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1985 Volume 2 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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Rob Tolleson Yokohama congratulates the winners. Frontier 500 Rob Tolleson and Bill varnes 1st-Class 1-2-1600 , SCORE/HDRA overall Points Leader Jim Dizney and Mike McCrory 1st-Class 9 Chuck Cuy and Rhonda Walsh 1st-Challenger Class SNORE 250 Jerry Leighton 1st-Class 10 1st overall for two years straight & fastest lap Tom Koch 1st-Class 1.and 3rd overall Cregg Symonds 1st-Class 2 and 2nd overall Rob Maccachren 1st-"class 0-2-1600 Mike Taylor 1st-Class 5-1600 Larry carban 1st-Challenger Call TOH-Free 1~800-423-4544 From California 1-800-221-8744 Eastern _Canada 1-800-387-4924 western Canada 1-800-663-8464 Y720

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Volume 2 Number 11 November J985 In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Darlene Bozeman Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Dennis Henneberg Martin Holmes Danny McKenzie Brenda Parker David R yskamp Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services Printing News Type Service THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF SC.C)RE CANADA ---AND , _ ::,,--,· -u-Subscription Rates: ~ ;=.. $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editihg. DUSTY TIMES is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication rn.ay be reproduced without written permission from the-publisher. Applica-tion to Mail at Second-Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave. , Su_ite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I FEATURES Page Porsche 961 Rally Car .............................. 8 Off Road Championship Gran Prix Finale . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 VORRA Dayton 300 .............................. 14 Score Canada at Thetford-Mines .............. ....... 16 A.D.R.A. Snowflake Buggy Bash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Baja Bob by David Ryskamp ........................ 20 Dixie Autocross at Flint, Michigan ................... 22 Budweiser Forest Pro Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Hodag 50 in Wisconsin . ........................... 25 Racing through Muck and Mire in Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 The 16th Annual SNORE 250 ...................... 28 Rally of 1000 Lakes ........ . . . ~ .................. . 31 Gravelrama XV ................................... 32 100 Miles of Sandy Creek, Alabama ................. 33 Mile High Racing Near Denver ...................... 34 Arizona River Run '85 ............................. 39 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soap Box by Russ Biswell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes ........................................ 4 Happenings ................................. ·. . . . . .. . 5 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 6 BFGoodrich 6-50 Club Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Christmas Goodies Galore ..... , .................... 35 Good Stuff Directory .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Index to Advertisers .......... · ..................... 38 ON THE COVER -Coming straight at the camera over a nasty jump at the Orange Show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino, CA, is a championship winning Toyota pickup. For the third year running Toyota trucks have captur~d the Manufacturer's Cup Challenge in the Grand National Pickup category of Mickey Thompson's Off Road Championship Gran Prix stadium series. The title is the result of the combined efforts of builder Cal Wells and his Precision Preparation crew, principal drivers Ivan Stewart and Steve Millen, whose main event victory pulled out the title last September, and Toyota Motorsports headed by Les Unger~ Congratulations to the whole gang. Color Photography by Harold Crawford of Trackside Photo Enterprises. · /\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$12.00 □ 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) -1 I I I I I I I I I I Name ----------------------------"Are you sure off road racers stay in shape this way" says Ed Robinson, President of the Valley Off Road Racing Association. At the VORRA Dayton 300 in northern Nevada, Robinson gets the checkered flag early in the race. He was reduced to riding his young daughter's bicycle for transportation at the event, after loaning the engine out of his well t_hrashed Baja Bug _to Joe Falloon,_ who blew his race engine while prerunning. Happily 1t was a mce day, and Ed got a little extra exercise. Photo by Joe Stephan. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x 10 will be consideJ:ed. Address ________________________ _ City State-----------------Zip _ _ ______ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15,00 U .S.• Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) Dusty Times November 1985 Page 3 --------"

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Soap Box ••• By Russ Biswell SCORE OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION As an active member of the SCORE Officials Association, I feel that a reply to recent criticism is in order. I have been asked by the Association to pen this letter on its behalf. The criticism I refer to was directed toward the way we handled the SCORE T urbowash World Championships in August. While many of the more experienced hands stayed away, prefering desert racing and checkpoints to short course racing, the many new faces made up for inexperience with genuine enthusiasm. Under staffing in most areas is not an excuse, but a result of a limited number of passes to get on the track. Because of this, some members of our volunteer organization were forced to purchase tickets and spectate, or just stay home. I trust this situation will be remedied next year. Moving along, I will address our accusors in a chronological order. In the September issue of DUSTY TIMES, Judy Smith in her Side Tracks column addressed the problem of racers pulling into the infield area after their race was over and proceeding onto the end of Thompson's Ridge to return to the pits. She stated that a course marshall should have been stationed in this area with radio communication with start/ finish to hold up the drivers until the slower vehicles had cleared this section, thus preventing an unsafe condition. While such is not always the case, this time I must agree with Judy. As ohe of three people in charge of the entire infield area, accompanied by my wife Jan and Bill Wick, I just about ran my feet off trying to cover the area from the asphalt to the esses on one side and the last third of Thompson's Ridge on the other. We were also in charge of the photographers who insisted on compromising both their safety and our's by getting in the way; some even crossing the course during a race. Not all the photographers were that stupid, SCORE PARKER 400 February 1, 1986 1st Event of the SCOREIHDRA Points Series Limited number of entries will' be accepted -Call SCORE Headquarters -818/889-9216 Page4 just enough to spread our attention even thinner. To my knowledge, the only S.O.A. member with any means of communication with start/ finish and the tower was Marvin Maxwell, current S.O.A. President, from his rolling command post. At the meetings before the race we inquired . about radios and were told we wouldn't need them. · Judy, you ,have my word that next year we will have communication at strategic locations, . and a potential problem area will be monitored. In the September SCORE News, John Elkin descibed how one of their photographers was standing behind a barricade when it was struck by a race vehicle. The barricade was sent aloft, narrowly missing said photographer. Another photog-rapher in an unsafe location? He does accuse us of not paying attent-:ion, and of handling sjtuations in a confusing and sloppy manner. Since he did not give specifics to address, I will welcome his future letter or • pnor1e call to me to discuss the problems. If it's worth writing about, it's worth talking about, eh John? In his October issue of On Dirt Motorsports, Lou Peralta made a couple of vague references to the poor performance by us. To Lou I make the same offer as Mr. Elkin: Drop a line or call me; we'll talk about it. . l\e been saving the best ( worst) for last. I refer to a letter in the October issue of DUSTY TIMES. "Big" John Files decided to attack not only our performance, but also our intelligence. He stated that we took our time righting over-turned vehicles. I'll tell you, "Big", that no one in his right mind is going to run out in front of a bunch of racers who won't slow for flags or emergency personnel on a muddy track. You refer to John Gable's rollover in the esses. Here you make two errors. You stated that fuel was pouring out of the rear of the truck. While your intention was to criticize the S.O.A., you actually accused Mr. Gable of a safety infraction pertaining to fuel filters, vents, and check valves ( rule CR20 from the 1985 SCORE rule book). All personnel present were more than smart enough to operate the extinguishers supplied to us by Mickey Thompson. Unfortunately, the extinguishers lacked both service tags apd gauges to monitor their state of charge. Several were found to be inoperative. Unfortunately, a moment of need is not the time to make this discover~. After the carburetor fire ·was extinguished, the rollover crew was unable to roll his truck uphill over the berm while standing in ankle deep mud. Had · your attention span not expired, you would have seen the tow truck having equal d ifficulty. A combined effort was necessary to right the big Ford. You say that a Jeep pulled down onto the asphalt from the ridge with fuel pouring from the back. Are you accusing another racer of a safety violation, or tfle safety crew with gross stupidity? I was among those who checked out the vehicle in question when it pulled off the course. From your vantage point 100 yards distant, you mistook muddy water from the puddles along the bottom of the ridge. I assure you that we were in a much better position than you to judge the seriousness of the situation, since muddy water is not included in any combustible liquids list that I know of, "Big". Since you demonstrate your expertise on how to run a race in y'our instructional paragraph, your guidance will be welcomed at next year's race. An orange vest, a yellow flag, and all necessary credentials will be reserved in your name so you will have the opportunity to back up your words and show both the S.O.A. and the racing commun-ity how it should be done. In closing my reply to your letter, I will offer one suggestion. You give title as Pit Coordinator for Checkers Off Road. This would lead one to believe that the organization agrees with, your inaccurate observation and poor judgement. The Checkers members I polled not only were unaware of your letter prior to its publication, they unanimously disagreed with yoµr opinions. Most were angered at the blemish you have placed -on the reputation of such a vital and respectable organization. I was commissioned to write this reply by the membership of the SCORE Officials Associa-tion at the general meeting held October 2, 1985, and do so with their blessing. Any interested parties are welcome to contact me ,vith their views. I thank Jean Calvin and the folks at DUSTY TIMES for affording me the space to set the record straight. P.S. If you find yourself near Mike's during the Baja 1000, stop in and say "hello" :--I'll take the time to chat. Thank you Russ for a «'ell documented tale of trying to do your job at the Rit•erside races, «'here it al1:mys seems to be tough getting the ·right hand «'orking «'ith the left hand in such a big area for a closed course race. We agree that your group does a super job on the desert races, U'here no doubt you bring all your o'U'n e4uipment to the far flung outposts on the race course. DUSTY TIMES U'ould «'elcome any forum about imprcwing the state of off road racing, a '.,port «'e l<we and aim to support «•ith this publication. Volunteers are i1wited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space U'ith their thoughts about U'hat is good and «•hat is not so good about the state of off road racing. We U'ould U'elcome some discussion 011 the state of the Pro Rally Series as «'ell. Call or «'rite DUSTY TIMES U'ith your ideas for a Soap Box column, and get on the scfiedule. November 1985 Trail Notes ••• THE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD . ENTHUSIASTS have joined forces with Sun world International Airways and Holiday Inn to make the final race of the 1985 Yokohama/SNORE series an event to attend. The Sun world Airways/SNORE Blackjack 100 on November 23 will give racers a chance to compete for a vacation for two in San Francisco. The top three finishers in every class, except Challenger, will get the opportunity to draw for the vacatio·n trip, a little icing on the cake for what has been SNORE's most successful racing season in many years. There is a good possibility that Sunworld Airways will continue to be involved in the 1986 series. Winners of the vacation will fly Sunworld to Oakland International Airport, the closest airport to downtown San Francisco, then take the.Bay Area Transit to the beautiful Holiday Inn in Union Square, right in the heart of San Francisco, for a three day, two night vacation. Along with Sunworld Airways, the Holiday Inn Hotel & Casino, and Yokohama Tires, Snore has welcomed many other major supporters in 1985, including Bud Light and General Tires. Snore's final event of the 1985 series, the Sunworld Airways/SNORE Blackjack 100, will be held just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. For entry information write SNORE, P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 or call the SNORE Hotline, (702) 452-4522. THE UNIROYAL ONE LAP OF AMERICA RALLY will be held on May 3 to 11 in 1986. Uniroyal Tires recently announced its continuing sponsorship of the unique 8500 mile road rally. The date was moved from March to May next year to assure the use of many challenging mountain roads that were closed for the winter during the 1984 and 1985 One Lap of America runs. Starting and finishing in Detroit, MI, the 1986 rally will visit many of America's leading race tracks, and stop in Laredo, Texas at Uniroyal's proving ground, There will be more Time/Speed/Distance sections next year on the route that generally circumnavigates the perimeter of the United States. The route is kept secret until the entrants leave the starting line. Uniroyal's continuing involvement in the nine day endurance rally is a major part of the company's effort to publicly demonstrate the performance capabilities of Uniroyal's latest passenger and light truck tires. Teams interested in entering the 1986 rally should contact Brock Yates at Box 241, Wyoming, New York 14591. DESERT SERIES COUNTDOWN FOR 1985. While the Score Baja 1000 has yet to happen as we go to press, the. final event in the first ever combined HD RA/Score Series is coming up fast, and the drawing for starting positions is coming even sooner, on November 1.6, 1985, for the HDRA Frontier 250. The race course will start and finish about 15 miles south of Las Vegas at Sloan, and it will be four laps of about 60 miles of course for all classes. The Frontier Hotel will be awarding a bonus of $100 in each class for · the fastest lap. Just $100 gets your name in the drawing, which will be held on Saturday, November 16, 1985 in the Americana Room of the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. The Frontier 250 will happen on Saturday, December 7, with the first Class 1 car away at 9 a.m. Send your deposit to HDRA, 961 West Dale Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89124 and get the full skinny, course map and all the details on the schedule for the race. SMITTYBILT, INC. is expanding their facilities. Smittybilt, maker of top quality truck bars and tube bumpers for mini, mid and full size trucks, broke ground last August on a new, 5,000 square foot building to be used for warehouse/ shipping and a new main office. However, the address will remain the same, 2124 North Lee Ave., South El Monte, CA 91733, and so does the phone number, (818) 442-1788. THE GOODYEAR OFF ROAD SUPPORT TEAM has a somewhat different schedule from their normal operation during the SCORE Baja 1000 this year. The Goodyear Support Team truck will not be in contingency row on the Thursday of the race week in Ensenada. The truck will beon the way to the course near Santa Ynez to be in place for competitors during the race. However, a few of the Support Team members will be available during the contingency hours for any information or assistance you might need. If any of the Goodyear Team members need the truck to carry tires to the pit location, contact Paula Simms at (714) 993-7 448 fast to coordinate details before the Baja 1000 starters. If you would like to know how to be a part of this team, and realize great savings on Goodyear W rangier Radial Tires, just call Gary Wicke at (714), 524-1200. PRO RALLY ENTHUSIASTS will be sorry to hear that the well produced Toyota Olympus Rally has not been included in the eleven events counting for the World Championship in 1986.LastJuly the Olympus, out of Seattle, ran as a prototype event and a candidate for World Championship status in 1986. But, the FISA schedule is printed, and of the eleven events listed, eight• are in Europe, and one each in Africa, New Zealand and Argentina. While everyone, including the European observers, praised the Olympus last year, it is possible its low entry was a factor in losing America's bid to hold a World Championship event. · Next year on the World Championship series for both drivers and manufacturers, seven of the eleven events will count towards a title, and one rally must be outside Europe. Other changes concern the familiar Groups B, A and N. These have been renamed for 1986 as Sports Cars, Touring and Production. 111 the works are categories for Group S, Special Rally Cars, and Group C, Prototype Sports Cars. The former Group A Production class will have extra freedom to strengthen suspensions. THE OFF ROAD EXPOSITION AT INDIANAPOLIS is the latest entity from the active efforts of Mickey Thompson, and co-producer Dick Wells. The all inclusive off road exposition is an added attraction to Mickey Thompson's first Off Road Championship Gran Prix of 1986 at the Indiana Hoosier Dome. The product show will happen on the same date,January 23-25, as the race. The expo is adjacent to the race site and pit area in the same ·facility. It will be the first double feature race and show under one roof. Exhibits will include all types of motorcycles and snowmobiles, along with accessory equipment, and feature light trucks, four wheel drive rigs for street and competition, buggies, ATCs, and an impressive array of products for virtually everything that .runs off road. Information on ,the Expo is available from lnternational,OffRoad Exposition, 4340 Campus Drive, Suite 202, Newport Beach, CA 92660, or phone (714) 756-9052. More TRAIL NOTES 011 page 9. Dusty Times

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1985-1986 HAPPENIN~_ ••• _ A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 ( 602) 252-1900 December 7, 1985 9th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare 'n Hound Sonoita, Mexico January 11, 1986 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 AMERICAN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION John Ohanesian P.O. Box 31811 Phoenix, AZ 85046 (602) 867-4769 BANZAI OFF ROAD CENTER Bryan Christensen 2 729 No. 62nd Omaha, NE 68104 (all events at Riverfront Motorsports Park) BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator - Gil Parker 7406 S. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 December 7, 1985 4x4 Christmas Party & -Berrien Autocross Series Banquet Holiday Inn Northbrook, IL Tickets (312) 479-9186 COBRA RACING P.O. Box 19407 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) 232-4231 - (405) 685-3450 (All off road races will be held at the 59th & Douglas track, Oklahoma City.) · FORDA Florida Off Readers Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 November 3 Brevard Co. Off Road Park Sharpes, FL December 1 Brevard Co. Off Road Park Sharpes, FL January 5, 1986 Florida State Fairgrounds Speedway Tampa, FL February 2, 1986 Citrus Co. Speedway Inverness, FL March 21-23, 1986 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL Dusty Times FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 9, 1986 Superstition 250 Ill GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 8053 7 CORRA (303) 669-4460 DORRA (303) 429-1949 RMORRA (303) 597-8239 WKR (913) 332-3402 HDRA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 December 6-8 Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV January 11, 1986 SCORE/HD RA Awards Banquet Anaheim Hilton Anaheim, CA March 7-9, 1986 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV July 4-6, 1986 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 5-7, 1986 Frontier 500 Las Vegas, NV December 5-7, 1986 · Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV HODAG50 Information (715) 362-6550 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MANUFACTURERS' CUP SERIES Angus Motorsports Number One Main St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 386-2110 December 21-22 United States Rally Las Vegas, NV MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 January 25, 1986 Hoosier Dome Indianapolis, IN February 8, 1986 Silver Dome Pontiac, Ml February 22, 1986 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 15, 1986 Astrodome Houston, Texas March 22, 1986 Tentative Texas Stadium Dallas, Texas April 1986 King Dome Seattle, WA July 19, 1986 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA Additional dates in California TBA MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Box 181021 Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 577-1102 ORSA 1920 Crown Ave. West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-4257 POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 · (717) 265-3076 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 (503) 620-0313 January 18, 1986 Awards Banquet Space Needle Restaurant Seattle, WA SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6625 December 6-8 Carson City International Pro Rally Carson City, NV SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-921(i _ November 8-9 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico Janua-ry 11, 1986 SCORE/HD RA Awards Banquet Anaheim Hilton Anaheim, CA January 31, February 1-2, 1986 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 4-6, 1986 Great Mojave 250 · Lucerne Valley, CA June 6-8, 1986 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico August 15-17 Score Off Road World Championship Riverside ,International Raceway Riverside, CA November 6-9, 1986 Baja 1000 Ensenada to La Paz, Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada ( 514) 692-61 71 November 9, 1985 Annual Awards Banquet Salon 76 Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, Quebec More Happenings on page -~· _ THE ORIGINAL GAS PRESSURE SHOCK ABSORBER WINNERS ON BILSTEIN SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Ivan Stewart 1st Place, Class 7 Mint 400 "Never before have I had so much con-fidence in a shock. After extensive testing and numerous races on the same set of Bi/steins, I am very pleased by their excellent perfor-mance and reliability." November 1985 Ray Aragon 1st Place, Class 10 Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 "We finished 2nd at the Cal City 12-hour in 1983, 1st in Class 10 at the Parker 400 1984, and 1st in Class 10 at the Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 all on the same set of Bi/steins with no failures." Jerry Leighton 1st Place, Class 10 Fireworks 250 1984 "The shocks worked super; no such thing as broken or leaking shocks with Bi/stein." Jim Wright 1st Place, Class 2 Mint 400 "By far the most impor-tant parts on any off-road vehicle are the shocks. Using Bi/steins is like cheating." For further information and special off-road applications contact Tom Hoke at BILSTEIN Corporation of America, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121. 619/453-7723. ® ' R-2000 CAACAA<. "'°""""' Page5

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Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith As the fall season progresses and the Baja 1000 comes around again, old Baja racers find themselves reminiscing about past races. Thanks to its romantic location and its long history, the 1000 has no end of good stories. This month we've got some from the "Wet and Wild" '76 event. The course for that one was to start in the odoriferous wash that cuts through Ensenada and empties into the beach just north of the Convention Center. Then it went up to Ojos Negros, · El · Rayo, Nuevo Junction, and back down ahrough San Felipe, up across Diablo to Mike's and then hack in to Ensenada. Up at the top of that first wash, where there is now a dam, there was at that time a river of sorts, and the race course wandered through its generally not-very-wet bed here and there. Race day was to be Friday that y~ar, and on Thursday night, with all the cars neatly tucked into the walled-in impound on the side street down behind the Pemex station, everything was ready to go. Tall Charlie and his minions guarded the gate, and the solid walls made impound seem secure. During the night it started to rain. It went on and on, waking the racers from time to time, and as they drifted off back to sleep, . most would wonder whether Diablo was going to get wet again, and did they remember how to find the road around it in case it did. In the morning it was still raining, Ensenada was a swamp, and the rumors began to fly. We heard that there were four feet of water in the river bed behind the under-construction-dam, where the course was supposed to go. We heard that the race was cancelled; we were told it was snowing at Checkpoint 1 (El Rayo). When the drivers showed up at impound to get their cars, Tall Charlie would not release them for the drive to the start line. This was more than a little distressing, because the runoff from the rain was funneling directly into the impound, and those nice sturdy walls kept it from running off as rapidly as it ran in. The water level was at about eight inches and rising. Charlie was adamant that if anyone took his car out of impound it would be disquali-fied. Meanwhile, Sal Fish had discovered via radio that it had indeed snowed at El Rayo, and also at Nuevo Junction. The river did have too much water in it to be fordable, and the first part of the course was going to have to be scrubbed. While Sal tried to decide what to do, the racers sat in impound, watching the garbage of Ensenada float by, and the steam was rising from hot exhausts which were now being lapfed by the water.Tall Charlie stil did not have the o.k. to release us, but he did take pity on a clutch of chickens penned in a small structure in the lot, and he turned them loose so they could escape the flood. A massive traffic jam had built out in the street as bikers stood around leaning on their steeds and pit crews milled about, wondering if they should take off for their assignments or not. The apparel of the day was garbage bags, with Jeff Hibbard a notable standout in a flowered pink shower curtain. Finally, word came that the race would have to be started in Ojos Negros, and we were all to get there however we could. A bedraggled horde of racers finally steamed out of the impound, making waves around Charlie's thighs, and headed up the hill, all mixed in with pit traffic and spectators. When they got to Ojos . Negros, the grand-daddy of all traffic jams had been created. As pit vehicles and motor homes pulled off to the side of the road they got stuck, so they began to park on the very edge of the highway. Ojos Negros suffered a Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY -HELPFUL NEIGHBORS - EVERYONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE $12.00 - 1 year • $20 - 2 years • $30 - 3 years • $15 (US) 1 year to Canada SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 Page6 massive "grid-lock". In the Dozens of cars had tried to meantime, a frantic Sal Fish take the trail they'd pre-run discovered that he had no radio across the dry lake, only to bog contact with his checkpoint down in the mud. Many used up personnel in El Rayo. their clutches trying to get The bikers were lined up, unstuck. Some got lost trying to wrapped in garbage bags and find a way round, and one of revving their motors when Fish them ran head-on into Doc ' finally gave up. Race cars were Sauers in his single seater. Brian strung all along the highway from Skipper and Kirk Cartwright Ojos Negros back to the stuck the two seater of Bob Ensenada dump, tangled up in Gordon and were there for the the biggest traffic jam Ensenada duration. John Howard inched and environs had ever seen. Ojos out by drying off his wires, going Negros was obviously too small forward a foot or so, then drying to stage all the race cars, even if off his wires, moving forward a they could manage to get there. foot, and so on. Jackie Thomison So the lack of communication rigged a "dead man's" winch with El Rayo cli.nched it, and Sal with two posts and a strap, to get decided there would be no start her Class 11 car unstuck. on Friday. Racers on their way to That year there had been three Ojos Negros were suddenly trails to get to the top of Diablo. astounded, and a bit relieved, to One ran along the hills to the east see others on their way back to of the lake, one ran around the Ensenada. As they heard what rim, just on the edge of the lake, had happened, the race cars and the last was the traditional peeled out of the line and headed trail straight across the middle. back toward dry clothes and Pre-runners had had to bypass warm bars, leaving the motor the lake entirely early on, homes and trailers to dig because an autumn storm had themselves out as best they left the lake under water. As it could. dried some, it became possible to The Bahia bar had its biggest use the rim road, and the last day crowd in history. as everyone or so before this race a few hardy headed there to find out what souls had managed to go all the was happening. And the rumors way across the damp, but fairly flew again. The race was solid, middle. Now, of course, it canceled; it was postponed for was wet again. two weeks; it would start Our share of the course that tomorrow; and there'd be an year was to include that/art of announcement at 3 p.m. Four the road, and we worrie about o'clock came and went, and the finding the rim trail, with which street outside the Bahia and in we were least familiar. Sure front of the El Cid ( wherein Sal enough, just before we got to the Fish and his committee were bottom ofDiablo the sun had set, making their momentous it was dark, and our generator decision) teemed with racers was failing {but we didn't know awaiting the word. Finally, at that then) so our lights were dim. 6:20, Sal stepped out on the We missed 'the rim trail, and balcony to make his big were on the road to the hills announcement. The race was on before we knew where we were. for Saturday morning. The It was at least not flooded, and we course would be rerouted muddled through, nearly in dark, around the river bed out of daring to use only one dim Ensenada, the staging area would headlight. That trail intersects not be in the wash, and the finish the gr.aded road that angles off line would be outside Ojos the lake, up near the top. As we Negros, but otherwise it would turned on to it and headed down be the same race. toward Diablo, a lost race truck, Meanwhile, on the other side many lights blazing, particallyran of the peninsula, the San Felipe us off the road, and caused us to police had come out early in the stall. Since we were fairly late and day and made all the pits in the El on a little used part of the course, Chinero area pull up stakes and and now had no battery, we move. They were afraid of the figured that was the end of it, and possibility of a flash flood. It started gathering firewood. never happened, and later in the Suddenly, we realized another day the crews gradually moved race car was coming up the hill back in. They were never quite toward us, headed the wrong sure whether the race was going way. We flagged him down, told to happen or not. And the pits in him he was lost and told him the outlying areas, some with no we'd show.him where the course radio communication, wer.e was if he'd give us a push. It was mystified when no race cars came Dave Rogalia, and since he'd on Friday as expected. Some pits, been leading Class 9 when last with other commitments, packed he'd checked, he was only too up and went home late Saturday, happy to be led back to the race leaving big gaps in coverage for course. Down on the trail again, some racers. Rogalia left us to fumble our way All the cars managed to get to along in the dark. The car now staging from their various wouldn't run with the light on, so overnight parking spots, and the we were really in the dark, trying race got itself going in good order to make our way to our pit in on Saturday. As expected, there Matias. But the uphill sand got was water, and there was mud all us, and the single seater finally along the way. quit, using its last gasp of energy Down in Chinero where we to pull off the side of the trail and waited, the cars were later than park. Minutes later a pickup expected, and when the first car went by, honked to sa·y "Hi", came through, to everyone's and Bill Stroppe, the passenger, astonishment, 1t was not a single radioed ro his crew to pass the seater, b'uttheClassS BajaBugof word that we were stuck and Don and Doug Robertson, two needed help. The word "help" was somehow misfnterpreted. The word was passed that we were hurt and in need of help. The exaggerations · grew and soon the tory was that -we were unable to get out of the car; that we had rolied the car and now hung upside down in it, unconscious. {Cooler heads would have realized that no other racer would have driven by a situation like that.) And down in Chinero, Joyce Parnell was told that we had been taken to the hospital in- Mexicali, in bad shape. In reality we were scrabbling around, in the wash trying to gather up enough firewood to make a fire, because it was darned . cold. We stood and waved at every car that went by, to be sure they saw us and would tell our crew where we were, and indeed, Al Rogers had delivered our stuck stub within a half hour of the car's demise. Our crew soon struggled down the wash, towed us to the highway and began trying to make the car run. But back in Chinero others feared for our health, and when Doc Sauers limped in {literally, his toes broken and ribs cracked from that head-on) they persuaded him that we needed medical attention up near Matias. So he supertaped his ribs, drafted his co-driver, Rick Mears, to drive, and they headed up the road (still dirt in those days) in his truck. When they got to Matias they found us, healthy and well and trying to get the race car going again. We were surprised to learn of our supposed emergcµicy, and then, once he'd expressed his relief, Doc went on to tell us that his ride up the road with Mears at the wheel had been a real thrill. He expressed the opinion (shared by us) that Mears would be an Indy driver some day. In spite of some very expert help we never did get our car going again, and very nearly lost it for good when it broke loose from its chain as it was being towed back to Ensenada. We searched for 20 minutes, finally found it, nearly unharmed in the deep brush, chained it back to the tow truck, and got it safely home. In its inimitable way the race muddled on. And, true to style, the officials changed the announced site of the finish. For· some reason never known, it was moved, during the race, to a place some miles further on down the road. Racers got to the expected finish, throught they were through, and had to go on. Some, who'd planned • their gas consumption precisely, had to bum gas, or wait for their crews to show up and give them a shot of fuel so they could make it to the end. Many got lost between there and the new finish, but generally, they made it in, relieved that this one was finally over. Ivan Stewart won in his single seater, Walker Evans had won Class 2 in his truck, the Robertsons won Class 5, and Rogalia and his co-driver Frank Snook, did go on to win Class 9 . Brian Skipper and Kirk Cartwright sat in the mud in Laguna Salada, battery dead, until two o'clock the next afternoon. San Diego residents who had the -Now we get to the point of this advantage of knowing the course adventure. His message was around Laguna Salada very well. forwarded in a variety of ways. ___________ _;... ____________ _ November 1985 Dusty Times

