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1985 Volume 2 Number 9 Dusty Times Magazine

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THE MOST -CHALLENGING TERRAIN IN THE WORLD! EIGHT HUNDRED MILES OF TRUE BAJA RACING. EASY ACCESS FOR PIT SUPPORT SAN DIEGO II 7th Race in the 1985 SCORE-HDRA Combined Points Series NOV. 8th & 9th Race Days NOV.10th Trophy Presentation -••• AFTER ALL, ISN'T THIS WHAT OFF-ROAD RACING IS ALL ABOUT? TOYOTA Official Vehicle of' SCORE lntcmational ICIIE""-~ INTIEf:INATIONAI: ~ Champlonahlp Off-Road Racing '--~'-----' . 31356 VIA COLINAS, SUITE 111, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 • (818) 889-9216 ,.

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Volume 2 Number 9 September 198S In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publi~her Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Cindy Chamberlin Daryl D. Drake -Peggy Ellenburg Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Jan Flick Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Cam McRae Danny McKenzie Bill Oursler Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Richard Schwalm Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services Printing News T ype Service THE OFFICIAL VOICE OF SC()RE CANADA --AND = " .. · . . - -..c:.a ... Subscription Rates: -=g ~ $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Applica-tion to Mail at Second-Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• FEATURES · Page Score at Riverside Raceway . . . ......... ...... ............. 12 World Championship New Zealand Rally ....... . . ...... .... 18 SNORE Midnight Special ... ....... . ................ :' .... . 20 VORRA at Baylands . . : ...... -: . .'. : ...... . . . . ... · .... ...... 22 Ladies Day at Pike's Peak .......... . . .... ........ ........ . 24 MTEG in the Los Angeles Coliseum . .... . ............. .... . 26 Score Notre-Dame du Nord .... ' ........ ...... . ... 30 ADRA High Country 150 .. .... .......... .. : . . . . ·'-.. _ .... . . 32 Berrien Autocross in Chicago ........ . ............ .... .... 34 Superstition 250 II . . . ....... . . , .... ..... ...... .... . ...... 36 FORDA's Cracker 150 . ............. . . . . ................ . 37 Alabama Race Action ........ . . ... .. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Dartmouth Highlands National Rally .... ... .. ........... .... 40 Shuswap 400 .......... ........ . .-. · ..... ................. 41 Twin Engine VW Golf ... . ......................... , : . . -.. 42 Short Course Racing in Georgia ... , ...... . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Odysseys at Riverside ........ . . ........ ............... . ... 47 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . ......... · . .... . . . ...... ........ : . . . 5 Soap Box by David White ............... . . . . .............. 6 Trail Notes .................... .. : ... . . . ................. 6 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ..... ....... . .......... . . . ....... 7 BFGoodrich 6-50 Club Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Happenings . ......... . ........... . .... ......... . .... .... 10 Good Stuff Directory ...................... . ............. 44 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Index to Advertisers ...... ...... .... ... , ... ......... . .... 46 ON THE COVER -The flavor of the Turbo-Wash Score Off Road World Championship racing at Riverside International Raceway is graphic in this action in the muddy esses. Here the fences are annually lined with hard core enthusiasts who cheer every jump and roar with gusto when the· drivers dice in close combat. Color Photography by Chris Haston of Track side Pho to Enterprises. f\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$12.00 □ 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years -$30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name-~---------------------------Oops, I must have missed a turn en route to the peristyle, might be what Dale Calhoun is telling course workers at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Calhoun, from Loveland, Colorado, did his high center act in the Buick bodied Ultra Stock during practice for the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix last July. He came back from the mishap to race that evening, and he also raced at Riverside in the Ultra Stock bash. Trackside Photo Enterprises._ DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. I I I I I I I I I I I Address --------------'------------City State __________________ Zip---------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 ( Canadian-- 1 year $15 .00 U .S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) I Dusty Times September 1985 Page 5

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Soap Box ••• By David 0. White Chief Steward High Desert Racing Association In the past year, off road racing has seen many changes: new classes, new racers, new and improved vehicles capable of very high speeds, and the recent merger of the points system for HORA and SCORE. Without exception, we all agree and welcome improvements to the sport. However, with increased entries which every promoter welcomes, so do his costs to operate increase. Most clearly visible to the racer is the rising co st o f i n s u r a n c e . Po r the promoter, insurance liability costs have skyrocketed. The Mint Hotel this year paid $85,0(10 for total coverage ... that is $227 per car. .. for only one race. Some organizations can no longer obtain coverage. Loss of just one liability suit and a promoter would face almost certain extinction. With these new changes and increased entries comes the question of safety, a question that also is related to insurance costs. We, the officials of HORA who administer each event, are very concerned with the growing number of safety violations at each race and the growing number of injuries to checkpoint personnel. This very serious situation is not just confined to our organization. Two years ago, we developed a list of procedures for all our checkpoint and road crossing personnel, designed for safer checkpoints and road cross-ings and for a faster entry and exit at each point for the racer. These procedures are reviewed prior to every event. Also, we have stressed these p_rocedures and other safety matters at each drivers' meeting. Familiar words you may say, yes they are, but many have fallen on deaf ears. Let me cite some exampies that occur at each event during staging: seat belts unfastened, helmets not on, chin straps not buckled, crews making last minute adjustments to the vehicle and one case recently where fire suits were not on. During the Fireworks 250 in Barstow in July, 1985, eighteen different safety violations were reported: one car driving backward on the course, co-driver without a helmet, failure to obey race officials, and failure to stop at checkpoints. Each case was reviewed by myself and other race officials at the end of the race, and as a result, six penalties were imposed. Safety rules are not just designed for the racer, but also for his or her supporters, fans and race personnel. Obviously a promo~er cannot afford the Coming Next Month ... HORA FRONTIER 500 BRUSH RUN 101 AMSA 6 HOURS OF CAL CITY SCORE CANADA AT PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO RALLY ARGENTINA BERRIEN AUTOCROSSIN INDIANA AND ILLINOIS MICHIGAN PRO RALLY GREAT WESTERN RACING IN COLORADO Page6 VORRA 300 IN NEV ADA SHORT COURSE ACTION IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA ... plus all the regular features luxury of concrete barriers and 12-foot high fences as seen at Formula 1, CART and NASCAR races. Alf that separates a racer. from other people is generally a string of pennants placed at off road events. During an ;ff road race, a racer finishes, .in most cases, at a high rate of speed, but he may fail to stop at the Stop sign. Ardent supporters crowd onto the race course. Now the officials have other cars finishing, must get the violator back to the finish line and remove the crowd from the track. Where do we draw the line? Do we penalize a driver who has gone past a Stop sign by SO feet but let a driver off who has just gone beyond th·e same sign by 10 feet? We believe the rules are clear and should not require a detailed explanation as to what a Stop sign is. It should be remembered that it is the driver who controls the vehicle and the safety of others lies in his hands. In recent months, this organi-zation, as well as our competitors, have been brought to task in the media, by the media and by some racers after penalties have been imposed. Many feel. that when rules are broken, hearings should be held as in the court system in society. That is all well and good but cost is logistically prohibi-tive. No promoter has the resources to support this idea. When it comes to a safety violation where lives are endangered, no excuse is acceptable. The driver is responsible for his actions. There will be no arbitration on any penalty imposed for a safety violation. We expect further criticism on our stand, however the safety of others is our utmost concern. The officials of HORA and other organizations may wish to rewrite safety rules, but we hope that common sense will prevail. Off road racing is still in its infancy and for it to take its place' in the racing fraternity, we cannot be lax in our racing and safety procedures, but we must continue to improve them. Our thanks to Dave White for his well taken points on the state of off road racing in the desert. Dave is a most dedicated man, and he does his job well, never outwardly losing his temper, and we appreciate his quiet control over the myriad situations that occur at a desert event. However, we still think the start/finish line at Barstow would have been safer, and far easier to control, if a hay bale chicane had been strung all the way down the pavement, forcing the cars to slow down prior to reaching the finish line. Perhaps the HORA will do something like that at the Frontier 250, the final multiple lap event of the desert series this year, where the drivers will be pushing hard for a top finish position and every valuable point to be gained. Volunteers are i1wited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. We u,ould welcome some discussion on the state of the Pro Rally Series as well. Call orwriteDUSTYTIMES with your ideas for a Soap Box column, and get on the schedule. September 1985 Trail Notes ••• DUSTY TIMES suffered a bit of a body blow in the middle of August. When we arrived at the office early one Monday morning, the place had been heavily vandalized. The perpetrators sprayed ,several fire extinguishers through the mail slot in such volume that the entire front office was covered with a half inch of dry chemical, including all the work in progress on this September issue. There is no clue as to who did the job or why, but it did cause a lot of long hours trying to recover the material that was buried in the fine stuff. Items such as photos, news releases and the like in one file drawer, partially open, were ruined, some pictures.had to be reprinted, type had to be reset, and in general it was a mess. Just as we were getting organized, sorting and cleaning, the same thing happened again on the night of August 23, However, we were camped out in the shop temporarily, and DUSTY TIMES · met the print date right on time. We shall eventually get back to normal in what has been weeks of a truly dusty time in the editorial office. THE DESERT SERIES in off road racing promoted by Score International and the High Desert Racing Association took a giant step forward in August. A meeting of all interested manufacturers involved in desert racing was organized by Frank De Angelo, head of the BFGoodrich Performance Team, out of Akron, Ohta. Both Sal Fish and Walt Lofr were amazed at both the quantity and quality of manufacturers' reps that came to Riverside; the meeting was held there the day after the big Score short course event. Of interest to racers is that the majority of the manufacturers who support off road racing through contingency"prize money, event support, and in other ways, have similar desires in some quarters as the rank and file racers. One proposal that was discussed was that in 1986 Score and HDRA should have common tech and contingency teams. In other words the same tech team would be in charge at all the major desert races, so that a car legal at the Fireworks 250 would not be illegal at the next Score race, and this situation actually happened in 1985. A single contingency team would give the donors one person with whom to deal instead of two, and one chairman in charge of the on site inspection, both before and after the desert race. The third desire, along the same lines, was to have one and only one scoring team. The big butter and egg men from back east were really impressed with the instant and constant, lap by lap computer scoring results at the Fireworks 250 last July, and they would like to see something similar in scoring at all the events they will be supporting in 1986. It sure sounds good; but some outside money would be needed to fund the travel expense of key members of a tech team, a contingency team, and a scoring team. With the soaring costs of liability insurance, the desert promoters have no extra income to handle such a program. A good .many other subjects, including a reduction in the number of classes in competition were bandied about in the meeting. Most of the participants felt a good deal had been accomplished just by getting together and talking about the growing pains of desert off road racing as it moves away from being a weekend warrior sport into full professional racing recognition all over the country. K.J. HOWE rumors were flying at Riverside, and the man himself was on the scene, explaining, as best he could, the mystery surrounding the future of the beloved Mint 400 off road race. Howe has left the Mint Hotel and has set up his own public relations business, which is already going strong in Las Vegas. It was obvious to all on hand at the race last May that the new top management at the Mint Hotel & Casino did not display the avid interest in the event going on around them as had former boss Andrew M. Zorne. Of is early in the game, and some people have said that the Mint Hotel still has some time left to pick up the option on the land use permit from the BLM for a race next May. Howe was of the opinion that if the Mint Hotel did not exercise the option, no doubt other backers in the Las Vegas glitter industry could be found for a desert race next May. In such case it would probably be part of the combined desert series, and perhaps run on the old and keen Bonnie & Clyde course south of Las Vegas. It is all rumor and conjecture at this point, but don't cancel your vacation for the second weekend in May in Las Vegas just yet. THE FRONTIER 500 drawing gala was a bit lost in the middle of the Riverside race week. Consequently the entry numbers on August 15, three weeks before the race, were a bit slimmer than expected with a little over 100 cars in the hopper, and a total of 137 starting numbers were drawn, including the motortycles and 3 wheelers. The starting order will see Class 10 first off the line, with Bill Herrick and Marty Reider on thy front row for the two at a time start. The starting order was determined by the overall finishing positions of the classes at the HDRA Fireworks 250 last July. The over 650 mile course opened for pre-running after the drawing, and it is going to be a real enduro on September 7 for the hardy desert racers. Some classes may have a tough time covering the entire route in the 24 hour time allowance. Word is the new trails out of Gabbs are real Nevada rough stuff, not the sort of running that produces high average speeds. It should be a great race, with the winners truly earning their honors. Of course, with the extra length, the Frontier 500 is a double points race, as is the Baja 1000, for the combined desert series. THE PRO LIGHT TOUCH CAR CAR PRODUCTS folks have announced the winners in their "Oh What a Finish" Sweepstakes. The drawing was held at the MTEG race at the Los Angeles Coliseum, and Pro Light Touch spokesman Ivan Stewart drew the lucky ticket for Brad Mitchell, of Fountain Valley, CA. The Grand Prize was a brand new 1985 Toyota 4 x4 Ivan Stewart Edition Xtra Cab pickup truck, and Mitchell was thrilled with his new truck. He got his winning ticket at a Pep Boys store, and he is an off road racing enthuiast and attends all the Mickey Thompson stadium events. Other prizes in the Sweepstakes were keen things like television sets, portable stereos, orbital polishing buffers, "Pro" racing jackets, and Pro Light Touch car detail kits. The Sweepstakes .was geared to the off road racing community, and the company is a sponsor of the MTEG series. We can personally attest to the fact that their car polish really works. We lathered it on our 1972 Blazer's original red paint, and the truck shone like a new one, and it is still shining after being washed after the dust exposure at Riverside. ( continued on page 8) Dusty Times

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Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith Last year the main topic of conversation at the Riverside event was whether or not there would ever be another off road event there. This year the same topic was being bandied a,boui: . again. With the Corona site for the new race facility scrapped due to environmental pressures, the Riverside International Raceway is still looking fm: a new home. One area which has caught the eye of the group is Alberhill, a community near Lake Elsinore. They are also considering Glen Helen Regional Park, near San Bernardino, and an undisclosed site in Riverside County. According to the Lake Elsinore Valley Sun-Tribune, the Elsinore Downtown Business Association was told by Dan Greenwood, the · president of the Raceway, that "Alberhill is up at the top of the list." The paper went on to say that if the race facility is relocated in Alberhill it should open early in 1987. To quote the Sun-Tribune, "In an effort to allay , fears of local residents, Green-wood said that large raceway crowds would be handled by private _security personnel, air pollution would be slight, and there would be no dust since, unlike the Edgemont location (the current race track), no off road racing would be held there.'' An oral agreement on one of the sites is expected to be reached by the end of September, according to Greenwood. While the Downtown Business Associ-ation board and the Lake Elsinore Recreation and Park District Director, Everett Wood, arid City Councilman, Larry Knight have all come out in favor of -the relocation to Alber hill, there have been petitions pre-sented with signatures _ the relocation of the raceway in Alberhill. Off roaders who will miss the annual Riverside type event had better keep their fingers crossed that Alberhill doesn't get the facility. Perhaps Glen Helen, which already houses an Off Highway Vehicle area, would be more welcoming. , Every year, since about 1974, there has been similar conjecture about the Mint 400. "Will they do it again next year?", always seems to be the question, and so far, except for '74 itself, they ,have always come through with the biggest, and the roughest, and the richest off road event. But now there is serious doubt about a 1986 Mint. K:J. Howe, long the major mover for the Mint 400, is no longer working for the Mint Hotel. The new regime at the hotel has displayed noticeably· less enthµsiasm for the race than in the past. K.J. has embarked on his own enterprise, doing essentially what he's done so well for the Mint Hotel for so long, but now spreading his talents around the city of Las Vegas. We wish him all kinds of success in his new endeavor, but we'll surely miss him come May. There is another new endeavor brewing -the Baja 1000 Endurance Safari. A brainchild of Steve Kassanyi, the new Director of Special Promotions for SCORE, this event is planned to introduce the newcomer to-off road racing at an economical and uncomplicated level. Scheduled to run concurrently with the November iOOO, this event, for folks who have never competed in ah off . road race before, will start in Ensenada and will utilize a small portion of the 1985 1000 race course. The neophyte racers will follow the · professional racers up the trail to and through Ojos Negros, up to El Reyo, and down to Nuevo Junction and Valle Trinidad. Frbm there they go up to Mike's and down the back side to Camalu. At Camalu they leave the race course and travel back up the pavement. to. Ensenada, covering a total of about 272 miles of Baja terrain. The entrants may run in stock or modified divisions of two or four-wheel drive classes. Basic-ally, SCORE expects streedegal vehicles, with some simple safety mods like roll bars and fire ex-ti ngu is hers. Of course, added shocks, off road tires, and the like would also be permitted. There will be seminars and guided pre-runs for those who are interested, but perhaps a little dubious about whether or not to try it. Each vehicle will carry a driver and a navigator, who will be clad in fire suits and helmets, and will be securely buckled into their seats. - \ It sounds like a lot of fun. There will be prizes at the end of the road, though it will not be a timed race like the 1000 itself, but more of an enduro, wherein Subscribe· to DUSTY TIMES Dusty Times See Form on Page 5. p~int~ will be ded~"cted fo; being too early as well as loo late. The object is to encourage a safe, steady pace through the Baja countryside. The big payoff at the end of the Safari •is a brand new Toyota truck for the winner! SCORE hopes to entice a whole new generation of racers into the wilds of Baja with this even_t, and it sounds as if they've got a good idea going. Another good idea was· the combined manufacturers and promoters meeting held on the Monday immediately following the Riverside bash. SCORE and HDRA met with all the big money folks (mostly tire and truck .companies) to talk about what the promoters could do for the contingency folks, and vice versa. Topics that came under discussion were plans to create one single tech team to work for both promoters, methods of improvi_ng the contingency setup to the satisfaction of racers and donors alike, and a plan to create a uniform timing association, which would work both SCORE and HDRA events. They did also discuss class rules, a messy bag of ·worms, with no real meeting of the minds yet -but at least there was open discussion. It all sounds like real progress to us. One area'where there has be~n no progress was at the end of each event at -Riverside. As the lead cars come around Turn Six they are given the checkered flag and then they slide down the pavement and generally pull in to the infield to sit for a few moments. Most of them are · understandably eager to get back up to the winner's circle, or their home pit, to bask in the glory of their accomplishments. So, after sitting a while, they begin to pull out on to the track, at the end of Thompson's Ridge, to slide ·around the turn, into the winner's circle or down to the paved road that leads to the pits. This would all be well and good, but in every case there are racers who are still racing out on that track. We stood in the press area for most ofthe events this year, and as each event ended we saw the same dumb thing happen. The winners, runners up and those injured vehicles that had been parked for most of the race (with flat tires, missing gears and · bent suspensions) would decide they'd waited long enough and would pull on to the Ridge ( the fastest part of the track) and head for wherever it was they wanted to go. In many cases they pulled out in front of vehicles that were still racing. Now, we understand that the lead racers couldn't be expected to keep track of that fact. And we also know that the back markers weren't in the position of racing for money or awards in some cases, but nevertheless, they should have been entitled to finish their races without having to dodge slow moving, sometimes incapacitated, traffic. Also, in several cases, when more than one class had raced, it meant that slow moving, non-racing_ traffic got back on the track in front of cars that were still competing for first place in their own class. It was an inexcusable condition, and luckily ·no accidents occurred. ·It would have been a simple matter to move one flagman from the wall and down to the infield, give him a radio, and tell him to hold all returning traffic until the last racing vehicle had been given the checkered flag. Every racer expects to get his chance to finish, and deserves better than picking his way through a traffic jam of disabled cars with unhelmeted, unbuckled drivers. Let's hope that that particular screwup gets straight-ened out before the next Riverside -if there is one. THE ORIGINAL GAS PRESSURE SHOCK ABSORBER WINNERS ON BILSTEIN SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Ivan Stewar,t 1st Place, Class 7 Mint 400 "Never before. have I had so much con-fidence in a shock. After extensive testing and numerous races on the same set of Bi/steins, I am very pleased by . their excellent perfor-mance and reliability" September 1985 Ray Aragon 1st Place, Cl.ass 10 Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 "We finished 2nd at the Cal City 12-hour in 1983, 1st in Class 10 at the Parker 400 1984, and 1st in Class 10 at the laugh/in Desert Challenge 1984 all on the same set of Bi/steins with no failures." Jerry Leighton 1st Place, Class 10 Fireworks 250 1984 "The shocks worked super; no such thing as broken or leaking . shocks with Bi/stein." Jim Wright 1st Place, Class 2 M_int 400 "By far the most impor-tant parts on any off-road vehicle are the shocks. Using Bi/steins is like cheating." For further information and special off-road applications contact Tom Hoke at BILSTEIN Corporation of America, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego: CA 92121. 619/453-7723. Page 7

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BFGOODRICH 6·50 CLUB REPORT officially sixth in the hard fought Class 10 battle, and Corky McMillin nailed sixth in the equally tight Class 2 contest. Heading into the final third of the season, Corky McMiJlin has regained the 6-50 points lead, and Corky has only one DNf, competing in all six events to date. His points total is 246. Despite not finishing the last lap at Barstow, in Class 5-1600, Henry Arras is second on total points, with 213; having also started all six races. Vern Roberts has started and finished all six points races in 1985, and he is third on points with 205. With four starts, Jack Irvine is fourth with 198 points, followed by Jim Temple, Class 2, with six starts and 168 points. There -are three more big desert races on tap in the 1985 6-50 club points series, and contention for top honors, and the beautiful gold, silver and bronze medals pictured above, has turned into an extremely tight contest. Of course, a driver's best six races count out of the nine events on the calendar that are counted at year's end, and that factor can make a big difference in the final count, regardless of who looks to have the biggest lead at this point. The Fireworks 250 had an enormous turnout of 268 starting cars last July, and in the ranks were 21 registered 6-50 Club drivers. Sad to say only eight of them finished the rugged four laps in the hot and dusty desert enduro, a 38.1 percent ratio, which compares favorably to the event's overall finishing ratio of 35.4 percent. In the ranks of the 6-50 dubbers were one class winner, a pair of third place finishers, one fourth, one fifth and three sixth place finishers, all covering four laps. The over 50, just barely, hero at the Fireworks was Dave Girdner who, with Roy Perfect co-driving, took his home built in Barstow single seater to the Challenge Class victory, and this was a tough and tight running class. Dave .also won the class at the Mint 400 and the two big wins have moved him into seventh in 6-50 points. Vern Roberts, with Bill Donahoe co-driving, hauled the Jeep Honcho around to a third in Class 4, putting Vern third in current points. Andy Devercelly and his son Andy, who won Class 5-1600 at the Mint 400, had to settle for tli.ird in class at the Fireworks 250, and Andy now -stands sixth in points. Taking a fine fourth in Class 8 was Bill Howard in his Chevy, and Stan Gilbert, back wheeling a Ford pickup, finished four laps for sixth i:n the class. Del Shoemaker covered all four rounds for fifth in the Score Challenge Class. Jack Irvine was Rounding out the top ten in points are Andy Devercelly with 161 for three events, Dave Girdner with 153 earned in four races, and Frank Snook has 128 points doing'five races in Class 1. Gene Hightower is eighth, running his Class 3 Jeep, with 114 points for five series races. Next is Stan Parnell with 100 points earned in three races in Class 5. A number of others, among the more than 50 drivers on the list, are close enough to move into the top ten. At the present time a combined Score and High Desert awards banquet is planned for early January in Las Vegas. The BFGoodrich 6-50 awards will also be prese9red at that time, or where ever the awards happen. If yciu would like to know where you stand in 6-50 points, or if you are on the list, drop a card to Jean Calvin, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Any driver of record in the Score/High Desert series that is over 50 years of age is eligible. We do need to know that you are eligible, and we do the rest. The top three at year's end will receive the beautiful Olympic sytle medallions provided by the generous folks at BFGoodrich. ~:::;;;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;::~::;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,AND FOR VOU OESERf RACERS, \JE WILL OPEN 1HE SOV1lt GA'fE 'FOR THE LA~T LAP, RACE 00\JtJ 1"0 GUA1-EMALA, AND ..-i::J___________ F\N\Sl-4 UP BACK HERc Page 8 * RACE OF C.HAM Pl C. 'J. ON WEDNESDAY! --........... p t(I~~ ____,.__ I September 1985 ••• More Trail Notes RIVERSIDE RAMBLINGS. Most racers and pit people have a love/hate feeling about the annual Score bash at Riverside International Raceway, and this year that was again the mood of many participants. The weather was the best in memory for the event, but the audience qid not visibly increase over , last year's rather slim showing. Those in the spectator areas seemed to be the hard core enthusiasts, camped out by the fences on Friday, and there for the duration. As mentioned in the coverage, the schedule of which classes ran when was odd this year, aimed at promoting the extra sponsored events on Sunday, Most of the glamour classes of open wheel race cars were relegated to a Saturday run, while some of the iess interesting and less competitive classes of motorcvcle stvle devices ran on Sunday. lt was neat of Bilstein to jump in and support the desert Class 1, 2 and 10 race, the Bilstein Challenge. All enthusiasts extend a hearty thank you to Bilstein for lending their help to the hard rock classes in off road racing, the desert runners. lt was a good race too, by the way. As usual at Riverside, a couple of sour situations surfaced during the weekend of racing. For inexplicable reasons the track was heavily over watered all weekend. Surely even the sponsoring Turbo Wash people would have liked to have seen the least for a lap before they were covered in the mud generated by the zeal of the water truck drivers. Also, with the continual watering before almost every car race, the audience spent as much time looking at the water trucks and back hoes as they did looking at the races ... not the sort of action ·that would encourage race fans to pay the high buck ticket price again next year. An unfortunate byproduct of the excessive track maintenance activity was the crash of Marty Tripes in the first race on Saturday. The track was changed a good .deal after the Friday practice, and one section was tamed down to avoid, perhaps, others doing the endos that happened in the area on Friday. Saturday morning all the classes·racing on Saturd:i.y had practice sessions, but, unknown to the drivers, at noon the back hoes and blades were at it again, along with the water trucks. The Stadium Class 1 cars were in the first actual race event for cars. The drivers were not told that the track had been changed since the morning practice, nor were they given a parade lap. Always competitive, Marty Tripes shot into the switchbacks on the first lap and did a triple endo, landing on the wheels. Marty was not really conscious, and he started weaving around the course, finally coming to hi·s senses and pulling off the track, his Funco a wreck. Score President Sal Fish drove up, and words were exchanged. Even Tripes admits he was hot under the collar and shouted abusive language at ,Fish, saying he would never enter another Score race. Fish subsequently disqualified Tripes from the event, and his name did not appear on the results. However, a man who is already DNF is not really punished by a disqualification in a non-points race. Incidentally, all subsequent classes in competition were given a parade lap, but the water trucks were as busy as ever, so the cars were filthy before the actual race ever began. The next move by the organizers was to announce to the press at Riverside that Tripes was suspended for the rest of the year from both Score International events and the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group events. Heretofore Sal Fish and Mickey Thompson have gone to great lengths to inform the world that there is no connection between the two organizations, but this action certainly demonstrates -that Thompson's ownership of both race promotion groups transcends such statements. At any ,rate, Marty Tripes is leading the MTEG points in Class 1, and the suspension denies him the opportunity to compete at the final series event at the Orange Show Fairgrounds on September 14, thus costing him the opportunity to win the championship on points. A f~w days iater the Los Angeies Times motorsport coiumnist quoted Mickey Thompson as saying that he could sympathize with Tripes because he knew the feelings of a race driver at-the time of a crash, the anger and frustration felt. Thompson also said that he had not yet talked with the principals in the incident, but he was sure the situation could be resolved so that Tripes can race for the championship points, rather than lose the title by default. THE GREAT AMERICAN RACE, for vintage cars is quite an event, with $100,000. going to the overall winner who not only gets the old car from Los Angeles to New York, but also handles the Time-Speed-Distance part of the run with accuracy. This year Marv Schmidt, of Sylmar, CA, drove his modified 1936 Dodge all the way to finish 51st with a total of just 38.36 minutes off the perfect time. Schmidt, the owner of a Chevy salvage yard, was a top off road racer until a race accident in 1974 near Santa Thomas in Baja California left him with a paralyzed right arm and Jeg, received special consideration from the organizers in modifying his car for the race. Mucho congra_tulations, Marv! THE ANNUAL MICHIGAN RALLY, part of the Bridgestone SCCA Pro Rally Series, has acquired a serious sponsor this year in Dodge. Dodge itself, the factory, is helping with the high cost of putting on any event these days, and their participation is encouraging to the sport. The rally, running over the Labor Day holiday near Battle Creek, Michigan, will be over by the time most folks_ read this issue, but we do think it is important that a major U.S. auto company is joining in the ~upport of the Pro Rally Series. THE SNORE 250 is acquiring strong support this year from some new sponsors. The race, on September 28, is sponsored by the Holiday Inn, Center Strip in Las Vegas, and the entire SNORE points series is sponsored by Yokohama Tires. Not rell'ting on their laurels, SNORE has just picked up another sponsor for the 250 this year in Bud Light, the Budweiser brew: The word from SNORE President Roger Gaskill is.that Bud Light will be involved in the entire 1986 SNORE points race schedule as well. Another feather in SNORE's hat is the support being given to the 1985 SNORE 250 by General Tire. General Tire Motorsports Division is posting some hefty contingency money for the race in Classes 3, 4, 7, 7S, 8 , 12 and 14, -where drivers on their tires will get a cool $1000.00 for a class win, or $500 for the first finisher in class on General Tires. In all classes the vehicle must finish the race to earn the contingency money. Th~ letter going out to the drivers from Dave Erickson of General Tire states tl'iat the SNORE 250 is a fun race with a good payback, 60 percent plus bonus money, and a strong turnout by General Tire drivers in the truck classes would be great. ( continued on page r r J Dusty Times

