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Zearn Math–Teacher Edition: Mission 1, G1

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GRADE 1 Mission 1 Add and Subtract Small Numbers First grade is all about counting Zearn Math kicks off first grade by moving students from counting all 3 2 is solved by counting one two three four five to counting on 3 2 is solved by counting threeee four five and by teaching students different ways to break apart numbers As tempting as it might be don t rush through these ideas Students will come back to them throughout this year and in the future

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2023 Zearn Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved Zearn is a registered trademark Printed in the U S A ISBN 979 8 88868 082 7

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G1M1 Overview CURRICULUM MAP 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 K M3 M2 M1 2D 3D Shapes Numbers to 10 Numbers to 5 Digital Activities 50 M1 G3 M2 Add Subtract Friendly Numbers M1 M2 G4 G5 Place Value with Decimal Fractions G7 G8 Key M1 M2 Area and Surface Area Introducing Ratios M2 M1 Scale Drawings Introducing Proportional Relationships M1 Rigid Transformations and Congruence Whole Numbers and Operations M3 Rates and Percentages M4 M3 Add Subtract Fractions M4 Dividing Fractions Proportional Measuring Relationships Circles and Percentages M2 Dilations Similarity and Introducing Slope M3 Linear Relationships Expanding Whole Numbers and Operations to Fractions and Decimals ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition M5 Rational Number Arithmetic M4 Linear Equations and Linear Systems M5 M5 M7 Functions and Volume Algebraic Thinking and Reasoning Leading to Functions M6 Associations in Data Geometry M6 M9 M8 Rational Numbers Angles Triangles and Prisms Multiply Measure The Coordinate Plane M7 Expressions and Equations M7 Decimal Fractions Volume Area Shapes M6 M6 Shapes Measurement Display Data M6 M4 Expressions Equations and Inequalities Shapes Time Fractions M7 M6 M5 Fractions as Numbers Multiply and Divide Fractions Decimals Arithmetic in Base Ten M8 M7 Equivalent Fractions M5 Add Subtract to 100 Length Money Data M5 Construct Lines Angles Shapes M3 M2 Base Ten Operations M6 Equal Groups M4 Find the Area M4 M3 Multiply Divide Big Numbers M1 M5 Multiply Divide Tricky Numbers M6 Work with Shapes Add Subtract Big Numbers M3 M2 Numbers to 20 Digital Activities 35 M5 Add Subtract Big Numbers Add Subtract Solve Measure It Numbers to 15 Digital Activities 35 M4 Measure Length M4 Counting Place Value Multiply Divide Friendly Numbers Add Subtract Round G6 M3 Explore Length M1 M3 Meet Place Value Measure Solve G2 M2 Add Subtract Small Numbers M6 Analyzing Comparing Composing Shapes Numbers 10 20 Count to 100 by Ones and Tens Number Pairs Addition Subtraction to 10 Numbers to 10 Digital Activities 50 M1 G1 M5 M4 Comparison of Length Weight Capacity Numbers to 10 Putting It ALL Together 1 Data Sets and Distributions M8 Probability and Sampling M7 Exponents and Scientific Notation M9 Putting It ALL Together M8 Pythagorean Theorem and Irrational Numbers M9 Putting It ALL Together WEEK Measurement Statistics and Probability iii

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Overview G1M1 Topics and Lesson Objectives Objective Topic A Embedded Numbers and Decompositions Lesson 1 Analyze and describe embedded numbers to 10 using 5 groups and number bonds Lesson 2 Reason about embedded numbers in varied configurations using number bonds Lesson 3 See and describe numbers of objects using 1 more within 5 group configurations Topic B Counting On from Embedded Numbers Lessons 4 5 Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 6 and 7 and generate all addition expressions for each total Lessons 6 7 Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9 and generate all expressions for each total Lesson 8 Represent all the number pairs of 10 as number bonds from a given scenario and generate all expressions equal to 10 Topic C Addition Word Problems Lesson 9 Solve add to with result unknown and put together with result unknown math stories by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Lesson 10 Solve put together with result unknown math stories by drawing and using 5 group cards Lesson 11 Solve add to with change unknown math stories as a context for counting on by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Lesson 12 Solve add to with change unknown math stories using 5 group cards Lesson 13 Tell put together with result unknown add to with result unknown and add to with change unknown stories from equations Topic D Strategies for Counting On Lessons 14 15 Count on up to 3 more using numeral and 5 group cards and fingers to track the change Lesson 16 iv Count on to find the unknown part in missing addend equations such as 6 __ 9 Answer How many more to make 6 7 8 9 and 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Overview Topic E The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign Lessons 17 18 Understand the meaning of the equal sign by pairing equivalent expressions and constructing true number sentences Lesson 19 Represent the same story scenario with addends repositioned the commutative property Lesson 20 Apply the commutative property to count on from a larger addend Topic F Development of Addition Fluency Within 10 Lesson 21 Visualize and solve doubles and doubles plus 1 with 5 group cards Lesson 22 Look for and make use of repeated reasoning on the addition chart by solving and analyzing problems with common addends Lesson 23 Look for and make use of structure on the addition chart by looking for and coloring problems with the same total Lesson 24 Practice to build fluency with facts to 10 Mid Mission Assessment Topics A F Topic G Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem Lesson 25 Solve add to with change unknown math stories with addition and relate to subtraction Model with materials and write corresponding number sentences Lessons 26 27 Count on using the number path to find an unknown part Topic H Subtraction Word Problems Lesson 28 Solve take from with result unknown math stories with math drawings true number sentences and statements using horizontal marks to cross off what is taken away Lesson 29 Solve take apart with addend unknown math stories with math drawings equations and statements circling the known part to find the unknown Lesson 30 Solve add to with change unknown math stories with drawings relating addition and subtraction Lesson 31 Solve take from with change unknown math stories with drawings Lesson 32 Solve put together take apart with addend unknown math stories ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition v

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Overview G1M1 Topic I Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction Lesson 33 Model 0 less and 1 less pictorially and as subtraction number sentences Lesson 34 Model n n and n n 1 pictorially and as subtraction sentences Lesson 35 Relate subtraction facts involving fives and doubles to corresponding decompositions Lesson 36 Relate subtraction from 10 to corresponding decompositions Lesson 37 Relate subtraction from 9 to corresponding decompositions Topic J Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10 Lesson 38 Look for and make use of repeated reasoning and structure using the addition chart to solve subtraction problems Lesson 39 Analyze the addition chart to create sets of related addition and subtraction facts End of Mission Assessment Topics G J Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lessons for G1M1 Lesson 10 Lessons 20 22 Lesson 27 Lesson 32 and Lesson 37 vi ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Overview MISSION 1 OVERVIEW In this first mission of Grade 1 students make significant progress towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10 as they are presented with opportunities intended to advance them from counting all to counting on which leads many students then to decomposing and composing addends and total amounts In Kindergarten students achieved fluency with addition and subtraction facts to 5 This means they can decompose 5 into 4 and 1 3 and 2 and 5 and 0 They can do this without counting all They perceive the 3 and 2 embedded within the 5 Topic A continues the work of developing this ability with all the numbers within 10 in put together situations with a special focus on the numbers 6 7 8 and 9 since recognizing how much a number needs to make 10 is part of Kindergarten learning and easier for most children Students decompose numbers into two sets or conceptually subitize in Lessons 1 and 2 and record their decompositions as number bonds T How many dots do you see S 8 T What two parts do you see S I see 5 and 3 T Did you need to count all the dots S No I could see the top row was a full five so I just said 6 7 8 In Lesson 3 students see and describe 1 more as 1 They use the structure of the first addend rather than its cardinality just as the student speaking in the above vignette used the five The number is a unit to which they can add one or count on by one without recounting All three lessons in Topic A prepare students to solve addition problems by counting on rather than counting all Topic B continues the process of having the students compose and decompose They describe put together situations pictured with number bonds and count on from the first part to totals of 6 7 8 9 and 10 As they represent all the partners of a number they reflect and see the decompositions Look at all these ways to make 8 I can see connections between them Through dialogue they engage in seeing both the composition invited by the put together situation and the decomposition invited by the number bonds Expressions are another way to model both the stories and the bonds the compositions and the decompositions In Topic C students interpret the meaning of addition from adding to with result unknown or putting together with result unknown story problems by drawing their own pictures and generating solution equations Advancing beyond the Kindergarten word problem types students next solve add to with change unknown problems such as Ben has 5 pencils He got some more from his mother Now he has 9 pencils How many pencils did Ben get from his mother These problems set the foundation early in the mission for relating addition to subtraction in Topic G ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition vii

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Overview G1M1 In Topic D students work outside the context of stories for three days to further their understanding of and skill with counting on using 5 group cards The first addend is represented with a numeral card symbolizing the structure to count on from The number to be added is represented using the dot side of the 5 group card Students count on from the first addend They learn to replace counting the dots by tracking the count on their fingers to find the solution In Lesson 16 they solve problems such as 4 ___ 7 by tracking the number of counts as they say 5 6 7 In Topic E in the context of addition to 10 students expand their knowledge of two basic ideas of mathematics equality and the commutativity of addition The lesson on the equal sign precedes the lessons on commutativity in order to allow students to later construct true number sentences such as 4 3 3 4 without misunderstanding the equal sign to mean that the numbers are the same Students apply their new generalization about the position of the addends to count on from the larger number For example I can count on 2 from 7 when I solve 2 7 Like Topic E Topic F leads students to make more generalizations that support their deepening understanding of addition within 10 They learn to recognize doubles and doubles plus 1 They analyze the addition chart for repeated reasoning and structures such as 5 groups plus ones doubles sums equal to 10 etc that can help them to better understand relationships and connections between different addition facts Following the Mid Mission Assessment Topic G relates addition to subtraction Since Mission 4 in Kindergarten students have been very familiar with subtraction as take away During Fluency Practice in the lessons in Topics A through F students have had opportunities to remember their Kindergarten work with subtraction Therefore Topic G starts immediately with the concept of subtraction as a missing addend just as Grade 3 students learn division as a missing factor in a multiplication problem Having already worked with add to with change unknown problems earlier in the mission students revisit this familiar problem type reinterpreting it as subtraction The topic then uses the strategies of counting with both 5 group cards and the number path to solve subtraction problems Topic H is analogous to Topic C Students interpret the meaning of subtraction as they solve different problem types involving subtraction Throughout Mission 1 rather than using formal drawings or tape diagrams students are encouraged to make math drawings that flow from their understanding of the stories They engage in dialogue to relate their drawings to number sentences and explain the meaning of the subtraction symbol Ben had 5 crackers He got some more Now he has 7 How many crackers did Ben get Topic I follows a week of intensive work with story problems to work on a more abstract level by visiting methods for subtraction involving special cases subtracting 0 and 1 subtracting the whole number and subtracting one less than the whole number These two lessons are followed by three lessons in which students use familiar decompositions 5 groups and partners of 10 to conceptualize subtraction as finding a missing part Finally in Topic J students analyze the addition chart for repeated reasoning and structures that support their journey towards fluency with subtraction within 10 The mission closes with a lesson wherein students create sets of related addition and subtraction facts and use dialogue to explain their found connections e g 7 4 3 viii ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Overview 7 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 7 3 etc They began the mission with very basic counting on and end the mission both with the skill to count on and significant movement towards the goal of fluency achieved as the second addend does not need to be counted or can be counted very quickly Please note that the assessments should be read aloud to Grade 1 students Curriculum Study Teachers who have access to Curriculum Study Professional Development as part of their PD enabled Zearn Math School Accounts can log in to Zearn org for an interactive overview of this mission including an in depth examination of the visual representations and strategies explored in this mission connections to previously learned concepts and sample student work Digital Lessons Students also learn the concepts from this mission in their Independent Digital Lessons There are 32 Digital Lessons for Mission 1 It s important to connect teacher instruction and digital instruction at the mission level So when you start teaching Mission 1 set students to the first digital lesson of Mission 1 The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning In the digital lessons students explore the concepts through interactive problem solving with embedded support that launches at the moment of misconception As students complete digital lessons they will automatically progress to the next lesson Go online to Zearn org to explore more of the digital lessons for this mission ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition ix

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Overview G1M1 Terminology New or Recently Introduced Terms Count on Count up from one addend to the total Track Use different objects to track the count on from one addend to the total Expression E g 2 1 or 5 3 Addend One of the numbers being added Doubles E g 3 3 or 4 4 Doubles plus 1 E g 3 4 or 4 5 Familiar Terms and Symbols1 Part E g What is the unknown part 3 ___ 8 Total and whole Use interchangeably instead of sum e g What is the total when we add 3 and 5 Label Using letters or words on a math drawing to indicate the referents from the story s context Addition and subtraction signs Equation and number sentence Used interchangeably throughout the mission Number bond Graphic showing part part whole Equal sign 5 groups As pictured in the dot cards 1 whole part part Number Bond numerals 5 groups 5 Group Cards These are terms and symbols students have used or seen previously x ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Overview Suggested Tools and Representations Number bonds Addition chart Rekenrek Counters Number path 5 Group cards Hide Zero cards Personal White Boards Number Path Addition Chart Personal White Boards Rekenrek Hide Zero Cards Materials Needed for Personal White Boards 1 heavy duty clear sheet protector 1 1 piece of stiff red tag board 11 8 __ 4 1 1 piece of stiff white tag board 11 8 __ 4 1 3 3 piece of dark synthetic cloth for an eraser e g felt 1 low odor blue dry erase marker fine point Directions for Creating Personal White Boards Cut your white and red tag to specifications Slide into the sheet protector Store your eraser on the red side Store markers in a separate container to avoid stretching the sheet protector Suggestions for Use The white side of the board is the paper Students generally write on it and if working individually turn the board over to signal to the teacher that they have completed their work Templates such as place value charts number bond mats and number lines can be stored between the two pieces of tag board for easy access and reuse The tag board can be removed if necessary to project the work ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition xi

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PAGE 1 ZEARN MID MISSION ASSESSMENT Name G1 M1 Date 1 There were 5 boys at Jake s party Some more came after basketball practice Then there were 9 How many boys came to Jake s party after basketball practice a Draw a picture to help you solve the problem b Draw a complete number bond that goes with this story c Write an addition sentence to match this story 2023 Zearn Licensed to you pursuant to Zearn s Terms of Use Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved

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PAGE 2 G1M1 Mid Mission Assessment 2 Write the numbers that go in the blanks 3 7 1 4 7 2 5 1 1 10 8 2 3 2 8 1 6 10

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PAGE 1 ZEARN END OF MISSION ASSESSMENT Name G1 M1 Date 1 There are 9 ducks swimming along in a line There are 2 grown up ducks and the rest are babies How many of the ducks are babies a Explain your thinking using pictures numbers or words b Write a number sentence that shows how you solved the problem 2023 Zearn Licensed to you pursuant to Zearn s Terms of Use Portions of this work Zearn Math are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds 2019 Great Minds All rights reserved

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PAGE 2 G1M1 End of Mission Assessment 2 Write the numbers that go in the blanks 7 3 4 1 7 2 5 1 1 9 8 3 2 8 1 6 4 6

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PAGE 3 G1M1 End of Mission Assessment 3 At the park there are 6 friends playing baseball Some more friends come Now there are 10 friends playing a How many friends come to play with the first 6 friends Explain your thinking using a math drawing numbers and words b Write an addition sentence and a subtraction sentence to match the story c Write the addition sentence you found when solving the problem and use the same 3 numbers to write 3 more number sentences

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G1M1 Topic A TOPIC A Embedded Numbers and Decompositions In this first Mission of Grade 1 students make significant progress towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10 They are presented with opportunities intended to advance them from counting all to counting on which leads to decomposing and composing addends and total amounts In Kindergarten students achieved fluency with addition and subtraction facts to 5 This means they can decompose 5 into 4 and 1 3 and 2 and 5 and 0 They can do this without counting all They perceive the 3 and 2 embedded within the 5 Topic A continues the work of developing this ability with all the numbers within 10 in put together situations with a special focus on the numbers 6 7 8 and 9 in 5 group configurations since recognizing how much a number needs to make 10 is an expectation in Kindergarten and is easier for most children Students decompose numbers into two visual sets or conceptually subitize and record their decompositions as number bonds In Lesson 1 students use the 5 group configuration as this organization allows students to quickly see or perceptually subitize the subset of 5 Once they have identified that first subset of 5 they can perceptually subitize the other part T How many dots do you see S 8 T What two parts do you see S I see 5 and 3 T Did you need to count all the dots S No I could see the top row was a full five so I just saw the other part which was 3 The teacher then guides students to count on from the five to determine the total This process of conceptual subitizing or breaking apart the total into two easily identifiable subsets continues into Lesson 2 as students are presented with dots in varied configurations As students discuss the different parts they each see within the total and the different ways they are able to break the total apart they begin to understand that a given quantity can be decomposed in a variety of ways In Lesson 3 students see and describe 1 more as 1 They use the structure of the first addend rather than its cardinality The number is a unit to which they can add one or count on by one without recounting Students now stand on this first embedded number which lays the foundation for the Level 2 strategy of counting on Students engage in math discussions throughout the lessons as they share their ways of seeing the embedded numbers and thinking of 1 more ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 1

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Topic A G1M1 Objective Topic A Embedded Numbers and Decompositions Lesson 1 Analyze and describe embedded numbers to 10 using 5 groups and number bonds Lesson 2 Reason about embedded numbers in varied configurations using number bonds Lesson 3 See and describe numbers of objects using 1 more within 5 group configurations 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 1 Topic A Lesson 1 YOUR NOTES Analyze and describe embedded numbers to 10 using 5 groups and number bonds Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Math Fingers Flash NOTE Visually recognizing perceptually subitizing sets of objects particularly fingers allows students to move toward seeing two sets of objects together conceptually subitizing thus preparing them for the fluency objective of Grade 1 Teacher flashes fingers the Math Way for numbers 0 10 When using a document camera teacher begins by raising the left pinky and ends with the right pinky as shown When facing the students teacher s raised fingers should begin with the right pinky and end with the left pinky as seen below At all times students see fingers move from left to right T Let s count to 20 forward and backward Watch my fingers to know whether to count up or down A closed hand means stop Show signals as you explain T I m going to hold up some fingers the Math Way and then hide them Look carefully and say the number you saw when I snap T Flash 3 fingers for 2 3 seconds and then hide them Ready snap S 3 Repeat process for numbers within 5 T Flash 7 fingers Ready snap T Hold up 5 fingers on the right hand How many fingers are on this hand S 5 T 5 hold up the five hand and then hold up the other fingers one at a time 6 7 Repeat the process for numbers 6 10 inviting students to count on from 5 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 3

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Topic A Lesson 1 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Dora found 5 leaves that blew in through the window Then she found 2 more leaves that blew in Draw a picture and use numbers to show how many leaves Dora found in all NOTE Rather than specifying to write a number sentence or number bond this Word Problem is more open ended so that students can demonstrate their thinking and representational skills This problem serves as a lead up to today s Concept Exploration s goal of seeing the quantity of 5 and another number Concept Exploration Materials T 1 egg carton cut to 10 slots S 1 egg carton cut to 10 slots bag with 9 beads or other fun classroom objects Number Bond Concept Exploration Template personal white board Before the Concept Exploration show students how to insert the number bond template into their personal white boards Ensure all students have their egg carton cut to ten slots and their beads T Take out your egg carton Count to find out how many slots there are Wait for the signal to tell me Pause When all are ready give the signal S 10 T Someone already cut 2 off T How many slots are in the top row S 5 T How many slots are in the bottom row S 5 T Take out the objects in your bag First count 5 into the top row from left to right Pause How many beads do you have in your top row S 5 T Now we are going to be number detectives Let s see what numbers are hiding inside of 5 T I see 2 hiding inside Look Show the two objects What other numbers do you see hiding inside 5 Talk to your partner T Circulate and listen Encourage those who are touching and counting rather than seeing the embedded numbers to recognize quantities of at least 2 or 3 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Write the 5 in the total box of a number bond That s our total or whole Do you remember these number bonds from kindergarten Topic A Lesson 1 YOUR NOTES S Yes T You said there was a 2 hiding inside of 5 That s a part Write the 2 in the number bond T Let s cover those 2 beads What is the other part S 3 T Let s write that in the other part of the number bond Write 3 T What two parts did we find make 5 detectives S 2 and 3 T Let s see if we can find different numbers inside of 5 Write 5 in the total box inside a new number bond T Continue to find the other numbers inside of 5 and generate the corresponding number bonds using the same process T Let s take out 2 more beads and put them in the bottom row of the egg carton T How many beads are there now S 7 T Turn and talk to your partner about what numbers you see inside 7 S Circulate and share their observations T I heard a student say that she saw 5 beads Are there 5 beads S Yes T Let s draw 5 dots as a part in our number bond instead of the number 5 T Where did you see the 5 S In the top row T Let s cover the 5 What is the other part to make 7 S 2 T Let s draw in 2 dots as the other part in the number bond T L et s count on from 5 to find our total Count with me Let s start with 5 Point to the fifth dot T S F iiiiiive 6 7 Point to each of the dots as you count them Draw 7 dots in the total box the 5 group way T Let s now represent this number bond with numbers instead of dots Lead students to make the number bond numerically on their personal white boards Continue to find five and its partner within 6 7 8 and 9 Other combinations will be explored in Lesson 2 Release students to work independently ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 5

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Topic A Lesson 1 YOUR NOTES G1M1 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Try to encourage subitizing to move students away from touching and counting Many Grade 1 students can subitize twos and threes without counting They should be encouraged to recognize this since seeing embedded numbers or subitizing is the beginning of counting on MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Ask students to write the two parts on their number bond template Give students the option of drawing the beads at first and then later in the lesson representing the 5 groups numerically Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 1 Number Bonds Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson 6 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Can you show me 5 fingers Show me 5 with two hands i e 4 and 1 or 3 and 2 Now show me 5 with one hand Can you show me 6 the Math Way with your fingers Five fingers on the left hand and the thumb on the right hand Can you show me the 5 inside 6 Continue with 7 8 9 and 10 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Make a number bond for the pictures that shows 5 as one part 1 2 Answers 1 9 5 4 2 7 5 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 7

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G1M1 Lesson 2 Topic A Lesson 2 YOUR NOTES Reason about embedded numbers in varied configurations using number bonds Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Finger Counting from Left to Right NOTE Counting from left to right with their fingers allows students an organized way to use their most readily available tool their fingers This type of counting also mimics the number path used in later lessons Instruct students to count with their piano fingers Count by ones within 10 on the fingers from left to right from pinky on the left hand as 1 to pinky on the right hand as 10 Hover the fingers as if playing the piano Drop the finger as it is counted and leave it down Start and end at different numbers For example in counting from 5 to 7 the 5 fingers of the left hand have played and students say 6 7 while playing the thumb and pointer finger of the right hand Show Me Your Math Fingers Partners to 5 and 5 More NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 The teacher calls out numbers within 5 and students hold up their fingers the Math Way Each time students hold up their fingers ask how many more fingers are needed to make 5 As students say the partner to 5 affirm their answers aloud Yes 3 and 2 make 5 Move on to numbers 6 10 For each number use the example below to reinforce the embedded five within each number T Show me 6 the Math Way S Hold up all fingers on their left hand and their right thumb T Now hold your 5 up high How many fingers are on your other hand S 1 T Yes 5 and 1 make 6 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 9

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Topic A Lesson 2 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Number Bond Dash 5 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 5 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE The Number Bond Dash is a new routine that will be used throughout Mission 1 By using the same system students focus on the mathematics rather than figuring out the routine Orient students to the Number Bond Dash 5 template in their workbook Instruct students to complete as many number bonds as they can in 90 seconds when they hear Go Assure them that it is okay if they run out of time before they finish Tell them if they finish before time they can practice counting to 20 on blank space on their papers starting with the number 5 Change the counting sequence to meet the needs of each student in later lessons T Set the timer for 90 seconds On your mark get set GO Press start T When the timer goes off tell students to put down their pencils and grab a marker to correct their work T When you get an answer correct put a check mark on the problem number If you make a mix up fix it with your marker T Read the number bonds aloud starting with Problem 1 When the answers to all problems have been provided tell students to write the number they got correct in the star like shape on top Encourage them to remember their scores because they are going to try to do even better in the next Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM T Read the story aloud to students Bella spilled some pencils on the carpet Geno came over to help her pick them up Geno found 5 pencils under the desk and Bella found 4 by the door How many pencils did they find together Draw a math picture and write a number bond and a number sentence that tells about the story Extension Draw the 9 pencils in a different arrangement to show two parts NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 1 which focused on seeing and counting on from 5 Students again work with 5 and another number to encourage this counting on 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Concept Exploration Topic A Lesson 2 YOUR NOTES Materials T Dot Cards of 6 9 Concept Exploration Template S Dot Cards of 6 9 Concept Exploration Template personal white board T Draw 7 apples on the board as shown How many apples are there Pause When all are ready give the signal S 7 T Talk to your partner about the different groups of apples you see hiding inside of 7 Circulate and listen to student discussion What two different groups or number partners do you see S Answers may vary I saw 4 and 3 T Group 4 and 3 apples by drawing a circle around them T Count on to find the total Start with 4 Point to each apple in the 3 group T S Foooouuuur 5 6 7 What is the total S 7 T What are the parts S 4 and 3 T Let s make a number bond to match this picture Draw the bond Ask students to name the parts and the whole T What other number partners do you see Elicit other ways that students see two embedded numbers within 7 and make corresponding number bonds T Continue modeling decomposing 6 8 or 9 and filling in the two part number bond by counting on to find the total This problem is optional T Let s play Parts and Bonds Distribute the Dot Cards of 6 9 cut into individual cards to students T Show a dot card inside your personal board to your partner He circles two parts You write a number bond to match his parts Switch roles using the same dot card change cards after two turns As students work circulate and encourage active counting on MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Provide students an opportunity to test their developing understanding of embedded numbers While holding a dot card cover some of the dots Tell them the whole and see if they can figure out the two parts without seeing what is being hidden ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 11

