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2015 Bobcaygeon Fair Hand Book

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Browse through online or download the Handbook right to your Computer! Bobcaygeon Fall Fair 2015 Handbook      

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement President s Message Ambassadors Message Honourary Directors Rules and Regulations Ambassador Junior Ambassador Competition Tractor Pull 4 x 4 Truck Pull Procession Hunter Jumper Horse Show Western Horse Show Miniature Horse Show Horses Horse Pull Juvenile Beef Calf Show Junior Beef Calf Show Juvenile Dairy Calf Show Juvenile Sheep Juvenile Goat Show Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Sheep Goat Show Poultry Show Dog Show Grain Field Crop Competition Roots and Vegetables Honey Eggs Home Baking Canned and Preserved Products Handicraft and Hobby Department Homecraft Handicrafts Golden Age Art Photography Flowers Cut Flowers Decorative Arrangements Potted Plants Junior Department Junior Baking 4 H Bobcaygeon Fair Talent Show Committees Volunteer of the Year Award Map of the Fairgrounds 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 14 16 19 23 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 30 30 31 33 35 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 47 48 49 49 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 65 66

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MISSION STATEMENT The Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society s vision is to be an active organization in our community and to promote educate and celebrate agricultural practices and traditions from the past present and future PRESIDENT S MESSAGE Another exciting year is underway at the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair A huge thank you to all the exhibitors that without you we have no fair We have all the classes and sections ready for you to enter again this year Enjoy Again to our Directors and Volunteers WOW great effort In closing it has been an honor being involved with the Fall Fair for 36 years I look forward to the younger generation take the ball and Giver Thank you so very much Your 2015 President Brian Beatty 2

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AMBASSADOR S MESSAGE It has been a true honor to represent the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair and Bobcaygeon as a community this past year I have enjoyed it greatly As a young kid I have always been involved in the fair I would come every year to spend time with my friends and show my livestock The Bobcaygeon Fair has always been a favorite of mine and my family I love to try and be involved in the community as much as I can We have an amazing community here in the Bobcaygeon area This great area is celebrated every year with a great fair I believe that the job of being the Ambassador is to involve educate the youth in agriculture and the community I hope by visiting some schools I have done that There have been many highlights in my year of being Ambassador One of them was attending the Agricultural Convention in Toronto it was held at the Royal York Hotel I was able to be a part of their Ambassador program We all learnt just how important our role was to our communities and our fairs I met many other Ambassadors while there and can t wait to see them all again in August at the Canadian National Exhibition This Ambassador experience has truly been an honor This part of my life will be something that I remember and cherish for the rest of my life I would like to thank the Bobcaygeon Fair for awarding me to be their Ambassador I would also like to thank and give notice to all the volunteers and committee members who make this wonderful Fair happen every year I would also like to take this chance to encourage anyone who is interested to participate in the Ambassador program I have learnt so much while being the Ambassador Hope to see everyone at the 2015 Bobcaygeon Fall Fair the Daddy of Em All Emily Roberts 2014 2015 Bobcaygeon Fair Ambassador 3

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HONOURARY DIRECTORS Winston Anderson Marguerite Adams Miller PAST PRESIDENT Sandy Cowan PRESIDENT Brian Beatty 1st VICE PRESIDENT Pieter VanOudenaren 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Josh Wilson SECRETARY TREASURER Lisa Humphries DIRECTORS Branden Beatty Brian Beatty Dave Boak Sandy Cowan Norma Edgar Darlene Fell David Fell Liz Gilroy Tony Given Esther Humphries Randy Humphries Ken Ingram Candace Jermyn Martin Johnson Jayne Martin Miles Martin Kelly McLean Kimberly McLean Armin Mehnert Carol Mehnert Laura Ostler Schell Allan Shier Fred Thurston Pieter VanOudenaren Josh Wilson ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Marie Adams Allan Anderson Doug Anderson John Anderson Morris Anderson Patty Anderson Zack Aquilina Peter Atkin Barry Baxter Andrew Beatty Britney Beatty Duane Black Gerry Brown Jerry Bryans Herb Britton Janet Brock Roy Brock Bob Brown Bruce Dewey Rick Drinkwalter Carol Eldridge Josh Fawcett Claude Goodhand Mae Goodhand Doug Gould Bobbi Harrison Gloria Harrison Ralph Harrison Patty Ann Hatch Olivia Hodgson Jack Humphries Jeff Humphries Laura Humphries Reg Humphries Allan Ingram Dave Jarvis Mark Jermyn Todd Jermyn Marian Johnson Robbie Johnson Evan Junkin Grace R Junkin Jennie Junkin Larry Junkin Lloyd Junkin Rae Junkin Kerstin Kelly Wayne Kimble Lorne MacKenzie Ruth Maitland Andrew McGill Gail McIndoo Margaret McIsaac Ruth McIsaac Anne Mehnert Jenn Patterson Joe Pollard Barb Prescott Jim Prescott Robert Prescott Carolyn Snider Linda Staples Arlan Telford Jim Telford Josh Upton Elaine Waines Robert Whyte Sheila Whyte Emily Wilson Ruthann Wilson JUNIOR ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Lucia Beggs Sarah Beggs Brittany Fell Derek Fell Holly Fell Steven Junkin Vanessa Oliver Greg Phillips Emily Roberts Adelle Staples Emily Thornhill David Thurston Richard Thurston HOMECRAFT COMMITTEES 2015 Chairlady Esther Humphries 705 887 5962 Julie Anderson Leah Anderson Melissa Anderson Patty Anderson Wendy Anderson Shirley Baird Alison Barnes Jan Barr Marilyn Benn Eva Black Katie Baxter Trena Brannon Doris Britton Lillian Britton Ellen Carey Rachelle Collins Barbara Curry Marilyn Dewing Norma Edgar Joan Elliott Esther Graham Diane Hearse Laura Humphries Joyce Jackson Judy Jermyn Colette Johnston Jan Jones Bernice Junkin Karen Junkin Sharon Kemp Renee Kennedy Linda Kerr Stella Kimble Diane Livie Mary Lou Lummiss Maureen Lytle Cathy MacIntosh Deanna MacIntosh Kim MacMillan Debbie Martin Jayne Martin Linda Martin Lisa McGuckin Lyn Morris Janice Murphy Barb Prescott Sam Prins Vicki Prins Judy Richardson Joan Robson Theresa Ruddock Susan Savage Donna Schinkel Glenna Stephenson Cyndi Stone Madeleine Stuart Margaret Telford Bonnie Tokar Kelly Valyear Madeline Van De Walker Linda Wesselink Doreen Zimmerman PAST PRESIDENTS 1887 1888 1904 1905 09 1910 1911 16 1917 18 1919 1920 21 1922 23 Wm Thurston Andrew Braden Wm Lewis R E Thurston R E Robertson Geo Martin H R Seymour Thos Cosh 1946 47 1948 49 1950 51 1952 53 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Casey Junkin H J Murphy Bertam Robertson James Anderson Fred Johnson Byron Martin George Oliver Oscar Thurston Orval Cosh 4 1981 82 1983 84 1985 86 1987 88 1989 90 1991 92 1993 94 1995 96 1997 98 Neal Oliver Armin Mehnert Carl Anderson Jim Telford Candace Jermyn Arlan Telford Allan Shier Brian Beatty Fred Thurston

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1924 25 1926 27 1928 29 1930 31 1932 33 1934 1935 36 1937 38 1939 1940 41 1942 43 1944 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Robt Watts J J Robertson C K Bottum Wm Fulton J A Falls T H Martin J Clayton Murphy Clarence R Junkin Roy Robertson C H Pardy John A Anderson Wallace R Thurston 1959 60 1961 1962 63 1964 65 1966 67 1968 69 1970 71 1972 73 1974 75 1976 1977 78 1979 80 Robert Johnson Harold Beatty Wm Coulter Carl Anderson Orville Britton Winston Anderson Ross Junkin Martin Johnson Douglas Anderson Rae Junkin Jean Anderson Ken Ingram 1999 2000 2001 02 2003 04 2005 06 2007 08 2009 2010 2011 2013 Robbie Johnson Pieter VanOudenaren Laura Ostler Candace Jermyn Randy Humphries Pieter VanOudenaren Sandy Cowan deceased RULES AND REGULATIONS No membership fees will be charged In all articles of manufacture grain seed and produce no person shall enter in the same section more than one article of each kind and not more than two entries in all other sections livestock included This rule must be strictly adhered to All animals and articles must be the bonafide property of the exhibitors and all grain and vegetables to be the growths of the current year except clover and flax seed which may be the growth of the previous year The judge shall have the power to decide whether the animal or article is worthy of a prize or not and when there is little or no competitions they are to decide what prize they are entitled to if any No person is allowed to interfere with the Judges during the Fair The secretary will receive entry lists either by person or by mail from September 1st up until 8 00 pm the night before the first day of the fair unless a closing date is otherwise stated no entry tickets will be mailed unless mailing arrangements are made with the Secretary No percentage deducted All exhibits except horses cattle sheep swine and poultry must be placed for judging at the Hall before 12 00 noon Thursday October 1st 2015 or they will not be accepted This rule will be strictly adhered to If any dispute occurs Treasurer shall hold premiums until settled Exhibitors of purebred animals shall produce pedigrees to the satisfaction of the judge or they will not be entitled to a prize Persons violating any of the rules to be subject to expulsion from the Society and forfeit all prizes they may be entitled to All livestock must have RFID ear tags on the animals and proof of insurance must be provided please include insurance company name and policy number on all registration forms All animals to have halters Young calves to be judged according to age Age to be on ticket All or any protests must be made on the day of the Fair and each protest must be accompanied by the sum of 5 00 which will be refunded if the protest is sustained No exhibitor can remove any animal after being placed at the Fair without depositing 5 00 with Secretary This deposit will be refunded when the animal is returned as agreed upon The Directors reserve the right to interpret the rules and regulations of the Prize List 5

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16 During the days of the Fair no refreshment stands shows exhibits 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 hucksters or any kind of performance will be allowed within 300 yards of the Fair Grounds except by consent of the Booths and Concessions Committee which is according to Statute No animal shall compete for more than one prize Cattle in herd Sheep in pen classes Harness Horses and Specials excepted That no sire shall be shown in more than one herd Each exhibitor must supply the secretary with a list of their entries giving the correct class and section number All specials open except where specified Entry tickets will be lifted by the Directors as each class is shown Where an award is made for points In case of a tie the exhibitor having the most prizes will be declared the winner Prize winners are required to send the secretary a list of their winnings by October 23rd to assist in early issuing of cheques All prize money and merchandise must be cashed before end of year Cheques will not be accepted after the end of the year The Secretary will be in the office at the Fairgrounds Tuesday from 10 00 am until 5 00 pm and Wednesday and Thursday 9 am until 5 00 pm for the purpose of receiving entry forms If more than 6 entries in any one section 4th prize will be given same money as 3rd ladies section Exhibit Hall will close Saturday at 4 45 pm and re open at 5 30 pm No exhibits to be removed from Hall Curling Club until 5 30 pm Saturday All exhibits shown at owners risk against loss or damage PRIVACY POLICY Any information collected by the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society regarding members exhibitors commercial exhibitors sponsors directors and any other persons related directly to the business of the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society and the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair will be solely used for the purposes of promotion of the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society and the Bobcaygeon Fair for processing payment of prize monies and other payments owed for publication of the winner s names in local papers and for the maintenance of their files and data base Any member exhibitor commercial exhibitor sponsor or director realizes that when they agree to take part in the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society and the Bobcaygeon Fair that their names may be published for these reasons only None of this information whatsoever will be sold or transferred to any outside party for any reason Entries for the hall are to be brought in Thursday October 1st from 8 30 am 12 00 noon to be judged on Thursday afternoon at 1 00 pm NOTE To avoid waiting for entry tickets to be prepared you may send your entry forms to the Secretary prior to the Fair and your entry tickets will be prepared and waiting for you to pick them up in the Fair Office all day Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday Morning ENTRY FORM ENTRY TICKET EXHIBIT List of items you wish to enter in competition showing class and section Ticket obtained from the Fair Office showing Exhibitor Number Ticket must be attached to exhibit entered Livestock excepted Item entered for competition All Correspondence and Entry forms to be sent to Lisa Humphries Secretary Treasurer Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Box 386 Bobcaygeon Ontario K0M 1A0 705 887 2075 or Agricultural Office during fair week 705 738 3445 FAX 705 887 3626 Web Site www bobcaygeonfair com E Mail bobcaygeonfair gmail com 6

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AMBASSADOR PROGRAM COMMITTEE Laura Humphries 705 340 2821 Emily Roberts 705 731 0222 Co Chairs Brittany Fell Olivia Hodgson Grace R Junkin Greg Phillips Emily Thornhill Sheila Whyte The Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society will be holding an Ambassador Contest this year Prizes offered 1st 50 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 20 00 and 10 00 for other participants Contestants will be judged on the basis of personality charm interviews speech and over all deportment They must be between 18 to 23 years of age at the time of the C N E Ambassador of the Fairs Pageant and have not reached their 24th birthday by Labour Day of the current year Contestants must be single Contestants to appear in an appropriate outfit Contestants must be a resident of Canada for two years and a resident of his her Fair District for six months Any reigning Ambassador not eligible since the Ambassador chosen for 2015 2016 must be available to represent the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society during his her year as our Ambassador The Ambassador Competition is in conjunction with the C N E Ambassador of the Fairs Competition which is offering cash and prizes as well as many other exciting gifts The Ambassador who wins the competition at the Bobcaygeon Fair will enter into the C N E contest the following year and the C N E Ambassador of the Fairs will be chosen at the C N E Contestants may appear only once in the C N E Ambassador Competition JUNIOR AMBASSADOR PROGRAM This year we will be running a Junior Ambassador program The contestant will be chosen based on personality a detailed introduction of themselves their knowledge of the fair and how they overall present themselves The contestant must be between the ages of 12 15 by the time of the fair The contestant is to appear in an appropriate outfit Contestant must be a resident of Canada for two years and a resident of his her Fair district for six months Contestant must be available to help out during the Fair as well as the next year s fair Prizes offered 1st 50 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 20 00 and 10 00 for other participants For applications please contact Laura Humphries at 705 340 2821 or Emily Roberts at 705 731 0222 7

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TRACTOR PULL COMMITTEE Josh Wilson 705 738 7669 Chairman Barry Baxter Andrew Beatty Duane Black Rick Drinkwalter Tony Given Olivia Hodgson Mitchell Johnson Jayne Martin Miles Martin Andrew McGill Carol Mehnert Carolyn Snider Arlan Telford Josh Upton DRAW TO COMMENCE AT 6 00 P M FRIDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 2ND 2015 Weigh in commencing at 4 00 pm Friday October 2nd 2015 at Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds 10 00 fee will be charged upon registration for O T T P A Insurance All participants must have helmut to pull ALL TRACTORS TO BE REMOVED FROM FAIRGROUNDS BY 8 00 am SATURDAY MORNING OF FAIR GENERAL RULES FOR TRACTOR PULLING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LOCAL STOCK NON CIRCUIT TRACTORS ONLY WITHIN A 25 MILES 40 KM RADIUS Fair Board will not be responsible for any damages Directors will have the authority to modify classes if there are only three or less tractors entered in a class Driver must be at least 16 years of age if under 18 must have written permission All pulling vehicles must be weighed prior to the competition with the driver seated on or in the pulling vehicle The total weight will include both the pulling vehicle and the driver All pulling vehicles must have an operator in the driver s seat while being started All pulls must be started from a tight chain and on the raising of a green flag by the flagman All vehicles must be in neutral or park transmission selector while being hitched and unhitched Driver must raise both hands while hooking and unhooking Any contestant who wishes to make his draw in a different gear from which he started may stop his vehicle before the 50 foot mark At this point the sled will be returned to the starting position and a new draw will be allowed The number 1 contestant of each class will be the test puller and at the completion of his or her pull may pull again in the 3rd position If a driver elects to do this his first pull will be not measured All decisions on repulls must be made before the pulling vehicle is unhooked from the sled and before the measurement is given him Tractors Trucks must be stopped immediately upon signal from the flagman The signal will be the raising of a red flag by the flagman located alongside the edge of the track on the left hand of the pulling vehicle The pull will be considered over when the forward motion of the sled stops Driver must remain seated at all times during their pull Driver must remain seated at all times during their pull No riders in or on the pulling vehicle while pulling All pulling vehicles must have workable brakes No weights behind rear axle All weights must be securely fastened The weights must not obscure the forward or rear vision of the driver D Hitching Device The diameter of the square or the oval hole is a minimum of 3 inches at the longest measuring points of the hole From the rear point of the hole to the rear point of the hitching device is a maximum of 1 1 2 inch 8

