekend) and _a new owner and rookie driver in Greg Toneguzzo. Question marks were supplied by the potent sounding 454 powered Honcho of Paul· Plunkett and a debut Oktober-fest appearance by Luis Robitaille's radical CJ-7. The nicest surprise was the , Bingeman motorsports track, Formerly on a tenuous lease from the original farm owner, the -track property is sandwiched between one of Kitchener's light industrial areas and the huge Bingeman recreation park. The Bingeman family have now purchased the land, and with the help of Ken Jaqkson and Steve Lapointe of Ontario Off-Road Promotion·s, are bent on develo,-.,in_g it into a center for any competition that takes place on the dirt. In private lJfe Ken Jackson owns a trucking/grad-ing/ excavating firm, so he has both the know-how and the equipment to mold the landscape. The rough and tumble old Oktoberfest track, originally carved out of a farmer's field by the tires of the race cars, is now taking on_the appearance of a full fledged professional racing. facility. None of the charm or ~he challenge has been lost, but a lot of class has been gained. Saturday's action started with a yawn as only three Hobby class cars circulated. Lisa Volk ran away. Her car is always superior to the field and her driving ability March-1987 is now far better than her car. The grn;>d news was that some of the flat track VW Hobbies that ra<;:e at nearby · Paris, Ontario have expressed interest iri running at Kitchener. The Ontario Asscx::iation of Off Road Racers have taken their cue, and in an attempt to. create a more appealing l(entry level" class, have opened the rules to allow anything to run that has: a) a stock VW aircooled, b) only four shocks, C) drum brakes, and d) no steering brake. Should lure out some of the old single seaters· and it'll be nice to see some Beetles charging around again. Class 10 definitely had more to hold the attention. Fourteen of the potent "limited unlimit-eds" flagged off and, in a display uncharacteristic of a Saturday race at Oktobe.rfest, pushed it so hard that only six of them were running at the end. Scott Taylor · and Paul Robertson were out after only three laps. Tonawanda NY's Joe Hoffman lasted' four and Quebec hot shoe Richard Dagenais parked it on lap seven. Dagenais' constant rival, Claude Tetrault, got away clean, however, and led from lap one. Bill Lefeuvre and Oktoberfest first timer James Strubel, from Michigan, were chasing Dave Lofland through the pack as the New Jersey driver started to chip away atTetrault's lead. Tetrault's mount succumbed to the pressure, giving Lofland the win, Lefeuvre second. . The ladies 4x4 race was equally interesting. With the women's entry reduced to the three still in the points chase, the organizers added the two class 7 's· and Brian Henry's lone new · UltraStock making its first run. (There may be a message somewhere in this combination. We can't decipher it.) Patti Plunkett won_g6ing_away in the big Honcho/Chev. Leduc broke early so Gary Hammond couldn't really test his Chevy V6 JJOwered Datsun. Instead, to the aelight of the fans, the mini-truck and the UltraStock went at it. The "car" won.· Class 3 was a rout. In a class saturated with Bronco deriva-tives, a Jeep stands out. But Dean Wilson and his CJ ~re more than just different, they're fast. Dean had been building towards this all season apd he just flat .blew their doors off. Strong Broncos of Gary Garton and Tim Burke were well back in second · and third. . The 1-2-1600 race had some · of the same qualities. Canadian Champ Joel Croft was on his home track and ,declared ownership for the first five laps. Six places back, howe'ver, the Taylor/Sorenson duo were making their move. Joel found second by _lap six and the Eliminator was · gone. Dave Ratcliffe worked hard for a well earned third. . Saturday's Unlimited heat was notable for· the return of John· "the Nuke" McPherson to Canadian racing . after a year of getting his home and shop together. John had no illusions about doing well; he had cobbled up an' engine and tranny from used parts. "All the good stuff is • ' I " B . m my customers 91rs . . ut, m response to our query about why he w~s c?ming out 9f retfremen~, he did give us one of the best, 1f strangest, %uotes wJ've ever had . T1 ' "N on t e su iect. © wit: ot racing is yucky!" ~s he might have predicted, Joi-In broke on·, the first lap and th~ contest was · set between Scott T ~yfor and Bill · Lefuevre. The U.S. 1BFGoodrich Eliminator held off the Canadian BFG Berrien until sbmething let go on the fifteenth tour and Lefeuvre had his first win of the weekend. The race directors took one look at the huge Unlimited 4x4 entry and promptly split them into two heats. It was all too easy to e·nvision a wreck'em derby. All three of the radically rad "Third Wave" trucks were in the first go. Rene' Laroche popped his "ski boat" out of the water and led from start to finish. Guy Poisson finished second in his caricature of a Dodge Stepside. Toneguzzo's rookie attempt was interrupted when he clisconnect-ed from the ground in the early going and sat out until they put him back on the wheels, finishing seventh. Heat' two saw Paul Plunkett emulating his wife's run-at-the-front style and it almost worked. Unfortunately, the truck died with two laps to go and BFG · ~onsored Milan Mazenek and Barry Wannamaker took the one-two. · Remarkably, the Hobby class set -the st~ge for Sunday's excitement. LJave Loverage had dialed in his flat.track Beetle and this time he went side to side with ' Lisa Volk-and beat her! Looks good for the future of the class. Sunday's Class. 10 was electrifying . . During practice Alida Jakubowski had come to the announcer's .tower to reveal: "That's Ernie out there!" Sure enough, Bob Hanna's· Mantis, designed and built from the ground up by JakubowskPs race shop, was . motivating · ip ;classic Ernie style. Srnoot_h, no dramatics, and blisterfn'gly ,fast. He'd been out of a race car for more than two years!· -In the race, Taylor ags1in took the hole shot and charged off for . five laps. A puff of smoke spe lied trouble on number six and the motor virtually exploded on lap seven ·- a classic smoke bomo. Art Schmitt's gorgeous new -DustyTI~cs

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The 1-2-1600 main supplied wild action, like this move by Scott Taylor, #755, making the pass on Lisa Volk by using the tight, inside line. The UltraStock movement has reach,ed Ontario, as Brian Henry showed off his new Pontiac Fiero bodied racer, which ran very well on its debut. Gary Hammond got his first win in the Brampton Off Road Center built Class 7. The V-6 powered Datsun finished on a flat tire, but a winner. Laser from Pittsburgh held s~ay for two times around and then he was out. Normand Va'illancourt and· Jakubowski had been. right on Schmitt's tail. Vaillancourt pulled all the tricks for two laps, but Ernie deked him on the twelfth and never looked back. While all this was going on, Jim Stubel had threaded his way from the back and surprised Vaillancourt at the end to take second. Ernie Jakubowski's win was immensely popular; fans, racers, crew ( even from rival teams) were all screaming for him. Characteristically, there was no commitment for next year, just a shy grin and a "We'll see". . The combined Women's, 7, and UltraStock final could have been an advertising film for the . Brampton Off-Road Centre. Patty Plunkett in her BORC Honcho held off a determined Linda Lou Schlamb while the Sevens of Court Leduc and BORC's Garry Hammond were swapping places going head to head. Near the end the order was . Curt, Patty and Gary. Then, Curt, Gary and Patty. But, at the checkered it was a very happy Gary Hammond, then Patty Plunkett, followed by Curt Leduc. We're predicting a Curt and Gary Show all next season. Dean Wilson and the CJ didn't have it quite as easy in the Class Three final. Dean won again, but Gary Smith astonished every-bcx:ly by leading for over half the race in his rookie attempt. Wilson was trying, but for a long time he couldn't get by. Bob St. Louis' big Chevy Stepside took over the number two spot for a cou_ple of laps only to be passed by Tim Burl<e and Gary Smith in the final going. The amazing Mr. Smith held on for a solid second place finish. For Dean Wilson the win was the culmination of a dream that would receive a final touch that evening when the Off-Road Promotions people would present him with their prestig-ious Sportsman's Award. With an entry list i:hat read like a Who's Who of Eastern 1-2-1600 racing, their competition was fueled by at least as much ego power as horsepower. Scott Taylor was out to prove he could put two wins back to back -without breaking. Chuck Williams was smarting from Saturday's embarrassing DNF. Joel Croft was in danger oflosing his Canadian King of the Hill status. And, there was a dark horse in the field, a filly. Lisa Volk had borrowed Rick Price's very competitive race car. Did she have anything to prove? There were no also-rans in the rest of the pack, either. Anyone of them was capable of running in the top five. Dusty nmcs The DNF gave Williams the pole position for the inverted start and he took full advantage of it. The flame orange Berrien had a half lap lead by the end of two laps_. Croft and Taylor were way at the back battling with Dave Ratcliffe and Quebec's Richard Nadon, who was running very strongly. Taylor was the first to break away, sustaining a wild charge for laps 5, 6 and 7 that put him ahead of Williams on the eighth. Meanwhile, Croft had his hands full with Nadon on his bumper, and Lisa was quietly picking her moments -already past Ratcliffe and just out of Na don 's mirrors . . Joel caught up to Williams with seven laps to go but no amount of pressing would get him by. Lisa Volk made her point with Monsieur Nadon, bidding him au revoir with only three laps to go. Taylor never faltered, so the finish list read Taylor, Williams, Croft, Volk, Nadon and Ratcliffe. Whew! lt's hard to conceive of a Class l race as an anticlimax, but after the 1600's it almost was -except for the presence of one incredible race car. Cambridge Ontario's Corry Heynon and his dad have built a V8 powered single seater. We all know that it's been tried before, with little success, even by the likes of Mickey Thompson. The Hey-non's have been working the bugs out for three seasons, finally enlisting the aid of the aforementioned Ernie Jakubow-ski_ to help wit~ some of t~e finer · pomts. The thmg has a mile-long wheelbase, goes like heH, jumps like a jackrabbit, but lands like an agile ele_phant. Leading all the way, oft roading's stretch limo won over Dave Hunter (2nd), Jack Morgan ( 3rd) and Lefeuvre (4th). With their home base only fifteen minutes from the Oktoberfest track, it was definitely a big day for Corry Sr. and Jr. The 4x4 feature had all the gut level, elemental appeal that comes naturally to any kind of racing that has "big" as its defining characteristic. Big trucks, big horsepower, big noise. Twenty plus one of the beasts bellowed and banged off the start line ( that's about 8500 HP, 80,000 pounds, and many, many decibels!) Number twenty-one was Jeff Easton, driving Linda Lou Schlamb's truck and hoping to make up for a season of teething problems with his new "Honcherokee" (Comancho?). True to prediction, the first five laps were metallic mayhem, doing away with half the field including the Laroche and Poisson Third Wavers. Easton was going great guns up near the front until he laid Linda's truck on its side. I Louis Robitaille had made some changes and the big CJ-7 was curising around! like a single seater. Dennis Chencharik had also done his homework. Another Oktoberfest newcomer, Chencharik 's shorty CJ-5 was working through the traffic along with a nearly shockless Greg T oneguzzo and ( np surprise), boss and chassis Chimichanga at Brampton Off-Road Centre, the aging but ever lovely Paul Plunkett. Robitalle led until lap 11 when Plunkett really turhed up the wick and dove past. Louis retqok the lead briefly, but Paul found the extra one more time and stayed up front. Chencharik and Toneguzzo couldn't fight their way through traffic to get near the leaders but the CJ finished a very creditable third with the "Goose's" Funny Brorico in fourth. We won't say much ;:ibout the CHYM/CKGL Challenge of Champions; you had to be there! With the largest entry in the history of Oktoberfest, it only took a couple of laps before the track was wall to wall trucks and cars. Too much to take in, a scorer's nightmare. All of the vehicles, save one, seemed to be wheeling around at the same pace . . Soon, all eyes were on number 103. "Cool Bill" Lefeuvre, having started dead last, was mounting one of his patented charges - one of the most dramatic happenings in off road racing. Bill was visibly faster than every other vehicle out there, moving in sharp contrast to the traffic around him. BFG team mate Joel Croft had led from ·the outset, but on the last lap Joel watched Lefeuvre howl by, cmly two hundred yards from the finish line. A dramatic end·to a successful season. The Oktoberfest awards banquet buzzed with plans for next year: _It will be 8cn impatient winter waiting for next season's opener in May. After all, not racing is yucky! A Pllrfarmance Tradition More off-road races are won on Bilstein than any other shock absorber. Our record speaks for itself! Winnihg Heritage l Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in Amehca posting a Win at the famed Baja 1000 in 11972. Since that impressive performance, Bilsteins have been the choice of serious off-readers who not only warit to start the race -but finish it as well. Many Applications Togay, Bilstein offers a variety of off-road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance second to none. Reliable Performance Whether you're just entering off-road or have been there for years, check out Bilstein - first where reliability counts. ','World leader in development of the Gas Pressure Shock Absorber." Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. March 1987 Page 25

Page 26

I The Downshift Report Much has been written concerning all of the endangered species. There arc lists naming everything from the C1lifornia Condor to the African elephant, and each specie has its own following, along with funding, which allows great amounts of data to be gathered and . the findings published world wide. Organizations such as the Sierra Club have formed "Committees for the Protection of" almost anything that walks, runs, flies or crawls. Federal statutes have set aside vast tracts of America as protected habitat areas. These statutes arc enforced with vigor, with trespassers and violaters being threatened with their own extinction. With all the current activity in this area, two very important endangered species have been completely overlooked, and in fact are going the way of the Dodo Bird. Of major concern at this time is the rapid disappear-ance of the Sponsorus, whose decrease in numbers has a direct bearing on the soon to be extinct Off Roadus Racerus. The ecological balance of these two rare species is a delicate one, By Dr. Don Downshift being interdependent, on each other for survival, while sharing the same habitat and life support systems. A newly formed research group, The Society for the Protection of ·Off Roadus Racerus and Sponsorus (S.P.O.R.S.) has undertaken the tremendous job of gathering data, population counts, breeding habits, life cycles and behavioral characteristics on the species. When this information is sorted and compiled, the Society will make its recom-mendations for methods needed to insure the future of both species. . A preliminary report, soon to be published by the Society, states that the Sponsor us numbers are declining at a much faster rate than the Off Roadus Racerus, and experts are convinced that it is because of the latter's breeding habits produc-ing more offspring per litter. The fact that the Off Roadus Racerus will breed in any habitat at any time is also responsible. Although the actual hr.eeding act is difficult to observe, most experts agree that the male of the specie is not at all selective, and will often have several mates, while the female ·is far more selective, but prone to severe headaches when approached by the male in a breeding frenzy. On the other hand the Sponsorus is a timid, shy, often reclusive creature, whose primary habitat is often corporate offices, usually well guarded by a female. The specie is often observed in the Racerus territory during the Sponsorus heat period known as "Contin-gency". During these periods, the males become resplendent in their many colors and assume a strutting position with the right hand .extended. Territories are constantly marked in the normal manner, but also with various banners and pennents and decals. It is during these periods that the normally shy individuals assume the characteristics of the Racerus. But, when threatened by the Racerus or confronted, they revert to their normal behavior, with downcast eyes, arms across the chest in mock defiance, and look furtively to escape behind t he territory they have marked. It is at this time PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. Page 26 ANNOUNCES ·rflEIR LINE OF NEW HELMETS * Standard Voyager w/90° Hose Fitting * Deluxe Voyager w/molded Air Inlet * Super Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver w/molded Air Inlet 1 ALL NEW STYLE HELMETS -'85 SNELL APPROVAL RACHET SHIELD -MUCH LIGHTER - MORE NOSE ROOM ALSO-AVAILABLE DRINKERS -KOOL PAC'S -MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS -4' & 8' HOSES -FILTERS PUMPER MOTORS -CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plus! A Full Line of Simpson Safety Products. PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 March 1987 that the specie utters its own distinctive· cry, and repeats it over and over, "Maybe next year." This warning cry is then repeated from one individual to another until the entire herd is alerted to the danger. As a result of the preliminary studies, S.P.O.R.S. has devel-oped guideliries with which to insure protection on a limited basis, until a more lasting program can be established. Due to the behavior . patterns of the Sponsorus, and their rapidly disappearing numbers, it is recommended that, much like the California Condor, a live -capture program be initiated using a female for bait to lure this shy creature from its primary habitat. The actual capture must be·done humanely, and large nets are recommended. Once captured a large compound must ·be established in which the creatures will be comfortable, with adequate food and drink. Each male must be maintained in his own area, in isolation, because of the potential exhaustion caused by non-stop meaningless conversation which occurs when two or more of the specie come together. At this point the male must be given blood transfusions from the Racerus, whose. breeding habits are opposite that of the Sponsorus, to insure the success of the captive breeding program. The Off Roadus Racerus problem has quite a different approach. Again, a live capture program must be initiated, using a large net. The trap bait is quite simple, and can be the female of any specie and malt beverages have an irristable draw, as do old Volkswagen parts, old tires, and almost anything shiny will attract the male and hold his attention. A separate compound must be established in the vicinity of the Sponsorus compound so that each specie .can observe the behavior of the 'other at a distance. It is recommended that the captured specimens be maintained in a common compound. Creature comforts are not as important here, due to the inherent ability of the Racerus to· eat and drink anything, and their preference for sleeping in the sand. It is a general b~lief that in a herd environment, only the strong will survive. This is true with the Off Roadus Racerus. When allowed to gather in one large group this specie engages in "&nch Racing", which is a primitive expression of experi-ences, often repeated time after time with rio visible effect on other individuals. This behavior is apparently accomplrshed without breathing, and can continue for hours. The current concept of the Society is that if this behavior were allowed to continue long term, with motivation provided by the bait used in capture, only the strongest of the specie would survive the ordeal, and the old a'nd weak could be released back into their natural environment. The remaining specimens could he used for a selective breeding program that would insure the strongest genes for future generations. · A ratio of ten Off Roadus Racerus to one Sponsorus would create an ecological balance, and the Sponsorus must be extremely well cared for, and behavior modification must be initiated to reverse their social behavior patterns. · One specie will try to dominate the other, and this promotes hostility and frustra-tion. To avoid these reactions, at the first sign of hostility, a bell should be rung which signals that a II activity cease. Some experts do. not agree with this theory, claiming that the specie is not capable of suc_h reaction. It is inevitable that these two species are on a self destructive, collision course which could mean the end for both as they are today. But, being at the end of the evolutionary chain, there is hope that nature will provide the necessary changes to keep both species alive. The Society for the Protection of Off Roadus Racerus and Sponsorus is dedicated to the preservation of both these rare but endangered species. Donations are urgently needed to continue work already started. There is a growing need for foster homes for both species, and interested parties should contact Dr. Don Downshift, S.P.O.R.S., San Matias Experimental Station, P.O. Box Uno-Dos-Tres, San Matias, B.C., Mexico. ARE YOO GETTING MORE THAN ONE COPY.OF DUSTY _TIMES? A number of subscribers now have two subscriptions, because they get one with their membership in HDRA, or they subscribed to both Off Road Action News and Dusty Times. If_ y~u don't really need two copies each month, drop us a note and assig_n your duplicate subscription to a friend, pit crew worker, anyone you choose. Send us the fuH name and address with zip code, of your friend, and the mailing label from the subscription you wish to assign to them. We will take care of the · paper work. Dusty nmes

Page 27

SNORE Receives the .National Conservation Award The ~ward was presented for S.N.O.R.E.'s work in the field, repairing and -maintaining the "guzzlers", as _this crew of Charlie Grunden, Bob Gaudet and Deri~y Selleck are doing here. Gen~ral Tire, BFGoodrich, and man~. others without whom it would be limited in its ability to contribute in fields other than , I . raCI~g, 1986 S.N. 0. R.E. President Roger Gaskill holds the prestigious National Wildlife Federation President's Award, pr sented by , "5iNOR:E i:nay be a racing club, but a maJortty of our members are [hunters and fishermen as well," explained Don Dayton, SNORE President. "We are but one of the wide variety of interests that utilize and enjoy the· public lands,_ and we take great pride in our ability to contribute to · the proper use of· this resource .. " Nevada Governor Richard Bryan, left, while Denny Selleck, project coordinator, shares· in the glory. 1 The Southern Nevada Off but ali consist of some type of Road Enthusaists (SNORE) apron for gathering natural recently were presented with the precipitation and an under-prestigious National Wildlife ground tank to store the water Federation President's Award for use by wildlife. Early for their efforts on behalf of collection aprons consisted of an wildlife and wildlife conserva- asphalt covering on the sloping tion. ground, with new models Nevada Governor Richard accomplishing the same purpose Bryan presented the award at with a corrugated metal roof. ceremonies during the annual The underground tank, concrete meeting of the Nevada Wildlife originally, fiberglass now, holds Federation at the Showboat approximately 750 gallons with a Hotel in Las Vegas on January small opening at surface level and 31, 1987. The recognition an inclined ramp to provide banquet also included Govern- access to the water. inside. or's awards to a number of other Vandalism has been identified individuals and organizations for as the major cause of damage, their conservation efforts in although high winds, natural education, communications,· aging, and occasionally livestock, industry, water and wildlife. can cause problems also. SNORE was the recipient of one SNORE's role has been the of these state awards as the repair of bullet holes, damage to Conservation . Organization of ·downspouts that carry the water the Year in 1985. to the tank below, loose or For the past two years, broken barbed wire in the SNORE has been providing the protective fence, and replace-maintenance on almost 200. of ment of lost or damaged signs: the · Nevada Department of SNORE has accepted this Wildlife's small . game watering responsibility as an ongoing devices in Clark and Lincoln project and, in addition to ' counties. These devices, also · maintenance; · will update all known as· "guzzlers", provide huntermapsfortheDepartment water for quail and other small of Wildlife. Project coordinators desert wildlife in areas of good are Charlie Crunden, Depa.rt-habitat where water was the only ment of Wildlife, retired, and missing ingredient. They have Denny Selleck, both active proven very effect-ive in members of SNORE's Board of extending quail populations and Directors. providing add.itional hunting SNORE credits a great deal of recreation since the 1950s, when • its success as a non-profit, all · the first of these devices was volunteer organization to the constructed. contingency support and funding Guzzler styles vary from the by its sponsors, including early models to the more recent, Yokohama Tires, KC HiLites, The volunteers used their own trucks to reach the remote spots in order to clean, repair and upgrade the 200 "guzzlers" they maintain on a yearly basis. Dusty nmes ~ . "Get mo"r go in yc,ur tow:' Published test results show that1a tow vehicle like the one pictured above, when equipped witH1AirSensors Electr~nic Fuel Injection system, will provide from 10-30 % power increase at the rear: wheels. - · I ·. i . -It doesn't matte1 yvhat heavy load yoV tow-traveltrailer, ho1se or dragster-when you're driving with a stfndard:carburetor. The experience can be a drag. That's why electronic fuel injection is replacing sonventio_nal cafbur~tion ~and why firSensors 1s becoming _th8t 1:md1sputed leader 'P EFI tech~ nology with a performance system tnat gives you more muse{ e when you need it. \ · AirSensors has designed an easily-installed, . electronic fuel i/iljection system unlike any other, a computer-driven wonderthat pre-· . cisely regulatesjt~e flow of air and fue/to your engine under alfi types of driving con~itions. The secret is in a patented techniqu~ that makes our systJm so good, it is even replac-ing some factory stock fuel injection systems. I Put the AirSensors EFI system on your truck or RV now and you'll get not only higher torque at low speeds, but improved fuel efficiency, better driving from cold start to full power, lower exhaust emissions and prolonged engine life. You'll get the drag out ... and get more go in your tow. · TORQUE IMPROVEMENT 350 2f,rj I · 1 ':·'"JQI'' .,,.r,;, ·,oc11 3r:,--o 4'i')f! Call 1-800-654-6775 I '" , ,_, __ EN~;~~ RPM ,, . ··" For a trJe brochure and the location of your AirSensors distributor. 11 . Legal in California. -·· _ (C.ARB(E0)0-16BGM4A4 R exceeding 8500 lbs. GVW. applications for vet,icles . j. 1986 and earlier.) . • I . I March 1987 Electronic Fuel Systems Tech_nblogy 708 Industry Drive, Seattle, WA 98188 (206) 575-1594 -Page 17 I -j