Page 7

BFGOO'DRICH 6-50 CLUB REPORT Corky McMillin Leads the Quest for the Gold through Tonopah in good shape, but the Badenoch's car was seen no more. In the Challenger group, Dave Girdner and Roy Perfect did well through Beatty, but they too vanished beyond that point, still earning the fourth place trophy. over Henry Arras who has 213 points. Jim Temple, who was a no show at the Frontier 500, has • a total points count of 168, tagged by Andy Devercelly at 161 points. Rounding out the top eleven are · Dave Girdner with 158 points, Frank Snook, 133, Gene Hightower, 124, Bob Renz, 123, and Stan Parnell with 105 points. These top points grabbers represent an interesting mix of classes. There are a pair from Class 2, a pair from Class 1, and a pair from Class 5-1600. The others are in Class 10, Class 4, Challenger, Class 3 and Class 5. presented sometime during the 1985 combined High Desert and Score awards banquet. At the present time that gala affair is scheduled to happen on January 11 in Anaheim, CA, possibly at the Hilton Hotel. Don't feel left out if you are not really in contention for the top three spots. We are working hard on some merchandise prizes for the other top points finishers, and we will have more on that subject later on in the season. The HORA Frontier 500 was the seventh stop on the nine race BFGoodrich 6-50 points series for 1985. In the event which saw only 35 percent finishing ratio among the car entries, the mature drivers in the 6-50 ranks came in strong with a 50 percent finish ratio. Fourteen known 6-50 drivers started, and seven of them finished in 20 hours or less. One more also finished, slightly out of time, however. It shows that experience really counts when the race is both extra long and extra tough, as the Frontier 500 was this year. In Class 1 there were three starting drivers of record over 50 years of age, and one finished, Bob Renz. With Dick Clark co-driving the Raceco, Renz came in a sparkling fifth in class and an impressive ninth overall. Gregg Symonds had his ORE powered by Porsche humming all the way to Beatty, but not much further down the trail the clutch died on co-driver Jake Fogg, also a 6-50 driver. Luck was not riding with Frank Snook at this race, as his Raceco expired in the first few miles. . The pair of older guys in Class 2 covered themselves with glory, and both finished well. Len Newman and co-a.river Mike Gaughan, did a terrific job in their Bunderson to bring the Barbary Coast entry home third in Class 2, with some problems along the way, Points leader going in, and still the 6-50 points leader, Corky McMillin and his son Scott had woes all day. But, they got the Porsche powered Chenowth home fifth in class, giving Corky enough points to maintain the 6-50 lead, with just two races to go. However, McMillin has one DNF so far and has been in all the races, and only the best six of the nine events listed for the series count for year end points. Corky may end up having to discard a race with a lot of points, which could change the final picture. In Class 1-2-1600 C.W. Dunham, with Sam Dunham co-dri ving, got the Bunderson around for a finish, eighth in class on a long, long journey, 17½ hours. Gene and Kirby Hightower had tough sledding in Class 3. They had some serious down time late in the race, and sad to say, they arrived at the finish line about 20 minutes too late to gain an official finish. But they did finish the course in the Jeep CJ7 and won the class. Things didn't go· any better for Vern Roberts in his Class 4 Jeep Honcho. While he and Bill Donahoe struggled a~ound the · course, they ran out of time to ·, make an official finish a lso, but they took second place money in Class 4 Among the Baja Bugs, Stan Parnell got his Class 5 to Beatty, but the car succumbed to mechanical ills before the next checkpoint. In Class 5-1600 Jim Dunn was out of the race early on the course. In Class 8 the 6-50 finisher was Stan Gilbert, who brought Charlotte Corral's Ford Dusty Times around in fine · style to finish fourth in the class that saw half the starting trucks finish. In Class 10 our one finisher was Jack Irvine. At one time, with Kit Trenholm co-driving, the Raceco was leading the class. But, the reports are that Irvine ran out of gas just a few miles short of the finish line. The Raceco eventually arrived fourth in Class 10. Bill Herrick, with Mike McDonnell co-driving, got Join in the With the Score Baja 1000, and the season finale the HORA Frontier 250 still to come, the points race for the· gold, silver and bronze is still very tight. Corky McMillin has a total count of 285 points and the lead right now. Having missed two races and having one DNF, Jack Irvine is definitely within striking distance at 239 points. Now third is Vern Roberts, his 215 points maintaining a slim lead The 6-50 club contenders and fans might like to know that the awards for 1985 will be To find out where you stand in 6-50 points, or if you are over 50, a driver of record, and don't know if you are on the list, send your info' to Jean Calvin, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. fuetbMl~Ue MAIL COUPON ERIKSSON INDUSTRIES, INC. 326 W. KATELLA AVE., SUITE 4-H DT ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 (714) 538-5878 TODAYI Experience the Excitement of the MINT 400 without thedust Above photo is prototype. Actual game may differ slightly. • • YES! D Send me __ copy of the new and exciting . "MINT 400 OFF-ROAD GAME" for $24.95 (Plus $2.50 each shipping & handling). My check or money order for$ ____ enclosed. VISA □ MASTERCARD□ Card# _______ _ _______ _ Expiration date: ____________ Signature: ___________ _ Name ________________________ ~-------II Address. __________________________ _ ■ City State _________ Zip ____ _ !!__ -(Cal_#_o_,n_i_a-,e-s-id_e_n_t_s_a_d_d_6_%- ta_x_J____ Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. November 1985 Page 7

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The Porsche 961 is a Space Age Rally Car _ been developed specifically for mechanical control is the throttle 85 octane fuel,.to give about 370 pedal! BHP; that is less than the road The special feature of the 961 Text & Photos: version, about 450 BHP, while is the electronic transmission Martin Holmes the full competition version will · · control. In the same system as the give about 650 BHP. production 959, a central Scheduled to make its debut · on the production 959 tnotor all; all the exhaust gasses go only Installing the water cooling for multiplate fluid transmission, on the Egyptian Pharaohs Rally, which was developed from the to the left hand turbo. Above the cylinder heads presented clutch is mounted just behind the late in October, will be the long 956/962 racing units. The flat that boost level, a wastegate great difficulty. -The water front differential. A shaft comes awaited competition version of six cylinder has four valve opens the route to the right hand radiator, alongside the oil out of the front ofa conventional the Porsche 959, which in watercooled heads, which makes turbo and passes half the gasses radiator, is in the front of the car, Porsche transaxle unit and runs prototype group B evolution the engine taller and heavier than in that direction. This system which means (icluding a breather through a torque tube to· the -form is to be known as the the 911 units on the Paris-Dakar gives quick throttle response. pipe} no fewer than five fluid front differential. There is no Porsche 961. This is the first ever cars. The block fits almost The left hand-wastegate controls pipes pass through the car, and center differential, the Porsche twin turbo rally car, and it is exactly into the rear of a the overall boost level, the right this has involved fitting a false system simply requiring a clutch derived out of the space age 959, 911/930 Turbo, but is about 50 hand is responsible for shutting floor under the co-driver's feet. to feed drive to the front which is probably the most kg. heavier than the 911 SC RS, off the right hand turbo. This is The Pharaohs cars have had extra differential. The trick is to technically advanced road car yet the previous rally car. Without so effective that when the engine fuel tanks and spare wheels control the circumstances in : built. Two 961s are presently fuel, the weight distribution of is at idle, the right hand exhaust installed, so after losing space to · which the front axle is fed the · . under construction, one by the . the 961 is about 40 front/60 does not even get warm, the enlarged transmission tunnel, load. , parent factory in Stuttgart for rear, similar to the 911 SC RS. Because the right hand internal room is very limited. · The 4x4 rally cars are fitted 'Jacky Ickx to drive and the other The twin turbocharging wastegate is in series with the The intercooler is mounted with a steering column mounted, at Silverstone, England at the system closely follows the turbocharger, only one exhaust above the engine outside the four position lever just like the workshops of the Rothmans production 959. One turbo is comes from that side of the car; body, in the space beneath the production 959s. On the Porsche Rally Team for the fitted next to each head, but each so there are three, not four rear wing. The engine is production cars these settings are Q;itar driver, Saeed Al Hajri. operates through one huge, exhaust pipes coming out the electronically controlled by a intended to cater to snow, ice, Whereas the German car will be common iritercooler which then back of the car. The engine is 2.8 Bosch Motronic system, similar rain and dry tarmac, but for new, the British built car is being feeds both cylinder banks. The liters ( 4 liter class after applying to the Audi Quattro, installed in competition purposes the modified out of the normally left hand turbo works all the time the 1.4 turbo coefficient), but two boxes; one for the normal options are still subject to aspirated, non-electronically and the wastegate for this· turbo is the power of the engine depends , Motronic ignition timing and experiment. Each position takes activated 959 driven by Jochen mounted, as usual, in parallel. entirely on the instructions fuel injection management and information from different Mass on the 1985 Paris Dakar Up to a certain electronically coming from the electronic the other concentrating on boost sources, which activate different Rally. determined boost level, the right control box. The box being controls, both mounted behind operations of the clutch. In the The engine of the 961 is based hand turbo does not operate at installed for the Pharaohs has the co-driver's seat. The only production "dry" setting, the -----=----------,---------::--::=====-=----- - -iiiiii,.;.~----------------~ sensors monitor road speed and These preview pictures of the Porsche 961 prototype, an evolution version of the 959, were taken in the Rothmans Porsche rally team W?_rkshops at Silverstone, Englari_d ea! _(Y j n September. MAKE YOUR FAVORITE RACER HAPPY With New Safety Equipment From FILLER Nomex Driving Suit $179.00 /'I\'\ MasterCard \._),I__/ .. , -,, • 'iii Filler Safety is now offering all seat belts and harnesses with blue webbing. Complete with mounting hardware, $115.00 \LLE ~ PRODUCTS, INC. SIMPLE TO ORDER~ PHONE OR MAIL ORDER USING VISA, 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD MASTERCHARGE OR WE DO SHIP SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 C.O.D. No personal checks please. PH. (818) 768-7770 Our besf race bag. Made of heavy supported vinyl and quilted to nylon backed foam lining. Heavy web strap handles. Size: 12 x 12 x 24 . $40.00' Fine quality, hand crafted, light weight Nomex Racing Boots. Available in black, white, or royal blue in sizes 7 thru 13. $78.00 Page& November 1985 throttle position, so the understeer can be altered by the clutch loadings at different speeds. In the production "ice" position the sa-me sensors activate different clutch settings. It is also possible to arrange a fixed percentage front-to-rear which takes away much of the sophistication of-9ther settings, and the percentage torque splits can also be varied by a potentiometer on the dashboard. In case of electronic failure, there is a master cylinder (rather like a hydraulic handbrake cylinder) which enables the front differential to be manually loaded as required, which can also over ride the electronic system, even when it is working. At this time there is no real decision on how the systems will be used in competition. The gearbox is a six speed unit, like the new Audi. The rally car will have close ratio gears, and lower .final drive gears than the production car, Unlike the front suspension, which apart from the uprights and steering angles, is the same as the 959, the rear chassis on the 961 is completely different. Much longer links are used, the mounting points for both the top and the _ bottom rear wishbones being a long way inside the line of the chassis rails, well 'into the engine compartment. This gives more travel for the same degree of variation in wheel angle. The wheelbase is also lengthened by · about 20 mm, although the engine position is unchanged; this is achieved by angulating the drive shafts rearwards. Coil springs are fitted all round, four in the front and two at the rear::. There is now nine or ten inches of suspension travel, about double that of the old 9 11. The double front springs even up the loads on the front wishbones, and the double shocks give longer effective life. All four suspension uprights are identical and designed to be interchange-able. See last column next page, Dusty Times

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1110,e ••• TRAIL NOTES THE WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION, out of Vancouver, British Columbia, suffered a low blow recently. The owner of Mount Cheam Raceway, where the majority ofWORRA's events take place, decided he could not continue to operate the facility for off road racing. WORRA got the news just a week before their September race date, and the final two events in their series were effectively canceled. The club is presently pursuing options to find another facility for the 1986 season. WORRA's head man, Terry Pritchard, announced to the membership; "We are notthe first group to have this happen, and certainly we are not the last. It isn't peculiar to our area, it has happened all over North America. I don't think that there is any sense trying to place blame, it is a phenomenon of the '80s. What we do next, we are not sure. But, what we don't do is panic or get upset. The best thing to do now is to work out a plan of action for next year". Well said, Terry, and hang in there. Locally around LA we lost both Saddle back Park and Indian Dunes in 1985. Tokeepuptodateon WORRAactivitynext season, contact Terry and Donna Pritchard, WORRA, 19125-87 A Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada V3S 5X7. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES NEWS. The Cliffs of Gorman Rally on 1 October 6 was not only the final event for the SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional Pro Rally Series, but a points run for the CRS titles too. Ramon Ferreyros and Ken Eklund ran an excellent rally in Colorado on Saturday, October 5, flew back to Los Angeles and barely made it to Gorman for the early Sunday morning start. The Gold Rush Rally win gave them needed divisional points, and a third place at Gorman would give them the title. However, Scott Child flashed th rough the Gorman stages with an outstanding performance over extremely challenging, twisting roads, and won the rally and the divisional title. Ferreyros and Eklund finished sixth and out of the hunt. Only 13 of the 30 starting cars finished the grueling event. Scott Child and crew headed for the Press On Regardless Pro Rally in Michigan to vie with other SCCA divisional champions for the 1985 National Divisional Pro Rally Championship CRS driving whiz Mike Whitman won the 1984 National Divisional Championship at the Carson City International Pro Rally last December. The East of Indio V Rally is scheduled for November 22-24, with headquarters at the Best Western Date Tree Motor Inn in Indio. The San Jacinto forests are now OUT, but extended desert and mountain stages are IN. Mountain stages are scheduled for daylight, and the desert stages will be done in the dark. East of Indio is an endurance event with 220 stage miles. Roads are newly graded, eliminating some of the rockadillo spawning grounds. The rally is geared to the well prepared vehicle and well organized ,service crew. It is a triple point event, and it opens the 1986 SCCASouthern ,Pacific Divisional season and ends the 1985 CRS Championship. Call Roger Allison (714) 736-1442 for entry information. Current CRS points leaders ,are Lon Peterson, driver, and Jim Love, co-driver, in open class, and Mike Whitman, driver, and Lynnette Allison, co-driver, in stock class. But, the points are close and the triple point Indio rally could put any of the top three in each class into the championship. THE FORD BRONCO IS 20 YEARS OLD. Ford's industry leading Bronco four wheel drive personal utility vehicle celebrates its 20th anniversary during the 1986 model year. The original Bronco was introduced to the press in August 1965 and marketed in 1966. lt had three body styles, four passenger with a full removable roof, two passenger pickup with a cab roof, and an open top doorless roadster. By 1973 only the version with the full length roof remained. The Bronco introduced an inovation in 4 x 4s with its front coil springs. The Bronco was quickly adopted by off road racers, and at one point Bill Stroppe had an extensive team in major races, including the celebrated Bronco Special that Bill rode in while Parnelli Jones won everything in sight. The first full size Bronco came along in 1978, and in March of 1982 the Bronco II downsized wagon bowed to the public. To celebrate the rig's birthday, Ford organized an outing for interested journalists and some Ford truck folks from Ford-Dearborn. The route went over hills and dales in southern California, ending at the ranch of Frank "Scoop" Vessels, who has won many races driving a Ford pickup. Guests were treated to a most exciting mountain trail ride, reverse steering competition, and rides in the race trucks of Manny Esquerra and Dave Shoppe. The trails and competitions were put together by Bill Stroppe himself, and Parnelli was on hand with "Big Oly" Bronco to boot. It was a keen way to toast the Bronco at age 20. The newest, 1986 fuel injected Bronco lls were on hand to drive over the trails, and it demonstrated their vastly improved power range. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has announced their stadium racing schedule for 1986; check it out in Happenings on page 5. MTEG also have some exciting and perhaps profit making news for potential UltraStock competitors. The newsletter states that MTEG has a verbal commitment from Volkswagen of America to post a points fund for the UltraStocks in three categories. Any 1985 or 1986 VW bodied car running the complete series with any type of engine will earn $5000 for first, $1500 for second, and $ 1000 for third. In addition to the body, if the vehicle uses an air cooled VW engine, add the following bonus, $2500 for first, $1000 for second, and $500 for third. And, if the Golf bodied vehicle uses a water cooled VW engine, add the bonus of $5000 for first, $1500 for second, and $1000 for third. In other words, it you win the points series in UltraStock class with a Rabbit powered, Golf bodied device, you will win ten grand from VOA at the end of the season. There is also a verbal commitment from Toyota Motorsports to post contingency money on a per event basis for any UltraStock that uses both a Toyota body and powerplant. This fund is $1000 for a win, $7 50 for second, and $500 for third. Negotiations for a $40,000 points fund for 1986 in the UltraStock classes are also underway. MTEG is also working hard on a points fund for the Super 1600 (Class 10) category. There is no mention of Class 1 or Class 7 in the release, so perhaps the.rumors about Class 1 being phased out of the series are true. It is a cinch that Class 7 will be around hot and heavy, with all the factories getting ready for the winter races in the midwest right now. THE SHORT COURSE 1986 RACING SEASON in southen California is slated to open with a Mike Goodwin produced event at Angel Stadium in Anaheim. Goodwin's Stadium Supercross season opens on Saturday, January 18, and he plans to run a car style stadium race on Sunday,January 19. Classes mentioned for this event, on a course softened from the bike race over night, would be 10, 1, 7, 5, UltraStocks and ATVs. More on this next month. Dusty Times Additional HAPPENINGS SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 June 20-22, 1986 9th Annual SCORE Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 November 16 Silver Dust 400 Henderson, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 November 23 Sunworld Airways/Snore Blackjack 100 Las Vegas, NV February 22, 1986 Bottom Dollar April 12, 1986 Yoco Loco ! • June zi-: 1986 Twilight Race July 26-27, 1986 Midnight Special September 26-28, 1986 SNORE 250 November 16, 1986 Black Jack 100 STADIUM RACING, U.S.A · Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 (619) 463-0654 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 460 No. Beaumont Ave. Brookfield, WI 53005 (715) 272-1489 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 November 16, 1985 1985 Awards Banquet Red Lion Motor Inn Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS , List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. Send your 1~5 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your event schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. PORSCHE 961 continued The brakes are similar to the 911 with staggered piston size calipers designed for endurance racing. Both front and rear brakes are mounted on the leading edge. Tires for the Pharaohs rally will be 205/16 in size, and six inch wide wheels are being used for this event, and seven inch rear wheels with special center locks are being considered. Total weight of the Pharaohs cars is about 1400 kg, which includes 200 liters of fuel tank and the desert type tires. It is expected that the rally version will be more than 200 kg lighter in weight. With many parts of the body still using 911 items, the 961 is an amazing mixture of the new and the old, It may be years before the potential of this space age model in off road comptition can be fully explored. Consider-ing that the 911 is still capable of winning international rallies almost 20 years after it was introduced, time seems to be on Porsche's side. Currently the car is being prepared with the existing group B rules in mind, but the ideas contained in the car will hold good in almost any set ohegulations. This 4 WD Super Porsche just might make a super contender on the 1986 Baja 1000, from Ensenada to La Paz. Is Porsche-Audi paying atten-tion? AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Protect your KC Daylighters against flying rocks & dirt clods, with this new KC Chrome Rock Shield (Part No. 7203). Installs easily in the outer rim of all 6" KC Daylighters manufactured since 1970. Special 'low-profile' configuration allows KC soft covers to slip over for maximum protection during the day. See your local KC HiliTES dealer for the new KC Rock Shield and the complete line of RACE READY OUT OF THE BOX KC HiliTES products. New full line catalog, just $3.00. KC HilJlES, Inc. • Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635-2607 November 1985 Pagc9

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The Grand Finale of the· Off Road Championship By Homer .Eubanks Gran Prix Series Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Steve Millen saved the day for Toyota in the main event, leading from wire to wire, although Roger Mears was just astern when the checkered flag fell, giving Toyota its third in a row Manufacturers' Cup Challenge. The fifth and final Mickey Thompson Off-Road Champ-ionship Gran Prix for 1985 was held at the Orange Show Fairgrounds on Sept. 14 and the show offered plenty of entertainment and' ·excitement for all in attendance. Many times in a series one or two individuals will dominate the competition throughout the season and the championship will be decided before the final round but this was not the case here. In any of the classes the championship would be decided in the final action, and in most cases it could be anyone of the top five in each class! In the trophy dash for the Grand National Sport Trucks it was Roger Mears pulling his Nissan out front but the "Lone Ranger" - Jeff Huber let Mears know it wasn't going to be a picnic. Sherman Balch in his Nissan was battling with Steve Millen for third. Going into the last lap Huber developed trouble and pulled off, giving the picnic basket to Mears. Sherman Balch made it 1-2 for Nissan and the Toyota of Steve Millen was third. Nine trucks lined up for the first Grand National heat race - with Joey Moore, Mitsubishi, and young Brent Smith, Mazda, beside him on the front row. But as they came out of turn one it was the Southern California Ford Dealers Ranger driven by John Swift in the lead. Swift, coming from the second row, slipped past Moore for the lead Page 10 ancf Brent Smith took second ahead of Ivan Stewart, Toyota, and Roger Mears, Nissan, was right on Stewart's tail. With an unobstructed view of the track, Swift began pulling a good lead from the pack and Brent Smith had his hands full with -Ivan Stewart. Stewart got around before the first lap had ended and now Smith was fighting off Roger Mears. On the second lap Mears outpowered the old rent-a-Mazda down the back straight then set Stewart in his sights. John Swift's comfortable lead seemed to. disappear once Stewart and Mears were behind him but Swift was driving a flawless race until he went too deep into the back corner and wham-o, Stewart and Mears both rucked inside leaving Swift in third. Mears put the pedal down in an attempt for the lead and the two were side by side until Stewart's inside line gave him the lead going into the next corner. Mears wasn't through; he made an attempt on the next corner but couldn't get by. Then on the next corner Mears crossed the Nissan under Stewart and·pulled out the leader. Brent Smith in the meantime was pushing Swift for the third spot. Swift and Smith put on a good show until Swift pulled off with mechanical trouble. Smith's trouble wasn't over yet. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Steve Millen was knocking on the Mazda's door. Millen had trouble at the start and had fallen to the back of the pack but now he was pressing for third place. When the checkered flag came out it was Roger Mears first and Stewart crossed over second. The action then shifted again to· Brent Smith and Steve Millen with John Baker, Mitsubishi, closing in on them. As they rounded the final corner Millen slipped inside and just pulled the Mazda for third, Baker took fifth and Joey Moore was sixth. In the second Grand National heat race Jon Lee, Toyota and James Thomas, Dodge sat on the front row with eight other drivers anxious to get underway. Frank Arciero,Jr., Toyota, were on the second row beside Glenn Harris, Mazda, and Sherman Balch, Nissan, and Jeff Huber, Ranger, was.on the third row. When the green flag flew it was obvious this was not Glenn Harris' night as he was bumped into, which pushed the Mazda sideways but then his luck changed as Sherman Balch swerved to miss him but caught the left front fender sending the Mazda back around. The pack was still bunched up making it anyone's race as they switched back after turn two. Now things got a little shady here. It looked like Harris and Balch were having a good side-by-side race develop with Balch going into the right hand turn on the outside and November 1985 Harris was on the inside. Harris all the way to the inside Suddenly the Nissan of Balch wall. For this action Harris was took a hard right hand turn later put back three positions for ( steering broke) pushing him and rough driving, but whatever Frank Arciero made an auspicious debut in stadium track racing with his longer desert truck; Frank won his heat race by a good margin. After a tremendous battle with his brother Frank, AIArciero held his Chenowth together and won the hard fought Class 1 heat race by inches. Dusty Times

