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Words MatterSpeaking Peace to Calm the Storms of LifeDavid L. Johnston

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Nothing But The Truth, Jacksonville, FL, NothingButTheTruth.orgWords Matter Copyright © 2023 David L. JohnstonAll rights reserved. This book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher or copyright holder in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without prior written permission from the publisher or copyright holder as long as it is kept in its entirety and not sold for a prot.Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures taken from the HOLY BIBLE: King James Version, part of the public domain.Scripture quotations marked nkjv are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.Scripture quotations marked nasb are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.ISBN: 978-1-965799-28-4 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-965799-29-1 (ebook)

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IntroductionThe cross is God’s great plus sign. Through its power, God continually adds good things to our hearts and minds. He is the best friend we will ever have. In the pages that follow, you will discover how the cross of Christ is the greatest source of peace for your heart. It has been said that if peace is not inside you, there is no use looking for it anywhere else. Peace must become part of our heart’s operating system. The heart runs the operating system and the mind runs the software, and it is vital that they work together. As a muscle, the heart keeps blood owing throughout our bodies, while the brain is the central control system for the heart and other bodily functions. When our physical heart or brain lacks peace, our entire body can be negatively affected. Peace is a realm that exists in your heart and your mind, one in which chaos is not allowed to enter. Chaos shows itself in a variety of forms: anger, depression, panic, worry, or mistrust. Peace, on the other hand, is the absence of these and any other negative feelings and emotions. So what’s the big deal?When a person’s mind and heart are led by real peace, they can make wise decisions; but anger, anxiety, bitterness, or strife disrupts that peace. When that happens, that person’s thinking ability, powers of observation, and decision-making skills can all be corrupted. Since a person’s wisdom can be rendered null and void without real peace guiding the way, it is vital that God’s peace be the core condition of your soul. That’s how desperately we need it in its proper place.With peace ruling our hearts and minds, we are able to commincate peacefully with others regardless of what may be going on around us. In this small booklet, my hope is that you discover how peaceful speech will bring joy into our hearts. All people seek true joy, but often are not sure how to nd it. The secret lies in a peaceful heart that governs a peaceful tongue.Since peace is central to our well-being and all our relationships, we can be thankful that God has shown us His path to peace. God has

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ivWords Matternot left us wandering in the dark. We can know true peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Peaceful SpeechPeaceful speech is refreshing. It brings joy to our hearts, and ministers joy to those around us too. We all want joy in our hearts, and peaceful speech brings us the joy we crave. Many passages in the Bible show us how and why this is true. Speaking peacefully not only involves the content of our speech, but also its tone. Most conicts erupt from using the wrong tone of voice instead of the wrong words, and are the result of speech that is not infused with peace. We must speak the truth, but we must do so with love and kindness.Personal Joy Is Related to Wise Speech“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23)There is a direct link between our speech and the joy we experience. Peaceful speech brings joy, while troubled speech brings heartache. Peaceful speech grants us both internal joy and joy in the company of others, so we can rejoice in the Lord. The right word at the right time brings peace and happiness.Speaking Peacefully Is a Serious Consideration“But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justied, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37)On judgment day, we will have to give an account to the Lord for our idle words. There will be serious consequences if we spoke

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2Words Matterin a way that was inconsistent with the path of peace. Since the tongue has power over life and death, we need to reckon its power seriously. We may not kill somebody with our hands, but we can hurt each other badly with our words. This is a serious sin. Outward behavior is important, but the words we use are just as important. Our words will either justify or condemn us. Speaking peacefully is not optional but necessary. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)The author of Hebrews conrms this: We will die, and then we will be judged. God will pass judgment on our behavior and our speech. Our actions are important, but so is our speech. If we did not speak peacefully, we will have to give an account before the Lord, so we must take our speech seriously.Speaking Peacefully Begins in the Heart“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.” (Proverbs 4:23-24)To speak words of peace, we must have a heart of peace. This proverb shows us the close connection between our words and our hearts and our lives. Diligent work keeps our hearts from perverse words. A person with a forward mouth is contrary and obnoxious. It is hard to get along with someone like this. This kind of behavior should not characterize us. People should nd it a joy to speak to us. Our hearts and our mouths should be kept in God’s peace and reect His character.“Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.