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BF GOODRICH TA®RADIALS I POWER THEIR WAY TQ OVERALL VICTORY AT THE PARKER 400! ' The 1987 SCORE!HDRA Off-Road I . . . season started. tl;ie same way 1986 finiJhed-· with big BFGoodrich wins. Thi~ time at the Parker 400. · . Bob Gordon and his son, Robby, won . an i~pressive oyerall victory and _ BFqoodrich teafTIS scored a total of six class victories. The Gordons claimed the Class 2 win with their Chenowth-' . , Porsche en route to the overall title. It wa1-also the firs't time in ten years that a four-wheel vehicle defeated the mo-torcycle class atParker for the top spot. o'1ther BFGoodrich winners were: _ - I • Don Adams-Jeep Cherokee, Class 3 •· Rod Hall-Dodge Power Ram, Class 4 • Jim Cocores-Baja Bug, Clqss 5 I - . . . • Larry Schwacdfer-'SS Chevy, Class 6 • Steve Kelley-Chevrolet, Class 8 This victory is; but another example -of ih~ winning tradition of BFGoodrich TIA ®,_Radials. lnlthe desert and on. the street, our tires wilJ make your truck perform. BFGOODRICH JiA RADIALS WE MAKE YOUR CAR PERFORM™

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MICKEY THOMPSON'S CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX -ROUND 1WO Glenn Harris Wins-All the Marbles at San Diego By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Glenn Harris won every race he started in San Diego, taking the Class 7 Trophy Dash, his heat race and he took a hard e~rned victory in the truck main event in the Mazda. Frank Arciero, Jr. is a most versatile driver, and he won th·e main event for Super 1'600s easily, was third in his heat and ,, second in the Trophy Dash in his Chenowth Magnum. Page 30 March 1987 Monte Crawford won the 1986 UltraStotk championship on .points, and he showed his winning style in the VW bodied car by winning the heat race by a good distance. Living in southern California usually means·plenty of sunshine and the usual warm weather that accompanies it. So, why would anyone travel hours, in bumper to bumper traffic, to sit outside at San Diego's Jack Murphy Stadium with 40,000 otherwise normal individuals, in thirty degree weather, for three hours? Round two of Mickey Thomp-son's Off Road Championship Gran Prix, that's what! It might be cold waiting on the first green flag to be raised, but once· the action starts; die hard fans are treated with the hottest racing · action anywl;iere in the world. Short course racing is designed to pit racers and their machinery against something fashioned after Mother. Nature.'s worst terrain. Once flagged off, the racers are greet_ed with a long · right hand sweeper that becomes the fastest corner on the track on their next time a~ound. Just before entering the back straight, a jump sends the vehicles skyward where they land just in time to sail over the next jump, and then into the sharp right hand turn. Once going in the opposite direction, five stutter bumps are taken in two successive leaps. Three evenly spaced jumps follow this and then a short sweeper heads to the left. If the driver decides to take the inside line he is greeted with a couple of small bumps that could throw the vehicle sideways. Back down a short straight are two more jumps with the second jump right wh,ere one would want to start braking! This causes the vehicles to fly into the switchback that has a couple of knots thrown in just to confuse things before heading back to the start/ finish line. After exiting the switchback, a small jump gets things going so the vehicle can land just in time to grab traction over the large jump that serves as the finish line. The four fastest qualifiers in the Grand National Sport Truck Class were the first to take the field for a trophy dash. Glenn Harris used his pole position to . move inside to take the lead once the green flag came out, putting Steve Millen second until Millen rammed-into Harris' door, pushing him out in the left sweeper. Harris poured on the gas over the rough section and shot past Millen like he was standing still. Roger Mears got into the action but wasn't able to get around Millen. Danny Thompson was trailing in a distant fourth. Glenn Harris went on to win in the Mazda, with Steve Millen holding second in the Toyota. Third went _to Roger Mears, Nissan, and Danny Thompson was fourth in the Chevrolet. Next the four fastest Super 1600 qualifiers lined up for their attempt at the trophy dash. Bob Gordon said goodbye when the flag came out, with Frank Arciero taking second, followed by Greg George and Mike · Withers. Arciero was able to get · close before the first lap was over, but Gordon wouldn't have anything to do with him taking his place, and immediately put several car lengths between the two Chenowths. Arciero was able to get within striking distance on the last corner to make it an exciting race, but Gordon held on for the trophy .. Frank Arciero was a very. close sernnd, with Mike Withers third and Greg George fourth. · The Odysseys contested the first group of heat races with 19 cars lining up for the first round. Coming from the third row, Ron Pierce ran. away from the crowd, with a battle for second place develop'ing between Eddie Morris and Rory Holladay. By the second lap Holladay had put himself into . second and was closing in on Pierce. Ken Kazarian drives a most tidy looking VW bodied UltraStock, and.he hopped into third spot in both the heat race and the main event. Dusty nmes

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Ron Carter made a great start in San Diego, winning the first Class 1 0 heat race in his Chenowth, but traffic jams dropped him to ninth in the main event. Ron Pierce flipped in the stutter bumps, causing a six car pile up, giving the win to Rory Holladay. Eddie Morris managed to finish second, and Ben Aufill crossed over in front of Mike Baugus, who had driven 1500 miles from Oklahoma to compete. When the second heat Odysseys lined up, it was "Lady Luck" Mary Sullivan on the outside of row one. Next to her was Don Archibald. When the race got underway it was Sullivan in the lead, and as luck would have it an eight car pile up in turn one gave her several lengths lead. The crowd was really behind Sullivan as she led the other 16 drivers around the track, until the second lap. Then Russell East (being a true male chauvinist) took the lead going down the back straight. Sullivan had Mike Lavelle a few lengths back, but the rest of the field was nearly the straight distance behind. East had built a big lead, and the battle for second between Sullivan and Lavelle was heating up. Russell East took the win by several seconds and the battle for second turned into a shoving match in the last corner, with Lavelle having to let the lady take the second spot. Lavelle stalled in the corner, and third went to Pan Hamilton and John Shultz was fourth. With all the action, few noticed as John Hasshaw was lifted from his car and taken away on a stretcher. In the first heat race for 4 wheel ATVs, it was Terry Kolb who scored the victory, leading from wire to wire. Jeff Watts managed second over Don Turk and Jimmy · White finished fourth ahead of Marty Hart. In the second 4 wheel heat it was Greg Clark taking the win from Brian Fry, who managed to salvage second. Third went to Steve Wright, followed by Gary Denton and Roger Burman. Nine cars lined up to do battle in the UltraStock heat. Greg George jumped out front in his Toyota, with Tim Maples, Mazda, falling into second, with Chris Neil third. Crawford took over the third spot just before the end of lap one. On the third lap the front three were bumping into one another. Greg George still dominated at the half way mark, but Crawford pulled into second on the big sweeper, by slipping inside Maples, Young Rob Gordon started the evening by winning the Class 10 Trophy Dash m his Chenowth, then mechanical woes slowed his pace considerably. Kent Castle corners he:."<'' ·n ihe Fiac'Jco on r;is w, y to second place in the first heat race for this big entry clas,, of .3 I Super 1600s. Dusty nmcs Greg George had the Toyota bodied Ultf.aStock we,// dialed to the track taking a close second in the heat race and a very close victory in th1 main event for this Lf nique class. On the next lap1Crawford·took the lead from Ge@rge at the same corner by forcing his way inside. Then Crawford quickly put five lengths between1 himself and . George. Last I year's class champion Monte' Crawford won the UltraStock heat. Greg George was second, and Ken Kazarian took third over Tim Maples. Jeff Elrod was fifth. Fifteen cars lined up for the Super 1600 first heat. Ron Carter sat on the pole with Kent Castle next to him. Carter jumped out front and Castle fell into place when the. race started. Billy Beck settled! into third, and young Rob Gordon was fourth, with Randy Rhinehart between him and his dad Bob Gordon. Then Rob Gordon rolled in the last turn before the straight, and he was nearly lapped before being righted. I Carter ran away with the show, la battle for second developed lbetween Rinehart_and Beck, and, in a distant · fourth was Jon 1Brockett. Albert Arciero tried to go qutside Brockett, and the two got hung up. Arciero. tried to burn his tire off attempting to free himself, but had to give up and wait for the course workers to separate the two cars. Carter managed to stay clear of !the traffic _ _problems and went on to an easy win. A distant second went to Kent Castle and third lwas Billy Beck: Randy Rhinehart held onto fourth and fifth went ,to Bob Gordon. 1 The good turnout in the Super 11600 class brought out another 16 cars to race the second heat. IEric Arras took the lead from his front row starting position. Mike 1W (thers sta_rted on _row 3 and got ·a little anxious gomg down the back straight, and ended up doing a forward 360 before reaching· the first turn. Eric Arras suffered mechanical problems on the third lap and pulled off, giving the lead to Brad Castle. David Bonner grabb~d second and Frank Arciero was pressuring him.- Tommy Croft settled into fourth with Jimmy Nichols a few car lengths away. At the midway mark, Castle was ten car lengths from second place Bonner, but Arciero was within striking distance for second. Croft appeared to be driving too conservative a race and allowe· Jimmy Nichols to get within striking range. Brad Castle held his position to win with David Bonner second. Third went to Frank . Arciero, and Tommy Croft was fourth, holding off Jimmy Nichols. · . i... ' If you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet. If not, buy Bell for the ultimate in protection. Bell offers one of the first line of helmets Glesigned to meet ' " the needs of each type of racing. . . Style Prices XFM-1 $250.00 Racestar II S125.95 MAG4RS S129.95 M2 RS $225.00 Choose the Protection you Need: -Racestar driving apparel offers the maximum protection and the ultimate in style. A full variety ·of Racestar driving suits are now availmble in single to four layer premium quilted styles. Prices range from S 185 to $400. Also offered are a wide range ot accessories including Nomex driving gloves and fire-resistant leather shoes. I . i For Further Information: KENDALL RACING 700-A Ivy Street j Glendale,. CA 91204 (818) 246-3595 (Outside California) I (800)1 247-3595 (Inside California) I March 1?87 Page 31 ·

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Texan Billy Beck flies over the lumps•in the tough course laid out in San Diego to take a strong third place in the Berrien Laser in Heat 1. Racecos are getting more popular on the short course circuits, and Dave Bonner drove this one to second place in the second Class 10 heat. The 1986 Class i7 champion Steve Millen started out strong with a heat race win, but he had \o be content with second place in the hard fought main event. When it came time for the Grand Natio+al. Sport Truck heat races, Mi~e Falkosky sat on the pole in die first heat, with Walker E'\.lans next to him. When the starter said it was time to go, Frank Arciero, driving Ivan Stewart's Toyota, jumped from the second row and -~rabbed the lead, with Evans' Dodge and Glenn Harris, Mazda, battling over second. Evans managed to keep second place until they started the second lap, when Harris edged him out. Roger Mears entered the battle in his Nissan, and on the next lap Harris.slipped inside the Toyota for the lead. Evans made his move and put Arciero back to third, and then Mears slipped inside Arciero, all on one lap. Harris had the Mazda dialed in and was several lengths ahead of Evans, with Mears right on the Dodge until he got the hard handling Nissan up on two wheels and appeared to lose it. But, Roger held on the gas over the rough St!,lfi ,!n_9 put Walker IT'S SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS! Page 31 SEND $3.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! ~tMI!~ ~0TH€.0 530 South Mountain Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 After the initial laps Brad Castle had his Raceco out front in his Class 10 heat race, and he ended up winning by a healthy margin. Randy Rhinehart got a good fourth in his heat in the Funco, ran second in the main until a pa~s attempt saw him roll over instead of win. back to third. Evans then developed problems and pulled off. Mears had ten car lengths to make up if he wanted to catch Harris with two laps to go. Mears stretched the suspension of the Nissan beyond its limits, and came. within two lengths of the Mazda as they entered the final turn. Glenn Harris held on for his second win of the evening; and Roger Mears was second. Third went to Frank Arciero and Mike Falkosky was fourth in his Toyota. When the second set of trucks came onto the field, Bob Gordon, driving Sherman Balch's Nissan, and Steve Millen shared the front row. Danny Thompson was trying to make the show, but couldn't get the Chevy to start. that he had come to Grand National Sport Truck racing ready to race. Steve Millen was unbuckled and thinking about the main event when Jeff Huber crossed over second. Third went to a hard driving AL Unser, Jr.. with Bob Gordon fourth. A total of 24 Odyssey mini buggies were out to determine the winner of their main event. Mike Baugus and John Schultz held the front row, but it was Dan Hamilton who jumped into the lead from the second row. Schultz grabbed second with Ron Pierce third. Things seemed to be going Hamilton's way until the white flag came out and Ron Pierce stole the lead. Hamilton later tangled with a lapper and fell back, but was able to come in a long second. Russell East was . third ahead of Rory Holladay, and Ben Aufill was fifth. Jimmy White took off when the green flag came out for the 4 _wheel A TV main event, 'and he went all the way ·for the win. White earned the victory by keeping a hard charging Gary .. Denton at bay. Denton had his hands full too, keeping Marty Hart in third. Fourth went to Terry Kolb and Michael Holbert was fifth. Ken Kazarian and Tim Maples sat on the front row with seven more UltraStocks wanting the main event win. When the starter said go, M<;1.ples put the hammer down to take the lead, but he had Greg George attempting .to take the lead away at turn one, But Maples hung on in front. Bill Silbermann went out, Kazarian secured third place, but had last year's champion Monte Craw-ford right on his tail. Greg George slipped inside on the left sweeper, but wasn't able to make the pass. Meanwhile, Crawford pushed past Kazarian and started working on George. Greg George went inside on the last turn, but wasn't able to make it. Jerry Brinkley was stalled on the turn after the back straight, and George was able to take the lead from Maples. Crawford tried to jump inside the two leaders at the last corner, but stalled instead. Maples went inside on the last corner and did a little tango with Greg George, but wasn't able to steal the win. Tim Maples was a close second and third went to Ken Kazarian. Jeff Elrod was fourth and Vince Tjelmeland was fifth. When the green flag flew, Steve Millen caught Gordon asleep, but Bob got the sleep out of his eyes in time to hold onto second in the Nissan. Jeff Huber, Mazda, grabbed third with Al Unser, Jr. settling into fourth in the Jeep. Huber moved to second at the start/ finish line, but by now Millen was a short straight from the crowd of racers. Al Unser, Jr., whose Jeep was handling much better than it had a week earlier at . Anaheim, moved around Gordon and began pulling up towards Huber. Roger Mears kept his new Hardbody together at San Diego with a good performance and a strong third place in the busy main event action. Huber had to hustle to keep Unser two lengths to the rear, while Gordon was suffering from race track adjustment blues far in the back. Unser moved the Jeep within striking distance, and with three laps to go, looked to have a chance. Unser moved alongside . Huber after the back straight, but Huber was able to keep the Mazda in second. Everytime Huber would leave an inch of daylight, Unser wasn't able to get around, but he did give notice March 1987 Jeff Huber got the Mazda home second in his heat race, an·d held a good fourth after leading the main event, adding to Mazda's points score: Dusty nmcs

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Greg George came back from a win in the UltraStock Main to drive his Funco right into second overall in the Class 10 mai~ event as well. Defending Class 10 points champion ·rommy Croft wanted to win in front of his home town crowd, but he ended up third in the . tight main event. Up front often, Bob Gordon hopped his Class 10 Chenowth into the money, with a 5th spot in the first heat and 4th in the feature. There were over 20 cars in the Super 1600 main event. Tommy· "Cocktail Time" Croft sat on the pole with Randy Rhinehart heside him. The second row held Frank Arciero and- Billy .Beck. Twenty-three other drivers watched as Croft was first to exit the first turn with Rhinehart anj Frank Arciero right hehind him. Racing in front of his hcime town crowd, Croft wanted to run away with the show, hut first he had to get rid of Randy Rhinehart and Frank Arciero. Rhinehart moved alongside at every straight; then, on the third lap, when Rhinehart had visions of glory, Frank Arciero took his spot. Rhinehart was not going to give up and hegan pressuring Arciero, hut then Greg George entered the picture and he · hegan applying pressure to Rhinehart. The UltraStock winner at Anaheim, Jeff Elrod had mechanical woes the next Saturday, but managed to finish fourth in the main event. Driving the Toyota truck for the injured Ivan Stffwart, Frank Arciero went from 1winning in Class 10 to fifth spot in /he truck main event. Randy-Rbinehart got siJeways and rolled, to put him out of the running. Greg Grnrge got inside Croft on the left hand sweeper, hut had some lapped traffic hetween him and the leader, Frank Arciero. Arciero was the full length of the hack straight ahead of George with two laps to go. Croft had fallen hack several lengths and had a lapper hetw~en him and George. , · Frank Arciero got the white tlag and had plenty of empty real l'State ahead of him as he took the L-asy line into victory circle. Greg Geprge was second, and Tommy Croft finished . a close third. Fourth went to Boh Gordon and Brad Castle was fifth. The finale of the event v..:as the Grand National Sport Truck main event. After winning the trophy dash and his heat race, Glenn Harris had to l:x_, on the mind cif Steve Millen, v.:ho has co~tinued his domination of this class since last season. JeffHuher had the pole with Roger Mears in the Nissan next to hin1. The second row was made .up of . Harris and Millen, with Al Unser and Frank Arcino in the third row. With a much improved Jeep Comanche over the previous week, Al Unser, Jr. had some fun and took third in his heat race and sixth in the main. Subbing tor Sherman Balch, Bob Gordon made his Class 7 debut in the Nissan, and did finish fourth in his heat race and eighth in the main. Du_sty Times With all 37,405 in attendance watching, Glenn Harris cut off Millen from his dutside spot to slip.into second, ~l·hile teammate Jeff Huher tool< the lead. But, Mears was out for hlood, and he and Harris were fonder to fender. Glenn Harris too~ the lead from Huher after the lback straight. Harris had the Mazda on line, and it ~-as working gbod! Huber hdd in second until he got up on two wheels and Millen powered his way through with his sights set on Harris. Mears hegan slapping fenders with Huher, wanting the third spot, and he finally took it t\n the hack sweeper. I Glenn Harris had a good lea\1 over Steve Millen, hut Millen was gaining preci9us feet with Jach lap. With two laps to go Millen closed to within five truck lengths · and Harris was facing lapped traffic. Millen brought his Toyota into striking distance as the white flag came out. Harris was keeping to the inside and put the Mazda's· suspension to the test. Glenn Harris went on to win, making it a clean sweep for Mazda, with Steve Millen breathing down his neck. In last .year's points battle, Harris made his presence known, and appears to be again the thorn in Toyota's paw this year. Roger Mears .g6t.t-the Nissan to hold on for third place, followed by Jeff Hu her and Frank Arciero. Round thrL-'t' of the MTEG Series moves to the midwest-on March 21, with the action at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan. ANNOUNCES. ITS DISTRIBUTORSHIP OF: fflB.111Hf1f1TfT#· RALLY TIRES Paiftisjjoft WHEELS Bridgestone high-performance Rally tires available in 13, 14 and 15-inch sizes are now being offered at prices ranging from $5a - $75. I Panasport: The all .motbrsport wheel engineered for safety, performance and reliability are currently offered at 15% off· racer net to all Rally competitors. . . . . . BONUS OFFER: Kendall Racing is offering a large inventory of slightly used Rally take-offs and test 1ires. Quantity discounts available. Call for sizes _and pricing information. , ' ..• I • I IFor further information: KENDALL RACING, 700-A Ivy Street, Glendale, CA 91204 (818) 246-3595 (Outside California) (800) 247,3595 (Inside California) I March 1ps1 Page 33·

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THE CRS/SCCA GL~ HELEN RALLYCROSS By Rod Koch Bill Holmes Wins His Second Title in a Row! Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises/ Peter Hatch ~"'j3ill Holmes anq Jirti Rogers won the duel for the overall win at Glen Helen by a big margin of nearly a minute over the six stages, and the pai} are now leading the So-Pac SCCA Divisional points race. The Glen He! n Off Highway A total of 28 teams showed up area. The second half included a Vehicle Park, ocated at the to compete against each other for flat out quarter mile straight in lower end of the ajon Pass near · the fastest times around the 1.8 both directions by the grand-San Bernardino,l was the site of mile course, . run three times in stands, with a half mile of desert the first Califor ia Rally Series each direction. Route notes were wash that quickly broke up into event for 1987. The Glen Helen given to each navigator, but most foot deep ruts, and also exposed Rallycross, held on Saturday, competitors took the precaution large rocks that became more January 24th, was also a So-Pac of walking the course before the numerous with each lap. SCCA Divisional Rally, co- first car left the starting line at Peterson/ Love set a fastest efficient 1. Organizer Mike Blore noon. Bridgestone brought out first lap at 3 .51 minutes, required a navigator as well as a their big van to lend assistance followed by hard charging Bill driver in each car. and tires to the teams, which . Holmes/Jim Rogers in their big Th I helped lend a further air_ of Ford off road pickup, with a e Gen Helen facility is 3.54. Rod Koch/ Roger Allison h h b f · k' d · professionalism to the event. per aps t e est o tts m m in the VW Type 3 were third Southern California. Its modern Lon Peterson and Jim Love, quickest in Open Class with a · grandstands, start/finish tower, the 1986 CRS Open Class 3.71, followed right behind by permanent rest rooms and champs, started first - in their Ric and Maite Bell, V-6 concession building, all laid out potent Plymouth Fire Arrow. Chevette, at 3 . 7 2 . Topi in a very efficient setting, were The first ha:lf of the course was Hyn_ynen, in his Toyota Corolla much appreciated by the rally extremely tight, twisty and SR 5, set fast time in CRS Stock crowd. undulating around a low, hilly Class at 3.66, with Dave 0----------~-----------------------------Dave Poston and Steven Lidda/1 got the Mazda RX 7 home third overall and first in Stock Class, putting the team out points, having won at Indio as well. , Page 34 March 1987 Lon Peterson and Jim Love led by a hiccup midway in the program,. but the · Plymouth Arrow tipped over on stage 4, costing enough time to drop the team to eighth in Open Class. Ian Miller and Bart Godett head into a comer in the Toyota Corolla en route to a fine second place in Open Class and second overall. Kenzo Sudo and Howard Watanabe picked up (he pace on the second half to take third in Open Class in the Toyota Corolla 16··valve Twin Cam, Topi Hynynen and Lars Frazer fly down the straight on the way to a keen second in Stock Class, half a minute· out, in the Toyota Coro/la. Long time rallyman Mike Gibeault. and Gary Burgess, zoom through the hills in the venerable Datsun 510, and they were third in Stock Class. Dusty Times

