DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 4 CHAPTER ONE DIPLOMATS AND GENERALS Can you repeat what you just said I asked in bewilderment to make sure I was not hallucinating due to extreme exhaustion from working over 12 hours a day for 10 straight days without any time off My question was directed to the senior diplomat sitting right across from me He was sent purposely to come see me with one and only one goal Carve out flesh from the side of my chest which was closest to my heart He was directed to make sure the flesh he carved out was at least one pound heavy I was not supposed to survive the surgical operation The emperor desired his pound of flesh and I was the obvious choice The emperor had become obsessed with carving out flesh out of his barons The barons who kept his empire in one piece were being hunted down in the same fashion I watched shepherd boys hunt grasshoppers for their sport in the hilly plains of anzu as I walked daily to school I was asking too many questions I was attempting to connect too many dots That was not my job My responsibility was not to connect the dots I was supposed to carry out orders of the emperor with no questions asked The question Gavida asked me and which I requested he repeat to my hearing was We have reason to believe you are not working enough hours and you might be misappropriating the emperor s time 12 hour days worked without a single day off in the course of 10 days in accordance with the wishes and desires of our emperor and he still sends the diplomats on the 10th day to question whether I was working long enough The irony of it was that the diplomat called Gavida had looked me in the eye 5 years earlier and told me the organization was vastly making changes within its ranks to become a more caring and compassionate body This was after he shared his own story of grave medical ailments he had endured mainly due to the heavy responsibilities tethered to his neck as he carried out the orders of the emperor of the secretive organization we both worked for and which was known simply as CodWin I also shared my experience with Gavida during lunch that beautiful summer afternoon in San Francisco as we awaited our delayed flight to the mile high city of Denver Colorado to do the emperor s bidding I told Gavida how a few years prior I was unsuccessful in my request to be relieved of my responsibilities to the emperor for just one week in order to attend to family My son was due to be born that week and I was hoping to take the time off to be there for my family I had just relocated over a thousand miles to the bay area from Seattle at the emperor s behest I had no choice if I wanted to give myself a chance to advance within the ranks of CodWin I could never say no when the emperor made a request That was tantamount to suicide in CodWin It did not matter that my whole support system was back in Seattle I relocated to the bay area as requested and less than a month later I was a dad for the first time YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 5 My son was born and our maiden embrace was in my work uniform I was in uniform because less than 5 hours after his birth I had to report to duty in the service of the emperor I waited patiently as I sat on the chair in the hospital room until mother and son were asleep I left my family in the hospital and drove off to faithfully carry out my professional responsibilities The same Gavida who listened to me that summer afternoon with extreme horror and disappointment on his face as I recounted my experience was now sitting across the table from me with a silver platter and a surgical knife handpicked by the emperor himself to surgically carve out my pound of flesh Gavida was not alone He was sent together with his promising and hard working lieutenant named Eriksson The emperor had been brooding for a while how he was going to handle this particular operation He debated whether to send in the generals or rely on the diplomats The generals were quick and had no time for niceties The emperor needed his pound of flesh at all cost The generals however had a propensity for spilling too much blood and causing a raucous That was becoming a liability to the emperor for the Feds were beginning to poke their long noses in CodWin affairs The emperor was not going to give them any more fodder than they already had He had to play it safe A blood bath was bad publicity for him He had a better idea Send the diplomats They were a lot more measured in their approach Their tactics were much more refined and less likely to cause a public outcry So he sent them with a silver platter and a surgical knife with which to carefully carve out the pound of flesh he so much desired Really Gavida I muttered gently with a smile My reaction was startling to Gavida and Eriksson They were obviously not used to this type of reaction They were used to seeing raw emotions weeping and wailing from unsuspecting victims whenever they showed up within CodWin with their surgical knife and silver platter in search of human flesh They seemed more than a little alarmed at my relaxed state The look on their faces resembled the same gaze I got from my dear friend who wanted to surprise me with a rare gift from Dubai only to find my son playing with the same item in the living room when he arrived with his exotic surprise YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 6 This was supposed to be a covert operation I was expected to be nervous Startled Unprepared Dazed and confused They began looking at each other as if to question the other s loyalty to the emperor Did you divulge our mission They seemed to be asking each other suspiciously through the silent gaze they gave themselves Why was I acting as if I was expecting them I was I was anticipating them My friend with PI inscribed on his hands told me I would receive a visit from the diplomats before the end of the first quarter of the year Today was my last day in the office before I went on vacation scheduled to begin on 3 14 I was not due to return until the end of the quarter My friend was always spot on with information he provided me Not once had he given me wrong intelligence Since my first meeting with him he has maintained a perfect score I had come to trust everything he told me so I knew the diplomats were on their way I waited patiently until they showed up I had my own silver platter with a pound of flesh carved out of a laboratory grown biological process My dear friend somehow made arrangements with some scientists who were pioneering processes of growing human flesh for medical purposes to grow a nice pound of flesh which he presented me My first encounter with the mysterious friend was mysterious I will talk about our first meeting in subsequent chapters The pound of flesh I had with me looked real I offered the diplomats a deal I made it very clear to Gavida and Eriksson they were not leaving with my pound of flesh They knew it too I offered them a deal Go outside the room with your knife and silver platter and go search for the most aromatic bouquet of flowers you can find out there Bring me the bouquet of flowers on the silver platter and I will happily give you my laboratory grown pound of flesh to take back to the one who sent you They heartily took the deal I offered and we all walked out of that room in freedom At least I know I did YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 7 CHAPTER TWO THE REVOLUTION The organization Gavida Eriksson and I worked for and which was known as CodWin was borne out of a revolution A revolution of regular everyday people rising up to take their destiny into their own hands The inception of CodWin was very similar to that of the tea party revolution which gave birth to the United States of America There were several similarities to the tea party rebellion of 1773 which ultimately gave birth to a new nation The men and women of CodWin proved once again the heroism that abounds throughout the length and breadth of America These 20th century Tea Party men and women from Seattle comprised 8 men and 2 women who shared a common ideal based on the belief that everyday people with little education skill or talent were capable of producing incredible value for the communities of which they were a part They held the conviction that by providing great services for their communities they themselves would be rewarded by the grateful members of their cities and towns wherever they found themselves The group was led by a maverick A man nicknamed the commodore after Cornelius Vanderbilt How Billings Longsworth came by the nickname the commodore has become folklore within CodWin with little chance of the true facts coming out at this point This is especially so since the man himself refuses to discuss the true origins of the name Billings led the group of 10 through a daring takeover of an organization which had lost its way by many accounts The rebellion happened at a time when the organization was in dire straits with no clear sense of purpose It had become a rudderless ship drifting aimlessly at sea The controllers of CodWin were very powerful individuals How were they not concerned by the direction the organization was headed They seemed to treat the organization as a disposable colony reminiscent of king George s approach to the 13 colonies of the free world Afterall king George had many colonies and even though the American colony was the crown jewel it was not the end all be all for him He had a lot more pressing matters on his plate than worrying about a vassal state across the pond The situation at CodWin was the second coming act II if you prefer to call it that way between king George and the tea party troublemakers Billings and his compatriots just like their forebearers centuries before them risked everything except the threat of physical violence They risked their careers and livelihoods If this bloodless coup d tat failed to succeed it would spell doom for all members of the junta YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 8 How Billings and his team pulled it off and gained control of CodWin is one of the great American stories of the 20th century Billings was a man well loved by all who knew him The man who had just led an unlikely takeover of a powerful organization with the mandate of providing essential needs to cities across the west coast of the united states was as genuinely humble and approachable as the word genuine could ever portray Once the takeover of CodWin was complete Billings had to rebuild a broken organization from the ground up Tough decisions had to be made to give the organization a chance at life CodWin was in a state of coma The organization was in such dire straits the kind that called for martial law There was a lot of clean up required to get CodWin out of the mess There was a general expectation of a bloodbath as Billings cleaned house Expectation of bloodbath Yes Actual blood bath No On the contrary Billings did the unimaginable Just as George Washington did 200 years prior with the young nation he had just liberated from the grips of colonial rule What could have become Billings personal property on so many levels was turned over to the people of CodWin The same question asked of Benjamin Franklin at the conclusion of the constitutional convention of 1787 was being asked at the corporate level 200 years later When asked Well Doctor what have we got a Republic or a Monarchy A republic if you can keep it was the reply from Benjamin Franklin A classic answer that will endure through the ages Good old Benjamin Franklin aptly added if you can keep it for he understood the allure of power The great Benjamin was discerning enough to understand how difficult a task it was to place power at the lowest levels of any organization a nation for that matter He knew it was the right thing to do if the new nation was going to endure and survive through the ages The right things are seldom easy no wonder the great empires of the past preferred to maintain the status quo of power consolidation at the very top Billings faced a similar question after the takeover of CodWin was complete What do we have here Billings A traditional corporate entity like everything else out there An organization where decisions are made at the c suites and trickle down to the commoners What do we have here Billings YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 9 The members of CodWin enquired An EEO Empowered Employee Organization if you can keep it was the answer Billings gave to the teeming members of his organization And with that Billings went on to do something that had not been seen in the corporate halls of America up until this point Instead of amassing and consolidating power to himself he instead empowered the members of the organization by turning critical decision making over to the lowest levels CodWin prospered greatly as a result of the empowerment Billings pushed to the lowest levels Guess who got to enjoy the full rewards of the success of CodWin You guessed right Billings took the enormous wealth generated at CodWin and redistributed it to every member of the organization His approach ensured that any organization that tried to come up and compete against CodWin stood no chance Billings had created the greatest symphony in American corporate history He was the conductor of a corporate behemoth that operated like a symphony The coordination and beauty of operations Billings forged at CodWin were nothing short of legendary The melody which emanated from Billings symphony was so sweet it was rumored that an old prophet in California who was prone to seeing visions claimed he saw the angels of heaven upset because they kept losing God s attention while they sung their heavenly melodies to him God himself kept turning his gaze down on earth due to a sweeter melody coming from the troubleridden abode of the mortals The blue crystal known for being a hot bed of bad news was somehow pushing forth to the celestial realms something never before seen or heard That sweet melody the Father of Heavenly lights kept hearing and which was supposedly distracting his attention from our winged siblings was Billings symphony That was how powerful the symphony of CodWin was Billings built a symphony in which each player greatly enjoyed playing their individual instruments The synergy created as each player enthusiastically pumped out their own sounds was incredible Decision making empowerment together with the tangible creation of wealth for multitudes who otherwise stood no chance in corporate America and you wonder why he was beloved across the spectrum of CodWin The Symphony of CodWin continued as long as Billings ran affairs YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 10 Many expected the great show of CodWin to continue perpetually Afterall Billings was youthful strong and full of energy Billings had other ideas With absolutely no desire of becoming a demigod not wanting to turn himself into the be all and end all of CodWin Billings again in a fashion reminiscent of the Great first president of the land walked away from CodWin while still in his prime He walked away in order to give others the opportunity to take their turn in continuing to build what he started He understood the importance of a succession plan and building others to take over while the architect was still around to help guide the organization into a successful future Did Billings understand something about the importance of orderly and timely succession which the likes of Felix Houphouet Boigny Mobutu SeSe Seko Gnassingbe Eyadema and many other president for life folks failed to grasp Folks who believed they were the sole repositories of the keys of knowledge and competence in their own countries Men who were hailed as deities until their demise plunged their nations into predictable chaos and strife Rulers with little regard or care about what happened after their departure holding unto power with the bogus and selfish claim of my people want me to stay on forever Clinging on at a time of their lives when they could not even put on their own clothes Rulers without a clear succession plan a situation that has led to the erosion of decades of infrastructural progress in a matter of a few months as countrymen pick up arms against each other to settle the inevitable power struggle that ensues after the demise of these deities Billings obviously had a different role model for a leader so he walked away at a time when all his people wanted him to stay He hung it up while fully availing himself as an elder statesman to guide the subsequent leaders of CodWin I was fortunate to meet Billings right before his exit from CodWin My tenure with the organization begun 2 months prior to his retirement YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 11 CHAPTER THREE MEET SALMA 2 years earlier I relocated from Milton Keynes in the mid lands of Britain to Seattle at the urging of my dear friend Salma Salma and I met in college in Milton Keynes I was studying Engineering while she studied Law A random encounter on a Friday night at the popular student bar named The Tavern led to an enduring relationship that would carry on even after she decided to move back home to the United States Salma and I met as Freshmen in college She decided to pursue her law program in a foreign country to give herself a sense of adventure outside the predicable middle class life she was accustomed to back home in the Pacific Northwest I wonder sometimes if her quest for the unfamiliar worked to my advantage on that beautiful Friday night at The Tavern where students from the University of Bedfordshire were fond of going to unwind for the weekend What started as an accidental bump into a very beautiful girl while dancing to Dr Dre s Still Dre led to a conversation that lasted well into the wee hours of the following morning As I apologized profusely to the angel I had just clumsily jolted while I was attempting to dance off the 4 bottles of mini beer I imbibed moments earlier I was astounded by her calm and sophistication She looked at me in the eye and said it is ok brother Just buy me a drink and we will call it even WOO HOO I will buy you the whole bar That was the thought which quickly run through my head before I composed myself and attempted to act as a gentleman by verbalizing the words Sure Thank you for being so gracious I appreciate you for tempering justice with mercy by assigning me penance which I am able to bear At this Salma burst out laughing uncontrollably I am not sure exactly what made her laugh so hard Was it my attempt at constructing a Shakespearean like sentence or the foolish look on my face after downing 4 beers and trying to impress a beautiful girl I still do not have the answer to this day but off we went to the bar so I could perform the necessary rituals her holiness had just prescribed for me to discharge in order to be absolved of my transgression As Salma and I settled down with our drinks in hand to chinwag she asked me after formal introductions were concluded tell me are you catholic I ask because you keep making references to familiar catholic liturgy expressions You must be catholic yourself to be able to so quickly identify the source of my verbal expressions I replied YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 12 Salma went on with I attended catholic school as a child so I am familiar with catholic traditions Nice I retorted back to Salma Just like you I did attend catholic school as well but that is not the reason I speak as catholic scholars do My ties to the church are much deeper than the mere attendance of a catholic school You see Salma I come from a house of catholic priests I also come from a house of kings a house of successful business magnates a house of great academic achievers with PhDs and several Masters degrees I also come from a house of scoundrels and drunkards a house of lazy people who will not lift a finger to fetch a cup of water for themselves A house of wife beaters and low lives I come from the house Gana built I come from the Agawure Gana House It is the house of all things to all men You see I have an unlimited pool to pull from I am drawing from the sacerdotal part of me right now Salma Which other side of the Agawure Gana boy would you like to see I asked her Let s keep the catholic the academic and maybe the business side for now Please keep everything else at bay at least for now She retorted with a sarcastic look and a gentle smile revealing the most perfect set of snowy teeth I had ever seen in any of the daughters of men Trying to quickly change the topic Salma muttered Emmar you appeared to be thoroughly enjoying Dr Dre s song even more so than everyone else when you bumped into me Tell me are you a big fan of his music or was it just a case of you trying to display your dancing skills To answer your question yes I am a fan of Dre s music But more importantly beyond his ability to make good music I consider Dre a cobra I have the highest regard for cobras when I see them What are you talking about What do you mean by Dr Dre is a cobra Salma asked looking genuinely surprised Why the use of cobra in your metaphorical expression as it pertains to Dr Dre she concluded her question You see cobras have no fear of starting over I began my rationalization A cobra will walk away from everything with nothing and reemerge with everything YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 13 You know you are dealing with a cobra when they turn their back on everything they have accomplished to start over The reason a cobra is able to create everything out of nothing is the reason the pharaohs of Egypt considered them more valuable than a lion as it pertained to royal symbolism You see Salma the pharaohs of Egypt wore head gears that represented the king s crown At the height of their civilization there was no ruler on earth more powerful than the pharaohs of Egypt When you look closely at the head gear the pharaohs wore you will notice a cobra was at the center My question to you is why would the most powerful ruler on earth at the time choose a cobra and not any other animal as the central piece of his crown We all know the lion is universally recognized as the king of the jungle in cultures the world over Why then would the pharaoh adorned in his royal regalia choose not to put a lion as the centerpiece but rather a cobra Why the use of an animal that is vilified just as universally as the lion is glorified What was the message if any the pharaohs were trying to communicate to the rest of us that we have so miserably failed to comprehend for thousands of years Most kings wear a crown as the symbol of their power and authority A crown jewel is that rare gem that crowns a crown YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 14 In other words a crown is worthless without the crown jewel which is usually placed at the center of the crown and gives the crown its value and worth The pharaoh covers his head with the scarf to mimic the lion s mane The mane represents the crown of kingship The pharaoh communicated his kingship utilizing the visualization of the lion s mane for the lion is king of the jungle The pharaoh then goes on to tell us that if the lion which is represented by the mane looking scarf is the crown the crown jewel which gives the crown its worth is the cobra My question is why would the pharaoh of Egypt accord that level of prominence to the cobra Why would the grand pharaoh of Egypt the architect of one of the seven wonders of the world elevate a cobra above the great king of the jungle which we all know to be the lion I ask you one question Salma what is the one thing that differentiates kings from everyone else Power Salma calmly responded Thank you I continued I prefer the word Control but almost everyone refers to control as power so let us keep that term at least for now Power is what differentiates a king or ruler from everyone else within their jurisdiction What does power mean What does power give you Power gives you influence Influence is the ability to get what you want a lot easier and with much less friction than anyone else That being said if power is influence and influence is the ability to get what you want with the least friction why would the pharaoh elevate the cobra over the lion Listen to me very carefully Salma for What I am about to tell you was revealed many years ago by an individual named Hosni to ulba my ancestor Hosni was one of a select group of people in the kingdom of anzu known as indaanas I will tell you more about the indaanas later but for now let us continue with the matter at hand so I can shed light on the perplexing metaphor I made regarding Dr Dre and the cobra Let us start with the lion king of the jungle When the lion is hungry and wants to eat lunch what happens Salma I will tell you what happens The lion chases the deer throughout the jungle The lion makes a public spectacle of the hunt As the lion is chasing the deer every animal in the jungle gets to see the majesty and strength of the lion The hunt is a great opportunity for the lion to show everyone who the king of the jungle is The scavengers the hyenas and vultures also get to watch the public display of the lion s power and majesty When the hunt is over and the lion settles down to eat its prey the scavengers show up for lunch as well for they were privy to the hunt which just took place YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 15 The vultures swirl about in the air while the hyenas let out their dreadful loud and high pitched hee hee hee sounds that are so distasteful to the lion but ever present at the lion s party distracting the lion from eating in peace How come these uninvited scavenger guests always show up to the lion s party Before you assign blame to the scavengers for their disgusting and inconsiderate behavior towards their king you may want to start by blaming the king for being messy Blame the lion for lacking the ability to handle important matters in private thereby inviting the wrong crowd to his feast Now back to the cobra The cobra lives in the same jungle with the king known as the lion The cobra gets to eat the same lunch the lion was unable to enjoy in peace There is no food in the jungle the lion eats that is not available to the cobra The cobra has access to all things in the jungle just as the so called king The difference is the cobra eats in peace outside the watchful eyes of the scavengers Something the king of the jungle never gets to do Why is that How come the scavengers vultures and hyenas leave the cobra alone and yet disrespect their king so much as to perpetually give his royal majesty no peace to eat a simple meal The answer is simple The cobra is not messy in his affairs like the lion The cobra does not make a public spectacle of his hunt The cobra is a lot smarter than that Let the lion have the power and majesty the cobra prefers to operate with wisdom The cobra depends on lethal precision in order to capture the same prey the lion runs throughout the entire jungle to capture The cobra relies on stealth and swiftness as his tools of operation The cobra gets the job done outside the watchful eyes of the scavengers the hyenas and vultures do not get the opportunity to crush the cobra s lunch the way they do to their king not because they do not desire to do so The party crushers do not show up to the cobra s lunch due to one and only one reason they have no clue when the cobra eats his lunch The cobra eats in peace the same prey his royal majesty is unable to enjoy in peace One more thing about the cobra that is lost to many observers is the fact that a single cobra has the ability to obliterate an entire pride of lions One cobra can single handedly decimate a lion and its entire lineage The lions know this They rule the jungle but they seek from the cobra what everyone else seeks from the lion YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 16 The cobra is not interested in the accolades and the titles The cobra is all about getting it done and doing it with efficiency and precision Where the lion is about pageantry the cobra is about substance The lion knows it is called king of the jungle only because the cobra allows it Therefore smart and intelligent lions make it a point not to agitate the cobras in their jungle The lions must give the cobras their due and not tread on them It is in the lion s best interest to do so Their rule and very lives depend on keeping the cobras happy If the cobras are content the lions get to rule in peace and everyone is happy in the jungle So what does Dr Dre got to do with a cobra I get it I totally understand your point Salma interjected Let me explain she continued Death Row records was the jungle and Suge Knight was undoubtedly the king of that jungle He was the lion with all the power He however failed to understand who the true power was at Death Row and so he kept trampling on that which was not to be trampled upon The cobra of Death Row Dre Once the lion trampled the cobra under foot the cobra obliterated the lion by leaving Death Row records His exit set the jungle known as Death Row ablaze making sure there were no survivors of all who remained with the king While the king and his jungle were searing in the heat the cobra reemerged living life as he always has with stealth efficiency and lethal precision I could not have explained that any better than you just did Salma I am so proud of you I continued I am studying law Salma said with a naughty look in her eyes what do you expect she continued with a smile Wow that makes so much sense to me now Salma carried on What is it that makes so much sense I asked her What you just told me regarding the cobra and the lion is applicable in literally every aspect of life Salma began to explain You see I had a very good friend I grew up with and who I consider my sister Her name was Belle and she was very pretty You mean almost as pretty as you I quickly interjected to try and rack up a few extra points for the night YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 17 Much prettier than me Salma continued with a smile As pretty as Belle was she had a very hard time keeping a date I lost touch with her for about 6 years and when I finally reestablished contact with her she was distraught and extremely upset about a break up she had just gone through The man of her dreams had suddenly broken up with her They had been dating for 3 months and she adored him She believed he was the perfect man if ever there was one She told me she believed she conducted herself in a manner that would have kept her relationship with her beau growing stronger but to her dismay without any altercation or warning he started becoming distant He started making excuses when she wanted to spend time with him or go out as couples do The chasm between them continued to widen until he finally stopped communicating altogether When she tried to enquire exactly what was going on he failed to provide an exact answer Instead he would talk about how busy he was and how it was just hard to make time for a relationship At this I asked Belle if she had discussed the inexplicable behavior of her sweetheart with any of his close friends I asked her this question because from my understanding you men usually have a friend or two to whom you are very close and who tend to possess deep insight into your thinking When I asked my friend Belle this question her response to me was I do not get along with any of his friends I do not talk to any of them because I do not like the way they behave Those guys he calls his friends are nothing but low lives I probed a little further and asked her if she had reached out to anyone else that might be close to her man and in a good position to provide insight into what was going on in her relationship I suggested we try counseling was her response Anytime I brought up the idea of us seeking counseling he would look at me as though I had lost my mind He does not talk much but he would give me this stare that said it all Did you reach out to his mother or siblings if he has any I asked I do not care much for his mother so I don t talk to her I do not have any kind of relationship with his siblings either she replied Looking back at my friend s predicament I see how it relates The way I see it Belle wanted to be with the Lion without taking the time to know who the cobras were in the lion s jungle Those cobras might have been her beau s friends mother or siblings By rattling these individuals and not having a good rapport with them the lion decided to call it quits for as you put it earlier no lion in its right mind allows the cobras within its jungle to be trampled upon or disrespected I had another instance at my first job in Seattle where one of the department supervisors a young man who appeared very intelligent and learned kept running into confrontations and wild agitations from the associates he was in charge of managing The supervisor struck me as one who had great ideas on how to improve processes within his department yet he was let go by the owner of the business in less than 3 months on the job I was baffled to learn he had been discharged and relieved of his responsibilities while other supervisors who struck me as a lot less capable continued to keep their jobs YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 18 I soon found out this was a pattern with this young man and not an isolated case I discovered this supervisor had been relieved of his responsibilities at least 5 times by other companies within the last 4 years I ran into him at the mall a couple of weeks after his separation of employment and I asked him why he was no longer with the company He told me he was discharged for no other reason than faithfully carrying out his mandate He went on to explain and in his own words I promised myself on day one to do everything in my power to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity in the department I was in charge of running The only way I could do that was to hit the ground running so on my first day I started correcting all the inefficiencies and wrong things the workers were engaging in that I saw to be inimical to the long term success of the department In line with my deeply held conviction of staying consistent with no room for favoritism in applying my vision I set an expectation swiftly and quickly I would expect my staff to respect a supervisor who is fair consistent and firm No one disrespects a boss who stays on top of his responsibilities and knows how to get it done He concluded In hindsight knowing what I know now I should have responded when he made that statement with You are right no one will or should ever fault a boss who gets it done Very few people if any at all will hold in high esteem a boss who lacks the slightest modicum of respect for them either When you walked into the department with all the powers given to you did you ever consider or give thought to the fact that regardless of the power you held nothing was going to happen in the department unless the employees you wield that power over decide to cooperate with you Did you think about giving the employees a day or 2 to acquaint themselves with you and get to know your vision for the department Did you ever take as much as a minute to observe who the unofficial opinion leaders were in that department the 2 or 3 employees with no formal authority and yet who wield great influence on the rest of those you were placed in charge of Salma continued I bet he never did any of these things and that was the reason he kept running into trouble with his employees and ultimately getting separated from his employment The way I see it now this supervisor was a lion who forgot the influencers in the department he was in charge of running were the cobras with the power to destroy him in a heartbeat unless he got them aligned and on his side very quickly Instead what did he do He went fighting the very people he needed in his corner if he was going to succeed in his role The very people that were going to be his allies in the long run as he sought to establish and execute his vision he went rattling their tails on the very first day on the job instead of forging a bond It did not matter how skillful or knowledgeable or competent he was he stood no chance of success as long as he failed to understand the basic principle of not rattling the cobras in his domain On the very first day on the job he should have sought out the cobras and fed them all the eggs they could eat Once they were full he would have been in a much better position to execute his vision with little or no friction Salma concluded YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 19 I could not help but stand up and clap in admiration at her deep and insightful application of the cobra versus lion analogy I was genuinely impressed with Salma We continued to talk and she opened my eyes to even more things than I had ever considered Salma and I chatted into the wee hours of the morning until the bar closed From then on we were inseparable until her dad passed away tragically before our sophomore year The passing away of Salmas s father led her to transfer back to Seattle so she could be close to her grief stricken mother While back in Seattle Salma continued to urge me to transfer and finish my engineering program in Seattle Who says no to a good thing I obliged and made arrangement to transfer in my Junior year to Seattle where I continued my Engineering studies As I pursued my bachelor s degree Salma struggled to keep up with her law studies She had a strong bond with her father and from all indications his death caused irreversible damage to her psyche She was trying very hard to cope but she found out it was much easier said than done Her grief made it difficult to stay in college ultimately causing her to drop out and take a job in a local delivery company so she could help support her mother Time eases all things I have heard this many times and I generally believe it In the case of Salma the agony from the demise of her father did not seem to let up as the weeks and months went by The city of Seattle had too many memories that made it difficult for her to cope with her loss At the urging of family Salma and her mother decided to relocate from Seattle to Denver Colorado I continued my studies in Seattle while trying to maintain constant contact with Salma In a matter of a few months things began to cool off between us Eventually the last embers of whatever remained of our flame flickered off into cold ashes Nature abhors vacuum was a favorite quote of Mr Stone my physics teacher in high school True to Mr Stone s favorite words of wisdom the vacuum created by Salma s exit was quickly filled by Kendra My initial encounter with Kendra was not nearly as intellectually engaging as Salma s Kendra worked with a local retailer I was fond of visiting On this particular night Kendra worked the closing shift I happened to be the last customer before she closed shop I offered to walk her to her car and she obliged YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 20 That is how things began between Kendra and I and it continued through my graduation and beyond Just before graduation Kendra requested we have a special dinner date During dinner she announced what I was already suspecting for a few weeks I was going to be a dad for the first time She was hesitant for she did not know how I was going to take the news Of course I am going to be there for my child was my answer to Kendra I am yet to come across a low life worse than a man who abandons his offspring I continued Kendra was not sure how I would take the news because I seemed to be distant and not as engaged with her Kendra had an elevated propensity for focusing on negativity We would go out for the most romantic date and her only recollection of the date was the weirdness of the taxi driver who drove us back from the restaurant This was beginning to wear me down I tried in vain to change the narrative of our conversations Once I came to terms there was no light at the end of the tunnel as it pertained to her tendency to dwell on the cynical I slowly cooled off I was unable to break off cold turkey She was very attractive for God s sake Let us make it work I told her after she announced her pregnancy I knew I had to find a job right away to prepare for my enormous upcoming responsibilities The economy was not lending itself very well for engineering jobs due to a massive slowdown in construction and major investment activities not just in Seattle but the rest of the country CodWin happened to be one of the few companies doing well enough to need extra hands I applied and fortunately got to become a member of Billing s symphony Billing s was on his way out of CodWin when I started working for the EEO Empowered Employee Organization he had forged from the chaos that existed prior to the takeover YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 21 CHAPTER FOUR THE FAREWELL PARTY The organization invited its employees to write heartfelt letters to the man who put it all together The new leaders of the organization wanted to present the best of these letters to Billings as part of his farewell as our collective Thank You To say I was impressed with CodWin was a gross understatement I quickly saw the parallels between the cobra and lion at play throughout every facet of the organization What a genius this Billings man was I kept thinking to myself I wrote a one page letter as requested by the new leaders of CodWin not thinking what the impact my letter was going to have My