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happened it made Frank Arciero ha!)PY as he pulled out the leader. Jeff Huber put his Ranger in second and Jon Lee was third. The Arciero and Huber battle went on for four laps until Huber got his Ranger lip on its side leaving Arciero way out in front of Jon Lee, now in second. Huber's trouble wasn't over; as he was rolled back over, fire jumped out from under his hood. Huber had the fire marshal give the engine a squirt then he jumped back into the Ford and resumed the race. Frank · Arciero won his first Grand National outing by a long shot and Glenn Harris had put the Mazda across the finish line second but was moved to fifth for rough driving. Jon Lee was the offical second place finisher and John Nelson was third ahead of Jeff Huber. Ninteen of America's fastest off road pickups lined up for the main event that would decide top honors for the season. With Roger Mears winning his heat race he was now the leader by 20 , points but the main win is worth 40 points so Ivan Stewart and Steve Millen were both within striking distance. As the flagman waved his green flag it was Steve Millen using his front row starting position to take the lead. Frank Arciero tried to follow Millen around but was clipped on the rear fender sending him sideways and out of contention. Ivan Stewart found the Toyota hole left by Millen for second, arrd right behind him was the Nissan of Roger Mears. Mears and Stewart were tied for the series lead going into this final round so the fans were guaranteed an exciting race with these two together. Brent Smith pulled his Mazda into fourth but was being challenged by teammate Glenn Harris, with Sherman Balch and Jeff Huber all seeking his It started out to be Roger Mears night, as he won the trophy dash and heat race in the Nissan, but a slipping tranny held him to second in the main; still Roger came away with the Class 7 drivers' title for the series. position. line and brought the Toyota If Millen ever looked in his around for the win and Mears mirror all he could see was the had to settle for second but won reflection of his teammate Ivan the series on points. Ivan Stewart Stewart as Stewart was all over took third and Jeff Huber Millen and right on his tail was worked his way around Sherman Roger Mears. This line up went Balch for fourth. While Ro~er on for five _laps. Stewart was Mears took the driv;rs trying to get around Millen and championship, Millen's main Mears was attempting to pass event victory insured Toyota's Stewart at every corner. A lot of third year in a row victory in the excitement went on but nothing Manufacturers' Cup Challenge. happened until lap five when In the Unlimited Single Seater Mears found the opening he was division the series battle for first desperately looking for. Once place would be decided between around Stewart, Mears started five possible candidates. Marty moving towards Millen. Back in Tripes was ahead of Albert the pack "the four" were still Arciero by 3 _points and Bob battling for fourth until Harris Gordon trailed Arciero by 9 dropped out with a broken axle. points, then Frank Arciero was Brent Smith was holding on until 11 points from Gordon. Greg the Mazda started missing and George could do it but would Sherman Balch went by for need a lot of bad luck to happen fourth. Now John Baker brought to the front four. his Mitsubishi into contention With the trophy dash not with_ Smith, but he fought off giving any points, Al Arciero and Baker until the last lap, then Tripes decided to. let Danny Baker got by. Thompson and Eric Arras take At the front of the pack Mears their places in the trophy dash. was still trying to get by Millen When the racing got underway it but found his Nissan transmis- was Frank Arciero jumping out sion slipping (Mears later the early leader but things admitted he forgot to turn on the changed on turn two when dreg tranny coolers in the heat race, George slipped inside for the lead frying it and only had time to where he stayed for the win. change the fluid). Millen held his Frank Arciero kept George ~cc--~----~----~,'-,---------------honest throughout the race but. couldn't find a hole to get around. In the background Danny Thompson managed to get around Eric Arras and hold on for third. With a new trans arriving at the eleventh hour, Marty Tripes came from the middle of the pack to win the Class 1 main and the series title in his Funco. In the first heat race it was Danny Thompson putting his Funco out front but he had Al Arciero right on his tail and behind him was Frank Arciero, then Stan Rowland. Then on the second lap Thompson made a fatal mistake at turn two and Al Arciero darted to the inside for the lead. Thompson recovered in. time to keep Frank Arciero behind him, close beind him. Then on lap four Frank Arciero saw his opening and got around Always fast, Jeff Huber had more trouble than he needed with the Ford Ranger, but came back from a roll over and a fire to take fourth. It wasn't the best of nights for Ivan Stewart who fought a lack of power steering in the main event, and he endfid up third at the flag. Thompson and this time the Bean-Tripes misfortune· and Thompson was applying the crossed the finish line fifth ahead pressure. The series leader, of Tripes. Marty Tripes had a bad start and Sometimes misfortune can be was back in the pack running in turned into a fortune if you are fifth place. As if things weren't someone like Marty Tripes. going bad enough for Tripes,Joe Tripe's sixth place finish in the Bean came over one of the jumps heat race put him on the front and landed his front wheels up row for the start of the main on Tripes' engine cage stopping event. Being 20 points down Tripes dead in his tracks. The from Albert Arciero who sat on two got going again but it was too the outside second row must late for Tripes, unless the have made Tripes feel a little Arciero brothers would happen better about his finish in the heat to take one another out with race .. When the green flag came Frank trying desperately to get by out it was Tripes that jumped brother Al. into the lead and Jim Fishback, Albert and Frank Arciero were Sr. closed up right behind him now putting on a good show as ahead of Bob Gordon. The Frank would wedge his front fourth place shuffler was Frank wheels inside Albert's car at Arciero. The pack stayed nearly every corner, but Albert together with the main battle knew his brother's tricks and being for second place. Tripes held him off. Frank's last attempt was begining to pull a good lead came at the finish line as he from Fishback whose main pulled his Chenowth along side concern was keeping Bob Albert close enough to feel the Gordon in third place. On the breeze of the checkered flag fifth lap Gordon stuck his front indicating Albert's win. Danny wheels inside of Fishback and Thompson was coping with an pulled out of the corner in ailing engine and Bob Gordon second place. On the next lap it was right on his tail waiting for was Frank Arciero's turn to get his chance but the chance never around Fishback. Then two laps came as Thompson crossed the later Al Arciero passed Fishback line in front of Gordon. Jim at the same corner after the back Fishback, Sr. took advantage of straight, leaving Fishback in fifth --------------place. By now Tripes who had enjoyed a comfortable early lead was now being closed in on by Bob Gordon. With one lap to go Frank Arciero dropped out with engine failure while running a comfortable third. Bob Gordon closed in on Tripes but time ran out as Tripes crossed the finish line first, giving him the main event win and enough points for the season championship. Gordon was second and Albert Arciero finished third ahead of Jim Fishback, Sr. ]Qe Bean brought his Chenowth across for fifth. In contention for the series points, Greg George won the Class 1 Trophy dash in his Funco, but luck deserted him in the main event. Dusty Times Frank Arciero, Jr. had a chance for the Class 1 points, but an engine failure in the Chenowth late in the main event put him out of the hunt. November 1985 The Super 1600 trophy dash fielded Bob Gordon, Jerry Whelchel, i;r i;r Page 11

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The Final Overview on the 1985 MTEG Stadium Series By Homer Eubanks The final event in the Mickey Thompson's Off Road Champ-ionship :Jrand Prix series was the decision maker for nearly every class title. The drivers were so close on points in most classes that the last main event would decide the top honors for the season championships. One of the highlights of the year in the Grand National pickup contests was Roger Mears. In the beginning it looked as if Mears would run away with the class. He repeatedly qualified his Nissan the fastest, took most of the trophy dashes, heat races and was the usual main event winner. When the series moved to San Bernardino, Mears began to have power steering problems, and these mechanical ills put the T oyotas of Steve Millen and Ivan Stewart out front in the points chase. However, when the final flag flew on the main event last September, it was Steve Millen who won the main event, with Roger Mears right on his bumper. The drivers champion-ship went to Mears by a few points over Ivan Stewart, but the coveted Manufacturers' Cup went to Toyota due to the combined efforts of Millen and Stewart all season. Other highlights during the year in the truck bashing took place at the L.A. Coliseum event, where John Baker put his Mitsubishi in the grandstand box seats and had to be removed by heavy equipment. Remember Maroa night at San Bernardino, when Glenn Harris drove totally blind with the engine hood lying on the windshield after a confrontation with anothef truck. The same night Harris jumped his Mazda over the Toyota of Steve Millen. Jeff Huber ran hard all season, but his Ford caug~t fire a couple of times, slowing his progress. Marty Tripes won the Class 1 Unlimited title with victory at the final main event in the Tracy's Party Ice Funco. But, all season long Al Arciero and Bob Gordon, plus a bunch of others were right on his tail on the track and on points. The whole season went with the top five swapping places at every corner. One highlight was Bob Gordon's mid-air 360 at Pomona. Gordon went off the front jump, landed wrong and the Chenowth went up and backwards, landing on its tires and Bob drove onward. . In the Super 1600 (Class 10) contests, Jerry Whelchel put his Chenowth out front a lot, but he ·usually had Bob Gordon right there playing cat and mouse. Page 12 Greg George was another close player, as was Tommy Croft. With an average entry of 28 cars in this class the action was always fierce. While Tommy Croft won the last main event, Bob Gordon was second and Jerry Whelchel was fourth. The end result was that Gordon and Whelchel ended the season in an absolute tie for the title on points, and they are co-champions. The question is, who will wear number one on their car next year? Vince Tjelmeland was the top driver in the Uniroyal · Ultra-Stock GP, but only by 12 points, some of them earned by winning the last main event. General Tire teammate Mark Hansen gave Tjelmeland as much trouble as he could manage, but was second on points, making it one-two for the Pontiac bodied racers. Another guy that drove out front or until he broke was Craig Durfee, and he broke in the wall at the last event. Mike Goodbody ran hard all year in his VW Golf bodied buggy, and he took third on points, and the big money, the five grand put up by Uniroyal for the top finisher in the series using their tires. Jeff Elrod won the 1-2-1600 championship driving the Donsco Hi Jumper. Elrod had plenty of competition from Neil Phillips, and late in the season from Rob Tolleson who won a couple in his Mirage. Tolleson, whose car was built for the Coliseum race, would have been · a real threat to Elrod had he entered the action earlier. Things really got to "hopping" in the Odyssey classes. For some time Rennie Awana was the man to beat in suspended class, but when Rory Holladay entered the picture with improved suspen-sion, he took top honors over Awana. Don Longnecker managed to tighten his kidney belt long enough to stay out front and with the unsuspended class. John Neary was crowned King in the ATV division. A "big hoopla" started early in the season, and the question was 'will the new four wheel ATVs, with extra stability and weight, be able to compete with the tried and true three wheelers'? At the final event, only a couple of three wheelers even showed, as the new breed of A TV totally dominated · the short course action. Congratulations go to all that competed in the series, and especially to those that earned the #1 plate. Winning against this caliber of competition makes -you all true champions! points ahead of Bob Gordon) Jerry Whelchel. When the flag went up it was the front row Funco of Gary Dillon that pulled out front, but Jerry Whelchel had come from the middle of the pack and was right on Dillon. Ron Carter was behind Whelchel, and Tommy Croft filled the fourth spot. Whelchel read Dillon's every move until the big dirt jump in the infield where he applied the gas and came out the leader. Dillon held off Carter until the back straight when Carter let Dillon apply the brakes first. Carter's biggest problem was about to occur, as Tommy Croft had caught Dillon with the door open also and followed Carter around for third. By now Whelchel could smell the 20 points waiting for him and was headed for the finish line. Bob Gordon was second on points going into the race, and he put his Chenowth home second in the Class 10 main to tie Whelchel for the series title. Carter and Croft put on the show. The two would go into a corner and usually the other would come out the leader. This went on the entire race. But then some things can go too far, the two went to switch back on one of the right handers and they tangled; and while they fumbled for low gear Ken Kazarian motored around for the second spot. Croft was the first to get it in gear and Carter ended up fourth. On the next lap Carter caught Croft again to swap places but Croft got around for the last time on the white flag lap. [;r-t;r-Frank Arciero, Jr. and Tommy Croft, all driving Chenowths. Gordon got the hole shot, but Arciero was in front on the second turn. At the end of the first round Arciero led by inches over Whelchel, who had Croft on his ' bumper. At the flag Arciero had a good lead in the Toyota powered Class 10, and Whelchel just edged Croft for second, while Gordon was a distant third. The first heat race for the Super 1600's saw David Bonner come out of turn one first but at the end of the back straight it was Jim Fishback, Jr. who was leading the pack. Bonner settled into second place and Greg George, third. Frank Arciero moved into fourth ahead of Jimmy Nichols. Jim Fishback, Jr. wasn't taking any chances and pulled his Chenowth as far out front of the pack as he could get. This left the real battle for second place between Bonner and George. On lap three George slipped past Bonner and put a bead on Fishback who was a good straight-away from the pack. Greg George came into the race in third place for the series and knew the 20 points for the heat win would come in handy later and was pushing his Funco as hard as he could to catch Fishback. Then on lap four Fishback slowed down and pulled off the track leaving the race (and 20 points) to Greg George. Frank Arciero Jr. had moved through the pack and slipped in front of Bonner on the fifth lap and Bob Gordon ( second in the points battle) had moved into fourth position. On the following lap Bonner elbowed his way back into second place and Gordon was putting the heat on Arciero. Bob Gordon pulled into the third spot on the last lap as Arciero was slowed by a flat right rear tire. Greg George came November 1985 across the finish line an easy winner, but a lot of action was happening for second place. Gordon had caught up with Bonner and was applying the pressure. As the two came around the last corner Gordon made a dive for the inside and pu lied half way up on Bonner but had to settle for a close third at the finish line. Frank Arciero wobbled across in fourth place ahead of Rick Jones. In the second heat race_ 12 drivers lined up and among them was the current points leader (2 Jerry Whelchel added 20 points to his series tally by winning and Ken Kazarian crossed over second ahead of Tommy Croft. Ron Carter took the fourth spolt and Randy Rhinehart slipped across fifth. In the semi-main event only seven cars lined up, hoping to make the main event. It was Jim Fishback, Jr. that pulled his Chenowth out front and Steve Kelley followed for second. • Third in the line up was Mike Jerry Wtielchel came from the middle of the pack to win his Class 10heat, and, with a fourth in the main Whelchel tied for the series championship. Greg George won the first Class 10 heat in his Funco over a herd of hot shoes, and took a strong third in the hectic.main event action. Dusty Times

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Mark Hansen led the UltraStock points going in, but a second in In only his second stadium race, Rob Tolleson won the 1-2-1600 Neil Phillips had his Savage buggy in the thick of the 1-2-1600 the final main dropped him and his Pontiac Fiero to second heat in the Mirage, and traffic slowed him to a second spot in the action all season, and Phillips ended up second on points main event. Withers ahead of Max Razo and Kenny Woolsey. Once the pack had made a couple of laps it became a two car race as Fishback and Kelley were dueling way ahead of Max Razo who had slipped around Withers. Razo lost his third spot when Gary Dillon crossed his Funco under the Chenowth. As the white flag came out, the battle for first really heated up with Kelley becoming a shadow of Fishback. Fishback held the inside line though and the two really put on a show as they rounded the last · corner and Kelley had to finish second by a half a car length. Gary Dillon finished a distant third over Max Razo and Kenny Woolsey was fifth. Jeff Elrod came out of the north to win the 1°2-1600 main event in his Donsco Hi Jumper, and Jeff took home the series championship too. In the final Super 1600 event of the season 18 cars lined up with Tommy Croft on the pole with Bob Gordon beside him. Gordon, you will remember, ·is second in the points behind Jerry Whelchel who was on the inside of the third row, and Croft went into tonight's action fourth in the series. So a win here could change things all around. When theflag flew it was Croft jumping into the lead and Gordon filed in behind him. David Bonner slipped into third and Greg George was fourth (George is third in the series). Whelchel got off badly and was in seventh. Croft used the clear field to gain some real estate between him and the pack and Gordon was feeling pressure from Greg George who had slipped by Bonner. On the third lap Steve Kelley's engine went sour and left a thick smoke screen which blinded most of the pack and this allowed Frank Arciero, Jr. and Jerry Whelchel to get around Bonner. On the seventh lap Croft must have noticed this heavy presence around him as Gordon had caught up and was jumping from side to side looking for a hole. In third place was Greg George and Frank Arciero was dosing in on him with Whelchel attached to his engine cage. When the checkered flag came out it was Tommy Croft taking the victory, leading from the start. Not far behind was Bob Gordon for second and third went to Greg George. Jerry Whelchel had slipped by Frank Arciero for fourth. Whelchel's fourth place finish was good enough to tie Bob Gordon for the series championship. Things started popping in the first lap of the Uniroyal UltraStock Gran Prix heat race. At first Mark Hansen and Craig Durfee jumped out front and began arguing over first place until they got tangled up, and Mike Goodbody drove his V olkswagon Golf around for the lead. Monte Brown slipped into the second spot and Vince Tjelmeland and Dale Calhoun started elbowing one another for third. Craig Durfee, later got into the act when he. and Monte Brown were shuffling for second and Durfee got sideways in front of Brown who couldn't get on the binders quick enough and ran into the side of Durfee, leaving him on his side unable to resume the race. Goodbody by now was well ahead of the action and Monte Frank Arciero, Jr. won the Class 10 trophy dash in his Toyota powered Chenowth, lost ground with a flat in the heat, and took fourth in the main event. Dusty Times Brown was running in a comfortable second with Vince Tjelmeland playing catch up. Mike Goodbody went on to a comfortable win and things looked good for Brown until . mechanical problems put him on the side of the track on the last lap. This put Tjelmeland in second ahead of Dale Calhoun · and Tony Sielski brought his Buick across in fourth. Mark Hansen finished fifth. In the main event it was Mark Hansen (points leader) that jumped out of turn one first in the Uniroyal UltraStock event. The number two points runner, Vince Tjelmeland, slipped into second -behind Hansen. Mike Goodbody took up the third spot ahead of Tony Sielski. Then on lap two Tjelmeland found a hole and slipped past Hansen for the lead. Once in the lead Tjelmeland put the gas down and pulled away from the field leaving the battle for second. But Hansen pushed his Fiero hard to increase his position, leaving the battle for third. Dale Calhoun moved his Buick through the pack past Sielski and Goodbody for third leaving those two to battle for fourth. The field got strung out and no one got close to Tjelmeland's Firebird who crossed over the finish a good distance ahead of second place Mark Hansen. Tjelmeland received triple points for the win moving him ahead of Hansen for the series championship. Third place went to the hard charging Coloradan, Dale Calhoun. Mike Goodbody took fourth place ahead of Tony Sielski. Craig Durfee found the stopping ability of the concrete barriers during the race and had to be removed with a knee injury. Durfee was sent to the hospital and was later announced to be in good condition, and walking around. . . The 1-2-1600 entries ran with the UltraStockers again making it hard to keep up with all the November 1985 Strong all year, Vince Tjelmeland hustled his Pontiac Firebird into both the UltraStock main event win and the series points championship. Mike Goodbody won the UltraStock heat.race in the keen looking VW Golf, and Mike took third on points for the year and got the big bucks from Uniroyal. action, which is something the limited engine class always provides. In the first heat race it was Neil Phillips pulling his Savage out front of the pack. Phillips held on until he spun, letting Bob McElvain get by for the lead. Not long after McElvain took the lead he was replaced by Rob Tolleson. Back in the field David Bucy was busy moving up through the field finding his biggest problem with Rick Boyer. · When the checkered flag came out it was Rob Tolleson in his Mirage coming by first,-then Bob McElvain finished second. Third went to Rick Boyer, and David Bucy came across ahead ,of Jeff Elrod. In the main event action Jeff Elrod jumped out the early leader and David Bucy fell into the second spot. Bob McElvain got off the line in third and fourth place was Rob Tolleson. Bucy rolled his Hi Jumper over letting MGElvain into his second spot and Tolleson closed in on McElvain. Tolleson had to play follow .the leader most of the race but found his way around McElvain on the seventh lap. Jeff Elrod went on to win the 1-2-1600 event and finished fifth overall with the UltraStockers. He also won the points title. Rob Tolleson held onto second place and third went to Bob McElvain. John Ovanessian found his way around Neil Phillips for fourth leaving Phillips to finish fifth. With the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix going on the road next year many DUSTY TIMES readers will get a chance to see all the action that they have only read about before. Look for the l 986 schedule and be sure to take in this exciting event when it comes near you. 6ocial Evenl of lhe OfT-Qoad 6eason 8'COQE/HDQA Awards Banquet January lllh. 1986 Anaheim Hillon -Qeservations now bein8 accepled Call &COQE Headquarlers -818/889-9210 Page 13

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VORRA 750 SERIES called for one car a minute off the line starting at 9 a.m. McCune and Zimmerman Win the Dayton 300 The route started in town, covered a mile over paved roads toward the local schools before turning into the desert. From there it was 60 miles over the 8,000 foot mountain pass to Weeks. Like last year the course covered two 60 mile loops around the usual Lahanton Valley run near Weeks before returning in the opposite direction over the hills back to Dayton. third in Class 1 and tenth overall. Jim Cope was a long fourth, the final finisher out of the eight starters in Class 1. Class 2 and 5 are combined in VORRA racing, and Craig Watkins, a transplanted southern California driver, was Text & Photos: Joe Stephan' The victorious McCune/ Zimmerman duo first got together last year at the Dayton 300. Using a Chassis Works frame built by Dennis Harris, they built a Class 10 in less than five days, and showed up an hour before the race start with an unpainted buggy that pulled a fifth the first time out. They moved to Class 1 this summer at Virginia City, and despite an on course collision, and losing second gear at the Labor Day race, they were the third car through the high school checkpoint in Dayton, from 18th starting position, where they recorded a total time of 4: 18.12 for first overall. Then they drove the mile back into town for the ceremonial finish and the checkered flag. · the first car in at the finish. He turned a controversial second overall time of 4:21.34 to win the class. Mike Farris took a fine second in class, and fourth overall at 4:29.33. The Hinz brothers once again tried out for the thrill driver's show, but they did finish third in class and eighth overall. Thanks to the opening of dove huntiQ.g season, the Hinz boys twice found vehicles coming at them head on, on the race course. When they swerved out of the way the second time, they turned over, the third time in as many races. The offending party actually piled out of the car and uprighted them, and the team went on to finish in 4:36.54. Two time VORRA overall champion Larry Zimmerman and VORRA veteran Garen McCune scored their first overall desert win in the Class 1 car. The Class 1 winner last year, Gary W eyrich came in second this time with a 4:32.52 elapsed time, good for sixth overall. The Clouses continue to run stronger and stronger. Father Roy drove the legs to and from Weeks in the big Buick V-8 powered Mirage, catching a flat on the outbound leg. Son Roy,Jr. put in two quick laps around Weeks, which all added up to a time of 4:40.10, . "Joltin' Joe" Falloon blew the engine in his Class 2 while pre-running, and was about to go home. Ed Robinson said ''I'll do anything for an entry", and loaned Falloon the engine from his Baja Bug, well used in pre-running · and course marking. Robinscn claimed Falloon wasn't used to the power of the 1835 roller crank engine, since he turned it over in the mountains into what has become know as "Gotcha Gulch". Falloon was soon joined by three other upside do,wn buggies. Robinson was left:with his small daughter's bicycle for transpor-tation. It was a long time coming. Two time VORRA Overall Champ Larry Zimmerman had never won a desert race overall in nine years of trying. Several year veteran Garen McCune had never won a race period. The pair combined in Class 1 and that all changed at VORRA's Dayton 300 desert race. VORRA's tenth annual Labor Day weekend race started and ended in the historic northern Nevada town of Dayton for the second year in a row. A checkpoint on another · famous off road event, the Pony Express in 1,861, the town once again rolled out the red carpet for the off roaders. The general race headquarters was at the recently restored Old Odean Hall, where tech, registration and impound were located. Walking through the swinging doors of the 125 year old saloon was a trip right into the old west, particularly for us; one of the Odean's best former customers · was our personal journalistic hero Mark Twain, when he was editor of the town's first newpaper in 1859. In keeping with the Old West Spirit, VORRA Jefe Ed Robinson held ' his drivers' meeting from the same balcony MINIMUM EFFORT ......................... . MAXIMUM EFFECTl!! CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page 14 Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula,'CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 of the Odean where President U.S. Grant addressed the town folk in 1867. Meanwhile 50 off road racing vehicles lined up down the street outside for this year's in town start. The format Third overall fast time of 4:29.06 went to fast rising star Probably one of the heaviest cars in Class 1, Jim Cope Don German took yet another four wheel drive win in his drove the front engined V-8 Buick powered single to a Jeep based special, despite running the whole way in two fourth place finish. wheel drive at Datyon. ---- - ------------- ---Bill Landon and his teen aged daughter had a perfect day In a movie set atmosphere, the field lines up in downtown on the desert, taking second in Class 1-2-1600 and Dayton for the race start in front of the Odeon Hall & seventh overall in the two seater. Saloon. November 1985 Dusty Times

