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wrra program 2024

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3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends, Welcome to the 20th annual Women’s Ranch Rodeo World Finals. We are so grateful to be bringing the best of the WRRA back to Pawhuska, OK for the 5rd year! We truly feel that we have found our home in this amazing community! To our sponsors, THANK YOU! We know that things have been a bit out of sorts the last few years, but your continued support and support from our new sponsors have helped us bring the WRRA nals to life once again. We tip our hats to each and every one of you! Whether it be an advertisement, sponsorship or trading your product for prizes. Please know that we really could not do it without you. The WRRA Board of Directors has worked untold hours on conference calls, collecting ads, gathering sponsors and counting and recounting the numbers so that we can make this the best Finals that we can. We have a great group of gals that care about the association and its members. I hope that you can spend the weekend with us, and see just how handy all our competitors are. While you are in Pawhuska, don’t forget to visit all of our local sponsors, shop at the vendors set up at the arena, check out the silent auction that benets our Crisis and Scholarship Funds and buy a couple of tickets for our raffle. Best of luck to all the teams competing this weekend. You should be proud of yourselves! Hoping for safe performances for all contestants and livestock. Safe travels to everyone. God Bless, lets rodeo! Sonya Sonya Stapleford, WRRA President Board of Directors President -Sonya Stapleford Treasurer-Billie Franks Vice President /Sanconing Ocer- Jacie Brown Secretary- Beth Hia Board Members Vickie Greene Emily Elwell Jessie Geisinger State Representaves Molly Howard-Oklahoma WOMENSRANCHRODEO.ORG WOMENSRANCHRODEO@YAHOO.COM

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5 Western Leather Cra Boot Shipman Custom Leather Lucky 7 Leather Wagon Wheel Bend Leather BoHa Freeze Dried Goodies Salt River Mercanle Rusc Grain Woodwork/ Bud Cra Sunower Ranch Bluestem Mercanle VENDORS

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7 Title Sponsor Ritchey Livestock ID Gold Buckle Ye Horton Stack Door Silver Buckle Sponsors Ben Johnson Cowboy Museum The Buckin’ Flamingo Visit the Osage Ranch Sponsors Pneudart Chet & Billie Franks/ Total Feeds Finals Sponsors Osage County Cale Women VC Fencing Event Sponsors Doctoring-Osage Ouiers Mugging-Double JJ Cale Co. Trailer Loading-Osage Ouiers Branding-American Ag Credit Sorng-Osage Ouiers Tough Hand Award Mud Pies Cale C Cross Ranch VC Fencing Awards Banquet Meal The Franklin Family & Double JJ Cale Company SPONSORS

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9 WRRA WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE GROUND CREW FOR KEEPING OUR FINALS EVENT RUNNING SMOOTHLY. Announcer- Brent Weldon Judges-Terry Ehler & Tim Ziebell Timers – Sandy Ziebell & Micki Runyan Secretary- Sonya Stapleford Arena Director-Taylor Runyan Photographer – Ranch Reecons (Sarah Bruce) Arena Help- Jacklyn Chambers, Allison Schneeberger, Kalli Kirkpatrick FINALS ARENA STAFF

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13 Come get your tickets on the East side of the arena

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15 WORLD CHAMPIONS 2005 –7L –KS –Jodie Squier, Kindra Schouten, Kelly Stephens, Billie Franks 2006 - Hinchman –KS –Jenny Bachman, Cheryl Bailey, Deb Hoy, Dusn Peterson 2007 - 7L –KS –Jodie Squier, Rachel Lilley, Richell Bailey, Billie Franks 2008 - 7L –KS –Jodie Squier, Rachel Lilley, Kindra Schouten, Richell Bailey, Billie Franks 2009 –Circle P 5L –Bobbie Nelson, Keisha Langvardt, Jessie Crum, Jane Barker 2010 –Rockin P –OK -Amy Poer, Bobbie Bland, Kelsey Thomas, Michelle Dyer 2011 –7L –KS –Billie Franks, Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Sage Adams 2012 –7L –KS –Billie Franks, Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Jenny Casey 2013 –Push Hard Cale Co –FL –Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Kelsey Thomas, Billie Franks 2014—Push Hard Cale CO –FL -Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Kelsey Thomas, Billie Franks 2015 –Turkey Track –NE –Cheyenne Wilson, Tiany Hampson, Jenny Walker, Jen Scheer 2016 –N/A 2017 –T & M –TX/NM –Kate Wood, JV Thomas, Ginny Thomas, Kelsey Thomas, Stacy Derrick 2018 –T & M –TX/NM –JV Thomas, Ginny Thomas, Kelsey Thomas, Stacy Derrick 2019 –Cactus Flowers –CO –Heather Grocke, LeAnn Perry, Jessica Mosher, Kae Jolly 2020 –High Plains Cowgirls –CO –Joee Schalla, Stacie Meston, Denise McClurg, Katlyn Rusher 2021 –Cactus Flowers –CO –Heather Grocke, LeAnn Perry, Beth Hia, Jessica Mosher 2022 –Vaqueras Locas –OK –Becca Gagan, Whitney Hall, Codie Brown, Marianne Clark 2023 –Vaqueras Locas –OK –Becca Gagan, Whitney Hall, Codie Brown, Gracen Walker

