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Zearn Math–Teacher Edition: Mission Assessments Answer Key, G5

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2023 Zearn Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved Zearn is a registered trademark Printed in the U S A ISBN 979 8 88868 993 6

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Table of Contents MISSION 1 Mid Mission Assessment 3 End of Mission Assessment 15 MISSION 2 Mid Mission Assessment 35 End of Mission Assessment 47 MISSION 3 Mid Mission Assessment 63 End of Mission Assessment 73 MISSION 4 Mid Mission Assessment 87 End of Mission Assessment 101 MISSION 5 Mid Mission Assessment 123 End of Mission Assessment 135 MISSION 6 Mid Mission Assessment 151 End of Mission Assessment 165 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition iii

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Math ASSESSMENT ANSWER KEY GRADE 5 Mission 1 Place Value with Decimal Fractions 2023 Zearn Licensed to you pursuant to Zearn s Terms of Use Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved

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PAGE 2 G5M1 Mid Mission Assessment b Do all of the digits in 8 88 have the same value Explain using words numbers or the place value chart c Multiply 8 88 104 Explain the shift of the digits and the change in the value of each digit d Divide 8 88 102 Explain how you determine the placement of the decimal point in your quotient and how that changed the value of each digit 3 Rainfall collected in a rain gauge was found to be 2 3 cm Convert 2 3 cm to meters Write an equation to show your work

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PAGE 3 G5M1 Mid Mission Assessment 4 Average annual rainfall totals for cities in New York are listed below City Rainfall Rochester 0 97 meter Ithaca 0 947 meter Saratoga Springs 1 5 meters New York City 1 268 meters a Put the rainfall measurements in order from least to greatest b Round each of the rainfall totals to the nearest tenth c Imagine New York City s rainfall is the same every year How much rain would fall in 100 years Show your work and or explain your reasoning d Write an equation using an exponent that would express the 100 year total rainfall Explain how the digits have shifted position and why

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Mid Mission Standards G5M1 Mid Mission Assessment Standards Addressed in Topics A C Problem Number Standard Generalize place value understanding for multi digit whole numbers 5 NBT 1 Recognize that in a multi digit number a digit in one place represents 10 1 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and __ 10 of what it represents in the place to its left 5 NBT 2 Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10 and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10 Use whole number exponents to denote powers of 10 5 NBT 3 Read write and compare decimals to thousandths a Read and write decimals to thousandths using base ten numerals number names and expanded form e g 347 392 3 100 4 10 7 1 1 1 1 3 __ 10 9 ___ 100 2 ____ 1000 2 2 4 1 2 4 b Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place using and symbols to record the results of comparisons 5 NBT 4 4 Use place value understanding to round decimals to any place Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system 5 MD 1 6 Convert among different sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system e g convert 5 cm to 0 05 m and use these conversions in solving multi step real world problems 3 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 Mid Mission Rubric Mid Mission Assessment A Progression Towards Understanding A Progression Towards Understanding is provided to describe steps that illuminate the gradually increasing learnings that students develop on their way to full understanding In this chart this progress is presented from left to right The learning goal for students is to achieve full understanding as described on the right A student s score is the sum of points earned on all problems out of 100 possible points If a response doesn t fall on the rubric or there is a lack of response the score for that problem is zero points INITIATING UNDERSTANDING Missing or incorrect answer and little evidence of reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem PROBLEM 1a 1b 1c 1d 5 NBT 3b DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING Missing or incorrect answer but evidence of some reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem NEARING UNDERSTANDING A correct answer with some evidence of reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem OR an incorrect answer with substantial evidence of solid reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem FULL UNDERSTANDING A correct answer supported by substantial evidence of solid reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student provides the correct answer for 1 of the 4 inequality statements OR The student is unable to accurately complete the inequality statements but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of comparing two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place The student provides the correct answer for 2 of the 4 inequality statements The student provides the correct answer for 3 of the 4 inequality statements The student provides the correct answer for all 4 inequality statements 6 points 7 points 8 points For example the student reverses the inequality symbol in all 4 inequality statements demonstrating a clear misunderstanding of the meaning of each symbol 5 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 7