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Poston/Steve Liddall, RX 7, close behind at 3.73 and Bill and Mike Perez; Datsun 510, in with a 3.76 time. Pro Rally super sta:r Rod Millen brought out his new Mazda 323 four wheel drive coupe for an exhibition run. This is the car that Mill en won the FIA Group A category with at the Olympus International Rally last December. But, something happened less than 300 ya_rds into the first stage, and Rod rolled the Mazda. The damage appeared to be mainly cosmetic, as it was driven off the course and back onto the trailer. Chad Di Marco, a CRS. member who drove his Subaru Turbo. 4x4 sedan very success-fully in the 1986 SCCA National series, came out to Glen Helen with a new Subaru Turbo 4x4 sedan with right hand drive. Chad turned the Subaru bver to Millen,· who made several impressive exhibition runs. Jeff Griffin and Doug Cwiak took this slick looking Volvo 142 through the ruts to a · close fourth place in the tight running Open Class. I . At the half way point the teams had 45 minutes for servicing·, after that they would run tne course in the opposite direction. Lon Peterson had ordy 1/100 minute lead over Bill Holmes at this point, but both had out-d is tanced the rest of the competition by 30/ 100 minute. Following · the two leaders in overall time at the midway point were · .Poston, Hynynen, Koch, Ian Miller (Toyota Corolla Twin Cam) and Bill Perez. Catching a little air over a lump, Bill and Mike Perez had a good day in the Datsun · 510, and finished the six legs fifth in Stock Class. I The course was now badly chewed up in the turns and looking more 1-ike the Score off road track at Riverside than a rally run. Some of the lower powered Stock Class drivers were questioning their ability to even get through at all without getting stuck in the soft stuff. Peterson blasted through in the reverse direction trying to maintain his overall lead. Three-quarters of the way around, and into a very sharp 90 degree right hand turn, he had a close encounter of the wrong kind with a soft berm and rolled. The damage was slight, but the time it took .to upright the · car put Peterson/ Love way off the pace to eventually finish ninth in Open. · , This action gave Bill Holmes the overall lead, which he never relinquished in . the big Ford truck. Bill Perez, making a bid for the Stock _Class win, also encoun~ered the same berm, where he sat high centered for a couple of minutes before getting Rod Millen, right, surveys the damage to his new Mazda 323 after a 300 yard dash .resulted in a rollover for the Group A cont,ender in 1987. · · Rally cars get stuck even on a closed course, and the Capri of Robert Wilson and Bill Schrader was out of action after this soft sand excursion. · Dusty Times un-stuck, putting him back to an eventual fifth place finish in class. · Ian Miller drove a smooth, I well /aced event, finishing secon overall and in Open Class. Kenzo Sudo and Howard 1 Watanabe, in the Corolla Twin ' Cam 16 valve, poured on the power in the last three stages to move up to third in Open. Jeff Griffin and Doug Cwiak in their quick Volvo 112 took fourth in Open. · Repeating his excellent finish and CRS Stock Class victory at the Indio event last November, Dave Poston proved once again · March j 1987 Roger and Richard Hull campaign a Datsun 610 in the Stock Class, and they drove hard to take fourth in the popular class. · Hard LUck Award winning team was Rod Koch/Roger Allison, when the VW broke a ball join_t on the last leg, while lying fourth in Open Class. that a Mazda RX 7 is the way to The Glen Helen Rallycross has go, taking third overall and the become such a popular event Stock Class win. Topi Hynynen with CRS drivers, that two more fihished second in Stock with such events are scheduled for Mike Gibeault close behind for 1987. With the right promotion,. third. Fourth in Stock went to 1Glen Helen cou'ld become (or Roger Hull, Datsun 610, despite Pro Rallying what Riverside has a head on confrontation with a become for short cours'e off road hea'{y cemerit post on the fourth racing. The spectator and lap. sponsorship possibilities are The hard luck award for goin·g clearly there. the farthest, yet failing to finish, The California Rally Series had to go to the Koch/ Allison now moves back out to the desert VW. Half way through the last for their next event, the High lap, while running fourth in Desert Trails Rally out of Open Class, an upper ball joint Ridgecrest, CA. It is a 150 mile failed,, stopping the VW out on performance rally set for April the flats. 10-12, 1987. ·\Vt': --, , }::; ,, . Page 35

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I.C.E. RACING he 1 ½ to 2½ mile twisting road .courses laid out on frozen lakes .. AMOCO Sponsors the ·~ultimate'' Endurance Series All cars will be equipped with studded ice racing tires to compete on the glare ice conditions. Snow.banks line the circuits on both sides. Ice thicknesses will be anywhere from 18 inches to three feet thick. Amoco considers - this series the ultimate test for their "Ultimate" Premium lead-free gasoline and "Ultimate'_' 100'¾, synthetic oil. The schedule consists of races in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ontario, ending on March 1, 1987. Winter Showroom Stock racing will be showcased in the 1987 "AMOCO ULTIMATE ICE ENDURANCE SERIES" .. Over 150 drivers in a variety of cars will compete for overall and three class championships during a seven race schedule in the United States and Canada. Notable drivers will include Chevrolet IMSA Pro-Formance drivers and defending ice champions from Duluth, Bobby and Tommy Archer, heading a two car Chevrolet Turbo Spectrum effort. Indy driver Herm Johnson and team owner John Menard will drive Shelby Dodge Omni Turbo GLHS's out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Milwaukee's SCCA Endurance racer Peter (P .D.) Cunningham and IMSA Pro-Formance driver Mike Bartels will co-drive in a Honda CRX Si .. Nissan is organizing a yet to be detailed effort for driver Geoff Brabham. Over 16 makes, including Toyota (FX16) and Volkswagen (16 valve Scirocco and GTI) are expected to compete · in the series. · Series prize money currently totals $11,500.00 inck1ding a $4000.00· Amoco. Ultimate Points Fund. Racers will be The Blue Line is here. J \LLE PRODUCTS, INC. -FIiier Safely Is now offering all seal belts and harnesses In BLUE al an addlllonal 10% over exlsllng prices. We are also slocklng harness pads, horse collars, arm reslralnts and lie downs in blue al no Increase In cos!. To order use exlsllng numbers and_ specify blue. j No. 62625-3 ............... $127.85 i• (Also available In standard I black) .................... $116.25 SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order using Visa, Mastercharge or we do ship ·c.O.D. No personal checks please. Order now and receive the new, 20 page 1985 calalog and price lisl I rec. ' FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818} 768-7770 Page 36 Photos: Rick Corwine supplied with Amoco Ultimate gas and oil. Amoco will also award $500 to the team with the most race miles, the "Ultimate Endurance Award.". Other series sponsors include a three way partnership called the "Snow Pro Patrol", comprised! of MEYER SNOWPLOWS, CHEVROLET TRUCKS and SKI . DOO SNOWMOBILES, who will groom the race courses on the ice circuit. Meyer Snowplows also contributes series and racer support, ·including a $500 -"Meyer, Most Improved Driver Award". AUTO-X magazine, in cooperation with SKIP BARBER RACING SCHOOL, will award a Skip Barber session to the I.C.E. "Rookie of the Year". SUN ELECTRICS will lend . technical assistance to the series. The endurance race tracks will I.C.E. SEASON PREVIEWS ON HIGH BANKED OVAL AT EAGLE RIVER, . -WISCONSIN The 1987 ice race season opened early with an unuslJal event for the ice showroom endurance racers. A non-points sprint tune-up for the, Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance Series at the famed Eagle River snowmobile iced · .oval gave everyone · a new flavor of ice racing. The 318th mile high hanked oval is normally used once a year for' the Snowmobile World Championships: For the first time, track owner and promoter Dick Decker, mixed cars and sleds for an action packed Holiday weekend. extravaganza of ice racing. The Ice Championship Endurance ( I.C.E.) Series alternated track sessions with the United States S~owmobile Association (USSA) throughout the two day event late in December. Instead of the normal two tc\ three hour endurance races with pit stops for driver ch::mges, this event ran under a sprint race -format, complete with- several heat races leading up to the Sunday feature. The Eagle River track is slightly pear shaped. Corner one and two is actually one narrow radius 180 degree turn. Speeds reached near 60 mph down the straight into a wide smooth corner three and into corner four. While the Formula One snowmobiles tu.rn around a 16 second lap time, the showroom ice racers on 13 studs per foot were turning closer to 30 second laps. The -car action was dominated by· the new Chevrolet T urho Splashing into the lead off the start, the HONDA CRXSi of P.O. championship-by half a point after the shortened race at Mankato. .March 1987 Spectrums of Bobby and Tommy Archer. The Archer brothers were the only competitors to take · ·advantage of the early practice sessions on Friday. By the time· Saturday Heat racing began, the Chevys were properly set up for the all left turn -track while everyone else was just beginning to experiment with suspension settings. The Archers traded wins through -the seven heat races, four for Tommy ar:id three for Bohhy. _ The chief competition came from the Volkswagen GTis of Jeff Hagen and Chris Orr. Veteran off roaders, Karl and Lee Wuesthoff, drove well in their Volkswagen Rabbit during their first time ever on the ice. The twelve lap Sunday Feature turned ·into another Archer brother duel as . misfortun~ struck some of the competition. Chris Orr challenged for the lead early before crashing into the outside retaining wall with a broken drive shaft. Don Coatsworth got out of shape and buried his Mazda into the inside snowbank in ·corner two. Bobby and . Tommy traded the lead several times before Bobby took the lead on an inside line through the last turn, coming home the winner hy a car length. Jeff Hagen finished third with Lee Wuesthoff close behind. Fifth went to Fiat driver John Nytes in a Fiat 128. Neither Coatsworth nor Orr were injured in the only two mishaps during the feature. .Archers credited their victory to the extra time his Duluth, MN based team spent experimenting with suspension settings, tire pressures, stud patterns and driving various lines around the tricky track. "We had the advantage this weekend on this track," Bobby Archer said, "But starting_next race they are all road type courses and I think the competition is going to he a lot closer." The_ remaining ICE schedule is all endurance racing cm two to three mile road courses on frozen lakes. HOT RACING KICKS OFF THE AMOCO ULTIMATE ICE ENDURANCE SERIES Thirty cars took the green flag • for round one. of the Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance Series Dusty nmes

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for showroom stock automo-biles. New machinery dominated the grid incJuding a pair of Dodge Omni GLHS Turbos for Menard Racing, a fresh set of Chevrolet Turbo Spectrums for · Archer Racing, a sixteen-valve Volks-wagen Scirocco and two Honda CRXSis. In their third year, the Detroit Lakes Ice Challenge was . having the biggest turnout ever, promising for a very competitive season ahead. In only his fourth ice race, newcomer Jeff Hagen prevented an all Spectrum front row by putting his Volkswagen GT! on the pole for himself and veteran co-driver Leighton Reese. Hagen held the lead for the first two laps on the tight 1.6 mile twisting · road course before Tommy Archer slipped by. It was Chevy-Chevy-VW in a tight battle until Hagen slid wide in a high speed sweeper, clipping .the outside snowbank causing him to roll. The damage to the front right suspension was extensive enough to prevent repairs. Hagen was slightly shaken during the flip opposite the pits but otherwise unharmed. Tommy Archer held first until the mid-point driver change of the two hour long race, handing a now ailing car to brother Bobby. Turbo problems worsened into the second hour, eventually dropping the brothers out of the top five. Archer Racing's other entry, driven by Steve Potter, survived an early spin to take over a comfortable lead. P.O. Cunningham had worked his way up from his 11th place .starting position fo hold second position in his Honda CRXSi. Judd Jackson had . made a dramatic charge from last into third. Jackson qualified his 16-valve Scirocco third, but was pulled into the pits from the starting grid because of over-studded tires.· After pulling studs down to the proper specifica-tions Jackson started from the pits at the back of the pack. With ESPN's L·ury Nuber snowbound in Indiannapolis, Potter would turn over the second Chevy to Tommy Archer. Other driver changes put John Dozier into the Honda and Geoff Brabham into the Scirocco. Brabham moved past Dozier into second by the end of the two hour enduro. John Menard and Indy driver Herm Johnson ran strong in their Alugard Dodge GLHS early, b\:lt problems moved them well back by the fm1sh of the Miller High Life/ Detroit L'lkes Ice Challenge. Jerry and Terry Orr, driving last year's finale winning Volkswagen GT!, solved mechanical woes that plagued their qualifying sessions to storm up from the rear to finisb fourth, despite additional transmission prob-lems leaving them with only one gear at the end. The other Menard Dodge ran consistently with Jon Kurshinsky and Chris Menard at the wheel to a 5th place finish . The Potter/ Arc.her Chevy took the checker but' not the win when race officials discovered that Tommy was not properly registered in the second car. This handed Jackson/ Brabham their · first ever ice race victory and the early lead in the Amoco Ultimate and Uniroyal Goodrich Points Dusty nmes John Menard/Herm Johnson, left, try to out cqrner the qu,nningham/Dozier Honda, center, and the Judd Jackson/Geoff Brabham VW Scirocco at the Detroit Lakes race. I Championship -races. "It's not the best way to win, but we'll take it," said Brabham. A-class honors went to Volkswagen "Rabbit drivers, Todd Schneider and Jay Dekko, a lap ahead of their nearest foe in another Rabbit, off roaders Karl and Lee W uesthoff. Rear drive winners were husband and wife veterans Don and Marianne Coatsworth in a Mazda. ARCHERS TAKE COOL WIN AS ICE COMPETITION HEATS UP IN DULUTH himse_lf and co-driver John Dozier in a Honda CRXSi. Cunningham mbved the Honda into 5th beforeJ turning the car · over to Dozier oJ lap 34. Dozier continued the b1ttle towards the top to take the dhecker just 17.8 seconds behind 1the Archers in a very satisfying effort. Dozier passed Geoff Brabham just a. few laps from the bnd to repay a similar move by [Brabham a week earlier which ey~ntually led to the win by Brapham and Judd Jackson in their 16-valve I Volkswagen Scirocco. Brabham and Jackson's third place finish here was enough to keep them ahead in the I series points standings for I the Amoco Hometown favorites Bobby Ultimate and Uniroyal Goodrich and Tommy Archer shuffled cars Points Champidnships. Dozier/ before the start of the Minnesota Cunningham sdnd close behind Cup Race Enduro. The decision in second. to change cars with Steve Potter Honda made their first official and Jeremy Shaw proved to be a appearance in the series with a wise choice. The Archer brothers factory effort I behind SCCA drove that backup Chevrolet summer end wl-ance series ;rurbo Spectrum to a convincing champions Lante Stewart and win at round two of the Amoco Scc)tt Gaylord) Stewart and Ultimate ICE Endurance Series Gaylord pickeµ up quickly at Dufuth. Electrical problems enough on the tricks of ice racing had plagued the number 32 to finish a r"espec:table4th in their Chevy which led to the swap. first ice race e~er. IMSA Pro-Unfortunately for Potter and Formance drive1rs Jim Dentici Shaw, the problems continued, and Mike Bartels filled another though they still managed to CRXSi for this <)J'ne event. Parker finish 8th. Johnstone will take over that The Archer brothers started Honda beginning with the next from the second row but quickly event in LaCrosse. Fellow Bob jumped past the pole sitting Bondurant rac/ng instructor Alugard Dodge Omni GLHS Mark Wolocatiuk will co-drive. Turbo of Jon Kurshinsky and Honda also ~1upports the Chris Menard to lead 54 out of Cunningham/qozier private the 55 lap race. One of the effort. ,I Archer normally aspirated Menard and Kurshinsky ran as Spectrums from last season high as second most of the race, qualified_ second, ·driven by but faded to fift~ at the end. An veteran ice racer Duane Mahder early threat by t,he VW GT! of and Chris Orr. Jerry and Terry Orr end~d soon A second lap miscue left P.O. after a full counk yellow with a Cunningham in a snowbank, in pcx)rly timed flat tire. 38th position and over 90 · It was a race rllade interesting seconds down, making for a long by the decision of the race charge back to the front for officials to redesign a section of I Marchl1987 Crowding into a corner at Duluth, Mark Strom, left;-has the inside line in the Mazda RX-Z., But Geoff Brabham, center, is crowding him, while the Opel just may have the line. the track during the race! Turn two had developed a hole in the racing line. Apparently an air pocket in the ice surface had begun to break up. After considering flagging the race early, l.C.E. Director Jim Cich suggested that he could plow a new corner away from the hole during a full course caution. A pace car was dispatched and the 34 car field circled slowly for three laps on the 2 .2 mile track THE while the I.C.E. Chevrolet Suburban/Meyer Snowplow rig plowed-the new section of track. The race cars were ushered • through the new corner once before being given the green flag to restart the racing. Mahder and Chris Orr - finished 6th overall to win A-cl~ss in the older Spectrum ahead of the Detroit Lakes A-class winners Todd Schneider and Jay Dekko r;w-WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. __ Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 37

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or in a Rabbit. Rear Drive was won for the second .event r running by Don and Marianne Coatsworth in their Mazda. ARCHER'S CHEVY BATTLES TO HARD EARNED WIN AT LACROSSE On the fastest race course in ·Ice Endurance racing history, Bobby ·and Tommy · Archer survived an early race accident to win their second Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance Series event in a row. The win moved them into all but a tie with series leaders P.O. Cunningham and John Dozier (Honda CRXSi) after three races out of the seven race schedule. It was a victory that depended heavily on survival· and making the correct ,decisions on tire ·, choices and tire changes. Because of the high speeds and cold conditions. (much of the weekend was well below zero ) tire wear was more prominent than in any previous race. This caught ·many teams off guard. The Archer brothers were fortunate enough to stay on top of the tire situation and make the proper settings and changes at the midpoint drivers change. Their Chevrolet Turbo Spec-trum was involved in a multi-car tangle very early in the race, but luckily only causing body damage. The second Archer Spectrum was being driven by Willy Lewis, former Renault • Cup and Sports Renault Champion and 1986 Barber Saab Pro Series Champion. His ten years of east coast ice race experience was showing as he led the 36 car field through much of the mid-section of the race. Geoff Brabham started from the pole and led the first 14 laps of the 60 lap Menard Lumber Enduro. Soon after losing the lead to the Archer Chevys, Geoff became the first race casualty on lap 20. A slower car was stuck inside of corner two. Third place P.D. Cunningham glanced off the snowbound vehicle and contin-ued. Brabham's 16-valve Scirocco didn't fair as well, striking the car directly, ~•~·~~~'..\. •:'~.:: .·7· Pit stops and driver changes are common in this endurance series, and here the Honda 1ea0 works on the Cunningham/Dozier CRXSi during the La CrossfL_ You won't see many spectators in shorts or bikinis at I.C.E. events. Spectator Dave Sommerflock enjoys the action from an instant snow hill at La Crosse. · damaging the left front too badly Driving flawlessly and totally to continue. No one was hurt. unscathed was the top A-class Jerry Orr and son Terry VW Rabbit of Karl and Lee climbed from 20th on the grid to Wuesthoff, taking an impressive 3rd at the checker with a very 6th overall amongst the GT spirited and clean drive. fliers. First in reardrive(B-class) Honda CRXSi's put up a was the Datsun 240Z of Len strong battle through most of the Jackson and Bob Brost. The · race, holding 4 out ·of the top 7 average speed of the running positions as late as lap 55. Archer car was a very fast 55.3 Cunningham led just before mph on the wide open LaCrosse pitting, but tire problems were track, 10 mph higher than most already developing. Co-driver endurance racers. · Most racers Dozier helplessly dropped thought it was "10 mph too through the ranks, t-hen a flat two fast". -laps from the end dropped them The AMOCO Ultimate Points to ninth. The Parker Johnstone/ . Championship and Uniroyal Mark Wolocatiuk Si ran out of Goodrich Cup points leaders gas 5 laps from the end while in after three out of seven events: 4th. This left the Hondas of Scott 1st is John Dozier and P .D. Gaylord/Lance Stewart and Cunningham in a Honda CRXSi Jerry Russet/ Spencer Johnson in with 129 points; 2nd is Bobby 4th and 5th at the end. and Tommy Archer in a Chevrolet Spectrum Turbo with MINIMUM 128.5 points; and 3rd is Jerry and . Terry Orr in a Volkswagen Golf GT! with 116 points. EFFORT ......................... . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula. CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 38 WILLY LEWIS SPLASHES TO VICTORY IN SHORTENED MANKATO ICE RACE The biggest crowd to see an ice race since 1983 turned out under sunny springlike weather to watch the inaugural Coors/ Mankato Snofest two hour endurance race. Spectators and crew walked around in shirt sleeves enjoying the bla}Tly 48 degree temperatures. Bobby and Tommy Archer, whose Daytona 24 hour bid ended short, arrived Sunday noon from Florida to catch the gorgeous weather. The California boys from Honda, Lance Stewart, Scott Gaylord, Mark Wolocatiuk and crew pulled out the lounge chairs to catch some heavy Minnesota rays. Minnesota was the m·w winter hot spot. Unfortunately, the huge crowd and· fabulous March 1987 Many drivers show off unique headwear in the frigid conditions at ice races. John_ Barron models his fancy hat while working on his VW G Ti. · Tire grooving and stud patterns are half science and half art, and often kept secret, as they are in this shot from the Archer brothers camp. · Fifteen years ago ice racing had few front drive cars, but the Mini-Coopers did a lot of winning. Here Don Roderick corners hard in a Mini ahead of Scotty Bell in a Saab Sonnet. · weather sunk the Mankatl\ ice race. Driving an Archer Chevroll't Turbo Spectrum, Willy drove st)lo to a dampened victory at tht· fourth round of the Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance · Series for shc,wroom stock automobiles: 43 cars, the third largest field ever, took the green flag under very wet conditions. The warmth and heavy load of cars and people on the ice caused water to he forced up onto the icl'._Originally schedull'd for two hours, the race was cut to one hour. Conditions worsened ~md the race was checkered after just 30 minutes. Because the race fl'll short of one hour, no series points will be awarded. Several cars pitted for the required driwrs change, while the early checker foll before the others had a chan~e. The top 15 finishers never pitted in the 13 lap race. Lewis, a former Renault Cup and 1986 Barber-Saab Pro Series champion, started 5th on the grid and battled his way past two of thl'. three front starting Hondas into 2nd by lap two. P.D. Cunningham started from the pole anJ held his Honda CRXSi in first until Lewis got by on lap seven. Lewis's ten years of east coast ice racing may have hdped in the wry adverse conditions. Bobby and Tommy Archer missed qualifying, leaving Tommy starting from the back. Despitl' a_ hlack flag stop and go penalty tor jumping the start, Tommy moved from43rd to 6th i_n the other Chevy Turbo Spec-trum. Honda CRXSi's qualified in thl' top three positions and took 2nd through 5th in a very impressive showing (2_nd-P.D. Cunningham, 3rd-Spencer Johnson, 4th-Lance Stewart, 5th-Mark Wolocatiuk ). A surprise winner in A-class was a Porsche 911 driven by Adam Popp, finishing 8th overall. B-class was taken by Ll'n Jackson in a Datsun 240Z. Jerry and Terry Orr, who sit third in the series, take delivery on new VW Foxes this week to debut at St. Paul. Cunningham/ D.ozier still lead Archt·r/ Archer by a half point. The next event on the circuit is the Pepsi Grand Prix, ,February 7-8, in conjunction with thl' St. Paul Winter Carnival. Owr 50 cars and 100 drivers ar~ expt·cted to compete for the prestigious Carnival Cup trophy. · Dusty .nmes

