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Year 6 - Year 7 Journey Programme

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Preparing our Year 6 studentsfor Year 7 and beyond.Part of Middle Years (Years 5-8) at ISBAt ISB, our Middle Years focus: Enhances overall student experience;Aligns Primary and Secondary; andStrengthens our ‘one school’ cultureInspiring Minds. Shaping Values. Building Futures.

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The Year 6-7 Journey ProgrammeThe Year 6-7 Journey Programme The journey from Year 6 to 7 is considered one ofthe most significant in a student’s educationalcareer. Traditionally, a move or a transition froma Primary school to a Secondary school meansadjusting to a larger and more diverseenvironment, making new friends, adapting todifferent curriculums, expectations, teachingstyles, and managing increased responsibilities.Our unique, bespoke and purpose-built Year 6-7Journey Programme has been designed toensure our students are supported, prepared,confident and motivated to continue to excel, asthey evolve and progress throughout Year 6 intoYear 7, at ISB. We are able to deliver this as aresult of being one school, on one campus andone community.What we deliverWhy it mattersStudent testimonial: Nafi’ah“I’ve been at ISB my whole life. Ican say that the journey fromPrimary to Secondary wasn’t asscary and big as I thought itwould be, thanks to the Year 6-7Journey Programme. Year 7 hasdefinitely been one of myfavourite years yet and I am veryexcited to see what is going tocome up in the next few weeksand months.”

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Our Middle Years community removes the experience of atraditional and potentially problematic ‘transition’ and replaces itwith a smooth, evolutionary journey, eliminating jarringexperiences, disjointed learning journeys and disruptive changes.Middle Years bridges what would otherwise be a gap, between aPrimary and Secondary school and strengthens our alignmenttogether, as one school. Our dedicated Middle Years community, which spans Year 5right through Year 8, uses evidence-based practice togenerate a supportive experience with these obstacles inmind, not just between Years 6 and 7, but from the beginningof Year 5 through to Year 8, and beyond.Therefore, here at ISB we are knowledgeable, empathetic, andwell equipped to be pro-active rather than reactive topotential negative outcomes of a Year 6 to Year 7 transition.We build outstanding provision mitigating against thesepotential negative experiences moving from a Primary toSecondary school, in the form of our Year 6-7 JourneyProgramme.Year 6 to 7 JourneyProgramme

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3 Key StrandsPastoral Care, Wellbeing, and Safeguarding; Curriculum,Teaching, Learning, and Enrichment; Assessment, Data, andFeedback are all crucial aspects of our Year 6-7 JourneyProgramme. These threads support our students, first andforemost, but also result in incredibly strong home-schoolpartnerships and trusted parental relationships as well as acohesive and intertwined staff body.Our parents form part of our Journey Programme withdedicated opportunities to learn and participate in eventsthroughout the year.3 key threads woven togetherand intrinsically linkedPastoral,Wellbeing, andSafeguardingCurriculum,Teaching, Learning,and EnrichmentAssessment, Data,and ReportingSense of belongingHealthy peer networksSelf-confidence andfeeling settledClear routines andexpectationsSupportive andproactive pastoralcareDedicated counsellingteamCurriculum continuityAttainment continuityPreparedness forcurriculum challengeAppropriate supportExcitement aboutfuture learningopportunitiesExpectations,familiarity andcommon languageSelf-awareness ofstrengthsClear understandingof next steps tocontinue to excelCommunication ofprogressFamiliarity, commonlanguageReliability ofassessment data

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Students who don’t have a sense ofbelonging and healthy peer networks,aren’t self-confident, and don’t feelsafe and happy within their learningenvironments will not be able to thriveand therefore will not be able to excel. Our mentoring system begins inJanuary of Year 6, when these studentsbecome mentees and are paired witha Year 7 mentor.Our Year 6 students are able to learn fromthe Year 7 students’ lived experiences, askquestions and build even more excitementand confidence about this next chapter intheir learning and development.Mentoring at ISBMentoring at ISBYear 6 to 7 JourneyProgramme“I loved having a mentor as it really made me feel comfortablein school. I loved getting time to spend time with them, gettingto know them and about Secondary better.”Qalesya, Year 7:Our Year 7 mentors further develop theirleadership skills as well as build on theirown self-confidence in this important role.These partnerships are nurtured to build a strong peer-peer relationshipwhich lasts well beyond the end of Year 6; as part of our wider Middle Yearsjourney we support reconnecting these mentor and mentee partnerships throughout Year 7 and Year 8.

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Our Year 6 students look forward to two Experience Days, whichsupport preparedness and confidence in each of the threads thatform our journey programme. These days are comprised of navigating Secondary specificlearning spaces, building relationships with Year 7 Tutors,familiarising themselves with key members of staff and teachers, aswell as doing this with the support of their mentor, during Day 1.Experience DaysExperience DaysStudent testimonial: Theo, Year 7“There was a lot of support to helpISB Primary students make thejourney to Secondary. Most of myfriends initially felt nervous andscared of moving to Secondary,but we had a trial session and amentor in Year 6 and this madeus excited about the move. Wewanted to go to Secondarystraight away!”