letter simply thanked Billings and let him know how much I admired his great accomplishment I could not help adding the cobra and lion analogy in my short letter Two weeks after I sent my letter I received a special invitation to attend Billings farewell party As a new member of the organization I was least expecting to be invited for such a historic event in the organization s existence I later found out Billings saw my letter and wanted to personally talk to the new employee who authored it On the day of the farewell party Billings personally sought me out Somehow my letter had such a profound effect on him to the point he wanted to talk to me I was humbled and greatly honored that he showered so much attention on me after the formalities of his farewell party were completed The legend of CodWin came over to sit on an empty chair next to me so we could talk more about the analogy that somehow caught his inescapable attention Emmar he begun I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight I did sir I answered back It is with mixed emotions though I continued Knowing the man who put all this together is leaving the organization makes it very difficult to truly enjoy this historic event Billings was in good spirits and he made sure everyone seated around the table including myself was as comfortable as possible When the laughter around the table began to subside a little bit Billings turned to me and in a much lower pitch began now tell me Emmar what was that you wrote to me I go game hunting in the Safari whenever I get the opportunity to sneak out of the country to refresh myself from all the pressures of corporate life I love the great outdoors and I have seen countless animals in the wild Not once has it ever crossed my mind that what pertains in the wild has any connection with what happens at the corporate halls Your one page letter as brief as it was piqued my interest like nothing has since CodWin YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 22 You have my full attention Emmar Tell me what you meant in that letter Wow was my initial reaction before I begun I slowly composed myself trying not to show the inevitable nervousness of trying to sound intelligent before a man I had the greatest respect and admiration for Sir and before I could put in my next string of words he interrupted me with just call me Billings Billings why do companies fail Why do smaller companies with less experience less money very little talent end up taking out much larger companies Time and time again in America and around the world we see this happen in business It is a phenomenon that has endured as long as businesses have existed Why is that Billings I enquired That is a deep and insightful question Emmar Billings replied slowly and thoughtfully Bad decisions on the part of the bigger companies I would suppose he continued But why would that be the case sir sorry Billings I would assume the big companies do not wake up one fine day and decide they no longer desire dominance in their industry I will bet my last dollar Billings that no company makes it part of their corporate strategy to cede their place to an upstart So my question is what precipitates the bad decisions that ultimately does the big companies in I asked Billings Complacency is what I believe causes the bigger companies to make less than stellar decisions Billings responded But why would the big companies get complacent all of a sudden All companies have strict metrics for measuring outcomes Companies do not jettison these measurables at the spur of the moment as they get bigger As a matter of fact companies tighten the grip on the essential metrics as they get bigger so as to maintain whatever competitive advantage they have So why would complacency be their downfall Good question Billings muttered I will now explain in full detail what I wrote to you in the one page letter I went on One word Billings Scavengers YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 23 Scavengers are the reason big companies begin to make bad decisions and eventually fail You see big companies are like the proverbial lion in the jungle Just as the entire jungle gets to see the lion s hunt so it is in the business world everyone including the competition government regulatory agencies and even some good for nothing attorneys who like to sue at the drop of a pin are aware of the big companies and how much money and profits they are pulling into the coffers every quarter Just as the hyenas and vultures show up when the lion is about to eat lunch so do the entities I just mentioned show up uninvited to lunch at the big corporations How do they show up They show up in the form of class action lawsuits They show up in the form of fines and penalties from government agencies for labor and code violations They show up in the form of anti trust lawsuits They show up in the form of attorneys bringing all kinds of lawsuits for claims associated with accidents and countless other matters Merited or otherwise Many big companies end up settling a lot of these frivolous lawsuits obviously not because they think they are in violation of any laws but because they believe it is more advantageous to pay off the litigants and avoid the bad publicity associated with the law suit as well as the expenses that come with litigation These big corporations spend so much energy and effort trying to ward off the scavengers to such an extent that deep fear sets in regarding every aspect of their operations They begin to think in terms of how to avoid exposing themselves to the scavengers instead of concentrating on making sound business decisions The sound business decisions that got them to the top of their industry are no longer the focus of deliberations Instead how not to get fined or sued becomes the preoccupation of these big companies You gave a very good example Billings about this unfortunate situation in your last quarterly newsletter to CodWin when you talked about one of our big competitors in California You talked about how the competitor built a store in the strawberry capital of California which is Ventura With a store located in Ventura anyone would have expected the best strawberries to be displayed on their shelves That was not the case you said The company on the contrary was regularly found to have moldy strawberries on its shelves not because the employees in the produce department were inept The reason moldy strawberries kept making their way to the shelves was because the strawberries purchased in Ventura by the company were first shipped to Mesa Arizona where the company s YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 24 warehouse was located The strawberries were then shipped back to Ventura from Mesa about a week later to be displayed in the store By the time the strawberries got back to Ventura from Mesa to be displayed in the store most of the strawberries were already moldy You talked about the reason the company kept practicing this clearly unreasonable routine Control The reason the company insisted on this practice was because they needed to control the sourcing and distribution of the strawberries in case there was a recall of product Due to the fear associated with the bad publicity and hefty fines which could result if a recall was not handled properly the company kept putting itself in a situation to sell bad strawberries to customers CodWin on the other hand was operating without that unreasonable fear As a company CodWin was small an advantage which permitted it to buy the best strawberries from local farms in Ventura and ship them directly to the stores nearby ensuring the very best quality was placed on the shelves Quality which the competition could not match mainly due to fear This is one of the reasons CodWin will continue to win you put in your letter I agree with you Billings As long as CodWin continues to operate as a cobra it will be unstoppable Going back to why startup companies end up taking out the big companies my view on this never ending and yet perplexing cycle is because the startup companies do not lose sleep over the scavengers Just like the cobra the start up companies eat lunch in peace The small companies make sound business decisions based on taking care of their employees and customers without much regard for fines penalties lawsuits or regulatory bottlenecks While the small companies are improving processes based on sound business decisions the big companies are busy making fear based decisions based on trepidation of the scavengers The repeated fear based bad decisions eventually catch up to the big companies and they collapse on their own proverbial swords while the small companies thrive My question is what happens after the big companies flounder To answer my own question Billings the inevitable takes place when the big companies are no more YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 25 The small companies take over the show and in turn become the proverbial lion in the jungle that must watch out for the scavengers Permit me to ask another question Billings How does the new lion prevent the same fate as its predecessors How does the new big company concentrate on what is best for business operations succeed in warding off the scavengers and preoccupy itself with making sound business decisions like it always has without losing focus and paying undue attention to the prevention or mitigation of fines and judgments What did Rockefeller do after the Supreme court ruled against him and ordered the dissolution of standard oil on May 15 1911 Rockefeller did the greatest thing in the history of business HE GREW SMALL Growing small is how he maneuvered and came out ahead Billings He split his company into 34 independent companies He still maintained shares in the new independent companies and became richer in the split than when the company run as one unit Classic example of growing small Why businesses have failed to adopt this strategy beats my imagination Growing small is how a big company avoids the travails of his royal majesty the lion Quickly split up and reorganize so there is no appearance of pure dominance I believe there are different ways of achieving the split up strategy effectively but it must take place if any big company desires peace in operating a profitable business without having to preoccupy itself with the pesky scavengers Stay a cobra and never transform into a lion Billings I believe CodWin will win for a very long time if the company you are leaving behind never transforms itself into a lion When I concluded Billings did the unthinkable He gave me his personal phone number and told me he wanted to stay in touch with me long term He urged me to forget about my engineering degree and instead concentrate on making a career out of CodWin True to his word Billings kept regular contact with me after that night He would call unexpectedly to see how I was doing and offer words of encouragement YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 26 CHAPTER FIVE THE INVITATION It was a beautiful Thursday evening I was on my way home from work when my cell phone rung It was Billings Emmar he went on what are your plans for this weekend he asked I have nothing planned Billings I answered him I am not on the schedule for this weekend so I was just going to take it easy at home unless something else comes up I carried on The reason I ask Emmar is I would love to invite you and Kendra over to my house this Saturday for dinner You are welcome to stay over for the weekend I have 3 unoccupied guestrooms which you are more than welcome to stay in if you so desire Sure Billings that sounds fantastic Kendra will be out of town visiting her cousin but I will be greatly honored to spend the weekend with you and your family Thank you so much for the invite I answered Billings How does 4pm on Saturday sound Billings enquired Perfect for me I replied Sounds great Emmar I will send you the address after we hang up My very good friends Captain Wagner and his wife Christine will be over for dinner as well Billings stated Thank you Billings I look forward to meeting all of you on Saturday I responded When I arrived at Billings home I was warmly welcomed by his entire family His beautiful wife 2 sons and 1 daughter made me instantly feel at home They were the nicest people I ever met His friends Captain Rick Wagner and Christine were a very pleasant pair as well Shortly after we all settled down for dinner Billings began to tell me a little bit more about his friends Rick and Christine Rick and Billings were lifelong friends They grew up in the same neighborhood and went to school together Rick went on to become an airline captain after getting out of the air force Rick s wife Christine was a professor in Physics She was involved in a lot of cutting edge research with many technology firms She even had 3 patents to her name The woman was extremely brilliant After telling me about his friends Billings went on Emmar I have been talking about the cobra and lion analysis you discussed with me at my farewell party My entire family and even my friends here were blown away by it They have been wanting to meet you ever since and so here we are Forgive me if I am putting you on the spot but if you do YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 27 not mind everyone has been itching to hear more about Emmar and how you came by such a fascinating analogy Who is Emmar and where did you come across such a profound yet simple analogy that none of us have ever heard or read anywhere No need to apologize Billings you are not by any means putting me on the spot I replied Speaking about myself is not something I do much but I am more than content to let you know everything about me I answered Billings Let me start with my accent It must be quite evident to everyone here my accent did not originate from any of the 50 states of the USA I started off with a smile I have been trying to figure out the origin of the accent but I just cannot seem to get a grasp Billings daughter Ethel interjected with a bigger smile I am studying to be a journalist the journalistic part of me was going wild making me want to start probing you with all manner of questions I am usually good at recognizing accents but yours has me confused I just could not figure it out Ethel concluded Before I continue do you want the short and summarized or long and no details left behind version of who Emmar is I do not want to bore you with details if you are not interested in all the extra information I asked All of it This time it was Claire Billing s wife chiming in Well let s do it I continued after a sip of the delectable red wine in front of me I am originally from what used to be known as the empire of Songhai Do not try looking it up on the map because it has been fragmented into small little pieces now known as Burkina Faso Cote D Ivoire Ghana Mali etc My part of Songhai is now known as Ghana I was born in a small fishing town called Winneba in the coastal belt My father loved to take me out for evening walks by the beach It was our daily routine He called me an old soul because I loved to challenge him intellectually from a very early age I would ask him many questions and then I would debate him when he answered my questions I loved to poke holes in the answers he gave me when I asked him questions As a 6 year old boy I asked him one day after he lit a cigarette to smoke what he derived from it YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 28 Pleasure great pleasure my father answered very contentedly and without hesitation Pleasure in return for what I asked him He stared at me for what seemed like eternity without uttering a word so I broke the silence and continued pleasure in return for a nasty breath pleasure in return for teeth that look like discolored chalk pleasure in return for long term health problems What type of pleasure is worthy of these sacrifices I asked my old man He looked at me in unbelievable bewilderment not able to utter a word He would later tell me that conversation we had when I was 6 years of age was the cardinal turning point towards his journey to forever keep cigarettes out of his mouth At 15 years I had my own cardinal turning point on a very beautiful night while walking with him at the beach as was our routine for so many years The warm sea breeze swirled around my body like the caress of my special friend Tess who lived close by Tess was 2 years older than me and was desired by many older boys who laid eyes on her Somehow she and I forged an unlikely friendship that made many people in the neighborhood question what really was going on between us This night was gorgeous Uniformly dark like the flawless skin of Tess I could not stop thinking about her for she had just given me my first kiss the night before and that singular act as brief as it was had taken me through multiple dimensions of space and time Are you usually this graphic when you speak Claire interjected with a genuine smile I try to be cogent I strive to lose no detail when I communicate I replied with a slight grin We are all ears said Billings with a nod while casting his eyes to everyone seated as if to get their acquiescence Everyone seemed to be nodding in agreement with Billings I continued As my father and I walked on the sandy beach of Winneba that night I pointed to a very beautiful star that lit the night sky and my dad responded son I hate to tell you this but that light you are pointing to is a dead star What you are seeing is the light emitted long ago before it died The light from the dead star has traveled billions of years and has finally reached the earth but the source of the light is no more It is just a matter of time before the light you see today goes dark This light you see son has no future It can glow all it wants It is already dead YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 29 The manner in which my father emphasized and articulated the illusion of the bright twinkle little star was almost as if he was trying to tell me something He spoke about the star with so much passion it scared me and I could not help but ask him if he was trying to get me to draw some kind of lesson from the dead star Exactly I am glad you caught on son That star is representative of many things you see around you every day That dead star is the best picture I could ever show you regarding success and failure You see what people call success or failure is not an event that suddenly shows up like the light you see up there in the sky Success or failure happens long before the tangible attributes people see and point to and refer to as success or failure show up If lit up and bright stars represent success the dead star is living on old success which is unsustainable Emmar That star failed a long time ago the failure has just not manifested yet One inevitable day the failure of that star will show and that is when many will point to it as a failure Wrong The star failed the day it stopped burning and emitting light It just took many years for that failure to show In the same dimension when you see a woman or man with great wealth acquired through proper planning and smart dealings many people tend to point at the material accoutrements as representative of the success of the man or woman Again wrong The material wealth is just a physical manifestation of success that took place the day the individual decided in his or her heart to apply himself or herself diligently and wisely in their business affairs I learned a lot of things from my father over the years but this particular lesson was deep and for a little bit of time I pondered all the other areas of life my life where this dead star s story was applicable It was so deep I momentarily stopped thinking about Tess as my mind raced all over my consciousness trying to fully grasp the depth of what my father had just enlightened me on YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 30 That is when an unusual thing happened My right foot struck what felt like a metal box I was so deep in thought I took 2 more steps before it dawned on me I had hit my foot against something unusual I turned to take a second look at the thing my foot had just struck It looked like a small bronze box with square dimensions measuring about 3 inches on each side It was sealed with no visible damage to it I looked at it for a minute and then I grabbed it It weighed no more than 5 pounds I gently shook it and heard a little rattle inside of what sounded like stones I did not take it to mean much I just held unto it thinking in my mind it would be a great surprise present for Tess the next day There was no electricity when we got home after our walk at the beach Not unusual in those days in Winneba The small fishing town got its electricity from a small diesel powered plant and many days the whole town would experience power outage due to shortage of diesel or some other foreseen circumstance Circumstances that were foreseen and yet nothing was done to avert their occurrence by the experts who were in charge of running it I woke up the next morning and reached under my bed for my little box from the beach I had placed it under my bed prior to going to sleep With more light at my disposal I wanted to examine my mystery box a little more carefully before presenting it to Tess YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 31 Wow Was my initial reaction as I stared at the box through the extra light at my disposal Light that was not available to me the previous night The extra light lit up the minutest details of the box into my bewildered eyes As I carefully examined this unusual cube I noticed each side had a symbol I observed the symbol on each side of the cube was the same symbol on the opposite side of the cube The 3 symbols were and e I could not figure out what was inside the box that made it rattle when shaken and I gave up trying to find out when I examined every inch of the box and could not find an opening through which whatever material which was rattling inside was placed I was heart broken later in the day when I took my mystery box to go find Tess only to find out her uncle came to take her away from Winneba to Cape Coast to live with him and pursue her education there I was devastated Tess never mentioned anything of that nature being in the works I was broken The thought of not likely seeing Tess anytime soon if ever again evaporated all the light in my world My mind begun to swirl with all the stories of lost friendships and relationships when people left the small town to the big cities I had never felt so lonely and empty in my life like I did right now while still holding this stupid little box which a few minutes ago was supposed to be one extra arrow in my quiver to deliver to my friend with the hopes of continuing to capture her angelic attention I have very little recollection of how I meandered back home from Tess house to take a nap The nap was my quick fix solution to escape consciousness I greatly desired to go to sleep and go the way of Anoah the old catholic cleric who passed on peacefully in his sleep the previous month YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 32 CHAPTER SIX ISSOR AND THE FIVE GUARDS I loved traveling even as a teenager I greatly enjoyed the adventure of hopping on a bus and traveling to nearby towns just to explore and return home later in the day On this particular day I found myself in a strange town and I was completely lost and had no clue of my bearings I somehow got in such a daze I wandered into a huge castle which looked like one of the colonial edifices that dot the coastal belt of Ghana Gigantic structures built many hundred years ago with the purpose of transporting goods and unwilling people across the seas As I stood dazed and confused in this unusual castle I was further startled by an unexpected gentle tap on my shoulder When I swirled around to see the source of the tap I beheld this tall slender man with a shaven head and all grey beard and mustache He had a youthful countenance to his appearance and his skin looked like that of a teenager yet he had grey hair speckled on his eyebrows I thought to myself I want to call this person with a deep piercing stare so strong he appears to look straight through me to my very soul an old man what else was I supposed to call a man so grey that his eyebrows were not exempt Yet I found myself second guessing due to the obvious dichotomy of his perfect skin with zero wrinkles that made him look like a youth Hi sir I blurted and he continued to look at me then in a very gentle monotone voice he said I have been observing you for a while now since you arrived here and I have been desiring to have a word with you A word with me since I arrived here Arrived where What are you talking about sir I slowly responded while at the same time quite proud with myself for finding the perfect word to address this old boy or man or youth This male I am the warden of this prison I know you are deeply desiring an escape right this moment as we speak Let me tell you something son that is the biggest waste of your time and energy while you are here in my prison If you think it is a tragedy that you have found yourself here let me tell you what the real tragedy is that you waste valuable time and energy trying to find an escape before you have served your mandatory time Everyone here will serve every single day of their sentence before they are released to freedom YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 33 Listen here very carefully If you ever step foot outside these walls before your appointed time of release I will find you and I will bring you back You thought you were free for a very long time Then you ended up here Do you know how my guards found you and brought you here Please figure that out before ever thinking of an escape I know this place can sometimes be gloomy I know this prison has its challenges which make its constituents despair and with seemingly nothing to look forward to It is my greatest desire as your warden that every inmate here enjoy the greatest pleasures and have the most fun while doing your time so that when that day comes for your release you will head out with joy and good memories Son I will be doing you no favors if I gave you a continuous party For one you will quickly get tired of it and secondly you would miss out on the necessary training you need to prepare yourself for the great world of freedom when you finally walk out of these doors having served your time What prison are you talking about I am not in prison I blurted out I have never been arrested in my life let alone charged with a crime so I do not understand what you are talking about With all due respect sir I hate to say you lost your mind but I need to go home Can I go home now I asked with a serious look on my face The male figure looked at me with that piercing stare and said I understand your confusion Many here are confused just as you are Come let me introduce you to 5 people They are the officers or guards as many prefer to call them I have appointed them to watch over every inmate in this building They guard the 4 corners of these walls and will provide you with assistance during your time here They are all very eager to meet you and the ball is in your court how you choose to relate with them while you are here Whatever I muttered under my breath and reluctantly followed him towards a huge hall in the castle We entered the hall and walked down a long winding slightly lit hallway with strange sounds coming from its walls that made me cringe None of us spoke as we walked down the hallway As if to help assuage my obvious discomfort by taking my mind off the eerie hallway the male figure broke the silence and gently said we are heading towards the office of my first guard His name is Dabbay I question myself sometimes if I should continue to keep him as a guard but when I look at the statistics the numbers show he is very effective in keeping people from trying to escape my prison I question his methods all the time but I end up keeping him due to his incredible success rate YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 34 After a brief walk we made it to Dabbay s office and I could not help but notice all kinds of items that looked like different kinds of filters and molds strewn on the floor of his office Dabbay himself for lack of a better term was a little tough on the eyes and he sat on a disgusting piece of furniture He seemed to be busily writing something at his desk when we interrupted him with our presence Dabbay meet Emmar one of our new inmates the male figure begun his introduction I have chosen him as part of my yearly routine of personally walking one inmate around our facility to show them around and answer any questions they might have regarding this place Thank you issor Dabbay muttered Hi Emmar Dabbay turned his attention to me Hi Dabbay good to meet you I slowly responded hoping I managed to feign well enough the good to meet you part so it was not obvious the opposite was what I really meant Can we move on from this hell hole I thought to myself as I turned to look at the male figure who I just found out was called issor based on Dabbay s reference To my utter dismay issor turns to Dabbay and says to him do you have a moment to enlighten Emmar on your operations Sure Dabbay replies then turns and looks at me Emmar let me ask you a question What was going through your mind as you walked the hallway and into my office I will make the question easier for you to answer Were your thoughts pleasant or otherwise as you walked with the Boss towards my office Unpleasant I answered Very unpleasant thoughts I continued Did the unpleasant thoughts make you want to meet me or come into my office for that matter Dabbay enquired of me No the imagery I conceived in my mind definitely made me want to have nothing to do with this place your office and not to be rude you yourself I answered Dabbay back Thanks for your honesty Dabbay continued If you will permit me to ask one more question what precipitated those thoughts of unpleasantness What caused you not to want to be in this place or get to know me or meet me I answered As issor and I made our way through the hallway the sounds and everything else about the place made me feel uncomfortable my feeling of discomfort and unpleasantness left a bad taste in my mouth which in turn made me not want to have anything more to do with this place and for that matter you Good said Dabbay Do me a favor open that door behind you The door you and issor just walked through and look down the hallway once again When I opened the door and stared down the hallway to my greatest surprise I saw a bevy of the prettiest women I had ever laid eyes on lined up along the walls Walls which were very beautifully painted and decorated The women were making a kind of sound as though they were rehearsing a type of alien song for a movie production How did I miss this as issor and I walked by I thought to myself I could not decipher the sound they were making but I liked it YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 35 I would join these pretty women in a heartbeat to rehearse whatever they were practicing I continued to think to myself Emmar Dabbay called gently as though he could read every thought racing through my mind as I was staring down the hallway Yes Dabbay I responded as I turned my face reluctantly to look back at him Dabbay continued do you feel the same way now as you felt moments ago when you first entered through that door No was my immediate answer Not at all Nothing like when I first entered this place Why is that Dabbay asked gently I don t know I stuttered for a moment Somehow I missed the real picture as issor and I walked down the hallway towards your office Maybe it was the angle of the lighting preventing me from seeing how beautiful the place was If I had known the sounds were coming from those pretty ladies outside this door I would never have thought and felt the way I did as we walked into your office If I may ask what did you do to that furniture you were sitting on when we first entered How did it transform so quickly into this beautiful teak Even you look different from when I first entered this office I enquired You have a good eye for detail Dabbay answered Do you see all the filters and molds of all sizes and shapes I have littered all over my office Emmar Those are the tools I use in my operations to guard inmates from escaping this prison I am the proud inventor of molds and filters As you walked with the boss towards my office one of these filters was placed in front of you so that all the light that came to your eyes entered only through the filter I love this filter Dabbay whispered to himself with a great sense of pride and satisfaction It is my best design yet It works without you even knowing you are wearing it If I had told you when you entered my office to take off the filter from your eyes I am quite sure you would have ascribed to me a severe case of lunacy or something worse am I wrong You are right I retorted I would have thought there was something wrong with you Dabbay continued to answer your question Emmar regarding what changed to make everything suddenly appear much more glamorous and beautiful than when you and the boss came to my office the only change was the removal of the filter from your eyes allowing you to see more clearly what was before you all along and which you were failing to see The filter clouds reality causing you to perceive and judge whatever you are observing in the wrong light Once you have made the wrong judgment regarding what you are observing I quickly ignite one of these molds to capture your perception and lock it up so that it becomes almost impossible for YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 36 you to change your perception in the future Once in the mold it is literally an impossible task to transfer that wrong perception to the correct mold Thus your wrong perception will continue to languish in the wrong mold as long as you are in this prison It is an effective strategy and I have been using it for many years as a guard of this place Your eyes and ears are my greatest allies in carrying out my work Your other 3 senses help me as well but not quite as effectively as your eyes and ears My filters and molds were designed primarily for your eyes and ears so you see wrong and hear wrong Your eyes see the sun rise from the east and set in the west every day yet it is not the sun that rises and sets but you and the earth you inhabit doing the movement You look up into the night sky and see the moon follow a similar path as the sun and it becomes very easy for the untrained to think both the sun and the moon orbit the earth yet nothing could be farther from the truth You look at the world around you and observe flatness everywhere and to your utter dismay as you dig deeper you discover you are hanging on the likeness of a soccer ball You travel 580 million miles a year in a never ending journey around the sun yet you tell your friends you have never traveled outside your little town of Winneba you know why because your eyes do not see what is real Thank you for your time Fear issor interjected as he shook Dabbay s hands Thanks Boss Dabbay replied We will be heading out so I can introduce Emmar to guard number 2 Dunna Dabbay as he turned to walk away issor told Do you mind taking a package to give to Dunna The package was mistakenly brought to my office by the mailman I let Dunna know but it has been 2 weeks now and he still has not stopped by to pick it up Dabbay was looking straight into my eyes as he talked about the package It was evident he was not asking the Boss favor in the delivery request I will drop it off for you That would not be a problem I am happy to help I replied Dabbay He handed me a plastic bag with items that weighed about 20 pounds As we headed out of Dabbay s office I asked issor what name did you call Dabbay prior to leaving his office Fear Very few people know or refer to him by his real name Dabbay Everyone knows him by his nickname Fear YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 37 Unbelievable I whispered to myself as I continued along with issor while holding the 20 lbs bag given to me by Dabbay to deliver to the next guard The walk to the next guard Dunna s office was like a military drill It did not help that I was carrying an extra 20 lbs A responsibility I loathed to bear and which was not in my original plans issor and I had to climb long flights of stairs walk through winding corridors jump over piles that looked like barricades A few times we had to literally spend at least 10 minutes trying to open heavy steel doors that appeared rusty and unopened for centuries I don t understand this I barked You told Dabbay this was a yearly routine for you Is that the only time anyone walks through this place It seems so abandoned and deserted as though no one has been here in centuries It is not used often That is because many avoid it and that is why it looks the way it does issor replied as calmly as ever I must say issor s agility surprised me He moved through the piles like a breeze After about 2 hours I just could not take it anymore How much further do we have to walk I asked issor 2 maybe 3 hours it depends on how quickly we pace ourselves issor replied What is this I cried out Some kind of punishment how does a simple trip to the office of a guard end up being a painful ordeal lasting multiple hours My hands are giving way holding this 20 lbs bag I doubt I can make it to Dunna s office with this bag in hand Is there a place close by where I can drop off the bag so Dunna can pick it up himself issor turned and looked at me I do not know what to tell you son There are no elevators or escalators that lead to Dunna s office I have proposed those amenities many times in my yearly budget but Dunna flat out refuses to take advantage of the budgetary allocation He insists on keeping things the way they are Have you thought of getting rid of him like Dabbay I understand your disconcertion with Dabbay s methods but this thing with Dunna makes Dabbay s ways small potatoes in comparison Dunna must be some psycho who enjoys seeing pain in others I do not know how else to describe YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 38 this I made sure to articulate my frustration as clearly as possible so there was no ambiguity in issor s mind as to where I stood on the matter Look to your left issor said to me as he tapped my shoulder You see that white door about 50 feet away It leads to an unoccupied room It is a multipurpose room which is seldom used You are free to drop the bag there until Dunna gets to pick it up himself Great idea I thought to myself before walking towards the door to put away the 20 lbs bag I so hated to carry When I opened the door to put away the bag I saw something I was not prepared for The most unusual spectacle greeted me The supposedly unoccupied multipurpose room was being used as some kind of operating theater I saw 2 people dressed like doctors doing surgery on a patient who was laying on the operating bed There were 4 other people dressed like nurses helping the doctors with the procedure The 2 doctors and 4 nurses had a sad sullen disposition to their demeanor as they carried out the operation One of the doctors turned to look at me for a moment and then suddenly turned his gaze towards the bag I was holding I saw a spark in his eyes and then he motioned with his left arm in repeated fashion as if to invite me closer I slowly made my way towards him and he stretched out his hand and took the bag from me After handing the bag to the doctor I stretched my head out of curiosity to see who the patient was that lay on the operating table Tess I screamed Laying on the operating theater bed was the girl of my dreams Tess I was unable to tell if she was alive or dead She lay motionless on the table The second doctor gently took me by the hand and walked me out of the theater while the first doctor who had taken the bag from me and the 4 nurses continued to work on Tess Outside the theater the doctor begun to speak to me while issor stood close by You are a life saver young man Our patient was in the final moments of her life when you walked in with the one thing that can keep her alive for another 4 hours That bag you brought in contains an antidote that we need to complete our patient s procedure Without it we were fighting a losing battle and it was just a matter of minutes before she gave up the ghost We ordered the antidote many days ago and somehow it got mixed up in a delivery and no one has been able to trace it We did everything we could to keep the patient alive while we tried to find the antidote but we finally reached the end of the road and we were preparing for the worst when you walked in with the bag There are 6 total bags we ordered We need all 6 if we are going to have a chance to fully treat our patient YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 39 Each bag has a unique marker on it The one you brought has the word TY on it We still need the other 5 bags marked with the 5 words PON BI SI LI and RES We believe the other 5 bags are located in the same place that you found the TY bag We only have 4 hours to find the other 5 bags or we risk losing the patient No way we are not losing Tess I shouted at the top of my voice with tears rolling down my eyes I will go find the 5 bags and I will be right back with all of them I yelled while running back towards Dabbay s office I was so charged up as I ran to go find