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Woodward Academy Endowment Fund Descriptions

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Alumni Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Multiple donors have contributed to this fund, which was initi-ated in 1977 to provide tuition assistance to qualified students based on need and promise.Beth and Jesse F. Armistead Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1987 by the family of Jesse F. Armistead, this fund provides tuition assistance to students based on need and promise. Beauchamp Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 1983 and funded by the Beauchamp family in memory of their son, Harold, this endowment provides tuition assistance to students demonstrating need and promise.Branan Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1987 by the Branan family, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy.Brewster Family Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,This fund, made possible through gifts from the Brewster family, provides need-based financial aid for students of the Academy.The Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2005 with gifts from members of the Brown family, the Mary Alice and Bennett Brown Foundation, and others, this fund provides financial assistance to qualified Academy students with first preference given to students who matriculate to Woodward from the Metro Atlanta KIPP charter schools.Col. John R. Burnett Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1988 through a gift from the Class of 1958, this fund honors the memory of Col. John R. Burnett, longtime commandant of cadets at Georgia Military Academy. This memorial fund provides need-based tuition assistance to an Upper School student based on character, with preference to a student with family military connections or a child of Academy faculty.Class of 1975 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1995 through a gift from the Class of 1975, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to a qualified Academy student.Class of 1976 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1996 through a gift from the Class of 1976, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to a qualified Academy student.Coca-Cola Foundation Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2007, this fund provides need-based student financial aid to qualified minority students.James A. Colquitt ’36 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,The Colquitt Endowment Fund was created with the proceeds of the Woodward Academy Challenge and gifts from the Woodward Academy/GMA Alumni Association and individu-als. The fund provides need-based financial aid to a qualified Academy student.Enowed FundsThe following funds serve the Academy in three primary areas: student financial aid, student and teacher enrichment, and awards and prizes. These funds are permanently restricted for the specific purposes described. The market value listed with each fund reflects gifts received through May 31, 2021. ENDOWED STUDENT FINANCIAL AID FUNDS These funds provide student financial aid for qualified students. All of Woodward’s financial aid funds are awarded solely based on demonstrated need.

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The Cousins Foundation Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2008 with a grant from The Cousins Founda-tion, this fund generates earnings to provide need-based finan-cial assistance with preference given to graduates of the Drew Charter School or other Atlanta-area charter school student matriculating to Woodward Academy.James Cox Jr. Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated by the James Cox Foundation in 2002, this fund pro-vides need-based financial aid to current Academy students.Jill F. Davis Memorial Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1986 by Mr. Jack Davis ’62 in memory of his daughter, Jill Davis, this fund provides tuition assistance to faculty children in the lower grades demonstrating need and promise.R. H. Dobbs ’23 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 1989 by Mr. R. Howard Dobbs ’23, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance for current Academy students.Charles Evans Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established with an anonymous gift in 1985 in memory of Charles Evans, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy.Fleming Endowment FundMARKET VALUE , Initiated in 1995 by Mr. Stephen Fleming ’79, this fund pro-vides need-based financial aid to current Academy students.Fouts Memorial Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 1984 and made possible through the gifts of multiple donors, this fund honors the memory of Leslie Fouts, longtime coach at the Academy, known particularly for his swimming teams. Tuition assistance is provided to students based on need and promise, with emphasis given to those students active in the swimming program.Goizueta-Joseph W. Jones Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,,This fund provides need-based financial assistance to qualified Hispanic students.Goizueta Transition Program Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,,Initiated in 2003, this fund provides need-based financial assistance to current and qualified Academy students who are enrolled in the Transition Program.Ted C. Hays and Betty B. Hays Endowment FundMARKET VALUE , Initiated in 1983 and supported by multiple donors, this fund honors the memory of Ted C. Hays, longtime Academy band director, Ted C. Hays, and his wife, and awards tuition assis-tance to students based on need and promise with emphasis on instrumental music.James E. Hickey II ’48 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1992 by a gift from the estate of James E. Hickey II ’48, this fund provides need-based financial aid for qualified students of the Academy.A. Thomas Jackson Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2000, in honor of former Academy President A. Thomas Jackson, this fund provides need-based financial assis-tance to current Academy students.Gary M. Jones Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,A gift of the Loridan’s Foundation in 1990, in honor of former Academy President Gary M. Jones, this fund provides need-based financial aid to current Academy students.John Vernon Jones ’68 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,,Established with a gift from the estate of Joseph W. Jones in 2005, this fund was named in honor of the son of Mr. Jones. The income from earnings is used to provide financial assistance to qualified Academy students or for the benefit of students as determined by the President or Vice President and Dean for Academic Aairs.Beth Kennedy Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated by Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Kennedy and Mrs. Pauline Kennedy in 1982, this fund honors the memory of Beth Kennedy and provides tuition assistance to students based on need and promise.WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDS