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17 18 Hitch point must be visible and clear for sled hook up All Tractors Trucks must be put in staging area when weighed and not returned to the pit area Stock tractors must have hood floor boards grills fenders and be stock appearing No four wheel drive or dual wheel tractors shall compete against single wheeled tractors On tractors weighing up to 10 000 lbs the maximum drawbar height is 18 inches from the top of the hitching device to the ground On tractors weighing over 10 000 lbs the maximum draw bar height is 20 inches from the top of the hitching device to the ground The minimum draw bar length is 18 inches from the center of the rear wheel to the point of the hook Tractors must have no visible engine modifications Tractors must pull as equipped Tractor exhaust systems with no mufflers must be pointed away from the crowd The 1st place winners of a class may automatically move up to the next weight class with no change in weight Any Tractor or Truck could be requested to be re weighed anytime before or after pulling 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CAUSES OF DISQUALIFICATION 1 2 Pulling vehicle not operated in a safe manner at all times while on the grounds Consumption of alcoholic beverages prior to pulling No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the track area Any pulling vehicle that crosses the white marker lines at the side boundaries of the track will be disqualified Loss of the ballast weigh under the green flag Excessive loss of liquid by a pulling vehicle while in forward motion during a contest on the track unless due to internal breakage Excessive is defined AS any steady or intermittent stream discharge on the track or a spot equivalent to more than 8 inches in diameter 3 4 5 TRACTOR CLASSES CLASS 10 LOCAL 1 5500 lbs 2 6500 lbs 3 8500 lbs 4 Open Farm Tractor No Duals Triples O T T P A Circuit Classes 5 Mini Mod Tractors 6 Mod Farm Tractors 10 500 lbs STOCK 4X4 TRUCK RULES LOCAL STOCK NON CIRCUIT TRUCKS ONLY WITHIN A 25 Miles 40 KM RADIUS 1 2 3 4 Light Stock Trucks will weigh a maximum of 6000 lbs Trucks must be street legal licensed and insured Mufflers must be attached All track rules will apply 9

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5 6 7 8 Hitch point is to be the rear most point of the truck rigid in all directions and a maximum of 22 inches from top of the hitching device to the ground All 4X4 trucks will be naturally aspirated with a single carburetor DRIVERS ONLY IN TRUCKS NO BALL HITCHES TRUCK CLASSES 4X4 CLASS 11 LOCAL 1 6500 lbs Gas Maximum 20 Trucks No Diesel 2 8500 lbs Diesel Maximum 20 Trucks O T T P A Circuit Classes 3 Hotstock 4x4 5500 lbs O T T P A 4 ProStreet Diesel 4x4 8200 lbs O T T P A Prizes 1st 70 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 45 00 4th 40 00 Class 1 Light 6500 lbs and under Maximum 15 Trucks Local Non Circuit No Diesel 1st 2nd 3rd Trophies Donated by The Snider Family in Memory of Dan Snider Class 2 Diesel 8500 lbs Single Dual Wheel Maximum 15 Trucks Local Non Circuit 1st 2nd 3rd Trophies Donated by The Snider Family in Memory of Dan Snider SPONSORS FOR 2014 TRACTOR TRUCK PULL W J Lambert Sons Walsten Marine Town Country Decorating Birch Point Marina Bobcaygeon Auto Tech J K Devitts Duncan Auto Groviz Tools Snap On Bobcaygeon BMR Muskoka Auto Parts Bobcaygeon Foodland Just for the Halibut DMR Risebrough Construction Fawcett Excavating Hub International Canadian Auto Glass Walkwoods Supplies Paramount Machinery Bob Mark New Holland Manley Motors R J Brown Insurance Corky s Marine Thank you to all our sponsors this event would not be able to take place without their generous donations 10

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NON CIRCUIT 4X4 DIESEL TRUCKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All non circuit 4x 4 truck classes are competing for prizes only no points will be awarded under O T T P A s point system The Pull Promoter determines all prizes All non circuit classes must have the approval on the OTTPA executive All classes will be posted on the OTTPA pull Schedule Maximum weight is 8500 lbs The Pull Promoter has the right to determine the area boundaries that a puller can be considered to be a local puller by setting a distance the puller must live from the pull grounds or by County and or Region Trucks must be street legal licensed and insured for the road No dealer plates or trip permits are allowed Hitch point is to be the rear most point of the truck Maximum height is 22 inches Reese style hitch only No blocks are allowed to make the truck suspension rigid Suspension must move All added weight must be secured in the box or flatbed No weight is allowed in the cab Factory produced snowplow harnesses and properly installed winches are allowed Front bumpers must be original factory production style Engines must use OEM exhaust manifold s OEM injector pump and injectors The vehicle must have the correct engine block and head for that model and model year Pump diesel fuel only No pressurized fuels or oxidizers of any kind This includes alcohol water propane nitrous and oxygen All exhaust must exit behind the cab 10 11 After market cold intake exhaust system from the turbo back and a single programmer are permitted 12 1 drive shaft hoop and U joint covers made of minimum 1 4 inch thick steel are required if a b c Engine performance is enhanced Tires measure a diameter of over 33 inches unless original equipment Suspension is modified including lateral bars 13 Tires must be in good condition and road worthy 14 All General Rules apply to Non Circuit 4x4 Diesel Truck Classes 15 Participant must comply with all O T T P A rules NON CIRCUIT 4X4 GAS TRUCKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pullers in the Non Circuit 4X4 Gas Truck Class are competing for prize s only No points will be awarded under OTTPA S Point System The Pull Promoter determines all prize s All Non Circuit classes must have approval of the OTTPA executive All Classes will be posted on OTTPA S Pull Schedule Classes cannot be added or changed after the printing of the OTTPA S Pull schedule The class weight is 6500 lbs maximum The Pull Promoter has the right to determine the area boundaries that a puller can be considered to be a local puller by setting distance the puller must live within from the pull grounds or by County and or Region Trucks must be street legal licensed and insured for the road No dealer plates or trip permits allowed Hitch point is to be the rear most point of the truck Maximum 22 inches High Reese style hitch only No blocks are allowed to make the suspension rigid Suspension must move All added weight must be secure in the box or flatbed No weight allowed in the cab Factory produced snowplow harness and properly mounted winches are permitted Front bumpers must be original factory production style 11

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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The vehicle must have the correct engine block intake and heads for that make and model year Trucks must be naturally aspirated with a single carburetor or original fuel injection system Pump gas only No race fuels no pressurized fuels or oxidizers of any kind this includes alcohol propane nitrous and oxygen All exhaust must exit behind the cab through a muffler Aftermarket cold air intake exhaust system and a single programmer permitted One drive shaft hoop and U joint covers made of minimum 1 4 inch thick steel are required if a Engine is performance enhanced b Tires measure a diameter of over 33 inches unless original equipment c Suspension is modified including lateral bars Tires must be in good condition and road worthy All General Rules apply to Non Circuit 4X4 Gas Truck classes Helmuts must be worn PROCESSION NOTE PARADE STARTS AT 11 00 am SHARP on Saturday October 3 rd 2015 COMMITTEE Sandy Cowan 705 887 5017 Sheila Whyte 705 738 5974 Co Chairs Ken Ingram Jim Telford Margaret Telford Jennie Junkin Larry Junkin Britany Beatty Dave Boak Pieter VanOudenaren Any vehicle considered dangerous or a nuisance to the public will not be allowed in the Parade The Fair Board will not be responsible for any accidents which may occur during the Parade DO NOT THROW CANDY Cash prizes paid on Fair Day on Sections marked with an asterisk PARADE TO LEAVE THE FOUNTAIN AT 11 00 A M SHARP PLEASE REGISTER AT PARADE ROUTE BEFORE PARADE SECTIONS 19 24 31 32 ENTER AT THE OFFICE PLEASE ASSEMBLE AT 10 00 A M CLASS 1 Section 1 Decorated Automobile with Grain and Farm Produce 1st 50 00 2nd 40 00 3rd 30 00 4th 20 00 2 Decorated Automobile Fancy 1st 35 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 25 00 4th 20 00 3 Decorated Float or Wagon representing any branch of Agriculture drawn by motorized vehicle 1st 35 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 25 00 4th 20 00 Donated in Memory of Carl Anderson 4 Best Antique Car Pre 1950 in Parade Costumes of occupants to be considered 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 4th 10 00 5 Best Antique Car Post 1950 in Parade Costumes of occupants to be considered 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 4th 10 00 6 Best Antique Truck Pre 1950 in Parade Costumes of occupants to be considered 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 4th 10 00 7 Best Antique Truck Post 1950 in Parade Costumes of occupants to be considered 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 4th 10 00 8 Best Novelty Outfit worn by a child accompanied by a Pet calf dog pony etc Boy or Girl of school age 1st 15 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 11 00 4 00 each additional child 9 Best Decorated Doll Carriage or Boy s Wagon in procession 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 4 00 each additional child 10 Best Comic Group Boys or Girls 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 4 00 each additional child 12

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11 Best Costume Boy or Girl Driving Motorized Vehicle 1st 15 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 11 00 4 00 each additional child 12 Best Child s Costume Fancy in Procession 1st 10 00 2nd 8 00 4 00 each additional child 13 Best Comic Costume Boy or Girl 1st 10 00 2nd 8 00 4 00 each additional child 14 Best Decorated Bicycle ridden by a Boy or Girl over 8 years of age Costume of rider to be considered 1st 15 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 11 00 4 00 each additional child 15 Best Decorated Bicycle or Tricycle ridden by a boy or girl under 8 years of age Costume of rider to be considered 1st 15 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 11 00 4 00 each additional child 16 Best Decorated Float Service Clubs and Organizations only 1st 30 00 2nd 25 00 3rd 20 00 17 Best Decorated Commercial Vehicle 1st 30 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 10 00 18 Best Decorated Commercial Float drawn by vehicle 1st 30 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 10 00 19 Decorated Buggy and Single Horse or Pony 1st 55 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 45 00 20 Pleasure Class Saddle Horse or Pony ridden by Boy or Girl 16 and under 40 costume 60 behavior 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 18 00 all other entries 15 00 21 Pleasure Class Saddle Horse ridden by an Adult 40 costume 60 behavior 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 18 00 all other entries 15 00 22 Miniature Horse Costume Class 40 Costume 60 Behaviour 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 18 00 all other entries 15 00 23 Miniature Horse Pulling Decorated Cart 2 or 4 wheels 40 Decorated 60 Behaviour 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 18 00 all other entries 15 00 24 Mini Horse Class 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 18 00 all other entries 15 00 Teams in Parade 25 Commercial and Draft Ponies and Haflinger 70 00 for each entry 26 Heavy and Commercial 100 00 for each entry Four Horse Hitch in Parade 27 Commercial and Draft Ponies and Haflinger 100 00 for each entry 28 Heavy and Commercial 125 00 for each entry Six Horse Hitch in Parade 29 Commercial and Draft Ponies and Haflinger 150 00 for each entry 30 Heavy and Commercial 200 00 for each entry NOTE Driver to be accompanied by one helper for each team 31 Best Vintage Farm Implement drawn by livestock 1st 40 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 20 00 10 00 all other competitors 32 Best Vintage Carriage Buggy Wagon etc drawn by a horse 1st 50 00 2nd 45 00 3rd 40 00 30 00 all other entries 33 Best Designed Old Fashioned Costumes worn by couple walking in parade 1st 50 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 25 00 34 Best Float Advertising Bobcaygeon Fair 1st 50 00 2nd 30 00 3rd 25 00 13

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35 36 Oldest Antique Tractor 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 Donated in Memory of Byron Martin Best Entry Float or Vehicle Advertising another Fair 1st 20 00 2nd 15 00 3rd 10 00 ALL ENTRANTS IN THE ABOVE MUST TAKE PART IN THE PROCESSION WHICH WILL ASSEMBLE AT THE FOUNTAIN AT 10 00 A M All entrants for judging must register at Parade Route Fountain and hand in entry form before the grandstand and display parade number on front of vehicle carry or wear parade number on right side Sections 19 24 31 32 enter at Secretary Office Only two persons in any vehicle in procession SPECIAL 1 Best Vintage Farm Machinery Display on Grounds 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 SPECIAL 2 10 00 for couple that have come the furthest distance to the fair Donated In Memory of Joe Gartner SPECIAL 3 Couple married the longest Prize 100 00 donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society HUNTER JUMPER HORSE SHOW Friday October 2nd 2015 COMMITTEE Laura Ostler 705 887 2372 Carol Mehnert 705 731 0966 Co chairs Bobby Harrison Kersten Kelly Suzanna Maltby Anne Mehnert Armin Mehnert Mikhaila McBridge Merrell Delaney Brooks Tom Wood Kelly James Entries taken on show day ENTRY FEE 10 00 per class JUMPER DIVISION 15 00 Show starts promptly at 8 30 am Judge Heather Leach Announcer Garth Clingman PRIZE MONEY in all classes except Jumper Classes 1st 25 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 15 00 4th 12 00 5th 10 00 Note for Jumper prize money see individual class 20 21 22 for listing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CEF rules apply All rules of the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society apply Proof of Liability Insurance or OEF membership required All riders participate at their own risk Any person mounted on a horse or pony must wear approved headgear with harness Crops not to exceed 24 All horses and ponies must be kept under control and supervised at all times Stallions may not be shown by riders who are 17 years and under No coaching is allowed from ringside Riders that appear to have problems with their horse or pony may be excused by the judge Horses that kick are required to wear a red ribbon on their tail These riders are asked to remain at least one horse length away from the other competitors The ring steward and judge must be informed of this Stallions must be identified with a yellow ribbon on their tail A minimum of three entries is required for a class to proceed 14

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13 14 15 16 17 18 Hors Concurs may be permitted depending on class size No schooling is permitted over the course A warm up area will be provided Open showmanship lead line and open fun division classes will not count toward divisional high point scoring Beginner Walk Trot Division will be open to riders 13 years and under Green Novice Division is open to riders and or horses in their first or second year of showing Open Divisions are open to everyone HUNTER JUMPER HORSE SHOW CLASS LIST Open Walk Trot sponsored by Dr Kerstin Kelly Bobcagyeon Veterinary Services Green Novice Division sponsored by Dr Stephen Oldridge Bobcaygeon Open Division sponsored by Lane s End Stables Bobcaygeon Jumper Division sponsored by K W Jones Construction Bobcaygeon 1 Open Showmanship Sponsored by Norma Long Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Bobcaygeon Horses to be shown in hand Class judged on presentation and grooming of the horse Riders must be in proper English Attire Horse to be shown in bridle It is suggested that the mane be braided tail braiding optional Allow crop 2 Lead Line Sponsored by Just for the Halibut Bobcaygeon Restricted to riders who are 10 years old and under as of January 1st of the current year To be led by a suitably attired person Side walkers will also be permitted Beginner Walk Trot Division sponsored by Victoria Fees Horse and Hound Lindsay 3 Beginner Walk Trot Equitation sponsored by Fenelon Stampcrete Riders may be asked to rain back trot sitting or posting 70 rider 30 horse 4 Beginner Walk Trot Pleasure sponsored by Garth Clingman Rider and mount will be asked to walk trot sitting or posting class to be judged 70 horse 30 rider 5 Beginner Walk Trot Hunter Hack 2 Fences sponsored by Janice McInro Investors Riders will be judged at a walk trot sitting or posting both ways of the ring Horses will be required to trot two fences not to exceed 18 Judging 60 performance 30 manners 10 turnout Open Walk Trot Division sponsored by Dr Kerstin Kelly Bobcaygeon Veterinary Service 6 Open Walk Trot Equitation sponsored by Kawartha Central Realty Allison Mahoney see class 3 7 Open Walk Trot Pleasure sponsored by Brocar Farms Roy Janet Brock see class 4 8 Walk Trot Hunter Hack Two Fences sponsored by Brocar Farms Roy Janet Brock see class 5 Green Novice Division sponsored by Dr Stephen Oldridge 9 Equitation sponsored by K W Jones Construction Riders maybe asked to walk trot sitting and posting canter both ways of the ring rein back 70 rider 30 horse 10 Pleasure sponsored by Victoria Vet Services Lindsay Riders and mount will be asked to walk trot and canter reverse and back up 70 horse 30 rider 11 Hunter Hack Two Fences sponsored by Dr Stephen Oldridge Bobcaygeon Riders will be judged at walk trot canter both ways of the ring Horses will be required to take two fences not to exceed 2 12 Hunter Over Fences sponsored by Victoria Feeds Horse and Hound Lindsay To be ridden over a course not to exceed 2 15

