Please Note: Education is an ever-changing field, and we are constantly updating our curriculum to reflect these changes. Because of this, the learning goals described in this document may evolve over time. Our Mission and VisionMissionWoodward Academy is Atlanta at its very best. We intentionally bring together students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, creating a richer learning community and exceptional academic opportunities. Our students and graduates are caring and compassionate global citizens who are a microcosm of what the world should be.Woodward North MissionAt Woodward North, our focus is on innovative practices in the classroom with a curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking. Students receive wise guidance at every step, discover their greatest strengths, and build life-shaping qualities of good character.VisionWoodward Academy will be the national model in college-preparatory education.MottoExcellence. Character. Opportunity.Woodward WayRespecting ourselves, each other, our school, and our world is the Woodward Way.Academic ExcellenceThe curriculum we have developed at Woodward Academy values the core subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies, and strives to meet the needs of students in a technologically advanced world. We believe in opportunities for creativity and movement for our students, and we promote curiosity and a love of learning by providing a curriculum that is relevant, engaging, and challenging.Opportunities to discover, collaborate, explore, and experiment are woven throughout our curriculum at every grade level from prekindergarten to 12th grade.Our global connections and STEAM programs allow students to broaden their horizons and explore science and technology through hands-on, real-world applications. These skills are woven into our 10 content areas below.2Reading / Language Arts Writing and GrammarScience Social StudiesMathematics MusicArt SpanishPhysical Education Science, Technology, Engineering
3The primary grades (PK-3) consist of self-contained classrooms at each level. The lead teacher, who is assisted by an instructional aide, is charged with teaching the core curriculum: reading, language arts, math, and social studies. Specialists teach students science (K-6), art, music, Spanish, physical education, and STEAM (PK-6). The upper division (grades 4-6) is departmentalized, and teachers begin at these levels giving grades on the ABCDF scale.HomeworkThe purpose of homework is to reinforce and extend learning beyond the classroom through pre-learning, enrichment, and checking for understanding. Parents are encouraged to provide a proper study atmosphere and a consistent time frame to ensure successful homework completion. Homework is checked daily by the teacher to ascertain that it is both complete and acceptable. Homework information is found in the student’s Classroom Portal account. Day-to-day assignments are listed along with pertinent due dates and other miscellaneous information. Although the time spent on homework by students is a highly subjective issue, a guiding principle is 10 minutes times the grade level. No homework should be given over the weekend or the night before a test in a particular subject matter. Teachers endeavor to make assignments meaningful and reinforcing. If students are spending an inordinate amount of time on homework, parents should contact the teacher directly.TutorialAfter-school tutorial periods provide time for assistance for students who need individual help. A teacher may require a student to attend tutorial for academic remediation and assistance. Any student may volunteer for teacher assistance; however, unless specifically prescribed or permitted by the teacher, tutorials are not to be regarded as supervised study halls. Daily study hall is available through After School Care. If students do not complete homework assignments, they may be expected to stay during the usual tutorial time to complete their assignments. Students who have missed classes due to absence or tardiness may be required to make up the lost time during tutorial. Tutorial periods are conducted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3 to 3:40 p.m. Faculty meetings may preclude tutorial on Mondays.Academic WorkAcademic work for students in grades PK-3 will be forwarded to parents for your perusal every one or two weeks. After going over this work with your child, please keep the papers and return the signed folder to the classroom teacher unless otherwise directed by a specific teacher. Grades 4-6 will send home papers every four to five weeks.Academic TestingThe Otis-Lennon School Ability Test is given each year in grades 2 and 6 in January. ERB standardized achievement tests are given in March to grades second through sixth. Standardized test scores are a permanent part of the student's record and become a useful indicator of the child's academic progress. Some students may benefit from a comprehensive educational assessment which can be provided only by a licensed clinical psychologist. The school's administration, in concert with the classroom teacher, may recommend and, in some cases require, that parents obtain such an assessment for their child so that the student's particular learning style can be identified and more effectively addressed. The school can offer parents a recommended list of clinicians, or parents may choose to seek a referral from their pediatrician.
4Private TutoringQualified tutors are available on the school premises during regular school hours. The Academy sets appropriate fee limitations, and parents will be billed by the tutor. The administration monitors closely each student's progress with the tutor. Private remedial tutorial in certain instances may well be necessary for a period of time for an individual student's academic success at Woodward North.CounselingOur Woodward North counselor, Mr. John Potts, has developed a Counseling and Guidance program that stresses a proactive approach to socialization, self-esteem, problem-solving, study skills etc. In close collaboration with parents and teachers, he also provides counseling support to individual students as specific situations and difficulties arise. Most problems can be resolved in a reasonable amount of time with close cooperation and support among parents and teachers. On occasion, parents will be asked to pursue professional counseling services outside the school.Curriculum ScheduleAcademic HonorsAcademic honors are presented to eligible students in sixth grade. Gold Eagle status is based on a grade point average of 3.8 and no nine weeks grade less than C. Silver Eagle status is based on a grade point average of 3.2 and no nine weeks grade less than C. In keeping with the prestigious quality of these academic honors, averages are computed in an absolute manner disallowing any rounding up.Grade Point SystemA = 4.0B = 3.0C = 2.0D = 1.0F = 0.0To receive the Gold or Silver Eagle Award, the student must have the required cumulative grade point average after averaging grades from all four grading periods. The following subjects will be taken into consideration in computing the grade point average: reading, English, math, science and social studies. Art, music, physical education, and Spanish are not assigned academic grades. Students will receive an appropriate effort grade.