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WALKER EVANS CASHES-IN ON THE HEAVY METAL CHALLENGE. It's called the "Off-Road World Championship." And the course of this year's 13th Annual event at -Riverside Raceway was more like the Baja California than it has ever been. Thick desert silt, mud baths and slick clay moguls brought out the best off-road driving skills. Some trucks never made it. Some rolled over and bit the dust. But in the Stroh's Heavy Metal Challenge, Walker Evans ran away with the win. It was a grand performance by Walker. , Credit goes not only to Walker's.driving talent. But to his truck. His crew. And the tin~s that got him through. Goodyear Wrangler radials-the very same tires you can buy for your truck. Congratulations to-Walker and his team for proving once again how Goodyear Wrangler radials are engineered to take on the toughest terrain, the toughest . conditions. · No matter what kind of truck you own, get Goodyear Wrangler radials. Because when you have to get . · through, Wrangler delivers perform-ance you can bank on. WRANGLER RADIAL. WE RACE THE TIRES YOU BUY. GOOD;fYEAII

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1985 HAPPENINGS ••• FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 ( 305) 851-6245 October 13 Hollywood Speedway Hollywood, FL A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-1900 October 19 9th Annual Penasco 150 Rocky Point, Mexico December 7, 1985 9th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare 'ri Hound Sonoita, Mexico January 11, 1986 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473· Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 October 26 · California 500 Palm Springs, CA AMERICAN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION John Ohanesian P.O. Box 31811 Phoenix, AZ 85046 (602) 867--4769 October 13 Deer Valley Cycle Park Phoenix, AZ October 27 Tucson International Raceway Tucson, AZ BAJA IN WISCONSIN _ OFF ROAD SERIES Kevin Dawson Rt. 3, Box 895 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 ( 414) 248--8566 BANZAI OFF ROAD CENTER Bryan Christensen 2729 No. 62nd Omaha, NE 68104 (all events at Riverfront Motorsports Park) September 8 Sportsman - Odysseys -.3 Wheelers October 6 Flanders Day -Sportsman Season Finale BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator - ·Gil Parker 7406 S. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 September 21-22 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI COBRA RACING P.O. Box 19407 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) 232--4231 -(405) 685-3450 (All off road races will be held at the 59th & Douglas track, Oklahoma City.) November 3 Brevard Co. Off Road Park Sharpes, FL December 1 Brevard Co. Off Road Park Sharpes, FL January 5, 1986 . · Florida State Fairgrounds Speedway Tampa, FL February 2, 1986 Citrus Co. Speedway Inverness, FL March 21-23, 1986 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 GORRA· Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 September 8 100 Mile Race Montgomery, AL September 22 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA NEW KC HiliTES ''ROCKS OFF'' Chro Rock Shield I Page 10 Protect your KC Daylighters against flying rocks & dirt clods, with this new KC Chrome Rock Shield (Part No. 7203). Installs easily in the outer rim of all 6" KC Daylighters manufactured since 1970. Special ''low-profile' configuration allows KC soft covers to slip over for maximum protection during the day. See your local KC HiliTES dealer for the new KC Rock Shield and the complete line of RACE READY OUT OF THE BOX KC HiliTES products. New full line catalog, · just $3.00. September 1985 October 27 100 Mile Race Atlanta, GA GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 80537 CORRA (303) 669--4460 DORRA (303) 429-1949 RMORRA (303) 597--8239 WKR (913) 332-3402 September 8 CORRA/ DOR.RA Berthoud, CO September 22 RMORRA Colorado Springs, CO October 5-6 WK-R Championship Race St. Francis, KS HDRA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 September 6-8 Frontier 500 Las Vegas to Reno, NV December 6-8 Frontier 250 Las V eg~s, NV IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) July 14 Kiss Point Series Drags October 6 Kiss Point Series Drags MANUFACTURERS' CUP SERIES Angus Motorsports Number One Main St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 386-2110 September 7-8 Sierra Nevada R,.ally Sonora, CA December 21-22 United States Rally Las Vegas, NV MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment ·Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 September 14 Orange Show Fairgrounds San Bernardino, CA MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Box 181021 Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 577-1102 September 6-7 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX October 4-5 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX ORSA 1920 Crown Ave. - West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372--4257 September 28-29 (Rain Date October 26-27) ORSA Championship Race Marysville River Front Park Marysville, CA October 5-6 ORSA/ NSCA National Championship Points Race Marsyville River Front Park Marysville, CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9' Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 September 28-29 Middletovin, New .York October 12-13 Monroeton, PA PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 ( 503) 620--0313 September 20-22 Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 ( 303) 779-6625 September 21-22 Budweiser Forest Pro Rally Chillicothe, OH October 25-27 Budweiser Press On Regardless' Pro Rally Houghton, MI November 16-17 Oregon Trail Pro Rally Beaverton, OR December 6-8 Carson City International Pro Rally Carson City, NV SCIDA Vince Tjelmeland 5226 Norris Lane Yorba Linda, CA 92686 (714) 779-6889 October 1.9 Ascot Speedway Gardena, CA SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 November 8-9 . Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 . September 7-8 Thetford Mines, Quebec Dusty Times

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September 28-29 Middletown, New York SILVER DUSTRACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 November 16 Silver Dust 400 Henderson, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 September 27-29 · Holiday Casino & KC Hilites Snore 250 Jean, NV November 23 Points Race Las Vegas, NV SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 460 No. Beaumont Ave. Brookfield, WI 53005 (715) 272-1489 September 21-22 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 September 1-2 Dayton/VORRA 300 Dayton, NV September 28-29 VORRA Bonus Points Race Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR October 13 Championship Off Road Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 - 87 A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7 , Canada (604) 576-6256 September· 15 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. October 13 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1985 schedule. as soon as possible fbr listing in this column. Mail your race or rall y schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 1 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. Check Out the DUSTY TIME$ Special Club Sub Offer Call (818) 889•5600 or write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Dusty Times ••• More Trail Notes -THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has an ambitious schedule next year, in the formative stages right now. Already set and firm are dates for mid-winter in the mid west. Stadium racers can plan on going to the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana next year on January 25, and two weeks later the series will move to the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, near Detroit, and that date is February 8, 1986. More dates are in the final stages right now, and a late winter event will probably happen at the Jack Murphy football stadium in San Diego. In all about nine races are planned for 1986 by the energetic MTEG crew. One thing is sure at this moment, the Mickey Thompson stadium series will have a national flavor next season, and it will not be confined to southern California. In fact, if the schedule works out·as planned, only half of the series will take place in the Golden State. GOING INTO THE FRONTIER 500, which is a double points race, the battle for points championships in the combined Score and High Desert series is tight in some classes. Of course, the actual points count can change drastically with just three events left on. the calendar. Remember, the best six out of eight races count for a driver's total at year's end. The catch is that three of the races must be Score ev.ents, and three must be HORA evehts. As the season moves into the final stages there are two HORA races left on the calendar, and only the Baja 1000 left for Score. Right now, after the Fireworks 25Q, Larry Noel has a slim lead in Class 1, with 12 points over Mark McMillin. Corky McMillin leads Jerry Penhall in Class 2 by 23 points, and Rob Tolleson has the 1-2-1600 lead over Richard Binder by 15 points,and Bobby Neth is only another 11 points out. In Class 3 Gene Hightower leads Ken Nance by 31 points, and Rod Hall, undefeated on the desert this season, leads John Randall in Class 4 by 118 points, with Vern Roberts only 14 points behind Randall. In Class 5 Malcolm Vinje leads Greg-Diehl by a hefty 92 points. But, in Class 5-1600 Mark Steele has a slim lead of just six points over Mike Lesle. The leaders, Arne Gunnarsson and Larry Schwacofer, in the pair of Class 6s each have over 100 points in hand. In Class 7 Manny Esquerra has 35 points on Mario Alesi, and in Class 7 4 x 4 G.T. Gowland leads by more than 150 points. In 7S it is close with Willie Valdez holding 44 points on Spencer Low, and it is close in Class 8 too as Michael Nesmith has 22 points on Steve Kelley. Jim Dizney has over 100 points lead in Class 9, and Bob Savage has a similar margin in the Challenger class. Class 10 is tight with Marty Reider out front by nine points over Steve Sourapas. In Classes 11, 12 and 14, leaµers Ramon Castro, Jason Myers and Rock Bradford all have husky leads. Join in the •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l~TZe MAIL COUPON TODAYI Experience the Excitement of the MINT"400 without the dust Above photo is prototype. Actual game may differ slightly. • ERIKSSON INDUSTRIES, INC. 326W. KATELLAAVE., SUITE4·HDT ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 (714) 538-5878 YES! D Send me _ _ . copy of the new and exciting "MINT 400 OFF-ROAD GAME" for $24.95 (Plus $2.50 each shipping & handling). My check or money order for$, _ _ _ _ enclosed. . VISA □ MASTERCARD□ Card#-------~~------ -Expiration date:. _ _ _ __________ Signature:, _ ___________ _ Name•------------ ----------,----------- -A.ddress'----------,---~-------------- -----City . State, _ _________ Zip, ____ _ (California residents add 6% tax) Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. . Septemt>er1985 ./ Page 11

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THE TURBO-WASH SCORE OFF-ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP If It's August, It Must Be Riverside By Jean Calvin Greg George got a great hole shot on the muddy curtain riser for Stadium Class 1, and George put his Funco home the winner, leading wire to wire. Al Arciero came from a bad start to challenge for second place in Stadium Class 1, but Al ended up third, by no morre than a second. Larry Noel deserted his open wheeler to drive in Class 5 at Riverside, and the swift driver from Arizona was second in the exciting contest. Tony Kujala led the waning laps of the Class 5 battle, but lost it all just yards from glory and was credited with an official fourth. Page 12 Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Bob Gordon had to fight off both Arciero brothers to gain his second place finish in Stadium Class 1, driving his neat Chenowth Magnum. A surprised Wayne Demonja took the checkered flag first .in Colorado Springs driver got the lead just yards from the finish line on the last lap. One of several leaders in the Class 5 12 tapper, Pete Sohren had mechanical woes and faded to fourth spot at the flag. On home ground, Eric·Arras drove his desert bred 5-1600 to an ·easy vi_c;tory, le~ding all the way, and Eric has a habit of winning this class at Riverside. September 1985 The 13th annual edition of the Score Off-Road World Champ-ionship races, sponsored this year by Turbo-Wash, returned to the traditional mid August date at Riverside International Raceway in the southern California desert .. But, you couldn't tell by the weather that it was Riverside in August! Fog shrouded the morning practice s~ssions, cool breezes came in the late afternoon, arid it was never oppressively hot as in years past, nor was one alternately hot and dusty, then wet and muddy. There was no rain_ this year to mess up the race course either. In short, it was ideal weather for the off road races at Riverside, where the Raceway opened 30 years ago, and it is now getting a bit seedy as plans to close the place for development by 1987 proceed. Score International returned to a four day format in 1985, getting all the tech and contingency business over with on the Thursday afternoon. The move provided all day practice sessions, two ·per class, on Friday. The full complement of Score's desert classes, plus some stadium classes, brought the number of groups in competition to a fat thirty. The entry was split fairly e.venly between motorcycle engined classes ai'id proper car classes. However, only a few groups produced an entry large enough to provide wire to wire competition. Many of the car classes had more entry from out of state than they did from California, making the Riverside meet again a truly national competition, if not a World/ Championship event. Dick Dahn and his course construction crew had ·carved a · •familiar, but slightly longer route out of the dirt at Rivers•ide this year. Trying to make the desert cars more competitlve, they put some real nasty jump series in the "esses". While some drivers did complain, and the jumps were eventually tarried by blade and bulldozer before the actual racing began, many came to serious grief in the motocross style ruts and · jumps on Friday during practice. The most spectacular of these incidents that we saw was done by Larry Minor, out in a high tech brand new Olds bodied race .car with the front engine bay holding an alloy block V-8 of General Motors origin. After testing the track a round or two, Minor laid on the gas across these glitches and climbed to the sky, bouncing a number of times, nailing all four corners of the fancy Class 2, and doing in his knee to the tune of a few stitches. His passenger was Walker Evans' son Evan, -.;vho came out of it. unscathed, but shaken. The car was done for the weekend. This was one area on course that got a 'manicure before the Saturday racing commenced. After short morning practice for. classes competing that day, the Saturday program got under Dusty Times

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way with the feature race for· Class 1 Stadium style cars, which drew a 1 7 car entry that dwindled to 13 off the line. After the drag race down the dirt to the first turn, Greg George g<it his Fu~co out front, with Bob Gordon close, but he got boxed up in the esses. The track had been heavily watered, and George had the first on the road advantage of good · vision; he stretched a comfort-able lead in the early laps. Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero, both in Chenowth 'Magnums, had a real dice going by the second lap for runner up spot, joined on the next round by Jim Fishback, Jr., Chenmvth. .Contender Marty Tripes flipped early in t_he game and knocked himselt a bit. cookoo. Midway George had about seven seconds in hand over Frank Arciero, who was being challenged by Gordon. Then Al Arciero came from the back to threaten Gordon, while brother Frank parked with a smoking engine with just three laps to go. On the ninth of ten laps Greg George's engine stalled on Turn 6, and Gordon, with Al Arciero glued to his rear cage, moved in. However, despite another gurgle in the same spot on the last lap, Greg George ·hung on to win the Stadium Class 1 battle. After a keen ,dice Bob Gordon held Al Arciero off, just barely, at the flag. Larry Ragland and Joe Bean followed them home, the la'st of the ten lap finishers. The next event for race cars brought out some of the best contests of the entire weekend among the nine Class 5 cars. They were joined on the grid by nine 5-1600 racers, a 4uartet of Challenger cars, and a pair of C lass 9s, which made . the potential speed differential a bit hairy when the unlimited Bugs began lapping in bunches early in · the 12 lap event. C lass 5 held a covey of the fast and famous Arizona built Bugs, a sleeper from Colorado, and only three from California. Jeff Elrod got the jump off the Class 5 start, tightly followed by Pete Sohren, and not far back was Wayne Demonja, Larry Noel, Tony Kujala, Ed Mailo and Larry Ragland. Elrod and Sohren were side by side and pulled away from the flock, but midway Elrod was parked with no rear wheel, as the center tore out of the hub. Now Demonja moved in tight to challenge Sohren's lead, with Kujala right on his tailpipe, and the race was on. Larry Noel kept the trio in his sights, but the leaders were too close to call at this point. The trio stayed in formation until lap 8 when Kujala got by Demonja. On the tenth lap Sohren was slowing and faded from the action. In the lead, Kujala held off Demonja as they came into the final dog leg section to complete the final lap . . As Kujala was just yards .from victory, attempting to lap Bobby Garner, Garner's car swerved. toward Kujala, who was knocked into the concrete divider barrier, then climbed it again. Wayne Demonja, from Colorado Springs, went by for the victory as Kujala finished second on the road, backwards across the finish line, followed in by Larry Noel. 1ony Kujala was r;r [;llr ~ Dusty Times Mike Lesle tried hard in his 5-1600 Bug, but he couldn't catch the leader and was second, with a full lap on the rest of the field. -Riverside was really tough on the Challenger cars. Dave Girdner covered more laps than the others in his homebuilt chassis. Colorado driver Mitch Mustard kept his Chenowth in second in the first Class 1Q heat most of the distance, but he finished third: Late in the race Mike Lund moved his desert Chenowth Magnum into first spot in Class 1, and Lund also finished second overall in the Bi/stein Challenge. Mark Lundell took second p/ace in Class 2 in his Dirtrix powered by a Mazda rotary engine that made some of the best sounds heard all week at Riverside. September 1985 Bob Savage had an easy time of it in Class 9 in his Funco. His only competition was over a lap behind when the checkered flag fell. Jerry Whelchel led most of the way to win the first Class 10 Stadium heat in his Chenowth, and he was a close second in the Bosch Bash main event. The desert cars looked great on the Riverside course. Tim Kennedy led the final laps of the Bi/stein Challenge, and he won overall and the Class 2 honors. Ron Carter had a keen debut in hjs new desert Chenowth Class 10. Ron won the class in the Bi/stein Challenge and finished third overall on a flat tire. Dwight Lundell flew the esses gracefully in his new Dirtrix, desert style Class 10, and he was second in class in the Bi/stein Challenge. Page 13

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gr, gr, gr, !Jr' docked two positions by the rough driving committee for the incident that looked like he was the victim from our viewing angle in victory circle. Larry Noel moved up to second, officially, and Pete Sohren salvaged an official third. Meanwhile, after the initial scuffling, the 5-1600s had a sedate race. Eric Arras led Mike Lesle from flag to flag. Although they were close at times, Arras was never seriously threatened en route tc) victory. After a race long struggle for position, Gre_gg Tuttle bested Eric Lightle tor third place. · The Class 9 pair were never close to each other. Bob Savage got his Funco in front off the line and he gained a full lap on Roger Mortenson's Funco at the flag. The Challenger cars had a · tough time in the faster traffic, and after two laps only two ·of them \Vere still moving. Russ Winkler got his Sandhawk in the. lead on the first lap, and he . stayed there all the way until the final round, when he vanished. This gave the win and the victory circle trophy to Dave Girdner in his homebuilt single seater, the only Challengercar that covered ten laps. However, the computer driven results show Russ Winkler's nine laps as the Scott Taylor came from Illinois to race his own chassis, the Eliminator, and Taylor led the second Class 10 qualifyi(!g heat from wire to wire, took fifth in the main. Geoff Dorr surprised a lot of folks when he passed Don Adams and ran away with Class 3 and the overall in the combined race. Dorr's Jeep CJ 8 performed flawlessly. winner, ahead of Girdner's ten laps, so perhaps there was a problem in post race tech. ~ Doug Robinson came from northern California to race his Jeep CJ 7, and Doug kept out of trouble to finish third in Class 3. The Bosch Bash Class 10 Stadium entry, some 35 strong, was divided into a pair of qualifying heats. In the first round, Bob Gordon cleared the starting dust first, but into the switchbacks he _was passed by Jerry Whelchel, then Mitch Mustard, from Colorado, and all three were driving Chenowths. At the end of tw() · of the eight laps, Whelchel, Mustard and Gordon were nose i:o tail. After a slight gap it was John Swift, Frank Arciero, Jr., and Jim Fishback, Jr. doing the. sarne Rick Jones flew his Funco into second spot in the second Class· 10 heat, and Jones finished eighth in the Bosch Bash. The early leader in the bash, Don Adams brought his Jeep CJ 8 out of retirement, but he ended up second in Class 3. _Class 7S was hard fought, and when the 12 laps ran out Jeff Huber had his slightly battered Ford Ranger out front in the class and second overall in the combined event. close quarters act in a most exciting race, and Tommy Croft, Marty Coyne and Bryan Decker were also locked in close combat. Glenn Harris led Class 7S most of the race in his Mazda, but~ late breaking collision put him second in class at the flag. · Sherman Balch took the overall lead in the combo race in his Class 7 Nissan in the early laps, then a fa'iling gearbox dropped him back, but he still won Class 7. With" five laps done Whelchel was still fighting off Mustard and Gordon, but the rest of the pack had strung out some. Mustard bobbled in the switchbacks and Gordon slid past.Jerry Whelchel led every lap to the victory, and Bob Gordon finished second, followed by Mitch Mustard. Frank Arciero, with Toyota power in the· tail, was fourttI followed by Tommy Croft and John Swift. The Bilstein Challenge . race included desert style Classes 1, 2 and 10, a total of 18 starters going for the Bilstein gold. Desert star Jack Johnson, who had no practice in the. car, was a last minute replacement dr'iver in Jack Wayre's V-8 powered monster: Jack and Tim Kennedy came around the first turn first, but Jack spun out in the esses and lost a lot of spots. Larry Ragland and Al Arciero got by Kennedy in this area, and Ragland was looking good at the end of the first of 12 laps, his Porsche six booming nicely in the Chaparral. After two rounds Arciero had his Funco SS right on Ragland's tail, but late( on Arciero lost a rear wheel, which put Kennedy into r-----------~---------,· I I I I I I-I I I I I I I I M O VI N G ? Please notify us four weeks BEFORE moving. · Place our address label in the space provided · · ■ and pnnt your NEW address. DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave. Suite D Agoura, CA 91301 New Address (Please Print) Moving Date ____________ _ Name ______________ _ New Address City ______________ _ State _______ Zip _____ _ Attach DUSTY TIMES Label Here Page 14 Spence Low had a rough weekend, banging 1,1p the body work in practice, but his Nissan was third in the Class 7S competition. September 1985 Dusty Times·

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surprised him in the switchbacks, and Balch 's Nissan had the overall lead on the first lap. After two rounds Adams held second behind Balch, trailed by Don Coffland, CJ 8, and Glenn Harris, 7S Mazda, who had Jerry McDonald, Chevy S-10, on his tail. G. T. Gow/and was the sole survivor of the pair that started in Class 7 4 x 4, adding another win for his desert Toyota. Bob Gordon took his first win in ten years of trying, in the Bosch Bash, leading more than half distance in the Chenowth Magnum, and his son Rob won a Class 20 bike moto at Riverside. Balch had gearbox trouble and dropped to fourth on the road on lap 3. Adams led, with Harris right on his tail, and Coffland was close, being dogged by Geoff Dorr, CJ 8, who had emerged from the pack. Midway Adams still led, but Dorr was up to second, ahead of Harris who was now being pressured by Jeff Huber·, 7S Ford Ranger. Mc-Donald was out as was Brent Smith, Ranger, Manny Esquerra, Ranger, and Keith Robb, Scout. The Bosch Bash early leader, Jim Fishback, Jr., fell to second later on in the Chenowth, and eventually finished third. The-final race on Saturday was the second Class 10 Stadium style heat race, with a new cast from the first round. Scott Taylor, driving -his own, Illinois built chassis, the Eliminator, got the hole shot in the first turn and Taylor never looked back, opening a wide margin in the early laps. To the rear Rick Jones, Funco, and Al Arciero, Chenowth, had a real dogfight for second, and Russ Welch had his short Funco in fourth. There was a big smash-up .in the _ first turn after the drag race that caught Greg George, Lee Wuesthoff and a couple of others, who spent the rest of the race catching up. Tommy Croft did well in his Chenowth in Stadium Class 10, taking over fourth in the main event late in the race. Frank Arciero nabbed a wall early in the game, as did Rod Attig, and both drivers retired with flats. Taylor·held his lead while Al Arciero passed Jones for second and Mike Withers got by Russ Welch. Al closed the gap some on Scott Taylor, but on the last lap he dropped to· fourth with drive train woes. Taylor kept his lead for the win and Rick Jones stayed put in second, followed by Withers. Russ Welch was fifth among the ten who covered the eight laps. . Sunday dawned with more fog, and it was heavenly cool for second overall. Ragland opened up a husky lead over Kennedy, and Ron Carter had his brand new Chenowth Class 10 single seater in third on the road. Next came Arciero, Ike Bruckman, Jimco Porsche, Vince Tjelme-land, lnticer, and Mike Lund, Chenowth. Jack Johnson was up to eighth, and freighting right along. Ragland stopped on the eighth lap, with reported fuel pump • problems, and fellow Arizonan Tim Kennedy put his two seater in the overall lead. Well back, Ron Carter was next with Tjelmeland right with him, but. Vince vanished in a cloud of smoke on the next lap. By lap 11 Tim Kennedy had a good lead, and Mike Lund passed Carter, who was running on a front flat, and Jack Johnson was close behind now. At the flag Tim Kennedy won the Bilstein Cup overall and in · Class 2. Mike Lund was second 0/ A and the Class 1 winner. Ron Carter won Class 10 with his third overall. Jack Johnson was next, second in Class 1, followed by Mark · Lundell, Dirtrix-Mazda, second in Class 2, Rick Munyon, third in C lass 1, Dwight Lundell, Dirtrix, second in Class 10, and eleven were all on the lead lap in a fine bash. Dusty Times Ivan Stewart took the lead on the second lap of the Nissan Mini Metal Challenge and the lronman never looked back en route to his third consecutive victory at Riverside. Frank Arciero, Jr. did a fine job with the desert length Toyota, staying with the train and taking second in the Mini Metal ranks. September 1985 the morning practice sessions. But, the sun was out when the first car racers took to the track after lunch. The combo of Classes 7, 7S, 7 4 x 4 and -3 turned out to be a good grouping with 20 assorted trucks taking the green flag. Don Adams won the drag race in his high powered Jeep CJ 8, but Sherman Balch This is the system run by most off road race winners After eight of 12 laps, Don Adams had a slim lead over Geoff Dorr, Harris was next, first 7S, tagged by Huber and Spence Low, whose 7S Nissan was battered from a practice roll over. Balch was i;.,.. i;.,.. · i;.,..-i;_,.. TRl•MIL BOBCAT· CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS GO FOR 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 15