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17 FINALS CHAMPIONS 2005 –Stephens Quarter Horses-KS-Teresa Stephens, Angie Stephens, Brandy Stephens, Heidi Hawk 2006 - Stephens Quarter Horses-KS-Teresa Stephens, Angie Stephens, Brandy Stephens, Heidi Hawk 2007 - 4 Branded Chicks-KS– Edy Jost, BJ Claassen, Megan Strickler, Jamie Seibold 2008 - Rockin P –OK –Amy Poer, Michelle Dyer, Bobbie Bland, Kelsey Thomas 2009 –7L –KS –Jodie Squier, Rachel Lilley, Richell Bailey, Billie Franks 2010 –Calvery Cross –TX --Pam McCleskey, Stephanie Spillers, Amy Best, Kelly Day 2011 –Rockin P –Amy Poer, Bobbie Bland, Lori Campbell, Michelle Dyer 2012 –Rockin P -Amy Poer, Kae Eakins, Lori Campbell, Michelle Dyer 2013 –Push Hard Cale Co –FL –Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Kelsey Thomas, Billie Franks 2014—Push Hard Cale CO –FL -Jenna Adams, Neesa Smith, Kelsey Thomas, Billie Franks 2015 –River Bend –TX –Cindy Due, Kae Pinner, Courtney Anderson, Chrisn Daugherty 2016 –Too Hard To Handle –NE –Sarah Kucera, Raelyn Gilmore, Malloree Barns, Lezley Koubek 2017 –Broken Diamon –KS -Sarah Kucera, Raelyn Gilmore, Lezley Koubek, Ashlee Tien 2018 –Cactus Flowers –CO –Heather Grocke, LeAnn Perry, Beth Hia, Denise McClurg 2019 –Cactus Flowers –CO –Heather Grocke, LeAnn Perry, Jessica Mosher, Kae Jolly 2020 –Espuela Ranch –TX/NM –Heather Borg, JV Thomas, Kelsey Thomas, Ginny Thomas 2021 –Cactus Flowers –CO –Heather Grocke, LeAnn Perry, Beth Hia, Jessica Mosher 2022 –Push Hard Cale Co –KS/OK –Billie Franks, Michelle Dyer, Becca Wilson, Nakona Danley 2023 –Push Hard Cale Co –KS/OK –Billie Franks, Michelle Dyer, Becca Wilson, Jenna Serwalt