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Mid Mission Rubric PROBLEM 2a 5 NBT 3a 2b 5 NBT 1 2c 5 NBT 2 8 G5M1 INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to create an accurate model of 8 88 on the place value chart but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of reading and writing decimals The student is unable to create an accurate model of 8 88 on the place value chart but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of reading and writing decimals The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding how to create a model of 8 88 on the place value chart but makes a single error when creating her model For example the student creates an accurate model of the number 8 For example the student neglects to identify each place and uses an incorrect number of disks in one or more places For example the student neglects to identify each place either by using labels or by showing a decimal on her place value chart leading her to create a model of 888 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to correctly determine if each digit in 8 88 has the same value but produces work and or reasoning that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of recognizing the relationship between adjacent place values in a multi digit number The student is unable to correctly determine if each digit in 8 88 has the same value but produces work and or reasoning that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of recognizing the relationship between adjacent place values in a multi digit number The student provides the correct answer but provides an insufficient and or incomplete explanation to support her answer The student correctly answers the problem by stating that each digit has a different value and provides an appropriate explanation to support her answer For example the student writes 8 88 in unit form For example the student cites that because there are 8 disks in each place of her model the 8s all have the same value 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of explaining patterns when multiplying a number by powers of 10 The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of explaining patterns when multiplying a number by powers of 10 The student provides the correct answer but provides an insufficient and or incomplete explanation to support her answer The student provides the correct answer of 88 800 and provides an appropriate explanation to support her answer For example the student rewrites the expression as 8 88 10 000 For example the student misinterprets 104 as a number with four total digits using 1 000 instead of 10 000 9 points 10 points 11 points 12 points The student creates an accurate model of 8 88 on the place value chart ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 PROBLEM 2d 5 NBT 2 3 5 MD 1 4a 5 NBT 3b Mid Mission Rubric INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of explaining patterns when dividing a number by powers of 10 The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of explaining patterns when dividing a number by powers of 10 The student provides the correct answer but provides an insufficient and or incomplete explanation to support her answer The student provides the correct answer of 0 0888 and provides an appropriate explanation to support her answer For example the student rewrites the expression as 8 88 100 For example the student misinterprets 102 as a number with two total digits using 10 instead of 100 9 points 10 points 11 points 12 points The student is unable to accurately complete the conversion but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of converting among different sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system The student is unable to accurately complete the conversion but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of converting among different sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system The student provides the correct answer of 0 023 meters and provides an accurate equation to support her work For example the student writes the equation 100 cm 1 m but is unable to use her equation to solve the problem For example the student reverses her conversion thinking that 100 m 1 cm leading to an answer of 230 m The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding how to complete the conversion but makes a simple arithmetic mistake leading to an answer other than 0 023 meters 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points The student is unable to accurately list the amounts from least to greatest but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of comparing two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place The student is unable to accurately list the amounts from least to greatest but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of comparing two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place The student lists the numbers from least to greatest but reverses the order of two of the numbers The student provides the correct answer of 0 947 0 97 1 268 1 5 For example the student identifies 0 947 as the least measurement and 1 5 as the greatest but does not create a list nor gives any indication as to how the other two measurements compare For example the student accurately lists the numbers from greatest to least 5 points 6 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition For example the student may think 0 97 is less than 0 947 because it has fewer digits 7 points 8 points 9

