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Year 9 Options 2023

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet Year 9 Options Booklet St John Fisher Catholic High School Page 1

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet CONTENTS Subject Page s Introduction 1 COMPULSORY SUBJECTS 2 English 3 4 Mathematics 5 Double Science 6 Religious Education 7 S M S C Education 8 Careers Education 9 Core Physical Education 10 ENHANCEMENT SUBJECTS 11 Art and Design 12 13 Computer Science 14 Creative iMedia 15 Drama 16 17 French 18 19 Geography 20 21 History 22 24 Music 25 26 Sociology 27 28 Spanish 29 30 Sports Studies 31 32 Technology 33 34 Triple Science 35 Page 2

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet INTRODUCTION This booklet is for students and their parents carers It is just part of the advice and assistance available to ensure that each student selects a balanced programme appropriate to his or her needs and aspirations Throughout Key Stage Three Years 7 9 the school has provided all students with a balanced education developing their skills and understanding across a broad curriculum As students move into Year 10 it is necessary to reduce the number of subjects slightly to ensure adequate preparation for those vital examinations However balance and breadth remain important and the curriculum for Years 10 and 11 has two distinct parts to ensure that students have some freedom of choice within a carefully structured programme Compulsory Subjects All students will study the following subjects English Literature English Language Mathematics Double Science Religious Education Physical Education Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural Education Careers Education Enhancement Subjects In addition to the compulsory subjects students will select 3 further subjects Detailed notes for guidance are given later in this booklet Students are expected to choose to study at least one of the following subjects Computer Science French Spanish Geography History Triple Science set 1 or2 science mathematics The overriding advice must be that all students should retain a wide range of subjects and not limit their opportunities at 16 by making inappropriate choices now However we do encourage students to consider the opportunities in the arts as well as our strong provision in foreign languages and humanities It is vital that each student makes the APPROPRIATE option choices The following questions could be a starting point when considering the choices WHICH SUBJECTS DO I LIKE You will probably try harder and enjoy the subjects you enjoy Be careful that the enjoyment is not just due to the teacher it is not guaranteed that you will have that teacher for your GCSE WHICH SUBJECTS AM I BEST AT You may stand a better chance of achieving good results and exam success in the subjects where you are on target in Y9 If you are not on target now try to work hard so you are on target by the next assessments WHICH SUBJECTS DO I NEED Have you any idea of a possible career If so you may need certain subjects as qualifications as they will enable you to study the A levels needed at college If you are unsure ask Mr Hynes Careers Information Advice and Guidance coordinator or any teacher for help If you have no career in mind at present keep your future options open by choosing a broad range of subjects For example a humanities subject History or Geography a language French or Spanish and any other subject would give you a broad range of qualifications WHAT QUALIFICATION WILL I GAIN All courses will lead to a qualification Most will lead to a G C S E grade of 9 1 but some may award a level or Distinction Merit or Pass Read the subject information carefully to understand what the award is CAN I CHOOSE THE SAME SUBJECTS AS MY FRIENDS Please do not simply copy your friend s options This is not recommended as you will be studying the subjects for 2 years and most subjects have more than one class so you will not necessarily be with your friends Also we change the band of some students as they move from Year 9 into Year 10 so they cannot guarantee that their classes will remain the same All the information in this booklet presentations in class and the forthcoming Options Evening should allow your child to make good and appropriate decisions about their future courses of study Do not hesitate to contact any member of staff if you require any further information Page 1

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet Compulsory subjects Page 2

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet ENGLISH HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mrs R Robertson COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE English Language and Literature There is also the opportunity for a small number of pupils up to 10 to take part in a Step up to English course for a silver and gold award This is a non exam assessment which is a nationally recognised qualification that gives students the opportunity to achieve a certified award It may be suitable for pupils who need support with literacy at GCSE English Literature COURSE STRUCTURE English Language 100 examination There will be 2 examinations for English Language Paper 1 Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing 1 hour 45 minutes This involves reading one literature fiction text and answering 4 questions Then writing a descriptive or narrative piece Paper 2 Writers Viewpoints and Perspectives 1 hour 45 minutes This involves reading one non fiction text and one literary non fiction text and answering 4 questions Then writing to present a viewpoint 100 examination There will be 2 examinations for English Literature Paper 1 Shakespeare and the 19thcentury novel 1 hour 45 minutes Written exam on Romeo and Juliet followed by a written response to A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Paper 2 Modern texts and poetry 2 hours 15 minutes Written exam on Blood Brothers by Willy Russell or An Inspector Calls by J B Priestley Followed by the study of 15 poems on either Love and Relationships or Power and Conflict and a written response and comparison to two unseen poems Page 3

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet ENGLISH THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH English Language is a crucial skill to prepare all pupils for everyday life The importance of reading and writing are crucial skills that will set all pupils up for future success in whatever area they choose to follow English Literature is also studied by all pupils It is aimed to inspire young readers and is excellent preparation for A Level English Literature as well as giving students a grounding in a wide variety of literature that will stay with them for life The study of English benefits and impacts on a wide variety of career paths including journalism teaching careers in law etc The list really is endless for the importance of English in all career choices Manchester Actors visit school to deliver A Christmas Carol and to take questions from pupils WIDER OPPORTUNITIES The English department works alongside the drama department to invite theatre companies into school for productions of plays and texts that are studied in school Groups are taken to local theatres to experience the magic of watching a play or text come alive by being performed in live theatre There are many reading challenges and book quizzes linked to the library to promote a love of reading for all Page 4