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18 LIVESTOCK Abuse of the stock (horses or cale) which is deemed unnecessary or cruel, as determined by a Judge or Arena Director will result in a no me. If abuse results in the death of livestock, the team will be held responsible and will be required to compensate the stock contractor the market value of the animal. GENERAL ROPING RULES (Applies to: Tie Down (mugging), Doctoring). No loop limit. Steer must be roped (rope on steer) with a legal head catch in the rst minute. Legal catches (around the horns, half-head, around the neck, one heel or two). Illegal head catches will result in a no me. A team can have no more than 4 ropes in the arena at any me. Ropes may NOT be passed from one team member to another. Ropes must be thrown not laid upon steer. A dead rope is dened as any rope that is dropped because of loss of control. If the rider dismounts and pitches their rope, it can be picked up again. Teams cannot e their ropes on, they must dally. The steer must be on his feet when roped. Once steer has been caught, rope cannot be handed o to another member horseback. Roper cannot dally on an illegal head catch to slow down or control steer for another team member to throw a head loop. If control of steer is lost aer the 1st minute, it is a No Time (Loss of Dally or Rope). One minute me limit will be announced on all runs. All ropes must be clear of dismounted horses or will result in a no me. TIE DOWN (mugging/stray gathering) A steer will be let into the arena. The team will start behind a line. The judge will drop the ag to start me. The steer must be roped with a legal head catch and ed down. Time will be called when team and ropes are clear of the steer. **GENERAL ROPING RULES** 3-minute me limit. Steer doesn’t have to be heeled; this is the team’s discreon. If control of steer is lost aer the 1st minute, it is a No Time (Loss of Dally or Rope). Aer steer is roped and mugged down, he will be ed by 3 legs. * legs must be crossed. Steer does not have to be day-lighted. Steer must not be intenonally jerked and/or choked down. All ropes and team members must be o steer before calling for me. Time stops when one team member raises hands aer steer is ed down. Steer must stay ed for 6 seconds. All ropes must be cleared from dismounted horses. DOCTORING A steer will be let into the arena. The team will start behind a line. The judge will drop the ag to start me. The steer will be headed and heeled, then doctored with a chalk sck. Time will be called when the team member is clear. **GENERAL ROPING RULES** 2-minute me limit. Team must head and heel steer. Once steer is roped - ropes must be ght and a visible mark will be placed on the steer’s face. One chalk sck per team. Time stops when steer has been marked and team member signals for me. TRAILER LOADING A herd of numbered cale will be held at the opposite end of the arena behind a sort line. Time will start when the rst team member crosses the line. A number will be called as the team member crosses the line. The trailer will be located in the middle of the arena. The numbered cow will be sorted out of the herd. The correct numbered cow will be sorted with no trash cale. Once the correct cale have been sorted, it will be a dead line. Cale will be loaded into trailer with the end gate shut and made road ready. Time will stop when team calls for me. SORTING A herd of cale will be held at the opposite end of the arena behind a sort line. Time will start when the rst team member crosses the sort line. Three consecuve numbered cale will be sorted. Time will be called when all correct numbered cale and members are across the line. 3-minute me limit. Sort 3 head. All members may cross the line, and anyone can sort. No loping in or scaering of the herd. A herd consists of 3 or more head, it is judge’s discreon to give a no me for loping or scaering the herd. When rst team member crosses the line, me will start, and cale number will be announced. Cale will be sorted in numerical order OR sort 3 head of the same number. (Rodeo producer’s discreon and will be announced before rodeo starts). The cale must be day-lighted when coming across the chalk line. If any sorted cale come back across the line, it is a no me. No wrong numbered cale may cross the line, or it’s a no me. Time stops when all cale are out in the correct order and all riders are across the line. CALF BRANDING A herd of calves are contained behind a chalk line in a pen within the arena. The crew consists of a roper, brander, and two wrestlers. The ground crew (2 wrestlers & brander) may be exchanged. The team will brand 2 separate calves with legal catches. If illegal catch is made, the ground crew can take o the rope and calf re-roped. Time will be called when the last calf has been branded and the iron is back in the bucket. 3-minute me limit. 2 calves are branded. No loop limit. Roper is allowed to carry only one rope. Legal catches are: 1 heel or 2 heels, & pantyhose. Heels will be roped from the boom up. During an illegal catch ground crew may take rope o. During an illegal catch the roper must keep hold of the rope. No loping in or out of the herd. Ground crew can touch the rope once the rider is across the line. Once calf breaks the plane of the line it can be touched but must be fully across the line before branding. Ground crew must have the calf at on its side and rope o before iron can leave the bucket and the calf can be branded. Judge will signal when brander can take iron from the bucket. Calf must be branded on either hip. Roper cannot re-rope the rst calf branded unl that calf is back into the herd. (3 or more calves is a herd) Time stops aer 2nd calf is branded and iron is returned to the bucket. If calf is branded wrong, it is a no me. Roper must remain on horse during event, even if there are only 3 members present. Roper must remain in contact with rope. Two teams may go at the same me but in separate pens and at least one judge per pen. If rodeo commiee cannot nd appropriately sized calves, it is at judge’s discreon to allow team’s roper to hold heels while branding. If calf is drug in by one heel, ground crew must put rope around both heels before branding iron can leave the bucket. EVENT RULES