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3David L. JohnstonO generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” (Matthew 12:33-35)Jesus plainly stated that our hearts reect our speech. A peaceful heart speaks peaceful words. Jesus illustrated this by comparing it with the fruit from a tree. A rotten tree produces rotten fruit and a good tree produces good fruit. A heart full of anger, bitterness, contempt, and deception speaks angry, bitter, contemptuous, lying words, reecting the condition of that heart. In contrast, a heart that is full of peace, love, and kindness will speak peaceful, loving, and kind words. This is always true. A person who speaks from an evil heart is like a venomous snake. His words are deadly to others and to himself. The only way to speak good words is to speak from a peaceful heart.Peaceful Speech Must Be Authentic“Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts.” (Psalm 28:3)The psalmist warned us against people who speak deceitfully. The wicked say nice things to their neighbors, but in their hearts they are plotting to harm these very people. This narcissistic behavior can create many problems. Peaceful speech must always be authentic and consistent.“Their tongue is as an arrow shot out; it speaketh deceit: one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in heart he layeth his wait.” (Jeremiah 9:8)

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4Words MatterJeremiah gave us a similar warning. False speech does not reect the speaker’s intentions. The wicked man says words of peace but has chaos in his heart. Just like an arrow, this kind of speech can harm those who hear it. This behavior is especially harmful when so-called Christians engage in it. The world is listening to us, and watching us. When people who claim Christ as their Lord are revealed as hypocrites, the reputation of the church is harmed. Many people use the hypocrisy of people who claim to be Christians as an excuse for dismissing the gospel. Our speech and lives must be authentic. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” (John 13:35)The words of Christ in John’s gospel summarize this point succinctly. The world will know we are authentic Christians when we love one another. We must not only speak words of love and peace, but our outward behavior must match those words. Authentic speech and real love for others is a wonderful witness of Christ’s work in our hearts.Peaceful Speech Does Not Swear Flippant Oaths“But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” (Matthew 5:34-37)These verses are part of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus provided us with the ethics of peace in this sermon. He warned against swearing in our speech. A person who insists strongly that

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5David L. Johnstonhe is telling the truth every time he talks, shows that he or she is untrustworthy. Our word should be good without the need to swear a ippant oath. We should be able to say “yes” or “no” and know that people can trust us. For this to be the case, we must follow through on our word. We also should not make promises that we may not be able to keep. If your boss says you must put in a report by 5:00 p.m. and you swear that you will have it done when you know for a fact that you cannot nish it at the appointed time, you are not doing yourself a favor. Your boss will be angry and less likely to trust you in the future as a result. It’s far better to tell your boss that you’re sorry, and you cannot get the report in on time. “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” (James 5:12)James gave us the same warning in his letter. If we swear instead of saying a simple “yes” or “no,” we are at risk of falling into condemnation. Avoid casual oaths such as “I swear to God” or “I swear on my mother’s grave.” Peaceful Speech Is Meek“But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:11)Meekness and humility characterize peaceful speech. Angry and selsh words are not meek. Those who use meek words will inherit the earth and experience the delight of genuine peace. Our words must remain under the control of the Holy Spirit. Such speech leads to an abundance of peace.

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6Words MatterPeaceful Speech Proves Our Righteousness“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” (Psalm 37:37)We will only look at one passage to make this point, but this does not mean it is unimportant. How will people know that we are just? How will we prove that we are upright? Through our peaceful speech. Our words and actions demonstrate the state of our heart. The upright man uses peaceful words, and the wicked man use words of hostility.

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Ten Joys of Speaking PeacefullyThe seven points we examined in the rst part of this booklet lay the foundation for the second half. In this section, we will look at ten specic ways that peaceful speech brings us joy. This joy is a blessing in our lives and can also be a blessing in the lives of others. This list is not exhaustive, but includes several important ways that Scripture tells us we can have true joy and happiness. The Joy of Preventing Hostility“A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)As mentioned before, gentle words can bring an end to anger and hostility. When a person lashes out in anger, we tend to respond in kind. This proverb teaches us to do the opposite. This is not merely referring to the volume of our voice either because you can say angry words quietly. Instead, this verse is concerned with the quality of our response. We want to respond to harsh words with calming words that promote peace. On the other hand, if we counter with grievous or offensive language, we will only escalate the situation. Harsh words stir up anger. The tone and general quality of our speech is important when we interact with others.“The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.” (Proverbs 15:2)

