Guidebook1ST TIME
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingAs a rst-me lateral associate, you hold the power to dene your career path. You’ve honed your skills, gained valuable experience, and now it’s me to leverage that foundaon to nd the perfect t. At Zerega Consulng, we know that taking the leap to lateral can feel like stepping into uncharted territory. Lateraling isn’t just about changing scenery; it’s about seizing opportunies that align with your goals. Making a lateral move can feel overwhelming, especially for rst-mers. Let’s walk through some key aspects of the process to make things a lile easier. What is Lateraling?Lateraling describes an associate aorney who transions from one law rm to another with established experience under their belt. It’s your chance to leverage your skills and nd a rm that aligns with your goals; whether it’s a specic pracce area, a beer work-life balance, or a faster track to partnership.INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION
ZEREGA CONSULTINGAs you think about lateraling for the rst me, it’s important to approach the transion with careful consideraon. Here are some things you can do if you’re thinking about making a move: ▪ Thoroughly research potenal rms to ensure they align with your career goals, values, and desired work culture. Make sure to assess the potenal for professional growth and mentorship within your new environment. ▪ Take a step back and look at the big picture. When considering your future career goals, ensure you align your lateral moves with your long-term objecves. For instance, if your ulmate goal is to become a Partner in BigLaw, focus your job search on AmLaw ranking rms rather than small bouques. This approach might require paence, but it’s beer to take your me than to make a hasty decision and have to explain a short stretch at a rm due to impaence. ▪ If you haven’t started networking, now is the me. Connecons can open the door to unexpected opportunies. ▪ Be sure to maintain professionalism and condenality throughout the process, as discreon is key in preserving both your current and future relaonships. ▪ Speak to a legal recruiter. Even if you’re not sure you want to use one, it doesn’t hurt to have a conversaon. Recruiters oen have knowledge of jobs that aren’t listed on rm sites or LinkedIn. ▪ Good recruiters are well connected and experienced and can give you advice on any rms or jobs that you’ve already researched.MAKING A MOVEMAKING A MOVE
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingYour resume is oen your rst impression, so make it count! Here are some ps to craing a compelling resume:Tense is Important: ▪ Make sure to use the correct tense. When you describe what you do in your current role, be sure to use rst person, present tense (ex. “I dra moons…”). For past roles, use past tense, (ex. “Draed moons…”).Quality over Quanty: ▪ Remember, less is more! Keep your resume concise and limit it to a maximum of 2 pages. ▪ Avoid copying and pasng the same responsibilies for each role. Instead, highlight your key strengths and accomplishments for each posion.List your Achievements: ▪ Clearly state your educaon, including law school aended, degree earned, and any honors or awards received. ▪ Highlight relevant cercaons, bar admissions, volunteer or pro bono work, or publicaons.RESUMESRESUMES ▪ Make sure your LinkedIn prole is up to date. When you’re applying for posions, people will be looking at your LinkedIn page. Conrm that all relevant experience and skills are listed. If you want to make sure recruiters know you’re looking for new opportunies, consider selecng that you are “Open to Work”. Only those with Recruiter Account Access will be able to see this status.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGFormang is Key: ▪ Pay close aenon to formang, grammar and spelling. The formang should be consistent throughout your resume. Be sure to proofread thoroughly before sending! ▪ Even minor grammar or spelling errors can be red ags for potenal employers, especially for posions involving ligaon, contracts, or draing important documents.Less is More: ▪ Don’t overcomplicate your resume by adding mulple fonts in mulple colors, pictures or graphics. You want your resume to stand out for its accomplishments, not for distracng colors and fonts. Professional and Long Term Contact Info: ▪ Use a simple email address that includes your rst and last name or inials. ▪ Steer clear of anything too personal, such as hobbies or pet names, which might distract from your qualicaons and experse. ▪ Avoid using your undergrad or law school email addresses, as they may become inacve over me. Instead, provide long-term contact details that employers can rely on.TRANSCRIPTTRANSCRIPTMost rms will require that you provide your law school transcript when applying for a posion. An unocial transcript will suce.
