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Zearn Math–Student Notebook, K

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NAMEzearn.orgNAMEMission 1 Mission 2Mission 3 Mission 4Mission 5Mission 6Numbers to 10Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional ShapesComparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10Numbers 10–20; Count to 100 by Ones and TensAnalyzing, Comparing, and Composing ShapesGrade KGrade KStudent Notes for Digital LessonsGrade KStudent Notes for Digital Lessons

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© 2024 Zearn. Licensed to you pursuant to Zearn’s Terms of Use. Portions of this work, Zearn Math, are derivative of Eureka Math and licensed by Great Minds. © 2019 Great Minds. All rights reserved.Zearn® is a registered trademark.Printed in the U.S.A.10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1ISBN: 979-8-88868-142-8

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KINDERGARTEN - CONTENTSMission 1 Numbers to 10 1Mission 2 Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Shapes 65Mission 3 Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10 85Mission 4 Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10 139Mission 5 Numbers 10-20; Count to 100 by Ones and Tens 209Mission 6 Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes 251

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KindergartenMission 1Numbers to 10

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M1Exactly the SameCircle the sock that is exactly the same.3

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M1More of the SameCircle the dog that is exactly the same.5

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M1Matching PartyCircle the object with the same dot pattern as the balloon.7

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 4Lesson 4M1Sort in the SunSort the objects by drawing a line to the correct group.Sunglasses Sandals9

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 5Lesson 5M1Time for SchoolSort the objects by drawing a line to the correct group.Shirts Hats11

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M1Treasure HuntCount the parrots. Circle the number that tells how many.2 3 413

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 7Lesson 7M1Counting CubesCount the objects. Circle the number that tells how many.3 4 53 4 515

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 8Lesson 8M1Stick-tastic!Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many.3 4 53 4 517

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 9Lesson 9M1Counting TrainsCount the cars in each train. Circle the number that tells how many.1 2 3 1 2 319

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 10Lesson 10M1Dive into CountingCount the whales. Circle the number that tells how many.3 4 521

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 12Lesson 12M1Zero the Hero!Write the number 0.23

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 13Lesson 13M11, 2, 3, Go!Count the birds. Write the number.25

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 15Lesson 15M14 and 5 at the AquariumCount the sh. Write the number in the boxes.27

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 16Lesson 16M1Breaking Up BlocksCount the gray squares and write how many. Count the white squares and write how many. Then count the gray and white squares and write how many squares in all. squares in all29

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 17Lesson 17M1Add One MoreDraw 1 more circle. Then, count the circles. Write the number that tells how many circles there are in all. circles in all31

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 18Lesson 18M14, 5, 6, Time for a Picnic!Count the apples. Write the number in the boxes.33

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 19Lesson 19M1Lucky Number 7Count the stars. Write the number in the boxes.35

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 20Lesson 20M1Reach for the StarsCount the moons. Circle the number that tells how many.5 6 737

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 21Lesson 21M1The Great Number 8Count the hearts. Write the number in the boxes.39

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 22Lesson 22M1Counting at ZearnlandCount the popcorn boxes. Write the number that shows how many.41

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 23Lesson 23M1Nine Is FineCount the butteries. Write the number in the boxes.43

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 24Lesson 24M1Planting NinesCount the ower pots. Write the number that tells how many.45

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 25Lesson 25M1Time for Ten!Count the smiley faces. Write the number in the boxes.47

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 26Lesson 26M1Play Ball!Count the baseballs. Write the number in the box.49

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 28Lesson 28M1At the ParkRead the story. Color the pictures to show what is happening. Write how many in the box.Sam saw 3 gray cats and 4 white cats. How many cats did Sam see?51

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 30Lesson 30M1Up the StairsWrite the missing numbers.1 2 43 87 9 1053

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 32Lesson 32M1Fantastic StairsDraw and write the number of the missing stairs.1 2 5 6 7 8 9 1055

