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Zine Square Cipher

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Zine Square CipherMENSA QUADRATAThis is a simple form of cipher based on a squaregrid or table. It alters the order of plain text tocreate a cipher text or cryptogram; then therecipient of the message writes the cipher textback into a square to read the plain text.

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CIPHERSECRETSSETINSQUARESBasic Square Cipher 5x5CIPHER SECRETS SET IN SQUARESWe could take off the plain text by column tocreate a cipher textCRETU ISTIA PESNR HCSSE EREQSbut this is not a good idea because it gives anobvious periodic cryptogram.We want to take off the text by a path whichgives a better mix of letters.A transpostion cipher is a rearrangement of plaintext according to a pattern. It cannot be a randomselection like a bad anagram.

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Transposition PathsThe plain text is entered into the square innormal writing - horizontal left to right.Cipher Text 1The cipher text is taken off vertically by column;but notice that this gives a periodic pattern CRETU ISTIA PESNR HCSSE EREQSCipher Text 2This avoids the obvious period by taking the textoff the table in alternate directions, starting fromthe bottom left and proceeding UP DOWN UP DOWN UPUTERC ISTIA RNSEP HCSSE SQERECipher Text 1CRETU ISTIA PESNR HCSSE EREQS Cipher Text 2UTERC ISTIA RNSEP HCSSE SQERE

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UTERCISTIARNSEPHCSSESQEREPath and PeriodUIRHSTSNCQETSSERIESRCAPEESee what a muddle this can create even in amessage of only 25 letters, You cannot recoverplain text by simply writing the cipher text backinto a square as in Cipher Text 1

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Follow the Path56151625471417243813182329121922110112021UTERC ISTIA RNSEP HCSSE SQERE1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and so on ...5 C6 I15 P16 H25 E4 R7 S14 E17 C24 R3 E8 T13 S18 S23 E2 T9 I12 N19 S22 Q1 U10 A11 R20 E21 S

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Try an ExampleWhat do you make of this messageCCLIM ENIET IIGTN SEENO NANLAIt is cut up for you so that the text length is clear. This is a weakness because if you receive acipher text with a square number of letters, thechances are that it is a square text: so, you writeit back into a square to see what you can see.MENSAINTELLIGENCEINACTIONHowever, you may not see much until you reachthe end of the cipher text.

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Short of a Square?What if you are short of a square number ofWhat if you are short of a square number ofletters in plain text? No problem. You fill up to aletters in plain text? No problem. You fill up to asquare number with meaningless nulls.square number with meaningless nulls.KILL SADI CARNOT ON TUESDAYKILL SADI CARNOT ON TUESDAYis text length 23, so add 2 text length 23, so add 2 nulls.KILL SADI CARNOT ON TUESDAY KILL SADI CARNOT ON TUESDAY NXNXKILLSADICARNOTONTUESDAYNXDNRAK IDNTA YUOIL LCTEN XSOAS

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Padding with NULLSThe plain text of your message must fill up asquare number of letters: 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 andso on; though the end of the message may bemade up to a square with meaningless nulls. Similarly, we can pad the front of the text withnulls to disguise the square number of letters.My tame monkeys have bashed out 10 letters atrandom on a typewriterSLCJK UEFPBSo, our Sadi Carnot cipher text isSLCJK UEFPB DNRAK IDNTA YUOILLCTEN XSOASwhich is text length 35.Why add 10 (ten) nulls?(25) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (36)You know to subtract 10 letters.

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Rule of the Lower SquareYour recipient knows that this is a square cipher.The text length is 35. What is the nearest squarenumber below 35? Subtract the lower squarenumber so 35-25=10Delete the first ten letters of the message and youhave a simple square cipher to solve.How many nulls can you add? What is the gapbetween square numbers?4 9 16 25 36 49 64 etcVary the number of nulls in your cryptogram.Square GapThe gap between square numbers is a progression: 4 to 9 is 49 to 16 is 616 to 25 is 825 to 36 is 1036 to 49 is 1249 to 64 is 1464 to 81 is 16and so on

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CIPHERSECRETSSETINSQUARESSquares and Odd NumbersAnother curiosity of square numbers is that theyare the sums of progressive odd numbers:1 + 3 = 44 + 5 = 99 + 7 = 1616 + 9 = 25and so onThat means all squares can be represented astriangles with odd numbered rows.Cipher Text taken off from left to right bycolumn:IRNEE SIRTQ CPSSU HESAC ERTES

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CIPHERSECRETSSETINSQUARESDiamond SquareBEWARE: this not true of all squares25-letter Cipher Text taken off from left to rightby column:R EEI IRTNA CPSSSRS HESQE CEU TThe Diamond Cipher is a pattern to bear in mind.You may use it as a private memo cipher.O WH0 AON01 PSRD01Ω SDE 01 JE0 0

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Mensa QuadrataSteve Mongkutsanpaper@proton.meNOW YOU KNOW ZINE SQUARE CIPHERS.This is a San Paper Zine is a simple pen and paper cipher. It does nothave a key but depends on a knowledge ofmethod alone, which makes it weak. However,for quickies and throw-aways, be sure that itfools Muggles.BZUGI KSCFO RTUEO PNAAETSDSE NARES QCAQM link MORE