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingIf you’re a ligator, you will likely be asked to provide a wringsample. ▪ Wring samples must be from your current posion, showing your work as an aorney. This should be your best work. It should be no more than 10 pages, if possible. You should also include a cover leer with a 2 to 3 sentence summary of your analysis. ▪ Wring samples from law school are not acceptable. ▪ Firms understand that your work is being reviewed and you’re sll learning, so it’s perfectly acceptable to have a partner’s name on the sample. ▪ If your wring sample is not public, it MUST BE redacted. Not redacng your wring sample will most likely result in immediate disqualicaon for the role. ▪ A Moon for Summary Judgment is a great example of the type of wring sample that you can submit.WRITING SAMPLESWRITING SAMPLES
ZEREGA CONSULTINGThere are many benets to using a legal recruiter if you’re a rst me lateral. If you are considering using a recruiter, here are some things to keep in mind.Industry Insight:A great legal recruiter will have extensive knowledge and connecons within the legal industry. They can provide insights into rms, their cultures, and opportunies that align with your career goals. Tailored Matches:Your recruiter should take the me to understand your skill set, preferences, and career aspiraons. With this informaon, they will match you with rms where you’ll thrive both professionally and personally. A good recruiter should listen to your needs, wants and desires for future growth and nd opportunies that align with those needs.Condenality: Recognizing the close-knit nature of the legal eld, we priorize condenality in your job search. Any recruiter you work with should have the same level of commitment to your condenality. A professional recruiter will keep all of your informaon, including your resume, condenal and will only submit you for a posion with your permission.Support Throughout the Process:Lateraling for the rst me is overwhelming. From choosing the right opportunity to negoang with condence, our recruiters will be there for every step. A good recruiter should be responsive and willing to oer assistance throughout the process from your resume to interview prep, negoang an oer and more.ADADVANTAGVANTAGES OF USING A ES OF USING A LEGAL RECRUITERLEGAL RECRUITER
ZEREGA CONSULTINGPhone Call with Recruiter: If you’re working with a recruiter, one of the rst things that will happen will be an introductory phone call. This call will be roughly 10 to 20 minutes. The recruiter will go over the role and the rm. If you’re interested and it seems like a good t, they’ll ask you some of the following quesons:Are you acvely or passively looking? This helps gauge your level of interest in the role and how quickly you may be open to a new opportunity.What is your experience and how it relates to the posion? The recruiter knows the specic details of the posion and can gauge if you’re the right t.What are you looking for in your next rm? Are there pain points at your current rm that you want to avoid? This allows the recruiter to analyze the opportunies and the rms so that they can nd the best t.Have you been submied to or applied to any rms? A rm that you’ve beensubmied to or applied to will likely keep your resume on le for 6 months to a year. Due to this, you may not be able to be submied by a new recruiter, even for a new role, for up to a year.Are you currently working with or have you worked with another recruiter? It’s important to be honest with your recruiter if you’ve been submied for other posions. Applying or being submied to the same rm mulple mes is considered a red ag. What are your salary expectaons? Typically rms have a salary range based on JD year and area of pracce. Knowing where you’d like to be and where you need to be, can help the recruiter nd opportunies that align with those needs.What is your meline? Are you looking to make a move in the next few weeks, months or a year? It doesn’t make sense to be submied to a posion if you aren’t ready to make a move. Let the recruiter know so they can work with your meline and at your pace.
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingSubmission: If you have made the decision to be submied for the role and the recruiter has determined you to be a good t, the recruiter will conrm they have your permission to be submied.Once they have your resume, law school transcript and wring sample (if applicable), they will reach out to their hiring contact and submit you for the posion. This process depends on the rm or company but typically takes about 1 to 2 weeks.If you’re not working with a recruiter, you should follow the submission process that the rm or company has explained in the job details.Interview: If the rm would like to interview you, the recruiter will coordinate a day and me. The amount of interviews dier from rm to rm. Some only require one or two while others require mulple rounds. If you’re working with a recruiter, they’ll let you know what to expect. This process can take roughly 3 to 4 weeks. Visit the next secon in this guidebook for interview ps and tricks.Oer: If the rm has decided to extend an oer, typically a partner will call you with a verbal oer. You’ll then receive an email with your ocial oer leer which will indicate your base salary, billable hour requirement (prorated or not), bonus structure, and benets informaon. Oers will typically have a deadline aached to them.If you are working with a recruiter, they can help you navigate negoaons or help you get answers to any quesons you have. Not all posions or salaries will be negoable due to set salary ranges, JD year, etc. The recruiter can give you advice based on their knowledge of the rm and compensaon structure.No Oer: If the rm has decided not to move forward with an oer, the recruiter will let you know. Depending on the rm, they may or may not have feedback to provide you. If you are sll interested in exploring new opportunies, the recruiter will discuss your opons and next steps with you.