Caring Communicating Using Pictures When someone you care for does not have useful speech pictures and symbols can be a functional way of communicating with caregivers and loved ones By simply pointing to a picture an individual with a temporary or permanent speech loss can make requests express medical needs and pain ask and answer questions and initiate and participate in conversation This Big Picture Communication Notebook was created to help people with speech and or cognitive difficulties direct their care and retain independence It seeks to improve their quality of life by enabling them to communicate and be understood by caregivers When comprehension or language is compromised using pictures to communicate with someone you care for can help minimize their frustration and yours The topics and pictures in our Big Picture Communication Notebook have been chosen specifically for people who need assistance with activities of daily living and provide vocabulary for many common communication scenarios encountered by people being cared for at home and care centers The book contains topic specific pages or communication choice boards relevant to making choices about activities of daily living including personal care Pages in our Communication Notebook provide opportunities to comment ask questions and make choices related to activities meal times bathing dressing and more Each communication board includes up to 12 large 2 inch pictures with relevant choices The written word is shown along with each image in a large easy to read font Each image is framed in a dark border to increase contrast for users with visual challenges Each page also includes a short list of core words on the left side to extend the meaning of the pictures The back of each page is blank so you can customize the choices with additional vocabulary and pictures specific to the user or setting Write in words with a permanent marker or glue on pictures and photos to personalize with more options The number of pictures per page and the access method will depend upon each individual s physical abilities and level of cognitive support needed If this is a challenge consult with a speech language pathologist or occupational therapist for a clinical assessment Using this Book Communication books like this one are generally accessed by pointing with a finger or stylus to indicate a choice or preference Your user may need assistance turning the pages or finding the page needed to express their needs To make this easier each tab lists the pages included in that section But the user does not have to be able to point to pictures themselves in order to use them to communicate Consider other methods of using the pictures when an individual has difficulty pointing to them him herself For example ask a Yes No on Comments board question while pointing to a picture Do you want your favorite flavor chocolate Point to picture options and wait for an indication that you have a positive response Would you like some tea coffee water something else If your loved one does not have a reliable yes no response work to establish one this may include demonstrating a head shake sign language eye gaze or indicating a written Yes No Continued on inside back cover
CAREGIVING Communicating Caregiving Using Picture Communication When someone you care for does not have functional speech using pictures and photographs are effective ways of communicating with family friends and caregivers By simply pointing to a picture an individual with a temporary or permanent speech loss can make choices and requests express medical needs and feelings ask questions and participate in activities of daily living When comprehension or language is compromised using pictures to communicate with someone you care for can minimize their frustration and yours This Big Picture Caregiving Communication book was created to help people with speech and or cognitive difficulties regardless of diagnosis direct their care and retain their independence By using pictures to indicate needs and choices we can improve their quality of life by enabling them to be understood by family and professional caregivers and have choices in their care Picture boards in this book cover COMMENTS SOCIAL comments yes no WH questions feelings weather ACTIVITIES indoor and outdoor activities people visitors music and sports PERSONAL CARE personal care bathing grooming and dressing taking medications oral care body pain sleeping assistive devices MEAL FOOD meal prep hot and cold drinks breakfast lunch healthy snack choices This comprehensive resource enables communication for adults with aphasia stroke paralysis brain injury cancer or surgery that causes speech loss developmental disabilities and dementia This essential communication book should be used daily with support from spouses family caregivers nurses CNAs and PCAs This book should be in the tool kit of every speech language pathologist occupational therapist social worker hospice worker and home health staff to support daily care with dignity ABOUT THE AUTHOR Randi Sargent MBA is a parent caregiver and augmentative communication advocate for her adult son with cerebral palsy and an aging parent with aphasia both of whom have severe communication difficulties She has partnered with speech pathologists and special educators to create countless communication boards to help her son participate in family and community life Randi is an active parent professional in the disability community in Massachusetts where she serves on several disability services boards advocating for the needs of non speaking individuals She is a certified Talking Mats practitioner Randi publishes products and resources to enhance caregiving for people with severe speech difficulties at her website www SayitwithSymbols com Follow SayitwithSymbols on Facebook Pinterest and Twitter Big Picture Caregiving Communication Book 2016 2018 2021 by Giving Greetings Publishing All rights reserved worldwide Mulberry Symbols are used with permission from Straight Street com and distributed under a Creative Commons BY SA license 7 GG BACB 5 21 GIVING GREETINGS PUBLISHING Toll free call 1 866 544 9540 www SayitwithSymbols com Email info givinggreetings com
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