Table of ContentsEmployment Resources4Neurodivergent Job Boards5Neurodivergent Job Agencies5Companies Focused on Neurodivergent Hiring5General Job Boards6Neurodivergent Career Services7Companies with Neurodivergent Hiring Programs7Workforce Resources7Zavikon’s services8Job Seeking Tips & Tricks9Resume Writing Resources10Organizing Your Search11Researching Companies11Job Postings12Networking12Accommodations13Preparing to Interview13Interview Best Practices14Thank You Notes15Following Up15
Table of Contents Workbook and Scripts16Sample Networking Scripts17Networking Script Activity19Researching Companies20Finding the Right Opportunity21Identifying Your Strengths & Skills23Interview Question Samples25Sample Thank You Note Script28Thank You Note Script Activity29Sample Follow Up Script30Follow Up Script Activity31
Employment ResourcesThere are many neurodiversity employment resources available.This resource list is by no means representative of all that is outthere. This is meant to point you in the right direction. It isimportant to also do your own research as there are many moreresources available to you in different areas of the country andinternationally.InclusivelyMentraNeurodiversity Career ConnectorSourceAmericaNeurodiversity in the WorkplaceJobs for Humanity - Jobs for the NeurodivergentNeurodivergent Job BoardsZavikonNeurotalentworksIntegratePotentiaSourceAbledTPINeurodivergent Job AgenciesUltranautsAspiritechItertorsauticonCompanies Focused on Neurodivergent Hiring
Employment ResourcesIndeedMonsterGlassdoorFlexJobs (remote jobs; charges subscription fee)Ladders (experienced managers)Wellfound (start-up jobs)LinkedInGetworkSnagajob (hourly jobs)ZipRecruiterCareerBuilderHiredGeneral Job Boards
Employment ResourcesDaivergentNeurodiversity NetworkValence VibrationsEARNNeurodivergent Career ServicesSAPMicrosoftDellJP Morgan ChaseGoldman SachsEYIBMFord Motor CompanyWells FargoStanford UniversityDeloitteChevronFreddieMacDXC TechnologyVMwareBHPCompanies with Neurodiversity Hiring ProgramsWorkforceGPSCareer One StopIPS Employment CenterO*Net OnlineSearch for your local Workforce BoardsSearch for your local vocational rehabilitation or department ofrehabilitation services entities for employment assistanceWorkforce Resources
Zavikon is an employment agency pioneering the way forcompanies to incorporate neurodiversity and disability hiringinto their diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Our missionis to place neurodivergent individuals and those withdisabilities in career-oriented, meaningful jobs. Zavikon places individuals with both visible and invisibledisabilities anywhere in the United States and utilizes asupported placement model to set both employer andemployee up for success.C O R E C O M P E T E N C I E SS E R V I C E S A B O U T Z A V I K O NC O N T A C T4500 Park G r a nad a B l vd.Su i t e 202Ca l a b a sas , C A 91 3 0 2 (8 3 3 ) 9 28- 4 5 6 6in f o @ z avi k o n . net ww w . z a vik o n . n et M I S S I O N We believe there is a j o b f o r e v e r y o n e t o a p p l y t h e i r t a l e n t sand skills in a meaningful way. Ou r m i s s i o n i s t o m a t c hqualified candidates wi t h d i s a b i l i t i e s o r t h o s e w h o a r eneurodivergent with empl o y e r s w h o b e l i e v e i n c l u s i o n i s t h efuture. Zavikon is the brid g e t o i n c l u s i o n .V I S I O NWe are working to change th e u n e m p l o y m e n t a n dunderemployment outcomes f o r i n d i v i d u a l s w h o a r e u n i q u e l yabled and underserved th r o u g h p l a c i n g t h e m i n c a r e e r f o c u s e demployment while providin g s u p p o r t a n d e d u c a t i o n t o t h eemployer to ensure a successf u l a n d m u t u a l l y b e n e f i c i a lrelationship.Disability and neurodi v e r s i t y r e c r u i t m e n t a n d c a n d i d a t eassessmentEmployer and job iden t i f i c a t i o n a n d m a t c h i n gSupported interview g u i d a n c eCandidate placemen tIndividualized edu c a t i o n , p r e p a r a t i o n , a n d c a r e e r c o a c h i n g Accommodations i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o nDisability and neurodiversityrecruiting and placementInterview and onboardingsupportAccommodationsidentfication andimplementation Individualized guidancethroughout the recruitmentand hiring processesCareer coachingEnterprise Career Coachplacement F o r E m p l o y e r s Job readinessCareer assessments Resume preparationSocial media brandingInterview preparation Job placement Career coaching Job accommodationsidentificationCareer counselingCandidate advocacyOngoing career advisement F o r J o b - S e e k e r s
Job Seeking Tipsand Tricks
Job Seeking Tips and TricksUpwork hire resume writers free platform that offers templates forcreating your resumeResumeGenius claims you can create yourprofessional resume in minutes Jobscan a do-it-yourself resume service thatautomates the resume-building process using toolsto help you get through applicant tracking systems(ATS) before you applyEnhancV assisted resume editing, advice dependingon the industry, suggestions and content editing Canva free to subscription-based service withtemplates Resume Writing Resources