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet MATHEMATICS HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Miss A Beeley COURSE OUTLINE OCR GCSE Mathematics There is also the opportunity for a small number of pupils to complete the Entry Level Certificate to ensure that all pupils leave St John Fisher with a recognised mathematics qualification COURSE STRUCTURE GCSE 100 examination There are two calculator papers and one non calculator paper Each examination lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes It is important to have your own scientific calculator THE IMPORTANCE OF MATHEMATICS The philosophy of the Mathematics department is to ensure our pupils are equipped with a uniquely powerful set of tools to help understand our world and its rapidly developing technology These tools include numeracy logical reasoning problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways Mathematics is important and relevant in everyday life and in many forms of employment for example science and technology medicine the economy the environment and its development WIDER OPPORTUNITIES The department strives to realise this vision by aiming to provide our pupils with the necessary skills to enable them to feel competent with the mathematical situations they encounter in other subjects and in ordinary life The school enters teams of mathematicians in various competitions such as the UKMT Team Challenge A Stock Market Challenge at the University of Manchester and the St John Rigby Maths Challenge Students have the opportunity to study GCSE Statistics after school in Year 10 and GCSE Further Mathematics in Year 11 as additional qualifications Page 5

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet DOUBLE SCIENCE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mrs A Kirkpatrick COURSE OUTLINE AQA Combined Science Trilogy COURSE STRUCTURE You will be taught lessons of Biology Chemistry and Physics At the end of Year 11 there will be two exams in each subject a total of six exams and the scores from these then combine into a qualification worth two GCSE grades Safety equipment provided by the science department THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE Science is a core subject because it allows us to understand the world around us whilst also developing those investigative skills to help us identify problems design and test and evaluate solutions Employers love seeing strong science grades as it shows an ability to problem solve that is essential in most workplaces Demonstrations and experiments form part of the course WIDER OPPORTUNITIES The Science department involve pupils with lots of extra curricular opportunities including the STEM Club the Faraday Challenge Salter s Festival of Chemistry the Oxford University Physics Olympiad the RSB Biology Challenge This list gets added to each year Y11 pupils working on a DNA project Page 6

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr B Trevelyan COURSE OUTLINE AQA Specification B Catholic Christianity Judaism and Themes COURSE STRUCTURE Paper 1 Catholic Christianity THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 6 Units Creation Incarnation Trinity Redemption Church Eschatology RE provides students with the opportunities to build on their critical thinking skills research analysis team work communication skills as well as problem solving In addition to this it supports pupils in understanding and questioning the very nature of the world and beyond 1hr 45 mins Examination Pupils are made aware of the need for respect tolerance and empathy Paper Two Judaism Beliefs Practices Themes Relationships and Family Peace and conflict RE can also provide students with a stepping stone into such careers as the police journalism law teacher and youth worker among other fantastic careers 1hr 45 mins Examination Seder plate from a classroom Passover meal Page 7

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GCSE 2023 S M S C Options Booklet Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Education CO ORDINATOR The Relationships and Sex Education strand incorporates the three main elements of RSE Mrs K Drake At St John Fisher all pupils are taught SMSC throughout Key Stages 3 and 4 Pupils have a 1 hour lesson every two weeks dedicated to this curriculum area attitudes and values personal and social skills knowledge and understanding all within the teachings of the Catholic Church Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural SMSC development is the over arching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum It involves educating your children to be the best versions of themselves and to become well rounded and informed citizens of society Strong evidence shows that promoting SMSC in schools can contribute to raising academic standards and improving children s life chances in modern Britain Like other subjects SMSC education gradually builds key concepts and skills through topics that are relevant to a young person s age and stage of development Y11 supporting Year 7 pupils at breaktime Our SMSC curriculum follows the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Citizenship and the PSHE Association Programme of Study which is based on three core themes SMSC IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT promotes independence and responsibility preparing young people for future roles as parents employees and leaders helps to improve employability skills by developing the personal and social skills demanded by commerce and industry contributes to the health and wellbeing of individuals by encouraging individual responsibility for health contributes to keeping our young people safe and well protected promotes opportunities for our young people to play a full and active part in society Health and Wellbeing Physical Mental Emotional Health Relationships Relationships and Sex Drugs and Health Education Living in the Wider World Citizenship Careers and Economic and Financial Wellbeing Education Page 8

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet CAREERS Education Information and Guidance CO ORDINATOR Mr A Hynes Throughout Years 10 and 11 you will begin to think about what you want to do when you leave school This could mean studying your favourite subjects at college a chance to combine work and study with an apprenticeship or another form of training THE IMPORTANCE OF CAREERS Careers Education Information and Guidance is critical in ensuring you make the right decisions about your future You will receive a one to one interview with a fully qualified Careers Adviser from Wigan Careers Services to help you make informed decisions about your future You will also have the opportunity to meet with a range of colleges and employers to support you in making these decisions As well as this there will be assemblies hosted by colleges and employers to further develop your understanding of future prospects when you leave St John Fisher Careers fair in school A chance to meet colleges and employers WIDER OPPORTUNITIES There will be a wide range of opportunities from visiting various college and university campuses to experiencing different work places You can speak to Mr Hynes any time if you have any questions or concerns about your future Page 9