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8Words MatterThe very next verse in this passage gives further instruction. Wise people use information correctly and honestly. They do not use their knowledge and speech for evil, but for good. However, fools open their mouths and pour out whatever happens to be in their minds without consideration of its effect. This is especially dangerous in tense situations. Often fools try to get a reaction out of others because they nd it entertaining. They want to stir up trouble. Peaceful people prevent hostility and promote calm instead. Preventing hostility brings us joy because it honors God and promotes our own well-being.“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19-20)We should not be quick to speak. Instead we should become good listeners. Listening will help us to understand the perspective of the other person and create empathy. It is impossible to be hostile toward someone with whom you empathize. When we really take the time to listen to another person, anger and misunderstanding is defused all around. Instead of reacting immediately to unfair and angry words, we do better to pause, reect, and speak peacefully. Joy will follow. The Joy of HelpingWhen we live in peace, we are going to be able to help others. When we help others, we will, in turn, receive joy from this activity. Contributing to the well-being of our neighbors contributes to our own well-being.“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” (Ephesians 4:29)Paul commands us to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths. Instead we should speak edifying words which bring

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9David L. Johnstongrace to those who hear them. We are going to return to this verse at the end of this section, but before we do, let’s explore what the Bible means by “corrupt communication.” There are six characteristics of corrupt speech.1. AngerAnger characterizes corrupt communication. We cannot speak angry words peacefully in a way that edies those to whom we are speaking. Angry words are the corrupting opposite of peaceful speech. 2. MaliceCorrupt speech is also malicious. The intention behind malicious speech is to hurt our neighbor instead of blessing them. Sometimes we use malicious speech to get ahead; sometimes we use it out of pure hatred or without a motive of which we are aware. However, malice has no part in peaceful speech.3. BitternessCorrupt speech is bitter and jealous and proceeds from a spirit of covetousness. We resent the good things that happen to other people or the good things they have, and become bitter because our own lot in life seems poor by comparison. This bitterness corrupts our communication.4. JudgmentCorrupt speech is judgmental. It does not show mercy or grace to those who hear it. It is always ready to accuse and does not forgive. It points out the faults in people without recognizing their strengths. It cannot bring peace and joy.5. BiasCorrupt speech is biased. It fails to look at things from the side of the other person. The clearest example of bias occurs in political speech. Partisan division is so great that people will defend their party even in the face of rampant immorality and corruption. Bias overrules intelligence and logic. Bias twists the truth and turns it into whatever the speaker wants people to believe. Corrupt communication

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10Words Matteris no better than political propaganda.6. EgocentrismCorrupt speech puts the speaker’s needs and desires ahead of their hearers. Selshness and greed are corrupt. The egocentric person chooses words that make them feel good or puff up their own pride. This speech builds them up and tears down their neighbor. “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” (Ephesians 4:29)Now that we have described corrupt speech, we can return to Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 4:29 and understand what this verse means. Paul wrote to let no corrupt speech come out of our mouths. Instead our speech should be good and edifying. Good and edifying speech does not have any of the six characteristics we listed above. Instead it is calm, loving, thankful, gracious, fair, and humble. These six characteristics are the exact opposites of those listed above. This speech will edify (or build up) our neighbor instead of tearing them down and promoting ourselves. Peaceful speech imparts grace and well-being. When we share grace with others, our own joy abounds. When we encourage others, we are encouraged. This brings us true joy.The Joy of Being Heard“And Adonijah the son of Haggith came to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon. And she said, Comest thou peaceably? And he said, Peaceably. He said moreover, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And she said, Say on.” (1 Kings 2:13-14)Adonijah was one of David’s sons. He was older than Solomon; but as we know, the Lord had chosen Solomon to be king after

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11David L. JohnstonDavid. After David died, Adonijah came to Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, with a request. Bathsheba asked if he came peaceably. When Adonijah conrmed that he came in peace, Bathsheba told him to go on with what he was saying. When we come to somebody with peaceable words, they are usually more willing to hear what we have to say. If Adonijah had burst into the room, yelling, “I have something to say to you, and you better listen,” Bathsheba would not have been willing to hear him out. But since he claimed to come in peace, Bathsheba was willing to hear his request. These peaceable words had better be genuine, however. If you read further in 1 Kings 2, you will soon discover that Adonijah wanted one of his father’s concubines to be his wife. Bathsheba asked Solomon, the new king, about Adonijah’s request. Solomon knew that Adonijah had already tried to set himself up as king instead of Solomon before this, and saw the motive behind his words. He believed that Adonijah was trying once again to usurp the throne, so he had Adonijah and those who conspired with him put to death. Speaking the truth in peace will bring joy, but speaking deceitfully will bring grief.The Joy of Good Relationships“And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.” (1 Chronicles 12:17)Before David was made king of Israel, he had to ee from King Saul who was trying to kill him. Thirty brave warriors came out to meet David. David came to them and asked if they came to him peaceably or not. He promised them his eternal friendship if they came peaceably, but warned them of God’s rebuke if their intention was to betray him. He used the phrase, “mine heart shall be knit unto you.” This is a beautiful phrase that describes the intimate friendship