Job Seeking Tips and TricksIf you are customizing your resume for different openings/companies,it’s important to keep track of which version you’ve sent for each.Name them accordingly (i.e. Jane Smith – ABC Company) and keeptrack in your organizer. Save a PDF of the webpage with the job postings you are applying toand keep a folder on your computer. Posting information is oftentaken down once the company stops accepting new applicants (whichis usually before interviews happen). Having a copy will help you asyou prepare to interview. Organizing Your SearchAs you apply to jobs, share out your resume, and research companies todecide which ones to target, it’s vital that you keep track of everything!You can use any organizational tool that works for you, but here’s atemplate for an organizer in Google Sheets to get you started. (Note:Clicking the link will prompt you to make a copy for yourself to ensure noone is editing your files or viewing private information). Additional Tips: Disability:IN Corporate Partners Disability:IN Neurodiversity@Work Roundtable MembersValuable 500 CompaniesOne Mind at WorkResearching Companies:Is the company your considering focused on disability/neurodiversityinclusion at work? Check and see what partnerships they have withdisability focused organizations.(Note: this isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s a good place to start!)Remember to also look at the company’s ESG (environmental, social, andgovernance) statements to ensure that they align with your values. Youcan also review their corporate social responsibility sites and their diversitystatements to make sure it’s a place you want to work.
Job PostingsUse Microsoft’s Immersive Reader to help you read and understand job postings. Video: How to Use Immersive ReaderChoose to apply to job postings that align with your experience and skills, butdon’t sell yourself short! If you’re missing only one or two qualifications, applyanyway. If you have questions about some of the requirements, make a note. If youreceive a call from a recruiter, that’s the perfect time to ask for clarification. Other things to consider: Does this job meet your salary expectations/needs? Does the regular schedule work for you and your family? Are there other scheduling factors to consider? (i.e. travelling for work, workingsome non-typical hours during certain times, etc.) Is this job a good fit for your neurotype? i.e. will it allow you to play to yourstrengths while minimizing the things you struggle with? Does this job offer benefits (including PTO) that meet your needs? Is this work that you want to do/are passionate about? It may seem like a luxury,but it’s important to your wellbeing to do a job that you find fulfilling. NetworkingFree Online Class: Rock Your LinkedIn ProfileReaching out and making connections on LinkedIn can be a powerful tool, butmany neurodivergent people struggle with that. Here are some top tips to helpmake your efforts effective: Do your research! Reach out to specific people rather than simply messagingeveryone at the company/in the field you’re interested in. Personalize your messages – perhaps comment about something they’ve posted orsome of their experience – and don’t just demand a job. Networking is aboutbuilding relationships, not just an alternate route to a recruiter.Label your LinkedIn profile as “Open to Work.” (Directions) Practice in the Workbook & Scripts section of this guide. Job Seeking Tips and Tricks
Job Seeking Tips and TricksJob Accommodation Network (JAN)Americans with Disabilities Act: A Guide for People with DisabilitiesSeeking EmploymentVideo: What is a “Reasonable AccommodationHaving access to the interview questions in advanceMore frequent or longer breaks between interviews if it’s a multi-session interviewExtra time for timed tests or assessmentsQuiet space with minimal distractions for interviewAccommodationsExamples of interview accommodations that you may find helpful include: Research the company and the role before your interview. Take notesand be prepared to discuss the company with the interviewer. Prepare answers to some common interview questions ahead of timeto ensure you are ready and to minimize anxiety. (See Workbook andScripts section) Plan some questions to ask the interviewers. Decide what you’ll wear (clean, neat, professional attire isrecommended unless you are told otherwise). Make sure it’scomfortable and won’t become a sensory distraction during yourinterviews. If the interview is in-person, map out the location. If you struggle withdirections, go to the location a day or two in advance to ensure youknow how to get there and approximately how long it will take. If it’s a video interview, familiarize yourself with the platform andensure that you are setup with a professional virtual background, quietlocation, etc. ahead of time. Bring a bottle of water in case you are thirsty, or your mouth gets drywhile talking. Preparing For Your Interview