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet CORE PHYSICAL EDUCATION THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr A Unsworth COURSE OUTLINE Y10 Y10 Core PE builds the KNOW SHOW and GROW foundation from KS3 and uses the 1 lesson per week to focus on the Physical Social Healthy Thinking and Employable pathways The nature of PE helps us to teach sporting life values giving a clear purpose to the lessons even though there is no exam By participating in Core PE pupils will develop communication skills teamwork and problem solving in order to be successful Pupils will have opportunities to work independently to showcase their skills and be placed in challenging situations where they can develop resilience therefore increasing their employability Y11 Core PE is compulsory for all pupils and is a nonexamined subject with the emphasis on pupil led lessons and recreational activities In Y11 pupils are given the opportunity to choose the sports they would like to follow each term from a list of set activities as well continuing the Y10 pathways Pathway PHYSICAL Application of physical skills in competitive situations Focus Objective Fun games competition Performance in competitive situation Technique fluency Tactics strategies Activities Outwitting Opponents team games TGFU Sport Education Competition Teamwork empathy Personal behaviour cooperation leadership Motivation influencing others Communication teamwork Emotional well being Body management Stress management Mental well being Creativity Evaluating improving skills Problem solving Knowledge understanding HRF Run walk jog Boxercise Outwitting Opponents team games Student designed games Dance Sports Leaders Health Fitness Couch to 5k Clubbercise Yoga Walking Challenges OAA Problem solving Student designed games Cooperative learning Team Building Sports Leaders Resilience Self motivation Integrity Responsibility and self management SOCIAL Understand and work well with others HEALTHY Develop personal health well being THINKING Making effective decisions creativity problem solving EMPLOYABLE Developing personal values behaviour traits Y10 Girls Core PE Clubbercise Fitness challenges Sport Leaders Sport Education Competition Team building Officiating Page 10

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet Enhancement subjects Page 11

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet ART AND DESIGN HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Miss L Gray COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE Art Design Fine Art 8202 COURSE STRUCTURE The GCSE Art Design course comprises of two units Component 1 Portfolio Coursework worth 60 of GCSE grade Completed September of Year 10 December of Year 11 Component 2 Externally Set Assignment Exam worth 40 of GCSE grade Completed January May of Year 11 The external exam is 10 hours The GCSE Art Design course is entirely practical There is no written examination All work is internally moderated by your Art Teachers WHY CHOOSE ART You should choose GCSE Art Design if you enjoy being creative and working independently The course will allow you to explore a range of media paint print textiles photography sculpture and develop practical presentational skills Future careers in Art Design include Architecture Animation Illustration Fashion Design Graphic Design Interior Design Games Design Make up Artist Photographer and Floristry St John Rigby college tutor visits school WIDER OPPORTUNITIES Enrichment Visit Weekend Residential to Anglesey in Wales Gallery Visit s Collaborative workshops with local Colleges i e St John Rigby s Art Department Former pupil Reggie Doherty studied BA Hons Costume Design at Nottingham Trent University and has had his artwork featured in a recent BBC Drama Page 12

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet ART AND DESIGN Examples of KS4 pupils work Anglesey Wales residential visit Page 13

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet COMPUTER SCIENCE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr L Henry COURSE OUTLINE OCR GCSE Computer Science J277 COURSE STRUCTURE Two written examinations Computer Systems 50 Computational Thinking algorithms and Programming 50 The course is examined by two written papers at the end of Year 11 which are both 50 each however programming projects will be undertaken throughout the course WHY CHOOSE COMPUTER SCIENCE If you have an interest in digital technology this is the course for you In the course you ll learn about systems architecture memory and storage computer networks and their security system software along with ethics legislation cultural and environmental impacts You ll also develop skills with algorithms programming testing and making programs robust and IDEs There are also some elements of mathematics in this course And the problem solving skills that you will learn in computer science can also be used in your other subjects as well as later in life This qualification would enable you to continue your studies with A level Computer Studies or apply for an apprenticeship in the IT profession Programming language package WIDER OPPORTUNITIES CyberDiscovery Club Berlin Trip Berlin The Deutsches Technikmuseum and the Brandenburg Gate Page 14

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet CREATIVE iMEDIA HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr L Henry COURSE OUTLINE OCR Level 1 2 Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia COURSE STRUCTURE Consists of 3 units R093 Creative iMedia in the media industry R094 Visual identity and digital graphics R097 Interactive digital media 1 unit has an external exam R093 2 units are made up of coursework R094 R097 WHY CHOOSE iMEDIA This qualification will assess the application of creative media skills through their practical use It provide learners with essential knowledge transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aims of enhancing their employability when they leave education contributing to their personal development and future economic well being The qualifications will encourage independence creativity and awareness of the digital media sector This would enable you to either continue studying A level media studies or apply for an apprenticeship in the media sector For example web site designer games designer TV radio researcher or social media executive After school club Berlin The Deutsches Technikmuseum and the Brandenburg Gate WIDER OPPORTUNITIES After school coursework workshops Page 15