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19 S C O R I NG A T T H E W O R L D F I N A L S F O R R O U N D S A N D AV E R A G E I S B A SE D O N 9 T E A M S . T h e re w il l b e 3 f u l l r o d e o s p e r fo r me d ; ea ch r o u n d w il l be t re a t e d as a r o d e o it se lf . T h e ti e b re a ke r f o r t he 2 0 2 4 W R R A ye a r w il l b e t h e T i e D o w n / M u g gi n g . P o i n t s w i l l be e a r ne d i n e a c h e ve n t . W RR A W O R L D F I N A L S R O U N D S T h e p o in ts w il l be f i g u r e d w i th th e ex i s t i n g W R RA p o i n t s y s te m f o r e a c h ro un d . 1 st p la c e i n an d e v e n t = 1 2 p ts , 2n d = 1 1 p ts , 3 rd = 1 0 p t s , et c. . 1 0 bo n u s p o in ts w il l be g iv en f o r a t i m e i n al l ev en t s . A ll e v e n t p o in t s a n d b o n u s p o in ts ea rn e d wi ll b e ad d e d t og et h er t o d ete r m i n e t h e n um b e r o f p o i n t s e a rn e d i n th e r o d eo . Th er e a r e a p o s si bl e 7 0 p o i n t s . A t ea m r e c ei v i n g a n o ti m e i n an e v e n t w i l l r e ce i v e 0 p o in ts f or t h a t e v e n t . I n th e c a se o f a t i m e t i e i n an e v e n t, p o i n ts w i ll b e ad d e d a n d d i v i d e d b y t h e n u m be r o f t ea ms ti ed an d a w a r d e d t o e a ch t e am e qu a l l y . I n t h e c a s e o f a ti e i n th e av er a g e o f a n in d i v i d u a l r o d e o , th e ti e b re a k er w i l l b e u s ed . If th e t ea m s a re s t i l l ti ed f o r p o in t s af t e r u si ng t h e t i e b r ea k i n g ev en t , t h e ti e w il l be t ak en to t i m e s f ro m t h e ti e br ea ke r e v e n t , fa s t ti m e w i n s . W RR A W O R L D F I N A L S A V E R A GE ( C O M B I N AT I O N OF 3 R O U N D S AT T HE FI N A L S ) E a c h ro u n d w i l l b e t r e a te d as a r o d e o i t s el f an d s c o r e d a c c o rd i n g l y t o d e ter m i n e p o i n t s ea r n e d fo r th e F i n a l s A v e r a g e . T e a m s t o t al p o i n ts f ro m a ll 3 r o u nd s w il l b e ad d e d t o g e th e r t o d e t er m in e Wo rl d F i n a l s A v e ra ge W i n n e r s . (E x a m p l e: R o d e o 1 , 7 0 p t s + R o de o 2 , 5 5 p ts + R o d e o 3 , 6 0 p ts = 1 8 5 p ts o u t o f a p o ss ibl e 2 1 0 ) I n th e c a se o f a t i e i n th e F in al s A v e ra g e , t h e ti e br e a ki n g ev e n t w i l l b e u s ed . ( T h e ti e b re ak e r f o r th e 2 0 2 4 W R R A y e ar i s t h e T i e Do wn / Mu g g i n g) I f t h e r e is s t i ll a ti e a f te r u s i n g t h e ti e b r ea k in g e v e n t, ti m e s f ro m a l l 3 r o u n d s , i n th e Ti e Do w n / Mu g g i n g e v e n t , w il l b e ad d e d t o ge t h e r an d f as t ti m e wi n s t h e t ie . S C O R I NG F O R 2 0 2 4 YE A R E N D T ea m s m u s t h av e a tt e n d e d 7 r od e o s t o q u a l if y f o r y e a r en d p ri z e s. P o i n ts w i ll b e fi gu r ed f ro m a l l r od e o s e n te r e d f o r th e cu r r en t y ea r. P o i n ts o f e a c h ro d e o a r e b a s ed on th e n u m b e r o f te a m s en t e r ed i n e a c h ro d e o (E x a mp l e: 7 t e a m s e n te r e d = 7 p ts f o r 1 s t, 6 p t s f o r 2 n d , a n d so o n ). T ea ms h a v e t o c o m p e t e a m in i mu m o f 7 s a n c t i o ne d ro d eo s to q u al i f y f o r y ea r e n d st a n d i n g s . I n c a s e o f a ti e i n t h e ye a r e n d p l ac in g; th e te am p l a c in g h igh es t i n th e T ie D o w n / M u g g in g e v e n t a v e ra g e w i ll w in th e t i e . SCORING

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23 FIRST ROUND 1st PERFORMANCE TEAMS CALF BRANDING TRAILER LOADING DOCTORING SORTING MUGGING/ TIE DOWN BONUS TOTAL Vaqueras Locas Push Hard Cale Co J Bar/ Scudder Ranch Morton Cale Co Raer D Mules Arrowhead Bandidas Bonitas Clipper Ranch Diamond Ring Cale

