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ZNZ Resources | Terabyte Tester

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Table of Contents I Terabyte Tester ProgramWelcome ………………………………….………….……………..…………………. 3Sample Daily Workflow …..……….………………….…………………….…. 5Phase 1: Data Selection and Configuration …………….……….…. 6Phase 2: Scanning and Analysis ……………………………..………….. 11Phase 3: Reporting and Review …………………………………..……. 20Phase 4: Closing the Terabyte Tester .………………………………. 22Frequently Asked Questions ……………………………….……………. 23VersionDate IssuedAuthorComment(s)0.1Jun 17, 2024Powered by PremCloudDraft version0.5Jun 19, 2024Powered by PremCloudPre-Release for review and comment1.0Jun 21, 2024Powered by PremCloudInitial Release1.01Jul 9, 2024Powered by PremCloudProgram Release update1.02Jul 10, 2024Powered by PremCloudAdded Worksheets for Staging and VPN1.03Jul 11, 2024Powered by PremCloudFirst Public ReleasePage 2 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Welcome I Terabyte Tester ProgramWelcome to the ZNZ Data Processing Terabyte Tester Program. This will be a rapid and innovativeone-week to two-week experiential approach, introducing you to the world’s most advanced andcomprehensive solution for transforming unstructured data into actionable smart data. During the TesterProgram, you will analyze up to 1 Terabyte of your data, staged and copied to a secure location, withsurface (metadata) and deep (content) scanning to:● Find redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT) data.● Clarify data ownership and custodial responsibilities.● Uncover hidden risks and vulnerabilities.● Identify opportunities for cost savings and return on investment.The Terabyte Tester Program is delivered via a secure Powered by PremCloud SaaS tenant that will be setup just for you. Powered by PremCloud, staff will be with you every step of the way to help guide youtoward success. From selecting and staging data for analysis to directing you through scanning andprocessing data and reviewing and executing the desired actions, an expert will always be at your side.The following generalized Terabyte Tester Program steps will help you achieve success with ZNZ DataProcessing:1. Data Set for AnalysisIdentify a data set you want to analyze with the ZNZ Data Identifier solution. This should be asample of your generated unstructured data (up to 1 Terabyte) copied into a secure and stablelocation (separate from your mainstream production data stores). We will review the potential dataset with you to help you select data representative of your data estate. Staging the data for thisprocess separately will allow you to evaluate the security and privacy of the program, as well astest the Data Distributor functionality before using it in production.2. Accounts and Remote AccessA service account will be used to access the Web UI for ZNZ Data Processing. A secure remoteaccess connection between your data set repository and the Terabyte Tester SaaS tenant will beestablished. Connections and access will be specific to each single-tenant customer environment.3. Firewall Rules and SettingsCertain ports, protocols, and resolvable names or IP addresses may be needed to enable secureconnections from your data set to the Terabyte Tester SaaS tenant.4. Process TimeWhile each data set and connection conditions will vary, a Terabyte Tester Program fromonboarding to scanning, analysis, reporting, and review is generally expected to be about 1-2weeks. A more detailed example of a work plan is in the “Sample Daily Workflow of the TerabyteTester Program” section.Page 3 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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5. SupportDuring the Terabyte Tester Program, you will receive support through direct contact with yourAccount Manager and a Program Technical Resource engineer.6. Post Terabyte TesterThe Terabyte Tester SaaS tenant can be transitioned to a production-level ZNZ Data ProcessingSaaS deployment, expanded, and configured to other data sets and repositories in yourenvironment. Alternatively, ZNZ Data Processing can be deployed in your tenants and sitesarchitected to your environment's needs to take on all aspects of data content analysis.7. What’s next?Let’s get started. The following more detailed program tasks will guide you to success.You are ready to begin once you have staged the data and granted connectivity and access rights. ZNZData Processing is intuitive and easy to use, requiring no complex training in advance. After completingthe Terabyte Tester Program, you will have (1) all of the information necessary to leverage the benefitsSmart Data can bring to your organization, (2) a strong awareness of the ROI you can drive as part of theprocess, and (3) valuable insight into how you can quickly define and execute the actions you want to betaken against some or all of your data. To move from the Terabyte Tester Program to a productiondeployment, you must consider scale and timeline, particularly how much data you would like to convert toSmart Data and how quickly you would like to get started.Page 4 ZNZ Terabyte Tester ProgramTB Tester StageDurationActivitiesPhase 1Define, Connect, Establish1-2 daysData Set defined, secure connections, set baseline.Phase 2Scan, Identify, Analyze2-4 daysSmart, Deep, Ai Scans. Results, tags, and CollectionsPhase 3Report, Review1-3 daysData types, owner/custodial, ROT, analysis, and reviewPhase 4Conclusions, Closure1-2 daysWrap up, clean up, and Completion