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The Losers By }uJy Smith The '87 season started early in January, at Anaheim, with the Mickey Thompson race, and among the first Losers of the new year was Roger Mears, who blew two rear ends in his good car and had to run his old backup (ar. The only reason he had it with him w_as because it was for sale, so it wasn't really race ready. His crew checked the oil, and put in some new spark plugs, and ~et Roger out to race. But it wasn't competitive, and he didn't have much fun that evening. The big Loser of the day was Ivan -Stewart, who'd hurt his back two days before, on Press Da_y. He tried to drive early on Saturday, but the back still hurt, and rather than risk doing some damage that might last for the whole season, he sat out the first race of the series. Butch Arciero drove his truck for him. Starting with the trophy dash, the first Loser of the night was Danny Thompson, who had some problem, and didn't start with the other three condenders. But Danny's truck had the camera in it, so he waited until they passed him, and then ran along behind them, giving the audience a nice view of the others trucks from the rear, on the big t.v. screen. Glenn Harris had a rough time in the dash, ending up on his side. In the UltraStock race, Monte Crawford shoved Chris Neil up onto the wall, but they did both manage to get loose and get the finish. · In the fkst Class 10 heat it was Robby Gordon's turn to Lose, as his car made an abrupt right turn, in the middle of a straight, and nosed into one of the barriers. He finished last. In the second Class 10 heat Kent Castle center-punched one of the barriers, . treating a shower of water, and moving the barriers a good six feet. He kept moving for a while, but the car died a lap later. In that same heat, while being lapped, Ken Woolsey nudged Albert Arciero, who was running second and trying to catch Bob Gordon on the second from last lap. They had just got by Woolsey when the nudge came,' and that sent Albert right over on his side, and lost him many positions. We could see the steam coming from under Albert's helmet. The first truck heat race was exciting for a while. Then Walker Evans, who Was trying to catch Al Unser, who had his Jeep in front, hit the bump on the inside of the first turn. That put Walker up on his left two wheels,· and he did what daredevil drivers call a "Ski!', heading straight for Little Al. Walker worked hard to keep from going over, but what saved him was the Jeep, and as he bumped it,settingitupon its two left wheels, the impact put Walker squarely on the ground again. Al; however, headed right into the water barrier,_ beh_in'(1 DON'T BE A LOSER Read the Soapbox column on page 4 and TAKE ACTION Dusty Times which were corner workers, photographers, a·nd other miscellaneous people. The barrier flew, people flew, and Al ended up turned turtle. A course worker, Rocky Tremelay, was removed to the hospital and held overnight for observation, but word was that he suffered just cuts and bruises, and asked to be returned to the race. Little Al, meanwhile, had climbed out of his Jeep, and when it was back on its wheels he lost a lot of time getting buck"led up again. · In the meantime, Glenn Harris was poking around, looking very' slow, with a bad rear axle. He finally lost the whole wheel and axle, and _fizzled to a stop midrace. Mears also rolled to a stop during this heat. In the second rruck heat, which was more orderly, Dan Esslinger got the end of the event, then ran into Sherman Balch, 'then ran himself into the wall alongside the turn, crossed the course and whammed nose first into the opposite wall. He backed up, and as he did, flames shot up, both inside and outside the cab of the truck. The fire safety person was there fast.with an extinguisher, a·nd Esslinger was out in a hurry, as the flames subsided, also. in a hurry. No serious damage appeared to have occurred, either · to Esslinger or his truck. In the UltraStock main, while still in staging, the Mazda of Bill Silberman sent a tall tongue of flame up from its rear, a result of a hot exhaust too near something. That too, didn't last long, and he did get to start, but it quit before- the first lap was over. In the Class 10 main event, Brad Castle and Dave Bonner both went into the wall. The action was hot and heavy.back in the pack as Greg George and a couple of others tried to move up through traffic. Finally, as he passed Larry Noel, George was nudged s9 that ·he slid up onto the barrier, ran along it a distance then dropped down, ON THE 'OPPOSITE SIDE, so he was heading the wrong way, int,; oncoming traffic. Greg kept his cool, pulled off to the- side, flipped a U-turn, and came on again. But he'd lost about eight or ten positions with .that little move. From ·the short course race, we went next to Parker for the first desert race of the year. Parker is always tough and frequently creates Losers out· of pit people and spectators also. This year the weather stayed temperate, and neither froze or baked the pit folks,. although it did blow a lot of dust in one or two areas. There were some early L;>sers, one of whom, Mark Broneau, did a very thorough job of wiping out his car. Mark was testing a day or two before 'the race I not bn the course, when a part of the front end that he'd fabricated himself, ' broke and sent the new single seater into a hard endo. Mark, who had himself strapped in and • had his helmet on, was okay when we saw him, but had a bum·p on his head, and when we patted ,him on the shoulder sympathetically, he winced. He told us his car-J looked "like a 'gave explicit instructions on how train hit it." ·· · to get their spare parts. They told Les Fulkerson, .who was 1theBFGoodrichrelaytotelltheir entered in Class 2, also went 1pitto."got0Devercelly'svanand testing, and he-also had front end . get the jets, and then go to the trc.'>ubles, breaking a trailing arm. · lmotorhome, and inside, next to F_ulkerson didnj't get to race the sink, ge~, the tool hox a~d either. And nctither did Bill spark plugs. The message Donahoe. He had just bought the relayed correctly, and many Class 4 · Dodge . that Don minutes later we heard that the McCormack ran in '86, and he pit crew-was on the way with the went out on Frid~y to give it a try. "piston and cylinder." Said the The rear ehd fell out of the truck , racer, "Did he get the jets?" We during the test d~ive, and gave I later heard that they had burnt a Donahoe and ~is enthusiastic - piston right off the start line in . crew a lot to do that evening. ,their 5-1600 car, and the results They had it back together in time show that they didn't solve their to get through tech and all, but it . problem, in spite o(all the heroic fell apart again, dn the way to the I efforts of the BFG relay and their start line. I . lpit crew. , ·· _ . Jim Greenway, who drives in I Perry and Terry McDonald Class 10, broke his rear torsion 1rolled their Class 1 car, and bent· housing on Friday, and ran a wheel flange. They also around anxiously looking · for managed to get the transmission·· someone to weld it all up agai'n. 1 loc~ed in two gears, _and were out He found a welder, and a person early. In the Challenge Cla-ss, Bill to do the work, but on race day _Bunch ran well on the California · he managed to get only to the side, finishing .there in third first hole before )it broke again. place. But his co-driver,- Kevin Once again, we were privileged ·Conlan, broke a spindle on the to have at our disposal a Uniden first Arizona loop, . and drove radio,. g. raciously provided for lback to the start/finish line on it. the press by thel Uniden Media They fixed everything, but when_ Program and the Spirit race team. he went back out, the trailing We were able t6 keep track of arms came loose, and that was racers from many teams, and the end of rheir race. empathized as we heard the calls Stan Gilbert got off to a good for pit crews and trailers go out start, driving Jim Venahle's new over the air waves. One of the '66 Ford truck, but then he went early ones was a request· from out to pass someone, ran out ~it' Frank Vessels for a trailer, to room, and fell off a little clitt. . rescue his tru~kl at the top of 1The impact cracked the oil pan, Thunder Alley. It seems that and.oil ran out almost as fast as Frank had once again blown a they could put it back in. Stan· head gasket. Welalso heard that said tbe truck "worked good" Mark Hansen and Malcolm 1~ntil then, and was particularly Vinje had broke~ a torsion bar, ncklecl about the air_ cond1t1on-just 200 yards off the start. They mg which had kept h1m,cool and -had a spare, and got that fixed clean all the way around to the and got going again, only to blow top 9'5 crossing. . a head gasket about seven 'miles A name we don't often see .further down the road. . here is Walker Evans, but he We heard Robin T ulleners joined the ranks of the Losers at send a message \over the radio Parker. Walker blew a line, then that he was down about three 1lost his power .s_teering, and then miles out of thb start with a broke an axle, and he had got no blown transmissi6n, and John further than Rice by then. On Nelson and Volker Bruckm·ann 1Thunder_ Alley he. lost oil were looking for a trailer at the pressure, and so he had to cool it, bottom of ThuJder Alley. Pit 'and take things easy ·the rest of crews started loc~king for parts 1rhe way aro.und C_aliforn_ia. for Brian Stewart's truck early in Things seemed to he tixed atte_r_ the day also. We heard them the down time, and he took ott looking for an I-beam bracket for into Arizona, _hoping to catch up the Ford. And when one crew some, but on his first loop, on. a member radided, "Which nice, sm6oth, fast road, his bracket, right br left?", · the number 8 piston went through answer was, ")Biing both!." his oil pan. Stewart never got _any further. Jerry Whelchel tried his hand Joey Adzima called plaintively at Lk:sert racing_ aga_in, but hroke for two push rods apd a rocker his ring and pm1on JUSt two miles arm near Check J 1, while John from the start. Larry Ragland, Ndbert and Fred Grabowski :w·ho lcmked mighty good for a while in his Chevy truck, broke'· pa rt of his suspension in · California, had it repaired, then· worked on it on his down time, only · to have it rehreak ih Arizona. RC:iger Mears, in the same class, did a similar thing with shocks. But he never even got out of California. Jimmie Crowder came out from Tallahassee, Florida to race Parker, and he had Tom Martin riding with him in his nice tv.:o seater. Early on the California side he hit something too fast and went over and over, finally landing on his wheels. Martin says he's never going to ride again. Crowde.r checked everything over during the down time, replaced a front trailing arm that had been cracked, and the new one broke at Bouse on his first Arizona loop, putting him c>ut. Dave Massingham rind Waynt.'-'' Morgan lost their mcitor in the middle of Thunder Alley, right where Kit Trenholm and Jack Irvine lost theirs. And Rod Everett got' to th~ tqp of Thunder Alley before ·losing his motor. Dave Kreisler had c .v. problems, thought he solved them, and broke for good on his first Arizona loop. John Gable and his Class 8 were out with electrical problems. It was a distributor that went away, and because it was a trick distrihutor, there wasn't a handy spare tq he had. Jim Barbeau made it almost to the finish, but broke a spring plate, ahout 10 miles from the finish. Keith Schindler, v:ho's het.·J;) ... working with his brother and dad to get their two seater back in shape after its rollover in Barstow in July, stuffod it into a hole. did a slciw roH and hroh· a hrake drum, · early on the California side. Thl'y got it fixed, and went on, determinl'd to get a finish, only to break three push rods after Thunder Alley. They got that repaired also, and went on, having some problems, hecause the carhuretors hadn't heen well adjusted (when they went out to test on Friday, an Indian policeman had chased · them away). The car then ran out of gas, just bl'fore the narrow canyon, and in a spot where no one could go in to rescue thl'm. By the time tht·y·coul'J go in, on the course, they'd run out of time, missing the cutoff hy two . minutes. On Sunday, th1;\ Schindlers discovered that thl'y<r -had a flat on their tow van, to top off a fairly miserable weekend. THE GREAT CANDY CANE . I OFF ROAD RACE TEAM· March 1987 · Page· 39

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f ' .,. f ' I The Ninth Annual Paris-Dakar Text & Photos: Martin Holmes · · Ari Vatanen and Bernard Giroux impressed the world with their victory in the Peugeot 205 T 16, modified with a longer wheelbase, 400 liters of fuel capacity, a detuned engine and dual shocks all around. On his first compe~ition appearance after a near fatal accident 18 months ago, Ari Vatanen rose from 279th place, after his Prologue troubles, to lead the rally at the half way point at Agadez, Niger. It was the first time a Finnish driver had entered the Paris-Dakar. His special "Grand Raid" version of the double world champion rally car-Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 survived the early suspension failure, where ht; reached the end of the Former overall winher Patrick Zaniroli had his Rang·e Rover in second midway, and finished second, leading the conventional Paris-Dakar brigade. · STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. · . Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to·accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells·for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C. V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1. 5 pitch threads. 10 mm -1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. . MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • U\KE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 40 stage with helpers standing on the rear to balance the car and lost ten minutes. Midway he was over two hours ahead of his closest rival Patrick Zaniroli in a Range Rover. Ari Vatanen went on to win the toughest motorsports competition in the world, the Paris-Dakar marathon iri the Peugeot, even though he crashed again in the third week of the competition. Midway, of the 498 compe.ti-tors who left France and Spain for the shores of Algeria, almost half had retired. The yellow, Camel sponsored Peugeots took the lead. As Vatanen had to run two hours behind the leaders in the choking dust of slower runners, his Kenyan , teammate Shckhar Mehta took over the lead. Many of their opponents failed early. Andrew Cowan 's Mitsubishi Pajero, second two years ago, was delayed by shock absorber problems, and his young teammate Jean de Silve cr4shed. The new turbo charged three liter Toyota LJ7 3s were thwarted by transmission. troubles, which forced them to use only rear whee! drive. "We had no time to do the proper testing in · advance", explained team leader, former Le Mans winner Henri Pescarolo. His teammate Jean-Pierre Gabreau gave ~P the effort so his car could · provide more spare parts for Pescarolo, but it was to no avail. Toyota's only satisfaction is that the "marathon" category, for production models, is headed 1-2-3 by their Land Cruisers midway in the event. · The official Range Rover team has hounded the Peugeot team throughout the run. Their look-alike machines conceal consider-able lightweight and aerodynam-ical improvements, and are aided by a new Viscodrive transfer box design. But, Zaniroli's teammate Raymondis had to retire when stuck -in the sand, and his car jammed in rear drive. Still continuing, through currently in 59th place after a ten hour penalty, which dropped him from 21st, for exceeding the time schedule limits, is another Range March 1987 After years of trying Dutchman Jan de Rooy got his victory this time in the giant sized 990 hp, twin engined OAF, sporting the biggest spoiler in motor racing. Rover driven by Grand -Prix driver Patrick Tambay. The heavily modified Lada Niva car ofJacky lckx, fitted with a 2.5 liter Chrysler ROC engine, fell to tenth place with transmission trouble, and his teammate Pierre Lartigue retired when a broken oil pipe wrecked the engine. The surprise of the event so far is the performance of the private Citizen sponsored team of Mitsubishi Pa'jeros from Japan, which here are in front of the offical French run Pajeros. The ·leading driver is Kenjiro "Lightning" Shinozuka, who has many years of top level rally. experience. The 14000 km route has so far passed from Paris to Barcelon~, then travele'd by boat to Algie_rs. · · Mehta led the rally as it went -south over the Hoggar moun-tains to the warmer deserts of Niger and the featureless T enere ·desert . . Entering the Ten ere region, however, many cr.ews, including Mehta became lost . . They blamed poor route instructions, and this factor enabled Zaniroli to lead the '•j .'"''.~,Q}f.:<"' Former rally champion enwo Shinozuka surprised the regulars and beat all the official team Mitsubishi Pajeros in this zippy looking Pajero with a small.rear spoiler. Team leader for the Mitsubishi Pajeros Andrew Cowan was the fastest of all on the Prologue, but shock problems dropped it to eig~th at the finish. The major class in the event is wide open on modifications,' and it produces specials like this aerodynamically bodied Range Rover of Deladriere/Bertheual. · . Dusty nmes

Page 41

Peugeots momentarily. The next d11y Vatanen finally went in front. Mehta recovered to second place, hut only 80 kms from Agadez he came to a halt with alternator trouble. His other teammate Andrea Zanussi, running in a "flying Mechanic" role, stopped to help repair the car, and then both of them hecame stuck in the sand. Next on the route the surviving cars and motorcycles headed westward toward Mali and such mythical places as Timbuctoo. Then it was through the sandy wastes ·of Mauretania, and finally into Dakar, Senegal for the finish. · Ed McCabe and Carolyn Jones had a /qt of sponsors on their thank you billboard thqt replaced the rear windows in their Mercedes 280 GE. Henri Pescarolo and Patrick Forticq started out strong in the three liter, turbocharged, 300 hp Toyota LJ/3, but transmission troubles put them down. Ari Vatanen led the three car team of converted Group B Supetcars, all the way to victory, winning by one hour, 15 minutes. The rallr car bested the first traditiona Paris-Dakar vehicle, the Range Rover of former winner Patrick Zaniroli, who was secure in second some three hours ahead of third place. A surprising third was the private Mitsubishi of Japan-'s Kenjiro Shinozuka, a former rally driver. Second only to the commercial importance ofVatanen's victory is the success of Toyota in the Marathon (standard vehicle) category. Jean-Jacques Rater's Land Cruiser finished fourth overall, another couple of hours down. After many years of trying in the parallel big truck category,, The heavily modified Lada Niva driven by road racer Jacky lckx, had transmission Ari Vatanen made a spectacular return to racing, and with the experience of troubles in the desert and fell back from contention. former winning co-driver Bernard Giroux, right, the team came back twice to score the win. the overall victory there went to transmission problems and the remarkable twin engine, 990 abandoned the event. The Lada bhp OAF "Turbotwin II" of Jan Nivas had various mechanical de Rooy, the former rallycross troubles, and the Mitsubishi champion from Holland. effort had ongoing shock Vatanen maintained his lead, problems, although Andrew which he gained after many other Cowan finished eighth. competitors; including his This year's event was teammate Shekhar Mehta, lost t ankfully free of the fatal their way .in Niger. Mehta a cidents of !~st year, but many recovered to finish fifth overall, cc mpetitors were flown home although the third Peugeot · a ter suffering injuries en driver, Andrea Zanussi, had to r ute.Among _the competitors retire with engine failure. Many w o retired through accidents teams, failed completely. The w re the Range Rover of prototype Toyotas suffered from Z niroli's teammate Raoul The new Nissan 021, Pathfinder in the USA. of Dessoude/Bertin makes a pit stop in the middle of the desert, where pits spring up anywhere. It looks just like a Jeep, but this rig of Suire/Mercey/Barbotin was entered as a . Renault Cherokee, and was seen in a desert stopover. Dusty Timcs Raymondis, the Land Rover of Michel de Deyne, and the Mitsubishi of Michel Riga!. The leading motorcyclist Hubert Auriol retired whJn he broke both ankles in a cr1sh only-two days before the finish. After getting lost in Niger, Grand Prix driver Patrick Tambay came back to finish 20th in his Range Rover. . The sections in Mauretania, held in the final week, proved to be the toughest of all, due to difficulties in becoming stuck in the sand and findilng the way . Often sand dunes \ had shifted their position after the official route survey, and many times the trucks - usually entered to carry spare parts for the cars and motorocycle entrants - also became important in helping pull other competitors to firmer ground. In these conditions the Marathon category Toyota of Ratet jumped up to third place overall.-There \was some controversy, notably concerning the speed with which the Peugeot · competitors found each other so quickly when one of them had mechanical trouble. Some sections contained very sharp stones, and even as! early as the first week Andrea Zanussi collected four flat tires in one section. I It was a turning point for.Paris-Dakar in many ways. After the death of the event's founder Thierry Sabine in a helicopter crash last year, it was the first time other people had planned the event. It was a credit to Sabine that his concepts could be continu_ed in this way. The top ten overall m Uakar are: 1. Vatanen/Gircbus, Peugeot 205 T16, 2. Zaniroli/ Lopes, Range Rover, 3. Shinozuka/ Fenouil, Mitsubishi Pajero, 4. Ratet/Vantouroux, Toyota Land Cruiser, 5. Mehta/ Dougpty, Peugeot 205 T 16, 6. · March 1987 Rur;ining as a "flying mechanic;, for the official Mitsubishi team, Hubert Riga/ was fourth overall midway, but went out with engine trouble. Seppi/ Arrivabene, Mercedes Mitsubishi Pajero, 9., Prieto/ 280GE, 7. -Canellas/Ferran, Termen, Nissan Patrol, 10. Range Rover, 8. Cowan/ Syer, Porcar/Tourin, Range Rover. CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL 0 •. · . · . TRI MIL~ BUG PACK . BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE . ~ HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V 011,oad Racecar \))" BEARD SEATS-PARKER PUMPER Parts & Accesson•5 YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES -McKENZII;:_AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - 'NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE ruic, .. c ••u11\ OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I · 1294S SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9160S (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 41