the bags I did not even remember to say a word to issor who was showing me around the facility I was so full of adrenaline I had no time to consider I had no proper recollection of how to get back to Dabbay s office All I knew was I had to run Run I did I ran very hard for there was no time for anything else I fully understood while I sprinted away in search of the bags what was at stake I knew I was racing against time It took issor and I almost 2 hours of walking to get to the point we were at I knew in my mind I had to get to Dabbay s office and back to the operating theater in in less than 4 hours or I would not be able to live with myself for not being able to help Tess The building was just too complicated for me to remember every turn and twist I kept running into dead ends and painfully had to retrace my steps multiple times At the back of my mind I fully understood what every lost minute meant and I just could not bear it I kept running and pushing through doors until I finally made it to Dabbay s office 3 hours had elapsed by the time I made it through Dabbay s office door Where are the other bags I yelled at the top of my voice as I pushed through Dabbay s office What other bags Dabbay asked with a startled look in his eyes The other 5 bags I screamed I need to deliver them to the doctors to use in Tess operation I hardly finished what I was saying when we heard a gentle tap on the door behind us The door opened and there was the mail delivery man with 5 bags in his hand It appears he was attempting to apologize for the delayed delivery of the bags he was holding but I had no time to hear the nonsense he was uttering I snatched the bags aggressively from his grip and begun running with all my strength back towards the operating theater where Tess was laid out in a comatose state At this point I knew in my mind I was engaging in a futile pursuit because it was already past 4 hours and I fully understood what that meant but I was not about to give up YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 40 I continued running while telling myself I would rather fall and die of exhaustion than give up and quit running with the 100 pounds I was carrying When I finally got back to the theater the mood was somber as I approached the operating table I handed the bags to the nearest doctor and no one uttered a word They were all very quiet while observing Tess who was still lying motionless on the bed with no sign to indicate if she was alive or dead I just stood there hoping for a miracle I had uncontrollable tears rolling down my cheeks the whole time issor was standing all by himself about 10 feet from where the doctors and nurses were working as though he was just a passive observer He showed zero emotion He just stood there The doctors continued to work on Tess and administer the contents of the bags I had just delivered The place was dead silent You could hear the proverbial pin drop Hours passed by with no sign of progress Then unexpectedly in the eerie silence there was a cough Tess let out a slight cough then she opened her eyes The look in her eyes made me melt like a bar of chocolate laying on a rock at noon in the Mojave desert on a mid August afternoon The doctors and nurses were all crying and hugging each other I was screaming Tess Tess Tess in wild excitement Then I noticed she was looking at me in bewilderment as though she was asking herself who this crazy stranger was She enquired softly Why is this man calling me Tess Does he not know my name is Nong Nong What do you mean Nong Are you not Tess I asked in a very confused state I felt the familiar tap on my shoulder once again just like the one issor gave me when we first met It was a tap from issor once again He looked at me with that deep stare and said let s step outside the theater for a second Emmar Outside the theater issor begun to speak Son issor continued the girl in that operating theater is not your beloved Tess The woman on that bed correctly identified herself issor went on Her name is Nong Many people around here prefer to call her by her nickname Love Love is one of my 5 guards and the only one I would keep if I decided to downsize to 1 guard I delight in her ways because she is not coercive She is gentle long suffering patient sweet and the list goes on regarding her positive attributes YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 41 Love will make you stay in this prison in a manner that is satisfying and purposeful for you She has a way of making you not want to leave even if you were handed the keys to free yourself from this place Look what Love made you do son As you and I walked to see Dunna you cried repeatedly and would not stop complaining about how heavy the 20 lbs bag given to you to deliver to him was As a matter of fact you hated carrying the bag so much you made up your mind to abandon it You were in the process of abandoning the responsibility of carrying the 20 lbs bag when you laid eyes on Nong And then what happened huh What changed Emmar Upon seeing Love without being asked you willingly ran back to Dabbay s office to grab 5 times more weight than what you were crying to me moments earlier as being heavy unbearable and too much for you Did it occur to you that you were carrying 100 lbs while you were sprinting to save the life of Nong I bet the weight was the last thing on your mind Emmar You know what Love made you do Love made you turn from a whining negative complaining unmotivated man crying over a mere 20 lbs of responsibility into a focused positive no one can stop me dynamite willing to take on 5 times more responsibility Responsibility you gladly bore and got accomplished swiftly and without hesitation You see what you can accomplish when you operate in Love instead of Fear issor continued Let me ask you a question As you raced in your attempt to save Nong you knew very well you were racing against time and at a point you knew in your head you had lost the battle to beat the deadline required to get the bags to the operating room Why did you not stop running when you came to that realization There was no way I could stop I replied I was too invested in saving her life so I had to keep pushing even though my mind was telling me I was expending my energy on an exercise in futility There was no way I was going to be able to live with myself knowing that I gave up trying to save the life of the person I love As I was still talking to issor the operating theater door opened and the 4 nurses and 2 doctors came out and walked towards us They were each holding one of the 6 bags I delivered earlier When they got within 2 feet of where issor and I were standing they stood in a straight line facing us They all had both of their hands placed in their groin area with a firm grip on the bag they were holding The doctors and nurses arranged themselves so that the unique markers on the 6 bags they were holding formed the word RES PON SI BI LI TY YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 42 They stood there in silence and continued to watch issor and I as we talked issor looked at them for a minute He then turned his gaze towards me and said Emmar the bags you see over there in the hands of the 2 doctors and 4 nurses make up one of my 5 guards This guard whose real name is Tuuma changes form constantly and makes it almost impossible for anyone to see her face She comes to you in different forms but you can always recognize her by the gift she brings Tuuma visits no one without the one gift she presents when she arrives at your doorstep She calls her gift Purpose and she has a limitless supply of them The 2 doctors and 4 nurses you see over there holding Responsibility make up my 4th guard named Puteere Just like Tuuma my 4th guard likes to show up in different forms and she always carries a gift as well The gift she clutches is popularly referred to as Hope The gift she clutches will make you see what no other person sees My guard Dabbay who is better known as Fear hates her with deep passion mainly because her gift tends to destroy Dabbay s filters I allow my guards to compete among each other for the attention of my inmates A little friendly competition is good for the development of the inmates as well as the building of fortitude Hope s unique gift will make you look crazy in the eyes of those who know and closely associate with you especially if they happen to be wearing the filters Dabbay loves to put on inmates Puteere will make you see things for what they really are In other words she gives inmates vision 20 20 Inexplicably very few inmates choose to spend a lot of time in her company and so very few inmates get to use the perfect vision she provides Instead many inmates are content to walk around this place wearing Dabbay s inventions No inmate is obliged to accept Puteere s gift when she visits I leave it to every inmate to make the choice whether to accept or reject her gift The prerogative to accept or reject is solely yours She is very understanding and will never get upset with you I know for a fact it is her great desire that everyone she visits accepts her gift It makes her feel good but she realizes most people prefer filters to reality and so she is amenable to whatever choice you make Emmar congratulations for you have now met all 5 of my guards issor concluded Wait but I only met 4 of the guards I responded I know we were originally headed to see Dunna but you remember we never made it to his office Did you see a delivery man when you run back to get the 5 bags from Dabbay s office issor asked me I did I answered back He walked into Dabbay s office as I was looking for the missing 5 bags to bring back He was holding the bags I was looking for so I quickly snatched them from his grip and run back here I explained to issor YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 43 That delivery man is Dunna issor whispered His popular name around here is Pain for he inflicts great pain on inmates whenever they dare attempt to escape these walls He coordinates and collaborates a lot with Fear They are almost inseparable They are best friends and when they are not guarding inmates from escaping this facility you will find them kicking it with Dabbay s uncle named Kaami who many people around here know simply as Ignorance Kaami in my opinion is a classic example of an old fool He speaks loosely with no regard to people s feelings He has an inflated view of himself and thinks he knows all things The long and short of it is Kaami is a wreck I would expect someone his age to know and act better yet I see the exact opposite I must get rid of him eventually and stop him from coming to my facility No wonder everyone around here calls him Ignorance He wreaks havoc wherever he visits and patience is running thin with his behavior Emmar how you choose to relate with my 5 guards is totally up to you I will tell you right now that they will compete for your attention as long as you remain an inmate Every one of them will clamor to be your favorite guard I have permitted them to associate freely with our inmates You will have to decide how much time you want to spend with each of them when they come calling This is my personal advice to you regarding my thoughts on how you might want to relate with them It is just my recommendation You are not bound to follow it As issor spoke he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper He handed the paper to me and it had 2 diagrams on it He looked at me as I stared at the piece of paper He then whispered Emmar the foundation of every structure is the most important part of that structure I have presented you 5 guards and you are going to create your own structure based on how you relate to my 5 guards It will be up to you how your foundation will be constructed Which of the 5 guards will serve as your foundation ensuring you are properly grounded and which ones will you use to merely help provide extra balance You are a smart young man son and I am confident you will make the right choice YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 44 So let me ask you Emmar when you look at that sheet of paper which of the guards do you think will best serve your interests if you spend the most time with them YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 45 You do not need to answer That piece of paper is yours to keep for future reference if you so desire He then stretched his hand as though to shake my hand and say his goodbyes and that is when I noticed the distinct gold colored engraving on the back of his hand I looked and noticed he had the same engraving on the back of his left hand as well The symbol engraved on both of his hands resembled the mathematical symbol similar to what I saw on the cube I picked up from the beach I froze at the sight of the unusual engraving It was so authentic it appeared he was born with it The Truth is in the PI No one will ever find all of it To each bits and pieces will be revealed Just tell the world the Truth is in the PI he whispered He turned and begun to walk away without the handshake As he was walking away he muttered Pay attention to the indaanas They are unconventional but they know a thing or 2 about the Truth One more thing thank you for returning my cube from the beach That was very nice of you This is not the last you are seeing of me Emmar I will be visiting with you regularly See you soon son I heard him speak as the sound of his voice gradually dissipated and he vanished out of view Emmar wake up I heard my mother yell and I opened my eyes Your lunch is getting cold son I do not remember the last time you took a nap in the afternoon let alone sleep for that long Are you ok Or are you getting sick My mother asked with a concerned look in her eyes I was still dazed from my very vivid dream It was so real and intense I did not want to believe it was all just a dream I immediately looked around to find my little box which I found from the beach the previous night Lo and behold it was gone I could not find my box Instead I had a piece of paper with drawings similar to what the man with PI inscribed on his hands handed me prior to departing The crumbled piece of paper was hanging loosely from my pocket Mama I screamed do you know who took my little box from my room I asked Your little sister was in your room playing while you were asleep She might have taken it Ask her YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 46 Ellen I called my 5 year old sister Did you find a box in my room while you were playing in there Yes Ellen replied in her still developing accent Daddy s friend came and asked me to give it to him He said it belonged to him and that he left it behind the last time he came to visit My mother and I looked at Ellen in bewilderment we were both thinking the same thing My mother then turned her attention towards me and said you made things up just like she is doing when you were her age What box is it anyway my mum enquired She continued whatever it is you will find it This is not a huge house where things disappear never to be found again Come eat before your food gets cold you have plenty of time to find your box later It could not possibly be anywhere else Interesting Christine chimed in Did you ever find the box that went missing in your room she asked No I answered Never saw it again in my life I searched everywhere in the house but could not locate it I revealed Later that day my father came home with a letter of transfer in his hand The family was moving from Winneba to anzu My dad was excited We are moving to the heart of our ancestral home The city our father ulba built My dad kept repeating My dad had been requesting for this transfer for at least 6 months It finally happened and he was beside himself with Joy The reason my dad was insistent on moving the family back to anzu was to give his children the opportunity to experience firsthand the legacy of our ancestor ulba We were direct descendants of the founder of anzu the man who would become the first indaana of the City of the Rock Within 2 weeks we were fully moved and settled in anzu 500 miles north of Winneba YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 47 CHAPTER SEVEN PRINCE ULBA ulba was originally a prince in the empire of Songhai at the time of the Askia dynasty The empire of Songhai suffered instability and decline due to weak rulers notable of which was Sonni Baru A mighty military general by the name of Askia usurped power from the weak Baru and instituted great reforms The reforms of Askia begun to erode through the unfortunate succession of weak Askias Rulers who had no clue what leadership meant These rulers preferred to party and drink themselves into a stupor while war loomed with neighboring kingdoms The gains Songhai enjoyed from the original Askia were quickly getting eroded Askia Daoud eventually took over the reins of leadership and put together substantial reforms with the goal of ensuring long term stability of the empire One of the most significant reforms Daoud instituted was the establishment of a committee of 3 crown Princes He abolished the previous system of having only one heir to the throne The system of a single crown prince was deemed by Daoud to be inimical to the long term wellbeing of the empire of Songhai so he quickly got rid of it Daoud believed by creating a system where eligible princes competed and developed themselves appropriately for leadership the empire was going to be in a better position to get emperors well positioned for leadership and better able to lead their people The eligible Princes were sent to neighboring kingdoms to study the system of governance in those kingdoms This practice was meant to broaden the perspectives of the Princes so they better understood the larger world and what pertained out there instead of only learning the systems in Songhai All 3 crown princes were considered equal as far as their chances of succeeding the current and reigning emperor was concerned The princes were equal on paper but just as the cabinet position of secretary of state of the United States is considered first among equals compared to other cabinet positions so the Prince of Songhai who got to go to Egypt was considered the prohibitive favorite to succeed the current emperor ulba was the crown Prince sent to Egypt While in Egypt ulba became very good friends with 2 people who would eventually change the young prince s perception of what Strength Power and Control meant The 2 friends ulba made while in Egypt were Hosni an Egyptian scholar and Raji a scholar from India Raji was born in India He traveled through many lands in search of wisdom and knowledge He was in Egypt at the time ulba arrived Hosni explained to ulba the meaning of the lion and cobra as they pertained to the regalia of the Pharaohs at the time of their dominance YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 48 Both Hosni and Raji were master story tellers After introducing ulba to the cobra and the lion Hosni reinforced ulba s understanding on the matter by talking about a coup d tat using Wisdom Control Understanding and Knowledge as the characters of his story THE 4 SONS OF POWER Hosni talked about an old man by the name of Power He had 4 sons and 3 beautiful mansions He named his sons Anybody Somebody Everybody and Nobody To determine who would inherit him Power gave his 4 sons an important task to accomplish Anybody could have done it Everybody kept pointing fingers at Somebody saying it was his job In the end Nobody did the job The 3 siblings who failed the task got jealous of their 4th brother Nobody and decided to usurp the 3 beautiful mansions of their father They said unto themselves our father has his 3 mansions If we take them everything that belongs to our father will become ours We will have Power to ourselves they imagined With that the 3 jealous brothers went on to capture the first mansion called knowledge Armed with knowledge they went on to capture the second mansion called understanding With knowledge and understanding under their belt they easily captured the third mansion called control Once they got control they thought they had Power But Power was nowhere to be found The 3 brothers were very upset and decided to go find their 4th brother Nobody for they thought our old man Power is probably hiding with him The 3 brothers searched everywhere but could not find Nobody They asked themselves What does Nobody like For if we can identify what Nobody likes we will surely find Nobody there Nobody likes nothing They thought to themselves Nobody depends on nothing Therefore let us go find nothing for we will surely find our brother where nothing is The jealous brothers reasoned among themselves YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 49 When the three brothers got to the abode of nothing they found a woman by the name of Wisdom sitting there We are looking for our brother Nobody and our father Power have you seen them Wisdom looked at them for a minute and with a gentle smile she said you three boys thought you could have Power to yourselves through Control which comes from the Understanding of Knowledge I regret to announce to you kids you were terribly wrong To have Power you need nothing My name is Wisdom and I need nothing for I come from nothing I Wisdom am married to Power and Nobody is here with us You cannot have Power without me for we are one If you truly want Power you must first have me To have me you must relinquish Control of not just anything not just something you must relinquish everything If you relinquish all these you will need nothing for you will have both Wisdom and Power Nothing which comes from the Power of Wisdom can be destroyed She concluded YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 50 CHAPTER EIGHT STRENGTH Raji on the other hand introduced my forebear to the meaning of strength It happened that one day while ulba was admiring the grandeur of the pyramids Raji walked up to him and asked which of the following was strongest Water Stone or Iron ulba without hesitation answered Raji s question by saying of course iron is strongest Raji smiled and asked ulba can you tell me on what basis you ascribe greater strength to iron than you do water Raji asked ulba ulba explained the reason he chose iron as the stronger material He reasoned because iron was used in reinforcement when constructing structures of various kinds it had to be the strongest material The young ulba argued that since iron was the material of choice for strengthening other materials instead of water it naturally meant iron was the stronger of the two Raji nodded his head as if to agree with the young man Raji continued his discourse On the basis of tensile and sheer strength I do not have much of an argument against your position regarding the strength of iron Strength however encompasses much more than just tensile and shear properties Consider water and iron a little bit more carefully ulba Water is very adaptable and fits in any holding container by quickly assuming the shape of its holding container The container in which you put the water better have no holes or else water will quickly expose the most minute blemishes and holes by leaking out of the container In other words water will expose very quickly any weaknesses if there be any in its holding vessel I am sure you have heard the phrase an argument does not hold water People use the term when referring to a statement s inability to withstand the scrutiny of facts Try putting iron in a container and first of all good luck getting the iron to fit in the container The piece of iron will likely not fit due to the lack of malleability unlike the case of water which easily fits in any holding container by assuming its shape YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 51 If you happen to put the iron in its holding container it is incapable of exposing any blemishes within that container the way water does Take a look at the world around you and you will find out water has carved out more landforms than any strong material such as iron ever did or will ever do Tell me after iron is used to build the largest structures known to man what carries those structures You got that right Water carries large ships and yet presents itself in a gentle enough manner for a child to feel safe diving into its silky softness without thinking how hard or aggressive it is How many kids will knowingly jump into iron No child I know will knowingly jump into a pile of iron bars Take water for granted and it will drown you How do you contain water Put it in a bucket leave the bucket outside for 3 days and check back after the 3 days have elapsed What happens to the water Gone because the water would have all but evaporated into thin air Do the same with iron and your hard and strong iron will still be waiting for you 1000 years after you left it Water always finds its own level It is neither too low nor too high Even keel and able to rise to any occasion Never disappointing If water were human it would meet everyone at their own level allowing both the slim large short and tall to easily float in its waters Water does not evoke the appearance of strength and that in itself represents one of the greatest strengths water possesses Any person who can live their life in a manner that closely mimics the characteristics of water will literally be unstoppable in every aspect of their existence When I was a little boy I heard from my mother the true story of a great teacher who lived many years ago According to my mother the teacher had the ability to do things that bordered on the supernatural The very first thing the teacher ever did as he set out to open the eyes of the people in his city was to take water and convert it into wine during an event My mother explained a deeper meaning to the conversion She told me water is life Raji YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 52 I think ulba you will accept that statement as factual Wine on the other hand has a different connotation Wine in many areas of the world represents happiness joy and celebration My mother explained to me the secret reason the teacher s first act as he begun to teach his people the ways of enlightenment was to convert water into wine lay in the subliminal message he was sending by telling the people that if they would live their lives in a way that mimicked the water in his hands their lives would become like fine wine The wine he just turned the water into In other words living your life in a way that is adaptable to any situation the same way as water fits into any container living your life so that people do not think of how hard or aggressive you are and yet strong enough to carry the largest piece of iron If you will live your life such that the container which holds you better be airtight otherwise you will expose every weakness that lies concealed in it If you will meet everyone at their own level regardless of their status in life If you will live in a way that makes you hard to contain by escaping toxic situations through evaporation instead of helplessly sitting in those situations forever If you will just live your life like water Then your life will be transformed to be as wine Your life in other words will be transformed into one of joy constant celebration and happiness My question to you ulba is what is strength My mother once again did a great job of opening my eyes to what true strength meant She made it a mission to explain to young girls who thought they had to act tough like the boys in order not to be seen as weak My mother often explained the analogy between water and iron to these young girls and tried to let them understand strength was not one dimensional but rather the totality of so many different factors which ultimately made the person or entity in possession of those characteristics the truly strong one When you compare water and iron based on what we just discussed would you still make the same selection if I asked you which of the 2 materials was stronger YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 53 AN ARCHITECT S DILEMMA Raji opened ulba s eyes to even deeper perspectives on strength by talking about an architect s dilemma as he attempted to construct his opus magnum Raji talked about the hour the architect had to decide on the strongest material with which he was going to construct his opus magnum The architect found himself debating between three candidates Gold Diamond and Steel Each had fine qualities Qualities which portrayed measures of strength but ultimately failed to meet the most important requirements of the architect The architect was so incensed by the failure of his top 3 candidates he locked them up and buried them far from public view Let those who desire glitter and glamour seek and find you in your hideout I have no use for you Out of my sight he commanded the 3 failed candidates Afterwards a gentle material presented herself to the architect and whispered in the sweetest voice I can handle over 70 percent of all your structural requirements if you give me the opportunity I know the experts did not recommend me to you However I silently took the initiative to research your design requirements and I believe I can meet if not exceed your structural expectations I have the emotional intelligence to rise and lower myself to any level making me able to fit in any situation or space Through an innocuous leak I will gently and quietly inform my neighbors of any weaknesses they might need to address I will carve any shapes you need for your construction and I will carry any material on my back no matter how large that material is I will do all this and also provide nourishment and refreshment for all the workers who will labor to construct your masterpiece I will remain gentle as I accomplish my responsibilities never coming across as hard or aggressive except when you require me to show force I will comply The architect listened with great admiration and responded I am awed You represent everything I need for my work From now on I will make more of you and less of the rest I will multiply your presence greatly in all my handiwork so that everyone who seeks wisdom and understanding might learn from your ubiquitous presence And with that the architect went on to make over 70 percent of his opus magnum water YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 54 Hosni and Raji had such deep and profound impact on ulba so much so that the man who was the favorite Prince to take over the empire of Songhai begun to detest the traditional concepts of power and control as practiced in most kingdoms and empires ulba returned to Songhai and unbeknownst to the emperor and royal court he packed up one night with a few trusted aides and bid farewell to royalty for good ulba traveled many miles south until he arrived at a place with many rocks The rocks reminded him of an abode of cobras ulba developed a great love for cobras while in Egypt after Hosni explained to him what cobras represented compared to what the mainstream view of power and control meant Needless to say ulba felt at home with this strange land full of rocks He settled there and built his city He named the city anzu meaning City of the Rock ulba had a different vision for what he wanted his city to be He wanted it to be different from what he left behind ulba declared anzu City of the Rock as the city of no strangers All people who practiced love and had an open mind were welcome to be citizens of the City of the Rock He wanted this city to be ruled by wisdom and not control ulba called himself indaana A term which translates in Gurune the language of ulba to mean custodian of the land With the precedent set by ulba anzu became known as the land of the indaanas YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 55 CHAPTER NINE THE INDAANAS ulba invited his friends Hosni and Raji from Egypt to come live with him in his new city Both Hosni and Raji readily accepted ulba s invitation and settled in anzu They were both given the same title indaana and they settled in their own space within anzu where they cultivated and protected the land With time more indaanas were minted They were made up of different nationalities and races of people Indian White Asian Black Hispanic just about every race was represented in this group There was a generally accepted school of thought that the indaanas were extremely intelligent people who enjoyed living simple lives and who loved to dedicate themselves to the upliftment of the lives of the people indaanas lived by the principle of service To them life was much more than symbolism There was work to be done The indaanas understood this They could not afford the luxury of sitting down while waiting to be served indaanas served No one really knows how new indaanas were selected except that the process was coordinated by the already existing indaanas who made the choice as to who they were going to add to their ranks There was no election no contest no fanfare no acrimony None of that Out of the blue the people of anzu would receive notification from 4 of the indaanas who would walk through major streets of the town with the new member and notify them of the newly minted indaana in their midst The new indaana then settled in a part of anzu where they took charge and worked to develop the area for the people National origin of the new indaana was never a topic of discussion among the people Whether the newly minted indaana was born in anzu or Alexandria Tokyo or Carthage was immaterial to the people of anzu YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 56 They rejoiced greatly anytime they got news of a new indaana for it meant well for the people Through the works of the indaanas agriculture flourished people were well fed Women and their children were healthy due to the medicines the indaanas were constantly discovering Businesses flourished People with disputes looked for the nearest indaana and their disputes were swiftly resolved with grace and wisdom The indaanas displayed so much understanding and wisdom in resolving disputes it left everyone in awe Some people believed the indaanas were deities even though the indaanas themselves always made it a point to emphasize to the people they were just ordinary men and women who loved wisdom and all its accoutrements They had an open mind for learning and they loved all people The indaanas were not dogmatic They held no entrenched positions on any matter They weighed all views on the scales of reason They understood truth or what most people called truth was nothing more than perspective based on people s understanding and they did everything to broaden that perspective to promote unity The land of anzu was magical due to the existence of this exclusive group of people At the height of their dominance they numbered more than 30 in the land of anzu Over the years their numbers begun to dwindle The major event that led to the erosion of the indaanas influence was the establishment of the kingdom of anzu The story goes that as different parts of Songhai were being annexed by imperial forces corrupt politicians teamed up with the imperialists to establish kings in various parts of the lands The kings were loyal to the imperialist regimes and cooperated with them The kings possessed no love for the people and the land the way the indaanas did The kings were established to be served not to serve Some of these corrupt local politicians teamed up with the imperial forces to annex anzu and establish a kingdom YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 57 The indaanas wanted no part of this travesty The people of anzu were led into believing that the establishment of a kingdom will improve their lives much more than what they were accustomed to under the leadership of the indaanas They were told their disputes would be settled much faster and more efficiently and their lives would experience greater improvement than what they were accustomed to under the guidance and wisdom of the indaanas The corrupt forces through their propaganda machinery bamboozled the people into believing as fact that which was nothing more than the depraved deception of corrupt self seeking individuals Somehow the people of anzu bought into the notion that they would be better off under the rule of the central authority of a king rather than led by individuals who preferred scrolls in their hands instead of crowns on their heads The rise of the kings precipitated the decline of anzu The kings enjoyed opulence while the quality of the people declined The indaanas all but disappeared from the land and no one really knew if they even existed anymore Poverty and famine wreaked havoc on the land children were not getting educated Instead they chose to engage in all manner of vices to earn quick money The land became depraved After several years the once magical city of anzu degenerated into an impoverished famine stricken unmotivated settlement similar to what pertained in all the nearby kingdoms The decline of anzu continued until Abo e Yuure was crowned king YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 58 CHAPTER TEN THE CORONATION OF ABO E YUURE Abo e was one of the royals of anzu but not next in line to be king He was not well known to the people Many in anzu believed he spent most of his life in a faraway land which no one really knew much of The few who knew him had great respect and admiration for him Abo e was tapped to become king by the advisers of the royal palace after the old king Gana passed away at 93 after ruling for 65 years Ajanka was next in line to be king but his temperament coupled with an injury he suffered 10 years earlier to both his right arm and leg left him semi incapacitated The advisers used his injury as an excuse to recommend a different royal for the throne Abo e was tapped as the best fit and was thus given the seal of kingship Once a royal received the seal of kingship they were in principle the new king However just like a president elect is unable to exercise formal authority as president until the swearing in ceremony is completed so the new king could not exercise his authority as king until the formal coronation was completed and a golden crown adorned with diamonds and all kinds of precious minerals was formally placed on their head by the chief adviser of the royal court The day chosen for the coronation of Abo e Yuure was day 2 of week 2 of the last but 2 month of the year Lots of 2s huh I continued Some believe the date was carefully chosen because Abo e s philosophy was based on the belief that the world as we know it was based on twos Literally all things according to Abo e come in pairs and mirror one another The pairs naturally oppose each other and tend to move out of alignment and in opposite directions and so to achieve balance and alignment in life Abo e believed it was always important for people to understand the 2 aspects of all things that pertain to this world The people of anzu gathered in their numbers on the day of Abo e s coronation There were so many people outside the palace walls eagerly waiting for the new king to be revealed There were 6 young men with a palanquin immediately outside the palace waiting to carry and display the new king around the city of anzu Excitement was in the air and everyone was jubilant The people did not know much about the new king since he spent most of his life outside anzu The sense of mystery surrounding the new king might have contributed to the excitement the people felt For many in anzu it was like going on a blind date and feeling really good about the person you were about to meet knowing very well your emotions were your only source of confidence YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 59 When the hour of crowning finally arrived Azigbise the chief advisor of the royal court with the crown in both hands walked slowly towards the new king When he arrived within 2 feet of Abo e he bowed his head slowly and then gracefully placed the golden crown on Abo e s head There was instant jubilation by all the people It was official The new king was fully vested with all the powers of kingship It was now officially the era of king Abo e Yuure As was customary after the crowning of every new king the newly minted king had to address the people to spell out his vision and plans for them All eyes were on king Abo e as he sat on his throne in silence for a few minutes Minutes that began to feel like eternity as the people patiently waited for him Finally Abo e Yuure spoke He started by directing his attention to the chief advisor of the royal court who had placed the golden crown on his head a few minutes ago Abo e called out to him Azigbise how much did it cost the kingdom of anzu to acquire this crown you just placed on my head The startled chief advisor stuttered for a moment and then replied oh great king of anzu you know there is no price tag for the crown on your head The jubilation had turned dead silent It was so quiet you could hear your own breath You are right the king continued As long as the crown is on my head there is no price tag to which it might be ascribed However when the crown is not serving the purpose of symbolizing my authority and kingship when it is not on my head there is a price tag and I know exactly what it is two million dollars fair market value Chief advisor and staff do we have a garbage bin around here Oh great one defender of the pride of the rocks replied Azigbise we do not keep any garbage bins in the royal palace for it is the king s abode and no filth might dwell with the king Well said king Abo e Yuure continued Get a garbage can from outside the royal