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~ ~ ~ next, with only a pair ot gears kft, but leading Class 7. On lap 8 Geoff Dorr thrilled the crowd with a one wheel pass on Adams to take the overall lead. Just behind the two Jeeps, Harris was holding Huber at bay. At the checkered flag Geoff Dorr had a bit of air between him and Don Adams, as the Rock-ford, Illinois driver won the race overall in a Jeep he built himself. Late in the 11th lap Harris and Huber collided, and the result was that Huber and Ford were second overall and won Class 7S. Don Adams got third overall, and Glenn Harris fourth, and both were second in their class. Next came Spence Low, followed by an ailing Sherman Balch, who -did win Class 7 in the· Nissan. Covering nine laps, G. T . Gowland took the 7 4 x 4 trophy. John Baker had a good day at the races in the Mitsubishi, and Baker nailed Young Brent Smith drove his rent-a-Mazda cleanly in the Nissan Mini Metal Challenge and he finished well in fourth place. third place in the Mini Metal Challenge. · The main event for the· Bosch Bash was only ten laps, with over 30 snorting Class 10s on the starting grid in two rows. There Was a monumental mess on the first turn which took out several cars, including contender Ron Carter who rolled a couple of times. Jim Fishback, Jr. cleared the debris first, and at the end of two laps. Fishback had a close knit train of Bob Gordon, Jerry Whelchel and Scott Taylor in his rear view mirror. On the next round Gordo11 got past Fishback to lead, but the four were still tight with Whelchel and Taylor quite close. Midway Bob Gordon had opened a slight gap, and Fishback had Jerry Mark Hansen really flew in his Pontiac Fiero in the Ultra Stock class, and Hansen finished a strong second in the race. Mike Goodbody's VW Golf bodied Ultra Stock was a favorite with the crowd, and Mike nailed third in class at Riverside, Leading from the start, Rob Tolleson fell to second in Class 1-2-1600 at the finish in the Coliseum winning Mirage. Page 16 Whelchel tied to his bumper. Taylor was back a bit in fourth, with no ·power steering or third gear. Gordon continued to lead, Fishback and Whelchel contin-ued their battle until lap 9, when Jerry made the pass into second. Tommy Croft edged by Scott Taylor on the same lap, and Pancho Weaver was coming out of the traffic in his Charger. At the flag the order held as Bob Gordon took his long desired victory at Riverside in the Bosch Bash. Jerry Whelchel held onto second, followed by Fishback, Croft, Taylor and Weaver, and a dozen covered the ten laps. The Nissan Mini Metal Challenge was the feature for the modified mini trucks. While only a dozen appeared, it was a hefty horsepower dozen. Glenn Harris got the hole shot in his Mazda rotary powered racer, but Roger Mears, Nissan, was right on top of him into the esses. On the banking on the first lap Harris lost a drive shaft, and Mears came around first, followed by the Toyotas of Ivan Stewart, Steve Millen and Frank Vince Tjelmeland took the lead in his Pontiac Firebird on the 2nd lap of the Ultra Stock clash, and Vince was never headed in the 10 lap combine·d class race. Arciero. Early in the second lap Mears · hit a jump hard and came down withma power steering, and that was that. The Toyotas stayed in close formation, followed by Jeff Huber, Ford Ranger; John Baker, Mitsubishi, and John Swift, Ford Ranger, were having the best dice of the race, but it didn't last long as Swift got a flat tire and pitted for fresh rubber: Up front Ivan Stewart pulled With one lap to go Jack Johnson made a daring pass into the lead, and he held it to the flag in tight quarters driving a borrowed car in the huge Class 1-2-1600. In contention all the way, northern Caldornia driver Jeff Elrod had to settle for third in his 1-1600 Hi Jumper at Riverside. September 1985 away from Millen on lap 4, and by lap 6 Steve Millen was parked with ignition trouble. Now Arciero was a lop.g second, and he stayed a comfortable distance ahead of Baker. Jeff Huber collected a flat tire, · ending that threat as well. When the ten laps -ran_ out on the parade, Ivan Stewart had a 34 second lead, winning for .the third year in a row in a Toyota. Frank Arciero, missing the rear body oA his longer desert Toyota, was a long second, John Baker was a long third. Still on the same lap, but well back, was young Brent Smith, ,vho rented a Harris Mazda for the occasion and kept out of trouble to finish fourth. One of the biggest fields of the meet included over 20 1-2-1600 cars and seven Ultra Stockers, who started first. There was a delay start between classes, and the race, oddly enough, was only ten laps. A number of the buggies that_ came to grief on the first lap were not even listed on the official results, so apparently the reason this race was on Sunday was because of the Ultra Stocks; Class 1 buggies with a glass body. Craig Durfee led the Ultra Stocks off the line, with Vince Tjelmeland and Mike Goodbody in hot pursuit. After two laps Tjelmeland had his Firebird in the lead for good. Mark Hansen, Fiero, gave it a good chase, as did Craig Durfee, Fiero, and Mike Goodbody, VW Golf. But, Vince Tjelmeland was never headed,en route to victory. Mark Hansen finished second, making it o·ne-two for the General team. Goodbody was third, followed by Tony Sielski, Buick, and Dale Calhoun, Buick. Rich Prouty and Durfee both faded after seven laps. The 1-2-1600 tussle provided more excitement, with infighting all down the ranks. Taking the Dusty Times

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won the Nissan Mini Metal_ Challenge, but that's racing. The_ other truck class victories were nicely strung out between Jeep, Nissan, Toyota, Ford, and Dodge. All the major tire companies got a piece of the pie too, which helps their support efforts for off road racing. As in past years, the heavy emphasis on Sunday was on trucks. All the truck classes were on the prime time card, while the Nevada driver Steve Hansen had a good run in his Sandhawk, running with the leaders ail the way, and he finished fourth in 1600s. Three laps from the finish Walker Evans put his mighty Dodge in the Stroh's Heavy Metal Challenge lead, and Evans returned to victory at his home track at Riverside with a new truck. . usually starring Class 1 cars were relegated, both classes, to the Saturday curtain risers. Of course the buggies and Bugs still constituted the bulk of the car entry. ·But the slimmer classes of 3 wheelers, Quadrunners, and Odysseys also got the prime time on Sunday. Still, the Sunday crowd didn't look to be any larger than last year, before the rain. So, the shift in class visibility didn't do the gate much good. But, those who attended saw some great racing and some parades, as usual. The good news is that they can all come back to watch the 14th edition of the cl~ssic off road gathering next year at Riverside in mid August. rear fenders, was fifth ahead of Kelley, while John Randall was fighting valiantly to hold the next spot in his Jeep over Stan Gilbert, Class 8 Ford. On the ninth lap Walker Evans got along side Curt LeDuc and made the pass which must of been a thrill for Walker's pas-senger, his wife Phyllis. Vessels and Hall held position. On the next lap LeDuc did a triple_endo, and said later he was just going . too fast. This moved Frank Vessels into second overall. Frank Vessels raised a lot of eyebrows with his new, sleek Chevy, and it went fast too as Vessels took second overall in the Heavy Metal. At the flag Walker Evans had a good lead in his Dodge to win the Stroh's Heavy Metal Challenge. Frank Vessels was second, and Rodney Hall was third, closing the gap, and he was the Class 4 winner with the wisps of smoke · coming from the engine bay. Steve Kelley was fourth overall in , the GMC, followed home by Stan Gilbert and John Randall, whose Jeep was the last rig to cover 12 laps; Randall was second in Class 4. The sole survivor in Class 14 was Wes Banks in his single seat Jeep, covering ten laps and finishing with a rear flat. Wes Moser beat lead on the first turn was Rob Tolleson, Mirage, pursued by the herd. It sorted out on the second lap to be Tolleson, Todd Attig, Eliminator, Jeff Elrod, Hi Jumper, Steve Hansen, Sand-hawk, and Jack Johnson, Hi Jumper. The pack stayed tight for five laps, then Tolleson stretched his lead. But Elrod, second with Attig's retirement, and Johnson were side by side in the turns . . Hansen held fourth followed by Jesse Rodriguez. On the sixth lap Johnson got by Elrod and set out after Tolleson. Jack caught up on the ninth lap and made the pass in what he later described as an "awesome line" in the switch-backs. Jack Johnson won the class and the Las Vegas cheering section in the stands went wild. Jack seemed happier than most of the winners in victofy circle. Tolleson stayed close, but was second, and Jeff Elrod was third followed by Steve Hansen. The Grand Finale at Riverside this year was the Stroh's Heavy Metal Challenge for Classes 4, 8, 14 and 6B, 24 starters in all and the ground shook as they left the· line. The expected battle between Walker Evans, Class 8 Dodge, and Curt LeDuc, Class 14 Ford, developed right off the line, and the Massachusetts built special won the drag race. LeDuc led the first round with Evans close, followed by Frank Vessels in his new and quite controversial Class 8 Chevy, Dave Shoppe, Class 8 Ford, Steve Kelley, Class 8 GMC, and defending overall winner Rod Hall, Class 4 Dodge. After three of the 12 laps, LeDuc had several car lengths on Evans, Vessels was lonely in third, and Hall was right on top of Shoppe. Back in the pack the Ford Ranchero of Wes Moser had the Class 6 lead over Larry Schwacofer, Chevy. Don Adams Dusty Times lost the front drive in his Jeep and didn't finish a lap, and Tom Morris spun his GMC close to the fence in the esses and parked. John Gable only did two laps in his Ford, having rolled in practice, and Jerry Daugherty stopped to fix the distributor in his Class 14 Chevy Blazer. Midway LeDuc held the lead, but Evans was getting closer, Vessels was third, Hall was fourth, and Shoppe, shedding Curt LeDuc put his modified Ford Ranger in the Heavy Metal lead from the green but he rolled it out of contention laJer on. Wes Moser drove his ancient, Arras-style Ford Ranchero hard at Riverside, and he won Class 6 honors. Check the neat push bar on the front of the race rig! September 1985 out a fast closing Larry Schwa-cofer for Class 6 honors, and both of them finished ahead of Banks. The curtain rang down on Riverside '85 early enough for the crowd to depart in the daylight. There were some puzzling rulings by various· officials, but those that question the end result need only read page 108 of the 1985 Score Rule Book. Ironically; a Toyota again Defending champion in Heavy Metal, Rod Hall ran a small engine this year, and he won the Class 4 honors handily, but had to be content with third overall in the combo race. Wes Banks came from the north to contest the Class 14 honors, and he ended up the class winner in _the Heavy Metal bash, even though he dragged a flat tire to the finish line. Arizona's John Randall gave it the old college try, but he had to settle for second in Class 4 in his Jeep Honcho this year. Page 17

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The AWA ClariOn Rally of New Zealand Walter Rohr/ and Christian Geistdorfer fought a misfiring engine in· the Audi Sport Quattro all the way to their third overall finish. Timo Salonen won the rally of New Zealand for the second time in five attempts and strengthened his own world championship prospects along with those of his team, Peugeot. Salonen finally gained the edge on Walter Rohrl's Audi through hard and consistent driving, when the German was delayed through engine problems. Salonen's Peugeot teammate Ari Vatanen also overtook Rohrl in the later stages. Rohrl's teammate world champion Stig Blomqvist took fourth place, almost one hour ahead of the best local driver, Malcolm Stewart. Turbocharged four wheel drive cars took seven of the top . ten places, and also the top four spots in group A, thanks to the Subaru RX Turbo cars. Held mostly in dry. and sunny conditions, the rally was run fully to the best European standards, and the only criticism concerned the high speeds o( a few stages. Eight A priority drivers represented a quality of entry that only the Safari this year has beaten. Seven works teams was another endorsement of the popularity of this event. For drivers, the roads are perhaps the most outstanding features, three dimensional, gravel surfaced, but with such smooth surfaces that punctures are virtually unknown. It is, like the Safari, a meeting point between the European and Japanese teams. Suba,ru concentrated heavily on New Zealand, and Toyota brought the German based group B team of Celica Twincam Turbos, despite the limitations of their rear drive design. Nissan was on board with Shekhar Mehta from Kenya. The smaller Japanese-cars created a lot of · interest. There were two Daihatsu Charade Turbos, that won their class in Kenya. Subaru brought a new 4 x 4 J usty one liter, normally aspirated car for its international debut. Although new. and exciting to the -local enthusiasts, the cars from Peugeot and Audi were old models, with the new models being introduced later on in Finland. The strangest entry of all came from Russia. The group B Lad·a VFTS cars are well kriown in Europe, but this was the first time the team had ventured to a rally south of the Equator in 15 .years. However the top drivers stayed home to compete on the Polish Rally, and the second string came to New Zealand. It had been very wet in the weeks before the rally~ which made the cloudless skies on the morning of the start so welcome. The style of the event had changed a little, in that more asphalt stages had been intro-duced, but these were meaning-Text & Photos: Martin Holmes less in the outcome. The speed of these stages served only to post-pone the defeat of Audi, as the shorter geared Peugeots were running out of steam, but that was all. The forest stages were retained, and these were often fast and Audi biased as well. It was a four day event, each leg finishing at a sensible time for sleeping. There were 46 stages consisti_ng of 894 kilometers, and the entire route was nearly 2500 kilomet_ers long. All in all, it was a very civilized event. Toyota, uncharacteristically, struck trouble even before the event started. Bjorn Waldegard's co-driver Hans Thorszelius fell ill the night before the start, and his place was taken, at the twelfth hour, by the license holding Belgian journalist Michel Lizin. Without tiine to learn complex-ities, like Swedish language pace-notes, there was barely time for Lizin to don Fred Gallagher's spare driving suit and have Fred give him a crash course in time control rules. The stages were ideally suited for pre-rally practice, so Waldegard's hopes were dashed. Then on the second stage he stopped with a broken gearbox input shaft. Unlike Peugeot and Audi, Toyota had· no helicopter, and it took nearly an hour before a mechanic could reach the car and repair the problem. Juha Kankkunen, however, set off with a mission in the other team Toyota, and he was consistently quicker than Stewart's Quattro and the Subarus. The Audi drivers fought hard right from the start, taking advantage of any stage which might give them the edge over Peugeot. But, the French cars were in no hurry to challenge. By the end of the first day both Salon en and V atanen were ahead ofBlomqvist, and Rohrl admitted he would soon be · engulfed as well. The best placed local driver was Reg Cook, Nissan 240 RS, despite a horrific spin into the crowd on stage 2, happily without serious injuries. Mehta was close behind, but threatened by Stewart, and the third Nissan driver, Jim Donald, was badly delayed by axle trouble. The Subarus started with Timo Salonen chalked up his third WCD victory of the year in New Zealand and Peugeot is solid in the lead for the manufacturers' championship. mixed fortunes. The fuel line from the tank was fragile, causing Mike Kirkland to stop once on a stage · and twice on the road, which time barred him, and fellow Kenyan Carlo Vittuli went out with a similar problem. The efforts of Rohrl were frustrated by misfiring, effectively limiting him to 7000 rpm, while Blom-qvist found the only way to escape the problem was to turn down the boost pressure. The weather went wrong on the second day, cloudy skies gradually deteriorating until visibility was reduced and the helicopters were grounded. Vatanen had a flat tire, but was still ahead of Blomqvist. Rohrl's aspirations were effectively · dashed when the engine cut out on a bend; he momentarily regained the lead on the following asphalt stage, but then lost it for good. Waldegard did not restart; the difficulty. in servicing cars running so far apart, coupled with the nature· of the route that stretched that day from Auckland down to Rotorua, and the hopelessness of his situation made withdrawal inevitable. Then Mehta had a complete electrical cut-out, which persuaded him· not to restart the next day as well. At the start of the third leg, of the three Nissans, only Cook's was running without problems, but, before the first stage of the day he had gearbox breakage, which cost a 15 minute penalty and put him down to ninth. The best local driver now was Neil Allport with an evolution version of the Mazda RX 7. For the past two years Allport had this honor only to retire. Again in 1985 he was sidelined, this time with a flat, and he over-turned on the next corner. Stewart was now fifth. Only Inky Tulloch, rear drive Ford Escort RS, and Cook were in the top ten and not driving a four WO turbo car. Rohrl had gearbox prob-lems, overheating on the longer stages, and as always, the engine misfired. On the return to Rotorua a different turbo was fitted. Could he fight off Vatanen? The story of the final leg was the amazing speed of Ari Vatanen. A folk hero among local rally people since his astonishing drive in 1977, he was intent on a Peugeot 1-2 finish, and immediately set about overtaking the German. The Audi engine was now working well at top revs, but not at lower rpm. On the second stage of the day Vatanen was ahead, and he drove hard until the margin was secure. Tulloch's vintage Escort went off the road for a while, which let Cook overtake him, while Jim Donald gradually inched back to ' 'the top ten. The final disap-pointment was the retirement of Kankkunen, when the works Toyota would not restart at a service point. It had been a rally fonhe4WD turbocars with seven in the top ten. Timo Sal_onen/ Seppo Harjanne won by over a minute in the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 over teammates Ari Vatanen/ Terry Harryman's similar car. Walter Rohrl and Christian Geistdorfer salvaged third in the Audi Sport Quattro, followed by the Quattros of Stig Blomqvist/ Bjorn Cederberg and Malcolm Stewart/Doug Parkhill. Reg Cook/Wayne Jones were sixth in the Nissan 240 RS. Rounding out the top ten were the Ford Escorts RS oflnky Tulloch/John Cowan, the Subaru RX Turbo of Possum Bourne/Michael Eggle-ton, the Nissan 240 RS of Jim Donald/ Kevin Lancaster, and the Subaru RX Turbo of Tony Teesdale/Rob Haldane. Ot the 67, 39 finished. The winner's average speed over the stages was 105.33 kph. Reg Cook and Wayne Jones, here spinning into the crowd·on stage 2, took sixth overall, in the Nissan 240 RS, the best finish for a two wheel drive car. Taking the group A honors for 2nd consecutive year, in the Subaru RX Turbo, was the team of Possum Bourne and Mike Eggleton. Driving the older, rear drive Ford Escort RS, Inky Tulloch' and John Cowan arrived seventh overall, and second best two wheel drive car. Page 18 September 1985 Dusty Times

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[ ,.~'!//~ . '. . ·otherp performan~. fromAudi. · On July 13, 1985, Michele Mouton drove an Audi Quattro· to the summit of Pikes Peak faster than anyone ever has in the 63-year history of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb Event. Her winning time of 11:25:39 bested her own year-old open rally record by almost_· 45 seconds. And the winning Audi Quattro beat the best clocking for any kind of car ever, established in 1983 by Al Unser Jr. The Pikes Peak Hill Climb Event proved an miles to the 14,110 foot summit. The Quattro's twenty-valve, turbocharged engine turned the thin mountain air into effective horsepower. And the Quattro's permanent all-wheel drive system demonstrated its remarkable stability in cornering, straight-ahead driving and mountain climbing. Last year, Audi won the Pikes Peak Rally Class Championship and set a record for closed-wheel cars. This year, Audi was, simply, the best ever. excellent, if grueling, showcase for the Audi Quattro's unique technology. The course careens around 156 turns ascending 12.42 f \ For the second year in a row, Michele Mouton has given the competition something to look up to: An Audi Quattro. ' i ··.::·····:::···::·:···:, The art of engineering. ©1-985 Audi

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THE SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Nevada Racing at its Best in the Cool of the Evening By Jean Calvin Photos: John Calvin Ron Ellenburg had a perfect race, leading every inch of the distance in his Hi Jumper, with a relief lap done by his dad John. Ellenburg won overall by a whopping 22 minutes on the 180 mile route. The SNORE Midnight Special is one of the few long running desert races still on the schedule. It is a traveling event, having used courses all over the southern Nevada desert that circles Las Vegas. This year the race course held brand new terrain for all drivers, both the local folks and the visitors. The good news for all was no silt beds on the 31 mile course. The start/finish line was located just off Highway 95, about halfway between Hender-son and Searchlight, in a barren area that became a mini city of motorhomes and pits as the race time drew near. The Midnight Special was sponsored this year by the Holiday Casino, Center Strip, and backed, as is the entire SNORE points series, by Yokahama Tires. One advantage to the schedule is that the entire race activity takes place on Saturday. The registration, inside the hotel, opened a 11 :30-a. m., and the tech and contingency inspections started at the civilized hour of noon in the front parking lot of the Holiday Inn. Wonder of wonder, a number of cars showed up for inspection at noon or shortly thereafter. The pre-race activity at the hotel shut down around 5:30 p.m., everyone fled into the air conditioned comfort of the casino for a time, then set sail to the race course, about 35 miles down the road. The drivers' meeting com-menced just after eight in the evening as the temperature trackside cooled to under three digits. Race Steward Do!) Dayton made a few points "perfectly clear". SNORE, he said, requires working tail and brake lights · throughout the race. Any car whose rear lights fail is pulled off Page 20 at the start/ finish check until the lights work again. Because of the recent problems with dropping chits in cans as a method of scoring through checkpoints, SNORE had no such system at this race. The cars were all required to stop at each of the four on course checks as well as the s/ f line, so the number could be recorded. Any car failing to make a complete stop at any of the five checks would simply loose credit for the lap. They all stopped each time! There was a final warning to drivers-as the lightening streaked through the night sky. They were told to stay low if they broke down on course, and to avoid stopping on top of hills because of the danger from lightening Heading for the second in unlimited class and overall titles, the Raceco of Californians Steve and Tom Martin performed beautifully all night. Up with the leaders until mechanical troubles struck, Stan Parnell and Jeff Bo/ha got the Class 5 around for fourth place among Unlimited cars. September ,1985 strikes. They were warned against running on top of a dike, unless a flash flood arrived, and in any case the race would then be stopped. The starting order was one car per minute on the rocky and dusty course. Classes 1, 2, 10 and 5 were combined for purse, and Class 1-2-1600 absorbed the lone 5-1600 Bug. Both these groups were required to cover six laps, and they both drew for starting numbers after the drivers' meeting. The Challenge cars had only four laps to cover for an official finish. It was announced that after the first car in class finished, all others in that class would be flagged into impound at the finish line. Ron Ellenburg, in his Class 10 Hi Jumper, drew the first starting position, and the hot young driver used his dust free first lap to great advantage. No one ever saw his dust again. More second generation drivers, Tom Bradley, Jr., Trevor Ford, and Troy Herbst were off in the unlimited class, along with Aaron Hawley, Doc Ingram, Tom and Steve Martin, and Stan Parnell, driving the Larry Sitcom Class 5 Bug. Ellenburg whipped off fast lap of the night on the first round, a swift 46: 18 on the rugged course that had been fairly fast until a flash flood ripped it up just a few days before the race. Young Trevor Ford was next around a·nd on time in his Class 10, about six minutes later. The family honor was up to him, as dad Tommy Ford was a no start with brake failure just before the 9 p.m. start. T my Herbst, Raceco two seater, was next on the road and only a minute back on time, closely followed by Bradley, Hawley, Parnell and the Martins. Doc Ingram, trying a Mazda engine in his Chaparral, was stuck in a ditch with failed ignition. Ingram lost an hour, got going and eventually finished three laps. Ellenburg did four laps all under 50 minutes, handed the single seater over to his dad John for a lap, then got back in to carry a wire to wire lead in his run to overall victory with a total time of 4:58.12. From the half way point Ron had a winning margin of a good 20 minutes over the field, even though his engine sounded sour during the final two rounds. The battle raged for second in the unlimited group. At one third distance the Herbsts held a Mike Spina took top honors in the hotly contested 1-2-1600 class, and Spina's Bunderson nabbed third overall honors in the long night race. Young Troy Herbst and his brothers herded the big Class 2 Raceco around in very quick times, finishing third in Unlimited class and fourth overall. Close all night, Ken Freeman and family kept their Bunderson humming and ended up a fine second, seven minutes out, in the 1-2-1600 battle. Dusty Times