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Topic A Lesson 2 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 2 Balloon Parts Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Is there always more than one way to make the total Turn to your partner and share what you learned in today s lesson What did you get better at doing today EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 12 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 2 Task YOUR NOTES Circle 2 parts you see Make a number bond to match 1 2 3 4 Answers 1 6 parts will vary 2 7 parts will vary 3 7 parts will vary 4 10 parts will vary ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 13

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Topic A Lesson 2 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 5 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 14 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 2 Lesson Template DOT CARDS OF 6 9 CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE PAGE 1 OF 3 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 15

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Topic A Lesson 2 Lesson Template G1M1 DOT CARDS OF 6 9 CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE PAGE 2 OF 3 16 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 2 Lesson Template DOT CARDS OF 6 9 CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE PAGE 3 OF 3 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 17

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G1M1 Lesson 3 Topic A Lesson 3 YOUR NOTES See and describe numbers of objects using 1 more within 5 group configurations Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting by Ones Within 10 Materials S Rekenrek NOTE Counting forward and backward by ones affords students a review of this strategy as it relates to addition and subtraction It also directly relates to today s objective This game may be challenging for students at first A Rekenrek helps students visualize numbers and makes it easier for them to change direction as they count Rekenreks can be made simply and inexpensively with cardboard elastic and beads If this is not available there are also interactive Rekenreks online Move the beads on the Rekenrek to model counting forward and backward by ones within ten Students count along with the beads e g 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 5 etc When students are ready put the Rekenrek away T Let s play Happy Counting We re going to count by ones When I hold my hand like this point thumb and motion up I want you to count up If I put my hand like this point thumb and motion down I want you to count down If I do this thumb to the side that means stop but try hard to remember the last number you said T T S 1 2 3 pause 2 1 pause 2 3 4 5 Group Flash Materials T Dot cards from the 1 More Game Concept Exploration Template 3 in this lesson NOTE This activity relates to the core fluency objective of Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Teacher flashes dot cards for 2 3 seconds and instructs students to say the number when teacher snaps After flashing all the numbers from 0 to 10 in a random order flash the cards again and count on from the number flashed up to 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 19

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Topic A Lesson 3 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Number Bond Dash 5 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 5 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE Reviewing number bonds allows students to build and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 and gets them ready for Lesson 4 Orient students to the Number Bond Dash 5 template in their workbook Instruct students to complete as many number bonds as they can in 90 seconds when they hear Go Assure them that it is okay if they run out of time before they finish Tell them if they finish before time they can practice counting to 20 on blank space on their papers starting with the number 5 Change the counting sequence to meet the needs of each student in later lessons T Take a second to remember the score you got on yesterday s Number Bond Dash so you can try to do even better today T Set the timer for 90 seconds On your mark get set GO Press start T When the timer goes off tell students to put down their pencils and grab a marker to correct their work T When you get an answer correct put a check mark on the problem number If you make a mix up fix it with your marker Read the number bonds aloud starting with Problem 1 When you are finished checking all the problems tell students to write the number they got correct in the star like shape on the top and celebrate if they improved their score from the previous Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM Alex had 9 marbles in his hand He hid his hands behind his back and put some in one hand and some in the other How many marbles might be in each hand Use pictures or numbers to draw a number bond to show your idea NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 2 which focused on reasoning about embedded numbers and finding various decompositions Concept Exploration Materials T Sentence Frame 1 More Concept Exploration Template 1 S 5 group Mat Concept Exploration Template 2 bag with 9 linking cubes of the same color 1 linking cube of another color 1 More Game Cards Concept Exploration Template 3 personal white board as needed T Show me 5 fingers on one hand the Math Way S Hold up their left hand showing 5 fingers 20 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 3 YOUR NOTES T Show me 4 fingers inside your 5 T Show me your 5 T Show me your 4 T How much does 4 need to make 5 S 1 T Show me 7 fingers the Math Way T Show me 6 T Show me 7 T Show me 6 T How much does 6 need to make 7 S 1 T Distribute a bag with 9 linking cubes of the same color and 1 linking cube of another color to each student Turn to the 5 group Mat in your student workbook Put 5 cubes that are the same color onto your 5 group mat How many cubes do you have S 5 T Use a different color cube and put 1 more on your mat Now how many do you have S 6 T How did you know that so quickly S I counted on from 5 It was just 1 more I saw 5 and 1 I just knew it I counted on from 5 It was just 1 more T What is 1 more than 5 S 6 T Let s say that in a full sentence Point to the sentence frame as students speak 1 more than is T S 1 more than 5 is 6 T Let s try saying this in a different way What was the first part we saw S 5 T How many more did 5 need to make 6 S 1 T So we can say 6 is 1 more than Invite student responses S 5 T Say it as a whole sentence Point to the sentence frame as students speak than is 1 more S 6 is 1 more than 5 T Help me write our parts and total in a number sentence or equation Write the components of the number sentence as each question is asked What did we start with S 5 T How many cubes did we add ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 21

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Topic A Lesson 3 YOUR NOTES G1M1 S 1 T How many cubes do we have altogether S 6 T Let s read our number sentence together T S 5 1 6 Have students clear their mats and continue this process with 7 8 and 9 Have students say both 8 is 1 more than 7 and 1 more than 7 is 8 When writing the number sentence be sure to have the equal sign on either side of the equation i e 7 1 8 and 8 7 1 T Hand out a set of 1 More Game Cards from the template to each pair of students Now you ll get to work with a partner to play the 1 More Game The goal is to match a dot card with the card that has 1 more Here are the directions 1 Put all of your cards face down with dot cards on one side and sentence cards on the other 2 Flip over a dot card 3 Flip over a sentence card 4 Keep the pair if the sentence card is one more than the dot card 5 Turn both cards back over if they do not match 6 When you and your partner have made all the pairs write a number sentence for each pair Model how to play this with students Practice the language 1 more than is and is 1 more than MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION When using colored linking cubes be sensitive to those students who have difficulty seeing certain colors Use primary colors and typically sharp contrast like green or red and yellow MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Challenge students developing understanding of 1 more by extending the work to larger numbers providing an opportunity for students to look for and make use of structure For example You know 1 more than 6 is 7 What is 1 more than 16 If 1 more than 18 is 19 then what is 1 more than 28 See how far you can extend presenting numbers to 100 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION For students who may benefit from additional support with the language of 1 more than is and is 1 more than insert a sentence frame into their personal white boards and allow them to write the numbers into the blanks Pointing to each word and reading the number can provide a bridge between the concrete and the abstract 22 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 3 Independent Digital Lesson YOUR NOTES Lesson 3 1 More Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion If we had to find 2 more how would today s lesson help us Using what you learned today what is 1 more than 13 How do you know Turn and talk to your partner about what we did today What were we learning about understanding and getting good at ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 23

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Topic A Lesson 3 YOUR NOTES G1M1 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task How many objects do you see Draw one more How many objects are there now 1 is 1 more than 9 9 1 2 1 more than 6 is 1 Answers 1 1 more drawn 10 10 10 as the whole and 9 and 1 as the parts 2 1 more drawn 7 6 1 7 7 as the whole and 6 and 1 as the parts 24 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 3 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 5 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 25

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 3 Lesson Template 5 GROUP MAT CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 27

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Topic A Lesson 3 Lesson Template G1M1 1 MORE GAME CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 3 PAGE 1 OF 2 28 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic A Lesson 3 Lesson Template 1 MORE GAME CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 3 PAGE 2 OF 2 2 is 1 more than 1 3 is 1 more than 2 4 is 1 more than 3 1 more than 4 is 5 1 more than 5 is 6 1 more than 6 is 7 8 is 1 more than 7 1 more than 8 is 9 1 more than 9 is 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 29

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Topic B G1M1 TOPIC B Counting On from Embedded Numbers As students move into Topic B they gain momentum with putting together composing and decomposing and counting on to determine the total Students use both concrete and pictorial situations to describe all of the decompositions of 6 7 8 9 and 10 Lesson 4 begins with six children posed at the front of the class They will be put together in different ways to show the various combinations of 6 such as 2 wearing yellow and 4 wearing blue and 3 wearing long sleeves and 3 wearing short sleeves During this process the put together situation will be highlighted engaging students in counting on from one addend or part to find the total As students progress through the lesson they come to see that 6 is constructed of several different decompositions by using two color counters and recording the decomposition in number bonds and as expressions They record each decomposition of 6 and reflect upon all of these number partners Look at all these ways to make 6 I can see connections between them Lessons 5 6 7 and 8 continue this same process of putting together composing and decomposing In Lesson 5 students use an engaging drawing to find and show ways to make 7 with 2 groups I see 5 kids sitting and 2 kids standing There are 7 kids altogether They use their 5 group cards to represent the partners of 7 and they record the decompositions in number bonds and expressions Lesson 6 has students exploring and discussing the decompositions of 8 using their 5 group cards beginning with the numeral side first as a way to encourage counting on In Lesson 7 students explore the partners of 9 using cubes to help them count on from the first addend Finally the topic ends with Lesson 8 where students make Rekenrek bracelets with 10 beads These bracelets become tools for students to show all ways to make 10 Each lesson in Topic B ends with students creating a shared chart representing all of the decompositions of each number 6 7 8 9 and 10 These charts provide a foundation for supporting understanding of addition and subtraction facts Teachers keep the charts hanging in their classrooms and have students start portfolios Both of these serve as references throughout the school year as students become fluent with these numerical combinations Objective Topic B Counting On from Embedded Numbers Lessons 4 5 Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 6 and 7 and generate all addition expressions for each total Lessons 6 7 Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9 and generate all expressions for each total Lesson 8 Represent all the number pairs of 10 as number bonds from a given scenario and generate all expressions equal to 10 30 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 4 Topic B Lesson 4 YOUR NOTES Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 6 and 7 and generate all addition expressions for each total Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting by Ones 10 20 Materials S Rekenrek NOTE Counting forward and backward by ones affords students review with the counting sequence Play Happy Counting see Lesson 3 from 10 through 20 and back first the regular way then the Say Ten Way as shown below Regular way 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Say Ten way 8 9 10 ten 1 ten 2 ten 3 ten 4 WORD PROBLEM Our class had 4 pumpkins On Monday Marta brought 1 more pumpkin How many pumpkins did our class have on Monday On Tuesday Beto brought 1 more pumpkin How many pumpkins did our class have on Tuesday Then on Wednesday Shea brought 1 more pumpkin How many pumpkins did our class have on Wednesday Draw a picture and write a number sentence to show your thinking What do you notice about what happened each day Extension If this pattern continues how many pumpkins will our class have on Friday NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 3 which focused on 1 more As students represent decompositions with drawings they are preparing for today s Concept Exploration ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 31

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Topic B Lesson 4 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Concept Exploration Materials T Chart to record decompositions of 6 Choose a group of students who have different attributes to represent decompositions of 6 e g 4 wearing blue 2 wearing yellow 5 with shoelaces 1 without 3 with short sleeves 3 with long sleeves Be sure to encourage the actors themselves to participate in the mathematics of the exploration T How many students do you see S 6 T How many of these students are wearing blue S 4 T How many of these students are wearing yellow S 2 T Talk to your partner about what would be a good strategy to see how many students there are altogether Circulate and listen to student discussion S We can count on from 4 T Point with me to keep track as we count on from 4 Gesture around the group of 4 and gesture to each of the two students as you count on with the class S Fouuuur 5 6 T What parts did we put together to make 6 S 4 and 2 T Let s write those parts in a number sentence Call on students to help you write the equation 6 4 2 on the board T Ask the 2 students wearing yellow to move to the left and the 4 students wearing blue to move to the right What would our number sentence look like if we started with the students wearing yellow first Talk to your partner about what the number sentence would be T Circulate and listen to student discussion Call on students to help you write the equation 6 2 4 on the board T Now look at the shoes on these students I notice shoes that have S Answers may vary Shoelaces Repeat the earlier process with decomposing according to having shoelaces and not and again with short sleeves and not in order to complete decomposing 6 Bring up the topic of zero and the total as a possible decomposition T How many students do you see up here S 6 T How many tigers do you see up here S 0 T How many living things do you see up here 32 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 4 S 6 YOUR NOTES T How can we write that story in a number sentence S 6 0 6 T Think of a different story that shows 6 0 6 If necessary ask Think of what we can make the zero represent Call on students to share T When we add zero we add nothing to the other part And this is another way we can make 6 Six and zero makes 6 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION For students who need an access point for the concept of counting on ask them to grab the first number and hold on to it with their hands before counting on additional numbers on fingers Model this by holding objects in your hand and counting on with additional objects counting bears two color beans etc After they have mastered counting all be sure to model counting on so that they have an example of how they should be thinking when counting MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Display charts with the number bonds for 6 so students can refer to them as needed Creating a place in the classroom for students to access this information will support their ability to visualize the relationship between numbers Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 4 Balloon Parts 6 Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 33

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Topic B Lesson 4 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Record all of the decompositions of 6 5 1 4 2 3 3 What do you notice about the two parts in the expressions that make 6 as we look at them in order from left to right What is different about this point to 4 2 the expression and this write 4 2 6 the number sentence Turn to your partner and talk about what we learned about in today s lesson What did you get really good at today EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Show different ways to make 6 In each set shade some circles and leave the others blank a b 2 Shade 2 circles Write a number bond to match this picture 3 Shade 1 circle Write a number sentence to match this picture Answers 1 Sample responses below a 3 circles shaded b 4 circles shaded 2 2 circles shaded 6 as the whole and 2 and 4 as the parts 3 1 circle shaded 1 5 6 34 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 5 Lesson 5 YOUR NOTES Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 6 and 7 and generate all addition expressions for each total Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Math Finger Flash with Number Sentences NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Flash fingers within 5 the Math Way for 2 3 seconds Hide your fingers and then ask students to identify the number of fingers flashed at the snap Then ask students to say an addition sentence that shows how to make 5 An example is given below T Flash 4 fingers hide them and then snap S 4 T Now use 4 in an adding sentence to make 5 S 4 1 5 Continue flashing numbers between 5 and 10 For this portion ask for a 5 sentence for each number addition T Flash 8 fingers hide them and then snap S 8 T Now say a 5 adding sentence for 8 S 5 3 8 T Hold up 5 and 3 as students say the equation Shake Those Disks 6 Materials S Per set of partners 6 disks e g counters two color beans painted white on one side and red on the other or pennies 1 Shake Those Disks 6 board Fluency Template 1 NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 35

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Topic B Lesson 5 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Break students into partners Give each set of partners 6 disks Instruct them to take turns as the Shaker and the Recorder The Shaker shakes the disks and tosses them on the table The Recorder then records the roll on the Shake Those Disks 6 board For example if the Shaker rolls 4 red and 2 white the Recorder puts an X on the graph above the 4 and 2 number bond Number Bond Dash 6 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 6 Fluency Template 2 marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system the Number Bond Dash students focus on the mathematics rather than figuring out the routine Unlike most Number Bond Dashes students will not have a chance to improve their scores on Day 2 during this round as Topic B progresses through exploration of decompositions of 6 7 8 9 and 10 giving students practice with a new number in each activity Orient students to the Number Bond Dash 6 template in their workbook Instruct students to complete as many number bonds as they can in 90 seconds when they hear Go Assure them that it is okay if they run out of time before they finish Tell them if they finish before time they can practice counting to 20 on blank space on their papers starting with the number 5 Change the counting sequence to meet the needs of students in later lessons As you choose a counting sequence consider counting forward or back by different numbers When counting forward it is beneficial to change the starting number T Set the timer for 90 seconds On your mark get set GO Press start T When the timer goes off tell students to put down their pencils and grab a marker to correct their work T When you get an answer correct put a check mark on the problem number If you need to change your answer just change it with your marker T Read the number bonds aloud starting with Problem 1 When you are finished checking all the problems write the number you got correct in the star like shape on top WORD PROBLEM Marcus had 6 pieces of candy He decided to give some to his mother and keep some for himself Use pictures and numbers to show 2 ways that Marcus could have split up 6 pieces of his candy NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 4 s focus on decompositions of 6 reminding students that they can break apart numbers in more than one way 36 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Concept Exploration Topic B Lesson 5 YOUR NOTES Materials T Number bond on the white board markers chart to record decompositions of 7 S 5 group Cards Concept Exploration Template Have students sit in a big semi circle facing the number bond on the board Distribute 5 group Cards to each pair of students Tell them they will be using the cards to show different ways to make 7 Instruct students to put their cards in order from smallest to largest Using students as actors choose a group of students who have different attributes that represent decompositions of 7 and have them line up at the board e g 6 with short hair 1 with long hair T How many students are here S 7 T Write 7 in the total box of the number bond T What does this 7 represent Point to the 7 S Responses may vary The kids T The 7 in our whole represents the number of students Label the whole with the word students T There s 1 student up here who has something different from the rest What is it S 1 has long hair T Write 1 in the number bond T What does this 1 represent Point to the 1 S Long hair T The 1 represents the part of our students with long hair so I am going to label this part long hair Write long hair next to the part with the number 1 T Show 1 with your 5 group card using the dot side and put it in front of you T If Student 1 with long hair has long hair what about the rest of these students S They have short hair T How many students have short hair S 6 T Write 6 in the number bond T How should I label this part S Short hair T Yes Six represents the number of students with short hair Write short hair next to the part with the number 6 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 37

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Topic B Lesson 5 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T Now show 6 with your 5 group card using the dot side right next to your first card T What s the best strategy to find out how many students there are altogether S Responses may vary Count on from 1 T Point with me to keep track as we count on from 1 Gesture around the group of 1 and then count on with the class by gesturing to each of the 6 students have them sit down as they are counted T Now it s your turn to count on Flip your 1 dot card to show the number 1 Then count on from 1 Be sure to touch and count S Count on from 1 to 7 pointing to each dot T What are the two parts that make 7 S 1 and 6 T Say the number sentence that makes 7 Point to each box in the number bond as students respond S 1 6 7 T Record this on the chart T Say the number sentence starting with the students with short hair S 6 1 7 T Say the number sentence starting with the total S 7 1 6 T Say the number sentence starting with the total but flip the parts this time S 7 6 1 Continue this process with the other decompositions of 7 Keep the same actors but rearrange them to show different decompositions of 7 e g 2 sit 5 stand 3 smiling 4 frowning Review zero if necessary MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Providing a variety of ways for students to respond allows them to make choices and engage in a way they know will be successful For example call on a volunteer to fill in the number bond on the board See if other volunteers can write the number sentence s that go along with the 5 group cards and number bond on the board Ask another volunteer to illustrate the number bond 38 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 5 Independent Digital Lesson YOUR NOTES Lesson 5 Make 7 Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Look at all the ways we made 7 in this poster What patterns do you see ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 39

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Topic B Lesson 5 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Let s revisit our poster for 6 What do you see is the same and different about our poster showing ways to make 6 and our poster showing ways to make 7 Talk to you partner What did you get really good at today EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Color in two dice that make 7 together Then fill in the number bond and number sentences to match the dice you colored Answers 1 Answers will vary 40 Sample responses 2 and 5 shaded and filled in as the parts of the number bond 2 5 7 7 2 5 5 2 7 7 5 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 5 Fluency Template SHAKE THOSE DISKS 6 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 1 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 41

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Topic B Lesson 5 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 6 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 2 Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 42 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 5 Lesson Template 5 GROUP CARDS NUMERAL SIDE CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE PAGE 1 OF 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 5 5 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 43

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G1M1 Lesson 6 Topic B Lesson 6 YOUR NOTES Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9 and generate all expressions for each total Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Red Light Green Light Counting by Ones NOTE By providing students with ongoing practice with counting throughout the year they build and maintain their counting skills This counting work is also foundational for later Grade 1 work with adding and subtracting within 100 Say a number between 1 and 100 When they hear green light students begin running in place and counting aloud together beginning with the number given When students hear red light they stop counting and freeze Any students who are still moving or counting after they hear red light should sit down until the next game Continue playing with a new starting number every time green light is said Play until only a few students are standing Then instruct the whole class to stand and start the game again As an alternative this game can also be played with students choosing a dance move or staying at their seats and waving their hands during green light periods A suggested sequence of start numbers would be 15 28 35 48 55 68 Target Practice 6 and 7 Materials S 7 counters and a die per pairing NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Break students into partners Give each set of partners 6 counters Instruct them to take turns as the Roller and the Target Finder The Roller rolls the dice The Target Finder determines the partner to 6 Students may use counters as needed First play with 6 as the target number and then distribute another counter to each set of partners and practice determining the partner to 7 Number Bond Dash 7 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 7 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 45

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Topic B Lesson 6 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in the Lesson 5 Fluency Practice WORD PROBLEM Tom has 4 red cars and 3 green cars Dave has 5 red cars and 2 green cars Dave thinks he has more cars than Tom has Is Dave right Draw a picture to show how you know Write a number bond to show each of the persons sets of cars NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 5 s focus on decompositions of 7 and provides a lead up to today s Concept Exploration as students prove that 8 can be decomposed in many ways Concept Exploration Materials T 8 Animals Picture Card Concept Exploration Template 1 Ways to Make 8 Concept Exploration Template 3 S 5 group Cards 0 8 Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template 8 Animals Picture Card Concept Exploration Template 1 Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Concept Exploration Template 2 personal white board Ways to Make 8 Concept Exploration Template 3 Instruct students to insert the Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond template Concept Exploration Template 2 into their personal white boards prior to the exploration Assign students partners A and B and have them sit on the carpet with their 5 group cards 0 8 T Project the 8 Animals Picture Card template and have students turn to 8 Animals Picture Card in their student workbooks Look at the picture Talk with your partner about the different parts you see Circulate as students discuss S Discuss as the teacher circulates T What two different animals do you see S Frogs and ducks T Partner A show how many frogs there are with your 5 group cards using the number side S Show the numeral 4 T Partner B show how many ducks there are with your 5 group cards using the dot side S Show 4 dots T Yesterday what strategy did we use to find how many students were in the classroom S We counted on T Let s count on to see how many animals there are altogether starting with S 4 T S Foouuur 5 6 7 8 Count while pointing to the picture T Work with your partner to write a number sentence that matches our frogs and ducks on your personal white board using the boxes 46 S Write 4 4 8 or 8 4 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 6 T How else are these animals different from one another YOUR NOTES Repeat this process as students record the decompositions of 8 using their 5 group cards to count on from one part the numeral to find the total and recording the decomposition in an equation on their personal white boards T Now we re going to play a game called Ways to Make 8 Turn to Ways to Make 8 in your student workbooks The goal is to find all of the different ways to make 8 with your partner and record it in your workbook 1 Put your 5 group cards in the center Partner A s cards should all show the dot side Partner B s cards should all show the number side 2 Partner A picks a number card and a dot card that she thinks make 8 Both partners check together by counting on from the number card 3 Partner A writes the number bond and expressions on her sheet and Partner B checks it saying That s correct or Try again friend 4 Then you take turns until each of you has all of the different ways to make 8 Discuss ways to work with 4 4 as this combination requires duplicates Ask students how they might solve this dilemma As students work circulate and encourage active counting on The work from this exploration will be saved in the student workbook which can serve as a portfolio of number bonds for reference MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Increase access to the opening activity and the 8 animals template by leading a brief discussion of the animals included in the lesson Consider displaying pictures of the animals and if possible ask multilingual learners to share what these animals are called in their first language to make the activity meaningful and memorable MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Look for students who are flipping their cards to expose all of the dots This is a sign that the student is counting all and may need additional support to move from counting all to counting on The move to a more efficient strategy such as counting on will set students up for greater success as the size of the numbers increase throughout this Mission and in later Missions Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 6 Balloon Parts 8 Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 47

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Topic B Lesson 6 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Look at all of the different ways to make 8 What patterns to do you see Think about our game Ways to Make 8 Why did we only use our cards 0 through 8 today Talk with your partner about what you learned today EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Fill in the missing part of the number bond and count on to find the total Then write 2 addition sentences for each number bond Answers 1 8 is the total and 3 is the missing part in the number bond 5 3 8 3 5 8 2 8 is the total and 6 and 2 are the parts in the number bond 8 6 2 8 2 6 48 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 6 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 7 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 49

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Topic B Lesson 6 Lesson Template G1M1 WAYS TO MAKE 8 CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 3 Name Date Use your 5 group cards to help you write the expressions and number bonds to show all of the different ways to make 8 52 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 7 Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES Represent put together situations with number bonds Count on from one embedded number or part to totals of 8 and 9 and generate all expressions for each total Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Sparkle The Say Ten Way NOTE Providing students with ongoing practice with counting throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills This activity also prepares students for work in later missions as they explore place value and the importance of 10 Ask students to stand in a circle Introduce the counting pattern start number and end number T Today we will count the Say Ten Way from 8 to 13 Adjust the number range to fit the size of the class if needed Before the game practice the counting sequence as a group and say Sparkle after the ending number is said aloud T Let s practice 8 9 10 ten 1 ten 2 ten 3 Sparkle Begin the game Students count around the circle each student saying one number in the counting sequence After the ending number is said ten 3 the next student says Sparkle and the following player sits Begin again with the start number and continue counting in the same direction around the circle until only one player is standing as shown As an alternative to standing up and sitting down this game can also be played with students raising their hand and lowering their hand ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 53