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25 SECOND ROUND 2nd PERFORMANCE TEAMS CALF BRANDING TRAILER LOADING DOCTORING SORTING MUGGING/ TIE DOWN BONUS TOTAL Vaqueras Locas Push Hard Cale Co J Bar/ Scudder Ranch Morton Cale Co Raer D Mules Arrowhead Bandidas Bonitas Clipper Ranch Diamond Ring Cale

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26 THIRD ROUND 3rd PERFORMANCE TEAMS CALF BRANDING TRAILER LOADING DOCTORING SORTING MUGGING/ TIE DOWN BONUS TOTAL Vaqueras Locas Push Hard Cale Co J Bar/ Scudder Ranch Morton Cale Co Raer D Mules Arrowhead Bandidas Bonitas Clipper Ranch Diamond Ring Cale

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27 Average Teams Points Coming Into Finals 1st perf 2nd perf 3rd perf total Vaqueras Locas 487 Push Hard Cattle Co 478 J Bar/ Scudder Ranch 442 Morton Cattle Co 378 Rafter D Mules 310 Arrowhead 132 Bandidas Bonitas 116 Clipper Ranch 97 Diamond Ring Cattle 53

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29 VAQUERAS LOCAS 2023 World Champions Whitney Hall -29 from Loco, Oklahoma Becca Gagan- Ranch Manager for the Arrow W Ranch in Lenapah, Oklahoma Kelsey Thomas- Cowhorse girl from Rising Star, Tx JV Thomas- JV lives in Roaring Springs, Texas, with her husband Tony. Together, they take care several cale opera-ons in Motley and surrounding counes. JV has competed in the Women’s Ranch Rodeo Associaon for 13 years. In 2020, she was on the World Championship Finals team and has won the year-end championship two mes. She en-joys showing horses, team roping, shing, hunng and spending me with family and friends. 2024 Team Stats 1st place *Hasngs, OK #3 *Set ‘em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #2 *Set ‘em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #4 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #1 *Grenola, KS #2 2nd Place *Hugo, Ok *Grenola, KS #1 *Set ‘em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #1 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #3 *Ben Johnson Pawhuska, OK #1 *Rawhide Ardmore, OK #3 *Rawhide Ardmore, OK #1 *Ewell, Gilmer, TX #1

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30 Horton, Inc. 421 N West Road Wellington KS SAVE MONEY & SPACE Easy Installation Versatility Easy Opening Agricultural Industrial Aviation Like us on Facebook & Instagram: Horton Stack 800-835-2051 Translucent Panels

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31 PUSH HARD CATTLE CO. 2023 Finals Champions Michelle Dyer- just a kid at 45, her and her husband Jared (team cook), sons Ace (team manager), and Jet (member of Push Hard Fan Club) make their home in Hasngs, Oklahoma. She will be "geared up" and ready to rodeo at the nals on her horse Crimson. Just a music teacher that loves to rope! Sister Becca Wilson- 39 and holding, makes her home in Shawnee, Oklahoma with husband Adam and her mini me Ma-rena. Working in town as Hospice Account Execuve and Physical Therapist Assistant. She will be riding her trusty steed Dan at the nals. Presley (Elvis) McLemore- the 24 year old youngster is out due to an injury but here cheering her team on and giving that handy Yeller cowpony a couple days o. Ranch wife to Terel they make their home in Ringling, OK. "Put me in Coach" Hannah Cline- at the ripe old age of 25 a mugging loving Eureka, Kansas cowhand makes her home in Hen-nessey, Oklahoma with husband Tyrel. Where they are guardians to an awesome young man Koben Atchely. Keeping busy running pairs, caring for yearlings, raising quarter horses and border collies. Hannah and Tyrel both Pro Rodeo and Koben high school rodeos. She will be riding Lile T at the nals. Billie Franks- the eldest at 61, her and husband Chet make their home in God's Country. Running pairs and yearlings, distribu-2024 Team Stats 1st place *Rawhide Ardmore, OK #2 *Rawhide Ardmore, OK #3 *Ben Johnson, Pawhuska, OK #1 *Red River Shootout, Hasngs, OK #1 *Set’em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #1 *Red River Shootout, Hasngs, OK #2 2nd Place Gilmer, TX #2 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, Ok #4 *Set’em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #4 *Elwell, Gilmer, TX #2

