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Welcome to St. Christopher Episcopal Church. Our Mission: To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We are blessed to have you join us for worship today! Are You Joining Us for the First Time? Please fill out a visitor card found in a pew or online. Nursery/Child Care is available in our Nursery on Sunday mornings from 7:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m., located in “Kingdom Kids” near the traditional Sanctuary, for Infants and Toddlers (0-36 months) and Pre-K & K (37-60 months). Christian Education- All Ages: at 9:15 a.m. Adults in Formation Center; Youth (6th-12th grade) in Classroom 6: Children’s (1st-5th grade) in Classroom 5. Restrooms may be found in the Sanctuary Narthex and in the education wing outside of Buckner Hall. Need more information? Outreach (care for the community) and Inreach (care for the church family) are of the greatest importance to our mission in Christ here at St. Christopher. We are happy to address all your questions and assist you in your transition into our parish family. Visit our website for details on our worship services, parish ministries, and activities at 2508 St. Christopher Avenue League City, TX 77573 281-332-5553

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THIS WEEK AT ST. CHRISTOPHER SUNDAY, 2/16 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:15 a.m. Christian Formation – All Ages; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall; Breeze Sunday after each service MONDAY, 2/17 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer via Zoom; 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Monday Evening Growth Group TUESDAY, 2/18 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mother’s Day Out – No Visitors; 6:30p.m. Cub Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Evening Growth Group WEDNESDAY, 2/19 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 9:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship breakfast @ Skippers-Clear Lake Shores; 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study in Formation Center; 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study in Parlor; 4:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Growth Group THURSDAY, 2/20 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Mother’s Day Out – No Visitors; 6:30 p.m. Thursday Women’s Bible Study in Conference room FRIDAY, 2/21 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 10:00 a.m. Weekday Eucharist in Sanctuary SATURDAY, 2/22 7:15 a.m. Men’s What-A Guys Fellowship @ Rudy’s BBQ; 2:00 p.m. Women’s Dutch Lunch @ Las Brisas-League City SUNDAY, 2/23 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:15 a.m. Christian Formation – All Ages; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall*; Breeze Sunday after each service *in-person & online service For more information on any of the week’s events at St. Christopher, please contact the church office at 281-332-5553 or SAVE THE DATE March 4 – Pancake Supper April 12th – Parish Work Day November 1st & 2nd - Platinum Jubilee OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES ST. CHRISTOPHER BOTTLEPAX MINISTRY When you encounter our neighbors without housing on street corners and byways, do you ever wonder what you can do that will matter? We have an answer for you: the parish's bottlepax outreach ministry. Just take a couple of "pax" (offerings of "peace") and place these in your car. Located outside the welcome center, these are yours for the taking, to be turned around as giving. ST. CHRISTOPHER LITTLE FOOD PANTRY Our Little Food Pantry is an ongoing much needed community ministry and has been highly utilized these past few months. Pick up a shopping suggestions list near one of our entrances. A collection container labeled Food Pantry has been placed near the Formation Center. Edibles only; no dry goods. Thank you for your generosity. Our pantry stock is currently MEDIUM. ANCHOR POINT Any items supporting infant and toddler care, including diapers (especially Size 5), wipes, food, formula, and new clothing. Wipes are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center INTERFAITH CARING MINISTRIES Toilet tissue, paper products, feminine hygiene, dental care items, laundry detergent, pet food, non-perishable foods. Toilet tissue and paper products are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center.