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Sonny Kumar ’86 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE , Initiated in 1991 by Drs. Veeni and Surender Kumar, this fund provides need-based financial assistance to current Academy students in memory of Sonny Kumar ’86.The David R. McCollum Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established upon his retirement in 2012, the purpose of the David R. McCollum Endowment Fund is to provide qualified Upper School students, who are receiving need-based financial aid, with assistance for incremental expenses beyond tuition. Expenses may include school uniforms, books, art supplies, team expenses, and school trip fees.McMaster-Carr Supply Company Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,This fund, initiated in 1995, provides need-based financial aid to current Academy students.Deepak Raghavan Family Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2020, this fund provides need-based financial aid to a student starting in eighth grade. The award will be renewed annually until graduation for the student who demon-strates financial need and shows academic promise and a com-mitment to the pursuit of an individual passion. The goal of the endowment is to positively impact a student’s life trajectory.Selma E. Ridgway Prize and Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,This endowment fund was established in 2004 by initial gifts from the Lanigan Insurance Group, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, and others in honor of longtime Transition Program Director and teacher Selma E. Ridgway. This fund has two pur-poses: to provide need-based financial aid to a qualified student in the Transition Program each year and to award a senior prize each year to a student who is well-rounded, demonstrates high levels of good citizenship, and represents the Academy’s motto, “Excellence, Character, and Opportunity.”The Johnny O. Stallings Sr. Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2010, this fund provides need-based financial aid annually to a qualified student while also honoring Coach Stallings. “Coach” worked at the Academy from 1967 to 1998, coaching thousands of Woodward students in football, golf, and wrestling. To honor his love for sports and coaching while molding students into young men, this fund was created by gifts from many of his former student-athletes.The Strong Family Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2016 with a gift from The Strong Family Fund, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to qualified students of the Academy.Thrash Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 1979, this fund provides tuition assistance to stu-dents showing promise and need in the Academy’s Transition Program.Randolph Thrower ’30 Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1987 by Margaret and Randolph Thrower ’30, this fund provides an Upper School award, up to $500, to one or more students who are members of the National Honor Society, based on need and academic excellence.The Thunder Bay Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,,Established in October 2007, this fund provides financial aid support to qualified students from traditionally underserved populations in the Atlanta area, enabling recipients to attend Woodward Academy. Preference will be given to students matriculating to Woodward who also have been involved in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta.Transition Program Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated through an anonymous gift in 1987, this fund pro-vides need-based financial aid to current Academy students in the Transition Program.Woodru Fine Arts Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,This fund, provided by Mr. Robert W. Woodru, Class of 1908, in 1986, provides awards based on need to students showing exceptional promise and talent in the performing or visual arts.David, Helen, and Marian Woodward Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1987, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance to qualified Academy students.Don A. Woolf Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2000, in honor of former Academy Headmaster Don A. Woolf, this fund provides need-based financial assis-tance to current Academy students.WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDS

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The Bobby West Alford Enrichment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2010, this endowment from the estate of a longtime member of the Upper School English Department, Bobby West Alford, provides annual stipends for members of the Upper School English Department for study and travel to further their professional knowledge and to share with faculty and students. Eligible faculty will be encouraged each year to apply for funds, and distribution decisions will be made by the Upper School English Department chair and the assistant chair.The Pauline and R. L. Brand Jr. ’35 Religious Studies Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,,Established in April 2015, this endowment was created with gifts from the estate and family of Mr. R. L. Brand Jr. ’35 to support and enhance religious studies at the Academy. The earnings from this endowment will provide for a permanent teaching position for classroom instruction of religion. It also will provide for visiting teachers, speakers, and other enrich-ment programs designed to enhance the study of religion and character development as well as study opportunities in religion outside the classroom for Academy students. Income from the endowment also will support the Chaplain’s Council in its eorts to enhance religious studies and the services of the Academy’s Chaplain.The Ron M. Brill Chair for Ethical Leadership DevelopmentMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2017 by Ron and Lisa Brill and their family, this fund provides for sta and support programming dedicated to attuning Woodward students to their unique role in their community and the larger world. The chair will strengthen Woodward students’ ability to act responsibly in the context of real-world dilemmas and aect positive change in their com-munities, in ways that align with each student’s core values. The Tyler H. Brown ’96 Leadership Speaker Series Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2009 via gifts from many donors, the purpose of this fund is to provide annual resources to cover the hono-rarium of a nationally renowned military leader to speak at the school’s annual Veterans Day program. As the market value increases, earnings will also provide additional monies to cover the costs of securing leadership guest speakers of varied back-grounds to further educate Woodward Academy students about leadership and character-building.The Calloway Orchestra Enrichment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2004, in honor of orchestra teacher Gina L. Calloway, with an anonymous gift and other gifts, this fund provides enrichment to the orchestra program at the Academy.Class of 1978 Enrichment ProgramMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 1998, this fund was a gift from the Class of 1978 on the occasion of its 20-year class reunion. The fund provides assistance to both the English and Transition departments for their curriculum, faculty, and equipment needs.Class of 1989 Enrichment ProgramMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2000, this fund was a gift from the Class of 1989 on the occasion of its 10-year class reunion. The fund provides enhancements for Upper School student programs through the oce of the Dean of Student Life.Computer Science Chair FundMARKET VALUE ,A gift from the Loridan’s Foundation in 1972, this fund supports faculty salaries in the area of computer science.Frances and John Ferguson Library FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2001 by the John A. Ferguson ’43 family, this fund provides support for Woodward Academy’s libraries.WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDSENDOWED ENRICHMENT FUNDSThese funds provide resources for teacher enrichment, enhancements, facility maintenance, or program support.