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Scott Schaupp, who with co-driver John McFarland won the 1-2-1600 class by just six minutes. The team are in just their second year of desert racing, and this was their second victory this season. They also won the Day /Night 250. Their car at Dayton was a right out of the box Chris Saxon built "Chrisco", and the unsorted racer did very well. Bill Landon finally had a trouble free run. He and his teenage daughter were second in Class 1-2-1600 in the two seater with a fine time of 4:35.30, good for seventh overall. Fischer and Blake were only four minutes back, third in class, ninth overall. Rigsby and Whitnack came in fourth, followed closely by Smythe and Clark, and Shuman and Johnson were sixth, the last finishers in the eleven car class. Also in the 1600 class, Mike "Mad Max" Bishop was out in a pewly rebuilt single seater, but he had to change the distributor, and then broke a trailing arm on the dry lake just out of Weeks the first time, and he was done for the day. Paul McCain broke his leg in six places pre-running on a motorcycle, so Alan Rohrer tried to go it alone in Lee Evans' buggy, but he too ended up in "Gotcha Gulch". · The start this year in class order was as they finished here last year, putting Class 10 first off the line. Co-defending winner Kevin Ohnstad was a mighty happy man when he drew· number one starting spot. However, as he said later, "First in last year, first out this year, and this year first into the lake!" Chris Oberg won the overall 750 series bonus money as well as Cla~s 10 the hard way. He had to borrow money to make the race, and Friday night he seized the engine driving onto the trailer in Reno. So, after the 40 mile · drive to Dayton to draw for position, and 40 miles back, he did an overnight engine rebuild. Arriving back in Dayton Saturday afternoon, he was only five miles into pre-running the course when he came across sponsor Fritz Wiechers, who had broken a trailing arm. So, it was back to Reno for another overnight rebuild. Both drivers barely made the start. Oberg was working on the wiring five minutes before the green flag. With no pre-run over an altered course from last year, he was still the first car to Weeks, despite being lost a few times. The recent rains had done away with most tire tracks. Oberg fought a sagging front end, and two broken wheel studs, but he was still the third car to arrive at the finish. O 'Berg won Class 10 by 20 minutes and was fifth overall at 4:30.38, quite• a performance after no sleep for three days. Eric and Art Verling were the second and last finishers in Class 10, with a 4:20.12 run in their Funco. The other· five starters had sundry'trouble. Dick Bower started Ace Bradford's Eagle tandem, which caught fire about ten miles into the race. Don German won yet another Heavy Metal title, but it was a thin two car entry. German ran in two wheel drive after the first five miles, and did a total time of Dusty Times Visiting from southern California, Craig Watkins was the first car home, winning Class 2-5 combined and scoring second overall on time. Scott Schaupp and John McFarland-won Class 1-i::1600 the first time out in their new Chrisco, and celebrate here at the finish line. 4:52.51. He said he was taking it easy, since it was the third race in a row that he has lost his four wheel drive. This time he also blew three tires. Mike Povey's challenge went away with a cracked head on the Bronco's brand new engine. · The Sportsman Division again fielded the biggest number of entries with fourteen "run.what ya brung'' starters. ' Les Poulson led in his Class 1 to the half way mark, where he turned it over to Bob Shermer. While Shermer was changing a flat, their only problem of the day, Fred Happich went by in his Colt powered two seater. Despite having front brakes only, and a shifter that wouldn't get third gea.r, there was no catching Happich. Fred had to chug through the mountains, and fouled a plug on his way to the victory in 4:58.36. Though Shermer tried to catch up, the best he could do was a 5:03.47, good for second place. Craig Redding's 5:06.41 run in his Class 2 made it a tight race. In all, six of the Sportsman finished the course. Just as last year's surprise was the win by Ohnstad and Bower, this year's surprise win by McCune and Zimmerman was a the spirit of the Old West living · went to first overall, McCune popular one. Rick Bower on? The new owners of the and Zimmerman, last overall, actually led the race overall in Odean, the Brown Brothers, kept John King, the Verlings for the Steve Bradford's Class 1 Eagle at the hospitality "pouring" all best looking crew, and Roger the half way point. Then weekend. The ever -energetic Shuman took the best looking Bradford got in and blew the ring Kelly DeForest flagged the car trophy, obviously judged and pinion gear clean through the highway crossing for the in town before the roll over. Added to all case just short of completing the start, then fed breakfast at no that was the fact that the local S second Weeks lap. charge to a hungry Monday & S Mini-Mart tossed in a case of Another early leader, Pat morning crowd at the awards beer to each class winner. Oh Verling was also plagued by brunch. Kelly also rustled up yeah, there were 23 survivors to trouble, and ended up blowing crophies for special awards. They collect the rewards. the engine on the loop from 1 · Check 4 to the side by side Check 5. Fritz Wiechers, already out of action after hitting a rock with his two seater, went in cross country and towed Ver ling to the pit area between checkpoints. They even stopped at Check 5 for a stub! Having had entries from all over the west as far away as Texas and Canada, VORRA can now boast its first Florida entry. Butch Brickell had come out for Riverside,· he and ~ friend towing straight through from Miami in 48 hours. Discovering a common friend with the B'fadfords, they ended up in Dayton. Though Brickell's car· is a short course racer, Butch took fourth place in Class 2 and 5 with a good finish. The mood was festive . all weekend in Dayton, or was it just This is the system run by most off road race TRl•MIL BOBCAT· CHROME winners \· DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 . , (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Fred Happich takes the checkered flag in downtown Dayton, scoring the overall Sportsman victory in his Dodge Colt powered two seater. November 1985 Page 15

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SCORE CANADA AT THDFORD-MINES The Laurentide International Autocross ~hallenge For the second year in a row, Molson Breweries tagged its Laurentide brand name on the Score Canada September event. Produced in the picturesque city of Thetford-Mines, about 50 miles south of Quebec City, the hills around the area are gray, the residue from asbestos mining, the major local industry. The race track, Autodrome Thetford, is surrounded by these mountains of asbestos. Score Canada again produced · a two day format with each class running a race on both Saturday and Sunday. The first action on the track Saturday was the 1-2-1600 class clash. RichardNadon, · of the Richard Buggy Racing T earn, Laval, Quebec, shot into the early lead, way ahead of Tom Surace and Dean Dodd, · who were already battling for second place. After three laps Nadon still led the race, but Dodd, in his multi-sponsored Eastern Force Berrien was now second and closing t~~p:_Q.n lap ~ Qodd had taken over the lead, followed by Nadon and Surace. After nine hard laps Nadon's steering box broke and he was sidelined. Dodd and Surace were left to contest for the ·lead, while Raynald Vaillancourt, from Quebec, moved into third place. After 15 laps Dean Dodd, in his Armstrong Tires/Deist/Sway-A-Way / Mini-Performance/ Bil-stein Berrien had won the 14 entry race. Taking second was 1984 class points winner Tom Surace, also driving a Berrien. Raynald Vaillancourt was third, followed. by Serge Lambert and Denis Boisclair from Quebec's Action T rois team. In Sunday's 1-2-1600 action 18 year old Dean Dodd was ready for a repeat performance, still tasting the victory from the previous day. Dodd led the race from the start with Tom Surace, from New Jersey, in hot pursuit. Serge Lambert and teammate Denis Boisclair were running th!!d a11d fourth. The position~ CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE ,/f CROWN MFG. - RAPID COOL ·' ' ' ;Q. · . • · TRI MIL - WESTERN AUTO TIRES BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE . ~HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V ott,oad Raceeai \))"' BEARD SEATS-"-PARKER PUMPER Parts & Access011•5 TEQ1BA_ Jl~ES -:-_ ~V_PER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE - DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE RACl/1/C tlt'HEEIS SWAY•A ·WAY,,,., cl:lltfrie-I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764~6438 Page 16 Text & Photos: Danny McKenzie held for seven laps, but Surace continued to push hard, trying to gain some ground on Dodd. A lap later Surace was parked with a broken tranny, giving Dodd more breathing room. Serge Lambert was now second, followed by Raynald Vaillan-court, who had taken over third place from Boisclair-. Positions remained the same when the checkered flag came out again for the youngster, Dean Dodd. It was expected that John McPherson would be the top runner in the Class 1 field, On Saturday McPherson led the race off the line, followed by Bill Lefeuvre, from Ontario, and Dave Lofland and Dean Fisher, both from New Jersey. McPher-son was in command of the race with a good lead, but his winning streak came to an abrupt stop when he lost fire on lap 8, and faulty points were the culprit. He quickly fixed the problem and returned to the race, only to be black flagged a lap later when the head marshal! noticed that McPherson's harness was not properly secured. John McPherson was the star of Class 10, sailing his days, and John won the Challenge of Champions. Berrien. This development gave Lefeuvre the incentive to go after Hunter. On lap 4 Lefeuvre took over the first spot and poured on the power in his Berrien, and never looked back until the checkered flag came out for him. Dave Hunter took second and Dean Fisher was third. A newcomer to Score Canada racing came to Thetford-Mines with one thought in mind-beat the leading truck racer, Curt LeDuc. But LeDuc had opted to pass this event, because he had just returned to New England from a costly Riverside trip. What high expectations from a newcomer, tackling one of the world's best truck racers. Well folks, it is hard to believe, but Rene Laroche, from Arthabaska, Quebec, and the truck he calls . the "Fugitive" might have beaten LeDuc in a head to head confrontation. Laroche pulled into the pits with one of the most unique creations ever seen at any Score Canada sanctioned event. A lot of heads turned at the sight and sound of Laroche's mid-engine 4 WO creation. The 1985 GMC bodied truck usually races in a Quebec based club circuit, but Laroche thought it was time to run with the big boys. His GMC Jumps, corners and powers its way around the course as if it was on rails. Needless to say, Laroche easily won the first day of racing, defeating the likes ofJerry Bundy and Marc Pelletier, both from Connecticut. Only one Class 7, combined with 4 in Canadian racing, was on hand, the Dodge D-50 of another New Englander, Bill Walker. Walker had some troubles on Saturday, but continues to gain valuable racing experience. On Sunday Rene Laroche did not have an easy day at the races, losing his left front wheel on the second lap. The race became one sided with Jerry Bundy well out front in his trusty 6 cylinder Jeep. Marc Pelletier finished second, a quarter lap behind. Bill Walker finished all ten laps for third. The Saturday Class 10 bash was an action packed thriller. At the green flag Cl<1-ude Tetreault, from Quebec, ~bok the lead, followed by Ontario's hero, John McPherson in the Eastern Force Berrien. Seeing Tetreault lead the pack did not surprise anyone, as he has led on many occasions during this season. But, seeing him cleanly fight off McPher- . son's charge was truly impres-sive. Never did the pair touch throughout the nine laps that it Bill Lefeuvre now had his BFGoodrich backed Berrien in sole possession of the Class l lead. Dave Lofland and Dean Fisher held second and third spots. Lofland was experiment-ing with a new Rabbit engine, and he did not seem to be his usual champion took the Class 1 victory both days over a tough field. self on the track, lacking the burst of power he usually generates through the corners. On lap 11 Lefeuvre was still in the lead, while Fisher took over second. With only four laps to go Lefeuvre was out of reach, and after 15 rounds Bill Lefeuvre took home the gold, followed by Fisher and· Lofland. - D ave Hunter, -driving Ed Righter's E-Bea-R T eam Chenowth Magnum from Nf;w York, took the Class 1 lead from the line on Sunday, followed by Bill Lefeuvre. John McPherson. made a dash for the lead on the second lap, but found himself a This wild looking GMC bodied 4 WO special is called "The Fugitive". Rene 1 DNF with a shot trans in the Laroche drove it to an easy win in the Saturday Class 4 bash. November 1985 Dusty Times ·

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Class 1 produced some great early action. Here Dave Hunter had Claude Tetreault, from Quebec, was an early leader in Class 1 O Rookie racer on the Canadian circuit, Daniel Deland did very the early lead in his Chenowth Magnum, but he dropped to action, and after a race long battle with McPherson, he took well, placing third both days in his unusual Class 10 out of second at the flag. second. - Remouski, Quebec. A regular in Canadian racing, Dean Fisher comes from New New Englander Marc Pelletier put his Jeep style special home All 10 e •n Class 7 with the Dodge 0_50 Bill Walker ran with the Jersey to compete, and this round he scored a second and a third with a third _and a second, and here ducks the flying wheel from 4 x :s ~in;shed to the rear but he cover~d all the laps on Sunday. ,n Class 1 action. Laroche's rig. ' ' took McPherson to get by Tetreault, and they were side by side for most of the race. McPherson got into the lead on lap 9, pushing Tetreault into second.· Another strong Quebec-er was now in third, Daniel Deland from Rimouski. Deland is a new racer on the circuit, along with his brother Hildege, who also competes in Class 10. After 15 laps John McPherson was the winner, followed by Tetreault and Deland, while Bill Lefeuvre took fourth and Dave Lofland was fifth. On Sunday John McPherson took off in the Class 10 lead, and after a few laps he had put a bit of distance on second place runner Daniel Deland, and Allen Andreoli', from Connecticut. With McPherson nearly out of sight, a real dog fight was on for second place between Deland and Andreoli, and · Claude Tetreault was within reach, a few seconds behind. On lap 14; one. lap before the finish, McPher-son's lead could not be challenged, but Allen Andreoli's experience came into play, as he surged into second place, and there was no time for Deland to recover. When the 15 laps ran out, John McPherson, at the ·wheel of his Armstrong Tires I Deist'/ Sway-A-Way / Mini Performance / Bilstein / HPS Oil Berrien took top honors. , Allen· Andreoli was second and Daniel Deland Young Dean Dodd had a great time in his multi sponsored Berrien, and he took the win both days in Class 1-2-1600 home to Lery, Quebec. Jerry Bundy had an easy day on Sunday, taking his Jeep special to the Class 4 title, and he had put the 6 cylinder in second on Saturday. Dusty Times finished third. The Challenge of .Champions race that finished the program, includes all competing classes. This title was easily won by John McPherson. Tom Surace was the first in Class 1-2-1600 and Jerry Bundy won in Class 4. · The 1985 Score Canada series concludes at Middletown, New York, and many class titles will be decided at the event. Now FORlESSTHAN $100.00 PER INCH LONG TRAVEL REAR DRIVE TRAIN SYSTEM COMPLETE WITH ARMS THiS NEW L-O-N-G TRAVEL SYSTEM IS: 1/2 the unsprung weight November 1985 1/2 the installation difficulties And best of all. .. 1/2 the cost of others. Newly designed Lite-Weight Arm. SUPER BOOT's new Full Floating Rear -Hub & Bearing Assembly, with 2-Piece Micro-Stub Axle. Super Lite Brake' with 3 optional caliper piston sizes. No caliper damage due to bent rims. (Newly designed Carr Brake with Internal Caliper) · · SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. COLLINS ORANGE, CALIF. 92667 (714) 997-0766 Page 17

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John Gardner Grabs the Overall Win at the A.D.R.A. "Snowflake Bu99y Bash" By Daryl D. Drake Photos: 3~D Photography John Gardner, with his wife Diana in the back seat, put his first away advantage to good work, leading the Pro race wire to wire, taking the Class 2 and overall win by nine minutes. For the sixth off road car race They lament to see it go. in its 1985 Desert Championship But the governmental agencies Series, the Arizona Desert Racing involved pushed through the Association moved to the cool plan without soliciting public pine country of Arizona's White input, much to the chagrin of the Mountains to hold the eighth racers (and hunters) who love annual "Snowflake Buggy Bash." the area. At this point, the And in a change from the usual Arizona Outdoor Coalition is r~ce day format, the Sportsman meeting with Forest Representa-and Beginner divisions raced tives to see if they can work out a before the Pro division. reasonable alternative. Situated in the Apache-A.D.R.A. feels that the races Sitgreaves National Forest, the put no major adverse impact on course, thirty miles in length, the area, and after running a consisted of old ranch and forest section that was used by both the service roads as well as some cars on Saturday and the rough stretches of powerline. motorcycles/ ATVs on Sunday, Three stopping checks were I'd have to agree. Okay, off the utilized, including the Start/ soapbox and on to the racing. Finish line. The Sportsmen have long Punctuating the route were at wanted to be first on the course least 150 "water bars". These are so they could run on fresh steep, sharp speed bump-type terrain. A.D.R.A. agreed to let obstacles, one to three feet high. · 'em go first this time, but I think They're used by the Forest it will be awhile before it happens Service and ranchers to control agian. Many racers got lost on the erosion by diverting water off the first lap with no groove to run in, roadway. Ruts were deep in one and, an early starter took out the section, too. Apparently, one course markings. First off was heavy 4x4 had · made its way the big fifteen car Sportsman 10 through when the trail was soggy, class, followed by 1600 Ltd., 1, leaving mile after mile of twelve 5, 2, 5-1600, 8 and Challenger. inch deep two-track. The first few cars made it The big topic of conversation aroun1 in· good time, with the in the pits was the Arizona Game exception of Gary . Cohen who & Fish Department's plan to had carb trouble and then, along close off half the course-after the with about half the field's late race as part of a "Wildlife Quiet starters, missed a turn and got Area." The Snowflake race has lost in the forest. Seems the been a mainstay on the A.0-.R.A. Sportsmen had depended on the circuit and is a favorite of many. berms built by the Pro cars more than they knew. And some Forest Service ribbon, similar in color to A.D.R.A.'s markings, In Spertsman 10 at the end of lap one, Bill Capatch held a slim one second lead over Jeff Sanders. Running third was Steve Baker, and in fourth was Danny Van Keuren. Already out was Craig Wilde (blown engine), Larry Vittitow (front beam cracked in half), and Dave Hubbard (broken stub axle). On the second round, the leaders' positions remained unchanged, but Capatch increased his lead as Ben Pierpont and Dave Hunt fell by the wayside. Gary Cohen was way off the pace after a tangle with the 5-1600 of Jim Henry. With the off course excursion and carburetor trouble, Cohen had fallen way back. Racing strong again, he attempted to pass Henry inside on a tight turn. The two flipped numerous times, but no injuries resulted and both finished. On the final lap Sanders fell back when he got off course for awhile. Bill Capatch turned his fastest lap at 35 :21 for his second consecutive Overall Sportsman and Sportsman 10 wins. The Desert VW Specialists/Pat Hughes Performance Brand-wood turned in a total elapsed time of 1:47: 13 for its ninety mile jaunt. A little over two minutes back was Jeff Sanders' Chaparral for second overall. Next in Sportsman 10 came Steve and Coleman McArthur's Beard's buggy at fifth 0 / A.Just eighteen seconds back was Steve Baker and his Woods' Vulcan. 6ocial Evenl of lhe didn't help matters. ===~'=-'==--------------------0 ff-Q o ad &ason SCOQE/HDQA Awards Banquet January 11th. 1986 J\naheim ttillon -Qeservati'ons now bein8 accepled. Call 6COQE tteadquarlers -818/889-9216. Tom Zentner picked up another victory in the Pro 1 class, driving his Chaparral to an easy first when his competition retired. Danny Van Keuren, Jerry Lockridge, Greg Oswesky, Jim Allison and Gary Cohen rounded out the finishers. Tom • Bartos dropped out ab~ut two · miles from the finish with two broken front spindles. · Four starters left in Sportsman 1600 Ltd., three finished. Ed Faulkner ..and his Edwin Enterprises/Flair Advertising Hi Jumper got lost on the first go-round but otherwise had no real troubles in taking the cla,ss win. Troy Churchm;m had a good first· lap but then slowed, finishing second, thirty-three minutes behind Faulkner. Randy Miller only made one slow lap. Favorites Tom Higgins and Rich Cada finished third, way · back after hitting a tree and severely bending a stub axle. They borrowed a spare from Faulkner's pit and rolled in at 27th O/A. Just two starters in Sportsman 1, but they had a good race going. Seven seconds separated Steve McAnn and Scott Calvelage at the end of lap one. On the second go-round, Calvelage moved out front with a five minute advantage. But on the final lap, McAnn turned in his best lap and Calvelage slowed, giving McAnn and the Woods' Off Road Products/ Arizona Dust f:>evils Woods' Vulcan a twenty-two . minute margin for the win. Next off were five Sportsman 5 racers. Keith Jaeger moved back into the Sportsman ranks and took the win in the black Dirtrix Baja. Keeping him honest was Mike Longley just three minutes back. George Telles was third after a long first lap due to getting lost. Pat Brown stuffed his Baja into a ditch on the first lap and damaged his front suspension, putting him out. Also not finishing was Tim Zane, who was running a strong second after one lap. His entire front end broke free of its mountings and tucked under the pan. When the frame horns dug in, the Baja went into a series of endoes, coming to rest 100 yards away in the middle of the track . Tim and co-driver were unhurt but dazed. Seven made the fray in Sportsman 2, just four finished. Gray Hendricks, first off, led after one lap with Paul Nolte close and Jim Bush not too far back: Keith Alger and Glenn Hennessey, along with others, got lost on their first lap, and in· their frantic actions to regain the course, collided. Both cars were out, but once again, no major injuries occurred. Lap two found Hendricks losing a minute as Nolte picked up two and Bush stayed on course to get around over six minutes quicker. At the end of three, Paul Nolte and the Printing Co./Device Development/ Budget Office Supply Woods' Vulcan picked up another two minutes for the class win and third 0/ A. .ijush got past Hendricks for· second while Frank Thomas played catch up, finishing seven minutes behind Hendricks. All five Sportsman -5-1600s finished. Chuck Edwards' T.U.F. Off Road Baja led 'em around all three laps for the win. Port Campbell went faster each lap for second, as did Don Weiser for third. Pete Gannon had been running second at the end of lap one but brake troubles slowed his charge, putting him in fourth. Jim Henry ran strong second and third laps after a lengthy pit stop brought on by his run-in with Cohen, but the downtime put him in fifth. Four vehicles started in Sportsman 8; two made it all three laps. Early action found Frank Turbin, Mike Doherty and Richard Mann all getting past Patrick Dewys, who was on the maiden run of his SCORE Class 68 Chevelle. Doherty then had driveline troubles on the powerline uphill Jack Dinsmore had a smooth run in the J&J Racing convertible to take the Pro Bill Capatch bounced his Brandwood off a pickup truck along the way, but he 5 win after the early leader had engine trouble. led wire to wire to take the Sportsman Overall and Class 10 wins. Page 18 November 1985 Dusty Times

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Carlos Serrano earned a first place in his Chenowth, and it was his second time out behind the wheel; he got through the muck to win Pro Class 10. and went out on the first lap. Turbin held the lead on the road but Mann was just eight seconds behind, fifty-two seconds ahead on time. On their second lap, Turbin held off Mann's advances 'til his transmission went out. Other than that, his new truck was working great its first time out. Mann sailed on for the win at 12th 0 / A in the Bill Howard/ B.F.Goodrich/Hella Lights/ -Rough Country Chevrolet. Dewys overcame numerous troubles, including an altercation with a tree, to finish second as the last Sportsman finisher with a time of 4:58.32. Once again, Gary Crother was the lone Challenger entry. He again went out on the second lap. Now it was the Beginners turn at the -track. Seventeen- strong, eight were Unlimiteds, nine were 1600 Limiteds. Walter Nash was quickest around the first ti~e with Jerry Foley second, and Mark Harrison third, all Unlimiteds. Roger Drudge led the 1600 Ltds. at fourth. Six racers never completed a lap. At the end of two, Jerry Foley and his Foley Tile Inc./Jerry's Lift Truck Brandwood were the overall and Unlimited winners, with Roger Drudge taking the 1600 Ltd. win at third 0 / A behind late starter Jeff Geiser, who ran with the Pro's after being trapped behind a motorhome fire on the highway. Then came Harrison, Ed Graca, Nancy Sanders, Dave Watson, Paula Jones, Brad Richmann and Nash, who had wheel trouble on his second lip. Finally it was the Pro's turn to hit the trail. They would run five laps for 150 miles. At one minute intervals, they left in this order: 2, 10, 5, 1, 8 and 7. · John Gardner, with his wife Diana going for her first race ride in the C & C Construction/ Gardner Refrigeration/Sierra Interiors Palmer's Tandem, was first out of the gate and turned in the fastest lap of the day at that point, a 33.04. He said later that he was a little conservative on his first lap. He bettered that one by thirty-three seconds on his next go-round, then never varied that time by more than eight seconds on the last three laps. Considering that the last two laps featured six miles of rain and mud each, that's some pretty consistent driving. But_ Diana says she won't be riding again 'til John gets a conventional two seater. "Are we having fun yet?" The pair earned $450 for their first 0 / A, first Pro 2 wins with a time of 2:43.23. Paul Nolte kept his Woods Vulcan rightside up, and he earned the Sportsman Class 2 honors after a hard fought battle in the class. Keith Jaeger raced in the Sportsman 5 class at Snowflake, and he kept the Dirtrix f!ug together for the victory over four other Bajas. Dusty Times Steve McEachern put his new Class 8 truck to the test, and he not only won Pro 8, but he finished a fine fourth overall in the Pro race. Only two seconds back at the end of lap one was Steve Shirley in the Off Road Buggy Supply/Black's Dynamic En-gines Zipper II. But that was as close as he would come, losing a couple of minutes a lap, finishing second 0/ A, Pro 2 at 2:52:52. Holding on for third 0/ A and Pro 2 were Dan and Cathy Foddrill in the Palmer's Custom Speed/Trick Gas/Pat Hughes Performance/Mickey Thomp-son Tires Chaparral Tandem. Dan's eyeglasses caused him some trouble on the first lap, and he pitted to make adjustments, then had to play catch up in the dust and mud. He finished about four minutes behind Shirley. Mark Lundell never made a lap when the clutch in the Dirtrix Mazda "went away completely and quickly." "I knew I should've changed it after Riverside," said Mark. Jerry Everett made one lap, then retired with gearbox and engine problems. In Pro 10 action, Ed Beard in the Beard's Super Seats/Yoko-hama/Dunc Brown/Mary Lou Chaparral looked like he was going to run away with it and second 0/ A as he clicked off the classes' quickest times. But a broken torsion bar on his last lap stretched his time and he finished 3:24 behind dark horse Carlos Serrano, who was fifth O / A and first in Pro 10 at 3:05:50, picking up $450. · Serrano, in the Eastside Cycles Chenowth, had been given a late start after Walter Nash limped it in from the Beginner race. Repairs were hastily made and Continued on pai!,e 23. 80% PAYBACK SIX 40-MILE .LAPS HENDERSON, NEV. "Get Off-Road in Nevada and See the Real West" Nov.16th 1985 Silver Dust Racing · Association Phone: (702) 459-0317 • P.O. Box 7380 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89125 November 1985 Page 19