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet DRAMA HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr R Walters COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE Drama Drama GCSE engages and encourages you to become a confident performer director and designer Performance is paramount There is as much opportunity as possible for you to do what you like best participate in performance All students devise drama and all students explore texts practically by working on two text based performances You can choose to develop as Performer Designer lighting costume sound Whichever option you choose you can be sure to gather many invaluable skills both theatrical and transferable to expand your horizons Aiming for success The written exam paper is designed to help you to realise your full potential There are a variety of question styles asking you to combine what you ve learned about how drama is performed with your practical experience and imagination COURSE STRUCTURE Understanding Drama 40 Knowledge and understanding of drama and theatre Study of one set play multiple choice questions and live theatre evaluation Written exam 1 hour and 45 Devising Drama Practical 40 Creating and performing devised drama Analysis and evaluation of own work in a log Texts in practice Practical 20 Performance of two extracts from one play students may contribute as a performer lighting or costume designer School production When I Grow Up WHY CHOOSE DRAMA GCSE Drama courses provide educational enjoyable and creative learning journeys for our students Skills learned are transferable and prepare students for many pathways upon leaving school The positive safe and supportive learning environment helps students refine both practical and theory elements of performance Students have the opportunity to develop or enhance innumerable life skills such as self confidence public speaking team work and creativity There is Clear Progression to AS and A level This specification ensures continuity for students progressing from GCSE Drama to AS and A level Drama and Theatre Students who go on to AS or A level are already familiar with studying whole set texts for the written papers They have built solid foundations in reviewing a live theatre production and in interpreting key extracts All of these aspects feature in the AS and A level as well as the GCSE Many students have also gone on to study BTEC Level 3 after taking GCSE Drama Transferable skills Students learn to collaborate with others think analytically and evaluate effectively The study of Drama impacts on a number of career paths from broadcast journalism to law and teaching Page 16

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet DRAMA WIDER OPPORTUNITIES Drama staff often invite ex students and professional artists in to work with pupils providing contacts to industry and further education There are a number of opportunities to experience live theatre in local and regional theatres and in house through professional theatre residencies Collaborative projects with other secondary schools have been organised to support the delivery of specialist performance skills Workshops in association with organisations such as Frantic Assembly and Manchester Actors has supported students in areas such as physical theatre and masks Page 17

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet FRENCH HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Ms J Hughes COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE French Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based Theme 1 Identity and Culture Topic 1 Me my family and friends Topic 2 Technology in everyday life Topic 3 Free time activities Topic 4 Customs and festivals in French speaking countries communities Theme 2 Local national international and global areas of interest Topic 1 Home town neighbourhood and region Topic 2 Social issues Topic 3 Global issues Topic 4 Travel and tourism Eiffel Tower Theme 3 Current and future study and employment COURSE STRUCTURE Topic 1 My studies Topic 2 Life at school college Topic 3 Education post 16 Topic 4 Jobs career choices and ambitions GCSE French has a Foundation Tier Grades 1 5 and a Higher Tier Grades 4 9 The qualification is linear which means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course Students must take all four question papers at the same tier and will be assessed on the following skills Paper 1 Listening 25 of GCSE Written exam 35 minutes Foundation Tier 45 minutes Higher Tier Paper 2 Speaking 25 of GCSE Non exam assessment 7 9 minutes Foundation Tier 10 12 minutes Higher Tier French revision Paper 3 Reading 25 of GCSE Written exam 45 minutes Foundation Tier 60 minutes Higher Tier Paper 4 Writing 25 of GCSE Written exam 60 minutes Foundation Tier 75 minutes Higher Tier Page 18

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet FRENCH WHY STUDY FRENCH Did you know that French is spoken in 51 countries around the world There are 118 million native French speakers in the world Research shows that French is the second most commonly studied foreign language in the world French is still the most commonly used language in business Now that the UK is no longer part of the European Union it is even more important that students are able to offer a second language French is a popular option subject with a proven track record where pupils achieve excellent results In the summer 2019 examinations 76 of pupils achieved grades 9 4 in French In summer 2020 all pupils achieved their Centre Assessed Grades with 87 achieving grades 9 4 When choosing your GCSE options it is also worth remembering that a GCSE in French helps to meet the requirements of the English Baccalaureate and a GCSE in French can also help with applications to some of the top universities in the country There are two GCSE French specialists within the department who each have their own fully resourced dedicated teaching room Alongside the GCSE course we use a number of digital resources including Active Learn Quizlet and Textivate in order to enhance teaching and learning Educational visit to Paris WIDER OPPORTUNITIES In previous years there has been a school trip to Paris where pupils are able to practice their spoken language and immerse themselves into the culture as well as visiting the main sights and attractions in the city A French speaking theatre company is invited into school to present a French play to pupils in Year 11 Throughout the GCSE course students will have opportunities to work with staff either in small groups or on a one to one basis in preparation for the oral examination After school revision sessions will also be offered to students Learning a language equips you with a range of skills which are very important in the international job market Here are some of the jobs where a GCSE in French could help Accountant Air Steward Computer Games Designer Engineer Football Player Health Professional Interpreter Logistics Marketing Manager Rugby Player Sports Journalist Teacher Tour Guide Translator Onatti Productions live interactive French theatre Page 19