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Open Fun Division 13 Costume sponsored by Victoria Feeds Horse and Hound Lindsay 14 Egg and Spoon sponsored by Bridgwood Manor Bed Breakfast Fenelon Falls 15 Pairs over Fences sponsored by Ostler Park Farms Bobcaygeon Emphasis is on working together as a pair over a course of four fences not to exceed 18 Open Division sponsored by Lanes End Stables Bobcaygeon 16 Equitation sponsored by New Deal Realty Kelly James Tom Wood See class 9 17 Pleasure sponsored by New Deal Realty Kelly James Tom Wood See class 10 18 Hunter Hack Two Fences sponsored by Strang s Valumart Bobcaygeon See class 11 19 Hunter Over Fences sponsored by Fenelon Veterinary Services See class 12 fences not to exceed 2 3 Open Jumper Division sponsored by K W Jones Construction Bobcaygeon 20 Warm Up Jumper sponsored by The Mehnert Family Table A Jumps not to exceed 2 9 1st 70 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 30 00 4th 20 00 5th 15 00 21 Open Jumper sponsored by Stillbrook Riding Stables Jeannine Stillman Keene Table C Time will be the deciding factor over a set of jumps not to exceed 3 1st 70 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 30 00 4th 20 00 5th 15 00 22 Open Jumper Stake prized donated by Greenhawk Equestrian Supply See class 20 Table A Jumps 3 6 In case of a jump off jumps will be raised to 3 9 1st 70 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 30 00 4th 20 00 5th 15 00 Western Horse Show Saturday October 3rd 2015 COMMITTEE Kelly Mclean 705 341 8503 Jennifer Patterson Suzanna Maltby Bobbi Harrison Entries Taken on show day Entries 5 per class Show starts promptly at 9 am Note Show will break for parade Judge Andrea Knox Announcer Garth Clingman PRIZE MONEY In all classes ribbons to 6th 1st 20 00 2nd 15 00 3rd 10 00 4th 5 00 Horse Show Rules 1 2 All rules of the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society apply Proof of liability insurance or OEF membership is required All competitors compete at own risk 16

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3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 All Horses must be kept under control and supervised at all times Riders that appear to be interfering with other competitors or appear to be having problems with their horses may be excused by the judge Horses that kick must wear red ribbon on their tail Both Judge and ring steward informed of this CEF rules apply Any person under 18 mounted on a horse or pony must wear an A S T M approved headgear with harness Youth classes will be for those 18 or younger of the current year Walk jog classes are for those 12 or younger of the current year Riders in walk trot classes may not enter any open classes No coaching is allowed from ringside No coaching schooling is permitted over patterns Stallions may not be shown by anyone under the age of 18 Riders in the lead line class may not enter any other classes except costume and showmanship The judges decision is final Exhibitors are expected to be ready when the class is called missing riders will be summoned once and then the class will proceed Entry money will not be refunded for classes that have missed scratched or riders have been excused from All exhibitors must pay admission at the gates Riders participating in a walk trot jog class will be disqualified for breaking into a lope canter Exhibitors demonstrating excessive force on their horse pony will be disqualified Class list is subject to change on show day Class List 1 Youth Showmanship Handler to be dressed in proper western attire Horse pony to be shown in proper western halter and shank No crops or whips permitted Pattern to be posted on show day 2 Open Showmanship See youth showmanship for class description 3 Lead Line Ten years and under Handler and rider to be dressed in proper western attire Rider may be asked to walk jog reverse and halt Horse must have suitable tack including a halter and a bridle 4 Walk Jog Pleasure Rider may be asked to walk jog halt dismount back up and reverse 5 Youth Pleasure Rider may be asked to walk jog lope halt dismount back up and reverse 6 Open Pleasure See youth pleasure 7 Walk Jog Horsemanship Rider will be required to complete a pattern that may include walk jog reverse and back up Pattern will be posted the day of the show 8 Youth Horsemanship Rider will be required to complete a pattern that may include walk jog lope reverse and back up Pattern will be posted the day of the show 9 Open Horsemanship See youth horsemanship 10 Open Trail Pattern will be posted on the day of the show Rider will have to complete obstacles that include but are not limited to bridge trot poles lope poles side 17

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 pass poles mailbox open close gate walk jog lope and possible dismount and mount Open Command Riders will be asked to complete a series of commands if they cannot complete the commands they are summoned into the center until the last rider remains Commands include but are not limited to walk jog lope halt reverse back up dismount and remount side pass counter canter turn on the forehand turn on the haunches etc Pairs Riders will participate as a pair and will have to complete tasks simultaneously Riders may be asked to walk jog lope halt and back up Riders must have a mounted partner Steady Hands Riders will have to demonstrate their ability to keep their hands still while holding an egg in a spoon or a cup filled with water Carrot Race Riders will walk trot to the far end of the ring and their horse will have to pick up a carrot without any assistance and lead their horse back to the finish line This is a timed event Boot Scramble Riders will be asked to take off one boot and they will have to ride to the far end of the ring retrieve their boot and lead their horse back across the finish line This is a timed event Musical Stalls Riders will ride around the outside of the ring at a walk or jog When the music stops the riders must dismount lead their horse to the center of the ring and sit on a pail Riders without a pail are eliminated and the last remaining rider wins Open Keyhole The rider must walk jog lope to the far end turn around within a circle and without stepping out of the circle and walk jog lope back to the finish line This is a timed event Mystery Class To be announced on show day Costume Class Rider and mount are to be dressed in their costume of choice The best most creative costume wins Handlers are allowed Facebook Contest Beginning September 1st 2015 contestants must upload a photo onto Facebook that shows how they are preparing to compete at the Bobcaygeon Fair Western Horse Show and use the hashtag bobcaygeonfallfair The person that gets the most people to share their photo will win a 50 prize Note you must enter at least one class at the show to be eligible to win Please email Kelly McLean kellymclean trentu ca to notify us you are planning to participate Champion and Reserve Champion awards will be handed out after class 19 18

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Bobcaygeon Haliburton 4H Horse Club Achievement Day Mike Sue Roberts705 731 0222 The 4H Achievement day is open to members of the Bobcaygeon Haliburton 4H Horse Club and will begin after the Western Horse show has completed Please have your horses ready at the ring after the costume class 19 1 Showmanship Handler to be dressed in proper attire Horse pony to be shown in proper halter and shank No crops or whips permitted Pattern to be posted on show day 2 Sr Showmanship See showmanship 3 Walk Jog Trot Pleasure Rider may be asked to walk jog halt dismount back up and reverse 4 Sr Pleasure Rider may be asked to walk jog lope halt dismount back up and reverse 5 Walk Jog Trot Horsemanship Rider may be asked to walk jog trot halt dismount back up and reverse 6 Sr Horsemanship Rider may be asked to walk jog trot lope halt dismount back up and reverse FUN GAMES TO FOLLOW 4 H is a Youth organization for kids 9 12 years of age The 4 H motto is Learn To Do By Doing 4 H strives to inspire youth and help shape them into responsible members of our communities through hands on learning MINIATURE HORSE SHOW AN OPEN FUN EVENT FOR HORSES 38 and under FRIDAY OCTOBER 2 2015 9 00 AM START SHOW WILL BE HELD ON THE TRACK IN FRONT OF THE GRANDSTAND JUDGE Penny Harrison COMMITTEE Grace Junkin 705 738 4384 Email gjunkin yahoo ca Sharon Brown Bill Brown Murry Junkin Karen Junkin Marg Telford Anne and Graham Knight Ruth McIsaac Ken Telford Theresa Hilton Lewis Directions to Fair Grounds Coming from Hwy 36 turn west onto King St Legion Follow King St to Sherwood St Baptist Church corner and turn right for one block to Park St Anglican church corner You will see Sturgeon Lake and go past the beach park Take Park St to Lance St where you will turn left and travel south a short distance on Lance St to the Fair grounds entrance Parking for horse trailers is inside the gate You will pay admission for everyone in your vehicle There are no group passes Entries will be taken ringside Forms will be available pre show date on fair website or by contacting the Committee Chair Entry Fee 3 00 per class Limit of One entry per handler per class Proof of liability Insurance must be submitted with entry fees and forms Must show 19

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company and policy number We will have an exhibitor draw SPECIAL NOTES Please see Specific Rules for the Miniature Horse Show Order of Showing may vary from order of classes Any change will be posted on fair day Those with special needs are welcome to participate in all miniature horse shows Personal attendants are welcome Prizes In some cases prize money may be awarded in the form of Gift Certificates or substituted with prizes from our Sponsors Prizes for all Halter Classes 1st 20 2nd 15 3rd 10 4th 5 5th 5 Prizes for all Driving Classes 1st 50 2nd 45 3rd 30 4th 25 5th 25 BOBCAYGEON FALL FAIR MINIATURE HORSE SHOW 2015 THANKS TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Agrico Fenelon Falls Bobcaygeon Home Hardware GreenHawk Boon Docks D cor Bobcaygeon The Village Shop Fenelon Falls Sharon and Bill Brown Horse and Hound Lindsay Murry Junkin Plumbing Bobcaygeon High Spirits Farm Beth Robertson The London Shoppe Bobcaygeon LIST OF CLASSES 1 Miniature Foal born 2015 Open to miniature horse fillies colts or geldings born in this year 2015 Foals may shown clipped or in full coat Judged on conformation 2 Miniature Mare Age 1 to 2 years Horses may be shown clipped or in full coat judged on conformation 3 Miniature Mare Age 3 years and over Horses may be shown clipped or in full coat judged on conformation 4 Miniature Stallion handler must be over 18 year of age Open to all ages of Miniature Horse Stallions with the exception of 2015 colts May be shown clipped or in full coat Judged on conformation 5 Miniature Gelding Open to all miniature geldings with the exception of the 2015 geldings May be shown clipped or in full coat Judged on conformation Sponsored by Murry and Grace Junkin Bobcaygeon ON 6 Miniature Youth Showmanship Open to all exhibitors 13 to 17 years of age on Fair Day Horses may be shown clipped or in full coat Judged on the Handler The horse is merely a prop to show the ability of the handler Judged on the appearance of the Exhibitor and how they perform the set showmanship pattern Sponsored by JR s Hylands Pleasantview Acres Rhonda and John Francis Gelert ON 20

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7 Miniature Youth Showmanship Open to all exhibitors 7 to 12 years of age on Fair Day Horses may be shown clipped or in full coat Judged on the Handler The horse is merely a prop to show the ability of the handler Judged on the appearance of the Exhibitor and how they perform the set showmanship pattern Grand Prize Sponsored by Murry Junkin Plumbing 8 Miniature Solid Colour Open to all miniature horses that are not in the Multi Colour Class Horses may be shown clipped or in full coat judged on colour judges preference 9 Miniature Multi Colour Open to all Miniature Horses Pinto s and Appaloosas not in solid Colour class May be shown clipped or in full coat Judged on colour judges preference 30 minute lunch break 10 Miniature Costume Class Youth Prizes for all entries Open to all miniature Horses and their handlers who are 17 yrs and under Judged on originality of the costume and on the presentation Will be shown at a walk both ways of the ring and lined up in the middle for final judging Costumes must be considered safe Sponsored by Black Stallion Ranch David and Barbara Miller Bridgenorth ON www blackstallion ca email miller nexicom net 11 Miniature Costume Class Adult 18 years and older Open to all miniature Horses and their handlers Judged on originality of the costume and on the presentation Will be shown at a walk both ways of the ring and lined up in the middle for final judging Costumes must be considered safe 12 Miniature Open Team Pleasure Driving Open to all miniature horses of driving age 3 yrs and older Judged on performance manners and way of going overall appearance and impression of the horses and vehicle driven 13 Open Mystery Class Open to all horses one year and older and Handlers 7 years and older This class will be at the discretion of the committee and will be posted and announced on fair day 14 Miniature Double Barrels Course in Halter NEW 2015 There will be one entry fee per team of 2 handlers and 2 horses Timed event time penalties will be added to any faults occurred in the course Open to all Miniature horses at least 1 year old 2 Handlers must simultaneously run their horse through a clover shaped pattern around 3 barrels and run back through the finish line There will be two patterns set up in the ring both times will be combined for placement prize money allotted to the team with ribbons for both team members Sponsored by Shannon Steele Farrier Fenelon Falls ON 887 6377 15 Miniature Obstacle in Halter Course 21

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JUDGE WILL PLACE MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT TO COMPLETE THE COURSE Timed event time penalties will be added to any faults occurred in the course Open to all Miniature Horses at least 1 year old Judged on the manner of the horse s performance through the correctly completed course 16 Miniature Jumper Horses must be 3 years of age and over and handler 13 years of age and older The person showing the horse may not jump the jumps with the horse Judged on time and accurate completion of the course time penalties will be added to any faults occurred in the course Horses will be faulted for any knockdowns or refusals of fences Will include a timed Jump off for those who have a clear first round Any unsound horse will be eliminated 17 Miniature Youth Pleasure Driving HELMETS MANDATORY Open to all miniature horses of driving age 3yrs and over Open to Youth Drivers 7 12 years old who must be accompanied by Senior Driver and to Youth drivers 13 17 who may be accompanied by a Senior Driver However the Youth driver shall be in full control of the horse without assistance except in an emergency Judged on performance manners and way of going overall appearance and impression of the horse and driving vehicle 18 Miniature Adult Pleasure Driving Helmets Optional Open to all miniature horses of driving age 3 years and older Drivers 18 years of age and older Judged on performance manners and way of going overall appearance and impression of the horse and driving vehicle Sponsored by Golden Acres Farm Lynn and Charlie Goldman Algonquin Highlands ON 19 Miniature Open Obstacle Cones Driving Course Open to all miniature horse of driving age 3 yrs and over Judged on accurate completion of the course penalties will be added to any errors in the course Timed eventGrand Prize Sponsored by Murry Junkin Plumbing 20 Miniature Open Trail Driving Course Open to all miniatures of driving age 3yrs and over Judged on accurate completion of the course penalties will be added to any errors in the course Timed event JUDGE WILL PLACE MAXIMUM TIME LIMIT TO COMPLETE THE COURSE Bobcaygeon Fall Fair Miniature Horse Show Rules In size the miniature horse must measure no more than 38 at the withers Priority in judging shall be in this order 1 Soundness 2 Balance and conformity to the standard of perfection and 3 Size 1 All rules of the Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society apply 2 All show people participate at their own risk 3 All horses must be kept under control at all times 4 Any exhibitor who appears to be interfering with other competitors or appear to be having problems with their horses may be excused by the judge 5 Horses that kick must Wear a red ribbon on their tail 6 The judge and or horse show committee members have the final decision in any 22

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matter pertaining to the show 7 Youth classes are for those 17 years of age and under on Fair day 8 No coaching is allowed from ring side 9 Stallions may not be shown by anyone under the age of 18 10 At their discretion the horse show committee has the right to change or cancel individual classes or limit the number or entries per class on show date 11 Helmets are strongly advised to be worn for classes 19 20 and 21 and mandatory for class 18 12 One entry per exhibitor in all classes Please Note Bobcaygeon Fair parade is Saturday October 3rd 2015 and we have added a Miniature Horse Costume Class and Decorated Cart and Mini Horse Class Check the Procession details in the Fair Book Parade begins at 11 00 A M sharp Starting from the north side of town at the corner of Main and Prince by the Presbyterian Church and assembly begins at 10 00 A M The bridge is constructed of large grid steel which is not safe for minis The Walkways along side is wooden and fine for walking leading your horse If you do not wish to drive your horse s over the bridges you may join the parade on this side of the bridge at the corner of Canal Street and Bolton Street by Bigley Shoes and register at the Fair Secretary s office The parade officials need to know that you will be joining the parade in order for you to be judged in the appropriate parade classes HORSES COMMITTEE Martin Johnson Doug Anderson Margaret Kimble Elaine Waines Kerstin Kelly Kimberly McLean Mitchell Johnson Pieter VanOudenaren Chairman 705 738 7646 Light Horses will be shown at 10 A M Saturday morning Heavy Horses will be shown after the Parade All Classes are subject to change Each stable showing at least two or more horses or ponies in the hitch show classes will receive a 100 bonus per stable to compensate for transportation expenses Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit CLASS 5 HEAVY HORSES HITCH CLASSES Sections 1 Team of Draft Horse Light 2 Team of Draft Horse Heavy 1st 2nd 3rd 110 00 100 00 95 00 110 00 100 00 95 00 3 4 Team of Commercial Horse Team of Commercial Horse 5 3 A Breast Heavy Commercial Light Heavy 4th 90 00 90 00 All Other 85 00 85 00 110 00 100 00 95 00 110 00 100 00 95 00 90 00 90 00 85 00 85 00 120 00 110 00 95 00 6 Four Horse Draft Sections 7 Four Horse Commercial 170 00 150 00 140 00 110 00 100 00 1st 2nd 3rd 4th All Other 170 00 150 00 140 00 110 00 100 00 8 9 220 00 all entries 220 00 all entries 23 Six Horse Draft Six Horse Commercial