Job Seeking Tips and TricksTry to be a few minutes early to give yourself time to relax and preparebefore your interview. Don’t share personal information about yourself or debatecontroversial topics like politics or religion (unless that’s required forthe job). Refrain from using offensive language (swearing, cursing, etc.) or frommaking derogatory remarks about the company you are interviewingfor or your previous job, as this can leave a bad impression.If eye contact is hard for you, try looking in the general direction of theinterviewer’s head (such as their hairline or ear). Be aware of your posture – if you can, try to sit up straight and keepyour arms at your sides or in your lap. Try and relax. Remember, you’re interviewing them for a good fit too!Be honest and acknowledge any communication needs you have. If you don’t understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat it or toclarify what they mean. Ask the interviewer “Does that answer your question?” when you’redone giving your answer if you aren’t sure. This invites them to askfollow-up questions if you missed out something they were looking for. If something goes wrong, don’t get discouraged! Just move on – youcan still show them your worth! At the end of your interview, ask what to expect for next steps andwhen you can expect to hear back from them. Interview Best Practices
Job Seeking Tips and TricksTry and get their contact information during the interview; if that isn’tpossible, you can ask the recruiter. (Email is best)Thank you notes should be personalized and used to highlight whyyou’d be a great candidate for a role. Send your thank you note later the same day or the following day. Trynot to wait too long to send it. Practice in the Workbook and Scripts section of this guide. Give it at least a week before you follow up. If they said to expect adecision by a certain date, wait until a few days after that date. If youstill haven’t heard from them, then you can reach out. Stay positive in your message! Don’t remind them that they’re late. Remind them that you’re excited about the job and reiterate why you’dbe a great candidate. Tell them you are looking forward to hearing from them soon but bepolite - don’t demand answers. Practice in the Workbook and Scripts section of this guide. Thank You NotesSending a thoughtful but brief thank you note to the interviewer after youmeet is important. Following UpOkay, you applied, interviewed, sent a thank you note…. Now you just needan answer! The reality is that you may not get a yes or no as quickly as you’d like.Don’t be discouraged! There are a lot of things that can be happening onthe company’s side that slow down their decision – people may be out ofthe office, they may need to work with other departments to finalize theirdecision, they may be working on many open positions at once, etc. It canbe really hard, especially when you’re feeling anxious, but try to berespectful about when and how you follow up:
Workbook andScripts
Workbook and ScriptsSample Networking ScriptsMany people struggle with what to say when reaching out to a contact tonetwork. Here’s are some example scripts that you can modify to meetyour needs. Remember to be strategic about who you reach out to and topersonalize your messages!Script 1: General InterestUse this one for contacting people who work in a field or for a companyyou are interested in: Hello [NAME], I am [NAME] and am currently seeking work in [FIELD, COMPANY, ETC].I came across your profile while trying to learn more about [FIELD,COMPANY, ETC] and was very interested by [SOMETHING IN PROFILE].If you are open to it, I’d love to arrange a [VIDEO MEETING, PHONECALL, ETC] so that we can meet and I can learn more about yourexperience with [PERSON’S EXPERTISE].I hope to hear from you soon!Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR CONTACT INFO]
Workbook and ScriptsSample Networking Scripts (continued)Script 2: RecruiterFor use when contacting a recruiter at a company that you are interestedin working for. Try to look at their profile first to see if it’s likely that theywork on roles that are of interest to you – i.e., if they post a lot aboutrecruiting for technologists and you’re in finance, they may not be the bestperson to reach out to. Hello [NAME], I am [NAME] and am currently seeking work at [THEIR COMPANY]. Irecently applied to [JOB ID AND TITLE] and was wondering if you are therecruiter for that role. I am extremely excited about this opportunity andwould love the chance to connect with the hiring team to express myinterest. If you are not the recruiter for this role, would it be possible to introduceme or to pass my information along to the recruiter who is managing thisopening? Thank you!Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR CONTACT INFO] [ATTACH RESUME]
Workbook and ScriptsNetworking Scripts ActivityUse this space to write your own networking script for future use!
Workbook and ScriptsResearching CompaniesWhen selecting which companies to target, it’s important to choose oneswhich align with the values that are important to. Which values are youlooking for in an employer? Accountability Customer Commitment Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Disability Inclusion/Neurodiversity Practices Innovation Impact/Making a Difference in the Community Sustainability/Carbon Footprint Reduction TransparencyWhat other values are important to you?
