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Welcome to St. Christopher Episcopal Church. Our Mission: To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We are blessed to have you join us for worship today! Are You Joining Us for the First Time? Please fill out a visitor card found in a pew or online. Nursery/Child Care is available in our Nursery on Sunday mornings from 7:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m., located in “Kingdom Kids” near the traditional Sanctuary, for Infants and Toddlers (0-36 months) and Pre-K & K (37-60 months). Christian Education- All Ages: at 9:15 a.m. Adults in Formation Center; Youth (6th-12th grade) in Classroom 6: Children’s (1st-5th grade) in Classroom 5. Restrooms may be found in the Sanctuary Narthex and in the education wing outside of Buckner Hall. Need more information? Outreach (care for the community) and Inreach (care for the church family) are of the greatest importance to our mission in Christ here at St. Christopher. We are happy to address all your questions and assist you in your transition into our parish family. Visit our website for details on our worship services, parish ministries, and activities at 2508 St. Christopher Avenue League City, TX 77573 281-332-5553 Message

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THIS WEEK AT ST. CHRISTOPHER SUNDAY, 3/9 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:15 a.m. Christian Formation – All Ages; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall; Choir Rehearsal 11:30 a.m. MONDAY, 3/10 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer via Zoom; 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Monday Evening Growth Group TUESDAY, 3/11 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mother’s Day Out – No Visitors; 6:30p.m. Cub Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Evening Growth Group WEDNESDAY, 3/12 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 9:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship breakfast @ Skippers-Clear Lake Shores; 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study in Formation Center; 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study in Parlor; 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Growth Group in Formation Center THURSDAY, 3/13 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mother’s Day Out – No Visitors; 6:30 p.m. Thursday Women’s Bible Study in Conference room FRIDAY, 3/14 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 10:00 a.m. Weekday Eucharist in Sanctuary SATURDAY, 3/15 7:15 a.m. Men’s What-A Guys Fellowship @ Rudy’s BBQ SUNDAY, 3/16 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:15 a.m. Christian Formation – All Ages; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall*; Choir Rehearsal 11:30 a.m. *in-person & online service For more information on any of the week’s events at St. Christopher, please contact the church office at 281-332-5553 or OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES ST. CHRISTOPHER BOTTLEPAX MINISTRY When you encounter our neighbors without housing on street corners and byways, do you ever wonder what you can do that will matter? We have an answer for you: the parish's bottlepax outreach ministry. Just take a couple of "pax" (offerings of "peace") and place these in your car. Located outside the welcome center, these are yours for the taking, to be turned around as giving. INTERFAITH CARING MINISTRIES Toilet tissue, paper products, feminine hygiene, dental care items, laundry detergent, pet food, non-perishable foods. Toilet tissue and paper products are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center. ST. CHRISTOPHER LITTLE FOOD PANTRY Our Little Food Pantry is an ongoing much needed community ministry and has been highly utilized these past few months. Pick up a shopping suggestions list near one of our entrances. A collection container labeled Food Pantry has been placed near the Formation Center. Edibles only; no dry goods. Thank you for your generosity. Our pantry stock is currently LOW. ANCHOR POINT Any items supporting infant and toddler care, including diapers (especially Size 5), wipes, food, formula, and new clothing. Wipes are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center.

