FERTICARE™Crop Specific Water Soluble NPKKnowledge growsCrop Nutrition – Hydroponic Grade
© Yara
ContentsWhat is FERTICARE™ ? 2FERTICARE™ - Crop Specic 3 Each crop requires a dierent ratio of nutrients. 4FERTICARE™ - Easy to Apply 5One balanced formula; a safe fundament 5An easy to follow nutritional programme 6- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ CROP SPECIFIC 7- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ TOMATO 8- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES for CUCUMBER 9- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES for SWEET PEPPER 10- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY 11- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ ROSE 12- General crop advice: FERTICARE™ LETTUCE 13FERTICARE™ - Quality 14FERTICARE™ - Crop Specic NPK Solutions 17©Yara | 1
2 | ©YaraHigh quality • Produced in The Netherlands, according to high Yara standards, using only the best raw materials.• Over 40 years of experience from universities and growers.FERTICARE™ is available for: • Tomato• Vegetables (sweet pepper and cucumber)• Strawberry• Lettuce (leafy vegetables)• RoseCrop specific • Formulations designed per crop.• Each crop requires a dierent ratio of nutrients.Easy to apply• One FERTICARE™ formula per crop; a safe fundament.• Combine with YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ and KRISTA™ K to fine-tune specific recipes.• An easy to follow step-by-step nutrition program.FERTICARE™ is a crop specific, fully water-soluble NPK product range for fertigation systems (hydroponic grade), made from the highest quality raw materials.What is FERTICARE™ ?Crop specific - Easy to apply - High quality
©Yara | 3FERTICARE™ - Crop SpecificFormulations designed per cropFERTICARE™ formulas are designed based on the specific needs of each crop:• To optimize the complete nutritional need.• One formula for each single crop.Crop nutrient needs and their functions:Primary nutrients • N (Nitrogen) – increase growth • P (Phosphorus) – roots / flowers• K (Potassium) – quality fruits & flowersSecondary nutrients• Ca (Calcium) – strong cell structure• Mg (Magnesium) – color / photosynthesis• S (Sulfates) – various growth functionsAn optimized nutrition results in: • Healthy developed crop.• Best yield quantity and quality.• Best crop protection.• Less residue results in better growth.A deficiency of one single nutrientis enough to limit yield.(Justus Von Liebig 1803 - 1873)NNNNSKKCaMgCa
4 | ©YaraCrop needs: Cucumber - Lettuce (mmol/l)Crop needs: Tomato - Strawberry – Pepper (mmol/l) Crop needs: Rose - Gerbera - Anthurium (mmol/l)NH4NH4NH4KKKMgMgMgCaCaCaNO3NO3NO3SO4SO4SO4P2O5P2O5P2O5CucumberTomatoRoseLettuce (NTF)StrawberryGerberaPepperAnthuriumSOURCE: DUTCH FERTILIZER MANUAL “START RECIPE”SOURCE: DUTCH FERTILIZER MANUAL “START RECIPE”SOURCE: DUTCH FERTILIZER MANUAL “START RECIPE”Each crop requires a different ratio of nutrients.
©Yara | 5FERTICARE™ - Easy to applyOne balanced formula, a safe fundament One balanced formula to help avoid mistakes, crop damage or precipitation.• Based on specific crop needs.• Micro nutrients included.• To be used throughout the whole season.Only two additional fertilizers are needed to fine-tune each recipe throughout the season.For a complete nutrition programme, only two additional products are required:• YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™• KRISTA™ K PLUSMgSSOPTEMAPKNO3=MKP= ??? gram / liter = +/- 1 gram / liter.FERTICARE™ - Easy to applyOne balanced formula; a safe fundament.