Workbook and ScriptsFinding the Right OpportunityTake the time to identify exactly what you're looking for in order to narrowdown your job search to roles that fit your needs!Hours:Schedule:Environment: Are you willing to relocate? hourMy target salary is at least: $ per: year My dream job title is: In my next job, here are some responsibilities I want to have: Select oneSelect oneSelect oneFor the right opportunity
Workbook and ScriptsFinding the Right Opportunity (cont'd)Will you be using your new employer’s benefits plan? (If yes) What are key features your benefits must have? Dental coverage Vision coverage Mental Health Support/Employee Assistance Program 401K/Retirement Savings Plan Family Building Benefits Backup care/child care discounts Pet Insurance Group Legal Long-Term Care Insurance Discounted home/auto insurance Identity Theft ProtectionDo you have any specific needs not listed above?No
Workbook and ScriptsIdentifying Your Strengths and SkillsWhat are your “hard skills?”Hard skills are teachable, quantifiable expertise such as specific tasks orspecific tools. What are your “soft skills?”Soft skills are personal attributes that allow you to interact with others.
Workbook and ScriptsIdentifying Your Strengths and Skills (cont'd)What are your neurodivergent strengths? The following is a list of traits that are commonly associated with variousforms of neurodivergence. Creative Detail-Oriented Empathetic Innovative Hyperfocused Visual Thinker Pattern Recognition Out of the Box Problem Solver Strategic Planner Tech Savvy Do you have any other neurodivergent strengths that you want tohighlight?
Workbook and ScriptsInterview Question SamplesThe following are examples of commonly asked interview questions.Review these ahead of time and use the notes space to consider how youwould respond in an interview. “Tell me about yourself.” Think of this as a chance to inform the interviewer about your character,strengths, and interests by sharing a few carefully chosen facts aboutyourself. “Why do you want to work here?”Companies want to hire people who truly want to work for them. Use thisas an opportunity to explain why working for this company/in this role isimportant to you and why it fits with your personal values and goals.
Workbook and ScriptsInterview Question Samples (cont'd)“Why should we hire you?”This is your opportunity to tell the interviewers what makes you the bestchoice for the role. Highlight your strengths and what you would bring tothe company. If you’ve disclosed that you’re neurodivergent, this can alsobe the perfect opportunity to highlight how your neurodivergent strengthswill bring value! “What are your strengths?”Telling people what you are good at can be uncomfortable, but it’simportant to be able to communicate your strengths. Make sure that youranswer is relevant to the work you want to do and is not about personalhobbies that aren’t related to the job. Ask your colleagues and friends tohelp you identify your strengths if you aren’t sure.
Workbook and ScriptsInterview Question Samples (cont'd)“What are your weaknesses?”Don’t be afraid – everyone has weaknesses. Being able to identify yourweaknesses is a strength that the interviewer will appreciate. Keep youranswer related to work (i.e. “I spend my money too impulsively” is notappropriate). Try to pair the weakness with a positive. For example, “I tendto over-volunteer to help with projects, which can make me overwhelmed.But I am good at realizing when I need help and delegating tasks to otherpeople on my team to ensure that everything is done well and on time.” “Tell me about a time you solved a problem at work.”Situational questions like this are best answered using the STAR method:Explain the Situation; describe the Task you were trying to accomplish;share the Action you took; explain the Result you achieved. Remember, it’sokay to talk about your team, but remember to take credit for what you didby using “I” statements.
Workbook and ScriptsSample Thank You Note ScriptThank you notes don’t have to be hard! Make sure to remind theinterviewer about your discussion and to reiterate your interest or whyyou’d be a great candidate. Here’s a sample script that you can make your own: Hello [NAME], Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about [ROLE]. I appreciate you telling me more about [SPECIFIC EXAMPLE FROMDISCUSSION]. After learning more about the role, I’m positive that I wouldbe a great fit for your team. [INSERT SENTENCE REITERATING WHY].I hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together soon. Please feel free toreach out to me if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR CONTACT INFO]
Workbook and Scripts Thank You Note Script ActivityUse this space to write your own thank you note script for future use!
Workbook and ScriptsSample Follow Up ScriptRemember, be thoughtful about when and how you follow up for anupdate on your candidacy. Here’s a sample script that you can make your own: Hello [NAME], Thank you again for considering me for [ROLE]. I’m excited for the opportunity and know that I’d be a great fit [INSERTREASON WHY]. I was just wondering if you can provide me with anyupdates about next steps? I hope to hear from you soon. Have a great day!Sincerely, [YOUR NAME] [YOUR CONTACT INFO]
Workbook and ScriptsFollow Up Script ActivityUse this space to write your own follow-up script for future use!