Musick Dermatology & Advanced Clinical Spa is a full medical and aesthetic facilitywith cutting-edge technology and passionate, qualified service providers. Our treatmentprograms are designed to give you medically-based result-driven solutions to your skinhealth and skincare concerns and to deliver the "WOW" result you want and deserve.
I N J E C T A B L E SInjectable treatments instantly restore skin's volume, smoothaway deep lines, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. They arecommonly used around the eyes, between the eyebrows, and onthe forehead, lips, cheeks, and jawline. They are minimallyinvasive with little to no downtime. B O T O XTemporarily treats moderate to severe frown lines,forehead lines, eyebrows, and crow's feet by relaxingfacial muscles. Botox typically lasts three to fourmonths. X E O M I NTemporarily treats moderate to severe frown lines,forehead lines, eyebrows, and crow's feet by relaxingfacial muscles. Xeomin typically lasts three to fourmonths. J U V E D E R M U L T R A X C & J U V E D E R M U L T R A P L U S X CJuvederm is designed to smooth your facial wrinkles. AllJuvederm products are hyaluronic acid fillers that last sup to one year for patients with moderate to severefacial wrinkles Juvederm also fills the parentheses lines,lines in the corners of your mouth, and marionette linesJuvederm Ultra XC is designed to enhance your lips.Whether you've noticed your lips thinning over time, orsimply want fuller lips Juvederm Ultra XC can give youthe natural-looking results you desire. Juvederrm lastsapproximately one year.J U V E D E R M V O L U M A X CJuvederm Voluma XC lifts, contours, and adds volume toyour cheek, chin, and jaw area, immediately givingresults of a more youthful natural-looking profile. It is anon-surgical treatment that lifts and volumizes withresults that last up to two years. P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T H . A . I N T E N S I F I E R Corrective serum that amplifies hyaluronic acid levels to visibly improve skin's firmness, texture, and plumpness
I N J E C T A B L E SB E L L A F I L LBellafill is a filler made of collagen combined with asynthetic gel containing a medical PMMA. Bellafill isdesigned to add volume, smooth facial wrinkles, and treatacne scars. An immediate correction is achieved, however,results continue to improve and typically look their bestover the following three to six months as the body makesit's own collagen is response to the microscopic PMMAparticles. R H A ® C O L L E C T I O N - O F D E S I G N E R F I L L E R S Designed for Facial Dynamics and intentionally made to bemore like the natural hyaluronic acid in our skin, the RHA®Collection of fillers adapts seamlessly to the face'smovement allowing the ability to achieve a natural look.Wrinkles and folds appear in areas of the face which moverepetitively. Movements like squinting, frowning, laughing,and talking create dynamic wrinkles and folds. These can bedifficult to treat because dermal fillers may cause the areato appear stiff or unnatural when the face moves. TheRHA® Collection is resilient enough to adapt to your facialmovement and provide a more natural look at rest and inmotion. The RHA® Collection is designed to be long-lasting—with proven clinical effectiveness and duration of up to15 monthsV E R S AVersa is hyaluronic acid (HA), the primary active ingredientin most dermal fillers, a naturally occurring substance thatcan be used cosmetically to correct moderate-to-severewrinkles and folds in the skin. Versa is great for teartroughs, lips, and perioral lines.P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T C . E . F E R U L I C Patented, triple antioxidant vitamin C serum delivers advanced environmental protection, while improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and brightens skin’s complexionREPLENISHING CLEANSERCE FERULICH.A. INTENSIFIERPHYSICAL FUSION UV DEFENSE SPF 50COMPLIMENT YOUR FILLER WITH A SKINCEUTICALS REGIMEN1.2.3.4.