6 | ©Yara1. Start / Vegetative StageAlways use FERTICARE™ together with YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™• to complete the recipe with Calcium.• to fine-tune the level of NO3 to optimize growth. Second and third Generative StagesUse KRISTA K PLUS on top of FERTICARE in the same tank• during generative stage/heavy fruit load.• to fill up the extra K demand for better quality.FERTICARE™ is designed for:Greenhouse hydroponic A+B systems• Rockwool• Cocos• Peat• Etc.Also suited for the open field, with basic 2 tank fertigation systems.Always use 2 fertilizer tanks to avoid precipitation in stock solutionsThe A-tank (pH 4-6): • YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™The B-tank (pH 4-5): • FERTICARE™• KRISTA™ K plusAlways check your water quality (EC & pH) before you start!AFresh Water+(2nd and 3rd generative stages)Drip water: pH 5-6 BAn easy to follow nutritional programFERTICARE™ - Easy to apply
©Yara | 7Stage 1: Start• Strong vegetative focus.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K, to stimulate Ca uptakeStage 2: Standard (during season)Focus on balanced growth (vegetative/generative).• Increased K for fruits, and reduce the extra Ca.Stage 3: Heavy fruit loadStrong generative focus to secure good qualityfruits• Extra K to meet the high demand due to heavy fruit load.1: FERTICARE solution - For drip water EC ....add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC ....add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC ....add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) waterNH4NH4NH4mmol/lmmol/lmmol/l20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -KKKMgMgMgCaCaCaNO3NO3NO3SSSPPP= Desired fertilizer solution= .... g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= .... g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= .... g/l FERTICARE™= .... g/l FERTICARE™= .... g/l FERTICARE™= .... g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= .... g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= .... g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™General crop advice: FERTICARE™ CROP SPECIFICThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - ... kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - ... kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - ... kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ ...kgFERTICARE™ ...kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- .... kgFERTICARE™ ...kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- .... kg
8 | ©YaraStage 1: From start to flowering of 2nd/3rd clusterFocus on vegetative growth to create leaf mass, and to increase photosynthesis / activity.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K, to stimulate Ca uptake.Stage 2: Flowering of clusters 3, 4, 5, (6)More focused on generative growth to stimulate flowering and start feeding the first fruits.• Increased K in relation to Ca.Stage 4: OPTIONAL After first harvest go back to Stage 2 (Flowering of clusters).Stage 3: Until first harvest (clusters +/- 5 - 10)Strong generative focus to secure good quality fruits.• Extra K is needed to meet the high demand due to heavy fruit load.1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,7add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,7add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2.7add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) waterNH4NH4NH4mmol/lmmol/lmmol/l20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -KKKMgMgMgCaCaCaNO3NO3NO3SSSPPP= Desired fertilizer solution= 0,19 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,24 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= 1,20 g/l FERTICARE™ TOMATO= 1,15 g/l FERTICARE™ TOMATO= 1,20 g/l FERTICARE™ TOMATO= 1,41 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 1,36 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 1,22 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™General crop advice: FERTICARE™ TOMATOThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 141,2 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 136 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 122 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ TOMATO - 120,7kgFERTICARE™ TOMATO - 115 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 19 kgFERTICARE™ TOMATO - 120 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 24 kg
©Yara | 9Stage 1: Start (the first 3 weeks)Strong vegetative focus to create leaf mass and to increase photosynthesis / activity.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K to stimulate Ca uptake.Stage 2: Standard (from week 3 until first harvest)Focus on balanced growth (vegetative / generative).• Increased K for fruits, and reduce the extra Ca.Stage 3: Heavy fruit loadStrong generative focus to secure good qualityfruits• Extra K to meet the high demand due to heavy fruit load.Stage 4: OPTIONAL - Reduced fruit load – after harvestFor re-growth of the plant, after harvest, go back to Stage 2: Standard - balanced growth.1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,2add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,2add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,2add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) waterNH4NH4NH4mmol/lmmol/lmmol/l20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -20 -15 -10 -5 -0 -KKKMgMgMgCaCaCaNO3NO3NO3SSSPPP= 0.29 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,18 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,41 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= 0.95 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 0,94 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 0,88 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 1,10g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0.98 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0,94 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™General crop advice: FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES for CUCUMBERThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 108,9 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 98,4 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 93,5 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 94,7kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 17,6 kgFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 94,3kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 29,1 kgFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 87,9kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 40,5 kg