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33 J BAR/ SCUDDER RANCH Jacie Brown Captain- I live in Wetumka ok. Where I own an operate Double JJ Cale company following in my late grandpa's(Jbar) footsteps which consists of a precondioning yard an cow/calf operaon. I've been compeng in the WRRA for 12 years an have been on the board for 11 years. I love the comradery between all of us contestants as we travel throughout the year. I've been blessed to get to rodeo with some of my best friends. Very thankful for my teammates. My favorite quote is "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't hustle." Helen Holloway- I live on the Scudder Ranch in Dewey Okla. With my husband Reilly an our 2 boys Gus (5) an Virgil (3). I love ranching with family an braiding rawhide. Cactus Carr- Age: 34 Occupaon: Oce Manager at Frazee Veterinary Consulng Hometown: Copan, Ok History: I Grew up more in the rodeo world than ranch world but no stranger to the ranch world. My dad worked on dierent ranches while growing up before passing away. Now days i get to day work here and there alongside my husband, Current Residence: Wann, Ok Horse: Married/Married Kids/Ages: Owen-23yrs, Laredo-6yrs Steely-2yrs Spouse's Occupaon: Cowboy Favorite sport to watch: Basketball Saying or quote: Favorite WRRA Event: Doctoring Ky Hinson- I live in Chelsea, OK. I work on cherry ranch. When I'm not working I like to spend me with my family and friends. 2024 Team Stats 1st Place *Hugo, OK *Set ‘Em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #3 *Rawhide, Ardmore, OK #1 *Ewell, Gilmore, TX #2 2nd place *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK # 1 *Grenola, KS #3 *Set ‘Em Down Cowboy Church, Big Sandy, TX #2 *Red River Shootout, Hasngs, OK #1

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35 MORTON CATTLE CO. Morton Cale Co. has been together for 3 years now. We all currently live in Gilmer, TX where we ride and pracce as a team quite a bit. All 4 of us work well together as a team as well as being close friends. Lindsey Hall- Small animal tech at McDermo vet pracce, I enjoy riding colts and roping when I’m not working and the best part is stealing all my stepdads and uncle Ausn’s horses that they raise. I’m excited for the Morton team coming into nals and trying our hardest to take home 1st place . Azlee Whiteside- I'm Azlee Whiteside. I'm 22 and from Gilmer, TX. When I'm not rodeoing I enjoy bowshing, riding colts, and going to the gym. I build boots for a living at Kicking Pennies Custom Boots and start colts some in the warmer months. I also enjoy starng and selling colts. I am excited to be a part of the 2024 WRRA nals and hope that me and my friends can win!! Emily Elwell- I am a large animal tech at my parents vet pracce in Gilmer, TX. I enjoy anything that has to do with the ranching lifestyle! I do ride colts and outside horses in my free me. I was blessed with some of the best teach-ers out there when it came to learning how to handle horses and cale. Because of that I knew that I belonged on a ranch rodeo team and if you ask me, ours is the best around! Demi West-I’m Demi west, I’m from Gilmer Tx. I make boots and start a few horses to make a living. When I’m not working, I enjoy bowshing and roping in my spare me, as well as traveling and rodeoing on Morton cale co. to qualify for the WRRA Finals. 2024 Team Stats 1st Place *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #4 *Elwell, Gilmore, TX #1 2nd Place *Rawhide, Ardmore, OK #2 *Grenola, OK #2 3rd Place *Hugo, OK *Grenola, OK #3 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #2 *Set ‘em Down Cowboy Church, Big, Sandy, TX #4 *Ewell, Gilmer, TX #3

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36 Your local distributors Chet & Billie Franks 620-326-1083