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 34Lesson 34M1Scout the DogCross out 1 baseball. Write the number that tells how many baseballs are left.57

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 35Lesson 35M1One Less ButteryWrite the missing numbers.1 2 8765 9 1059

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM1 | Lesson 36Lesson 36M1Down the StairsDraw and write the number of the missing stair.1 3 54 6 7 8 9 1061

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 1Numbers to 10Zearned it!63

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KindergartenMission 2Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Shapes

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M2So Many Shapes!This shape has 4 straight sides.Shade in the shape that also has 4 straight sides.67

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M2Introducing, The Triangle!Find the triangles and circle them. Cross out the shapes that are not triangles.69

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M2Reach for RectanglesDraw a rectangle.71

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 4Lesson 4M2Searching for ShapesDraw a circle.73

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M2Shapes Can Be SolidCircle the object that matches the solid shape.75

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 7Lesson 7M2Popping ShapesThis is a cube. Circle the shape that is also a cube. 77

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 9Lesson 9M2Flat Shape MysteryA triangle has 3 straight sides and 3 corners. Circle the triangle.79

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM2 | Lesson 10Lesson 10M2Solid Shape MysteryThis is a cylinder. Circle the object that is also a cylinder.81

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 2Two-Dimensional andThree-Dimensional ShapesZearned it!83

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KindergartenMission 3Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M3Taller or Shorter?Draw a pencil that is taller than this crayon.87

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M3Longer or Shorter?Draw a stick that is shorter than this stick.89

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M3Longer and Shorter!Circle the pair of objects that are the same length.91

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 4Lesson 4M3Stair CompareCircle the longer stick. How many cubes are in the longer stick? Write the number in the box.93

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 5Lesson 5M3Stick Compare!Circle the shorter stick. Count the cubes in each stick. Write the number of cubes under each stick.95

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M3Cube Compare!Shade a cube stick that is the same length as the crayon.97

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 8Lesson 8M3Ready for VacationCircle the heavier object.99

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 9Lesson 9M3Pasta PartyCircle the lighter object.101

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 10Lesson 10M3Craft DayA marker and some cubes are on a balance scale.How many cubes are as heavy as the marker? cubes103

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 11Lesson 11M3Balancing CubesDraw cubes so both sides are the same weight.105

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 2Lesson 12M3How Heavy?Count the marbles. How many marbles are as heavy as Mr. Ribbit? marbles107

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 13Lesson 13M3Scooping SandThe container is full. Write the number of scoops it took to ll the container.scoops109

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 15Lesson 15M3Same Scoops!Here are two bowls and the scoops it took to ll each bowl. Circle the bowl with the larger capacity.111

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 17Lesson 17M3Cat PartyAre there just enough carrots? Circle Yes or No. Yes No113

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 18Lesson 18M3Time for TeaAre there the same number of spoons as teddy bears? Circle Yes or No.Yes No115

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 19Lesson 19M3Walk in the ParkAre there fewer bones or dogs? Circle the set that has fewer.117

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 20Lesson 20M3More and LessCircle the stick that has fewer cubes. Complete the sentence.73 is less than .119

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 21Lesson 21M3Shape AdventureCount the circles. Write the number. Count the rectangles. Write the number. Then, circle the set that has fewer.121

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 22Lesson 22M3Match My Set!Count the stars in the set. Then, draw the same number of circles in the empty box.123

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 23Lesson 23M3What’s One More?Draw a set of circles that has one more than the set of squares.3How many circles?125

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 24Lesson 24M3What’s One Less?Draw a set of circles that has 1 less.7How many circles?127

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 25Lesson 25M3Compare: Time for More!Complete the sentence to compare. is more than .34129

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 26Lesson 26M3Compare: Time for Less!Complete the sentence to compare.57 is less than .131

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 27Lesson 27M3Spin to CompareDraw a set of 6 circles. Then, complete the sentence to compare 4 and 6.46 is more than .133