10 | ©YaraStage 1: Start (the first 3 - 4 weeks)Strong vegetative focus to create leaf mass and to increase photosynthesis / activity.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K to stimulate Ca uptake.Stage 2: Standard (during season)Focus on balanced growth (vegetative / generative).• Increased K for fruits, and reduce the extra Ca.Stage 3: Heavy fruit loadStrong generative focus to secure good quality fruits.• Extra K to meet the high demand due to heavy fruit load.Stage 4: OPTIONAL - Reduced fruit load – after harvestFor re-growth of the plant, after harvest, go back to Stage 2: Standard - balanced growth.1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,1add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,1add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,1add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water= 0,15 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,05 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,25 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= 0.88 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 0,87 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 0,87 g/l FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES= 1,20g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 1,10 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 1,10 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™NH4mmol/l18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PGeneral crop advice: FERTICARE™ VEGETABLES for SWEET PEPPERThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 120 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 109,4 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 110 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 88kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 5 kgFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 86,9kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 14,8 kgFERTICARE™ VEGETABLES - 87 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 25 kg
©Yara | 11Stage 1: StartFocus on strong vegetative growth to increase activity, create leaf mass and to increase photosynthesis.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K to stimulate Ca uptake.Stage 2: Standard - start floweringFocused on balanced growth. Moregenerative to stimulate flowering.• Increased K for flowering/first fruitset, and reduce the extra Ca.Stage 3: Fruitset – ripening - harvestStrong generative focus to secure good quality fruits.• Extra K is needed to meet the high demand due to heavy fruit load.1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,6add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,6add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,6add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water= 0,13 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= 0.67 g/l FERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY= 0,75 g/l FERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY= 0,72 g/l FERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY= 0,86 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0,80 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0,68 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™NH4mmol/l14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PGeneral crop advice: FERTICARE™ STRAWBERRYThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 85,5 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 80,2 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 68,2 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY - 66,5kgFERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY - 74,8kgFERTICARE™ STRAWBERRY - 72,3 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 13,1 kg
8 | ©Yara12 | ©YaraStage 1: Start - young crop before productionStrong vegetative focus to create leaf mass, and to increase photosynthesis / activity.• Extra Ca for strong cell development.• Reduced K to stimulate Ca uptake.Stage 2: Flowering / productionMore generative focus, but balanced(vegetative / generative).• Increase K for more generative focus and reduce the extra Ca.Stage 3: Winter period - lower productionAdjust fertilizer recipe to winter climate(= reduced growth / activity) to avoid a weak and sensitive crop.• Reduction in Nitrogen and Potassium compared to all other elements.1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,5add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water2: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,5add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water3: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 1,5add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water= 0,06 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= 0,17 g/l KRISTA™ K PLUS= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= Desired fertilizer solution= 0.72 g/l FERTICARE™ ROSE= 0,68 g/l FERTICARE™ ROSE= 0,75 g/l FERTICARE™ ROSE= 0,77 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0,66 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™= 0,68 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™NH4mmol/l12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PNH4mmol/l12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S PGeneral crop advice: FERTICARE™ ROSEThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank ATank ATank ATank BTank BTank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 76,5 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 65,7 kgYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 67.6 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ ROSE - 72,4 kgFERTICARE™ ROSE - 68,3 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 16,8 kgFERTICARE™ ROSE - 75,4 kgKRISTA™ K PLUS- 6,1 kg