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37 RAFTER D MULES There is much history of women’s ranch rodeo with these team members. Bobbie and Keisha are sisters that started out com-peng with their mom, Judy back in the 1900s. There has been much evoluon of the team and the rodeos. Griy and fun has always been this team’s style. This isn’t just a team; this is a family, all sisters in Jesus. Bailey and Carley bring plenty of real life ranching experience but perhaps more importantly, all these girls let their light shine for others. This group includes three daughters and a grandma (and usually a pack of dogs). The best out of the arena crew anyone could ask for. Look for us next year as Sunower Ranch. Bobbie Nelson- I grew up in the Flint Hills of Kansas. At a young age, I was described as one who would “ride the spots o a horse.” Not much has changed, except I try to keep the spots on them. I have lived and competed all throughout the Midwest from Texas to Minnesota. Recently, I have moved to Abilene, Kansas to be near family. I have eclecc interests, as long as it includes riding a horse or mule and even beer if it involves a rope. I have a strong love for Jesus and Appaloosa horses. Carley Farmer - is a Cale Manager / Cowboy at Jauer Livestock in Priddy, Texas. Ranching/Ag History - I was introduced to my rst horse the day I came home from the hospital, before ever going in the house. I started day-working on ranches with my dad as soon as a pair of wranglers would t. I entered my rst team roping with my dad at 7 years old, and have been hooked ever since. I rodeoed my whole life, and now my daughter has a love for it as well. Children - I have a 9 year old daughter, Ria-ta that is my whole world. I also have a 10 year old Border Collie, named Brae - who was my kid before I had a real one, along with two other griy cow dogs - Aries, and Q. Keisha Langvardt-Registered ER Nurse Juncon City, Kansas. I grew up learning how to work on my dad’s farm/ranch with farm work, pigs, milk goats, bucket calves, cow calf pairs and feeder cale. I started compeng in ranch rodeos prior to 2000 with my mom, Judy and sister Bobbie. I’ve worked in the salebarn industry for a couple decades with my husband. Riding through my red Angus based cow/calf herd on my home-raised and trained horses is a great source of peace. I enjoy watching my kids grow and chasing them around. Weston 19, Reece 17, Nolan 11, Ryle 7 Bailey Blackburn- Yard Hand OKC West from Tabor, Iowa. Raised in the Midwest with Ranching & Agricultural background. Currently living in El Reno Oklahoma with daughter, Alice Jo. Life Moo: Aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 Favorite Quote: Do the best you can unl you know beer, and when you know beer do beer. 2024 Team Stats 1st place *Grenola, KS #3 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #2 *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #3 *Ewell, Gilmer, TX, #3 2nd Place *Red River Shootout, Hasngs, OK #2

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39 ARROWHEAD Jenna Serwalt- born and raised in Fort Pierce, Florida. Third generaon on the Adams Ranch. Now living in Shidler, Oklahoma with her husband, Shane and their ve kids from 27 to ve years old and a new grandson de-spite being a spring chicken. Her favorite WRRA event is winning. Calli Newman- originally, hails from Vinita, OK, but has made Osage County her home while aending OSU’s Col-lege of Veterinary Medicine. This will be Calli’s third me compeng at the WRRA’s Word Finals. She has always taken her horsemanship very seriously and enjoys compeng in all equine events! Some of her favorite accom-plishments include Calgary Stampede Cowboy Up Challenge invitee, 4-me world champion in Extreme Cowboy Racing, compeng in the World’s Greatest Horsewomen, and being 2017 Miss Rodeo Oklahoma! Tamara Smith- is 1990 model single feral cowgirl residing in Barnsdall, Oklahoma. Don’t let that scare you away though she is full me employed at Arrowhead oileld service and has a cute lile lly running at her side named Hadlee. When she isn’t drawing that paycheck she is taken their money at the pay window. This gal is handy with a rope gentlemen so just know when you sign up with Tammy you need to have skills… cooking, cleaning, laundry is a must, helpful skills include, driving late at night, cleaning stalls and be happy to do it! The arrowhead team is sure happy to help her write her bio and we know she will be proud of us! Neesa Smith- along with her Husband Nacona and their 9 yr old daughter Newly Mae own and operate White Creek Ranch, near Hydro, OK. The family operaon includes mother-in-law Tammy Hustutlar and the team back-ground cale year round. The Smith’s also enjoy training horses, hunng and shing. She rst joined the WRRA in 2010. I would like to wish all the teams good luck and Thank God for the opportunity to rodeo again, and Jenna Serwalt for the encouragement to get back out there! Last but not least Happy Anniversary to Nacona and thank you for spending the weekend at a rodeo with me! 10-20-2007! 2024 Team Stats 1st Place *Grenola #1 *Ben Johnson, Pawhuska, OK #1 3rd Place *Ben Johnson, Pawhuska, OK #2