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·Lancia Wins The ·5·s1h Monte Carlo Rally The Lancia team dominated the Monte Carlo, and Massimo Biasson.and Tiziano Siviero were given the nod to take the victory in the Group A Lancia Delta HF 4WD car only barely homologated. The Italians ruled the Monte Carlo Rally, in their style. Lancia's team chief ordered his new recruit, Juha Kankkunen, to stop on the final stage to allow his teammate Miki Biasion to become the first Italian to win for ten years. "The team kept changing their mind to suit BiaSsion" claimed the World ch·a~pion 'in despair. "Not at all'·', claimed team manager Cesare Fiorio, "I decided that the winner would be the quicker driver over the T urini stage on the final day, a much more sporting system. 'Unfortunately Kankkunen had to slow down at that stage with an overheating engine, so Biasion won." The world's most controversial team had again dominated the scene, but their team unity and loyalty were threatened. The world's most charismatic rally, the first one run to the new championship rules, had succumbed to the Italian ruthless -pursuit of another motoring world title. Mazda started the rally with high hopes. "I am really very happy," said their new number one driver Timo Salonen. "The snowy conditions will suit us perfectly." It was ·an incredibly wintry occasion. Ev'ery stage on the five day event, except one, was run virtually entirely on snow , and ice, and this threw Ford into panic. Alt.hough reserving the option to use a 4x4 vers.ion, and carefully saying simply "Sierra" on the entry form, they hankered to use the rear drive Cosworth version, even though their top driver, Stig Blomqvist,. had been · pushing for the 4x4. Finally it became a big problem to get a 4x4 ready for him in time, while his teammate Kalle Grundel had to drive the Cosworth, which stood no chance of success at all. Only Ford and Skoda officially entered rear drive cars, and there was not much difference in their p~rformance, although the Sierra Cosworth boasts twice the . ' power. R.L.H. ENTERPRISE HIii COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS UNIDEN RACE RADIOS 337 W. 35th, Suite "C" National City, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay for all Score/HORA Off Road Events. FMH 350 $550.00 Helmets Wired $175.00 Amplifiers for that Extra Punch "Convertable" Hand-Held Radios Motorcycle Radio SystE;mS our Specialty Race Proven by JOHN CLARK GABLE -MAX RAZO RACING STEVE LAKIN - RICH MINGA - ROB TOLLESON MIKE LUND -HENRY ESCALERA Page 4~ Text & Photos: Martin Holmes From the moment the Group A Lancia Delta HP 4WD was announced as Italy's contender for the 198 7 world title there was controversy. None of Lancia's rivals believed there was any chance that the -car had -any chance of being homologated in time, especially with rumors of production delays. FISA found that insufficient fully identical cars had been built, but acknowl-edged an "honorable intent" of Lancia to comply with the rules and gave provisional. homologa-tion. However, when the team appeared in public on the event, and the times of the 'opening stages were announced, magnify-ing glasses were brought into operation and. rule books studied. Eventually, on the fourth day, Mazda made a protest, but the organizers ruled that-everything about the car was legal. On the second day of the rally FISA announced a special prize fund for two wheel drive teams in the World Championship, such was the distance· between their cars and the total traction brigade. In addition to ·Ford, . both Renault VW were prominent in this category. But, in these extreme conditions it took all of Kenneth Eriksson's skills to take an eventual sixth place in the rally, with Renault struggling even for a top ten place. Gone this year were the. Supercars, but Group B cars up to 1600cc were allowed to enter, if they ,started the rally at the back of the field. Two finished'in the top ten, and the Sierra Cosworth was not the only monster in the field; there was also the Audi 200 Quattro. While FISA made strong threats about the 300 hp limit this year, Audi said they would use the non-turbocharged coupe. Team Manager Herwart Kreiner said "We are still far away from 300 bhp," The format of the Monte Carlo Rally adapted to the now popular style of daylight stages and short sprint sections. The orders to slow down the speeds led to the omission of some old favorite stages, but high average speeds were not possible when the snow started falling. Even the day before the start the highways were blocked by drifting snow, but the.French snowplows would operate all night if the Monte Carlo Rally was coming. The police were not s_o . adept, watching the increasing traffic on the first day, and were impervi-ous to the a_ccelerating conges-tion. It was so bad on the main road leading to the first stage that only the first. handful of rally cars reached the stage at all. Later -starters went straight to the second sstage, while most missed the first three stages completely. Up on the mountain tops the message of the rally was soon being spelled out. Lancias were Despite constant power loss at lower speeds, Walter Rohr/ and Christian Geistdorfer finished third overall in the Group A Audi 200 Quattro. Using up three driveshafts, Stig Blomqvist and Bruno Berglund got the Ford Sierra 4x4, which lacked test time, home in fourth overall. Walter Rohrl's Audi and Stig "It was obvious· I would be Blomqvist's Ford. But, already . allowed to win, because when Mazda was in trouble; lngvar Saby retired I was in the lead," Carlsson stopped on a road claimed Biasion. "We kept section with a loose turbo pipe (lSking the team to confirm what connection and had to stagger was going to happen, but we through the opening stage. On never got answers," claimed the final stage of the first day . Kankkunen's co-driver Juha Salonen had the same thing Piironen. Biasion's car was the happen three times on the same first to have the gearbox changed, stage and was too late to carry on. in 40 minutes with no time loss, Blomqvist's untested Sierra and on the fourth day it was XR 4x4 was far ahead of Kalle Kankkunen's turn, also without Grundel's rear drive version, but- a time loss. As the cars returned twice the 4x4 was delayed by to Monte Carlo, Mazda team broken driveshafts. Up front chief Achim Warmbold filed his Lancia was in complete control, official' pr.otest, but it was an the first three cars, and in Group , abortive effort to halt the Italian N they were first through fourth. cars. Their only challenger was Then leader Bruno Saby snapped Walter Rohrl's Audi, but he was a shaft from the gearbox, a time troubled by constant power loss costing change in Group A as at lower engine speeds which opposed to the Groµp B cars. It forced him to settle ' for third wa~ time to ease the pace, and the place.· il)-ternal fighting began. (ccmri1_1ueJ 011 /wge 55 ) Plagued with turbo pipe breakage, the Carlssons, lngvar and Per kept the Group A Maz_da 323 4WD Turbo moving well for a fifth_ overall finish. one-two-three, with Ti mo The highest placed two wheel drive car was the VW Golf GT/ 16 valve driven by Salonen's Mazda fourth ahead of ·1986 Group A champion Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann, sixth overall. March 1987 Dusty nmcs

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RANGE ROVER A Luxury Liner for Cruising th~ Boulevard or the Outback in Style has the speedo, tach, and fuel ga,uge right behind the thickly · padded steering wheel, w_hich oddly enough does not have a tilt wheel function, nor is one planned. All other instruments are in the center, since the rig is built with both right and left hand drive. Power devices are legion, steering, brakes, win-dows, door locks, seats, the works. Between the front bucket se:ats the 4 WD shifter for low / high range and the diff lock • is forward. The automatic shift lever, topped with a golf club sized knob, and parking brake are just astern. The interior is truly o,~era carriage rank, with so many nice touches it would take a book to describe them all. The regal Range Rover is finally available legally in the USA, some fifteen years after the vehicle was introduced to the rest of the world. E~ission standards and other considerations have· kept the fanciest of all four wheel drive utility vehicles from these shores. However, the lure of the upscale U.S. market proved too enticing, and the English built Range Rover has been federal-ized, and it will go oh sale this month at selected dealers around the country. A new ·company, · Range Rover of North America, has been formed as the marketing arm here, and, fittingly, they have established headquarters in Lanham, MD, a heartland of the affluent country dwellers typical of the target market for the Range Rover. At the Las Vegas press introduc-tion of the Range Rover,· company representatives from both England and Mary land were on hand to describe their goals for the luxury/sports/utility wagon. Their target sales are a modest 5000 units per year when distribution systems are fully operational. Don't look for a Range Rover in the average car shopping mall, peopled by multiple dealers of mass pro-duced vehicles, however. The company has carefully screened their U.S. dealers, and many of them now sell BMW' and Porsche, and no trucks. However, at a price of around 30 grand, the Range Rover should appeal to such clientele, since it does have all the luxury features of a European sports sedan as well as the four wheel drive, go anywhere ability of its brother rig, the famous La:nd Rover. Mechanically, the Range Rover is powered by the all alloy 215 CID V-8 descended from the original Buick engine sold to Rover years back. The U.S. model comes only with a four speed automatic transmission, and the 4 WD is full time through a ·two speed transfer case with a center differential lock. Suspension is by coil springs on all four corners with telescopic shocks, a panhard rod in front and a Boge "Hydromat" self energizing leveling device between the frame and rear axle. Hefty disc brakes are fitted front and rear, and the 16 inch aluminum wheels wear Michelin The two piece tailgate has an easy operating latch, the tow hitch is an extra, but the mud flaps and rear window wiper are standard equipment. Dusty Times By Jean Calvin X M&S 200 all purpose radial tires, size_ 205R 16. f The frame is cor:i-ventional, a boxed steel ladder, but the body panels· are aluminurh, except the hood, tailgate and lower quarter panels, which are steel. The wheelbase is an even 100 inches and the overall length is just 175 inches. The single fuel tank holds 20 U.S. gallons, small it seems for a rig that has An EPA fuel rating of 14 mpg in r_iormal use. Items added fqr the U.S. market are a more simple tailgate latch, a locking gas cap, and power seats that move in any direction. Of course the engine was de-smogged, which costs a bit of horsepower, ~s always. Inside the Range Rover is truly posh with wall to wall carpeting all the way back over the tailgate and hug~ armchair seats in luxurious velour, although leather upholstery is the single option available. The rear seat will hold three ad~lts, and all Range Rovers are four door models. Up front a no nonsense dash On the road the Range Rover purred down -the Las Vegas streets and highways, and then it was off into the dirt, where the press was treated to an off road driving lesson by Range Rover staffers. Finally allowed on the trail ride, the route was designed primarily to show the maneuvera-bility of the wagon as well as its superb engine braking in the hills. For sure it will climb almost any incline with no strain, and inch down the· other side using only engine braking. We also drpve through a typical southern Nevada rock pile, and despite a febl of some bulk, the Range Rover crawled around the rocks with great ease, the power steering providing a good feel from the various terr~in condi-tions. Later on, we drove on some flat dirt trails, and the excellent ' ride quality became apparent as tqe suspension soaked up the nasty cross grain with ease. Inside yqu barely noticed you were riding over washboard roads. Back on the highway, the Range Rover assumed-its role of luxury Leather upholstery is an option, but even the headlights have washers. Controls for the windows and door locks, plus more is on the back of the console storage box. wagon just as easily as it had handled the goat trails. It truly deserves its description of a luxury, · all purpose vehicle, at home anywhere. . Of course, the inevitable ques-tion about competition plans were asked. In the past Rover has been involved in adventure contests, such as the Camel sponsored survival runs in formidable terrain. Range Rover plans to continue in that type of activity, rather than pure competition. Bred to appeal to upper sub-urbia or European royalty, the Range Rover certainly will find a niche in the affluentU .S. market, where most utility rigs are built on truck chassis, and behave like trucks. There is nothing truck-like about the Range Rover! With most similar vehicles priced close to 20 grand, the cost is certainly not out of line for the market. We predict they will sell all the Range Rovers that they can get off the boat. It is one rig you won't see in every driveway, with merely _5000 · units a year available in this country. The four door wagon has a timeless style, far out 16 inch wheels and the only feature that dates the exterior design is the round headlights. l !t The two speed transfe1 case shifter is forward toward the dash, while the four speed automatic is controlled by the large shifter in the center. Electronic fuel injection feeds the 3.5 liter aluminum V-8 engine rated at 150 bhp, and 195 foot/pounds of torque, with speeds on the highway up to 100 mph. March 1987 Page 43

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The Brand New Chevy Full Size Pickup Coming soon to your show-room is the all new Chevrolet pickup, the first completely new model in the full size pickup range from Chevy since the early 1970s. Dubbed a 1988 model, the new truck has been five years in development, and it certainly is sleeker in looks and more comfortable on the road than its more boxy ancestors. Except for the proven V-6 and V-8 engines under the hood, the truck is new from i:he frame rails up, inside and ouf. The wheelbase is the same as the current unit, at 131.5 inches. But, the new model · shows the influence of aerody-namics, and it is longer overall, lower, and the exterior dimen-sions are 3½ inches narrower. Still, the interior provides more. leg and shoulder room and seat travel. The standard engine is the proven 4.3 liter Vortec V-6. The four optional engines are the 5.0 liter V-8, ~he 5.7 liter V-8, and the 7.4 liter -V-8, all gasoline engines, plus the 6.2 liter diesel. · There are three and four speed automatic transmissions availa-ble with overdrive, and both four and five speed manual transmis-sions. The manual trans shifters are center floor mounted and as tall as ever. lnsta-trac shift-on-the-fly makes shifting from 2 WO to 4 WO high range as easy as moving the single lever. Power steering is standard on all models, and the steering box rides on the inside of the frame rail on the new model. On the 4x4 trucks the independent front suspension is sprung by torsion bars, and the rear suspension features two stage, multi leaf springs, 25 percent longer than those on the older model. Everything on the truck is new, including the interior design and trim. The most talked about new feature at the press introduction was the new "space age" speedometer and matching instruments. They were all done in shades ofgrey, and to many they were hard to read with the sun behind you on the road. Perhaps the dash will just take a Httle more getting used to, more than a few hours.on the road. Ne~ too is an anti-lock system on the rear wheels. In fact there is so little taken from the previous model pickup, that you might not recognize this new generation' truck as a Chevy. In overall aspect it looks a bit like the latest models from Japan, with a severely sloping 'windshield, New Mazda 4 x 4 Pickup with-_:a ·Big ·.Engine Last month Mazda added the four wheel drive B2600 model to their popular B series pickup line. This is the first four wheel Page 44 drive from Mazda on the U.S. market, and the new truck is a nifty. The standard engine is the 2.6 Hter Mitsubishi in line four cylinder, rated at.102 .horse~ power, and 132 ft./lb. of torque, which is plenty of power to haul the truck around, in or out of four wheel drive. The new 4x4 was designed with the American market in mind, where the 4x4 models constitute 20 percent of the imported truck market. Along with the 2600cc engine, other standard equipment on the 4x4 includes power steering, load sensing braking,· an 'inde-pendent unequal length A-arm front suspension and a bias shock mounted rear live axle, and a five speed manual trans-mission. A three speed, lock-up type automatic transmission is available as an option, and this is: a new option for Mazda. The part time four wheel drive system has a two speed, chain driven March 1987 droop nose, and clean flanks, all in the interest of better aerody-namics and better fuel economy. But, the end result is a dandy loo~ing and working pickup transfer ca~e and du'rable, ·manua-I locking front hubs. Mazda spoksmen said the manual hubs were chosen for 1the new model because of two factors, · cost and reliability. Mazda trucks have always been. economically priced, and the new 4x4_ will be also. The four wheel drive Mazda pickup is available in three body styles, in the new shapes intro-duced last season. The 4x4 comes in the standard cab, both short bed and long bed models, and in the roomy Cab Plus extended cab style. Of course there are several trim levels as well, from the econbmical standard interior to the fancier SE-5, and on up to the full feature LX package. On all models, however, air condition-ing is an option, as is cruise control. _Basic prices of the various trim levels fall between $9399 and $12,979, the latter for the full boat truck. Following the trends, the new Mazda 4x4 will provide buyers with 15 truck. There will be a. full report on the newest pickup from General Motors when they become avail-able for extended road test. models to chbose from, and the 1987 2WD Mazda pickups come in 24 different models. · Mazda introdi..{ced the new 4x4 pickup to the press in Las Vegas, -Nevada last month, and we were treated to a most scenic and challenging trail ride, on a · beautiful day in the desert. The . ride and handling was great over the desert ruts and through the washes. The stock 8.2 inches of ground cleara.nce was more than adequate on the trail, and the truckstill has a very smooth and · comfortable ride on the highway. Most noticable on the road is the queit running of this new 4x4, with scant engine noise and no whine from the front drive unit. The seats are comfortable throughout the range of models, and we tested most of them while changing trucks every few miles. There will be a full report on the new Mazda pickup with more power and fancy features in an upcoming issue. Meanwhile, fheck it out when yoµ are in the market for a compact pickup. Dusty nmes

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more TRAIL NOTES ••• CORV A CONVENTION - MARCH 6-8. Discover how you can preserve your rights to access public land by attending the 1987 COR VA Convention at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange, CA. A "Keep tht Lands Open" rally featuring a variety of speakers will be held Saturday. Discussion is expected to be centered around Alan Cranston's Wilderness Bill, which proposed to close millions more acres of desert land to motorized vehicles. Manufacturers of the latest off road equipment, ATVs, 4x4s, and buggies will also have their wares on display. Registration for the three day event includes a free cocktail party on Friday and a 1950s dinner/ dance on Saturday. For reservations or information, please call CORY A at 1-800-237-54 36. THE OUTLAW M.S.R.A. racers had a pre-season practice session just before deadline, on February 22 at Willow Springs Raceway near Rosamond, CA. The Raceway has a new track, a fast 3/ 8 mile semi-banked clay oval located next to the paved road racing course at the facility. All M.S.R.A. and S.C.l.D.A. drivers were invited, and if the practice session went well, there could be races for these classes coming up at Willow Springs. The track owner wanted to see these cars in action, and if there was a good showing, he will schedule dates for the Outlaw M.S.R.A. mini stockers. For full information and dates, contact Mini Stock Ra:cing Association; P.O. Box 204, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 or call either (213) 375-4570 or (213) 534-274 7. S.O.D.A., the Superior Off Road Drivers Association, has new officers for 1987. S.O.D.A. runs a full program of off road races in Wisconsin and neighboring states. While all races are short course events, many run on natural terrain suitable for a desert type race car. The new President is Terry Prevost, 1006 Cardinal Lane, Green Bay, WI 54303, (414) 4•4-9044. The Vice President is Greg Gerlach, 20 Copeland Ave., La Crosi WI 54603, (608) 784-9980. In for a year as Secretary/ Treasurer is Dick Gilson, 331 .High St., Wrightstown, WI, 54180, ( 414) 532-4061. Contact any of these fellows for full information on S.O.D.A. races, and check the Happenings on page 6 for their race dates. THE BFGOODRICH MEMORIAL DAY 100, presented by 4x4 Unlimiteds, Inc., is going to be~ big event this year, happening on May 23 and 24 at Lake Geneva Raceway, in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The town is just 70 miles ncrthwest of Chicago, and the race _draws competitors from many states. New this year will be motorcycle races on Saturday morning, and ATV and Odyssey races on Sunday morning.' The full range of Score/ HORA car classes traditionally appear at this season opening race in the midwest as well. Usually there is a massive entry in some classes, like 1-1600, 2-1600, 9 and 10, and a bunch of trucks too. . The organizers have scheduled a press day on Thursday, May 7 at noon at. the Lake Geneva Raceway, located on Bloomfield Road. News media only is invited to view the vehicles and meet some of the drivers. The purpose of the press day is to give sports reporters a see what off road racing is all about, and see the race course. If they so desire they can go for a ride around the approximately 1 ½ mile track at a speed and style that is safe, while still demonstrating the challenge and strain placed on the vehicles and the skill of the drivers. For full information contact Dick Knutson ( 312) 695-8552, 130 Mavis Ave:, South Elgin, IL 60177 or Ed Evans{312) 279-0397, 555 East Riordon Road, Villa Park, IL 60181-3446. MINT 400 PLANS-The Mint 400 will be 20 years old this year, and the anniversary edition happens May 7-11, a good Las Vegas number if there ever was one. New this year is a co-sponsor, Nissan, and also new is the Nissan Mini Mint rally, described elsewhere in this column. The excitement begins· race week out on Fremont Street, where the marathon Friday display on Manufacturers Row is planned to be bigger and better than ever. The official word is, however, that for the first time at a desert race, contingency·donors will be charged a substantial fee for their parking spot on Fremont Street in the contingency line. - . "We plan one heckuva celebration for the 20th anniversary of this race," said Tom Odisho, the Mint Casino-Hotel Vice President and General Manager. " It's not only the biggest event each year, but it's also the biggest event for all of Downtown Las Vegas each year. We plan some very exciting things for our drivers and their fans, not ony downtown but also out on the race course." · · The race course will be similar to the 100 mile grind created by High Desert Racing Association President Walt Lott last year when the veteran off road race organizer.took over staging the race for the Mint Hotel, which had been the independent _organizer since the race was created in. _1968. "I guarantee the drivers will be getting the kind of Mint 400 course they've come to.expect over the last several years," Lott promised. Tbat means a course loaded with very large·, tire shredding rocks in several styles of desert washes, and considerable bone jarring cross grain ruts for which the southern Nevada desert is famous. The start/ finish line for the Nissan Mint 400 will be located at Sloan, 15 miles south of Las Vegas, Nevada, as it was last year. HELP NEEDED! Ron Karlman is one of the foremost off road racers on the midwestern circuit, and a ·many time champion in his 5-1600 car. The Karlman family recently suffered a major tragedy, when their two children, Jeffery, 14 and Kim, 17, were seriously injured in a terrible traffic accident near their Ixonia, Wisconsin home. Both teenagers are in intensive care days later, and at press time the report is that Kim is still in critical condition. Several midwestern racers are starting a fund to help defray the monumental medical costs involved for the two children, and to help Ron and Sue Karlman through a most difficult time. Donati_ons of any size will be deeply appreciated. The address is Medical Fund, Ron Karlman, Route 1 West 2690 Oak Road, Ixonia, Wisconsin 53036. THE 1987 CANAMEX RALLY is scheduled for September 19 through 27. It starts in.the Village of Granisle, in northwestern British Columbia and runs south through the USA to the finish in Acapulco, Mexico. The rally will use both paved and unpaved roads, but no part of the route is "off road." There are "Prime" sections in Canada and Mexico, none in the USA. The first overnight stop and pare ferme is at Portland, Oregon, and the other overnight stop will be in Carmel, California. The demanding M'exican section will include a time allowance that provides time for stops, meals and rest. That is all we know. For full information write to Canadi,m Marathon Rally Team, 1475 Oxford St., White Rock, British Columbia, Canada, Y4B 3R6 or call ( 604) 644-8798. more TRAIL_ NOTES on Pa1<e 53 Dusty Times I . . . How the Carson City Pro Rally Went Down! 1 · ' \ By Billie Brinkman · · The Carson City SCCA Pro Rally was abruptly canceled in 1986, with a Marolt 1987 date placed on .the schedJ.le. Now that March date has been officially "postponed". A subscriber from Carson City sent us lthe following article that traced thq history of the event, and perhaps tells some of the reasons why the rally has a dubious future. The a;ticle, written by BilLie Brinkman, is reprinted here as it was originally 1,;,ritten. W e' thank both the author and the Editor of the Nevada Appeal, «)1-lere it first appeared late in]a,'iuary 1987, for their .permission to reprint this informative story. Recent publicity and ques-tions concerning the Carson City International Pro Rally prompted me to "give my view" on this important project wpich was all-community involved. I feel I can speak with some knowledge as I attended the original meeting when this event was conceived in Carson City. Clark Russell, t~en-general manager of the Ormsby House, and myself, then-convention/ catering manager qf the same hotel, were approached by Cam Warr en of Reno, an ih tern~tional motor sports consultant, re the possibilities of suppbrt for such an event in Carson City. Russell and I invited Tom Baker, then-president of the darson City Tourism Authority, to sit in on a meeting held on June 24, 1983. The Ormsby House agreed to be the headquarters hotel, going along with all the "_comps" the promoters requested, in return. for designating the hotel as · headquarters. After the Carson City Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted to support this exciting event and. urged the Tourism 11-uthority to do the same, the latter voted to support the rally in fhe amount of $20,000 for promotion and expense for the 198~ rally and signed a three-year contra,ct for a like financial supporJ with a 99-year contractual option. I worked extremely close with promoters Cam W ar1ren and Su Kemper on· that 1983 rally for the next five montlts until the rally actually came -about Dec. 10-11. I, Carsonites had never heard of a pro rally prior to this time. It was a learning experience for all. And here we had the best teachers in the business. What were these promoters gaining from this? Basically, journalists selling stories to car rallying publications worldwide and mentioning Carson City, Nev., in every story they shot out over the wire to foreign drivbrs' home-towns. Warren and Kemper were cooperative, gave the knowledge they had amassed froln years of on-hands experience With rallys for the benefit of Carson City and all for the stories they could sell at no expense to Js. A survey showed I that very first rally held here Boasted 59 cars on. the start line. The statistics showed 469 motel/ hote l roo m nightJ r ented. Dollars spent here1 by rally participants amounted to March 1987 I $38,443 at such businesses as hotel/motels, restaurants; · casinos, bars, auto parts stores, ca~ rental, grocery stores, car dealerships, gas stations, tire stores, department stores, car w~shes and skiing. These figures were compiled from 38 percent of) the ,survey forms mailed all over the world. · pther interesting statistics in¢licated printed inches on the Carson City rally were 1,074 and · that 106 photos were used in five countries. At the outset, we all had agreed a pro rally is not a spectator sport but the printed word throughout· the world is invaluable. This kind ofpublici!y_cannot be bought. The 1984 rally was not quite so successful. Seemingly since the Tourism Authority was giving a great deal of financing, it decided to take over the reins. It put two gentlemen in charge of the rally, neither of whom were Carson City residents and ne'ither of whom had rally adv.i,inistrative experience. Again the Ormsby House was designated headquarters hotel . andi again I was heavily involved in arrangements other than the actual race course. :From my experience gained through expert guidance during the previous rally, I hand-held the two new organizers through the administrative arrangement fo_r the 1984 rally. It was disprganized and had many ragged edges, but it came off with 62 starting cars. _ Warren and Kemper were involved only in this· rally through the press room putting· out news releases to all parts of the world and reporting as best they could with the limited information they were being fed by rally officials. Then came the 1985 rally. The bes1t we can: say for it is the December date was maintained . . A very important date as ·· the December rally is the last of the series and determines the U .S. National Championship meaning all contending finalists are going to make this race. Since I no longer was an employee of t,he headquarters hotel, I was not· privvy to the statistics. However, through working as a volunteer during that fime, I observed th·e disorganization ha~ multiplied many fold from the previous years. And obviously the somewhat disorganization of the 1984 rally had taken its toll as less than one-half of the cars were on nhe start line that year. . Thus the demise of the Carson City International Pro Rally which had now been dubbed the Pony Express Rally using the same logo with a couple of minor changes. It was decided by the Tourism Auth_ority early in 1985 that representatives should go to the Portugal and Greece rallys ·in March and May, respectively, because the Carson City organ-izers needed expertise· in organi-zation. So several thousand dollars were allocated for a folly when we had the best rally organizers right here within 30 miles at no extra cost to Carson City. · (Asa side not¢, I went to a rally at-Olympus, Wash., to "learn" about rallys. I learned rally sponsors and promoters .are a very possessive lot. They give out no information about how they do things. And as one gets more involved in this exciting sport, it is learned rally politics -are very heavy. ) · So following the excursion abroad, Carson City not only did not get the world championships, it did not even have a. rally in 1986. Recently stories have appeared in the Nevada Appeal stating a rally sponsor is being sought and the December date is again a hopeful for 1987. BFGoodrich was once a viable sponsor as was Porsche: However these knowledgeable corpora-tions are not thrilled about dealing with amateurs in a sport which is so popular in other parts of the world. The pro rally is probably the most popular event, volunteer-wise, ever held in Carson City. It brought together many local residents for the cause of fun, excitement and recognition by participants from all over the world. Many of these volunteers · · are saying, "What happened to the pro rally? Are we going to have another?" Don't these fine community supporters deserve the truth? When are they going to be told • the C arson City Tourism Authority made some huge mistakes and that these volun-teers will probably have to go to 0 lympus if they want to see another pro rally? . I believe, and this belief is supporte.d by some people "in the know" in rally circles, that Carson City, Nev .. , will not be the scene in the near future of another pro rally. Sad, isn't it, when we had it all in the palm of our hand · just three years ago. I SNORE TWILIGHT s·PECIAL JUNE 6; 1987 200 ft/liles ~ $200 Entry Fee Second. race in the SNORE Points Seri~s t is not too late to get in the series. Only the best five out of six races . count, and more than half are in the second half of, the year. Call (702) 452,.4522 or write to SNORE. P.O. :Sox 4534, Las Vegas, NV 89106 IT PAYS MORE TO RACE WITH SNORE Page 45 ! -I