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Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Shake Those Disks 8 Materials S Per set of partners 8 disks e g counters two color beans or pennies personal white board with Shake Those Disks 8 board Fluency Template 1 NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Assign students partners Give each set of partners 8 disks Instruct them to take turns as the Shaker and the Recorder The Shaker shakes the disks and tosses them on the table The Recorder then records the roll on the Shake Those Disks graph For example if the Shaker rolls 6 red and 2 white the Recorder puts an X on the graph above the 6 and 2 number bond Number Bond Dash 8 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 8 Fluency Template 2 marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone This activity also addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in the Lesson 5 Fluency Practice WORD PROBLEM Jenny has 8 flowers in a vase The flowers come in two different colors Draw a picture to show what the vase of flowers might look like Write a number sentence and a number bond to match your picture NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 6 s focus on decompositions of 8 and provides a logical lead up to today s Concept Exploration as students decompose 9 in various ways Concept Exploration Materials T 9 Books Picture Card Concept Exploration Template 1 chart to record decompositions of 9 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template S 9 Books Picture Card Concept Exploration Template 1 bag of 20 linking cubes at least 10 of each of 2 colors personal white board Number Bond and Expression Concept Exploration Template 2 Instruct students to insert the blank Number Bond and Expression template Concept Exploration Template 2 into their personal white boards prior to the exploration 54 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Project the 9 Books Picture Card template and have students turn to the 9 Books Picture Card in their student workbooks How many books do you see here Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES S 9 T Turn to your partner and share the different ways you see 9 books Circulate as students share S Share ideas T I heard so many students say they saw some books on the top shelf and some on the S Bottom shelf T Distribute a bag of linking cubes to each student Using linking cubes that are the same color show how many books there are on the top shelf and put them together like a stick Then place it into the part box of your number bond on your personal whiteboards S Place a stick of 5 in the part box T How many books are on the top shelf S 5 T Use the other color to show how many books are on the bottom shelf in the other part box of your number bond But this time just put them in a pile not a stick S Place 4 individual cubes in the other part box T How many books are on the bottom shelf S 4 T What is a counting strategy to figure out how many books there are in all S Count on T Start with the stick of 5 and let s count on Watch me first Model Your turn S Fiiiiiiive 6 7 8 9 T How many books are there in all S 9 T What 2 parts made 9 S 5 and 4 T Put 9 other cubes into the space for the total to make our number bond true S Place 9 cubes in total T Do the two parts together show the same number as the total S Yes T That means our number bond is true Write in the parts in your expression boxes S Write 5 4 T Now change the order S Write 4 5 Repeat this process with one more way to make 9 using the picture ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 55

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Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Although the picture card can stay up the next part of the exploration focuses on finding the remaining decompositions of 9 using numerals rather than pictures As the class comes up with all the decompositions of 9 throughout the rest of the exploration continue recording them on the chart using the number bonds and expressions T Let s see if we can find the rest of the ways to make 9 When I show you a number you make a stick of that number using the same color and then place it on the number bond Thumbs up if you know what to do S Show thumbs up T Show the numeral 6 using the 5 group card S Make sticks of 6 and place them into the part box T Let s find the other part that goes with 6 to make 9 Use another color to count on until you make 9 S Siiiiiiix 7 8 9 Place 3 individual cubes into the other part box T How many more does 6 need to get to 9 S 3 T Great Fill in your expression boxes Repeat this process to make all other decompositions of 9 Continue to give students the first number each time When appropriate have students work independently or with a partner to count on and find the other part MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Find opportunities for students to reflect on their learning For example ask student to compare using linking cubes 5 group cards and numbers Which method did they prefer Why Circulate and take notes about preferred strategies This information can be helpful to understand who is moving away from concrete or pictorial methods and working more with abstract numbers and who still is more comfortable working with concrete materials Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 7 Make 9 Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson 56 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Let s compare the number bond charts for 7 8 and 9 Point to the number bond for 5 and 2 5 and 3 and 5 and 4 How are these different Explain why they are different Look at the number bond charts for 6 7 8 and 9 In what ways is the chart for 9 different This chart is not organized in any particular order Why might we want to rewrite this chart in an order beginning with the biggest part first If students present compelling reasons and wish to have an organized chart rewrite the chart to represent a predetermined order Turn to your partner and discuss what we did and what we learned during today s lesson What did you get better at doing today ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 57

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Topic B Lesson 7 YOUR NOTES G1M1 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Circle the pairs of numbers that make 9 2 Complete the number bonds to show 2 different ways to make 9 Answers 1 Pairs circled 6 and 3 8 and 1 7 and 2 5 and 4 2 a 9 5 4 5 b Answers will vary 58 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 7 Fluency Template SHAKE THOSE DISKS 8 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 1 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 59

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Topic B Lesson 7 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 8 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 2 Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 60 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 8 Topic B Lesson 8 YOUR NOTES Represent all the number pairs of 10 as number bond diagrams from a given scenario and generate all expressions equal to 10 Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Skip Counting Squats NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on by 2 to adding 2 and counting back by 2 to subtracting 2 Have students count up from 0 to 20 and back two times squatting down and touching the floor on odd numbers and standing up for even numbers For the first count instruct students to whisper when they squat and talk normally when they stand On the second count encourage students to try thinking of the numbers in their heads when they squat and whisper when they stand As an alternative students can participate in this activity by raising their hands for even numbers and lowering their hands for odd numbers Target Practice 8 and 9 Materials S Per pair 9 counters 1 die NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Assign students partners Give each set of partners 8 counters Instruct them to take turns as the Roller and the Target Finder The Roller rolls the die The Target Finder determines the partner to 8 Students may use counters as needed First play with 8 as the target number and then distribute another counter to each set of partners and practice finding numerical partners to 9 Number Bond Dash 9 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 9 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system the Number Bond Dash students focus on the mathematics rather than figuring out the worksheet ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 63

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Topic B Lesson 8 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice WORD PROBLEM Rayden received 9 stickers at school He received 5 stickers in the morning How many stickers did he receive in the afternoon Draw a picture a number bond and a number sentence to show how you know NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 7 s focus on decompositions of 9 and provides a lead up to today s Concept Exploration as students prove that 10 can be decomposed in many ways Concept Exploration Materials T Chart to record decompositions of 10 10 Children on the Playground Picture Card Concept Exploration Template linking cubes in two colors for the Lesson Synthesis S Pipe cleaners 10 beads 5 of one color 5 of another color 10 Children on the Playground Picture Card Concept Exploration Template T Talk with your partner What comes in groups of 10 S Discuss Possible responses include 10 fingers 10 toes 10 dimes in a dollar 10 digits in a phone number and 10 hot dogs T We remember from Kindergarten that 10 is an important number We re going to start by making bracelets with 10 beads to help us show all of the different ways to make 10 We will call these Rekenrek bracelets because they have beads organized in rows of 5 and 5 just like a Rekenrek Walk students through the process of making a bracelet with 10 beads 5 of 1 color 5 of another T Let s use our Rekenrek bracelets to find out all of the different ways to make 10 T Display the 10 Children on the Playground Picture Card template and have students turn to the picture in their student workbooks Look at the picture Talk with your partner about the different parts you see Circulate S Discuss 64 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 8 T I heard someone say they saw 4 kids on the swing set Show that on your bracelet YOUR NOTES S Show 4 beads to the side T If 4 kids are on the swings how many kids are not S 6 T What are the parts S 6 and 4 T What strategy should we use to find the total S Count on T Touch and count starting from 4 S Fouuuur 5 6 7 8 9 10 T What s our total S 10 Write the expressions 4 6 and 6 4 on chart paper Repeat the above process several times to familiarize students with showing the decompositions on their Rekenrek bracelets Record each set of expressions on the chart paper Have students keep these bracelets for use in Topic I MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION To assist students in connecting the concrete e g the Rekenrek bracelets to the abstract e g the numerical expressions consider adding drawings next to the expressions on your chart paper The addition of a pictorial representation of the numerical expressions will help move students from the concrete to the abstract Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 8 Balloon Parts 10 Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 65

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Topic B Lesson 8 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Have students come to the meeting area and look at the 10 linking cubes showing the decompositions of 10 Talk with your partner What patterns do you see Look from left to right What is happening each time Are there any sticks that have the same parts How are these sticks different EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Color the partners that make 10 Answers 1 Partners colored 7 and 3 4 and 6 8 and 2 1 and 9 66 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic B Lesson 8 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 9 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 67

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G1M1 Topic C TOPIC C Addition Word Problems In Topic C students develop a more robust understanding of addition word problems moving beyond the Kindergarten problem types by reviewing put together with result unknown and add to with result unknown problems and then moving to the more complex change unknown version of the earlier problem types In Lesson 9 students solve both add to with result unknown and put together with result unknown problems with their classmates The lesson begins with a cadre of students engaged in a dance party and then a number of students join them how fun Students then record this action based problem as an equation and move on to the put together with result unknown problem type where they are faced with a set of students whose characteristics invite decomposition much like in Topic B Students end with a discussion in which they explore the connections between these two problem types ultimately understanding that they used the operation of addition to solve both problem types Lesson 10 has students using 5 group cards to solve put together with result unknown problems that are represented by stories stemming from pictures The 5 group cards again make the expectation clear that students will be practicing counting on Level 2 strategy but may use the strategy of counting all Level 1 strategy if necessary The introduction of the add to with change unknown problem type occurs in Lesson 11 This lesson allows students explorations with problems where the action which represents the change is unknown For example Ben has 5 pencils He got some more from his mother Now he has 9 pencils How many pencils did Ben get from his mother Students physically add more to the starting quantity counting on until they reach the total for the first time in Mission 1 students simply must use the valuable Level 2 strategy of counting on in order to determine the unknown part Lesson 12 continues with solving add to with change unknown problems as students use their 5 group cards to count on to find the unknown change in quantity Throughout these two lessons students explore the symbol for the unknown as both a question mark and an open box The topic ends with students creating their own put together with result unknown add to with result unknown and add to with change unknown problems from equations and then having their peers solve them through drawings and discussions These problems set the foundation early in the mission for relating addition to subtraction in Topic G ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 69

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Topic C G1M1 Objective Topic C Addition Word Problems Lesson 9 Solve add to with result unknown and put together with result unknown math stories by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Lesson 10 Solve put together with result unknown math stories by drawing and using 5 group cards Lesson 11 Solve add to with change unknown math stories as a context for counting on by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Lesson 12 Solve add to with change unknown math stories using 5 group cards Lesson 13 Tell put together with result unknown add to with result unknown and add to with change unknown stories from equations Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lesson for Topic C Lesson 10 70 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 9 Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES Solve add to with result unknown and put together with result unknown math stories by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Sparkle The Say Ten Way NOTE Providing students with ongoing practice with counting throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills which are foundational for later Grade 1 work using the Level 3 strategies of making ten and taking from ten when adding and subtracting See Lesson 7 for activity instructions 5 Group Flash Partners to 10 Materials T S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Flash 5 group cards for 2 3 seconds and then instruct students to say the number at the snap On the second snap ask students to identify the partner to 10 Remind students they can use their fingers to help Flash higher numbers first to facilitate finding the partner to 10 so that all students can feel successful Next assign students partners and instruct them to take turns flashing their 5 group cards with each other X Ray Vision Partners to 10 Materials T 10 counters container NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 1 Tell students there is a rumor that some of the children in the class are superheroes and some of them may have x ray vision Place 10 counters on the floor next to a container 2 Tell students to close their eyes 3 Put 1 of the items into the container ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 71

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Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES G1M1 4 Tell students to open their eyes and identify how many counters were put inside it 5 When a student figures it out deem her a superhero with x ray vision 6 Continue the game eliciting all partners to 10 Number Bond Dash 10 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 10 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone The activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice WORD PROBLEM Kira was making a number bracelet with a total of 10 beads on it She has put on 3 red beads so far How many more beads does she need to add to the bracelet Explain your thinking in a picture and number sentence Extension If Kira wants to use 5 red beads and 5 yellow beads for her bracelet how many red beads and how many yellow beads does she need to add NOTE This problem is designed to serve as a bridge from Lesson 8 s focus on decompositions of 10 Concept Exploration Materials S Personal white board Number Bond and Two Blank Equations Concept Exploration Template Instruct students to insert the Number Bond and Two Blank Equations template Concept Exploration Template into their personal white boards prior to the exploration Have students sit in a large semicircle with their personal white boards facing the front Use students to act out the math stories Draw a number bond on the board Begin the lesson with add to story problems T Good morning and welcome to Math Stories Theater You will be watching some math stories and have a hand at solving them First close your eyes When I tap you on the shoulder quietly come up to the front 72 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 S Close eyes Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES T Tap 5 students to come up Have 1 of the students hide behind the bookcase T Open your eyes How many students do you see S 4 students T There are 4 students dancing at a party After a little while along came their dancing friend name of the hiding student How many students are dancing at the dance party now S 5 students T This is the total number of students at the party Let s show the total in the number bond Write 5 in the total portion of the number bond T How many students were dancing at first S 4 students T Record on the number bond How many more students came over to dance S 1 more student T Record on the number bond Think about the math story you just watched Turn and tell your partner the number sentence that tells how many students were dancing in all S Turn and talk T Say the number sentence S 4 1 5 T Write on the board below the completed number bond What is the total S 5 T What does 5 equal What are the two parts that make 5 S 4 and 1 T Say the number sentence starting with 5 equals Write the number sentence on the board S 5 4 1 Analyze the referents for each number ensuring that students understand what each number represents in the story Possibly continue with 8 1 9 but without writing in the number bond on the board Choose a group of new actors to act out put together math stories e g 5 students sitting 2 students standing 5 2 7 3 students facing sideways 5 students facing forward 3 5 8 T We will now make math drawings Distribute personal white boards T I will tell you a story and you draw There are 4 inchworms on a giant leaf S Draw 4 worms on a leaf T Three more inchworms crawled onto the leaf S Draw 3 more worms T Does your drawing show the two parts of our story clearly Have students share how to make their drawings match the story by drawing two distinct groups T Write a number sentence to show what happened in your picture and find the total S Write 4 3 7 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 73

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Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T Turn and talk to your partner about what each number tells about the story S Share with their partners T Write the rest of the number sentences that go with your story Possibly continue with the following suggested sequence 7 3 10 3 6 9 and 0 2 2 T This time I will only write the number sentence on the board Your job is to draw a picture with math drawings to match the number sentence Write 5 2 7 S Draw 5 circles with one color and 2 circles with another color and write 5 2 7 Repeat the process for 6 4 10 2 7 9 and 4 0 4 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION When choosing numbers to use in a story start with smaller numbers to free up students working memory to focus on problem solving and not computation After demonstrating understanding of problem solving with smaller numbers move to larger numbers following the same learning path explored earlier in the Mission Here is a suggested sequence that follows that path Add within 5 e g 4 1 5 Add adding 1 e g 8 1 9 Add using 5 e g 5 2 7 Add with the smaller addend first e g 3 5 8 Add to 9 and 10 e g 7 3 10 Add to 9 and 10 with smaller addend first e g 3 7 10 Add including 0 e g 0 8 8 or 8 0 8 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Ask those students who have moved into abstract thinking to solve the subsequent problems without drawing Ensure that they are still making sense of the problems by having them write or talk about how they solved each one Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 9 How Many Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning 74 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Use your picture from your personal white board or think of your own story for us to act out for Math Stories Theater How was today s lesson related to our lesson on ways to make 9 You may also cite the lessons on ways to make 6 7 8 or 10 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 75

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Topic C Lesson 9 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Task 1 Draw a picture and write a number sentence to match the story Ben has 3 red balls and gets 5 green balls How many balls does he have now Ben has balls Answers 1 Group of 3 and group of 5 objects drawn 3 5 8 8 76 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 9 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 10 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 77

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 10 Lesson 10 YOUR NOTES Solve put together with result unknown math stories by drawing and using 5 group cards TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting the Say Ten Way NOTE Providing students with ongoing practice with counting throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills which are foundational for later Grade 1 work using the Level 3 strategy of making ten and taking from ten to add and subtract Repeat the Happy Counting activity from Lesson 3 Fluency Practice counting from 15 to 25 and back the Say Ten Way Cold Call 1 More NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on 1 to adding 1 Tell students a number will be said aloud and instruct them to think about the number that is 1 more Cold call a group of students or the whole class to say the number aloud as quickly as possible Target Practice 5 and 6 Materials S Per set of partners personal white board Target Practice Fluency Template 6 counters 1 die NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 79

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Topic C Lesson 10 YOUR NOTES G1M1 See directions on the Target Practice board First use 5 as the target number and then distribute 1 more counter and use 6 as the target number WORD PROBLEM The class is collecting canned food to donate The teacher brings in 3 cans to start the collection On Monday Becky brings in 2 cans On Tuesday Talia brings in 2 cans On Wednesday Brendan brings in 2 cans How many cans were there at the end of each day Draw a picture to show your thinking What do you notice about what happened each day Extension If this pattern continues how many cans will the class have on Friday NOTE This problem serves as a bridge from Lesson 9 in which students solved add to problems Students will connect this work with today s Concept Exploration where they use drawings and 5 group cards to solve Concept Exploration Materials T 7 Children Picture Card Concept Exploration Template 10 Children on Playground Picture Card Lesson 8 Concept Exploration Template S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template personal white boards Number Bond and Two Blank Equations Lesson 9 Concept Exploration Template Instruct students to insert the Number Bond and Two Blank Equations template Lesson 9 Concept Exploration Template into their personal white boards prior to the exploration T Project the 7 Children Picture Card and have students turn to this picture in their student workbooks When I tell the math story from the picture you draw a picture to match it In a first grade classroom some students are sitting down and learning Use simple math drawings like circles to draw how many students are sitting down S Draw 5 circles T Some students are standing up and learning Draw this part of the story S Draw 2 circles T How many students are there in all Give time for students to count on S 7 students 80 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Write the number sentence to match your drawing Topic C Lesson 10 YOUR NOTES T Have students identify what each number represents Using the same picture generate one or two story problems for students to draw and solve e g 3 4 7 1 6 7 T Distribute 5 group cards to each student Project the 10 Children on Playground Picture Card Lesson 8 Concept Exploration Template for all students to see This picture is also in their student workbooks from Lesson 8 if they want a closer view Let s look at the picture of children playing on the playground I ll make up a math story and you use your 5 group cards to match the story At recess 3 students are having fun on the swings Show me with your 5 group card using the numeral side S Show the number 3 T Three students are having fun playing with the jump rope Show me with your 5 group card using the dot side S Show 3 dots T Count on to find out how many students are playing on the swings and how many students are playing with the jump rope Give time for students to solve T Write the number sentence using numbers to match your drawing S Write 3 3 6 T Have students identify what each number represents Using the same picture generate one or two story problems for students to solve using their 5 group cards You might continue with the following suggested examples 5 5 10 children in the air children on the ground 3 7 10 sitting kids standing kids T Write 8 2 on the board Now it s your turn to be the storyteller Study the picture card carefully Work with your partner to come up with a story that matches my expression Circulate and choose pairs to share their stories There are multiple ways to represent 8 2 in the picture Have them work together to make up story problems and solve them by using 5 group cards Circulate and then choose a pair of students to share their story for the class to solve at the end of this lesson MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Post a written copy of the problem for students to consult as the two stories in this lesson are being read aloud Learners can follow along as the story is being told and use the text to process information MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Circulate as students are telling their story problems and solving using 5 group cards Challenge students to use at least one math vocabulary word in their number story ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 81

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Topic C Lesson 10 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 10 All in All Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 82 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 10 In our lesson we used simple math drawings like circles to draw the students in our problem Why would we use circles instead of drawing the students Was counting on the same as adding today How do you know The numbers were increasing we were counting up etc YOUR NOTES EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Draw to show the story There are 3 large balls and 4 small balls How many balls are there There are balls 2 Circle the set of tiles that match your picture Answers 1 Group of 3 and group of 4 objects drawn 3 4 7 7 2 Second set of tiles 3 and 4 circled ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 83

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Topic C Lesson 10 Fluency Template G1M1 TARGET PRACTICE FLUENCY TEMPLATE Choose a target number up to 10 and write it in the middle of the circle on the top of the page Roll a die Write the number rolled in the circle at the end of one of the arrows Then make a bull s eye by writing the number needed to make your target in the other circle 84 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 11 Topic C Lesson 11 YOUR NOTES Solve add to with change unknown math stories as a context for counting on by drawing writing equations and making statements of the solution Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Count On Cheers 2 More NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on by 2 to adding 2 The teacher says the number aloud Students repeat the number touching their heads and counting on as they put their fists in the air one at a time Alternately students can count on with boxing punches Number Bond Dash 6 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 6 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone The activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedures for the Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Tell students to remember how many problems they get correct so they can try to improve their scores in the next Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM There are 8 children in the afterschool cooking club How many boys and how many girls might be in the class Draw a picture and write a number sentence to explain your thinking Extension How many other combinations of boys and girls could be made Write a number bond for each combination you can think of NOTE This problem serves as a bridge from Lesson 10 s focus on solving put together stories ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 87

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Topic C Lesson 11 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Concept Exploration Materials T Mystery box shoe box or other box with a question mark on it counting bears or another engaging classroom material that lends itself to storytelling enlarged Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 Number Sentence Cards Concept Exploration Template and 2 2 sticky notes labeled with question mark S Personal white board Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 set of bear counters paper bag labeled with question marks on the front per pair Before the Concept Exploration privately place 2 counting bears in a mystery box Set the box out of sight Also instruct students to insert the Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond template from Lesson 6 into their personal white boards Have students bring their personal white boards and sit in a semi circle Display 3 counting bears in front of the enlarged number sentence template from Lesson 6 T Once upon a time 3 little bears went to play tag in the forest Place 3 bear counters on the template on the floor Then some more bears came over Place the box with the question mark next to the bears In the end there were 5 little bears playing tag in the woods altogether T How many bears do you think came to play point to the box Turn and talk to a partner Circulate and listen to student discussions S Discuss T How many bears joined the group to play tag Have students share ideas What strategy did you use to decide Ask a few students to share varying ideas Let s use counting on to test our ideas S T Gesture over the 3 Threeeee tap the box while drawing dots below the box for each count 4 5 T How many more bears came to play S 2 bears T Let s find out if we were right Open up the box and reveal 2 bears You were right There were 2 more bears that came to play tag Close the box and place the 2 bears on top of the box T Write the number sentence and number bond for the story on your personal white boards Circulate S Write the number sentence and number bond T Let s replace our bears with numbers to see our number sentence Replace the 3 bears with the number 3 and the 2 bears with the number 2 Add the number 5 after the equal sign as the total 88 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 11 Analyze the referents for each number ensuring that students understand what each number represents in the story Emphasize the unknown in the number sentence and number bond as being the change YOUR NOTES Repeat this process with a decomposition number sentence such as 9 6 Nine bears were playing tag At first there were 6 bears playing How many more bears joined in This problem is optional Story Game Provide sets of bears and a paper bag to each pair Then distribute one to two Number Sentence Cards with a question mark sticky note covering the second addend Have students use the bears and the paper bag to tell a story that matches their Number Sentence Card and figure out the mystery number Circulate and listen to students sharing strategies solutions and writing the corresponding number sentence on their templates Encourage students to talk about what s happening in each story so that they can contextualize the numbers in the action of the story MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT The mystery number game that was played in class today would be a good game to send to caregivers to play at home This game provides a challenging extension for students to practice counting on to find the missing addend Challenge those students who are able to work with larger numbers to count on from a two digit number Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 11 Count What Count On Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 89

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Topic C Lesson 11 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The question below may be used to lead the discussion How are these number stories different from other number stories we ve solved EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 90 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 11 Task 1 Draw more bears to show that Jen has 8 bears total a I added more bears b Write a number sentence to show how many bears you drew Answers 1 Group of 3 objects drawn a 3 b 5 3 8 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 91

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Topic C Lesson 11 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 6 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 92 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 12 Topic C Lesson 12 YOUR NOTES Solve add to with change unknown math stories using 5 group cards Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Slam Partners to 6 Materials T S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 In this engaging context be sure to help students focus on the mathematics of this activity Tell students to order their 5 group cards 0 6 on their desks beginning with 0 Flash a 5 group card and instruct students to slam the card with the partner to 6 students tap the card on the table Tell students to say the partners they found when they hear a snap beginning with the card they just slammed 5 and 1 make 6 Then tell them to say it again beginning with the card that was flashed 1 and 5 make 6 Continue playing until students have found all possible partners to 6 Then give them time to play the game with partners Number Bond Dash 6 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 6 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone The activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Remember that this is the second Number Bond Dash that practices making 6 Students should recall their scores from the previous Number Bond Dash 6 to celebrate improvement WORD PROBLEM Tanya has 7 books on her shelf She borrowed some books from the library and now there are 9 books on her shelf How many books did she get at the library Explain your thinking in pictures words or with a number sentence Draw a box around the mystery number in your number sentence ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 95