Laser treatments use light-based devices to help reverse theeffects of aging and sun damage; There are a variety of lasertreatments available to target fine lines, wrinkles, redness,hyperpigmentation, and loss of firmness. These treatments aremost effective when done in a series.B B LBBL™, or BroadBand Light, is an innovative technology thattargets many skin conditions including acne, aging, and sundamage. With this technology, we are able to tailor yourtreatment to match your specific skin type and your desiredresults. Our practice offers both Forever Young BBL™ whichhelps target unwanted brown and red areas, to reverse aging,and Forever Clear BBL™ which targets acne. With BBL™treatment, you no longer have to settle for skin that leaves youself-conscious, but now you are able to seek the skin of yourdreams.F O R E V E R Y O U N G B B LForever Young BBL™ addresses our most common patientskin concerns, such as aging skin, age spots, little bloodvessels, and flushing of the face. This treatment improves theunderlying layers of the patient’s skin where we see the mostaging occur. Forever Young BBL™ is the only device thataccurately targets your skin molecules directly associatedwith signs of aging. This treatment stimulates your body’snatural ability to regenerate healthy, new skin.F O R E V E R B O D Y B B LComplement your face’s clear and youthful appearance withskin revitalization for your entire body. ForeverBody™ is thefastest way to treat pigment, sun damage, and troublesomeage spots on your arms, legs, chest, shoulders… and more! TheForeverBody™ treatment is a no-downtime, comfortableprocedure that eliminates the visible signs of aging such asage spots, sun spots, redness, or dull-looking skin—improvingskin’s appearance.P R O D U C TS P O T - L I G H T S O O T H I N GC L E A N S E R This rich & foameffectively cleansesand removeslong-wear makeup,while soothingbotanicalscalm and comfortskin.L A S E R T R E A T M E N T SF O R E V E R C L E A R B B LForever Clear treats overactive oil glands, leading to thereduction of acne. This treatment has been found to alsoimprove the appearance of acne scars as well. RegularForever Young BBL™ treatments provide patients with clear,smooth, and much younger-looking skin.
H A L OHalo® is a laser skin rejuvenation treatment that improvesyour skin with minimal downtime. One of the greatest thingsabout Halo treatment is the dual wavelength process (bothablative and non-ablative) that incorporates a coolingsystem to ensure complete comfort throughout thetreatment. One wavelength helps reduce pigmentation anddiscoloration of the skin by targeting the outer layer(epidermis). The other wavelength penetrates the skin evendeeper to reverse the damage below the skin. The result iswhat we call the “Halo Glow!”L A S E R H A I R R E M O V A L Permanently removes unwanted hair from the legs, back, abdomen, neck, face, bikini, underarms and even ears. For men with chronic shave irritation, hair reduction on the neck and beard area can virtually eliminate the embarrassment of constant “red bumps” around the shirt collar. For women with darker hair above the lip or along the cheeks and jawline, laser hair removal can virtually eliminate this often-inherited facial hair pattern, leaving the skin smooth and stubble free.S P I D E R V E I N T H E R A P Y Spider veins are blood vessels that lie near the surface ofthe skin and commonly occur on the legs. Sclerotherapyinvolves injecting small doses of a sclerosant solution ofconcentrated sodium chloride directly into the unwantedvein with a very fine needle. Over a period of weeks, thetreated vein breaks down and is absorbed into the body.P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T E P I D E R M A L R E P A I R Therapeutic treatment relieves skin blotchiness, and improves skin comfort and texture for sensitive and post-procedure skinL A S E R T R E A T M E N T SP L A T L E T R I C H P L A S M A ( P R P )PRP increases the speed of the healing time and helpsprovide optimum results. With procedures like Halo, andCO2, the plasma is used post-treatment as a topical tospeed recovery. A small amount of blood is drawn from thepatient’s arm. The blood is placed in a centrifuge machinethat spins and separates the platelets into plasma from theblood