palace and set it in my presence The confused staff rushed outside the palace doors to get a garbage bin which they quickly brought back and set within 2 feet of the king King Abo e Yuure looked at the garbage bin and said in a very solemn voice Thank you chief advisor Azigbise for fulfilling your duty of placing this crown on my head to complete the process of irrevocably vesting in me the powers of kingship You have done your job and so has this crown I am your king from this day forward and I do not need this crown on my head to exercise my kingly authority YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 60 With that the king took the crown off his head and threw it in the garbage can which was in front of him The king then looked at the people and asked How many of our children in anzu have gone to school today barefoot with no shoes to cover their tender feet Yet you place gold on my head How many of our women cannot find a decent meal and potable water for themselves and their children Yet you adorn me with diamonds 6 men are standing outside these palace walls holding a palanquin ready to carry your new king like merchandise on display so all the people might see the show Who standing here knows what those young men have eaten today or if they have eaten at all The era of carrying your king on a palanquin is over starting today The only thing that will be carried today is wisdom Words of wisdom which will transform and motivate our people How did we become so depraved people of anzu How did we get to this point where traditions and useless acts such as what just took place here today have become more important than the real substance of tangible actions which improve and advance the lives of the people Who imagined this nonsense How did we descend to these depths How did the people that embodied love and open mindedness settle for scraps thrown away from the four corners of the earth How did we succumb so easily and lose our willpower Were we pretending to be parading as a unique people people who understood what was real and shunned that which was nothing more than an illusion People of anzu were we just an illusion all these years My thinking faculties fail me completely as I try to wrap my mind around what has become of the great people of this land YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 61 What happened to the people who took charge of their own destiny Why have we become content with pointing fingers at everyone else but ourselves for the sorry state of our current existence Did the inhabitants of lands across the oceans create us Did the crafty hands of imperial forces fashion our bodies out of the dust of the earth Do the colonial powers control the rhythm of our heartbeats Are they the almighty creator that set the earth on its course around the fiery sun Did the people who presented us with mirrors spin the earth around its axis creating the golden mornings that we wake up to everyday and the breezy evenings that we look forward to at the end of our laborious days People of anzu no one is responsible for our sorry state of existence but ourselves Not the imperial forces not other tribes nations kingdoms empires or tongues No one We and we alone are responsible for the disarray and chaos that stare us in the face on a daily basis We are quick to ascribe to ourselves greatness equality and everything lofty yet we are very slow to accept responsibility for what we have done to ourselves When it comes to taking responsibility we instead prefer to blame everyone and everything else for our predicament People of anzu it starts with us No lion eats another lion for lunch The reason a lion cannot consume its peers is because they have equal arsenal in their quiver to protect themselves The same does not apply to the deer for the deer has no such arsenal to protect itself from the mauling lion If the deer claims equality to the lion it is the deer s responsibility to guard itself against being eaten by the lion If the deer must appeal to the lion s conscience and goodwill in order to be spared being used as hot lunch that deer is not equal to the lion We have been eaten like deer by all the people of the world It stops today We take control of our destiny starting today We will no longer make excuses for anything that happens to us We will look within ourselves for solutions to any problems that plague us YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 62 No one can exploit us unless we give them permission to do so It starts with the application of common sense in our approach to all things we do From now on the kingdom of anzu will no longer be ruled by a king with a crown on his head but led by one who has a scroll of wisdom in his hand For wisdom was the basis on which this land was founded Wisdom is how this kingdom will be led and not by fake opulence and meaningless traditions that have not done anything to help improve the lives of our people I your king have challenged the ways of the throne and thrown my golden crown into the garbage can I will no longer be known as king Abo e Yuure From now on I take on the title of our father ulba Through the powers vested in me I hereby declare anzu as Tinsomm land of the upright anzu from this day on is no longer a kingdom anzu is now the land of the indaanas I charge everyone listening to my voice to jettison anything that is meaningless and does not appeal to your reason Let not the elders of anzu chieftains or family heads place yokes on your necks that only serve to hamper the growth and development of your mental faculties Let no one ever tell you it is our tradition From today onwards ask why and if the only answer you get is it is our tradition I charge you to ignore and do that which makes sense to you The fear of chaos and the attempt to prevent it through the practice of meaningless traditions and culture gives birth to chaos Traditions and culture have long served as safe havens from the tyranny of common sense and accountability That will exist no more Our tradition from now on will be a way of life in which there is open mindedness and all ideas are welcome All views will be respected and carefully weighed on the scales of reason and compassion and their value determined by what those scales tell us Our actions will be in congruence to the value we discover and we will throw away all preconceived notions and filters that cloud our ability to advance as a people I have one important question for everyone assembled here today Where are the indaanas that used to walk among us Where are they What happened to anzu after the indaanas all but disappeared and the era of the kings dawned Did anyone sitting here ever think there was a correlation between the dwindling influence of the indaanas and the poor state of affairs that currently define our existence Abo e Yuure then turned to the advisors of the royal court and charged them YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 63 Go throughout the land of anzu and seek the indaanas that are still among us That is if we are still fortunate enough to have a few among us If you find any please bring them to the royal palace If you find a indaana who is unable to come to the palace due to an infirmity please use the palanquin that was meant to parade me around town to carry that indaana here Ladies and gentlemen we are now back to the era of the indaanas Question everything That is how Abo e Yuure ended his speech and with that he sent off the royal advisors to go find the indaanas that were still in the land The people of anzu went back to their homes startled Nobody knew what to expect The royal event which was supposed to be filled with fanfare and pageantry turned into a solemn occasion full of reflection and introspection anzu was quiet Everyone stayed at home They had never seen anything like this in their lives This was not what they were expecting to see They were confused but had a measure of joy for they respected what Abo e Yuure had just done Some of the people of anzu who were entrenched in their cultural and traditional ways were dismissive of Abo e Yuure s actions arguing he went overboard and was going to make the people of anzu a laughing stock among other tribes whose kings still had crowns of gold on their heads Azigbise led the royal advisers to search throughout the land of anzu for the remaining indaanas and after 3 days of intensive searching they were able to locate 5 indaanas After the 3rd day the royal advisers had exhausted all avenues and leads They did not know where else to look in anzu to find anymore indaanas Abo e Yuure was satisfied with the efforts of the royal advisers and decided to move forward with his vision with the 5 indaanas assembled in the royal palace Abo e Yuure addressed the 5 indaanas by first thanking them for accepting his invitation to the palace My dear indaanas Abo e began I appreciate your magnanimity and graciousness in willingly accepting my invitation I ask your forgiveness considering all the injustices you have endured over the last several years when kings begun to exert influence and control over anzu I will be first to admit the kings destroyed everything that was good about anzu This land enjoyed greatness when the indaanas led the people with wisdom anzu flourished and there was great progress when fear and meaningless traditions were not the motivating forces driving our people s actions for knowledge through the enlightenment of our great indaanas reigned supreme and all our people benefited YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 64 I assemble the 5 of you here today for one reason and one reason only To reestablish the era of the indaanas If you are so inclined I would be honored to be admitted as one of you The indaanas without hesitation exclaimed in unison ABO E YUURE YOU ARE ONE OF US YOU ARE A INDAANA Thank you so kindly Abo e Yuure replied calmly to the indaanas as he nodded as if to show his gratitude Abo e Yuure continued I fully understand glamor and pageantry are not the way you operate You prefer the pursuit of knowledge in the quiet while helping the people from behind the scenes I respect that and I do not intend to convince you to change your humble way of life What I want to accomplish here today is to make this place your court Instead of calling this place the palace I intend to call this place the Court of Light for I want every citizen of anzu who desires knowledge to freely walk into these courts and hear the wisdom and knowledge that I know you indaanas possess and which has been lost to our good people The people of anzu are in their homes as we speak They are confused They do not know what the future holds When they reemerge out of their homes I want everyone here to meet them with light The light you so beautifully possess You will be the little dots of light to illuminate their paths so the people of anzu can see more clearly that which they once failed to see You my friends are full of light and you shine it brightly without arrogating unto yourself the prerogative of determining what should be done with the light you shine you instead encourage each person to do what they believe is best for them under the light That I strongly believe is the purpose of light my friends The sun shines brightly each day and yet has never attempted to control what people do with the light it so freely shines To each their own free will to determine what is best under the light The maker of the light is the one with sole authority to determine what might be done with the light No one else has that authority The great hall of this building is yours from now on my friends Spread your light Be the little candles that ignite a great ball of light to all who inhabit anzu YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 65 Teach the people of anzu debate among yourselves the great subjects of knowledge and let the citizens of anzu benefit from your open minds May anzu flourish under the new era of the indaanas After Abo e Yuure reestablished the indaanas he asked that they take turns on a weekly basis to address the people of anzu The hall which was meant for pageantry banquets and feasts became the hall of light where knowledge was celebrated and propagated Abo e Yuure organized the meetings of the indaanas and the people on a weekly basis The indaanas got to address the people assembled in the hall of light The address of the indaanas was then proceeded with a debate where the citizens challenged views and opinions After the debate the crowd got to submit topics on matters that baffled them The most popular question was then adopted as the topic of debate for the next assembly Abo e Yuure himself often moderated the debates while the indaanas took center stage in articulating their views regarding the matter under discussion One of the indaanas was a woman by the name of Ellekrista Ellekrista was a woman with a lot of life experience She was the first indaana to address the people of anzu Abo e Yuure and the rest of the indaanas unanimously agreed the topic at hand would be best handled by the indaana who had been exposed to its effects the most There were lots of tribal wars going on in areas around anzu Many tribes had feuds stemming from some tribes claiming superiority over other tribes There were many other customary practices which served to perpetually subjugate different segments of the population The people wanted to talk about Equality indaana Ellekrista took the stage to address the people of anzu regarding the matter at hand YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 66 CHAPTER ELEVEN EQUALITY Ellekrista was born in anzu under difficult circumstances Her parents were unable to care for her so she was adopted by a family from the colonial forces Ellekrista s adopted family moved quite a bit throughout the world giving her a lot of exposure and perspective on so many things She did very well as a businesswoman until she came back in her early 50s to live quietly in anzu She started out her speech by calling 2 of her grandsons sitting in the crowd to come out and stand next to her One of them was 10 years old and the other was 15 years of age When they stood next to her she embraced both of them very dearly after which she turned her attention to the crowd I want you to look at these 2 very handsome boys she said to the people Do you think they are equal in my eyes Of course they are I love both very dearly and I value both equally But are they the same Absolutely not Nyaaba on my right loves mathematics He loves to probe academic material and learn new things that many children his age will find very boring Asilka on the other hand is very athletic and loves the outdoors He runs like no other child I have seen he is able to climb the rocks of anzu better than any rock climber I have encountered in my life Ladies and gentlemen of anzu my 2 grandchildren are equal in value to me but they are definitely not the same I love every part of my body equally But my body parts are not the same My head is different from my neck My neck is different from my mid section My hands are different from my legs To each their own unique construction For me to say they are equal is because I respect them equally To respect them equally does not mean they have the same abilities For if I expect my head to do the job which my hands are best suited to accomplish I will wreak great havoc and chaos on my body In the same vein if I force my tongue to do the job of my eyes good luck overcoming the resulting chaos I will visit and deservedly so on my own body She hugged both of her grandsons a second time and motioned for them to take back their seats There are many things I wish to talk to you about today regarding the topic of equality she continued I was born right here in anzu under very difficult circumstances My parents were unable to support themselves due to an injury my father suffered on the farm shortly before I was born My parents were from a minority tribe Many people right here in anzu called my parents and anyone who belonged to our tribe names that are not fit to be repeated by any decent human being What many of you here today do not know is that I was born with my legs crossed in such a way that the original perception was that I was going to be crippled YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 67 This was in an era when crippled and deformed children were hidden as the people called it The practice was to hand over deformed children to local doctors and the child was never returned The baby was never seen again for the doctors took the child they deemed unfit to live among people and killed it They called the practice hiding the child This was practiced for many years right here while our kinsmen were decapitating the heads of innocent people so they could include the severed heads in the coffins of dead kings prior to burial of the dead monarchs People of anzu I was supposed to be hidden when one of the families of the colonial forces intercepted and adopted me Today I stand here alive and as a indaana mainly because of my adopted family I was fortunate to travel the world as my family moved from one station to the next I have lived with different groups of people I have immersed myself in different cultures and I have had the opportunity to observe the ways of different people all over the world I have witnessed different groups of people subjugate other groups Circumstances such as this is what I refer to as winning or losing based on the team you do not choose What I mean by the statement I just made is it is a fact that some people are born into a tribe nation or tongue that have many tough situations to overcome It takes great courage and fortitude to come out and win if you happen to be born into one of those tough situations The team you did not choose but which you were born into could hold you back from winning unless you decide to do everything within your control to change the outcome and the narrative It is a daunting task for anyone to bear I have seen people treat each other horribly and inhumanely Some on larger scale than others Across the board I have observed humanity treat each other badly As I have traveled around words such as tribalism racism and countless others have become prevalent as people look for the right verbiage to describe the maltreatment of others There are people who treat others inhumanely for no reason other than factors such as tribe race national origin or some other identifying quality without truly getting to know the person to whom that inhumane treatment is directed It is despicable for anyone to behave in such fashion My question is when these things happen do we sit down to look at all contributing factors or do we quickly jump to accuse the stronger and oppressive party Right here in anzu how do we treat the strangers among us Do we treat them fairly and with dignity How do we treat the less fortunate among us Are we perfect in the way we relate with one another right here in this place YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 68 Our kinsmen who live in Wiga about 30 miles North West of us celebrate on an annual basis a popular festival The festival they celebrate marks the day the people warded off for good a notorious raider by the name of Hamman Yaji Hamman Yaji wreaked havoc on the people Hamman Yaji grew up less than 300 miles from us and yet he thought it a worthwhile venture to plunder the women and children of Wiga while the men were in the farms Hamman Yaji made a living out of kidnapping the vulnerable and selling them to be shipped off to faraway lands as captives A native of our land actively profiting and engaging in such a horrific venture How many of us mention the name of this evil man and the destruction he brought on his own people When I walk the streets of anzu the common narrative I hear from most people is to point fingers toward colonial and imperial forces who participated in the plundering of the people What about us What role did we play in the destruction and subjugation of our own Have we ever taken us much as one minute to look inward and ask ourselves the hard questions regarding why we seem to have fallen behind the rest of humanity We talk and scream equality every day yet we love to lay blame for any troubles we grapple with solely on the doorstep of those to whom we claim equality A bird does not remind another bird of their equality The bird shows its equality by soaring through the skies just like the other bird In the same vein people seldom need to remind others of a quality they possess or that which is true unless they themselves are unsure or insecure about that quality Instead of verbalizing it they let it shine in everything they do The rich seldom talk about how rich they are The healthy do not go about talking about how healthy they are The strong do not remind us daily of their strength They show it in the way they act and behave When they decide to talk about it we usually hate them for it Equality is not something we need to remind ourselves of everyday Equality cannot be legislated If we truly believe we are equal let us show it in the way we live the way we treat each other and the way we behave I once had a friend ask me a question that was thought provoking I was in the same classroom with him and he always did better than me year after year We were good friends so I walked up to him one day and asked him what his secret was I wanted to know how he stayed ahead of me academically no matter how hard I tried YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 69 He looked at me and told me he did what worked for him Do you do what works for you within the guidelines he enquired of me I quickly understood I needed to find out what worked for me if I wanted to match him or beat him It was my responsibility to figure out what worked for me Not his For me to claim equality with my friend I could not put the burden of rising to his academic level on his shoulders It would be nice if he could point me in the right direction to make things a little easier for me since he appeared to have the blueprint well mapped out but it was not his responsibility to do so How come he figured it out and I did not Why should it be his burden to get me up to where he was Is that not the point of equality My ability to figure it out on my own Of course I thought of advantages my friend might have had available to him that I did not have It did not matter what advantages he was born into Real or perceived it did not matter The more I thought of advantages he had which I did not have the more I found myself fixated on him and less on me Fixating on him took my focus off what I needed to do to get to the place I needed to be I thought of the words of Sira to Dabasir in George Classon s Richest man in Babylon I could almost hear in my head as Sira spoke to Dabasir regarding his subjugation in a foreign land How can you call yourself a free man when your weakness has brought you to this If a man has in himself the soul of a slave will he not become one no matter what his birth even as water seeks its level If a man has within him the soul of a free man will he not become respected and honored in his own city in spite of his misfortune So I resolved never to look at anyone entity or system for my own advancement in life There are 2 things literally all cultures I have been exposed to in this world universally agree on 1 The right to life 2 The right to preserve and protect that life What actions are acceptable and constitute the right to preserve life That is a question which has not produced a clear answer as far as I am aware YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 70 If my self preservation means I must eat the guinea fowl generally that is considered acceptable for I take from the fowl its right to life in order that my right to life might be preserved One of us must relinquish the first right so the other can enjoy the second right How does that apply to people How do we define the right to preserve life How many people sitting in this room have ever expressed reservation regarding your children marrying into what you considered an undesirable tribe Is that part of self preservation Not wanting the genes of your lineage to be destroyed by mixing with the lesser tribe Let us bring it even closer to home How many of us here have discouraged our children from going out with the children of that family The family everyone thinks is good for nothing How many of us have counseled our children to stay away from those people When you did these things were you acting in the spirit of self preservation I humbly ask If so where does self preservation start and where does it end Is it okay to do the things I just mentioned while we live here in anzu but suddenly express disgust when we travel to faraway lands and are in turn treated the same way we treat others here at home Do we suddenly become champions of dignity and demand respect for all people when we no longer find ourselves in our familiar environment Does self preservation only apply individually Can it apply to a family A tribe A people A nation What are the boundaries We live in a world marked by competition and dominance It is the natural order of our existence In the rare circumstances where there is real equality competition for dominance quickly surfaces for equality is not what naturally exists in our world Why it is so I do not know I wish I had an answer The sun dominates the planets The planets dominate their moons Here on earth human beings dominate or at least believe we dominate everything around us Naturally that dominance we have for all things around us gets extended to the way we relate with each other for it is innate That is who we naturally are Out of all the natural instincts we possess as humans Love stands apart as the most powerful force that tampers our desire to dominate conquer and subjugate YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 71 It is out of love that my little 4 year old can slap me on the cheeks and I laugh and find it funny and yet I will not take kindly to the same treatment from a woman my age Who defines the limits of what is considered acceptable within the context of self preservation Does the subjugation of one tribe and causing them to serve the more powerful tribe fall within the context of self preservation As my adopted family traveled with me around the world I saw unspeakable horrors meted out to people all around the world Some of the victims of these horrors trace their roots back to Songhai and even right here in anzu As I observed with pain the circumstances of those I encountered I also was privy to an unspeakable tragedy A few select individuals from the oppressed groups found a business opportunity to enrich themselves in the name of helping their oppressed counterparts These few people fattened their pockets till they overflowed by pretending to give a voice to those in their midst who were marginalized and mistreated the most These people made a living out of capitalizing on the conscience of the good people who lived in the land to trumpet and make out of mountains issues that were sometimes mundane and actually not any worse than things we do right here in anzu These charlatans master the art of making the marginalized look at themselves as perennial victims perpetually held down by their oppressors They parade and promote this mindset enriching themselves greatly in the process while entrenching in the minds of the people they claim to be helping the idea that they are eternal victims of a vicious and oppressive society If I am equal to you I cannot and will not forever remain your victim You may bamboozle me once or twice but I will sure figure it out and it will not happen again a 3rd or 4th time Why then do we allow these crooks who call themselves community leaders to continue to poison the mindset of the people and perpetuate the notion of eternal victimhood The deer is forever a victim to the lion just as the grass is forever a victim to the cattle which graze and trample them underfoot If you are not equal to your oppressor ask for love and mercy not equality If you are equal then for heaven s sake use any unfortunate events that have befallen you by the hand of your oppressor as a wakeup call and a learning tool to make sure you never fall victim again Do not use it as a bargaining chip or an ever present blot on the conscience of your oppressor for we all have done the same at one point or another throughout history The scale is not what makes one act more horrendous than the other It is the inhumane treatment of human beings that makes it despicable If I am equal to you and you subjugate me my pride will make me not even want to YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 72 talk about my subjugation Anytime the matter regarding my subjugation comes up I will quickly mute the topic I would be so ashamed My desire would be to move on from my disgrace as quickly as possible When little boys wrestle the winners love to pick on the losers while the losers look forward to a rematch to redeem themselves while avoiding the topic until the day they are able to redeem their loss On the other hand when I swat my little son for being naughty he makes it a point to remind me as long as he can how mean I was to him If we are going to parade ourselves as equals to all who inhabit the earth and yet behave like my little son who will spare no opportunity to remind the world of how mean the world has been to us and aided by so called leaders who should be helping to change our mindset but instead are happy to get rich through the perpetration of the notion of victimhood then we are forever lost good people of anzu Right here in anzu we have tribes that claim superiority and make fun of other tribes because those tribes were once subjugated many years past through war These things are happening right here in anzu and we think they are funny as long as we are the perpetrators yet the humor is lost as soon as we step outside these lands and other tribes nations or people attempt to do to us the same thing we do to others We suddenly claim bigotry racism and whatever horrible names exist to describe such actions We ascribe wickedness to those who direct such actions and attitudes towards us and yet we expect those to whom we direct the same actions and attitudes to see the humor and harmlessness of our actions As a little girl who was thought of as deformed in line with custom I was on the way to being hidden People have been beheaded so their heads can be placed in the box of dead old monarchs our old women who raised and nurtured children are driven from their homes and confined in camps so inhumane we would not want our worst enemies inhabiting such places We justify this action by calling these old women witches we go on to mutilate the genitals of our young girls because we do not believe they have the self control to be faithful to their partners if they are allowed the full pleasures associated with conjugal activities We carry our royals in expensive palanquins and yet those on the ground starve and have nothing for themselves We do all these things and yet we are very quick to point at everything under the sun but ourselves for our miserable state We are very good at conveniently hiding behind so called traditions and culture to continue to perpetrate horrors on others and yet as soon as we step out of these lands we suddenly want to push for a better and more perfect world How about we start from here How much sweeter if we became champions of equality right here in anzu YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 73 Just a few days ago I had a discussion with one of our townsmen who called on me at home He is respectable and has traveled far and wide outside anzu By all accounts he is a well exposed individual who has experienced a lot of the things I talk to you about today As I spoke to this man I was thinking about today and what I would talk to you about I wanted some insight from someone I believed had enough exposure and understanding to provide me lucid insight that was deep and stimulating I asked the man a question I wanted him to tell me one thing he would tell the people of anzu if he had the opportunity to address them I wanted to know what his thoughts were on the most relevant knowledge which would benefit our people These were his words I would want to talk to them regarding the mistreatment of people based on the color of their skin I would like humanity to be aware that no one chose to be born human instead of some other creature such as bats worms and the like No one chose where to be born on this planet No one chose his or her parents and for that matter no one is responsible for being what he or she finds himself or herself to be We should learn to coexist wherever we find ourselves in a conglomeration of people from different colors or backgrounds different from our own since we could have been born into the group of people we so loathe He concluded I was greatly touched by his words and how thoughtful they were I asked him a simple question based on matters which have arisen here in anzu within the last few years Matters we are all privy to in which 2 men were stoned and nearly lynched because they were suspected of having an amorous relationship with each other I asked him if his beautifully crafted speech included showing respect and love to people such as the 2 men His response was What those men were doing was a lifestyle choice A choice they consciously made just as choice of religion He continued the choice those men made was not something a person is born with it is not innate such as skin color nationality or any other naturally occurring attribute It is unaffected by genes he posited I asked him a question My question was not hypothetical It was real for I witnessed it in one of the lands I lived with my family A child was born with both genitals formed The parents were asked by the local physicians to make a choice of which organ to keep and which to discard The parents made the choice on behalf of the child based on what they thought would better suit the physical looks of the child The child grew up and insisted that regardless of physical appearance the parents made the wrong choice What the child felt inside regarding who they were was different from what the parents thought based on the physical characteristics of the child YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 74 Did the parents err in their gender assignment based on their assessment solely on the physical attributes of their child Was there a better way of determining the gender of the child other than relying solely on the dominant physical attributes What if the physical attributes were not the overriding factors in determining how the child felt inside Was there something deeper in that baby s genes that was not readily apparent in the physical looks Did the parents allow subjective views based on culture and tradition to override more important considerations based on science Did the parents fail to truly and deeply investigate a matter that so intricately and intimately affect a human being Their child If this happened in anzu around the time I was born we would not be talking about this matter for the child would have been hidden Thankfully the child was born in a place where they do not hide children born with characteristics or features different from the majority of people This man the champion of treating all people with respect and dignity suddenly became God s linguist and tried to break down God s expectations for us mortals in a language which we were capable of comprehending He tried to explain to me how God abhorred amorous acts between people of the same perceived gender I asked him if the same abhorrence by our divine creator extended to the pot bellied old rich men we see every day running around the streets of anzu with little girls young enough to be their granddaughters People of anzu he did not answer me for as fate would have it he came to visit me in the company of one of those little girls young enough to be his granddaughter I must admit I lost it with him at this point so I looked him in the eye and I borrowed words I learnt from Sunday school I called him a white washed tomb painted beautifully outside but full of rotten bones inside How can we allow social and cultural barriers to cloud our minds to the point of creating impenetrable filters that prevent us from looking at all possibilities when dealing with matters so deep and important How come we are so quick to take entrenched positions without an open mind for more studies and research We have individuals here in our midst who refer to people who show amorous affection towards those perceived to be of the same gender as being lower than animals Really Are we ourselves better than animals In our self righteous elevated state we are unable to provide basic clean water for our children our offspring still die of preventable basic hygiene deficient diseases such as cholera Basic diseases our great enlightenment enlightenment which places us above the animals has failed to help us eradicate Truth be told I am yet to see an animal lose its offspring to one of these diseases YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 75 Instead of casting the net of open mindedness respect love and dignity wide and far in our own communities we instead choose to arrogate unto ourselves the authority to determine what choices others should be making This fixation on culture and tradition is why we allow horrible things to happen in our midst and no one challenges them We even have people I have personally observed laugh at disabled people and talk about the good old days when such people were hidden Good people of anzu I would most gladly be a friend to someone who is lower than an animal due to who they are amorously attracted to and who has love and compassion in their hearts before I associate with the so called human being who laughs at the killing of deformed babies My people we are all equal but we are definitely not the same There are things I do not understand but that does not mean I must necessarily hate At first glance it might seem really unusual but treat it with an open mind and it does not destroy our society the way many of us fear it would Only one thing I am aware of destroys and wreaks havoc to societies It is fear We act with a lot of fear which sometimes is to be expected when we do not have understanding Just as darkness is the absence of light so is fear the absence of understanding We seldom fear that which we understand and comprehend If my niece or nephew came home and told me they had amorous desires towards someone of the same perceived gender I would lose sleep for a day or 2 Why Because it is unusual It would be unusual for me because I do not understand it for I do not know what it is to feel that way towards another person of the same perceived gender as me Losing sleep would be no different than if my nephew or niece came and told me they were leaving home and traveling to a faraway land to start their life anew I would lose sleep because I do not know what is in store for them when they leave home to a place that is unknown to me I would lose sleep because there are so many variables and unknowns I cannot help them navigate if they need my guidance After losing sleep and coming to terms with reality I would then cover all my fears and ignorance and lack of understanding with love and an open mind and hope for the best YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 76 I will cover that child with all the love in me and wish them nothing but success as they embark on their journey into the unknown Where there is lack of knowledge and understanding I ask everyone here listening to me today to endeavor to cover and bridge the void with love until such a time that knowledge and understanding might shed more light on that which we are ignorant about today Let us do away with fear I beseech you people of anzu for fear has destroyed us for far too long Fear has killed and plundered us like no other and it is time for us with the great leadership of Abo e Yuure who exchanged his crown of glamor for a scroll of wisdom to become that little bright spot in anzu that will beam great light to all the people of the land With that indaana Ellekrista concluded her address to the people of anzu There was silence when she concluded Abo e Yuure was all smiles and greatly pleased with her expose He gave her a long hug and then turned and looked at the people He asked them who needs a king when you have greatness such as this woman in our midst The Hall was silent No one spoke No one asked any questions when the floor was opened for them to do so Instead they slowly and quietly exited out of the hall until no one remained except Abo e Yuure and the 5 indaanas Abo e Yuure was still beaming with smiles over the beauty and depth of Ellekrista s discourse He tried to lighten things up by saying I guess we will pick a less controversial topic next week That is if anyone shows up The people left the building without choosing a topic for next week so I guess we get to pick one on their behalf indaana Sung volunteered a topic he was very passionate about Sung volunteered to talk about Addiction to the people Addiction it is Abo e Yuure replied With that they went on to eat dinner and the indaanas went home YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 77 CHAPTER TWELVE ADDICTION On the day of the second gathering of the people of anzu the indaana known as