5Academic Probation (Applies to students in grades 4, 5 and 6)Because the grade of C (2.0) is the minimum grade for college recommendation, students earning a quarterly GPA of less than 2.0 are placed on academic probation. A student who is on academic probation for more than one grading period each year is subject to required summer remediation. In addition, re-enrollment for the following year will be carefully evaluated.Progress Reports, Report Cards, and ConferencesProgress reports will be sent to parents of pre-kindergarten through third grade students at the end of each nine weeks. There are four grading periods in the school year. Fall and spring conferences will be conducted with parents by teachers of grades pre-kindergarten through third on scheduled Conference Days. However, conferences will not be restricted to the two scheduled days. Fourth through sixth graders will receive report cards after each nine-week period. Conferences for fourth, fifth and sixth grade students will be held as needs arise. Conferences with the principal or assistant principal should be scheduled through the school administrative assistants.PK - Third Grading Keys:Academic Assessment Scale Work Habits and Interpersonal Skills Assessment Scale1 - Progressing 1 - Progressing2 - Meeting 2 - Often3 - Exceeding 3 - ConsistentlyN/A - Not Assessed N/A - Not Assessed Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade - Academic Evaluation KeyA-Superior AchievementB-Excellent AchievementC-Reasonable Achievement D-Minimal AchievementF-FailureI-IncompleteKey to Effort MarksE-Exceptional - Indicates a commendable serious effort to achieve.S-Satisfactory - Indicates an honest effort to cooperate with the demands of the course and within the limits of the student's ability and interest.N-Needs improvement.U-Unsatisfactory - Indicates a less than minimum effort, suggesting possible indifference and/or an uncooperative attitude toward the course. (All effort grades of U will be explained on a special report to parents.)
PreKindergarten Learning GoalsOverview of PreKindergartenThe prekindergarten program at Woodward North consists of thematic units that include integrated, child-centered activities. The curriculum promotes social and emotional development through the content areas of language and literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.In the seven-day rotation, prekindergarten students have: ● Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies through center activities and recess every day● Spanish, Music, and Art three times● Kinderkinetics or Dance (optional) three ● PK Fit one time● STEAM, Math Lab, and Counseling once Communication SkillsStudents will:● describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.● follow agreed-upon rules for discussions.● verbally summarize a story.6 prekindergarten Learning Goals Excellence, Character, OpportunityCognitive ProcessesThinking Skills and Problem Solving: Children’s ability to problem solve and reason is integral to their academic as well as social success.Students will:● demonstrate awareness of cause and effect.● use prior knowledge to explore new experiences.● demonstrate problem-solving skillsCommunication, Language, and LiteracyReceptive Language:● listen to conversations for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension.● acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books.Expressive Language:● use nonverbal communication for a variety of purposes.● use increasingly complex spoken language.Early Reading:● acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her.● develop early phonological awareness (awareness of units of sound).● demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.● demonstrate awareness of print concepts.Early Writing:● use writing for a variety of purposes.Visual Discrimination:● recognize own name in print (first, last)● identify colors● identify sizes (small, medium, large)● identify similarities and differences● identify shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, star)Personal Information:● know name (first, last)● know address● know telephone number● know name of school● know teachers' names● know birthdayLanguage Arts: ● print name (first, last)● form letters as introduced● speak clearly● understand the concept of opposites● identify rhyming words● identify letters as introduced● know letter sounds as introduced● isolate beginning sounds as introduced● understand sequence
7 prekindergarten Learning GoalsSocial StudiesPre Kindergarten social studies focuses on community. Students learn to develop positive relationships with individuals and the community. Units Include:● Self, Family, School as a Community● Community and Cultural Awareness ● Geography Map Skills● Economics ● Holidays in the United States● Holidays around the WorldSciencePrekindergarten science is a combination of earth and life sciences, in which students will learn about the earth, plant and animal life and how they interact and change over time. Units include:● Seasons and weather ● Farm ● Space Earth Soil and Rocks● Five senses● Rainforest● Dehydration● Sea life● Dinosaurs and paleontologists● Transportation ● Recycling● Color mixingMathematicsPre Kindergarten math focuses on concrete, real-life examples, repeated exposure to math concepts and skills, frequent practice of computation skills, and problem solving strategies as an introduction to key mathematical concepts. Students will:● Count to 20 and beyond● Recognize numerals 0 - 10● Recognize numerals 11 - 20● Write numerals 0 - 10● Write numerals 11 - 20● Complete patterns● Participate in critical thinking activities (graphing, measuring, estimation, comparison)● Know the days of the week● Classify objects (by color, shape, size)MusicMusic at the prekindergarten level focuses on a general knowledge of basic musical skills and concepts. Students gain an appreciation of a variety of cultures and musical styles.Goals include:● Listening and singing together● Motor skills and playing instruments● Creative movement● Concert/Program preparation● Basic music concepts: steady beat, melody, directionArtPrekindergarten art focuses on the basic elements of art such as line, texture, and color, and developing an appreciation of art. Students learn the proper use and care of art materials and are exposed to a variety of media, such as watercolor and clay. Units include: ● Color theory● Ceramics● Symmetry, mosaics, and silhouettes● Printmaking● Artist studies● Mixed mediaSpanishPrekindergarten Spanish begins to develop an appreciation for a different language and culture, and seeks to expose the students to simple conversation and vocabulary. Units are taught through song, word play, games, and books, and include:● Greetings ● Calendar (days of the week, months, seasons)● Colors and numbers● Weather● AnimalsExcellence, Character, OpportunityPreKindergarten Learning GoalsApproaches to Play and LearningChildren's approach to play and learning helps their success in school and improves their ability to stay focused, interested, and engaged in activities. Play allows children to acquire new skills and new knowledgeabout their community and their surrounding environment.Students will:● demonstrate initiative and self-direction.● demonstrate interest and curiosity.● sustain attention to a specific activity and demonstrate persistence.● engage in a progression of individualized and imaginative play.● demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play.