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skinny 21 seconds over the Martins, Hawley was another minute down and a minute ahead of Parnell, who had just 30 seconds on Bradley. Ford was out of the race. Midway, with three consecutive laps of 53 minutes plus, Troy Herbst was second, exactly two minutes ahead of the Martins, who had two minutes on Parnell and Hawley was gone.JeffBolha took over from Parnell, and pitted on the fourth lap with a bearing out in the right rear stub axle. Herbst also pitted, and Tom and Steve Martin put their Raceco into second place with two laps to go, holding four minutes over the Herbst car. At the checkered flag, the big yellow Raceco from . California was second on the road and on time; Tom and Steve Martin were second overall as well, about 22 minutes out of the victory. Troy Herbst and his brothers nailed third in class, fourth overall as well, about 10 minutes back. Parnell and Bolha drove the two liter engined Class 5 to fourth in class and sixth overall, about 22 minutes later. Only four of the eight starters in unlimited class finished the six laps. The 1600 bunch was the largest class with 17 on the line, and all but one covered at least one lap. Californian Brad Inch got his Bunderson around the second fastest on the first lap, with a 53.10, faster than all but two of the unlimiteds. Up front, as expected, it was young Rob MacCachren, with a 51.12, and only Ellenburg had a faster lap time in the race. Rob backed that with 50.39 to lead at one third distance, but he did not complete another lap. Contender Brent Bell was out after just one round. The tight fight for second between Brad Inch and Mike Spina was now for the victory. After two laps Spina, who started Larry Garban won the war of attrition in the Challenger class, doing his four laps neatly and winning by well over an hour on time. Taking the first ditch off the line carefully, Ron Cloud turned most consistent lap times and was rewarded with third place in Class 1-2-1600. a minute ahead of Inch, led by just 28 seconds. Midway Spina gained another half minute, and Ken Freeman, who had trouble on the first lap, was less than five minutes behind Inch. At this. point seven 1600s were on the trailer, and several more were running strong, about five to ten minutes back. After four rounds Spina had over a minute lead on Inch, and Freeman had dropped some time. But, at the end oflap 5 Inch came around first on the road, and he also had a minute and 44 seconds lead over fellow Bunderson driver Spina. However, it was not to be a night when a Californian won the Midnight Special. Despite reports of real rain at Checkpoint 3, and sprinkles at the finish line, everyone stayed outside their shelters to watch the 1600 leaders arrive on the final lap. But, Inch was seen being towed into the pits about 15 minutes before Mike Spina arrived to take a hard earned victory in a total time of 5:30.04, good for third overall. Freeman was back on form and brought the two seater in second in class, fifth overall, about 7½ minutes later. Undoubtedly the oldest buggy in the race, Bob Dobiesz and his family got in all four laps in the car to take second in the Challenger class. Running very well all night, Ron Cloud arrived in another 17 minutes for third in class, seventh overall. Taking fourth in 1600s, just five more minutes off the pace was 1 7 year old Michael Gaughan, Jr., who had the most extensive pit crew watching his HiJ umper SS around the course. Howard Ringe had some troubles late in the game but held on for fifth in class, and Robby Guevara, with a tough second lap, came back to get a finish, sixth in class and tenth and last overall. There were four starters in the Challenge class, which was a run for trophies only. Russ Fowkes got in just one long lap, and Rick Johnson retired after two quick rounds when he was leading. Larry Garban got in all four laps with a steady pace, and he took the class victory in 4:53.11. Bob Dobiesz and company drove an ancient looking buggy into second in class with a total time of 6:24.15. Rick Johnson and Gary Watson came from Barstow to lead the first two laps in the Challenger class, but then they vanished into the desert. Dusty Times The rain that was forcast did not happen, and the program wound down with the finishers in by three in the morning for the most part. Despite the late hour, dawn when the track shut down, the awards were presented promptly at 11 a.m. on Sunday at September 1985 · Leading the 1-2-1600 struggle on the fifth lap, Brad Inch saw his hopes of victory fade when the Bunderson broke midway on the final round. Another second generation racer getting some experience, 17 year old Mike Gaughan, Jr. came in fourth in Class 1-2-1600 in his Hi Jumper. the Holiday Inn. There the lap by lap results sheets for the entire entry were distributed to all in attendance. The winners got their checks and trophies,. and Ron Ellenburg got the big bonus of $500 from the Holiday Inn for his overall victory. The Holiday Inn mystery bonus of $250 was awarded to the last overall finisher, Robby Guevara, but he wasn't on hand to accept the largesse. The race held a total of 29 starters, and it was a keen event. The SNORE club had hoped for about 40 starters, but the summer heat did keep many outlanders at home. Coming up soon is the annual SNORE 250, the club's premier race of the year with the same sponsors as the Midnight Special. In fact, the Holiday Inn tosses a goodly chunck of money, a total of$3,500 into the purse on top of the 60 percent payback, and the overall winner gets $2,000 of that bonus money. It is certainly a purse worth racing for, and, for the SNORE 250, there will be a regular time allowance like other desert races, so all entries will know how far they have to go in . how much time. The 250 will cover terrain east of 1-15, with the start/ finish line at the gravel pit midway between Sloan and Jean, Nevada. The dates are September 27-29, and the brunch put on by the Holiday Inn at the Sunday morning awards is worth the trip to Vegas for all racers and their pit crews. Plus the event is fun and the cash payback is generous. SLICK SHOCK MOUNT KIT FOR OLDER BUGS Now there is a dual rear shock mount kit for '6 7 and older. · Baja Bugs and VW sedans with swing axle trannies that does not require cutting any holes in the body, or the installation of an inside roll cage to attach the upper shock mount. This new kit welds into the existing cast steel upper shock towers and ties onto the torsion tube for added strength. The lower shock mount welds onto the existing shock mount area of the axle overtube. The kit comes complete with four 8.8 shock bolts, nuts and shock spacers, and an alignment piece to assure proper and easy installation. Get the kit for just $69. 95 and smooth out the ride. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 21

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VORRA AT BAYLANDS -The Elrods Sweep the Ingold Classic an infield double dirt ramp jump. This type of jump was first seen at a VORRA race, thanks to Curt Elrod's backhoe. It has proved to be extremely popular. With a total of six jumps, thanks to the excellent track work by Baylands' full time track prep man, Jim "Dr. Dirt" Soares, and Curt Elrod, the course lay out was the finest -yet seen for the Ingold Classic. The Jim Ingold Classic is without a doubt the most special night of racing on the VORRA schedule. The reason is simple. The Jim Ingold Perpetual Trophy is presented that night each year in memory ofVORRA founding member and racer Jim Ingold. The still loved and missed 1-2.-1600 driver died ofa heart attack while competing in a 1982 VORRA event, Thanks to his many friends, his memory lives on with the coveted trophy kept for the next year by the night's class winner, and a smaller replica trophy is awarded to the winner for his own shelf. The trophy has become so prized that some of the San Francisco Bay Area drivers have been known to team up just in an attempt to keep the master trophy near Jim's home turf! VORRA's schedule tests the racers over varied forms of courses, the deserts of northern Nevada, the streets of Virginia City, and the two mile natural terrain short course at Prairie Jeff Elrod swept both 1-2-1600 heats handily, and Jeff took home the highly coveted Jim Ingold Trophy to keep for the full year. Class 1 and the Heavy Metal boys ran together. James Feist took first in the 4 x 4 class, and Steve_ Bradford was third in Class 1. Page 22 Text & Photos: Joe Stephan City. The Ingold Classic adds a once a year stadium race with the action at Baylands Raceway, in Fremont, California. The 1985 · event was the fourth consecutive run on Baylands' famous 3/8 mile ultra-fast, clay speedway, next to the drag strip once owned by Mickey Thompson.Jumps are added to the oval as well as a jump-riddled, tw1stmg course carved out through the infield. The main straight features were a 100 mph big jump on the oval right in front of the stands, and Running in the usual short course race pattern _of two ten lap heat races, inverting the second heat line up, the feature 1-2-1600 race for the Ingold Trophy was benefitting Jim's memory, since it featured wild action. Ten cars took the first heat green, and pole sitter Dana Van Noort leer the first lap in a brand new, still unpainted Eagle. Jeff Elrod, who a month earlier won the class at the Orange Sho~v MTEG race, came through from sixth starting spot to challenge Van · Noort going over the double jump on the second lap. After both cars landed at wild angles, that had the infield crew already loading up in trucks for the expected big one, Elrod came out first and sprinted away to the victory. In the second heat, Elrod, a former VW oval track champ at Bay lands, came from the back to lead with a big first lap move, and he ran away and hid from the pack. The two wins gave him the overall title. Jeff Elrod is a deserving Ingold Trophy winner, as the quiet, likable, 26 year old is in much the same "super-nice" mold as was Jim Ingold. The driving talents and image of Jeff and his brother Wes lead us to predict they will be the next "Mears Brothers" to go to Indy. The 1984 VORRA Overall points champ Robert Eastman made his first start of the year a good one by turning 4-2 finishes into second overall. He missed the Prairie City opener, thanks to There was heavy action in the first 1-2-1600 heat as Dana Van Noori leads Robert Eastman and Jeff Elrod in the early, tight dicing. Popping up over the jump, Jim Kozourek won Class 10 honors, while Robert Hughey took second in Sportsman Division driving the same car. September 1985 a blown tranny in warm-ups. Then he decided the single seater was too tired for the pounding of the desert. Van Noort took second in the first heat, and Dick Bower slid into Van Noort's latest version of the Eagle he now builds to fight a balky shifter into fourth, which gave the duo the third overall points. Bo Stout took third in the first heat, while Tim Riordan, another former Baylands VW oval track stand out, got that spot in the second round. The other outstanding race was the eight car Class 2 and 5 "shootout", which also went to the Elrods. Jeff's brother Wes came from fourth starting spot to the first lap lead and on to win in what has to be the world's strongest Baja Bug. The Bug was flying new, matching colors and had been rebodied into a convertible. In the inverted second heat start, Wes was running with a stock gearbox, loaned by the Bradfords; he chased the always strong Fritz W iechers, who finished sixth in the first heat. The two came together on lap five, going over the infield double jump, and hit in mid-air. Coming down hard, they hit again, which uprighted Wiechers' two seater and broke Elrod's right rear shocks and mounts. Nonetheless, Elrod still made a strong run to the checkered flag, and the audience was on their feet to acknowledge his wild first overall effort. Joe Falloon took second ih both heats, and was beginning to close the gap on Elrod until the shifter stuck in second for the last five laps of the second heat. Falloon had Mike Bishop riding with him, which he said was to repay Bishop for crashing tq.em while pre-running at Virginia City. Bishop, who the next day terrorized the Great America Amusement park's car driving rides said, "Riding the Demon was about equal to riding with Falloon, but the Edge has him beat any day of the week." David Hinz and his wife took third overall with a 5-4, despite flipping for the second race in a row, and landing on all fours to keep going. While they were going over, they were hit by Ace Bradford, who sponsors them and has done a lot of work on the Hinz two seater. The Bradford Eagle tandem sailed clear over the top of the Hinz car. Bradford made the race the hard way, replacing the engine he blew in practice with a borrowed engine. He borrowed the powerplant from one of his Rose Automotive customers, a street buggy that was driven from Monterey, and the engine was put back and the car driven.back to Monterey. Fritz Wiechers ended up sixth, and with his third he was fourth on points, and Bradford was fifth. 1983 overall champion Jimmy Lawrence ( we incorrectly credited Chris Saxon in a previous story) took seventh, then ran the same Panzer buggy in the drags at the next day's VW Nationals meet. There the two time former drag racing national record holder and national champion made it to the semi-· Dusty Times

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Lanny Ward turned a second and a third into the overall Sportsman title. It was his second ever race in Steve Bradford's Class 1 car. Don Miguel, left, moved up to Class 1 this year and won the class. Here he is about to pass the new Eagle driven by_ Dana V-an Noori. this year. Some 51 cars and three 4 x 4s raced for secial reasons. The Elrods who have been campaigning the Mickey Thomp-son stadium series, were far ~nough ahead on points to bypass the Coliseum event to race in front of hometown friends, family, and Jeff's car owner, a "bustin' buttons" proud Donsco Off Road Center owner Jim Haberlin. The team came back the next day to the VW Bug In to display the race cars and show off the new, special "hardware" to go along with many more trophies and plaques covering the ground. It was the best Ingold Classic race yet. The fans ate up quite a show of wild racing. To return that appreciation, an impromptu "challenge" race was staged with each heat winner, or second if the same driver won both heats, drawing for starting positions in front of the stands. Don Miguel won the challenge after Jeff Elrod was embarassed by running out of gas on lap three, since he had gone right from impound to the starting grid without checking the fuel. Ace Bradford had to borrow a customer's engine to race in Class 2 and 10 in his The Elrod clan cleaned house as Jeff won both 1600 heats and the Ingold Trophy, and Wes won both motos in Class 2 and 5 in the Bug. It was a big weekend at Bay lands. VORRA was a part of an all VW weekend, running the off road racing on Saturday night. There had been VW mini stock and mini sprint oval track action on Friday, and a full Saturday afternoon of ATV racing, then the VW Nationals on Sunday. new Eagle Tandem, and he had a wild ride in Class 10. · final round of his ET bracket. With four buggies in Class 1 and three 4 x 4s, which reduced to two when Wes Banks blew his gearbox in practice, the two groups ran together. Last year's Jim Ingold Trophy winner, Don Miguel, who ran the only Class 9 in VORRA last year, took the move.up to Class 1, and it suits him well. He really hooked up and turned a 2-1 heat finish score into the overall win. Bob Lemos won the first heat, but was a DNF in the second, but he was still given second place. This heavily upset third placing Steve Bradford, who pointed out that his 18 laps completed, as opposed to Lemos' 13 laps completed, should have given him the position. Don German, wh o raced Steve's father Ace for the win under similar circumstamces last year, couldn't seem to "hook 'em · up" this year and lost a drive line in the Chevy powered Jeep on the first heat's cool down lap, after finishing fourth, one lap down. The repairs were for naught, since he lost a drive line again on the first lap of the second heat. It was the second straight DNF for the perennial "Heavy Me.ta!" champ. James Feist's early Jeep CJ got the class win, finishing four laps in the first heat and eight in the second round. Though only having raced with VORRA a couple of times, Jim Kozourek took the eight car Class 10 battle in the several year old, ex-Tim Riordan buggy. On the pole, he led flag to flag in the first heat, and came from the back to third in the second heat in a strong run. Dennis Kordonowy won the second heat, and with a fourth in the first he was second overall. Don Kennedy took third with a 3-2, and Bill Norgrove came out of five years retirement for fourth with a 2-5. Chris O'Berg · Dusty Times was an out of place fifth, with only a 6-4, while a sixth, with a 5--6, went to Ace Bradford who · was running the tandem in Class 10 as a single. The Sportsman ''Weekend W airiors" continue to field the largest entry this year as graphic proof of the value and need for an entry level class. The 18 car field even had a historic first heat, when all three Keefers finished for the first time, and left the track under their own power. Last year Dan and his wife Kiri took each other out and triggered a massive pile-up. Robert Hughey, driving the same car Kozourek drove to the Class 10 victory, won the first · heat, but took a troubled fifth in the second, after leading midway in the run. Jay Boatwright eventually took the second heat in his Class 2, which only gave him third on points due to a sixth in the first heat. Hughey took second overall, while Lanny Ward, Steve Bradford's mech-anic, did a 2-3, which turned out to be good for the overall win in one of Bradford's old Class 1 cars. As it turned out, it was only Ward's second off road race, and he drove hard with both heat leaders, looking like a driver of many years experience! The Jim Classic was another special night 'of racing During the off road racing, one fan got so excited that when the promised 4 x 4 pace vehicle didn't show up, he came down out of the stands and offered his sharp, classic '53 Willys pickup for the pace vehicle. When he was given a dash plaque after the event, you'd swear he had been given a bar of gold. MAKE YOUR .FAVORITE RACER HAPPY With New Safety Equipment From FILLER Nomex Driving_Suit $179.00 ~ MasterCard \...Y.._J , i "r~ • 'Ii' Filler Safety is now offering all seat belts and harnesses with blue webbing. Complete with mounting hardware. $115.00 \lLE ~ PRODUCTS, INC. SIMPLE TO ORDER~ , PHONE OR MAIL ORDER USING VISA, 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD MASTERCHARGE OR WE DO SHIP SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 C.O.D. No personal checks please. PH. (818) 768-7770 September 1985 Our best race bag. Made of heavy supported vinyl and quilted to nylon backed foam lining. Heavy web strap handles. Size: 12 x 12 x 24 . $40.00 Fine quality, hand crafted, light weight Nomex Racing Boots. Available in black, white, or royal blue in sizes 7 thru 13. $78.00 Page 23

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FIVE RECORDS FALL AT THE PREDATOR PIKES PEAK AUTO HILL CLIMB It was Ladies Day on the Mountain By Thom Roslan Photos: Thom Roslan/ Trackside Photo Enterprises French rally star Michele Mouton blew the all time record away in her Audi Sport Quattro, and she blew the establishment into some rethink about full bodied cars, four wheel drive, and for sure about lady drivers. There was an international flavor to the 63rd Annual Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb, the "Race to the Clouds." Michele Mouton, from Roquefort Les Pins, France, scored the absolute overall victory in her Audi Sport Quattro, and she broke the all time record as well. Rod Millen, from New Zealand, and Jochi Kleint, from West Germany completed the international sweep of the open rally class. Two of the records were broken by Michele Mouton. The petite, pretty and controversial rally driver from France first broke the qualifying record by almost eight seconds, which was held by Bobby Unser, Jr. Unser set the record in 1982 driving an open wheel Chevy powered Wells Coyote. Mouton's new qualifying record is 5:00.32. Audi has long desired victory at Pikes Peak. Back in 1981 and 1982 the SCCA sanctioned the event, and included a Pro Rally class. This brought John Buffum and his Pro Rally equipped, long wheelbase Audi Quattro to the Race to the Clouds, and Buffum won the class. Last year the German firm got serious, and brought the short wheelbase Sport Quattro from Europe. They also brought Michele Mouton as driver, and a plane load of Audi folks from Germany and the USA. While Mouton won the open rally class, the time fell short of absolute victory and the overall record, as there was · some loss of power at the higher altitudes on the 12.42 mile course. This year Audi came ready for the challenge with a new generation short wheelbase Sport Quattro and a reworked computer to handle the fuel/ boost/ ignition settings as the altitude and temperatures changed en route to the top. The rally car had only been used once, by Walter Rohl on the Corsica Rally. All that was changed was the computer chip, and Audi brought along a computer engineer to insure top performance from the 2 .1 liter turbocharged engine. On race day Michele Mouton was not the most popular driver on the hill, but she was the quickest. She had been fined $500 for spraying gravel in the pit area while warming up her tires, and, when she took the green flag, as many spectators booed as cheered. But, a rally driver's stock in trade is concentration, and Michele blew all the records into the weeds. She recorded a remarkable 11 minutes, 25 .39 seconds for the overall victory in her record smashing run. The old record for the climb was set by Al Unser, Jr. in 1983. He drove a V -8 powered open wheel car, and his record was broken by over twelve seconds. Michele was Queen of the Hill for 1985, and as the Quattro held the corners perfectly and blasted up the straights, the more than 35,000 spectators roared their approval. · Pro Rally points leader in 1985, Rod Millen tobk second place in the open-rally division in his Mazda RX-7 four wheel drive prototype with a time of 12:12.53. A rookie on the hill, but a long time rally driver,Jochi Kleint, from West Germany, was third. He had qualified third fastest as well. Kleint drove the exotic four wheel. drive VW Golf, powered by a pair of turbo charged 1807 cc VW engines, 16 valve four cylinder engines, not the normal Rabbit-power. Kleint flew to the summit in 12:31.57 on his first attempt at Pikes Peak. In the open wheel class Bobby Regester, from Woodland Park, Colorado, took top honors in a John Wells prepared, 1985 Wells Coyote Chevy 350; on Off road star Roger Mears broke the record in the stock car division, wheeling the fancy Camara to the division title and he shaved 25 seconds off the record. Local driver Bobby Regester nailed the open wheel division honors with second overall fast time in a new Wells Coyote powered Chevrolet. John Crawford not only broke the Production Rally Division record by 30 seconds, but he broke the GT record too, winning for the third year in a row in his Dodge Shelby Turbo. Rod Millen ran hard to take second in the open rally division, and his four wheel drive Mazda RX 7 also nailed down third overall honors. Usually seen driving a -Jeep, Don Adams cuts a hard left switchback on his way to fourth in open wheel division in the new Wells Coyote Chevy. Jochi Kleint grabbed third place in open rally division in the unique twin engined VW Golf, and Kleint was named Rookie of She doesn't look much like a giant killer, but Michele Mouton wiped out all records at Pikes Peak, despite a few rumbles from the officials about her pit actions. the Year as well. · Page 24 September 1985 Dusty Times

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home ground Regester turned in an E.T. of 12:07 .34. Second place belonged to Steve Clark of the host city of Colorado Springs. Clark· drove an '82 Wells Coyote Buick 260, and had a time of 12:32.25. Bobby Donner, also of Colorado Springs, driving an exotic looking 1985 Donner-Dykstra Sprint Chevy, captured the third place slot in an ET of 12:34.57. Off road racing champion Don Adams, from nearby Nathrop, drove his new Wells Coyote Chevy 350 to fourth in 12:36.98. Roger Mear§_ put his off road and stock car racing experience to good use, and Mears won the stock car division driving a Chevrolet Camaro Z-28 370. Mears also broke the stock car record by 25 .61 seconds with a time of 12:21.54. Second in the class, Joel Newcomer also broke the old record by 1 7 .30 seconds, wtih a time of 12:30.82 in a Garbert prepared Camaro 388. Leonard Vahsholtz had the only Ford in the top three slots, and he took his 1984 Thunderbird to third place in 12:40.38. The production rally class was again won by John Crawford, from Omulgee, Oklahoma. Craw-ford won in a 1985 Dodge Shelby Turbo with an elapsed time of 14:42.08, and it was his fourth win in a row at Pikes Peak. The class was a Dodge benefit, as Larry Huff, from San Jose, California, placed second in a Dodge Daytona Turbo Z, with a respectable time of 14:52.00. Third in class went to current Pro Rally class leader on points Doug Shepherd, from Livonia, Mich-igan. Shepherd drove a normally aspirated Omni GLH breaking the record for that configuration in the class with a time of 15:33.67. As the last car was coming up around Devil's Playground, at the 11,400 foot elevation, the Mountain started its annual anger for being violated, as the Indian saying goes. Hail, rain and -thunder greeted the final racer, and the eight thousand plus fans who lined this portion of the course. Clouds and rain followed the 2½ hour procession down the Mountain, as the spectators filed out in their cars, one by one, back down the entire course. There may be some changes next year at the Peak. Bobby Unser,Jr., who finished fourth in open rally class in a Pontiac Fiero bodied Wells Coyote ringer, said, "I'll be back". Other Unsers may be back also. Al, Jr. said last year he would return only if somebody broke his record, and they did in spades. Observing this year, John Buffum remarked that it will take four wheel drive to better Michele Mouton's 1985 record speed. Under current rules, only the open rally class is allowed all wheel drive. But, the open wheel class competitors are campaign-ing for four wheel drive options so they can gp for the chance of regaining the absolute record on the Hill. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, founder and the man who named the mountain, said at the time, "this mountain will never be conquered!" One wonders if he watches the "Race to the Clouds". Dusty Times Driving last year's winning Dodge, Larry Huff put his Dodge Daytona Turbo z Completing the Dodge sweep of the Production Rally class, Doug Shepherd up the hill second fastest, also breaking the division record. took third, the fastest of the.normally aspirated cars at Pikes Peak. I like to see myself in the finish ... At home or on the tra 'le! "Ever noticed that a clean, well-polished car seems to drive better? Me too. "My equipment shines because of Pro® Light Touch™ polish. I don't like having to grind in polish or wave my arms like a madman to buff up a shine. I like Light Touch because it goes on easily, and works up a shine without me working up a sweat. Besides-I'd rather save· my arm muscles for grabbing the steering wheel. PRO® Light Touch™ Products, -official sponsor of the Toyota Offroad Racing Team. September 1985 Ivan "fronman" Stewart, Team Toyota Ottroad Race Champion and Pro® Light Touch Spokesman. "I use Light Touch on my racing Toyotas. My sponsors' stickers shine. My fans can see my name from the top of the stands. Even the competition has no doubt as to who just blasted past them. And I can check my smile before I get to victory circle. "Pro Light touch polish is available in liquid or paste, and the shine is guaranteed for a full 12 months. And don't forget Pro® Light Touch™ Wash & Wax, which I use on my cars and trucks between races for a gentle clean-ing and added shine. "But there's one car that's just as important to shine. My personal car. It's the one I drive to go pick up my endorsement checks." PRO® Car Care Products-The Professionals' best kept secret for over 50 years PRO® Consumer Products 1910 S. Yale, Santa Ana, CA 92704 714 540-4776 . A Division of BAF Industries *Reg. T.M. of E.I. DuPont DeNemours Co. Page 25

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-By Homer Eubanks Photos: T rackside Photo Enterprises In the theater business it's called the anti-climax, or the high point of the production which comes just before the finale. In off road racing it's event number four of the Mickey Thompson Gran Prix series. Though _not the end of the series, to everyone in -attendance and to those compet-ing before the 4 7 ,205 fans, the L.A. Coliseum event took on the importance and excitement of "that championship season". With a celebrity race, fire-works and all the excitement generated by the huge crowd the event was reminiscent of the '84 Olympic games held in the arena. Nissan Motor Corporation was the host of the _event and pulled out all stops to entertain the fans. Except for the main event outcome (but more on Roger Mears misfortune later) Nissan really got their moneys worth. The crowd loved the trucks, loved them flying out of the peristyle, and Ivan Stewart flew his Toyota high and into the Class 7 main event victory by a nose, Roger Mears flat flew around the course in his Nissan, taking fast qualifying time, the Trophy Dash, his heat race and second in the Class 7 main by inches. The racers were pumped up and eager to perform; and perform they did as the crowd ooed and ·aaaed as the drivers and riders shot skyward and rolled and tumbled with their vehicles. The show might have been a bit too long for some but the die hard off road fans loved every minute of it. The only complaint I had was the inability for the print media-to get on the field to get good race action shots. Just -before the first Grand National pickup heat the celebrities took to the cours~ in five identically prepared Nissan trucks. "()ff road racing is really a kick," explained Fee Waybill, lead singer for the rock and roll group The Tubes who was one of the celebrity racers with some experience since he raced at Barstow last year. Waybill was joined in the celebrity 1-ine-up by "General Hospital" regulars Jacklyn ~eman and James McNicol as well as former Playboy "Play~ate" Shannon Tweed, Olympian Terry Schroed-er, "Riptides" Perry King, sportscaster Ted Dawson and this years current Supercross point leader Jeff Ward. Radio personality Raechel Donohue was scheduled to race but aggravated a back injury during practice. The celebrities ran two races and General Hospital fans will-be glad to know that Jacklyn Zeman and James McN icol were the main event winners. The two took to all the glory like true racers with kisses and cham-pagne. Nissan will donate$5,000 to the African relief fund in their names. In Grand National pickup truck action, for a record setting seven in a row, it was the Electromotive prepared Nissan Sporting Pipeline Trucking sponsorship also, Frank Arciero, Jr, ran hard in Class 1, and edged into the victory on the very last turn of the main event. of Roger Mears that qualified fastest of the 15 trucks entered. Ivan Stewart was second fastest, Jeff Huber third quickest and Steve Millen was fourth fastest. At the end of the trophy dash that is how they placed. Ivan Stewart pulled out the early lead but on the second lap Roger Mears made his move and got by going up the peristyle. The others finished in the order they qualified except Steve Millen who dropped out on the first lap with transmission problems. All the glory went to Roger Mears as he won the first heat race for the Grand National sport trucks, but John Baker stole the attention of the crowd with what he probably hopes will be his most unforgettable ( unbeliev-able) race ever. From the start things looked good for Baker as he pulled out the leader; but once on top of the peristyle his Mitsubishi ran into a column and he was rear ended by John Nelson. This was the first of Baker's problems as the pack took to the other two openings, To the crowd's delight it was Roger Mears who came shooting' off the peristyle first and Glenn Harris had his Mazda right behind him. James Thomas put his Dodge in third ahead of Steve Marolda. Jeff Huber was caught in the confusion and got away a distant fifth. Roger Mears used his fast qualifying time to pull ahead of Harris and Harris pulled away from Thomas and· Marolda. What looked like another follow the leader type of race was soon broken up as Baker got his Mitsubishi going again and came flying down the peristyle jump. Once at the bottom he negotiated the right hander, but got. up on two wheels on the left hander and slowly rolled the truck; two crashes by Baker and not one lap completed. In the meantime Harris was driving hard but Mears was holding a comfortable John Baker had bags of trouble in his heat race, rolling twice, and finally parking the Mitsubishi in the box seats, which really got the crowd excited. Marty Tripes put his Funco out front in the Trophy Dash for Class 1, led most of the main event but lost out on the final turn on the final lap, and finished second. Greg George put his Funco out front in the Class 1 heat, and he led the heat from flag to flag, but was 4th in the hectic main event. Page 26 September 1985 Dusty Times