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM3 | Lesson 28Lesson 28M3It’s Raining Numbers!Which number is more? Complete the sentence. 5 3 is more than .135

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 3Comparison of Length, Weight,Capacity, and Numbers to 10Zearned it!137

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KindergartenMission 4Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M4Number Bond FarmCount all the animals. Write the number.2 2141

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M4Number Bond SeaCount the seals and the whales. Write the numbers.143

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M4At the ZooFill in the number bond with numbers to match the animals.145

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 4Lesson 4M4Sticky Number BondsFill in the number bond with numbers to match the animals.147

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 5Lesson 5M4Laundry DayFill in the number bond to match the picture.149

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M4Parts of 5Fill in the number bond to match the cubes.151

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 7Lesson 7M4Split SixThere are 2 shaded cubes and 4 blank cubes. Complete the number bond to match the picture.6153

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 8Lesson 8M4Snap SevenThere are 2 shaded cubes and 5 blank cubes. Complete the number bond to match the picture.7155

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 9Lesson 9M4Break EightShade 3 cubes. Complete the number bond to match the picture.8157

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 10Lesson 10M4Break It Up!Fill in the number bond to match the two parts of the 6-stick. Then, complete the word sentence.6 is 2 and .159

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 11Lesson 11M4The Eight TrainFill in the number bond to match the two parts of the 8-stick. Then, complete the word sentence.8 is 3 and .161

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 12Lesson 12M45 and Some MoreComplete the number bond and sentence.255 and 2 make .163

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 13Lesson 13M4Numbers at NightFill in the number bond and number sentence.525 = 2 + 165

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 14Lesson 14M4Numbers in the GardenFill in the number sentence to match the picture. + = 167

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 15Lesson 15M4It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane...Fill in the number sentence to match the picture.+=169

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 16Lesson 16M4At the AquariumRead the story and draw a picture that matches. Then ll out the number sentence.3 white sh were swimming in the water.2 gray sh were swimming behind them.How many sh were swimming in all?3 + 2 =171

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 18Lesson 18M4Silly Snack TimeCount the orange slices that are on the plate and not on the plate. Then, complete the number sentence to match the picture.7 = + 173

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 19Lesson 19M4Picking ApplesThere are 5 bananas. Cross out 2 bananas. Write how many bananas are left.175

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 20Lesson 20M4Bubble PopCross out the bubbles to match the number sentence.5 – 1 = 4177

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 21Lesson 21M4Balloon PopThere were 5 balloons. 3 balloons popped. Cross out 3 balloons. Write a number sentence. – = 179

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 22Lesson 22M4Take from 6Cross out 3 cubes. Fill in the number sentence and number bond.636 – 3 = 181

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 23Lesson 23M4Take from 7Cross out 5 cubes. Fill in the number sentence and number bond.757 – 5 = 183

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 24Lesson 24M4Take from 8Cross out 5 cubes. Fill in the number sentence and number bond.858 – 5 = 185

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 26Lesson 26M4Jump to 9Fill in the number bond to match the parts of the 9-stick. Then, complete the word sentence.9 is 3 and .9187

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 28Lesson 28M4Roller Coaster Ride to 10Fill in the number bond to match the parts of the 10-stick. Then, complete the word sentence.10 is 6 and .10189

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 29Lesson 29M4Bake SaleThere are 9 pieces of fruit. Some are apples and some are bananas. Complete the number bond and number sentence to match the fruit.9+=9191

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 31Lesson 31M4Field DayRead the story and draw a picture that matches. Then ll out the number sentence.There were 4 hula hoops.Mr. Sawicki brought 5 more hula hoops.How many hula hoops are there in all? + = 193

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 32Lesson 32M4Donut DelightThere are 10 cookies. Some are chocolate and some are vanilla. Show one way the cookies can look. Complete the number sentence to match.10 = + 195

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 33Lesson 33M4Out at SeaThere were 8 seals. 2 seals swam away. Cross out 2 seals. Write a number sentence. – = 197