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12Words Matterthat springs from peaceable relationships. The thirty warriors had come with good intentions, and David was overjoyed. There are few greater joys in life than close friendship with those we can trust and depend upon. Genuine friendships of peace bring great joy.The Joy of Turning Hostility to Peace“When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)God wants us to abide in His peace. When we do this, it pleases Him. He increases our peace so that even our enemies make peace with us. Peace multiplies unto itself. When we act in peace, we get more peace. F. F. Bruce is quoted as saying this: “The best way to get rid of an enemy is to turn him into a friend.” This is a wise proverb. The world tells us to destroy our enemies, but God wants us to pray for them and be reconciled to them instead.The Joy of Peaceful Sleep“Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:7-8)Sleep is essential to our physical and mental health. In turn, our mental and physical health are important for our sleep. Health and sleep are intrinsically linked. The psalmist tells us that when God puts gladness in our hearts, we have peaceful sleep. We can dwell in safety and enjoy personal well-being. Peace brings joy through pleasant sleep. On the other hand, if we live in hostility with others, we jeopardize our mental, emotional, and physical health.

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13David L. JohnstonThe Joy of Peaceful Children“And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” (Isaiah 54:13)We all want our children to grow up in the fear and knowledge of the Lord, but we also want them to know peace and joy in their lives. When we walk in the peace of the Lord, we will pass this peace to our children. The Lord Himself will teach them, and they will have great peace. The Lord teaches children through their parents, so it is the duty of parents to teach their children to abide in God’s peace. Children learn by example, so if we want them to have peace, we must live in God’s peace ourselves. If we lash out in anger at others, our children will learn to do the same. If we are harsh with our children, they will be harsh with others. However, if we treat everyone, including our children with kindness, respect, and love, our children will grow up in God’s peace too. Now, you’ll never nd the perfect parent who has never been frustrated or raised their voice in anger to their child. All parents have failed. However, it’s what we do in that failure that really matters. When we live authentically before God, our children see and understand the true process of maintaining peace and living as a Christian. As they watch us make mistakes and repent and draw from the Lord, they learn to do that too. In this way, we offer our children the chance to grow and develop in Jesus just as we do. The Joy of Peaceful Counsel“Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil: but to the counsellors of peace is joy.” (Proverbs 12:20)God did not design us to be isolated or alone. We need the wise counsel of good people. This proverb teaches us that when we listen to counsellors of peace, we will have joy. On the other hand, deceitful and wicked speech cannot bring joy.

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14Words Matter“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23)We nd a similar idea in this proverb. The right word spoken at the right time is a blessing both to the speaker and to the listener. We need to surround ourselves with people who speak peaceful words to us, and we, in turn, need to speak words of peace to them. The Joy of Reciprocity“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” (Job 22:21)When we share our peace with others, we bless them and bless ourselves. When we are kind to others, they tend to be kind to us in turn. Peace will not return to us if we speak and act with hostility. Peaceful relationships are reciprocal. We reap what we sow. The way of peace is the way of wisdom.The Joy of Blessing God“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)To conclude this chapter, we will return to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells us that peacemakers get a blessing from God. He blesses them because He is the Great Peacemaker. He is the God of Peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. What is the nature of that blessing? Peacemakers will be called the children of God. There can be no greater blessing in life than to be called God’s child. Children know their status. They are loved and protected. They are blessed. We can know joy and peace because we are the children of the One who is the Source of all joy and peace.

