Welcome from the PrincipalMr John HarkinPrincipal, Oakgrove Integrated College2Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024For some of you this may be an anxious time, so I want toreassure you that Oakgrove staff are here to support you.The information in this booklet tells you about the subjectswe offer. We encourage you to take time together withyour parent(s)/guardian(s) to give careful thought to thesubjects that best suit you.As an all-ability school, Oakgrove recognises that we alllearn differently so it is important to find the pathwaywhich most closely matches your likes and your futureplans and aspirations. Oakgrove students are now living their best lives in allwalks of life all over the world. They came through thisprocess, working with our staff to make the right choicesat this first stage of the next chapter of their schooljourney. Together, we’ll help you to move to your nextchapter also.
CurriculumContents3Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024GCSE Subjects - “Traditional” PathwaysArt Business Communication Systems HE: Child Development Digital Technology DramaFood & NutritionModern LanguagesGeographyHistory MusicReligion (CCEA)Technology & Design GCSE Subjects - CORE English/Maths/ScienceEnglish language Maths English Literature Further Maths Double Award ScienceSingle Award ScienceApplied ScienceThe Pathways Process Pages 4-9 Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 14Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 18Page 19Page 20Page 21 Page 22Page 23Page 24Page 25Page 26Page 27Page 28
CurriculumContents4Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024GCSE Subjects - “Vocational” PathwaysReligion (OCNNI)Business & Services Design & CreativityContemporary CuisinePreparation for adult lifeBTEC SportPrince’s Trust BTEC Personal Growth & Wellbeing Technology & InnovationGCSE Do & Don’ts Page 29Page 30Page 31Page 32Page 33Page 34Page 35Page 36Page 37Page 38
Pathways - A ProcessTimeline5Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024
SubjectNo. of GCSEs this providesEnglish Languagex1Mathsx1ScienceOCN/Single award x1Double award x2SubjectNo. of GCSEs this providesPEx0LLWx0Careersx0Core RE - If not doingOCN/GCSE REx0SubjectNo. of GCSEs this providesEnglish Literaturex1Additional Mathsx1Religion - Dependent onpathwayOCN/GCSE RE x1CORE RE is not accessedPrince’s TrustOther optional choicesx2x1Pathways - The CurriculumEveryone will study (Core)6Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Non examinedThe KS4 curriculum is comprised of two sections ‘core’ subjects and ‘optional’ subjects. You should choose 6 of theoptional subjects (giving rank order of preference, you will only study 5 of these), core subjects are compulsory.Optional Those doing Additional Maths andEnglish lit. will choose betweenGCSE RE or OCN RE.Those doing one of AdditionalMaths or English lit. will do core REbut can also choose GCSE RE as anoptional choice.Those on a pathway studying pureEnglish/Maths will study core REunless doing single award science,those pupils will complete theOCN RE .
7Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Pathways ExplainedStretch Pathway + : Pupils on this pathway will study BOTH additional Mathsand English Literature. They will be recommended for the pathway by theirsubject teacher and the teacher must sign their pathways form before beingconsidered for the stretch pathway. This is a STRETCH+ pathway and pupilscan select from the full range of vocational or traditional GCSEs. Stretch Pathway : Pupils on this pathway will study EITHER additionalMaths OR English Literature. They will be recommended for the pathway bytheir subject teacher and the teacher must sign their pathways form beforebeing considered for the stretch pathway. This is a STRETCH pathway,should try to incorporate at least one vocational GCSE. R E M E M B E RVocational courses are noteasier options, but insteadoffer a more work-relatedprogramme that is assessedthroughout rather than whollyat the end. They are theequivalent of GCSEs andwidely recognised byemployers and many furthereducation colleges.