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 34Lesson 34M4The Hungry BearThere were 10 blueberries. The bear ate 3 blueberries. Cross out 3 blueberries. Write a number sentence. – = 199

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 36Lesson 36M4Bug CountThere are 10 bugs. 4 bugs crawled away. Cross out 4 bugs. Fill in the blanks.10410 – 4 = 201

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 39Lesson 39M4Safari Journey to 10Draw circles to make 10. Fill in the number bond.10203

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM4 | Lesson 40Lesson 40M4Elephant Rescue!Draw circles to make 10. Fill in the number sentence.10 = + 205

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 4Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10Zearned it!207

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KindergartenMission 5Numbers 10-20; Count to 100 by Ones and Tens

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M510 or Not?Circle the group that has 10 ones.211

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M510 and OnesFill in the blank. 10 ones ones213

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M5Nature CountingCount and circle 10 shells. Fill in the blank.10 ones and ones215

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 4Lesson 4M510 and Some MoreDraw 10 ones and 5 ones.217

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 5Lesson 5M510 and Some More... Score!Draw 10 ones and 6 ones.219

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M5Jelly Bean TeensCount all the dots. Write the number that tells how many.10 5221

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 7Lesson 7M5Counting BearsCount all the bears. Write the number that tells how many.10 8223

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 8Lesson 8M5Go Fish!Show 16 by lling in the 10-frames with circles.16225

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 9Lesson 9M5Beach CleanupShow 17 by lling in the 10-frames with circles.17227

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 11Lesson 11M5Going UpCount the cubes. Write the number.12229

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 12Count the cubes. Write the number.15Lesson 12M5Going Down231

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 13Lesson 13M5Shell CollectingHere are 12 circles.Draw 12 circles in rows in a dierent way.233

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 14Lesson 14M5Deep Sea SubmarineCount how many sh there are. Write the number. 235

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 15Lesson 15M5Stargazing by TensCount by tens. Write the number that tells how many. moons237

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 16Lesson 16M5Counting TicketsCount the dots. Write the number that tells how many. dots239

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 20Lesson 20M5Teen Number BondsComplete the number bond and number sentence.10 + 2 = 10 2241

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 21Lesson 21M5Flying DotsComplete the number bond and number sentence.16 = 10 + 1016243

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 22Lesson 22M5Pop to CompareWhich set has more dots? Complete the sentence. is more than .1519245

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM5 | Lesson 23Lesson 23M5Which is Less?Which set has fewer dots? Complete the sentence. is less than .1418247

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 5Numbers 10-20; Count to 100 by Ones and TensZearned it!249

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KindergartenMission 6Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing Shapes

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 1Lesson 1M6Dancing StrawsTrace the missing line to nish the shape.253

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 2Lesson 2M6Straws to ShapesTrace the missing lines to nish the shapes.255

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 3Lesson 3M6Build a CubeThis is a cube.Circle the shape that is also a cube.257

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 5Lesson 5M6Shape Creations!Count the squares. Count the triangles.Write the numbers that tell how many. squares triangles259

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 6Lesson 6M6Shape PuzzlesThis puzzle is lled with shapes. Count all the shapes. Write the number. shapes261

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Name: ZEARN MATH Student Notes for Digital Lessons GKM6 | Lesson 7Lesson 7M6Shapes in ShapesThis puzzle is lled with 3 shapes. Circle the shapes that are in the puzzle.263

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Name DateCongratulations!You completedKindergarten Mission 6Analyzing, Comparing, and Composing ShapesZearned it!265

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NAMEzearn.orgNAMEMission 1 Mission 2Mission 3 Mission 4Mission 5Mission 6Numbers to 10Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional ShapesComparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 10Number Pairs, Addition and Subtraction to 10Numbers 10–20; Count to 100 by Ones and TensAnalyzing, Comparing, and Composing ShapesGrade KGrade KStudent Notes for Digital LessonsGrade KStudent Notes for Digital Lessons