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The GMA Heritage PrizeMARKET VALUE ,The GMA Heritage Prize is awarded annually to all qualified juniors attending any of the U.S. Service Academy Leadership Summer Programs prior to senior year. The prize aims to recognize the heritage of Woodward Academy and to honor Woodward students considering education and service at any of the five U.S. Service Academies. The award and plaque are presented at the Junior Banquet. Qualified seniors who complete an ocial Service Academy visit are also eligible to receive money for travel. Anne G. and Bernard Graliker Visiting Speaker FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2002 by Stephen G. Graliker ’38 and named for his parents, this fund exists to encourage leadership develop-ment at Woodward Academy. This fund provides for an annual leadership speaker and a student leadership award. The award recipient will be chosen based on an application, essay, and interview. The student award will go toward funding a summer leadership experience for the recipient.A. Thomas Jackson Professorship FundMARKET VALUE ,A gift of the Loridan’s Foundation in 2000, this fund provides salary enhancements for faculty of the Academy.Ann and Ben Johnson ’61 Center FundMARKET VALUE , Initiated in 1999 in honor of Ann and Ben Johnson ’61, multiple donors have contributed to this fund, which provides support for the maintenance of the Ann and Ben Johnson ’61 Center.Ben F. Johnson ’61 Professorship FundMARKET VALUE ,This professorship, made possible through the Loridan’s Foundation in 1991, provides multiple-year faculty salary enhancements.The Lewis Sidney Mercado Enrichment Fund MARKET VALUE ,Established in 2018, in memory of Mr. Lewis Sidney Mercado, this fund provides enrichment to the transition program at the Academy.Deepak Raghavan Family Professorship Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2020, this endowment is awarded to a faculty member who demonstrates innovation, creativity, collaboration, and inspiration within their academic discipline. This merito-rious teaching award will supplement the salary of the teacher selected for a period of five years. Principals will nominate qualified candidates and the Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Life will make the final selection. Roy Richards ’76 Faculty Development FundMARKET VALUE ,Initiated in 2001 by Roy Richards Jr. ’76, this fund provides support for faculty development and enhanced use of technology by Academy faculty.The Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment FundMARKET VALUE , The Robert Warren Ross American History Scholar Award is awarded annually through a competitive process to a Wood-ward Academy rising senior. This award is made possible by the Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment Fund, which was established in 2006 by gifts from Doug and Robyn Ross and their sons, Stephen Ross ’03 and Jacob Ross ’08, in memory and honor of Doug’s father, Robert Warren Ross. Mr. Ross possessed a keen passion for studying and teaching American History. The Robert Warren Ross American History Enrichment Fund supports programs to stimulate interest in American History among Woodward Academy students.Vasser-Wooley Professorship FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1987 by a gift from the Vasser-Wooley Foun-dation, this fund provides faculty salary assistance to Academy teachers.Sally Anne Walker ’76 Memorial FundMARKET VALUE ,Created by multiple donors in 2001, this fund honors the memory of Sally Anne Walker ’76. Proceeds benefit the Academy’s swimming program.WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDS

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Tyler H. Brown ’96 Endowment Prize FundMARKET VALUE ,This fund was established in 2006-2007 with lead gifts from the Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Jo Cranford Hodges ’96 and Kevin M. Hodges ’96, and others to honor the memory of Tyler H. Brown ’96, who was killed in the line of duty in Iraq. The prize will be awarded each year to Upper School students who demonstrate strong leadership skills.Kyle Burnat ’01 Scholar Athlete AwardMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2003, this fund provides a prize to a graduating senior athlete who plans to participate in an intercollegiate sport in college, with a strong preference given to football or baseball. This student will have an outstanding academic record and exemplify character, leadership, sportsmanship, and unselfish attitude, both on and o the athletic field.Tyler Dodson Memorial Prize FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 2003 in memory of eighth grade student Tyler Dodson, with gifts from family and friends, the purpose of the endowment is to provide an award to a qualified Middle School student each year. The recipient will exemplify many of the same good citizenship characteristics demonstrated by Tyler during his life: a passion for learning, achievement, friendliness, enthusiasm, compassion for his classmates and others, a desire to please, and a love for life.The Major Jesse Flanigan IV ’94 Memorial Prize FundMARKET VALUE ,This award, established in 2020, honors the memory of Major Jesse “Jay” Flanigan IV, a 1994 Woodward Academy graduate. Jay graduated with high honors, was a member of the National Honor Society and was a member of the Eagle Roll. He was a true renaissance man. This memorial prize will be awarded to an African-American student participating in the Independent Sci-ence Research Program at The Georgia Institute of Technology.Charles G. Hixon III ’67 Computer Science AwardMARKET VALUE ,Endowed by a gift from retired faculty member Julie J. Askew, the Charles G. Hixon III ’67 Award is given annually to a Woodward Academy senior who demonstrates creative solutions to problems while maintaining attention to program details, qualities of high integrity, citizenship, and cooperativeness in his/her work. This award is presented annually at the Senior Banquet in honor of the many positive initiatives instituted by Dr. Hixon and his sta from the early years of computer programs, classes, and networks to the present.The Margaret C. Hodges ’11 Academy Citizenship Award FundMARKET VALUE ,This award, established in 2016 from the gifts of many indi-viduals, honors the memory of Margaret C. Hodges, a 2011 Woodward Academy graduate and a member of the College Park community. This award will honor a member of the graduating class who best represents the qualities of genuine citizenship through their actions both within and without the Woodward community. The recipient will share an outlook on life that reflects Margaret’s inclusive, loving spirit, and will strive to make the world a better place. The honor carries with it a cash award.The Steve Holman Jr. ’98 Media Award FundMARKET VALUE ,This award, established in 2018, honors the memory of Steve Holman Jr., a 1998 Woodward Academy graduate. While a high school student at Woodward, Steve played football and was part of the WATV Morning Show Crew. Steve had a strong interest in journalism and media relations which carried on in his professional career working in politics. This award will be presented annually at the Senior Banquet to honor a member of the graduating class who has made a significant contribution to student journalism at Woodward in student publications or WATV, and is interested in pursuing journalism in college. The Cleo Carmack Hudson Best Writer in Junior English AwardMARKET VALUE ,Created originally in 2008 by a gift from Sam Hodges ’73, and from multiple gifts in Mrs. Hudson’s memory, this prize fund is endowed to perpetuate this award given to a junior student with superior writing skills to honor Mrs. Hudson’s years of working with junior students and her love of writing. The award carries with it a cash prize and is presented at the Junior Honors Banquet in May. Each recipient will have his or her name displayed on a permanent plaque.ENDOWED PRIZE FUNDSThese funds provide resources for awards to outstanding students.WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDS

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The Cleo Carmack Hudson Poetry AwardMARKET VALUE ,Created by gifts given in memory of Mrs. Hudson at the time of her passing and in honor of her passion for the arts, this award is given to the best poet from grades 9-12 and carries with it a cash award. It is awarded each year at the honors banquet for the recipient’s grade level. Each recipient will have his or her name displayed on a permanent plaque.Lottie Wilson Endowment FundMARKET VALUE ,Established in 1982 through the estate of Mrs. Lottie Wilson, longtime mathematics instructor, this fund provides a prize to a rising senior with outstanding mathematics credentials at the direction of the math department.Woodru Academic Prize FundMARKET VALUE ,,Initiated in 1985 by Mr. Robert W. Woodru, Class of 1908, this fund provides merit-based financial awards to the top five students in each of the classes entering their 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade years. The fund also provides need-based financial aid to qualified students.The H. Lane Young II ’69 Senior Class Leadership Award FundMARKET VALUE ,This award honors the memory of H. Lane Young II ’69. While a student at Woodward, Lane served as the senior class president, earned Gold Eagle Honor Roll all four years, and competed in football, wrestling, and basketball. Lane served as captain of the football team his senior year and was a member of the National Honor Society. During his time at Woodward Academy, Lane Young epitomized the qualities of the scholar-athlete-leader for which the school prides itself. This award will be presented annually at the senior banquet to honor the senior class president of the graduating class who has earned at least one varsity athletic letter and received gold eagle honor roll. If the senior class president does not meet these qualifications, the award will remain in the fund for that year. WOODWARD ACADEMY ENDOWMENT FUNDS