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“My favourite parts were the Experience Days. It was really funjust traveling the campus, Secondary learning spaces andgetting to adapt a little bit to secondary life. I also enjoyedwatching the Performing Arts Showcase and seeing howthrilling it was!”Maximus, Year 7:Day 2 allows Year 6 students to work independently of their mentor,with the support of what will be their Year 7 Tutor Group. Students experience a full day in Secondary, on a bespokeSecondary timetable designed to introduce them to a range ofsubjects, curriculum areas, teachers, staff, pastoral teams, as wellas having an introduction to the leadership and enrichmentopportunities which continue from Year 6 and Primary. Year 6 to 7 JourneyProgramme

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Opportunities for our students to continue their motivation andenthusiasm for learning are an important part of our programme.Our Year 6 students enjoy purposeful learning opportunities indesignated Secondary specialist subject learning spaces, such asScience Labs, Art, Design and Technology workshops andPerforming Arts studios. Curriculum PreparednessCurriculum PreparednessCurriculum continuity across Middle Years, ensures students areprepared for the academic challenges we know await them ateach stage of their learning journey.This allows our students to become familiar with our Secondaryspecialist teachers, as well as experiencing the exciting learningand developmental opportunities and new subject expectationswhich await them.“As a result of my experience throughout the Y6-7 JourneyProgramme, I have adapted well to secondary, knowing all thebuildings and classes. Some things that stood out for me werethe Experience Days, being able to experience a day of a life insecondary student and having a mentor; any questions that Ineeded answers to, my mentor was there to help.”Hanna, Year 7:

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To mark this milestone of passing through Year 6 into Year 7 at ISB,our Year 6 students enjoy a celebratory formal Ceremony event atthe end of Year 6. This event includes our students’ families as wellas staff who have been and will still be part of our students’ journeythrough Middle Years. During this event, our Year 6 students are celebrated and theirlearning and development at ISB is recognised - over their journeyfrom Pre-Kindy through to Year 6 - and their preparedness for thenext step into Year 7 is evident.Year 6 Passing Through CeremonyYear 6 Passing Through CeremonyYear 6 to 7 JourneyProgramme

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We know that if a child does not feelhappy or safe in school, then they will notthrive and excel. Our Head of Year 6 andHead of Year 7 work closely andcollaboratively to deliver our outstandingJourney Programme and ensure strongpastoral support throughout. They do thiswith the dedicated support of our Year 6and Secondary specialist teachers,support staff and administrative staff.Our CommunityOur CommunityHome-School PartnershipsOur Primary and Secondary Senior Leadership Pastoral Teams alsowork collaboratively with a collective, one-school communityapproach, fostering and nurturing a safe, fun and supportiveenvironment allowing our students to excel in all areas, and inparticular in their journey through Year 6 to Year 7 at ISB. ISB have adedicated team of counsellors who are also fully involved in ourstudents journeys with us at ISB. Parents and families are a huge part of our ISB community andtherefore an important part of our Y6-7 Journey Programme too!Parents are invited to multiple workshops and informative seminarsover the year, as well as experience tours and observe learninghappening in Secondary areas, whilst being lead by our confidentSecondary student guides. Pastoral Teams

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CurriculumPreparationYear 6 students are exposed to exciting learning opportunitiesin Secondary with a range of Secondary specialist teachers, forexample, the KS3 Performing Arts Showcase.How we support students across Middle YearsInformation about the journey between Year 6-7Tour of Secondary Learning SpacesYear 6 students experience exciting learning opportunities with a rangeof Secondary specialist teachers, for example taking part in sciencepracticals and experiments in the Secondary science labs.ISB family and staff event where Year 6 students’ learning,academic and personal milestone achievements are celebrated.Year 6 students spend the day on Secondary timetable. Full dayindependently navigating Secondary learning spaces. Meeting tutorsand working as Year 7 tutor groups. Curriculum introductions andpreparation. Experiencing a day in the life of Year 7.24/25Year 6 to 7 JourneyParentWorkshopMentoringYear 6 students meet their Year 7 mentor, building relationshipsand support networks.Meet theTeachersSecondary teachers, tutors and support staff familiarisethemselves with each other during a dedicated 'drop-in' week.StudentVoiceOpportunities for student feedback and to seek supportfrom teachers and specialist pastoral support staff.MentoringYear 7 mentors and Year 6 mentees meetRelationship building continuesSupportive and practical question and answer opportunitiesDeveloping and enhancing bonding and support networks'Get to know you'AssembliesHead of Secondary and Head of Year 7 lead exciting and interactivesessions to build relationships with key members of Secondary and Year 7.Curriculum Preparation Year 6 Passing ThroughCeremonyYear 6-7 Experience Day #1Year 6 and Year 7 mentor and mentees spend the day together,navigating Secondary learning spaces, meeting Year 7 tutorsand building excitement about Year 7.Year 6-7 Experience Day #2Student VoiceOpportunities for student feedback and to seek support fromteachers and specialist pastoral support staff.Secondary House AssembliesYear 6 students are invited to join their leadership teams forSecondary, building sense of belonging within their House groups.Term 2Term 3Year 6 to 7 JourneyProgrammeMentoringYear 7 mentors and Year 6 mentees meetRelationship building continuesSupportive and practical question and answer opportunitiesDeveloping and enhancing bonding and support networksAn evening performance showcasing musical learning, buildingconfidence to perform on stage and in front of an audience anddriving ambition for musical learning to continue in Y7.Middle YearsMusic Showcase

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