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'HOWDY NEIGHBOR, MY FRIEND CALL Mf BA1A 'BOB! NO\..J niAf1HE LONG,HOT DA\/S OF SUMMER HAVf BEEN REPLACED BV 1HE SHORT CH\ll\.l DA'IS OF FAU, MOST ~ ~} ~ ri~1' -PEOP1£ ARE WATCJ·HN '1HEIR · fA\IORffE FOOfMU. GAME. I( ,. , -~~ _t "-.., ~ RERUN AND RACE 1JEEKEND5 ARE ljQT FDR EXPER I MfNfJ N 6 \vJ1H 1HE FOOD FROM SfREE r VENDORS ... .'" ,------s;::::::s: '\------\ . / ~ ~ ,, 0 ',- ,-'"'< 0 ;·r .. Bur FOR US 1-lARD-lORE"" OFF ROADERs, .. r-r·s ,, flM E FOR fUE BAJA JDDO ~ 1H!S IS A MEMBER OF 1HE urAL CONS1A13V LM?Y (fOLlCE). fHEY EN:SOY fHf RACE roo. fHE y ARE ESPEC.!All Y fONb OF t.rokJNG AT f H-f KACE {At:$ CLDS.E-OP 'BEFORE B'RAVlN~ .1'f¼E_ \vib5s ·OF·_.BA:TA; 1AKE 1H£ 1'1ME 10 ~E~RE.'IOUi\J'EHlCLES. \✓ELL. AL50, BE SURE 1'0 1"AKE YOUR SPARE ~'RIS. ... _,, you G01t\ CHROME: OVERHEAD MVFPLER BEARl,% 'FOR A --(,Q, If LE 11-!ROA 1 \<}EBER e.ARB rf

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..... -Berrien& ~r-r-...~= 6 o o~--Dixie Autocross is a Success Despite a Close Call on the Date By Brenda Parker It was Probst Day at Flint, M_ichigan as brothers Jeff and Kevin won almost every class they entered with their team of super strong Bemen Buggies sponsored by Armstrong Tires. On Monday night, two weeks before the scheduled Dixie Autocross, Race Director Gil Parker received a call indicating that the race might be cancelled. This race is run each year at the .. Dixie Motor Speedway in Birch Run, Michigan, a stock car track. Due to heavy rains .on the weekend of the track's last scheduled stock car race, the owner, Jack Darring had to schedule a rain date. He choose September 21, forgetting that this was the weekend of the Dixie Autocross. The Michigan Off Road Racing Association, sponsors of the Dixie Autocross, usually run two heats, one on Saturday afternoon and one on Sunday afternoon. Gil checked with Jack to see if the club could use the track on Sunday, running the full program on one day. This proved to be acceptable and the race was on. The next project was notifying the racers, and through the efforts of the secretary of the Berrien Autocross Series all members were notified of the change in format. To top everything else off, the weather reports for the weekend were for rain. However, by Sunday the rain and clouds had moved off to the east and there was a beautiful day in which to race. This race always draws a large number of Canadian drivers and this year was no dififerent. Some of the drivers from Canada were Bill LeFeuvre, Dean D0dd, Joel Croft and Milan Mazanec, just to name a few. Also in attendance was George Dodd from SCORE Canada. The first heat at 9:00 a.m. was Class l. Scott Taylor in his BFG shod Eliminator ran flag to flag for the win. Tom Arthur, in a Mirage with BFG tires, started smoking at the start and found out later that he had cracked a ring. Dan Baudoux was in second place for 2 laps but dropped tQ third when he was passed by Bill LeFeuvre driving his Berrien · 1000. Bill was never less than. third and as ·usual drove a very smooth race finishing second at the checkered flag. In the meantime, Baudoux continued to run for 13 laps but dropped out when he blew a rod in his Corvair powered Mirage. Mike Paulson, in a Pro-Tech, drove an aggressive race, as always, finishing in third place. · Art Schmitt drove a steady race and ended up fourth, while Bert Decker, from Farmington Hills, CALIFORNIA FF-ROAD R.E. RACING USIASTS C.O.R.E. PIT TEAM Michigan, had a right front tire go flat and finished the race on three wheels, one lap down from the leaders. The next class on the starting grid was 2-1600. It was a tight race to the first corner between/ Kevin Probst in his Armstrong Tire sponsored BerrieR, Chuck Williams in a Berrien and Dave Vandermissen, Jr. in a Berrien. The cars stretched out pretty good and Probst steadily increased his lead with superb driving skills and a light weight passenger. Williams drove a steady second while Vander-missen was a close third. They finished in that order . . Steve Tsarpalas finished in fourth and Jim Dooley was fifth. The second Class 1 heat was next. Several of the drivers double enter both Class 1 and Class 9 so both Class 1 heats were run in the morning and the two Class 9 heats were run in the afternoon so that the drivers would have a chance to change engines. Taylor was strong off the line. He looked like he had his car dialed in pretty good. Paulson got around Taylor on lap 3 and then Taylor dropped out with a broken throttle linkage. He got back into the race but was two laps down from the leaders. Paulson ran strong in first place and was never headed. Taylor, driving a frantic pace to catch up, launched off the back stretch jump breaking his right rear shocks when he· landed. He finished the race but was down in fifth place. Both Tom Arthur and Dan Baudoux, who had problems in the first heat, were running with their Class 9 engines. Arthur finished in fourth place but Dan blew his engine and was a DNF. Art • Schmitt hung in there for second and Bert Decker was third. The 1-1600 class saw 11 cars take the starting line. Todd Attig won the race to the first corner and was in front on the first lap, followed by Gale Brockie and Jeff Probst. By lap 2 however, Jeff had passed Brockie and Attig to take the lead, and ran in that spot to the checkered flag. Brockie was chasing Probst for 9 laps when Attig finally got around him to take second. Brockie later told me he was pushing so hard to keep the pressure on Todd that he lost it in the last lap, spun out and lost several positions to finish sixth. Meanwhile, Lee Wuesthoff ran a good steady race trying to push the leaders and finished fourth. Finishing fifth was one of the Canadian drivers, Joel Croft. He ran third for several laps but was eventually passed by Attig and W uesthoff. One of the drivers in this class who has been a regular at several of the Berrien Autocross races this year is Ramiro Gonzalez from Lancaster, Ohio. He is a consistent runner and although he is seldom among the front runners he usually always finishes. He runs a Funco. Geoff Dorr did his usual-masterful job behind the wheel and walked off with a first heat win in Class 4 in his Jeep CJ7. He has done this on several occasions this season. I have been told that Goeff hasn't lost a race this year including a major SCORE victory at Riverside. Finishing second was Herb Rosborough and third was Canadian Milan Mazanec. The second 2-1600 heat saw Kevin Probst jump into the lead and again run flag to flag for a victory. Chuck Williams ran right behind Kevin with Vandermissen working his way through the pack to finish in third spot. Coming in fourth was Doug Bils and fifth was Jim Dooley. Class 9, heat 1. The starting grid was a mass of screaming demons. Anhe drop of the green flag all hell broke loose. Kevin Probst driving a Berrien was through the corner first with Mike Parker's Berrien Laser second. Mike got into trouble on one corner and dropped to fourth place. Taylor moved into second but steadily fell off the pace and after 10 laps he was out with motor problems.Jeff Probst moved into second place and was • pushed by Lee W uesthoff in his Rabbit powered Chenowth. Lee managed to stay in there to finish third. Parker, in the· meantime, had tangled with Art Schmitt coming up out of the "Alligator Pit" and when Art climbed over the front of Parker's car; it broke Parker's left front shock tower putting him out of the race after 11 laps. Art Schmitt finished fourth and Bill LeFeuvre was fifth. As the 1-1600 cars left the line for their second heat they hardly broke ranks. As they went through the first corner you could have thrown a blanket over the whole field. By the end of the first lap the field had spread out and Jeff Probsqnd Todd Attig were really putting on a show. It looked like Todd's car was tied to the back bumper of Jeff's. Attig finally got around Jeff but on the next lap he spun coming out of the "Alligator Pit" and Jeff moved back into first place to stay. Gale Brockie and Lee W uesthoff were battling for third spot when, half way through the race, Brockie dropped out with dust in his Geoff Dorr has dominated Class 4 this year, and at Flint he won both 4 x 4 heats with ease in his sano red, self prepped Jeep CJ 8. C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. C.O.R.E. also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors. Get all the information on C.O.R.E. Jim Branstetter, President, (818) 705-8183, 17 453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys, CA 91406. In the first Class 1 heat, Scott Taylor had his Eliminator Mike Paulson led all the way in the second Class 1 heat, wired and charged from flag to flag to take the victory, but and with a third in the first round, he finished the day with had troubles later. lots of good points. Page 22 November 1985 Dusty Times

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SNOWFLAKE , from page r 9 Serrano took off for his second trip behind the wheel of an off road race car. (He is a successful motorcycle racer.) His first lap was his quickest when he ran dust free away from the pack. During one lap, Serrano had the steering wheel come off, and he had to bring the car in by grabbing hold of the shaft. The mud was bad too, running in the Pro 8 trucks' ruts, but Serrano made it through for his first A.D.R.A. car win. Dan Spencer was third in Pro 10 at ninth O / A. His Spencer Products/Curt Short/ S. Cheuv-ront/ Artison Concrete Funco's front end worked well, but he said he needed more rear suspension to combat the water bars. Jerome Cohen was off the pace in his Chaparral after son • Gary's Sportsman crash, and retired after three laps with first and second missing from the gearbox. Pro 5 also saw an early leader lose out. Pete Sohren was running strong the first lap, less than a minute behind Gardner. But the oil pressure light in the Sohren's Ceramic Tile Baja convert kept flashing, so Pete pitted. His crew added oil, but missed seeing a leaky valve cover. Sohren managed to hold the lead 'til the fourth lap when the engine blew. . Chuck Edwards kept his T, U.F. Off Road Baja Bug out front all three laps, and he won the Sportsman 5-1600 trophy over the other four Bugs. · Dirtrix/Dunshie Enterprises/ ESA Baja were running second at the end of three ahead of Dinsmore, but a broken throttle cable on lap four held him back almost twenty minutes, for second in Pro 5. Dave Hixson ran a real slick· looking Squareback, but ·was way off the pace and parked after three laps. Only two cars entered in Pro 1, Tom Zentner and Carl Perez, both in Chaparrals. Zentner was the quicker and then the only as Perez' Mazda motor cooked another Super • Trapp spark arrestor and he was forced to stop. So Zentner slowed some · and made sure he'd finish, coming in sixth 0 / A in the MBI Racing/Pat Hughes Perform-ance/Palmer's Custom . Speed Chaparral for $180·. Chevrolet was first off and first in for the Class win and $180. He held off a strong challenge from Richard Mann, who was leading at the end of lap one. Mann saw his Chevy slow though and finished second, ten minutes back after a long last lap. Last off was the lone Pro 7 entry, Lee Alderman in his Chevy S-10. Lee's a real hard charger and he must . have Steve McAnn had a good race, here sailing the Woods Vulcan over one·of many water bars on course, and he won the Sportsman Class 1. overdone it since he never made it around. A little word on the Pro's mud bog. It lasted for a:bout six miles in the vicinity of the pits, starting around the beginning of the second lap when a real downpour thoroughly soaked the area. The mud was deep and super slick. But when I ducked into the A.D.R.A. commandmotorhome for shelter I heard a checkpoint crew say on the radio, "send the water truck over, the dust is killing us!" I guess it evened out after the Beginners got the hailstorm at the "High Country 150." For the day, out of the eighty entries, forty-nine finished. Next up in the· A.D.R.A. Desert Championship Series is the Ninth Annual "Penasco 150" in Rocky Point, Mexico. First place then went to Jack Dinsmore in the J & J Racing/Dinsmore Electric Baja. He took out one gate but otherwise had smooth sailing and finished first Pro 5, tenth 0/ A for $360. Pete Dunshie and the Two tru.cks ran in Pro 8. I was surprised to see so many trucks at an A.D.R.A. mountain race. Steve McEachern in the Fly-N-High/Tur bin Au to Body/ Richard Mann raced Bill Howard's Class B Chevy in both Despite getting lost on the first lap, Ed Faulkner got his Hi · the Sportsman and Pro events. He won the Sportsman and Jumper back on track to take the Sportsman 1600 Limited Dirtrix/McEachern Racing was second in Pro Class 8. victory easily: points. Lee finished third behind Jeff and Todd. Joel Croft and Dean Dodd, two Canadian drivers, were fighting for fourth place and this race was just as exciting as the race for first. Both cars looked like they were glued together. On the last lap Joel took an "Evil Knievel" leap off the back jump to pass Dodd and finish fourth. Dodd had to settle for fifth. In the second Class 4 heat, Dorr again outdrove the Kevin Probst hauled his two seat Berrien around to win both 2-1600 heats and take Class 9 (10) honors as well at the Dixie Autocross. competition to take the win. He was followed by Brian Case for 2 laps. Case developed mechanical problems and was out of the race by lap 6. This moved Herb Rosborough into second and ' Milan Mazanec into third place. They finished in that order. Next up were the Class 9 cars again. The Probsts _were 1 and 2 from flag to flag. W uesthoff ran a steady third with Mike Paulson in fourth for a while; but he was out by lap 14 with problems. Finishing fourth was Bill LeFeuvre and fifth was Art Schmitt: Taylor did not run the second, heat, nor did Parker. For those heavy metal drivers who do not want to compete against the "big guys" there is a trophy 4x4 class. There were 8 entries this year and Richard French, Tim Tomshany and Joe Dunlap were 1, 2 and 3 in the first heat, while Bob Moon, Joe Dunlap and Randy Grant were 1, Jeff Probst swept to victory in both Class 1-1600 heats in Rich French won the honors in the first heat for the 4 x 4 the Berrien Laser, and he and brother Kevin were 1-2 in the trophy class but blew the engine in the fancy Bronco on second Class 9 dash. the second round. Dusty Times November 1985 2 and 3 in the second heat. As a sidelight to the weekend, Jack Haenlein had the spectators screaming. He was having power steering problems and he missed a corner on the back side of the track. He sidehilled it into the "Alligator Pit", stopped to wipe his goggles, started up again and came screai:ning out of the "Pit" just one step ahead of the alligators. As I ~aid the crowd was roaring. A big"THANK YOU" should go to BFGoodrich for their sponsorship this year. They are one of the companies who do a lot for this sport and this help should not be overlooked. This ends the season for the Berrien Autocross Series. I hope to be back next year reporting on the races in the Midwest. See you then. · CONG RA TULA TIONS PROBST OFF ROAD RACING The Flint, Michigan Di~ie Auto Cross Goes To: KEVIN & JEFF PROBST. WAY TO GO GUYS! Another Fantastic Weekend! From: 1fl~ ~ -S4,, 1,u:,. 6 Ford Drive, New Lenox, IL 60451 Phone: 815/485-6922 The Winning Tradition Continues ... CONGRATULATIONS Page 23

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BUDWEISER SUNRISER 400 FOREST RALLY John Buffum TESTS a New Car · and Wins By Thomas 0. Grimshaw Photos: Trackside Phot_o Enterprises Buffum's back on stride and handled the new Audi Sport Quattro "test" drive beautifully, winning the Ohio rally by nearly seven minutes in the Pike's Peak_ winning racer. The sixth round of the Bridgestone SCCA PRO Rally Championship Series ran September 21-22 in Chillicothe, Ohio. The "Sunriser" has always been a very good event. This year it became an excellent event. Chillicothe is a quiet. little town sitting next to the rolling · foothills of the Appalachians. about fifty miles due south of Columbus. It was founded in the early l 700's by settlers from· Virginia and Kentucky and some of the original buildings, such as the classic Governor St. Clair Headquarters Building built in 1798, still stand in the downtown area. I've been co~peting in the Sunriser since the late Sixties when it was first presented by the Ohio State University Sports Car Club as a brisk TSO rally. In the early '70s I won it for an hour or so, co-driving for the wild-eyed Hendrik Blok who drove transits at the same speed as special stages. A secret Observation Control caught us well over the allowed limit and on my first ride in the aw~some dropped us to eighth for our sins. little machine. It is the same car In past years it has always used by Michele Mouton to seemed to me the good people of break all existing records at the Chillicothe were more interested Pikes Peak Hillclimb back in in the history of Conestoga July. It's a bit twitchier on the wagons than the current doings ~irtne~~liki; a ~~~r:t. ft:1s~~ak~~ of Audi Quattros and Mazda RX7s. The rally was never well to pavement and we took the allowed to run the forest roads in opening stage from Rod Millen 's the daylight. There was no true 4WD Mazda RX-7 by 3 seconds spec-ta tor stage near the over a mile and change. downtown area. Not many folks Following a quick service stop trekked into the woods to watch to mount gravel rubber we all our follies. This year proved a headed upwards into the Tar ~elcome change. Hollow State Forest. The , opening forest stage was also According to one local wheel, paved for the first five miles. Bill the nearby town of Circleville, Brooks, SCCA Series Chief which had hosted the Sunriser Steward, later told me it was the several years ago, had made a first time he had ever seen a car serious bid to get the event back. accelerate "sideways" up a road. The sounds of tinkling coins The new car was working ~ell. finally woke up the heavy Three factors proved to be the breathers of Chillicothe and they reason for our rather ho-hum allowed some much needed win of 7 minutes over Millen. additions to the program. First, the new car was much The opening stage Saturday faster out of the corners ( where afternoon ran through the paved the real rally work is accomp-roads · of the downtown City· lished) than our previous Park. The state forests were Quattro. Secondly, we drew first opened up for day light car on the road. Thirdly, it hadn't competition. It seemed the entire rained in the area for two weeks. town came out to watch the City Canadian John Bellefleur, co-Park stage and learn what had driving for Rod Millen, told me been going on in their town for during an early service stop that the past several years. The Millen carrie upon the first dust Sunriser will never be the same cloud we'd so thoughtfully left again. for him and said "this rally is Seventy-one teams started the over". opening spectator stage, which He was right. We still do not ran in reverse order. Several know ·what the new car will do Seed Six drivers almost ended against the Mazda RX-7 because their drive shortly after the flying Buffum never had to push it to its start line when they launched limit. Rather, he spent the night their cars over a "yump" and "testing", as we won the Sunriser landed on their driving lights. going away. The rest of us received the The real competition of the benefit of their experience and rally took place behind us. Doug cooled it a bit when it came our Shepherd, who has already turn. wrapped up the Production Class John Buffum and I, having driving and manufacturer's drawn first car on the road, were championships for Dodge,. the last to run the opening stage. proved once again that he is the JB mounted BFGoodrich "DOE best young talent in the country approved" street slicks on the today. It took Shepherd only new Audi Sport Quattro to take eight stages to push his full advantage of the pavement and to scare the-dodo out of me See "BUDWEISER SUNRISER" page 26. ----------------------------With Canadian John Be.llefleur co-driving, Rod Millen could not Cal and Karen Landau zoom through the forest in their Dodge Ken and Dianne Houseal drove one of many successful Dodges, fight through the Audi's dust, and his Mazda RX-7 finished Charger, to a keen second in Production Class and they were as their Charger sped through the night to second place in GT second overall. ninth overall. Production Class. A last minute replacement driver, Mark Hardyman, with Tom Dodge Performance jefe Dick Maxwell and Ken Nowak had a Drake co-driving, took the Saab 99 home to second in Group A, great time, and their Dodge Charger Turbo finished very well, seventh overall. third in Production GT. Page 24 November 1985 Californians Richey and Howard Watanabe took on the Ohio rally-roads in fine form, and they brought their Toyota Corolla in third in Group A. Dusty Times

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Rick Geier was running in fourth place for a time over the green Mel Freimuth of Crandon, WI was presented with a plaque in Rick Rogers, pickup, just leads John Heidtman in Class 4 action, fields, bu(an endo dropped him to sixth in Class 1-1600 at the honor of his 74th birthday at the race. Freimuth currently and they stayed in position with Rogers taking second place in .finish line. · competes in Class 11. · the race. Scott Schwalbe, leading here, and Scott Taylor put on an exciting race as they battled back and forth for first place in Class 9 action. Schwalbe eventually won the title. · Hodag 50 Off Road Race The roar of racing engines was heard in Northern Wisconsin last August when over 100 racers catne to compete in the Hodag 50 Off Road Race at Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Saturday's activity started with the 3 Wheeler competition in two classes, and they also ran in two heats. Hodag S0's tricky starter Jim W ollenzien slipped the green flag out next to start 19 Class 11 and 5-1600 racers. Oshkosh's Terry Friday took the lead off the line in Class 11, followed closely by his brother David.Terry held the lead until mechanical problems struck. Then Rhinelander's team of Dick and Craig Metz quickly slid into first place, but found Mike Renkas, from Crandon, determined to steal the lead. David Friday had tie_ rod trouble and spent the rest of the race waddling around the track. Just before the old motocross section, this writer was about to lap Friday, who had eased over on the side of a jump, when suddenly his buggy jumped over to the right and collision time came. Friday went flying off the track to the left, and after a momentary pause, we were able to get back on the track. Meanwhile Renkas was leading, and Metz was still trying to catch 1-iim. When the white flag came out, Metz knew it was now or never, so he mustered a little more power, got past and pulled off a first place finish. Renkas was very close behind. Matt Trelstad was third, · followed by Chad Ramesh. Dusty Times In Class 5-1600, Ixonia's Ron Karlman took an easy lead, until a most humiliating thing hapIJened ... he ran out of gas. Jim Pfeffer, from Ottawa, IL, and Dave Hanson, from Rockford, IL, just laughed as they drove past Karlman for first and second place. That evening at the trophy party, Karlman joked that he would buy gas with the third place purse. Next off the line were the 2-1600 cars, and as flag dropped 1 7 vehicles headed toward Daytona Curve in a cloud of dust. Randy Christman had a little problem getting off the start, and Bob Godsell didn't expect the delay, and ran into Christman's rear end. It didn't cause any problems for either of them, and they both sped off, soon as they got their bearings straight. Meanwhile Johnny Koran, of Marshfield, was accun,.ulating lead laps, and Dean Scidmore, Schofield, kept Koran within passing distance. Finally Scidmore put on the pressure and snapped the lead away from Koran. Russ Tripp, from Spooner, saw a different perspective of the course, as he rolled his buggy right in front of the spectator area, to give the crowd a few thrills. Course workers came to the rescue and rolled Tripp back on his wheels, and he continued in the race. Peter Karempelis, Milwaukee, moved into second place until mechanical problems dashed his hopes of victory. Text & Photos: Deb Freimuth Dave Vandermissen, Jr. dominated second place, until five laps before the finish when suddenly it was all over for Scidmore. Vandermissen came in to take the victory, with fellow Wilson, MI driver Doug Motto close by in second. Barry Kline, from Minneapolis, was third, followed by Bob Goodsell, of Neosho, WI. Only three cars showed up to compete in Class 6. Fay State_zny, of Crandon, put on his usual good show, and he out-distanced the rest of the field easily. Johnny Koran once again took an early lead in the next race, this time it was Class 1-1600. As Koran came around the hairpin turn in front of the timing tower he got out of shape and landed · the car on its side. He was rolled upright and took off fast, maintaining his first place spot. Mike Seefeldt, Sussex, WI and Jerry Holasek, Hamel, MN started making their moves. Eventually both were able to pass Koran. Back in the field, one of the big tires used as course markers stepped out to trip Rick Geier, Marathon, · WI, who was in fourth place at the time. After endoing several times, Geier continued on with the race, but he had lost too much time to finish in the money. At. the flag Mike Seefeldt won 1-1600 honors, followed by Jerry Holasek and John Koran. . The woman's rear engine race drew five limited 1600 buggies to November 1985 the starting line. Joanne Karpf, Milwaukee, ·and Rhonda Smith, Hopkins, MN, were running hard for the win. Rhonda had the incentive of a new helmet if she won. I followed behind in a Class 11 car, and had trouble keeping up on the straights with the 1600 buggies. As I rounded the big corner in the back field, there was Rhonda upside down. She had gone out to pass Karph, when the same tire that gave Geier a ride threw Smith into a tip over. The only one I had to catch was Karpf, who was keeping as much distance between us as possible. Then a wire came loose on Karpf's buggy, and left her sitting along the track with one lap left in the race. The checkered flag was my destiny, and I put our 3-D special in victory lane. Christine Gerald, Neenah, WI brought her Class 11 in second. Next on the agenda were the Good Old Boys (and one girl). Seven vehicles took the green arid three were lucky enough to finish the first lap. By the end of the 30 minute race, the checkered flag was carried out to the driver who had completed the most laps, four! A l McGowen, of Wausau, W I was the lucky Good Old Boy. The second heat for 3 Wheelers started Sunday's racing. Then Classes 9 and 10 pulled up to the starting line in what would probably be the most exciting race of the weekend. Scott Taylor, Belvi-dere, IL and Scott Schwalbe, Sugar Camp, WI fought back and forth for the lead. First Taylor maintained the lead for three laps, then Schwalbe took his three laps up front, then it was back to Taylor and then to Schwalbe. l:W" i;w-"'.--John Heidtman soars off a jump in his Class 4 Bronco, but he couldn't quite catch the leaders and finished third in the 4 x 4 contest. STRONGER AXlES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower oft road race car by letting us cohvert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. Convert Type !_stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C. V.s can be supplied with 3/ 8-24 or 10 mm i. 5 pitch threads. 10 mm -1. 5 is slightly larger and is the siie the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your sul!plied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page cis

