You Are a BoyA children’s e-book produced byThe Bible Tells Me So PressCopyright © 2022The Bible Tells Me So CorporationAll rights reserved. No part of this book, neither text norillustrations, may be reproduced without permissionin writing by the publisher.PUBLISHED BYTHE BIBLE TELLS ME SO CORPORATIONWWW.THEBIBLETELLSMESO.COMFirst Published February, 2022
e Bible Tells Me So PressYouAre a Boy
andand youyou’’rere a a delightdelight..
God God carefullycarefully formedformed
andand mademade youyou justjust rightright..
Before you were born,
God plannedwhen and how
HeHe’’dd makemake youyou toto bebe
thethe boyboy you you areare
we hope youwe hope you’’re awarere aware ,,He madeHe made no mistakesno mistakes ,,
becausebecause GodGod mademade youyouwithwith cautioncaution and and
SoSo knowknow when when youyou’’rere bigbig
and and knowknowwhenwhen youyou’’rere small,small,
God God mademade youyou aa boy;boy;
therethere’’ss no no doubtdoubt atat all.all.
AndAnd knowknow everyevery day,day,
wewe’’rere filledfilled with with suchsuch joyjoy
thatthat youyou’’rere an an awesome,awesome,
perfectlyperfectly--made made boy!boy!
For it was You who formedmy inward parts;You wove me together in mymother’s womb.I will praise You, for I am awesomelyand wonderfully made;Your works are wonderful,And my soul knows it well.Psalm 139:13-14
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