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Sample Daily Workflow I Terabyte Tester ProgramActivityTaskPhase 1:Kickoff MeetingDay 1Review Purpose, Discuss process & methodologyReview RequirementsSet Goals & Success CriteriaIdentify data sets, staging locations & connectivity optionsQuestions & AnswersSet Requirements Meeting timingRequirements MeetingDay 1Review data content sets and finalize.Review data staging options and locationReview connectivity options, timeline, durationEstablish a secure web login to the solutionReview basic configuration parametersQuestions & AnswersSet Readiness Check timingReadiness CheckDay 2Verify data set staging, location, access rightsVerify connection to data set for the TesterSet Terabyte Tester Commencement dateConfirm all Goals & Success Criteria for the Terabyte TesterPhase 2:CommencementDay 3, 4Perform Initial metadata Surface Scan(s)Review initial metadata scan resultsInitiate Deep Scan of contentPerform Intended Identification ScansApply Tags, ClassifyReview CollectionsPhase 3:Report and ReviewDay 5Review data insights from Scans, Identify ROTReview ROT & Take appropriate actionsReview Tags and CollectionsReview reports and resultsEstablish possible actions from scans, analysis, classification, ROTPhase 4:Conclusion and ClosingDay 5Final Review and RecommendationsPotential Actions and Next StepsClean up of Terabyte Tester SaaSAny desired data set cleanup from the reference repositoryFinal cleanup and removal of connectionsPage 5 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Phase 1 I Data Selection and ConfigurationPhase 1 of the Terabyte Tester program is focused on selecting and staging your data to be scanned andsecuring connections between the ZNZ Data Processing SaaS environment and your environment.Data Selection and StagingYou will work with ZNZ Data Processing for up to one terabyte of your data. You can select any mix ofunstructured or semi-structured data types, from PSTs to PDFs, config files to CSVs, docs, spreadsheets,log files, and more.● You select up to 1 TB of total data to be analyzed. Data should not be encrypted orpassword-protected to be thoroughly analyzed. The sample data should be unstructured datarepresentative of what your corporate users generate from typical business applications and dailyusage. If you have questions on the data selection, please consult with your Powered byPremCloud Technical Contact.● Copy the files to a location that can be accessed remotely (as described in the next section) and isisolated from mainstream end-user access and usage. Selecting data from diverse data silos cansometimes provide better insight into the types of data that users are creating, storing, andaccessing, providing better overall insight for future planning.● The files should be accessible via a UNC path for scanning. To more closely mimic the broaderstorage landscape within your organization, a separate share should be created for each copieddata set.IMPORTANT – For the best experience copying your files into your staging location, use amethod that preserves file attributes such as created and last modified date, creator/ownerSIDs, etc. This will allow you to fully explore the features and functions of the ZNZ DataProcessing tools to classify information based on age, ownership, and other metadata.While many storage administrators may have their preferences based on pastexperiences, some of the more common options are robocopy, richcopy, rsync, andemcopy. If you are uncertain how to proceed, your assigned Powered by PremCloudTerabyte Tester delivery expert will gladly help.On the next page is a brief questionnaire you can review with your business/data ownership team to helpyou prepare and correctly stage data for use in the Terabyte Tester Program. This information can be filledout and provided ahead of time or reviewed in detail during the initial sessions with your Powered byPremCloud technician.Page 6 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Terabyte Tester Data Staging WorksheetClient DetailsCompanyContact PersonContact EmailContact