Sung took the stage to chat with the people Sung was believed to have been born in the Far East No one knew for sure if he was born in Japan Korea or China Sung never talked about the nation of his birth which made the speculation regarding him continue on a perpetual basis When I was a young boy the indaana began his discourse I saw many people fall into all kinds of addictions in the small town where I grew up The pressures of life caused many to revert to alcohol drugs and other substances which ultimately destroyed them One day while sitting under a Yunnan tree with an old neighbor who was revered greatly in our village for his wisdom and insight into many things one of our village men who had gone mad from smoking the wrong herbs wandered by half naked The sight of the mad village man prompted me to ask my old neighbor what his thoughts were on addiction The Oldman retorted You ask me about addiction and why people fall into it My question to you Sung is what is addiction Does it only refer to narcotics gambling drinking and the well known vices I replied I would think so I have only heard of addiction associated with such acts The old man went on there lies the error many have made regarding this matter This terrible scourge known as addiction has been so narrowly defined by many authorities the world over The unfortunate perpetuation of this narrow definition of what it means to be an addict has wreaked great havoc and chaos in many people Listen to the words I am about to utter very carefully so you may achieve good understanding regarding that which you ask In so doing I hope you may fully guard yourself from falling prey to its multitude entrapments Addiction the old man continued is anything that makes you willing to trade your dignity and respect in exchange for much lesser value and for which your mental judgement has been rendered powerless or weakened enough to prevent or stop the exchange due to the control and hold of that thing to which you are addicted Sung life is a series of exchanges You exchange your time and attention in the classroom to gain knowledge You exchange your time effort and expertise at work to gain a paycheck YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 78 you exchange your money which you give to the beggar at the street corner for a sense of service and satisfaction of helping those less fortunate than yourself An act I refer to as a labor of love Every one of these exchanges should be commensurate when you compare what you give to what you gain Worthwhile not just in terms of monetary value but the total worth of the exchange If it happens to be an exchange that does no more than bring you pleasure be very careful not to exchange more important things in life in order to achieve that pleasure An incommensurate exchange will breed inevitable chaos Three things immediately come to mind Do not sacrifice your health family or wealth in pursuit of any kind of pleasure The moment you begin to sacrifice one of these in pursuit of anything within this world you have fallen into addiction Sung Let me tell you the story of Ruga who was once my best friend and possibly the most naturally talented and intellectually gifted person to walk the streets of Aglob Ruga had a rare kind of intelligence he had the ability to observe the most complicated technical process only once and be able to not only recreate the process but improve it He read very little yet amassed so much knowledge from so many disciplines he was the envy of all who aspired for higher scholarly achievements Ruga enjoyed the simple life With his deep knowledge of many disciplines he could have easily carved a life of great wealth and abundance for himself That did not appear to be his desire in life He was content eking out a meagre existence at the civil service office of the colonial establishment Ruga from all accounts was a regular man with no substance abuse issues He hardly drank any alcohol did not smoke and definitely stayed away from drugs Ruga was married to an industrious woman he had known since he was a young man in elementary school and with whom he had 3 sons By all indications Ruga loved his 3 boys and wanted to see them do well for themselves There was a situation regarding Ruga that many would not ascribe to addiction He had a weakness for women Not just the type of beautiful women that would make the most disciplined man develop neck pains trying to keep their heads from turning to take a second look In Ruga s case about anything that had the double x chromosome was a candidate for his attention YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 79 Ruga was paid monthly by the civil service office where he worked as a surveyor He would take his monthly paycheck which was barely enough to take care of the basic necessities of his home when combined with the little money his wife made from selling produce in the market and literally give it all to any woman that was lucky to cross his path Ruga was so motivated in this life of wealth redistribution he did not think twice about going hungry and starving himself in order to have money to give away to the women he so strongly desired His sons on occasion had to beg neighbors for basic amenities which could have been easily available to them if Ruga their father was not on a mission to eradicate the financial problems of the world s women The situation with Ruga his money and women reached levels that made him a laughingstock amongst those who knew him in Aglob He lost dignity even though he was not on substance abuse His sons lost a great deal of respect for him due to his readiness to give away to strange women bread he did not have to provide his own family His long suffering wife could not bear to look him in the eye due to anger and aguish culminating from deep disappointment from a man she erroneously thought many years ago was so intelligent and was going to be her bedrock when she married him Ruga not only gave away his own money but he would try to get money from his wife to give away as well In the same city of Aglob lived a man by the name of Tebo Tebo consumed more local wine than anyone you ever met or might ever meet Good luck ever finding Tebo without a cup of local wine sitting comfortably next to him At first glance it appears Tebo is a hopeless drunk in need of immediate help What if I told you Tebo was the most respected man in Aglob What if I told you Tebo was the healthiest strongest and oldest man living in Aglob What if I told you no one has ever seen Tebo drunk and out of control Tebo was so much in control of his affairs from a financial and social responsibility consideration standpoint that people all over Aglob thronged to him for advice and to learn from him things no one else in Aglob could teach them Yes everyone in Aglob was familiar with his insatiable love for local wine but that was not the narrative regarding Tebo His extreme love for alcohol was a footnote in any discussions YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 80 of which he was the subject His substantial achievements in Aglob and the great deal of respect everyone in the city had for him was the narrative surrounding Tebo Anyone else living the way Tebo did might have died of liver cirrhosis decades ago or they may have become so consumed by alcohol they might not be in the position to function in a capacity that would earn them a modicum of respect from those they knew and associated with regularly Yet Tebo lived the way he did and still was the healthiest old man in Aglob fit and fully in control of all his affairs There was not a single negative aspect or attribute of Tebo that anyone could point to and ascribe to his consumption of alcohol None that I am aware of Absolutely nothing Was he an alien who metabolized alcohol differently from us earthlings Some people in Aglob begun to speculate that was the case How could he live like this for over 60 years and still bear no scars or signs of what by all accounts could easily be looked at as an unhealthy dangerous lifestyle So my question to you Sung is which of the two men of Aglob Tebo or Ruga would you refer to as having an addiction Definitely Ruga I answered Ruga was willing to lose his dignity and was at risk of even losing his family over his impulsive pursuit of women with no regard to how it affected the things of substance around him He lost his mind running after all the women in Aglob so much so that he lost complete respect not only from the women who only wanted the money he gave them but also the people who got to know him closely and observed how he had no sense of what constituted a fair exchange Tebo on the other hand had what I would call an excessive habit or vice but which in no way got in his way of accomplishing that which he needed to achieve as a man Well thought out analysis the old man replied to me There are many souls who walk this earth who are deeply addicted to one thing or another without even knowing it On the surface they look normal like everyone else they are not hooked on any kind of substance that would readily expose them as addicts but beneath the veneer they have an insatiable desire for something which others may not be aware of That something might become so strong that it pulls these people to the point of making decisions that adversely impact the most important things in their lives Things which must and should never be sacrificed Sung If you ever find yourself so drawn to something if you find yourself itching to do something stupid to the point where you lose one or two or three of the things I am about to tell you you are an addict The three things are 1 Money 2 Family and loved ones 3 Dignity and sense of pride YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 81 In short if you are willing or powerless to stop the loss of money family and or dignity for anything in this universe you are addicted to that which is causing you to lose these things When the old man finished talking to me my perspective on addiction changed forever and I hope the same applies to everyone listening to me today I hope the simple 3 step measure of addiction my old neighbor gave me will be applied by everyone in this room to examine their own lives and help identify any hidden addictions which need to be broken in order for you to more fully live your lives in dignity and respect Is anyone sleepy yet I asked Billings and everyone seated at the table It is almost midnight I reminded them as I glanced at my watch The stuff you are talking about is magical Emmar Billings expressed You need to put this material in a book he continued The world eagerly awaits this knowledge you are sharing with us today It is obviously late and I think we should retire to bed soon Could you quickly mention the other items the rest of the indaanas talked about We have been introduced to indaana Hosni Lion and Cobra representing Control and application of Knowledge indaana Raji Water and Iron enlightening us on the true meaning of Strength indaana Ellekrista Equality indaana Sung Family Dignity and Money and Addiction What else did the indaanas talk about Billings enquired They talked about Safety and Order Leadership and Chaos Love and Endurance I answered Billings Well I think we will call it a night What an interesting night this has been I look forward to one day hearing in detail what the indaanas had to say about the matters you just mentioned Very interesting Good night folks I stayed in one of Billings guest rooms that night I took him up on his offer to stay the night if I so desired since it was so late Shortly after I fell asleep I found myself in the presence of the man with PI inscribed on his hands This was the first time dreaming with him in the picture since the original vivid dream I had many years ago in Winneba in which he talked about the 5 guards There was something about any dream I had with him in it It was so vivid and intense it was almost impossible to believe it was nothing but a dream This time the man with PI inscribed on his hand was sitting on the club chair right YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 82 across from my bed He had not aged a day since I saw him in my dream many years ago He had the usual calm demeanor and the piercing look Hi Chaos he spoke with a gentle smile What did you call me I replied him with a smile I was a lot more amenable to him this time than I was the first time we met Somehow I guess I understood he was harmless Not only harmless I felt like he might actually mean well So I was comfortable Do you always have to ruffle my feathers when you visit I continued still smiling The first time we met you upset me with crazy talks about prison and prison guards You show up again without invitation instead of being a gentleman and apologizing for your rude behavior you add salt to injury by calling me Chaos I concluded my verbal vituperations I am so proud of you the man with PI inscribed on his hands answered back You remember our tour of the prison and the guards Great job son Look at your fingers look at your toes Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself why you have 5 fingers on each arm What about the 5 toes on each leg What is the significance of 5 Why not 1 2 or 3 1 2 and 3 are the naturally occurring numbers in the world and the universe Every unit in space exists in 2 parts The 2 parts tend to oppose each other naturally They tend to move in opposition to each other even though they belong in the same unit So a 3rd must be introduced to serve as a unifying and stabilizing member to end the chaos created by the 2 parts So my question is why 5 fingers per hand and 5 toes per leg I will answer my own question Chaos Before he could put in another word I quickly interjected My name is Emmar Please stop calling me Chaos That is not a nickname I desire I was a little more stern I was not mad at him I just did not want him calling me Chaos Sorry Emmar the man with PI inscribed on his hand apologized and continued Your 5 fingers on each hand and your 5 toes on each leg are a constant reminder of the 5 guards I introduced you to when we first met They are a ubiquitous presence to remind you every day to make a conscious decision which of the 5 guards you are going to make your friend as you carry on your daily responsibilities Did you ever think about that Emmar You are welcome He answered himself with a smile You should be thanking me for giving you this free information instead of berating me for referring to you by a name which is part and parcel of who you are and yours to keep He was still smiling He seemed to be in a really good mood He was a lot more serious and measured the first time we met You talk about me visiting you unannounced and blah blah blah about me being rude and yet you were the one who took my cube without asking YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 83 You even had the impetus to attempt giving that which did not belong to you to your girlfriend What happened to the good old days when people voluntarily returned things they found to their rightful owners And you call me rude This guy is something else was all I could think about I did not utter a word as he kept going on I eventually interjected Is that why you visited me today To give me a new nickname remind me about your cube and tell me about the meaning of the 5 fingers on each hand and 5 toes on each leg I greatly appreciate the information I concluded That is not the main reason I came today I wanted to never mind We will talk about that another day Your hosts appeared to enjoy greatly the topics you talked about and which you brought to their attention Great job I am so proud of you Do you remember the details of what the other indaanas talked about concerning the topics you listed prior to going to bed I remember bits and pieces not all of them I responded I am happy to remind you of any that you desire You see Emmar you need to understand all 7 topics the indaanas of your forebear ulba taught the people of anzu You may not understand why today Eventually you will So which topic do you desire me to refresh your memory on before I leave issor enquired Let s talk about Safety and order I replied Ok issor answered back YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 84 CHAPTER THIRTEEN SAFETY AND ORDER issor begun Think of a situation where you have been tasked to build a road network for a new city under construction Forget about your engineering school training and assume for a second you are pondering how to properly design this network of roads so it is effective and safe In your confusion you visit your mother who you have not seen in 2 years While over at mum s she notices you have something weighing heavily on your mind She probes as expected of any good mother You are hesitant to tell her because you are thinking she is not in the position to help you with your engineering problems You continue to think hard and deep regarding how you are going to achieve the stipulations of your project You understand perfectly the magnitude of the challenge that lies ahead of you Roads are different from any other kind of engineering projects Almost all other works of engineering are designed for static uses Roads are different They are designed to be fluid and to be used by fast moving vehicles The design and construction of a road must be done right otherwise chaos through accidents and fatalities will occur often A wrong design will destroy the very thing the road is meant to establish Safe and orderly movement of the people it was designed for Failure to get it right will create pain and suffering for many who make the unfortunate mistake of getting on that thing you put together The more you think about it the more perplexed you become This project which excited you when you first receive it has suddenly turned into an albatross hanging around your neck as you ponder the magnitude of your responsibility Your mother continues to probe you until you grow weary so you tell her your professional troubles She smiles and does not utter a word Later that day during dinner she begins to speak She enquires about the design requirements of your road network You answer her You explain to her the most important considerations YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 85 1 The roads must be safe in order to prevent unnecessary accidents and deaths 2 They must be designed to be convenient and free flowing to minimize traffic jams She looks at you with a gentle smile and says I cannot believe you are overthinking something so simple You look at her in amazement and wonder simple What do you mean by so simple Do you understand what is at stake here Do you even understand the safety implications and the potential for chaos if I get this wrong She continues to look at you and then she continues I do not have any engineering background but if you ask me how to design roads for vehicles to move safely without chaos I can tell you how to do it I can simplify it for you right now son for I can visualize in my mind how such a feat might easily be accomplished Once I explain to you it is up to you to use your engineering training to translate what I tell you into technical terms First and foremost your roads cannot have equal prominence When you have any 2 of your roads crossing at any given point you must assign greater prominence to one of them If you assign equal prominence to both there will be inevitable chaos for the vehicles which ply those roads will crash perpetually and persistently at that intersection You must assign greater prominence to one of the roads so that the vehicles which ply that road always have the right of way when they arrive at the spot where the other road meets The vehicles on the other road must wait for they ply a less prominent road They must wait until the vehicles on the more prominent road have safely passed the intersection before the vehicles on the less prominent road can cross It does not matter if the vehicle on the less prominent road gets to the intersection first Even if the vehicle on the less prominent road is closer to the intersection where the two roads meet and yet going through the intersection risks a collision with the vehicle plying the road assigned greater prominence the vehicle which is closer to the intersection must wait for the one further away from the intersection but which travels on the road assigned greater prominence to safely cross that intersection The vehicle on the prominent road even though further from the intersection must cross first and do so with any other vehicles which are immediately behind them They must all cross safely before the vehicle which got there first is given the opportunity to cross the same intersection That is one way to avoid chaos and ensure the safety of those who ply the roads you are about to design and build YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 86 Why would it prevent chaos It would because only the roads are assigned the superior and inferior tag not the vehicles or the people who drive those vehicles Just as a child patiently awaits their turn to become an adult and enjoy the things that only adults have access to so the drivers of those vehicles which ply the road assigned lesser prominence will be patient with the understanding that if they find themselves on the more prominent road they will be accorded the same courtesy they are required to accord other vehicles when they are on the less prominent road Alternately if your sense of fairness kicks against the idea of one road perpetually being subservient to another you could look into putting some kind of controls or signals at the points where your roads meet The signals you put at these points should be setup so that they control who has the right of way at any given time Doing so will alternate prominence and subservience to the roads that intersect at that point Your control or signal should never assign simultaneously the right of way to vehicles heading to the same spot otherwise they will collide and create chaos It is however ok for you to assign equal prominence and simultaneous right of way to vehicles heading towards the same intersection from different roads as long as they are not headed in the same direction and there is no danger of the vehicles colliding with each other If you decide to use such a signal to ensure the safety and orderliness on the roads you design there again you must understand that there would be times when a vehicle which gets to the intersection first would be stopped by your signal That vehicle would be made to wait while another vehicle much further away on the other road would be given access to cross that very intersection before the vehicle which got there first Whether you choose my first suggestion of irrevocably assigning greater prominence to one road over another or you choose to alternate prominence through the use of signals you will be able to achieve orderliness and safety but what you will not achieve is perfect fairness For there will always arise a situation where some must wait for those who came after them to bypass and continue on their journey before those who got there first are given the same access I know your most important considerations as you design your roads are safety and order If you make all roads equal and provide all of them with simultaneous rights of way at any given time you will defeat the very thing you seek to accomplish Chaos will be inevitable in that situation Instead find a way through your design to provide all users of your road a pathway to priority and prominence while understanding that simultaneous dominance and subjugation will be the natural order of the roads on which they travel YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 87 This understanding will obviate the need for anyone to regard noncompliance of your rules the rules you set to govern your road network as the only path available to them in achieving that which they seek which is get to their destination in a timely and orderly manner People will revolt when they find no clear path to their destination They are more likely to be compliant and follow your rules even if those rules are not immediately beneficial to them as long as those rules serve to allow everyone a pathway to their destination wherever that destination might be Therefore son another consideration you must bear in mind as you design and build your roads is to allow vehicles which might find themselves traveling behind a slower vehicle the unobstructed opportunity to pass the slower vehicle that is ahead Each vehicle plying your roads will move at their own pace As is the natural order of all things in this world no vehicle will lag throughout its journey to whatever the destination is that it journeys neither will any vehicle stay ahead of all other vehicles during the course of its journey All vehicles from the time they set off from their base towards their destination will find themselves lagging leading or in between other vehicles It is a long road Many things will happen along the way They must all share the same road that you design even though they move at their own pace and journey to different destinations Let not the vehicle which finds itself at the front of the line forever get in the way or prevent the vehicles behind from bypassing if the vehicles behind desire to move at a faster pace Wherever possible provide the vehicles behind a lane that will permit them to pass the slower leading vehicle If you cannot provide the avenue of an extra lane due to space considerations please understand that you must provide the extra lane as soon as space allows you to do so Failure to provide the avenue of an extra lane to facilitate the by passing of slower leading vehicles by faster moving vehicles from behind will breed chaos compromise safety and defeat the orderliness which you desire to achieve in the roads you create Son I hope you understand that the lives of many people will be at stake on the roads you create EMOTIONS WILL BE TESTED DAILY ON THE ROADS YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 88 People will get to know themselves in ways they probably never did Five attributes call them emotion discovery if you choose will be forged on the roads you create The people who excel rather than unravel in these five attributes I am about to talk to you about will find themselves in a much better place and enjoy life in a much broader perspective than what you might imagine The first attribute that will be forged on your roads is Self awareness The drivers who use the roads you are about to design will become more conscious of themselves and the things which upset them When a driver finds themselves at an intersection and yet have to wait for another vehicle on the other road to come from a mile away and cross that same intersection while the signal you created to maintain order and safety makes them wait the first driver will become aware of their own feelings The first driver will suddenly become aware of what it feels like when someone comes from behind to take from them that which was within their grasp When a driver is hard pressed for time and must get to their destination within a certain time or risk missing an important deadline when that driver finds herself on a stretch of road where you do not provide an avenue for faster vehicles to bypass slower leading vehicles the driver who is hard pressed for time will surely become aware of what happens to them when they feel stuck and helpless in a situation There will be times when drivers consciously decide to disregard the rules you have set in place for your roads These errant drivers who on their own volition decide not to follow the rules will create dangerous situations not just for themselves but all other drivers who share the same road When a driver operates dangerously and cuts off other drivers the driver who is the victim of the dangerous circumstances created by the recalcitrant driver will suddenly become aware of what happens to them emotionally when others do not follow the rules and create unnecessary inconvenience for them as a result of the bad decisions of the undisciplined party As the drivers who use your roads become self aware they must learn to Self regulate themselves Can you imagine what will happen if a faster vehicle decides to pass the slower vehicles ahead even though there is no avenue provided to do so What will happen if a driver gets to an intersection and is required to wait but insists on going through the intersection before any other vehicle just because the first vehicle arrived at that intersection prior to all the others If traveling a particular road makes a driver upset due to circumstances which more often than not repeat themselves circumstances such as unnecessary traffic jams the driver of that vehicle must learn to use alternate routes to avoid putting themselves through the unpleasant situations Being aware of things which upset them and likely to ignite out of character behavior is essential but the ability to regulate behavior and all other things necessary to eliminate or at the very least mitigate those unpleasant things is critical to those who will use your roads Empathy will be forged on the roads which you build YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 89 There will be times when vehicles with the right of way must wait because another vehicle carrying a sick infirm or injured person needs to get to a medical facility in a timely manner Interpersonal skills will be on display on the roads you create You will see the way people react when others upset them on the road Hard lessons will be learned by many A driver who disrespects another only to get to their destination and find out the driver who was disrespected just pulled up as well and happens to be the same person who invited the disrespectful driver for a job interview That is when the disrespectful driver suddenly wishes they listened to their mother when she told them in their youth to be nice to strangers You will see how drivers treat other drivers You will see drivers who show great courtesy and respect for other drivers Drivers who follow the rules as you have set and who even go the extra mile to do more than just follow your rules Such drivers will do everything within their power to avert situations which might result in danger to themselves or others even if the rules you have set permits them the right of way If these drivers have the right of way based on the rules you have set and yet the insistence on that right of way based on the letter of your rules might lead to a dangerous situation for themselves or others they will back off in the interest of safety rather than insist on their right Such users will typically not litter the roads for they respect not only themselves but others so much so that they will not knowingly do anything to make others uncomfortable Finally your roads will forge Motivation in those who ply them Users will be motivated to find the best route to their destinations These drivers must motivate themselves first and then they must learn to motivate others to use the roads consistently with the rules you have set By following the rules themselves these drivers will mitigate the opportunity for chaos By themselves following the rules and promoting orderliness other users of the road will be more inclined to do the same and follow the rules Therefore a vehicle which is at the front of the road and yet finds itself unable to move fast enough in a stretch where there is no extra lane for the vehicles behind to pass the slower vehicle in the front must learn to pull to the side and let the faster vehicles get by from behind Doing so will diminish the stirring of a negative kind of motivation in the drivers of the lagging vehicles Motivation which might lead the vehicles in the back to flout the rules with the view of doing the necessary to give themselves a chance to address being stuck perpetually behind the slow vehicle which is ahead of them and which is holding them back After you have designed your roads and put in place a workable system to prevent chaos and promote safety there are some matters that will arise which I want to touch on briefly These matters are not intrinsic to your work and what is within your control The only reason I bring this up is to open your eyes hopefully to understand one thing The purpose of your road is to provide a safe passage for drivers to maneuver their vehicles safely from one point of origin to another point A destination YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 90 Vehicles are going to join and exit your network of roads at different times Same road but each vehicle has a different path they must travel Some will travel longer than others Some will join the road very briefly and quickly exit Others will travel for what seems like eternity To each their own destination That is the beauty of what you are about to build provide an avenue for people to get to their destinations As long as the users of your road get to their destination alive and well your mission is accomplished Now an interesting thing that will happen on your roads some cars will break down and will have to rely on a tow truck to get them to their destination No one wants to have to rely on a tow truck but there again if a tow truck is how someone gets to their destination so be it They arrived home and that is what matters Some people will not have access to tow trucks when they experience vehicular break downs Such people will call friends or family to help get them to their destination As long as it works out and they get to where they need to go that is all that matters Some people will experience minor accidents The vehicles they drive will experience damage part of their vehicles may hang about loosely the vehicle may develop a crackling sound which is very uncomfortable but if the driver manages to get to their destination that is all that matters Destruction of the vehicle is not destruction of the driver Some drivers will get home sooner than they anticipated Others will take longer to get to their destination than they originally anticipated Sometimes drivers will get lost and lose their bearings Home is home as long as the drivers eventually get there Never mind the time it took for them to get there Rejoice when you get there YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 91 Expectedly or unexpectedly FUEL STATION OWNERS There will be times when vehicles need to veer off the road to recharge This is where fuel station operators come into the picture The job of the fuel station operator is to help the drivers of the vehicles to get to their destination in one piece wherever that destination might be All drivers will be safe once they get home This is where it gets interesting Two cars veer off the road to recharge The two cars look exactly the same They are almost indistinguishable They have the same color same shape same design Everything about them looks the same except the fuel needed to keep their engines running One vehicle is designed to consume petrol The other one is designed to consume diesel Why It is none of your business It is a befuddling sight I must admit but any questions you have regarding the unusual spectacle need to be directed to the engineer who built the cars Only the engineer knows what went through their mind when they decided to build similar cars with different fuel specifications If you are the fuel station owner your job is to provide the fuel the cars need so they might get to their destinations in one piece Your job is not to arrogate unto yourself the authority to determine what fuel the vehicles need If you want to provide only one kind of fuel fine End it there It is your prerogative to do so YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 92 Do not create problems for those whose vehicles are not designed to consume the fuel you offer Doing so is wickedness for you hamper the safe passage of the very people you established your business to help In matters like that you do yourself a great disservice by bothering the drivers of the vehicles If you cannot help them fill their tanks and get to their destination please do not get in the way For if you insist that both cars consume petrol because of their likeness or you insist both consume diesel because that is what you expect to see you err greatly Get out of the fuel business if you cannot help motorists get to their destinations in one piece I know not one fuel station owner who ever designed a road why act as though you know where all roads lead HYPOCRITES You know not where they are headed and where home is for those traveling so stop getting in their way You have no clue why they left home in the first place and why they journey on the road so do not act as one who knows all things for you know not a thing LOVE by serving them and show courtesy and your work is done Just as the work of a fuel service owner is important it is just as crucial to understand many other professions work in the service of those who ply the road Times will arise when fire service personnel will be required to travel the road to take care of an emergency In times like that do not point fingers at the fire service for running red lights or traveling faster than the speed limit of the road stipulates Shut up You do not work in the fire service Stop reminding everyone regarding the speed limits and stop signs Concentrate on following the letter of the rules yourself Leave others alone Nurses teachers politicians businesswomen and men all manner of people will use the road Let not the nurse point fingers at the doctors let not the doctors point fingers at the teachers Let the teachers not point fingers at the businesspeople To each their own responsibility and tactics Just because you have not been educated or trained to understand another s profession just because you are not trained to skillfully use a surgical knife to do good instead of harm just YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 93 because you have not been granted the training to walk into fire and walk out unscathed does not mean you throw stones at those to whom that training and abilities have been granted Do that which your skill and training permit you to do and keep quiet on matters on which you only have a cursory understanding if any at all so that all may get home safe at the end of a hard day s work For if the doctor stops performing surgery and instead is worried about how the businesswoman is conducting her business if the teacher stops teaching and instead worries about how the nurse is attending to the sick if the driver takes their eyes off the road and instead gets fixated by the gardener on the side of the road chaos will be inevitable No one gets home safely Many have made the error of thinking they are protecting safety and order by pursuing and enforcing meaningless traditions only to propagate chaos in that which they seek to protect The only people that should be taken off the road are those under the influence of intoxicants drunk and unfit drivers those who blatantly disregard safety and order by over speeding as well as those who run through intersections for no justifiable reason when they are required to stop Such drivers have no business driving on the road for they endanger not only themselves but all others who share the road with them That is it Choice of vehicle or type of fuel should never be a reason to eliminate or prevent a driver from getting to their destination It is ok to specify lanes for types of vehicles depending on capacity and speed requirements as long as those specifications do not hamper but instead serve to help facilitate all vehicles to get home May your roads not only make those who use them safe but may they teach Self awareness Selfregulation Empathy Interpersonal skills and Motivation to all who use them And with that your mother the woman with no engineering background gives you her 2 cents on how to proceed with your deep engineering dilemma The dilemma which has plagued you for many days What do you tell her after she concludes What are your thoughts Emmar The man with PI inscribed on his hands asked me Of course I will thank her profusely I will on my own accord award her an engineering degree I continued jokingly I am yet to come across a professor who broke it down so cogently so I will thank her and let her know how impressed I am with her deep insight on the matter I added YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 94 What about apologizing to her for discounting and taking her wisdom for granted and refusing to listen to her advice anytime she has freely offered it issor asked I could sense he was up to some mischief based on the smirk on his face so I just stared at him and decided not to utter a word Do you have a bathroom I can use for a minute He asked The door on your right is the bathroom Please help yourself I replied while pointing to the door As he made his way through the door to use the restroom my alarm went off and I woke up It was 6 am YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 95 CHAPTER FOURTEEN ROBERT AND WIYOR I was not as dazzled this time with my very vivid dream involving issor Vivid as my dream was I did not overthink it I had come to accept the random dreams involving the man with PI inscribed on his hand as nothing more than that Just another dream I quickly got out of bed and went to take my shower and get ready for the day Breakfast with Billings and his family was set for 9 am after which I was going to head home The time was about 7 am which