8 prekindergarten Learning Goals Excellence, Character, OpportunityPhysical Development & Motor SkillsPhysical activity builds strength, develops healthy bodies, and enhances academic performance. It helps develop gross motor skills, which involve whole-body movement, and fine motor skills, which involve the coordination of small muscle movements.Students will: ● practice healthy and safe habits.● demonstrate an awareness of his/her body in space.● use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information.● Demonstrate use of both gross and fine motor skills.Gross Motor SkillsMovement for prekindergarten students consist of Kinder-Kinetics, Pre-K Fit, or dance. The age-appropriate focus is on skill development, self‐discipline, and cooperation. Units include:● Spatial awareness, locomotor/non-locomotor ● Toss, throw, catch ● Striking, net games ● Cooperative games● Dance, rhythm ● Kicking ● Balance, gymnastics ● Cooperative games, team buildingFine Motor SkillsStudents will:● show partiality to left or right● work a puzzle of 10 or more pieces● control scissors● control crayons● hold pencil correctlyHealth and WellnessThe counseling curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets and behaviors.The school counselor will encourage the following mindsets for all students:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long-term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.PreKindergarten Learning GoalsWoRk Habits/Social-Emotional DevelopmentStudents will:● interact well with others● participate in group activities● demonstrate self-control● take care of one’s own needs● listen attentively● follow simple directions● use materials carefully● respond well to teacher redirectionResponsive ClassRoomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core Belief:In order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies—cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self- control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences
PreKindergarten Learning GoalsSTEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsThe goal at the prekindergarten level is to expose students to tools and concepts relating to computer science. This involves discovery-based play using robots (Code-A-Pillar) and apps. In prekindergarten, students will be exposed to programming concepts such as loops and events. They will collaborate with others meaningfully, investigate different problem-solving techniques, persist in the face of difficult tasks, and learn about internet safety. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, and language arts. Students will learn to use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a prekindergarten-appropriate level, students will empathize, define, research, ideate, prototype, test, and redesign. DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety9 prekindergarten Learning GoalsLibrary SkillsPrekindergarten students visit the library once each 7 day rotation. In addition to being exposed to a variety of literature, students learn:● the different parts of the library.● appropriate library conduct.● respect for and proper care of library materials.● the basic organizational structure of books.● the difference between fiction and nonfiction resources.● the skills necessary to locate, select, and use books for recreational and personal needs.● a variety of genres. Excellence, Character, Opportunity
Kindergarten Learning GoalsOverview of KindergartenThe kindergarten program at Woodward North includes integrated, child-centered activities. The curriculum promotes social and emotional development through the content areas of language and literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.In the seven-day rotation, kindergarten students have:● Language Arts, Math, P.E., and recess every day● Spanish, Science, Music, Art, and Dance three times ● Social Studies two times● STEAM, Math lab, and Counseling once Language and GrammarExpress Thoughts Clearly● Demonstrate at a grade-appropriate level an understanding of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. ● Demonstrate at a grade-appropriate level an understanding of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage with writing or speaking.Oral Reading● Listen and speak effectively in the classroom (one-on-one, small and large groups).● Demonstrate grade-appropriate speaking and listening skills.WritingHandwriting: ● Demonstrate a command of printing all uppercase and lowercase letters.● Know and understand that each letter has a unique name and shape.Expresses Thoughts Clearly● Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process.● Demonstrate the ability to write narrative, informational, and opinion at the kindergarten level.10 Kindergarten Learning GoalsCommunication SkillsStudents will:● use basic building blocks of communication. ● verbally share experiences.● learn about emotions.● translate nonverbal messages viewed in pictures.● practice good listening skills.Reading and Word Study Comprehension Skills/Strategies● Know and understand that English print is organized in specific ways.● Read developmentally appropriate books with sufficient accuracy and understand them.● Be able to answer questions about characters, settings, and major events in stories with detail.Phonics● Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding wordsVocabulary Recognition● Maintain grade-level appropriate word awareness and understanding.Fine Motor SkillsFine motor skills refer to the coordination of small muscles, specifically fingers and hands, and their synchronization with the eyes. In kindergarten, the following skills are assessed at an age appropriate level.● Cutting● Gluing● ColoringExcellence, Character, Opportunity
Kindergarten Learning GoalsMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Students will Understand Concepts and Apply Skills and Strategies in the following strands:ScienceIn kindergarten science, students will ask questions, use their senses to make observations, and conduct hands-on activities and experiments. Units include:Seasonal: Weather, plants, and animals Habitats: Beach, forest, tundra, desertHealthy Habits: Skin, bones, dental health, digestion Food Groups: Grains, dairy, meat, fruits and vegetablesSolar System: Sun and moon11 Kindergarten Learning GoalsSocial StudiesStudents in kindergarten social studies begin to understand American events, holidays, people, and symbols, as well as how to become good citizens. Units include:Holidays: Identify the purpose of fall, winter, spring, and summer holidays and describe the people or events celebrated.American Symbols: Identify important American symbols and explain their meaning.Rules and Why We Have Them: Demonstrate an understanding of good citizenship.Maps and Globes: Understand that a map is a drawing of a place and a globe is a model of the Earth.Work Habits & Interpersonal skillsStudents will:● cooperate with teachers and peers● demonstrate responsibility for self and work● self-advocate● demonstrate empathy for others● self-regulate● demonstrate perseveranceExcellence, Character, Opportunity
Kindergarten Learning GoalsMusicUnits in Kindergarten Music● Movement and playing instruments● Play with a steady beat ● Winter and spring program preparation ● Singing and listening● Simple rhythm & pitchArtUnits in Kindergarten ArtKindergarten art focuses on the basic elements of art such as line, texture, and color, and developing an appreciation of art. Students learn the proper use and care of art materials and are exposed to a variety of media, such as watercolor and clay. Units include: ● Color theory● Ceramics● Lines and patterns● Artists from around the world● Mixed mediaHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.DanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled P.E. class.Skills Taught in Kindergarten Dance● Large motor skills● Pre-ballet skills● StretchingPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in Grade Kindergarten P.E.● Spatial awareness, locomotor/non-locomotor ● Toss, throw, catch ● Striking, net games ● Dance, rhythm - including jump rope skills● Kicking ● Balance, gymnastics ● Cooperative games, team buildingSpanishUnits in Kindergarten Spanish● Greetings and introductions● Animals● Shapes● Numbers● Colors● Home, family and friends● Parts of a body, clothing● Venezuela - Culture and traditions12 Kindergarten Learning Goals Excellence, Character, OpportunityResponsive ClassroomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences
Kindergarten Learning GoalsSTEAM STATIONIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsStudents will utilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In kindergarten, students will create algorithms using loops and events. They will collaborate with others meaningfully, investigate different problem-solving techniques, persist in the face of difficult tasks, and learn about internet safety. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers will also collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a kindergarten-appropriate level, students will:● Empathize: Understand that other people feel things differently.● Define: Pick one insight and create problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: To develop multiple and varied ideas without judgment.● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that someone else can understand.● Test: Try a prototype to see how it works.Computer Literacy ● Develop motor skills.● Introduce keyboard and mouse functions.● Teach left and right hands separately.● Reinforce handwriting skills with typing practice and games.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenshipcurriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safetyInformation LiteracyAt a kindergarten level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information. Kindergarten students visit the library once each 7 day rotation. In addition to being exposed to a variety of literature, students learn:● circulation policies and procedures.● responsibility for borrowed materials by returning them on time and in good condition.● the need for information.● how to locate, select, and retrieve a variety of print materials for reading pleasure.● the basic organizational structure of books.● how to locate and use print resources.● how to select and use e-books.● how to use productivity tools to create multimedia projects based on research.13 Kindergarten Learning Goals Excellence, Character, Opportunity
1st Grade Learning GoalsOverview of 1st GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In the seven-day rotation, first grade students have:● Language Arts, P.E., and recess every day● Math and Science six times● Spanish, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times ● Social Studies two times● STEAM, Math lab, and Counseling once weeklyLanguage and GrammarUse Capitalization and Punctuation: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization and punctuation when writing or speaking.Begin to include Writing Elements: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Spell List Words Correctly: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English spelling when writing.Spell Appropriately in Writing: Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.WritingWrite Legibly and Forms Letters Correctly: Demonstrate a command of printing all upper- and lowercase letters.Express Ideas Logically● Demonstrate an understanding of the writing process.● Demonstrate the ability to write in the narrative, informational, and persuasive forms at the first grade level.● Demonstrate an age-appropriate ability to write an opinion text with a topic, argument, and supporting evidence.● Demonstrate an ability to read and write poetry of first grade text complexity.14 Grade 1 Learning GoalsCommunication SkillsStudents will:● Increase their awareness of language choices.● Share greater depth in their own stories.● Read aloud to classmates.● Demonstrate more vocal quality (tone, pitch, rate, and volume).Reading and Word Study Use Decoding Strategies● Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.● Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words.Recognize High Frequency Words● Recognize and learn grade-level appropriate high frequency words to increase reading comprehension.Read on Grade Level● Demonstrate grade appropriate speaking and listening skills. ● Demonstrate grade level reading and comprehension of both fiction and nonfiction texts.● Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).Comprehend Text ● Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.● Read grade level text with purpose and understanding; read and comprehend literature such as poetry, fables, and folktales independently and proficiently.● Demonstrate an understanding of the author's purpose.● Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.Excellence, Character, Opportunity
1st Grade Learning GoalsMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Students will Understand Concepts, Perform Computation, and Solve Problems in the following strands:ScienceStudents will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments, and keep a learning journal of their findings. Units include: Magnets: Describe the special properties of magnets such as attract, repel, push, and pull.Soil and Rocks: Identify rocks, layers of soil, types of erosion, and animals that make their home in each layer of soil.Properties of Matter (sorting): Use physical characteristics to describe matter; group objects based on characteristics. Senses: Name the five senses and their corresponding body part and how the five senses work together.Mammals: Understand the physical characteristics, survival needs, adaptations of mammals, and mammals as herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.Plants: Understand the life cycle and functional parts of plants.15 Grade 1 Learning GoalsSocial studiesStudents continue their introduction to United States history, geography, government, and historical figures. Units include: Communities: Demonstrates an understanding of the classroom community rules and routines.Map Skills: Demonstrates an understanding of beginning map skills.Current Events: Demonstrates an understanding of and can discuss current events.Geography: Demonstrates age appropriate use of maps and globes.Historical Figures: Demonstrate an understanding of the important contributions of historical figures. Government: Demonstrate an understanding of national leaders.Economics: Demonstrate an age-appropriate understanding of goods and services, producers and consumers, and saving and spending.Read Across America: Demonstrates a general understanding of the states of this region, their capitals, the people, and the way they live.Work Habits & Interpersonal SkillsStudents will:● cooperate with teachers and peers● demonstrate responsibility for self and work● self-advocate● demonstrate empathy for others● self-regulate● demonstrate perseveranceExcellence, Character, OpportunityTOPIC: Introducing and counting money: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
1st Grade Learning GoalsMusicUnits in Grade 1 Music● Singing, alone and with others● Performing on instruments, alone and with others● Reading and notating music● Program preparation● Steady beat and rhythm● Creative movement, expression, musical formArtUnits in Grade 1 Art● Elements of art ● Principles of design● artists around the world● how art impacts society● color theory● Ceramics, patterns, collages, printmaking, self-portraitsHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional, and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.DanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled P.E. class.Skills Taught in Grade 1 Dance● Proper use of the ballet barre● Body alignment● Beginning ballet vocabulary● Proper stretching techniques● Choreography16 Grade 1 Learning GoalsPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects. Units in Grade 1 P.E.● Spatial awareness/loco/non-locomotor ● Toss, throw, catch ● Striking, net games ● Dance, rhythm - including jump rope skills● Kicking ● Balance, gymnastics ● Cooperative games and team buildingSpanishUnits in Grade 1 Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from kindergarten● Family● Feelings● School and classroom● Weather● Holiday customs and traditions● Daily activities● Spain - Culture and traditionsExcellence, Character, OpportunityResponsive ClassroomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core Belief:In order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences
1st Grade Learning GoalsSTEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The Eaglesphere curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsBuilding on the skills learned in kindergarten, students will participate in more complex unplugged activities and a greater variety of puzzles. The will utilize computational thinking while logically ordering and analyzing data and creating solutions using algorithms. In first grade, students will cover the basics of programming, collaboration techniques, investigation and critical thinking skills, persistence in the face of difficulty, and internet safety. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a first-grade-appropriate level, students will● Empathize: Understand that other people feel things differently.● Define: Pick one insight and create problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: To develop multiple and varied ideas without judgment.● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that someone else can understand.● Test: Try a prototype to see how it works.Computer Literacy At a first grade level, students will● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenshipcurriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safetyInformation LiteracyAt a first grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information. First grade students visit the library once each 7 day rotation. In addition to being exposed to a variety of literature, students will:● observe library rules.● demonstrate responsibility for borrowed materials by returning them on time and in good condition.● know that awards are given to books of particular merit.● identify favorite authors, titles, and characters.● effectively use search strategies to locate information.● demonstrate competency in using the online catalog.● understand how to use a call number to locate books in the library.● access library databases and e-books from remote sites.● formulate research questions based on information needs.17 Grade 1 Learning GoalsExcellence, Character, Opportunity