C O 2 R E I N T I M AThe Intima procedure is designed for women who want toimprove their vaginal area after childbearing or due tothe normal aging process. Women who can benefit fromthe CO2RE Intima procedure include Those who are post-child-bearing, peri-menopausal, postmenopausal, breastcancer survivors, women who seek cosmeticimprovement of their genital area, women who desireenhancement in sexual functioning and a better sexualexperience; and women who want to feel more confidentabout their feminine health. Many women reportdramatic improvements in urinary stress incontinence aswell. Treatments are purchased in packages of 3, eachtreatment typically takes approximately 20–25 minutesfrom start to finish and will be repeated every 4 weeksfor the first 3 treatments. After your first threetreatments, we typically recommend one treatmentannually to maintain your result.C O 2 R E F R A C T I O N A L L A S E RThe CO2 fractional laser treats the skin’s surface, mid anddeep layers. Patients experience dramatic changes to thetone and texture of the skin. CO2 treatments minimize oreliminate wrinkles, acne scars, sun-damaged skin, agespots, decreases pore size, and rhinophyma (rosacea nose).It is an ideal treatment for anyone wanting to improve theircomplexion and achieve younger-looking skin that will feelsofter and smoother. The patient can expect one to twoweeks of “downtime” with red, peeling skin when the skinwill exfoliate naturally. Generally, one treatment is neededto realize the desired results. Platelet Rich Plasma isrecommended to use with CO2 to increase healing andresults.P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T P h y s i c a l U V D e f e n s e SPF 30 Broad spectrum 100% mineral sunscreen for post-procedure, sensitive skin, and very dry skinL A S E R T R E A T M E N T S
P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T B O D Y T I G H T E N I N G C O N C E N T R A T E Cooling fluid body treatment helps tighten, firm, and improve the appearance of loose, sagging skinC O O L S C U L P T I N GCoolSculpting® is an FDA-approved, non-surgical fatreducing treatment that uses an innovative technology toeliminate bulges of stubborn fat that do not respond todiet and exercise. You may be able to eliminate the fat onyour own, but it can take months, if not years. Unlike mosttreatments to reduce excess fat, CoolSculpting® does notrequire surgery, needles or downtime. CoolSculpting® is anon-surgical way for you to get rid of the stubborn fat.Our patients have seen natural looking results eliminatingbulges in the following areas: love handles, upper andlower abdomen, thighs and knees, triceps, below yourgluteus, double chin and back/bra fat.K Y B E L L AAs the years continue to pass, some of us start to noticethat some fat has decided to take up residence under ourchin — the dreaded “double chin”. It’s an area that doesn’trespond to exercise or diet, and there has been little —short of a neck lift or lower facelift — that could be doneabout it. When injected into moderate-to-severe doublechins, Kybella® drastically tightens and improves theprofile by attacking the targeted fat and thereforereducing the double chin area. Jowels on the face can alsobe treated.T R U S C U L P T F L E XTruSculpt® Flex is a personalized muscle-sculptingtreatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, andgoals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles.TruSculpt® Flex uses a unique Multi-DirectionalStimulation (MDS) technology to deliver three treatmentoptions by replicating intensified crunch, squat andtwisting actions. This treatment is typically 2 treatments aweek for 3 weeks and then recommended to treat oncemonthly to maintain.B O D Y T R E A T M E N R T SBody treatments are non-invasive solutions for bodycontouring and underlying muscle tighteningwithout surgery or downtime.
