Bridge to Inclusion
We are working to changethe unemployment andunderemploymentoutcomes for individualswho are uniquely abled and underserved throughplacing them in careerfocused employmentwhile providing supportand education to theemployer to ensure asuccessful and mutuallybeneficial relationship.We provide recruitment,workplace readiness, andjob accommodationidentification andadvocacy for individualswith disabilities or thosewho are neurodivergent.We provide education andguidance to employers tosupport a successfulemployment relationship.We believe there is a job for everyone to apply theirtalents and skills in ameaningful way. Ourmission is to matchqualified candidates withdisabilities or those whoare neurodivergent withemployers who believeinclusion is the future.Zavikon is the bridge toinclusion.
Job readinessCareer assessments Training Resume preparationSocial media branding Interview preparation Job placement Career coaching Job accommodationsidentificationSupports assessmentCandidate advocacyOngoing careeradvisement
Disability and neurodiversity program design and implementationWorkplace disability and neurodiversity inclusion assessments Disability and neurodiversity inclusion education and trainingCandidate recruiting and placement Career coaching Hiring manager education and preparation Job accommodations and supports assessment Employer guidance throughout the hiring and acclimation process Enterprise Career Coach placement
Lunch and LearnsManager 1:1 coachingCo-worker training sessionsEnterprise seminars and corporate trainingEnterprise Resource Group formationDiversity & Inclusion TrainingAwareness & Sensitivity TrainingOn-demand Career Coach supportAccommodations assessment and realignment1:1 Manager coachingCo-worker support and educationCorporate advisory services
The GDP could get aboost up to $25billion if just 1percent more ofpersons withdisabilities joinedthe U.S. labor force.There are 15.1 millionpeople of working ageliving with disabilities inthe U.S., so the researchsuggests that ifcompanies embracedisability inclusion, theywill gain access to a newtalent pool of more than10.7 million people.Employers whoembraceddisability saw a90% increasein employeeretention. Businesses thatactively seek toemploy people withdisabilities outperformbusinesses that donot. Their revenueswere 28% higher, netincome was two timesmore, and profitmargins were higherby 30%. Source of statistics
At Zavikon, we don’t just acceptdifference — we celebrate it. We are proud to be an Equal EmploymentOpportunity and Affirmative Actionemployer and service. We do not discriminate based upon race,religion, color, national origin, gender(including pregnancy, childbirth, orrelated medical conditions), sexualorientation, gender identity, genderexpression, age, veteran status, status asan individual with a disability, mentaldisability or other applicable legallyprotected characteristics.Zavikon is the bridge to inclusion.Zavikon maintains a work culture of respect,dignity, and compassion. We have clearly established Standards ofExcellence and all who work for, or on behalf of,the organization will always uphold these. Truthfulness and transparency are at the core of allcommunications, actions, and decisions. We empower individuals with different abilities tosee their strengths and support their success in theworkplace.We see the individual’s potential and abilities first,never their limitations. We always advocate for the candidate’s successand make decisions with their well-being in mind.
Let Zavikon makedisability & neurodiversity inclusion your nextstep towards equity indiversity. www.zavikon.netLet's do this together!
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