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Topic C Lesson 12 YOUR NOTES G1M1 NOTE This problem is designed both as a bridge from Lesson 11 and a lead up to today s Concept Exploration in that it focuses students on solving a change unknown problem Concept Exploration Materials T Mystery box used in Lesson 11 counting bears or another engaging classroom material that allows for story telling enlarged Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 S Personal white board Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 5 group cards including the blank Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template Number Sentence Cards Lesson 11 Concept Exploration Template with sticky notes labeled with question marks per pair Before the lesson privately place 3 counting bears in the mystery box Also insert the Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond template from Lesson 6 into each student s personal white boards Have students sit in a semi circle with their 5 group cards and personal white boards T Use the number side of your 5 group cards to help me solve a story Once upon a time 5 little bears came out of hibernation Place 5 bear counters above the first addend space on the enlarged number sentence template S Place the numeral 5 card on the number sentence in your personal white board T Then some more bears came out of hibernation Bring out mystery box T What should we do in our number sentence here Turn and talk to your partner and show it on your number sentence S Discuss Acceptable responses are leaving the second square blank or inserting a question mark T Here s a blank card for everyone Distribute a blank card Place it in your number sentence to show that this part is a mystery T At the end there were 8 little bears out of hibernation Where should we show that number of bears in our number sentence Give students time to discuss and place the 8 card in the final box Then place the numeral 8 in the enlarged number sentence template T How can we use the 5 group cards to figure out how many more bears came out of hibernation With your partner use your cards to show how many bears are in the box Circulate S Discuss and solve For example students may turn the 8 over to the dot side gesture to the five and count on Fiiiive 6 7 8 T How many bears joined the group S Share ideas T How did you use your 5 group cards to figure this out Ask students with cards dot side up to demonstrate Some students may use the cards to check their solution by creating the number sentence 5 3 8 with the numeral cards and then flipping the 3 to the dot side to count on 96 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 12 T Let s count on as we point to each dot YOUR NOTES S T Fiiiiive 6 7 8 T How many more bears came out of hibernation S 3 bears T Let s open the box and see how many more bears came out of hibernation Write the number sentence using the 5 group cards in front of you to help Explain to the students that this type of a story problem is a mystery change problem since the change that results in the total is a mystery the unknown T Show 4 7 This time I want you to think of a mystery change story with your partner Try to solve the mystery using your 5 group cards Choose a Number Sentence Card from Lesson 11 with a sticky note covering the second addend such as 6 5 Have the students create a mystery change story to go with the number sentence When the students are ready to work more independently give partners two or three Number Sentence Cards with sticky notes already covering the second addend to continue telling stories and solving Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 12 Count What Count More Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 97

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Topic C Lesson 12 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion How did the 5 group cards help you with today s work Compare the different strategies we used yesterday and today Which strategy was easier for you and why Share with your partner an I can statement based on something you can now do on your own For example I can make up mystery change problems and write number sentences with sticky notes or I can use 5 group cards to help me solve mystery change problems EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 98 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 12 Task YOUR NOTES 1 Draw a picture then count to solve the math story Bob caught 5 fish John caught some more fish They had 7 fish in all How many fish did John catch Write a number sentence to match your picture John caught fish Answers 1 Group of 5 and group of 2 objects drawn 5 2 7 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 99

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Topic C Lesson 12 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 6 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic C Lesson 13 Lesson 13 YOUR NOTES Tell put together with result unknown add to with result unknown and add to with change unknown stories from equations TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Count by Tens Materials T 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE Providing students with ongoing counting practice throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills which are foundational for later Grade 1 work with adding and subtracting tens Use the tens from your 5 group cards as a visual while students count by tens first the regular way and then the Say Ten Way Next show students a 3 card and add 10 cards to count on by tens the Say Ten Way starting at three three ten 3 2 tens 3 3 tens 3 Repeat starting at various numbers between 1 and 9 Ten and Tuck NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 Tell students to show 10 fingers Instruct them to tuck 3 students put down the pinky ring finger and middle finger on their right hands Ask them how many fingers are up 7 and how many are tucked 3 Then ask them to say the number sentence aloud beginning with the larger part 7 3 10 beginning with the smaller part 3 7 10 and beginning with the whole 10 3 7 or 10 7 3 Students can also participate in this activity by making tally marks on their personal white board to represent fingers and then cross them off as fingers are tucked ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 101

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Topic C Lesson 13 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Memory Partners to 10 Materials S Per group 1 set single sided 5 group cards numeral side 1 set single sided 5 group cards dot side Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Give Partner A a set of single sided 5 group cards dot side and Partner B a set of single sided 5 group cards numeral side Tell students to sit facing each other and line up their cards in front of them face down Instruct students to take turns flipping over one of their cards and one of their partner s cards to try to make a ten When they make a ten they place the cards in a separate pile and keep them until the end of the game The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins WORD PROBLEM Sammi had 6 bunnies One of them had babies Now she has 10 bunnies How many babies were born Draw a picture to show how you know Write a number bond and a number sentence to match your picture NOTE This problem is designed both as a bridge and a lead up in that it focuses students on solving a change unknown problem Concept Exploration Materials S Number Sentence Cards Lesson 11 Concept Exploration Template with sticky notes labeled with a question mark per pair personal white board T Project 5 1 6 Number Sentence Card with the 6 covered with a sticky note What do we need to find in this number sentence S The total T With your partner make up a math story using this number sentence As you make up the story draw a picture to help you solve for the number that hides under the question mark S Make up math stories and illustrate T Choose two or three pairs to share their stories After each pair tells the story invite the class to say the answer and the number sentence Emphasize the importance of naming the unit 5 lions 1 lion 6 lions T Project 6 2 8 Number Sentence Card with the 2 covered with a sticky note What do we need to find in this number sentence S The missing part It s like finding what s in the mystery box 102 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Repeat the earlier sequence to allow students to share and solve their change unknown story problems Topic C Lesson 13 YOUR NOTES Distribute a set of Number Sentence Cards to each pair of students and assign each student to be A or B T You and your partner will take turns being math storytellers Partners will each pick their own number sentence card and make it special by placing a sticky note either on the total or on the second part of the number sentence Model the two different types as they are being presented Then come up with a story that matches your number sentence creation Tell your partner your story as you show your number sentence The partner will have to draw a math picture to show what is happening in the story and to solve the problem S Participate in creating their own math story problems and take turns solving the partner s problem by drawing a picture MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION When asking students to draw an object check for understanding that they know what it is It may be helpful to provide a picture of the object for multilingual learners Support students in connecting drawing to learning Reinforce that we draw pictures to help us understand a problem not to draw the most beautiful picture MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Make manipulatives available and encourage their use Five group cards and counting bears can help students create or make meaning of a pictorial representation of their partner s math story Guide students in deciding when and how to use manipulatives Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Which of your stories was the most difficult for you to make Which story was the easiest for you Why ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 103

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Topic C Lesson 13 YOUR NOTES G1M1 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Tell a math story for each number sentence by drawing a picture 1 5 1 6 2 3 8 Answers 1 Answers will vary 2 5 answers will vary 104 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic D TOPIC D Strategies for Counting On Topic D affords students the opportunity to solve problems within the simplicity of equations moving on from the context of story problems Continuing on the momentum gained with counting on as it relates to addition in Topic C students begin Topic D with tracking the number of counts on from a given number by using their fingers and 5 group cards In Lessons 14 and 15 students begin with an embedded quantity represented by both a picture and a numeral and then tap pictures tap the dots on their 5 group cards draw more and finally replace these pictorial strategies to extending their fingers as an effective strategy for keeping track of the change They apply these strategies to track changes of 0 1 2 and 3 thus limiting their use of tracking to quantities that will maintain efficiency Students use these same strategies in Lesson 16 in both result unknown and the more complex change unknown equations solving problems such as 4 7 as they say 5 6 7 Objective Topic D Strategies for Counting On Lessons 14 15 Count on up to 3 more using numeral and 5 group cards and fingers to track the change Lesson 16 Count on to find the unknown part in missing addend equations such as 6 How many more to make 6 7 8 9 and 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 9 Answer 105

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G1M1 Lesson 14 Topic D Lesson 14 YOUR NOTES Count on up to 3 more using numeral and 5 group cards and fingers to track the change Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Skip Counting Squats Forward and Back to 20 NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on by 2 to adding 2 and counting back by 2 to subtracting 2 Have students count from 0 to 20 and back two times squatting down and touching the floor on odd numbers and standing up for even numbers For the first count instruct students to whisper when they squat and talk normally when they stand On the second count encourage students to try to think of the numbers in their heads when they squat and whisper when they stand As an alternative students can participate in this activity by raising their hands for even numbers and lowering their hands for odd numbers Count On Cheers 2 More NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on by 2 and adding 2 with counting back by 2 and subtracting 2 The teacher says a number aloud Students repeat the number touching their heads and counting on as they put their fists in the air one at a time Alternately students can count on with boxing punches Extend the game by counting back 2 Missing Part Make 10 Materials S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 107

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Topic D Lesson 14 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Students work with a partner using 5 group cards Each student puts a card on their forehead The partner tells how many more to make 10 Students must guess the cards on their foreheads Partners can play simultaneously each putting a card on their forehead If appropriate remind students that they may use their fingers to help WORD PROBLEM Beth went apple picking She picked 7 apples and put them in her basket Two more apples fell out of the tree right into her basket How many apples does she have in her basket now Draw a math picture and write a number bond and number sentence to match the story NOTE This serves as a bridge from the change unknown stories of Topic C into Lesson 14 which focuses on strategies for counting on Concept Exploration Materials T Pictures of Crayons and Hot Dogs Concept Exploration Template S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template personal white board T Today let s try some of those same great strategies to help us solve missing numbers in math sentences What are some of the ways we figured out the mystery number in our bear stories Turn and talk with a partner T Give time for partner sharing Then call on students to share strategies such as counting on using 5 group cards and drawing T Let s use those strategies with this situation Project a picture of a box of crayons labeled 4 on the outside and 2 more crayons from the Pictures of Crayons and Hot Dogs template Look at this picture How many crayons are outside of the box S 2 T Let s use our fingers to keep track of these As I point put out your fingers to follow along S T Touch crayons on the projection Oooneeee put out one finger 2 put out another finger T How many fingers do you have out S 2 T Those 2 fingers match these 2 crayons T Let s count on to find out how many crayons are in the picture We ll start with the box first Use your fingers and count with me S T Fourrrrr gesture to box 5 6 Put out fingers while counting T How many crayons are there altogether S 6 crayons 108 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic D Lesson 14 T Distribute 5 group cards to students Let s use our 5 group cards and build the number sentence using the numeral side YOUR NOTES S Share number sentences such as 4 2 6 2 4 6 6 4 2 or 6 2 4 T Turn over your 2 to show the dot side We will use the 5 group cards to check our solution S T Fourrrr touch 4 5 6 Touch dots while counting T What is the total when we use the cards S 6 T What is the total when we counted the crayons with our fingers S 6 crayons T Great job Let s try another Repeat the process with a picture of a package of 6 hot dogs and 2 more hot dogs from the Pictures of Crayons and Hot Dogs template Turn and talk with your partner about the two strategies we just used How are they similar S When we count on using our fingers it s just like when we touch the dots Each finger is like a dot T Project the following number sentence on the board 4 3 Let s try to solve one more with a partner Talk quietly with your partner to decide what number belongs in the blank Remember that you can count on using your fingers or your 5 group cards to help you MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION As the class is counting support students who may benefit from visual or auditory support Using physical cues such as body movements pointing nodding the head eye blinking or foot tapping or auditory cues snapping clapping or stomping helps guide processing and visualization MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION When students are having difficulty counting on with 5 group cards continue to use fingers or another concrete option with more examples together Some students need more opportunities to work with concrete materials when counting on Regular opportunities to practice what they are learning will eventually get them to abstract level thinking Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 14 Count What Count Up Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 109

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Topic D Lesson 14 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Are there any problems that have the same total Let s list those number sentences How can the totals be the same if we counted on different amounts EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 110 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic D Lesson 14 Task YOUR NOTES 2 Count on to solve the number sentences a 7 3 b 8 2 Answers 1 8 8 2 a 10 b 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 111

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G1M1 Topic D Lesson 15 Lesson 15 YOUR NOTES Count on up to 3 more using numeral and 5 group cards and fingers to track the change Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting the Say Ten Way NOTE Providing students with ongoing counting practice throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills which are foundational for later first grade work with adding and subtracting tens Repeat the Happy Counting activity from Lesson 3 Fluency Practice counting by tens the Say Ten Way First count from 0 to 50 and back Then count from 7 to 77 and back WORD PROBLEM Joshua and Rebecca were eating raisins Joshua had 7 raisins and took 2 more from the box Rebecca had 9 raisins and took 2 more from the box Who had a greater number of raisins Joshua or Rebecca Draw math drawings and write number bonds or number sentences to show how you know NOTE This problem provides a bridge from Lesson 14 to today s Concept Exploration as students solve problems using the Level 2 strategy of counting on Concept Exploration Materials S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template Number Sentence Cards Lesson 11 Concept Exploration Template per pair with sticky note covering the total personal white board Have students sit in a semi circle with their 5 group cards and Number Sentence Cards T Today let s use our strategies for counting on to play the partner game Count On We will need to use counting on with our fingers and counting with 5 group cards to play T Write 6 3 on the board Show how we use counting on with our fingers to solve this S Siiiix 7 8 9 Extend fingers as they count on T Show how to use our 5 group cards to solve this ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 113

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Topic D Lesson 15 YOUR NOTES G1M1 S Siiiix 7 8 9 Put out 5 group cards with 6 on numeral side and 3 on dot side Touch as they count T Why did each strategy get to the same answer S Both are ways to keep track of the part we are counting on T This is a type of a shortcut It is a fast or efficient strategy Today you will work with a partner to practice using these shortcuts or strategies to play Count On T Here are the directions 1 Put all of your 5 group cards in a pile with the dot side down Partners A and B lay all of the number sentence cards in front of you 2 Partner A you touch the card you want to take 3 Count on or use the 5 group cards to solve for the total under the sticky note 4 When you do your partner lifts the sticky If you are right your partner says Go ahead and take it 5 Partner B takes a turn Continue until all the cards are taken S Play Count On T Circulate listen and observe providing support as necessary MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Offer alternatives for visual information by reading each problem aloud Auditory presentation provides access to students who have difficulty reading the text MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION When a skill is not automatic provide support so students can practice and refine their skill Repeated practice with 5 group cards and fingers helps students develop automaticity of their addition facts MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Give an option to students to try more challenging numbers For example 23 2 may be more engaging for students Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 15 Count On Me Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson 114 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Wrap Up Topic D Lesson 15 YOUR NOTES LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion How do shortcuts or strategies help us Look at 7 1 and 6 2 Why is the total the same How does counting on 1 relate to counting on 2 Which method do you prefer to use to keep track when you are counting on Demonstrate what you do using a number sentence Is there another way to solve these problems besides counting on Visualizing knowing related facts just knowing the fact etc EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Use the picture to add Answers 1 6 3 9 9 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 115

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G1M1 Lesson 16 Topic D Lesson 16 YOUR NOTES Count on to find the unknown part in missing addend equations such as 6 9 Answer How many more to make 6 7 8 9 and 10 Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Shake Those Disks 7 Materials S 7 disks e g counters two color beans or pennies per set of partners personal white board Shake Those Disks 7 board Fluency Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Assign students partners Give each set of partners 7 two color beans Instruct them to take turns as the Shaker and the Recorder The Shaker shakes the disks and tosses them on the table The Recorder then records the roll on the Shake Those Disks graph For example if the Shaker rolls 3 red and 4 white the Recorder puts an X on the graph above the 3 and 4 number bond Count On Drums 3 More NOTE This activity supports the connection of counting on to addition and counting back to subtraction The teacher says a number aloud Students repeat the number drumming on the table to count on 3 and matching one drum tap with each consecutive number counted on Extend the game by counting back 3 10 Bowling Pins NOTE A prepared set of bowling pins is a wonderful configuration of 10 4 in the back then 3 then 2 then 1 This activity supports students creating compositions of 10 in multiple ways Show a bird s eye picture of a set of bowling pins from online Have students look at the arrangement and discuss with a partner how many pins they see and how they know Share different ways of knowing it is 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 117

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Topic D Lesson 16 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM There were 10 bowling pins standing Finn knocked over some bowling pins and 7 were still standing How many did he knock over Use a simple math drawing to show what you did to solve Write a number sentence with a box to show the mystery or unknown number NOTE This problem prepares students for the Concept Exploration s focus on solving for a missing addend Concept Exploration Materials T 5 group cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template mystery box enlarged Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 1 set of 7 disks e g counters two color beans or pennies S 7 disks per set of partners personal white board Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template Insert the Blank Number Sentence and Number Bond template Lesson 6 Concept Exploration Template 2 into each student s personal white boards prior to the exploration Take one set of 7 beans from the Shake Those Disks 7 fluency activity and bring it to the carpet Hide 2 of the beans under the carpet without students noticing Gather students on the carpet with their personal white boards T While we were cleaning up some of the beans fell on the carpet I picked most of them up but I think I am still missing some We had 7 beans in total right S Right T Now I have 5 beans Show beans to the class T How many am I missing Talk with your partner to solve this S Discuss T Let s try to count on to check how many I m missing S T Fivvvve gesture to beans in hand 6 7 Track on fingers T How many did we count on to get up to 7 Keep fingers out to show the two that were used to track S Two T So how many beans am I missing S Two beans T Lift edge of carpet to show the 2 beans 118 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic D Lesson 16 T Use your 5 group cards to make the number sentence on your personal white board Place the numeral side up If you want to double check your number sentence turn the cards to the dot side Remember try to turn over the fewest cards you can and count on Circulate and check for accuracy YOUR NOTES S Create 5 2 7 on white boards with 5 group cards Some students flip to dot side to count on and check Repeat the process using the mystery box concealing 3 of the 7 beans in the box so that students only see 4 beans Encourage them to use their 5 group cards or track on their fingers to decide how many beans are in the mystery box Students use the cards to make a corresponding number sentence T How many beans did I place in the box S 3 beans T What is the number sentence you recorded S 4 3 7 T Circle the part that was the mystery or unknown part T Write 5 8 Use your 5 group cards to make and solve this number sentence S Discuss and solve using cards or finger tracking to confirm T What is the mystery or unknown part of this number sentence S 3 Repeat the process with the following sequence a 5 6 4 6 3 6 b 6 7 5 7 4 7 c 7 8 6 8 5 8 d 8 9 7 9 6 9 e 9 10 8 10 7 10 Leave the sets of number sentences on the board so that students can notice the patterns within the sequence Explore the resulting patterns What do you notice is happening Imagine there is a fourth column point to where it would be What number sentence do you think I will add next in each row How do the parts change from one number sentence to the next What strategies did you use MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Encourage students who are ready to explore place value to imagine each disk has a value of 10 Adjust the recording sheet so that students can complete the number bonds as they initially identify the combinations of 70 created as they play ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 119

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Topic D Lesson 16 YOUR NOTES G1M1 MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Promote understanding across languages by modeling and including pictorial epresentations of key vocabulary words and concepts Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 16 Add What Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion What strategies did you use to solve these problems How are these problems the same How are they different EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 120 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic D Lesson 16 Task YOUR NOTES 1 Solve the number sentences Answers 1 a 2 b 3 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 121

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Topic D Lesson 16 Fluency Template G1M1 SHAKE THOSE DISKS 7 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 122 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E TOPIC E The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign Topic E leads students to a very intentional understanding and application of the equal sign and the commutative property of addition Lessons 17 and 18 ask students to use pictorial representations pictures and 5 groups to write expressions and to demonstrate that they are equivalent by using the equal sign This work with the equal sign precedes the lessons on commutativity in order to allow students to construct true number sentences such as 4 3 3 4 without misunderstanding the equal sign to mean that the numbers are the same Students understand that when added together two numbers make the same total regardless of whether one of the numbers appears first or second in equations and expressions The topic ends with Lesson 20 where students directly apply their understanding of commutativity by starting with the larger quantity and counting on a Level 2 strategy as a matter of efficiency I can count on 2 from 7 when I solve 2 7 Objective Topic E The Commutative Property of Addition and the Equal Sign Lessons 17 18 Understand the meaning of the equal sign by pairing equivalent expressions and constructing true number sentences Lesson 19 Represent the same story scenario with addends repositioned the commutative property Lesson 20 Apply the commutative property to count on from a larger addend Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lesson for Topic E Lesson 20 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 123

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G1M1 Lesson 17 Topic E Lesson 17 YOUR NOTES Understand the meaning of the equal sign by pairing equivalent expressions and constructing true number sentences Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Penny Drop 7 Materials T 7 pennies 1 can NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Show students 7 pennies Have students close their eyes and listen Drop some of the pennies in a can one at a time Ask students to open their eyes and guess how many pennies are still in the teacher s hand Then have students say how many pennies they heard drop and count on to 7 using the remaining pennies Number Bond Dash 7 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 7 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone The activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Tell students to remember how many problems they get correct so they can try to improve their scores in the next Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM There are 10 swings on the playground and 7 students are using the swings How many swings are empty Draw or write a number sentence to show your thinking Write a sentence to answer today s question How many swings are empty NOTE This problem serves as a bridge from Lesson 16 s focus on solving for a missing addend ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 125

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Topic E Lesson 17 YOUR NOTES G1M1 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION If students are developing their writing or reading comprehension support them in writing an answer sentence by providing a sentence frame Write the statement on the board swings are empty Concept Exploration Materials S Bag of 20 linking cubes 10 red and 10 yellow personal white board Have students sit next to their math partners with their bag of linking cubes T Let s play a game called Make it Equal Partner B close your eyes Partner A make your linking cubes look exactly like mine Show 4 red cubes and 1 yellow cube as a stick Hide your stick behind you and close your eyes T Partner B open your eyes Make your linking cubes look exactly like mine Show 3 red and 2 yellow cubes as a stick T Partner A open your eyes Everyone write the expression that shows how many cubes you have on your white board S Partner A writes 4 1 Partner B writes 3 2 T Show each other your linking cube stick How are they the same How are they different Circulate S Discuss T How are they different S I had 4 red and 1 yellow cube but my partner had 3 red and 2 yellow cubes T How are they the same S We both have 5 cubes T Even though you have different parts do you have the same total S Yes T Put your expressions next to each other Now put your sticks in between the expressions by putting them one above the other What do the two sticks look like now S An equal sign T Hmmm does this make sense How many cubes do you have on the left side of the equal sign S 5 T How many cubes do you have on the right side of the equal sign S 5 T Does 5 equal 5 S Yes T Does 4 1 equal 3 2 S Yes 126 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 17 T Let s say the number sentence YOUR NOTES T S 4 1 3 2 T This is called a true number sentence Repeat this process Possibly use the following suggested sequence 5 2 and 6 1 7 2 and 6 3 Next project 3 red and 3 yellow linking cubes and have partners use one white board to write the expression Then project 1 red and 5 yellow linking cubes Partners write the expression on the second white board Ask students to give thumbs up if these expressions are equal If yes have them draw an imaginary equal sign between the two boards and say the true number sentence Repeat this process but be sure to include some expressions that are not equivalent such as 3 5 and 4 2 T Project a stick of 6 red and 2 yellow cubes Write an expression to match these cubes on one of your white boards S Write 6 2 T With your partner use your linking cubes to make another stick to show the same total in a different way Write the expression to match your stick Then use your sticks to make the equal sign to help you say the true number sentence For enrichment encourage students to make up as many equivalent expressions as they can Repeat this process Possibly use the following suggested sequence 3 4 4 5 and 3 7 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 17 Are These Equal Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 127

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Topic E Lesson 17 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The question below may be used to lead the discussion Think about the goal of today s lesson What does the equal sign tell us EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 128 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 17 Task YOUR NOTES 1 Use math drawings to make the pictures equal Connect them below with to make true number sentences 2 Shade the equal dominoes Write a true number sentence Answers 1 5 objects separated into 2 groups drawn in the empty basket answers will vary Sample response 2 3 4 1 2 Second and third dominoes shaded 4 4 2 6 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 129

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Topic E Lesson 17 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 7 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 130 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 18 Lesson 18 YOUR NOTES Understand the meaning of the equal sign by pairing equivalent expressions and constructing true number sentences TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Red Light Green Light Counting by Tens NOTE Providing students with ongoing practice with counting throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills Begin with 0 Say green light after which students begin running in place and counting aloud together by tens until they reach 100 Say red light Students stop counting and freeze Students who are still moving or counting after red light sit down until the next game Once students reach 100 continue to play counting back by tens until students arrive at 0 The last student or few students standing wins For the first game start at 0 to ensure every child feels success Then try playing the game again beginning with 4 and 8 respectively As an alternative this game can also be played with students choosing a dance move or staying at their seats and waving their hands during green light periods Missing Part Make 7 Materials S 5 group cards 0 7 only Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Students work with a partner using 5 group cards Each student puts a card to their forehead The partner tells how many more to make 7 Students must guess the cards on their foreheads Partners can play simultaneously ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 131

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Topic E Lesson 18 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Number Bond Dash 7 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 7 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone The activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Remember that this is the second Number Bond Dash that practices making 7 Students should recall their scores from the previous Number Bond Dash 7 to see and celebrate improvement WORD PROBLEM Dylan has 4 cats and 2 dogs at home Laura has 1 dog and 5 fish at home Laura says she and Dylan have an equal number of pets Dylan thinks he has more pets than Laura Who is right Draw a picture write two number bonds and use a number sentence to show if Dylan and Laura have an equal amount of pets NOTE This problem serves as both a bridge and as a lead up to today s Concept Exploration focusing students on using the equal sign to create true number sentences Concept Exploration Materials S 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template personal white board True and False Number Sentence Cards Concept Exploration Template red and green markers per pair Have students sit next to their math partners in the meeting area or at their tables with their white boards T Write 7 1 Read the number sentence aloud with students Talk with your partner and use this incomplete number sentence to finish writing a true number sentence on your white board S Write any combination that makes 8 for example 6 2 5 3 etc T Hold up your true number sentences Look around the class Did everyone use the same numbers to make 8 on both sides S No T They don t all use the same numbers but are all of them equal to 8 S Yes 132 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Distribute 5 group cards to students Yesterday you made a lot of true number sentences Use your 5 group cards to tell me why this number sentence is NOT true Project 4 2 5 3 Topic E Lesson 18 YOUR NOTES S Build 4 2 5 3 with 5 group cards and solve for each side T Is 4 2 5 3 true or false S False T Talk with your partner How do you know that 4 2 5 3 is not equal or false As students share circulate and listen Then call on one student S 4 2 is 6 and 5 3 is 8 so they are not equal because 6 is not the same as 8 T Talk with your partner How can you fix this number sentence to make it equal or true As students share circulate and listen Then call on a couple of students S Change 4 2 to 4 4 to make it equal 8 Change 5 3 to 5 1 to make it equal 6 T Is there more than one way to fix this number sentence to make it true S Yes T Distribute the True and False Number Sentence Cards to partners Today you will be playing True or False Number Sentences like we just did with a partner Here are the directions 1 Read the number sentence together 2 Use your 5 group cards to solve each side of the number sentence together 3 If the sentence is true Partner A uses your green marker to put a check on it 4 If the sentence is false work together to use your 5 group cards to change one number to fix the number sentence to make it equal using your red marker 5 Then Partner B checks it and it becomes her turn to pick a card Circulate and support students as they play MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Connect calculations to 5 group cards to encourage counting on Students use one numeral side and one dot side and touch the dots with their fingers as they count on Some students will be able to do the calculations in their head while others will use the 5 group cards for as long as needed MULTIPLE MEANS FOR ENGAGEMENT For students demonstrating full understanding of recognizing and creating true number sentences use problems with larger numbers such as 14 2 15 1 to allow them to test and refine their thinking ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 133