2nd Grade Learning GoalsReading and Word StudyUse Decoding Strategies: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it.Read Fluently on Grade Level: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding; read and comprehend literature such as poetry, fables, and folktales independently and proficiently. Strategies Include:● Identify main ideas● Recall details● Locate information to answer questions● Sequence events Read nonfiction and informational text and understand text structures such as central idea and key details; demonstrate ability to make a variety of connections with the text.Phonics and Word Study: Build and reinforce spelling rules to help reading and writing; determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.Language and Grammar Identify Parts of Speech: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Punctuate Correctly: Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English punctuation.Capitalize Correctly: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization.Spell List Words: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English spelling when writing.Spell Appropriately in Writing: Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.WritingWrite Legibly: demonstrates appropriate letter formation, size, and spacing.Express Ideas Clearly● Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences● Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content● Write a letter using standard format● Read and write poetry independently and proficiently.● Cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from text. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.Overview of 2nd GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In the seven-day rotation, second grade students have:● Language Arts, P.E., and recess every day● Math and science six times● Spanish, Social Studies, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times ● STEAM, Math Lab, and Counseling once weeklyCommunication SkillsStudents will:● Identify the relationships between language choices and roles.● Maintain conversations with children and adults.● Respond to others’ emotions.● Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.18 Grade 2 Learning Goals Excellence, Character, Opportunity
Science Students will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments, and keep a learning journal of their findings. Units include: Weather: identify different types of weather; synthesize how it impacts our community; identify states of matter; explain the water cycle.Light and Color: describe different types of light; explain why light is important to everyday life.Simple Machines: recognize and build levers, inclined planes, wedges, wheel and axles, screws and pulleys; identify ways they are used in society.Respiratory System: identify and describe the major organs; discuss health issues associated with the respiratory system.Birds: describe physical characteristics; observe adaptations based on variety of environments; identify basic elements necessary for survival, observe and identify life cycle; identify and explain the predator/prey relationship in a food chain.Insects: observe and investigate physical and behavioral characteristics, identify adaptations, identify and describe basic needs, observe and identify life cycles.Social Studies In second grade, the social studies curriculum focus narrows to the history, historical figures, and geography of the state of Georgia. civil rights, African American history, and economics also are introduced.Map Skills: Analyze and interpret data from maps.Georgia History and Geography:● Identify the contributions made by historical figures, who are native to the state of Georgia.● Understand the different regions and physical features of each region in Georgia.Civil Rights and Black History: Understand the importance of contributions of African Americans and civil rights leaders.Economics: Learn economic concepts of supply and demand.Cultures and American HolidaysMATHEMATICSWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Students will Understand Concepts, Perform Computation, and Solve Problems in the following strands:2nd Grade Learning GoalsWork Habits & Interpersonal SkillsStudents will:● cooperate with teachers and peers● demonstrate responsibility for self and work● self-advocate● demonstrate empathy for others● self-regulate● demonstrate perseverance● s 19 Grade 2 Learning Goals Excellence, Character, Opportunity
Music Units in Grade 2 Music● Pitched and unpitched instruments● Musical Notation● Program preparation skills● Vocal Exploration● Cultural Diversity through music historyPhysical educationThe P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in Grade 2 P.E.● Chase, flee, and dodge● Toss, throw, and catch● Striking, net games● Dance, rhythm - including jump rope skills● Kicking● Balance and gymnastics● Cooperative games and team building ArtUnits in Grade 2 Art● Art history ● Elements of art ● Principles of design● Creative use of media● Presenting and sharing art2nd Grade Learning GoalsHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Dance Children can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled P.E. class.Units in Grade 2 Dance● Body alignment● Technical movement skills for ballet● Short choreographic studies● New barre exercisesSpanishUnits in Grade 2 Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from first grade● All About Self● Birthday● Expressing likes / dislikes● Healthy and Unhealthy foods and drinks● Family and pets● Self - introduction: greeting, age20 Grade 2 Learning GoalsResponsive ClassRoomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequencesExcellence, Character, Opportunity
STEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing, and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity. These skills contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsIn second grade, students will create programs with loops, events, and conditionals. They will translate their initials into binary, investigate different problem-solving techniques, and discuss how to respond to cyberbullying.The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a second-grade level, students will:● Empathize: Discover non-obvious insights.● Define: Understand multiple insights and needs and synthesize into a single problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: Develop multiple and varied ideas based on the problem statement.● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others.● Test and Redesign: Try and show a prototype and effectively solicit feedback.Computer Literacy & KeyboardingAt a second grade level, students will● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety21 Grade 2 Learning GoalsInformation LiteracyAt a second-grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information. Second grade students visit the library once each 7 day rotation. In addition to being exposed to a variety of literature, students will:● exhibit proper library behavior.● follow correct procedures in checking out, renewing, and returning books.● listen to, view, discuss, and enjoy a variety of literature read aloud or presented in order to develop enthusiasm for reading for pleasure and for information.● locate, select, and retrieve a variety of materials for reading pleasure.● recognize the call numbers of fiction, biography, and non-fiction books.● know that fiction books are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author.● identify the elements of a variety of genre.● demonstrate competency in selecting, using, and evaluating subscription databases.2nd Grade Learning GoalsExcellence, Character, Opportunity
3rd Grade Learning GoalsOverview of 3Rd GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In the seven-day rotation, third grade students have ● Language Arts, P.E., and recess every day● Math and science six times● Social Studies four times ● Spanish, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times● STEAM, Math Lab, and Counseling once weeklyLanguage and GrammarStudents will Acquire Skills and Apply Skills Independently in all areas of English/Language Arts.Identify Parts of Speech: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.Punctuate Correctly: Demonstrate grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English punctuation.Capitalize Correctly: Demonstrate grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization.Spell List Words: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English spelling when writing.Spell Appropriately in Writing: Use appropriate spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.WritingWrite Legibly: demonstrate correct pencil grip and form cursive letters properly.Express Ideas Clearly● Use graphic organizers to plan a paragraph.● Write and organize a paragraph.● Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.● Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.● Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.● Cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from text. ● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.22 Grade 3 Learning GoalsCommunication SkillsStudents will:● develop an understanding of the role communication plays in various cultural settings.● identify positive and negative characteristics about speeches.● practice leading small groups.● participate in group discussions.Reading and Word Study Read with Fluency on Grade Level● Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.Comprehend Text● ask questions while reading.● understand and summarize the passage.● describe characters and character traits.● answer questions related to what was read.● demonstrates auditory listening skills● identify theme/moral.● retell a story from another point of view.● identify author's purpose.● make predictions.● find evidence/support within the text.● learn to make inferences from the text.● compare themes, characters, plots, and setting of stories.● use a Venn Diagram to help identify the contrasting parts.Develop Vocabulary ● Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.Excellence, Character, Opportunity