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The author, Deb Freimuth and co-driver LeeAnn Wollenzien round a hard turn en route to the victory in the Womans' Limited Buggy Class. i;w-!;W" Then on a turn Schwalbe came in too fast and landed on his head, but was quickly righted. Taylor held his good lead for just one lap, then his engine started smoking. To Schwalbe's surprise, his newly acquired lead was now virtually unopposed, since the rest of the pack was well back. Schwalbe won Class 9 and overall at the flag. Keith Winkowski, from Bessemer, MI, held a strong second until the last three laps when Tom Schwartz-burg, West Bend, WI, moved up to steal second, leaving Keith in third at the finish. Class 10 was pretty ·cut and dried as Terry Severson of Spooner, WI held the lead from flag to flag. Randy Lasnoski, Bark River, MI, had second place under control, losing it for a time to Randy Christman, but Lasnoski was second at the finish, Christman took third. Thirteen Class 8 trucks came out to eat dust. Jim Sharkey, Green Bay, grabbed the lead off the line, followed closely by Frank Hood, of LaCrosse. Hood made his move on Sharkey, who - faded, and then Hood spent the next few laps playing cat and mouse with Jack Cram, from Abrams, WI. Hood eventually overpowered Cram. Then Roger Lindsay and Steve· Zelten --followed Hood around Cram, who was limping. It was an all Wisconsin finish as Hood won Class 8, followed in by Lindsay, Zelten and Cram. When the Class 4 rigs hit the track, Greg Gerlach, from Dakota, MN drove expertly from the green to the checkered. Rick Rogers, Nekossa, WI and John Heidtmann, Marquette, MI took second and third place in a race where all three maintained their positions from start to finish. Brad Mihalko, from Crandon, fought his way through the pack in the Class 13 event with a whole slew of Konitzers on his tail. Mihalko put the pedal to the metal to take home the first place trophy. George Konitzer and Sam Konitzer battled hard for second place. Sam led George until the last lap when George snuck up and left Sam eating his dust. George took second, and Sam was third. As the dust settled, the drivers came around to collect their winnings before they started the trek home. The races were exc1tmg, the track fun, yet challenging, the competition fierce, and that is the story of off road racing. The 1985 Hodag 50 logged another year into racing history, with the determination that 1986 will be even bigger and better. BUDWEISER SUNRISER from page 24 Production Dodge Omni GLH past Bruno Kreibich's Open Class Audi Quattro, for 3rd Overall in the final standings and another first in the Production Class. Dick Fitzgerald's Europa Motorsports Team from Baton Rouge only brought one car, a Group A Saab 99, to Ohio. Past Canadian Rally Champion, Walter Boyce, was scheduled to drive but missed his airplane connection and Fitz scrambled around to find a new pilot. He first asked Niall Leslie, another Canadian champion of · past years, to man the Saab, but Niall was too tall for the car. The service crew couldn't relocate the driver's seat far enough back to allow Niall's knees to clear his chin. Local driver, Mark Hardymon, was finally recruited, · despite the fact he'd never driven a front wheel drive car before. Hardyman proved to be a good choice. He took the Saab 99 to seventh overall and second in Group A. Alan Carter, who has driven a Saab 99 for Europa Motorsports in the last three championship events, surprised everybody by appearing with an ex-Buffum, ex-Kreibich, Audi Quattro. The short time he had available for testing and car preparation proved to be fatal and Carter DNFed with a sour engine shortly after the start. Kiwi Clive Smith has also proven he can drive with the best in '85. He also passed Kreibich and· dr.ove his Group A Toyota Corolla GTS to an easy class win and fourth overall - only eight seconds in front of the Kreibich Quattro. Steve Nowicki finally got his act together and took a Production GT Class win in a · Nissan 300 ZX when arch rival, John Crawford's Dodge Shelby November 1985 The incredible Doug Shepherd, with Joe Andreini calling the turns, won Production Class, was third overall, won the driving championship for the year and the manufacturers points for Dodge. Clive Smith and Harry Ward charge through the scenic Ohio country en route to the Group A victory and fourth overall in the Toyota Corolla G TS. Steve Nowicki and David Stone put the Nissan ZX back in the winners' circle in GT Production Class, and the team took a fine sixth overall. Turbo went T.U. in the middle of a stage. Dodge Competition Manager, Dick Maxwell, put in his best drive to datt?, finishing third in GT class, less than two minutes behind Ken and Diane Houseal in a Dodge Charger. And finally, there comes out of the night, those two mysterious brothers from West Covina, California The Watanabe Brothers. Richey and Howard quietly drove their -pristine Toyota Corolla to 11th Overall and third in Group A. It was a very impressive drive for a team that has never seen the unforgiving forest roads of the Sunriser. ls it possible to get a black belt in rallying? If so, they deserve it. One final comment. Doug Shepherd has not always been the outstanding driver he is today. Some years ago I co-drove for him on the Tulip 200, a PRO Divisional Rally that uses many of the same roads as the Sunriser. Midway through the night we held a six minute lead over the field and had only to drive the final quarter mile of "America's Best" stage to reach 0the dinner halt. We never made it. Shepherd drove l:JS straight off a cliff on a tricky downhill hairpin just before the finish line. In the Sunriser route book this year that same tricky downhill hairpin is called "Shepherd's Corner" and is suitably cautioned. Despite that, five drivers put their cars over the edge on the same corner. ''Shepherd's Corner-;' -remember it if you come to Ohio next year. Upper Michigan's intimidat-ing Press On Regardless is next. But before then, Buffum and I will put .on our civilian clothes and do the two weeks of the ALCAN 5000 rally from Seattle to Anchorage, Alaska, and·back. I 've purchased a new white scarf and sorri.e Gucci sneakers so I'll fit in with the TSO crowd. Everyone is waiting to see if our win on the Uniroyal One Lap of America was a fluke. We'll know by the next issue and we'll either tell you how we won or make up some very good excuses. I'll also let you know if "mush" is a word that works on PRO Rally drivers. (Buffum, Grimshaw, and an Audi 5000 won the Alcan 5000 by sei•e11 seconds. Full report next month. Ed.) Dusty Times

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Racing Through Muck and Mire in Georgia I Clay Hurst lost his hood somewhere, but he got through the muddy course 27 times to take the hard earned D class victory in Georgia. The seventh race in the Georgia Off Road Racing Association series turned out to be the third mud run of the season. As usual, the racing started with a five lap heat race for the D class cars and another for the Class 10 racers, and the final run is a 50 mile slog through the woods at the track near Six Flags Over Georgia Park. Many drivers came through the heat , races saying that the p~elimi~ary runs were a waste of time, smce rain the day before had destroyed the course, with standing water and deep mud everywhere, Class 10. Also running trouble free, Bill Gaylord took second with 28 laps completed. A new driver at this GORRA track, Johnny Holgerson had problems in the mud coming over the bridge. At one point during the race Johnny slid off the bridge and landed upside down in thP Text & Photos: Darlene Bozeman creek. But, his 13 laps finished was good for third in Class 10. Taking fourth in Class 10 was Mike Seabolt, who did just 11 laps; he stopped before his engine blew, and he wasn't sure what the problem might be. Jack Thompson covered only 7 laps but was fifth. Thompson has had trouble all year with his car wanting to jump out in front of trees, and it happened again at this race. When his car nailed a tree here, it did quite a bit of damage, knocking the front beam back about three inches, and bending the front bumper upward, and he also broke a rocker arm shaft. At least Thompson's car jumps into trees instead of other race cars. Rounding out the Class 10 entry, Jack Hanson covered just four laps when he parked with the spider gears gone. Bruce Mitchum hit a stump beside the track, had his left hand tangled in the steering wheel at the time, and cut his thumb to the bone, Still, most entries lined up for the main event, with Class 10 starting first, followed by the D cars. It was going to be a long, slow race because of the mud. In the earlier heat race Travis Hurst had some serious suspension problems with his new car, wandering all over the track. But, he had no problems during the main event, and arrived first in Racing is a family affair with the Hurst clan; Clay, left, and Travis display their first place trophies, the only thing not covered with mud. Mike Seabolt plows through the mud on the front straight, George Williams survived trouble to take third in D class. and it was hard to aim straight. With a sick engine, Seabolt Imagine trying to get through this mud with a stock 40 was fourth in class. horse drive train! 1/1 Travis Hurst cured the handling problems in his new Class 10 after the heat race, and he covered the course the fastest, winning Class 10. and that happened on the third lap. The eighth starter did not cover a lap, and there was no report on Larry's early DNF. Making the race victories a family affair, Clay Hurst had no troubles at all in the race in his D car, and finished 2 7 laps for the class win. Close behind was Bobby Bramblett, also covering 27 laps, and Bobby was driving Ray Whigham's racer. Despite troubles with a pesky coil wire, George Williams covered 24 laps for third in D class. Going well for 18 laps was John Williams, then he hit a tree just before the bridge and broke a CV joint. Those Georgia trees do move onto the track often! Doing 15 laps before having shifter woes, Ronnie Whigham was fifth in D class, and Jerry Holcombe got in ten laps before retiring. Ken DeChene did four laps with the oil pressure light on, and he didn't want to blow the engine, since it wasn't his car, so he retired. Al Shumake parked after three laps because he was unable to see in the mud. Al said his foot kept getting lighter and lighter, so there was no point in continuing. The last D car was Bobby Bramblett's. being driven by Tony Leftwich. who had to stop with a broken shifter fork, and was unable to catch any gears. Hopeful I y, GORRA will have dry weather for the next race at Sandy Creek. near Montgomery, Alabama. Bill Gaylord had a trouble free run, except for the mud and water, and hr, covered 28 laps quickly to take second in Class 10 and overall. Johnny Holgerson had plenty of woes in the mud, ending up upside down 11 the creek after sliding off the bridge, but he w_as third in Class 10. r-~-------------------, I I I M O·v I N G ·? Please notify us four weeks BEFORE moving · Place our address label in the space provided ■ and pr,nt your NEW address. I DUSTY TIMES New Address (Please Print) f I 5331 Derry Ave. Moving Date ___________ I I Suite D Name ____________ _ . Agoura, CA 91301 f I New Address J I City I I State ______ Zip ___ _ J I f -I ! _.. I Attach DUSTY TIMES l Jack Thompson had a good run going until he found Covered with the muck of the competition, Bobby I Label Here 1 another of those pesky jumping trees, and Thompson Bramblett, was second in D class and poses with his car 1 crashed into fifth in Class 10. owner, Ray Whigham, who looks clean. I -=---:::---------,----......:.........:....,_....:..........:.... ______ ---=:=====================-Dusty Times November 1985 Page 27

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THE 16TH ANNUAL SNORE 150 You Can Go Home Again, To Old Style Desert Racing By Jean Calvin Photos: John Calvin Jerry Leighton was first on the road on the first lap, stayed out front of the pack all the way, and won Class 10 and overall, very successfully defending the title he shared with brother Bob last year. It is the oldest, continuous start/ finish line was also adjacent Co-defending overall champi-running desert race in America, to a gravel pit, but this one was on Jerry Leighton was going solo and it has had its ups and downs about 20 miles south of the city, in an attempt to defend the title. since the inaugural running of the freeway close and approximately Jerry was fourth off the line and SNORE 250 in September of midway between the tiny hamlets first around with a keeri 43.02 1970. Then the race started in a of Sloan and Jean. The course lap time. Although several cars gravel pit off Tropicana Road, held many familiar trails, heading were between them on the road, which is now covered with south on a winding route to . Dennis and Steve Casagrande, houses, and it made two rounds Stateline, then turning east over Mirage, tied Leighton's time of a giant 125 mile loop through· the famous Beer Bottle Pass to exactly on the first lap. About a the then uninhabited desert. In traverse some mountains and minute back came Jimmy later years it changed format to a valleys, and then heading north Krumme, who crashed to a DNF multiple lap event on a shorter to the finish line. The total on the next lap. Only seconds ,..__ course. In recent years the distance was about 42 miles the further back was the ORE of SNORE 250 has had to compete lap and six laps were scheduled Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn, for its traditional September date for all classes. Early pre-runners and all 14 starters covered the with other race organizers, and raised dust on the dry lakes and first lap. SNORE's own points races were in the washes, but the day before Leighton held his lead on the dominated by local Las Vegas the race thunder showers put road and on time after two drivers. The entry in the SNORE some puddles in the ruts. rounds, and had ·a minute on 250 shrank accordingly. The registration, tech a'nd Casagrande with a 41.39 lap. This season the SNORE club contingency inspections all Tetrick/Ronn were another marshalled all their energy to put happened at the hosting Holiday three minutes back, tied on time on a SNORE 250 like the old Inn. Registration was in the-air with Randy Black, and a horde days, furnishing all the extras conditioned comfort of the were in the next minute or so. that were common 15 years ago. hotel, while the tech inspection Tetrick was missing at the half How long has it · been since and a well populated contingency way point, the Casagrande drivers received a large bag full of row were set up in the parking lot Mirage had a drive train disaster, goodies at a major race?? All facing Las Vegas Blvd. It all and. local favorites Ron kinds of useful things were given started at the civilized hour of Ellenburg and Mike Spina were to each entrant at the 1985 three o'clock in the afternoon. in trouble, none -finishing the SNORE 250 registration. Plus, While it had rained off and on race. Leighton was in command nowhere in the sport is there an during the week, race day was now, holding about six minutes awards banquet of the magnitude clear and the puddles were on Randy Black, who was about of the brunch put on by the generally gone from the course. 1 ½ minutes ahead of Jim sponsoring Holiday Inn & With 75 starters on a shorter Sumners, and Jim was just a Casino, Center Strip in Las than usual course, it got dusty minute ahead of Daryl Mead and Vegas. This sumptuous feast on fast and stayed dusty for all six ' Mark Milleron. No one else was - Sunday morning is FREE to all laps. First in line at the 9 a.m. really close here. drivers, 'pit crews, workers, the start on Saturday were the 14 After four rounds Leighton whole cast of characters involved Class 10 chargers, and it was a led Sumners by nine minutes and in the SNORE 250. field heavy in potential overall Black was fixing a broken shock ...,:.. This year SNORE returned winners. Kerry Mitchell was first tower. There were a lot of the race to a course of long away, followed every 15 seconds collisions with rocks and other standing, south of Las Vegas. by another race car, and the pace cars in the heavy dust. Harking back to the past, the in the desert was fast and furious. Meanwhile Daryl Mead struck a,__::..;:;:.c:..:.:_...:.::. __ _.__.:__ __ _:::::._:::_:.::_:=:.::.:..=-:.:.-==..:.=:..:.=.:.:.=:..:.=~= Of the half dozen challengers in Class 10, Jim Sumners survived the best, and at the finish Jim and his Raceco were a solid second in class. · checkpoint worker in the blinding dust, and stopped for several minutes to be sure the man was OK, which happily he was. Jerry Leighton never faltered on his way to the Class 10 win, and so swift was his pace that he won the SNORE 250 overall with total time for six laps of 4:22.25. Unlike most desert events, the SNORE 250 has bonus money for the first three overall an<l first gets the bonus of $2000.00, presented by the donor, the Holiday Inn, in the form of a wheelbarrow full of 2000 silver dollars. Close in the wake, Jim Sumners kept a consistent pace and took second in Class 10 with a time of 4:34.37, running alone in the two seat Raceco. Running strong all the way Kerry Mitchell and Vane Newmire arrived about 11 minutes later for third in class. Daryl Mead's ET of 4:46.18 would have piaced him fourth in class, but Mead was docked a position for the checkpoint incident, giving him an official fifth. Randy Black came back strong for the official fourth in the time of 4:51.46. In all, nine Class 10s finished the dust clouded run. Class 2, 15 strong, was next away, and a bunch of heavy hitters were out hunting the wheelbarrow full of silver dollars. First around was Jim Bunty with a 43.41, but right in his dust was such heavy competition as Gregg Symonds, 44.37, Tom and Steve Martin, 44.46, Cam Thieriot/Greg Lewin, . 44.53, and Bob Richey/Tom Baker, 45.27. What a close battle this was! Missing was Danny Letner in the Porsche powered Raceco, and three more vanished on the second lap, including the Martins, with serious engine trouble. At third distance, Svmonds, with Warren Miller riding all the way in the Raceco, had a minute lead on Thieriot/ Lewin, who had half a minute on Richey/ Baker, and Matt and Don McBride were now only half a minute further down. Three more cars were out after half distance, including Bunty with electrical woes. Midway, Symonds, with a trio of 43 and change laps, had a good lead, almost six minutes on Thieriot/ Lewin, who were about 20 seconds ahead of Mcffride. Richey / Baker dropped back but held on in fourth. After five laps, 64 year old Gregg Symonds had the absolute overall lead, by 40 seconds over Leighton. But, on the final lap Symonds nailed a flat tire and stopped for the change. While Gregg won Class 2 by well over eight minutes, he had to settle for second overall aQd the $1000.00 bonus money fr6m the Holiday Inn. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin got the O RE home a clean second in Class 2, sixth overall. Richey and Baker whipped off a 44 .1 7 on the last lap to climb into third, another six minutes out. McBride lost 15 minutes on lap 5, but came back with a 43 final round to claim fifth in class. K.J. Howe's Raceco; driven here by his brother Sandy and various family members, ran steady all day for a clean fourth in class, just six min utes away from third. Dennis Lee/Mark Ordoqui were the sixth and final finisher in Class 2. Though only nine at the green flag, the Class 1 field was potent. Still, the Raceco of Frank Snook/ Eric Arras only went a few miles before parking, as did Tom Bradley, Sr. Jack Johnson got in just one lap before losing a CV joint on the Chenowth, which apparently ate the axle as well, and he was done. On the first lap Kenny Krumme came around quickest, with a 44.17, but to the rear, and not far to the rear, was Tom Koch, in his brand new Raceco, Dave Head/ Kirk Cartwright were just seconds later as was Nick Nicholson in the Outlaw. Krumme held the lead at one third distance, but Koch, getting the feel of his new racer, that blew its new engine earlier and had the milder motor in the tail, ran a faster lap and was only 43 seconds back .. Nicholson was third here by mere seconds over Bob Leighton. · The Raceco was brand new, but Tom Koch's skills were well honed. Tom took Nick Nicholson and his unique Outlaw came within an eyelash of winning a close victory in Class 1 and finished a fine third overall. Class 1, and dropped to second after a penalty for course rules violation. Midway Koch moved into the lead, but Nicholson turned a 41.02, fast lap of the day, and was now less than two minutes back. Krumme had serious tire woes, dropping half an hour, and_ Page 28 November 1985 Dusty Times

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Brad Inch and Randy Jones ran second in 1-2-1600 until the fan Missing the top spot by a mere five minutes, Port and Newt Despite troubles on course, Larry and Grant Garban got their belts started popping on the Bunderson, and they dropped to Campbell were second in Class 5-1600, driving the tough TUF Challenger car around all the laps and finished a fine second in fourth at the flag. Off Road Baja Bug. the mixe_d group. First off the line, Kerry Mitchell and Vane New mire drove hard all Randy Black had a good race going in his Class 10, but a close Co-defending overall champ at the Snore 250, Bob Leighton the way and their reward was a neat third in the tough Class 10. encounter broke a shock tower, and Randy dropped time and to drove hard in Class 1 this year, but he had to settle for a close he was out of the hunt. Leighton was about 3½ minutes back in what was now a three horse race. fourth. third in class. minute and fourth overall. Koch, along with the class win, garnered the Holiday Inn bonus of $500 for third overall. Bob Leighton ran swift and steady into third in ·class, about three minutes behind Nicholson. Roger Lord/ Alan Nocita were a good distance back · in fourth, and Kenny Krumme recovered to finish fifth, the last one home in Class 1. leaders to take advantage of any mishap. Midway MacCachren had what is a good lead in this class, 3 minutes, 45 seconds, and Inch was-now second with a skinny five seconds in hand over Bell. Inch handed over to Randy Jones and Bell also made a pit stop, as did MacCachren, who was going solo. After four rounds Tom Koch was within seconds of leading overall when he came through the finish line waving the shifter in the air, having run some distance in third gear. LuckUy Raceco builder Dave Kreisler was in the nearby Checkers pit, and he had Koch shifting again with a time loss of only six minutes. After five laps Koch's lead had dwindled to a mere 20 seconds and Nick Nicholson was pushing hard. Bob Leighton was still close, within three minutes, and it was a charge all the way around on the last lap. The biggest class at 23 starters were 1-2-1600, fourth off the line. The restricted engine bunch ran in tight formation over the rocky hills and silty dry lakes. Starting fourth, young Brent Bell was first around on the road and first on time with a swift 48.20 in the family two seat Bunderson. But, Vegas star Rob MacCachren had his Valley Performance single seater around just 24 seconds slower, from his -15th starting spot. Brad Inch, was just another 54 seconds behind in his SS Bunderson, and a host of contenders had times in the early fifties. After four rounds the order was the same, but Rob now held five minutes on Inch/ Jones, who had 57 seconds on Bell. Some other challengers were having problems. Rob MacCachren never wavered on the final two laps, and he whipped down the last miles to finish with a great time of 4:43.16, good for ninth overall on a course that demanded more horsepower than the average Nevada run. Checkers President and charter 6-50 c/ubber Gregg Symonds did the numbe1 on Class 2, sailing in a class winner and a great second overall. Finish line spectators saw Koch flashing through the home stretch, make the last turn clean and stop at the finish line, the first Class 1 there. But, only a few seconds later Nicholson appeared, but he spun his car just before the left hand turn to the flag, then charged into the finish, overshooting by a few feet. Apparently misunderstanding the flagman, Nicholson headed for the impound, was chased down and told to go through the finish line again, and stop, before the clock stopped. This procedure, amply covered at the drivers' meeting, put Nicholson second in Class 1 by just under a MacCachren turned up the wick on lap 2 and moved into the lead, holding just over a minute on Brent and Jim Bell, while Inch was closing and had the gap to Bell down to 43 seconds. All but three 1600s went at least half way in this sturdy class, and half of them were close enough to the The contest was for second place as Jones lost a fan belt in the Inch Bunderson, some distance from a pit. Brent and Jim Bell turned a pair of 49 and change laps to take second in the big class with total time of 4:54.56. Taking advantage of the Inch car's down time, Jack Short moved in challenging for third, and he was just five seconds ba<;:k starting the final lap. Short did the lap nearly two minutes faster than Jones to snag third place money, while Inch and Jon~s were fourth. Driving a steady pace, Jack Kruger and Stan James took fifth, and Kenny Freeman, Jr. was sixth, the last to win money. A hefty 16 1-2-1600s finished all six laps· in good time. There were three Class Ss in the race, and they had a ding dong first lap. Stan ,Parnell led Gary Schmidt/John McDowell by a mere 54 seconds, and Jim Madison, formerly of Class 6, was just 1.38 back. However, Parnell's Bug locked in gear as he left on the second lap, and there was no fixing it without a major teardown. The other two carried on a see saw battle for all six laps. Pushing hard all day, Cam Thierot and ORE builder Greg Lewin got the sleek The early 1-2-1600 leader, Brent and Jim Bell did the last two laps fast and the two seater home second in Class 2 and scored sixth overall time. Bunderson roared to the finish second in the big class. Dusty Times November 1985 After two rounds Madison had just over a minute lead, then dropped a couple of minutes. Schmidt led midway by over two minutes, and Schmidt led through four laps. Then he lost about 15 minutes on the fifth go, and that was the race. Both Bugs finished six laps, and Jim Madison and Russ Mortenson took the win home to Parker, Arizona, by. over seven minutes. The 5-1600s turned out ir force for the SNORE 250, six a1 the start, and two of 'them finished. Mike i;.,. i;.,. oocial Evenl of lhe OfT-Qoad &ason 0COQE/HDQA A wards Banquet January 11th. 1986 Anaheim Hillon -Qeservalions now beins accepled. Call 6COQE Headquarlers -818/889-9'2lt-Page 291 ;

