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WPA Choluteca, Honduras

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Gospel-basedWater &Sanitation ProgramCholuteca, Honduras“but whoever drinks the water Igive them will never thirst.”John 4:14, (NIV)

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Program SnapshotCholuteca, HondurasThe program aims to improve the physical,spiritual and social wellbeing of 27,200people. Location Goal:CholutecaThe Current Situation70.3% of households receivewater rationed once or twice aweek55% of women heads ofhouseholds bear theresponsibility of obtainingwater.39% of schools have accessto water and washabletoilets within the programarea. 60% participate in communityorganizations (religious, leadershipcommittees, or water boards)45% of households have a fair amountof trust in the church (catholical,evangelical, among others)The mixed presence of religious denominationsand church networks is considered a climate-friendly spiritual context¹1The data presented was obtained from a baseline study of the program commissioned by Living Water International.hereClick to view photos depicting the current situation, to watch a video from a community member, and to witness how the residents of Choluteca carry water.herehere

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Bringing Hope: The Solution for CleanWater and Sanitation in Choluteca3HOLISTIC ANDSUSTAINABLE WASHSERVICES IN THETERRITORYEMPOWERED ANDFLOURISHING CHURCHESSTRENGHTENEDINSTITUTIONAL ANDCOMMUNITYPARTICIPATIONCreation andstrenghtening ofsustainable drinking watersystems. Health and hygienepractices. Care of ecosystemsassociated with watersources. Local churches mobilizedfor Integral Mission.Facilitators linked tomobilized churches. Churches strenghtenedfor networking.Church leaders trainedfor Integral Mission.Community leadersand networksmobilized for WASH. Community-basedorganizations (CBOs)coordinated forWASH management. Disaster resilientcommunities.Long-term sustainability Increased physical, Social and Spiritual Wellbeing22WASH stands for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

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Take Action, Makea Difference:Donate Today toBring Clean Waterand Hope toCholuteca“And if anyone gives even a cup of coldwater to one of these little ones who ismy disciple, truly I tell you, that personwill certainly not lose their reward.”Matthew 10:42, (NIV)