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Mid Mission Rubric PROBLEM 4b 5 NBT 4 4c 5 MD 1 G5M1 INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student correctly rounds to the nearest tenth in 1 of the 4 measurements OR The student is unable to correctly round the measurements to the nearest tenth but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of using place value understanding to round decimals to any place The student correctly rounds to the nearest tenth in 2 of the 4 measurements The student correctly rounds to the nearest tenth in 3 of the 4 measurements The student correctly rounds to the nearest tenth in all 4 measurements 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points The student is unable to correctly determine the amount of rainfall in 100 years but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of solving real world problems involving measurement units The student is unable to correctly determine the amount of rainfall in 100 years but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of solving real world problems involving measurement units The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding that to complete the problem she must multiply by 100 but makes a simple arithmetic mistake leading to an answer other than 126 8 meters The student provides the correct answer of 126 8 meters and provides sufficient work to support her answer 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points The student is unable to accurately create an equation using an exponent to express the 100 year total she calculated in part c but produces work and or reasoning that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of explaining patterns when multiplying a number by powers of 10 The student creates a correct equation using an exponent to express the 100 year total she calculated in part c but provides insufficient and or incomplete explanation of how and why the digits shifted The student provides an appropriate explanation of how and why the digits shifted but neglects to use an exponent in her equation The student creates a correct equation using an exponent to express the 100 year total she calculated in part c and provides an appropriate explanation of how and why the digits shifted 9 points 10 points 11 points For example the student writes the expression 1 268 100 but is unable to use her expression to solve the problem 4d 5 NBT 4 For example she writes the equation 1 268 100 126 8 12 points Total Score the sum of points earned out of 100 possible points 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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STUDENT 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d G5M1 Mid Mission Assessment Student Score Sheet 3 4a 4b 4c 4d TOTAL SCORE G5M1 Mid Mission Rubric ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 11

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Mid Mission Assessment Answer Key G5M1 ZEARN MID MISSION ANSWER KEY Zenin Name G5 M1 Date 1 Compare using 0 127 b 4 hundredths 2 thousandths c 2 tens 3 tenths 1 thousandth d 24 tenths 0 036 20 31 2 5 2 a Model the number 8 88 on the place value chart ones 12 tenths hundredths ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 Mid Mission Assessment Answer Key b Do all of the digits in 8 88 have the same value Explain using words numbers or the place value chart Even though there are 8 disks in each column they are different units so they have different values 8 ones is 10 times as large as 8 tenths 8 hundredths is 1 10 times as large as 8 tenths c Multiply 8 88 104 Explain the shift of the digits and the change in the value of each digit 8 88 104 88 800 888 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 0 0 When multiplying by 104 each digit shifts 4 places to the left 104 equals 10 10 10 10 or 10 000 so each digit becomes 10 000 times as large d Divide 8 88 102 Explain how you determine the placement of the decimal point in your quotient and how that changed the value of each digit 2 When dividing by 10 each digit shifts 2 8 88 102 0 0888 places to the right 102 equals 10 10 or 100 1 so each digit becomes 100 times as large 888 00 The original 8 ones becomes 8 hundredths 1 00 so I have to use zeros to represent the number of ones and tenths keeping the 00 888 decimal between the ones and tenths 3 Rainfall collected in a rain gauge was found to be 2 3 cm Convert 2 3 cm to meters Write an equation to show your work 2 3 102 0 023 2 3 cm 0 023 m ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 13

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Mid Mission Assessment Answer Key G5M1 4 Average annual rainfall totals for cities in New York are listed below City Rainfall Rochester 0 97 meter Ithaca 0 947 meter Saratoga Springs 1 5 meters New York City 1 268 meters a Put the rainfall measurements in order from least to greatest 0 947 0 97 1 268 1 5 b Round each of the rainfall totals to the nearest tenth 0 97m 1 0m 0 947m 0 9m 1 5m 1 5m 1 268m 1 3m c Imagine New York City s rainfall is the same every year How much rain would fall in 100 years Show your work and or explain your reasoning 1 268 100 126 8 126 8m would fall in 100 years d Write an equation using an exponent that would express the 100 year total rainfall Explain how the digits have shifted position and why 1 268 102 126 8 Each digit shifts 2 places to the left when multiplying by 102 The value of each digit becomes 100 times as large 14 1 100 100 0 2 100 20 0 06 100 6 0 008 100 0 8 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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PAGE 1 ZEARN END OF MISSION ASSESSMENT Name G5 M1 Date 1 Solve each problem and write the answer in standard form a 7 hundredths 14 hundredths tenth s hundredth s hundredth s b 32 hundredths 18 hundredths tenth s c 4 7 0 3 d 5 0 2 hundredth s hundredth s tenth s tenth s tenth s tenth s tenth s tenth s 2023 Zearn Licensed to you pursuant to Zearn s Terms of Use Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved