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Topic E Lesson 18 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The prompt below may be used to lead the discussion Think about the goal of today s lesson and the work we have been doing with the equal sign Imagine an alien came down from outer space and asked you what the equal sign means Tell your partner what you would say to that alien to describe it Be sure to use examples EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Find two ways to fix each number sentence to make it true a 7 3 6 2 b 7 3 6 4 8 1 3 5 Answers a Sample response 7 1 6 2 b Sample response 8 1 4 5 8 0 3 5 134 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 18 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 7 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 135

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Topic E Lesson 18 Lesson Template G1M1 TRUE AND FALSE NUMBER SENTENCE CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 136 4 1 2 2 2 5 8 2 3 2 4 1 9 1 4 6 6 2 3 3 3 4 6 3 1 7 4 4 5 4 3 7 2 5 4 3 5 5 6 3 5 1 4 2 8 2 3 7 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 19 Topic E Lesson 19 YOUR NOTES Represent the same story scenario with addends repositioned the commutative property Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE 5 Group Addition Materials T 5 group cards 1 5 only Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity prepares students for working with the commutative property in today s Concept Exploration It also addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 The teacher holds up a 5 group card and asks students to identify the quantity The teacher holds up a second 5 group card and asks students to identify that quantity The teacher holds the cards side by side and asks students a series of addition questions What is the total What is the number sentence starting with the bigger part What is the number sentence starting with the smaller part Continue the game with various number combinations WORD PROBLEM Dylan has 4 cats and 2 dogs at home Sammy has 1 mama bunny and 6 baby bunnies at home Draw a number bond showing the total number of pets of each household Write a statement to tell if the two households have an equal number of pets NOTE This problem serves as a bridge from Lesson 18 s focus on using the equal sign to write true number sentences Concept Exploration Materials S Personal white board bag of 7 counters 4 red 3 white Invite students to sit on the carpet with their personal white boards facing the front of the room Choose 5 students wearing blue and 3 students wearing red to stand in a row in front of the class ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 137

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Topic E Lesson 19 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T How many of these students are wearing blue S 5 T How many of these students are wearing red S 3 T Write a number sentence on your board to show 5 wearing blue plus 3 wearing red S Write 5 3 8 on their boards T Starting with the students wearing red write the number sentence on your boards S Write 3 5 8 T How many children do we have when we add 3 and 5 S 8 children T Is that the same total or a different total of children as we had the last time we added the students wearing blue and red S The same Distribute the bag of counters to each student T Take 4 red and 3 white counters out of your bag Put them in a line starting with the red counters T Tell your friend two number sentences that match your materials S 4 3 7 and 3 4 7 T Can you start with the whole amount S Yes 7 4 3 and 7 3 4 T Now switch the red and white counters putting the white first in your line Tell your partner four number sentences that match your new arrangement S Do so T Is this the same set of number sentences S Yes T Why Turn and talk with your partner Circulate and listen S Talk with partner The number of reds and whites did not change We can add them in any order as long as we include them all T On your board write a number sentence showing that 4 plus 3 is the same as 3 plus 4 S Write 3 4 4 3 T On your board draw 6 circles and 3 hearts in a line Write four number sentences to match your picture Share your work with a partner What are you noticing MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Though some think of the commutative property as switch arounds it is the addends that switch not the objects When the placement of the materials changes when adding the exact same four number sentences also describe the materials in different positions 138 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 19 Independent Digital Lesson YOUR NOTES Lesson 19 Fruit Flip Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Why does the total stay the same even though you are adding in a different order Try adding two amounts in different orders See if you get the same total each time You can draw and use number sentences as you try it How will this strategy help you add more quickly next time especially during a Number Bond Dash or a Sprint EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 139

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Topic E Lesson 19 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Task 1 Use the picture and write the number sentences to show the parts in a different order Answers 1 Sequence of number sentences may vary 5 4 9 9 5 4 4 5 9 9 4 5 140 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 20 Lesson 20 YOUR NOTES Apply the commutative property to count on from a larger addend TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Sparkle Count By Tens Starting at 5 NOTE Providing students with ongoing counting practice throughout the year builds and maintains their counting skills which are foundational for later first grade work with adding and subtracting tens Play two games of Sparkle counting by tens starting at 5 Refer to game directions in Lesson 7 For the first game count the regular way 5 15 25 35 For the second game count by tens the Say Ten Way 5 1 ten 5 2 tens 5 3 tens 5 Linking Cube Partners 10 Materials S 10 linking cubes 5 cubes one color 5 cubes another color per pair personal white board NOTE This activity provides continued practice with the commutative property and prepares students for today s Concept Exploration It also addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Show students 10 linking cubes in a stick with a color change at the 5 and then remove it from sight Break off a part and show the part to students Students make a number bond and two number sentences to match the part shown and the part hidden commutative property ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 141

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Topic E Lesson 20 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Laura had 5 fish Her mother gave her 1 more Laura s brother Frank had 1 fish Their mother gave Frank 5 more Laura cried That s not fair He has more fish than I do Use number bonds and a number sentence to show Laura the truth If you can write a sentence with words that would help Laura understand NOTE This problem is designed to support student understanding of the commutative property to enable them to apply this property for the sake of efficiency in today s Concept Exploration Concept Exploration Materials S Expression Cards Concept Exploration Template 1 Equal Signs Concept Exploration Template 2 per pair NOTE There are enough expression cards for 34 students Multiple copies of the equal signs sheet will be needed to accommodate the number of students in the class While students are still at their seats give each student an Expression Card and ask each student to hold their card so the class cannot see it You may need to participate in the activity or pair up a student to ensure that everyone has a match T Find someone who has an expression card with a total equal to yours When you find your partner take an equal sign from the pile in front of the room sit with your partner and write a number sentence with your expression cards S Look for a partner take an equal sign sit together and make a number sentence such as 3 2 2 3 T Great job finding your partner Here is one of the number sentences a partnership made Write 1 7 7 1 on the board T Does everyone agree that 1 plus 7 is the same amount as 7 plus 1 S Yes T Write the two expressions underneath each other 1 7 and 7 1 T If I wanted to count on to solve this which would be faster starting with 1 and counting on 7 or starting with 7 and counting on 1 Talk with a partner S Discuss T Let s try counting on with both to decide together 142 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 20 S T Onnnnnne gesture to first addend 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Keep track on fingers YOUR NOTES T Now let s try the second expression S T Seveeeennnnn gesture to first addend 8 Keep track on fingers Repeat the process with 3 5 and 5 3 T Which way was the faster way to count on S 5 3 T Why S When you start with the bigger number you don t have to count on as much T What about when we solved 7 1 and 1 7 Discuss which was faster and why with your partner S Discuss with partner Collect the expressions redistribute them and allow students to play again MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Some students may still be developing their ability to decide which number is bigger within a number sentence Offer students the choice to respond by first circling or coloring the bigger number Then have them write the number sentence using the circled or colored number first MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Adjust the lesson structure as needed for groups of or specific students At this point in Mission 1 some students may still need to keep counting all by using objects or their 5 group cards to expose all of the dots That s okay and to be expected Students will generalize to more abstract methods at their own pace Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 20 Add with Speed Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 143

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Topic E Lesson 20 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 144 When does switching the order to count on from the larger number help you the most If I gave you a really challenging expression like 1 51 how could you use what you learned today to make it an easier expression to solve ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 EXIT TICKET Topic E Lesson 20 YOUR NOTES After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Circle the larger part and complete the number bond Write the number sentence starting with the larger part Answers 1 5 circled 8 in the number bond 5 3 8 2 7 circled 9 in the number bond 7 2 9 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 145

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Topic E Lesson 20 Lesson Template G1M1 EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 1 PAGE 1 OF 4 146 7 3 3 7 8 2 2 8 9 0 0 9 8 1 1 8 6 3 3 6 7 1 1 7 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 20 Lesson Template EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 1 PAGE 2 OF 4 6 2 2 6 5 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 5 2 2 5 5 1 1 5 4 2 2 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 147

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Topic E Lesson 20 Lesson Template G1M1 EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 1 PAGE 3 OF 4 148 4 1 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 0 0 4 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic E Lesson 20 Lesson Template EQUAL SIGNS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 PAGE 4 OF 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 149

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Topic F G1M1 TOPIC F Development of Addition Fluency Within 10 Topic F continues with the theme of more efficient strategies coupled with deep understanding to solve addition problems within 10 In Lesson 21 students begin to internalize doubles and doubles plus 1 as they work with visual representations of these problems As students almost take a mental picture of these doubles and doubles plus 1 dot configurations they can call on these images to quickly assist them when faced with these problems in the future Students explore patterns on the addition chart within the context of familiar facts in Lessons 22 and 23 Lesson 22 focuses on having students look for common addends and discuss how those addends affect the total in systematic ways For example I see 3 2 5 4 2 6 5 2 7 and 6 2 8 Even though we re adding 2 each time and that stays the same the totals are increasing by 1 because we re adding a number that s 1 more each time Building upon this Lesson 23 has students using the facts they know such as those from Topic B s decomposition charts to explore patterns in problems where the totals are the same The topic closes with Lesson 24 s addition fact practice where students actually get to practice their facts in an engaging supportive environment with their peers Objective Topic F Development of Addition Fluency Within 10 Lesson 21 Visualize and solve doubles and doubles plus 1 with 5 group cards Lesson 22 Look for and make use of repeated reasoning on the addition chart by solving and analyzing problems with common addends Lesson 23 Look for and make use of structure on the addition chart by looking for and coloring problems with the same total Lesson 24 Practice to build fluency with facts to 10 Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lessons for Topic F Lessons 21 22 150 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 21 Lesson 21 YOUR NOTES Visualize and solve doubles and doubles plus 1 with 5 group cards TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Stand on Even Numbers NOTE Counting on allows students to maintain fluency with this strategy as they solve addition problems Students sit in a circle and count by ones each student saying one number to count up When a student says an even number she stands 1 2 student stands 3 4 student stands Continue around the circle until all students are standing Those who are standing do not continue counting Then continuing in the same direction around the circle students count backwards beginning with the last number said and sitting on even numbers Play the game a second time instructing students who stay still to whisper their numbers and students who stand or sit to use a normal voice As an alternative to standing up this game can also be played with students raising their hands Target Practice 8 Materials S Per set of partners personal white board Target Practice Lesson 10 Fluency Template 8 counters 1 die NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the directions on the Target Practice template from Lesson 10 Use 8 as the target number ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 151

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Topic F Lesson 21 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Jordan is holding a container with 3 pencils His teacher gives him 4 more pencils for the container How many pencils will be in the container Write a number bond number sentence and statement to show the solution NOTE This problem is an application of the commutative property to count on from the larger addend from Lesson 20 It is also relevant to today s Concept Exploration as a doubles plus 1 problem Concept Exploration Materials T 5 group Cards 1 6 Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template S Personal white board Addition Chart Concept Exploration Template and colored pencils for the Lesson Synthesis Have students sit next to their math partners in the meeting area or at their tables with their white boards T Let s count by twos using our fingers Watch me first T S Show fingers 2 4 6 8 10 10 8 6 4 2 T Show me 1 and 1 with your pinkies like me See image How many fingers are you holding up S 2 T What is the number sentence S 1 1 2 T Show me 2 and 2 fingers your pinkies and ring fingers Say the number sentence to tell how many fingers you re holding up S 2 2 4 Continue with 3 3 4 4 5 5 and back down to 1 1 T What did you notice about the numbers we added each time S We added the same number two times T We call those doubles Give 2 minutes for students to work with a partner and practice making doubles number sentences Partner A flashes doubles fingers Partner B says the number sentence They switch roles after 1 minute T Show two 5 group cards showing 3 dots Without counting all tell me how many dots there are S 6 T How did you know 152 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 21 S I saw doubles 3 and 3 That makes 6 YOUR NOTES Continue with 2 2 4 4 and 5 5 ensuring students use the term doubles to explain what they see and eventually naming it as a strategy Congratulate them on getting better at their doubles facts T Show 3 dots card and 4 dots card Without counting all tell how many dots there are S 7 T How did you know so quickly Turn and talk to your partner Circulate and listen T Bobbie said she saw 3 and 3 plus another dot Give thumbs up if you see 3 dots hiding inside these 4 dots S Show thumbs T She used her doubles fact to help Three plus 3 circle 3 dots and 3 dots that s S 6 T Plus another dot S 7 T How is 3 4 related to 3 3 S It s making doubles and adding 1 more T This is called doubles plus 1 Let s see if we can find more doubles facts hiding inside another expression Continue with 1 2 3 2 and 4 5 T Project the numerals 4 and 5 How would you solve 4 5 using what you learned today Turn and talk to your partner and solve on your board S Write 4 5 9 Use our doubles facts 4 4 8 Add 1 more and you get 9 T Project 3 6 What number is missing here Talk with your partner to decide Tell each other how you know S Discuss with partner T What is the missing number in 3 6 S 3 T How do you know S I know that 3 3 6 I thought of the doubles If I have 3 holds up 3 fingers on one hand I need 3 more to make 6 T Project 3 7 What number is missing here Discuss with your partner Remember to use words or your white boards to explain your thinking S Discuss with partner T What is the missing number in 3 7 S 4 T How could the last problem 3 3 6 help you with this one S If you know 3 3 is 6 and you need to have 7 you know you need 1 more than last time so now it s 3 4 Continue with 4 4 and 4 5 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 153

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Topic F Lesson 21 YOUR NOTES G1M1 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT To help students recognize the doubles they are creating encourage them to wiggle their fingers as they hold up doubles For instance to solve 3 3 have students wiggle pinkies and say two wiggle pinkies and ring fingers and say four and finally wiggle pinky ring and middle fingers and say six MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT For students who have reached full understanding with larger doubles consider challenging students with varying doubles facts or exploring larger doubles facts Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 21 Double Trouble Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 154 Project the Addition Chart template and have students turn to it in their student workbooks Can you find all the doubles facts Color them red What do you notice about these numbers Can you find all the doubles plus 1 facts Color them using blue What do you notice about the two parts in doubles plus 1 facts They are the numbers next to each other when we count Is 4 3 a doubles plus 1 Why How is this related to another math lesson from before Can you find any more doubles plus 1 facts like this one Color them blue if you find any more ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 EXIT TICKET Topic F Lesson 21 YOUR NOTES After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Write the double and double plus 1 number sentence for each 5 group card Answers 1 a 3 3 6 3 4 7 b 4 4 8 4 5 9 c 5 5 10 5 6 11 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 155

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156 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 7 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 3 7 2 7 1 7 2 8 1 8 1 9 Topic F Lesson 21 Lesson Template G1M1 ADDITION CHART CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 22 Lesson 22 YOUR NOTES Look for and make use of repeated reasoning on the addition chart by solving and analyzing problems with common addends TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Sparkle Counting by Twos NOTE Practicing counting up allows students to maintain fluency with the strategy as it relates to addition Play Sparkle counting by twos from 0 to 20 Refer to game directions in Lesson 7 While practicing the counting sequence before the game model the say think say skip counting strategy say 0 think 1 say 2 think 3 Penny Drop 8 Materials T 8 pennies 1 can NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Show students 8 pennies Have students close their eyes and listen Drop some of the pennies in a can one at a time To prepare students for the upcoming subtraction lessons instruct them to count back from 8 in their heads as they hear each penny drop Ask students to open their eyes and say how many pennies are still in the teacher s hand ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 157

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Topic F Lesson 22 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Number Bond Dash 8 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 8 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Teachers may want to take note of students who are using finger counting This may help identify students who require additional time or support to solve partners of 8 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Tell students to remember how many problems they get correct so they can try to improve their scores in the next Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM Tia and Tania are twins Whatever Tia has Tania has it too Tia has 2 dolls How many dolls do Tia and Tania have together Tia has 3 stuffed animals How many stuffed animals do they have together Write a number bond number sentence and statement to show your solution Extension If all the dolls and all the stuffed animals were put together for an imaginary tea party how many toys would there be Draw or write to explain your thinking NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 21 which focused on doubles Students will also have the opportunity to locate the expressions within their number sentences on the chart and begin to recognize other ways to use repeated reasoning as they explore the addition chart Teachers may want to take note of students who are using finger counting for doubles This may help identify students who require additional time or support to utilize doubles as a strategy Concept Exploration Materials T Addition Chart with Sums to 10 Lesson 21 Concept Exploration Template cover paper T Post or project Addition Chart reveal only the 0 column Mathematicians today you need to especially put on your noticing ears and eyes Read the expressions aloud with me S T 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 158 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 22 T What did you notice was the same as you read each of these expressions YOUR NOTES S We said plus zero every time T What did you notice was different as you read each of these expressions S The first number went up by 1 each time T Good Now let s solve each problem together As students solve the problems transform the expressions into equations as the teacher or student volunteers write the solutions Be sure to have students read the equations aloud Next reveal the 1 column and go through the same process of having students read notice the similarities and differences and then solve T Point to 1 0 and 2 0 You said that all of these problems add zero each time How does adding zero change this first addend or part Point S The first addend doesn t change because we re just adding zero T So it s zero more than the first number Is this true of all of the facts in this area Gesture to the 0 column S Yes T Point to 8 1 and 9 1 You said that all of these problems add 1 each time How does adding 1 change this first addend S The total goes up by 1 because we re adding on It s just the next counting number Continue this process with the 2 column focusing on the common addends MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Students can use the extra copy of the Addition Chart in their student workbooks for support Some students will benefit from an addition chart colored based on the addend For example color all the 0 blue 1 yellow 3 green etc Using the addition chart in this way will especially help students who may find the chart hard to read Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 22 Smart Adding Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 159

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Topic F Lesson 22 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion How are the second column n 1 and the first row 1 n related Does this remind you of another math lesson Which row is the third column related to What addend or part do they have in common How can this chart help you learn your facts better EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 160 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 22 Task YOUR NOTES Some of the addends in this chart are missing Fill in the missing numbers Answers First column 0 Second column 1 Fourth column 3 Fifth column 4 Sixth column 4 Seventh column 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 161

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Topic F Lesson 22 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 8 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 162 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 7 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 3 7 2 7 1 7 2 8 1 8 1 9 G1M1 Topic F Lesson 22 Lesson Template ADDITION CHART 163

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 23 Lesson 23 YOUR NOTES Look for and make use of structure on the addition chart by looking for and coloring problems with the same total TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting by Twos NOTE This activity supports the connection between counting on by 2 and adding 2 Repeat the Happy Counting activity from Lesson 3 counting by twos from 0 to 20 and back Missing Part 8 Materials S 5 group Cards 0 8 only Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of full understanding of sums to 10 Students work with partners using 5 group cards Each student puts a card on their forehead The partner tells how many more to make 8 Students must guess the cards on their foreheads Partners can play simultaneously Number Bond Dash 8 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 8 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 165

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Topic F Lesson 23 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice remembering that this is the second Number Bond Dash that practices making 8 Students should recall their scores from Lesson 22 s Number Bond Dash 8 activity to see and celebrate improvement WORD PROBLEM John has 3 stickers Mark has 4 stickers Anna has 5 stickers They each get two more stickers How many do they each have now Write a number bond and number sentence for each student Extension How many stickers do John Mark and Anna have together NOTE This problem is designed as an application of Lesson 22 which focused on common addends on the addition chart Students continue to explore the addition chart in today s Concept Exploration focusing on expressions with the same total Concept Exploration Materials T Addition Chart with sums to 10 to project or post Concept Exploration Template cover paper markers three different colors S Addition Chart with sums to 10 Concept Exploration Template colored pencils three different colors Instruct all students to tear the Addition Chart out of their workbooks Have students fold their papers to match the chart shown T Point to 5 5 What is 5 5 S 10 T Point to 4 6 What is 4 6 S 10 T Repeat through 1 9 Talk to your partner What do you notice about the totals T Circulate and listen Then choose students to share with the class S They are all the same The totals are all 10 They look like they re moving up like stairs T You said all of the totals are 10 Help me color in the expressions that equal 10 Prompt students to say which to color S Lightly color in charts 166 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T What is 4 5 Topic F Lesson 23 YOUR NOTES S 9 T Talk with your partner Find the other expressions that equal 9 S Share with partners to find totals of 9 T Let s color them in Using a different color prompt students to say which to color as they color in their own charts T Talk with your partner What do you notice about these problems Circulate and listen and then choose students to share with the class S They all equal 9 The totals are all 1 less than the ones we colored in for 10 They make another staircase T With your partner look for expressions that equal 8 When you both agree color them in with your last colored pencil S Circulate and observe T Which expressions equal 8 As students share color them in on the class chart T What patterns are you noticing S All the totals of 8 make a slanted line like a staircase MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Offer opportunities for students to demonstrate for the class how the staircase works for each total Listen for the use of math vocabulary in their descriptions Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion What did you notice about the number of boxes of each color How many boxes will be colored for the total of 4 3 Why do you think we have more totals for 10 compared to totals for 5 Which totals are the easiest for you to solve Why Which totals do you think you need to practice the most What can you do to get better at these expressions ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 167

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Topic F Lesson 23 YOUR NOTES G1M1 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Circle all the boxes that total 10 2 Draw an X through all the boxes that total 8 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 7 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 6 0 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 7 0 7 1 7 2 7 3 8 0 8 1 8 2 9 0 9 1 10 0 Answers 1 Boxes circled 10 0 9 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 5 4 6 3 7 2 8 1 9 2 Boxes x ed 168 8 0 7 1 6 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 7 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 23 Fluency Template NUMBER BOND DASH 8 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 2 Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 169

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170 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 7 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 3 7 2 7 1 7 2 8 1 8 1 9 Topic F Lesson 23 Fluency Template G1M1 ADDITION CHART CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 24 Lesson 24 YOUR NOTES Practice to build fluency with facts to 10 TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Partner Counting by Twos NOTE Counting on and back allows students to build and maintain fluency with this strategy as they solve addition and subtraction problems Partners alternate saying numbers aloud to count by twos from 0 to 20 and back Cold Call 2 More and 2 Less NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Say a number aloud and instruct students to think about the number that is 2 more Let them know that the teacher will cold call groups of students or the whole class to say the number as quickly as possible Alternate between calling on the whole class and groups of students e g only circle table only this side of the room etc Play again cold calling students to say the number that is 2 less Friendly Fact Go Around Materials T Friendly Fact Go Around Addition Strategies Review Fluency Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 171

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Topic F Lesson 24 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Project the Friendly Fact Go Around Addition Strategies Review sheet or make a poster Point to a problem and call on a student to answer e g 8 0 The student answers 8 and then the class says the number sentence aloud completed with the answer 8 0 8 If the student gives an incorrect answer he or she then repeats the correct equation that the class gave The teacher can adapt the problem to individual students pointing to certain problems depending on their level of fluency with addition WORD PROBLEM The teacher told Henry to get 8 linking cubes Henry took 4 blue cubes and 3 red cubes Does Henry have the correct amount of linking cubes Use pictures or words to explain your thinking NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 23 s focus on common totals on the addition chart Concept Exploration Materials T Friendly Fact Go Around Addition Strategies Review Fluency Template Related Fact Ladder Concept Exploration Template 1 10 Expression Cards Concept Exploration Template 2 S 5 12 Expression Cards per pair NOTE Friendly Fact Go Around Addition Strategies Review and Related Fact Ladder templates are both to be posted or projected for all students to see The suggested set for the expression cards is 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 T Hold up the expression cards 3 1 and 2 1 Project ladder picture on the board We just found the total of each of the expressions when we played Friendly Fact Go Around Tape 3 1 on bottom center of board and 2 1 directly above it How are 3 1 and 2 1 alike How are they related to each other S They both are adding 1 to a number T What happens when you add 1 to a number Use 3 1 and 2 1 as your examples to explain S You get the next counting number When you add 1 to 3 you get 4 the next counting number When you add 1 to 2 you get 3 which is the next counting number after 2 Twooo 3 T We re going to make a Related Fact Ladder Let s look for an expression that might be related to 2 1 in some way How about 2 2 How is 2 2 related to 2 1 S 2 2 is one more than 2 1 T Place 2 2 card on the next ladder rung above 2 1 Find a card that is related to 2 2 Explain how it is related S 3 3 It s the next doubles fact 172 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Add card on the next rung of the ladder Topic F Lesson 24 YOUR NOTES Repeat the process having students explain how the expressions are related as cards are added to the ladder rungs in successive order NOTE There will always be more than one expression that could be an appropriate choice For example appropriate choices to follow 3 2 could be 2 2 or 3 3 as the double that helps solve the expression or 4 1 as an expression with the same total where 1 is added to the first addend and 1 is taken away from the second addend As long as students are able to discuss the mathematical relationship between the two expressions i e it is the next double a double plus 1 fact is 1 more than the double fact or the expression is 1 more than the previous expression the expression can be used MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION The Related Fact Ladder provides students an opportunity to demonstrate their level of comprehension This activity facilitates student discovery of patterns and structures in their math work Encourage students to discover these connections whenever possible MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Encourage students to use 5 group cards if they need them The focus should be on students articulating the relationship between one expression and another as they solve for the totals Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Share one of your Related Fact Ladders with a partner Explain how each number sentence is related What types of relationships did you both use What was the easiest relationship for you to think of Why For which facts did you have the hardest time thinking of a related fact Explain what made it difficult and what you decided to do Let s look at the addition chart together from yesterday How does the chart help us see how facts are related Use examples to explain your thinking EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 173