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PARISH NEWS NEW ADULT FORMATION Christian Symbols - inside and outside the Episcopal Church. A Sunday Morning Christian Formation 6-Week Study beginning today, Sunday, March 9th. Video, Lecture, Discussion guided by David Martin and Fr. Brian People today are often unaware of the meanings behind the symbolism surrounding them inside and outside the Episcopal church. This study will reveal the meaning of the symbolism used in our church, found within the stained-glass windows, kneelers, and more. LENTEN SOUP SUPPER SERIES Lenten Soup Suppers return on Wednesday, March 12th. We will begin with Stations of the Cross at 6:00p.m. in the sanctuary, followed by dinner and program starting at 6:30p.m. in Buckner Hall. Everyone is invited to bring a soup and/or salad to share. This year, our program will involve an exploration of the spiritual disciplines of The Church that guide us to a deeper joyful connection and relationship with God. Join us! ST. CHRISTOPHER MOTHER’S DAY OUT Registration for our Mother’s Day Out (MDO) 2025-2026 school year is now open to our church family, infants and children through 4 years. For more information and/or register your child, scan the QR code. There is a registration fee of $100 to hold your child’s place in our program. We look forward to having your child in our MDO this coming school year! WORKBOOKS FOR THE SERIES: TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL In her book, Teach Your Children Well, consultant and Christian educator, Sarah Cowan Johnson, offers tools and strategies for family discipleship. If you missed one or more classes, you can find copies of the take-home workbook outside the Formation Center! ST. CHRISTOPHER NAVAJOLAND MISSION 2025 The Episcopal Diocese of Navajoland, Farmington, New Mexico The Missions of All Saints, St. Michael the Archangel, and St. Luke’s in the Desert July 8 – July 16th Have you discerned a call to the 2025 Navajoland Adult Mission? Registration is now open. Before proceeding, if you have not done so, (1st) read thoroughly the Mission Information, Agreements, and Understandings document located in the registration form. After you have read that document and wish to proceed, please submit a request for a Registration Package (Scan QR to left). Registration will be recorded in the order of requests, however, please complete the registration documents as soon as possible. The 2025 team of 12 will be established by May 1, allowing for meetings/training, payments, and logistical planning. GRIEF SHARE GriefShare to begin Monday, March 24th from 10:00am-11:30am in the Formation Center. The group size is limited to 12. If you would like to participate, please contact Fr. Brian through the church office. CHURCH WORKDAY Each year, we spend a day caring for and beautifying the St. Christopher campus. On Saturday, April 12th all levels, ages, and skills are invited; there is something for everyone. Save the date to help us get ready for our Bishop visit and Easter Sunday! PLATINUM JUBLIEE Save the date of November 1st and 2nd to join us in celebrating St. Christopher Episcopal Church's Platinum Jubilee (70 years 1955-2025). Look for exciting information to come.

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IN OUR PRAYERS Pray for our members and ministry leaders. Please pray for our first responders, those in the armed forces and in civilian support positions. Pray for the people of Southern California, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Israel, Ukraine, and the members of our domestic and local mission teams. Those in our Parish and Extended Parish Family: DeSha, Carol, Conner, Kayla, Phyllis, Josh, Robyn, Jeni, Theresa, Kat, Carol, Daniel, David, Brooke, Robert, Joy, Natalie, Marie, Logan, Donald, Sandy, Kyrin, Don, Lee, Kevin, Avery, Judy, Ed, Roli, Barbara, Patricia, Emily, Thomas, Melissa, James, Tom, Laurel, Carol, Ruth, Roslyn, Robbie, Connie, Bobby, Mohamed, Kyle, Allison, Robert, Pat, Jaden, Ethel, Debbie. Father Brian and/or Mother Viktoria are available to bring the sacrament on the 1st Sunday of the month following communion, and at other times as requested, to the shut-ins and those too ill to come to worship. If you know of someone who needs the sacrament brought to them, please have the individual or family notify the office. PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING MARCH BIRTHDAYS MARCH ANNIVERSARIES GET CONNECTED WITH US (Scan the QR Code) Fill out a Visitor Card Submit a Prayer Request Sunday Worship Bulletins Weekly Highlights Follow us on Facebook Follow us on YouTube Online Giving 3/3 Greg Oliver 3/16 Netha Moore 3/4 Alice McCalla 3/16 3/16 Mary Pelaez 3/4 Linda Nelson 3/17 Nico Gosnell 3/5 Milan Jade Hyanes 3/21 Max Long 3/6 Rob Kingsbury 3/22 Donny Howell 3/8 Joseph Powell 3/23 Jim McCalla 3/8 Hannah Powell 3/27 Joe McBride 3/11 Susan Hill 3/27 Dan McCann 3/11 Dennis Siltman 3/28 Dianne Troop 3/11 Bill Bryant 3/29 Kaiden Farmer 3/12 John Carter 3/30 Elena Palmer 3/13 Tristan McPhail 3/31 Ron Corbeille 3/16 Hyacinth Lynch 3/31 Isabel Martinez 3/1 Jim & Alice McCalla 3/9 Eric & Angela Reinagel 3/10 Eva Villareal 3/18 Daniel Hammond & Carolina Batres 3/28 Mike & Michelle Barratt 3/29 Fran Jones 3/30 Clive & Carol-Ann Hallam 3/30 Bob & Katie Tweedy To make an altar flower donation in remembrance or in celebration of a loved one please contact the church office or Scan QR to the right. ALTAR FLOWERS