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Summing UpOnly God brings us true joy, and peaceful speech brings us joy because it makes us a blessing to God and others. In turn, we are blessed. When we speak words of peace, we can rest, knowing that we abide in God’s peace. This is a tting conclusion to our examination of God’s peace. After Christ restores us to peace by reconciling us to the Father, He shows us through His Word how we can abide in that peace. He teaches us how to have internal peace and peace in all our relationships. His Holy Spirit sustains us in the path of peace and brings us joy as we speak peaceably to, and live in peace with, our neighbors. What an indescribably wonderful gift! Even though the world is a stressful place, we can continually draw from the true peace of God that is not dependent upon the outward circumstances of our lives. It is not surprising that those who do not yet know Jesus are drawn by the peace they see so clearly in us. I pray that this book has helped you in your journey to maintain your peace with God. May you experience God’s blessings as you continue to grow.

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Why we give YOU all our books for FREE:“Get the Truth, but do not sell it;Also get wisdom, instruction, and understanding.”(Proverbs 23:23)Why YOU should give all our books for FREEto all your friends and family:“Freely you have received, freely give!”(Matthew 10:8)Find our books here. Share the link with others!

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Imagine You—In The Ministry! Yes, that is right, you are in the ministry! Christian ministry is imparting the gospel and biblical truths to others. Anyone can do this with the help of the Holy Spirit.You know people within your scope of in uence who need to be ministered to. Since we are all under biblical command to tell or publish the truth, it’s about communicating that truth with them.“Declare among the nations, Proclaim, and set up a standard; Proclaim—do not conceal it.” (Jeremiah 50:2a)The vital truths of the Bible are explained in detail in our publications, which we provide you without charge. You can share this material to everyone you know.There is a proper sequence to learning truths. On the following pages is our suggestion of the sequence of our material, along with links and descriptions. We must be careful not to dump too much at a time.You’re in the ministry now! The Lord will bless your endeavors! Your rewards will be eternal! “We are workers together with God!”