3rd Grade Learning GoalsMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Students will Understand Concepts and Perform Computation in the following areas:Social StudiesThird grade social studies focuses on communities and cultures and United States government.Map Skills: Analyze and interpret data from mapsU.S. Government: ● Explain the importance of the basic principles of government and citizenship.● Recognize separation of power between branches of government and levels of government.● Describe responsibilities of each level and branch of government.Our Environment: study land, water, and the earth’s resources and how the resources are changing.Economics: study of goods and services and analysis of costs and benefits.23 Grade 3 Learning GoalsScienceStudents will participate in inquiry-based lessons, complete investigations and experiments, and keep a learning journal of their findings. Units include: Motion and Force: explain gravity; predict and measure force; explain the effect of friction on motion; explain the effect of lubricants on motion; identify constants and variable in an experiment.Moon and Planets: discuss historical and future applications of space exploration; explain characteristics of the moon, identify phases of the moon, explain the formation of the solar system, planets, stars and constellations.Chemical and Physical Changes: identify properties of matter; differentiate mass and weight; identify physical and chemical changes.Circulatory System: identify major components; name parts of blood and explain their function, list risk factors of cardiovascular disease.Vertebrates: investigate and understand basic characteristics, adaptations, and needs of fish, reptiles, and amphibians.Invertebrates: investigate and understand how invertebrates are identified; introduction to the science of taxonomy.Work Habits & Interpersonal SkillsStudents will:● cooperate with teachers and peers● demonstrate responsibility for self and work● self-advocate● demonstrate empathy for others● self-regulate● demonstrate perseveranceExcellence, Character, Opportunity
3rd Grade Learning GoalsMusicUnits in 3rd Grade Music● Harmony● Reading and notating music ● Steady beat● Reading and following octavo● Concert preparation skills ArtUnits in 3rd Grade Art● Art history● Elements of art● Principles of design● Creative use of mediaHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.DanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled P.E. class.Units in 3rd Grade Dance● Technical movement skills for ballet● Short choreographic studies● Introduction of jazz dance24 Grade 3 Learning GoalsPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in 3rd Grade P.E.● Fitness assessment● Chasing, fleeing, dodging● Tossing, throwing, catching● Striking, net games● Cooperative games● Dance and rhythm● Kicking● Balance and gymnastics● Team buildingSpanishUnits in 3rd Grade Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from second grade● Activities and hobbies● School schedule, subjects, supplies and times● Body parts and what hurtsExcellence, Character, OpportunityResponsive ClassRoomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences
3rd Grade Learning GoalsSTEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing — and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, the skills that contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsIn third grade, students develop their understanding of algorithms, nested loops, while loops, conditionals, and events. Beyond coding, students learn about digital citizenship. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a third-grade level, students will:● Empathize: Discover non-obvious insights.● Define: Understand multiple insights and needs and synthesize into a single problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: Develop multiple and varied ideas based on the problem statement.● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others.● Test and Redesign: Try and show a prototype and effectively solicit feedback.Computer LiteracyAt a third grade level, students will ● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.● build typing muscle memory.● learn the entire keyboard.● practice of common letters, words, and sentences.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety25 Grade 3 Learning GoalsInformation LiteracyAt a third-grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information. Third grade students visit the library once each week. In addition to being exposed to a variety of literature, students will:● demonstrate competency in selecting, using, and evaluating Internet sites.● differentiate between subscription database searches and general Internet searches.● use a basic problem-solving research process.● cite sources by using an approved bibliographiccitation style.● use an approved note-taking process. ● synthesize information without plagiarizing.● understand the importance of various arrangements of reference books.● differentiate between general and subject encyclopedias. Evaluate sources to determine if they are authoritative, reliable, accurate, and relevant.● understand basic search terminology: Database, Keyword, Abstract, URL, Search Engine.● identify the characteristics of various literary genres. Excellence, Character, Opportunity
4th Grade Learning GoalsOverview of 4th GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths, and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In the seven-day rotation, fourth grade students have:● English and P.E., and recess every day● Reading, Math, and Science six times, ● Social Studies five times● Spanish, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times● STEAM, Counseling, and Math Lab once EnglishWritingFourth grade students continue to progress through the stages of writing as a process and will learn to write a variety of genres, including the friendly letter, poetry, persuasive, expository, descriptive, creative, and responsive writing.ResearchFourth grade students conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. MLA format is utilized.Grammar, Mechanics, UsageFourth grade students are expected to demonstrate grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.● Students will incorporate their knowledge of grammar, usage, and mechanics to become strong and powerful writers.● Students will gain an understanding of the parts of the sentence, phrases, and clauses.● Students will understand how to use modifiers, pronouns, and verbs correctly.● Students will understand that the proper use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling empowers them to become effective writers.26 Grade 4 Learning GoalsCommunication Skills● Students will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.● Students will present information, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; they will speak clearly at an understandable pace.Reading Students in fourth grade will read a variety of increasingly complex literary and informational texts from diverse cultures and time periods. Students are expected to read grade appropriate texts with sufficiency and accuracy to support comprehension.Literary Devices:Students use fictional novels and stories to review reading strategies and literary elements to improve comprehension skills.Novel Studies:●Front Desk●Brave Like That●The Wild RobotInformational Text: Students will read nonfiction texts in order to identify fact and opinion, become informed about current events, locate geographical areas referenced in texts, and identify main idea and details.Vocabulary/Spelling:● Students use Words Their Way to increase their exposure to new words and word families. These word families are differentiated for each student to meet their individual needs.● Students learn new vocabulary words through exposure and practice in context of the fiction and nonfiction readings.Excellence, Character, Opportunity
