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Year 8 Curriculum 2022-23

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‘What your child will be learning in Year 8’

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TECHNOLOGY & DESIGN Year 8 Programme Pupils will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of materials, designing and manufacturing by completing a series of units. The aim is to spend 60% of the time learning through workshop activities (manufacturing) and 40% through classroom activities (designing and knowledge). The following units will be completed:  Plastics – Acrylic bowl  Wood – Bird feeder  Metal – Dog tag  Graphics – Sketching & drawing

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Music: What will my child study? 1. The Elements of Music 2. Rhythm and Pulse 3. Keyboard Skills and Ostinato 4. The Orchestra

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History: What will my child be learning? 1. What is history? 2. Why did the Norman’s come to Ireland? 3. What was Ireland like 1169-1500? 4. What was health and medicine like in the Middle Ages? 5. Did the Norman’s leave us anything worth keeping?

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 MATHEMATICS CONTENT:  Place Value  The Four Operations  Order of Operations  Measurement, Perimeter and Area  Working with Data  Coordinates and Graphs  Angles and 2D shape  Fractions, Decimals and Percentages  Factors, Multiples and Primes  Introduction to Algebra  Sequences

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 Irish CONTENT:  Greetings  Classroom objects  Colours  Classroom instructions  Numbers 1-20  Days of the week  Months of the year  The time  The weather  Hobbies

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 French CONTENT:  Greetings  Classroom objects  Classroom instructions  Numbers 1-100  Days of the week  Months of the year  The French Alphabet  Nationality, where you live

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 GEOGRAPHY CONTENT:  An Introduction to Geography  Skills in Geography  Latitude and Longitude  Map Interpretation Skills  Ordnance survey maps  Grid references  Geography in the News  What is an Ecosystem  Links in an ecosystem  Food chains  Tropical Rainforest ecosystem  Structure and climate of the rainforest  Deforestation

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YEAR 8 SCIENCE During Year 8 your child will study the following topics: Starting Science Life, body systems and cells Forces and energy Solids, liquids and gases Acids and alkalis Environment

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Drama – Year 8 Content 1. Darkwood Manor- Exploring in Role 2. Bullying and the Aftermath- Exploratory Drama 3. Greek Theatre- Extend Spoken Repertoire 4. Stimulus Work- Collaboration on Scripts

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Year 8 Skills they will develop:  Working with others  Listening  Understanding  Sharing opinions  Recognising their own self-worth  Daily Prayer  Making moral decisions  Being creative  Using their imagination How they will be assessed:  Formative assessments  Summative assessments  ICT projects  Homework  Google classroom activities How you can help:  Give lots of encouragement  Praise good work  Supervise homework  Check their planner regularly

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONTENT:  New Beginnings  The Bible  Baptism & Confirmation  Morality  Advent & Christmas  The Life and Ministry of Jesus  Reconciliation  Lent  Jesus shared Meals  Easter  The Eucharist  The Mass  My Parish

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Content: All Year 8 pupils will complete 4 different units of work in the following areas: Drawing, Painting, ICT textiles and Ceramics (Clay)  Learn how to use pencils and paint to create shape, form, tone, tints, colours and textures of different objects.  Understand and experiment within the areas of Fine Art and Design in 2 and 3 Dimensions.  Learn about and understand specialist language linked to Art.  Explore and Examine the Art work of different Cultures and Artists.  Explore and Experiment with the Photo shop programme. Skills that will be developing: In Year 8 you will be given the opportunity to acquire, develop & demonstrate the following …  Observational drawing skills, painting skill, hand built ceramic construction skills and ICT skills. Additional skills developed…planning, self-management and organisational skills.  The following skills are also developed and enhanced in Art: Presentation skills, Literacy & Numeracy skills. How your work will be assessed: You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate the following…  How well you have used pencils, paint, ICT, textiles in a creative manner to produce a skilful outcome in 2 and 3 dimensions.  How well you present/exhibit their work.  Demonstrate what you have understood/ learnt about colour, the culture or artists you have explored.  Demonstrate that you understand and can use specialist artist language.  Demonstrate the ability to listen and act on verbal instructions.  Demonstrate the ability to be able to discuss what you have produced.  Demonstrate the ability to self-assess your work. How you can help:  Provide your son/ daughter with the proper art equipment & materials.  Ensure your child arrives to class with their art folder, drawing and painting materials and equipment.  Encourage your child to always try their very best.  Check and countersign your child’s homework and class work to ensure a good standard of work is maintained.  Ensure your son/ daughter does spend the required amount of time on homework - approximately 1hour in KS3 per week.  Encourage your child to take extra time and extra care over the presentation of their work.  Encourage your son/daughter to look after and be responsible for their art materials, equipment and art folder. What you will be learning in Year 8 Art and Design

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 ICT Your child will have 2 periods of ICT per week for half the school year in Year 8. CONTENT:  Digital Literacy Induction  Presentation  Introduction to Programming  Comic Life  Google Sites  eSafety In addition, your child will have an opportunity to participate in the hour of code and safer internet day activities. Google Classroom and Google Drive will be used throughout the Year 8 ICT course.

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 ENGLISH CONTENT:  Weekly spelling programme  Library  Unit 1 – Who Am I? Exploring identity  Unit 2&3 – Novel based: Fiction writing and Speaking and Listening.  Unit 4 – Non-fiction: Advertising, branding, paper and digital media.  Unit 5 Fiction Reading: Analysing writer’s intention and techniques.

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Personal Development What your child will be learning in Year 8 Physical Education CONTENT:  Managing Change  Safety and Managing Risk  Learning about Learning  Health and the Whole Person  Emotional Health  Managing Influences and Making Decisions CONTENT:  Fitness  Cross-Country  Gymnastics  Gaelic Football  Soccer  Netball / Basketball  Rugby / Dance  Athletics  Tennis  Indoor Games  GAA Handball

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What your child will be learning in Year 8 Home Economics CONTENT: What is Home Economics all about? · Equipment in Home Economics · Weighing and Measuring · Eat well · Safe Cooking and Storage in the Home · The Family · Family Resources · A selection of dishes will be prepared and cooked throughout the year.