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Sherman Balch kept his Nissan together at the Coliseum, and won the second heat race, and survived the main event traffic for fourth spot. The first and second turns produced bedlam in the Class 7 main event start, as here Roger Mears leads the two Team Toyotas up the peristyle. Glenn Harris in his Mazda had the early lead in the Class 7 main, but Roger Mears, #7, is gaining here and Harris ended up in third. Ivan Stewart's Toyota sitting in turn one and Millen's Toyota in turn two. This put Balch and his Nissan out front with breathing room over the now second place Kevin Conery. Close behind Conery was Jerry Moore and Tom Haliburda and that's how they finished the heat. In the main evenf 15 trucks lined up. Jeff Huber was on the front row with Joey Moore and Huber took an early lead, and after turn one it was Glenn Harris in his Mazda, second ahead of Roger Mears. Steve Millen was behind Mears then Moore and Sherman Balch. Huber wound · Greg George hopped his Funco past early leader Don Kott, and George held onto the lead all the way to victory in the Class 10 main event. the Ranger up and put a little room between him and Harris, lead and Jeff Huber was making· lead, going into the second lap. but Harris was busy with Mears his way through traffic. Baker Thompson rolled the Ranger and dogging him in the powerful was righted by course workers this gave the lead to Ivan Stewart Nissan. With Harris occupying and he got going again. and, Stewart took off in an the quick line around the track it The race still belonged to attempt to pull a comfortable was up to Mears to create his own Mears and Harris was comfort-lead, which he did; until he came hole. After studying Harris for able in second, but Huber had around to turn one again and his three laps he used his fast moved to third. Back in the field Toyota quit with rear end failure. qualifying speed to over power Thomas was keeping Marolda at But don't worry Toyota fans, the Mazda on the front straight. bay and Baker was trying to work because teammate Steve Millen This put Harris in third with I van his way through traffic, but! tookovertheleadbutMillenhad Stewart fourth. · Baker came into the left hander some real close company. As Huber began to lap slower before the back straight (same Sherman Balch was swapping traffic,.Mears was on the move corner he rolled earlier) and this paint jobs with Millen's racer in and gaining ground. Stewart ti~e ran up on the hay bales and every corner. The two really put caught Harris off the gas for a seemed to hold the gas on in on a good show until turn one lapped truck, and got around on hopes of driving over them. But, when Millen's transmission let the back straight and put Mears instead, the Mitsubishi ran up go, but he coasted his Toyota in his crosshairs. A good battle over the bales and the wall, into turn two. So now we have between Harris and Balch went knoc_king down a six foot chain -----------------------------link fence and came to rest astradle the wall. This time Baker was out. Roger Mears took the check-ered flag and Glenn Harris was close by in second and third place went to the hard charging Jeff Huber. Fourth went to James Thomas and co-driver Jerry Howell, Steve Marolda finished fifth. And Baker? Well they had to bring out a skip loader and lift his truck off the wall. In the second heat race for the odd qualifying Grand National sport trucks it was turn one action throughout the race. It all started when Danny Thompson brought his Ranger around in the Mark Hansen had his Pontiac Fiero dialed in for the Coliseum, and he wont e Ultra Stock main event, in a rough and rugged battle. on for: a couple of laps but it ended when Balch tried to push his way inside Harris going into the back straight and spun out. Jeff Huber ran up to Kevin Conery, and Conery got a little sideways causing Huber to go wide and spin out. This gave Mears the lead and Stewart was putting his Toyota up into contention. Mears took the white flag and Stewart was turning on the juice in an attempt to catch up. As Mears went down the back straight the crowd was convinced it would be Mears, but! As Mears went into the last corner there was Steve Millen, Ivan Stewart's teammate, being lapped. As Millen exited the last turn his Toyota drifted wide blocking Mears, and this was what Stewart needed to make up the few seconds that he was behind Mears. As they crossed the finish line it was the Toyota of Ivan Stewart edging out Roger Mears' Nissan. Glenn Harris held off Sherman Balch for third and Jeff Huber finished fifth. Steve Millen was later fined $1,000 by Mickey Thompson's review board for "failing to give way to an overtaking vehicle." In the Formula 1 trophy dash it was Marty Tripes pulling out front on the start and Eric Arras chased Tripes until the last lap when he tangled with Bob Gordon who was attempting to pass around the peristyle. Before these two could get straightened out it was Frank Arciero, Jr. that slipped by for second. Tripes took advantage of the mishap and took a comfortable win with Arciero second, Arras third and Gordon finished fourth. In the heat race Greg George jumped out front from turn one and led the entire race for an easy win. The race was mainly follow the leader as little passing was accomplished. Joe Bean kept his Chenowth ahead of Frank Arciero for second. Bob Gordon finished fourth and Marty Tripes managed fifth. The main event started out to look ·like a repeat of the trophy dash as Marty Tripes got out front and began pulling some distance on the pack. Behind Tripes was Bob Gordon, Frank Arciero and Albert Arciero and these three were putting on a good battle for second, until the the third lap, when Gordon dropped out going into the first turn. The battle for second raged between the Arciero brothers with big brother Frank keeping Al behind him. A skirmish for fourth was developing between Greg George and Joe Bean with the two swapping places through-out the race. [;Ill"' r;w-[;If" Rob Tolleson made his stadium debut in a brand new Mirage, and he led the 1-2-1600 main event most of the distance and he won the class. The Nissan Celebrity race saw a lot of attrition. Ted Dawson and Shannon Tweed lost a tire, but kept right on 4 wheeling to the flag. Tommy Croft took advantage of the traffic to squeeze into the victory late in the first Class 10 heat race in his Chenowth. Bob Gordon put his Chenowth home first in the second Class 10 heat, making the pass on horsepower just yards from the checkered fl_ag. Dusty Times September 1985 Page 27

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Rick Boyer won the 1-2-1600 heat in his Funco, and gave hard chase in the main event, but he had to settle for 2nd that round. Hard charging Jerry Whelchel won the Class 10 Trophy Dash, but myriad problems, including the engine, put him out of serious contention. The Odyssey races are really crowd pleasers. The tiny cars provide a lot of thrills and spills, and they almost got the starter at the L.A. Coliseum. ---Tripes had pulled a comfort-able lead earlier, but was dropping back in the last few laps, or Frank Arciero was being pushed so hard by Al that the gap was getting smaller with each lap. On the white flag lap Tripes caught the guard rail going into the back straight and· bobbled a bit and this gave Frank Arciero the chance he needed to make a race of it. Tripes entered the last turn first, but as they came around the big sweeper it was Frank Arciero edging Tripes for the win. Albert Arciero was close by for third and Greg George won out over Joe Bean for fourth. Class 10 is always full of excitement, and the tight Coliseum track provided plenty of entertainment. In the trophy dash Jerry Whelchel raced behind Bob Gordon until the white flag came out. Whelchel held the gas on down the front straight to squeeze by Gordon for first. Tommy Croft finished third and Steve Kelly was fourth In the first Class 10 heat race it looked like Greg George would come home the winner, but after leading most of the race he had to settle for se~ond place behind Tommy Croft. Croft kept his Chenowth out of the trouble that plagued most of the others and went by George when he was slowed by lapped traffic. Early on it was a short battle for first between George and Jim Fish-back, Jr. The two traded places a couple of times but Fishback dropped out on lap 5 . Ken Kazarian, Jerry Whelchel and Ron Carter were putting on a good race for third until they all tangle..f and stalled allowing Don Kalt and Brad Castle to get by. Ron Carter was the first to get out of the tangle and Kazarian saw Gary Dillon get by before he got underway. At the end it was Croft winning the event and Greg George was second ahead of Don Kalt. Brad Castle finished fourth Page 28 and Ron Carter was fifth. . The second Class 10 heat really got exciting from the start. A red flag came out after Bob Wachter got his Funco airborne and over the wall into the infield and the first five cars got piled up in the corner ( turn two) going up the peristyle. On the re-start Frank Arciero, Jr. jumped out with an early lead, but dropped out with mechanical failure once up the peristyle. It was John Swift that came shooting his Funco out of the peristyle first and right behind him was Jim San def er. Swift was attempting to put some real estate between himself and Sandefer when he came shooting out of the peristyle again and landed the Funco hard at the bottom of the huge jump. This landing proved to be too much for the CV joints and this put Sandefer in the lead. With Sandefer in the lead, next it was Bob Gordon, David Bonner, and Rick Jones ahead of Tim Maples. Sandefer was holding his own through traffic and keeping Gordon at bay. The rest of the traffic had spread out some, making most of the action just attempts but no one really passing. On the last lap it looked like Jim Sandefer was about to win the only race he has entered this year, but as he and Gordon approached the finish line, Gordon poured on the coal and just edged Sandefer for the win. Third place went to David Bonner and Rick Jones finished fourth. Steve Kelly was fifth. In the semi-main event another red flag came out for the Class 10 competitors. A pile up ensued in the first corner and the only one to get through wa·s Tommy Croft, who jumped over Scott Kincaid. On the re-start Bob Wachter pulled out the early leader, and Mike Withers was second ahead of Tom Finvers and Jerry Stansbury. By the second lap Withers had gotten by Wachter and Frank Arciero moved into third place with Jim Fishback right on his tail. On the third lap a bunch of Class 10 cars entered the peristyle and no one came out! Finally, it was Tom Finvers out first and Jerry Whelchel was second with his engine smoking badly. Jerry Stansbury made it out third. A couple oflaps later Whelchel had to drop out and this put Stansbury in the lead and Frank Arciero and Jim Fishback had made their way back to the front. At the end of the race it was Frank Arciero, Jr. surviving for the win and Jim Fishback, Jr. followed Frank throughout the race for second. Mike Withers was third and fourth went to Kenny Woolsey. Fifth was Jerry Stansbury. The rough driving committee penalized Bob Wachter, Jerry Whelchel and Tom Finvers for rough driving. In the main event it was Don Kalt that used his front row starting position to his advantage and put his Chaparral out front. It was Greg George second, and Tommy Croft slipped into third ahead ofJ im Sandefer. It looked as if Kalt was going to steal the · show, until the eighth lap when Greg George saw his hole and went to the inside of turn two. Kalt dropped out at this time and Tommy Croft took after George, with Jim Sandefer right on his tail. It was Greg George that held on for the win and Tommy Croft was right behind for second. Third place went to Jim Sandefer and David Bonner worked his way through traffic to finish fourth ahead of Bob Gordon. The Uniroyal Ultrastock division seems to gain a couple of new entrants with each race. This event drew nine of the funny cars, and the tight Coliseum course was not kind to their fragile fiberglass bodies. At the start of the heat race a traffic jam in turn two caused early leaders Danny Mathews and Mike Goodbody to fall behind as Craig Durfee wound his Fiero up and ran out of sight to all but Vince Tjelmeland. Tjelmeland followed September 1985 Durfee around the track until they entered turn one where Durfee stalled his engine allowing Tjelmeland to have a clear shot at the checkered. Tjemeland's only contender was Jim Fishback, Sr. who stayed within striking distance until he dropped out on the fourth lap. Monte Brown worked his way into second place where he finished just ahead o'f Danny Mathews. Mark Hansen held off Tony Sielski for fourth. From the start of the main event the glass started flying as all nine of the Ultra Stocks decided on the fast lane around the track. Mike Goodbody pulled his Volkswagen Golf out front, and Danny Mathews pulled in right behind him, and in front of Mark Hansen. Craig Durfee and Vince Tjelmeland were pushing and elbowing one another for position causing Tjelmeland's hood to come loose. Goodbody held the lead and on the third lap Mark Hansen put his move on Mathews. Going into the fourth lap Hansen kept his Fiero wound up and got past Goodbody for the lead. Coming through the pack was Vince Tjelmeland and right behind him was Dale Calhoun. As the checkered flag flew it was Mark Hansen winning the Ultra Stock main event and Vince Tjelmeland brought his Firebird around second. Third place went to Dale Calhoun who had started on the last row. Fourth place went to Monte Bro,wn and early leader Danny Mathews finished fifth. The 1-2-1600 entry seems to be holding tight with nine or ten entrants per race. The 1-2-1600 cars were combined with the Ultra Stockers and in some cases came home before their bigger counterparts. Rick Boyer brought his Funco across the line first in the heat race, after battling with Neil Phillips who finished second. Rob Tolleson, driving a Mirage that he said was assembled the night before, finished third ahead of Leif Christensen. Chris Brown finished fifth. In the main event Rob Tolleson pulled out the early leader, and Chris Bowen was right on his tail Bob McElvain settled in the third spot ahead of Rick Boyer. As the pack began to stretch out and race a "follow the leader" race it was apparent that Tolleson and Bill Varnes had hastily prepared the Mirage right, as he was up running with the Ultra Stockers,· fifth overall. Rob Tolleson kept his mo-mentum going and brought the Mirage around first in class, and his closest competition came from second place finisher Rick Boyer. Third place was earned by Neil Phillips and Jesse Rodriquez worked his way into fourth. Fifth went to Chris Bowen. In the Odyssey division, 18 of the mini buggies competed and at the end of the first heat it was Rennie Awana in his Honda taking the checkered flag. Awana fought off several challengers for the victory with his stiffest competition coming from Rory Holladay. In the main event things got a little shaky for the starter at the end, but from the beginning it was Rory Holladay jumping out front and pulling as much lead as possible from second place, Rennie Awana. As the checkered flag came out it was Holladay the overall/suspended winner followed by Rennie Awana, Steve Russell, and Johnnie Custom was fourth over Jim Swearingren. In the unsuspended class it was a spectacular finish by class winner Don Longanecker as he flipped his Honda at the finish line and ended up knocking down the starters stand with two flagmen in it. Luckily no one was hurt and the flag man jumped up in time to flag the rest ·of the finishers. Mike Roderrick finished second in the unsus-pended class ahead of Gary Reitsma and Don Archibald, with Steve Grier finishing fifth. Dusty Times

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NCTIONED BY:. E CANADA, INC championship autocross racing inc. Ol·D !11dfB1 /1/UPfl lli I ~ !JfLR_iii-lu,ag 239 Winser Avenue • Middletown, NY September 28 & 29, 1985 GUARANTEED PURSE: $5,000.00 plus 80% of Registration Fee. CLASSES: 1-2-1600, 1, 10, 7, 4, 3, Hobby, ATC -AND P.0.S.T. Classes. ....

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LAURENTIDE INTERNATIONAL AUTOCROSS CHALLENGE Score Canada at Notre-Dame Du Nord The Laurentide International Autocross Challenge, held way up north in Quebec at Notre-Dame du Nord, was again the event of the year for competitors in the series. Held in conjunction with the Canada Day celebration, this race brings drivers out of retirement, just to be part of the scene. Race activity takes place over three days, with a unique twist to the off track activity. The registration and tech inspection is held in the middle of town, and after that there is a colorful parade through the streets that includes the race cars and many vehicles from the host city. There is a warm reception for the participants from the local autocross committee that is formed every year to plan and organize the entire weekend. This committee is responsible for all the logistics of the race, everything from finding accommodations for the visitors and Score Canada personnel, to handling the publicity and public relations. the town team effort behind the race, Score Canada h~ only to produce the on track excitement. There w'ere some changes in 1985, and most important was that ideal surface conditions prevailed on the race course. In the past two years the event has been rlagued by torrential rains prior to the race time, and the rain made the course a mud bog instead of a race track. This year the weather was sunny, perhaps a bit too warm, as the mercury hovered in the low 90s on both days. Another change was in the course layout, and the spectator area in the infield was eliminated. Page 30 Instead, more spectator area was provided outside the actual course, and the track was considerable tighter, and all of it was visible to all the spectators. The first race of the weekend on Saturday combined the 13 cars in Class 1-2-1600 and the five Hobby cars. Score Canada's Hobby class is for novice drivers, and the vehicles, nearly all buggies, must be home made, not professional chassis. The 1984 1600 class points champion Tom Surace, from Northfield, New Jersey, dominated the early action. Surace drove his Berrien hard to a flag to flag victory. Running second all the way was Dean Dodd in his Armstrong Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Sway-A-Way, Mini-Performance backed Eastern Force team Berrien. While Surace and Dodd fought over first place, another strong performance came from 38 year old Serge Lambert in his "Action Trois" car from Text and Photos: Danny McKenzie Montreal. The third place finish was Lambert's best showing since he started racing three years ago. Coming in fourth was Gordon Zima, from Burlington, CT, in an Off-Road Depot team car. Zima came out of semi-retirement to race at Notre-Da me du Nord. Raynald Vaillancourt, from Laval, Quebec was fifth with another fine performance. Ziggy Gau-vreau from Ne,v Liskeard, Ontario, took the win in the Hobby class. In the Sunday main event in 1-2-1600, the starting order was inverted from the finishing order the day before. So, as in all other classes the winner on day one had to fight his way back to the front on day two. Off the start Quebec's Denis Boisclair powered his "Action Trois" entry into the lead in a fantastic performance from a rookie driver. Boisclair was challenged midway by Tom Surace, while After a strong run Richard Dagenais, from the Richard Buggy team, wa,s sidelined by engine trouble from the Class 10 action on Sunday. September 1985 Tom Surace beams in victory circle, being congratulated on his double win in 1-2-1600 action by Mo/son's Rene Ringuette, and the race queens. The top two racers in Class 1-2-1600, New Jersey's Tom Surace, #601, and Quebec's Dean Dodd, #602, were hard at it all weekend in their Berriens. Jim Antes, from Conway, Mass., Andre Kuch of Quebec took the and Gordon Zima fought it out Hobby class title on Sunday. for the next two spots. On lap 8 On Saturday a strong field Surace took over the lead and appeared in Class 10, and Zima got past Antes. With four watched a predicted strong run laps left, Surace looked secure, by leading Canadian racer John and Zima went after Boisclair. McPherson, from Pickering, On the tenth lap Zima made the Ontario driving the Eastern pass, and when the checkered fell Force Berrien sponsored by after 12 laps, it was Tom Surace Armstrong Tires, Bilstein who won the battle, followed by Shocks, Sway-A-Way, and Mini-Gordon Zima, Denis Boisclair, Performance. An unpredicted Jim Antes, and Richard Nadon in but equally impressive perform-a Richard Buggy. Early ance came from Claude challenger Dean Dodd was out Tetreault, from Quebec, in the with engine problems. Marc-third "Action Trois" team car. John McPherson was on form in his Berriens, winning Class 10 both days, winning one Class 1 heat and the Challenge of Champions finale race. The Class 4 action was, as usual, a benefit for Curt LeDuc who won both days in his sano Ford Ranger bodied Class 14 stormer that he built himself. Dusty Times

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lead and when the 15 laps ran out he scored a convincing victory. Lefeuvre held onto second, followed by Hunter and Fisher. Second place on Saturday in the Heavy Metal action went to Tom Andreoli in his very tidy Jeep CJ, and Tom took third in the Sunday event. · Stev_e Napier's Class 4 nailed second on Sunday, and the tailgate displays his support of the fight against the Muscular Distrophy disease. Again the Challenge of Champions was the final race of the event. With four different classes, handicapped by lap times, this was the last dash for cash, and the last chance for a year for the audience to see the off road action. The 1-2-1600s started first, followed by Class 4, 10 and 1. The handicap makes a delay start for the individual classes, and is _designed· to bring all classes into the same lap at the end of the race. The bulk of the purse goes to the overall winner, and each first in class driver gets some cash as ,veil. Doing very well this season, Normand Vaillancourt took the top honors in Class 1 in Saturday's action, but he ran out of luck on Sunday. Struck by nickel and· dime second place. On the eighth lap breakage in the past, Tetreault's Lefeuvre made the pass for modified for short course, long second. Behind .this battle, wheelbase Funco performed -Connecticut's Allen Andrioli flawlessly, and Tetreault was in and New Jersey's Dave Lofland second place from the green flag. were pressuring each other to get The challenge came from in a money paying spot. After Quebec's Normand Vaillancourt twelve laps John McPherson in a Richard Buggy, and Bill took the win, followed by Bill Lefeuvre, from Ontario, in a Lefeuvre, Claude_ Tetreault, BFGoodrich sponsored Berrien. Allen Andreoli and Dave After five laps Lefeuvre was in Lofland. third and went after Tetreault. On Sunday the battle started With McPherson leading all over again with the same cast comfortably, Lefeuvre and of characters dominating the Tetreault were fighting hard for front spots. John McPherson Bill Lefeuvre had has Berrien in the thick of the battles in Class 1 and 10, and Bill ended the weekend with the Class 1 Challenge title. came from the back to lead the first lap followed by Claude Tetreault and Richard Dagenais from the Richard Buggy team. On the sixth round Dagenais was sidelined with engine trouble, and Lefeuvre moved ahead of Tetreault in a brilliant inside corner move. There was no change in the order through the final lap of the 15 lap race. McPherson won again, followed by Lefeuvre, Tetreault, Andreoli, and Paul Robertson from Toronto. The Class 4 and 7 action is usually a benefit for the LeDuc off road team, who came to town with one idea in mind, cleaniog up in the class. The West Springfield, Mass. driver was never matched in his effort, and won both days. Curt LeDuc built the racer himself, a Class 14 by U.S. rules, with tube frame and a Ford Ranger alloy body, and Curt is backed by Ford Motorsports, Goodyear, Hooker Headers, and Holley Carburetor. Second place on Saturday went to Tom Andreoli in his beautifully prepared Off-Road Depot Jeep. It was an all American show as Steve Napier, from New York, drove his Armstrong Tires, Morris Auto Parts, Ranshaw Suspensions backed rig into third. The only Class 7 entry was Bill Walker in a Dodge Ram-SO, and he stayed tight with the big stuff. On Sunday Curt LeDuc again ran away with the race, and the finish order was Napier in second,-followed by Tom Andreoli and Bill Walker. On Saturday the Class 1 battle turned o_ut to be a war of attrition. While leading the pack John McPherson was sidelined · when his fan shroud hit the distributor cap and cracked it. Far from watching the race from the sidelines, McPherson sprinted a quarter mile to the pits, got another distributor cap, and returned to fix his Berrien so he could finish the race. Meanwhile Bill Lefeuvre had his Berrien in the lead, closely tagged by Normand Vaillancourt, Dave Lofland, and Claude Tetreault. Dave Hunter, in Ed Righter's E-Bea-R Racing Chenowth Magnum was fifth. After four laps the top three remained in formation, but T etreault's Funco was stopped, and -Richard Dagenais moved into fourth ahead of Hunter. Race leader Bill Lef euvre was pouring on the coal, and -Normand Vaillancourt was pressuring hard for the lead. On Bob "Hay Bale" Hanna, from Ontario, flies his odd looking single seater over the seventh round Lefeuvre was the lumps on the stadium style cCJurse at Notre-Dame du Nord. · · out with a broken tranny, and Dusty Times September 1985 Vaillancourt had the lead. Two laps later -Dagenais grabbed second from Lofland, and. Lofland retired from the fray. Dagenais was right on top of Vaillancourt when his car slowed visibly, and although ht got it running, he was back in the pack. A lap later Vaillancourt won the race, followed by Dave Hunter, from New York, and Dean Fisher from New Jersey. On the Sunday start Dave Hunter grabbed the lead in the Magnum and stayed there for two laps. Then John McPherson had cleared the traffic and took over the lead on the third round. A lap later Bill Lefeuvre also passed Hunter to move into second, and Dean Fisher and Ed Righter were close behind Hunter. McPherson stretched his It was no surprise to see John McPherson make up the handicap handily and win the Challenge in his multi sponsored Berrien. The 1600 winner was Nick Andre·oli in the OffRoad Depot car, Class 4 went to Curt leDuc, and Class 1 honors went to Bill Lefeuvre. · Special thanks are due to Molson Breweries of Canada for their support in presenting and promoting the Laurentide International Autocross Chal-lenge once again. Thanks also go to the Autocross Committee-of Notre-Dame du Nord for taking care of so many details involved in this big show, and to the people who live in Notre-Dame du Nord for being so very hospitable. After being sidelined on Sunday with engine problems, Dean Dodd gave Tom Surace the signal that Tom had a long lead in Class 1-2-1600. CAREFUL! WE'RE CONTAGIOUS CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 31