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGConicts Check: If you’ve accepted an oer, you’ll need to do a conicts check with the rm. For this, you’ll typically write down all of the cases you have worked on which the rm will review for conicts. This typically takes a few days to a week. If a conict arises, the rm and/or your recruiter will let you know the next steps based on the specic situaon and the severity of the conict. You should not give your noce to your current rm unl the conicts check is complete.Start Date: Once the conicts are cleared, the rough start date you were given in your oer leer is nalized.Resignaon: Once your conicts are cleared, background checks are complete and your start date is nalized, you should give noce to your current rm. The best way to give noce is in person with your supervisor (remember, you want to leave on good terms, when possible). If you work remotely, scheduling me with them for a video call will suce.The standard amount of noce to give is 2 weeks. However, some rms may ask you to leave the day you give noce so be prepared for that scenario and make sure any company owned equipment or items are ready to be returned. Once you resign in person you can follow up with a resignaon leer. There are resignaon leer examples at the end of this guide.Follow Up: If you worked with a recruiter, they should follow up with you roughly a week or so aer you start to make sure the on-boarding process has gone smoothly and you’re seling in nicely.Interviews are one of the most important parts of the job search process. It’s your way to make a connecon and show that you’re interested in the posion. Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re preparing for your interview.INTERVIEWSINTERVIEWS
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingPre-Interview Prep: ▪ If you’re working with a recruiter, they will reach out to you prior to your interview to help you prepare and answer any quesons. ▪ Research the rm/company you are interviewing with and thoroughly review the job descripon. ▪ Prepare any quesons you have about the job details or rm/company. ▪ Print copies of your resume and oer one to each interviewer you meet.Interview Day: ▪ Aim to arrive at least 10 minutes early to the interview locaon. If you are running late, you need to contact the rm or your recruiter directly to let them know. ▪ When introduced to each interviewer, stand up if you are seated and oer a rm handshake. If the interview is virtual, greet them with a condent and friendly tone. ▪ Make sure to ask at least one thoughul queson. Acvely listen to the responses and ask follow ups as needed. ▪ Towards the end of the interview, politely ask each interviewer for their business card. ▪ Thank the interviewer for their me and the opportunity to interview. Reiterate your appreciaon for the chance to learn more about the role and company.Post-Interview: ▪ If you’re working with a recruiter, touch base with them to provide feedback and discuss your overall impression. ▪ Within 24 hours of your interview, e-mail a thank you note to each interviewer you met with (using the email address from the business cards you gathered during the interview). Express gratude for the opportunity to interview and learn more about the company and the role. Keep the email concise and focused, ideally no more than a few paragraphs. A thank you note example can be found at the back of this guide.For more in-depth advice and ps on interviews, contact us for a copy of our Interview Guidebook.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGRelocangIf you’re applying to a posion at a rm and you’re looking to relocate you should include this in a cover leer. Consider updang your LinkedIn prole with the “Open to Work” banner in the city you are relocang to so recruiters can nd you when doing a search.Check the state reciprocity for the state you are barred in. If you are working with a recruiter, they may be able to help you look up the reciprocity informaon for the state you wish to relocate to.Some rms are open to hiring those who can sit for the bar but remember, the bar is only oered twice a year so you should make sure you have me to prepare before accepng a new oer. A benet to working with a recruiter when relocang is that the recruiter will be able to communicate the circumstances of the relocaon with the internal recruiter at the rm. Another benet is that the recruiter may know of addional opportunies in the area that you are relocang to.Digital FootprintOne of the rst things a recruiter or rm will do aer viewing your resume will be to go to your LinkedIn prole to ensure the informaon is consistent with what you listed. Be sure to keep your informaon up to date. Remember, if your social media accounts are not set to private, any future employer can look you up. It’s best pracce to review your proles to ensure they show your best, professional self.TIPS & TRICKSTIPS & TRICKS
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingResponsivenessSome rms move through the hiring process quickly so any requests from your recruiter should be handled promptly.Switching Pracce AreasThis isn’t impossible but it is dicult to do. If you’re applying to a posion without a recruiter, a cover leer detailing your experience and how it relates to the pracce area you want to switch to is your best approach. If you’re working with a recruiter, they will ask you detailed informaon about your background, experience and law school transcripts. Many rms will look at a candidate’s transcripts when considering them for a pracce area that they don’t have experience in. Depending on the role and the rm, opportunies can arise where it’s easier to make the switch.Staying OrganizedIf you haven’t lateraled before, you’ll need to update your resume and gather your law school transcript and wring samples. A best pracce is to keep all of this in a dedicated folder on your computer so it is easily accessible for any future opportunies.Resume Red FlagsSome things that may be considered resume red ags are gaps between posions or leaving a job before a year’s me. The best way to handle potenal red ags is to be open about them.When working with a recruiter, they’ll discuss these things with you and address them with the rm before subming your resume.Paence is KeyFrom start to nish, the lateral process can take months depending on the rm and the circumstances. Being paent and maintaining a posive atude during this me can help you navigate the waing period.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGThe lateral process may present its challenges but remember, it’s not just about transioning from one rm to another, but rather about strategically posioning yourself for long-term success and fulllment. Embrace the journey, recognizing that each step forward brings new opportunies for growth and advancement.If you’re interested in exploring new opportunies with the guidance of experienced legal recruiters, we’re here to support you in your career aspiraons and help you navigate the excing possibilies that lie ahead.