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet GEOGRAPHY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Miss R Coote COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE Geography The GCSE Geography course comprises of four units 1 Living with the physical environment a b c The challenges of natural hazards Physical landscapes in the UK The living world 2 Challenges in the human environment a b c Urban issues and challenges The changing economic world The challenges of resource management 3 Geographical Applications a b Issue evaluation Fieldwork 4 Geographical skills COURSE STRUCTURE The course will be assessed by three examinations 1 Paper 1 Living with the physical environment A written exam of 1 hour 30 minutes 2 Paper 2 Challenges in the human environment A written exam of 1 hour 30 minutes 3 Paper 3 Geographical Applications A written exam of 1 hour 15 minutes WHY CHOOSE GEOGRAPHY Are you interested in studying geography further Geography tackles the big issues environmental responsibility our global interdependence cultural understanding and tolerance commerce trade and industry Compared to other subjects geography graduates are among the most employable They possess the skills that employers look for In part this is because the subject combines a knowledge of Science and an understanding of the arts Geography graduates were surveyed after their degree courses about their career destinations The results show 40 6 went into management and administration 24 8 did further training including PGCE for teaching 11 4 joined the financial sector 10 4 joined the retail sector 10 joined other professions including the media Source AGCAS Y11 pupils collecting data Page 20

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet GEOGRAPHY WIDER OPPORTUNITIES Pupils will get the opportunity to attend a field trip during this course to Formby Beach and Southport Town Centre Pupils will collect primary data which they will then write a report on in class During the 2 year GCSE course geography pupils will have the opportunity to travel to Iceland Field trip to Formby Beach Educational visit to Iceland Page 21

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet HISTORY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Miss J Bate COURSE OUTLINE EDEXCEL GCSE History COURSE STRUCTURE Medicine in Britain 1250 present The thematic study requires students to understand change and continuity in medicine across a long sweep of history including the most significant characteristics of different ages from the medieval to modern periods Key areas of study in this unit include Anglo Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1060 66 William I in power securing the kingdom 1066 87 Norman England 1066 88 The American West 1835 1895 This unit studies a medium time span of at least 50 years and require students to understand the unfolding story and development of the American West Key areas of study in this unit include 1200 1500 Medicine in medieval England 1500 1700 The Medical Renaissance in England 1700 1900 Medicine in eighteenth and nineteenth Key areas of study in this unit include century Britain 1900 present Medicine in modern The early settlement of the West 1835 1862 Britain development of the plains 1862 1876 conflicts and conquest 1876 1895 The historical environment The British sector of the Western Front 1914 18 injuries treatment Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 39 and the trenches The depth studies focus on a substantial and coherent The study of medicine on the Western Front is short time span and require students to understand linked to a thematic study and focuses on the the complexity of German society and the interplay of Western Front in its historical context It examines different aspects within it This includes social the relationship between a place and historical economic political religious and military aspects events and developments Key areas of study in this unit include The theatre of war in Flanders and northern France conditions requiring medical treatment on the Western Front The significance of the Western Front for experiments in surgery and medicine Key areas of study in this unit include The Weimar Republic 1918 1933 the Rise of the Nazis 1920 1933 Nazi control and dictatorship 1933 1939 life in Nazi Germany 1933 39 Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060 1088 This unit focuses on a short time span in detail and require students to understand the complexity of Anglo Saxon and Norman society This includes social economic political religious and military aspects Page 22

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet HISTORY WHY CHOOSE HISTORY COURSE STRUCTURE There are three examinations for GCSE history Paper 1 1 hour 15 minutes Contains two modules Medicine in Britain 1250 present The historical environment The British sector of the Western Front 1914 18 injuries treatment and the trenches 30 of the qualification Paper 2 1 hour 45 minutes Contains two modules Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060 1088 The American West 1835 1895 40 of the qualification Paper 3 1 hour 15 minutes Contains one depth study Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 39 30 of the qualification Why Employers and universities value History very highly The skills taught within the subject are useful in work study and life Why You learn how to use information effectively this can help you spread light on a problem or issue Why You learn how to be analytical and critical when considering information You will be able to weigh conflicting evidence before coming to a decision Why You will learn the art of oral debate and how to present a clear argument Why The Which Guide to Careers says History is an excellent preparation for many jobs History trains you to assemble organise and present facts very useful qualities in many walks of life and careers Why Could all of these History graduates have been wrong Salman Rushdie author Lord Sainsbury entrepreneur Louis Theroux presenter Sacha Baron Cohen writer and comedian Gordon Brown MP David Blunkett MP Michael Mansfield QC senior lawyer Seb Coe athlete and leader of the IAAC Sir Roland Smith Chairman of the Sony Corporation And many more Why Because you ENJOY it Trenches Belgium WHAT DO OUR CURRENT GCSE STUDENTS SAY Paper 3 pupil resources The teachers are incredibly helpful They give 100 to ensuring that we achieve our best You can go to any member of the department for help even the ones who don t teach you Mary GCSE History was the ONLY subject I achieved a grade 9 in This is because I loved the lessons and the teachers really know how to get the best out of pupils Tasha I really enjoy it but it is a lot of writing If you don t like writing this isn t the course for you Owen Page 23