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PAGE 2 G5M1 End of Mission Assessment 2 Solve each by drawing a model of the place value chart with chips and using the vertical method a 9 40 2 8 b 7 1 42 c 24 07 6 93 d 63 54 54 47

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PAGE 3 G5M1 End of Mission Assessment 3 Solve each by using a place value strategy such as an area model the place value chart or algorithm a 2 0 34 b 3 4 26 c 4 56 4 d 6 3 19

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PAGE 4 G5M1 End of Mission Assessment 4 Complete the number sentence Express the quotient in unit form and then in standard form a 8 1 9 tenths 9 b 14 21 7 ones 7 ones tenths hundredths 7 hundredths

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PAGE 5 G5M1 End of Mission Assessment 5 Solve each by drawing a model of the place value chart with chips and using the standard algorithm a 0 9 2 ones tenths hundredths tenths hundredths 2 0 9 b 7 6 5 ones 5 7 6

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End of Mission Standards G5M1 End of Mission Assessment Standards Addressed in Topics D F Problem Number Standard Generalize place value understanding for multi digit whole numbers 5 NBT 3 Read write and compare decimals to thousandths a Read and write decimals to thousandths using base ten numerals number names and expanded form e g 347 392 3 100 4 10 7 1 1 2 4 5 3 __ 10 9 ___ 100 2 ____ 1000 1 1 1 Perform operations with multi digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths 5 NBT 7 20 Add subtract multiply and divide decimals to hundredths using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value properties of operations and or the relationship between addition and subtraction relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used 1 2 3 4 5 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 End of Mission Rubric End of Mission Assessment A Progression Towards Understanding A Progression Towards Understanding is provided to describe steps that illuminate the gradually increasing learnings that students develop on their way to full understanding In this chart this progress is presented from left to right The learning goal for students is to achieve full understanding as described on the right A student s score is the sum of points earned on all problems out of 100 possible points If a response doesn t fall on the rubric or there is a lack of response the score for that problem is zero points INITIATING UNDERSTANDING Missing or incorrect answer and little evidence of reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem PROBLEM 1a 1b 1c 1d 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 2a 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING Missing or incorrect answer but evidence of some reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem INITIATING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING A correct answer with some evidence of reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem OR an incorrect answer with substantial evidence of solid reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING A correct answer supported by substantial evidence of solid reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem FULL UNDERSTANDING The student correctly completes 1 of the 4 problems OR The student is unable to correctly complete any of the problems but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding writing decimals in standard form and using standard form to add and subtract decimals The student correctly completes 2 of the 4 problems The student correctly completes 3 of the 4 problems The student correctly completes all 4 problems 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the sum but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of adding decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the sum but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of adding decimals For example the student accurately represents both addends with chips on the place value chart but is unable to use her model to help her solve the problem For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the sum using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 12 2 The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the vertical method not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the vertical method but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 12 2 The student provides the correct answer of 12 2 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the vertical method 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 21

