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CannaTrue Brochure 2023 FINAL

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Pure Performancein Every DropSolvent Removal & Recycling

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CBG Biotech has been an industry leader in solventdistillation and recycling for more than 25 years, providing sustainable solutions for the most criticallab and industrial applications. In 2015, CBG Biotech entered the cannabis industry with CannaTrue™ for solvent removal and decarbing cannabis and hemp oil. In 2021, CBG introduced CannaTrue™ EPD (Extraction, Purification, Distillation) all-in-one system.As a global leader, CBG Biotech strives to continually innovate while upholding its four pillars of excellence (SASE: Sustainability, Automation, Safety, and Economics) to deliver the solutions that set customers up for success.…and many more! See a representative foradditional information or contact us CLIENTS INCLUDE:INNOVATION LEADER SINCE 1996!

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cannatrue.comAll-in-One System Bio Mass to Full Spectrum Concentrate – Same Day» Automated Cold Ethanol Extraction» 10-Minute Operator Time» Turn-Key Lab System» Self-Monitoring Closed Loop System»Fully Automated 7-Step Process»Detailed Batch Data Reporting»Preservation of Valuable Yield»Superior Through-put»In-line Winterization»In-line Purification»In-line Filtration»In-line Solvent Recovery»In-line Decarboxylation»Fully Purged Concentrate»Preventative Maintenance Plan»Support Package AvailableSYSTEM INCLUDES: Extraction Module, Purification Module, DistillationModule, Sub Zero Chiller, & Solvent RecoveryChillerUp to 50 Lbs Each Shift*98% Extraction SuccessGreater Than 95% Ethanol Recovery Stainless Steel ConstructionUse of Safe Ethanol»»»»»OVERVIEWBENEFITSPERFORMANCE*Depending on operator process settings

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cannatrue.comEXTRACTIONPURIFICATIONFULLSPECTRUMCONCENTRATE~2 hours10 minuteslabor time1 single automated systemUp to 50 lbs in a single shift>95% ethanol recovery*Depending on operator process settingsALL-IN-ONE AUTOMATION»In-line Ethanol Recovery»In-line Decarboxylation*»Closed Loop System»In-line Winterization»In-line Purification»In-line Filtration

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cannatrue.comAutomation»Designed for single operator batch processing »Uses SRS Series logarithmic programming »Standard PLC controls»On-screen cycle progressSafety»UL certified electronics (UL2208 and UL61010certified)»Boiling tank 304 stainless steel construction»No glass components»Multiple emergency shutdowns with pressure-relief valve»Multiple monitoring probes that accuratelycontrol operating temperaturesFor Solvent Removal and Recycling ofCannabis and Hemp OilThe CannaTrue™ SRS-1 Solvent Removal System is an automated batch system for solventremoval during the cannabis and hemp oilconcentrate recovery process.The CannaTrue™ SRS-1 Solvent Removal System is an automated batch system for solventremoval during the cannabis and hemp oilconcentrate recovery process.Ergonomics»Operates in a controlled and enclosedenvironment within the unit’s footprint»Collection bags designed to provide easy removalof final concentrate from the boiling tank»Convenient material loading/unloading»Minimal labor requiredPerformance»Designed to enable bulk production and recoveryin any volume»Consistent solvent removal processing forconsistent product quality batch to batch»3-6+ gallons per hour cycle times*FEATURESSRS-1 SOLVENT REMOVAL SYSTEM

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cannatrue.comAutomation»Designed for single operator batch processing »Uses SRS Series logarithmic programming »Standard PLC controls»On-screen cycle progressSafety»UL certified electronics (UL2208 and UL61010certified)»Boiling tank 304 stainless steel construction»No glass components»Multiple emergency shutdowns with pressure-relief valve»Multiple monitoring probes that accuratelycontrol operating temperaturesFor Solvent Removal and Recycling of Cannabisand Hemp OilRemove and recycle cannabis and hemp solvents with up to 95% recovery. Achieve strong recovery while using safer ethanol during the distillation processes.The CannaTrue™ SRS-2 Solvent Removal System is an automated batch system for solvent removal during the cannabis and hemp oil concentrate recovery process.Ergonomics»Operates in a controlled and enclosedenvironment within the unit’s footprint»Collection bags designed to provide easy removalof final concentrate from the boiling tank»Convenient material loading/unloading»Minimal labor requiredPerformance»Lower temperature operation»Designed to enable bulk production and recoveryin any volume»Consistent solvent removal processing forconsistent product quality batch to batch»3-6+ gallons per hour cycle times*FEATURESSRS-2 SOLVENT REMOVAL SYSTEMSRS-2 SOLVENT REMOVAL SYSTEM

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