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Topic F Lesson 24 Fluency Template G1M1 Task Solve the number sentences Use the key to color Once the box is colored you do not need to color it again Color doubles red Color 1 blue Color 2 green Color doubles 1 brown a 5 2 b 7 2 c 2 3 d 3 3 e 7 1 f 2 1 g 4 4 h 8 2 i 3 4 j 5 4 k 10 1 l 10 5 Challenge List the number sentences that can be colored more than 1 way Answers a e i 174 7 green b 9 green 6 blue f 1 red or blue 7 brown j 9 brown Challenge 2 3 5 1 1 2 c 5 brown or green g 8 red k 9 blue d 6 red h 10 green l 5 red ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 24 Fluency Template FRIENDLY FACT GO AROUND ADDITION STRATEGIES REVIEW FLUENCY TEMPLATE 2 1 3 1 5 1 4 1 6 1 9 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 4 5 0 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 7 1 3 3 1 5 5 5 3 4 8 1 4 4 5 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 175

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 24 Lesson Template EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 PAGE 1 OF 4 7 3 0 7 0 2 8 2 9 0 0 3 9 1 1 8 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 177

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Topic F Lesson 24 Lesson Template G1M1 EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 PAGE 2 OF 4 178 6 3 4 6 7 2 1 7 6 2 4 5 6 1 0 6 4 3 4 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic F Lesson 24 Lesson Template EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 PAGE 3 OF 4 5 2 5 5 5 1 3 5 4 2 4 4 0 8 4 1 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 179

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Topic F Lesson 24 Lesson Template G1M1 EXPRESSION CARDS CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 PAGE 4 OF 4 180 2 3 3 3 4 0 5 0 3 1 3 4 5 4 2 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G TOPIC G Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem Following the Mid Mission Assessment Topic G focuses on students understanding the meaning of subtraction as it relates to addition In Lesson 25 students solve add to with change unknown problems as they did in Topic C using addition but now relate that work directly to the act of taking away The work of this lesson starts with students calling upon their knowledge from previous add to with change unknown problems and then applying it in the context of subtraction using the addend to subtract from the total in order to find the missing addend or part In this opening lesson students use objects to represent discrete counts which serves as a bridge to the number path used in Lessons 26 and 27 Number bonds will continue to serve as a bridge between prior learning and this new learning In these concluding lessons students use the number path in order to find one part count on to the total and determine the number of counts it took to get to that total from the part The teacher engages students in deep discussion about these strategies as they relate to the contextualized situations of story problems ensuring that students build a solid conceptual understanding of why and how one utilizes counting on to solve subtraction Objective Topic G Subtraction as an Unknown Addend Problem Lesson 25 Solve add to with change unknown math stories with addition and relate to subtraction Model with materials and write corresponding number sentences Lessons 26 27 Count on using the number path to find an unknown part Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lesson for Topic G Lesson 27 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 181

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G1M1 Lesson 25 Topic G Lesson 25 YOUR NOTES Solve add to with change unknown math stories with addition and relate to subtraction Model with materials and write corresponding number sentences Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Race to the Top Doubles Materials S Race to the Top Fluency Template 1 crayons or pencil 1 die replace 6 with 0 per pair NOTE Reviewing doubles permits students continued practice with the facts presented in Lesson 21 Students take turns rolling a die Their partner says the double fact and records it on the graph X Ray Vision Partners to 9 Materials T 9 counters container NOTE Reviewing partners to 9 allows students to gain and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 1 Place 9 counters on the floor next to an opaque container 2 Tell students to close their eyes Put 1 counter in the container 3 Tell students to open their eyes Ask Who can use their x ray vision to make a number sentence combining the counters in and outside the container 4 Continue the game eliciting all partners to 9 Number Bond Dash 9 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 9 Fluency Template 2 marker to correct work NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Tell students to remember how many problems they get correct so they can try to improve their scores in future Number Bond Dash activities ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 183

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Topic G Lesson 25 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Taylor and her sister Reilly each got 4 books from the library Then Reilly went back in and checked out another book How many books do Taylor and Reilly have together Draw and label a number bond to show the part of the books Taylor took out and the part that Reilly took out Write a statement to share your answer NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 24 s focus on fluency with facts within 10 This problem also allows students practice with a contextualized double and double plus 1 problem Concept Exploration Materials T 10 bear counters Number Bond and Number Sentences Concept Exploration Template S Personal white board Number Bond and Number Sentences Concept Exploration Template 10 bear counters Before the exploration instruct students to insert the Number Bond and Number Sentences template into their white boards Have students bring their personal white boards to the meeting area and sit in a semi circle Project the Number Bond and Number Sentences template on the board T Once upon a time 4 little bears went to play tag in the forest Some more bears came over In the end there were 6 little bears playing tag in the woods Place 6 bear counters on the floor T How many more bears came to play Turn and talk to a partner to share a strategy you used Review the strategy of counting on to solve Ask students to write the number sentence 4 2 6 and the number bond on their white boards Circle the solution in both T Write the number sentence and the number bond on the board T What does 6 stand for S The number of bears playing at the end T Gesture over the 6 bears on the floor T What does 4 stand for S The number of bears playing in the beginning T Separate 4 bears slightly from the group T How many bears came over to play Point to where you see them S 2 bears Point to 2 bears 184 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T We can make an imaginary line with our finger to show the two parts Draw an imaginary line between the two groups Four bears were there first and then 2 more bears came Point to each part accordingly Topic G Lesson 25 YOUR NOTES T Many of you used addition to figure out how many bears came over to play When we checked our work just now we separated the 4 bears from the total group of 6 bears Write 4 6 on the board Since we know the whole and one part we can use subtraction to find the other part Turn and talk to your partner about how we could write this as a subtraction sentence Circulate and listen S Discuss T Choose a student to demonstrate her subtraction sentence using the bears T We can write 6 4 2 to show that we had 6 bears and separated 4 of them from the group leaving us with 2 bears for the unknown part You write the subtraction sentence on your board as I write it S T Write 6 4 2 T Circle the answer to our question in the number sentence T What number bond matches the parts and the total for this story Add that to your board S T Draw a number bond of 4 and 2 with the total of 6 Tell the following story Once upon a time 8 bears were fishing for dinner Five bears had been fishing all day The rest of the bears came after lunch How many bears came after lunch Have students solve and write an addition and subtraction number sentence along with a matching number bond on their white boards Place 8 bears on the floor Invite students to share the number sentences and analyze the referents for each number Emphasize that there are two parts within the total by drawing an imaginary line between them T Do both of your number sentences match the number bond S Yes T How are these number sentences the same How are they different Turn and talk to your partner S Both number sentences gave us the answer Three more bears came to fish The first time we used counting on and an addition sentence to solve The second time we used subtraction Distribute bear counters to each student Repeat the process by telling other change unknown stories for students to solve using their counters Be sure to have students separate one addend from the other Consider using the following sequence 5 7 7 5 2 8 8 2 and 4 9 9 4 MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Post a written copy of the problem for students to consult as the two stories in this lesson are being read aloud Learners can follow along as the story is being told and use the text to process information ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 185

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Topic G Lesson 25 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 25 Subtraction Story Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson 186 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 25 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Where did the unknown numbers appear in the number bonds and the number sentences we worked with today How did the number bond help you come up with the addition and the related subtraction sentence EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Solve the math story Complete the number bond and number sentences Circle the unknown number Rich bought 6 cans of soda on Monday He bought some more on Tuesday Now he has 9 cans of soda How many cans did Rich buy on Tuesday Rich bought cans Answers 1 9 as the whole and 6 and 3 as the parts of the number bond 6 3 9 9 6 3 numeral 3 circled 3 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 187

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Topic G Lesson 25 Fluency Template G1M1 RACE TO THE TOP FLUENCY TEMPLATE 1 0 188 2 4 6 8 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 25 Lesson Template NUMBER BOND DASH 9 FLUENCY TEMPLATE 2 Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 189

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 26 Lesson 26 YOUR NOTES Count on using the number path to find an unknown part TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Number Path Hop Materials S 5 group Cards numeral side Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template 1 counter NOTE This activity connects fluency work of addition and subtraction within 10 with the number path as a tool for modeling addition and subtraction Students make a number path by ordering their 5 group cards from 0 to 10 Instruct the students to place their counters on 0 and give a series of directions Hop forward 2 Where are you Hop back 1 space What number are you on Hop from 1 to 5 How many hops did you make What number do you add to 5 to make 9 Partners to 9 Materials T S 5 group Cards 0 9 dot side Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE Reviewing partners to 9 allows students to gain and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 a grade level objective Students also apply the commutative property T Hold up the 5 group card with 5 dots How many dots do you see S 5 T Hold up your 5 group card that shows how many more dots I need to make 9 S Hold up the card with 4 dots T Say an addition sentence for 9 beginning with the number you see on my card S 5 4 9 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 191

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Topic G Lesson 26 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T Good Now say another addition sentence for 9 Begin with your card S 4 5 9 Continue playing eliciting all partners to 9 Number Bond Dash 9 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 9 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice and remember that this is the second Number Bond Dash that practices making 9 Students should recall their scores from Lesson 25 s Number Bond Dash 9 activity to see and celebrate improvement WORD PROBLEM There were 5 students in the cafeteria Some more students came in late Now there are 7 students in the cafeteria How many students came in late Write a number bond to match the story Write an addition sentence and a subtraction sentence to show two ways to solve the problem Draw a rectangle around the unknown number that you found NOTE This problem serves as a bridge from Lesson 25 a change unknown lesson that allowed students to connect addition and subtraction preparing students to do the same in a different context within today s Concept Exploration Concept Exploration Materials T Giant number path S Personal white board Number Path Concept Exploration Template Before the Concept Exploration instruct students to insert the Number Path Concept Exploration Template into their personal white boards Place a giant number path on the floor Have students bring their personal white boards and sit in a semi circle facing the number path T Write 6 4 on the board Fill in your number bond using this number sentence One of the boxes should be left empty S Write 6 in the total box and 4 in the part box T Let s solve 6 4 by using this giant number path What is the whole S 6 192 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 26 T Select and direct a student to stand above 6 If we are using the number path to show how to take 4 away from 6 should we count on or count back on the number path By how many YOUR NOTES S We count down by 4 T As Paul hops down let s keep track of our counts until we reach 4 S Paul hops 1 square at a time as the rest of the class counts 1 2 3 4 He ends up on 2 T What is 6 4 S 2 S T Write 2 in the number sentence Complete the number bond T Is there another way to solve 6 4 Turn and talk to your partner S We can also count on from 4 to 6 We can use an addition sentence We can think 4 6 T Write 4 6 We can count on using the number path How many hops are needed to get to 6 Let s count on and keep track of the hops on our fingers T S Foouuur 5 6 Put up a finger for each hop T How many does 4 need to get to 6 S 2 T What is the number sentence to show what we just did S 4 2 6 T Fill in the blank with 2 Again 2 was the number we were looking for It s the same answer as the answer from the subtraction sentence T Which was easier counting back or counting on S Counting on was easier T Write 8 5 on the board When you see a subtraction problem you can always add instead How can I turn this into an addition sentence S 5 8 Read as five plus an unknown part equals eight T Write the number sentence on your board T On your number path circle the 5 That s the part we already know Let s find the unknown part by hopping to each number until we get to 8 Watch me as you help me count on T S Circle 5 and draw to show hopping to each consecutive number Fiiiive 6 7 8 T How many did 5 need to get to 8 S 3 T Fill in the unknown number in the number sentence and put a circle around it to show that it was what we were solving for T If 5 3 8 then 8 5 must be S 3 T Let s check our work by using the number path to solve 8 5 Erase the marks on your number path Start at 8 Which way should we hop to show taking away 5 How many times S Hop backward 5 times T Let s count as we draw our hopping marks ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 193

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Topic G Lesson 26 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T S 1 2 3 4 5 T What number did you land on S 3 T Write the number sentence and put a circle around what we were solving for S Write 8 5 3 and circle 3 Repeat this process Consider using the suggested sequence 9 2 7 5 and 7 3 Some students may begin to see when counting on is more efficient and when counting back is more efficient It is okay if they do not see this yet as they will do more work with selecting an efficient strategy in Lesson 27 MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Present math concretely with familiar objects Students may prefer using their fingers while others might prefer using something to count such as bears or disks Allow students to choose and use the manipulative they believe helps them efficiently solve problems Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Post the problem 9 6 or 6 9 Which is easier for you Counting on or counting back EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 194 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 26 Task YOUR NOTES Use the number path to solve Write the addition sentence you used to help you solve 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 7 5 b 9 2 c 7 8 9 10 10 3 Answers a 2 5 2 7 b 7 2 7 9 c 7 3 7 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 195

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Topic G Lesson 26 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 9 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 196 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 26 Lesson Template NUMBER PATH CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 197

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 27 Lesson 27 YOUR NOTES Count on using the number path to find an unknown part TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting by Twos NOTE Reviewing counting on allows students to maintain fluency with adding 2 Repeat the Happy Counting activity from Lesson 3 counting by twos from 10 to 20 and back Number Bond Roll Materials S Die with 6 replaced by 0 personal white board NOTE Reviewing number bonds allows students to build and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 Match partners of similar levels of understanding of related addition and subtraction facts Each student rolls 1 die Students use the numbers on their own die and their partner s die as the parts of a number bond They each write a number bond addition sentence and subtraction sentence on their personal white boards Once both partners have made their number bonds and number sentences they check each other s work For example if Partner A rolls a 2 and Partner B rolls a 3 they each write the number bond showing 2 and 3 making 5 and write number sentences such as 2 3 5 and 5 3 2 Number Sentence Swap NOTE This activity supports the connection between subtraction and addition The initial subtraction sentence with the unknown number depicted as an empty box may be written on the board as a visual support if needed ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 199

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Topic G Lesson 27 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Say a subtraction sentence aloud saying the mystery number for the unknown answer e g 5 3 the mystery number Call on a student to rephrase the sentence as an addition sentence e g 3 the mystery number 5 Ask students to count on with you to solve the problem for example 3 touch head 4 raise thumb 5 raise index finger Ask students how many fingers they counted on 2 A suggested sequence is 5 3 4 2 6 4 6 5 7 6 7 5 and 7 3 WORD PROBLEM Materials S Personal white board Number Path Lesson 26 Concept Exploration Template Distribute the Number Path template to students Marcus has 9 strawberries Six of them are small the rest are big How many strawberries are big Fill in the template Circle the mystery or unknown number in the number sentences and write a statement to answer the question NOTE This problem is designed as a bridge from Lesson 26 s focus on adding on the number path as a means of solving subtraction problems Concept Exploration Materials T 2 number paths projected or charted S Personal white board Number Path Lesson 26 Concept Exploration Template Have students bring their personal white boards with the Number Path template inserted and sit in a semicircle facing a projected number path T Write 9 8 on the board and read the equation aloud with students Fill in your number bond using this number sentence One of the boxes should be left empty S Write 9 in the total box and 8 in the part box T What are some ways we can solve this Talk with your partner S Share with a partner T Circulate and listen Then ask a student or two to share with the class S We can add We can count on using the number path We can count back T I heard someone say that we can count back Let s use the number path to count back and solve 9 8 Which way should we hop to show taking away 8 How many times S Hop backward 8 times T Let s start with our whole and count as we draw our hopping marks 200 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic G Lesson 27 T S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 YOUR NOTES T What is 9 8 S 1 T Yes Write that in your number bond solve your number sentence and circle the unknown or answer number we were solving for S Write 1 in the other part box solve and circle 1 T We counted back 8 from 9 until we reached 1 Wow that took us a long time Hmmm is there a faster way to solve this I heard someone say that we can add instead So if we think addition what addition sentence could we write to help us solve 9 8 S 8 9 T Good Please write that number sentence Pause Let s use our number paths to solve 9 8 by thinking of 8 9 T S Circle 8 and draw an arced arrow to 9 as everyone counts Eeiiiight 9 T How many did we count on in order to solve S 1 T Yes Please solve your number sentence and circle the unknown or answer number we were solving for S Solve and circle 1 T Look at these two strategies to solve the same problem 9 8 Talk with your partner Did we get the same answer each time Which way was more efficient or faster T As students talk circulate and listen Then ask a student or two to share and explain why S Counting on was more efficient because we only had to count on 1 more Counting back took so much longer and we still got 1 as our unknown or answer number T So when you are solving subtraction number sentences you can think and decide Would it be easier for me to count back or count on Continue this process having students show the strategies on their own personal boards just as in Lesson 26 Consider using the following suggested sequence 7 6 9 2 8 3 and 10 7 Focus students on explaining why they would select a particular method ensuring that they cite efficiency in some way MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION During this exploration it is important for students to articulate the way they chose to solve a problem so that other students can hear how they are thinking This should help guide students toward the most efficient method for solving subtraction problems ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 201

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Topic G Lesson 27 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 27 Count on or Count Back Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson 202 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Wrap Up Topic G Lesson 27 YOUR NOTES LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion What did you notice about the times you chose to count on When you counted back What other strategies could you have used to solve these subtraction sentences What about if we had 117 115 Should we count on or back What would our answer be EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 To solve 7 6 Ben thinks you should count back and Pat thinks you should count on Which is the best way to solve this expression Make a simple math drawing to show why 7 6 Answers 1 1 count on drawings will vary ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 203

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Topic H G1M1 TOPIC H Subtraction Word Problems With a smooth transition from Topic G Topic H provides students with rich experiences connecting subtraction to their solid foundation of addition using various word problem types Lesson 28 begins with students solving action based take from with result unknown problems as they start with a set of objects then take some away and finally end with a smaller set of objects Students then work with simple math drawings and equations to represent these take from with result unknown stories and connect the act of crossing off to the symbol for subtraction Then Lesson 29 allows students to solve the relationship based take apart with result unknown problems which are both connected to take from with result unknown problems and are the counterpart to the familiar put together with addend unknown problems from earlier topics In both Lessons 28 and 29 students make varied statements to explain the remaining amount e g There were 4 bears left Four bears stayed in the forest Then there were 4 bears all together This permits students to think and speak flexibly about the unknown rather than associate specific key words with a particular operation For example all together does not always indicate addition Lesson 30 furthers the connection between addition and subtraction as teachers have students discuss ways to solve add to with change unknown word problems as they use simple math drawings and equations to represent the problem and solution With the introduction of a whole new problem type in Lesson 31 students use drawings to solve take from with change unknown problems such as Ben had 7 pencils He gave away some Now he has 5 How many pencils did he give away The topic ends with another new relationship problem put together take apart with addend unknown Throughout Topic H students discuss and apply their understanding of addition as it relates to subtraction and vice versa Objective Topic H Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Subtraction Word Problems Solve take from with result unknown math stories with math drawings true number sentences and statements using horizontal marks to cross off what is taken away Solve take apart with addend unknown math stories with math drawings equations and statements circling the known part to find the unknown Lesson 30 Solve add to with change unknown math stories with drawings relating addition and subtraction Lesson 31 Solve take from with change unknown math stories with drawings Lesson 32 Solve put together take apart with addend unknown math stories 204 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lesson for Topic H Lesson 32 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 205

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 28 Lesson 28 YOUR NOTES Solve take from with result unknown math stories with math drawings true number sentences and statements using horizontal marks to cross off what is taken away TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Beep Counting by Ones NOTE This activity focuses on practicing the counting sequence to 120 starting at any given number Students remain attentive to small sets of consecutive numbers considering the order of the numbers without relying on the typical predictability of rote counting Say a series of three numbers but replace one of the numbers with the word beep e g 5 6 beep When signaled students say the beep number Scaffold number sequences from simple to complex Include forward and backward number sentences Use the following suggested sequence 5 6 beep 17 18 beep 28 29 beep 2 1 beep 42 41 beep 62 61 beep 8 beep 10 58 beep 60 beep 55 56 beep 71 72 88 87 beep 91 beep 89 99 beep 101 and 109 beep 111 Cold Call 1 Less NOTE This activity continues to strengthen students development of counting backward within the counting sequences up to 120 Tell students you are going to say a number aloud and instruct them to think about the number that is 1 less They do not need to raise their hands as you will cold call groups of students or the whole class to say an answer Alternate between calling on the whole class and ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 207

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Topic H Lesson 28 YOUR NOTES G1M1 groups of students e g only circle table only one side of the room etc Begin with numbers within 10 and then expand to numbers within 40 then 80 and then 120 Use the following suggested sequence 2 1 8 6 9 7 10 8 18 28 38 3 13 23 33 etc WORD PROBLEM Eight ducks are swimming in the pond Four ducks fly away How many ducks are still swimming in the pond Write a number bond number sentence and statement Draw a number path to prove your answer NOTE This problem is a bridge from Lesson 27 and a lead up to today s Concept Exploration Bringing students back to the number path from Lesson 27 provides a strong lead in for using horizontal marks to show the part that is taken away in the current concept Concept Exploration Materials S Personal white board Invite students to sit in the meeting area in a semicircle with their personal white boards T Welcome to another edition of Math Stories Theater You will be watching math stories and having a hand at solving them T There were 6 children at the sleepover Call on 6 students to come to the front of the room and act out being at a sleepover Two children got picked up Draw an imaginary horizontal line in front of 2 students S Two students leave the group of 6 and sit down T How many children stayed S 4 T Put that into a sentence S Four children stayed T Now use simple math drawings to show how you know 4 children stayed Ask all actors to return to the circle S Draw simple math drawings such as circles and use their own strategies to show that 2 children left the sleepover T Ask students to share their strategies 208 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 If a student shares the crossing off using horizontal marks strategy have her share with the group being sure to include key points from the script below If no one uses horizontal marks lead students into a dialogue similar to the one below Topic H Lesson 28 YOUR NOTES T What did we start with S Six children at the sleepover T Model drawing 6 circles in a linear configuration What is the whole in this story S 6 T Yes So our drawing shows how we started with the whole Then what happened S Two children had to leave T When they were leaving I drew an imaginary line in front of them to show that they were leaving Let s show that with our drawing I m going to cross 2 off with a line Model crossing off 2 of the circles and ask students to trace it in the air What does that line crossing out those 2 remind you of S Taking away The subtraction symbol T Good Write a number bond and number sentence that tells the sleepover story Don t forget to label your number bond T Circulate and listen Then ask a student or two to share with the class S For my number sentence I wrote 6 2 4 For my number bond I wrote 6 as the total children at the sleepover and then one of the parts was 2 because those were the children who got picked up The other part was 4 because those children stayed Have students erase their personal white boards Continue to tell stories without actors using the following suggested sequence and scenarios 7 3 frogs on a log 8 6 apples getting eaten and 9 5 flowers getting picked Focus students on the referents starting with the whole and crossing off to show the action of taking away MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Using personal white boards for student responses is a great way to involve all learners Some students might not feel comfortable participating orally while others may not be able to respond orally This way both groups can show what they know on their personal white boards so that the teacher can check for understanding MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Multilingual learners may benefit from seeing pictures that represent the number stories of the lesson Model drawing circles for the number stories Give students the option to share their thinking in their first language after displaying their number story on their personal board or provide a sentence frame to guide their language ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 209

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Topic H Lesson 28 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion What do our drawings in a row remind us of A number path 5 group cards Why would we draw our stories this way Can we always show a math story using a picture number bond Does it only work for this story EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Read the problem Make a math drawing to solve There were 9 kites flying in the park Three kites got caught in trees How many kites were still flying kites were still flying Answers 1 9 objects drawn group of 3 objects crossed out 9 3 6 6 210 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 29 Topic H Lesson 29 YOUR NOTES Solve take apart with addend unknown math stories with math drawings equations and statements circling the known part to find the unknown Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Stand on Even Numbers NOTE Practicing counting forward by twos helps promote automaticity with adding 2 and counting with automaticity up to 40 Students sit in a circle and count by ones each student saying one number to count up When a student says an even number she stands 1 2 student stands 3 4 student stands Continue counting until all students are standing The last one sitting is the winner Play again starting at a different point in the circle As an alternative students can participate in this activity by raising their hands for even numbers Cold Call 2 Less NOTE This activity supports students ability to relate counting back 2 to subtracting 2 Tell students you are going to say a number aloud and instruct them to think about the number that is 2 less Let them know you will cold call students to say the answer as quickly as possible Alternate between calling on the whole class and groups of students e g circle table only one side of the room only etc Begin with numbers within 10 and then expand to numbers within 20 A suggested sequence type is 3 2 8 6 9 7 10 8 18 8 ten 8 3 13 etc Subtraction With Cards Materials S 1 set of 5 group cards numeral side only Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template per pair counters if needed NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 211