gave me about 2 hours to spare before breakfast so I decided to call and check on Kendra Kendra was a little emotional on the phone I was not quite sure if pregnancy contributed to her heightened emotions I was used to her mood swings prior to her becoming pregnant so it was difficult for me to ascribe blame for any outbursts solely on the doorstep of pending motherhood Kendra was talking about her father She lost her father many years ago and for some strange reason she wanted to talk about him when I called I was all ears She started with I cannot stop thinking about my dad this morning The date of his passing is coming up in 3 days Growing up I was extremely insecure My insecurity stemmed from the fact that he had many children with many other women Splitting his time between all his children was an arduous task for him and there were many times he failed to come pick me up even though he promised to do so He would end up making trivial excuses for his inability to show up and see me as promised This made me grow up hating myself and I thought less of myself in many ways As a young girl I once heard him brag to his close friend about the many women in his life My dad was very knowledgeable on many varied subjects from religion to science and a lot more He once told his friend known as Big J I have been researching the good book and I have come across many areas where the actions of people caused the Creator to grieve in his spirit over the wickedness of his creation I am hoping to come across that passage which talks about him grieving in his spirit because a man loved many women I am quite sure I will find it eventually I am quite optimistic about that Of course he was being sarcastic for he knew no such text existed He liked to push the envelope on his love for multiple women so much so that he created a beautifully crafted poster for his wall YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 96 The poster read One man one woman is one of the great ideals of modern civilization He then wrote on the same poster in fine print the following definition of ideal existing only in the imagination desirable or perfect but not likely to become reality He thought things of such nature were funny in his own mind Big J was his longtime friend My dad referred to Big J as his level 3 friend According to my dad 3 levels of brotherhood existed when it came to friendship among men He explained level 1 as the lowest tier of brotherhood You are level 1 when you are not entertained past the time the children need to read their bedtime stories He called level 1 brotherhood the bed time stories brotherhood Level 2 brotherhood is when you make it beyond the bedtime stories and hang around for the latenight news Level 3 which he loved to call the Mount Rushmore of brotherhood is when you have not seen each other for a whole month yet you swear you were with him at Starbucks drinking latte at 4am last Saturday morning My relationship with my dad improved during the latter years and he became a force for good in my life until he passed away but I cannot help but think what could have been if the earlier years were not so chaotic My earlier years were so troubled I would lock myself in my room and imagine myself as a famous person My entire life I wanted to become famous I somehow believed fame would bring me the peace which eluded me as a child As I grew older my desire to be famous stayed with me and I believe it prompted certain choices I should not have made in life As my relationship with my father improved he looked at me one day and said Baby you keep saying you want to be famous That is a worthy aspiration but have you found peace with yourself If the lack of peace which I your father am deeply ashamed to admit have contributed greatly towards is the reason you want to become famous at all cost please understand Kendra you act like the builder who thought the walls and the roof of the building were more important than its foundation and thus dedicated all his efforts towards building the finest superstructure only to witness the entire building collapse because the foundation was never properly constructed YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 97 I do not want that to be you my child Please find peace first my love and when you achieve fame you will be in a much better position to handle the pressures that come along with it Your father Robert gave you this beautiful advice I enquired in disbelief Yes Kendra continued Flawed and chaotic as the man was in many ways he was quite intelligent and understood deep aspects of things many people have difficulty comprehending Things like what I asked Kendra There was a time I heard him complain bitterly about the company where he worked My dad was getting disillusioned over what he believed was his company getting overly fixated with continuous improvement as the only way to achieve and maintain competitive advantage Kendra begun to explain Tell me about it I interjected with a little more interest CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT My father believed Continuous improvement only goes so far to help a company after which it becomes counterproductive and accelerates the decline of the company He was not averse to continuous improvement As a matter of fact he believed it was a great and useful tool and should be pursued by any organization serious about improving processes and increasing efficiency There was nothing wrong with looking for ways to make operations within a company a little bit better and more efficient than it was the previous day The problem was he believed his company s over fixation with the benefits of continuous improvement was inimical for long term progress My dad grew up on a farm in the south so I heard him lament using the story of a farmer to buttress his point Consider a farmer he explained a farmer who utilizes the best breed of cattle to plough his farm every season This farmer is extremely meticulous in feeding his cattle and providing them the best care to ensure they are the best conditioned cattle in the town Every season this farmer is first to finish ploughing his farms due to the topnotch condition of his cattle None of the farmers in the town can compete with this farmer The farmer not only provides his cattle the best possible care and conditioning he also experiments with different breeds of cattle YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 98 His experiments yield cattle with super abilities Abilities which make them able to plough even faster than the cattle he possessed 5 years ago This farmer is untouchable because he continues to find ways to improve the performance of his cattle This dominance continues for 20 years Then one fine day while ploughing his fields with his super cattle the farmer looks over his shoulders and sees his neighbor ploughing with a mechanized tractor What is that the farmer wonders That is not how you till the soil he mutters to himself This gimmick whatever it is will not last I will continue to concentrate on improving my cattle I will stay ahead of my competitors as long as I concentrate on keeping my cattle in great shape Let my competitors engage in gimmicks and facades These things do not last As long as I concentrate on doing things the right way I will be fine Forget these crazy people who fall for everything new The farmer continues to believe the mechanized equipment have no place until one day he looks around and finds out he has been left behind and overtaken by all his competitors because they adopted the new technology and moved away completely from cattle The cattle he spent enormous amount of energy and resources trying to improve could not keep up and help him win in the end His desire for continuous improvement ultimately became his undoing because he lost sight of the fact that no matter how much he improved his cattle they were never going to be able to compete with the new reality which was the advent of mechanized equipment My father loved to use Henry Ford as an example He talked about Ford s work on the automobile Henry Ford according to my dad did not look into improving the horse and cart system which was prevalent in his day Instead he had the fortitude to move in a totally different direction while trying to improve the very service the horse and cart provided By staying the course and putting together what he believed would stand the test of time in the evolving transportation industry Ford was able to achieve a feat that transformed the world and changed the way people travel My dad understood quite well that not all industries lend themselves very well for quantum shifts in the way business is conducted Unfortunately too many businesses miss the boat by overly concentrating on improving metrics that no longer serve the interest of the business He talked about many companies which believed they were doing everything right according to their business model and yet in the end failed miserably He attributes such occurrences to the over dependence on continuous improvement The way he looked at it lack of good vision on the part of a company s leadership creates the over fixation which ultimately destroys a good thing My dad continued to be vocal regarding his skepticism of the company s direction and in the end he resigned and joined a different company YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 99 I had no clue your dad had insight into matters such as this His flaws aside he was surely a man with deep understanding I began to speak Are we not all flawed I continued I guess we just have to look at the good in people and not worry about their weaknesses for none of us is perfect when you really consider it I concluded and told Kendra it was almost time for breakfast with the Billings so I had to go With that I hung up Breakfast with Billings and his family was really enjoyable Everyone was in good spirits Captain Wagner and Christine were present for breakfast as well They stayed the night just as I did I exchanged numbers with the Captain and his wife with the promise to keep in touch just as I was doing with Billings After breakfast we said our good byes and off we went our separate ways WIYOR 2 weeks after my visit to Billings and his family I called my good friend Wiyor Wiyor graduated from the same university where I obtained my engineering degree He moved back to Toronto Canada after graduation where he manages business acquisitions for a huge company He studied business Wiyor and I became good friends after meeting at a school event I was immediately drawn to the way he enjoyed life without appearing to worry about much Wiyor was Canadian and like most Canadians I had previously encountered he was open minded and genuinely loved people He had an interesting way of analyzing things which made him even more interesting and intriguing A few bottles of beer made Wiyor even more analytical He once gave me his take on what he believed was the best business model compared to the traditional models taught in school After exiting class he had a big problem with what his professor referred to as the STP system of doing business S Segment the market into different constituents T Target the segment you want to attract to your business P Position your business to be successful in meeting the demands of the segment you target YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 100 Wiyor s dissent with his professor stemmed from what he believed was an unsustainable model perpetrated by the notion that businesses had to cater to a particular demographic in order to succeed Wiyor begged to differ He explained his position You see the planet earth we live in is a business unto itself The earth has established itself as a sustainable business which appeals to all constituents The earth does not Segment Target and Position itself to a particular demographic The earth operates its business in such a fashion which makes it attractive to all constituents That is why the earth never ever experiences a recession The earth s business model is sustainable and profitable at the same time The earth operates in such a way as to ensure the circle of business remains intact without having to transform that circle into an unsustainable arc Businesses go bankrupt and die off because they operate counter to the blue print the earth has presented They target imaginary segments and then go on to chase after meaningless metrics forcing themselves into a downward spiral which is unsustainable and in the end cause irreparable damage to themselves by losing relevance I loved the way Wiyor analyzed business He seemed to have a good grasp on the dynamics as they pertained to organizational structure and success Sometimes he could be a little hyperbolic and flat out over the top in answers he provided to questions I was completely taken aback when I had a conversation with him regarding Kendra s pregnancy Kendra and I found out she was carrying a boy after conducting an ultrasound For a strange reason I begun to think 15 years down the road when my son would be a teenager I asked Wiyor if he had any solid advice I might offer my boy when he becomes a teenager to deter him from wanting to go all out with any date he gets involved with Many teenagers suddenly regret going all out with their dates after the act I posited After intimacy many young folks begin to worry about all kinds of things they should not be concerned about at that tender age Things such as pregnancy and even worse communicable diseases the other might have I asked Wiyor if he thought that would be a good line to keep in my quiver for 15 years down the road when I have to engage in the talk with my son Wiyor responded I don t know it might work it might not What do you mean it might not work I asked him YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 101 I wanted to know if he had a better approach to handling such a delicate matter Wiyor replied the reason I say it might not work is because I was not perturbed after my first encounter even though I was quite young I took all necessary precautions so I felt good The only thing I thought about was heaven Huh was my immediate knee jerk reaction to his statement What on earth could Heaven have to do with a situation like that I probed further I was thinking of the angels in heaven and how they are missing out that was my reason for thinking about heaven Are you serious right now I enquired with a deep laugh Never mind Wiyor henceforth I know where not to go for advice regarding how to appropriately raise my son I continued with a smile The whole time I am thinking what a living dichotomy of a man Does he just enjoy being controversial or was he born this way Anyway I still admired his intellectual abilities in several other areas He is genuine and has a great heart and he will be my friend for a long time in my opinion YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 102 CHAPTER FIFTEEN RISE OF THE CHESS PLAYERS The new leadership which took over CodWin appeared to be on the right track in ensuring Billings symphony continued unabated Billings left the company in such a great shape the new head was nick named the emperor The name emperor came about as a result of the organization expanding so rapidly to the extent its size begun to mimic an empire The organization was becoming really big and prosperous based on the vision and foundation so ably laid by Billings The name emperor stuck and became standard for subsequent leaders of CodWin Emperor was not an official title It was a name created by the rank and file and somehow it ended up becoming mainstay A few weeks prior to Kendra giving birth one of the new emperors requested I take a new position which was left vacant in the bay area For the most part CodWin was still practicing a lot of the values Billings cultivated A few things were beginning to change Refusing to move at the behest of the new emperors was not the best career move for anyone desiring to grow with the organization It did not matter much the unique family circumstances at play So Kendra and I moved to the bay area as requested CodWin continued to grow big As CodWin grew bigger it begun to depart from Billings values The new emperors appeared to enjoy playing chess a lot more than they enjoyed the symphony Billings left behind The beautiful melody of Billings had become a you move I move counterproductive game of chess in which each player was more interested in saving their own king instead of working for the collective good of all The new emperors gradually disbanded the symphony and instead encouraged the EEO Empowered Employee Organization to depend more on the smart and very intelligent people at the corporate halls of CodWin for direction on the most basic processes The emperors believed only the smart ones in the corporate halls could be entrusted to connect the dots and make the decisions which grassroot employees lacked the wherewithal to make Decisions Billings entrusted at lower levels were moved up because of a different operating environment the new emperors argued YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 103 Elite Individuals with no basic understanding of what truly happens at the grassroot levels spewing out garbage Theory learned from academic institutions was what they depended on to connect the dots Clueless folks who get drunk and then begin to throw darts in the dark and when they miss not only the bullseye but the entire dartboard in their drunken stupor they turn around and throw the same darts at the hardworking grassroot employees as punishment The grassroot nobodies whose job is to ensure the dartboards are properly set for the emperor and his generals to throw their darts end up getting all the blame for the inevitable misses of these drunk folks sitting at the top The generals throw their darts and when they miss by a foot they turn around and have the nerves to hold the hardworking grassroot folks accountable as they loved to call it with a straight face for setting the dartboard a quarter inch off from where it was supposed to be set Billings saw and heard what was going on at CodWin He was incensed He tried to offer his honest opinion but the new emperors had a different view on handling affairs so they continuously disregarded Billings sound counsel The cobra was quickly transforming itself into a lion Billings had enough He washed his hands off and would no longer offer advice which was never respected by the new crop He decided to relocate to Germany for a few years to cool off The transformation of the cobra into the lion continued to accelerate The emperors begun to communicate as oracles do They were deliberately vague in any communication to the rank and file of CodWin The confused elite at the top mastered the art of leaving the people at the bottom equally confused They left the people in the dark when they communicated They made it a point to equivocate so they were always right regardless of the outcome They cared not about the people They cared only about themselves and their fat pockets Chaos was having a field day as the evolution continued to take place at CodWin I continued to keep in touch with Captain Wagner and his wife Christine The Captain called me one day while in San Francisco He let me know he would be in town for a couple of days so we arranged to meet for lunch Captain Wagner had his friend co pilot Mario with him for lunch YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 104 Mario chimed in as the Captain and I talked about the chaos that had become of CodWin affairs Mario appeared to have a very deep understanding on the matters the captain and I were discussing Mario was born in Mexico Prior to becoming a pilot he worked for a company with a similar situation as was being experienced at CodWin Mario began to enlighten Captain Wagner and I on things we were unaware of previously regarding company dynamics Mario began There are unique dynamics that exist to either make a company thrive and achieve the mission it set itself to accomplish or quickly fall on its face and disband At the onset of the formation of a company almost all the dynamics for success tend to exist There are 2 major events in the life of every company Day of light which I like to refer to as the day of let there be light Day of separation which I call the day of the separation of the water from the water Any company which is fortunate enough to prolong the day of light will be formidable and relevant long term and deliver positively without fail on its mission When the day of separation arrives the company ceases to exist and operate as it did on the day of light The day of the separation of the waters from the waters inevitably lead the company to decline until it atrophies and finally goes the way of the dinosaurs There are unique characteristics a company exhibits in the era of light Mario explained This is going to be interesting I thought to myself I was obviously familiar with the cobra and lion analogy but I had not come across the day of light and the day of the separation of the waters from the waters Mario had me glued He continued with his explanation In the day of light everything about a company closely mimics what takes place when the light is turned on in a very dark room and people suddenly see everything which is around them and in the room It is a time of excitement a time of hope and joy a time of great celebration The company on the day of light is unstoppable for all things are clear Everything is brightly lit and the company operates solely in freedom with no room for fear Members of the company trust each other and everyone has faith in their team members YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 105 No one refers to written sets of rules to ensure the right thing is done Everyone in the organization naturally understands the mission and do everything within their power to ensure they are contributing towards the success of the company On the day of light when work needs to be done the best person for the job is assigned the responsibility based on deep personal knowledge of the skills abilities and experience of the person and not based on the recommendation of duck experts Do not be confused by the term duck experts for I will explain in more detail later as I speak Mario quickly added He continued On the day of light when a member of the organization fails to meet conduct which is expected of members of the company the discussion and corrective action is not based on a lecture regarding the rules and regulations of the company but rather on the person himself and why they found it necessary to act or behave out of character The focus is on the individual and not the abstract stipulations of the company rule book On the day of light everyone acts in good faith and the good faith is real not a meaningless jargon Good faith is a tangible quality exhibited by everyone not a set of standardized clich s which are memorized and regurgitated then spewed out like a child tasting chloroquine for the first time The circle of life is such that all things rise and fall That holds true for every human organization that is formed under the sun Happy is the company which can push back the inevitable advent of the day of separation Every company s goal should be to delay the cloudy day when the rise ends and the fall begins as far as possible On the day of the separation of the waters from the waters that is exactly what happens That which should not be separated is pulled apart That is when chaos and inevitable death set in for the organization What is it that should not be separated but ends up getting divided on the day of separation This is very important The purpose of communication is to transfer as accurately as possible intent of the one transmitting the communication to the receiver of the intent in a way which is as lucid as possible with little room for ambiguity Every communication tends to bundle up 2 things in transmitting the intent of the sender 1 The letter of the communication and 2 The spirit of the communication Just as water is intrinsically made up of Hydrogen and Oxygen and it is unthinkable to have water without the presence of the 2 elements so will it be near impossible to achieve alignment between communication and the actions taken by those to whom the communication is directed if the YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 106 receivers of the communication do not act in such a way to ensure congruence between the letter and spirit of that communication Human beings desire above all things to communicate the spirit of their intent to those to whom their communication is directed We have not yet discovered a flawless tool to perfectly transmit the spirit of our intent and so we rely on a highly flawed instrument called language which is made up of the letter to transmit the spirit of our intent In other words the sole purpose of the letter is to serve and help illuminate the intent which is the spirit The letter should never ever take precedence over the spirit Where there seems to be conflict between the letter and the spirit the spirit should always win Failure to give precedence to the spirit will breed inevitable chaos To buttress his point Mario showed us the picture below from a small book he carried in his pocket YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 107 Fascinating Mario is explaining this matter with so much lucidity I almost want to give him a standing ovation right now I thought to myself Mario continued On the day of light in the life of a company there is hardly any reference to the letter when corrective action is required Emphasis lays only in the spirit And rightly so On the day of light the leaders hide in plain sight Just as the force of gravity does with all things the leaders control all things and yet are not seen or hardly felt unless of course the employee decides to jump from a 20 foot building Then they will most certainly feel gravity Other than an extreme situation such as that the employees get to go about their business in peace without looking over their shoulders for when someone might show up with a list of wrongs List of wrongs I prefer to call the list of thou shall not On the day of separation something happens An awful terrible tragedy occurs The spirit of intent gets thrown over the balcony and the letter instead becomes the reigning champion of communication That which was meant to serve the spirit somehow usurps power from the spirit and becomes the supreme end all and be all controller of affairs The letter is turned into a golden idol a god that is worshipped with great reverence Everyone in the company answers to nothing but the letter The letter is used to force compliance of the company s mission Fear replaces freedom on the day of separation Fear of litigation fear of fines from regulatory bodies fear of bad publicity and the list goes on Common sense decisions are thrown out in favor of senseless practices as long as those practices are effective in assuaging fear Fear begets fear YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 108 As the company operates more and more based on fear so does its employees Employees become fixated with compliance based on the letter of any official communication which comes their way It is a chess move The company taught them to do this when they stopped the symphony in favor of playing chess The employees are fully aware that by being compliant based on the letter alone they are safe from being held accountable or whatever the term is the elite love to use or suffering any potential adverse actions Why go the extra mile to serve the spirit That is not how you play chess You asked for a pound of flesh I gave you your pound of flesh You made no mention of anything else other than a pound of flesh The letter of your communication did not stipulate that blood be contained in the pound of flesh The employees are right They cannot be held accountable The fear of losing their employment makes these employees unwilling to try to interpret any communication based on what they understand the spirit of that communication to be Instead they jettison the freedom of interpretation based on the spirit and embrace the fear of being held accountable if they fail to get it right and so these employees act solely based on what the letter of the communication stipulates The company stands no chance when employees begin to act solely based on the letter with little or no regard for the spirit The employees learn very quickly As Mario is shedding so much light on this matter I am thinking about CodWin I see the chess game and what happens In the case of Codwin the generals begin to spend more time crafting long directives in the attempt to ensure they do not miss out on any letter for the employees of CodWin are beginning to worship the one and only deity known as the letter So the letter must be flawless Valuable time which could and should be employed towards improving the dwindling fortunes of CodWin is instead invested in crafting bedtime stories by the generals YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 109 The chess game degenerates into a cat and mouse game So the generals bring in the diplomats to help clean up their mess when the chess game is not very promising for the generals The diplomats are suave They have the ability to find hidden chess moves which are usually lost to the generals In this game of chess the generals cannot lose The diplomats are on standby ever ready to ensure victory for the generals That is the one and only purpose of the diplomats On the day of chaos resulting from the separation of the waters from the waters responsibilities are no longer assigned to employees based on their abilities talents training experience and more importantly their heart and character Instead responsibilities are assigned based on recommendations made by individuals with absolutely zero clue on who the best fit truly is for that responsibility So called experts and consultants the duck experts with zero practical knowledge of what truly pertains on the ground dictating through the crafting of the most elaborate beautifully written bed time stories which they ram down the throats of the hard working honest folks who truly produce magic for the company These clowns who are nothing more than the illusion of magic do nothing but wreak havoc on that which is good Chaos is an unfortunate spectacle On the day of light the person responsible for finding the best employee for any task does so based on deep personal knowledge of tangible and intangible factors observed in the employee chosen for the responsibility The person making the assignment does not fear the loss of their own employment if the one they pick for the vacancy fails to live up to expectation in the assigned role The assigning officer has the freedom of knowing they made the best possible decision based on their own personal knowledge and observation Think of it why did Tom Brady Steph Curry even Michael Jordan get overlooked by organizations who would have helped themselves greatly by picking these studs You guessed right The ones entrusted with making the picks got fixated with following the recommendations of the duck experts instead of following their own deep insight The duck experts are nothing more than a safety net for those who approach their jobs based on fear Such people make decisions with one thing in mind How do I defend myself so I do not lose my job if things go south Oh I can always say I followed all recommendations given to me by the experts so it is not my fault things went bad YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 110 Classic case of you move I move Officers of the company making decisions based on protecting their own job instead of doing what they believe is best based on the spirit of what that organization represents You know what causes this situation Over fixation on meaningless metrics We need to hit these targets or thereby making targets more important than the mission itself Every organization like the earth itself will go through cycles of abundance and scarcity Do the right thing and the period of scarcity will not scar you Do the right thing and the period of abundance will not overwhelm you Metrics that make no sense in a lean season are artificial Anything artificial will not endure It will fail On the day of separation everyone in the company gets preoccupied with creating safety nets for themselves by putting in place the necessary conditions which make it easy to point fingers at someone else Everyone looks for the opportunity to pass blame Blame they know is inevitable in an environment where people operate solely on fear These experts or consultants as they are sometimes known are only trained to identify ducks and so they are quick to assign as an ugly duckling any graceful baby swan that happens to be in the midst of ducklings The lack of knowledge of swans has caused many companies and organizations to miss out on the grace and beauty of what swans bring to the table All because they relied too much on the duck experts Gregg Popovich of San Antonio Spurs is a man who makes decisions based on deep convictions and what he deeply believes and not based on the opinions of duck experts He is not interested in creating a safety net to catch his fall in case he makes a wrong decision He makes the best decisions he believes are best for his organization and he is ever ready to stand by his decisions He desires no spotlight He is pure substance Businesses might want to hire him to consult on how to accomplish what he has so beautifully done for many years Gregg and Billings ought to be best friends YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 111 That is the narrative on the day of separation It is an unfortunate turn of events from what pertains on the day of light YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 112 CHAPTER SIXTEEN CONGRUENCE Mario was not done yet He had another illustration to shed light on what he was explaining to the Captain and me Consider this I was a very close friends with a 75year old family patriarch called Blaise Blaise lamented to me day in and day out regarding what had become of his family and his lineage Blaise always believed in hard work and integrity and a just reward for commensurate effort producing expected results YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 113 He taught these concepts to his children and he expected to see the traits continue throughout his descendants Blaise was disappointed to see the exact opposite of everything he espoused being exhibited by his offshoots Blaise was the patriarch of 45 family members He was the head of a family that included his children grandchildren and great grandchildren One day Blaise decided to call a meeting to set the record straight with everyone that bore his name He wanted to see a return to the values he always championed He spoke enthusiastically to all 45 of his offshoots assembled in the room where he called the meeting Blaise spoke passionately about what the Blaise family represented and meant He spoke about the importance of maintaining the dignity of the name so it could be safely passed on to future generations without blemish After his rousing speech a speech which was well received by all members of the family Blaise told his family he was going to pick one of them to spearhead the return of the family to its core values Blaise acknowledged being a little old and not as energetic and strong as he once was He wanted to pick a younger more energetic offspring to be the point of contact in directing everyone back to what the Blaise family originally represented Everyone in the Blaise family waited patiently to find out who their patriarch was going to pick to lead them back to their values Lo and behold Blaise went and picked one of his great grandchildren who was barely 6 years old Blaise picked Jona as the one to represent the voice and struggles of the family and report to him for advice on how to best address those issues based on the values of the Blaise family As was to be expected the rest of the family was dumbfounded Why Jona members of the Blaise family wondered to themselves Is Jona going to have a regent lead him until he has gained enough experience to stand on his own 2 feet What is this asked one of Blaise s grandchildren Patkwara Patkwara continued With all due respect I am a little confused at your choice of who will lead the family back to the values you espoused There is a dichotomy here I cannot comprehend You talk about taking us back to who we used to be as a family and yet you pick a 6 year old boy who has very little firsthand experience or knowledge of what the Blaise family is all about On what basis is he going to lead us back to who we used to be Is he going to get his information from third party sources from research magazines newspapers or the internet I would have been less confused if your aim was to move this family in a completely different direction from what we were in the past If that was the goal then I would be inclined to understand why you would choose Jona I would more easily be in the position to wrap my head around Jona representing a clean break from the past both visually and psychologically YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 114 I cannot for the life of me comprehend how you would tell the family you want to return to our roots and yet overlook your children who experienced everything you espoused first hand you overlook your grandchildren who had a fair experience as well You overlook these groups and go pick a 6 year old great grandson to lead your family back to its roots With all due respect papa I am confused Patkwara s sentiments were fully supported by every member of the Blaise family The meeting ended in chaos as many in the Blaise family flatly rejected Jona as their leader They did not believe Jona represented them He did not He could not be their voice for many of Blaise s family members did not believe he understood their struggles and problems This story according to Mario was similar to what happened in the company he worked for previously A company which was trying to return to its roots and yet made the exact same choices the older Blaise made Why Because the duck experts made the recommendation to do so Mario was on a roll He gave us another example to shed light on the lack of congruence when chaos is born He talked about a retail company looking to save money in its operations The company was falling behind its competitors mainly due its lack of setting in place the necessary structures to better meet changing customer expectations Instead the company continued to do business the same way it had always done it while placing unnecessary burden on its employees to cut cost as the way to keep the company profitable and liquid The company was bleeding millions of dollars due to lack of basic modernization investments and yet loved to chastise its employees with nails and scorpions anytime these employees failed to meet artificial objectives the company set for them Missed objectives which created no tangible losses but which the company quickly ascribed artificial numbers running in the thousands of dollars which they then used to further burden the already burdened employees to do more to cut costs YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 115 FAILURE OF THE HEART Let me cut in here Captain Wagner interjected This is similar to what my next door neighbor Evelyn referred to as the failure of the heart Evelyn is a heart surgeon so she understands a thing or 2 about the human heart She talks about the human heart resting for 5 hours every 24 hours Many people do not know this The heart is expected to be available 24 hours a day to pump blood for the entire body The heart never fails in its responsibility It makes itself available for 24 hours so the body might live But in between every heartbeat the heart takes a quick rest so it might keep itself sane and healthy The heart understands by doing this simple routine it puts itself in the position to take care of the whole body for 24 hours every single day without risking the long term health and vitality of the heart itself The heart continued to do this until a new owner of the body showed up The new owner wants all members of the body to work more hours in order to cut costs and improve productivity The new owner meets with the heart and informs the heart he is no longer allowed to take breaks in between heartbeats The heart obliges and begins to beat with no rest in between rhythms The heart does this for 2 weeks but quickly fails The heart failure meant death for the entire body Captain Wagner concluded What a beautiful way to put it Mario uttered CONNECTING THE DOTS Mario continued with his story regarding the retail company which desired to cut costs This retail company in its attempt to cut costs identified floor maintenance as the lowest hanging fruit The company already had a contractor responsible for maintaining its floors as well as hard toreach sections that might breed pests The contractor from all indications was doing a fantastic job based on the contractual obligations and the scope of work The retailer s floors were well maintained and even hidden shelves were routinely cleaned and well kept to prevent a safe haven for rodents This retail company suddenly decided after many years not to renew the contract of the cleaning company because their charges were too expensive The retailer instead decided to hire a new company with the promise to save millions of