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10 11 Unicorn Hitch Draft Unicorn Hitch Commercial 130 00 120 00 110 00 85 00 130 00 120 00 110 00 85 00 12 13 Single Horse Draft Single Horse Commercial 80 00 80 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 14 Single Hitch Draft Commercial Halflinger Lady Driver 80 00 70 00 60 00 50 00 15 Single Horse child driver 45 00 all others 35 00 45 00 all others 35 00 aged 10 or under accompanied by an Adult 16 Single Horse child driver 11 16 yrs accompanied by an Adult DRAFT PONIES OR COMMERCIAL RULES 1 All Ponies to be harnessed in a suitable draft harness with collars 2 Draft Ponies to have tails tied and manes rolled 3 Commercial Ponies to have tails natural and manes rolled 4 No cross entering Draft Commercial Junior Showmanship and Junior Driving show with the Draft Horses 5 If more than 3 entries classes will be split Section 17 18 19 20 21 22 Six Pony Hitch Four Pony Hitch Unicorn Hitch Team of Ponies 3 A Breast Single Pony 1st 110 00 90 00 90 00 80 00 80 00 65 00 REGISTERED HAFLINGER Section 1st 2nd 23 Single Horse Hitch 75 00 60 00 24 Team Hitch 80 00 75 00 25 Tandem 90 00 85 00 26 Unicorn Hitch 90 00 80 00 27 Four Horse Hitch 90 00 80 00 28 3 A Breast 80 00 65 00 Section 29 30 31 32 33 HACKNEY AND HARNESS PONIES 1st 2nd Single Hackney Pony 13 0 under 70 00 65 00 Single Hackney Pony over 13 0 70 00 65 00 Single Hackney Harness Pony 50 under 70 00 65 00 Team of Hackney or Harness Ponies 85 00 75 00 Tandem 80 00 70 00 SHETLAND PONIES Section 34 Single Shetland Pony 35 Pair of Shetland Ponies 24 1st 75 00 85 00 2nd 65 00 75 00 2nd 90 00 80 00 80 00 75 00 75 00 60 00 All Others 80 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 55 00 3rd All Others 45 00 60 00 70 00 70 00 70 00 50 00 3rd 45 00 45 00 45 00 65 00 60 00 All Others 3rd 45 00 65 00 4th 50 00

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36 Lady Driver 75 00 65 00 50 00 35 00 2nd 70 00 50 00 3rd 60 00 40 00 4th 50 00 35 00 2nd 80 00 65 00 65 00 65 00 65 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 80 00 3rd 70 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 55 00 70 00 4th 60 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 60 00 2nd 60 00 3rd 50 00 4th 40 00 CARRIAGE HORSES IN HARNESS Section 37 Team 38 Single Horse in Harness over 15 hands Section 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1st 80 00 60 00 ROADSTER IN HARNESS 1st Team of Roadsters 90 00 Single Horse in Harness over 15 hands 75 00 Single Horse in Harness under 15 hands 75 00 Open Bike Class 75 00 Open Bike Lady Driver 75 00 Open Bike Stake 80 00 Stake 80 00 Lady Driver 80 00 Gents Turnout 100 00 ROADSTER PONY Section 48 Roadster Pony 1st 70 00 Prize money for Gents Turnout Child Driver donated by Cavalier Transportation George Ledson in memory of his sister Margot Brown HORSE PULL COMMITTEE Ken Ingram Chairman 705 738 2601 John Anderson Mark Jermyn Morris Anderson Doug Anderson Mark Anderson Laura Humphries Randy Humphries Pieter VanOudenaren MATCH TO COMMENCE AT 3 30 P M SATURDAY Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 At all Central Canadian Pulling Association Fair board Pulls all persons entering the Competition must be Members of the Central Canadian Horse Pulling Association Teams competing are to be measured by a committee official prior to the event A qualifying draw must be a minimum of 15 feet and be made within the designated course Knocking down a course marker is a fault disqualifying the draw Each team will be allowed 2 drawing attempts with a time maximum of 3 minutes between draws One driver and two helpers per team will be permitted Slashing whipping or abusing horses will not be allowed In the event of breakage during a draw attempt a next draw will be required Officials will rule on the tie the next draw is to be made Any competitor interfering with Judge or Director or with other competitors will be disqualified The decision of the Judge is final Partial list of rules and regulations Complete list can be obtained at office 25

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PRIZES Heavy Class total Weight 3400 lbs 1st 325 00 2nd 295 00 3rd 245 00 4th 225 00 5th 125 00 6th 125 00 Winner will receive Sunnybreeze Farm Trophy perpetual trophy Light Class total Weight 3400 lbs and under 1st 325 00 2nd 295 00 3rd 245 00 4th 225 00 5th 125 00 6th 125 00 Winner will receive Kawartha Trails Riding Stable Barb and Percy Robertson Trophy perpetual trophy All other teams successfully completing the first draw will qualify for a 75 00 prize HORSE PULL SPECIAL Best Teamster Overall Light 50 00 Best Teamster Overall Heavy 50 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society In Memory of Innis Ingram JUVENILE BEEF CALF SHOW under 10 years old COMMITTEE Allan Shier Chairman 705 738 3770 Lloyd Junkin Jack Humphries Reg Humphries Hugh Britton David Fell Judging to commence after parade approx 12 noon Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All cattle to have RFID ear tags 1 2 Class of Juvenile Beef Calves 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 3 00 to each remaining member Showmanship for Juvenile Member 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 Special 1 Special 2 Special 3 Special 4 Special 5 For the Best Beef Calf exhibited by Juvenile Member 5 00 Youngest Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Humphries Farms Jack Randy Youngest boy with Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Humphries Farms Jack Randy Youngest girl with Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Humphries Farms Jack Randy Best Dressed Calf 1st 10 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 6 00 all others 3 00 donated by BarrKat Farms Dunsford JUNIOR BEEF CALF SHOW Judging to commence after parade approx 12 noon Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All cattle to have RFID ear tags 26

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Boy or Girl 10 16 years of age as of January 1st 2014 1 Best Calf Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 All Others 5 00 2 Showmanship Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 All Others 5 00 Boy or Girl 17 21 years of age as of January 1st 2013 3 Best Calf Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 All Others 5 00 4 Showmanship Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 All Others 5 00 JUVENILE DAIRY CALF SHOW under 10 years old COMMITTEE Andrew Beatty Chairman 705 738 5688 Brian Beatty Ruth Maitland Shawn Maitland To be exhibited at 1 30 p m Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All cattle to have RFID ear tags 1 2 Class of Juvenile Calves 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 3 00 to each remaining member Showmanship for Juvenile Member 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 Special 1 For Best Dairy Calf exhibited by Juvenile Member 5 00 Special 2 Youngest Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Humphries Farms Jack and Randy Special 3 Youngest boy with Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Sunny Valley Holsteins Dunsford Special 4 Youngest girl with Calf at the Fair 10 00 donated by Sunny Valley Holsteins Dunsford Special 5 Best Dressed Calf 1st 10 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 6 00 all others 3 00 Donated by Sunny Valley Holsteins Dunsford Special 6 Donated by Laurie Scott Silver 50 cent coins to each child 10 years and under showing a calf at the Bobcaygeon Fair JUNIOR SHEEP SHOW under 14 years old COMMITTEE Rae Junkin 705 738 3285 Fred Thurston 705 738 5881 Co Chairmen Arlan Telford Richard Thurston Norma Edgar To be exhibits at 12 30 P M Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All sheep to have RFID ear tags 1 2 Ewe Lamb Shown by Junior 1st 6 00 2nd 5 00 3 00 to each remaining member Showmanship by Junior 1st 4 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 Special 1 Special 2 For the Best Sheep exhibited by a Junior Member 5 00 Best Suffolk Sheep 7 00 27

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Special 3 Best Dressed Show Person 10 00 Donated by RCM Polled Herefords Bobcaygeon Please Note There will be NO JUVENILE SWINE SHOW at this years fair JUVENILE GOAT SHOW under 10 years old To be exhibited at 12 30 P M Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All goats to have RFID ear tags 1 2 Class of Juvenile Goat 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 2 00 to each remaining member Showmanship for Juvenile Member 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 Special 1 For Best Goat exhibited by Juvenile Member 5 00 BEEF CATTLE COMMITTEE Allan Shier Chairman 705 738 3770 Lloyd Junkin Jack Humphries Reg Humphries Hugh Britton David Fell All beef cattle to be on the fairgrounds by 10 00 am Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Note All cattle to have RFID ear tags Entries preferred one week prior to Show Judging to commence after the parade Approx 12 noon on Saturday October 3rd 2015 CLASS 14 CLASS 15 CLASS 16 CLASS 17 CLASS 18 CLASS 19 CLASS 20 CLASS 21 CLASS 22 CLASS 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Purebred Herefords Purebred Aberdeen Angus Purebred Maine Anjou Purebred Charolais Purebred Simmental Purebred Limousin Purebred Blonde D Aquitaine Purebred Salers Other Purebreds Purebred Galbvieh Bull Calf January to April 2015 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 Bull born April 1 to December 31 2014 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 Bull born January 1 to March 31 2014 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 Bull born in 2013 older 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 Champion Reserve Male Rosette Heifer Calf January to April 2015 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 Female born April 1 to December 31 2014 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 28 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 18 00 16 00

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8 9 10 11 12 Female born January 1 to March 31 2014 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 18 00 16 00 2 year old Female with Calf at side 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 18 00 16 00 Female born 2013 older with Calf 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 18 00 16 00 Champion Reserve Female Rosette Breeder s Herd of Four Animals both sexes represented 45 00 37 00 32 00 20 00 18 00 Special 1 1st 20 00 16 00 Heifer under 2 years placed first or second in their breed 2nd 18 00 3rd 16 00 4th 14 00 Special 2 Best Purebred Herd First place herd from Section 13 Prize 20 00 Trophy donated by Victoria Feeds Lindsay The Horse Hound Lindsay Special 3 Best Beef Female over 2 years old 50 00 donated by Lindsay Animal Clinic Professional Corporation Lindsay Special 4 Best Beef Bull any age any breed first placing only 50 00 donated by Lindsay Animal Clinic Professional Corporation Lindsay Special 5 Progeny of Dam any Breed Trophy 50 00 donated by Brown Eden Limousin Neil Suzanne Brown Little Britain Special 6 Champion Purebred Female Hereford Heifer born between April 1 Dec 31 2014 1st Silver Cup donated by the Cosh Family cup to be returned to the Fair by Sept 1 2016 Special 7 HERD Herd of Four will receive 150 00 plus prize money Special 8 One Two or Three head will receive 30 00 each plus prize money NOTE CLASSES 14 to 23 inclusive and Specials to be judged by Beef Breed Judge Special 9 COMPETITION FOR HERDSMEN Basis of Placing Awards Fifty percent will be allotted for general neatness of exhibit and for grooming of animals and remaining fifty percent for courtesy and neatness of attendants and information provided by them As well as other factors which may be determined by the Fair Judging will take into account all factors involved in an all day operation 8AM to 4 P M for all breeds while the cattle remain on the grounds Judges may or may not award all the prize money if the quality of Herdsmanship does not warrant Minimum of four animals Prize 100 00 DAIRY CATTLE Committee Andrew Beatty Chairman 705 738 5688 Ruth Maitland Shawn Maitland Brian Beatty DISPLAY 150 00 to each farm that has a manned display of Dairy Cows 29

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Minimum of two animals and a minimum of one mature cow Reminder ALL livestock to have RFID ear tags Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit SHEEP Committee Rae Junkin 705 738 3285 Fred Thurston 705 738 5881 Co Chairmen Richard Thurston Arlan Telford Norma Edgar To be judged at 11 00 am Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Not more than 2 entries per exhibitor in any section NOTE If only one Exhibitor per class the Committee will combine with Any Other Breed and judge all together Registration papers upon request note Rule 13 When showing more than one animal in a section you must have people to assist Entries close on September 26th 2015 All Exhibitors Showing 8 Head or more per class will receive an award of 20 00 One award per farm unit CLASS 23 CLASS 24 CLASS 25 CLASS 26 CLASS 27 CLASS 28 CLASS 29 CLASS 30 CLASS 31 CLASS 32 CLASS 33 CLASS 34 CLASS 35 CLASS 36 CLASS 37 CLASS 38 LEICESTERS SUFFOLK NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOTS OXFORD DOWNS DORSET SHROPSHIRE ANY OTHER BREED SOUTHDOWNS LINCOLNS COTSWOLDS CORRIEDALE TEXELS RIDEAU ARCOTTS CHAROLLAIS DORPERS EAST FRIESIAN Section 1 Aged Ram 2 Ram Yearling 3 Ram Lamb 4 5 6 Aged Ewe Yealing Ewe Ewe Lamb Prize Money for the above Classes 1st 20 00 2nd 15 00 3rd 12 00 4th 10 00 Specials 1 For the Best Pen of 5 Ewe Lambs not previously shown Open to residents of Verulam and Harvey only 1st 30 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 10 00 30

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2 For Best Ram 1 year or older 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 3 For Best Ram Lamb 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 Best Yearling Ewe at Bobcaygeon Fair 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 4 5 Best Ewe Lamb at Bobcaygeon Fair 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 6 Pen any Breed purebred 1 Ram and 3 Ewes 1st 20 00 2nd 18 00 3rd 15 00 4th 12 00 5th 10 00 6th 8 00 7 Youngest Lamb s under six weeks 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 8 Pen of 5 Market Lambs not previously shown Open to Residents of Verulam Harvey Only 1st 30 00 2nd 20 00 3rd 10 00 Entries close on September 26th 2015 Note All sheep to have RFID ear tags PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO SWINE SHOW AT THIS YEARS FAIR GOAT SHOW COMMITTEE Rae Junkin 705 738 3285 Fred Thurston 705 738 5881 Co Chairmen Richard Thurston Norma Edgar Arlan Telford To be judged at 11 00 A M Saturday October 3rd 2015 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Entries close September 26 2015 1 2 3 4 5 All animals must have registration papers available except Class 34G Milkers must have been milked dry within 12 hours before judging Goats with hard distended udders may be disqualified at the discretion of the judge All Milkers from all breeds will be shown first All animals to have RFID ear tags Not more than 2 entries per exhibitor in any section NOTE If only one exhibitor per class the Committee will combine with CLASS 65 Recorded Grade and judge all together All Exhibitors Showing 8 Head or more per class will receive an award of 20 00 One award per farm unit CLASS 60 ALPINE 31

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CLASS 61 CLASS 62 CLASS 63 CLASS 64 CLASS 65 NUBIAN SAANEN TOGGENBERG LAMANCHA RECORDED GRADE Crossbreeds and any other variety Prize Money for Sections listed below not including specials 1st 15 00 2nd 13 00 3rd 11 00 4th 9 00 Section 1 Milking Doe 1 to 2 years 2 Milking Doe 2 to 3 years 3 Milking Doe 3 and over 4 Senior Champion and Reserve Senior Champion from sections 1 to 3 ribbons only 5 SPECIAL Best Senior Champion Senior Champions from each Class to compete 1st 11 00 2nd 9 00 3rd 6 00 6 SPECIAL Best Udder 1st 11 00 2nd 9 00 3rd 6 00 7 Doe Kid 3 6 months 8 Doe Kid 6 12 months 9 Yearling Does over 1 year under 2 years old which never borne a kid 10 Junior Champion and Reserve Junior Champion from sections 7 9 ribbons only 11 SPECIAL Best Junior Champion Junior Champions from each Class to compete 1st 11 00 2nd 9 00 3rd 6 00 12 SPECIAL Best Herd 1 dry and 2 milkers 1st 11 00 2nd 9 00 3rd 6 00 13 SPECIAL Meat Goat under 35 lb 1st 11 00 2nd 9 00 3rd 6 00 14 SPECIAL Youngest Kid under 6 weeks 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 15 SPECIAL Bank of Montreal Prize open to residents of Verulam and Harvey only Most Points in any one section of livestock Horse Cattle Goats Sheep Swine Cannot be won by the same person more than three consecutive years 16 SPECIAL New Exhibitor of Livestock Open to Residents of the City of Kawartha Lakes Harvey Township Prize Trophy and 50 00 Donated by the Family of Neil and Florence Oliver NOTE ALL GOATS TO HAVE RFID EAR TAGS Bobcaygeon Poultry Show COMMITTEE David Fell Chairman 705 887 5670 Jennie Junkin Larry Junkin Darlene Fell Kerstin Kelly David Gould Carol Mehnert Holly Jermyn Schnegg Candace Jermyn Linda Staples Bruce Dewey Peter Atkin 32

