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Worship Wrapper 20250105

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Welcome to St. Christopher Episcopal Church. Our Mission: To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We are blessed to have you join us for worship today! Are You Joining Us for the First Time? Please fill out a visitor card found in a pew or online. Nursery/Child Care is available in our Nursery on Sunday mornings from 7:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m., located in “Kingdom Kids” near the traditional Sanctuary, for Infants and Toddlers (0-36 months) and Pre-K & K (37-60 months). Christian Education- All Ages: at 9:15 a.m. Adults in Formation Center; Youth (6th-12th grade) in Classroom 6: Children’s (1st-5th grade) in Classroom 5. Restrooms may be found in the Sanctuary Narthex and in the education wing outside of Buckner Hall. Need more information? Outreach (care for the community) and Inreach (care for the church family) are of the greatest importance to our mission in Christ here at St. Christopher. We are happy to address all your questions and assist you in your transition into our parish family. Visit our website for details on our worship services, parish ministries, and activities at 2508 St. Christopher Avenue League City, TX 77573 281-332-5553

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THIS WEEK AT ST. CHRISTOPHER SUNDAY, 1/5 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:15 a.m. Christian Formation – All Ages; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall* MONDAY, 1/6 12:00 p.m. Noonday Prayer via Zoom; 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Monday Evening Growth Group TUESDAY, 1/7 No MDO; 6:30p.m. Cub Scouts; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Evening Growth Group WEDNESDAY, 1/8 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 9:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast @ Skipper’s Clear Lake Shores; 9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study in Formation Center; 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study in Parlor; 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Growth Group THURSDAY, 1/9 No MDO; 6:30 p.m. Thursday Women’s Bible Study in Conference room FRIDAY, 1/10 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom; 10:00 a.m. Weekday Eucharist in Sanctuary SATURDAY, 1/11 7:15 a.m. Men’s What-A Guys Fellowship @ Rudy’s BBQ SUNDAY, 1/12 8:00 a.m. Rite I Eucharist in Sanctuary; 9:00 a.m. Christian Formation – Special Presentation All Ages in Buckner Hall; 10:30 a.m. Rite II Eucharist in Sanctuary*; 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Eucharist in Buckner Hall* *in-person & online service For more information on any of the week’s events at St. Christopher, please contact the church office at 281-332-5553 or OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES ST. CHRISTOPHER BOTTLEPAX MINISTRY When you encounter our neighbors without housing on street corners and byways, do you ever wonder what you can do that will matter? We have an answer for you: the parish's bottlepax outreach ministry. Just take a couple of "pax" (offerings of "peace") and place these in your car. Located outside the welcome center, these are yours for the taking, to be turned around as giving. ST. CHRISTOPHER LITTLE FOOD PANTRY Our Little Food Pantry is an ongoing much needed community ministry and has been highly utilized these past few months. Pick up a shopping suggestions list near one of our entrances. A collection container labeled Food Pantry has been placed near the Formation Center. Edibles only; no dry goods. Thank you for your generosity. Our pantry stock is currently MEDIUM. ANCHOR POINT Any items supporting infant and toddler care, including diapers (especially Size 5), wipes, food, formula, and new clothing. Wipes are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center INTERFAITH CARING MINISTRIES Toilet tissue, paper products, feminine hygiene, dental care items, laundry detergent, pet food, non-perishable foods. Toilet tissue and paper products are the most frequently requested items. A collection container is located outside the Formation Center.