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Topic H Lesson 29 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Students place cards face down between them Each partner flips over two cards and subtracts the smaller number from the larger number The partner with the smallest difference keeps the cards played by both players that round The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins WORD PROBLEM Lucas has 9 pencils for school He lends 4 of them to his friends How many pencils does Lucas have left Box the solution in your number sentence and include a statement to answer the question Be sure to draw your simple shapes in a straight line NOTE This problem sets the stage for today s Concept Exploration where students transition from crossing off a part that is taken away to circling a known part to identify an unknown part embedded within the total Concept Exploration Materials S Personal white board Invite students to sit in the meeting area in a semicircle with their personal white boards T Welcome to another edition of Math Stories Theater Six children are at a sleepover Call 6 children to the front lining them up in a straight row T Four children are wearing black shoes The rest are wearing white shoes T How many children are wearing white shoes at the sleepover T Write a subtraction sentence to answer the question S Write 6 4 2 T By lining up our actors in a straight row we can easily see the sets of students Let s try another one T It s bedtime Three children are in their sleeping bags The rest are underneath their blankets How many children are using blankets Turn and decide with a partner S Discuss with partner S Three children are using blankets T Let s use the actors to see These 3 have sleeping bags Gesture to students That means these children have blankets Three children are using blankets T Let s draw a simple math drawing to match this situation On a personal board draw 6 circles in a row 212 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 29 T These circles represent our 6 children in the story We know that 3 of them are using sleeping bags I m going to circle the first 3 of these circle the first 3 shapes and then we should be able to see how many children are left using blankets How many circles are left YOUR NOTES S 3 circles T Draw a simple math drawing like mine to match the story Write the subtraction sentence that goes with it S Create a similar math drawing and write 6 3 3 Repeat the process with more take apart math stories Listed below is a suggested sequence of story lines 8 cupcakes in all 6 with chocolate icing and the rest with vanilla 7 sneakers in all 3 with Velcro and the rest with shoelaces 10 coats 7 with buttons and the rest with zippers 9 balls 3 basketballs and the rest are soccer balls Each time ask the students to draw a simple math story to check their solution to the story problem before having the actors portray the two parts Focus on circling the part that is known to help solve the unknown part MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Frequent checks for understanding may be beneficial to some students Ask questions for comprehension and encourage students to retell the story to ensure the vocabulary and concept is being understood MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Adjust the lesson structure to suit the specific needs of the class Some students may need to continue with concrete representations throughout the lesson Other students may be ready for more challenging numbers or the opportunity to develop their own math stories Help students choose the right level of challenge Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 29 Take It Apart Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 213

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Topic H Lesson 29 YOUR NOTES G1M1 See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The dialogue below may be used to lead the discussion Help students make a distinction between the take apart and take from stories the two problem types using subtraction they have encountered thus far in the mission T When we used subtraction today we didn t cross off any parts of our drawings What does it mean when we cross things off in our drawings Give an example S Something is going away T Why didn t we cross things off today Give an example S Because nothing went away It was just that one part was different from the other We were looking for the other part 214 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 EXIT TICKET Topic H Lesson 29 YOUR NOTES After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Read the story Make a math drawing to solve There are 9 baseball players on the team Seven are on the bench How many are not on the bench Answers 1 9 objects drawn group of 7 objects circled 9 7 2 9 as the whole and 7 and 2 as the parts of the number bond 2 players are not on the bench ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 215

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G1M1 Lesson 30 Topic H Lesson 30 YOUR NOTES Solve add to with change unknown math stories with drawings relating addition and subtraction Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting by Tens NOTE Practice counting forward and back by tens helps promote automaticity with 10 more and 10 less addition and subtraction problems Repeat the Happy Counting activity from Lesson 3 counting by tens First count from 0 to 120 and back and then from 9 to 119 and back Math Hands Flash Partners of 10 NOTE This activity provides an opportunity for students to maintain their fluency with partners of 10 and strengthen their visualization of 5 groups by using their hands to see the math The activity also continues to support students in seeing the connection between addition and subtraction Guide students to relate addition and subtraction problems while building fluency with partners of 10 T Hold up 9 fingers Show me how many fingers I need to make 10 S Hold up 1 finger T 9 plus what number equals 10 S 1 T Good 9 1 10 so 10 9 Look at your hands S 1 Continue playing eliciting all partners of 10 If students are highly successful switch to other totals within 10 such as 9 8 or 7 Number Bond Dash 10 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 10 Fluency Template marker to correct work ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 217

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Topic H Lesson 30 YOUR NOTES G1M1 NOTE By using the same system repeatedly students can focus on the mathematics alone This activity addresses the core fluency for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Tell students to remember how many problems they get correct so they can try to improve their scores in the next Number Bond Dash WORD PROBLEM Freddie has 10 action figures in his pocket Five of them are good guys How many of his action figures are bad guys Box the solution in your number sentence and include a statement to answer the question Make a math drawing Circle the part that is good guys to show you have the correct number of bad guys NOTE This problem applies learning from Lesson 29 on solving take apart story problems by circling the known part to find the unknown part Concept Exploration Materials T Books of different sizes S Personal white board Number Path Lesson 26 Concept Exploration Template Display 5 books either on the ledge of the board or on a shelf Invite students to sit in the meeting area in a semicircle with their personal white boards with the Number Path template inserted T How many books do I have on this shelf Gesture to the books S 5 books T A student came and put some more books on the shelf Close your eyes Add 2 more books Open your eyes How many books are there now S 7 books T Let s make a number bond to figure out how many more books the student brought Ask students to identify what they already know from the story and decide if it is a part or the total as they fill in the boxes Have students identify the referents for each number and label the boxes accordingly T Turn and talk to your partner about what you can do to solve how many more books the student put on the shelf Write the number sentence but leave the mystery number blank S Discuss and write 5 7 or 7 5 T Circulate and listen Ask a student who used addition to share S Show the number sentence I counted on Fiiive 6 7 I added 2 more I said 5 plus what equals 7 and just knew it was 2 218 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 30 T Great strategies Choose a student who used subtraction to share YOUR NOTES S I knew there were 7 books total so I took away 5 books that we already had and got 2 books T Nice work Did we all get the same answer even though some used an addition sentence and others used a subtraction sentence S Yes Have students fill in the missing part of the number bond and label it on their white boards T Let s draw a picture number bond to show the story T Draw circles in a row to represent the total of 7 books Put a box around it just like the number has a box around it in the number bond Model and emphasize the importance of making circles the same size Each circle represents 1 book not the size of each book S Draw T Draw circles in a row to represent the number of books we began with Put a box around it Model and draw a diagonal line to connect the part and total box S Draw T Draw a box to show the part that will contain the number of books the student brought Model and draw another diagonal line Fill in the box with circles that represent how many more books were put on the shelf S Draw 2 more circles T Write the labels to show what each box and its circles stand for Guide the students if necessary S Write labels Repeat the process by telling more add to with change unknown stories Use the following suggested sequence 4 7 6 8 and 6 9 At times rotate the picture number bond so that the parts are above the total This will help students focus on recognizing which is the total and which sections are the parts based on the lines or arms of the bond T How did you use your math drawing to show how you can use addition to solve the problem S I started with the 6 books and used my fingers to count on 3 or add 3 to get to the total T How did you use your math drawing to show how you can use subtraction to solve the problem S I started with the total which is 9 separated the 6 and saw that 3 were left MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Consider providing sentence frames to support verbal responses for students who are developing language skills or need support generating written text MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Encourage students who are developing an understanding of addition and subtraction to use the Number Path while they are solving these problems ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 219

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Topic H Lesson 30 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 30 Sum Subtraction Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 220 What new math strategy did we use today to communicate precisely Explain how it is helpful How is drawing a picture number bond similar to and different from your past math drawings Let s compare our problems using subtraction again ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 30 T When we used subtraction yesterday we didn t cross off any parts of our drawings What does it mean when we cross things off in our drawings Give an example YOUR NOTES S Something is going away T Why didn t we cross things off today Give an example S Something was being added but we didn t know what We added on the mystery number We just subtracted because it was a missing part but it didn t sound like subtraction I didn t even write a subtraction sentence at first I didn t need to because I saw the number bond in my mind A part was missing EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Draw and label a picture number bond to solve Toby collects shells On Monday he finds 6 shells On Tuesday he finds some more Toby finds a total of 9 shells How many shells does Toby find on Tuesday DRAW Toby finds shells on Tuesday Answers 1 9 objects drawn and 6 of those objects are circled 9 as the whole and 6 and 3 as the parts of the number bond 6 3 9 9 6 3 Toby finds 3 shells on Tuesday ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 221

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Topic H Lesson 30 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 10 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 222 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 31 Topic H Lesson 31 YOUR NOTES Solve take from with change unknown math stories with drawings Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Beep Counting by Tens NOTE This fluency activity helps students recognize patterns while building fluency with adding and subtracting 10 Say a series of three numbers but replace one of the numbers with the word beep When signaled students say the beep number See Lesson 28 Fluency Practice Suggested sequence types are basic multiples of 10 10 20 beep 80 90 beep etc and 10 more with some ones 25 35 beep 48 58 beep etc If students are ready try counting backward or placing the beep first or second in the sequence Penny Drop Count on from 10 Materials T 15 pennies 1 can NOTE This activity reviews identifying 10 ones and some additional ones This concept is foundational for Mission 2 where students use the make ten strategy to add within 20 Tell students that 10 pennies are in the can Have students close their eyes and listen Drop 1 to 5 pennies in the can one at a time Ask students to open their eyes and tell you how many pennies are in the can now Number Bond Dash 10 Materials T Stopwatch or timer S Number Bond Dash 10 Fluency Template marker to correct work NOTE Reviewing number bonds allows students to build and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 Follow the procedure for Number Bond Dash in Lesson 5 Fluency Practice Remember that this is the second Number Bond Dash that practices making 10 Students should recall their scores from Lesson 30 s Number Bond Dash 10 activity to see and celebrate improvement ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 223

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Topic H Lesson 31 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Shanika saw 5 pigeons on the roof Some more pigeons flew onto the roof She then counted 8 pigeons How many pigeons flew over Write a number bond and both addition and subtraction number sentences to match the story Box the solution in your number sentences and include a statement to answer the question NOTE This problem applies learning from Lesson 30 where students use strategies to solve add to with change unknown problems By writing both addition and subtraction number sentences students continue to strengthen their understanding of the relationship between the operations Concept Exploration Materials T Books of different sizes S Personal white board T Welcome to another edition of Math Stories Theater You will be watching math stories and having a hand at solving them T I borrowed 7 books from the library On my way home I lent some of the books to a friend Will my backpack have more or fewer books than 7 How do you know S Fewer books because you took away some books to give to your friend T You re right There are 5 books still in the backpack How many books did I lend T Let s make a number bond to find out On your board make and fill in the number bond What does 7 stand for S The books you borrowed from the library T Is that a part or the total number of books in the story S The total T S Fill in 7 on the number bond and label B for borrowed books T What else do you know S You have 5 books left T Are these 5 books part of the total number of books S Yes T S Fill in 5 and label L for leftover books T What about this part box What does it stand for S That s the mystery number It stands for how many books you gave to your friend T Let s write a number sentence How did the story begin S You borrowed 7 books T Write 7 What happened next How can we continue our number sentence S You gave away some books so use minus Write 7 minus box because we don t know how many books you gave away 224 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 31 T Write 7 What happened last How can we continue our number sentence YOUR NOTES S You ended up with 5 books Seven minus something is 5 T Writes 7 5 T Let s make a math drawing to show what we know so far S Draw 7 circles T Group the circles that show how many books I still have S Group 5 circles together T What are these books that we didn t group Gesture to the 2 remaining books S The books you gave to your friend T How can we show that I gave away these books S Say goodbye 2 Make the line look like one big subtraction sign T Write a number sentence to show what you just did S Write 7 2 5 T How many books did I give away S You gave away 2 books T Circle the part of the number sentence that shows this answer S Circle 2 Continue to tell take from with change unknown stories using the following suggested sequence and scenarios Hansel and Gretel have a bag with 8 pieces of bread They drop some on their path and have 3 pieces remaining Nine children are playing hide and seek Some went away to hide Four children can still be seen We caught 9 fireflies Some flew away Six fireflies are left in the jar Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 31 Lost and Found Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 225

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Topic H Lesson 31 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion What pattern did you notice about all of our story problems today What new math strategy did we use to solve our story problems today One at a time share some student drawings that have particular strengths e g use of simple circles or squares picture number bonds straight rows or similarly sized shapes clear labels What do you notice about this math drawing What qualities make it useful for solving math problems EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 226 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 31 Task YOUR NOTES 1 Make a math drawing and circle the part you know Cross out the unknown part Complete the number sentence and number bond Deb blows up 9 balloons Some balloons popped Three balloons are left How many balloons popped Answers 1 9 objects drawn group of 3 objects circled and group of 6 objects crossed out 9 as the whole and 3 and 6 as the parts of the number bond 9 3 6 6 balloons popped ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 227

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Topic H Lesson 31 Fluency Template G1M1 NUMBER BOND DASH 10 FLUENCY TEMPLATE Do as many as you can in 90 seconds Write the number of bonds you finished here 228 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 32 Lesson 32 YOUR NOTES Solve put together take apart with addend unknown math stories TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Happy Counting the Say Ten Way NOTE This activity helps students maintain their ability to count by tens which is foundational to later Grade 1 work with adding and subtracting tens Remember the Rekenrek can be used on the first count to help students visualize the numbers as they count forward and backward Have students count up and down between 20 and 120 the Say Ten way depending on their skill level see Lesson 3 Fluency Practice If they are fluent up to 40 start at 40 and quickly go up to 80 If they are fluent between 40 and 80 Happy Count between 80 and 120 Alternate at times between regular and Say Ten counting too 5 Group Match Partners to 10 Materials S 5 group Cards 0 10 with 1 extra 5 card per pair Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE Strong fluency with partners to 10 will be critical in Mission 2 so that students can focus on building on these skills and addressing higher level problems Assign students partners Partner 1 closes his eyes Partner 2 quickly lays out the 5 group cards numeral side up Partner 1 opens his eyes and tries to match all partners to ten as quickly as possible Each player tries twice in a row to see if they can increase their speed ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 229

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Topic H Lesson 32 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Number Sentence Swap NOTE This activity supports students in developing a strong foundation in the relationship between addition and subtraction Give a subtraction sentence aloud saying the mystery number for the unknown answer e g 5 3 the mystery number Call on a student to rephrase the sentence as an addition sentence e g 3 blank 5 Ask students to count on to solve the problem for example threeeeee touch head or hold up fist 4 raise thumb 5 raise index finger Ask students how many fingers they counted on 2 WORD PROBLEM There are 8 juice boxes in the cubbies Some children drink their juice Now there are only 5 juice boxes How many juice boxes were taken from the cubbies Make a number bond Write a subtraction sentence and a statement to match the story Make a box around the solution in your number sentence Make a math drawing to show how you know NOTE This problem applies learning from Lesson 31 where students use strategies to solve take from with change unknown problems The continued use of the number bond supports students growing understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction as they solve various problem types Concept Exploration Materials T 10 white linking cubes S Personal white board Invite students to come to the meeting area with their personal white boards and sit in a semicircle T There are 8 apples In a line lay out 8 individual white linking cubes Put on your magic glasses that will show different colors Pretend to put on glasses S Pretend to put on glasses T Ooooh I see two parts There are five red apples here on this side Gesture That s one part Thumbs up if you can see the red apples S Show thumbs up T The other part of the apples is green Can you see the two parts S Yes 230 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 32 T Make a number bond on your white board to find out how many apples are green Be sure to label each box even the mystery box YOUR NOTES S Make a number bond with labels T Make a math drawing to show how you can solve the mystery number Remember to line up your pictures in a straight row S Drawings may vary T Write the number sentence to solve Be sure to circle the solution S Number sentences may vary T Circulate and observe Choose two students to share different strategies and number sentences Possibilities include counting up counting back and writing addition or subtraction sentences T James wrote 5 8 and Lily wrote 8 5 Even though they used different number sentences and drawings did they get the same answer S Yes T Hmmm which was a faster or more efficient way to solve Counting up or counting back Turn and talk to your partner and explain why S Counting up You only need to count on 3 times to get to 8 Taking away 5 takes longer T While guiding students to notice that counting on 3 is more efficient accept all explanations Some students may know their 5 facts and find 8 5 a better strategy Repeat the process with math stories using the following suggested sequence 7 9 3 7 4 8 and 6 9 After each story ask students to identify which number sentence addition or subtraction they used to solve Guide students to make a generalization about when it would be a better shortcut to use counting on or counting back along with just knowing the decompositions T Look at this number bond Write 8 as the total and 6 as a part T Think of a math story with a missing part where nothing goes away that could go with this number bond Tell it to your partner T Make a math drawing write an addition and subtraction number sentence and solve Circle each of your solutions S Solve Repeat the process by asking students to create their own number bond with 9 as the total MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Facilitate discussions to provide opportunities for students to use math language This also provides an opportunity to check for understanding of vocabulary and concepts MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Never underestimate the use of concrete manipulatives or a pictorial representation when students are learning a new skill Students should use 5 group cards number path or other manipulatives such as counting bears when they need extra support Allow students to use the extra support as long as they need it ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 231

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Topic H Lesson 32 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 32 Put It All Together Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 232 When you use different strategies do you always find the unknown number in the same place in your number sentence Give an example to explain your thinking ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic H Lesson 32 Was it easier for you to use an addition sentence or a subtraction sentence to solve today s math stories Why do you think that is When is it wiser for you to use an addition sentence to solve the problem Give an example What about using a subtraction sentence YOUR NOTES EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task 1 Read the math story Make a math drawing and solve Glenn has 9 pens Five are black The rest are blue How many pens are blue Answers 1 9 objects drawn group of 5 objects circled 9 as the whole and 5 and 4 as the parts of the number bond 9 5 4 5 4 9 4 pens are blue ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 233

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Topic I G1M1 TOPIC I Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction Similar to Topic E s addition methods Topic I allows students to learn methods for subtraction that involve subtracting 0 and 1 subtracting the whole number subtracting one less than the whole number and using familiar decompositions 5 groups and partners of 10 to conceptualize subtraction as finding a missing part In Lesson 33 students use pictures and simple math drawings to show 0 less and 1 less and construct number sentences The discussion in Lesson 34 around what happens each time students take away 0 or 1 with numbers within 10 leads them to an understanding that this same reality remains true with all numbers Similarly students explore what happens in both n n and n n 1 situations They notice When I take 5 away from 5 I m left with zero every time and 5 4 is 1 just like 6 5 is 1 Students generalize their understanding Any number minus a number that s one less will leave us with just 1 In Lesson 35 students relate their knowledge of both doubles and fives to the context of subtraction where they extract those known facts from given expressions For instance when faced with 8 5 students access the decomposition of 8 I know that 5 and 3 makes 8 and apply that understanding to help them solve subtraction problems So 8 5 must be 3 Lessons 36 and 37 continue on this explicit decomposition and subtraction connection as students use their knowledge of partners of 10 and partners of 9 to help them solve subtraction stories and equations efficiently Topic I is full of students using strategies and discussing those strategies and patterns in order to gain fluency and facility with subtraction within 10 and ultimately beyond Objective Topic I Decomposition Strategies for Subtraction Lesson 33 Model 0 less and 1 less pictorially and as subtraction number sentences Lesson 34 Model n n and n n 1 pictorially and as subtraction sentences Lesson 35 Relate subtraction facts involving fives and doubles to corresponding decompositions Lesson 36 Relate subtraction from 10 to corresponding decompositions Lesson 37 Relate subtraction from 9 to corresponding decompositions 234 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Note on Pacing for Differentiation If you are using the Zearn Math recommended weekly schedule that consists of four Core Days when students learn grade level content and one Flex Day that can be tailored to meet students needs we recommend omitting the optional lessons in this mission during the Core Days Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed This schedule ensures students have sufficient time each week to work through grade level content and includes built in weekly time you can use to differentiate instruction to meet student needs Optional lesson for Topic I Lesson 37 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 235

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G1M1 Lesson 33 Topic I Lesson 33 YOUR NOTES Model 0 less and 1 less pictorially and as subtraction number sentences Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Rekenrek Counting Within 20 Materials S Rekenrek NOTE Reviewing Kindergarten material will prepare students for work with teen numbers in Mission 2 T Move the top 10 beads on the Rekenrek to the right How many red beads do you see S 5 T How many white beads do you see S 5 T 5 and 5 make S 10 T Count the Say Ten way as I move the beads Move one bead at a time up to 2 tens and back down to 10 S Ten 1 ten 2 ten 9 2 tens ten 9 ten 8 ten Work up and down from ten 1 to 2 tens from ten 2 to ten 9 from ten 3 to ten 8 ten 4 to ten 7 and ten 5 to ten 6 and back out again 0 Less 1 Less Ask questions to review subtraction language Instruct students to answer on your signal NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Suggested questions What s 1 less than 8 What comes before 6 6 minus 0 equals 0 less than 9 is 9 is 1 less than 9 equals 10 minus ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 237

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Topic I Lesson 33 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM Nine children are playing outside One child is on the swings and the rest are playing tag How many children are playing tag Write a number bond and number sentence Make a math drawing to show how you know NOTE This problem provides an application of the Lesson 32 objective solving unknown addends as well as continuing to explore 1 less a segment of this lesson s objective Concept Exploration Materials T Number bracelet of 10 white board or easel S Number bracelet of 10 beads made with 5 red and 5 white beads created in Lesson 8 personal white board Have students bring their materials to the meeting area and sit in a semi circle T How many beads are on your number bracelet Hold up the bracelet S 10 beads Hold up the bracelet T Take 1 bead away T S Push 1 white bead away from the set as shown T How many beads do we have now S Count the beads as needed 9 beads T Write a number sentence to show what we did T S Write 10 1 9 T Push that bead all the way up until it is hiding in your hand T S Push the bead into the palm as shown T We have 9 beads Repeat the process of taking 1 bead away and writing the new number sentence for the following suggested sequence 9 1 8 1 and 7 1 T Push your beads back and open your pipe cleaner so that your beads are in a straight line T S Adjust the beads and pipe cleaner as shown T Push a set of 3 white beads away to the end of the pipe cleaner Be sure students push 3 beads as a set rather than one at a time to encourage decomposition rather than 1 to 1 counting T Tell me a number sentence to describe what we did 238 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Lesson 33 S 10 3 7 YOUR NOTES T Use your beads to show me 7 1 Write the number sentence on your board S Show 6 beads together and 1 separated bead Write 7 1 6 on personal boards Repeat the process for 5 1 T We have 4 beads This time take 0 away S Look at their beads T How many beads do we have now S 4 beads T Hmmm Let s try that with a larger number Push all your beads back to the middle so we can start with 10 T S Push beads back to middle showing all 10 beads T We have 10 beads Take away 0 beads How many beads do we have now S 10 beads T Write the number sentence to show what we did S T Write 10 0 10 Repeat the process of taking 0 beads away and writing the new number sentence for the following suggested sequence 9 0 and 6 0 MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Integrating children s literature poetry and songs can be a helpful way to reinforce and support mathematical knowledge for students MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Cultivate excitement for students who are ready to work with larger numbers by presenting numbers to 100 These students would also benefit from developing their own story song or poem for larger numbers Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 33 Smart Subtracting Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 239

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Topic I Lesson 33 G1M1 YOUR NOTES Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Explain how solving 10 0 can help you solve 122 0 What happens every time you subtract 0 Explain how solving 9 1 can help you solve 73 1 What happens every time you subtract 1 How does subtracting 1 relate to counting EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 240 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Lesson 33 Task YOUR NOTES Complete the number sentences If you want use 5 group drawings to show the subtraction 1 9 1 2 8 0 3 8 1 4 10 10 Answers 1 8 5 group drawing 9 circles with 1 circle crossed off 2 8 5 group drawing 8 circles 3 9 5 group drawing 9 circles with 1 circle crossed off 4 0 5 group drawing 10 circles ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 241

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G1M1 Lesson 34 Topic I Lesson 34 YOUR NOTES Model n n and n n 1 pictorially and as subtraction sentences Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE 1 Less 2 Less NOTE This activity builds on Lesson 33 and prepares students to solve today s Word Problem It builds on the counting sequence within 120 T I ll say a number You say 1 less at the signal Use the following suggested sequence 4 14 24 9 19 20 10 20 30 25 35 45 63 73 83 81 91 and 101 When ready change to 2 less WORD PROBLEM Eighty three beads spill on the floor A student picks up 1 bead How many beads are still on the floor Write a number bond number sentence and a statement to share your solution Extension If a second child picks up 10 more beads how many beads will remain on the floor Use number bonds to show how you know NOTE This problem enables students to apply their learning from Lesson 33 to a quantity they cannot visualize easily Instead students will use their understanding of subtracting 1 along with their knowledge of the counting sequence within 120 Concept Exploration Materials T Number bracelet of 10 white board or easel S Number bracelet of 10 beads 5 red 5 white created in Lesson 8 personal white board Have students bring their materials to the meeting area and sit in a semicircle T Stretch out your bracelet into a long line of beads like we did in our last lesson T S Adjust the pipe cleaner into a straight line ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 243

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Topic I Lesson 34 YOUR NOTES G1M1 T How many beads do we have in this set S 10 beads T Take 10 beads away T S Push 10 beads to the other side of the pipe cleaner T How many beads do we have now S Zero T Write the number sentence to show what you did Write the number bond also T S Write 10 10 0 and number bond T Start with 8 beads now T S Push 8 beads back to the main section of the pipe cleaner Repeat the process using the following suggested sequence 8 8 7 7 and 6 6 T How are these problems similar to each other S We are taking away the total amount T When we have a number and then subtract that exact number what part are we left with S Zero T Let s try something different Start with 10 beads again T S Reset pipe cleaner to show all 10 beads as a set T Take away 9 beads T S Push 9 beads slightly farther down the pipe cleaner T How many beads do we have left S 1 bead T Write the number sentence to show what you did Write the number bond also T S Write 10 9 1 and number bond T Start with 9 beads now Repeat the process using the following suggested sequence 9 8 8 7 and 7 6 Be sure to keep these number sentences on the board for discussion T How are these problems similar to each other Turn and talk to your partner Circulate and listen S Discuss T How are these problems similar S The answer is 1 every time T Let s try a few more This time try to complete the number sentence and number bond without using the beads Then check your answer using your beads Repeat the process again using expressions that vary between subtracting all and subtracting all but one through the following suggested sequence 6 6 6 5 8 8 8 7 9 9 and 9 8 T When you are working today see if you can figure out how to tell quickly that the answer to a subtraction problem will be 1 or that the answer will be 0 244 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Lesson 34 MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION YOUR NOTES Providing opportunities for all students to work at the concrete level facilitates student discovery of patterns and structures in their math work Allow time for students to explore with the number bracelets throughout the week to help solidify 5 groups and and support the transition from counting all to counting on MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Provide students with a variety of ways to respond Some students need concrete models to show their understanding while others benefit from a partner share Aim to vary the ways students respond throughout a lesson as well as throughout the Mission Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 34 Subtract That Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 245