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A.D.R.A. High Country 150 By Daryl D. Drake Photos: 3-D Photography · Larry Noel not only won the Overall and Pro 2 honors, he also won a set of Yokohama tires in a drawing. Some guys have all the luck! This -year's July_ race in: the A.D.R.A. Desert Championship Series had a brand new sponsor and a brand new course with something for ever_yone just north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Sixty racers turned out for the drawing for starting order held at Evans Tire in Phoenix the Tuesday before tne race. Arizona Desert Racing Associ-ation President Phil Auernheimer announced that Dodge is inter-ested in forming a support program and was helping to promote the race. Perhaps some-thing like an "8S" class may be in the works. Some A .D .R.A. racers have run Dodge 4 cyl. engines in their buggies - any-way the Dodge "Ram Power" logo was displayed on all race literature and talks are progressing. Representatives from Yoko-hama Tires were there as well, extolling the virtues of their off road offerings. Two,sets of tires were given away, one to Wayne Wood that evening, another to Larry Noel in a drawing after the race. In all, eighty-two vehicles entered the "High Country 150," down from 105 last year. Eighty. started, in the three A.D.R.A. divisions: Pro, Sports-man and Beginner. Only, forty-one finished. . , The race site was moved north about six miles from last year's Cinder Lake event (see DT Aug. '84) due to conflicts with play buggy and ATV enthusiasts. But in that short move, Arizona's high country offered up many types of terrain as opposed to the all cinder run last time. The "cinders" by the way, are volcanic residue deposited by eruptions around 1066 A.O. They're lightweight black and red pebbles sever11l feet deep. Pine and juniper poke up here and there. The conditions ·are similar to driving through styrofoam packing pellets. Now .drive uphill! The camping/pit area was under a tall stand of trees in a valley northeast of Sunset Crater National Monument. As always, no pre-running was allowed, but this year the first three miles of the route was opened up as a "jetting loop." It included a fast run on dirt south towards Robinson Mountain, where a twisty trail to the west led uphill to a saddle between two cinder cones. O.ver the crest, the surface turned to cinders and a slide down the either side. On dirt again, the loop headed north towards Medicine Valley, where a low speed return road led to the pits. This gave all who arrived on Friday ample opportunity to sort out carburetion, etc. North through Medicine Valley, the thirty-three mile route ran downh{ll into Deadman Mesa across pine needles, grass, dirt, rocks and silt. While big pines were obstacles on the hills'. junipers in the middle elevations caught more cars. This section of the course had some real tight corners with nasty surprises. One cryptic warning said "Tree." Turning east on Deadman Flat, the racers wound through scrub brush until they reached a high· speed powerline road that took them to the Strawberry Crater area, and of course, cin'ders. Turning west into O'Leary Basin, the route began to climb and the ruts began to deepen. The trail up towards O'Leary Peak snaked along, creating fun berms for the early runners, three-foot ruts for the late starters. · Where the hillside got too steep to, climb, the trail turned north again, running downhill to Deadman Mesa along a ridge road. With the dirt and rocks again, the route then turned southwest and went up over a pass about a mile from O'Leary's 8916 ft. summit. Down the mountain was a fun · ride with lots of water bars (kind of like speed bumps, only bigger, used to control erosion). Everybody got some air off those. And a couple tight switchbacks kept things interest-ing. At the bottom, a fast forest road returned the racers to the pits. Once again, rain soaked the pits on Friday,,keeping dust to a minimum but making jetting difficult. A.D.R.A. wants to give special thanks to the Forest Service for helping fin:d an acceptable route through the area. Over a thousand archeologiqil finds have been discovered nearby~ and except for a: couple "no passing" zones, no COl)flicts arose between modern and ancient man. In fact, even most of the non-finishers had a great time in the beautiful, cool mountains. The five lap Pro q1ce began at 8:00 a.m. Twenty.of the twenty-one entries started, with Pro l0's Mel Jarvis taking the role of flagman after he suffered 'engine troubles right off the trailer. The start-order found Pro 2 leading off, followed by 10, 5, 1, 5-1600 and 4. The racers would leave one every minute to minimize congestion and dust in the archeologically sensitive areas. Jerry Finney was first off in his Chaparral Tandem, with John Gray (Brandwood), Jim Everett (Woods Vulcan), Wayne Wood (Woods Vulcan), and Larry Noel (Chaparral) giving chase. Finney held his lead on the road until the third lap, but Noel was catching up. Everett got a flat early on, then suffered transmis-sion troubles finally going out before Check 3 on the first lap. · Wood also had tire problems that stretched his first lap time to 5:04:52. Gray held on to third but got stuck on a tree and lost some time. Finney lost his lead when his exhaust system started coming apart. He fixed that only to have a fuel pump fail and decided to1 park after three laps. By this point, due to the higher-than-anticipated lap times, a decision was made to drop the fifth lap. Noel went on to the win in the Kennedy & Noel Construqion. Chaparral picking up the Overall as well with a time of 3:11.07. Gray hung on for second Pro 2, 40 minutes back, with Wood bringing up the rear at 8:14:19. Noel called the race "Fun -Cool and nice," and said his only troubles were getting around ~lower traffic on the tight course. In Pro 10, Dwight Lundell and hi-s Dirtrix racer left first, followed by Jerry Yates (Funco ), Bob Austin (Dirtrix) and Ed Beard (Chaparral). Lundell held the lead on the first circuit, with Austin and Beard getting around Yates, running less than a minute behind Lundell. Beard was out front on time. Near the end of the second lap, Lundell broke a front brake drum and went-out. Austin was already out with two flat rear tires. Beard went on to the win and Second 0/ A, turning in a time of 3:16:35 in the Beard's Super-Seats/ Y okohama/Dunc Brown Toyota powered Chaparral. He said "it took half a lap to get by everyone I caught -the dust and trees are ·thick." He enjoyed some cooling showers along the way and commented "there's a lot of broken cars out there." Earning second in Pro 10, Jerry Yates ran consistent laps a'nd finished with a time of 4:25:53. Tying Pro 2 for entries, Pro 5 fielded five contenders, all capable of winning. Keith Jaeger moved into the Pro ranks and got the first start at-the drawing. His Dirtrix Baja was followed by Pete Sohren (Dirtrix), Brad Person (Dirtrix), Jack Dinsmore (home-made) and Pete Dunshie (Dirtrix ). Jaeger knew he could give no quarter and ran hard, but too hard, since he clipped a tree on his third lap and destroyed his right rear suspension. Person, in the Diehl Equip-men t/Dirtrix convert, moved into the lead and held it to the finish, picking up Third 0 / A at 3:20:50. He said he had lots of close calls and creamed a rock on his last lap as his brakes faded. He also added that he would· have never got around Sohren except that "Pete was running a little motor." Pete Dunshie caught Sohren on the third l'ap and ran smooth to garner second Pro 5 with a time of 4:01:22. Sohren was nearly an hour back from Person at the finish after hitting a car obscured by the dust, breaking a rear caliper and a distributor cap and getting stuck in the cinders. Jennifer James, Sohren's co0 Ed Beard started at the back in Pro 10, but finished.second overall, and took the class honors driving a keen Toyota powered Chaparral. Bill Capatch, #115, makes a tight pass on David Ludtke, #113. Except for an encounter with some low hanging branches, Tom Capatch went on to win first overall Sportsman and Sportsman , Higgins and Rich Cada had a good run, taking Sportsman 1600 Hopping through the pine trees, Steve McAnn had lots of traffic to contend with, but he picked up the Sportsman 1 trophy in his Vulcan. Ciass 10. · · Ltd and second OJA. Page 32 September 1985 . Dusty Times ...

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Bill Garrett had no troubles on course, took over the lead in the five car 5-1600 Sportsman class midway and won class honors easily. · · Stuart Calve/age started last in the Beginner run, ran through dust, sleet, hail and ran to win overall and take the Unlimited trophy too. Bruce Milts ran welt, taking the Beginner 1600 Limited class by _12½ minutes, and his Chenowth was second overall Beginner ~Q -driver said, "It was a good race, with a good, aggressive driver -he made it exciting/' Meanwhile, Jack Dinsmore was still figuring out how to get out of the tree he· ended up in on his first lap, Pro 1 was a game of attrition for its four starters. Tom Zentner (Chaparral) led Greg Christy (homemade), Carl Perez (Chap-arral), and Tim Kennedy (Chaparral) off the line. , We didn't think Chfisty's short-wheelbase car stood a ghost of a chance but he was leading at the end of the first lap by eleven minutes. Unfortu-nately, he never completed his second lap. Carl Perez in his Mazda-motored machine was second after losing third gear thirteen miles out, and Zentner, whose engine was overheating, ran third. , Tim'Kennedy heard the motor explode not long after he had passed Perez at abm1t the ten mile mark. Zentner got past Perez on the second lap and kept his eye on the oil -temperature. He ,was never able up;but with Perez missing a gear, took the class win with a time of 3:53:39. The MBI Racing/Palmer's Custom Speed/Pat Hughes Performance Chaparral was Fourth 0/A as well. Perez finished with a time of 4:09:49. Only one Pro 5-1600 raced, that of Ron Gardner. He only ran three laps in 5:19:04 but the Bug Car Port/Competition Concepts Baja was awarded a finish. And Don Coffland was alone in Pro 4. He had alternator and battery troubles, ran two laps iri 2:90:31, but a finish was given to· the Tuba City Truck Stop/Fire-stone/Dirtrix/Desert Suspen-sions sponsored CJ-8. Once again, the Sportsman· division drew the ·largest crowd, with forty-nine starters out of fifty entries. Class start order found the ·ss kaving first, with the 2s, 10s, 1600 Ltds., ls, 5-1600s, 4s and the lone Challenger giving chase for three laps. Pat Brown led the turtles on the road for the first lap although Mike Longley was three seconds ahead on time. Tim Zane was in the hunt too, with George Telles about ten minutes back. · Just past the three-mile mark, near the pits, the crews and fans gathered near a jump. Zane put his Bug into orbit off this one to the Crowd's delight. He hit this harder than anyone else we saw in all three divisions. Not only that, but his trajectory was such that he landed soft as a feather, never bottoming. Others, taking it easy, did nose-drops and pop-ups, landing hard. · But, even with a long last lap, Dusty Times Brad Person ran with fading brakes, but stil/'managed to win Pro 5 in the Oirtrix convertible, and he picked up third overall as well. Brown's Dirtrix/Station 1 / Racekraft/Pat Hughes Perform-ance/Barry's Chrome Shop sedan won at 3:17:16, 11th 0/ A, when Longley dropped out on the second lap and Zane went down in the third. Telles had some exhaust troubles and cinder sliding too, taking second in class, tbree )Tlinutes b!}ck. Seven cars started in · Sports-man 2, one finished. Glenn Hennessey (Woods Vulcan) was first off, followed by Jay Voelkner (Beard's), Gray Hendricks (Sandhawk), Torri ~a!'tos (Hi-Jumper), Curt Short (Funco ), Todd McCormick (Sandhawk), and Mark Lundell (Dirtdx). Voelkner got by on _the.first lap- while Lundell led Short on· time. McCormick took along pit stop, Hendricks was out with unknown woes, and Bartos suffered engine failure. Lundell took off the left rear wheel on his second lap, and Voelkner had his steering box disintegrate, putting Short in the lead with Hennesseyin second. But Short never showed at the finish and Hennessey brought the Bandit Racing/ A Diamond Pool/B&D Distributing Woods Vulcan in with a dme of 3:21 :07 for 16th 0/ A. Hennessey said he'd lost third and fourth gear on the first lap, pitted and fixed it -"A $2 part." He ran okay after that. "The cinders were the worst part, ruts two-three foot deep and whooped out," said Hennes-sey, "I'm 6'7" and my knees were really banging the dash. Gotta be twenty-five cars out there, wheels off, flats, into trees." With sixteen entries, Sports-man 10 had the biggest field of the day, all tough competitors. Steve McArthur (Brand wood) left first, followed by Jerry Lockridge (Sandhawk), David Ludtke (Chenowth); Greg Oswesky (Funco ), Jeff Sanders (Beard's), Bill Capatch (Brand-wood), Gary Cohen (Chaparral), Ca s ey Fraser ( S a n d h a wk ), Danny Van Keuren (Funco ), Jim Allison (Hi-Jumper), Rod Leon (homemade), Craig Wilde (Woods Vulcan), Mike Gertsen (Chenowth), Gary Jo·hnson (Chaparral), Steve Baker (Woods Vulcan), and Larry Vittitow (L&Mr , McArthur held the-lead on the road for the first lap, but Johnson was over two minutes ahead on time. Lockridge was out when a valve cover leaked and he lost all his oil. His new Sandhawk was running fifteen seconds behind McArthur when it stopped. I heard Alltson's tranny go "clunk" from 100 yards away near the end of the loop, and he coasted into his pits. Casey Fraser was out, too. Jeff Sanders pitted with engine troubles only three miles out. He overcame these only to suffer a flat and a 4:02:30 first lap. The rest of the pack were less than ten minutes behind the leader. On the second lap things begin to spread out and Capatch · moved into the lead after Johnson got way out front only to roll. While 'helping to right Johnson, McArthur fell back, and then his throttle cable broke. Steve Baker's short-wheelbase machine was working well and he moved into -second. Oswesky, Cohen, and Ludtke were clos_e behind as the rest fell back. Capatch went on in the Desert VW Specialists Toyota powered Brandwood to win and take the First Overall Sportsman spot with a time of 2:45.29. His only troubles were a loose distributor on the first lap, traffic and broken cars, he said, praising his Yokohama tires as well. . Craig Wilde came back for second in class, twenty-seven minutes back, with Steve Baker third six more minutes back and David Ludtke fourth, nineteen seconds behind Baker. Gary Johnson kept it rightside up the September 1985 . Greg Christy set thff hot tap for Pro 1, an amazing feat in the short whe~lbase racer, but, Christy vanished during the second tap._ · Among the Pro entries was the lone 5-1600 driven by Ron Gardner, and he covered three laps in the Bug and was awarded a finish. rest of the way for fifth. Chenowth in first m class, Eight starters yielded five Second 0/ A at 2:49:51. finishers in 1600 Ltd. competi-Ed Faulkner was second 1600 tion, but 1984 Series Champ Ltd. at 3.02:20, Ben Pierpont Tom Higgins, first off, never third at 3:06:49, Jim Covey looked back and brought the fourth at 3:08:33, and Troy Rob's Race Fabrication/Metro Churchman was fifth, back at Au to Parts /Spencer's Arco (continued on page 35) CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE CROWN MFG. - RAPID COOL 0 • - . . · TRI MIL - WESTERN AUTO TIRES . - BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE ~HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V Oflroad -Raceeat , \))P' BEARD SEATS-PARKER PUMPER Parts & Accessones . TECJIM '.Il..R_ES -:-. SlJPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS·- KC HILITES _: McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE R4CINC •Huts SWAY-A ·WAYco., ~ I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 e (818) 764-6438 Page 33

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Berrienliuis ~.l::::r:..-~ o-o~ First Formula Tire Off Road Classic in Chicago is a Success Photos: Gil' Parker Young Todd Attig not only won his heat race in the 1-2-1.600 car that he built with his dad, but he carried on to lead from flag to flagJn the main event. · Santa Fe Speedway is located southwest of Chicago and is a 1/2 mile dirt stock car track. This is the first time the off-road cars have used thi; facility and by all I could see the race was a success. I heard no official count, but it is estimated that there were between · 5,000 and 6,000 spectators in the stands. The track was laid outso·that it used a part of the oval and most of the infield. There were several jumps and turns, one a horseshoe turn that caused trouble for several drivers. There has been rain at every Berrien Autocross race except the Memorial Day 100 this year, so the dry weather was welcomed by all of the drivers. There were two ten minute practices scheduled; but the track owner was n"ot aware that the program was going to start as early as it did and failed to make arrangements for the ambulance so everything was put on hold until the ambulance arrived. This caused the practices to be reduced to one for each class of cars, and ten minutes ·really wasn't enough time for the drivers to get their cars and tires dialed in. The $5,000 additional purse was put up by Armstrong Tire Company, Phil's, Inc, and the track owner. Armstrong Tire is getting into racing in a big way and you can expect to see their name more often in connection with all kinds of racing events including off road racing. The heat races and the consolation event were each 10 laps long while the main event in each class was 15 laps. The first four finishers in each went to the main event with the two top finishers in the consolation going to the main., The first heat of the evening was the 1-2-1600 class. They . lined up eight strong with Kevin Probst on the pole in his Berrien, and Larry Krieman in a Funco, Chuck Williams in a Berrien and Dick Knudson in an Extermin-ator in that order. Kevin came ;ff the line in first and was never headed. Kreiman and Williams followed flag to flag in second and third. The fourth place spot was held alternately by Knudson, Steve Schaeffer in a Berrien and· Gail Brockie in his own chassis design; but Gail was in that spot for the last two laps when it · counted and he finished there. The second heat again saw eight cars on the line-up grid and Karl W uesthoff in his Berrien was on the pole. Karl got a' bad start, however, and came off the line in third place. Todd Attig in his Exterminator. was first and stayed there to the finish with Hilding Brannstrom in second flag to flag. Finishing fourth was Bill Wallish in a Funco. The Production Class was next. This class consisted of 4 x 4 and 2 wheel drive production trucks and Jeeps. Bruce McKinney in a CJ7 was never challenged for first place. Reuben Johnson in a Jeep held second for two laps when he suddenly dropped out to move Bob Gierke from Ohio in a CJ7, into second. Bob managed to hang on to second place for three laps; Then he pulled off the track with mechanical problems. This moved Chuck Johnson in his Ford Ranger into second place where he finished. Bob Gierke managed to get moving again and he finished fourth ahead of Swinson. Jan Dudiak, in a CJ7, came off the start line in first place in the second heat of the production class, and he led for two laps when he was passed by Goeff Kevin Probst had an easy run, in his Berrien, in the 1600second heat to victory, but he had to settle second in the 13 car main event. Illinois racer Geoff Dorr did the number in front of his home state crowd, winning his heat race and the truck main event in the Jeep CJ 8. Dorr driving a CJ8. Goeff was never- challenged and Dudiak finished second with Rick Grove in a CJ5 coming in third. The fastest class of the evening was the Super 1650s. Jeff Probst in his Berrien Laser was on the pole, followed by Mike Reusche in a funco, Chuck Johnson in a Pro Tech, and Bruce Brannstrom in a Mirage. Scott Taylor's Eliminator moved from seventh place to first by the end of the first lap. He was quickly passed by Bruce Brannstrom who stayed in first to the .checkered flag. Mike Paulson and Taylor were dueling for position when they both came off a jump one behind the other and the front end of Paulson's car caught under the rear _cage of Taylor's car. They proceeded to the pit area in this fashion where they were finally separated, but they were two laps down by this time and -out of contention. Meanwhile Reusche moved into second for one lap, but was passed by Rod Attig driving a Berrien. Attig hung onto second to the finish followed by Reusche and Chuck Johnson. Jeff Probst and Johnson had tangled early on in this race. and Jeff dropped out after only t\VO laps with problems due to this incident. Heat #2 .saw Kevin Probst in his Berrien on the pole with Lee Wuesthoff driving a Chenowth, Mike Pa:rker in a Berrien Laser and Art Schmitt lining up right behind him. Probst, Schmitt, Parker and Wuesthoff came off the line in that order. Parker spun out on the horseshoe turn and by lap 3 had dropped to fourth place with Wuesthoff passing him to take third. Kevin was never challenged and at the · finish it was Probst, Schmitt, Wuesthoff and Parker in Super 1600 action. There were eight. cars in the consolation·· race for Class 1-2-1600 with Steve Shaeffer sitting on the pole and David Wailing in a Hi Jumper right next to him. Walling came off the line first ahead of Schaeffer. By lap3 Steve had passed Wailing to take first place where he stayed for two laps. W a!Hng then regained first place and he and Schaeffer continued to battle for the lead until Steve made the last lap pass to win at the checkered with Walling· a close second. There was a race for third place as well between Ramiro Gonzalez and Wayne Brown until Brown· hit the wall and lost three places. This moved Matt Anderson into fourth \Vhere he finished behind Schaeffer, Wailing and Gonzalez. There were six cars in the Super 1650 consolation race. Bruce Mckinney started out strong in his Jeep CJ 7, winning his heat race, but ended up 3rd in the Production truck main event. Driving the only 7S entry, Chuck Johnson got his Ford Ranger around second in the heat race, and fourth in the main, first two wheel drive. · Bruce Brannstrom led nearly all the way in the first Class 10 heat, but, after a good start, he faded to fifth in the busy main event. Page 34 September 1985 Dusty Times

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Mike Paulson got hung up, literally, in his Class 10 heat, came back to win the consolation, and fought his way into second in the main. Art Schmitt had a busy night in Class 10 with a third in the heat cace, and a close fourth in the hectic main event at the Speedway. Lee Wuesthoff was third in his hea( in the' Chenowth Magnum, and the Wisconsin racer was running with the leaders when he retired from the main event. However, just b~fore the green flag dropped Jeff Probst pulled into the infield. His motor was making noises and he decided it would be best not to run. Art Pederson led for two laps, but Scott Taylor soon passed him, and it was a battle between the two of them for several laps. Mike Paulson got around Schmitt and Pederson to take second and then Paulson and Taylor were battling for ffrst. On the horseshoe turn Paulson managed to pass Taylor in lap 7, and Mike finished first with Taylor second, Schmitt third and Don Ponder fourth. The 1-2-1600 main event saw 13 cars on the starting grid.Todd Attig beat all of them off the line and was challenged immediately HIGH COUNTRY 250 ____ ,.,_rom page 33). ______ _ 3:50:26. Randy Miller and Mary O'Brien went out after one lap, as did Keith Randall after two. In Sportsman 1, it was Scott Calvelage (Funco ), Steve McAnn (Woocls Vulcan), Jim Travis (Chenowth), and Winn Ames (Chaparral). Travis was quickest but broke not long after catching McAnn, who'd been dicing with Calvelage. McAnn got_. the Woods Off Road Products/ Arizona Dust Devils Woods Vulcan into the lead and held it, turning in a time of 2:54:39 for Third 0 / A . Calvelage finished with a 3:02:04 and Ames never completed a lap. Five cars took the green flag in 5-1600, two finished. Port Campbell, first off, never got around once and neither did Pete Gannon. Chuck Edwards came in with his right front wheel strapped on the side of his yellow zonker. Bill Garrett and Don Weiser traded the lead a couple times, but Weiser lost time on the third lap whe_n his alternator came apart and Garrett brought the LGS Construction/Interstate Wreck Rebuilders Baja in at 3:28:26, 18th 0 / A. Weiser took second, 1:05:00 back. David Lee, first off in Sports-man 4, scattered the troops when he came into the approach to the big jump hotaiid crossed up. His long-legged Dodge pickup held the lead 'till alternator troubles let his battery die. Jack Bailey and his Scout SSII were next off, but Buck Griffin in Coffland's CJ-8 was first in at the end of one lap, two minutes ahead. The Jeep lost another alternator and had to do a battery swap with a pit truck; but Gtiffin was hot, and finished at 2:58:31, for Fourth 0/ A! That must've Dusty Times by Kevin Probst for several laps. However, Kevin could not get around Attig and they finished first and second with Hilding Brannstrom, never being challenged for third, coming in right behind them. Karl Wuesthoff took the checkered flag in fourth position. The Production Class main event was next. Goeff Dorr came off the line first and he was never headed. Jan Dudfak and Bruce McKinney went flag to flag for second and third. Charlie Kutchen and Chuck Johnson had a fight for fourth with Johnson finally coming out on top to finish ahead of Kutchen. Kevin Probst was on the pole for the Super 1650 main event. He was off the line ahead of everyone else and went flag to flag for the win. Bruce Brannstrom was second for six laps when Lee Wuesthoff finally got around him. Paulson then passed Bruce, and Paulson and Wuesthoff were battling for second with Paulson eventually coming out on top. Wuesthoff dropped out of the race after 11 laps with mechanical problems and did not finish. Art Schmitt finished in fourth and Bran-nstrom was fifth. I talked with promoter Chris Raffo after the race and he told me that the track owner was impressed with the show and had already given Chris a date for next year. So, it looks like there will be a race at· Santa Fe Speedway again in 1986. All in Don Coffland's Jeep CJ 8 was plagued by attemator problems, but Don got the Class 4 win among Pros and Buck Griffin won in Sportsman 4. · been a wild Jeep ride! Bailey hung on for second in 4 at 3:09:54 and Lee, running again, broke some shock mounts, and parked after one lap. Gary Crother, all alone in the A.D.R.A. Challenger class, only made one lap. Along with the reports of rain, broken cars, dust, ruts, and ditches came word of a fire alongside the course on Deadman Mesa. This delayed the start of the Beginner race while the A .D .R .A. safety crew investi-gated. The "blaze," apparently lightning-caused, had about burnt itself out when the crew found it. Less than twenty square feet were scorched, but the crew wet down the area and stirred the ashes to make sure it was out. Pity the twelve Beginners who raced for two laps in what was obviously the worst conditions of the day. Parts of the course were hot and dusty, parts were rainy, and all of it was rough . . · Glenn Hennessey had to pit to fix .the missing third and fourth gear, but he ~-came back to w·in the Sportsman 2 title in his Woods Vulcan. September 1985 · Kevin Probst led from wire to wire in the Berrien Laser in his Class 1 O heat race, and did the same act in the main event, a convincing performance. all it was a good weekend and a successful race. Official results were not available at press time. The finishing order listed here is how it looked on race night. Pat Brown put a lot of time _and effort into his slick Baja, and even with some trouble on the last tap, he took the win in Sportsman 5. Stuart Calvelage took the family Funco around fastest for both laps, earning the Beginner Overall and Unlimited trophies with a time of 1 :51 :24. In Second, Bruce Mills and his· Chenowth took the Ltd. dass. David Watson (Brandwood), Nancy Sanders (Chenowth), Ron Howard (Chaparral) and Bob Burns (Hi-Jumper) made up the rest of the finishers. · On the second lap, the Beginners were treated to a deluge on the back half of the loop and when they reached the Black Cinder Hills, the ground was white. Driving into the hailstorm, the racers were pelted by hailstones, sleet, and. r.ain so thick visibility approached zero in spots. But that's July racing in Arizona's mountain wonderland. Brand wood picked· up the Manufacturers' Cup this time, and Beard's SuperSeats took home the Sponsors' Roving Trophy. C.O.R.E. PIT TEAM C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. C.O.R.E. also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors. Get all the information on C.O.R.E. Jim Branstetter, President, (818) 705-8183, 17453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys, CA 91406. Page 35