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Home town racers Jack Krueger and Stan James had a good day Ken Freeman, Jr. and company survived the dusty running in the Heading for the finish line Chuck Edwards and Larry Weiser in the desert, finished fifth in Class 1-2-1600, and took home two seater, and at the checkered flag they were sixth in Class 1-2-scored a keen third in Class 1-2-1600 in another TUF Off Road some money. 1600. Bug. Class 2 winners at the last two big desert events, Bob Richey and Sandy Howe and a few. friends, drove K.J. 's Raceco to its best Charging hard Jack Short saw a wheel fly off his car, but he got it Tom Baker stayed close most of the way and their Raceco was finish in some time, and they finished well, fourth in the close knit handled quickly enough to finish third in the herd of 1600s. third. Class 2. r:.- r:.-Taylor/Roy T ofer led the first lap by less than two minutes over Tom Walker, Jr./Mike Petersen and Chuck Edwards was less than a minute more behind. In fact, all six were close on lap l. But James Herbold did not come around again, and Walker was out after two rounds. Mike Taylor carried on out front, gaining time on the field through four rounds, then trouble struck, but not enough to cost him the lead. After six hard laps for a 5-1600, Taylor and T ofer won the class with a keen time of 6:19.09. It was a great victory for young Taylor, who said that Jim Sumners had been a big help in preparing the Bug. Sumners, remember, started winning races in a 5-1600. Taylor was chased all the way by a pair of Bugs from T.U.F. Off Road in Tucson, Arizona. At the flag Port and Newt Campbell were only five. minutes back in second. Chuck Edwards and Larry Weiser were flagged in after five laps, solid in third place. The final group off the line was a mixed bag of five vehicles in five different classes, combined SCORE PARKER400 February 1, 1986 1st Event of the SCOREIHDRA Points Series Limited number of entries will be accepted -Call SCORE Headquarters -818/889-9216 Page 30 for the purse. First away was the Class 9 of Bob Freiday,, who was not seen again. Next was the Challenger car of Larry and Grant Garban. Willie Valdez had his 7S Ford Ranger away next, followed by David Strum in a 7 4x4 Isuzu, and a Class 4 Dodge, driven by Randy Ward and Robert Christensen. The Dodge was seen with a boiling radiator at Check 1, and that was that. Strum was down and under tow · on the first lap also. After one round Garban led Valdez by a slim 31 seconds, and on lap 2 Valdez had closed the gap to just 15 seconds. Garban had about ten minutes down on lap 3, and Valdez took the lead for good. This pair were waved into the impound after four laps, and Willie Valdez was the winner with 4:14.21 for four laps. The Garbans were not far behind with 4:32.28 for their four laps. The race was over with plenty of daylight left; in fact Jerry Leighton finished at 1 :30 p.m. After a vote by the restricted class drivers to cancel any post race inspections, the area was dear and everyone was back in Vegas in time for the proper cocktail hour. The next morning the horde poured into the Holiday Inn Showroom for a brunch that included both breakfast and dinner delights, the best, gazed at a keen ice sculpture spelling out SNORE 250, and many out of state entrants said in Jim Madison and Russ Mortenson had to fight hard all the way, but they won the six lap tussle in Class 5 with a slim, seven minute margin. It was a close battle all the way, and Mike and Roy Taylor led all the way and took their first victory in the trusty 5-1600 Baja Bug. November 1985 awe, "How long has this been going on"? Sixteen years, gang! The organizers gave their thanks to the event sponsor·and brunch host, the Holiday Inn, their points series sponsor, Yokohama, and to Bud Light who supplied all the trophies and plaques. Since it was the 16th edition of the event, the empty wheelbarrow award went to Kenny Krumme, then listed as 16th overall. Along with the two grand in srlver dollars, Jerry Leighton took home the Class 10 winnings of $1190, bringing his total take to $3190, well bearing out the slogan of "SNORE, where it pays to race.'' Gregg Symonds collected a total of ~2330 for his victory, and Tom Koch took home $1445 for his efforts in a nine car class. This year the majority of the SNORE 250 money went to out of state drivers, who scored many first, second and third places. Californians took top honors in Clas.s~s 10, 2, 1, 5-1600 and the' combo. Rob MacCachren was the lone Nevada class winner, and Jim Madison won Class 5 for Arizona. Truly the "Racers' Race" is getting back its former support in entry from all over the southwest. The sponsors stated that the race would be bigger, better and richer in 1986, so plan ahead for a September jaunt to the SNORE 250. Rob MacCachren had a keen run, taking the lead in the big 1-2-1600 class on lap 2 and Rob held his slim lead all the way to victory, taking ninth overall to boot. It was a see saw battle for a time in the mixed bag class, but the Ford Ranger of Willie Valdez was the 7S and money winner of the bunch. Dusty Times

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THE RALLY OF THE 1000 LAKES Timo Salonen and Peugeot Win the 1985 World Championship! Fiat Abarth 130 while leading group A, transmission trouble putting him out. Now Lars -Erik Torph, VW Golf GTI had the group A lead by seconds over Mikael Ericsson, Audi 80 Quattro. An all night battle was in progress, front drive VW against 4 x 4 Audi, with nothing in stage times between them. At daybreak Torph lost a half minute when the front right suspension was damaged. superhuman champions, a person apart. He smokes often and in public, and seems to have_ a low degree of fitness. He is one of a very few motor sportsmen with spectacles ever to succeed, but above all he had made the top with an extraordinary reputa-tion ... he never makes mistakes. Leaping over the "yumps" in his native Finland, Timo Salonen, with Seppo Harjanne co-driving, won the world championship for himself and the makes title for Peugeot driving the 205 Turbo 16 E2. · Timo Salonen knew no fellow tracks more slippery than he had Finn would respect his world ever known on the 1000 Lakes, title unless he had won the Rally and the happenings on the first of the 1000 Lakes some time in stage bore this out. Alen himself his career. So, winning the landed heavily on the Lancia's Finnish round of the world . nose and scattered plastic all over championship itself, all at the the stage. Following him same time, was the sweetest Mikkola slid wide and nearly moment a Finn could imagine. wiped the rear aileron off his Salonen's first time Finnish win Audi against a tree. Then also gave his team Peugeot the Toivonen's Lancia went straight manufacturers' title, and this was on at a sharp right hand corner. the first ever world rally victory But, the most spectacular was for a car built to new generation, Kalle Grundel, whose Peugeot second evolution designs. skidded all over the road. His Stig Blomqvist, effectively wheel marks showed he passed Salonen's only challenger for the on the wrong side of a phone title, finished second in his new pole, and his front suspension generation Audi Sport Quattro, was so deranged that the S 1. Struggling behind were the mechanics had to fabricate a rear drive Lancia Rallys of special wishbone to compensate Markku Alen and Henri for the. realigned chasses. Toivonen. The shortest rally in . Toivonen ar-Fived at the service the world series produced point and tried to convince his considerable excitement, partic- mechanics that most of the ularly in the three-way fight for damage to the Lancia had been the group A victory. caused by spectators rather than Injuries are still large in by going off the road. rallying minds. Comforting news Salonen escaped the carnage, · came from Helsinki about Ari but Alen was hot on his trail. The -Vatanen's good progress after his traditional opening stages are Argentina accident. Henri sections he knows well, where he T oivonen was happily back in a always seeks to pull out an rally car after his accident in unbeatable lead. The first .real Sardinia. The organizers were stage of the event is a 13 km also nervous following a second section which winds around stage crash last year which lakes, and Alen's performance involved spectators. Despite there vaulted him from third t_o treacherous conditions early' in first. Salonen in turn fell to third, the event that took many top a situation which did not worry drivers off the road, this year's - Peugeot, since any position in the Finnish event was trouble free. top five would give them the This was the first time the makes' championship. revolutionary second evolution Alen's lead at the end of the Audi and Peugeot cars met face first leg was too slender, o~ly to face. Work on making the .seven seconds. It was a surpnse Peugeot usable in gravel had been his rear drive car had been able to done to such effect that Timo hold any margin against the four Salonen said it now felt and wheel drive cars behind him, but handled just like a first evolution in the rain the tracks are harder, car, but twice as quick. Hannu giving better traction. Mikkola had made the new On the first stage the next Audi's debut in America, when it morning Alen lost the lead for was still in delicate condition, good as Salonen took over. but said that Audi's engineers Conditions had dried out had recently turned chalk into overnight and left a deep cheese, stating that it now was covering of gravel on top of the much more stable than the old tracks, conditions suited to the car. Mikkola said, if the Audi four wheel drive cars. Markku could lo~e 200 kg it would really . was hard pressed to hold second be something. Replacing place, although Blomqvist Vatanen/Harryman in the meanwhile had lost second gear Peugeot was B seeded Kalle and was slowed a little. Salonen Grundel, who had to start the had electrical trouble, soon put rally behind the A drivers, right, while Mikkola was despite carrying number one. penalized for being unable to Alen said that rain on the start his engine at the beginning afternoon of the start made the of the second leg. Grundel and Dusty Times Text & Photos: Martin Holmes T oivonen were finally adjusting to their ill handling cars, but a moment's misjudgment put Kankkunen's Toyota into a ditch, into a rock that broke the rear axle. Juha Kankkunen was the first top driver to retire. After a loop the cars came back to Jyvaskyla for a short break before restarting on an all night loop. Mikkola was having a bad time; his Audi lost a rear wheel on stage 21, which mechanics repaired, only to suffer frm:it suspension trouble on the next stage. But then later on oil was leaking so much that it started burning inside the engine bay, and the car was withdrawn. Alen had now lost his battle with Blomqvist, falling further back after he slid off the road. Out front Saloneri was going well, the Peugeot giving him a chance of victory that neither . Fiat nor Nissan had done. He was driving sensibly but fast all the time. Toivonen was catching up fast, passing the group A leaders and was now after Waldegard's Toyota and Eklund's private Audi. By midnight he was close to fourth place, but then was delayed by gearbox trouble. Mikael Sundstrom retired the Up front the battle for fourth place was also in full spate. Per Eklund, Audi Quattro, was engulfed by first Grundel, then Toivonen. With four stages to go the Swede's Peugeot was six seconds in front of the Finn's Lancia; with one stage to go they were equal! On the 50th and final stage T oivonen gained a two second advantage and he finished fourth in the Lancia, followed by Grundel, then Eklund, while Bjorn W aldegard was seventh in the Toyota. Stig Blomqvist was a solid second, three minutes ahead of Markku Alen. Ericsson won group A over T orph and was eighth overall. K yosti Hamalainen took group N honors in a Ford Escort RS Turbo. Out front Salonen, in his tradition, drove the last stages in a way which gave nobody any worries. Even in the greatest moment of his life it was difficult to know exactly how he works and what makes him tick. But, his smile makes him a popular · hero, and in this age of The third Finn to be World Rally Champion, Timo Salonen took the title the earliest any driver has gained the honor in a season. Salonen gained his crown after a run of five world rally wins, and a remarkable finishing record, only one retirement since joining Peugeot. Outwardly easy going and relaxed, Salonen and his co-driver friend Seppo Harjanne make an excellent team, able to share the fun of rallying, but also the mystique on which the Finns seem to thrive. Peugeot may have the most competitive car, but the real success story is not mecbanical or sporting, but a tribute to the planning of one man, their 38 year old manager Jean Todt. Having grown into the closely knit Peugeot heirachy through intelligent advice when they used the 504 cars, Todt was given the chance of building a future world championship team in 1981. Todt built a remarkable team and also correctly devined the path, 4 WO, that rally car engineering would follow in the next few years. The reward is, of course, the World Championship of makes and the drivers title as well. The "Batmobile" Audi Sport Quattro S1 took Stig Rounding one of t/:le 1000 Lakes, Markku Alen and llkka Blomqvist and Bjorn Cederberg to second overall and in Kivimaki came back from troubles to score third overall in Group B, and second in points as well. the new Lancia Rally. Winning the tight battle for the group A victory was the Credit for the championship goes to the Peugeot team. Audi BO Quattro of Mikael Ericsson and Reinhard Michel headed by Jean Todt, left, and Timo Salonen, center, and who came in eighth overall. Seppo Harjanne who won the rally. November 1985 . 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GRAVELRAMA XV Wind and Rain did not Dampen the Success of the Huge Sand Gathering was made ready. The towering sand and pea gravel hill is the Challenge of Gravelrama. Year after year drivers build up their vehicles to conquer this mound, the Eliminator. Balloons were released from behind the 1 70 foot high hill. Then Fritz Runke, the first driver to ever make it over the Eliminator, crested the top from the back side in the original Jeep that took him over the first time. Then Runke drove down the front of the hill to officially start the climb. the hill and staging area. After an hour the climb was called for the night. It was the first time in the history of Gravelrama that the climb had to be postponed until Monday. · Normally Monday is strictly obstacle course racing all day. At this event the obstacle is driving against the clock with each driver given one chance to obtain fast time in their class. The schedule had to be · altered this year, leaving the obstacle run open to drivers before or after they attempted the Eliminator. It made scoring, since they ran out of order, a bit more difficult, but eventually the results' were computed, the trophy awards took place, and it was a long day of competition. By Sandra Wilkin / Gravelrama XV officially began on Friday, the 23rd of August when MS Bigfoot led the parade of over 300 entrants from the IOK grounds through the streets of Cleves, Ohio. Competitors displayed their racers on trailers, local fire and rescue teams paraded their equipment, but the crowd lining the streets was overwhelmed by the appearance of all the tall trucks and monster trucks on hand. There was MS Bigfoot in the lead, followed by Bigfoot, Awesome Kong II, and the Beast, to name only a few. After the last participant had passed the judging stand, everyone returned to the IOK grounds to partake of the celebration. welcoming the many racers and their friends to Gravelrama XV. Saturday morning at the drivers' meeting the IOK race officials went over the rules and the lights, pointing out the fine points of the rules on an East . Coast 4 Wheel Drive Associa-tion sanctioned event. A large number of competitors belong to and race with different organizations with different rules around the country. It rained heavily in the morning, and rain was forecast for the entire day. But, it was decided that the 270 flat drag competitors would ·run in the rain until the lights stopped working. Then if need be, they would go back to basics~and race by the drop of a can. Severe lightning would be the only act of God that would bring Gravel-rama to a temporary halt, and tha-t did occur, but racing resumed in an hour and a half. The flat drags ran in progressive classes with single eliminations for first, second and third place. It begins with O class, which is very close to stock, other than added safety features required by the EC4WDA. The flat drags finish with XA class, which is powered by blown engines with experimental fuels. The rigs do the 100 yard track of sand and fine gravel in the low threes. The racing lasted into the night. Upon the completion of the flat drags the monster trucks came out for a run or two. MS Bigfoot started the demonstra-tion by dancing up the track to make an attempt at climbing the bank to meet the spectators . Awesome Kong II pounded up the track powered by an Allison aircraft engine, and this rig also went to meet the spectators on the bank of the drag pit. Then Bob Chandler brought Bigfoot out to play, doing his famous side step up the track to the shut down area. Then he opened up the 662 cubic inches under the hood and raced back to the Photos: Bill Schoppy starting line. Sunday morning another drivers' meeting was held to explain the · hill drags and placement of the lights. IOK's Gravelrama hill drags are 50 feet from start tb finish at a 50° angle with a very short, steeply banked shut down ar'ea lined with trees. The finish lights are positioned approximately three feet below the crest of the hill to help in the shut down process. However, there are always a few vehicles that land in the trees, and this year there were three. There were no injuries other than bruised prides, and no major damage to the cars involved. The hill drags were also conducted in single eliminations, progressing from the small classes to XA. When they finished the hill drags, the giant Gravelrama hill The Eliminator runs begin with the most powerful X class cars and continue through the smaller classes. XB was the first class on the hill. Rigs start from a complete stop in the pit dug at the base of the hill, and accelerate with appropriate force to climb without digging in the soft stuff. Round 2 included all vehicles that crested the top on round 1, and started further up the hill. Each round moved the starters further up the hill, until no car in a class made it over; then the farthest climb was declared first in the class. The lights were turned on during C class so the drivers could continue to run the hill in the night. At 9 p.m. there was a complete power outage and rain. Spectators headed for shelter illuminated by emergency generators, while the drivers covered their engines, and club workerstried to restore power to Gravelrama is more than just competition and challenge. Major distributors set up displays and discuss their products with the drivers. There is a Tall Truck show, special awards for engineering, perform-ance, and much more. Most important, Gravelrama is a gathering of old friends and new, from local areas to the far corners of the continent. The annual family reunion of 4 wheelers is the Gravelrama. Gravelrama XV is now a memory and Gravelrama XVI is in the making. Despite the wind, rain and other acts of fate, Gravelrama is the show of 4x4s, and fellowship will survive in the true 4x4 spirit. The gala Grand Opening of the Hill featured Fritz._J1unke driving his Jeep, which was the first rig to ever conquer the Big Eliminator hill. Ken Middleton, from Michigan, did a big whee/stand Sprewing sand, Jug Hazen starts his XA class "Strictly topping the hill, then nosed over on the costly fiberglass on Dirt". Jug holds the -record for the fastest time on the the down side run off. Gravelrama Drag Strip . . With the sand somewhat packed down from the rain, the Hill Sandy Crosby was the first woman to ever scale the Big Crossing the top of the Big Elim has to be a real thrill. Mike Drag Strip became rutted, and some vehicles had troubles, going Eliminator, but this year she got truly stuck and failed in the Hanson crested the tough challenge this year in his Jeep. "Totally Insane". attempt. Page 32 November 1985 Dustynmes

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Good Weather Blessed -the 100 Mile Race at Sandy Creek, Alabama The eighth round of the Georgia Off Road Racing Association Series came off very well at Sandy Creek, Alabama last September. For a change the weather was great, other than being just a little too hot. On race day there was a very light sprinkle of rain off and on, which helped cool things down a bit. The race track was in great shape for the 100 mile feature, thanks to the efforts of Tate Thackston. Tate is also a GO RRA racer, although he hasn't been very active this year. . He did manage to compete at this Sandy Creek event in Class 10. Several of the drivers here complimented Tate on the great condition of the track during the day. A total of 21 cars turned out for the event, 12 in Class 10 and 9 in D Class. All the cars were ready for the main event at 1 :00 p.m., and set off on a parade lap for all, especially those drivers . who were unfamiliar with the course. The grid reformed with the 1 Os in front, followed by the - D cars, and they lined up two abreast and would start Florida style, with each row starting at a couple of seconds interval from the one in front. The few seconds delay between rows is to avoid a m_assive pile up in the first turn, a sharp number to the right. Jack Thompson led the Class 10 cars off the line with Florida's Carlton Jackson next to him, and the race was on. When the checkered flag came out it was for Jimmy Crowder from Tallahassee, Florida. Crowder covered 55 laps of the tough course, and said later he drove the last 15 laps without third gear. That is a hard way to go on Text & Photos: Darlene Boze711an the Sandy Creek track, which has many tight turns and the{) fast straights. Crowder stopped twice for gas, and once had the lug nuts tightened. He also said he was worn out from shifting so much, and displayed blistered hands. This from a man who drove all four laps of the 1985 Mint 400 and finished fifth in Class 2! Crowder took home $570 along with his trophy. Larry Elliott -finished second in Class 10 after starting sixth. Larry made one pit stop for gas, covered 54 laps, and took home his trophy and $342. Also covering 54 laps, Bruce Mitchum was a close third. He pitted once for gas and to have the steering wheel tightened, and earned $136.80 and a trophy. Travis Hurst had to be content with fourth place, having dragged a broken left rear shock for several· Jimmy Crowder flew his Chenwth the fastest at Sandy Creek, blistered his hands, and won overall, covering 55 laps of the tough course. · of his 53 laps, and Travis took starting line. · home $91.20 and a trophy. In the always tough D class Track builder Tate Thackston competition, Tony Leftwich was got in 39 laps between his the big winner, earning $207 and troubles. His pit stops included a trophy for his 4 7 laps at Sandy two in a row for broken plug Creek. Despite problems with a wires, and later the generator sticking throttle,Jerry Holcombe qui~. Also Tate's Parker Pumper covered 45 laps for the second drained the battery, and that· place trophy and $144.90. stopped his progress as well, but Having trouble with the hot wire he took the fifth place trophy. to' the coil off and on, Ray Rounding out the Class 10 Whigham did 43 laps for a solid competitors, Bill Porter was sixth third in class. In fourth was with 37 laps done, and parked Ricky Duke with. 41 laps. He when the crank broke. Glenn stopped once for a drink during Stephens lost his engine after 30 the race, and again on the back laps, the fourth engine this year side of the track to fix a loose gas for him, plus a trans went in the line himself. Taking fifth, with one race the engine held together. 41 laps completed, George In eighth place with a total of 15 Williams fought a balking shifter laps was Carlton Jackson, out of all day. · it with ring and pinion gear woes. Rounding out the D Class Carlton said he couldn't starters,ClayHurstgotinagood~ complain because he has been 31 lap tun, then broke the ring running the same trans for six and pinion. John Williams did races, included the 400 mile dash 26 laps, then hit a small tree, and at Tallahassee. drove quite some distance before Bobby Bramblett got in 10 laps the tree fell off his car. But, his before blowing the engine, and left rear shock mount broke, Bill Gaylord managed nine laps, putting him out. Jim Dunnaway then the generator pulley broke covered 13 laps before an engine off the engine. Tommy Rhodes knock put him iri the pits. Ninth had tough luck, being run off the in the D Class was Ronnie track on the fifth lap by a red race Whigham, who drove merely car. He ended up in a plum four laps before being sidelined thicket, but got out of that mess with engine trouble, one of seven only to lose the engine on his drivers who lost the engine at the next lap in motion. · Although Sandy Creek 100. first away, Jack Thompson got in GORRA would like to thank just one lap before engine trouble all the racers for such a good turn stopped him. Not even making out at Sandy Creek, and we hope the start was Mike Seabolt, who to see you all at the next 50 miler lost the clutch en route to the in Atlanta, Georgia. './if' margin in victory, and earning over 200 bucks for his day's drive. George Williams hops his D class charger down the front straight, a way from the trees en route to a fine fifth place, despite shifter woes. The Tallahasse host for FORDA enduros, Jimmy Crowder poses with his first place trophy at the Alabama meet near Montgomery at Sandy Creek. Larry Elliott displays his second place in Class 10 and overall Making a rare appearance this season Tate Thackston aims his Older cars are comp.etitive in the D class, and Ray Whigham did a prizes, the big trophy, and the check, worth a drive in the woods. Class 10 down the front straight, and the track builder finished good 43 laps to take third at Sandy Creek, only four laps out of fifth. first. Dusty Times November 1985 Page 33

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GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES home by Robby Smith, of Gordon, Nebraska, and Rick DeVries, from Wheatridge, Colorado. Mile High Racing Near Denver The fourth event combined Classes 2 and 5 with a total of four starters. But, for the first five laps the race was very intense and had the crowd on their feet. But, when one Class 2 dropped out of the fray, the field began to spread out. After five laps the, order stayed rat to the finish line with Bill Coffey, from Colorado Springs taking the victory, followed by John Kramer and the -and others, and Mitch Mustard was dodging around cars trying to get through the field. By the second lap Decker had developed a good lead, and the crowd came to its feet ·as usual leader Mitch Mustard was up on two wheels and nearly lost it. He managed to get squared away and not only stay on the track, but he also passed two cars and was in second place. Text & Photos: Dennis Henneberg lone Baja Bug of Ed Mailo. · There were four on the line in Class 1, and they flew down the first stretch with the lead up for• grabs, until they hit the first turn where all four went into spins. Ken.Bracelin recovered first, but Larry Lee was right behind him. This pair dueled for first place the entire race, and just to the rear Dale Calhoun and Ray Daniels were fighting for third; these guys put on the hardest battle of all, and the crowd was really into it. Unfortunately, Daniels went out in the seventh lap, and the attention went to the. dice between Ken Bracelin and Larry Lee. At the finish Bracelin won over Lee and Calhoun was third. You could feel the mood being set as Mitch set his sights on Decker and began whittling away at the lead Brian had built. For the next four laps these two drivers put together all the skills . they possessed and gave the crowd what they paid to see. In the fifth lap they were side by side, but toward the end of the lap Mustard overtook Decker for first place, and that is the way it stayed to the checkered flag. The first turn was a dandy, catching the leaders in almost every class, as here t/;Je first three 1-2-1600s gyrate around before catching traction. Class 10 led off the second round, and it was a roaring start with Brian Decker in the Coors car in the lead followed closely by the pack. A couple spun out in the first turn again, including Mark Mustard, and that left an open lane for Vaughan Sabatka The second Class 1-2-1600 race got off to a good start, with some excitement as they all did some slipping and sliding in the first turn, and then got down to serious racing. Paul Shaver and Gerry Bowers went all eight laps without letting up, and without letting any distance come between them. But, after running seven exceptional laps, Shaver flipped his racer, and Gerry Bowers took first place at the flag. In second was Kevin Walsh, followed by Dave Merritt, and Shaver was fourth after track officials got him right side up. The new track developed by the Denver Off Road Racing · Association is just east of ~Denver, Colorado. On August 25 the first races at the new track took place, sponsored by DORRA. The first heat of the day was for Class 10, with seven race cars raring to go. As the green flag fell,-to no one's surprise, Mitch Mustard jumped out into the lead in his Chenowth Magnum. Mitch increased his lead lap by lap to a point that his only competition was his desire to run as fast as he could and provide the crowd w.ith a demonstration of racing at its best. Brian Decker gave it his best to keep up, but he had to settle for second place after running his heart out. The second race pitted five entries in the 1-2-1600 group against each other, and this proved to be an exciting race. Because of a real dust problem, the track was watered before this ·'heat, and the drivers were not prepared for the wet, slippery curves. When the flag fell, Gerry ,.Bowers and Paul Shaver were side by side down the first straight, until they hit the first turn. Shaver spun out giving Bowers the lead, and he' was followed closely by Dave Merritt and Wayne Elliott. The same spot in the second lap brought out another new leader, as both Bowers and Merritt spun out. Elliott now had the lead followed by Kevin Walsh. The race went that way throughout the laps as curve number one caused spin out after spin out. In lap 3, Elliott spun, giving the lead to Walsh, while the first leader, Paul Shaver, was now second. On the next round Walsh fell victim to the turn, and Shaver was back out front. By this time most of the drivers began to figure out the first turn, and started going high to avoid the spin outs. But, places continued to change, except for the lead. The race ended with Paul Shaver of Coforado Springs taking first, followed in by Gerry Bowers of Fort Collins. The third round brought out six Heavy Metal racers, and this heat started much the same as that of the 1600s. The first curve caused the same problems for everyone, as much problems as the competition. Rick DeVries led Jim Olson and Robby Smith into the first turn, then all three lost irwhile_ trying to get the lead coming out of the mud. Taking over in front was Jerry Daugherty, and despite the track conditions and the determina-tion of the other drivers, he held his lead all the way to the flag. The real battle was for second between Robby Smith and Rick DeVries. Daugherty, from Denver, won the race, followed Next came the Heavy Metal with a repeat of the first go Continued on page 39. It took some doing to ·keep going straight for the Heavy Bill Coffey, won the first Class 2 heat over John Kramer, Metal, but Jerry Daugherty got it sorted out best and he a'/ong side; but Kramer won the second round overall in won both rounds. the combined 2-5 and 1 dash. In the first heat Ken Brace/in was the winner after a battle Brian Decker gave it his all in Class 10, leading the second with Larry Lee all the way in the Class 1 action. heat for several laps, but he ended up second in both , heats. · Mitch Mustard had it all his way in the first Class 10 heat, but had Hopping out of that dandy turn, Paul Shaver got aimed the right Gerry Bowers, who was second in the first 1-2~ 1600 heat, had a race Jong battle with Paul Shaver in the second, but came out the winner. to work hard in the second round to get out.front and win. way and ended up winning the first heat for Class 1-2-1600. Page 34 November 1985 Dusty Times