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41 BANDIDAS BONITAS Gracie White- My husband and I live in Woodward Oklahoma where we manage my family’s custom grow yard, and work alongside my parents. We also spend me in New Mexico on my husband’s family's ranch. I’m blessed to be born into a mul generaonal ranch / horse family business. I currently play a vital posion as “segunda” in our family’s cale feeding / horse training business. I am thankful for the life we live and the life we are building for us and future generaons. Ginny White- I was born and raised on a ranch east of Santa Rosa New Mexico where my family sll resides. I am usually on an adventure all over the state of New Mexico, enjoying the ranching lifestyle, seeing new places. I enjoy cruising around the mountains on my Queen String, camping, roping, anything to do with water, buying new turquoise, and being a dog mom. A lover of all things adventure and Gods girl. Bonnie Smith- raised and sll reside in Elida, NM. Through high school we won 4 straight state championships in volleyball and basketball. Have won mulple buckles in barrels, poles and breakaway. I currently own a few head of long horn cows, help my husband with his business, my parents with their farm ranch and feed yard. I also day work. I enjoy signing karaoke, roping, playing with my dogs and training horses. Heather Borg- grew up ranching in Eastern NM. Aer meeng her husband at college they returned there and eventually pur-chased a ranch of their own. Their cows survive mainly on rocks and lizards and the rocks are geng thin. In her spare me Heather enjoys ranch horse compeons, roping and spending me with her criers. 2024 Team Stats 2nd place *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #2 3rd place *Rawhide, Ardmore, OK #3 *Rawhide, Ardmore, OK #1 4th place *Cross Brand Cowboy Church, Waurika, OK #1 *Rawhide, Ardmore, OK #2

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43 CLIPPER RANCH Clipper ranch consists of women who met through ranch rodeo. Each living dierent lives but connected by the love of the western lifestyle. Ranch rodeo is an outlet to express our love of a good horse and compeng in the things we do daily. We always look forward to traveling and being at these rodeos because it has connected us to so many people along the way! Crystal Clipper - I live in Anderson, Texas on a small family ranch that has been alive few generaons. I am a full me manag-er of an equestrian center. I enjoy sharing the love of horses and cale with my husband who manages a sale barn , buys yearlings and works cale. I love to team rope but ranch rodeo brings the excitement I love to both roping and ranch life-style. Although I do love the outdoor lifestyle, I do fully enjoy being a “girl” and I’m not afraid to get a lile dirt under my freshly done nails! Kirby Sandling- from Huntsville Texas. I work for my dads company as well as work cows and ride outside horses. Ranch ro-deos are my favorite hobby! Amanda Varley- wife and momma from Hallesville Texas. I start colts full me, spend my fall/winters precondioning year-lings with my husband and daughter and we run a small cow/calf operaon. I spend my weekends day working, and at youth or ranch rodeos! Ashley Fears- wife and momma from Tatum Tx. I help my husband run a pre condioning yard at home in mount enterprise, Tx and a cow calf operaon. Compeng with my best friends at nals is such an honor. 2024 Team Stats 2nd place *Gilmer, TX #3 *Set’em Down, Big Sandy, TX #3 4th place *Set’em Down, Big Sandy, TX #1 *Set’em Down, Big Sandy, TX #4

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45 DIAMOND RING CATTLE Beth Hia- grew up in Iowa on her families century farm. Aer high school, she aended Fort Sco Community College on a rodeo scholarship. She made her way to Colorado where she met her husband, Owen at the Diamond Ring Ranch. They lived there for ten years ranching and pung on team ropings. They moved their family to Oklahoma in 2018 and brought the Diamond Ring brand with them. Brandee Lewis -was born and raised in Colorado in the rodeo world. Brandee now lives in Nowata with her husband, John and their two children. She has enjoyed everything about the ranch and rodeo life and hopes to connue to pass that down to their kids. Having the opportunity to do what they love everyday is such a blessing! Denise Hartzler -lives in north central Nebraska. She enjoys roping, riding colts and compeng in WRRA rodeo since 2014. Keeley Vaughan -grew up in a small town in southern Oregon and went up through high school rodeo in California. She then aended Treasure Valley Community College in Ontario Oregon on a rodeo scholarship. Aer college, she spent me bounc-ing around the Northwest and soon found her way to Nebraska and became an equine sports therapist along with working for HJ Ranch running mother cows and yearlings. 2024 Team Stats 2nd place *Ben Johnson, Pawhuska, OK #2

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47 CALCUTTA Events Teams $ Bid x 5 Buyer Arrowhead Bandidas Bonitas Clipper Ranch Diamond Ring Cattle J Bar/ Scudder Ranch Morton Cattle Co. Push Hard Cattle Co. Rafter D Mules Vaqueras Locas Average Teams $ Bid x 5 Buyer Arrowhead Bandidas Bonitas Clipper Ranch Diamond Ring Cattle J Bar/ Scudder Ranch Morton Cattle Co. Push Hard Cattle Co. Rafter D Mules Vaqueras Locas

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