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SUPERSTITION 150 II Mike Julson Wins Overall Text & Photos: Richard K. Schwalm Mike Julson drove his swift Class 10 Jimco all alone to take the overall victory on the warm night run in the desert. He said it was a fun 'race and he was ready to do another lap! · · At the bottom end of California, between· the Salton Sea and-the Mexican border, in the middle of a U.S. Naval Aerial Gunnery Range is the Ancient Ory Lake Bed. An ideal site for the second Superstition 250 Off Road race hosted by the honorable Fudpucker Racing Team. Race central, start/ finish area, pit row, and home check point were located on the parched, jig-saw shaped mud floor of the lake bed. The fifty-five mile. course contained two loops. The North Loop ran across th_e lake bed, along a flat pole line road, over a sandy trail at the-base of the Superstition Mountains, through some mud hills and dmvn a sand wash past the start/ finish area. The twenty-five mile South Loop continued down the sand wash, over _ some whoops and a few "gotchas" to Plaster City, then back up the lake bed through the straight Pedal-2-Mefal Freeway, made a sharp right, and across to horn~ check and the finish line. Long time desert rat and race promoter, Fudpucker, personally placed reflecting Dayglow markers every tenth-of-a-mile on the right-hand side the entire course. "Some people have driven over this whole area," said Fud. "But I'm the only one that has walked over every square foot." Due to the usual daytime heat, about 110 degrees in the shade of a pucker bush, tech inspection and a short drivers' meeting was in the late afternoon and then the four lap race began promptly at six o'clock Saturday night. The starting order was determined by a drawing from the mail-in entries and late entries in their sign up order. A few racers signed up so close to the deadline they had to suit up inside their . race car while it was still on the trailer. · One at a time,· every thirty seconds, forty-five hearty racers in seven classes headed into the bright afternoon sun. Last year's overall and Class 5 winner, Smitty, from Chula Vista, CA, was waved off the line first. But Steve Schmidt's hopes of defending his title were ended in the night by unrepairable clutch trouble. Bob Renz and Dick Clark were able to keep their Open Unlimited Class Raceco up front with a total time of 4:09.50 for a class win and a third overall finishing position. Only four minutes behind came Doug Robertson in second spot and fourth overall: Third place went to John Kaiser in his sleek silver Porsche powered Raceco. Looking a bit out of place, but finishing fourth in the Open Unlimited Class, was the stock Fargo in their BF Tire Bug. Big Toyota 4X4 of George "Giti" Time Racing Team's Phil Gowland and Ron Spates. "Our Malabanan finished in fo1,1rth an first lap was clean and we could hour later. The last class finisher tell where we were all the time," was Lupe "Bad Luck" Garcia explained co-driver Spates. "But living up to his nickname ~vith at night on the second lap, we 8:43.39 <m the clock. In sixth were down with a broken front place, with only three laps run, drive line. It also wiped out the was the Budweiser sponsored clutch slave cylinder. Then our Bug of Brawley locals, Robert brake pedal broke off and we had and Kyle Whitted and Carl to weld on a pair of vice grips as a. Haynes. substitute." Last year's Open The overall honors went to a Unlimited winner, Dick Walker, Class 10 car driven by Mike managed to complete three laps Julson with a hot time of 3:53.30 despite mechanical problems in in his Jimco. When asked about his Chevy pickup, but that was his solo drive at the finish line, good enough for a fifth place. Mike said, " It was a lot offun and In Class 1-1600, Bob Hummel everything went great. I could do and Mark Cooper put their another lap. I really enjoyed this Hummel powered Jimco in first race." And then the happy Jimco place with a time of 4:46.05. Gang from Lakeside , CA, Forty minutes back came doused him with cold beer. just Michael Acosta and Phil Green's-five minutes back, in second second place Chenowth. Farther spot, came the Greg Hibbs and down the road, finishing in third, Mike Falkosky Chenmvth. "I've came Spring Valley's Mike - always wanted to drive a per)onal Brislin and John Richardson in rocket ship," said the Class 7S their Hospital Liquidator Hi-trucker: _ Third went to Scott Jum~1er. Nash. And the fourth place Class 2-1600 had 6nly one car finishers were Tcidd Fetter_ and completing all four laps. San Todd Teuscher, also _trom Diego's John Modica and his Lakeside along to join the family four co-drivers won in their celebration. Chenowth with a time of John Neff swept the "Run 4:34.36. Second place went to What )'.a Brung" Class 100 with first time racers, Mark Voyles a solid 4:46.26 in his Rocket. and Bob Scott, in their Voyles Larry Wyatt was second with a VW ORC from Arcadia. They 6:25.15. Brian Goodrich and Jon were able to complete only three Lenander landed their Hi-laps due to a worsening engine Jumper in third after 8:37.0001:_ misfire .that caused many repair the course. Nonfinisher, Jett stops on the course. But pit Wright, had his Pinto powered helper and Baja 1000 Class 5 Tri Hull humming along with its winner, Jim Cocores, traced the front mounted radiator, until the problem to silt in the distributor. night gremlins attacked. "Ifwe could have put in a sealed Another entry from Lakesi_de, unit instead of trying to fix it on the John Ehmke and Mark the dusty course, they would Newhan Class 6 .Chevy El have been able to finish the four Camino with the tall chrome laps," said the bearded Cocores. exhaust stacks, held their lead for Late entrant, Mark Steele and a win with a time of 6:09.48. John Johnson, fresh from their John Hutchison and Hal Graves Fireworks 250 class win in tried to get their 1965 Flird Barstow, won the 5-1600 class in Mustang to trot, but it never 4:46.15. That was twenty-eight quite got the message and did not minutes ahead of last year's finish the first lap. defending class winner, Andy Early the next morning, only a DeVercelly II, from Coronado. fe\V' hours after the official eight Third place went to Bill and John (continued on page 38) · Fireworks 250 Class 5-1600 winners, Mark Steele and John Johnson continued on their winning streak and took first in class honors-again. · In their first time out in the car, Mark Voyles and Bob Scott took a second in Class 2-1600, and had serious electrical troub/es·along the way. The hard charging Chevy El Camino driven by John Ehmke and Mark Newhan got through the soft stuff, and was the sole survivor and Class 6 winner. A very happy Mike Julson receives the overall winner's congratulations from the Superstition II organizer Otis Fudpucker, better known as Fud. Page 36 The class winner last year, the 5-1600 of Andy Devercelly and son had to settle for 2nd in class for the Coronado Racing Team entry. September 1985 Taking a rare fling at the desert these days, former champion Doug Robertson drove the Bi/stein Class 2 to a close second in open category. Dusty Times

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FORDA'S THREE HOUR ENDURANCE RACE The Crowder Cracker 150 Text & Photos: John Sprovkin Sco_tt Gundeck, left, and Jerry Allen had a very close dice that went on most of the three hours. Gundeck edged Allen at the flag for the Class D victory. second on the next round. During the third lap he lost his goggles, which impaired his vision enough to cause him to stray off course into the muddy ditch. He was finally able to get out and to the pits, after the fourth lap, but the unlimited engine was running on three cylinders. Jimmie decided to call it a day also. Meanwhile, Carlton Jackson, Scott Haire and Ken Burkert were fighting it out for the lead, and exchanged positions often throughout the race. The only problem Carlton had was when the hood came apart after he · landed hard from a-jump. Haire lost a tire off the rim, and later on he had a stub axle bearing failure. Burkert was stuck in the mud, and then lost his clutch. Dennis Ard started off in good shape, in fifth after one lap, and he was gaining ground until the sixth round when the engine started running too hot. In the pits the cooler was changed, but it didn't help, so Dennis ended his race day at that point, being credited with fifth in unlimited class. When the three hours ran out it was Carlton Jackson in first place in the open class, with thirty-seven laps completed. Ken Burkert was second, covering twenty-seven laps, and Bruce Mitchum was third with twenty-one rounds done. Scott Haire . was awarged fourth place in class. The highly competitve drivers in Class 1-2-1600 brought home the top overall honors for all classes, arriving first, second and third overall. Bruce Bennett did it his way, completing the first lap in front of the group, and he continued leading the class with · -the endurance and determination of a veteran driver. Br.uce had no visible mechanical problems, but he had to stay on his toes to stay ahead of the stiff competition. New to the class this year, Mark Bicker had everything going for him. He started out finishing the first lap in se'{enth spot, ~nd by the sixth lap he was up to second. During the second lap Terry Clark got into the same mud hole that had caught Tom T oia. Eight laps later Clark finally got out of t!1e morass and got under way again. Rick Dickens covered four laps before he dropped out with shifting problems. Glen Stephens got off to a slow start, taking his time on the first lap. The problems seemed cured theri, and he ran strong for 22 more laps, before retiring with a smoking engine. Joe Cunningham was fifth after one lap, and he moved up to second during the next round, and ran in second until the sixth lap. Then-he had to pit with a broken clutch. Repairs were made, and Joe i;.- i;.- i;.-Bruce Bennet drove alone in his 1-1600, and he drove the farthest Mark Bicker, #602, shoots past the D car of Marty Pounds off a the fastest, besting the entire entry to take first overall honors. , jump en route to a great second 1600 class and overall in his rookie.year in the class. · Bruce Mitchum led overall in the early laps, here followed by eventu_al open class winner Carlton Jackson, but troubles dropped him to third at the finish. The Florida Off Road Drivers Association midsummer three hour endurance race, the Crowder Cracker 150, took place on Sunday, July 7 this year. The place, as always, was the Crowder Pits outside of Tallahassee, Florida, and as usual was hosted by the owner, genial Jimmie The day, was sunny with an occasional cloud drifting by, but the humidity was high, and there was very little breeze. The track was engulfed with mud from the heavy storm the night before, turning all the cars the same color as the red clay common to the area. The course was much the same as it has been in the past, approximately three miles in length with two major jumps, a number ofcurves and a few "gotchas". Just before race time, the drivers' meeting was held, and the rules of the road and the pits were announced. There were twenty four entries, oddly enough with eight in each of the three classes. Lining up two across on the starting grid, Class 1, which includes all unlimited vehicles as well as Class 10 cars, was off first, followed in five seconds by Class 1-2-1600 and finally Class D. It was an all buggy field, and the tension built Dusty Times as the hour approached for the start. After the green flag, it didn't take the pack long to make the first turn and charge over the -'tall jump and out into the woods. It was a short race for Jack Thompson · in the unlimited class. Jack, a visitor from Atlanta, GA and GORRA's , President, lost his fuel pump in the first tum, and Jack called it a day right then and there. Tom T oia made two laps before he got stuck in the mud with a broken transmission, which put him out of the race. On the same day, way out west in Barstow, CA, Toia's. partner Danny Hahn covered three foll laps of the Fireworks 250 in a similar HiJ umper before he succumbed to the rough desert. Bruce Mitchum, from Macon, Georgia, . got' off to a great start. He was the first to complete the first lap in open class, and _ he stayed first on the road for seventeen laps. He got into the big ditch once, then he lost the clutch, made it to the pits for repairs, and got back in the race, -losing a good ten laps, but he was running at the finish. 'The host, Jimmie Crowder, didn't have a good day. He finished the first ' lap in third position, · then moved up to September 1985 Page 37

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CRACKER 150 (from page 37) i;r-~ ~ got back in the race, only to break some shocks and the hood on a· hard landing off a jump. Bob Haire had a good day, with no noticable problems: Bob made tracks fast and ran at a steady pace, fluctuating betwee.n third and fifth place the entire three hours. When the clock ran out on Class 1-2-1600, Bruce· Bennett was on top of the entire field completing thirty-nine laps first. ,:rvt_ark Bicker was right on his tail, and right behind him was Bob Haire as all three finished in a pack with thirty-nine laps done to sweep the overall honors. Terry Clark ended up fourth and Joe Cunningham was fifth. The eight D class cars often provide the closest competition of any group, and the 1200 cc drivers did their act again last July. Marty Pounds started things off by gaining the lead during the first lap. Pounds led for six rounds, theri started having troubles. Pounds was in and out of the pits with all sorts of woes, including losing a wheel, breaking four shocks, and finally he had trouble with the oil pump. On the other hand, Scott Gundeck moved up from second to the top spot during the seventh lap, and Gundeck stayed in the lead until the checkered flag flew. Gundeck broke a torsion bar with four laps left to go, but he stayed on the course and limped to victory. . Sam Pace climbed from a sixth spot to second in the seventh lap, and from then on he battled it out with Jerry Allen, and the two were exchanging positions and running side by side throughout the race. Sam had a problem towards the end of the run, which cost him a lap. Pace finally determined the trouble was the · ignition switch, so he held it in place and completed the event. Allen didri't have any problems and he made only one pit stop for fuel, and did a fine job finishing second. Tom Gundeck lost the transmission during his seventh l_ap, which put him on the trailer, and Kelly McMahon was bogged down in the mud for three laps. When McMahon finally got out of the mud and back on the track, he ran smoothly for the duration and finished fifth in D class. J .R. Taylor had a poor day, and after twenty laps the often time winner broke an axle. , At the checkered flag Scott Gundeck was the winner with thirty-eight laps completed, and Jerry Allen was right behind him on the same lap. Both 1200 cc cars had a lap on the open class winner! Sam Pace took third with thirty-seven laps done, followed in by Clay Hurst from Georgia. After the trophy presentation, the tired racers had five weeks to prepare for FORDA's next race, a stadium style run at Hollywood Speedway. Then it is back to the Crowder Pits for the Labor Day 150. Ken Burkert had a good day in his Class 10 r.acer; running against the unlimited engines he came home a keen second in the Unlimited class. Even with serious ignition problems Sam Pace stayed with the One of the early leaders, Scott Haire had tire woes and had to pit ball game, dropping back to finish a good third in the tough D · for a fresh stub axle bearing, and he ended up taking fourth in Despite spending eight laps trying to get out of a mud hole on course, Terry Clark got underway to finish fourth in the 1-2-1600 competition. class contest. Class 1. Georgia champion Clay Hurst soared over the Florida turf nicely, and when the laps ran out, Hurst took fourth in the close D class battles. It wasn't the best of race days for the host Jimmie Crowder. After parking in a ditch for a time, his engine went sour and he retired from the fray. SUPERSTITION 250 (from page 36) hour time limit, Fud opened his VIP Lounge complete with fruits, pastries, and eye-openers to racers and sponsors. The trophy presentation followed with pay back checks and bottles of champagne also being. distributed. Still smiling, overall winner Mike Julson; made a final speech and everyone cheered him and Fud for another thallenging and enjoyable Superstition 250 off road race. Now Fud can rest until next year, but only after he~j:,1cks up all the course markers, The third place finisher in Open Unlimited Class was John Kaiser in his sleek and futuristic looking Raceco powered by a massive Porsche six. Phil Malabanan won 4th spot in class in his 5-1600 Bug, but not without trouble; he finished over 2 hours behind the class winner. Page.38 The Superistition 250 II class winners, left to right: Class 100, Doug Jennings and John Neff, Class 5-1600, John Johnson, Class 10 and 0 /A, Mike Julson, Open, Dick Clark, Class 1-1600, Mark Cooper and Mark Hummel. Last year's Open Unlimited Class winner, Dick Walker, shook the desert for only 3 laps, but got 5th in class in the Chevrolet pickup. September 1985 Steve Schmidt won the race last year ~verali in his Class 5 ·Bug, but clutch trouble put him on the trailer early in the night. George "Giti'' Gow/and and Ron Spates had drive line and brake troubles, but they kept the Toyota moving forfourth place in the Open class. Dusty Times

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GORRA ACTION AT SANDY CREEK Dust an_d Mud in Alabama Summer weather had arrived for GORRA's · first race of the season near Montgomery, Alabama at Sandy Creek. The temperatures the ,veekbefore the event ranged from around 103 to UO degrees. Race day was no different, as the mercury stood at 104, exceptionally warm for June. When the event started, it was hot and dry, and clouds of dust hung over the track. There was no breeze of any kind to help blow the -dust away and make Text & Photos: Darlene Bozeman visibility better for the drivers. But, half way through the 50 mile run, there were rain clouds above the dust clouds, and the bottom fell out of the rain clouds. What had been thick dust around the course turned into three to four Jack Thomp'son looked good in his new racer along the front straight in_ the eatly laps, but lots of troubles put him out of the running. Posing proudly with his trophy, Tony Leftwich won the tough contest in D class, despite having brake problems all day. inches of slippery, sloppy mud, troubles.-Jack started his run ·of making it even harder for the bad luck by breaking the drivers to hold their lines. In fact generator belt on the third lap. the drivers had a tough time He then stopped to • change keeping their cars on the course helmets for .some unknown at' all and heading in the right reason. Later in the race direction. The lap times slowed Thompson broke the left rear by three to five seconds for the trailing arm. Jack stated that his leaders, and even more for some car handled like a tank. Eighth other cars. and last in Class 10 went to The Class 10 cars started first, Wayne Jennings with a total of and there were eight on the line 13 laps done. Wayne had for the two across start. When carburetor trouble on lap 6, and the dust and mud cleared it was shortly after that he lost the Travis H_urst who again crossed transmission. the finish line. first, covering a There were ten starters in C total of 53 laps. At some time class, also lined up two across on during the race Travis hit the _grid. they had a tough Deborah Shumake's D class car time holctmg the course with because of zero visibility in the 1200 mighty ccs of power. dust. Following Hurst to the flag, Despite having trouble with his d 1 1 53 1· rear brakes locking up, Tony an a so comp eting aps was Leftwich won the class with 46 the team of David and Mike Seabolt. David, Mike's' younger laps to his credit. Just behind brother, drove the first half of him, Clay Hurst was second, also the distance, then Mike took covering 46 laps. Clay ran out of over to finish out the race. gas with just three laps to go, and Third in Class 10 went to his pit crew had to carry fuel to him on the course. Jim Glenn Stephens, who covered 46 -Dunnaway got in 45 laps despite laps before blowing ah oil line having water in the distributor and then the engine. Bill Gaylord · after t_he rains came. Staying crossed the finish line fourth close, John Williams was fourth, with 35 laps to his credit. Bill covering 44 laps. Porter, with Lindy Herrell Although one of the drivers driving relief, was next with 30 was hit from behind in the dusty laps completed. Porter was able part of the race, the team of to drive only 15 laps before he Deborah Shumake and Ron became dizzy, went to the pits Parrish took fifth, with 41 laps and Lindy took over. Bill was completed. Jerry Hokombe was quoted as saying, "It's too damn next, doing 37 laps. Jerry was hot for racing." Herrell broke a · also hit hard, and that broke the trailing arm after the 30th lap. right rear shock. In seventh with Bobby Bramblett was credited 34 laps done was Ray Whigham, with sixth, covering just 17 laps. who went out with a blown Bobby started out with a flat tire engine. Finishing 34 laps also, on the left side in the third lap.· Ernest Tinsley was eighth. Then he broke the left front Johnny Millwood covered 32 spindle, at which time he must . rounds before having problems, have decided that the new left , eventually breaking both upper spindle didn't match the right link pins. In tenth, ahead of some too well. So, he next broke the of the Class 10s at that, was Coy right front spindle. With new, Scott who did 19 la"ps before he matching spindles, Bobby went lost the transmission. back on the track agai_n, only to The race went off well despite return later with a broken ring the wide · variety of Alabama and pinion gear. weather, which did contribute to Placing seventh was GORRA the race car breakage. Next fr is President Jack Thompson, also back to Georgia for racing in the ~overing 17 laps with myriad GORRA series. Brothers David and Mike Seabol~ shared the driving in their Class 1 0 car, finishing afl /53 laps for a well earned 2nd overall in Alabama. Slogging through the mud here, Glenn Stephens covered 46 laps before the engine let go, and he was awarded third in Class 10. Fighting dust early in the race, Clay Hurst moves up on Jerry Holcombe. Hurst, #75, eventually finished seco_nd in D class. Struggling in the deep mud late in the race, John Williams stayed with the program and ended up fourth in the D class race. Dusty Times Bill Porter, who, with Lindy Herrell driving relief, got in 30 laps before breaking down, still ended up fifth in open class. Graphic proof of the heavy rain is this instant bathtub, the bed of a pickup truck, being used by Mike Seabolt after the race was ove~. Page ~9

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DARTMOUTH HIGHLANDS CANADIAN NATIONAL RALLY A Leisurely Tour of Nova Scotia Pursuit of the North American Rally Championship. took John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw to Nova Scotia, and they won handily in the Audi Quattro. In the early 1900s the paternal branch of my family migrated from Scotland to Canada. Some years 1~ ter a few of them ran booze across the Detroit River and settled in the U.S. Many of my relatives still live in Wroxeter, Ontario where I spent a year with my Aunt Nelly when I was a small boy, learning hmv to trim the wicks of kerosene lamps. In the late '50s and early '60s, when I was learning how i:o read route instructions, most of the very good performance rallies were in Canada. · I first experienced true right seat terror on the Shell 4000s and Canadian Winter Rallies. Going rallying in Canada is like going home. Two times this year John Buffum and I will quietly drift north to qualify for the combined U.S./Canada North American Rally Cup champion-ships. We'll do our border · crossings at night and hope nobody recognizes us until we've played our golf on Thursday and enjoyed a quiet dinner and a fine The top Atlantic region team was Tim Mullen and Helen Bell, whose Dat~un 510 came in fifth overall despite running out of gas late in the raily. bottle of wine -or two. Last year Buffum won his sixth NARC driver's title, Audi won its first rnanufactuere's crown and I lucked into my first NARC co-driver's championship. Buffum/ Audi/Grimshaw like to go to Canada, This year JB selected the Dartmouth Highlands Rally in Nova Scotia, July 26-27, and the Defi Ste. Agathe in Quebec, October 11 -12, for our annual raids on our northern neighbors. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia is a city of 70,000 located directly · across the harbor from Halifax. It's called "City of the Lakes" and has 23 within the city limits. On my flight in from Montreal I was surprised to read that the area had a very strong Quaker influence. I was not surprised to read the MicMac Indians regularly slaughtered the settlers in Dartmouth back in 1751. Back then, that was an Indian's job, slaughtering settlers. Buffum's decision to run the Dartmouth Highlands may have been influenced by the organizers offer a $12,000 prize fund but it's probably unfair tQ pin such crass motivation on such a lovely man. I think we went to Dartmouth to stand on the eleventh tee box and look out over. Halifax Harbor and the Atlantic Ocean. I'm sure that was the reason. The organizers also paid a $4,000 tow fund for Unspon-sored teams and attracted 28 starters, seven of them from the U.S. I intend no insult to Canadian drivers when I say \Ve can usually count on a pressure free win on a CASCevent. Wedon'thaveRod Millen shadowing us in his 4 WO Mazda RX-7, and the depressed economy and tight restrictions against foreign car imports has denied access to monied sponsorships for Canadian teams. Certainly there are many fine drivers in Canada, but when you put a driver the caliber of John Buffum in a killer. machine like the Audi Quattro, you should have a comfortable lead before the event even begins. The Dartmouth Highlands was quite well done. The city gives the event some very strong support and Coca Cola ( old style or new?) also shared sponsor-ship. There was a public start from a vie\ving ramp in downtown Dartmouth Saturday morning, and the mayor flagged us off. An excellent gravel spectator stage within the city limi_ts opened and closed the event and was well attended. The rally lasted twelve hours - daylight hours, mind you. By 9:00 PM Saturday evening we were back in Dartmouth enjoying lots of free beer and clam chowder at the/ost event party. A very civilize schedule. Th;s season it seems Buffum and I are destroying Quattros faster than lngolstadt can build them. We 're now running the car used on the f984 1000 Lakes of Finland by 1984 world champion, Stig Blomqvist. Buffum ran the car on last year's Press On Regardless in Michigan. That is, he ran it for a short titne, until he mated it with a large tree. In Canada, we were deter-. mined to finish the rally with no ripple pieces, no resculpturing of the bodywork and no nasty noises in the running gear. And so it was that I became a paid "nag" for the weekend. I'm sure John got tired of my reminder that "we can only beat ourselves up here", but it worked. He drove at max 80%, never exceeded 100 MPH and never tickled the rev limiter, Looking over the competition I figured our only threats would come from Tim Bendle and Art Mackenzie in a Toyota Corolla SR-5 out of Alberta, Andre Normandin and Louis Belanger in another Toyota Corolla from Quebec and "Bo" Skowronnek and Terry Epp in a Volvo 242 Turbo from Saskatchewan. Normandin disappeared early on, and Bendle flatted a tir.e on a stage at midday -immedi,a~ely after telling us he had not had a: flat in 18 months and had used the same tires for several events. Perhaps Canadians do not believe in "knocking on wood". Skowronnek stayed close, but Buffum conservatively built. a., steady lead throughout the day'._ Starting the final 40 kilometer forest stage we had five minutes plus in hand. The first portion of the stage crossed pver some wickedly large rocks -looked like "Jaws" sticking his ugly snout above the road surface. The Quattro decided to put us to, the test and exhaled all the air out of a rear tire. This time I was ready when JB finally stopped on flat ground. I left the car on the fly, lug wrench in hand, tire drill -firmly memorized. I remembered the first tire change I'd done earlier this year in Washington. I couldn't figure out how to release the jack after Buffum had changed the tire and fumble fingered away many precious seconds. Buffum gave me one of his "looks". When Buffum "looks" at a co-driver it's best to · ( continued on page 42) With a cornering style similar to his father's, Paul Choiniere was in sixth overall starting the final stage, but he rolled the Dodge Colt then to a DNF. Looking rather sedate on this stage, J. Wilkerson and Bob Davis took the VW Rabbit to tenth overall, and they were second in Production 8. Thierry Menengoz and Celine Arcand put their Honda Civic . -around the trails for 2nd in Production A class and 15th overall. Page 40 September 1985 Dusty Times

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THE SHUSWAP 400 GUTBUSTER Does a Bear Sit in the Woods? Text & Photos: Len Day It was a perfect day for Oregon's Bob Chamberlin, whose Scout took the lead early in the race and stayed in front all -the way to pay dirt. · According to Gordon Scott and his co-driver, who will remain nameless, their fancy 4 x 4 was not about to tangle with a very large black bear in the Canadian outback of British Columbia. It seems they were so engrossed in this bear story, they didn't see this little deer jump out and roll them over. So goes the day for Scott and crew. The time spent upside down and for a few minor repairs took them right out of the lead in a very tightly contested four wheel · drive dominated race that resembled a miniature Mint 400. The dust and silt were bad right from the start, and, except for everyone running arouhd saying "Eh", you would have thought you were in Nevada. . Nowhere on the west coast can y0u participate in an off road race with a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere than in this event at Shuswap Lake, British Columbia. Don Thompson, Don Price and the Shuswap Off Road Racing Association must be The LaPlante Racing Team Road Runner had plenty of problems, and the car endoed on the first lap, earning that trophy and $50. commended for their outstand-ing second annual event. Thompson reports changes for the better are already in the works for next year's race, such as a longer and wider course and the newly graded pit area will aboundwith grass instead of dirt. Water trucks were brought in this year to control the dust, but the temps were so hign, around 100 degrees, it didn't take long for the water to evaporate. Last year this race was very small, but, it got the community excited. This year the local business people played host to some unique Booby Trophies with $50:00 bills attached. Some of the special awards went to such things as Sportsmanlike Driver and Crew, Hard Luck, the Most Flats, the First Rollover, the Longest Tow, the Fast Lap, the People's Choice, the Longest Lap, etc. Some of the local businesses also donated raffle . prizes or refreshments, and it gave the revenue a bit of a boost and made the 100 percent payback possible. The action started with entries from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia arriving as early as Wednesday, and pre-running was allowed in "street Bob Nyeste turned the fast lap of the day in his Ford Bronco, but a variety of, small problems put him down to third overall at the flag. Greg Bird, from Nanaimo, BC, stayed close and on course all the way and he came in a keen second place overal/ in his Ford Bronco. Larry Flowers, driving the Scott Livernash Chaparral, managed to overcome engine problems, covered 23 laps, and took the Pro buggy win. cars" only as the area is very busy ground. Surprisingly, none of the with logging activity. buggies covered the full 400 Saturday -was tech and kilometers, about 240 miles. registration day, and Saturday The Sportsman class had five night was BBQ time. A bathtub entries. Paul Scott, in his 4 x 4, full of beer and a 30 foot BBQpit made a valiant effort to be the was provided by the promoter, only one to go the required and everybody cooked the steaks distance, and he placed first in of their choice and brought Sportsman class. salads and other extras. A good The Pro buggies had a real long time was had by all. ,day, with everything that could Early Sunday morning the happen happening. Scott drivers drew for· starting Livernash and Larry Flowers positions. The "Luck of the managed 23 · laps, of the 30 Draw" put most of the Pro 4 x 4s required, · to squeak out a win near the front on the starting over second place Ron Arthur, order, so the buggies really had to but they did it with a broken work through the dust to gain valve train. Randy i;.,. r;w-Out for bear at the starting line, the Gordon Scott Jeep special was actually taken out of the race by a "Bambi", a small deer. One of the Baja Bugs in the entry represented a first time out for Guy Harrison, who got around the course well despite problems. It was a bad day for the buggy racers, as none of them, including Ron Arthur, completed all the laps, but got their trophies anyhow. · Dusty Times . September 1985 Page 41