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RULES Poultry must be at the Exhibit Building on FRIDAY October 2nd 2015 between 9 00 a m and no later than 10 00 a m Judging at 10 30 a m Exhibits will remain cooped until 5 00 p m Saturday October 3rd 2015 Feed and water supplied for Saturday The Committee reserves the right to refuse or limit any entry Entries limited to two entries per section The first 500 Entries will be accepted No more than 50 Entries per person ENTRY FEE 75 cents per entry All fees must be paid in full at time of making entries and paid by September 26 2015 Send Entries to Mr David Fell R R 2 Fenelon Falls Ontario K0M 1N0 Telephone 705 887 5670 Prize Money 1st 4 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 Rosettes offered for Best Bantam Standard Waterfowl and Rabbit There Must Be 5 Entries or More per breed to qualify for Best of Breed 3 50 Proof of Insurance insurance company name policy number required to exhibit Special Grand Champion and Reserve Champion CLASS 70 State colour of your A O C A C entries and breed of your A O V entries A Cock B Hen C Cockrel Section STANDARD 1 Plymouth Rock White 2 Plymouth Rock A O C 3 Wyandotte Silver Laced 4 Wyandotte A O C 5 Cochin Buff 6 Cochin Black 7 Cochin A O C 8 Rhode Island Red 9 New Hamshire 10 Brahmas A C D Pullet 11 Orpington A C 12 Black Austrlorp 13 Sussex A C 14 Leghorn A C 15 Minorca 16 Polish A C 17 Hamburgs A C 18 Old English Game A C 19 Any other variety colour or breed State colour of your A O C A C entries and breed of your A O V entries Section BANTAMS 20 Cochin Black 21 Cochin Buff 22 Cochin A O C 23 Rosecomb A O C 24 Sebright Golden 35 Japs A C 36 Belgian Quail A C 37 Old English Game Black Red 38 Old English Game Black 39 Old English Game Silver Duckwing 33

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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Sebright Silver Silkie White Silkie A O C Mille Fleur Plymouth Rock White Plymouth Rock Partridge Plymouth Rock A O C Wyandotte White Wyandotte Black Wyandotte A O C 40 Old English Game A O C 41 Leghorn A C 42 Brahma Buff 43 Brahma A O C 44 Cornish A C 45 Polish A C 46 Hamburg A C 47 Any Other Variety Colour and Breed State colour of your A O C A C entries and breed of your A O V entries Section WATERFOWL A Drake B Duck C Drake 48 Rouen 49 Indian Runner A C 50 Pekin 51 Muscovy 52 Call White 53 Call A O C D Duck A Gander 54 Black East India 55 Duck A O V 56 Geese Embden 57 Geese Toulose 58 Geese A O V B Goose Section GUINEA FOWL TURKEYS A Cock B Hen A Tom B Hen 59 Guinea Fowl A C 60 Turkey A V Section RABBITS A Buck B Doe 61 New Zealand A C 64 Rex A C 62 Mini Lop A C 65 Rabbit A O C 63 Dwarf A C ENTRIES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 26 2015 NOTE If only two varieties are exhibited in a Section with A O C or A O V the Committee will combine the different breeds and judge all together DOG SHOW CLASS 71 ALL ENTRIES TAKEN AT 12 15 P M SATURDAY JUDGING AT 1 00 P M 34

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Sections 1 to 3 and Special 1 exhibited by children 14 years and under Equipment to be used with dogs in dog show Well fitted flat collars slip collars or martingale collars No Harnesses Leashes to be made of leather or material no chain leashes or flexi leads Section 1 Best Small Dog 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 4th 6 00 2 Best Medium Dog 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 4th 6 00 3 Best Large Dog 1st 12 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 8 00 4th 6 00 When deemed necessary the Judge reserves the right to re classify entries 1 00 given to all non placing entries in Class 71 Donated by British Empire Fuels Bobcaygeon All Pet Products donated by Pet Valu Bobcaygeon Marlene Jackson Franchise Owner SPECIAL 1 Obstacle Race for Person and Dog Ages 7 to 11 years 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 6 00 4th 4 00 Prizes donated by Jermyn Lumber Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 2 Obstacle Race for Person and Dog Age 12 and over 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 6 00 4th 4 00 Prize money donated by Karel Ann Beck Bobcaygeon TROPHY For the fastest time of the day in the Obstacle Race Donated by Jermyn Lumber Bobcaygeon GRAIN COMMITTEE Ruth McIsaac Chairlady 705 738 2397 Gail McIndoe Ruth Maitland Hugh Britton Marian Johnson Marie Adams Carol Eldridge Margaret McIsaac NOTE all sheaves must be at least 4 inches in diameter at the center band and all this year s grain Exhibit Hall will close day of Fair at 4 45 pm and re open at 5 30 pm No exhibits to be removed from the hall until 5 30 pm on Saturday CLASS 72 Section 1 Corn five ears field named 2 Corn five ears table named 3 Sheaf Corn sheaf to consist of 8 stalks 4 bale Hay 1st cut any variety tied in a box 35 1st 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 2nd 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3rd 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00

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5 Bale Hay 2nd cut any variety tied in a box 6 00 4 00 2 00 Special 1 ALL MUST BE SHOWN IN A ONE QUART ONE LITRE JAR Fall Wheat must be cleaned and named 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 Special 2 ALL MUST BE SHOWN IN A ONE QUART ONE LITRE JAR Barley must be cleaned and named 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 Special 3 ALL MUST BE SHOWN IN A ONE QUART ONE LITRE JAR Oats White must be cleaned and named 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 SPECIAL 1 2 3 Prizes donated by RCM Polled Herefords Bobcaygeon Dennis Drinkwalter Bobcaygeon Agri Services Cavan Murry Junkin Plumbing Bobcaygeon Special 4 Sheaf Fall Wheat named 10 00 Special 5 Sheaf White Oats named 10 00 Special 6 Sheaf Barley named 10 00 SPECIAL 5 6 7 Prizes donated by RCM Polled Herefords Bobcaygeon Dennis Drinkwalter Bobcaygeon Agri Services Cavan Murry Junkin Plumbing Bobcaygeon Special 7 Gallon Pail of Frozen or Fresh Corn Silage 20 00 Prizes donated by RCM Polled Herefords Bobcaygeon FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS There must be at least 10 entries in each class to qualify as a competition Judging basis 80 field and 20 Hall Exhibitors must show in hall to qualify for prizes Please bring hay and corn in THURSDAY MORNING before 10 am Special 8 CORN CROP Prizes 1 Sheaf of Corn consisting of 12 stalks to be displayed in Hall 1st 20 00 2nd 19 00 3rd 18 00 4th 17 00 5th 16 00 6th 15 00 7th 14 00 8th 13 00 9th 12 00 10th 11 00 Prize voucher donated by Kawartha Lakes Agri Services Lindsay Special 9 HAY CROP Prizes Bale to be displayed in Hall Tied and in a box Variety of Alfalfa to be named 1st 20 00 2nd 19 00 3rd 18 00 4th 17 00 5th 16 00 6th 15 00 7th 14 00 8th 13 00 9th 12 00 10th 11 00 Prize voucher donated by Kawartha Lakes Agri Services Lindsay ROOTS VEGETABLES COMMITTEE Ruth McIsaac Chairlady 705 738 2397 Gail McIndoe Ruth Maitland Hugh Britton Marian Johnson Marie Adams Carol Eldridge Margaret McIsaac 36

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Exhibit Hall will close day of Fair at 4 45 pm and re open at 5 30 pm No exhibits to be removed from the hall until 5 30 pm Saturday Exhibitors must use tray provided Prize Money 1st 6 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 CLASS 73 Section 1 2 Turnips 2 6 Carrots Long with 1 Top 3 3 Carrots Short with 1 Top 4 6 Beets with 1 Top 5 6 Beets Long with 1 Top 6 6 Parsnips with 1 Top 7 2 Cabbage white 8 2 Cabbage red 9 2 Cabbage Savoy 10 6 Tomatoes red with stems 11 6 Tomatoes green with stems 12 6 Plum Roma Tomatoes with stems 13 12 Cherry Tomatoes with stems 14 3 Cucumbers green table 15 3 Cucumbers green pickling 16 3 Cucumbers ripe 17 2 Field Pumpkins 18 2 Pie Pumpkins 19 2 Pepper Squash 20 2 Green Buttercup Squash 21 2 Amber Buttercup Squash 22 2 Hubbard Squash 23 2 Spaghetti Squash 24 2 Butternut Squash 25 2 Squash any other variety named 26 2 Vegetable Marrows 27 1 Watermelon 28 2 Muskmelons Cantaloupe 29 2 Citrons 30 6 Peppers sweet red 31 6 Peppers sweet green 32 6 Peppers hot 33 2 Zucchinis small max lgth 12 34 Largest Zucchini 35 6 Brussel Sprouts 36 Broccoli 1 head 37 6 Red Onion 38 6 Dutch Sets 39 6 Spanish Onions 40 6 Multiplier Onions 41 6 Gourds different varieties must be displayed in a basket POTATOES Prize Money 1st 6 00 Section 42 Dozen Yukon Gold 43 Dozen AOV early Name 44 Dozen Sabago 45 Dozen Superior 46 Dozen Kathadin 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 47 Dozen Kennebec 48 Dozen any other late variety and named 49 Dozen Pontiac Chieftain red SPECIALS Special 1 Largest Squash To be measured by circumference Natural growth only 1st Prize 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society 2nd Prize 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Special 2 Largest Pumpkin To be measured by circumference Natural growth only 1st Prize 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society 2nd Prize 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Special 3 Largest Potato Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Donated by Village Gate Pharmacy Bobcaygeon Special 4 Best 3 Bulbs of Home Grown Garlic 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Special 5 Most Unusual Shaped Vegetable 1st 6 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 37

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Special 6 Scarecrow must be over 3 feet high and able to sit or stand by itself 1st place 15 00 Donated by Esther Humphries 2nd 10 00 3rd 5 00 Special 7 Display of Ontario Fruits and or Vegetables etc No larger than 20 in diameter Must be from own garden 10 or more varieties 1st 20 00 Donated in memory of Carl Anderson 2nd 15 00 3rd 10 00 Special 8 Best Sunflower Head with Seeds 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Special 9 A Grouping of Heritage Heirloom VEGETABLES names different varieties must be displayed in a basket Must be from own garden Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Special 10 Most Points in Class 73 Section 1 49 inclusive Prize 20 00 Donated by The Drinkwalter Family in memory of Ross Muriel Drinkwalter All entries must be placed for judging by 12 00 noon on Thursday October 2nd 2015 HONEY Must be any Standard 500 g or 375 ml honey jars Three jars in each section CLASS 74 Section 1 White or Golden Liquid Honey 2 Fine Granulated Honey 3 3 Honey Combs any standard marketable container 4 1 Cake Beeswax weighing not less than one pound Prize money 1st 8 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 EGGS CLASS 75 Section 1 Hen Eggs one dozen white 2 Hen Eggs one dozen brown 3 Bantam one dozen Prize money 1st 6 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 PLEASE NOTE Exhibit Hall will be OPEN Thursday Night October 1st from 5 7 pm 38

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HOME BAKING CULINARY ARTS COMMITTEE Norma Edgar Chairlady 705 738 3285 Doris Britton Margaret Telford Darlene Telford Barbara Curry Eva Black Joyce Jackson Madeleine Stuart Diane Livie Lyn Morris Doreen Zimmerman Katie Baxter Patty Anderson Shirley Baird Theresa Ruddock 1 2 3 Exhibitors please submit ONE list No Baking or Preserved products accepted after 12 00 Noon Thursday Judging to begin at 1 00 p m Doors will be closed and no one shall be admitted until the judging is complete 4 No ready mixes to be used in any Baking 5 Baking products will be judged on Flavour 50 Appearance 50 Pies Tarts Flavour 20 Crust Filling 80 6 No Paper Liners 7 If more than 6 entries in any class 4th prize will be given same money as third 8 Exhibitor can only make one entry and receive one prize in each section 9 EXHIBIT HALL WILL CLOSE DAY OF FAIR AT 4 45 P M SATURDAY Re Open at 5 30 p m NO ENTRIES to be picked up before 5 30 p m SATURDAY 10 The Committee will not be responsible for EXHIBITS after 6 00 p m 11 NO CAKES TO BE IN ORIGINAL BAKING DISH 12 The Baking must meet the quality as per Judges Expertise i e One Entry In A Class doesn t automatically grant you 1st prize 13 Please cover with clear wrap and put on a plate or tray Fairboard not responsible for sold food CLASS 40 SECTION PRIZE MONEY 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 1 Cinnamon Buns 3 Iced Glazed 2 3 Tea Biscuits Plain 3 Coffee Cake no yeast 4 3 Bran Muffins 5 3 Carrot Pineapple Muffins 6 3 Apple Muffins 7 5 Peanut Butter Cookies 8 5 Chocolate Chip Cookies 9 Poppy Seed 1 2 Loaf 10 Pumpkin Loaf 1 2 Loaf plain 11 Cherry Loaf 1 2 Loaf 12 Banana Loaf 1 2 Loaf plain 13 Zucchini Loaf 1 2 Loaf plain no chocolate 14 Date Nut Loaf 1 2 Loaf PLEASE NOTE No square cakes to be shown on round plates No Cakes to be in original baking dish 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Carrot Cake Square iced Pineapple Upside Down Cake Bundt Cake any Variety Banana Cake square iced Applesauce Cake square iced 3 Chocolate Brownies iced 3 No Bake Squares 3 No Bake Cookies 3 Date Squares 39

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24 3 Butter Tart Squares PLEASE NOTE One Slice of Pie Only Sections 25 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Raisin Pie Raspberry Pie Pecan Pie Cherry Pie Blueberry Pie Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Pumpkin Pie Special 1 Tomato Soup Cake Prizes donated by the Dunsford District Lions Club Inc 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 5 00 Special 2 Three different ways to prepare Cranberries 3 samples Prizes donated by Foodland Bobcaygeon 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 4th 3 00 Special 3 60 Whole Wheat Bread Standard Pan Minimum 8 x4 x2 1 2 20cm x 10cm x 7cm Maximum 9 x5 x3 23cm x 13cm x 7 5cm Recipe Must Accompany Entry Prizes donated by Hillside Landscaping Bobcaygeon 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 Winner from Bobcaygeon Fair may compete at District No 4 Annual Meeting District No 4 winner will go to the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Convention in Toronto Special 4 5 Oatmeal Cookies plain 1st Cookbook donated by Bobcaygeon Area Chamber of Commerce 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 Special 5 Best Apple Pie 2 crust 1 Slice Donated in memory of Jean Holt 1st Prize 10 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 Special 6 5 Shortbread Cookies not decorated 1st prize donated by City of Kawartha Lakes Dairy Producers Committee 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 Special 7 Best Decorated Cake Donated by Bobcaygeon Lions Club 1st Prize 10 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 Special 8 Best 3 Butter Tarts Plain Donated by Bobcaygeon Lions Club 1st Prize 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Special 9 KAWARTHA DAIRY Prepare your Family s Favourite Rice Pudding using Kawartha Dairy products Please submit proof of purchase Prizes donated by Kawartha Dairy Ltd Bobcaygeon Ontario 1st Prize 15 00 2nd 12 00 3rd 10 00 4th 8 00 5th 5 00 Special 10 BREAD MACHINE White bread Judged on taste texture and creativity of recipe and presentation Include recipe Donated by Doris Britton Bobcaygeon 1st Prize 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 Special 11 DIABETIC MUFFINS 3 recipe included Donated by Doris Britton Bobcaygeon 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 40