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet HISTORY WIDER OPPORTUNITIES A trip to Berlin which allows us to focus on how Hitler controlled Nazi Germany as well as life in Nazi Germany Guest speaker about the American West Holocaust Day and the opportunity to meet a survivor of the Holocaust An extensive after school revision programme Lunch time help and drop in sessions Holocaust survivor American West guest speaker Star of the Fortnight Page 24

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet MUSIC HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Miss A Bryant COURSE OUTLINE EDUQAS GCSE Music This course has three components Performing 30 Composing 30 and Listening 40 COURSE STRUCTURE Performing 30 You will record lots of performances e g play on keyboard or any other instrument or sing of your own choice of music The best two recordings one as a solo one as a group will be submitted to the exam board for assessment In addition to the curriculum lessons pupils will receive a FREE individual music lesson per week on an instrument of their choice or voice to help them prepare for this performing component Composing 30 During the course you will create two pieces of music or songs in a style of your own choice You will be given time to create record and evaluate your work It is strongly advised that pupils opting for Music GCSE can sing or play an instrument in order to access this part of the course Listening and Appraising 40 There is one exam at the end of year eleven in which you will listen to music and answer questions about what you hear Page 25

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet MUSIC WHY CHOOSE MUSIC GCSE music is a good choice within a broad and balanced curriculum being both academic and creative Students who choose this option will be encouraged to develop their performing composing and music technology skills and to enhance their appreciation and understanding of music There has been much research into the benefits of studying music and the effects this has on a pupil s intelligence and achievements in other subjects Music helps to stimulate your brain similar to the way exercise helps stimulate your body As well as learning new things about music the course provides students with the opportunity to gain self confidence develop Key Skills and extends students creative skills The course encourages the understanding of the importance of continuous evaluation and refinement in any process and helps develop ICT skills These are all skills which could be useful to you in whatever you do afterwards You may wish to take music for its own sake or you may wish to go into a job where it is useful to have had experience of music or where you will need the key skills developed in this course These might include careers in the music industry publishing music therapy entertainment and teaching or any job that involves communication and expressive skills GCSE Music is good preparation for further musical study such as the AS A Levels in Music and Music Technology BTEC National Diplomas in Music Tutor from St John Rigby college holding a workshop in school WIDER OPPORTUNITIES GCSE Music pupils are encouraged to experience as much live music as possible either via their own involvement in one of the extra curricular activities in school or by experiencing live performance out of school In recent years trips out of school have included visits to the theatre the RNCM the BBC Philharmonic and the Halle We have also worked with St John Rigby 6th Form College watching college productions and having masterclasses in school Bridgewater Hall Manchester Performance of set GCSE pieces of music Page 26

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SOCIOLOGY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Social stratification Miss J Bate The focus for social stratification is who has power and what factors within society affect equality COURSE OUTLINE Key areas of study include sexism within society the glass ceiling concept and how poverty affects different groups within society Eduqas WJEC GCSE Sociology Sociology studies how society works It will help you to understand how individuals fit into a wider social network and encourage you to question beliefs about society which you may have previously taken for granted Sociologists are interested in why society works in the way that it does and the extent to which our behaviour and opportunities can be shaped by our social class age gender and race Research methods In this unit we will look at key Sociological studies and how Sociologists conduct research Family This unit requires pupils to think about the changing role of families throughout history including the role of gender within the family and how society has seen an increase in single parent families Key areas of study in this unit include the diversity of family and China s one child policy family relationships family structures and criticisms of the family Education Similar to family this unit requires pupils to assess how the role of education has changed over the past 50 years We will also study in detail the factors that affect school performance particularly gender race and wealth Key areas of study in this unit include processes within school how teachers label pupils why boys underperform and the increase in exclusion rates within England Crime This unit looks for pupils to define what crime is and how far gender race and wealth affects the likelihood of crime Key areas of study in this unit include how the media affect crime rates the role of police and the courts and how society records crime Y10 Sociology notes and resources COURSE STRUCTURE 100 examination There will be 2 examinations for Sociology There are also 25 key studies to remember Paper 1 Understanding Social Processes Written examination 1 hour 45 minutes 50 of qualification 100 marks This component focuses on the themes of socialisation identity and culture Learners study the key concepts and processes of cultural transmission including socialisation and the acquisition of identity and develop these through detailed study of families and education Paper 2 Understanding Social Structures Written examination 1 hour 45 minutes 50 of qualification 100 marks The focus includes the theme of power issues of social order and social control through crime and deviance Learners also study applied methods of sociological enquiry Page 27