Main Pathway 2 : Pupils on this pathway will studycompulsory Maths, English Language and single-award science. They will be recommended for thepathway by their subject teacher and the teachermust sign their pathways form. This is an COREpathway and pupils must select at least 2 vocationalsubjects. Students on this pathway will study OCN REwhich is a GCSE L2 vocational subject.(Pick up to six subjects in rank order preference). 8Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Pathways ExplainedMain Pathway 1 : Pupils on this pathway willstudy compulsory Maths, English Language anddouble-award science. They will berecommended for the pathway by their subjectteacher and the teacher must sign theirpathways form. This is an CORE pathway andpupils must select at least 1 vocational subject. (Pick up to six subjects in rank order preference). Main Pathway 3 : Pupils on this pathway will studycompulsory Maths, English Language and OCNscience. They will be recommended for the pathwayby their subject teacher and the teacher must signtheir pathways form. This is an CORE pathway andpupils must select at least 2 vocational subjects. (Pick up to six subjects in rank order preference). Pupils on the main pathway will also study PersonalSuccess and Well-Being and leads on from MEE studiedat KS3.Personal wellbeingPersonal wellbeingPersonal wellbeing
9Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Pathways - Filling out your pathways form Step 1 : Speak to your English/Maths and Science teachers to get them torecommend you for a suitable pathway. Take their advice on whichpathway is right for you and if you are unhappy ring reception to make anappointment. Recommendation's will be made on data held in school suchas report information, class tests and pupil motivation and work ethic.Your teacher will selectY/N and sign for thepathway they advise.Your form will not beaccepted if not signedby the teacher.Step 2 : Select 6 subjects in rank order of preference. This is very importantas restrictions on class sizes/teacher recommendations/results may meanyou do not get your desired first choices. Every effort will be made to fityour rank order choices, include vocational subjects in the rank order also.Step 3 : The optionsteam will fill in thissection depending onyour pathway choices.Everyone will takePE/Careers & LLW. Note : Core P.E. is acompulsory class for allstudents, each week. P.Enot only promotes a healthylifestyle and mindset, but italso provides students withtime to de-stress with theirfriends in an assessmentfree environment.Form must be returned to reception by 8th March 2024
10Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Art & Design (CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?You will learn a huge variety of techniques and skills, which you use to create your ownprojects. You will take part in workshops to introduce new skills and build up those youalready are familiar with. You will expand your knowledge of artists, designers and craft workers, and learn how they can influence your style and artwork. You will also beexposed to a variety of movements in art and design to build up your confidence whendiscussing art and design in school and beyond. This GCSE course places an emphasis ondrawing, and on understanding and applying the design process. It encourages studentsto engage with the creative and cultural industries, and offers a broad and flexiblecontent, allowing students to pursue a range of creative pathways. Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GPortfolio: 60%External Assignment: 40%Choosing Art at GCSE level can open upmany career pathways including painting,photography, jewellery design, woodworker,graphic design (from book to web design),product design, fashion design, set andcostume design, film making, special effectsand many more.It can also be an important qualification forpeople who work with children, architects,art therapists, or in media and advertising.Art and Design is accepted by employers asan indicator of potential employees’creativity, organisational skills anddetermination and is valuable whenincluded in pupils’ portfolio of qualifications.
11Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Business & Communication systems ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?Business and Communication Systems introducesstudents to the business world. Students explore thechanging role of digital technology in business today.BCS provides students with opportunities to achievetheir potential and develop skills for life. It encouragesstudents to develop as effective and independentlearners and critical and reflective thinkers withenquiring minds. Students will learn about filemanagement and applications such as wordprocessing, spreadsheets, databases, web authoring,web browsing, email and presentation software. Theyalso study types of business, recruitment, selection,training, marketing, the role of stakeholders andcustomers, and how best to communicate.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GA qualification in Business andCommunication Systems couldlead to further study or a career inbusiness, digital technology or ICT.GCSE Business and CommunicationSystems helps students to recognisethat their knowledge of businessand the use of software applicationswill provide a sound basis for afuture role as employee or employer.They also develop skills that areuseful in many careers. These skillsinclude decision-making, usingdata, problem-solving, analysis andevaluation.Exams: 75%Controlled Assessment: 25%NEW for 2024
12Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE HE - Child development ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?GCSE Child Development is a broad, coherentcourse on the development of babies and smallchildren (0–5 years). This GCSE encouragesstudents to develop knowledge, understandingand skills, including practical skills, by focusingon key areas such as: pregnancy, childbirth andcaring for a new-born baby; the responsibilitiesinvolved in parenting and other family roles; andthe social, physical, intellectual, communicationand emotional development of small children,including their dietary, health and educationalneeds. Students develop subject-specific skillssuch as evaluating feeding options for a baby.They also learn about relevant scientific andtechnological developments.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams x 2: 60%Controlled Assessment: 40%GCSE Child Development provides a soundbasis for the further study of related subjectse.g. GCE Health and Social Care and GCEHome Economics. If you are interested in acareer which involves working with children,e.g. nursery nursing / education, primaryschool teaching, children’s nursing,midwifery, social work or many others.Child development is accepted byemployers as an indicator of potentialemployees’ empathy, responsibility andorganisational skills.
13Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Digital Technology ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?ICT is the fastest growing and dynamic sector of the Northern Ireland economyhighlighting the employment opportunities that are on offer in this field. GCSE DigitalTechnology explores how technology can be used to effectively create, store, process,analyse and present information in a digital context. Students acquire and applyknowledge and understanding of digital technology in a variety of contexts. They alsodevelop creative and practical digital technology skills, using a range of software or inan object-oriented environment. They explore the legal, social, economic, ethical andenvironmental impact of digital technology. This qualification also helps them todevelop transferable skills such as creative problem-solving and teamwork.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - G2 X Exams: 70%Controlled assessment 30%Students undertaking GCSE DigitalTechnology pursue careers in: SoftwareDevelopment, Network Management,Programming, Web design, ProjectManagement, IT Technical Support,Computer Game Development, GraphicDesign, Data Analysis, Digital Marketing,Hardware Engineering, Teaching and manymore.Digital technology is accepted by employersas an indicator of potential employees’teamwork, problem solving and creativity. NI Skills barometer2023/24 shows that IT,including cybersecurity and AI are inthe top 5 needed skillsin Northern Ireland.