dollars The new contractor to say the least was unable to maintain the standards of the previous company The new contractor overpromised and could not deliver The new contractor struggled to maintain the open floors of the facilities let alone clean the hidden shelves to prevent pests from breeding and multiplying YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 116 Within a year of the new cleaning company taking over one of the retailer s locations was shut down because rodents had multiplied so much the facility could not be used and so operations had to be halted in that location Shutting down the facility cost the retailer in 1 week more than the 2 million dollars extolled would be saved per year by switching to the new contractor The real tragedy here was not the issue with the pests and the new cleaning company s inability to maintain the facilities to the same standard the previous company did The real tragedy was what the retailer did to solve the problem The retailer formed a committee to study what happened as if it was not obvious The committee came up with a bedtime story of a manual to teach its retail managers the same managers who had been managing without pest problems for decades the proper procedures of reporting pest and rodent activity within their locations The intelligent people sitting at the corporate office deemed their retail managers as suddenly a bunch of inept zombies incapable of common sense tasks such as properly reporting rodent activities within their locations and so they needed to create a document to teach these incompetent lot the proper procedures of solving the differential equation of rodent reporting Nothing in the committee s work pointed to the root cause of the issue which was the fact that the new cleaning company which was supposedly going to create a savings of over 2 million dollars a year was doing a horrendous job The new contractor overpromised for the amount of money they were paid and found themselves in the inevitable pickle of how to meet expectations based on the agreed upon scope of work with the retailer The committee the retailer established to look into the problem was headed by a senior executive who 2 weeks prior to the mess held a meeting with Mario to explain what he needed to do to move to the next level in the corporate ladder This senior executive told Mario You see Mario I need to see you develop the ability to connect the dots before I will feel comfortable moving you to the next level You are doing everything right Mario you are a great asset to this company and I want to see you advance This business is however a little too complicated for someone who only just does a good job To make it to the next level the requirement is for the individual to possess much higher skills and abilities Skills such as the ability to connect many dots and be strategic in decision making The ability to make sense of many moving parts and variables I am not quite convinced you have the ability to do that yet Mario The same senior executive who spewed that garbage to Mario 2 weeks prior to the rodent incident was now chairing the committee to connect the dots on what happened to cause rodents to overrun one of the company s locations The senior executive with great dot connecting abilities showed his higher thinking abilities by signing off on the recommendation to create a document to teach and guide the incompetent store YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 117 managers how to report pest activities within their buildings as the solution to the pest situation which resulted in the closure of one of the company s locations We figured it out Ah we sure connected the dots on this one he thought to himself very happily No question was asked on what else could have happened to create the rodent chaos so suddenly and unexpectedly after decades of operations without ever encountering such a problem The senior executive sure illustrated to Mario what he meant by connecting the dots Another matter arose that was quite perplexing to Mario Mario continued his explanation As the chasm between the elite of the company and the rank and file continued to widen the elite decided to put together a program to accurately understand the sentiments of its teeming members What happened to personally and physically talking man to man man to woman woman to man woman to woman Maybe the organization was too vast to realistically expect the busy elites to find time to personally talk to those in the trenches So a third party organization was contracted by the busy elites to hear out the employees and then relay the sentiments of the employees back to those who wanted to hear them The elite had come to understand the seriousness of the dwindling trust between the rank and file and those playing chess at the corporate halls and that was one of the reasons the third party organization was contracted to hear out the employees The goal was to use the information provided by the employees to make improvements and begin to rebuild the lost trust The elite argued anonymity was an important element of the process Anonymity would allow the employees the freedom and safety to accurately express to the third party organization their true sentiments Good thinking The elite reached out to the employees and explained what they had in mind The employees were happy to hear their leaders were putting in place measures to improve trust and respect within the organization Numbers mattered in this exercise In order to get an accurate reflection of employee sentiments a threshold number of employees had to participate in expressing their views to the third party organization Every member in the organization was encouraged to participate in providing the information needed The information being the unadulterated view of the employees regarding the organization and its leadership When the day came for employees to anonymously express their sentiments they found out to their dismay the very first question required of them was self identification You could not anonymously express your true sentiments without first self identifying YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 118 What is this Many of the employees asked themselves We thought this was supposed to be anonymous We were supposed to feel safe and free expressing our unmitigated views Now this Question number 1 please identify yourself You may not proceed unless you first let us know who you are Many employees declined to participate in the process They did not feel safe I do not blame them If you truly want to build trust start by showing good faith The elite tried to argue the employees were overreacting and irrational The elite argued the identification was not going to be factored into tracing the respondents The employees did not believe the garbage Many employees refused to participate The elite turned their darts at the middle managers and accused them of not doing a good enough job of explaining to their employees that their fears were unfounded The elite in their own eyes did nothing wrong in the way the entire listening exercise was organized The middle managers needed more training on how to better whip their employees in line Mario left the company 1 month after this incident He could not take anymore He left to go train to be a pilot The duck experts wreak havoc on companies using a set of metrics which have no ability to measure the heart and the will of the people who make up the organization Mario carried on The metrics are so worthless they do not have the simple ability of measuring the depths from which a person is able to pull a potentially disastrous situation instead they are solely focused on measures of heights attained as the basis of determining success These flawed metrics are the reason one person who has done everything right under the sun to avert a complete collapse of her area of responsibility and in the process produces 2 increase is overlooked in favor of someone who did a lot of things wrong under his jurisdiction but yet due to favorable external factors experienced a 5 increase The woman with a 2 increase in reality turned what would have been a 10 decline into an increase thereby producing a 12 positive swing whereas the man with a 5 increase should have in reality experienced a 10 increase if he had done things right which means he produced 5 of what he should have brought to the table yet he gets rewarded due to a measurement system that should have waved the earth good bye the same time the dinosaurs made their exit Numbers do not lie True YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 119 However they equivocate They equivocate so badly very few people are able to separate the wheat from the chaff Overdependence on numbers without the appropriate perspective will spell certain doom and chaos to the interpreter of those numbers no matter how skilled that person is in deciphering information There is one more thing which happens on the day of separation that is inimical to the success of any company On the day of separation of the water from the water it is a real challenge making sense out of things the company does Jargons and theories replace reality A chasm develops and grows so big that an almost irreversible disconnect forms between the rank and file of the organization and the elite at the top The day of the separation of the waters from the waters gives birth to the 7 columns of chaos These columns of chaos will bring to its knees the most formidable of any human organizations The columns of chaos are 1 Emphasis on the letter and not the spirit of organizational directives 2 Gravitating towards duck experts for competitive advantage solutions 3 Decisions based on fear instead of freedom Constant worry about regulatory bodies and lawsuits instead of common sense operational decisions 4 Empowerment shift from grassroots to clueless elite at the top 5 Emphasis on archaic and outmoded corporate metrics Metrics that are ok in measuring the heights attained but clueless in measuring the depths from which you emerge Instead of concentrating on delivering value to the communities they serve and do so in freedom they become fixated with meaningless goals and objectives borne out of fear and archaic corporate metrics Metrics that lead employees to make wrong short term decisions in order to deliver those results that have inevitably pushed many companies the way of the dinosaurs 6 Not knowing when continuous improvement is no longer beneficial but rather counterproductive to the organization s long term success Instead of continuing to look for a way to improve the breed of horse retire the horse and get an automobile Realize you are not winning the automobile race with your horse no matter how you improve the horse 7 Lack of congruence between what is heard and what the people see If you are going to advice someone to learn to connect the dots please learn to do so yourself Congruence is the best way to achieve alignment Mario concluded YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 120 I was blown away by Mario s depth Have I ever met a man or woman who was not excellent in their own way one way or another I could not help but ask myself again and again YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 121 CHAPTER SEVENTEEN WHO AM I TO YOU Captain Wagner added his take on what a leader needs to exhibit in order to mitigate the potential to slide an organization into chaos The Captain calls it Who do people say I am and the ability to answer that all important question yourself to a satisfactory degree Captain Wagner explained what he meant by who do people say I am As a leader Captain Wagner begun to explain you will find yourself in many situations where people are not happy with decisions you make or the consequences of the decisions you make The people may be justified in their indignation or they may just be troublemakers It does not matter whether the people s sentiments are justified or not What matters is you the leader did all you could under the circumstances by 1 2 3 4 Showing real good faith in the service of the people you lead Truly acting in the best interest of the people you lead based on available information Truly loving the people you lead Listen listen listen to their sentiments and if you cannot satisfy them at least let them know why you cannot do so in the present They will love you for this The captain talked about an incident which occurred 2 years prior when he walked into the office of his good friend named Alossom One of Captain Wagner s international flights took him to Australia While in Melbourne He decided to visit his friend of many years When the Captain entered Alossom s office the two of them had barely finished getting caught up with old times when Alossom s phone rung On the phone was Alossom s son 3 former executives of your company were on the business journal this morning and they were very uncharitable in their assessment of you and your role in the restructuring of the company They literally called you the devil for causing untold hardships to people and wreaking havoc on many lives Is that true dad Did you really do all the things they are saying you did I am embarrassed dad I am so ashamed by what I saw I don t even want to go to school or look my friends in the eye some of whose parents were victims of your restructuring program This is unbelievable dad Anafo Alossom slowly retorted his son I got the chance to watch the acerbic vitriol which was spewed against me on National Television I can easily see how the narrative presented on TV would embarrass and upset you That is the last thing I want to put you through so I fully apologize that you had to even deal with something of that nature through no fault of yours Son rapid turnover of leadership in a company is usually a creative way for the company to communicate to the world it has no clue the way forward and what it is doing YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 122 Structural and system problems are treated as human problems and so it becomes a revolving door where new faces get hired to fix the mess of the previous officers and so the circus continues ad infinitum You know it is really bad when the company begins to recycle some of the old faces from years ago by bringing them back to fix the mess of the person who was hired to succeed them and clean their mess in the first place The new face shows up and talks very intelligently about his or her vision to fix the mess They then request 200 000 dollars to start the process of fixing the disaster left behind by their predecessor We are saving an incredible amount of money with this new strategy is the official communique that gets sent to every employee to whip up enthusiasm and support 6 weeks later another new face shows up to introduce himself and their vision All this and yet they have the nerves to question employees whose views on what constitutes commitment to the organization begin to evolve That was the joke that was taking place at the Don Dada company It was a circus Son Alossom continued you have watched The Titanic several times and you have articulated to me how you draw many lessons from it The lesson regarding the tragedy of The Titanic is not that it sunk into the ocean The real tragedy of the ship called unsinkable was that good counsel kept getting ignored by its handlers The failure to heed simple but wise advice from those who meant well is the reason why today if you want to see The Titanic you will have to deep sea dive to the bottom of the ocean instead of seeing its majesty in a meticulously designed museum Anafo The Don Dada company was inevitably going the way of The Titanic Someone had to do something to avert the sure collision with the iceberg A collision that was a mathematical certainty and bound to happen I had to do something Something I did I took a good hard look at the facts as they were and I took a decision I truly believed averted disaster and led to the best possible outcome given the circumstances Were there casualties Absolutely There were casualties and I regret that some people lost their means of livelihood due to the restructuring I spearheaded The pain of seeing the faces of those who were adversely affected by the business decision I made is something I will carry with me forever and into my grave But let me tell you something son and I want you to listen to me very carefully I am a businessman As a businessman I am not an angel Neither am I a demon YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 123 I act in the best interest of my business for if the business thrives the people will thrive To be a good steward of my business I have become all things to all men To some I am the greatest philanthropist to walk the face of the earth To others I am a man with a heart of stone who shows no mercy To others I am just a smart negotiator who knows how to get what I want Every person you talk to will have their own opinion of me and how they perceive me What I represent to them is their prerogative I may not agree with their perception of me but I respect what they want to believe and the narrative they decide to form regarding me There is only one opinion regarding me that matters to me though son One and only one opinion and I am going to find out right now what that opinion is Anafo who do you say I am After a brief pause Anafo responded You are my father and I love you and there is nothing more to it You have given me everything I could ever ask for from a father I have never wanted for anything ever since I was born You always enjoy making me breakfast when you are not traveling for business even though I am old enough and can fix my own plate You delight more than anything to see me happy Let others view you through their own individual perspectives I have no perspective All I know is I am proud to be your son and you are my father My father who I am extremely grateful to have and will forever cherish That is who I say you are He concluded Thank you son Alossom slowly responded before hanging up I don t understand why but Alossom was unable to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably after hanging up the phone with his son Captain Wagner concluded Mario interjected with some words of wisdom People want to be perfect yet do not want to overcome imperfection How can you be perfect without overcoming imperfection How can you be a winner without a fight You get vaccinated with the very germs you seek not to fall ill from you take into yourself that which you desire to overcome so you may be in a better position to withstand it when it strikes in full force Seek to be familiar with your enemy not oblivious of them If you do not allow the familiarity of your enemy to breed contempt and cause you to lower your defenses you will place yourself in a spot that perpetually confounds that enemy YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 124 Mario ended his take Captain Wagner threw a question to Mario and me to pick our brain since leadership was taking center stage in our talks Among the secular leaders of men and women who do you admire most and why I barely got to think about the Captain s question when Mario provided an answer George Washington Mario blurted out without hesitation Why him Captain Wagner enquired George Washington walked away when no one was watching Many great leaders have walked away from control but none did it like George Washington All other leaders who walked away did so with a lot more eyes on them than Washington If nothing at all based on that alone I give to him the greatest I believe it was Shakespeare who rightly said there is no art of determining the mind s construction on the face I know it is impossible for a man to fully understand what goes on in the heart of another man when that man takes decisions which might appear selfless from an observer s viewpoint A viewer may only speculate the reasons people take and make the decisions they do Speculation means the observer is likely to err On that basis I do understand I might be in error regarding my assessment of George Washington However based on the information available to me I would rather err on the side of wrongly ascribing the greatest secular leader status to George Washington than to any other man I know After Mario concluded his explanation I could not throw darts at his board Neither could Captain Wagner YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 125 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN BUSINESS AS USUAL Many years passed and I had another son I stayed with CodWin and continued to avail myself faithfully in service to the emperor Once in a while the man with PI inscribed on his hands will show up but I was too tired from working for the emperor I could not remember a thing about what really happened in the dreams I found myself remembering bits and pieces of his visit as time went on My circle of friends begun to expand I received a call from Adongo I grew up with Adongo in anzu before I went to Milton Keynes with 2000 pounds sterling my dear sister Ayinpoka gave me to begin my engineering studies Adongo Ayuke and I loved to chase after lizards as our favorite sport There was not much else to do in anzu in those days Adongo was in Antarctica with his wife the last time we talked He was stationed out there as a research scientist Adongo and his wife were good people and everything indicated they loved each other Adongo and his wife were in Las Vegas for a couple s retreat They decided to give their marriage a spark I was surprised to find this out I thought their marriage already had all the sparks one could ask for I thought everything was perfect in the Adongo household until Adongo began to explain to me the state of his union with his beloved wife Elektra I was even more surprised to find out Adongo and his wife were staying in separate towers at the Las Vegas resort they booked for their retreat Things had apparently degenerated so badly in the Adongo household this was the last attempt between them to see if anything could be salvaged They decided on Las Vegas because they wanted to give themselves the best individual experience while providing each other the necessary space to think about the way forward regarding their marriage Adongo and I were like brothers so he was honest with me over the phone He told me he and his wife could not seem to agree on the most basic things and the relationship had grown so cold to the extent it appeared no counselor was skilled enough to come up with a magic solution to prevent further cooling let alone raise its temperature Adongo told me what finally precipitated the trip to Las Vegas According to Adongo Kendra looked at me and said The light in your eyes seems to have gone dark They look strange and you act quiet and hardly talk to me You are right sweetheart was my response to her YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 126 Do you feign befuddlement in seeing no light in my eyes when I look at you I continued You should have seen it in my eyes long before you saw it in my actions You should have seen it the day the light went dim in my eyes as I looked at you We have one daughter who is about to turn 18 years and her well being is about the only thing you and I have ever managed to eke out a measure of agreement Outside of her you have made it your life s mission to loathe everything which is dear or remotely close to me You are immersed in my world yet you choose to live outside of it You claim you want to be involved in all I do yet you choose to bring negativity and depression as your ever present tools of contribution to the table You consciously make sure no friend of mine feels comfortable through your display of open hostility when they make the seismic blunder of visiting me at home You exert every ounce of energy in you to find fault in anyone who dares get near me Finding the proverbial needle in a haystack is your specialty Not even my family is spared the venom Neighbors who generously baby sat our daughter when we desperately needed a babysitter got no reprieve from you when all they did was stop by to watch a game with me I asked you if it would work better for you if I went to visit friends instead of having them come over and you answered in the affirmative Then you locked up the door so I could not sleep on the bed when I went to support Marcus after he graduated from college and obtained his bachelor s degree I Quietly lay on the sofa in the living room once I found you locked the bedroom door only to wake up with a knife to my neck as you attacked me I look at you and I cannot help but draw parallels with the generation the man who split time as we know it in two two thousand years ago referred to when he exclaimed in exasperation You ask for upbeat music yet will not dance when I play it Then you ask for a dirge and refuse to mourn when I play the dirge What do you want Elektra what is it exactly you desire That talk according to Adongo was what led both of them to Las Vegas I was blown away by what Adongo just shared with me All that glitters is not gold I thought to myself as I remembered the words of Nigerian Holy Child Jesus catholic nun Sister Justina s words The thought of Sister Justina made me miss her immensely She taught me in primary school very briefly before tragically passing away in a motor accident at the tender age of 28 years I wished Adongo and Elektra well and promised to call him back in a few days to find out how things were going I told Adongo it would be a great delight to see both him and Elektra after their marriage retreat In 2 weeks our mutual friend Ayuke was stopping over in Los Angeles for 3 days I planned to go see Ayuke before he flew back home The timing seemed to be perfect for Adongo He and Elektra YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 127 would have concluded their retreat by then Adongo believed he could work his itinerary to allow him to be in Los Angeles when Ayuke arrived It would be nice for us to reconnect even if it was just for one day I planned to call Mr Fasty to join our reunion Mr Fasty lived in Los Angeles He grew up in anzu as well just like the rest of us We called him Mr because he was deeply religious and loathed the presence of anything unclean All of us had to behave ourselves when Fasty was around Choice of words and music had to be carefully choreographed in order not to offend Mr Fasty We all respected his discipline and desire for structure and holiness in all his endeavors The world needs more Mr Fastys I thought to myself on many occasions I called up Mr Fasty and he was ecstatic to join Ayuke Adongo and I for lunch I could not wait Nothing like a reunion of old friends YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 128 CHAPTER NINETEEN THE REUNION The reunion party of Ayuke Adongo Mr Fasty and I was at Denny s not far from LAX I was first to arrive After securing the table I went to use the restroom As I was washing my hands prior to exiting the restroom I heard someone say you must be Emmarssom I turned around to see who this person was Who is this person calling me Emmarssom No one has referred to me by that name since I left anzu Only my old friends from anzu know me by my full name Everyone knows me by Emmar I was more startled when I turned to see who this person was only to find out he was not someone I recognized I am I slowly responded Who are you I enquired I am Mr Fasty s friend He invited me to join you guys for lunch He is still in the parking lot trying to find parking He told me about you and the fun you guys had growing up in anzu I just need to quickly use the restroom and I will be out to join you guys at the table By the way my name is just call me Mixmix All my friends call me Mixmix It is a lot easier to remember than my real name he concluded Nice to meet you Mixmix I responded See you out there I told him as I exited the restroom and made my way towards the table This guy I just met at the restroom was interesting I could not tell what race he was The curvature of his eyes reminded me of someone from the far east His skin tone made it difficult to tell if he was a light skinned black man or someone from the Mediterranean His hair reminded me of an Indian or Hispanic His eyes were green similar to what you would see in someone descended from Europe No wonder they call him Mixmix I kept thinking to myself Plastic surgery can achieve all things these days I tried to rationalize the man s contradictory features Back at the table Ayuke arrived shortly after I got back from the restroom Mixmix joined us shortly afterwards Adongo and Mr Fasty walked in less than 2 minutes later We ordered our food and drinks YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 129 No alcohol Mr Fasty was in the house Food was good We were having a great time reminiscing old times our lizard hunting days and everything in between There was a TV across from our table showing one of the major news channels Turn that thing off Mr Fasty blurted out Turn what off Adongo turned and asked Mr Fasty The TV I cannot stand seeing that man on TV He disgusts me Mr Fasty answered back His answer caused all of us to turn our attention to the TV hanging from the wall It was the leader of the free world giving a speech Oh that guy Everyone at the table exclaimed almost in unison Everyone except Mixmix Mixmix turned his gaze to Mr Fasty and asked him it appears you do not like the man on TV Is that correct And if so why is that if I may ask Mr Fasty looked at Mixmix for a few seconds as if to say are you kidding me right now Are you really asking me why I do not like this guy Who in their right mind cares for him After the silent gaze was over Mr Fasty tried to calmly explain the obvious to this Mixmix guy who obviously did not seem to get it After Mr Fasty was done articulating what seemed like a well rehearsed piece in defense of his extreme dislike for the unfit leader of the free world as he liked to call him Mixmix nodded quietly as if to agree with everything Mr Fasty had just enlightened him on Beautiful T shirt you are wearing Mixmix began to speak while looking at Mr Fasty as though he was trying to quickly move away from the subject he had just been enlightened on Mixmix continued I do not recognize the man whose picture is on the front of your T shirt It appears he must have been some kind of hero given the words man of truth printed above his picture Is that correct You do not know Robert Mugabe Mr Fasty quickly answered while trying not to lose his cool with this Mixmix guy who appeared to be so oblivious of the obvious YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 130 Mugabe was a great leader The west tried to destroy him but he stood his ground and did the right thing Mr Fasty began to enlighten Mixmix a little bit more Nice Mixmix interjected Can you enlighten me a little bit more on the greatness of your hero He must be everything the despicable leader of the free world is not Tell me more He took land away from the people of European descent and redistributed the land to poor indigenous citizens Mr Fasty explained I take it the people of European descent whose lands were confiscated were illegal immigrants with no rights or protections under the laws of the land your hero ruled Mixmix enquired They were not illegal immigrants They were citizens whose ancestors stole the land Mr Fasty continued his explanation How did their ancestors steal the land Mixmix enquired They stole the land by deceiving the people into unfair deals in exchange for the best lands Mr Fasty answered When you say unfair deals are you referring to contracts signed by children or individuals considered mentally unfit to enter into binding agreements Mixmix probed further The agreements were signed with local chiefs but the local chiefs did not know what they were signing They were deceived Mr Fasty enlightened Mixmix further The chiefs did not know what they were signing and yet they signed it Did the chiefs attempt to cross check with anyone with a modicum of competence to advise them properly before signing anything Did the chiefs who had a divine responsibility to protect their people and land take their sacred responsibility so lightly and trivially they were willing to exchange their birthright for porridge The porridge of whiskey and mirrors the porridge of glitter and chains Did the chiefs do this with the intent of coming back centuries later to blame the other party to the agreement the party which lived up to their end of the contractual agreement of trickery Did the chiefs do this expecting to come back many years later to cry like babies and beg the world for sympathy from the evil bully the chiefs claimed to be equal to if not superior I guess the chiefs are not to blame here The blame solely lays on the doorstep of the evil people from Europe All responsibility for doing the right thing lies in the hands of those people No one else carries that burden I suppose YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 131 Mixmix gently enquired There was silence No one answered so Mixmix continued You spoke of land redistribution and how fair it was that your hero whose picture you proudly wear on your chest forcefully took what rightfully belonged to citizens of his country in order to give to less privileged citizens I suppose that was unifying compared to the despicable rhetoric the leader of the free world keeps spewing with his divisive slogan of make the country great again You talk about it being ok to take away from the foreigners and give back to the local people regardless of the fact that the foreigners are legal citizens of the land You yourself live in a foreign land You have worked hard and legally acquired property Well done What if a president arises from this land who is indigenous according to your definition of the term and decides to correct the wrongs of many hundred years ago and so confiscates everything you ever worked for in this land What if the indigenous president did that and called it correcting the rights of the past You mentioned to all of us you bought a new house Congratulations You claim the reason for buying the new house was to move away from a homeless shelter your city was building near your previous home You desired no part of it for you did not want to live close to the despicable homeless people who were going to become your neighbors Yet you supported the revolution in countries where Lebanese and people of Indian descent were stripped of everything they owned The reason ascribed by the revolutionary forces for stripping these people of everything they owned was simply because they look down on the indigenous people and do not want to mix with us You eagerly supported these revolutions and here you are in a foreign country enjoying the fat of the land and all the good the land has to offer You do this and find it convenient to relocate and buy a new home when you find out the undesirables are moving too close to your comfort zone I heard you were religious I am not sure what religion you belong or practice but I would like to research the teachings of the one you profess to follow so religiously You are quick to applaud leaders who blatantly disregard human rights and declare themselves rulers for life You turn these demigods into your heroes and yet look for the tiniest specks in the eyes of rulers and leaders of the west to explain the sorry state of affairs due to the inability of your heroes to YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 132 address a single issue You do this because none of you has the tiniest muscle to look these clowns in the eyes and tell them to attempt to first take the logs from their own eyes before pointing at the specks in the eyes of the west Your hero Mugabe was starving his countrymen both indigenous and foreigners alike while his wife and children were splurging hundreds of thousands of dollars on champagne in France and jetting off in private planes Yet you wear a T shirt to celebrate him as the man of truth while you vilify the president of this land for being divisive Do we apply different standards when talking right vs wrong as it applies to the west compared to the poor countries of the east It is ok to do so if you are unequal Do not hide behind the bogus cloak of they stole from us to throw away every measure of reason and responsibility I am not saying there are no guilty parties what I am saying is many of the things we claim were stolen from us were already being stolen by your chiefs and leaders before the west showed up No one has stolen more from you than your so called heroes and leaders They have plundered you for thousands of years Long before the west showed up They are still plundering you today while asking you to look west for the thief The west showed up long after the devastation had already taken place They saw an opportunity and like any sound businessman they participated in the plunder Plunder so disgracefully started by your own heroes You were enslaving each other mutilating each other plundering each other killing your deformed children carrying your chiefs on your heads while they looked down on you like little animals Did the evil people of the west introduce these practices to your poor countries Yet you ascribe your suffering to theft from the west You cry hand in mouth daily looking for aid and yet when you are advised by the ones to whom you cry for help to do more to improve dignity and equality among your own citizens you quickly recoil and yell sovereignty You are quick to tell the west not to tell you what to do Do not bring your filthy ways to our lands you claim Heroism has become nothing more than your so called heroes getting on national television and declaring resistance to the evil forces of the west With that one statement a person suddenly YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 133 becomes a national hero Never mind the hero is starving the children of the land to death while their own children spend millions of dollars in the lands of the evil ones Equality means just that Equal If you claim to be equal and you truly believe it then please begin to apply the same standards to all things you claim are equal Do not claim equality and independence only when it is convenient and works in your favor You turn around and say the west has abandoned you when you are left in peace to practice your sovereign independence only for you to shamelessly turn around again after receiving handouts to say the west is trying to dictate to you what to do with your sovereignty and independence Independence which you have so badly corrupted since the day of declaration Everything from infrastructure to services inherited at independence you have thrown down the drain For heaven s sake you have not been able to maintain something as basic as your language of expression Language which is literally universal and proper articulation of which serves to your great advantage you have corrupted You rebel against all that is sound and reasonable You call your corrupted version pidgin English You go on to corrupt yourselves and your children with this travesty eroding the little competitive advantage you might accord yourselves on the world stage through decent and proper articulation You are good at what you practice You practice pidgin English continuously and when you find yourself unable to find the job of your dreams because of your inability to decently articulate the language of the business you cry racism and evil How many of you in your countries truly work to ensure the rights of all citizens and residents are respected while eschewing discrimination based on Tribal affiliation or national origin Gender Religion Sexual orientation How many of you have never uttered the words those people in reference to a group of people you do not consider your own If you truly believe the leader of the free world is chaos please do me a favor next time you look at yourself in the mirror If the man with the control is chaos it might just be that chaos gave him the control And who is chaos Mixmix was still talking when his phone rung YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 134 Hello he answered He looked at all of us seated and said important call I need to step outside to take this one With that he walked out of Denny s to take his call Everyone seated at the table was quiet for a minute still trying to make sense of everything Mixmix just told us After what seemed like eternity I broke the silence and asked Mr Fasty Where do you know this Mixmix guy I was going to ask you the same question Mr Fasty enquired I thought he came here with you I met him in the restroom He told me you were his friend and that you invited him to join us for lunch I answered with genuine bewilderment This is so crazy Adongo exclaimed I wonder if he works for the FBI Ayuke added his voice He seemed to know everything about all of us He probably pulled up our background before coming to sit here like he knows us If that is the case he is probably on a sting operation investigating something Whatever Ayuke concluded Right then the attendant came and told us not to worry about our lunch bill because our friend who had to leave for an emergency paid everything in full Needless to say the rest of our reunion lunch was somber Mixmix syphoned every ounce of pleasure from our party None of us openly admitted it but we were all deeply thinking about what Mixmix had just talked about We hobbled through the rest of our lunch until we departed and each of us went our separate ways YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 135 CHAPTER TWENTY LOVE TRUTH TIME TRUST Back home it was business as usual One month later and I still could not shake off the Mixmix situation His claim to be Mr Fasty s friend The things he opened our eyes to his mysterious exit and payment of our bill Everything about him was confusing I was lounging in my porch pondering these things when Mariah my old neighbor walked by Mariah was from Guatemala and probably in her 60s She was the type of person I would consider a classic nosy neighbor I think she meant well but somehow she rubbed a lot of neighbors the wrong way Occasionally I would engage in conversations with her She called herself enlightened Whatever that meant I never quite understood it When I enquired of her the meaning of enlightened she told me it meant she was not bound by dogmas rules and affiliations To Mariah enlightened meant she practiced 2 things Love and open mindedness I asked Mariah if she practiced any religion and she answered with an emphatic NO She told me she had a role model Someone she deeply admired loved and looked up to That person according to Mariah was the only man who managed to accomplish what no other man has ever been able to do In addition to standing apart from all other men everything about this man Mariah claimed she looked up to screamed love wisdom and an open mind Mariah never mentioned the name of who her mystery role model was She went on to tell me something perplexing about him She said the same man was the most conservative and yet most liberal person she had ever encountered How can that be I asked Mariah It is possible to be all things if love and open mindedness are your guiding principles Mariah responded Interesting I thought to myself Mariah continued to explain for she could see the confusion written all over my face YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 136 You see Emmar there is a strong correlation between Truth Love and Time Many people do not realize the 3 things are very similar if not the same What do you mean I asked Mariah She explained Sometimes I wish I could set a trap and capture this thing called truth and lock it up in a bottle like I do with the juice from my freshly squeezed oranges I am yet to come across a man or woman who did not express their desire and love for that which we call truth Great wars have been waged and many have perished in battle because they believed in their hearts they were on the side of truth Does truth exist to serve a purpose or is truth wholly independent and unaffected by any purpose whether that purpose be worthwhile or otherwise Does truth evolve or is it unchangeable Is truth affected by motive or is it unaffected by intent These questions have bedeviled me greatly for much of my life I have traveled the world and exposed myself to many cultures and traditions hoping to better understand this thing we call truth In my quest for truth I once came across an old woman in Brazil named Nantogmah This old woman was greatly revered by all who knew her in the land She was respected for her wisdom and ability to understand complex matters regarding humanity I posed to her the same question regarding truth She smiled and asked me if I ever considered time and the relationship time had with truth The old woman asked me does time change Mariah to which I replied in the affirmative The old woman gently retorted I beg to differ I do not believe time changes Events change It is what we do with time that changes We measure the interval between changing events and refer to those measurements as time Mariah the same time that existed at the beginning of the universe exists unchanged today No one knows what time is No one has ever seen time or touched it No one has ever felt it in their hands YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 137 However we are witnesses to different events that happen within time and that is what we record and refer to as time Time provides us the resource which permits unique events to occur within space How is that related to truth Just as time is unchangeable so is truth Just as time is unchangeable except what we do with it so truth is unchangeable except what we do with it Just as none of us will ever have a full grasp of time just as we are all accorded little glimpses just as we experience aspects as they relate to time so none of us will ever know truth in its fullness Everyone experiences time in a different manner even though time is unchangeable and so will everyone experience truth in their own unique and personal way even though truth is unchangeable The old lady told me a story to highlight what she wanted to explain to me regarding truth She told me about a great painter in medieval Europe who was commissioned to paint the portrait of the last supper of Jesus Christ and his disciples The painter decided to find 13 men to serve as models for his painting One model was supposed to represent Jesus Christ while the other 12 models would represent his 12 disciples The painter expected his models to have physical features which closely resembled each of the men he was going to represent in his painting Finding the right models proved to be the hardest part of the painter s work He searched for several weeks until one day he encountered a young man in church whose appearance was a perfect fit for what he imagined Jesus would have looked like The painter went on to find other models whose appearances matched what he imagined was a true reflection of each of the disciples The painter found models for every disciple except one He could not find a model that perfectly fit his conceptualization of Judas Iscariot The painter imagined Judas the traitor who sold his friend Jesus for a few pieces of silver to those who sought to harm him would have an appearance that immediately invoked the imagery of wickedness The face of Judas was supposed to scream greed and betrayal A decade after the painter was commissioned to paint the last supper he still had not come across the man who perfectly fit his profile of Judas Iscariot One day while visiting a prison the painter came across a prisoner whose eyes immediately reminded him of Judas The man s face bore the exact look the painter imagined for the traitor and which had eluded him for a decade YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 138 The painter was granted permission to use the prisoner as his final model for his painting of the last supper The painter worked for days with his model making sure to capture every feature on his face so no detail was lost As he painted the image of the prisoner the painter noticed a change in the prisoner s demeanor The man had an uneasiness about him and seemed to be greatly bothered by something The painter noticed the uneasiness of the prisoner was getting worse each passing day so he stopped painting and asked the prisoner what it was that bothered him so much The prisoner was in uncontrollable tears as he screamed I was your model for Jesus Christ ten years ago Mariah why am I telling you this story What is the relationship between this story and truth the old woman asked me I tell it to you because what was true regarding the model at the beginning of the painting project was still true 10 years later but the application of that truth 10 years later would not have worked the same way it did at the beginning of the painting project While I was still trying to marinade the old woman s story regarding the last supper she continued to hammer home her point Consider this statement Nantogmah continued as she wrote something on a piece of cardboard YOU SHALL GO YOU SHALL RETURN NEVER IN WAR SHALL YOU PERISH She handed me the piece of cardboard and asked me to interpret what she wrote I looked at it carefully and I told her it meant the recipient of the message would go to war and return safely with no harm coming their way She looked at me and said your interpretation is right based on where you put your punctuation She wrote two sentences on another piece of cardboard and handed the cardboard to me The two sentences she wrote were YOU SHALL GO YOU SHALL RETURN NEVER IN WAR SHALL YOU PERISH YOU SHALL GO YOU SHALL RETURN NEVER IN WAR SHALL YOU PERISH As I looked at the two sentences she wrote she asked me if they meant the same thing I responded no The first sentence means the subject will return safely from war while the second statement meant the subject would perish in war YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 139 True the old woman retorted That is what truth looks like Truth comes to us in an unchangeable manner just as the statement I wrote for you What truth does is it presents us with a punctuation and it is our job to figure out where to put that punctuation so that the unchangeable truth becomes our individual and personal truth How then do we handle truth so that we do not create unnecessary strife and wreak havoc on ourselves in the name of defending the truth like we have done for millennia What have we done with time to avoid conflicts and wars in the name of time that we have failed to do with truth to prevent chaos and bloodshed in its name We created 2 things for time Calendars and watches and they work great for us I am not aware of too many wars that have been fought in the name of time The reason being as long as each person follows what the watches and calendars stipulate there is agreement the world over even though time and dates are different everywhere you go in the world Have we created anything for truth to keep us from getting at each other s throats as we have with time We do not need a new invention We already have the tools Truth has already presented us with the 2 pieces of equipment to serve the same purpose watches and calendars do for time The problem is we do not use them the same way we use our watches and calendars Why we do not use them baffles the living breath out of me The 2 tools are 1 Love Do all things with pure love and you will operate in truth 2 Open mindedness Approach all things with an open mind casting away all filters and preconceived notions and you will operate in truth That is the truth Do you have any further questions The old woman asked me I looked at her greatly impressed by her wisdom I was speechless After a moment I answered her no no further questions I thanked her and as I turned to walk away something struck me so I turned around and asked the old woman a question I enquired of her if truth is so elusive should we then never try to seek it Great question she answered YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 140 If I may add my own little take on truth the search for truth is desirable and I have come to find out based on my own experience that we tend to go far and wide in search for the truth only to find out the whole time truth was staring us in the face and yet we conveniently refused to recognize it Sometimes because of traditions and culture which provide us a safe haven from truth Truth has no favorites and will come to you in the form of your neighbor who you hate passionately or come to you in the form of a sibling that makes you angry whenever you see him If we use the second tool truth has presented us which is Approach all things with an open mind we will more quickly identify truth when we see her she concluded Deep stuff you just shared with me there I began to speak Tell me Mariah was the meeting with the old woman the catalyst for you regarding your unconventional approach to life It reinforced it Mariah answered She continued I was already on the path to an unconventional life There are many things people do not know about me I went through life greatly depressed because I was always considered odd In my own home I was considered different by the very people I hoped would love me unconditionally The larger world was a lot more cruel I truly begun to believe the word love was an illusion and did not exist in real life Everywhere I went I experienced cruelty and where there was no cruelty I experienced lots of judgement Not once did I come across love I hated life and so I took to traveling as a hobby Whenever I had the opportunity to be away I took it For I begun to believe the less exposure people had to me the less likely I would be exposed to their cruelty The more people got to know me the more they showed judgement and hate So I traveled a lot I was in Russia during one of my trips when I came across a young scientist Her name was Amanda Amanda was odd just like me We met at the airport and became friends instantly She invited me to stay with her during the 2 weeks I was going to be in St Petersburg I quickly took her up on her offer for it saved me on hotel expenses and gave me the opportunity to be in the presence of someone I considered kindred spirit Amanda studied the universe She was one of the scientists at a space observatory YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 141 Amanda begun to explain to me the relationship which exists between the sun and the earth Not just the earth but all the other planets Amanda said to me as she showed me a picture of the solar system She said Mariah look at this beautiful picture of the solar system Now assume for a second you were a little child looking out your window and you saw this image at night Assume nothing else was visible in the darkness of night except this image glowing in the horizon What is the immediate thing that comes to mind The first thing you think about is oh that small blue ball must be the favorite of them all I see a hot glowing ball in the center ostensibly the leader of the group I see all other balls moving around the big red ball All the balls look rugged and sickly They produce nothing for the boss must not care for them Except that little blue ball That ball must be getting all the love the other balls are denied Look how beautiful and sparkly and full of life that blue ball is You are thinking this to yourself because you are not aware of a few things What are you not aware of Mariah As the little child staring out of your window you are oblivious of the fact that the beautiful blue ball which is sparkly full of life and beaming with joy has been dealt a very heavy hand by the boss The big boss in the center does not give the blue ball any more favors than the other gloomy and dead balls Let me explain further The boss in the center spews out the most dangerous radiations powerful enough to obliterate the beautiful blue ball very quickly What does the blue ball do It gently uses its magnetism to ward off the toxic radiations so they do not harm her or her loved ones within her The boss in the center burns with unimaginable heat and fury Heat capable of burning the beautiful blue ball into oblivion What does the beautiful blue ball do First she chooses the right distance to be away from the toxic heat of the hot boss She then goes the extra mile of circulating around the hot boss in a manner that allows her a 360 degree view of the boss so she better understands his unusual outbursts While circulating around the hot boss she also spins herself gently so she is neither too hot nor too cold Just perfect Her strategy works She beams with beauty She glows with joy Her existence is full of life She is the envy of all who see her Those who do not know the heavy hand she has been dealt by the boss continue to gossip regarding how she is the favorite of the boss Some even say she sleeps with the boss the reason she has all good things coming to her Let them talk They have no clue what the truth is Let them continue to wallow in their gloom and doom while the beautiful crystal glows through time and space YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 142 Amanda went on to explain the relationship between the beautiful blue crystal and the red hot boss in the center as an example of loving a difficult to love person while not destroying yourself Amanda explained that love should never destroy the one who claims to be displaying love She said if the actions which constitute your display of love towards the one you claim to love only contribute to that person s delinquency or worse destroys you the giver of the love then let it be known to you that what you are practicing is everything else but love Amanda did not stop there She shifted gears to explain a few more things She said Mariah we sit in a room full of light Do you know how that light is produced I naively answered yes it is produced by turning on the switch My answer gave Amanda an uncontrollable laugh She laughed so hard she had to run to the bathroom When she returned from the bathroom she continued by saying that was a good one Mariah I think she was giving me more credit than I deserved She was acting as though I deliberately answered her question so foolishly in order to elicit a good laugh from her That was not the case That was my honest answer Amanda continued The light we see is obviously not produced from turning on the light switch located on the wall The light which luminates this room is produced when electrons in the outer orbit of an atom deexcite from an excited state As the outer electrons deexcite they emit radiation which is known as visible light We call it visible light because for lack of a better word it is visible Not exactly but they reflect colors and textures that allow us to see The same atom also has electrons in the inner orbit The electrons in the inner orbit also get excited and deexcited just as the electrons in the outer orbits do But there is a difference The inner electrons do not emit visible light when they deexcite They emit something much more powerful and a lot more difficult to stop than visible light They emit X rays X rays are not visible to the human eye but travel a lot farther than visible light You can stop visible light with a piece of paper Good luck trying to stop x rays with the same piece of paper Why am I talking to you about atoms and electrons Mariah The reason I do so is because of the strong correlation between radiation emitted by outer electrons inner electrons and the way we behave as human beings when it comes to matters of love and motivation Similar to radiation emitted by outer electrons love and motivation which is not deep rooted can easily be stopped by the least setback Shallow rooted love and motivation enjoy making public spectacles for the entire world to see YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 143 Just like visible light they display themselves with much noise and fanfare and yet all it takes is a piece of paper to stop all that glow and shine The noise In the same manner deep rooted love and motivation just like the radiation emitted by electrons in the inner orbit are hard to see As a matter of fact they are seldom seen But just like X rays they go on and on and on and on ad infinitum They are unstoppable As Mariah shared these things with me what I thought was going to be a quick hello with a nosy and annoying neighbor turned out to be hours of very enjoyable conversation I began to like Mariah The more she talked and showed me her real self the more I liked her I started feeling more comfortable so I began to probe a little bit more into her personal life I asked her Mariah how come I have never met your husband Does he work out of state or in a different city Good old Mariah gave me a reply I will never forget She said Emmar you like computers Do you go about probing every computer to find out what software is installed in it Do you not determine what you want before you go shopping for a computer You might have the same hardware but different software The same hp computer hardware may have Windows 95 or Windows XP installed in it It may not even run Windows It might run Linux What is your problem Emmar Do you expect all computers to run on the same software based on the hardware specifications You still have a lot to learn son That did it I respected Mariah more and I began to love her even more as a neighbor But no further questions It was not in my best interest I quickly realized to try probing my old neighbor Mariah s personal business YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 144 TRUST The day I talked to Mariah was bright and sunny After chatting with her I went inside my home and the clouds begun to gather Shortly afterwards it begun to rain I love it when it rains It puts me in a good mood I felt sleepy so I went to sleep There is nothing like lying in bed and watching the showers of rain through the windows It is magical Someone told me I was crazy for considering that a magical spectacle They alluded my unusual love for rain to growing up in a part of the world where it seldom rained Who does not enjoy a new thing Something different Anyway I went to sleep I hardly dozed off when you guessed it the man with PI inscribed on his hands was seated on the chair next to my study desk Above the desk was a whiteboard I seldom use What s up traveler he began What s up I responded I was not even going to scold him for calling me traveler I talked to him previously about calling me chaos He is definitely deep intelligent and smart so if he still chooses to call me traveler instead of Emmar which is my name let sleeping dogs lie I thought to myself How is business at CodWin going he asked So so I replied Too many things that will baffle even a cyclone I continued Things are getting so out of hand even Billings relocated to Germany because he could not stand to see the madness of what had become of his beautiful symphony So why do you continue to stay in the madness because of the money the wealth issor enquired I did not answer him so he continued YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 145 Seek wisdom Emmarssom and wealth will follow Wisdom brings contentment to its bearer Wealth brings trouble and pain to those who have it when it does not come with wisdom Wealth through wisdom begins with trust Emmar When you say you trust someone what does it mean Do you wake up one fine day and trust someone Are there a series of things a person must do before you trust them Are there levels of trust What happens when you place trust in the wrong person How do you determine when to trust Do you observe a person s actions and assume based on the person s actions that their intent aligns congruently with their actions I once encountered a young man who did not drink wine or smoke tobacco like the rest of the young men in his town Many ascribed his abstinence from alcohol and tobacco to incredible self control I would often hear some of the women in the town refer to this young man as a model of good character and encouraged their own sons to emulate him I was surprised when this young man told me his reason for abstaining from alcohol and tobacco He told me he desired both substances just as much as his friends but anytime he tried to consume them he came down with the most severe allergic reaction His allergies were so bad to the extent that he painfully gave up something he wished he could enjoy socially with his friends Not many people knew this Many ascribed self control to his abstinence not knowing the young man had different reasons for his abstinence Bad things happen when trust is placed in the wrong person Hosni talked to your ancestor ulba very eloquently about the Pharaohs of Egypt and what they sought to communicate to us when they adorned themselves in their royal regalia As great as the Pharaohs were one of them caused great suffering and pain to his people There arose one of the Pharaohs who lacked knowledge and perspective regarding a pivotal aspect of Egyptian history YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 146 How someone could ascend the high seat of Pharaoh without the most basic knowledge of the history of his kingdom is baffling Was he an import brought in by corrupt officials from the Pharaohs court Was the rightful person who should have been Pharaoh kidnapped and hidden somewhere never to be heard of again Whoever this person was that became Pharaoh brought Egypt to its knees by visiting upon them unspeakable plagues and tragedies culminating in the deaths of the first born Egyptian children The lack of perspective and knowledge of history by this apology of a Pharaoh eventually wiped out and obliterated the entire Egyptian army What I tell you might seem extreme but that is what can happen when trust is placed in the wrong person You do not give up on that which you trust and that is why it is very important to know that whatever you place your trust in is worthy of that trust There is no art or science that I am aware of for determining when to trust someone For many people trust is cultivated over time Trust evolves naturally over time by observing someone over a long period of time and seeing consistent behavior from that person which points towards reliability We tend to trust that which consistently produces an expected result When we experience the expected result over a long period of time trust becomes natural We tend to also trust that which has a reputation We may not personally know the object of our trust but as long as other people we hold in high regard show trust in that thing we tend to be more inclined to trust as well Trust gives us confidence that we will see the expected result even if the expected result is not readily evident Take for example a bucket of water placed on a fire stove As the fire continues to heat the water the temperature of the water rises That is the expected outcome The temperature continues to rise until it gets to a certain temperature called the boiling point At the boiling point the water no longer increases in temperature even with the added heat Why is that We expected to see the continuous rise in temperature with applied heat YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 147 That is what we trusted to see So what is this thing we are suddenly seeing regarding the temperature no longer rising with the added heat The reason the temperature of the water no longer rises lies in the power of latency for the water is getting converted from liquid to gas Latency is at work Great things happen but seldom without latency involved A period of rest so to speak before the big boom The heat which would have been used to raise the temperature of the water is now being used to convert the water into a different state A more potent state You think water is powerful Try water vapor If there is anything you should fear even though I do not encourage you to fear much fear latency For there is no telling the types of things latency might wrought Let me give you a real life scenario of the power of latency Consider this A young man is incarcerated for nearly 2x2x2 months This person is beaming with energy creativity and talent Suddenly he is forced into latency After the end of latency he emerges and records a double album Something never before done by any artist Remarkable as that is it is not the most outstanding aspect of this person s achievement He recorded the double album in 2 weeks The double album which was recorded by this person in 2 weeks went on to achieve double platinum status The person unfortunately met his demise when an unknown assailant riddled him with 2x2 shots This person s name may even have had the number 2 in it YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 148 Why chaos the number 2 and excellence seem to coexist perpetually is a matter that might need someone with understanding of chaos to look into Whoever that person might be Anyways I just found myself digressing for a second Back to our topic on the power of latency When all things seem quiet when nothing seems to be happening when you keep pouring that chemical solution into another and see no reaction do not despair Trust the process Keep pouring and suddenly what the chemist calls titer value is reached Then boom the reaction takes place When you trust the process and continue to pour in the resources even though the expected result is not manifesting which in this case is the lack of temperature rise you will eventually see the full conversion of your water from liquid to gas which is a very beautiful thing Trust breeds endurance and perseverance which are necessary ingredients for achieving anything worthwhile Trust will let you push through till the end no matter the obstacles you face So let me ask you Emmarssom in what do you trust issor asked me in a serious tone I trust hard work and making money I replied Classic answer from an engineer turned businessman issor interjected with a smile issor then went on to talk to me about my vacation plans I told him my plans That is when he told me about the visit of the impending visit of the diplomats and gave me the strategy regarding the fake pound of flesh which I handed them when they came calling issor informed me he would be coming back to see me after the visit of the diplomats Gavida and Eriksson YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 149 CHAPTER TWENTY ONE BACK TO THE BEGINNING So here we are back to the beginning The 2 diplomats showed up exactly as issor told me they would It was a cordial meeting No acrimony They made a fool of themselves a few times by their inability to get simple dates correct It was ok That did not ruin the fun We still talked as professionals do Afterwards I left I went to sleep a little late that night I had a few things on my plate I tried to clear as much of them as possible prior to going to sleep It took me a while to sleep I tossed and turned for a great portion of the night I was trying to make sense of everything going on not just from a professional standpoint but the world as a whole At some point in my tossing and turning I slept And there he was again issor Seated on the chair next to my study desk he enquired of me What was that concept in physics you explained to your son prior to calling it a night 2nd law of Thermodynamics I answered All closed systems will move towards entropy I added just to make sure issor understood I knew what I was talking about Impressive issor responded It appears you know a thing or two about chaos Emmarssom YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 150 What else do you know about chaos Mr 10 9 He probed What exactly is wrong with this guy I thought to myself He continued You went to good schools growing up Emmarssom from John to our Lady Our lady to John Why were you moving from school to school so much I thought they were all good schools Or none was good enough for Mr 22 He continued his confusing monologue as I listened So my name is 22 now I asked him He smiled and answered did I say your name was 22 He continued Who was born on day 2 of week 2 of the month of our lady 22 years before the year 2000 Emmarssom listen to me Let us say hypothetically this person exists Let us say the person was the second son born to his mother Let us say this hypothetical person grew up and gave birth to 2 sons Let us say the person had his second son on the 22nd day of the 2nd month 2x2 years after his first son Not to mention the hypothetical person himself was born 2x2 years after his mother gave birth to her first son Emmarssom let us say all these are nothing but coincidence With all these 2s raining around this hypothetical person let us say the person wakes up one fine day 2x2 months before some craziness the world over and posts a video into the public domain An unusual post for someone who is usually very busy with little time to spare for much else Let us say the person posts a 2 minute video talking about THE WORLD AWAITS YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 151 blah blah blah something about ugly ducklings and swans spreading their immaculate wings Nothing to raise an eyebrow right Emmarssom Nothing amiss Just a 2 minute video by a hypothetical person who is probably bored with very little on their hands What if I told you the 2 minute video this hypothetical person posted had the person looking at a blood moon What does a blood moon got to do with swans and ugly ducklings Why will THE WORLD AWAIT the flight of an ugly duckling or a swan for that matter What hypothetical person makes such a hypothetical video Or maybe the hypothetical person understands or knows something about chaos that others do not know Does the hypothetical person have the semblance of stability and order in his own life whereas everything in his immediate surrounding is nothing but chaos I am just asking you Emmarssom Do you think the hypothetical person might need a do over to better shed light on the chaos of which they might be privy to or possess a little more understanding of than most people Maybe do a little public good instead of living life as a businessman I am not exactly sure why I am asking all these questions Emmarssom I might be going off tangent here But one more thing When we first met I told you it all began with PI as I noticed you looking at the PI inscription on my hands Is that the reason you decided to start your vacation on 3 14 So it all begins with PI even though I told you the diplomats will show up on 3 11 So the diplomats show up and what happens 2 people show up You give them what they deserve and rightly so YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 152 As you walk out the building what happens You get a phone call from your second in command about a fire in the building you were exiting Seems like chaos to me Emmarssom Then you get home and turn on the TV and what do you see WHO declared WHAT Find the hypothetical person Emmarssom If this person turns out to in fact exist ask them one question WHAT IS IT THE WORLD AWAITS Now Emmarssom do you wish for me to explain to you what I meant by it all began with PI Sure I am all ears I quickly responded As an engineer and a scientist for that matter you espouse the theory concerning the event which brought the known universe into existence You hold the view of how in the beginning of time an infinitesimally small particle extremely dense and hot suddenly exploded into what we now refer to as the known universe According to your theory science is not quite sure what caused the particle to explode into what is now the known universe Science presently goes as far as the time of the explosion which is popularly referred to as the big bang Current knowledge does not take us beyond that point of the big bang you love to explain to your friends We do not know what preceded the particle which became our universe through the big bang is your well rehearsed verbiage If you will permit me I will illustrate this particle as a small dot on this white board in front of me YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 153 That dot you see is our universe prior to the big bang It represents year 0 of the universe Then the big bang occurred which started an irreversible process of chaos non repeating unique creation that continues ad infinitum to this present day Emmarssom will you agree that 2 properties make up the universe according to Albert Einstein 2 properties called SPACE and TIME I think we can also agree that nothing in the universe happens outside space and time Space provides the platform for unique events to occur across time Similarly time is the measure of the intervals between the unique events that occur within the space of the universe Without space there will be no room for any unique events to occur Without time there will be no interval to allow unique events to take place Emmarssom if you will permit me to ask you 2 more questions If I asked you to represent space as a shape what shape would you propose Sphere If we are looking at it from a 3 dimensional perspective I will ascribe to space the shape of a circle if I were to describe space 2 dimensionally This is because everything we observe from the smallest particles such as electrons and their paths of movement to the largest galaxies are loosely shaped in the form of circles and spheres I answered issor What about time he asked What shape would you ascribe to time A straight line I answered without hesitation YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 154 I would represent time in the form of a line since it provides the most natural way to represent the unique events that occur in space relative to each other in a way that no other shape I can think of is capable of doing issor continued I could not agree with you more That being said if the circle represents the entire space of the universe what would the largest measurable space along that circle be That will be the circumference of the circle I answered Thank you issor replied What about the straight line which represents time What would be the longest possible interval between 2 events along the straight line you proposed to represent time in our universe The longest interval between any 2 events along the straight line would be represented by the diameter of the circle touching one end of space to the farthest other end of space I answered yet again with my interest growing by the minute What is this guy trying to explain Whatever it is I am beginning to get really interested I thought to myself I agree issor continued If we both agree our universe is made up of SPACE and TIME what is that property which defines the relationship between space and time Let me rephrase that What is the relationship between the largest possible SPACE and the longest TIME That would be PI I answered For it defines the relationship between the circumference of the circle and its diameter or the 22 fraction known as 7 YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 155 I continued Did someone just mention 22 issor exclaimed Never mind 22 might just be a coincidence He uttered with that gentle smile Let us continue 22 He then wrote 7 on the board and put an sign next to it I quickly answered three point one four 3 14 issor looked at the number 3 14 and then looked at me Staring at me for a couple of seconds and then he pointed to it again The big bang started with this tiny dot Exploding and creating a universe that is ever changing never repeating itself continues in perpetuity and which is represented by the ever changing non repetitive numbers that go on in perpetuity to the right of the dot of PI My question is Did anything precede the small particle dot which exploded through the big bang or whatever you call it to become what is now our known universe 3 was my immediate answer The number 3 preceded the small particle which exploded to create our known universe I continued YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 156 I appreciate the rapt attention you have given me Emmarssom Your mother will be very proud of you Emmarssom it is absolutely your unmitigated prerogative what you decide to call the preceded the infinitesimally small particle that exploded into the big bang 3 which Give it whatever name you desire Whether you refer to the entirely up to you 3 as God Allah Holy Trinity Deep Space or Nothing is 3 However I think we can agree that the number preceded the particle which exploded in the big bang to create the chaos that exists on the right side of the number known as PI Now going back to the all important question of what set off the big bang Would I be wrong if I suggest the best place to find the correct answer to this perplexing question is to probe the only thing that preceded the big bang which in this case would be the 3 When presented with seeming chaos the person or entity who is quick to discover patterns in the chaos is usually best placed to make sense of the seeming chaos and by natural extension better able to understand how those patterns apply and might be usefully adapted to that which is familiar Neither science nor Mathematics has been successful in determining any kind of pattern and for that matter make sense of the seeming chaos that exists in the numbers after the dot in The one thing that preceded the chaos is the 3 3 Emmarssom I bet you the has a clue and is better able to make sense of the chaos of which you are a part right this very moment May your science mathematics business engineering money hard work faith whatever it is you believe in lead you to find the 3 may that the world 3 which preceded all things in the known universe and whatever name you prefer to call it provide you all the answers to the chaos in YIN DOLMAH 2020
DOLMAH BOOK OF CHAOS FROM 22 BACK TO 21 157 That was the conclusion I got from issor I could not argue a single thing he said I wanted to poke holes in what he just talked to me about I could not find any weak spots to poke holes in He looked at me with a smile and once again I noticed that deep piercing stare which mimicked a sharp spear piercing me deep down into my very soul He broke the silence once again When was the last time you talked to your old friends Robby Danny Gordy what about Gershy It s been awhile I replied Is that how you treat your old friends Are you too busy to call them I could sense some mischief once again so I kept quiet I did not answer him He continued How will your mother who taught you so well as a child feel about you not contacting your long time buddies Remember what Kenny Rogers said You cannot make old friends Only new ones Cherish your old friends and keep in touch with them while you have them Emmarssom You may want to call them issor barely finished his last word when I heard a loud scream DAD DAD It was my second son rushing through the door Dad the president just declared a national emergency It is all chaos around us dad I responded I know son I know You are right It is all chaos around us Afterwards I started calling my old friends I called Robby then I called Danny I called Gordy YIN DOLMAH 2020