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CHRISTMAS GOODIES GALORE •• ~ 4 X 4 Coloring Poster Here is the perfect Christmas stocking stuffer for all the 4 x 4 guys and gals in the family. This big 16" x 21" fully illustrated, action packed coloring poster will provide hours of entertain-ment for everyone as they color-fully wind their way through a rock crashing, jack rabbit chas-ing, wild desert scene featuring Jeeps, Ford and Chevy 4 x 4s, dirt bikes and ATCs. U sing your own felt tip pens, markers or colored pencils, this handsome poster will be suitable for framing when finished. To insure delivery of fore December 5th to: J. Le Bon-the 4 x 4ever poster before heur Co., 14755 Ventura Blvd. Christmas, be sure to send $4.00 #1-629, Dept. DT, Sherman cash, check, or money order be-Oaks, CA 91403. -ick Cepek Wire Stoneguards • duty steel wire mesh in gleaming chrome or rugged black vinyl coating, and will fit most models with small or large, round or rec-tangular lights. All clips and in-Adding to the Dick Cepek structions are included for just lighting line are new wire stone $11.95 per pair postpaid. Want guard light protectors. These more information? Write for stone guards are designed to pro-Dick's "Free" 132 page catalog tect expensive halogen and sealed to Dick Cepek, Inc., Dept. DT, beam lights from rock and road 17000 Kingsview Ave., Carson, debris. They are made of heavy CA 90746. Kayline 4 Runner Top Owners of the popular Toyota 4 Runner will be pleased to know that they can leave the heavy stock top home and run "top-less", and still have instant pro-tection from a rain ,storm with the new Kay line top. Availaj:,le in nine colors, the 4 Runner top is made of top quality materials with AS6 vinyl windows to allow unrestricted rear vision, and self Dusty Times Bilstein .. The Originals tensioning top bows that store out of the way when the top is down. The rear window has a full zipper and can be rolled up for easy access to the rear cargo area. The top comes complete with in-structions and all mounting hardware. For complete info' on the 4 Runner top as well as the full line of Kayline products, send $2.00 for the all new catalog _ to Kayline Manufacturing, Dept. DT, 200 East64thAve., Denver, co 802 21 . Get your favorite off roader some new Bilsteins for Christmas. The original gas pres-sure shock absorber comes in sizes to fit most any vehicle. In fact most of the top competitors in NASCAR are now using Bil-stein shocks, and winning with them. Because of their unique single tube gas pressure design, Bilsteins outperform conven-tional shock absorbers in racing as well as street applications. By putting the oil in their shocks under pressure, Bilstein has eliminated cavitation or foaming -the primary reason for loss of efficiency in shock absorbers. For further information and spe-cial off road applications contact Tom Hoke at Bilstein Corpora-tion of America, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, Dept. DT, San Diego, CA 92 121 or call ( 619) 453-7723. Mint 400 Off Road Race Game Just the thing to keep off road parts and accessories with which racing fever alive through the to construct a real tough off road . cold winter months, the Mint . race vehicle, to entering the race 400 Off Road Game is better and going into heads up than the real thing. You don't competition with some equally have to eat the dust playing the h ·t G 11 h h 11 toug compet1 ors. et your game. A t e excitement, t ri s Mint 400 game set complete by and frustrations experienced by the off road racer is capt,ured for sending $24.95, plus $2.50 for you to enjoy in the comfort of shipping and handling, to your home. The board game Ericksson Industries, Inc., 326 includes the inside story on what W. Katella Ave., Suite 4-HDT, it takes to build a winning race Orange, CA 92667, or use car, from buying brand name coupon on page 7 of this issue. Super Boot Strong Axle Super Boot has a new, super strong Micro-Stub axle, to be used with long travel rear suspen-sion. Check out the details in the ad on page 1 7. Get yours now from Super Boot Products, 1649 · West Collins, Dept. DT, Orange, CA 92667 or call (714) 997-0766 for all the details. KC Daylighter Protection """"'"'"" Toyota Goodies Hot off the press is the new Northwest Off Road Toyota 4 x 4 Truck Accessory Catalog. With over 100 pages of the newest, highest quality parts, it is a must for all Toyota 4 x 4 pickup and 4 Runner owners. The cat-alog includes suspension compo-nents, axle guards, truck bars, bumpers, lights and performance equipment such as carbs, ex-hausts and much, much more. Send $3.00 for the Catalog and price list to Northwest Off Road Specialties, 1999 lowa St., Dept. DT, Bellingham, W ashington 98226. New VWWeber Carb the performance of the family Yolks, pre-runner or race car with the newest Weber carburetor marketed by Redline, Inc. ThenewWeberlDFXEPlus is the latest in that popular series of performance carbs for Volks-wagen enthusiasts and racers. The Plus versiov has improved adaptability with throttle levers fitted to both ends of the q.rb, and ~hreaded fuel fittings that can be switched from side to side. This eliminates the need for both right or left hand carburetors, and results in a clean, easy instal-lation. The new IDF XE Plus is available in 40, 44 and 48 milli-meter sizes, along with the full kit. Get all the tech data from Redline, Inc., 19701 Magellan Drive, Dept. DT, Torrance, CA 90509. Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES'· See Form on Page 3 . Car Custom VW Engine A competition quality Rock Shield for the Daylighter is now available from KC HiLites. The triple chrome plated shield has a unique "Waffle-grid" design to minimize light pattern interfer-ence and maximize -protection against flying rocks and dirt clods. Designed to fit in the outer lens ring, the KC Rock Shield won't fall off even under the toughest driving conditions. KC · soft light covers will fit Daylight-ers equipped with the shield. The rock shields work well on all KC Daylighters manufactured since 1970, and are available indi-vidually or in pairs where ever KC HiLites are sold. For the latest KC HiLites catalog, send $3.00 to KC HiLites, Williams, AZ 86046. November 1985 Car Custom offers a Pro-Comp series of engines for VW enthusiasts. Fully balanced and blueprinted for maxim1,1m power and reliability, all engines include new factory heads, forged Cima pistons and cylinders, lightened 8 dowel flywheels, Engle cams, German dual relief cases, heavy duty oil pumps and swivel feet valve adjusters. Custom build your dream engine! Send $5 .00 t for the new 260 page Catalog to Car Custom, 915 W . Foothill Blvd., Dept. DT , Azusa, CA 9 1702. Page 35 --,

Page 36

AN.nDRES N. WITER f f ' 7.n · TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & V.W. SPECIALISTS . 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA 91605 PHONE (818) 765-3566 I (-: 1· & ADVANCED MOTORSPORTS INC. ED FRISK (619) 693-8355 8545 ARJONS. SUITE L • SAN DIEGO, CA 92126. >YvoKOHAMA (818) 885-5181 FOr 5eriouS Performers I: P.O. Box 6522 Glendale, CA 91205 ~f;. -~~ti (805) 496-1256 ,tt ~ QUALITY PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES WRITE OR CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION! 2509 THOUSANu OAKS BLVD., SUITE 412 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ID&BARBARA BIARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Performance Transmis$ion Products (714) 962-6655 10575 Bechler River Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS -4x4s - MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for our new 1984 Catalog. 1lP--TIRES CEPEK WHEELS LIGHT_S SUSPENSI ETC. Send To 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON, CA 90746 213-217-1805 ~ \" .;•. ' ,·."" .. ,., ·, ' :•·· ,.· ·,' 'l,;~ 1)R'·:. /I '.;: · ·,,. . · __ • '<· :'>'-' ,., . ~ ,_. ' ' , •< ... ,, :)~ :.::<$~~.: __ .:.JI~·, .. ~.·:::-~ (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 e CUSTOM AOLl,.CAGES e SUSPENSION M ODIFICATION e '?I-► :D c:, 0 m ,-a> ,-Tim Lecluse Doyne Podhorsky (714) 662-7223 2952 RANDOLPH, UNIT C COSTA MESA, CA 92626 ? Ill .... .. ,. .,. > CD :II 0 ~ 0 z • e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLE& e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! ___ _ RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 RE-~A8L£ V. W. PAffl 11623 SHEL.CON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 ·SUPERSTITION 250 SPONSORS JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO. • S.D. OFF-ROADER MAGAZINE • DOUG THORLEY HEADERS • HAL GRAVES SMOG OR TUNE' • O'NEAL • FIBER-TECH • HPS • TRICK • BOB HUMMEL'S RACE READY PRODUCTS • THE WRIGHT PLACE • FRT • HOUSE OF BUGGIES • LEGY'S SKID LID R.T. • □COTILLO GENERAL STORE • CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS • CUSTOM DECALS 1986.RACE DATE: AUG. 9 :I: INFO: 619-427-5759 A FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM PROMOTION Fuel Cells Quick FIiis Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (7'14) 962--0027 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 German Auto ~ 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 PART& MANAGEJIII JOHN PROSSER Parts & A ccessories VW • TOYOTA_ • DATSUN 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 901570 (213) B63-1123 • (213) B6B-0393 RON METCALF ll20 Knollwood Circle Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 761-2152 E D LEKIVETZ •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW Master Diffs. •VW Axles Send This Ad In For A Free 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 NICK NICHOLSON Own~r ---·------------------=----------------------=--------~--=,----------· Page 36 November 1985 Dusty Times

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P 0. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (6.19) 753-3196 ~/@6U,IY_Y~@===Send==$2=.00=for=Ce=lflllog:::::::=-\:J7:/<J',, 7M, .. - ... -OHN IICIMl PRODUCTS OHNSON P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619] 583-2054 7 T,_ BIIJA 1000 ..._.r SUSPENSION SYSTEMS HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS DUAL & l1IIPll 5"()CK SYS11:MS RBERCi.Ass 60• V-6 2.a MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES 4 WO Repairs • Lih KIii • Wh-ls & Tlrei Used Trk. Parts • Tel. (413) 739-4111 LeDuc Off-i.oad ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St. Wnt Springfield, MA. 01089 Distributor For: Moai.rcroh • Beatop Husky • Rough Country • Parker Pumper Custa.m Roce Truck Fabrication and Roll Bors McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. W-'REHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS SW-'Y·-'•W-'Y TECTIR-' TIRES ■ILSTEIN SHOCKS KC LIGHTS K.Y.■. SHOCKS SUP'ER TR-'P' SP'-'RK -'RRESTORS BE-'RD SE-'TS Cl■IE LIGHTS HEWL-'ND GE-'ltS MCKENZIE AIRl'ILTEltS WRIGHT PUCE DUltA ■LUE ULTltA BOOT WUTERN AUTO TIRES 818-78-4-8-438 8 I e. 78!5-!1827 GEM OEAlt■ CROWN Nl'G. NE-'L P'RODUCTS ltAP'ID COOL Tltl•MIL 129-415 SHERM-'N WAY, NO, ,4 NO. HOLL-•wooo. eA SIS0!S MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES (714) 697-3100 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE, LA MESA. CA 92041 ~ Arizona Dealer • Lola • Hewl.and ,O 20635 N. Cave Creek Rd., #5, Cave Creek Stage • Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602) 569-0056 • 569-0057 Dusty Times INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including... · • · • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. Complete Catalog, $3. 00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today -Oil - Fuel -Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED ObP'Q Irie., 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. DT. Everett, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN C IRCLE. BUENA PARK, CA. 90620. Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W .D . VANS & 'PICKUPS & MtNI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA RVDERS PRE·RUN .TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 . ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off .... llaaeCan 9720 Cozycroft , Chatsworth, CA 91311 · GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT (818) 882-2886 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $16.00 per month. :ii-11 c:! V THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 WATTS • SYNTHESIZED • RACE & BUSINESS USE (213) 426-7077 • NEW ROADMASTER SERIES· 50 WATTS. $499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL aaea GUNDRY AVE. ~GNAL HILL, CA 90806 Noftmber 1985 ; P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 AL KEY (213) 515-3570 (206)242-1773 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's ff' ....... ·-:e,,,. . . ~~-•-... ·--SaH ~ ~t'~ -~ - . . [\. 1533 Truman Street San Fernando, Ca. 91340 Phone: (818) 361-1215 I...., ·1 i.,..._.,, · . Canada Inc. :390 CHEMIN DU LAC, LERY, QUE. • CANADA J6N 1 A3 514-692-6171 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997 -0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 ·- --. ·-·-- . · Page 37

Page 38

,:-Classified ... FOR SALE: Race ready Jeepster, fiberglass front end, chrome moly cage, 409 gears, Dana 44 axles, B & M turbo 400 trans, Dana 20 transfer case, HD radiator, 22 gallon fuel cell, Taylor seats, BFGoodrich tires, two electric fans, 360 AMC standard ignition and MSD, 6 KC Hilites, 4 shocks per corner. Race Ready. Call Carlos. (915) 593-4848 or 593-4849. FOR SALE: Misc. Hewland indi-vidual gears, various ratios. $125.00 each. Call (818) 889-5601. WANTED TO BUY: Class 7S vehicle, complete or partial, any brand. Wide price range. Call Mark at (415) 453-4456. SELLING CLASS 7 CHAMP. John Baker's Team Mitsubishi SCORE and HORA 1983 Class . 7 Championship fleet (sold separately or complete). In-cludes: 1983 2 WO Race Truck, (2) 1983 ·4 WO SPX Pickups, and 1984 4 WO Montero. For details and prices write 4304 · Alger St., Los Angeles, CA 90039 or,call (818) 240-7051. FOR SALE: · Cover car, VW Trends. Class 1 desert car. Power steering, disc brakes, Center-lines, Bilsteins, Mastercraft, K & N, Neal, Wright, Rapid Cool, YOO and Autometer, Leighton engine, Henry's, turbo CVs, strong trans. $10,000. Lee Leighton, (714) 682-3816. Coming Next Month ... SCORE BAJA 1000 MILLICAN VALLEY 400 voRRA AT PRAIRIE ciTY IMPERIAL VALLEY STADIUM RACING AMSA CALIFORNIA 500 K AORRA SHORT COURSE -PHOENIX PRESS ON REGARDLESS RALLY GORRA IN GEORGIA THE UNIROYAL ALCAN 5000 HONG KONG TO PEKING RALLY ... plus all the regular features FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco Hustler, 100 inch wheelbase short course car. Race ready with spares. Aluminum front beam, · four wheel disc brakes, turbo CVs, all the good stuff. $10,500. Call (818) 574-1944 days or (818) 357-7241 evenings. FOR SALE: 1983 2-1600 car, 113 inch WB, complete ORE suspension, d1e best of everything. Call for details, (805) 524-2607. Ask for Don or Steve Barlow. FOR "STEAL": Volker Bruck-mann's Jimco-Porsche Class 1 car, with your choice of Porsche 6 cylinder engine and short course-Riverside-desert trans-missions. This car can win River-side, Baja and Ultra Stock! Very few races, 12 months young and no bugs in the car! Needs a good driver. Please make offer, let's talk! Call Volker (619)5781585. FOR SALE: 2 seat Funco. Tall cage, new fuel cell, Wright, FOR SALE: 1-1600 Berrien . Mastercraft, Bilstein, KYB, 1001 -1984 North Central and Edwards Tires, Centerlines, full SODA points champ. Hatz heads glass, nets, Rapid Cool, dual and cam, Sway-A-Way, Parker batteries, Pumper, fresh trans. Pumper, Centerlines, Funco $3000.00 les.s motor. Call Jeff at shifter, Wright Place, 930 CVs. (714) 777-8800 days, (714) Call Curt, (414) 355-5414 840-3965 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 Berrien 1001 chrome moly, all good stuff. Fox shocks, Wright combos and steering rack, fuel cell, gauges, Hewland gears, 930 cvs and much more. Priced to sell now, call ( 414) 242-3422. FOR SALE: Enclosed Car Trailer and two Class 1 motors. Trailer has air conditioning, sink, stove, refrigerator, toilet, shelves and workbench. $4000.00. Two 82 x 94 VW motors complete w/ dual 48 WeberS. Both have roller cranks. $2500.00 each or both for $4000.00. Call Rich Prouty, (714) 599-6722. FOR SALE: New Frisk/ AMI Class 2 or 10 118 inch WB chassis. Coinplete with alumin-um body, Wright coil over front end, fuel cell, 24 inch rear travel, Summers Brothers arn:i,s, set up for T ype 4 or Porsche 911 engine. Call AMI, days (619) 693-8355 or evenings (619) 942-0351. $9500 or best offer. evenings. FOR SALE: New Class 7, 7S, 7 4x4 Ford Ranger, 1986 race truck. Complete cage, Summers Brothers rear end, all aluminum and fiberglass mounted. This truck is an updated version of the '85 Firecracker 250 winning 7S of Douglas Brothers/Scoop Vessels. Call AMI (619) 693-8355 or (619) 942-0351 evenings. FOR SALE:JeepCJ-7,401 V-8, B & M turbo 400, Summers Dana 60 full floater, new 45 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Taylor seats, Lee power steering. Comes with new two axle trailer, tool box, tire rack, and some spare parts. $15,000. Call Kevin (602) 749-2529 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: 1984 2-1600 Hi FOR SALE: Baja Bug, Pro built 5 Jumper. Phoenix fuel cell, combo years ago as Class 5 racer. spindles, Bilstein shocks, Excellent condition, ideal for Mastercraft, Wright rack, Neal beginner. racer or pre-runner. pedals, Jackman rims, Type 3 1968 California pink slip with rear drums, IRS. $3500.00 with current plates. Too many good motor and '71 bus trans; parts to list. Choice of engines or $2800.00 without. Raced two will sell without. W ill sacrifice times, ran out of money. Call for any reasonable offer. Call (702) 323-6151 days or (702) Tom at (619) 445-9973. 786-8625 nights. WANTED: Class 1-1600 complete. · Send info', photos; specs, extras and price to D Company, 1606 8th Ave. No., Seattle, WA 98109. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum short course car. Complete or less •motor and transmission. Also, 2 TG Toyota 1650 cc motor and Don Hatz 1650 cc VW motor available, and 28 foot Pro Trac trailer, Onan genera tor, bathroom, kitchen, A/C, the best of everything. Best offer. Let's deal! Call Chet, (818) 998-9811 days. SCORE PARKER400 February 1, 1986 1st Event of the SCOREIHDRA Points Series Limited number of entries will be accepted - Call SCORE Headquarters -818/ 889-9216 r--~--------~-----------~---------~---------- I , Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · I INDEX TO ADVERTISERS DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not induding name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. . NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. · I Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad times. I Name Mail to: ~ I DUSTY TIMES I Address Phone 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 I City State Zip Agoura, CA 91301 a Page 38 November 1985 I I I I I Page Bilstein Corp~ America ... .' . 5 C.O.R.E .................. 22 Eriksson Industries . . . . . . . . . . 7 Filler Products, Inc. . ........ 8 General lire & Rubber Co. . . . 21 Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 KC Hi Lites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 McKenzie Automotive ....... 16 Score International . . . 4, 1 J, 18, 29, JO, 38 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Silver Dust Racing Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Super Boot Products . . . . . . . . 17 Trackside Photo En~rpri~es ............. 26 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . 15 Waldvogel Machine Shop, Inc .... ............... . 23 Yokohama Tires . . 2, Back Cover Dusty Times

Page 39

Arizona River Run '85 ~ kind of truck from stock to monster was represented, and everyone had fun at the picnic provided by Cookouts of Arizona. By Daryl D. Drake Photos: 3-D Photography Off Roaders congregated at Phan D Sutton Rec. Area on the Salt River. - -,---,----------------------- -----Off roading can always use a raised thousands of dollars to benefit United Cerebral Palsy of Arizona. As this was a road going event, one of the more interesting entries was Frank Turbe.n's Chevy. It is an all out Class 8 racer, but Frank put street legal equipment on it, and got himself a license plate that read "Klass 8", allowing him to make the run. But, Turben says he doesn't drive the truck on the street too often, not with Trick gas at $3.65 a gallon. The convoy from Phoenix stretched for miles along Bush Highway. boost to its public image, and "River Run '85" did just that. Sponsored by FLY-N-Hl Off Road Centers and Arizona's 4 Wheeler Dealers, this event Hundreds of off roaders made the trek from Phoenix out to the banks of the Salt River. Every All in all, "River Run '85" did what it set out to do .. .improve the sport's image and raise funds for United Cerebral Palsy, along with getting the gang together for some good times. GREAT WESTERN POINT from page 34 round. Most all of them spun out on the first turn, but they were able to stay on the track and continue to race. After the spinning was done, Jerry Daugherty was in the lead and being challenged by Rick DeVries all the way and Robby Smith was trying to overtake both of them. During the final lap a Bronco rolled over, and it took several track hands to get the rig upright. Daugherty took the checkered flag first, and De Vries was right behind him in second. The fourth group in the second round combined Classes 2 and 5 with Class 1, due to their dwindling numbers, seven in all. The trio in 2-5 action and the quartet in Class 1 started about one quarter of a lap apart, and this was one of the closest races of the day. All the cars made a run for the lead, and · were fighting mud in the first turn and a dust cloud in turn three. First and second place was passed around for the whole event, but at the finish John Kramer took the victory in his Class 2. ••• more GOOD STUFF ATTENTION HORA MEMBERS! If you did not get your ballot for the annual Off Roadsman awards and the 1986 Class Reps for the entire desert series, contact SCORE International for your copy. 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111, Westlake Village, CA 91362 ~ (818) 889-9216. GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baseball Cap: twill/mesh, one size fits all, your choice of blue, black, grey. red or yellow. $5.00 T-Sliirts: 50/50. available in S, M, L, & XL, your choice of blue. white, grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 'h" X 5", yellow with black logo. $.50 Decals: 12" X 3" black or white on clear, $1.00, or 26" X 5" with black, white, red or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR " GEAR" .please include item. quantity, s,z e and color, and send check. money order or MC/VISA II (Ohio residents add 5.5% tax) to Mic/iey Thompson PERFORMANCE TIRES ---------P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 . Inside Ohio • 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO - 800 222-9092 TA~c~· racing gasoline Alameda County 916 687-7785 Bakersfield 805 393-8258 Denver 303 452-5239 Hawaii 808 682-5589 Huntington Beach 714 536-8808 LA-Long Beach 213 863-4801 Las Vegas 702 871-1417 Monterey 408 899-1010 Orange County 714 634-0845 We sell more racing gasoline than anyone else in the west! Phoenix 602 952-2575 Portland 503-393 -9705 Riverside 714 787-8141 Sacramento · 916 962-3514 San Diego 619 460-5207 Saugus 805 259-3886 Seattle 206 772-2917 Spokane 509 483-0076 Yakima 509-248-3271 "' DUSTY TIMES invites you to be a · dealer. Each issue, 10 or more copies, in your shop to sell or present to your customers. It is a great traffic builder on the counter, at minimal cost. Contact DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 Dusty Times SWAY•A •WAYcoRP. ... ~..., ' Suspension Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 ,M,:TRACKSIDE Photo Entnprlses PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA, CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACING PIIOTOCllAPHY SPECIALlfl'S VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mec:td Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 702/873-1962 ROtVWs Wright Publishing Co., Inc. Box 2260 • 2949 Century Pl. • Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Noftmber 1985 1fl TECTIRA lJDffi1~ THE ~~ THE TIRE &: WHEEL MART BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585-3043 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90002 IMC£ THANS BY JEFF REI.D'S TRfiN·SfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 - 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 MICHAEL STEWART VIDEO PRODUCTIONS OFF-ROAD RACING VIDEO MICHAEL STEWART (714) 796-4122 P.O. BOX 129 BRYN MAWR, CA 92318 WEST ENGINE & MACHINE Quality Engine/Machine Work Fabrication 947 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069 CLARK WEST (619) 741-6173 Page 39

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