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Why You Were Born - A Blueprint for Discovering Your Life PotentialWhy are you here on planet earth? Once you know why you were born you will have a new appreciation for your true self and a known purpose in life. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path, a course of action and eventually a ful lled life … no disappointments, no pressure to conform to the ideas and expectations of others. You will be free to be you, the real you.In the second part of this book you will learn how to discover your ENA, your Embedded Natural Ability. How tragic that some will cross the stage of time, be standing at the exit sign, and look back only to see a wasted life of insigni cance. None of us can run a good race on the wrong track. “My Way,” only counts if it’s the right way—God’s way. This book is also available as a 12-week group study with a Study Guide, Facilitator’s Guide, Lesson videos, and promotional material. Book Study Guide Facilitator GroupBook: Guide: Guide: Package: books are free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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How You See Yourself -The Source of Your Struggle and How to Conquer ItHave you ever gone to a carnival and looked into one of those distorted mirrors, you know, the ones that make you look three feet tall and  ve feet wide? The image of yourself that you see back is distorted. It can produce a good laugh. But many of us struggle with a similar condition – we don’t see ourselves accurately. We are hindered from being the best version of ourselves by this insidious thing called iniquity.Iniquity is mentioned 334 times in the Bible, yet so many remain oblivious to its signi cant and negative impact on everyday living. Iniquity is the ancient term for narcissism. It’s one of the four reason Jesus went to the cross … “He was bruised for our iniquities” (Isa. 53:5). In this book you will not only identify the problems iniquity imposes upon us, but you will also discover the solutions.This book will help you discover:• How iniquity contributes to mental illness• How iniquity causes divorce and destroys households• How conquering iniquity will cause your prayer life to  ourish• How you can  nally live without fear and regret• How to embrace the bene ts that come from being free from iniquity and the way it robs you of your God-given potential!• How iniquity is different from sin book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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Your Ultimate Life Management System - How Jesus’s Inaugural Address (The Sermon on the Mount) Can Change Your LifeThe prophet Jeremiah lamented (Jeremiah 10:23) “I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” How can we manage our own path, and live life effectively? Could anything be more important than an ef cient, effective, and trustworthy life-management system? We need a life-management system!A life manager must be faithful, smart enough, wise enough, caring enough, and love you suf ciently to be trusted to direct your life. Hence, Jesus! He loves you, which means He is relentlessly choosing your highest good without any personal pro t or bene t as a motive of His own. In addition, Jesus is a life manager who never quits, and never gives up on you no matter what. He has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you; I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”In His  rst and possibly most compelling discourse, known as the “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus outlines a practical, yet powerful life plan for you. Don’t miss it! He is for you. Follow Him. You will never be book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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High Value Target - When the Good Guys Become the TargetsIf you are a good person, watch out. The bad guys have you in their sights. Our culture has experienced a paradigm shift. It’s popular now to be immoral; and evil is promoted as preferred and desirable. It is objectionable enough that evil is put for good but now the good are put for evil... targeted! You targeted! And so are your children.In High Value Target you will discover the tactics arrayed against you and yours; tactics designed to steal your destiny, kill your dreams, destroy your moral intelligence, and demonize life. You will learn practical and powerful tactics, not only to fend off attacks but how to conquer, what to do of you are targeted as one of the good This book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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Personal Digital Discipleship - How to think, feel, and live truthfullyAs believers we are called to grow and mature in our faith and understanding of what it means to be followers of Christ. Certainly being part of a life-giving church is a key component. But not everyone has access to that.Personal Digital Discipleship is a powerful resource you can use to gain insight and understanding, teaching and training in the ways of God and how to effectively live out your Christian life.Walking you through the steps of being reborn, helping you change the way you think, shifting your emotions to follow God’s direction, replanning your life to align with God’s desires, and helping you reproduce these steps in others, this study can literally change your life.Each of the 30 full-color lessons contains a video component, lesson notes, additional study, application, and steps to share with others. Grow in your Christian walk by going through these insightful lessons.The book can be used for individual or group study. Group helps are listed in the book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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The Virtuous Woman - Your Guide to True FeminismIt is virtue that makes all that is good possible.The most in uential people in any culture are the women!That’s where you can enter as the heroine! YOU, a Virtuous Woman!In the book of Proverbs (called the Book of Wisdom), God speaks of the characteristics of a virtuous woman. Chapter 31 uncovers many of the beautifully illustrated facets of love, virtue, and strength that a woman can possess.As you work your way through this book, the pages unpack each aspect of this amazing woman. Discovering and applying these truths can help you to become a woman of in uence, strength, and character—a motivator, trendsetter, in uencer, and advocate for virtue.This book is designed to celebrate the incomparable gifts and qualities of a virtuous woman and makes a good gift for any woman in your book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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Other Helpful ResourcesHow to Have Peace in Diffi cult TimesWe live in turbulent times. Society sometimes seems like it is teetering on the brink of chaos.This powerful book will give you keys to experiencing peace and staying calm no matter what may be happening to you or around you. When everyone around you is leaning into fear, panic, tension and worry – YOU have the power to walk in peace, even in dif cult Every Soldier There Is A Time to Kill and a Time to Heal“To every thing there is a season,And a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die…A time to kill and a time to heal.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-3)This vivid gift book is written for Veterans. In it they will discover the way to genuine healing. books are free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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Con dence Knowing It Will Go Well With YouWe all want to know if things will turn out ok for us. We desire assurance that all will be well for us and our loved ones. “Can you know this for sure?”  at is the question! the Hidden Power  at Defeats YouWe are hindered from being the best version of ourselves, the version God intended. We are prevented by this insidious thing called Your Spiritual G i   is brief ebook will ex-plain the di erent spiritual gi s, how they  t in the big picture, the Body of Christ, and how you can discover books are free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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How to Handle Di cult PeopleI wrote this short e-book to give you some practical, helpful and biblically-based insights on how you can work with people who are, well, to a Meaningful LifeDo you desire a meaning-ful life? If so, the informa-tion in this ebook should encourage you and help you move toward the ful llment, peace, and joy that a meaningful life brings! Matter - Speaking Peace to Calm the Storms of LifeChaos shows itself as anger, depression, panic, worry, or mistrust. Peace is the absence of these. So how do we get it? books are free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.

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Nothing But The Truth MinistriesDedicated to the single task of explaining the truth in its simplest and purest form to all peoples of the world.People matter. YOU matter! Truth is the substance of all wise decision-making. So it’s important to know the truth – about you, about why you were born, about every aspect of your life. Truth is wonderful, even when sometimes it may not seem comfortable.This site is dedicated to sharing God’s truth with you – truth that you can apply to your daily life, your relationships, your  nances, your choices, your future.Visit our website at www.NothingButTheTruth.orgAll our resources are available free of charge in digital form. Printed copies are available at our cost of printing plus shipping. WE DO NOT SOLICIT FUNDS, but we give opportunity if it is in a person’s heart to give. We are a 501(c)3 non-pro t organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Contributions to the mission can be made on our website.

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