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Thc.HDRA Gold Coast 300 The first High Desert Racing Association event in 1987 is coming up"fast, ¥arch 6-8, and it is shaping up to be a dandy race. The second round in the combined desert points series had 173 cars in the drawing for starting numbers on February 11, and at press time that number was up over 190. The Gold Coast will have some features from the past, a few that seem to have vanished in the mid 1980s. For example, all pre and post race activity will be at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, on West Flamingo Road. St_arting on .Friday, the driver registration, tech inspection and contingency row frolics will run from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. At 7:00 p.m. there will be a mandatory drivers' meeting and a "Welcome Racers" cocktail . party at the hotel. · Saturday morning the drivers' briefing will be at 6:30 a.m. at the start line in Sloan, and the race starts at 7:00 a.m. sharp. There is a twelve hour time allowance for all starters. Sunday morning there is a drivers' brunch at tl:ie hotel compliments of the Gold Coas~ Hotel & Casino, and the awards presentation will follow at 11 :00 a.m. Below is the entry list for the race, at press _time, two weeks before the race. There is no entry limit at this event. On the opposite page is the map of the race course, the route about 125 miles long. Two laps are required for an official finish. If you are a casual spectator, pit crew, or racer, please observe all the restricted areas and stay out of them so we can keep on racing off road in the desert! 1987 GOLD COAST 300ENTRY CLASS 1 100. Mark McMillin 101. Mark Jurgens 102. Ron Brant 103. Rob MacCachren 104. Chet Huffman 105. Mark Temple 106. Bob Renz 107. Raymond Bates 108. Ivan Stewart 109. Larry Noel 110. Frank Snook 111. Ron Gardner 112. Ken Frost 113. Nick Nicholson 114. Al Arciero. CLASS 2 200. Bob Gordon 201. Bill Stem 202. Bob Richey 203. Steve Lara 204. Dave Kreisler 205. Frank Arciero Jr. 206. Terry Griner 207. Jim Temple 208. Jerry Finney 209. Ray Tirheimer 210. Brian Collins 211. Corky McMillin 212. Chris Robinson 213. Len Newman 214: Aaron Hawley 215. Tim Bell 216. Rick Carnahan 21 7. Ed Herbst 218. Greg Foster 225. Troy Herbst 299. John Wilson CLASS 1/2-1600 1600. Jack Ramsay 1601. Scott Webster 1602. Richard Lind 1603. Duke Perrin 1604. John Slagor 1605. Rick Frisby 1606. Max Loftin 1607. William Poe · 1608. Jon Gunter 1609. Ray Maxey 1610. Willy Higman 1HE flf(Sr fl.AC€ C:~12. AND \vE'V£ ONLY GOf 50 MAS A \S-MIN U1l= LE AD ON \JS"'~ .. -MIL£$ LE Ff 12> CAfCl-l HJM .. ANY SU4~E"5110NS ~? NO PIT AREA Mile6to 14 · Mile 14 to 34 Mile 37 to 54 Mile 63 to 84 Mile 84 to 90 Mile 90 to 105 1611. Larry Job 1612. Jim Fishback 1613. Jeff Papple 1614. Bob Scott 1615. Art Peterson 1616. Jerry Jefferies 1617. James Gross 1618. Darren Wilson 1619. John Lamoreaux 1620. Bert Vaughan 1621. Ray Croll Jr. 1622. Tom Lucas 1623. Alan Hensley 1624. Keith Cowell 1625, Mike Spina 1626. Robby Guevara 162 7. Morley Williams 1628. Steve Barlow 1629. Dan Araujo 1630. Larry Smith 1631. Gregg Huff 1632. Dominic Borra 1633. Steve Cruce , CLASS3 301. Gale Pike . 302. Mark Hutchins 303. Todd.Clement 304. Mike Schwellinger 305. Buck Griffin 300. Don Adams CLASS4 400. Rod Hall 401. John Randall 402. Bill Donahoe 403. Kent Bullock 404. John Dyck 405. TomStrong CLASS5 501. Greg Heinrich 502. Mike Quintana 503. Jack Dinsmore 504. Stan Parnell 505. George Seeley Jr. 506. Jim Cocores 507. Lloyd Sukut 508. Hartmut Klawitter 509. John Cooley CLASS 5-1600 551. Chris Klick · 552. Darryl Cook 553. Norm Shaw 554. Guy Lake ~=======~======-' . 555. Randy Wilson ,-556. Douglas West :C'M RIDIN~ AS 'f1'f.,-r AS I. CAN,.,.!! March 1987 557. John Gibson 558. Andy DeVercelly 559. Scott Craigie , 599. Steve Lawrence CLASS6 600. Larry Schwacofer 602. Dale Jordan CLASS 7 700. Manny Esquerra 701. Roger Mears 702. Russ Jones 719. Brian Dolinar CLASS 7S 720. Spencer Low 721. Chuck Johnson 722. Willie Valdez 723. R.J. Brown 724. Tudy Esquerra 725. Gary Dircks 726. Jim-Travis 727. Grant Randall 728. Pete Sohren MAP LEGEND PIT AND SPECTATOR AREA CP 1 Mile 14 Pits and Spec. CP 2 Mile 45 No Pits No Spec. CP 3 Mile 58 Pits and Spec. · CP 4 Mile 63 Pits and Spec. CP 5 Mile 74 Pits Only No Spec. CP 6 Mile 84 Pits and Spec. CP 7 Mile 96 No Pits and Spec. CP 8 Mile 105 Pits and Spec. Mile 114 Old Gravel Pit - Pits and Spec. Pits and Spec. Allowed at Mile 90 end of Pavement old hwy. east side 1-15. 729. Lucinda Strub 730. Mike Falkosky 731. Larry Carlton 746. Malcolm Vinje 747. Paul Simon 748. Bill Milem 749. Dav-id Ashley CLASS 7 4x4 750.Jerry McDonald 751. Mike Randall 752. Mike McCarthy 753. Dave Shrum 754. Gregg Symonds 768. John Swift 769. Mike Leslie CLASS8 800. Walker Evans 801. Dan Beaver 802. Don McCormack 803. Steve Kelley 804.Jim Venable 805. Brian Stewart 806. Dave Shoppe 807. Frank Vessels 808. Steve McEachern 858. David W esthem CHALLENGER 900. Rick Johnson. 901. Antonio Cortez 902. Rich Richardson 903. Norm Lester · 904. Dick Johnso~ 905. Billy Kem 906. Doug Wager 907. Chuck Guy 908. William Bunch 992. Mike Ward . 993. Kevin Basore 994. Jerry Yates 995. Roy Smith 996. W. Vandergrift 997. Danny Ashcraft 998. Rich Minga 999. Don Rountree CLASS 10 1000. John Hagle 1001.John Ellenburg ·1002. Mark Manley 1003. Jim Smith 1004. Rod Everett · 1005. Rick Rowland 1006. Sean Alexan-der 1007. Bill Sallenbach 1008. Dick Weyhrich 1009. Craig Watkins 1010. Scott Dinovitz 1011. Jim Stiles 1012. John Sarracino 1013. Larry Giimore 1014. Jack Irvine 1015. Jon Howard 1016. Dave Wood 1017. Chris Cash 1018. Bill Church 1019. Rodney Lazenby 1020. Bob Dillon 1021. Stanley Calvelage 1022. Mike Withers 1023. Rob Myerly 1024. Greg Hibbs 1099. Russell Welch CLASS 11 1100. Ramon Castro CLASS 14 1400. Steve Mizel 1401. George Wagenblast 1499. G.T. Gowland Dusty Times

Page 47

31 none Mine Dusty Times--' The Gold Coas~ ~00 Ra~e Map 1 I Prerunn,ing Opens Ff bruary , 8,, 1987 ·'.II "___.,J I :, ..... ,:,, -ifl...~4-+-JJ,M~~l--+-lh~t----W-f==r27--Jf-=s~..._~~;i~~~!:'i.±~r March 191'7 Page 47

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r r f. I ! CORE had ten starters in the 333 car field at the Score Parker 400, and half of them finished the race, a better finishing average than the entire car entry which came to 42.6 percent. The pit coverage was ample on both sides of the river. We had a radio pit at the California start/finish area to report on the starting cars, any with troubles on course, and all the finishing cars heading toward Arizona. Other California pits were at Rice, the bottom of Thunder Alley and the top of Thunder Alley, and at the north 95 road crossing. CORE Main was near the Arizona finish line, where CORE also ran a back up radio system for the organizer, Score International. Other Arizona pits were at Midway, Bouse and Swansea, and the network came together well for those who survived to race in Arizona. Both the CORE's Class 1 cars went out in California. Terry McDonald rolled, doing terminal damage to the trans, and Chet and Lloyd Huffman lost second gear in the transmission. Also out of action in California was the Class 10 of Scott and Larry Dinovitz, with a burned piston. It was a tough weekend for Jerry Finney 'and Dan Foddrill; although Foddrill was listed as -::; Driver of Record, Finney was given a citation by the Arizona Fish and Game Warden for exceeding the 30 mph speed limit for pre-running on Friday. After a meeting with authorities, Score disqualified the ·entry, and this penalty was stated on the map. However, Foddrill re~entered the brand new Porsche powered Chaparral, but it was out in California with rear suspension problems. The star of the CORE show at Parker was the 1986 overall points champion Jack Ramsay. Delivery problems on parts held up the debut of the new single seat Bunderson, so Jack and Rick Mills brought the championship winning two seater to Parker. They went racing seriously and won the 56 car 1-2~1600 class by over eight minutes, a huge margin in that tight running • bunch. Congratulations Jack, and keep it up again this year! Doing the best of the five CORE entries in Class 10 was the team of Cra!g Watkins and Greg Aronson. They had a lot of . developmental problems late in 1986, but the new Rabbit engine and all the drive train held together at Parker and they finished a grand third in the 47 car class. Bill Sallenbach and Mike Bird finished eleventh in Class 10, after losing gobs of time in California with a broken rocker arm: Just astern, Mike and Jim Zupanovich salvaged 12th in Class l 0. They started the last lap in fourth place, then midway around they broke a tie rod end and didn't have another on board and lost plenty of time. Doing very well, Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin gave 'the Funco ~ O .R.E. a great ride in its last · desert race, taking a clean fifth in Class 2. This team is going truck Page 48 racing in a Toyota for the rest of the season. Steve Tetrick and · Fred Ronn started out strong, in fourth in Class 10 at the California finish. But, an apparent timing glitch at the Arizona restart sent Fred and Ed ; or maybe Levi Beard off together, instead of the minute apart their leg times would indicate. The result was, when Ronn missed a turn in the dust and slowed to turn .around, Beard, also in heavy dust, hit the O.R.E. squarely in the cage taking the car out of action right there. Beard also failed to finish the race. Many thanks to all the great pit folks that tended the CORE cars as they covered the course and survived the logistics at the Parker 400. Special thanks to hard working Race Manager J.D. Ward and Race Director Karen Clark for getting such a big and talented pit team together for a race so far-from .home base. The first race in the SNORE Series, the Bottom Dollar on February 21, will see three <:::ORE entries and . mini pit support. The next full pit support race for CORE will be the HORA Gold Coast 300 out of Las Vegas a[)d Sloan. We expect a herd of total entry, as all sorts . of hospitable things are planned for the racers at the host establishment, Mike Gaughan 's Gold Coast Hotel and Casino on West Flamingo Road in Las Vegas. SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional News By Lynnette Allison NEWS UPDATE: Carlsbad Rallycross organizer Don Lindfors has withdrawn from the event. NEW DATE: Sunday, March 22. Jim and Sheryl Love volunteered to step in. Contact them at (714) 982-1958 or Lynnette Allison (714) 726-1442 for current news. Glen Helen Rallycross was certainly an exciting place this past January. Lots of new faces, new rally cars and some interesting terrain to challenge the competitors. Weather· was great ... just cool enough, and no rain. Competition for first place was hot between the Rogers/ Holmes PU and defending champions Peterson/Love's Arrow, with 0.01 minute in the first half of the event. A roll on the side put the Arrow back in the standings, but the team managed a credible finish. Thanks to Western Walkie-Talkie for providing the excellent radio communication during the Glen Helen event. Scoi:t Child made the arrangements for their assistance, and we thank him and the radio crews for their assistance. They did a wonderful job. Welcome to the new competi-tors. You chose an excellent event to participate in. The Glen Helen facilities are hard to surpass for crew comfort, and .the grandstands offer first-rate seating for watching all the competition. Glen Helen #2 is scheduled for May 30, so mark your calendars! NOTE NEW DATE: April 10-12, High Desert Trails Ra(!y, Ridgecrest, CA. Contact Ray Hocker (619) 375-1028. NEW MEMBERS: You will receive two cards from SCCA, a membership card and a divisional competitors' license. You will need BOTH cards with you for any rally event registration. SO-PAC Standings (Indio '86 & Glen Helen /:/1) - Co-Drivers: Jim Rogers, 80, Jim Love, 45, Bart Godett, 45, Bill Schrader, 36, Steve Liddell, 30, Kelly .. Smith, 24, Steven Burgess, 12, Doug Cwiak, 10, Lars Frazer, 8, Maite Bell, 6. Drivers: Bill Holmes, 80, Dave Poston, 48, Lon Peterson, 45, Ian Miller, 45, Roger Hull, 25, Don Lindfors, 18, Paula Gibeault, 12, Ken Sudo, 10, Jeff Griffin, 8, Topi Hynyrien, 6. By Don McDaniel The 1987 racing season is off and running with the usual madness at the Parker 400. The California side lived up to its reputation, but had almost dust free conditions, due to a brisk breeze with which Dennis Conners could have won the Ame_rica's Cup. On the Arizona side, the first loop was good running except for the setting sun, which could have burned a hole in a battleship. The second loop provided what racers that were left running with a cloud of dust that could be plowed and planted. The co-pitting efforts of Los Campeones and Tight Ten seemed to work well with very few hitches. The breakfast served up by the Tight Ten group on Sunday morning might well be the social event of the season, with breakfast, cocktails and bench racing! Who could ask for anything more? Also, with the ·two groups combined, there were ample opportunities to tell one's favorite horror story to someone who hadn't heard it one hundred times before. · Los Campeones also provided pits for the General Tire drivers.· Seven pits were provided hy the Los Campeones/Tight Ten group. California Pit I at Rice was manned by the Richard Binder group. California Pit 2 at Thunder Alley had Jim Creese as Captain, and California Pit 3 at the Highway 95 crossing was headed up by John Lippet. In Arizona, the Main Pit (A-1) was ramrodded by Bill Hammock, Pit A-2 at Midway had the Gene Robeson crew in control, Pit A-3 at the Ghost Town had Tim Simms in charge, and Pit A-4 at the O .K. Corral was watched over by Ken Maltby. Of the 419 starters going for over $300,000 in prizes donated by the manufacturers, the Los Campeones/ Ti~ht Ten group provided roadside service for 22 racers in all. ln Class l Steve Sourapas was the conquering hero, starting well down in Arizona. Steve used his winning March 1987 ways-to finish first in Class 1 and also finished. Steve Martin and seventh overall by less than one Jimmie Crowder of Florida tried minute. Dennis Frost completed racing upside down, but decided the California side, and was 15th to try it the right way until they in Class I. had other problems. Also having In Class 3 General Tire driver "other" problems were the Mike Schwellinger finished his Temples, Hamilton, Richard three laps in 9: 12 .10 to just Mead and Wayne Morgan ( who squeak· out third place, while was one of the numerous victims Class 4 driver Bill Donahoe had of Thunder Alley). I don't know transfer case problems on the what happened to Daren way to the start line which McCune and last I heard Tony proved •to he terminal. Gordon was still lost. Class 5-1600 had two of our FAIR pitted six i-2-1600 cars. racers. R.C. Jones was leading in Mike Voyles finished third, Art leg two when an aging spring Peterson seventh after fixing a plate went south, leaving him flat on the way to the start and with his first DNF in several the Prosser Team.finished eighth. starts. The Knight/ Hansen 5- Rich Fersch finished seventeenth 1600 finished fifth after being after a calm, smooth race. Darryn pushed into a silt hill by what felt Wilson and James Gross did not like a Sherman tank. Mark have such nice days.· Hansen drove a great third lap, We also pitted six Class 10 replacing "dad" after the aging cars. Rod Everett and Jack Irvine racer succumbed to a severe had engin~ problem~ on T~~nder headache. Alley. Otck Weynch finished . In Class 7, Mark Hansen and very well, but I don't think so Malcolm Vinje had torsion bar about LeRoy Van Kirk, Keith problems at the start. Repairs Schindler or Ralph Schaefer. were made only to see the team Out of our four Class 5 entries DNF with a hlown head gasket we only had one finisher. That of before the first road crossing. In course was Jim Cocores with a Class 7S General Tire drivers first in class. The Voyles 5 car Willie Valdez and Jim Travis and Eddie Milo were boi:h DNF. were fourth and sixth, respective- . That was better though than ly, both driving Fords. Gene Norman who was not even As usual, the Challenger Class allowed to start. It seems he was a large one. Dan Ashcraft didn't pass tech because of some finished 14th. Dave Mason came holes drilled in the car roof. in 18th, and Kevin Hagerty an9 Maybe the inspectorwasha~inga Jack Millard did two laps to he bad day, anyhow SCORE credited with 27th. Class 10 cheerfully agreed to refund the racer Bill Reams completed three entry fee and the check is in the laps to take 14th place, while mail. · Richard .Binder, from Yuma, Ouronly5-1600entrywasthe completed two laps, getting 16th Parkhouse T earn who lost an axle place. · near Swansea and spent a cool Class 1-2-1600 had a total of night in the desert. Our Class 14 56 starters with Alan Roher and entry was George Gowland who Lee Evans finishing three laps for was another FAIR member to get 22nd place, and Rick Frisby was a first in class. The four FAIR 28th with three laps done. Ben Challenger entries were Darryl Greenwood covered one lap.Jeff Nustad, Kim Peterson_, the Papple did one lap, and Dave Tremblays ~nd Dm_1g_Castillo, all Black did not finish the of whom did not fm1sh. California side.· Congratulations to_ LeRoy This reporter will make every VanKirk for wii:ining a tree ~AIR effort to continue reporting the pit support fee m our drawmg of Los Campeones news. However, FAIR '.arker ~ntries. This is we do need some help. We can't something we will have after each 'write these stories unless.we hear race this year that FAIR pits. them. See you at the Gold Coast Congratulations also to new race. F.A.I.R Notes By Teri Nicks . The FAIR Pit Support team may not have been voted support team of the year again in _1986, but they sure had a great year arid did a lot of good work. I'd like to congratulate Spirit Racing on their fine job. As for hard work, pitting 34 cars at last month's Parker 400 was quite a task. Our team of race managers; Tom Maynard, Tom Ott and Bob Figg did a great job. of coordinating all nine pits. Thanks Guys! Also thanks to The Weatherman for helping in the near impossible job of relaying radi9 contact. · As for our racers, FAIR 'son! y Class l entry, Skip Kawell , only made it a few miles. Luckily our Class 2 racers fared somewhat better. We had 11 entries start. Grandpa Danny Lerner had a great day finishing second in class and second overall. Mike Lund finished seventh, with R.C.R. Plumbing right behind in eighth place. The McBride Racing Team FAIR members Curtis Crawford and Crazy George Schultz. Anyone interested in joining FAIR either as a driver or as a pit support person, please join us at our meeting on the first and third Wednesdays at the Fullerton Holiday Inn at 8:00 P.M. See you ~ OFF:-ROAD RACING TEAM By Nels Lundgren Hello friends and members. If you have not heard we have new officers. Jeff Hibbard is c,ur new President, Tom Martin is trying a second term as Vice President, and Jim Gregory is taking my place as Secretar-y. I can only hope you will give them the support you have given the last two boards I have served with, and more.· Our first race of the year was the Parker 400. I was there finding out how hard it really is for these organizations to put on the events. I was busy keeping track of you guys from behind the scenes. It was a banner day for two Checkers. Jim Stiles Dusty Times