A E S T H E T I C I A N S E R V I C E SS K I N C E U T I C A L S C H E M I C A L P E E L SChemical peels may be used to treat several skin conditions includingacne, sunspots, discolorations, photo damage,lines/wrinkles, acne scars and diminish the appearanceof pores. Chemical peels provide controlled exfoliationof the skin, resulting in a smoother, even-toned and moreradiant appearance.M I C R O P E E LThe micropeel is a three-step procedure combiningexfoliation, chemical peel solution, and cryogen therapy. Itmay be customized to accommodate all skin types. Micropeelis ideal for patients looking to reduce theappearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation,laxity, dullness, and skin imperfections.P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T T R I P L E L I P I D R E S T O R E 2 : 4 : 2 Anti-aging corrective moisturizer to refill cellular lipids and nourish skinM I C R O P E E L P L U SImproves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dullness,visible skin imperfections, and visible signs of photodamage.P I G M E N T B A L A N C I N G P E E LPigment Balancing Peel combines brightening agents with apeeling solution to target uneven skin tone and improvesphotodamage and acne-related discoloration.A D V A N C E D C O R R E C T I V E P E E LThis clinical-grade peel contains a highly-concentrated blendof salicylic and lactic acid with a maximized concentration ofphenylethyl resorcinol, to help refine texture and reduce theappearance of discoloration associated with photoaging,hormones, and post-inflammatory discoloration.T C A P E E LThis is our chemical peel used for skin resurfacing. A solutionof trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is applied to remove the outerlayer of the skin. This allows new, healthier skin to emerge.TCA chemical peels are commonly used to treat sun damage,facial wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and pigment abnormalities.Peeling lasts for about a week post-treatmentAesthetic services are additional professional treatments tocomplement in office procedures and homecare. Thesetreatments are recommended as a series for optimal results.
P R O D U C T S P O T - L I G H T H Y D R A T I N G B 5 G E L Hyaluronic acid-based serum replenishes moisture and restores radiance for a smoother complexionA E S T H E T I C I A N S E R V I C E SM I C R O N E E D L I N G Microneedling stimulates your skin’s natural ability toproduce new collagen and elastin for healthier, younger-looking skin. It helps improve the texture of the skin andimprove surface imperfections. Microneedling speeds upyour skin’s repair process by creating microscopicchannels that allow products to better penetrate into thedeeper layers of your skin. New collagen and elastinproduction can reverse years of sun damage, improveyour acne scars and enhance the overall appearance ofyour skin as it ages. We recommend using PRP with thistreatment.D E R M A P L A N I N GDermaplaning is an effective method of manualexfoliation to remove the top layer of dead skin cells andvellus hair for a smoother, brighter complexion. This isan excellent preparatory treatment to any SkinCeuticalschemical peel or hydrafacial.S E C R E T R FSecret RF is a novel fractional radio frequency (RF)micro-needling system for tissue coagulation andhemostasis designed to stimulate and remodel collagenand address the common signs of aging. It is ideallysuited for use on patients who wish to revitalize andrefresh the appearance of their skin. By adjusting themicro-needles, Secret RF can deliver energy at variousdepths, so that treatments can be tailored to addresseach patient’s individual concerns such as fine lines,wrinkles, acne scars, photoaging and striae at the depthrequired.COMPLIMENT YOUR TREATMENTWITH A SKINCEUTICALS REGIMEN1. SIMPLY CLEAN2. TRIPLE LIPID RESTORE 2:4:23. PHYSICAL FUSION UV DEFENSE SPF 504. RETINOL 0.5
D E L U X E H Y D R A F A C I A L E X P E R I E N C E( 6 0 M I N U T E S )This SkinCeuticals treatment is the ultimate HydraFacial™experience that begins with a detoxification process usinglymphatic drainage.These invigorating treatments include all of the essentials ofthe Signature HydraFacial™ while addressing specific skinconcerns through HydraFacial™ booster serums. Onebooster serum will be selected based upon their skin needswith either the Restorative Deluxe HydraFacial™, theRadiance Deluxe HydraFacial™ or the Age RefinementDeluxe HydraFacial™. RESTORATIVE - CTCF Booster-containing serum to improve the appearance of skin tone, texture, and elasticity.RADIANCE - Britenol Booster serum to minimize the appearance of dark spots.REFINEMENT - Dermabuilder Booster serum to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinklesS K I N C E U T I C A L S H Y D R A F A C I A LU P G R A D E Y O U R F A C I A L W I T H A L I P O R A N E Y E P E R K !