PhoneEngagement DetailsStart DateEstimated Duration1 Business WeekTarget Data Size1 TerabyteData Staging ChecklistIs the Staged Data a representative sample of unstructured Corporate Data?Y: ☐ N: ☐Does the Staged Data include a mixture of both active and inactive data?Y: ☐ N: ☐Does the Staged Data consist largely of user-generated, flat files?Y: ☐ N: ☐Was the Staged Data copied from multiple sources (1-4 locations)?Y: ☐ N: ☐Does the Staged Data span a variety of file types and sizes?Y: ☐ N: ☐Is the Staged Data expected to have low sensitivity?Y: ☐ N: ☐Data Access RequirementsIs the Staged Data accessible via a UNC (Windows Share) path?Y: ☐ N: ☐Is the Staged Data broken into multiple (Per-Source) Shares?Y: ☐ N: ☐Is the account granted “Read” permissions (Share & NTFS) for Smart DataProcessing?Y: ☐ N: ☐Is the account granted “Full” (Read & Write) permissions (Share & NTFS) forStorage Optimization Processing?Y: ☐ N: ☐Is account granted “Full” (Read & Write) permissions (Share & NTFS) for ROT?Y: ☐ N: ☐Smart Data Processing TargetsFile Share Details (Read-Only)Staged File Server IP AddressShare NameService AccountPage 7 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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File Share Details (Full Access: Read & Write)Staged File Server IP AddressShare NameService AccountFile Share Data DetailsShare NameData Size (GB)File Count (000’s)Remote Access ConfigurationFor the Terabyte Tester Program, ZNZ Data Processing is made available by Powered by PremCloud as asecure SaaS solution. Your data set will remain in your environment. For the duration of the TerabyteTester program, a secure and encrypted communication tunnel must be established to scan the data.● Powered by PremCloud staff will work with you to establish the connection using the mechanismof your choice (VPN / IPSec tunnel, etc.)● Your files will neither be stored in the ZNZ Data Processing SaaS solution nor in Powered byPremCloud’s data center. The secure connection will be used to:o Scan files in place.o Collect metadata and attribute information.o Develop an index of the files for analysis in the ZNZ Data Identifier web interface.● Traffic flowing between ZNZ Data Processing and your environment is encrypted in transit, andindex and metadata are encrypted at rest.● All index information, configuration, and metadata are securely deleted from the ZNZ DataProcessing SaaS at the end of your Terabyte Tester Program period. If you choose to migrate theresults of Terabyte Tester to a production deployment, appropriate backup/restoration steps andprocesses will be taken to bring that information to a production deployment.Page 8 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Ports and ProtocolsTo experience the ZNZ Data Processing SaaS solution and to leverage its ability to process and analyzeyour data, the following ports and access are required:● Port 443- HTTPS secure web interface access to ZNZ Data Identifier (HTTP access [port 80] is notallowed). Modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) are supported.● Port 139/445 - For access to a Windows-based UNC share of your dataRemote Access AccountTo ensure site-to-site connections are authenticated to a specific service account, you must supply thecredentials for the service account that can connect and scan the location where the files are stored.● This service account must be able to connect to the data storage location via your VPN orpreferred mechanism.● This service account should only have permission to the file share where the test data is located.● Multiple service accounts may be configured to support different access levels to staged datashares.● You may provide the account name and password at the point of connection when the test periodbegins.ZNZ Data Processing Web InterfaceThe ZNZ Data Processing web UI will be the configuration and administration interface used for theduration of the Terabyte Tester. Local authentication to the web UI will provide the universal compatibilityrequired while avoiding the often burdensome approval process necessary for integrating with corporatedirectory services systems that wouldn’t be worthwhile for a weeklong engagement. Access to the web UIwill be provided during the setup and connection configuration period.o A URL will be provided to the ZNZ Data Processing web-based UI.o Login credentials will be provided at the time of the connection.On the next page is a brief questionnaire you can review with your Networking & Information Security teamto help you prepare the connectivity and secure remote access necessary to scan and analyze the datayou selected for the Terabyte Tester Program. This information can be filled out beforehand and providedvia Powered by PremCloud’s secure file transfer solution, or it