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c-ame back from a string of DNFs , to take first place in Class 10 and 12th overall. Steve-Kelley started his run· for the Class 8 gold hy winning in Parker by 15 minutes. Tom Koch finished in the lead group in Class 1, but finished fourth. Steve LuPort took his new Class 7S to Parker and finished fifth, Prince style, backwards! The Cooks started the new year pretty well with an eighth in the competitive 5-1600 class, while Russ Butow and Danny York finished ninth in their 1-2-1600. Gregg Symonds lost a link pin on · the California side and finished the section on three wheels, but he still managed 12th in Class 21, the class that won overall. David Kreisler had minor probl~ms all day that dropped him to 13th in Class 2. Willie Melancon and Lou Peralta brought their 1-2-1600 home 16th in class, and Gary Bates, with Shirley Scott starting shotgun, brought his car back 20th in the same class. State of intent Rex Keeling drove Marty Reider's old Class 10 home sixth in class. Now, for the Club's sad story. Perhpas as you were driving to the Arizona start/ finish pits, you saw one of Greg Sullivan and Lenny Peyton's support vehicles parked on the side of Shea Road . It seems they blew a rear hub bearing on their one ton Dodge van. Well, while they · were looking for parts and Greg and Lenny were breaking the center adjuster out of the race car, there was an accident. Someone was trying to pass a slower car on Shea Road, the car would not let him by, and oncoming traffic forced him into the dirt and head on into the van, totally ruining both cars as the other one drove on. The driver of the wreck was neither held, drunk or hurt, thankfully. One can only to the condition of the other driver, who did not have the decency to stop to see if anyone was injured. · · Well, see you in Las Vegas or San Felipe, whichever race you wish to attend. We need all your help to stay # 1. CALIFORNIA· RALLY SERIES By Lynnette Allison NOTICE: Carlsbad Rallycross date has changed to Sunday: March 22 with new organizers, Jim and Sheryl Love. Call them at ( 714) 982-1958 for current status update on this event. April 10-12 is the date for the High Desert Trails Rally, Ridgecrest. Call Ray Hocker (619) 375-1028. present the award, at the request of Chad and Karin (Zimmerman) ' DeMarco, was Ken Adams. Ken, Caljfornia's "rally god" and founding father of endurance rallying in the west, in his own · humorous way, related anec- · dotes of Ken Zimmerman's rally years. An unsuspecting recipient, Clint was, for once, "speech-less". A truly momentous event! Bill Perez received the Gala! Suki Memorial Award for outstanding Stock Class competitor. This award is made by the Stock Class chairman to the Stock Class competitor who most closely typifies the "spirit · of the class". Congratulations to you both. 50, Bill Perez, ~O. lrigvar Fredr.ikson, 30, Canll Azevedo, 20, Tony Linehan, 19, John Scharf, 18, Don Lii;11:lfors, 17, Hal Haley, 16, Paul (D1Kane, 15, Pat .tyicMahon, 14, John Elkin, 13, Robert Wilson, 5. , Stock Class - <Co-Drivers: Steven Liddall, 100, Liars Frazer, 80, Gary Burgess, ~O. Richard Hull, 50, Mike Perez, 40, L. Johansson, 30, Willie Aguirre, 20, Scott Child, \ 19, Glen Harchut, 18, Mark ¥~eller, 17, Jim Hancock, 16, Erick Hauge, 15, Mike Nitz, 14, MJrcusClark, 13, Bill Schrader, 5. A unique and very special award was presented to Ray Hocker ... some official "MOON-WEAR" clothing ... by co-driver Fellow Racers, haVie you even Bill Moore. Imagine, if you will, been broken down in an out of orange underwear . with appro- the way area? Fret nch more, the priately cut-out circles in the rear Yokohama Supportj T earn is for the perfect "moon" on an here. Off Road Dynamics has u ns uspec ting .competitor. contracted with Yokohama Tires BEW ARE, folks_, That Honda to mahage a remotej pit, which CRX coming up behind you may will assist all racers, with or be driven by a "moon-crazed" without Yokohama tires fitted. driver. Try to stay on the road, if Jay King of Off 'Road you dare. Unlimited will be the!=rewChief A new tradition! Beginning doing the wrenching l nd welding this year, competitor car. forthesupportteam.Jayisfully numbers will remain the same for capa.ble of getting all you "let's all events. You earned your · go, let's go" racers back into number based on your 1986 competition. So, if you need overall finishing position. New help, just yell loudly, 'i'Jay, I need entrantsareassignednumbersas help!!" or radio him on they enter during the year, but frequency 151.775; trat usually keep the number until they gain works the best. Look 1<H us at the their overall position in 1988. Gold Coast 250, and we will be at Competitors will be responsible Bessemer Mine at the Great for maintaining their assigned Mojave 250. number on the car. This can be The pit is equipped lwith all the done by purchasing new items needed to clo minor numbers at each event, by repairs. The parts wr keep on keeping· the numbers on the car hand are as follows: CDil, points, between events, or by painting condensers, plug wires, fan belts, more permanent numbers on the · push rod tubes, tie ro8 ends, etc. car, to be changed at the end of Yokohama tires are niounted on each year. Centerline wheds andlyes, we do . It is hoped both competitors have steel wheels for you and 'the public will come to Challenge drivers, four and five recognize teams, realizing that lugs. Welding is no problem, as those with smaller numbers have we have a Lincoln welHer/ gener-earned the privilege of ator, but please, nol complete . them, . fram~s, (just a joke gl!lys). · Glen Helen Rallycross #1 We wish to t~ank the fielded an outstanding number of following firms for thbir help in teams over a demanding, furnishing supplie~T I for , the tortuous two mile course. This support team; Gerrrlan Auto, event also marked theCRS'snew · Valvoline, Mac ToolJ and Roy points tabulation system, where Lothringer Electrooid. · entrants earn a minimum of 5 Now is when I get jUP on my points for· entering and starting soap box and speak di~ectly to all the competition. This should of you spectators, who sit and reward those of you who actively watch and wish you J.thre in the support and participate in our action. "Get Involved!!" Be a part series. The points will earn you of racing, be a volunteer. Off overall points toward your year-road racing cannot survive end finish, and new car number without volunteers anlc\ we, like assignment. any other support ntam, need Current C.R.S. Standings - volunteers. If you wi~h to be a Drivers -Open Class: Bill part of the team, clim~ down off Holmes, .100, Ian Miller, 80, your rock and "Get Involved!" Kenzo Sudo, 60, Jeff Griffin, 50, For more information about Ric Bell, 40, Jose Olaya, 30, the Yokohama -supp1lort Team Danny Topjian, 20, Lon pit, and on how to become a Peterson, 19, R6d Koch, 5, volunteer, please contact Dennis George Daland, 5, Jack Silva, 5, Rogers or Steve. O'Connor at Leonard Jensen, 5, Jack (818) 335-7757. . j Hempstad, 5. The January 10 Awards' Banquet was an interesting affair. Thanks to Bill Moore for making arrangements for us all. Several special ~wards were presented to deserving members. Clint Heuring received the Zimmer-man Memorial Award for outstanding contribution to rallying and competitive sportsmanship. On hand to Co-Drivers -Open Class: Jim I . Rogers, 100, Bart UoJett, 80, CD'hUeScTYk OTulMt tEShle Howard Watanabe, 60, Doug Cwiak, 50, Maite Bell, 40, Charlie Buzzetti, 30, Richard Special Club Sub Gffer Baucom, 20, Jim Love' 19' Roger •(all (818) 889·5600 Allison, 5, Paul Bowman, 5, Tom or write I Mulhal, 5, Steve Silsbee, 5. · DUSTY TIMES Driver - Stock Class: Dave 5331 Derry Ave., 1.uite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Poston, 100, Topi Hynynen, 80, I Mike Gibeault, 60, Roger Hull, · .. --------,--... Dusty Times March 19871 I PIT TEAM REGISTER · We !welcome all Sup~ort Team news articles. Typed and ·double spacr copy is acceptable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. ·CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President 3p7 KUlarney c1osta Mesa, CA 92626 (~14) 641-0155 Meeting - 2nd Wednesday Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM-151.775 ,. CHECKERS J~ff Hibbard, President 13237 Sierra Hwy. C~nyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 _ CORE , Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northrldge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A.l.1R. SUPPORT TEAM Pf>-Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 Sandy Davis, Secretary (714) 772-3877 M,etlngs 1st & 3rd Weds. -Holiday. Inn I Harbor & 91 Freeway Radlo-FM-150.860 Malcolm Vinje, President 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 (home) (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11.244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) (619) 447-795~ (night) . Gene Robeson, President (~19) 466-8722 Became PARTners with FAT. Join f he long list of winners by using FAT Per-. mance's long-time off road experience. Like formalice components. Any of the quality sys-our new FAT Rabbit combination. .. the latest fems used in our winning race-proven engines in watercooled performance technology. can 9e purchased as a complete package, or in-Don't fall behind. Give us a call, drop us a dividually. line ~ we'd be happy to discuss how you can Realize the winning benefits of products put some FAT horsepower between you and that are the direct result of FAT Perfor-therestofthecrowd. · \ • 81mm piston~ ring & pin kits • Racing cylinder heads. • Camshafts & adjustable timing gears. •. Rabbit adapter & flywheel kit. • Down-draft manifold.· ~ Exhaust systems. • Power steering kits. . I • HP oil pumps & windage systems. 1450 North Glassel!• Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 Page 49 .. j 1 l 1 l l l l l ' i

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.. Bob "TIN MAN' Behrens ('114) 678-4649 RaeeCar_;J~ :JJA By Behrens RACE CAR ALUMINUM BODIES FUNNY CAR ALUMINUM INTERIORS 4072 CRESTVIEW DRIVE ' LAKE ELSINORE. CA .. 92330 a.le.~s:J ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~~'?'-.PY.''?' Competition Tires ...,a Offroad & Motorcycie Products . 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 619-583-6529 (619) 244-0477 . (800) 892-5263 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 .·BELL ; IMOT-. RACING AND · SAFETY PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER; SANTA FE SPRINGS. CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' EDI BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&roup ruckmann San Diego (519> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 C OMMERCE AVE. IN MIRAMAR Page 50 C>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOUflCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818·334·4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969·7967 , 915 W. FOOTHILL BL VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 Serid $1.00* for 1987 Catalog and receive $2 off your first ordert ~.._..._-CAMPERS • HIKERS • HUNTERS • FISHERMEN ON-OFF ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS OFF ROAD LIGHTS SUSPENSION COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool HDUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ·ON CLEAR PLACTICINE ·WINDOWS "DESERT RACER'~ ~~:o PRODUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 INLAND DISPLAY -POMONA MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE. DIRT DIGITS fff2gJIJJffj]ZlfJ]gJ[!) BLOCK NUMBERS WIT// STYLE 11.s.A. (~18} 882-7808 '-. 1'013BCANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIRJ •. . RIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 . March 1987 PERFORMANCE IJ[muinxiir.s (818) 381-3033 DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FEijNANDO, CA 91340 We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Bob Cassetta Don Rountree 825-0583 888-2703 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! -. -R-EN_T_A_LS-VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche [iUl Racing Engines ~ & Transaxles __ ._ PERFORMAJICE Race Car Preparation Intake & Exhaust System Components for VW Type I, Rabbit, TYPE IV, 911 1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 (619) 465-3782 ~ aet Your SffIFI' Togetherl ---===--~\~--------FORT l l'Y TRAJ'YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 92035 • ~ Doug Fortin Dusty nmes

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DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE . PARTS RE·~AIU V.W. PAim 11623 ~--·'EL.CON ST, SUN VALL.,;l', CA• 9i3!52 768-455!5 (408) 377-3422 . Custom Shocks Built toYour Vehicle's Specifications ,OX RACING SHOX '-, 544 McGlincey Lane, Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders Dump Cans Quick Fl/ls Std., FIils, 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-12'2 1'36 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 1986 702-361-5404 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSORS ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLANO MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG., INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP; AROS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING TEAM; THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OF(ROADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES Dusty Times HOUSE of BUGGIES_ 7302 Broadway • Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 61_9-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@l!J1JXY V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buen.a Park, CA 90621 I ·■---------■ OFF ROAD RACE CARS JI Meo ALUMINUM BODIES . , l PARTS &_ A~g~;;tfr:~ .r, . "?) __ j • .-(619) 562-1743 "~ r-~I "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" '10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN ~ l"ffOIIUCTS OHNSON JIM JULSON. MIKE JULSON CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP · FOR WINN ING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE H1CH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 [619) 583-2054 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL 6 TRA.E SHOCK SYSTEMS -FIBERCtASS 60• V-6 Z.I MOTOR PARTS ACCBSORB LEDUC OFF ROAD 186 BALDWIN STREET 1 9 a.m. ,-7 p.m'. WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 -1 TEL. (413) 739-4111 RACE TRUCK FAB. 4WD TRUCK REPAIR INST ANT SERVICE. TRUCK ACCESSORIES March 1987 A.I ... "o.,..,.,.~ . ftt-' ~~ 0~ STANDARD ,\\)v 4\,V <tr 0 REBUILDS .9 f" ~C:, '~ t-~ ~~e:,'i'-+" ~ ~V-.r" (619) 244-3584 " (\.t'i0~0 ,<.,~ 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East '1 Hesperia, California 92345 Q:-'?" McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS SWAY- A -WAY TECTIRA TIRES BILSTEIN SHOCKS KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK AARESTOIIS CIBIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE Alllf'ILTEIIS WRIGHT PLACE DUIIA BLUE ULTRA BOOT WESTERN AUTO TIRES 818-784-6438 818-78!1-!1827 K .Y .11. SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS CEM OEARS CROWN M~G. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL . TRI-MIL 129415 SHERMAN WAY, NO, 4 NO, HOLLYWOOD, CA 91110!5 MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACING GEARBOXES (619) 277,3100 7577 CONVOY COURT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 5\S C t-1 J). 5 Custom Built to Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 805/269-1279 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Culling Brakes•• • Clulch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders. • Hydraulic ClutChes a~d Throttles ... plus much more. . Complete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 ( 619) 565-9336 Page 51

Page 52

"USED BY WINNERS NAilONWIDE" Ask Your Per{ormance Dealer Today · - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc. 12414 Hwy 99 So. Dept. OT. Everett. WA 9820'4 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE. BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D VANS . a PICKUPS 8: MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RAC ING SHOCKS • BAJA RYDERS P .. RE·RuN TRUCKS • Cusl'OM SPRINGS A XLE ·WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION N O BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEER/NG OffBolMlllaceCan 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth. CA 91311 GREG LEWIN (818) 882-2886 ·,1~ ·oFFROAQ VIDEO Close-Up Action From 1986 SCORE/HORA Desert Series Races and SCORE Off Road World Championship . 1 Hr. VHS Video Tapes $29.95 each P.O. Box 444 Please Write for Information El Segundo, CA 90245-0444 IKE'_ -FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 2.4 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA Page 52 Po-RC 0 PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY c::; Retail Parts • Fabrication • Prototype 721 UNIT B SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 . (818) 915-3848 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (206)242-1773 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST· ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 6 0451 1815! 48S·RACE (72231 Quality Products Fastener Sµecialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. AL KE.Y (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES 1S OF i~ March 1987 Paramount, CA 90723 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920,East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 9280S RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) . (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 . Specializing in .V.W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's (213) 583-2404 !mN[@iPSERVICE, INC. ~i1ETAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles. California 90001 $ANDBL.AS1 GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Rick Munyon Larry Smith '-. -:t-. ··--·-..."-eq..._...__ SaH 7~ ~g,"99'1 ~ . , \ 1# 1533 Truman Street . ~I~ San Fernando. Ca. 91340· ~~~ J...i~~hone 18181 361-1215 . SO-CAL PERFORMANCE .(,,~ ~ 8504 E. Compton Blvd. f Paramount, CA 90723 (213) 408-~ - ,_ -- · ' ® I.\ SO-CAL Performance · ·~ Racing Gasoline IF YOU PAY FOR IT, WHY NOT GET THE BEST!!! S.O.F.T. CAR TOW ROPE From 6,600 lbs. -Up to 44,000 lbs. From Passenger to Heavy Duty Truck HASHI-KEN CORP. U.S.A. INC. 312 E. First St. #400, Los Angeles, CA 90Q12 Tel: (213) 620-9229 FAX: (213) 620-0160 Call your nearest dealer. lnL.A. McKenzie Automotive. 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 KEN SNYDER -1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO J st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON -1st OPEN; . ANDY DEVERCELL Y : 1st 5-1600; REX LEWIS -1st CLASS 100; JIM DELANEY -1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK; HAL GRAVES -1st CLASS 6 Dusty Times ·

Page 53

I /lllCE TNANS BYJEff RElD'S 01S IRIBUIORS fELEPHONE THIS ININN/SRS e1101e,s Fact is WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have been used by more winning drivers and engine builders in 1985 than any other brand! Ask the top professionals before buy-ing your next cam. Call us for your winning cam · for street•, strip and off-road. Send $3 for complete 1986 catalog. Anaheim.CA Bakersfield, CA Tom Stalarz Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg ' Tim Schmidt (714) 630-3810 (805) 948-6044 (805) 32~-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877:0226 (714) 735-7223 TRfiNSA~LE I ENGINEERING' JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 IA,wEB-CAM_ ·w ··. ' • PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS ·Larry Stover Bullhead City, AZ Colton, CA Corona.CA El Centro, CA Fullerton, CA Dick Alden/John Donahoe • Cal Performance Mike McNeece (619) 352-4 721 12387 Doherty Street Riverside, CA 92503 ·Not legal for sale in CA on pollution controlled vehicles. (714) 735-2200 Jim Finn · (714) 738-7820 Hayward, CA Lancaster, CA Las Vegas, NV Long Beach, CA Oakland/S.F., CA ·Phoenix, AZ. Riverside, CA San Jose, CA La Vern Unser Jack Bertwick (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 (805) 948-6044 (702) 457.-5906' ~TRACKSJDB . VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg Darwin Pilger/Tom Tonal Dave Wayt Chris Price Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark Sand Rails John Graham Mike Whitacre I • . Photo Ent..,,..lses . I PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 I 18710 SO . NORMANDIE • SUITE C 1 GARDENA. CA. 90248 -94 7 RANCHEROS DRIVE. SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Tucson, AZ. Don Larson Van Nuys, CA Dave Wayt (213) 437-4373 (415) 428-2600 (602) 278-6271 (714) 682-3270 (408) 723-3835 (408) 294-4513 (602) 745-2247 (213) 43i4373 (805) 659-5609 \· (602) 782-6543 Ji=,,~rer Engine & Machine Ventura, CA Bill Tipton Yuma, AZ. Robert McNeece P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broad~ay, Suite 202 Long Beach, California 90801-0610 (213) 437-4373 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components · . SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 lfno answer 714-997-0767 Suspension Components {818) 988-5510 RACING PIIOTOGllAPHT SPECIALISTS I TA~L~ racing gasoline Alameda County Bakersfield Bremerto"n Denver Hawaii Huntington Beach L.A.-1.Dng Beach Las Vegas . Monterey Orange County (415/ 538-RACE (BOS/ 393-8258 (206/ 377-7951 (303) 452-5239 (808) 682-5589 (714) 536-8808 (213) 863-4801 (702) 871-1417 (408) 899-10 I 0 (7141 634-0845 I WE DELIVER!!., · 1-1 -·; Phoerix (602/ 952-~575 Portlanb-vancouver (206/ 693-}608 Riverside (714/ 787-8141 Sacrambnto (916) 334-RACE San Diego (6191460-5207 Saugus (805/ 259-3886 Seattle j (206) 833_-0430 Spokane (5091 483.-007_6 Tri Cities (509) 547-3326 · Tucson 1 (602/ 79 I -9386 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A .DEALER Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri (6-19) 741-6173 Custom Wheels . OFF ROAD PRODUCTS . Off Road Accessories Phoenix, Arizona 85017 7840 BURNET- AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Each month ten or mor~ copies ofjthe current issue ci n be in vour shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :-i grc;it traffic bu.]1lder, and the cost minimaL CONTACT : . l DUSTY TIM ... ES, 5,331 Der jY Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889~5600 j For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baeball Cap: twill/mesh, one size fits all, your · ._ choice of blue. black. grey, red or yellow. $5.00 T-Shirts: 50/50. available in S, M. L, & XL. your choice of bl':Je, white, grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 '/i' X 5". yeJlow with black logo. S.50. Decals: 12" X 3" black or white on clear, $1.00. or 26!' X 5" with black, white, red or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR "GEAR" ... please include item. quantity. size and color. and send check. money order orMC:VISA#(Oh1ores1dentsadd 5.5%tax) to. ~ Mic/fey·Thompson:._ I . ~:==-===;~:DJI LOUIE UNS R Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 I I l I .PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Get the wo~d out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new ~ustomen. -Good Stuff Directory Ads PERFORMANCE 11RES ---·----------P.O. B01 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Louie Unser I (714) 879-8410 are merely $18.00 per month. · Inside Ohio • 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO -800 222-9092 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES LATE FLASH FROM BAJA ~ Th-e first Annual Gran Carrera Internacional off road race finished right on our deadline, but the Baja Promotions event went off very well. Lou Peralta phoned to say that the race for both off road cars and motorcycles attracted 76 entries of which 73 started the event in San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. The desert route took its toll, however, as 37 finished the race. Of interest is that 4 7 percent of the entry came from Mexican natonal racers, and over 50 percent of.the prize money stayed in Mexico. First overall in cars and first in Pro Open Class was the Raceco driven-by. Perry McNeil and Rich Minga. They covered the 240 mile course in 5 hours, 11 minutes and 50 seconds, and won $1080.00. But, the biggest money winner of the race was Ernesto Arambula, who raced his Baja Bug in Pro Stock, the biggest class. !Arambula won the class and a neat $1800.00.' In the bike section of the race the team of Paul Ost!:lo and Joe McCormack came all the way from the northf,est, Washington arid Oregon, to race their Honda. They b~ought nearly a dpzen folks with them! ran on m;:mey borrowed to get to Mexico, and this Yahoo RacmgTeam won overall with a time of4:58.59. Look for a full report oh this race in the Aptil issue. · · . DEAN SUNDAHL h1s won an uncounta~le number of races on an ATV. He has a perfect record I at the Score Parker fOO, taking his seventh straight class victory last mont~ by mere seconds, riding a 350cc Yamaha Banshee. Sundahl has also won his class in all other Store events at' least three times, and~this year he is going to try to extend that record by going solo in all the Score races this seaso7, including the Baja 1000. Along with Yamaha, Sundahl is currently sponsored by Sports Racing Gasoline, Toomey Racing, USA, Sundahl Racing Products, HPS Oil, and Gene Jacobson's All Night Teller Service. Subscribe, to DUSTY-TIMES See Form Page 3 Dusty Times March 1987 Page 53 . I