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End of Mission Rubric PROBLEM 2b 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 2c 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 2d 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 22 G5M1 INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to accurately calculate the difference but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of subtracting decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the difference but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of subtracting decimals The student provides the correct answer of 5 58 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the vertical method For example the student accurately models 7 on the place value chart and subtracts everywhere she can but is unable to finish the subtraction or determine the difference For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the difference using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 5 58 The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the vertical method not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the vertical method but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 5 58 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the sum but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of adding decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the sum but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of adding decimals For example the student accurately represents both addends with chips on the place value chart but is unable to use her model to help her solve the problem For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the sum using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 31 0 The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the vertical method not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the vertical method but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 31 0 The student provides the correct answer of 31 0 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the vertical method 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the difference but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of subtracting decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the difference but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of subtracting decimals The student provides the correct answer of 9 07 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the vertical method For example the student accurately models 63 54 on the place value chart and subtracts everywhere she can but is unable to finish the subtraction or determine the difference For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the difference using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 9 07 The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the vertical method not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the vertical method but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 9 07 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 PROBLEM 3a 5 NBT 7 3b 5 NBT 7 End of Mission Rubric INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of multiplying decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of multiplying decimals The student provides the correct answer of 0 68 and provides sufficient work to support her answer For example the student accurately sets up an area model but is unclear of how to use it to calculate the product For example the student makes multiple arithmetic errors when calculating the product leading to an answer other than 0 68 The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding of decimal multiplication but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 0 68 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to provide the correct answer The student produces some work that demonstrates understanding of multiplication of decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of multiplying decimals The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding of decimal multiplication but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 12 78 The student provides the correct answer of 12 78 and provides sufficient work to support her answer For example the student accurately sets up an area model but is unclear of how to use it to calculate the product 3c 5 NBT 7 For example the student makes multiple arithmetic errors when calculating the product leading to an answer other than 12 78 FULL UNDERSTANDING 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of multiplying decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of multiplying decimals The student provides the correct answer of 18 24 and provides sufficient work to support her answer For example the student accurately sets up an area model but is unclear of how to use it to calculate the product For example the student makes multiple arithmetic errors when calculating the product leading to an answer other than 18 24 The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding of decimal multiplication but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 18 24 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 23

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End of Mission Rubric PROBLEM 3d 5 NBT 7 4a 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING NEARING UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of multiplying decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the product but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of multiplying decimals The student provides the correct answer of 19 14 and provides sufficient work to support her answer For example the student accurately sets up an area model but is unclear of how to use it to calculate the product For example the student makes multiple arithmetic errors when calculating the product leading to an answer other than 19 14 The student provides the correct answer but provides insufficient and or incomplete work to support her answer OR The student shows sufficient evidence of understanding of decimal multiplication but makes a simple calculation error leading to an answer other than 19 14 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of dividing decimals The student makes more than one mistake when renaming the dividend calculating the quotient or writing the quotient in standard form The student makes a single mistake when renaming the dividend calculating the quotient or writing the quotient in standard form The student correctly renames the dividend as 81 tenths provides the correct quotient of 9 tenths and correctly writes 9 tenths in standard form as 0 9 For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 81 tenths but does not attempt to complete the rest of the problem 4b 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 81 tenths but thinks the quotient is 0 9 tenths and incorrectly writes that in standard form as 0 9 FULL UNDERSTANDING For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 81 tenths and provides the correct quotient of 9 tenths but writes 9 tenths as 90 instead of 0 9 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of dividing decimals The student makes more than one mistake when renaming the dividend calculating the quotient or writing the quotient in standard form The student makes a single mistake when renaming the dividend calculating the quotient or writing the quotient in standard form The student correctly renames the dividend as 14 ones and 21 hundredths provides the correct quotients of 2 ones and 3 hundredths and correctly writes 2 ones and 3 hundredths in standard form as 2 03 For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 14 ones and 21 hundredths but does not attempt to complete the rest of the problem 2 points 24 G5M1 For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 14 ones and 21 hundredths but calculates the quotients to be 2 ones and 0 3 hundredths The student incorrectly writes 2 ones and 0 3 hundredths in standard form as 2 03 For example the student correctly renames the dividend as 14 ones and 21 hundredths but calculates the quotients to be 2 ones and 7 hundredths The student correctly writes 2 ones and 7 hundredths in standard form as 2 07 3 points 4 points 5 points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 PROBLEM 5a 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 5b 5 NBT 3a 5 NBT 7 End of Mission Rubric INITIATING UNDERSTANDING DEVELOPING UNDERSTANDING The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of dividing decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of dividing decimals For example the student accurately models 0 9 on the place value chart and creates two more rows on the place value chart but is unclear how to proceed and calculate the quotient For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the quotient using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 0 45 5 points NEARING UNDERSTANDING FULL UNDERSTANDING The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the standard algorithm not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the standard algorithm but provides an answer other than 0 45 The student provides the correct answer of 0 45 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the standard algorithm 6 points 7 points 8 points The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is initiating understanding of dividing decimals The student is unable to accurately calculate the quotient but produces work that serves as evidence that she is developing understanding of dividing decimals For example the student accurately models 7 6 on the place value chart and creates five more rows on the place value chart but is unclear how to proceed and calculate the quotient For example the student makes multiple errors when calculating the quotient using the place value chart and or the vertical method leading to an answer other than 1 52 The student provides the correct answer but only provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips or accurately shows her work using the standard algorithm not both OR The student provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and calculates the same answer using the standard algorithm but provides an answer other than 1 52 The student provides the correct answer of 1 52 provides an appropriate model of the place value chart using chips and accurately shows her work using the standard algorithm 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points Total Score the sum of points earned out of 100 possible points ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 25

