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Workbook: Your Intention as a Change Professional

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Change Professional Foundations - 2022T H E C H A N G E D E C I S I O NYourIntention as aChangeProfessionalDiscovering your Joy at Work as anExpert in Change

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With a clear intention,you have atouchstone to guideyour words andactions, especiallywhen things getdifficult. Yourintention also helpsyou see the emergingopportunities to makereal traction, and helpothers see your visionfor how to carry outthe change.

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WelcomeTo the courseRoxanne Brown Ed Cookand As an expert in Change, you are in a unique position to bring joy towork. You can help people through change in a way that cultivatestrust and respect. You act as a steward of change for your people,your leaders and the people they lead. They put their trust in youto guide them so they can focus on their purpose. An intention helps you get clear about why you are a Changeexpert and the impact you hope to have through this work. Even ifthis isn’t really a calling for you, your intention will help younavigate the ethical dilemmas you find yourself in and choosewisely. In the pressures of the moment, this intention can serveyou well.Over these lessons, we will ask you a lot of questions to help youbecome more aware of what’s important to you and why so yourintention feels authentic to you. The questions you explore willlead to developing your Intention as a Change Professional, whichis a statement you can use to create Change programs and as aguide when you face difficult situations. You can also revisit yourintention to update it as you learn and grow.Thank you for the work you do. It matters to a lot of people,regardless of what industry you’re in. Thank you for taking the riskto do the work and thank you for taking the time to decide whatyour intention is.

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INTENTIONintroductionWhen you have an intention, great things can happen when you stick to it. If you’ve seen theJoy Intention Case Study on our website you’ll know it tells the story of a leader’s intentioncome to life. This can happen for you too.In this context, an intention describes how you want a Change program to go and how youwant people to work together to make it happen. It answers the questions, how will I knowwe're working together to achieve a successful change outcome? What are the signs for me?What am I striving to achieve in how people behave when they lead and react to what'shappening? What am I seeking to influence through my role?In this course you'll be asked questions about your vision of an ideal Change program andthe strategies you typically use to make your vision come to life. You'll be asked to explorewhat matters to you and why. The lessons will guide you through the Intention process andthis workbook companion is the place to capture your thoughts and ideas. Your Intention as a Change Professional4The final lesson will describe ideas for how you can put your Intention to work:Sharing it with the leaders you work with to help them understand what’sguiding your words and actionsUsing it to develop Change plans to make sure it can achieve yourintention goalsSharing it with your team to request their help and create alignmentRevisiting it to prepare yourself for difficult conversations or to deliverbad newsSharing it as a way to motivate and inspire others You can come back any time to revisit this exercise and see howyour intention evolves as you learn and grow. Through this processwe hope you feel even more prepared for the many importantaspects of the role you play as a Change expert.

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YOURVision1. Describe your ideal Change program. How would it go ideally if you had your wish?2. Why is what you've described important to you?3. Why is your answer to question 2 important to you?Your Intention as a Change Professional6

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7. Why is your answer to question 6 important to you?8. What themes do you notice in your answers?4. Why is your answer to question 3 important to you?5. What will your vision achieve?6. Why is your answer to question 5 important to you?Your Intention as a Change Professional7

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BRINGING YOUR VISION to lifeWhen you have a vision in mind for how to carry out a Change program, what do you do tomake it happen? What are the major steps you take in your change approach? How do you setyourself up for success? See the next page for a few thought starters.Your Intention as a Change Professional8

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THOUGHTstartersWhat actions do you take to getstarted?What do you do to execute yourapproach?What do you do to develop yourapproach?What do you do to close yourChange program?What do you do to buildrelationships?What do you do to manage risks?What do you do when you need topivot?Your Intention as a Change Professional9

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INTENTIONexerciseThink about the best change you've ever led or been part of.1. What adjectives describe that experience?4. What 2-3 things from that experience would you most like to apply to every Change program?2. What was happening that made it that way?3. What did you accomplish because of all that was happening?Your Intention as a Change Professional1 0

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6. Based on your answer to question 5, what must be true to make that happen?5. Thinking about future Change programs, complete this sentence:"I'll know we're truly working together toward a successful change outcome when..."Finish the sentence as many times as you like.7. Asked differently, what must you stop doing, start doing and keep doing to achieve what youdescribe in answer to question 5?Stop Start ContinueThings you can controlThings you can't control but can influenceThings you can't control or influenceFor questions 6 and 7, make a note which of the following three categories your answers fall into: 1.2.3.For answers in the first two categories, you can create strategies to improve your ability to do them.For answers in the third category, you can figure out ways to mitigate the risk they present and findways to move them into category 2 if that's worth doing.Your Intention as a Change Professional1 1

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Looking at your answers on the two previous pages, use these two pages to write a clearstatement of your intention as a Change expert.YOURIntentionYour Intention as a Change Professional1 2

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Your Intention as a Change Professional1 3

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MORE TOexplore1. What are your personal philosophies about leading and managing change?2. How do your philosophies connect to your purpose?Your Intention as a Change Professional1 4

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3. What is most important and satisfying to you about doing change work?4. What would most help you grow your joy at work?Your Intention as a Change Professional1 5MORE TOexplore

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FindingYour JoyYourintentionpreparesyou for themanyimportantaspects ofyour role.“Thank you for going on this discovery path toyour intention. Given the nature of this work,having a guide like this will help you navigate themany risky and important situations you findyourself in, and equip you to be present andready. Your intention prepares you for the manyimportant aspects of your role.Come back any time to revisit this exercise andsee how your intention evolves as you learn andgrow. We look forward to learning about yourhopes, successes and your Intention as an expertin Change.

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YOUR CHANGEphilosophyAs a Change expert, you develop strategiesand advise other leaders on how to leadpeople to change. How you think about therole you play and the people involved in thechanges you are part of will affect theadvice you give and strategies you lead. Wehope through this exercise you clarify thepersonal philosophies that guide you anddiscover the impact you want to have. Foryou and countless others, your intentioncan make work part of a life well-lived.Joy at Work

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The Change Decision313 E Broad St Suite 203Richmond, VA 23219 USA+1804-506-0403thechangedecision.comjoy@thechangedecision.comThank you for bringingJoy at Work to yourchange practice.The Change Decision is a change and culturecompany focused on making work part of a lifewell-lived: Joy at Work.For more information about our Change & Joymethod, implementation tools and public courses,see customized in-house training and coachingprograms, contact us at:joy@thechangedecision.comCopyright 2022 The Change Decision, All rightsreserved.Contact