Page 54

Classified ••• FOR SALE: Like new Chevy Van, one ton. Ranchos, new Duelers, polished Sprinters, 383 balanced & blueprinted; 194 heads, !sky, Holly, deep pan, trans by Stu's, big cooler, new drivelirie, 12 bolt Easton posi, trick paint & interior. $7000 O.B.O. FOR SALE: Ex O.M.F. 5 car. 2180cc, dry FOR SALE: Off Road Champ-ionship Gran Prix 1986 points champion. Monte Crawford's winning Chenowth Magnum. Disc brakes, power steering, turbo cvs, etc. Best of everything, with • both Chenowth and VW Golf bodies. Class 1-10 or Ultra-Si:ock. Sacrifice, $10,000.00 complete, $7000 less motor and trans. Call San Marcos Tire Mart, (619) 744-7481. sumped, 5PG . roller, Autocraft, Bilsteins, Flame Out, Mastercraft cell, Wright beam, spindles & rack, Centerlines and new trans. $6000 O.B.O. FOR SALE: Two · car trailer, Centerlines; winch, aluminum ramps, all aluminum construction. Carries pre-runner and race car all in one shot! $2500 O.B.O. Call (213) 598-7083. WANTED: Sponsor or partner for new Class 2 car with the best of everything, professionally built by Station 1. Very competitive. Experienced racer for 10 years needs expenses paid ( entry fee, gas, upkeep). Pictures and info' available. Call Steve at ( 602) ,278-7324, days, or (602) 978-5140, eves. FOR SALE: 1987 Chevy Fleetside Pre-runner. Best of everything. Built by Fly 'N Hi of Phoenix. Everything new, street legal a_n? California smog legal. Fuel m1ected 350. Full cage, Taylor seats, Art Carr turbo 400 trans. All white. $24,500 or make offer. Will be at all desert races until sold. Never used for pre-running. Call (818) 882-2886 or (415) 851-7477. FOR SALE: Class 7S Toyota race truck. Call for full informa-tion, only $8000. (818) 348-7938. FOR SALE: Class 8 r~ce truck. 400 engine, '67 Ford chassis, fuel cell, Chrisman rear end,.full disc brakes; B&M trans., Tom Lee pumps, torsion bar assist front & rear. Many extras - Bridgestone, Flame-out, $48,000 invested. Quit racing. Any reasonable offer. Call (818) 887-4580 or 884-6605. FOR SALE: 1985 Class 2 Raceco. 19" travel, 122" wheel- · FOR SALE: '70 Ford pre-runner base, fresh Type 4, 2.6, Ffeld 091 or Pro Rally truck. New motor trans w/Hewland, Superdiff. and trans. 14 Bilsteins, Taylor New 930 cvs, Superboot, Wright seats, BFGs, front discs, tube · Place, UMP, secondary, Bilstein, bumpers, Hella lights, full cage Fox, Beard, Sway-A-Way, cab to rear, box I beams, rear axle Parker, fresh prep, race ready, truss, aluminum gas tank, and trailer. $17,000 O.B.O. Gary or more. $15,000 or best offer. Call Greg, days, (818) 782-2614, Ed at (619) 448-1179. eves, (818) 346-6768. FOR SALE: F.A.T. Type 4 engine, well maintained by Cam Thieriot and used to wiri the · 1986 Mint 400 in Class 2. 2700 cc, best of everything, complete · with extra set of newly rebuilt race heads. $5200 not rebuilt, $6400 completely rebuilt. (818) · 882-2886. FOR SALE: THE WHOLE SHOOTIN' MATCH. Ford Class 8 , pro built pre-run truck, frame up. Legal Score cage, with stereo, regular gas 400 inch engine. Class 10 Raceco single seater. Han engine, Mendeola/ · Hewland trans, turbo· cvs, Dura · Blue torsion bars, all powder painted or chrome. Removable windshield and wing. Both vehicles match. First class in every detail. Steal both for under $40,000 or trade for real estate. Let's talk. Call Dennis days, (714) 661-7880 or eves. (714) 661-7897. FOR SALE: Funco SS 1, swin_g axle or IRS. Neal Pedals, Baja Blower, stock width front end. Sway-A-Way, Wright, Bilsteins. Great car for Pro CanAms's new desert class 1-1600. $1200. Fuel Cell and double axle trailer also available. Call Jim (i06) 743-4738. FOR SALE: Two seat Class 10 race car, 12' wide, JT front armes, HD spindles, Wright box, tapered roller brgs. ( front & rear)', bus stubs, Palmer arms, new Type 4 cvs, bus trans w/ Hewland gears, 091 cliff., 12 Bil~teins, Toyota powered. Fast an8 dependable, raced nine tii es, with five firsts, two semnds. $6000.00 O.B.O . Call (6 2) 253-5408. FqR SALE: Class 2, 2300cc Type 1. Bus trans, Taylor seats, tuio cvs, Centerlines, 12" wide be m, 115" wheelbase, Wright spi dies & arms, disc brakes, . foJrth in 1986 World Champ-i o ~ships. $7500 complete, $4$00, roller. Call Vince (714) 77 '-6889. FOR SALE: Baja Bug pre-runner. As new, has it all! Also have 5-1600' chassis, 3 FM radios, fuel cans and_ dump cans, and many other parts. Call ( 619) 464-5030. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1 or 10 short course car. New sprint car design. Best · of everything, priced $12,000 less motor. Class 5, built by Frisk, also best of everything. Priced at $7500 less motor. Call for details. ( 714) 529-4466 or (619) 464-3499. FOR SALE: Type 4, 2668cc engine by Dave Head. Fresh with Arao heads, single or dual 48 IDF Webers, dyno 185 with duals, FOR SALE: $25,000 takes it all. 1977 C700 car hauler, 6.5 Onan Generator, one Speedair com-pressor 3.00 hp, Miller 35 Mig welder, three storage bins under hauler, tire rack, lift gate, fresh motor, trans and tires, 100 gal. water tank, two way radio. Negotiable. Call John at (213) 457-2797. 165 with single. Includes power, · FOR SALE: A proven winner. steering pump. $6500, single, · Steve Tetrick's Class 10 O.R.E. $6750, dual carbs. Have Hilborn Won four of the first five races in injection also. Call Art (818) '86! 130 hp Type 1 motor by 891-2916. Engine Machine-Service. Full tilt FOR SALE: One set Super Flo 091 trans by Jeff Field, 18" two heads, 42 x 37 for 92. AH stageprogressiverearsuspension, gaskets, two 44 Weber carbs and 14" air shock front suspension, intakes. Sold new for over 12 Fox Shox, UMP p/ s, Super-$1000, complete with breathers. boot, Vasco bars; car has been Only $500, Call Dan in Indiana, professionally maintained since (901) 689-3091. new by O .R.E., with no expense spared. Will sell complete for $15,000 firm. Also for sale, 'spare engine and many major parts. Call Fred at (818) 889-FOR SALE: Great pre-runner or play Jeep. Built 231 V-6, B & M H350, 4:27 axles with posi's front and rear, disc brakes, trick suspension with Rough Coun-trys, power steering, tilt Beard's seats, cage, two tops, glass front end, quality construction throughout-$8000. Call ( 303) 945-8166 or (303) 945-5227 in Colorado. FOR SALE: Short course winner, Hi Jumper. 105" WB, the best of everything. Ready to go, $4100 less engine and trans. Serious inquiries only. Call Chuck, (702) 853-3448. 0294. FOR SALE: Rod Hall's '77 Dodge pre-runner. Completely · restored, interior roll bars, Art Carr ·trans, 360 performance engine. Serious inquiries only. . Call Chuck at (702) 853-3448. ,------lliili~-----------------------... ----------------------·-.. Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I MUST SELL: 1986-1-1600 World Champion Elrod/ Donsco Hi Jumper. '85-'86 Mickey Thompson off road series champion! Wright rack, Master-craft, Centerlines, Fox Shox, Jamar. This car has won every-where. W /wo motor, $6000 complete O .B.O. Also Elrod short course Baja Bug, Class 5, less motor and transmission -Cheap. Call (408)° 866~7603 or 272-2216. I I I I I I I I I DUSTY IMES. : Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including ame, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black I and white photo, or a very sharp color print. · NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIM S -=-A-45 _word qassified Ad is_ FREE if you act now a~d I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.0 . All classified ads must be paid in acfvari.ce. I I I' I ,I I I FOR SALE: 1973 VW Thing. I Fresh 1835cc balanced engine, 3 I inch lift kit, new paint, tires, I aluminum wheels, 4:37 rebuilt I , tran~axle, AM/FM cassette, all Please run ad _______ times. I equipment and accessories in working order. On or off road Enclosed is $ ____ _ (Send check or money order, no cash). Name Address ____________________ __,_Phone _ _____ _ City _________________ _ State __ -4-_ _ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I vehicle with KCs, air horn, front I and rear aluminum skid shields I and nerfs. $3995. Call days I (714) 986-4458, nights (714) 987-5878. • Pag~ 54 March 1987 Dusty Times

Page 55

Yokohama 6·50 Club Report By Jean Calvin The Parker 400 entry was huge at 419 starters, and 333 of them were in the car classes. In the mob were 25 starters in the 6~50 Club · that we know of. We suspect there are more, as some over 50 drivers did not list their ages on the entry form. So, we are going to list here every one of the 25 we found on the entry print out. If you are eligible for the 6-50 Club, being 50 years of age or more and the driver of record in one or the car classes at Parker, drop us a note at 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Then you too will be an instant member of the 6-50 Club with the possibility 'of being one of the high points drivers at the end of the season and earn a gold, silver or bronze medal. The system counts a driver's best six out of nine events during the season. For 1987, the events are the eight Score/HORA desert series races plus the SNORE 25.0 in September. To join, all you have to do is let us know your status, if we missed finding · you on the entry list. There is no cost to you, just a fun points series for mature drivers. There were three 6-50 Club racers in Class 1 at Parker. Frank Snook, who started the season by rolling the Raceco in California, teamed with Eric Arras to finish fifth in class. Bob Renz, with Dick C lark co-driving his Raceco, arrived eighth in class. Not doing so well was Cecil Wright, with his son Jeff co-driving the Hi Jumper powered by a Mazda engine. A five hour California lap put the team on the trailer. A hefty seve~ viejcis started in Classified ••• FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10. Chenowth Magnum, disc brakes, power steering, ·turbo cvs, Wright front end, fuel cell, Sway-A-W ay, Mastercraft. Best of every-thing. Complete less motor. In Colorado call (303) 722-553 7 days, (303) 986-8893; nights, ask for Tom. FOR SALE: Small block Dono-van 413 complete less intake; Brodix heads, titanium valves, new super rods, new Ross pistons, new rings and bearings, copper head gaskets, Donovan gear drive. $7500. Call days, (805) 238-7224, 6-9 p.m., (805) 434-3030. FOR SALE: Class 2 .Tandem Chapai:ral. Fresh Type 4 and new tranny, never run. Curnetts, Fox Shox, Summers Bros. full floating hubs, secondary torsion, 22" rear wheel travel, BFG tires, 10. Car is ready to race and includes trailer.. $17,500. Call Jerry (602) 792-2448 or Jim (602) 624-5536. . Dusty Times Class 2, but only a pair of them finished 'the course. Doing the very best of all was Danny Letner. With Henry Bergdahl co-driving, Danny drove the Porsche powered Raceco not only to second in Class 2 but second overall, beating all the bikes. Letner is the current points leader in 6-50 standings . for 1987. · Gregg Symonds and his son David had an hour's w6rth of trouble in Calffornia, but they got it together to finish eighth out of the 40 that started in Class 2. Corky McMillin had a pair of good laps going, but vanished on the final round in Arizona. Floridian Jimmie Crowder, with Californian Steve · Martin co-driving, rolled his Raceco early in the game, then retired on the first Arizona loop. Wayne Morgan did not finish in California, nor did Raymond Tierheimer. Jim Temple and his son Mark had engine trouble on the first loop, and lost it all early in Arizona. There were three starters in Class 1-2-1600, and two of them finished in this 56 car starting field . Dave Fessenden and his son got their Chenowth home 21st out of the 30 finishers. Collin Dunnam also finished, 26th in -class, but Monty Stone only, managed to cover the California loop. One of the two starters in 5-1600 action saw the finish lin~. another father and son team. It was the Andy DeVercellys, in for ninth in the 24 Bug field. Thomas Rogers, unfortunately, did not finish in California. The lone 6-50 starter in Class 7S was Andy Felix, who finished eighth in FOR SALE: Looking for a good car? Look no more. Have competitive Class. 10 car! Long travel rear and front. Best of all parts money can buy, toci many to list. See for yourself or call us before 6p.m. at (714) 492-1606 or eves, 498-0381. $16,000 invested, must sell at best offer over $15,000. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 Chenowth, AMS front end, Neal pedals, Bilsteins, fuel cell, Pumper. Car comes with trailer, less engine and trans. $2000. Also, Don Hatz 1-1600 motor, · $1000. Call Fred, (818) 889-029.4.---FOR SALE: Super deal on Class 1-1600. lOS"WB, Beard seat, 18 · gal. fuel cell, P Pumper, JT beams, Sway-A-Way rear, Wright R & P, hydraulic clutch · and more. Class winner in VORRA. Engine, tranny, turn key. $5500 or $3000 less engine and tranri.y. This is the best way to get started. Call (702) 827-9121 in Reno, NV after·6 p.m. ' Class with Terry · Lattes co-driving the Mazda. Of the three 6-50 dubbers who started in Class 8, none finished so much as the Ca.lifornia loop. O J t, early were Nels~n Tomlinson,Jlim Venable/ Stan Gilbert and 9ick Walker. Three of the five viejos in the Challenge Class saw the checkered flag. Doing the best was the 6-50 team .of Ed and Hugh McLean, in for 11th spot in their Chenowth. Herman DeNunzio finished 15th with Mark DeNunzio co-di riving, and Dave Girdner and Roy Perfect finished 20th out of the 46 starters. Mike Leon had a good pair of laps in his Challenge car before retiring, and John Kisner got through California, and not much farther. Having won Class 10 at Parker two years in a row, Jack Irvine, with Kit Trenholm co-driving, ran out 1of luck and failed to complete tHe California course with engine woes. Eleven out of 25 is not a bad average for finishers, and it is keen to see so many mature drivers doing ·so well _at Park~r, whic~ is basically a pair of sprmt race~. · Danny Letner leads the points standings for the 6-s:o Club with 60 big ones from Parker. Frank Snook is second with 45 points. and Bob Renz is now third with 33; Ed McLean is close with 28 points, and Andy DeVercelly is fifth at 25 points. Rounding out the top ten are Andy Felix, 24, Gregg Symonds; 214:I , Herman DeNunzio, 15, and, [in a three way tie at ten poinrs are Dave Girdner, Collin Dunnam· and Dave Fessenden. \ Next on the Yokohama 6-50 Club schedule is the1Gold Coast, race out of Las Vegas. It is the first HDRA event of the year, and the logistics will be more simple than they we~e at Parker. MONTE CARLO I (from page 44) The two wheel drive cars were nowhere in the hunt. Small troubles delayed the Renault team and gradually the Group A World Champion, Kenneth Eriksson, edged ahead. Eriksson's . new teammate Erwin Weber was impressive in his firstlever outing with a front drive car. The Italians lost their etlge in the Production Car broup N category, th'eir cars ~elayed by accidents and tire troubles, but the Group was won by a French driver, Bertrand Balas, again in a Lancia. In-the end Lancia's orders were clear, and Kankkunen was the loser. The W or Id Champion told to throw away the rally? "Yes", explained Fiorio. "We found a sporting way to please the public." At the finish Massimo Biasion/Tiziano Siviero won the Monte Carlo, about a minute ahead of Lancia team~ates Juha Kankkunen/ J uha·Piironen. Walter Rohrl/Christian Geist-dorfer were over thrbe minutes back in the Audi 200 Quattro, . almost five minutes ahead of Stig Blomqvist/Bruno Berglund in the Ford Sierra 4x4. lngvar Carlsson /Per Carlsson were another six minutes d1own in the Mazda 323 .4x4, fo1llowed in about 13 minutes by the VW Golf of Kenneth Eriksson/Peter Diekmann. ~ March 1987 . I Major Changes in. Store for:,, Score Great·Mojave 150 · Competitors · I . 1SCORE lnternational's 3rd Annual Great Mojave 250 desert ra~e will feature several signifi-cant race course and format changes, accordipg to Race Director Steve Kassanyi. This traditional off-road race is held near the desert crossroad com-munity of Lucerne Valley, California, and is scheduled for the weekend of April 3, 4 & 5. A drawing to determine starting pcisitions and numbers will be held at SCORE's Westlake Village office 6n March 16. · In a major departure from customary class starting order, the four-wheeled classes of open wheel cars and trucks will have an opportunity to start first on April 4 at approximately 6:00 a.m. The motorcycle and ATV classes are scheduled to start at approximately 11 :00 a.m. This starting order change retlects calculations of antici-pated lap times, with emphasis pla'ced on the safety of the motor-cycle ATV competitors. Accord-ing to Kassanyi, the motorcycle and A TV start will take place while the four-wheeled drivers are well into their third lap around a revised 83 mile route in I . , the Johnson Valley Open Area. An element of safety enters this calculation in that it is better and safer to have a motorcycle or A 1JY pass a race car or truck, rather than the other way around. This change also considers another factor, that of the privateer racer. Rather than having to take time away from one's work, motorcycle and A 1]V competitors have been given an opportunity to complete all !pre-race functions and go racing in the same day. Facilities for registration, technical inspection and contingency veri-cation will be made available on race day morning, allowing adequate time for competitors to reach the staging area at the Start/ Finish. Although the pre-race func-. tions and festivities are scheduled to take place in town, the Start/ Finish has been moved to the desert at Buttes, a distance of approximately ten miles from the center of Lucerne Valley. The new race course is considerably shorter than in prior years, and was designed . with intent to provide better spectator viewing and simplified timing and scoring operations. The Start/ Finish area will have ample pit space for all teams and racers, and there will be many concession booths offering a wide variety of foods and beverages for racers and spec-•tators alike. The race course will be marked and open for pre-running one week prior to race day, beginning on March 28. Important routing changes include identical laps, significantly less road crossings than i·n prior years, and less checkpoints. Competitors regard-less of class will find the race course to be quite challenging. Of the 83 mile total loop length, 28 miles are new. The infamous "98% downgrade", an extremely rocky and steep downhill Jeep trail, has been included in this year's course. . The Great Mojave 250 is the third event of the 1987 SCORE/ HORA combined points series. Additional information and entry forms may be obtained by calling SCORE International at 818/889-9216, INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Air Sensors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Bilstein Corp. of America ............ ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Car Custom ............... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 FAT Performance-Sports Racing Products ................ , . . . . . 19 FBI Fuel Systems ................ , ................ _. . . . . . . 23 Filler Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 BFGoodrich -Tire Division . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. ... .. . . . 28-29 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 He~rington Control .................. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 21 ·Kendall Racing .. : ................................... 31 & 33 M & M Enterprises ........... , ... , .. · . .................... 16 Mazda Motors of America -............... · ... · ................. 5 Mc Kenzie Automotive .. : .................................. · 41 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nissan Motor Corp., USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 · Parker Pumper ................................. _. ........ , 26 PCI Race Radios . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sandwinder Chassis ......................... : . . • . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sco:re International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Score Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Matvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SNORE Twilight Race .................. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Stiles Racing ..................................... : . . . . . . 11 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 32 Systems 1 .............................. : , . : .. : ...... -. . . . 1 Trackside P.hoto Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tri Mil Industries ......... .' ........... ......... : . . . . . . . • . . 13 Uniden Race Radios ...... , .... ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Valley Performance -Hewland .......... , . : . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 '. I · . 37 Wnght Placll, ..................... .. · ..... _. ...... : ; ....... . Yokohama Tire Corp. . .................................... • . . . 9 I . , .. , I Page 55 I. Q

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