14How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?Drama offers a unique contribution to the curriculum. Thedrama classroom provides opportunity for students to developskills in communication and empathy, whilst supportingstudents in understanding concepts and characters in othersubjects. Pupils will have opportunities for group, paired andindividual performance in a range of styles whilst studying thetheory behind performance.This comprehensive and innovative course encouragesstudents to develop a personal interest in drama. Studentschoose one of two pathways – performance (acting), or design(costume, lighting, multimedia, set or sound). They workcreatively with others, generating, developing andcommunicating their ideas for a devised performance and for ascripted performance. They also explore social, historical andcultural influences on drama texts and activities.The department has excellent links with local performing artsorganisations. We have worked closely with local playwrightsDave Duggan and Felicity McCall to create new works and wehave toured Ireland with our productions on several occasions.One of these plays, We Were Brothers, a collaboration with TheInternational School for Peace Studies, went on to win a UKNational Lottery Award.Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Drama ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExam: 40%Controlled Assessment 60% Society and the workplace require confident,effective communicators with the ability tobe creative leaders. CCEA’s Dramaqualification affords students the chance tomake these aspirations a reality.This specification will also help preparestudents for the study of drama and relatedsubjects at a more advanced level, forexample GCE AS and A2 Drama and TheatreStudies, GCE AS and A2 English Literatureand BTEC qualifications in Performing Arts.Drama is useful for jobs includingacting, theatre management,broadcasting, Drama therapy,film/media, journalism,teaching, music, and law.
15Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE HE - Food and nutriton ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn? The GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition course encourages students to developknowledge and understanding of the science behind food. GCSE Food and Nutritioninvolves pupils in the study of nutrition, food choice and diet and health within thecontext of the home and family. It encourages knowledge and understanding of currentnutritional advice, the nutritional needs of family members through the life cycle and ofdiet related conditions. Pupils are given the opportunity to explore issues, to develop practical cooking skills andto learn how to manage resources effectively.During year 11 and 12, you will study the content of the course. Practical skills will bepractised and developed every 2 weeks by preparing a variety of recipes and meals. Theseskills will be assessed in a 3 hour practical exam during year 12, where a 3 course meal willbe planned, prepared and evaluated.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExam 50%Controlled Assessment 50%It builds on the academic and practicalskills developed in Key Stage 3 HomeEconomics. This course helps prepare youngpeople for adult life and independent living.It is an excellent foundation for careers inthe food industry or further study in food,nutrition, dietetics, food science,consumerism and hospitality.
16Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Modern Languages FRENCH/SPANISH ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?French and Spanish GCSE provide opportunities for our students to build upon theirlinguistic knowledge from KS3. All languages are taught by Language Specialists in well-equipped classrooms. Students at Oakgrove regularly achieve excellent results in theirlanguage course at GCSE, thus laying a sound foundation for further studies either tocontinue at A Level or as part of a university course. The GCSE Modern Languagesspecification develops students’ enthusiasm for the language while increasing theirconfidence in the four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. You will be assessed in all four language skills. The Reading, Writing and Listeningexams are all external exams. In the speaking exam, you will have to take part in two roleplays and a general conversation, on two topics.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams: 3 x 25%Speaking Exam: 25%There are many benefits to learning alanguage including: increased brain power,improved communication skills, easier andmore enjoyable travel and becoming abetter global citizen. There may also beopportunities for study abroad.As a linguist, the academic,professional and technical skillsthat you develop are useful acrossa wide range of professions. In anincreasingly interconnected world,these skills can prepare you tosucceed in a variety of careers suchas business, education, interpreter and otherprofessional fields. ‘I chose to study FrenchGCSE because I know howimportant it is to understandother cultures. Knowing alanguage is the best way toachieve mutualunderstanding, in myopinion. I love languages!’ Yr 14 Pupil
17Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Geography ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes,people, places and environments. It is, quitesimply, about the world in which we live.Geography is unique in bridging the socialsciences (human geography) with the naturalsciences (physical geography). Humangeography concerns the understanding of thedynamics of cultures, societies and economies,and physical geography concerns theunderstanding of the dynamics of physicallandscapes and the environment.Geography is all around us. It is topical,relevant and at the leading edge oftechnology. Geography helps us makesense of the world we live in. Geography is a vitalsubject in the twenty-first century.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExam x 2: 80%Field work: 20%Geography is great for any kind of careerthat involves the environment, planning, orcollecting and interpreting data. Popularcareers for people with geographyqualifications include: town or transportplanning, surveying, conservation,sustainability, waste and watermanagement, environmental planning,tourism, and weather forecasting.The army, police, government, researchorganisations, law and business world alsolove the practical research skills thatgeographers develop. Becausegeographers learn about human andpopulation development, geography canbe useful for jobs in charity andinternational relations too.
18Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE History ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?History GCSE inspires students’ enthusiasm for History. They develop theirunderstanding of the present by studying significant periods and themes from the pastat a local, national and global level, engaging with a range of contemporary sources andlater interpretations.The CCEA GCSE History specification provides opportunities to studyHitler’s dictatorship, the USA in the Roaring Twenties, the Cuban Missile Crisis, NorthernIreland’s civil unrest, or the USA’s response to 9/11. Students consider the relevance of thepast and gain a deeper understanding of the present. They learn to balance factualcontent with developing conceptual understanding and historical skills. Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams: 100%Not only do GCSE students build knowledgeand understanding of history but they alsobecome adept at constructing persuasivearguments and writing discursive essays. A GCSE in history is useful for the followingcareers: History Teacher, Archaeologist,Police Officer, Solicitor, Writer, Egyptologist,Museum Curator, Archivist, Journalist, RadioPresenter, Librarian, Antique Dealer, Actor,Historical Costume Designer and most jobsin the media. History provides interpretative and analyticalskills which can be applied to manysubjects and career pathways.
19Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Music ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The CCEA GCSE Music specification is foreveryone who loves music: composing,playing an instrument, listening to music,or using music technology. It encouragesstudents to develop their musicalpotential by focusing on performing,composing and listening. Students canexplore a range of music, includingclassical, pop, film, and traditional Irishmusic. This deepens their appreciation ofthe diverse heritage of music andpromotes their personal, social,intellectual and cultural development.Through the performance element,students develop the skills they need tocommunicate effectively as musicians.This increases their self-confidence andenhances their presentation,communication and evaluation skills. Theopportunity to write their own musicallows them to be creative.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams: (Performance) 35% (Listening) 35%Controlled Assessment: 30%Pupils must attend instrumental or vocallessons with a tutor, inside or outside ofschool. These lessons must continuethroughout Year 11 and Year 12. GCSE Music students will also need to:Participate in musical productions (eg Carolservice, school musicals, school concerts)and participate in one ensemble group toassist with your musical development inperformance. Studies in Music offer a diverse range ofcareer paths in areas such as performance,composition, sound production, arts andvenue management, conducting, andeducation.
20Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Religion ( CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?IThe CCEA GCSE Religious Studies specificationencourages students to develop an enquiring,critical and reflective approach. They explorereligions and beliefs, reflecting on andresponding personally to fundamentalquestions. RE matters because in the world ofwork employers look for someone withtolerance and respect, who has an enquiringmind, an appreciation of different viewpoints, anability to come to clear, balanced decisions.These skills are all developed through RE. Students get the opportunity to study Jesus’ lifeand through the subject of ethics topics asdiverse as sexuality, marriage, abortion,prejudice, bioethics and modern warfare andpacifism amongst others.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams (x2): 100%There are many transferable skills thatstudents will develop during the GCSEReligious Studies Course including, criticalevaluation, problem solving, research &analysis, literacy & expression, teamwork &negotiation, ICT & presentation skills,organisation & time management, empathy& independence of mind.Job Prospects for students with aQualification in Religious Studies include,Advice Worker, Charity work, Counsellor,Civil Service Administrator, CommunityDevelopment Worker, Editorial Assistant,Newspaper Journalist, Police Officer, SocialWorker, Teacher and Youth Worker ‘I studied RE at GCSE leveland it is a great subject. Ifound it helped me withevery other subject and tounderstand other people’sbackgrounds. I loved RE somuch I studied it further at ALevel.’ Yr 14 Pupil
21What will I learn?This course offers opportunities to build on the skills and capabilities developed through thedelivery of the Key Stage 3 Curriculum. It encourages students to be inspired and challengedby following a broad and worthwhile course of study. It allows them to gain insight into relatedsectors such as manufacturing and engineering. It also prepares them to make informeddecisions about further learning opportunities and career choices. Students complete twounits both practical and exam based. Unit 1 allows them to use the school workshops to designand make an individual product using a range of materials, manufacturing processes andtechniques. Through this course they also learn about industrial and commercial practices andthe importance of quality checks, and health and safety issues.Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024GCSE Technology & Design ( EDEXCEL)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExam: 50%Controlled Assessment: 50%With the demand for apprenticeships inNorthern Ireland, this qualification couldprovide you with the understanding andconcepts you need for the world of work.Pupils who study Technology and Designcan go on to do jobs in Engineering,Manufacturing, Construction, FurnitureDesign, Product Design, Computer AidedDesign, quantity surveying, health & safety or a skilled trade apprenticeship as amechanical, electrical or craft technician.People with TD/Engineeringqualifications are number onein demand in Northern Ireland.
22Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024CORE : ENGLISH LANGUAGE (CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?A core subject and an essential qualification that is required for virtually any job today,G.C.S.E. English Language is followed by all students in Year 11 and 12. The G.C.S.E. EnglishLanguage specification places great emphasis on functional skills and explores a rangeof texts and stimuli that will be relevant to all students. English Language specificationencourages you to explore and respond, both imaginatively and critically, to a variety oftexts. This GCSE develops key transferable skills, such as selecting and adapting speechand writing to suit different situations and audiences. GCSE English Language will be studied by all students. Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GG.C.S.E. English Language is a compulsorysubject as it is an essential qualificationrequired for every job or educationalpathway you will apply for in the future. A GCSE in English Language provides asound basis for progression to further study,higher education or employment.This qualification can lead to careers in themedia, journalism, advertising or marketingand, with further study, teaching or law.This is an un-tiered paper and as a resultall pupils will sit the same paper. Thequestions in each paper are designed to suitpupils of a range of abilities.Exams: 60%Controlled assessment 20%Speaking exam: 20%
23Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?Mathematics is one of the core subjects that must bestudied to the end of Key Stage 4 and you will knowfrom your parents, teachers and other advisors that aqualification in Maths can greatly improve yourchoices after Year 12. In this subject you will be ableto use and develop the skills of numeracy, problemsolving, ICT and other topics you havelearnt at Key Stage 3. Throughout this course you willlearn to recognise Mathematics as an important lifeskill and to see how the content covered at GCSE canbe applied to everyday tasks.GCSE Mathematics will be studied by all students. Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExam: 100%GCSE Almost every job you apply for will askwhat grade you achieved in your GCSEMaths, and most will expect you to have apass grade.It is hugely important that you achieve ashigh a grade as possible in your GCSE Mathsfor whatever career or educational pathwayyou choose. Students wishing to pursue mathematicalcareers have a varied list to choose fromincluding: mechanic, engineer, gamedesigner, architect, biologist, chef, vet andmany more.CORE : MATHS (CCEA)Depending on ability and progress you will be advised on the most suitableexamination for you throughout KS4. The specification has two tiers: Foundation andHigher. Each tier offers students a choice of assessed units suited to a range ofabilities, allowing them to demonstrate achievement. There is no controlledassessment in GCSE Maths. The assessment model enables students to monitor theirprogress and offers opportunities to improve their results.
24Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The English Literature course provides an enjoyable, engaging and challenging experiencefor students with a genuine interest in poetry, prose and drama. A GCSE in EnglishLiterature will encourage you to be an enthusiastic, independent, imaginative, critical andanalytical reader. It aims to increase your enjoyment of reading, helping to nurture alifelong love of literature. The GCSE will deepen your knowledge and understanding of arange of poetry, prose and drama, including texts by local and modern writers.You will study a novel and drama texts in preparation for your GCSE examination. Thesetexts are also used as a stimulus for your GCSE Language Controlled Assessment. You willbe asked to explore the characters, themes and contexts of texts such as Animal Farm,Of Mice and Men, An Inspector Calls or Blood Brothers.You will also study an anthology of fifteen poems from a choice of three set anthologies onthe themes of Identity, Conflict or Relationships. Finally, there’s an opportunity to study aShakespearean play and evaluate how Shakespeare has used language andstaging to convey a particular character or theme.English Literature will be studied by students recommended by their subject teacher.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams: 80%Controlled Assessment: 20%GCSE English Literature is good for anyjob that involves communication,writing and / or literary knowledge.These include: advertising andmarketing, writing and journalism,law, consultancy, business, teaching,performing arts, academia,government, linguistics, foreignlanguages, media and design.STRETCH : ENGLISH Literature (CCEA)This is an un-tiered paper and as a resultall pupils will sit the same paper. Thequestions in each paper are designed to suitpupils of a range of abilities.
25Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The GCSE Further Mathematicsspecification encourages students toextend their mathematical skills, knowledgeand understanding. It gives themopportunities to select and applymathematical techniques and methods toeveryday situations.Students design mathematical models thatallow them to use problem-solvingstrategies and apply a broad range ofmathematics to different situations. Thissubject is best suited to studentswho have demonstrated a high levelof achievement and performance inMathematics at Key Stage 3.Further Maths will be studied by studentsrecommended by their subject teacher.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GExams: 100%GCSE Further Mathematicsis excellent preparation for ASLevel Mathematics and will havetransferable skills useful in careerssuch as engineering, business,finance, economics, computingand science.NI skills barometer indicates that STEMqualifications are in high demand withMaths STRETCH : Further MATHS (CCEA)The CCEA course offers students theopportunity to complete a mandatoryunit (Unit 1) and two of the threeoptional units (Units 2, 3 and 4).Unit 1: Pure MathematicsAlgebra, Trigonometry, Differentiation,Integration, Logarithms, Matrices andQuadratic Inequalities.Unit 2: MechanicsKinematics, Vectors, Forces, Newton’sLaws of Motion and Moments.Unit 3: StatisticsCentral Tendency and Dispersion,Probability, Binomial and NormalDistributions and Bivariate Analysis.Unit 4: Discrete and Decision MathematicsCounting, Logic, Linear Programming,Time Series and Critical Path Analysis.
26Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024STRETCH : DOUBLE AWARD Science (CCEA)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The CCEA GCSE Double Award Sciencespecification is a broad and coherent coursethat develops students’ knowledge andunderstanding of the material, physical andliving worlds. The course is suitable for studentswho wish to keep their options open, it covers abalanced Science programme with elements ofBiology, Chemistry and Physics, both in terms ofsubject and Practical (experiment) content. Practical science is a key part of this course;students carry out 18 prescribed practicalsduring the course.Students study Biology, Chemistry and Physicsand will develop their observational andproblem-solving skills in the laboratory andduring fieldwork. They also enhance their abilityto evaluate scientific claims through qualitativeand quantitative analysis.Double Award Science will be studied bystudents recommended by their subjectteacher. It is worth x2 GCSEs.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GIf you are interested in enteringthe medical profession or wouldlike a career in sports science,teaching or a job in industry suchas those with Almac, Norbrookand Randox, then Double AwardScience is an excellent choice andwould led you on the right path toyour chosen profession. Double Award Science is accepted byemployers as an indicator of potentialemployees’ problem solving, analyticalthought and ability to plan and organise.The final two GCSE grades are obtained fromthree Year 11 module examinations, twoPractical papers and three terminal paperstaken in Year 12.Exams: 75%Practical: 25%
27Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The GCSE Single Award Science courseintroduces key aspects of science and itsmethodology. This broad, practical course canhelp students appreciate the value of sciencewhile preparing them for related vocationalstudies or the world of work. This is a balancedScience programme, offering elements ofBiology, Chemistry and Physics. It covers topicssuch as cells, food and diet in biology, atomicstructure and the Periodic Table in Chemistryand electrical circuits and waves in Physics.The CCEA GCSE science specifications are theonly ones to directly examine practical work, animportant element of the subject, as part of aunit titled ‘Practical Skills’.Single Award Science will be studied bystudents recommended by their subjectteacher. It is worth x1 GCSE.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?A* - GlCORE : SINGLE AWARD Science (CCEA)Assessment is through three moduleexaminations worth 25% each (75% in total) inYears 11 and 12 and two Practical papers (25%)taken in Year 12.Exams: 75%Practical: 25%Science builds on the knowledge,understanding and skills developed in the N.Ireland Curriculum at Key Stage 3. Thiscourse also develops skills such as timemanagement, research skills andreferencing, practical science skills,numeracy and ICT.
28Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Vocational: APPLIED SCIENCE (OCN)Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in AppliedScience will provide learners with theopportunity to develop their knowledge, skillsand understanding of a range of key concepts inBiology, Chemistry and Physics. The units areassessed through a combination portfolio ofevidence, practical work and coursework. Thereis no exam element in this course. It giveslearners the knowledge, understanding andskills needed to enable them to progress tofurther learning or training in a science-relatedarea. Learners will cover a range of topics fromenergy, electricity and waves in Physics to cells,enzymes, genetics and the environment inBiology and bonding, the periodic table andchemical reactions in Chemistry.Applied Science will be studied by studentsrecommended by their subject teacher. It isworth x1 GCSE.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?Pass/FailPass is equivalent to a grade B. Controlled Assessment: 100%Learners compile a portfolio of evidencewhich is a collection of documentscontaining work undertaken to beassessed as evidence. The portfolio isinternally set and marked andexternally moderated.Unit 1: Life Processes and Living ThingsUnit 2: Materials and their Chemical PropertiesUnit 3: Physical ProcessesUnits will be assessed over the two year linearcourse.
29Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The OCN NI Level 2 Award and Certificate in Religious Studies aredesigned for learners who wish to develop knowledge andunderstanding in religious studies in order to recognise religiouschoices people make based around faith practices within differentreligions in today’s society. It is intended that learners will developempathy, respect and awareness of other religious beliefs and culturaldiversity as they are applied in everyday life situations. Thesequalifications provide learners from different religions withopportunities to examine their own faith practices and those of others. Further Information.What grade can I achieve?In a divided society, integrated educationhas a responsibility to deal with thechallenges of the past and present in a waythat is both sensitive and nurturing but alsodirect and without fear. Throughout this L2qualification we ask questions surroundingrights, identity, choices and conflict. Weexplore a range of belief systems celebratingdifference at each point.Vocational: RELIGION (OCN)NEW for 2024Learners compile aportfolio of evidence whichis a collection ofdocuments containingwork undertaken to beassessed as evidence. Theportfolio isinternally set and markedand externally moderated.You will cover the 9 topicsshown.Pass/FailPass is equivalent to a grade B. Controlled Assessment: 100%
30Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The world of work is constantly changing. Today it is uncommon for a person to have onlyone occupation throughout their working life, so it’s vital that students are able to transferand adapt their knowledge and skills throughout their careers. That is why OakgroveIntegrated College is offering students the opportunity to study Business units as part of anOccupational Studies qualification. In the Business and Services option block, students will study two business related unitsand produce a portfolio of work with direction from the teacher. If the portfolio of workmeets the standards set out in the specification, then the student will achieve aqualification which is equal to a GCSE grade A* to C. Units can include Communication inan Office or Business Environment, Customer Service, Modern Office Procedures, ModernRetailing or Using Office Technology. There are no examinations in this qualification which is of benefit to students who wouldfind sitting an external exam challenging. Producing a portfolio of work, however, doesrequire a good level of literacy and organisational skills, the ability to follow guidanceprovided by the teacher and the motivation to meet deadlines and produce work to a highstandard.