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PARISH NEWS CHILDREN & YOUTH FORMATION Children & Youth Formation will resume today Sunday, January 5th during Christian Education. 2025 DIOCESAN COUNCIL Diocesan council will be held February 7th-8th in Ft. Worth. We are looking for 4 delegates to join Fr. Brian and Mother Viktoria as the delegation to represent St. Christopher. If you are interested, or want more information, please reach out to Fr. Brian. WINTER STORIES: GIFTS OF THE NAVAJO TRADITION TODAY, SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 2025, 9:15AM, FORMATION CENTER Join Mother Viktoria+ in an Adult Formation "Winter Stories" event, sharing story-honors passed to the 2025 Navajo Mission Team leads during the recent site visit to the Diocese of Navajoland. The Navajo People place great importance upon generational transmission of tradition, as well as relating the past to the present and future in the form of the "story." The winter months of November-January are set aside for very intentional sharing of learning and legacy through narrative. You are invited to learn why winter is the setting for this activity. The relationship between story, practices, spiritual symbolism, and Creation takes on a particular resonance-- for both the First Peoples Christian and the visitor. The story is an invitation to understanding and unity. This "Winter Stories" event will share teachings that illuminate the relationship between indigenous spirituality and Episcopal liturgy, the cycle of the Church calendar, and the Eucharist. Mtr. Viktoria is humbled to carry these particular winter stories to the heart and "hearth" of St. Christopher. SPIRITUAL GIFTS WORKSHOP SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2025, 9:00AM, BUCKNER HALL Are you one of God’s gifted people? Of course you are! God created each and every one of us uniquely, giving us innate talents, spiritual gifts and numerous other attributes. The Apostle Paul’s letters to the early churches go into some significant detail about the importance of our spiritual gifts and the role they play in equipping each one of us for ministry. There are also other references throughout scripture about spiritual gifts. Exactly what are they and how do they apply to us as believers? Are you curious about the spiritual gifts God has given you? Maybe you would like an opportunity to reaffirm or uncover spiritual gifts that you believe are emerging as new? Fr. Jim Nelson and members of the Invite Welcome Connect team will be offering a Spiritual Gifts Workshop on Saturday, January 11, 2025, from 9-noon in Buckner Hall. It will be a highly engaging and even entertaining way to dive into personal discovery about spiritual gifts. To register for this event scan the QR code or on the sign up sheet located near the worship entrances. SPECIAL SUNDAY PRESENTATION FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH Join us, Sunday, January 12th beginning at 9:00am in Buckner Hall to hear from astronaut Dr. Michael Barratt as he shares stories from his time aboard the International Space Station in 2024!

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IN OUR PRAYERS Pray for our members and ministry leaders. Please pray for our first responders, those in the armed forces and in civilian support positions. Pray for the people of North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Israel, Ukraine, and the members of our domestic and local mission teams. Those in our Parish and Extended Parish Family: Marie, Logan, Donald, Sandy, Kyrin, Don, Lee, Kat, Kevin, Avery, Judy, Ed, Roli, Barbara, Patricia, Emily, Thomas, Melissa, James, Tom, Laurel, Carol, Ruth, Roslyn, Robbie, Connie, Bobby, Darold, Mohamed, Kyle, Allison, Robert, Pat, Jaden, Ethel, Debbie, Lauren, Evie, Ed, Daniel, Will, Robyn, Don, Joy, Laurel, Janet, Josh; Kate; Tommy, Linda, Darryl, Tracey, Carlos, Wendy, Murphy, Darryl, Tom, Laurel Father Brian and/or Mother Viktoria are available to bring the sacrament on the 1st Sunday of the month following communion, and at other times as requested, to the shut-ins and those too ill to come to worship. If you know of someone who needs the sacrament brought to them, please have the individual or family notify the office. PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING JANUARY BIRTHDAYS JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES ALTAR FLOWERS GET CONNECTED WITH US (Scan the QR Code) Fill out a Visitor Card Submit a Prayer Request Sunday Worship Bulletins Weekly Highlights Follow us on Facebook Follow us on YouTube Online Giving 1/1 Gary Piper 1/21 Karen Hanna-Lucas 1/3 Matthew Piper 1/21 12/21 Louise Ferris 1/5 Grace Wilems 1/23 Terry Gonzales 1/5 Elizabeth Rager 1/24 Emily Derowski 1/6 Elizabeth Sapaugh 1/24 12/23 Braxton Griffin 1/8 Noah Kemp 1/24 Arthur Gosnell 1/16 Robert Gonzales 1/27 Lee Fabling 1/17 Braydon Schramm 1/30 Lynn Griffin Marcia Carlow 1/17 Eric Zapp 1/30 Robert Ferris 1/20 Bella Wilems 1/30 Robert Marley 1/3 Jon & Susan Hill 1/4 Tom & Punkie Davies 1/6 David & Nancy Crouch 1/14 Terrence & Berchelle Haynes 1/21 Hollis & Anne Baugh 1/23 Bob & Lee Fabling 1/26 Ralph & Evelyn Lloyd To make an altar flower donation in remembrance or in celebration of a loved one please contact the church office or Scan QR to the right.