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SOCIOLOGY WHY CHOOSE SOCIOLOGY Sociology is about your life and the world around you It is a subject that you will have experience of and one that will help you understand many aspects of your future You can bring your own life events and ideas into the classroom in a way you might not be able to with other subjects It helps you understand that the society we are presented with is not always the true picture and it will help you understand who is trying to manipulate your ideas and why they are trying to do that If you know this you can make more informed choices about your lives and your future What Makes A Good Sociology Student You need to be open minded Some things that you know are not always accurate You will need to be able to analyse the information given to you and make decisions about its accuracy and representativeness You will need to be able to view society from many different perspectives and accept that different people see the same concept in different ways You will also be able to listen to and accept the views of others even if you do not agree with them What Careers Might It Lead To There are many careers where a qualification in sociology is useful For example many sociologists go into social work community projects charity work welfare advisors and other areas of social services Other careers are civil service prison officers journalists police and teaching A qualification in sociology will provide you with many key skills including logical thinking planning research and negotiation all of which can be used in a variety of careers GCSE Powerpoint slide from a classroom lesson WHAT DO CURRENT GCSE SOCIOLOGY STUDENTS SAY It is very interesting the lessons are relevant to our lives I really enjoy it Charlie There are lots of essays in it and it isn t an easy GCSE Don t pick it if you don t like to write You have to be prepared to write and analyse data The lessons are really fun Macauley If you follow the news and are interested in the world around you this is the course for you You have to write a lot but I enjoy writing You also need to be able to form opinions and use the sociological theories to support them Anna Sociology is really interesting if you care about what and why problems arise in society things like the wage gap class inequality and family dynamics If you like analysing relationships and the history of certain prejudices sociology facilitates an environment to do so Overall it is really fun and has opened my eyes on the world in which I m living Francesca Page 28

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SPANISH HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Ms J Hughes COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE Spanish Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based Theme 1 Identity and Culture Topic 1 Me my family and friends Topic 2 Technology in everyday life Topic 3 Free time activities Topic 4 Customs and festivals in Spanish speaking communities Theme 2 Local national international and global areas of interest Topic 1 Home town neighbourhood and region Topic 2 Social issues Topic 3 Global issues Topic 4 Travel and tourism Theme 3 Current and future study and employment Topic 1 My studies Topic 2 Life at school college Topic 3 Education post 16 Topic 4 Jobs career choices and ambitions GCSE Spanish has a Foundation Tier Grades 1 5 and a Higher Tier Grades 4 9 The qualification is linear which means that students will sit all their exams at the end of the course Students must take all four question papers at the same tier and will be assessed on the following skills Paper 1 Listening 25 of GCSE Written exam 35 minutes Foundation Tier 45 minutes Higher Tier Paper 2 Speaking 25 of GCSE Assessment conducted in school externally assessed Role play photo description with questions General conversation 7 9 minutes Foundation Tier 10 12 minutes Higher Tier Paper 3 Reading 25 of GCSE Written exam 45 minutes Foundation Tier 60 minutes Higher Tier Paper 4 Writing 25 of GCSE Written exam 60 minutes Foundation Tier 75 minutes Higher Tier Day of the Dead competition Page 29

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SPANISH WHY CHOOSE TO STUDY SPANISH There are many countries in the world where Spanish is spoken as a first language Spanish is an official language to 442 million people As well as Spain itself there are 20 countries in South America with fast developing economies where Spanish is spoken as a first language It is a significant language in the United States with an additional 60 million native or second language speakers You do not just need a language to go on holiday you can use languages in the UK as part of your job Languages promote and encourage a broader understanding of different people and cultures Now that the UK is no longer part of the European Union it is even more important that students are able to offer a second language Learning languages improves your communication and literacy skills in English In class you study a wide range of themes and express your opinions on different topics When choosing your GCSE options it is also worth remembering that a GCSE in Spanish helps to meet the requirements of the English Baccalaureate and can also help with applications to some of the top universities in the country A foreign language can support your other studies and lead to fantastic opportunities to study or train abroad in a variety of different subject areas There are two Spanish teachers at SJF who each have their own fully resourced teaching rooms Alongside the GCSE course we use a number of digital resources including Active Learn Quizlet and Textivate in order to enhance teaching and learning La Sagrada Familia Barcelona WIDER OPPORTUNITIES In previous years the Spanish department has organised a trip to Barcelona where pupils are able to practice their spoken language and immerse themselves into the culture as well as visiting the main sights and attractions in the city A Spanish speaking theatre company is invited into school to present a Spanish play to pupils in Year 11 Throughout the GCSE course students will have timetabled opportunities to prepare for the speaking examination either in small groups or on a one to one basis After school revision sessions will also be offered to students Page 30

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SPORTS STUDIES HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mr A Unsworth COURSE OUTLINE OCR Cambridge National Sport Studies Level 2 Cambridge National Sport Studies is a course which is predominantly assessed through practical performance activities and word processed assignments You will be assessed in 3 units Y11 pupils coaching and refereeing Y8 rugby after school Unit 1 R184 Contemporary issues in sport This is assessed by a written exam 1 hour and 15 minutes written paper set and marked by the exam board By completing this unit you will understand a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport including learning about participation levels and barriers to completing sporting activities You will also learn how participation is impacted by the promotion of values and ethical behaviour about the role of high profile sporting events the role of national governing bodies and how technology is used in within sport Topics include issues which affect participation in sport the role of sport in promoting values The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country the role of National Governing Bodies NGB s play in the development of sport The use of technology in sport Unit 2 R185 Performance and leadership in sports activities This is assessed by a set assignment Centre assessed tasks marked by your teacher and then moderated by the exam board 80 marks In this unit students will learn how to develop their skills in two different sporting activities and as a leader in one activity As a leader they will plan and deliver a safe effective sporting activity session They also have the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills Students will work both independently and as part of a team including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when they perform They will perform under pressure both as a participant and as a leader and will use their initiative to solve problems and make decisions They will also deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations Topics include Key components of performance Applying practice methods to support improvement in a sporting activity Organising and planning a sports activity session Leading a sports activity session Reviewing your own performance in planning and leading a sports activity session Page 31