ScienceFourth through sixth grade science covers concepts in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences; these concepts spiral throughout and are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to another. Each course is comprised of direct instruction, investigations, experiments, questions, and assessments, and is designed to promote student understanding of content and to promote the development of process and inquiry skills.Units in Grade 4 Science:● Introduction to metrics and the scientific Method● Animals and the environment● Owls and owl pellets● Biomes● Rocks and minerals● Structure of the earth & volcanoes● Electricity and magnetism● Sound waves and Light WavesSocial StudiesFourth grade Social Studies focuses on the United States and covers the following concepts:Map Skills and Time Zones:Students will study the following elements of map skills:● Parts of a map● Types of maps● Time zonesGovernment:Students will study elements of the U.S. government:● Citizenship● Branches of government● Levels of government● Important documentsRegions of the United States:Students will study four elements of geography across the five regions of the United States:● Environment● Economy● CultureResearchStudents will use research skills to gather print and online resources to complete a research project. 27 Grade 4 Learning GoalsMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Concepts are focused around four strands:Excellence, Character, Opportunity4th Grade Learning Goals
MusicUnits in 4th Grade Music● Sing: Build rep of folk songs ta, titi,rest● Reading/notating rhythms: ta, ti-ti, q-rest● Sing: folk songs w/half notes/whole● Reading/notating mi, re, do folk songs● Concert preparation skillsArtUnits in 4th Grade Art● Art history ● Elements of art ● Principles of design ● Creative use of mediaDanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled P.E. class.Units in 4th Grade Dance● Ballet vocabulary ● Jazz dance vocabulary● Short choreographic studies in jazz and ballet● Jazz technique ● Ballet technique and combinations28 Grade 4 Learning GoalsPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in 4th Grade P.E.● Fitness ● Chasing, fleeing, dodging● Toss, throw, catch● Striking, net games● Cooperative games● Dance, rhythm● Kicking● Balance, gymnastics● Team building, field daySpanishUnits in 4th Grade Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from third grade● Describing others and self: physical and personality● Clothing - what to wear in different seasons● Routines and chores● SportsExcellence, Character, Opportunity4th Grade Learning GoalsHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Responsive ClassroomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences
STEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing — and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, the skills that contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsIn fourth grade, students will practice coding with algorithms, loops, conditionals, and events before they are introduced to functions. Students will predict, test, and debug. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a fourth-grade-appropriate level, students will ● Empathize: Discover deeper insights.● Define: Develop multiple insights and synthesize into a single problem statement with guidance.● Ideate: Develop a strong “How Might We” statements and brainstorm ideas based on the problem statement. ● Prototype: Create a prototype of an idea that can be evaluated by others. ● Test and Redesign: Using feedback redesign prototype with a variety of users and scenarios in mind.Computer LiteracyAt a fourth grade level, students will ● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiraled approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety29 Grade 4 Learning GoalsInformation LiteracyAt a fourth grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information.In addition to skills learned previously, fourth grade students will: ● use an approved note-takingprocess.● practice responsible use of technology by following the school’s Responsible Use Policy.● use all information responsibly and ethically.Excellence, Character, Opportunity4th Grade Learning Goals
5th Grade Learning GoalsOverview of 5th GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In a seven-day rotation, fifth Grade students have:● English, P.E., and recess every day● Reading, math, and science six times● Social Studies five times● Spanish, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times● STEAM, Counseling, and Math Lab once EnglishWritingFifth grade students use the writing process to generate various kinds of pieces including informational, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative. Student writing has a well-defined purpose and audience. Students write topic sentences and use the traits of good writing to develop the body of their pieces with solid details and examples. All pieces have conclusions which bring closure to their ideas. In addition to formal writing, students have opportunities for creative writing.ResearchFifth grade students conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. MLA format is utilized.Grammar, Usage, MechanicsFifth grade students are expected to demonstrate grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.● Students will incorporate their knowledge of grammar, usage, and mechanics to become strong and powerful writers.● Students will identify the parts of the sentence such as subjects, verbs, and complements.● Students will identify phrases and clauses.● Students will gain an understanding of agreement of subjects and verbs as well as pronouns and antecedents.● Students will understand that the proper use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling empowers them to become effective writers.30 Grade 5 Learning GoalsCommunication Skills● Students will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.● Students will present information, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; they will speak clearly at an understandable pace.Excellence, Character, OpportunityReadingStudents in fifth grade will read a variety of increasingly complex literary and informational texts from diverse cultures and time periods. Students are expected to read grade-appropriate texts with sufficiency and accuracy to support comprehension.Literary DevicesStudents use fictional novels , stories , and poetry to review reading strategies and literary elements to improve comprehension skills.Novel Studies● Summer Reading: Gregor the Overlander●Tuck Everlasting●The Watsons Go to Birmingham●Esperanza Rising●WonderInformational TextStudents will read nonfiction texts in order to identify fact and opinion and text structures become informed about current events, locate geographical areas referenced in texts, and identify main idea and details.Vocabulary/Spelling:● Students use Words Their Way (or Classical Roots for students in the Transition Program) to increase their exposure to new words and word families. These word families are differentiated for each student to meet their individual needs.● Students learn new vocabulary words through exposure and practice in context of the fiction and nonfiction readings.
5th Grade Learning GoalsScienceFourth through sixth grade science covers concepts in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences; these concepts spiral throughout and are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to another. Each course is comprised of direct instruction, investigations, collaboration, research-based projects, experiments, and individual assessments, and is designed to promote student understanding of content as well as the development of problem solving, process, and inquiry skills.Units in Grade 5 Science:● Scientific method and practices● Metric system and the nature of science● Simple machines● Force & motion● Matter● Cell structure, plants & genetics● EnergySocial StudiesFifth grade Social Studies focuses on United States history and covers the following concepts:Explorers: the exploration by European explorers in America and its effects on society and culture.Thirteen Colonies: the society, culture, and economy of colonies, and the challenges the colonists faced.American Revolution: the fight for independence; major battles and strategies of both sides.Development of American Government: documents, ideas, and people that influence the creation of government.A New Beginning: structure and principles of the Constitution; Washington's presidency.Westward Expansion/Pioneers: causes and technological advancements that help lend to expansion; War of 1812; Gold Rush.Civil War: causes, influences, major battles, and consequences of the American Civil War.31 Grade 5 Learning GoalsMathematicsWhen students connect ideas, they deepen their understanding. The enVisionmath2.0 program is organized into clusters of connected topics and lessons. Students learn to see relationships, ask questions, and try different approaches. Problem-based learning drives students to engage in productive struggle.Concepts are focused around four strands:Excellence, Character, Opportunity5th Grade Learning Goals