can be reviewed in detail during the initialsessions with your Powered by PremCloud technician.Page 9 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Terabyte Tester VPN Gateway InformationClient DetailsCompanyContact PersonContact EmailContact PhoneClient VPN Gateway DetailsVPN Gateway Manufacturer (Palo Alto, Fortinet, Cisco, etc.)VPN Gateway IP AddressCommission Date:Decommission Date:Powered by PremCloud Gateway DetailsVPN Gateway ManufacturerVPN Gateway IP AddressIKE (Phase 1) ParametersIKE Version (e.g., V1, V2, etc.)IKEv2Key Exchange Encryption Algorithm (e.g., 3DES, AES-256, etc.)AES-256Authentication / Data Integrity Hash Algorithm (SHA1, MD5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)SHA384Diffie-Hellman Group for IKE SA (1, 2, 5, etc.)20Authentication Method (Pre-Shared Key, Certificates, RSA, PSK)PSKLifetime of IKE SA (in seconds, for example, 86,400)86400IPSEC (Phase 2) ParametersESP Transform Encryption Algorithm (e.g., 3DES, AES-256, etc.)AES-256Authentication / Data Integrity Hash Algorithm (SHA1, MD5, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)SHA384Diffie-Hellman Group for Perfect Forward Security (if PFS is used)20Lifetime of IPSEC SA (in seconds, for example, 28,800)28800Protected Networks (Encryption Domains)Powered by PremCloud NetworksIP HostsIPv4 Address (Remote)Ports RequiredClient NetworkIP HostsIPv4 Address (Remote)Ports RequiredTerabyte Tester Staged File Server #1Terabyte Tester Staged File Server #2Terabyte Tester Directory Services Server #1Terabyte Tester Directory Services Server #1Page 10 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Phase 2 I Scanning and AnalysisPhase 2 is where the magic happens. Working with your Powered by PremCloud resource, you willleverage various ZNZ Data Processing functions to gain tremendous insight into and enrich your data.These will be performed in three (3) main steps:1. Scanning - Surface, Deep, Analysis and Tagging2. Reporting Review - Topical and content reports, classification, review3. Actions Roadmap - Possible actions to take, ROT removal, retention, dispositionScan and AnalysisTypically, three levels of scanning will be performed. Two levels are specifically for data identification andprocessing. A third level entails scanning for specific conditions and applying tags and classification asrequired.● Surface ScanA Surface Scan (“metadata”) examines files to collect basic information on file types, description(s),owner/custodian, location, and date/time stamps.● Deep ScanFollowing a surface scan, a Deep Scan will perform a deep content scrape and indexing to developand allow for full content search capabilities of the scanned data and files. This can also involveOCR (optical character recognition) processing to extract text structures from non-text-based filetypes.● Ai ScanApplying deep analysis via Ai Large Language Models, scan for attributes such asredundant/outdated/trivial (ROT) data, review the data for adapting to learning models andpatterns, and interrogate for PII, PCI, HIPAA, and other regulatory sensitive data. In Ai Scans, filescan be tagged based on the analysis performed on whether further review, analysis, or actionsshould be taken (such as retention, disposal, or relocation). Tags can quickly identify data foractions, or they can be used to assign it to a Collection.Page 11 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Surface ScanThe following quick reference workflow will enable a rapid path to a successful Surface Scan. Thisassumes you are logged into the ZNZ Data Processing UI. Additional screen views and panels will beavailable in the solution documentation.Performing a Surface Scan1. Click the “Hamburger” icon on the left from the ZNZ Data Processing UI to open the menu. Select“Scans,” then click “Create a new scan.”2. Fill in the required fields: Scan name, Scan description, Connector, and File path to be scanned. Addany desired Advanced options, such as filtering out file patterns or subdirectories. Click the “Createa new scan” button at the bottom of the screen to save the scan configuration.Page 12 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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3. Use the Scan screen to review, edit, start, or stop your configured scans. The scan process will beupdated in real-time, and an indicator will appear when the scan is complete.When the surface scan is complete, select the triple dot to the right of the scan name and select“Solo in Data Allocator” to review the initial scan results.4. From the Data Allocator view, you can Explore data by timeline, file listing, found duplicates, andvarious data sorting and filtering panelsPage 13 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Reviewing the Scan1. ExploreProvides a view of data by age