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Special 12 CRISCO PIE BAKING CONTEST Peach Pie one Slice A label must accompany entry as proof of purchase Recipe must accompany entry All entries will be judged on appearance taste texture and creativity of recipe and presentation Prizes 1st 25 00 Product certificate 2nd 10 00 Product certificates Visit Crisco s website at www criscocanada com Special 13 Most Points in Class 40 not including Specials Section 1 to 31 Inclusive 25 00 Donated by Dunsford District Lions Club Inc Special 14 Most Points on the Specials 10 00 Donated in memory of Mrs Robert Johnson Special 15 NEW Homemaker s Special items to be suitably displayed in a bun basket no larger than 9 Content 3 tarts your choice 3 tea biscuits jam 1 small jar Sponsored by Katie Baxter 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 5 00 CANNED AND PRESERVED PRODUCTS All containers must be sealed tightly to be judged Wax sealing is NOT allowed Label ALL fruit marmalades and pickles for educational value Containers to be opened by the Judge for inspection Pickle Jars should be at least filled to within inch of top No decorative cloth tops Products will be judged on the following basis Flavour 50 Appearance 25 Texture 25 If more than 6 entries in any class 4th prize will be given same money as 3rd prize CANNED FRUIT No larger than Pint jars labeled CLASS 40 SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 32 Maple Syrup 33 Peaches 34 Plums 35 Applesauce not spiced 36 Blueberries 37 Pears spiced JAM AND JELLY No larger than Pint jars labeled SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 38 Strawberry Jam 39 Strawberry Freezer Jam 40 Rhubarb and StrawberryJam 41 Grape Jelly 42 Peach Jam 43 Raspberry Jam red 44 Freezer Raspberry Jam 45 Marmalade 46 Apple Jelly 47 Red Pepper Jelly 41

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48 Blueberry Jam PICKLES AND RELISHES No larger than pint jars labeled SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 49 Salsa MILD 50 Dill Pickles with garlic 51 Hot Dog Relish 52 Nine Day Pickle 53 Bread Butter Pickles 54 Governor Sauce green tomato 55 Pickled Onions 56 Canned Tomatoes 57 Pickled Beets 58 Chili Sauce Plain 59 Chili Sauce Fruit 60 Corn Relish 61 Icicle Pickle 62 Chutney Fruit 63 Homemade Catsup SPECIAL 16 Most Points in Class 40 Section 32 63 inclusive Prize of 20 00 SPECIAL TROPHY Ladies Domestic Total Points Winner donated by Bobcaygeon Lioness Club in memory of Carol Lyle Bobcaygeon HANDICRAFT AND HOBBY DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE Cathy MacIntosh Chairlady 705 738 4842 Kathleen Holden Jan Barr Donna Schinkel Stella Kimble Janice Murphy Deanna MacIntosh Susan Savage Joan Robson Josephine Jones Trena Brannon Leah Anderson Ellen Carey Marilyn Dewing Kim MacMillan NOTE TO AVOID DISQUALIFICATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All Exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor and New Work Exhibitors should read both Homecraft Rules and General Rules Each Exhibitor please submit a list of their entries by name and number to the Chairlady of Handicraft and Hobby All articles competing in this department Class 41 42 43 44 must be strictly the production of the person making the entry and must have been completed since October 2014 Articles soiled or defaced by wear not eligible for competition Exhibitor can only make one entry and receive one prize in each section Articles can be submitted one time only one year In the absence of competition in any section or if articles exhibited are of inferior quality the Judge will award such premiums as they deem the exhibits merit The Judge is particularly requested to conform with this regulation All sewn articles must be accompanied with a sample attached No hangers and cover up your name if on Article All exhibits to be ready for judging by 12 00 noon Thursday 42

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11 12 13 14 15 Please secure entry tags with a safety pin If more than 6 entries in any Class 4th prize will be given same as 3rd prize Exhibit hall will be closed at 4 45 pm Saturday and will re open at 5 30 p m No exhibits to be removed from the hall before 5 30 pm Saturday The Committee will not be responsible for exhibits left after 6 00 P M SATURDAY Please have your exhibit number with you a time for pickup LADIES PERSONAL WEAR CLASS 41 SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 1 Long Sleeve Pullover hand knitted 2 Hand Knitted Cardigan 3 Bib Apron Sample Attached 4 Home Made Purse 5 Sleepwear Sample Attached 6 Jacket Sample Attached 7 Vest Sewn Sample Attached 8 Any Sewn article of Ladies Clothing not listed Sample Attached 9 Any Article From Polar Fleece Sample Attached 10 Hat Hand Knitted or Crocheted 11 Half Apron Fabric Sample Attached 12 Slippers Hand Knitted 13 Handmade Jewellery 14 Ladies Mitts Hand Knitted SPECIAL 1 Most Points in Class 41 Sections 1 14 inclusive 5 00 Donated by Mrs Ada O Neill SPECIAL 2 Ladies Knitted Shawl Prize Gift Certificates 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 5 00 Donated by Home Hardware Bobcaygeon MEN S WEAR SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 15 Pullover Sweater Hand Knitted 16 Heavy Hand Knitted Work Socks 17 Toque Hand Knitted or Crocheted 18 Slippers Hand Knitted or Crocheted 19 Man s Vest Hand Knitted 20 Men s Hand Knitted Socks fine or medium weight yarn not work socks 21 Man s Machine Knitted Socks fine or medium weight yarn not work socks SPECIAL 3 Most Points in Class 41 Sections 15 21 inclusive 5 00 donated by Marguerite Adams Miller Bobcaygeon CHILDREN S WEAR Size 12 and Under SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 22 Cardigan Hand Knitted or Crocheted 23 Pullover Hand Knitted or Crocheted 24 Two Piece Jogging Suit Sample Attached 25 Child s Slippers Hand Knitted or Crocheted 43

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26 Hand Knitted Hat Mitts set 27 Child s Vest Sample Attached SPECIAL 4 Most Points in Class 41 Sections 22 27 inclusive 5 00 Donated by Cathy Doug MacIntosh Bobcaygeon INFANT S WEAR SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 28 Jacket Hat Hand Knitted 29 Jacket Hat Crocheted 30 Baby Dress Crocheted 31 Carriage Cover Sample Attached 32 Baby Shawl Hand Knitted or Crocheted 33 Baby Afghan Hand Knitted or Crocheted 34 Crib Quilt Hand Quilted cotton no kits 35 Pre Stamped Crib Quilt Hand Quilted 36 Hooded Sweater Hand Knitted or Crocheted 37 Baby Set Hand Knitted 3pcs 38 Baby Dress Hand Knitted SPECIAL 5 Most Points in Class 41 Sections 28 38 inclusive 10 00 Donated by Carolyn Warren Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 6 Decorated Tee Shirt 1st and 2nd Prizes donated by Tim Horton Brian Cindy Bays Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 7 Decorated Sweat Shirt 1st and 2nd Prizes donated by Tim Horton Brian Cindy Bays Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 8 Any Ceramic Item 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by Rokeby Commercial Painting HOMECRAFT CLASS 42 Quilts New work within year Hand Quilted Open to individual Exhibitors Scoring Points for Quilts General Appearance Design 25 Colour Material 20 Workmanship 55 Total Points 100 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Annual Hand Quilted Championship Quilt Competition Eligibility Rules and Regulations General Conditions A Entries must be solely made and hand quilted by the exhibitor and exhibited and judged at a local Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies OAAS to be eligible for this competition B Entry quilts must be a minimum of 324 inches measured on the perimeter smaller quilts will not be eligible to proceed to the next levels of competition C Judging will occur at local fairs and district levels A Provincial Grand Champion Quilt will be selected at the Annual OAAS Convention 44

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D Upon making an entry into the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Quilt Competition the Exhibitor agrees to participate in any promotional activities related to the competition E The winning Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Champion Quilt will not be eligible to compete in any future District and or Convention OAAS competition F The winner s name and pattern to be displayed at the Fair on sign provided by OAAS Local Fair Competitions A Each local fair is entitled to send only the GRAND CHAMPION QUILT Minimum 324 inches measured on the Perimeter Judged the best of show of all eligible hand quilted quilts to the District Competition OR if any entry wins GRAND CHAMPION or BEST of ALL ELIGIBLE QUILTS at more than one Fair the other Fairs at which this quilt was entered and won should enter their RESERVE CHAMPION or SECOND BEST OF SHOW OF ALL CLASSES quilt in the District Competition NOTE If an Exhibitor wins GRAND CHAMPION or BEST of SHOW of ALL ELIGIBLE quilts at other than his her own fair or at more than one Fair the Exhibitor must consider the Agricultural Society nearest his her home address as the one from which the quilt will be sent to the District meeting B An Exhibitor who wins more than one Best of Show title with a different quilt at different Fairs shall be entitled to enter each winning quilt to compete at the District Competition C Local Homecraft Divisions are requested to judge a GRAND CHAMPION or BEST of SHOW of all ELIGIBLE quilts As well as RESERVE Grand Champion or SECOND Best of Show of all ELIGIBLE quilts The GRAND CHAMPION and the RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION are judged from all first and second prize ELIGIBLE quilts Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Annual Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hanging Competition Eligibility Rules and Regulations General Conditions A Quilt Wall Hanging must be solely made and machine quilted by the exhibitor and exhibited and judged at a local Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies OAAS fair to be eligible for this competition B Quilt Wall Hanging to be measured on the perimeter Total perimeter measurement to be a minimum of 192 inches Note the article can be square rectangular etc C Judging will occur at local fairs and district levels A Provincial Grand Champion Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hanging will be selected at the Annual OAAS Convention D Upon making entry into the OAAS Machine Quilting Competition the Exhibitor agrees to participate in any promotional activities related to the competition E The winning OAAS Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hanging will not be eligible to compete in any future District and or OAAS Provincial competition F The winner s name to be displayed at the Fair on sign provided by OAAS G Quilt Wall Hanging must have visible machine quilting Local Fair Competitions A Each local fair is entitled to send only one Grand Champion Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hangings judged best of show of all eligible machine quilted Quilt Wall Hangings to the District Competition OR if any entry wins Grand Champion or Best of Show of all eligible Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hangings at more than one Fair the other Fairs at which this Item was entered and won should enter their Reserve 45

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Champion or Second Best of Show of eligible Machine quilted Quilt Wall Hanging in the District Competition NOTE If an Exhibitor wins Grand Champion or Best of Show of all eligible Machine Quilting classes at other than his her own fair or at more than one Fair the Exhibitor must consider the Agricultural Society nearest his her home address as the one from which the Quilt Wall Hanging will be sent to the District Competition B An Exhibitor who wins more than one Best of Show title with a different machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hanging at different Fairs shall be entitled to enter each winning Quilt Wall Hangings to compete at the District Competition C Local Homecraft Divisions are requested to judge a Grand Champion or Best of Show of all eligible Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hangings as well as a Reserve Champion or Second Best of Show of eligible Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hangings The Grand Champion and the Reserve Grand Champion are judged from all first and second prize ELIGIBLE Machine Quilted Quilt Wall Hanging QUILTS HAND QUILTED CLASS 42 SECTION Prize Money 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 1 Bedspread reversible plain 2 Cotton Pieced HELPFUL HINTS 3 Cotton Appliqu d Hand Done No Knots Thread Ends Darned In Pencil Marks Eliminated 4 Log Cabin Quilted not Tied Blocked Where Needed 5 Group Quilt Sec 1 6 Min Size 324 Inches 6 Combination pieced appliqued Measured on the Perimeter 7 Any Quilt Hand Quilted under 72 x 90 8 Pieced Quilt top Prize money 1st 7 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 4 00 SPECIAL 1 Best Quilt at Bobcaygeon Fair Class 42 Section 1 7 Inclusive Prize donated by Pinecrest Nursing Home 10 00 donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society SPECIAL 2 Quilt rag Prize donated in memory of Eva Finley Bobcaygeon 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 SPECIAL 3 Machine Quilt bed size Prize money 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 SPECIAL 4 First Made Quilt Entry Pieced or Appliqued bed size Prize 25 00 donated by Kawartha Piecemakers Village Quilters SPECIAL 4 Most points in Class 42 Sections 1 8 inclusive 10 00 donated by Allan and Patty Anderson Bobcaygeon HOMECRAFT 46

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SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 9 Costume Halloween Skating Dance etc Sample Attached 10 Hand Knitted or Crocheted Afghan 11 Basket Decorated for a Birthday Must contain Minimum of 5 items 12 Wall Hanging with Hanger Attached Fabric not over 24 x 36 13 Tote Bag any media 14 2 Place Mats any type 15 Door Stop SPECIAL 6 Most points in Class 42 Sections 9 15 inclusive 5 00 donated by Linda Owen Fenelon Falls SPECIAL 7 Machine Quilt not done on commercial machine 5 00 donated by Rokeby Commercial Painting SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 16 Fancy Cushion Sample Attached 17 Table Centerpiece not to exceed 10 x 18 no doilies no water in display 18 Crocheted Doily 12 maximum 19 Cushion Pieced Quilt Block Top 20 Hanging Fingertip Towel 21 Cross Stitch Article no frames 22 Decorated Hand Towel 23 Tea Kozy 24 Decorated Tea Towel 25 Rug hooked rag or punched max size 24 x 36 SPECIAL 8 Most points in Class 42 Sections 16 25 inclusive 5 00 CHRISTMAS CENTRE SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 26 Two Christmas Placemats 27 Table Centerpiece maximum 10 x 18 no candles or doilies 28 Three 3 Tree Ornaments solidly mounted 29 Christmas Gift Wrapped maximum 12 30 Christmas Wreath Max 18 x18 31 Christmas Apron 32 Tree Skirt 33 Handmade Christmas Stocking Sample Attached SPECIAL 9 Most points in Class 42 Sections 26 33 inclusive 5 00 BEDROOM ACCESSORIES SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 34 Fancy Bed Cushion Sample Attached 35 Pot Pourri Holder 36 Handmade Soap 37 One Pillow Case thread embroidered 38 Handmade Candle 39 Pillow Case with Trim 40 Dried Flower Arrangement SPECIAL 9 Halloween Centre Piece Gift Certificates 1st 25 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 10 00 Donated by Strang s Valumart Bobcaygeon 47

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SPECIAL 10 First Time Knit or Crocheted item Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 2 00 Donated by Rokeby Commercial Painting SPECIAL 11 Most Points in Class 42 Sections 34 40 inclusive 10 00 Donated in memory of Florence Telford Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 12 Most Points in Class 41 42 10 00 donated by Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society SPECIAL 13 Most Points Class 41 Sections 1 to 38 Class 42 Sections 1 to 40 and Class 43 Sections 1 to 22 Specials not included Prize 20 00 Donated by Randy Lisa Humphries and Family in Memory of Ruth Rowlands SPECIAL 14 NEW EXHIBITOR Most Points in Ladies Section for New Exhibitor 5 Exhibits or more donated by Lady Directors 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 5 00 JUDGING STANDARD HANDBOOK VIDEO AVAILABLE FOR HOMECRAFT AGRICULTURE HANDBOOKS 5 00 VIDEO 20 00 Cheque payable to Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies Mail to OAAS P O Box 189 Glencoe ON N0L 1M0 HANDICRAFTS CLASS 43 SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 1 Counted Cross Stitch Framed 2 Bazaar Article Value 5 00 Under 3 Bazaar Article Value 5 00 to 10 00 4 Bazaar Article Value 10 00 to 15 00 5 Bazaar Article Value Over 15 00 6 Homemade Stuffed Toy No Kits sample attached 7 Covered Photo Album 8 Garden Ornament Not to Exceed 12 x12 9 Something Useful from Something Useless 10 Wind Chimes 11 Handmade Doll and Clothing sample attached 12 Folk Art 13 Bird House Maximum 12 14 Bridal Shower Gift handmade any Material 15 Item of Stained Glass 16 Lamp Shade Decorated 17 Door Decoration Not Christmas 18 Fur and or Fabric Teddy Bear Maximum size 18 sample attached 19 Handmade Greeting Card any occasion 20 Crocheted or Knitted Dish Cloth 21 Needlework crewel tapestry bunka petty point etc framed 22 Table Runner SPECIAL 1 Scrapbook page Size No Larger than 12 x 12 Open Theme Prizes donated by Wayne Stella Kimble Bobcaygeon 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 48

