Zavikon is an employment agency pioneering the way forcompanies to incorporate neurodiversity and disability hiringinto their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Ourmission is to place neurodivergent individuals and those withdisabilities in career-oriented, meaningful jobs, and we do thisin a supported manner. A B O U T Z A V I K O NZ A V I K O N S U P P O R T E D P L A C E M E N T ( Z S P )Zavikon leverages programs offered by California’s Departmentof Developmental Services and Department of Rehabilitation,which subsidize employee wages for 999-1040 hours; enablingZavikon to extend its reach to a broader range of employers,departments, and job roles. W H Y Z S P ?Individuals with disabilities are twice as likely to beunemployed as those without disabilities.They comprise a vast untapped talent pool.Businesses that actively seek to hire individuals withdisabilities and those who are neurodivergent performbetter than businesses that do not.Disability unemployment is a social and an economic issue:The GDP could get a boost of up to $25 billion if just 1%more of individuals with disabilities join the workforce.B E N E F I T S O F Z S P F O R E M P L O Y E R SZavikon support services:Candidate recruitmentSupported interview(s)OnboardingAcclimation (via 90 days of career coaching)Potential co-enrollment in additional incentive programsthat can cover up to 6 months of talent wagesPotential tax creditsCustomizable offerings to maximize your benefitsIncreased diversity supplier metrics (see certifications)G E T T I N G S T A R T E DContact to learn more and start changinglives. S E R V I C E S F O RE M P L O Y E R SC O N T A C T4500 Park Granad a Blvd.Su ite 202Ca labasas , CA 91 302(8 33)928- 4566in fo@zavi kon.netww w.zavik C E R T I F I C A T I O N S N A I C S C O D E S 561311 (Primary)561330D U N S N U M B E R 117999616WBENCWOSBDOBECPUCPDBEDisability and neurodiversityrecruitment, candidateassessment, and placementInterview and onboardingsupportJob identification andmatchingAccommodationsimplementationIndividualized guidancethroughout the recruitmentand hiring processesProfessional educationIndivdiualized education,preparation, and careercoaching