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?Level 2 Distinction/Merit/PassIf a student has an interest in studyingBusiness related subjects, then there are awide variety of jobs that this could lead to.These include accountancy,advertising/marketing, retail buying, retailmanagement, human resourcemanagement, sales manager, publicrelations officer, market research executiveand banking jobs. Students may also wish toconsider setting up their own business andbecoming self-employed.Vocational: OS Business & Services (CCEA)Learners compile two portfolios ofevidence (one in year 11 and one in year 12)which is a collection of documents containing work undertaken to beassessed as evidence. The portfolio isinternally set and marked and externallymoderated. Level 2 Distinction* = A*Level 2 Distinction = ALevel 2 Merit = BLevel 2 Pass = CLOGISTICSOFFICETECHNOLOGYControlled Assessment: 100%
31Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The world of work is constantly changing. It is increasingly unlikely that a singleoccupation will take employees from the beginning to the end of their working lives, sotransferability and adaptability are important skills. This specification is uniquelystructured with this in mind. Learners have the opportunity to learn for work, throughwork and about work, with real outcomes that will give them skills for life. Learners willdevelop skills in planning, producing, and presenting a graphic design project (based ona client brief) using industry-standard procedures. Occupational Studies can provide a hands-on approach to learning. Learners will alsogain an understanding of environmental issues in ICT, health and safety and careeropportunities in both website and graphic design industries.Further Information.Students may consider careers in thefollowing areas: Graphic design, web design,game design, advertising, illustration andmany more.Vocational: OS Design & Creativity (CCEA)What grade can I achieve?Level 2 Distinction/Merit/PassLevel 2 Distinction* = A*Level 2 Distinction = ALevel 2 Merit = BLevel 2 Pass = CControlled Assessment: 100%Graphic DesignWebsitedevelopment
32Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?This catering course is vocational and aims to make you employable. It will allow you toprogress on to other courses, training and employment. You will be able to develop thetransferable skills needed in a changing and dynamic working environment.This unit provides learners with some of the basic cooking principles required by cooksand chefs in the catering industry when preparing and cooking a range of starters, maincourses and desserts. You will learn how to select and use appropriate equipmentcorrectly and will develop the creative skills to decorate and present products for service.Learners will apply legislative requirements when handling food and learn how to worksafely and hygienically in the catering kitchen. The unit also offers an opportunity tounderstand the scope of the catering industry, including career opportunities.Attendance is vital for a good grade. As the course is mostly practical, students areexpected to contribute to the cost of ingredients.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?Students may consider careers in thefollowing areas: Hospitality, catering,professional chefing and restaurantmanagers.Vocational: OS CONTEMPORARY CUISINE (CCEA)Level 2 Distinction/Merit/PassLevel 2 Distinction* = A*Level 2 Distinction = ALevel 2 Merit = BLevel 2 Pass = CControlled Assessment: 100%PatisserieContemporaryCuisine
33How is this subject assessed? Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024What will I learn?Through studying Preparation for Adult Life,learners can develop skills while exploring awide range of areas relevant to them both nowand in the future. In Preparation for Adult Life assessment isportfolio based; learners produce evidence thatshows how they have met the assessmentcriteria for each unit. Teachers or course tutorsassess the portfolios, and CCEA carry outexternal moderation. There is no examination ortest in these qualifications. To be successful inthis subject students must complete all 13 unitsto the required standard.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?This subject will suit students who can workindependently, following guidance fromstaff, prefer portfolio work, can meetdeadlines and can interact respectfully withothers. This will prepare you for all aspects ofadult life and ensure you can be a positivecontributor to life and society as a whole. Vocational: OS Preparation For Adult Life (CCEA)Learners compile a portfolio of evidencewhich is a collection of documentscontaining work undertaken to be assessedas evidence. The portfolio is internally set andmarked and externally moderated. You willcover the 13 topics shown.13Award - L1 Certificate L2 ‘If you prepare yourself at every pointas well as you can…you will be able tograsp opportunity for broaderexperience when it appears’Eleanor Roosevelt
34What will I learn?BTEC Sport encourages personal development through practical participation andperformance in a range of sports and exercise activities.This course provides an engaging and relevant introduction to the world of sport. Itincorporates important aspects of the industry, such as fitness testing and training forsport and exercise, the psychology of sport, practical sports performance and sportsleadership. It enables you to develop and apply your knowledge, while also developing arange of relevant practical, communication and technical skills. You will study four units covering the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the sports sector:fitness for sport and exercise. practical performance in sport.applying the principles of personal training. leading sports activities. Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? Further Information.What grade can I achieve?Pupils who study BTEC Sport level 2can go on to study BTEC or NVQs in PE,Sports Science or Leisure and Tourism.Final career choices can includePhysiotherapy, PE Teacher, PersonalTrainer, Sales assistant in a sports shop,Sports Coach/Manager, Leisure CentreManager, Sports Development Officerfor the Council or as Sales Rep for aSports Manufacturer / Goods Company.Vocational: BTEC Sport (Pearson)Level 2 Distinction* = A*Level 2 Distinction = ALevel 2 Merit = BLevel 2 Pass = CThe BTEC First qualifications have core andoptional units. Learners must complete bothcore (mandatory) units, plus two further unitsfor a total of 120 Guided Learning Hours. Wewill complete Units 1, 2, 3 and 6.
35Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? What will I learn?The Prince’s Trust Achieve programme promotes aflexible approach, using relevant, experientiallearning to support young people to achieve a rangeof personal and employability skills and gainqualifications. Young people work together as agroup on practical learning projects, which aredesigned to boost their confidence, improve self-esteem, attainment, behaviour and attendance.These skills and personal qualities can support theyoung people to achieve more, both at school, and inthe future. This course will benefit you greatly in that you will notonly have two GCSE ‘B’ Grades for moving on tofurther education or employment, but you will alsohave developed many essential life skills for adult life.Further Information.What grade can I achieve?Pass/FailIn order to enter you for this qualification theschool must be able to show that you meetcertain criteria. This means that excellentattendance is vital. This subject is fullyportfolio based. There is no exam so if pupilsin the class complete all their units acrossthe two years, they achieve a pass.If your attendance is less than 85% the classteacher may not select you for thisprogramme.Vocational: Prince’s Trust Achieve (x2 GCSEs)This qualification isworth x2 GCSEsDuring unit 4 learners develop their enterprise skills by planning, costing, promotingand selling a product or providing a service. An enterprise activity might include agroup activity (e.g. baking cakes, washing cars) or an individual activity (e.g. makingcards) which often raises money. Projects can be social enterprises. Learners can puttheir skills into practice and have fun while learning too.EnterpriseCitzenship
36What will I learn?BTEC Level 2 in Personal Growth andWellbeing qualifications are designedaround practical skills and tasks thatplace an emphasis on learners’ personalresponses to everyday life situations andscenarios. Learners are encouraged toreflect and demonstrate theirunderstanding. The teacher will deliver 5of the units below over the two yearcourse. 5Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? Further Information.What grade can I achieve?NEW for 2024Vocational: BTEC Personal Growth & Wellbeing (Pearson)Assessment may take the form of apresentation or written outcome such asleaflet/essay/booklet or power point. Assessments may be based on topics suchas: produce advice to others on how tomaintain emotional wellbeing whenresponding to an emotional change.reflection on own personal and onlinesocial engagement behaviours and theimpact these have had on theiremotional wellbeing.provide responses to a family scenario. Award - L1 Certificate L2 This BTEC First qualification has 5 optionalunits. Learners must complete all 5 units for atotal of 120 Guided Learning Hours. Whileassessments will be used to judge yourperformance, class participation andcompetency will also be used by the teacherto recommend you for the pass grade. All 5units must have a pass before receiving thelevel 2 certificate.Excellent attendance is vital. This subject is portfolio & assessment based but classparticipation is also used to grade. Thismeans that you must be in class and activelyjoining in in debate, conversation and groupwork.If your attendance is less than 85% or youhave shown little effort in MEE at KS3 theclass teacher may not select you for thisprogramme.
37What will I learn?Technology & Innovation is a course aimed at promoting the development of skills in achosen area in order to prepare students for the world of work. At Oakgrove studentsstudy Bench Joinery in Year 11 and Sheet Metal work in Year 12. This involves 100%controlled assessment in which students produce a folder worth 40% and a practicalpiece for the remaining 60%.During the course students develop an understanding of health and safety within theworkplace, careers and show consideration for the environment as well as learning thepractical skills within each discipline.the appropriate use of metalworking hand tools, and basic hand-held power tools;techniques of cutting, jointing,wasting and folding to produceconstruction related components;construction of a range of metalmodels and outcomes; anda review and evaluation ofperformance.Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024How is this subject assessed? Further Information.Vocational: Technology & Innovation (CCEA)Technology & Innovation can lead to an NVQat technical college or an apprenticeship,which can lead to students becoming tradeprofessionals. Typical careers could includethose within the construction industry, forexample, plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning contractors, building exteriorcontractors, architectural and structuralmetals manufacturing.Pupils must be able to work safely at alltimes and be trusted in the workshop.Pupils must have very good attendanceas all work is completed in school.Pupils must be able to workindependently in the workshop.Pupils must have shown a keen interestin the subject during Years 8,9 &10.What grade can I achieve?Level 2 Distinction* = A*Level 2 Distinction = ALevel 2 Merit = BLevel 2 Pass = Cthe appropriate use of bench joineryhand tools, and basic hand-heldpower tools;techniques of cutting, jointing,boring and planning to produceconstruction related components;construction of a range of benchjoinery models and outcomes; anda review and evaluation ofperformance.Yr 11 Bench Joinery Yr 12 Sheet Metal
38Pathways - Curriculum Offer 2024Oakgrove Integrated College | Success Pathways 2024Where to go for help?NI Direct Making good choices?Subject Choice QuizCareers adviceSkills in demand barometerCareers A-ZDo choose the course if... Don’t choose the course if...It gives you a good balance acrossthe curriculum. (Think traditional VsVocational)You are passionate and enjoy thesubject. (You liked it at KS3)You feel you are good at the subjectand you try hard in it. (You lived upto teacher expectations duringChristmas exams)You are aspirational and you wantto keep future options open.You are fully informed about thesubject and you know what you willbe studying and how you will beexamined. (Read each subjectcarefully)You have discussed it with yoursubject teachers &parent(s)/guardian(s).Your friends are choosing it – it maynot be right for you.You like a particular teacher- you mayhave a different teacher next year.You think it will be easy. It doesn’t link to any of yourinterests/hobbies/jobs in the futureDon’t just let a parent/guardian fill outyour form, it needs to be a decisionmade after LOTS of discussion.X/Twitter - @economy_niFacebook - @SkillstoSucceedniInstagram - @Economy _NILinkedIn - Department for the Economy NI5 things you needto know video.BBC for what suits youCourses and job bankAction planning toolYour subject teachers!Good luck with the Pathwaychoices. If you need any help justring to make an appointment.