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Topic I Lesson 34 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion How can solving 10 10 help you solve 1 272 1 272 10 629 10 629 or 1 000 000 1 000 000 How can solving 9 8 help you solve 759 758 2 478 2 477 and 1 000 001 1 000 000 EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Complete the number sentences If you want use 5 group drawings to show the subtraction 1 9 1 2 0 10 3 1 7 4 0 9 Answers 1 5 group drawing of 9 8 circles crossed off 8 2 5 group drawing of 10 10 circles crossed off 10 3 5 group drawing of 8 7 circles crossed off 8 4 5 group drawing of 9 9 circles crossed off 9 246 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Lesson 35 Lesson 35 YOUR NOTES Relate subtraction facts involving fives and doubles to corresponding decompositions TIP There is no Independent Digital Lesson corresponding to today s Concept Exploration Students should use digital time to complete other digital lessons in this mission If a student has already completed 4 digital lessons this week they should complete digital bonuses from this mission Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Cold Call NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Ask questions to practice subtraction situations for n n or n n 1 problem types Tell students you will cold call them to say the answer as quickly as possible Alternate between calling on the whole class and groups of students e g circle table only or one side of the room only Use the example dialogue below as a reference T Listen carefully to my question so you will be ready if I call on you What is 6 6 Pause to provide thinking time Everybody S 0 T 1 less than 6 is Pause Circle table S Only circle table 5 T We know 6 6 is 0 What is 6 5 Pause Square table S Only square table 1 Speed Writing Materials S Personal white board NOTE This activity focuses on the counting sequence to 120 while continuing to develop foundational skills for place value By writing and whispering students engage multi modalities for learning ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 247

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Topic I Lesson 35 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Tell students to write their numbers from 10 to the highest number they know in 1 minute while whisper counting the Say Ten way WORD PROBLEM The teacher spilled 18 beads on the floor today A student picked up 17 of the beads How many beads are still left on the floor Write a number bond number sentence and a statement to share your solution Extension If the 17 beads had been picked up by two students how many beads might each student have picked up Make a number bond to show your solution NOTE This problem enables students to apply the Lesson 34 objective to a number they cannot visualize easily Concept Exploration Materials S Number bracelet of 10 beads 5 red and 5 white created in Lesson 8 personal white board T Show me 7 the Math Way How many fingers did you use on your left hand S Hold up 5 fingers on their left hands and the thumb and index finger on their right hands 5 T Show me 7 5 by hiding your 5 S Hide their left hands T What s the answer S 2 T Give me the complete number sentence S 7 minus 5 is 2 T Show me your 7 again Subtract 2 by hiding your 2 The answer is S 5 T Give me the complete number sentence S 7 minus 2 is 5 Quickly repeat the same process subtracting 5 and its partner from 6 through 10 T Please take out your bracelets and start with 8 beads Project 8 5 Use your beads in one movement to show me the answer Write the number sentence and number bond on your white board S Push 5 beads in one movement away from the set and write 8 5 3 248 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Circulate If students move the beads one two three or four at a time have students repeat the exercise Topic I Lesson 35 YOUR NOTES T How did you solve this so quickly S I moved just my red beads in a 5 group I moved a group of 5 without counting out 1 2 3 4 5 T How did you know how many to push at once S The beads are in groups of 5 T Push them back together to have 8 and try this one Project 8 3 S Push the 3 white beads away from the set and write 8 3 5 T What did you push away as a group S The 3 white beads T What did you have left S The 5 red beads Repeat the process using the following suggested sequence 9 5 9 4 7 5 and 7 2 T Great job visualizing larger groups to help you subtract quickly Now we will use a different way to visualize or see groups to help us subtract Put your bracelets back together so you have 10 beads total What two equal parts do you see S 5 and 5 T That s right Remember facts like 5 5 are part of a special group of addition facts What are they called S Doubles T Starting at 1 1 let s recite our doubles facts Point your fingers together as we say them T S 1 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 6 4 4 8 5 5 10 T Doubles can be easy to see just like 5 groups Let s see if we can spot which of these subtraction facts are made from doubles Visualize your doubles facts as we look for them T Project three subtraction expressions 7 3 8 4 and 9 2 T Which subtraction expression is splitting up a double Turn and talk with your partner to decide Talk about how you know Write the number sentence and number bond on your paper Circulate and listen S Discuss with a partner T I like how you proved your idea to your partner by showing the doubles on your fingers Try more Repeat the process using the following suggested sequence of three sets of expressions a 5 2 8 3 4 2 b 7 4 6 3 10 4 c 8 4 6 3 10 5 The last set purposely has three doubles facts as students begin to visualize their doubles and recognize the facts within the subtraction context more quickly ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 249

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Topic I Lesson 35 YOUR NOTES G1M1 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Some students may need to make real life connections to concepts such as doubles and 5 groups Allow students the opportunity to explore doubles and 5 groups they see in real life e g pairs of shoes 4 wheelers legs of a spider doubles on dominoes and their fingers MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION Provide students who are developing fluency with math facts the option of using a visual tool such as the addition chart with the doubles facts for reference until this skill becomes automatic Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion How can your hands help you solve problems like these Fingers are like 5 groups How are your hands similar to the number bracelet How are they different EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Solve the number sentences Make a number bond Draw a picture or write a statement about the strategy that helped you 1 5 5 2 8 4 3 9 4 250 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Answers Topic I Lesson 35 YOUR NOTES 1 10 as the whole and 5 and 5 as the parts of a number bond 10 doubles or 5 group 2 8 as the whole and 4 and 4 as the parts of a number bond 4 doubles 3 9 as the whole and 5 and 4 as the parts of a number bond 5 5 group or doubles plus one ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 251

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G1M1 Lesson 36 Topic I Lesson 36 YOUR NOTES Relate subtraction from 10 to corresponding decompositions WARM UP FLUENCY PRACTICE Counting the Say Ten Way NOTE Say Ten counting reinforces place value and prepares students to decompose teen numbers Count in the teens alternating between saying numbers the regular way and the Say Ten way 2 ten 19 ten 8 17 ten 6 15 ten 4 13 ten 2 11 etc 5 Group Flash Materials T 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity prepares students for Mission 2 where they will learn how to make ten to facilitate adding e g 9 4 can be thought of as 9 1 3 or 10 3 Flash a 5 group card for two to three seconds and instruct students to identify the number at a signal or snap Flash the cards a second time and ask for the partner to 10 Begin with numbers closest to 10 first because it is easier to identify the partner to 10 Number Bonds of 10 Materials S 5 group Cards numeral side only 1 10 Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template 10 two sided beans or counters a personal white board with the Ten Frame Fluency Template inserted NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Assign students partners of similar levels of understanding of addition and subtraction Students put numeral cards face down in front of them One partner flips a card and adds counters to the ten frame e g a partner flips 9 and adds 9 red counters to the ten frame The other partner fills up the empty cells using the other side of the counters e g 1 white counter The partners then work together to fill in a number bond and write two number sentences to match ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 253

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Topic I Lesson 36 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM There are 10 beads on the floor There is the same number of red beads as white beads A student picks up the white beads How many beads are still on the floor Write a number bond number sentence and a statement to share your solution Make a math drawing to show how you know NOTE This problem enables students to apply their learning from Lesson 35 using doubles facts and 5 groups to solve subtraction Additionally the problem bridges to today s Concept Exploration which will focus on decompositions of 10 Concept Exploration Materials T Number bracelet of 10 beads 5 red 5 white created in Lesson 8 white board or easel S Number bracelet personal white boards Before students come to the meeting area slip 4 white beads off of the demonstration pipe cleaner and place them in a pocket out of view of the students Have students bring their materials to the meeting area and sit in a semicircle T Oh no My bracelet broke and is missing some of its beads Show the pipe cleaner to the class holding it far enough away so that students cannot touch each bead to count T How many beads are on my bracelet S 6 beads T Wait how many beads do you have on your bracelet S 10 T Use one movement of beads to find out how many fell off my bracelet S Push 6 away in one movement from the set to find 4 Four of your beads fell off T Write a number sentence and number bond to show what just happened to my bracelet S Write 10 4 6 and then write the corresponding number bond T Assign partners Project 10 1 Partner A use your beads to show Partner B the answer to this problem Write the number sentence and number bond on your board S Partner A pushes 1 bead away from the set writes 10 1 9 and writes the number bond T How many beads are left S 9 beads T Project 10 9 Partner B use your beads to show Partner A the answer to this problem Write the number sentence and number bond on your board S Partner B pushes 9 beads away from the set writes 10 9 1 and writes the number bond T Look at your stretched out bracelets Talk with your partner What s the same or different about them Circulate and listen 254 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 S Discuss with a partner They re the same mine is just facing the other way When I flip my bracelet over it s exactly the same as my partner s Topic I Lesson 36 YOUR NOTES T Look at your number bonds and equations Talk with your partner What s the same or different about them Circulate and listen S Discuss with a partner Our number bonds are the same Our number sentences use the same numbers and always start with 10 as the whole T Project 10 7 Partner A use your beads to show Partner B the answer to this problem Write the number sentence and number bond on your board S Partner A pushes 7 beads away from the set writes 10 7 3 and writes the number bond T Partner B use your bracelet to show Partner A the other subtraction sentence which matches your number bond Write the number sentence S Partner B pushes 3 beads away from the set and writes 10 3 7 Repeat this process using 10 6 starting with Partner B so that Partner A has a hand at coming up with the other subtraction equation If it seems necessary continue the process two more times using 10 8 and 10 3 T You ve been writing some wonderful number bonds taking apart 10 Now I m going to show you a number bond that s not quite finished Show number bond with 10 in the total box 4 in a part box and the other part blank What part goes with 4 to make 10 S 6 T Good Now write both subtraction sentences all by yourself S Write 10 4 6 and 10 6 4 Repeat this process with the following number bonds MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Consider providing extensions by connecting partners to 10 with making the next ten up to 100 For example students could work with 6 4 and 10 and then extend that thinking to complete a number bond with numbers such as 46 4 50 MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Partner share provides an opportunity to facilitate student analysis of work allowing students to evaluate the process and analyze errors ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 255

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Topic I Lesson 36 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 36 Subtract Twice Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 256 How are 5 groups and our bracelets the same in appearance What can they help us do How are they different Can we visualize rather than holding our bracelets or 5 groups ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 EXIT TICKET Topic I Lesson 36 YOUR NOTES After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Fill in the missing part Draw a math picture if needed Write the 2 matching subtraction sentences Answers 1 3 10 7 3 10 3 7 2 8 10 2 8 10 8 2 3 6 10 4 6 10 6 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 257

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Topic I Lesson 36 Fluency Template G1M1 TEN FRAME FLUENCY TEMPLATE 258 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic I Lesson 37 Lesson 37 YOUR NOTES Relate subtraction from 9 to corresponding decompositions TIP Students explore these concepts in their Independent Digital Lesson The teacher materials are optional for this lesson and we recommend that you continue your instruction with the next lesson Students who demonstrate a need for further support can explore these concepts with you and peers as part of a flex day as needed Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Choral Counting The Regular and the Say Ten Way NOTE This activity supports students ability to maintain their fluency with the counting sequence while also building the foundational skills for place value Tell students to count along alternating between the regular and the Say Ten way e g 12 ten 3 14 ten 5 etc Start at different numbers within 40 If students are ready try counting back too 5 Group Flash Materials T 5 group Cards Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template NOTE This activity addresses the core fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 using visual models to support stronger foundational development Flash a 5 group card for 2 3 seconds and instruct students to identify the number at a signal or snap Ask for a number sentence to solve 10 minus the number flashed ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 259

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Topic I Lesson 37 YOUR NOTES G1M1 WORD PROBLEM There are 10 beads on the floor A student picked up some of the beads but left some on the floor Write a number bond and a number sentence that would match this story Extension What other number bonds and number sentences could match this story Try to list all of the possibilities Encourage all students to attempt this NOTE This problem applies the objective from Lesson 36 decompositions of 10 and their related subtraction facts This also connects to today s Concept Exploration which focuses on all of the decompositions of 9 in a similar way Concept Exploration Materials T Number bracelet of 10 beads 5 red 5 white created in Lesson 8 S Number bracelet of 10 beads 5 red 5 white personal white board Have students bring their materials to the meeting area and sit in a semi circle T Assign partners Project 10 5 Partner A use your beads to solve and also show Partner B the number sentence and number bond on your board Explain as you go S Complete the task with partner T Project 9 5 Partner B take off 1 bead and put it behind you to have 9 Pause Use your beads to solve and also show Partner A a number sentence and number bond on your board Explain what you did S Complete the task with partner T Compare your bracelets your number sentences and number bonds How can Partner A s work help you solve Partner B s work Circulate and listen S Discuss with partner Partner B starts with 1 less as the whole But we both took 5 away and Partner B s answer is 1 less Nine is 1 less than 10 So when we take 5 away our answer will be 1 less It s just like on the addition chart We take away a five group so it s 4 left not 5 T Good Now Partner A please remove 1 bead and place it behind you to make sure you have 9 Pause Our 10 is now S 9 260 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Project 9 1 Use your beads to solve and also show the number sentence and number bond on your personal board Topic I Lesson 37 YOUR NOTES S Push 1 bead away from the set finish the number bond and write 9 1 8 T What is the other number sentence you can write to describe this number bond S 9 8 1 T Yes Now please write it below your first number sentence S Write 9 8 1 T Now you re going to write all of the other number bonds with 9 as the total or the whole and the subtraction sentences that describe each number bond You can move around the room to do this Hmmm what tools can you use to help you do this S Our bracelets Our hands Our 5 group cards Our math drawings Our addition chart Visualizing Our brains The charts in the room T Talk with your partner As students work circulate and support them as appropriate When most students have finished have them return to the meeting area T What strategies did you use to be sure that you got every way to make 9 S I used my bracelet and showed 1 less each time I checked mine over a couple of times and showed it with my bracelet T What strategies did you use to be sure that you showed the subtraction sentences that described the number bonds S I actually took the beads away on my bracelet I flipped my bracelet after I made the first subtraction sentence MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Some students would benefit from having a set of ten frame cards to use as a reference and to have available for practice This practice should include flipping the cards over to encourage visualization of the numbers and their partners MULTIPLE MEANS OF REPRESENTATION During this exploration it is important for students to articulate how using strategies helps to solve problems so that other students can hear how they are thinking This should help guide them toward a better understanding of the patterns and structures ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 261

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Topic I Lesson 37 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 37 Subtract Some More Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning See the digital lesson notes below for a glimpse of the paper to pencil transfer of these math ideas Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion 262 How can you visualize 9 What do you see in your brain Does that help you to subtract from 9 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 EXIT TICKET Topic I Lesson 37 YOUR NOTES After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students Task Fill in the missing part Draw a math picture if needed Write the 2 matching subtraction sentences Answers 1 2 9 7 2 9 2 7 2 6 9 3 6 9 6 3 3 5 9 4 5 9 5 4 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 263

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Topic J G1M1 TOPIC J Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10 Grade 1 s Mission 1 closes with Topic J where students spend Lesson 38 exploring the addition chart similar to Topic F and looking for patterns within the context of subtraction When presented with a subtraction equation such as 7 3 students then use their knowledge of the decompositions of 7 to help them solve and discuss to find related addition equations on the addition chart such as 3 4 or 4 3 The final lesson Lesson 39 allows students to further analyze the addition chart to create their own sets of related addition and subtraction facts for them to practice throughout the year as they work toward fluency with these foundational facts Objective Topic J Development of Subtraction Fluency Within 10 Lesson 38 Look for and make use of repeated reasoning and structure using the addition chart to solve subtraction problems Lesson 39 Analyze the addition chart to create sets of related addition and subtraction facts 264 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 38 Topic J Lesson 38 YOUR NOTES Look for and make use of repeated reasoning and structure using the addition chart to solve subtraction problems Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Rekenrek Materials T Rekenrek cover the unused beads NOTE Reviewing Kindergarten materials prepares students for the Make Ten strategy of Mission 2 T Move the top 4 beads on the Rekenrek into view How many beads do you see S 4 T How many more do we need to make 10 S 6 T Move 6 more beads into view 4 6 S 10 T Move 3 beads from the bottom row into view How many beads are on the bottom row S 3 T Let s say it the Say Ten way S Ten 3 T Now say it the regular way S Thirteen Continue with other examples 7 and 3 leading to 10 and 4 8 and 2 leading to 10 and 5 etc Hide Zero Cards Bonding Teen Numbers Materials T Hide Zero Cards Fluency Template S Personal white board NOTE This activity continues to maintain students understanding and use of teen numbers as 10 and some more Hide Zero cards are made so that the single digit cards can be laid on top of the 10 card to create teen numbers The digit in the ones place can be lifted to show the zero from the 10 hiding behind the single digit card ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 265

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Topic J Lesson 38 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Use the Hide Zero cards to show teen numbers For example show 14 by covering the ones place of 10 with 4 Students write number bonds with 10 as a part The teacher breaks apart the Hide Zero cards to show the two parts 10 and 4 Subtraction with Cards Materials S 1 deck 5 group Cards numeral side only Lesson 5 Concept Exploration Template with 2 extra tens per pair counters if needed NOTE This activity addresses the fluency objective for Grade 1 of adding and subtracting within 10 Students place the deck of cards face down between them Each partner flips over two cards and subtracts the smaller number from the larger number The partner with the smallest difference keeps the cards played by both players that round The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins WORD PROBLEM Jessie and Carl were comparing the beads they picked up Jessie picked up 9 beads 5 of them were red and the rest were white Carl picked up 5 red beads and 4 white beads Carl said they had the same number of white beads Is Carl correct Draw and label your work to show your thinking NOTE This problem incorporates the Lesson 37 objective It also asks students to solve and compare two types of word problems take apart and put together While students can solve this problem without knowing Carl s total they must focus on what is being asked in the question in order to determine this The problem also incorporates an opportunity to relate addition and subtraction which will be the focus of today s Concept Exploration Concept Exploration Materials T Addition Chart Concept Exploration Template 1 Subtraction Expression Cards Concept Exploration Template 2 S Addition Chart in student workbook yellow crayon personal white board T Project addition chart and have students turn to this page in their student workbooks How did this addition chart help us with our addition facts S Responses will vary All the 1 addends are in the same column The rows start with the same part The totals made a staircase The ones near each other are related like 4 3 is 7 and underneath we see 5 3 that s one more it s 8 266 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 T Hold up subtraction expression card 7 4 Write a number bond and leave the missing part empty for now Topic J Lesson 38 YOUR NOTES S Write number bond T What is the whole S 7 T The known part S 4 T Which of the addition problems on your chart have a part that is 4 Talk to your partner S The ones here going across It s the row that starts with 4 0 There is one here too going down It starts with 1 4 T The chart tells the parts but not the totals Which of those problems have the same total as 7 4 Don t call out the answer S Wait for the signal 4 3 3 4 T Let s color in 4 3 and 3 4 on our chart with yellow and fill in our number bond with the missing part T Let s also color our totals yellow S Color in the chart and complete the number bond T Write the subtraction number sentence from the card we started with Write the addition number sentence that helped us solve it S Write 7 4 3 and 4 3 7 Repeat the process with the following suggested sequence 8 4 9 4 and 9 5 Record the number sentences on the board to be used during the Lesson Synthesis MULTIPLE MEANS OF ENGAGEMENT Some students benefit from seeing concrete representations to solve word problems Provide concrete models as needed Allow students to develop their own stories for the class to solve MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION Using personal white boards with an addition chart template allows all learners to participate Some students might not feel comfortable participating orally while others may not be able to respond orally They can show what they know on their boards ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 267

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Topic J Lesson 38 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Independent Digital Lesson Lesson 38 Add and Subtract Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Look at the subtraction problems we solved during the lesson Point to sequence of 7 4 8 4 9 4 and 9 5 What do you notice about these problems Where are the helpful addition facts for these subtraction sentences located on your chart How can solving the first one help you solve the next Look at your work from the class What pattern do you notice on your chart How are these subtraction facts related What is another set of subtraction facts that would make a cross on your chart What tool did we use in a new way to solve subtraction problems today Explain how the tool helped you EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students 268 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic J Lesson 38 Task YOUR NOTES Write the related number sentences for the number bonds Answers 1 Sequence of number sentences may vary 10 7 3 3 7 10 10 3 7 7 3 10 2 Sequence of number sentences may vary 9 6 3 6 3 9 9 3 6 3 6 9 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 269

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G1M1 Topic J Lesson 38 Fluency Template HIDE ZERO CARDS NUMERAL SIDE FLUENCY TEMPLATE ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 271

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Topic J Lesson 38 Fluency Template G1M1 HIDE ZERO CARDS 5 GROUP SIDE FLUENCY TEMPLATE 272 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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280 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 7 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 4 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 3 7 2 7 1 7 2 8 1 8 1 9 Topic J Lesson 38 Lesson Template G1M1 ADDITION CHART CONCEPT EXPLORATION TEMPLATE 2 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Lesson 39 Topic J Lesson 39 YOUR NOTES Analyze the addition chart to create sets of related addition and subtraction facts Warm Up FLUENCY PRACTICE Decompose Teen Numbers NOTE Reviewing Kindergarten materials will prepare students for problem solving strategies presented in Mission 2 Ask questions to decompose teen numbers Instruct students to answer at a signal Use the following suggested questions What is 14 the Say Ten way 12 is 10 and 17 is 7 and Number Bond Roll Materials S Die with 6 replaced by 0 personal white board NOTE Reviewing number bonds allows students to build and maintain fluency with addition and subtraction facts within 10 Assign partners of similar levels of understanding of addition and subtraction facts Each student rolls 1 die Students use the numbers on their own die and their partner s die as the parts of a number bond Instruct each student to write a number bond two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences on their boards Once completed the students check each other s work WORD PROBLEM John has 10 pencils Mark has 9 pencils Anna has 8 pencils They each lost two of their pencils How many do they each have now Write a number bond and number sentence for each student NOTE This problem continues to apply subtraction objectives in solving word problems ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 281

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Topic J Lesson 39 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Concept Exploration Materials T Addition chart Lesson 21 Concept Exploration Template S personal white board T Project the Addition Chart for all students to see Look at 5 2 on the addition chart Point to 5 2 on the chart Who can share a subtraction sentence and an addition sentence that have the same parts and total S 7 5 2 and 5 2 7 T Let s all write that set on our board Write the number bond too T S Write 7 5 2 5 2 7 and matching number bond T There are more addition facts that we can make from this same number bond What is one of them S 2 5 7 T Let s write that number sentence as well S Write 2 5 7 T We can also write a number sentence matching two addition expressions without totals Turn and talk with your partner to discuss what this number sentence might be Write it on your board Circulate and listen S Discuss and write 5 2 2 5 T I saw many of you write 5 2 2 5 5 2 is equal to or the same as 2 5 T There are other number sentences that have the same parts and total Talk with your partner to decide what they could be and write them on your board Circulate and listen S Discuss and write 7 2 5 T See if you can write your number bond in different ways too Circle your totals T Look how many facts you can share using your knowledge of one fact Assign pairs of students different number bonds from which to make as many varied number sentences as they can Have them make a poster and prepare to share their ideas with peers MULTIPLE MEANS OF ACTION AND EXPRESSION During partner share allow students to participate in the way that helps them express themselves best Students can use their white boards by jotting questions and answers to one another on their boards 282 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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G1M1 Topic J Lesson 39 Independent Digital Lesson YOUR NOTES Lesson 39 Add and Subtract Again Students also learn the concepts from this lesson in the Independent Digital Lesson The intentional balance of learning with teachers and peers and learning independently in digital lessons ensures every student has multiple opportunities to represent engage with and express their math reasoning There are no notes for this digital lesson Go online to see the full digital lesson Wrap Up LESSON SYNTHESIS Guide students in a conversation to process today s lesson and surface any misconceptions or misunderstandings The questions below may be used to lead the discussion Hold up a subtraction expression What number sentences we can make What number sentence can we make that uses both of the addition expressions How does knowledge of one addition or subtraction fact help you know other facts Use an example to explain your thinking Have different groups present their work from the lesson Let the others ask them questions about their work EXIT TICKET After today s lesson instruct students to complete the Exit Ticket A review of their Exit Ticket as well as continuously monitoring your Digital Reports can help you assess your students understanding of the concepts explored in today s lesson and plan more effectively for future lessons The questions from the Exit Ticket may be read aloud to the students ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition 283

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Topic J Lesson 39 YOUR NOTES G1M1 Task Write the related number sentences for the number bonds Answers 1 2 10 8 2 8 2 10 10 2 8 2 8 10 2 2 9 7 2 7 2 9 9 2 7 2 7 9 284 ZEARN MATH Teacher Edition

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Math Math TEACHER EDITION GRADE 1 TEACHER EDITION Mission 1 1 Mission 1 Add and Subtract Small Numbers Mission 2 Meet Place Value Mission 3 Measure Length Mission 4 Add and Subtract Bigger Numbers Mission 5 Work with Shapes Mission 6 Add and Subtract to 100 4 5 6 1 GRADE Grade 1 Mission 1 Zearnmath_TE_Grade1_M1 indd 1 3 TEACHER EDITION GRADE 1 2 12 16 22 10 51 AM