and file type.2. FilesBrowse the files processed in the scan. Then, you can view metadata about the files and a preview ofthe content (as available).3. DuplicatesWill list available duplicate files found within the scan.4. EnrichmentFor performing a deeper analysis of files and content as described below.5. ClassificationFor sorting and classifying files by attributes and comparing them to models for classification, such asredundant, obsolete, or trivial data based on rules you can tune as needed.6. Data AiAdvanced classification and identification of data through established Large Language Models aswell as customized and training models appropriate to your organization.7. Data Ai Model TrainingCustomization of a model to train for data classification using your examples.Enrichment and ClassificationThe next step after surface scans, these “deep scan” options fully index file contents to allow for duplicatedetection and image analysis and to begin transforming unstructured data into actionable smart data. Abrief review of the menus for Enrichment and Classification will help you start the next level of analysis.Full views, panels, and descriptions are available in the solution documentation.Exploring Enrichment Options1. With a scan selected and the Explore panel option open, select “Enrichment.”Page 14 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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2. Select the type of enrichment scan to perform, for example, “Content and Duplicate AnalysisEnrichment.” Enter an “Analysis Name” and “Analysis Description” and then click “Start Analysis”.3. The enrichment analysis will run in the background, and its real-time status will always be availableon the Data Allocator screen.Exploring Classification Options1. Select “Classification” in the menu bar to initiate a classification scan.Page 15 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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2. The default classification selection is for ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) data. Select the conditionsfor the classification runa. Tag the “golden copy” of Duplicate files by date created, modified, or last accessed(newest or oldest)b. Choose the date cutoff and date type to identify Obsolescence criteria.c. Trivial data declaration by file type designation.d. Apply an “Analysis Name” and an “Analysis Description, “then click “Start Analysis” toinitiate.e. A “Classification” will start with a “Hash” and then process the classification.3. To review the results of the “Enrichment” and “Classification” scans, return to the “Explore” section ofthe Data Allocator when the deep scan is complete.Data Ai ScanFor Data Ai Scan, select the desired intelligent workflow. In this example, the “Sensitive DataClassification” will be used.1. On selecting the “Sensitive Data Classification,” an expanded menu of relevant “Regulations” ispresented to choose which regulation should be applied to the data set being analyzed andreviewed.2. Select the appropriate regulations from the available list (top usage regulations are at the top) anddrop the list down to “Customize selections” as needed.3. Apply an “Analysis Name” and “Analysis Description,” then click “Start Analysis” to process the scan.Page 16 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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4. Results will be available in the “Explore” section of Data Allocator, where you can view and clickthrough various graphical representations of the data, applied tags, etc.5. From the classification selection, then select “Files” or “Duplicates” to sort and review applicableresults.Reviewing, Creating, and Applying Tags1. From the “Hamburger” icon on the left, select “Tags.”a. This will present the complete list of pre-defined and custom tags. Definitions are provided forsystem tags, and a count of files (if any) with that tag applied is shown.Page 17 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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2. Click the desired Tag(s) and then select “Add to current filters” to filter the list in the “Explore” or“Duplicates” sections of the Data Allocator based on Tag(s).3. To manually apply a tag(s) to a single file, select it in the “Files” list in the Data Allocator and thenselect the “Tags” option in the sidebar. Type the first few letters of the desired tag to see a list of tagsstarting with those letters, click the desired Tag, and click ‘Add Tag.’ The same method can be usedto add the document to a Collection.4. To apply a tag(s) to multiple files, use the process described below for “Collections,” but select “Tags”after clicking the “+” icon instead.Creating File CollectionA “Collection” is a sorted and filtered data set from classificationscans or manual declarations, tags, and assignments.1. Click the “Collections” menu option to review orcreate a collection.Page 18 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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2. Collections will be listed with the count of files (if any) eachincludes and the scan(s) where the files originated. Click“Create new collection” to customize your own:a. Enter a “Name”b. Enter a “Description”c. Click “Create a new collection.”3. To add a set of data to a collection, select a result setby filters, tags or by exploring files and selecting fromthe list of files available4. With the data set filtered, tagged, or selected, click on the “+”icon in the “Current Data Set” section in the upper right, selectthe “Collections” option, and begin typing in the name of acollection, and select from results. The same method can beused to apply Tags.5. From the applied collection name, click on “Add to Collection.6. When returning to the “Collection” screen, the count of files and scans are updated to show theresults7. From the collection, actions can then be taken as available from ZNZ Data Distributor workflows,such as moving, copying, or deleting the collected filesPage 19 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Phase 3 I Reporting and ReviewReporting for the ZNZ Data Processing Terabyte Tester Program will be used to provide summary resultsfor downstream review and analysis and provide further context on what was achieved. While manyoptions can be integrated with ZNZ Data Processing, two portals will be leveraged during the TerabyteTester. The custom monitoring and reporting capabilities are near limitless, but the focus will be ondocumenting the activities performed during the Terabyte Tester Program, including:● Number of items scanned and summary of volume of data● Processing status● Timetable of results processing● Histogram and data type results● Duplication information● ROI from ROT and Storage Optimization● Insights derived from the ZNZ Data ProcessingBased on the review of reports and results, proactive action plans can be made on the data. In the TerabyteTester Program, distinct actions are not required but can be as desired. Specific actions can be performedwithin the ZNZ Data Identifier interface to move, copy, delete, and export files and associated information.Page 20 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Performing Actions in Data Distributor1. Select “Data Distributor” from the drop-down list2. Select a workflow action (copy, move, delete, etc.) to define the workflow criteria.3. Complete the fields to build the workflow, including the Collection of files against which to apply theworkflow. In the completed form, select “Create workflow” at the bottom.Page 21 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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4. With a Workflow created, return to Collections, select a collection, and select to apply to a workflow.Phase 4 I Closing the Terabyte Tester Trial ProgramUpon completing the Terabyte Tester Program, your original sample data set is left intact (except if the“delete” action was executed). All metadata, database records, index content, tags, collection identifiers,and any report data will be entirely wiped from the Terabyte Tester tenant, and the tenant will be reset. Noremnants of the Tester Program will be left behind. To wipe the environment, the following actions will betaken:● Removal of all indexing content, all search results, and any search queries generated● Metadata and database records that were generated and stored in the Terabyte Tester databasestructures will be deleted and destroyed● All reporting results and any collections details and comparison data will be purged● Any tags, analyses, results files, exported source data, and all other data from the duration of theTerabyte Tester program will be deleted and wiped from the tenant used after your program time.Please refer to your Account Manager if a more definitive data removal and wiping statement is needed.Support During the Terabyte Tester ProgramDuring the Terabyte Tester Program period, your primary interaction for support will be with your AccountManager and an assigned Powered by PremCloud Technical Contact.Support PortalThe Powered by PremCloud Support Portal remains your traditional mechanism for all support mattersoutside the Terabyte Tester program. This will include support for all Production deployments of the ZNZData Processing solution.Page 22 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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Frequently Asked Questions I Terabyte Tester ProgramBelow are answers to some frequently asked questions about the Terabyte Tester program.General