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingWith more than ve decades of collecve experience in legal recruing, Zerega Consulng is a recognized leader in the industry. We take pride in our personalized, relaonship-driven approach that has consistently produced results for both our candidates and clients. Our dedicaon to providing exceponal service is the driving force behind our success. If you’re interested in exploring a new opportunity, please contact us today.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGSubject: Thank You - [Your Name] – [Position Title] InterviewDear [Interviewer’s Name],I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Position Title] position at [Company/Firm Name] on [date of interview]. I enjoyed learning more about your rm and the opportunity to discuss [mention a specic area of discussion].The conversation with [mention the interviewers’ names] further reinforced my interest in this role. My expe-rience in [mention relevant skills and experience] aligns well with the rm’s needs, and I am condent I can contribute to the team.Thank you again for your time and consideration. I am very interested in this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide.Sincerely,[Your Name]THANK YOU E-MAIL THANK YOU E-MAIL EXAMPLEEXAMPLEAn eample of a thank you e-mail is below. Please feel free to use this as template but make sure to personalize to you and what the interview(s) discussed and make sure to ll in your informaon and the rm/company informaon.
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingResignation Letter Sample - Two Weeks NoticeYour NameYour AddressYour City, State. Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameJob TitleName of CompanyAddressCity, State. Zip CodeDear [Mr./Mrs. Last Name]:Please accept this letter as formal notication that I am leaving my position with [Company/Firm Name] on [date - at least two weeks from the date of the Letter of Resignation].Thank you for the professional and personal development opportunities you have provided during my time with [Company/Firm Name]. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the organization and sincerely wish [Company Name] continued success in all its future endeavors.If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.Sincerely,Your SignatureYour Typed NameRESIGNATION LETTER RESIGNATION LETTER EXAMPLESEXAMPLESSome examples of resignaon leers are below. Please feel free to use these but make sure to ll in your informaon and the rm/company informaon as needed. To download the word le, please click the buon below.
ZEREGA CONSULTINGResignation Letter Sample - Two Weeks NoticeYour NameYour AddressYour City, State. Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameJob TitleName of CompanyAddressCity, State. Zip CodeDear [Mr./Mrs. Last Name],I am writing to formally inform you of my resignation from my position as [Job Title] at[Company Name]. In accordance with the period of notice agreed within my contract, my last day will be [date].I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the opportunities presented to me during my employ-ment. I have enjoyed my time working at [Company Name], however, in the best interests of my career, I feel that the time is right to move on.Sincerely,[Your Signature][Your Typed Name]
A Unique Approach to Legal RecruingResignation Letter Sample - Short NoticeYour NameYour AddressYour City, State, Zip CodeYour Phone NumberYour EmailDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State, Zip CodeDear [Mr./Ms. Last Name]:Please accept this letter as formal notication that I am resigning from my position with[Company/Firm Name]. I understand that two weeks’ notice is standard. However, if at all possible, I would appreciate you releasing me from employment with the company as soon as possible. If I could provide any assistance with training my replacement or otherwise facilitating the transition, I would be happy to do so.Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you haveprovided me during my time here. I have enjoyed working for [rm/company name] and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure.I’m looking forward to hearing from you regarding the end date of my employment.Sincerely,[Your Signature][Your Typed Name]