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·sH·· us~ A n . for second'and third spot, and it 1 T'T Ar included Gary Holland, Jack (from page 4,) Mamo, Bob Nyeste, Greg Bird and Ed Burnap. Nyeste pitted for r;r r;r r;r r;r LaPlante a welding job and an emergency managed to endQ ·hard, right at . radiator refill, and he had to the end of lap 1, and in sight of settle for third place, only four · the start/ finish line and the minutes and some seconds entire pit row. Randy managed a . behind Greg Bird, whose mount couple more laps, then settled for was gasping· hard. Bird hung on the. $50 Booby for the first for second in a time of 8:48.35. rollover. Some of the $50 Booby prizes The big battle of the day was in were: Fast Lap -Bob N yeste, the dozen entry Pro 4 x 4 class. 14:56; Slowest Lap, John Half of them were still running at Gunderson, 3:09.00; Longest the end of the time limit of nine Tow, Ed Burnap; Autotech hours, and all but the first place Gutbuster Sportsman, Rocky were in contention right to the Weinstein; Most Flats, Gary finish. Bob Chamberlin and his Holland; Hardluck, Keith Coe; trusty Scout came on strong to First Rollover, Randy LaPlante; take the lead-around the two People's Choice, Bob Nyeste. thirds mark, when Gordon Many thanks and congratula-Scott's · co-driver stopped ,to · tions are in order to the area prepare venison for the Sunday businesses' and to the many neat night supper. Chamberlin's lead "Canucks" who worked so hard was between five and 15 minutes to put the race together. Talk is except for the last couple of laps. · that this event will be a points He finished with a 39 minute lead · race in the 1986 Pro CanAm in 8:09.25. . Series, and if so the number of The still undecided battle was entries should more than double. Not so lucky in the race, Jack Mamo and his crew worked many long hours to help promote the race near Shuswap Lake. ATTENTION DESERT-·RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event. Page 42 THE·TWIN ENGINE PIKES PEAK SPECIAL VW Built and entered by Volks-wagen Motors ports of Hanover, Germany, a pair of normally aspirated engines propelled tne unique VW Golf into third place in open rally class at the Pike~ Peak Hill Climb. Veteran rallyman Jochi Kleint drove the interesting special. The car has a potent, 16 valve, four cylinder 1807 cc VW engine in the nose and an identical engine behind the driver where the back seat would normally be installed. Each engine drives its own pair of axles, and each has its own radiators for oil and coolants. The total horsepower is listed at 390, and the twin engines have two of everything, including five speed transmissions, clutches, dual fuel injection systems, plus double the amount of gauges in front of the driver. Both final drive ratios are 4 .64: 1, and each has a loosely set limited slip differential. Although in . early testing th~re was a tendency for the two transmissions to select different gears from the single shift lever action, the linkage was changed and most of the problem was eliminated. While VW had· hopes of a record run a t the Peak, the Golf ran out of steam in the cold thin air at the higher. altitudes. Next year VW Motorsport plans to DARTMOUTH (from page 40) immediately reverse your helmet arid cover your face. That'swhy I no longer paint my name on my helmet - I hope at those times that he woh't know who I am. But in Dartmouth I was ready.· We stopped the car, changed the · tire, -jumped back in, buckled up and left the area in less than two minutes. We never saw the car that started two minutes Lehind us, and I got to wear m_y helmet right side around .through the rest of the stage. During a holdup at the start of the final stage, Tim Mullen and his co-driver ,wife, Helen Bell, were frantically running around · looking for someone with extra gas aboard. They've had terrible luck this year and had yet to finish a rally. Now, with 40K to go, they were out of gas. While I was using the tree-bark bathroom, Buffum quietly lifted the Quattro tank lid, unbolted some lines and pumped five gallons of fuel into a plastic bottle. Mullen finished fiftn overall. Most of our concern on that lovely sunny day in Nova Scotia centered on John's son, Paul -Choiniere, who was driving his first Canadian National in an ancient Dodge Colt. Several times we lingered at service areas waiting for Paul to. arrive so we could check his progress. At the start of the final stage we learned he had moved to sixth overall. The young man was flying. But, alas, at the Dartmouth· finish, Paul failed to · show. T he following morning he told us he had missed a shift and rolled on an easy curve. Refreshing candor from a young driver. Buffum said that overseas a September 1985 In Pike's Peak form the car had one engine in the nose as usual, and the second stuffed in the back seat area, driving the rear wheels. ,,,-, It is not your normal Vo/ks dash, with a set of instruments for each engine anddrive train units, and all sorts-of toggle switches on the right. return to the Peak with turbo-charged or supercharged engines in their Hill Climb Special, which driver will roll a car six times, totally destroy it, throw the engine through the hood and far into the forest and_ will cite ''engine problems': as a r~ason for hisDNF. ' -·-· So we had a rather leisurely drive at the Dartmouth Highlands. Buffum finally lost control of himself and warned -me he-was "gonna light 'em up" at the start of the final 2.SK spectator stage. He slammed me back against the seat for the first time that rally and slammed the· Quattro through the stage, delighting the nearly 1,000 spectators. And for the first time in many The two engines are identical in equipment, and this view of the front shows the extensive. fuel injection plumbing. Next year it will wear -a turbo charger. was originally planned as a Group B protot:ype for int~rna-tional rally competitton. months he will not have to rush home and build us a new· car before the next event. We've gar a month off before the U.S. series resumes at the end of August in Michigan, and the serious business begins again. As usual, the Canadians treated us as/ longtime friends -rather than nasty Pros. They thanked us for coming;, j9ked with us at start' controls and made us feel welcome. There are some American 0rganizers who could take lessons on profes-sional courtesy from their Canadian: counterparts. I'm already-looking forward to Quel;,ec in October. The Production A class winner was the Toyota Corolla of Quebe.cers Michel Poirier-Defoy and Francois Cyr, and the team took seventh overall. Shawn Bishop and Suzanne Stewart corner hard en route to ninth_ overall and their Mazda RX-7 was the Production B class winner as well. Dusty Times

Page 43

Off Road Antics · in Atlanta~ Text & Photos: Darlene Boz~man The GORRA event on their home track near Atlanta, Georgia, late in June was a lot better than the two earlier races insofar as the track conditions were concerned. There was still some dust on the track, but it was mild compared to the heavy clouds of dust at the two prior races. A total of 15 entries showed up to race, and only a slim three were in the lead bunch off the line, Class 10. Completing the 50 miles first was James Hester, who was driving for Travis Hurst. Travis had a lower back problem, that he suffered at the Sandy Creek race in Alabama. The event was the first off road race that James Hester had driven, and he did a darn good job of it. His run was not without some problems, as he broke the frame back near the left rear shock area, but he still finished first. Second in Class 10 was Jack Thompson. Jack has had trouble with his new racer since the start of this racing season, but he seemed to have the troubles ironed out this round. However, Jack hit Ray Parrish on the back straight, and, Jack took out his entire right front spock tower, tie rod ends, bent 'the front rim and took out the rear tire and rim when he was hit from behind by Bobby Bramblett. No one was hurt, but it is a wonder -there wasn't some injury. When Bramblett hit Thompson from behind, he went up and over, -landing on the back rear trailing arm, and he broke the CV joint among other things. The competition was keen in D class. Jerry Allen was the clear winner, despite having a left front flat tire, which lost him some time in the pits. Jerry's other problem came after the race when Robert Strickland protested his car. The D class rules are highly restrictive on modifications. But, Allen was found to be legal, just as he was found legal in Tallahassee, Florida, and he held the first place position. · John Williams took second in D class despite seeing his frame Dusty Times crack in a number of places throughout the front end. Strickland ended up in third, followed by Clay Hurst. Clay's first problem was small com-pared to the second one. At first Jerry Allen is on a winning streak in D class, and he not only won this race on the co1:rse, but he also won out over the post-race protest. --------Robert Strickland hustles down the trail in his D class racer, and when the dust settled Strickland took third among the dozen starters. LEFT: After an on course collision in the dust on the track, Jack Thompson's car had wipe out damage to the right front shock and shock tower. RIGHT: The other half of the Class 10 colli-sion, Bobby Bramblett's car was also put out of the race with a broken CV and other serious damage. September 1985 James Hester won Class 10 and overall in Travis Hurst's car, and it was Hester's very first race. What a keen way to start in competition. Jack Thompson survived an on course collision to get his best finish of the year, second in Class 10 in his new-this-year race car. he suffered a stopped up air woes put Steve Ream home filter. But, the second problem ninth, followed by George was rolling the car, end over end Williams. Williams had a about three times. The roll broke throttle cable break, and he got the front bumper and the right to the pits by working the rear axle and wheel. In for fifth throttle by hand, driving with was David Murphy, who had just one hand. He also lost a constant trouble with the spark shock bolt. In for eleventh spot plugs fouling out. was Johnny Millwood, who Taking sixth in D class was started out with carburetor Ronnie Whigham, followed by trouble and ended up with a Ernest Tinsley, who had trouble broken steering box. Last, but with the link pins'. Ray Parrish not forgotten was Robert Moore, came in eighth with a rear flat tire who broke the right tie rod end to slow him down. Fuel pump early in the race. Digging out of a four foot deep hole in the woods, Clay Hurst kept his D car running, then rolled it and ended up fourth in the class. Page 43

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ANDRES N. WITER 1 .II r I 7.11 TRANSMISSIONS · PORSCHE & V.W. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 PHONE: (818) 765-3566 PHONE 2006 196TH S.W., UNIT I (206) 778-0531 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 A OFF 3 WHEELERS ODESSEYS DUNE BUGGYS OFF ROAD RACE CARS HARVEY LANGE JOE REICH c;:: 1'& ADVANCE·D MOTORSPORTS INC. ED FRISK (619) 693-8355 8545 ARJONS, SUITE L • SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 Jim Branstetter (818) 705-8183 (818) 885-5181 "" -Enterprises P.O. Box 6522 Glendale, CA 91205 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED&BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386~2592 Performance Transmission Products (714) 962-6655 . 10575 Bechler River Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS · 4x4s · MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for our new 1984 Catalog. Page 44 TIRES WHEELS LIGHTS SUSPENSI ETC. Send To 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON, CA 90746 -213-217-1805 DIRJRIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 eCUSTOM ROLL.CAGES e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION e t?r-► lJ C) 0 m r-a, r-Tim Lecluse Doyne Podhorsky (714) 662-7223 2952 RANDOLPH. UNIT C COSTA MESA. CA 92626 f m ... > ,.. ,. ► a, ll 0 ~ 0 z • e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! ___ _ RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 RE-~ASLE V.W. PAffl 11623'"~HEL.OON ST. SUN VALL'i?.-. CA 91352 Fuel Cells 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 September 1985 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4555 Quick FIiis Std. FIiis (714) 962-0027 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUC_TURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION "OFF-ROAD AND ASPHAL T0 DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 German Auto ~ 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 PARTS MANAGER JOHN PROSSER Parts & Accessories VW • TOYOTA • DATSUN 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD SANTA FE SPRINGS. CA 90870 (213) B63-1123 • (213) B6B-9393 RON METCALF ED LEKIVETZ •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW Master [)iffs. •VW Axles 1220 Knollwood Circle Anaheim, CA 92801 Send This Ad In For A Free (714) 761-2152 t# 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, CA 92045 • 619-589-6770 NICK NICHOLSON Owner P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 ~~:=:Y ..... ~~:=:_;;:_==Send=$=2.=oo=tor=ca=ta1og==-SUSPENSION SYSTEMS OHN 'ACING PRODUCTS OHNSON P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 583-2054 7 Tl-B'AJ'A 1000 .....,._, HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCkS DUAL & TRIPI.£ SlfOCk SYSTEMS FIBERCLASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES Dusty Times

Page 45

4 WD Repairs • Lift Kita • Wh-ls & Tires Uaed Trk. Parts • Tel. (413) 739-4111 LeDuc Off-Road ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St. Weal Springfield, MA. 01089 Distributor For: Moatercraft • Bestop Husky • Rough Country • Parker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bara McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC .. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIBIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT WESTERN AUTO TIRES 818-764-6438 818-76!5-!5827 SWAY-A-WAY BILSTEIN SHOCKS K.Y.B. SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM GEARS CROWN MFG. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRl•MIL ""t294!5 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91SOS MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES (714) 697-3100 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE, LA MESA, CA 92041 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel -Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept OT, Everett, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 7335 ORANGETH0RPE, BUENA PARK, CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 &4 W.D. VANS & PICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS DUAL SHOCKS - TRIPLE SHOCKS TIRE & GROUND CLEARANCE H.D. SPRINGS - DRIVE TRAIN WORK WELDING -CUSTOM AXLE WORK est. 1974 Bill Montague c114) 521-2952 ORE OFF ROAD EN6/NEERIN6 OffBolMIBaceCan 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth, CA 91311 Dusty Times GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT (818) 882-2886 PHIL'S INC. OUALITY PARTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Send $3.00 for complete Phil's Catalog Volkswagen, Off Road & High Performance Equipment 2204 Ashland Ave. Evanston, Illinois 60201 (312) 869-2434 (800) 323-5427 for order desk v-----~ THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 WATTS • SYNTHESIZED (213) 426-7077 • RACE & BUSINESS USE • NEW RDADMASTER SERIES· 50 WATTS - S499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2188 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 AL KEY (213) 515-3570 P.O. BOX 323- ■ SEAHURST WA, 98062 {206)242-1773 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES P.O . BOX 3757 GARDENA, CA 90247•7457 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 e (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's i September 1985 Canada Inc. 390 CHEMIN DU LAC, LERY, QUE. CANADA J6N 1 A3 514-692-6171 SWAY •A• WAYcoRP. .._., Suspension Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 TI TECTIRA 'in]~~ THE ~~-THE TRAIi.SMAii'" TIRE & WHEEL MART BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585-3043 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90002 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baseball Cap: twill/mesh , one size fits all, your choice of blue, black, grey, red or yellow. $5.00 T-Shirts: 50/50: available in S, M. L. & XL, your choice of blue, white, grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 '/," X 5", yellow with bl ack logo. $.SO Decals: 12" X 3" black o r wh ite on clear. $1.00, or 26" X 5" with black, white, red' or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR ''GEAR" ... please include item. quantity, size and color, and send check, money order or MC/VISA# (Ohio residents add 5.5% tax) to Mic/iey Thompson PERFORMANCE TIRES . ---------P.O. Sox 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Inside Ohio - 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO - 800 222-9092 ,M,i'TBACKSJDE Photo £nterprlus PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS llllCE T/lllNS BY JEFF flELJ)'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD-998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 45

Page 46

Classified .• ~ FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, Class 1, Class 10, Ultra Stock. Two 2440 cc engines, two 1650 cc engines, plenty of spares. Sell everything now! New toy on way. $8500 less engine and trans, $10,000 w/ trans and less engine. $12,000 w/1650 cc, $14,000 w/2440 cc. Call Vince at (714) 779-6889. FOR SALE: Class 2 Funco, two seater professionally built and maintained. Chrome moly frame, Beard seats, Bunderson rear suspension, 8 inch wide beam, power steering, Dura-Blue, dual Parker Pumpers, dual batteries, full race trans. Excellent race car or bullet proof pre-runner. $9500 with 2180 engine. Leave message, will return call. ( 405) 536-5381. FOR SALE: Race ready Jeepster, fiberglass front end, chrome moly cage, 409 gears, Dana ·H axles, B & M turbo 400 trans, Dana 20 transfer case, HD radiator, 22 gallon fuel cell, Taylor seats, BFGoodrich tires, two electric fans, 360 AMC standard ignition and MSD, 6 KC Hilites, 4 shocks per corner. Race Ready. Call Carlos. (915) 593--4848 or 593--4849. FOR SALE: Misc. Hewland indi-vidual gears, various ratios. $125.00 each. Call (818) 889-5601. WHY AREN'T YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES DEALER!!! SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS U.P .S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Avenue, Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889-5600 FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford parts. '84 Ford cab, new '68 S.W.B. frame, new Summers rear end, new vari-speed Lee steering box, $3200.00. '79 Ford Cab and L.W.B. '72 frame, $800.00. Misc. axles, disc brakes and small parts. Call Nick (619) 589--6770 or (619) 460--4418. FOR SALE: Baja Bug, full cage, close ratio S.A. trans, 3½" wide front end, all hand laid glass, no engine. Good pre-runner or Sportsman racer. $750.00. Call Chris. (208) 726-3220 days, (208) 788--4359 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 4 Jeep Honcho, good ·short course vehicle.401, turbo 400, Quadra-trac, 4.88 gears w /locker, 22 gal. A TL cell, Mastercraft, Rancho, some spare parts. Best cash offer over $12,500. Call Denny at (419) 878-1411 days or (419) 878-8254 after 7 p.m. FOR SALE: 1960 convertible body, welded and dipped. IRS pan, Bus trans, 28 mm bars, spring plates, removable torsion adjusters, Type IV short block Goshen motor, Mance 78 stroker, 2.0 rad. Webcam. Make offer on part or all. Great Class 5. Call Wally at (714) 546-7452. FOR SALE: Class 10 Pro-Tech. Scott Taylor's 1984 car. Taylor motor and cam, 091 Trans, Sako carrier, Hewland gears, combo spindles, power steering. Fresh paint. Raced only once in 1985. Serious inquiries only. Contact Curt W uesthoff at ( 414) 228-1400 days, (414) 355-5414 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco Hustler, 100 inch wheelbase short course car. Race ready with spares. Aluminum front beam, four wheel disc brakes, Turb0 CV s, all the good stuff. $10,500. Call (818) 574-1944 days, (818) 35 7-7241 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 7S or 7S 4 x 4. Sister truck to Firecracker 250 7S winner, the Scott Douglas 7S Ford Ranger. Available as complete roller, less engine and trans. Brand new! Call AMI ( 619) 693-8355 days, ( 619) 942-0351 evenings. FOR SALE: 1976 Jeep CJ-7 -450 HP 350 Chevy. Super built Turbo 400, Dana 60 rear end, Dana 44 front end - disc brakes -12" travel suspension, Center Line wheels, BFGoodrich tires, Mastercraft seats, Super roll cage and frame. Entire package including approx. $2,000.00 in spare parts, worth at least $14,000.00 plus, for only $7,000.00. Call Gordon Lemons, (503) 981-7204 or (503) 982-9507. SPONSOR WANTED: Sponsor needed for the SNORE 250 in September for very competitive 1-1600 Bunderson. Contact Brad Inch after 6:30 p.m. at (818) 352-9035 .. FOR SALE: Lee power steering unit, $500.00, sell or trade. Call Bob Dillon at'(818) 446-5832. FOR SALE: Two NEW F.A.T. Class 10 motors. $2500 sepa-rately or $4,000 for both. MUST SELL. Call Cal, ( 714) 894-7 341. FOR SALE: Two hi-back Master-craft seats recently refurbished with new 18 oz. Texlene nylon liner, foam and lumbar support. $400.00. Call Bob at (805) 255-8188. ~--------------------------------------------, Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. · FOR SALE: Chenowth chrome moly frame, Center Lines, Sway-A-Way, 930 CVs, bus tranny with Hewlands, Hatz 1835 motor, 22 gallon fuel cell. Only $5,500. Call Ralph or Rick at (805) 987-3883. FOR SALE: Class 10 Pro Tech single ' seater. 1641 engine, bus tranny, close ratio gears, 930 CVs, Fox shocks, long travel, Center Lines, Weber carb 44 IDF, Flame-Out, Wright rack, Tri Mil chrome headers. Race ready at $4,000.00 U.S., $5,200 Canadian. Call Tom Benvenuti, (416) 528-2425 in Ontario, Canada. FOR SALE: Very competitive class finisher, 2-1600 ORC race ready. 14" rear travel, fresh engine and transmission, the best of everything. UMP, Beard, Bilstein, Neal, Wright, Dura Blue, Flame Out, Super Boot, Pumper, 20 gallon foel cell. Would like to sell complete for $12,000.00, or less some items for B/O. For details call John, . week day~ (213) 834-1133, evenings (213) 831-5841. Trailer available. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 1-1600 - second in '83 Baja 500 and '84 Baja 1000. 75% finish rate. New paint, all the expected right equipment: Wright box, beam, spindles, arms; Sway-A-W ay, fuel cell, fire bottle, Beard, Center Lines, Bilsteins, trailer, bus, Tectira, Rapid Cool, K & N, Pumper, GEL battery, KCs, spares $6,000.00. Call Tony at (602) 991-1184. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Audi .................... 19 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . 7 ·c.o.R.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Eriksson Industries . . . . . . . . . 11 Filler Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 23 General Tire Motorsports . . Back Cover BFGoodrich Tire Division . . . . 2-3 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 9 Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 I KC Hilites . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . 1 O I Mc Kenzie Automotive . . . . . . . 33 Enclosed is $ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name Address ----------------------Phone ______ _ City ----~-------------State _____ Zip ______ _ Page 46 September 1985 Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I I I I I I I Pro Light Touch Products . . . . 25 Score Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Score International . . . . . . . . . . 4 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 37 Tri-Mil Industries .......... 15 Dusty Times

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Riverside Odysseys Text & Photos: Homer Eubanks "Run away Rory···, Rory Holladay won overall and Class 44 by a good margin in his high flying HRD well suspended Odyssey. One knew things would get "to-hoppin" when the 30 Odyssey entrants were flagged off for the Oklahoma Land Rush type start at Riverside. The dust flew as the more powerful Class 44 "mini buggies" (361 to 500cc suspended) began to· pull ahead of the pack on their way into turn one. It was the number 41 of Rory Holladay that was most visible as the pack entered the rough section before turn one. Within the cloud of dust one could get a glimpse of the other competitors as the.y popped out of the .dust cloud, making their ,vay over the mogul section. Once again it was Rory Holladay, peeking out of the pack as the leader, coming up the hill first into turn 6, and behind him was the Honda driven by Kenneth Bayer with Phillip Burton right on his tail. Jeff Jarvis was next ahea<;l ofJohn Stegman. By the second lap it became apparent that all Rory Holladay had to do was hold his HRD Odyssey together since his closest competition, which had come from Phillip Burton, was now sitting at the side of the track. Taking the second spot when Burton pulled off was Kenneth Bayer but Holladay had a commanding lead by now. Robbie Madison had pulled his Loma Scorpion into third and. behind him was Jeff Jarvis. On lap three Art Gersjes had an encounter ,vith one of the barricades retiring him. On the following lap Don Archibald lost a left rear wheel when his swing arm and U-joint let go on Thompson's Ridge. Archibald was leading Class 35 ( unsus-pended) at the time of the failure. Leading the Class 34 drivers around the track was the number 24 car of Ron Pierce, who was running as far up as second overall at one point. Pierce's closest competition came from Dee Adams who was busy battling with Norbert Staudt. Meantime Holladay was lapping the slower unsuspended class drivers on his way to the overall win. It was no surprise when Rory Holladay took the checkered flag for the overall win and winner of Class 44. Holladay collected $300 (9 entrants) for his efforts and $150 went to his runner up Kenneth Bayer. Jeff Jarvis brought his Pro-ATV around for third and John Stegman earned fourth place honors. Ron Pierce brought his Triple E special home for top money in Class 34 earning himself a check for $456 ( 19 entrants) and Dee Adams was second earning $228. Third place money of $152 went to Norbert Staudt. Fourth was Richard Webster and fifth finisher Richard Dahn was a lap off the leaders. Class 35 had six entries paying top money of $200 to Steve Grier. Darin Coats earned $100 for his second place finish and third went to Scott Shoemaker. Fourth was Tom Turner. Class 45 only had two entrants with top money of $100 going to · Michael Leckich. Ralph Blundell was the other Class 45 car. Robbie Mad.ison, #35, and Dee Adam~,' #26, provided some good racing during the Odyssey event, which does have man·y close dices usually. Kenneth Bayer hopped his Honda through the rugged esses quickly giving Rory Holladay close competition for a time, but Bayer finished second . Jeff Jarvis ran with the leaders all the way, and he powered his Usually a contender, Rennie Awna was moving up to the front of Pro-A TV around Riverside for third place in Class 44. the pack yntil he tangled with one of the Hydro Barriers. ••• more GOOD STUFF TA~cr,·· racing gasoline Alameda County 916 687-7785 Bakersfield 805 393-8258 Denver 303 452-5239 Hawaii 808-682-5589 Huntington Beach 714 536-8808 LA.-Long_Beach 213 863-4801 Las Vegas 702 871-1417 Monterey 408 899-1010 Orange County 714 634-0845 We .sell more racing gasoline than anyone else in the west! Phoenix · 602 952-2575 Portland 503-393-9705 Riverside 714 787-8141 Sacramento ?16 962-3514 San Diego 619 460-5207 Saugus 805 259-3886 Seattle 206 772-2917 Spokane · 509 483-007 6 Yakima 509-248-3271 Get the word ou t about your business, big or small. · Put your business ~rd in the -"GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads · are merely $16.00 per month. Dusty Times VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mead Avenue Las Vega.s, Nevada 89102 702/873-1962 fiOtVWs Wright Publishing Co., Inc. Box 2260 • 2949 Century Pl. • Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 September 1985 MICHAEL STEWART VIDEO PRODUCTIONS OFF-ROAD RACING VIDEO MICHAEL S TEWART (714 ) 796-4122 P.O. Box 129 BRYN MAWR. C A 92318 WEST ENGINE & MACHINE Quality Engine/Machine Work Fabrication · 947 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069 CLARK WEST (619) 741-6173 Page 47

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