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SPECIAL 2 Most Points in Class 43 Section 1 22 inclusive Prize 20 00 Donated by Randy Lisa Humphries and Family in Memory of Ruth Rowlands SPECIAL 3 Trophy Ladies Handicrafts Total Points Winner Donated by Bobcaygeon Lioness Club in Memory of Carol Lyle NOTE Exhibit hall will be closed Saturday October 3rd at 4 45 pm and will reopen at 5 30 pm for exhibitors to pick up their entries GOLDEN AGE Open To Anyone 60 Years or Older CLASS 44 SECTION Prize money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 1 Handwriting Your Favourite Poem 2 Hand Crocheted Baby Blanket 3 Hand Knitted Dolls Outfit 4 Gift For Grandchild Hand Made Sample Attahced 5 3 Photos Mounted and Labeled 6 Article of Embroidery Sample Attached 7 Pair of Knitted Socks SPECIAL 1 Most Points in Class 44 Section 1 7 inclusive 10 00 Prize donated in memory of Margot Brown by the Brown Family ART COMMITTEE Colette Johnston Chairlady 705 738 2626 Lillian Britton Jayne Martin Glenna Stephenson Cyndi Stone Barb Prescott Please CAREFULLY read the General Rules Located at the front of this prize book RULES A Exhibitor may have only one entry in each section B Paintings must be new entries mounted framed and ready to hang C Please have Entry Ticket securely attached Cover name on signed art D Committee will not be responsible for damage loss or articles left after 6 P M Saturday E Each Exhibitor must please submit a list of entries by name and number to the Chairlady of Art and please have a copy available F Where a Prize is given as a Special and only one exhibit is entered which does not qualify for a 1st Prize only the 2nd Prize will be given G If more than 6 Entries in anyone section 4th Prize will be given same money as third H All exhibits must be placed in the Hall between 8 30 am and 12 noon Thursday I Exhibit hall will close Saturday October 3rd at 4 45 pm and will re open at 5 30 pm No exhibits to be removed from the Hall before 5 30 pm Saturday J SIZE Limited space Discretion appreciated CLASS 45 BEGINNERS SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 OIL ACRYLIC WATERCOLOUR 49

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1 2 3 4 5 Landscape Water Scene Animals or Birds Abstract Flowers 6 Landscape 7 Water Scene 8 Animals or Birds 9 Abstract 10 Flowers ANY MEDIUM 11 Landscape 12 Cartooning Named 13 Farm Animal s 14 Flower 15 Local Bobcaygeon area named 16 Open Subject none of the above SPECIAL 1 Portrait any medium 20 00 Donated by Kelly Hornibrook Photographer Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 2 Most Outstanding Painting in Class 45 Sections 1 16 inclusive 10 00 Donated by Mary Lou Spittal Fenelon Falls SPECIAL 3 Water Colour painted by New Artist who has painted for TWO YEARS or less 10 00 Donated by Settlers Village Artists SPECIAL 4 Any Subject not listed any medium 10 00 Donated by Esther Humphries Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 5 BACK IN THE DAY any medium Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 Donated by Lisa Humphries Bobcaygeon CLASS 45A INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED sponsored by the Settlers Village Artists NEW SECTION Prize Money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 OIL ACRYLIC 1 Landscape 2 Water Scene 3 Animals or Birds 4 Abstract 5 Flowers WATERCOLOUR 6 Landscape 7 Water Scene 8 Animals or Birds 9 Abstract 10 Flowers ANY MEDIUM 11 Landscape 12 Cartooning Named 13 Farm Animal s 14 Flower 15 Local Bobcaygeon area named 16 Open Subject none of the above SPECIAL 1 Most outstanding painting in Class 45A Sections 1 16 inclusive 20 00 Donated by Andrea McIntyre Parry Sound PHOTOGRAPHY COMMITTEE Colette Johnston Chairlady 705 738 2626 50

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Jayne Martin Lillian Britton Glenna Stephenson Cyndi Stone Barb Prescott Please CAREFULLY read the General Rules located at the front of this prize book A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Exhibitor may have only one entry one photo per section No photos larger than 5 x 7 will be accepted No photos under glass will be accepted All coloured photos unless otherwise specified No cropping or mechanical alterations All photos to be mounted on black Bristol board with a maximum border of 1 inch NO PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS ACCEPTED Committee will not be responsible for damage loss or articles left after 6 00P M Saturday Where a prize is given as a special and only one exhibit is entered which does not qualify for a 1st prize only the 2nd prize will be given If more than 6 Entries in anyone Section 4th prize will be given same money as third All exhibits must be placed in the Hall between 8 30 am 12 00 noon Thursday Exhibit Hall will be closed from 4 45 pm to 5 30 pm Saturday No exhibits to be removed from the hall before 5 30 pm Dates on front of pictures are discouraged Any type of camera allowed however unless specified photos should NOT be modified by a computer NOTE Each Exhibitor is to submit a list of Entries in chronological order by name number to the Chairlady of Photography Please staple tags to the left or right of your photos Not hanging from the bottom of the pictures please CLASS 46 SECTION Prize money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 1 Action 11 Comic 2 Birds 12 Baby Having Fun up to 2 years old 3 Landscapes 13 Black White Photo any subject 4 Baby Farm Animal s 14 Portrait of a person 2 years or older 5 Animal s 15 Favourite Pet 6 Reflections 16 Insect 7 Winter Scene 17 Old Buildings or Barns 8 Sunset Sunrise 18 Autumn Scene 9 Flowers 10 A Photo Taken At The Fair SPECIAL 1 Make A Statement Photo with caption depicting your feelings about a subject of your choice MUST BE IN GOOD TASTE 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 Donated by Renee Kennedy SPECIAL 2 At Work On The Farm 5 00 Donated by Randy Humphries Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 3 Best Photo of Old Still Life 10 00 Donated by Norm Junkin Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 4 Digital Enhancement any subject Two Prints one of the original photo the other showing the results after computer enhancement 51

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Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Prizes donated by Bobcaygeon Electronics Creative Digital Imaging Objectives The objective of this competition is to combine artistic design traditional photography skills utilizing the computer design software to create original and unique images The primary or central image in any composition must be a photograph taken by the exhibitor Secondary image may include Royalty Free photographs photos used with permission text font treatments etc Rules Any entries found to contain images violating copyright laws will not be admissible Scans of published or printed material may not be incorporated into the image Cropping is allowed in this category Judging Will be based on composition originality technical skill SPECIAL 5 Most Outstanding Photo Sections 1 18 inclusive Prize 10 00 Donated by Colette Johnston Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 6 3 Coloured or Black and White Old Fair Photos Mounted on Black Bristol board Dated if possible Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Prize money donated by Kelly Hornibrook Photographer Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 7 Most Points Sections 1 18 inclusive 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 Donated by Lillian Britton Bobcaygeon NEW SPECIAL 8 BEST 5x7 Photo of a Local Beef Cattle Farm Scene Mounted on black Bristol board Top three entries will NOT be returned They will be displayed at the Beef Central Farm Show in Lindsay The donation of all other entries would be appreciated as well Prize money 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 Donated by the Victoria Cattlemen s Association PLEASE NOTE Exhibit Hall will be closed Saturday October 3rd 2015 at 4 45 pm and will reopen at 5 30 pm for Exhibitors to pick up their entries Your patience is appreciated FLOWERS COMMITTEE Chairlady Karen Junkin 705 878 4889 Bernice Junkin Linda Wesselink Diane Hearse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All exhibits must be placed in the Hall for Judging between 8 30 am 12 00 noon Thursday Quality and Arrangement to be considered All Exhibits must be left on table to be placed by the Committee Measured height is from the table Exhibitor may have only one entry in each section Please confirm cut flower varieties are entered in correct Section Please have Entry Ticket securely attached to holders Foliage counts as part of exhibit Old dead foliage should be removed for better presentation Please have Cut Flowers in inexpensive Vases 52

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10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Each Exhibitor please submit a list of their Entries by name and number to the Chair of Flowers and have a personal copy available Potted Plants must be grown by Exhibitor for minimum of 3 months prior to show and must be grown in pots used for exhibit Exhibits must have been grown by Exhibitor except design classes Where a Prize is given as a Special and only one exhibit is entered which does not qualify for a 1st prize only the 2nd prize will be given If more than 6 Entries in any one Section 4th prize will be given same money as third Exhibit hall will be closed at 4 45 pm re open at 5 30 pm Saturday No exhibits will be removed from the Hall until after 5 30 pm Arrangements must contain fresh or dried plant material CUT FLOWERS CLASS 47 SECTION Prize money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 1 Asters any variety 3 sprays 2 Rudbeckia 3 blooms 3 Perennial Chrysanthemum 1 stem 4 Cosmos 3 sprays 5 Dahlia cactus 1 bloom 6 Dahlia decorative 1 bloom 7 Dahlia Single Flowered 1 Bloom 8 Dahlia Any other Dahlia 1 Bloom not listed above 9 Gladiolus best single spike 10 Heuchera Coral Bells 3 leaves 11 Marigolds single any size 3 long stems 12 Marigolds double any size 5 blooms 13 Pansies Bowl of Pansies 14 Petunia single 3 sprays 15 Petunia double 3 sprays 16 Rose Floribunda 1 stem 17 Rose Grandiflora 1 stem 18 Rose any other named 1 stem 19 Rose Miniature 1 stem named 20 Snapdragons 3 spikes mixed 21 Zinnias pompom 2 blooms 22 Zinnias any other 2 blooms 23 Floating Begonia own foliage 24 Floating Clematis own foliage 25 Floating Rose no foliage 26 Container of Assorted Perennials Named not to exceed 20 in height 27 Container of Assorted Annuals Named not to exceed 20 in height 28 3 branches from 3 different varieties of trees or shrubs named not to exceed 20 in height 29 Vase of Roses any Variety 30 Collection of 3 Hosta Leaves from 3 Different Cultivars DECORATIVE ARRANGEMENTS 53

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SECTION Prize money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 31 Afternoon Tea Floral Arrangement 32 Fall Fair Arrangement 33 Wine Vine Display incorporating a wine bottle vines and or ivy 34 Circle of Life Wreath incorporating fresh or dried plant materia 35 Harvest Pumpkin Arrangement incorporating a Pumpkin 12 or smaller plus other horticultural materials 36 Edible Arrangement using edible containers ie apple cantalope etc 37 Remember Me Remembrance Day display using white and red POTTED PLANTS SECTION Prize money 1st 5 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 3 00 38 African Violet standard single crown 39 Begonia in bloom Fibrous rooted 40 Begonia in bloom Tuberous rooted 41 Foliage Plant no bloom not listed elsewhere named if possible 42 Geranium in bloom 43 House Plant in Bloom named not listed above 44 Most Unusual House Plant named 45 Fern 46 Tropical Plant maximum 8 pot 47 Succulent other than cactus 1 pot 48 Cactus 1 pot SPECIAL 1 Annual Planter on ground level Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 Donated by Bernice Junkin Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 2 Hanging Outdoor Planter Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 Donated in memory of Shirley Oliver SPECIAL 3 Harvest Time Arrangement of cut flowers in a gourd Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 3rd 2 00 Donated by Bernice Junkin and Karen Junkin SPECIAL 4 Miniature Arrangement fresh and or dried not to exceed 5 in any direction including container Prizes 1st 7 00 2nd 5 00 3rd 3 00 Donated by Murry Grace Junkin Murry Junkin Plumbing Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 5 Best Things In Life Are Free Portion in driftwood plus berries other natural materials Maximum 18 in any direction Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 Donated by My Favourite Things Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 6 Tuxedo Arrangement using black and white Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 Donated by Oliver Insurance Services Lindsay SPECIAL 7 Chipmunk Harvest display using seedpods and or grains Prize 1st 25 00 Gift Certificate Donated by Strang s Valu Mart Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 8 Dinner Party Table Arrangement Prizes 1st 15 00 gift certificate 2nd 10 00 gift certificate Donated by Bigley Shoes Clothing Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 9 Bobcaygeon s Flower Arrangement incorporating red petunias Prize 1st 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society SPECIAL 10 Gentle Breeze Arrangement using assorted ornamental grasses Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 Donated by Grace R Junkin and Sharon Brown Bobcaygeon 54

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SPECIAL 11 Underwater waterviewing design Design elements may be below floating or above water Prizes 1st 15 00 2nd 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens Club SPECIAL 12 Ikebana Japanese Design of 3 different flowers Prize 10 00 Donated by Bobcaygeon Horicultural Socitey SPECIAL 13 JUDGES CHOICE OF THE BEST Flower overall at the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair Prize 10 00 Donated by Grace R Junkin Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 14 Most Points in Class 47 Sections 1 30 inclusive Prizes 1st 50 00 donated by Lindsay Dry Cleaners 2nd 25 00 Donated by Lindsay Dry Cleaners SPECIAL 15 Most Points in Class 47 Sections 31 48 inclusive 1st Prize A One Year Subscription to Canadian Gardening Donated by Transcontinental Media Toronto 2nd Prize 25 Donated by Lindsay Dry Cleaners PLEASE NOTE Exhibit Hall will be closed Saturday October 3rd 2015 will be closed at 4 45 pm and will reopen at 5 30 pm for Exhibitors to pick up their entries Your patience is appreciated JUNIOR DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE Chairlady Wendy Anderson 705 738 9464 Judy Jermyn Esther Graham Jan Jones Julie Anderson Lisa McGuckin Rachelle Collins Deborah Martin Linda Kerr Alison Barnes Bonnie Tokar Vicki Prins Sammy Prins Melissa Anderson 1 All entry forms should be submitted to the Secretaries Office on the Fair Grounds Tuesday or Wednesday of Fair Week to get your exhibitors tags to be placed on your items to be judged for Thursday 2 For those families that have multiple entries it is advised that you mail in your Entry Forms to the Secretaries Office before September 1st To Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Box 386 Bobcaygeon Ontario K0M 1A0 3 Parental supervision but ALL WORK MUST BE DONE BY CHILD 4 Please follow specified instructions failure to do so may result in a lesser prize or disqualification 5 Junior exhibits will be accepted in the Exhibit Hall Curling Club with exhibitors tags attached Thursday between 8 30 am to 12 00 noon to be judged that day 6 No more than one entry by an Exhibitor in each section 7 All Juniors may show in a higher age group but not in a lower one 8 If more than 6 entries in any one section 4th prize will be given same money as third excluding Specials 9 PRIZE MONEY WILL BE PAID SATURDAY OF THE FAIR for junior department at the Secretaries Office on the Fair Grounds beside the Exhibit Hall Curling Club 10 Prizes will be awarded as follows 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 55

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11 Specials are individually awarded 12 Exhibit Hall will close Saturday at 4 45 pm All exhibits MUST be picked up at 5 30 pm on Saturday 13 No exhibits to be removed from Hall until 5 30 pm Saturday 14 Committee will not be responsible for articles left after 6 00 pm Saturday KINDERGARTEN AND UNDER CLASS 48 SECTION 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 1 Farm animal made from Play Doh plasticine labeled 2 Picture created from cereal covered in saran 3 Crayon drawing of your family 4 Decorated stone paperweight your own creation no more than 4 inches in any direction ALL OTHER ENTRIES 1 00 Donated by British Empire Fuels Bobcagyeon SPECIAL 1 Pencil tracing of your hand on paper not decorated or coloured and no larger than 8 x11 or 22cm x28cm Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated in memory of Margot Brown SPECIAL 2 Best picture from colouring book Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Jerry Poole Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 3 One marshmallow creature on a paper plate covered in saran Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Trevor Jan Jones Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 4 Finger painting any subject 8 1 2 X 11 white paper Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Bobcaygeon Nursery School Daycare Bobcaygeon GRADES 1 AND 2 st nd SECTION Prize Money 1 3 00 2 2 00 3rd 1 00 5 Hand puppet made from paper 6 Creature made from vegetables no cabbages 7 Leaf rubbing with coloured pencil on 8 x 11 white paper 8 Handmade bookmark 9 Mobile on one coat hanger SPECIAL 5 Draw and Label two items that you would like for Christmas on plain white paper no larger than 8 x11 or 22cm x 28cm Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Chris Stubbs Carpentry Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 6 Handmade card any occasion no larger than 9 x 6 Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Jerry Poole Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 7 Handmade musical instrument from recycled materials Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Pick N Save Bobcaygeon GRADES 3 AND 4 SECTION Prize Money 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 10 Handmade Hallowe en decoration 56