Questions1. How Long Does the Test Period Last?Once the prerequisites are established, the testing process will generally last about 1-2 businessweeks. This provides ample time for us to walk you through meeting the goals established at theoutset of the engagement. These will include scanning the staged target data, performing thedesired ROT analysis, and taking any/all appropriate actions on that data to achieve an immediateROI. We will also show you how to index, classify, and enrich any subset of the data you wish togain greater insight into before determining the appropriate action. Having successfully met theobjectives and explored a couple of fundamental use cases at the end of the engagement, we willfully decommission your instance, destroying any metadata or processed insight in the process.2. How will I Access the Terabyte Tester SaaS?A private URL will grant secure, authenticated access to your single-tenant instance.3. Do I Need to Create Accounts?During the initial configuration, Powered by PremCloud will help you set up your ZNZ DataProcessing instance, establish a secure VPN tunnel, and define the required accounts for scanningand analyzing your data in your designated staging area.4. What Does ROT Mean?ROT is an acronym that stands for Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial. This refers to files that, afteranalysis, are likely to be deleted or moved to lower-tier storage because they are old orunnecessary.Security Questions5. Are My Files Moved or Copied?Your files are not moved or copied unless you choose to utilize those functions of the ZNZ DataDistributor to move, copy, and delete from the sample data set to various locations within your dataestate. Scanning the files collects only metadata and indexing information for analysis. The filesare never stored in the Powered by PremCloud data center.6. How Does ZNZ Data Processing Access My Data?A secure, point-to-point VPN tunnel is required for ZNZ Data Processing to access the files in yourstaging area.7. Is ZNZ Data Processing Multi-Tenant?Page 23 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program

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No. Each ZNZ Data Processing Terabyte Tester Program instance is discretely deployed with itsown set of component pods isolated from other deployments, has its private URL, and uses uniquelogins.8. Who Else Can Access My Index Data?Only authorized persons from your organization who you identify and the Powered by PremCloudteam members working with you during the test period will have access to your ZNZ DataProcessing environment.9. Is the Index Data Encrypted While in Motion / at Rest?Scanning is performed over a secure VPN tunnel, with the data encrypted in transit. Index data foranalyzing the scanned files is also encrypted while at rest.Data Staging Questions10. Do I Need to Supply Exactly a Terabyte?No. For the Terabyte Tester Program, you can supply up to one terabyte of your data in a securelocation for analysis. You may supply as much or as little data as desired up to that limit. YourPowered by PremCloud Technical contact can assist in identifying ideal data sets you may wish touse.11. What Kind of Files Can Be Used?For best results, we recommend a variety of file types. We recommend a mix of unstructured datarepresentative of your data as a whole. This might include, but may not be limited to, PSTs, PDFs,config files, CSVs, spreadsheets, documents, log files, and so on.12. Do I Need to Move the Data to a Staging Location?We do recommend copying the test data to a staging location in a DMZ or testing tier, where yournetwork and information security team can quickly secure and silo the data while limiting the ZNZData Processing’s scanning access to just the staged data location(s). This allows you to exploreall the functionality of ZNZ Data Processing without affecting any other data in your environment.13. What is the Difference Between a Surface Scan and a Deep Scan?A Surface Scan, also called a metadata scan, examines file properties such as file name, type, size,creation and modification dates, etc. A Deep Scan examines and indexes file contents, includingthe contents of embedded files (those found inside ZIP or other archive types, attachments, etc.). Atypical workflow includes using the results of the surface scan to target specific data for a deepscan.14. When and How is the Index Data Removed?Upon concluding your Terabyte Test Program engagement, the underpinning virtual infrastructureresources (including all the associated Kubernetes deployments, pods, services, daemon sets, andstateful sets) up to and including the Kubernetes namespace for that deployment will bedestroyed. No index information, metadata, or other data is retained.Page 24 ZNZ Terabyte Tester Program