©Yara | 13Only Stage 1Recipe especially for NFT systems, but also suited to open field. The ratio between Calcium and Potassium is 1 to 2. (Ca/K 0,48)1: FERTICARE™ solution - For drip water EC 2,2add the following fertilizer to clean (rain) water= Desired fertilizer solution= 1,24 g/l FERTICARE™ LETTUCE= 1,00 g/l YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™General crop advice: FERTICARE™ LETTUCEThis is general crop advice - always adjust to local conditions and circumstances.Tank A Tank BYaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ - 100,2 kgTank size: 1000 liter. Concentration 100xFERTICARE™ LETTUCE - 123,9 kgOPTIONAL - In the case of varieties that are extra sensitive to tip burn on the leaves, add some extra YaraLiva™ CALCINIT™ to the recipe to secure more cell strength.NH4mmol/l18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0 -K MgCa NO3S P
14 | ©YaraFERTICARE™ - QualityProduced in The Netherlands, according to high Yara standards.Yara Vlaardingen B.V. Experienced in producing water soluble fertilizers, through a long history (started in 1918).• Fertigation and foliar NPK• Potting soil NPK• Liquid fertigation fertilizersA modern laboratory to analyze:• All incoming raw-materials• Outgoing end-productsSampling every production run• Retained for at least 1 year• All WS NPK fertilizer• All potting soil fertilizer• All liquid fertilizers FERTICARE™ 100% water soluble • Precipitation-free fertilizer tank • No clogged filters/systemsFERTICARE™ is free of Urea!Using urea formulas in hydroponics gives a risk of pH drop, which leads to burned root tips.FERTICARE™ contains NO3low NH4, and is free from Urea • A stable pH in the root environment • Avoids a pH drop / burned rootsMetal trace elements are Chelatedinstead of sulfates meaning:• Better availability • Easier root uptake• More ecient - less is neededMetal-ion(2+ or 3+)ChelatingAgentMetal-chelate(1-)Pure and homogenous/uniform • No residue• No segregation • Possibility to use dosage of ½ or ¼ bags.Free flowing/non-caking, and free of dust• Fast and easy to handle • Clean to useChelating MechanismSource: AKZO Nobel
©Yara | 15FERTICARE™ - QualityBased on scientific research and growers’ experience.All FERTICARE™ formulas are based on the Dutch fertilization manuals:• Substrates /hydroponics• Greenhouse soil• PotplantsManuals originallydeveloped by the WUR* andthe Dutch horticulture sector over many years.(* Wageningen University Research)• Independent researchFERTICARE™ formulas are updated with the latest developments regarding fertilization from:• Yara research centers• Yara Agronomists• Dutch growers’ experiences• Independent agro-laboratories• Dutch fertilizer institute
16 | ©YaraDutch fertilizer knowledge in hydroponic systems• Growing in nearly 100% closed fertigation systems• Constant monitoring of the uptake (water-management)• Weekly water sampling and nutritional analysis • Valuable knowledge about growing based on real crop needs More than 40 years of growers’ experience from The Netherlands.Closed Fertigation SystemAnalyseReportAnalyseReportFERTICARE™ - QualityA BFresh WaterDrain WaterFertilizer Fertilizer
©Yara | 17FERTICARE™ - crop specific NPK solutionsSpecifications in weight %Specifications in weight %FERTICARE™TOMATOVEGETABLESSTRAWBERRYLETTUCEROSESFERTICARE™ Micro-nutrientsVEGETABLES & TOMATO & STRAWBERRYROSE & LETTUCENO3376,576B0,0220,020NH4--0,5-1Cu EDTA0,0040,004N-total37777Fe EDTA0,06Fe DTPA0,080,14Fe EDDHA0,01P2O510109911Mn EDTA0,0330,033K2O3030283724Mo0,0330,033Mgo87838Zn EDTA0,0220,021SO32814171316EC 1gr/l1,51,61,51,51,5RemarkHigh SO3: N ratio, for a balanced growthDesigned for Sweet Peppers & CucumberSuited for most other softfruits With Fe- EDDHA, to secure a healthy green crop color Reduced in K2O, also with FE- EDDHAFERTICARE™ FormulationsFERTICARE™ Micro Nutrients
© 2015 Yara. All rights reserved.Yara InternationalSeptember 2015Yara’s knowledge, products and solutions grow farmers and industrial customers’ businesses profitably and responsibly, while nurturing and protecting the earth’s resources, food and environment.Our fertilizers, crop nutrition programs and technologies increase yields, improve produce quality, and reduce environmental impact from agricultural practices. Our industrial and environmental solutions reduce emissions and improve air quality from industry and transportation, and serve as key ingredients in the production of a wide range of goods.Founded in 1905 to solve emerging famine in Europe, Yara today has a global presence with more than 12,000 employees and sales to more than 150 countries. www.yara.comAbout YaraDisclaimer: The information contained herein is to the best of Yara’s knowledge and belief accurate. The conditions of your use and application of the suggested formulations and recommendations are beyond our control. The recommendations are intended as a general guide and must be adapted to the local conditions. No warranty is made to the accuracy of any data or statements contained herein. Yara specifically disclaims any responsibility or liability to the use of the suggested formulations and recommendations and shall not in any event, be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages arising from such use.For further information contact:Yara International ASAPostboks 343, Skøyen0213 OsloNorwaywww.yara.comYara Vlaardingen B.V.P.O. Box 583130 AB VlaardingenThe Netherlands