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26 STUDENT 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b G5M1 End of Mission Assessment Student Score Sheet 3c 3d 4a 4b 5a 5b TOTAL SCORE End of Mission Rubric G5M1 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 End of Mission Assessment Answer Key ZEARN END OF MISSION ANSWER KEY Ruthie Name G5 M1 Date 1 Solve each problem and write the answer in standard form a 7 hundredths 14 hundredths 2 1 tenth s hundredth s b 32 hundredths 18 hundredths 1 c 4 7 0 3 d 5 0 2 4 tenth s 47 50 14 hundredth s tenth s tenth s ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 21 3 2 hundredth s 0 21 hundredth s 0 14 tenth s tenth s 50 48 tenth s tenth s 5 0 4 8 27

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End of Mission Assessment Answer Key G5M1 2 Solve each by drawing a model of the place value chart with chips and using the vertical method a 9 40 2 8 12 2 5 58 b 7 1 42 tens ones tenths ones tenths hundredths 1 2 2 5 5 8 6 9 40 2 80 1 12 20 c 24 07 6 93 s n te es on 31 0 hs nt te 24 0 7 6 93 1 1 1 31 00 28 9 7 01 0 1 42 5 58 d 63 54 54 47 n hu 9 07 s th ed dr 1 s n te nt es te on 5 hs n hu s th ed dr 4 6 3 51 4 54 47 9 07 1 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 End of Mission Assessment Answer Key 3 Solve each by using a place value strategy such as an area model the place value chart or algorithm a 2 0 34 0 68 3 tenths 2 2 3 tenths b 3 4 26 12 78 4 hundredths 2 4 hundredths 6 tenths 8 hundredths 68 hundredths 4 ones 2 tenths 6 hundredths 3 3 3 2 tenths 3 6 hundredths 4 ones 12 ones 6 tenths 18 hundredths 12 ones 78 hundredths c 4 56 4 18 24 4 4 4 4 4 16 0 5 2 0 06 0 24 4 56 18 24 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition d 6 3 19 19 14 3 1 9 hundredths 6 1 9 1 4 hundredths 29

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End of Mission Assessment Answer Key G5M1 4 Complete the number sentence Express the quotient in unit form and then in standard form 81 a 8 1 9 30 9 tenths 9 b 14 21 7 14 ones 7 2 ones 2 03 tenths 21 3 0 9 hundredths 7 hundredths ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G5M1 End of Mission Assessment Answer Key 5 Solve each by drawing a model of the place value chart with chips and using the standard algorithm a 0 9 2 0 45 ones b 7 6 5 tenths hundredths 1 52 ones ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition tenths hundredths 0 45 2 0 9 0 0 8 0 10 0 10 0 1 52 5 7 6 0 5 2 6 2 5 0 10 0 10 0 31

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Math Math TEACHER EDITION GRADE 5 TEACHER EDITION Mission Assessments Answer Key TEACHER EDITION 5 GRADE Grade 5 Mission Assessments Answer Key Zearnmath_TE_MAAK_Grade5 indd 1 12 10 22 10 49 AM