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11 LEGO Tractor TRACTOR ONLY no larger than 10 in any direction MUST BE ON A TRAY 12 Pencil drawn portrait of a person FACE ONLY NOT COLOURED 8 x 11 or 22cm x 28cm 13 Decorated hard cooked egg your own creation displayed in an egg cup 14 Print 3 times on lined paper Bobcaygeon Fall Fair 15 Hand puppet made from fabric 16 Most oddly shaped vegetable named SPECIAL 8 Best rock collection Variety of 6 rocks displayed in half of an egg carton Prizes 1st 8 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated by Purdy s Jewellery Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 9 Decorated hat any style Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Kevin Donna Kirchen Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 10 Decorated wooden spoon Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Trojan Classroom Furniture Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 11 Hand printed acrostic poem using the word Agriculture Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by Janice Mike Murphy Fenelon Falls GRADES 5 AND 6 SECTION Prize Money 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 17 Decorated door stop NO KITS no larger than 10 in any direction 18 Pencil drawing of cartoon character NAMED coloured with coloured pencils 19 Decorated money bank no larger than 12 x 18 20 Origami creation 21 Animal collage no larger than 12 x 18 22 Item made from paper mache 23 Popsicle stick creation no larger than 10 in any direction MUST BE ON TRAY 24 Christmas ornament homemade 25 Hallowe en door decoration 26 Create your own birthday card no computer and no larger than 8 x 11 SPECIAL 12 Picture depicting friendship taken by student mounted on black bristol board Prizes 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 donated by PICK N SAVE Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 13 Piece of jewellery NO KITS displayed and or mounted Prizes 1st 8 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated by Purdy s Jewellery Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 14 Pencil crayon drawing of a single flower 8 1 2 x 11 Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by N L S Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 15 10 Leaves from Ontario trees mounted named and covered in saran wrap Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated by N L S Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon GRADES 7 AND 8 SECTION Prize Money 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 27 Sketch your own creation of clothing for the future 8 x 11 57

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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 LEGO Vehicle no larger than 12 in any direction MUST BE ON A TRAY Pencil Sketch not traced or coloured Drawing of your favourite animal Hand carved Jack O Lantern Original water colour painting Thanksgiving table center piece own creation NO KITS Gift wrapped birthday parcel Humorous picture taken by student mounted on black bristol board Collage of famous people no larger than 12 x 18 SPECIAL 16 Family Tree minimum of 4 generations size 12 x 18 Prizes 1st 8 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 4th 2 00 donated by Junkin Family Group History Society SPECIAL 17 Scrapbook page 12 x 12 Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Janice Mike Murphy Fenelon Falls SPECIAL 18 Decorated cabbage head using a minimum of 5 vegetables Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated by Lorene Maguire in memory of her mother Wilhelmine Morrison AGES 14 TO 18 SECTION Prize Money 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 37 Pencil sketch any subject 8 x 11 38 Four snapshots country scene or landscape photographed by student mounted on black bristol board 12 x 16 39 Sculpture no larger than 12 in any direction 40 Soap carving MUST BE ON A TRAY 41 Design your own CD cover displayed in CD case 42 Hand decorated picture frame no larger than 5 x 7 THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS ARE OPEN TO ANY AGE GROUP IN CLASS 48 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED SPECIAL 19 Drawing of a horse Ages 13 18 years 8 x 11 Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by NLS Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 20 Make something useful from something used Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 donated by Emily Crowe Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 21 Flower arrangement min of 3 varieties of annuals Prize 5 00 donated by Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society SPECIAL 22 Best handmade wooden article NO KITS Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by Stella Kimble in memory of Jean Phil Curran Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 23 Scene from the Fair any medium 8 x 11 or 22cm x 28cm Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Trojan Classroom Furniture Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 24 Best student art unframed any subject any medium maximum size 12 x 18 Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 5 00 donated by British Empire Fuels Bobcaygeon 58

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SPECIAL 25 Caricature drawing of yourself taking part in your favourite hobby 8 1 2 x 11 or 22cm x 28cm Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 donated by N L S Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 26 Diorama depicting pioneer lumbering in Victoria County three dimensional figures Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 4 00 donated by Boyd Heritage Museum Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 27 Acrostic poem using the words Farm Safety Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by Verna Humphries Fenelon Falls SPECIAL 28 Homemade fishing lure NO KITS Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 7 50 3rd 5 00 donated by Chris Stubbs Carpentry Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 29 Rip art from construction paper any NO SCISSORS 12 x 18 Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 7 50 3rd 5 00 donated by Chris Stubbs Carpentry Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 30 5 tips on pet care booklet form Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated by Three Island Veterinary Bobcaygeon YOUTH POSTER Original Handmade Design THREE CATEGORIES SPECIAL 31 JUNIOR up to and including Grade 4 SPECIAL 32 YOUTH Grade 5 to Grade 8 inclusive SPECIAL 33 GRADE 9 TO GRADE 12 inclusive PROMOTING YOUR FAIR Name and date of the fair must be clearly shown on poster Must Be Hand Drawn Poster size Minimum 8 1 2 x 11 23cm x 28cm without border Maximum 11 x 17 28cm x 44cm without border Each entry must be centered on CARDSTOCK or BRISTOL BOARD exposing on all four sides showing a 2 BORDER Name of Fair district contact person owner of poster school to be clearly labeled on the back of each entry The winning poster from each class will be eligible to enter in the District No 4 Competition The District winner will compete at the O A A S Convention in February PRIZES SPECIAL 31 32 33 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 All prizes donated by N L S Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 34 LEGO cruise ship MUST BE ON A TRAY Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 donated by Cyndi Stone Bobcaygeon SPECIAL 35 LEGO airplane MUST BE ON A TRAY Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 donated by Cyndi Stone Bobcaygeon JUNIOR BAKING AGE 10 YEARS AND UNDER NO MIXES ALL ENTRIES MUST BE COVERED AND ON PLATES 59

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CLASS 49 SECTION Prize money 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 1 5 chocolate cupcakes chocolate icing only 2 5 chocolate chip cookies 3 5 pieces of fudge 4 5 plain banana muffins AGES 11 TO 17 YEARS CLASS 49 st SECTION Prize money 1 3 00 2nd 2 00 3rd 1 00 5 4 pieces of microwave peanut brittle 6 4 fancy cookies all the same type 7 1 large decorated cookie no larger than 12 in any direction 8 5 no bake squares or cookies any variety ALL OTHER ENTRIES 1 00 Donated by British Empire Fuels Bobcaygeon 10 years and under may Show in Sections 5 8 if they wish SPECIALS OPEN TO ALL AGES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN CLASS 49 JUNIOR BAKING SPECIAL 1 Decorated cake completely edible Prizes 1st 6 00 2nd 4 00 donated by Wayne Stella Kimble in memory of Jean Phil Curran SPECIAL 2 Strawberry freezer jam Prizes 1st 5 00 2nd 3 00 3rd 2 00 donated by Tim Pat Wykes Dunsford SPECIAL 3 PLAIN CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE COMPETITION NO NUTS Open to all youth up to age 15 years as of December 31st of current year One class only Entry must consist of 8 Cookies displayed on a firm disposable plate Cookies to be no larger than 3 6 75 cm and no smaller than 2 5cm Prizes 1st 12 00 2nd 8 00 3rd 5 00 Donated by N L S Products Eric Brenda Craig Bobcaygeon District Competition The winner from each Fair will be eligible to enter at the District Competition SPECIAL 4 FIVE RICE KRISPIE TREATS cut out and decorated judged on appearance taste texture and creativity of recipe and presentation Prizes 1st 10 00 2nd 6 00 3rd 4 00 donated in memory of Margot Brown SPECIAL 5 Most Points in Junior Baking Class 49 Sections 1 4 inclusive Prizes 1st 3 00 2nd 2 00 donated by Marian Johnson Dunsford SPECIAL 6 Most Points in Junior Baking Class 49 Sections 5 8 inclusive Prizes 1st 8 00 2nd 7 00 3rd 5 00 donated by Linda Britton in memory of Mrs Viva Harrison SPECIAL 7 Most Points Class 49 Sections 1 8 Trophy and 25 00 donated by Marion Gartner Bobcaygeon in memory of Vicky Gartner Maguire 60

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SPECIAL 8 Most Points on Junior Specials Trophy and 25 00 donated by Percy Robertson and Family in memory of Barbara Robertson ENTRIES ARE TO BE BROUGHT IN THURSDAY OCTOBER 1ST FROM 8 30 A M 12 00 NOON TO BE JUDGED SAME DAY AT 1 00 P M 4 H AT BOBCAYGEON FAIR 4 H is a Community Organization for young people 9 to 21 years of age For a fresh look for new challenges For a chance to reach new heights For everyone everywhere From horticulture to horses cooking to conservation food to fitness 4 H is for you 4 H EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS Non Competitive Rules 1 Open to ALL 4 H Clubs in Victoria Haliburton 2 Exhibits may be from projects completed September 2014 to August 2015 3 Entries shall be made to Lisa Humphries Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society Box 386 Bobcaygeon Ontario K0M 1A0 Deadline September 26 2015 4 Entries must be placed before 12 00 noon October 1 2015 and remain until 5 30 p m Saturday October 3 2015 5 Club Name must be visible in the Exhibit 6 It is expected that Club members be involved in placing the Exhibit 7 Visit www 4 hcontario ca for more information 61

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TALENT SHOW Saturday October 3 2015 2 pm Live Band featuring Stockdale Central Band Entries taken for the Talent Show at 1pm at the booth at the Band Shell NO LIP SYNKING ALLOWED KIDS from 5 under Vocalist 1st 10 00 Instrumental 1st 10 00 2nd 10 00 2nd 10 00 3rd 10 00 3rd 10 00 JUNIOR from 6 12 years of age Vocalist 1st 50 00 Instrumental 1st 50 00 2nd 40 00 2nd 40 00 3rd 30 00 3rd 30 00 YOUTH from 13 21 years of age Vocalist 1st 60 00 Instrumental 1st 60 00 2nd 50 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 40 00 3rd 40 00 ADULTS from 21 up Vocalist 1st 60 00 Instrumental 1st 60 00 2nd 50 00 2nd 50 00 3rd 40 00 3rd 40 00 SPECIAL PRIZES Oldest Competitor 60 00 Youngest Competitor 20 00 The Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society deeply appreciates the support it has received from Firms and Individuals who have so generously contributed to our Fair in many ways We thank you one and all and assure you that the Directors are trying to make the very best use of the contribution you have given 62

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BOBCAYGEON FALL FAIR COMMITTEES 2015 FINANCE Pieter VanOudenaren Chairman Ken Ingram Allan Ingram Darlene Fell Zach Drinkwalter BANDS PROCESSIONS Sandy Cowan Sheila Whyte Co Chairs Ken Ingram Jim Telford Margaret Telford Jennie Junkin Larry Junkin Britany Beatty Dave Boak Pieter VanOudenaren Darlene Fell ENTERTAINMENT Darlene Fell Chairlady Trevor Jones Larry Junkin Jennie Junkin Emily Thornhill Sheila Whyte Tracey Bradley Andrew Beatty Branden Beatty Sandy Cowan Tony Given Liz Gilroy AMBASSADOR Laura Humphries Emily Roberts Co Chairs Olivia Hodgson Emily Thornhill Sheila Whyte Grace Junkin Greg Phillips Brittney Fell PRINTING ADV Candace Jermyn Chairlady Branden Beatty Emily Wilson CONCESSIONS Armin Mehnert Chairman Roy Brock Co Chairman Anne Mehnert Robert Whyte Joe Pollard Ruth Ann Wilson Sandy Cowan PARKING BUS Pieter VanOudenaren Chairman Ken Ingram Mitchell Johnson Richard Thurston GROUNDS BUILDINGS Ken Ingram Chairman Armin Mehnert Josh Wilson Martin Johnson Maurice Taylor Fred Thurston Robert Whyte Branden Beatty Jennie Junkin Mitchell Johnson Richard Thurston Randy Humphries Dave Boak Miles Martin Arlan Telford Candace Jermyn HORSE PULL Ken Ingram Chairman John Anderson Mark Jermyn Morris Anderson Doug Anderson Mark Anderson Randy Humphries Pieter VanOudenaren Laura Humphries HALL David Fell Chairman Ken Ingram Martin Johnson Jack Humphries Ruth Maitland Lorne MacKenzie Jim Prescott Jim Telford Robert Whyte Hugh Britton Ralph Harrison Gloria Harrison Esther Humphries Robert Prescott Dave Boak Miles Martin PRODUCE Ruth McIsaac Chairlady Gail McIndoo Ruth Maitland Hugh Britton Marian Johnson Marie Adams Carol Eldridge Margaret McIsaac HORSES Martin Johnson Chairman Doug Anderson Margaret Kimble Elaine Waines Kerstin Kelly Mitchell Johnson Pieter VanOudenaren BEEF CATTLE JUVENILE SHOW Allan Shier Chairman Lloyd Junkin Jack Humphries Reg Humphries David Fell Hugh Britton SHEEP GOAT Rae Junkin Chairman Fred Thurston Co Chair Arlan Telford Richard Thurston Norma Edgar POULTRY DOG SHOWS David Fell Candace Jermyn Co Chair Holly Jermyn Schnegg Darlene Fell Kerstin Kelly Carol Mehnert Jennie Junkin Larry Junkin David Gould Linda Staples Bruce Dewey Peter Atkin FIELD CROP Ken Ingram Chairman Randy Humphries Josh Wilson TRACTOR TRUCK PULL Josh Wilson Chairman Arlan Telford Rick Drinkwalter Barry Baxter 63

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Mitchell Johnson Andrew Beatty Carol Mehnert Jayne Martin Miles Martin Josh Upton Andrew McGill Duane Black Tony Given Olivia Hodgson Carolyn Snider TRAILER PARK Ken Ingram Chairman Arlan Telford Allan Shier David Fell Josh Wilson Richard Thurston Miles Martin Larry Junkin Dave Boak Randy Humphries Pieter VanOudenaren HUNTER HORSE SHOW Laura Ostler Chairlady Kerstin Kelly Armin Mehnert Suzanna Maltby Bobby Harrison Carol Mehnert WESTERN HORSE SHOW Kelly McLean Chairlady Suzanna Maltby Bobbi Harrison Jenn Patterson MINIATURE HORSE SHOW Grace R Junkin Chairlady Karen Junkin Sharon Brown Bill Brown Shannon Steele Ruth McIsaac Anne Graeme Knight Margaret Telford Ken Telford Theresa Hilton Lewis Murry Junkin DEMOLITION DERBY Branden Beatty Chairman Allan Shier Fred Thurston Robbie Johnson Josh Wilson Candace Jermyn Robert Whyte Mark Jermyn Andrew Beatty Richard Thurston Mitchell Johnson Tony Given Barry Baxter TALENT SHOW Tony Given Chairman Mae Goodhand Anne Mehnert Gerry Brown Marian Johnson Liz Gilroy KIDS DAY Laura Humphries Chairlady Richard Thurston Holly Fell Brittany Fell Britany Beatty Emily Wilson Greg Phillips Olivia Hodgson Adelle Staples Sarah Beggs Lucia Beggs Emily Thornhill David Thurston Derek Fell Barb Prescott Emily Roberts EACH DIRECTOR IS REQUESTED TO BE ON HAND DURING ALL DAYS OF THE FAIR OR PLEASE SECURE SOMEONE TO TAKE HIS HER PLACE 7 ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS As there were no Membership Fees deducted from prize money in 2014 EVERYONE MUST PAY TO GET INTO THE FAIR No ONE DAY MEMBER passes will be sent out Concessions Venders Fair Board Directors Campers will be provided with arm bands that are to be worn on their wrist in order to be admitted on to the fairgrounds Admission to the Fair is 10 00 10 and under will be free Demolition Derby 10 00 Parking 5 00 only on Thursday and Friday Handicapped Parking 5 00 only on Saturday ENTRIES FOR THE HALL ARE TO BROUGHT IN THURSDAY OCTOBER 1ST FROM Free shuttle bus service on Saturday from the Ball Park 8 30 AM TO 12 00 NOON Weekend Passes 25 00 which includes Thursday Friday AT 1 PM TO BE JUDGED ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON and Saturday ONLY APPROPRIATE PASSES WILL BE ACCEPTED BY GATE KEEPERS THE EXHIBIT HALL WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 3RD AT 4 45 PM AND REOPEN AT 5 30 PM FOR EXHIBITORS TO PICK UP ENTRIES NEW TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAIR BOARD VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR Created in Memory of Mrs Margot Brown 64

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This award is to be presented to a nominated individual within our membership who is that special someone that goes the extra mile has an unmatched dedication to ensure the success of our fair Nominations to be received by September 1st 2015 Nominated individuals will be posted at fair time in the Secretary s Office and voting will take place during the Fair Oct 1 2 3 2015 closing at 4 pm on the 3rd Presentation will be made at the President s Dinner Dance on Sat Oct 17 2015 Nominations can be mailed to Bobcaygeon Agricultural Society at Box 386 Bobcaygeon ON K0M 1A0 or email your nomination to bobcaygeonfair gmail com 65

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