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PARISH NEWS NEWCOMERS CLASS FOR ADULT BAPTISMS, CONFIRMATIONS, RECEPTIONS, AND REAFFIRMATIONS Bishop Monterroso will visit St. Christopher on Sunday, April 20th, Easter Day! As part of his visit, he will offer the sacraments of baptism and confirmation, as well as reception and reaffirmation. In preparation, Fr. Brian will be offering a four-week newcomers class during the Sunday school hour, beginning today, Sunday, February 9th in the church conference room. All those who are interested are invited to be present. If you are interested in the sacrament of Baptism on Easter day, please reach out to Fr. Brian. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL A Sunday Morning Christian Formation Series for Parents and Guardians 4-Week Study beginning Today, February 9th Video and Discussion Guided by Parent-Leaders Half of Christian high school students walk away from their faith after graduation. But parental involvement is the most influential predictor of a child's spirituality throughout their lives. How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?" In her award-winning* book, Teach Your Children Well: A Step-By-Step Guide for Family Discipleship, Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children's faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children. WOMEN OF ST. CHRISTOPHER FELLOWSHIP DUTCH LUNCH Skip the dinner rush and join the Women of St. Christopher for a late Dutch lunch on Saturday, February 22nd at 2pm at La Brisa Mexican Restaurant on Gulf Freeway (501 N. Wesley, League City). Tutu’s are welcome! Let’s have a late lunch/early supper and chat! RSVP by scanning the QR code or on one of the sign-up sheets located by the Formation Center. The deadline to RSVP is 2/8 in order for us to reserve enough tables. This gathering will be "Dutch Treat". BREEZE SUNDAYS Have you downloaded the St. Christopher Breeze app on your phone? Need access to a St. Christopher membership directory? Need some help doing it? Breeze allows access to St. Christopher online only directory, helps to keep contact information up-to-date, and is used to access online giving and all giving records/history at St. Christopher. It is a helpful and easy to use tool. Sunday, Feb. 16 and Feb. 23 there will be friendly, helpful people available after each service to download the app on your phone and get you started. It will be simple and will only take a minute. Promise! It is so important for you to have a St. Christopher membership directory at your convenience so you can easily contact and connect with your church friends. This will also be the opportunity to see if you are enrolled to receive church text messages and to have your picture taken to include in the directory. Look for the people with Breeze signs on those Sundays and they will be happy to help! RESURRECTING CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSIONS Like the Navajo Mission Site Visit (Diocese of Navajoland, 11/24), a small team of leaders is being assembled for a Scouting Trip to Guatemala, March 23rd -29th, 2025. Exploring a partnership with St. John’s Episcopal in McAllen, Fr. Jim Nelson’s former parish, is a goal of this visit. This group has a long history of such missions and is blessed with in-country connections. The team will be limited to 6 parishioners interested and able to continue in leadership/coordinating roles concerning a planned and fuller mission trip to the region later in 2025. This scouting trip will provide the framework and connections for a regular rhythm of international mission trips in the future. A companion goal of this visit is to “try on” the work of service, assisting in construction of a home for a family in process of displacement. Those discerning this call to mission leadership should also be prepared to participate in this construction. The cost for this trip is approximately $1600/person, variable due to airfare. Partial financial help may become available. Team composition should be solidified by February 8th, for reasons of planning to include personal vaccination considerations, travel insurance applications, and flight reservations. Please contact Greg Oliver if you are interested in forming leadership team or would like more information. Contact:

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IN OUR PRAYERS Pray for our members and ministry leaders. Please pray for our first responders, those in the armed forces and in civilian support positions. Pray for the people of Southern California, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Israel, Ukraine, and the members of our domestic and local mission teams. Those in our Parish and Extended Parish Family: Theresa, Kat, Carol, Daniel, David, Brooke, Robert, Joy, Natalie, Marie, Logan, Donald, Sandy, Kyrin, Don, Lee, Kevin, Avery, Judy, Ed, Roli, Barbara, Patricia, Emily, Thomas, Melissa, James, Tom, Laurel, Carol, Ruth, Roslyn, Robbie, Connie, Bobby, Darold, Mohamed, Kyle, Allison, Robert, Pat, Jaden, Ethel, Debbie. Father Brian and/or Mother Viktoria are available to bring the sacrament on the 1st Sunday of the month following communion, and at other times as requested, to the shut-ins and those too ill to come to worship. If you know of someone who needs the sacrament brought to them, please have the individual or family notify the office. PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES ALTAR FLOWERS GET CONNECTED WITH US (Scan the QR Code) Fill out a Visitor Card Submit a Prayer Request Sunday Worship Bulletins Weekly Highlights Follow us on Facebook Follow us on YouTube Online Giving 2/4 McKim Rowe 2/21 Caroline Cloonan 2/6 Jax DeSoto 2/21 Kaylee Bronson 2/10 Karol Moulder 2/23 12/21 Jane Montgomery 2/11 Ellis Kirks 2/24 Hailey Cannaday 2/12 Bob Tweedy 2/25 Ricardo DeSoto 2/14 Carrie Owens 2/25 12/23 Ray McPhail 2/14 Marielle Birkhofer 2/26 Mary Ferris 2/15 Linda DeRick 2/26 Melissa Ferris 2/16 Heather Zapp 2/17 John Meade 2/22 Mark & Dorothy Sales The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the life of Dick McCalla.