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet SPORTS STUDIES Unit 3 R187 Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities Centre assessed tasks marked by your teacher and then moderated by the exam board 40 marks In this unit students will learn how to find out information about what opportunities there are in their local area as well as nationally in the UK for all different types of outdoor adventurous activities They will learn how you can benefit from and enjoy activities safely by finding out what equipment clothing facilities and technology you need as well as completing planning to help keep them safe Topics include Provision for different types of outdoor and adventurous activities in the UK Equipment clothing and safety aspects of participating in outdoor and adventurous activities Plan for and be able to participate in an outdoor and adventurous activity Evaluate their participation in an outdoor and adventurous activity WHY CHOOSE SPORTS STUDIES Cambridge Nationals Sport Studies provides a strong foundation for further education or progression into industry Pupils will develop a wide range of highly desirable transferable skills such as organisation communication problem solving leadership and decision making The Cambridge National provides a foundation for BTEC Sports Level 3 Cambridge Technical or A Level It also facilitates progression to apprenticeship or work There is a wide range of job roles to progress into such as Activity Leader Sports Coach Fitness Instructor and Leisure Assistant WIDER OPPORTUNITIES You will be expected to stay after school at certain times throughout the course Rock climbing at Castle Cadshaw Rocks Extra curricular sporting activities to further develop your skills in team and individual sports At least one outdoor activities trips such as kayaking climbing paddle boarding abseiling etc Officiate matches in lower school lessons and after school Sports leadership opportunities with our feeder primary schools where you become a mini teacher After school support for coursework exam preparation and revision classes Page 32

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet TECHNOLOGY HEAD OF DEPARTMENT COURSE STRUCTURE Mr D O Neill In Years 10 and 11 the assessment focuses on the specification criteria client requirements and showing evidence of manufacturing high quality products There is one independent project directed by the examination board to be carried out in Y11 This will consist of a practical outcome and a design portfolio There will also be an examination at the end of the course Pupils will opt to study the following specialist technical principals examined in section B of the exam paper Papers and boards Timber based materials Polymers Electronic and mechanical systems COURSE OUTLINE AQA Design and Technology Design and Technology aims to provide opportunities for pupils to exercise their initiative and independence in enhancing self confidence Pupils combine practical and technological skills with creative thinking to design and make products and that meet human needs This specification will offer pupils the opportunity to apply their learning to real life situations to given design problems and scenarios The qualification aims to relate authentic real world awareness of iterative design practices and strategies used by the creative engineering and manufacturing industries Pupils will be required to use critical thinking leading towards invention and design innovation to design and make prototypes that solve real and relevant problems considering their own and others needs wants and values using a range of traditional and modern processes CAD CAM cutting and routing laser cutter 3D printing sublimation printing Examination Paper 2 hours 50 of GCSE Section A Core technical principles 20 marks A mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions assessing a breadth of technical knowledge and understanding Section B Specialist technical principles 30 marks Several short answer questions 2 5 marks and one extended response to assess a more in depth knowledge of technical principles Section C Designing and making principles 50 marks Non exam assessment 30 35hrs 50 of GCSE 100 marks Pupils will chose a project from a list given to them by the exam board They will be expected to solve the problem in a creative and innovative way using the tools and equipment in school Page 33

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet TECHNOLOGY WHY CHOOSE TECHNOLOGY The course offers a range of transferrable skills that pupils will be able to use to be applied to a wide range of career choices Taking the subject can lead to further study at A level Product Design Engineering Fashion and Textile and Degree Level leading to careers in Design and manufacturing Website design Product Design Architecture Engineering Civil Aerospace Electrical and Mechanical etc Graphic Design GCSE design technology can also lead to apprenticeships and technical and applied vocational Examples of work KS4 pupils Page 34

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet TRIPLE SCIENCE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Mrs A Kirkpatrick COURSE OUTLINE AQA GCSE Biology AQA GCSE Chemistry AQA GCSE Physics COURSE STRUCTURE You will be taught lessons of Biology Chemistry and Physics At the end of Year 11 there will be two exams in each subject a total of six exams Those exams will then be used to award GCSE grades in Biology Chemistry and Physics three separate and independent grades WHY CHOOSE DOUBLE SCIENCE Triple Science builds further on the core Double Science course It adds more breadth and depth alongside more lessons and so is perfect for those pupils with a strong interest in the world around them Some examples of topics that only appear on Triple Science include the brain the structure of the eye nanoparticles alcohol static electricity and space physics WIDER OPPORTUNITIES The Science department involve pupils with lots of extra curricular opportunities including the STEM Club the Faraday Challenge Salter s Festival of Chemistry the Oxford University Physics Olympiad the RSB Biology Challenge This list gets added to each year and triple Science students have increased involvement in the STEM ambassadors programme from a variety of science based career paths from relevant career paths Y11 pupils examining a sheep s eyeball Page 35

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GCSE 2023 Options Booklet St John Fisher Catholic High School Baytree Road Wigan WN6 7RN www sjfhs co uk Tel 01942 510715 Email options sjf wigan sch uk Page 36