5th Grade Learning GoalsMusicUnits in 5th Grade Music● Winter concert repertoire, analysis, and evaluation ● Theory concept review ● Spring concert repertoire, analysis, and evaluationARtUnits in 5th Grade Art● Art history ● Elements of art● Principles of design ● Creative use of mediaDanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled PE class.Units in 5th Grade Dance● Ballet technique● Modern technique● Jazz technique32 Grade 5 Learning GoalsPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in 5th Grade P.E.● Fitness● Chasing, fleeing, dodging ● Toss, throw, catch● Striking, net games ● Cooperative games ● Dance, rhythm● Balance, gymnastics ● Kicking ● Team building, field daySpanishUnits in 5th Grade Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from fourth grade● Reading Comprehension● Talking about self and friends● Introducing family● Going to school; discussing classes● Daily routines and weekend plansExcellence, Character, OpportunityHealth and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being● Self-confidence in ability to succeed● Sense of belonging in the school environment● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes● Positive attitude toward work and learningThe school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Responsive ClassRoomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequences5th Grade Learning Goals
5th Grade Learning GoalsSTEAM StationIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating, and designing — and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, the skills that contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret with multiple perspectives, analyze and interpret complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsIn fifth grade, students will create programs with different kinds of loops, events, functions, and conditionals. They also will investigate different problem-solving techniques and discuss societal impacts of computing and the internet. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a fifth-grade appropriate level, students will: ● Empathize: Discover deeper, human-centered insights.● Define: Develop multiple insights and synthesize into a single problem statement with little guidance.● Ideate: Develop multiple “How Might We” statements and a spectrum of ideas based on the problem statement.● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others and develop multiple iterations.● Test and Redesign: Real world testing with a variety of users and scenarios.Computer Literacy At a fifth grade level, students will ● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenshipcurriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety33 Grade 5 Learning GoalsInformation LiteracyAt a fifth grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, select sources, search for information, hypothesize, critically evaluate and cite the information found, and create and share the information.Students will continue to reinforce skills from fourth grade, such as: ● use an approved note-taking process.● practice responsible use of technology by following the school’s Responsible Use Policy. ● use all information responsibly and ethically.● Identify, locate, and use primary sources.Excellence, Character, Opportunity5th Grade Learning Goals
6th Grade Learning GoalsOverview of 6th GradeAt Woodward North, our teachers pay careful attention to the development of each student, drawing out their strengths and channeling every learning moment into progress. While we challenge, we also offer warm, wise guidance, creating a learning environment that keeps the joy of learning alive.In the seven-day rotation, sixth grade students have:● English, P.E., and recess every day● Reading, math, and science six times● Social Studies five times● Spanish, Music, Art, and Dance (optional) three times● STEAM, Counseling, and Math Lab once 34 Grade 6 Learning GoalsCommunication Skills● Students will engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.● Students will present information, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; they will speak clearly at an understandable pace.Excellence, Character, OpportunityReading Students in sixth grade will read a variety of increasingly complex literary and informational texts from diverse cultures and time periods. Students are expected to read grade-appropriate texts with sufficiency and accuracy to support comprehension.The emphasis will be placed on independent reading, as students will be guided to read a high volume of choice novels within their lexile range. Literary DevicesStudents use fictional novels and stories to review reading strategies and literary elements to improve comprehension skills.Novel Studies● Summer Reading: Fuzzy Mud●A Long Walk to Water●The Seventh Most Important Thing●Marci Suarez Changes GearsInformational TextStudents will read nonfiction articles in order to differentiate between fact and opinion, become informed about current events, and identify the main idea and key supporting details of a text.Language/Vocabulary● Students use Greek and Latin Rootsto increase their exposure to new words and word families that have descended from the Greek and Latin languages. These word families are connected to concepts to help increase recognition and comprehension of new words.● Students learn new vocabulary words through exposure and practice in the context of the assigned fiction and nonfiction readings.EnglishWritingSixth grade students continue to progress through the stages of writing as a process and are expected to write in the genres of imaginative and personal narrative, expository nonfiction, and argumentative, as well as essays, letters, formal emails, poetry, and writing in response to reading..Students are expected to write clear, coherent, and focused essays that contain formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. ResearchSixth grade students conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. MLA format is utilized.Grammar, Mechanics, UsageSixth grade students are expected to demonstrate grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.● Students will incorporate their knowledge of grammar, usage, and mechanics to become strong and powerful writers.● Students will gain an understanding of the parts of the sentence, phrases, and clauses.● Students will understand how to use modifiers, pronouns, and verbs correctly.● Students will understand that the proper use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling empowers them to become effective writers.
6th Grade Learning GoalsScienceFourth through sixth grade science covers concepts in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences; these concepts spiral throughout and are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to another. Each course is comprised of direct instruction, investigations, collaboration, research-based projects, experiments, and individual assessments, and is designed to promote student understanding of content as well as the development of problem solving, process, and inquiry skills.Units in Grade 6 Science:● Scientific method and practices● Water ecology● Roles of water in the earth's processes● Rocks and Minerals / plate tectonics● Earth, Moon & Sun● Solar System● Weather, climate, global climate change● Sex-Ed and Health Science● Environmental Science / Inquiry ProjectSocial StudiesSixth grade Social Studies will be studying Ancient World History; the course covers the following concepts and goals:Origins of Civilization: understand how the exact origin of early humans is unknown and how archaeologists have worked to unearth hominin and early human artifacts to piece together our knowledge of the past. Civilizations and Peoples of the Fertile Crescent: How they left a legacy of inventions, ideas, and religious beliefs that still influence us. Ancient Egypt and Kush: understanding how through trade and conquest, Egyptian civilization spread its influence through parts of Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean world. Early Civilizations of India: learning how the Indus Valley in western India was home to a society that grew, developed, and then disappeared. But other groups followed, founding religions, empires, and a society that still exists today. Early Civilizations of China: learning how Ancient China was geographically isolated from the rest of the world, but they developed a textured culture that in some ways was more advanced than those in different places. Ancient Greece: learning how the Greeks followed in the footsteps of older societies in Mesopotamia and Egypt in some respects, but established a powerful culture that had a lasting impact on the world. The Roman and Byzantine Empires: learning how the Roman empire dominated the world for about five centuries. After the Western Roman empire collapsed, the eastern half -the Byzantine empire - continued for another thousand years.35 Grade 6 Learning GoalsMathematicsIntegers and Algebraic Expressions: use the order of operations, properties of integers, and exponents to evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions.Decimals: Determine appropriate operation to solve a word problem containing decimals.Number Sense: Recognize different forms of numbers and be able to use them in calculations.Fractions: Develop strategies to deepen understanding of fractions.Fractions, Decimals, Percents: Use number sense to understand equivalent forms of fractions, decimals, and percents.Measurements: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of formulas.Rates, Ratios, Proportions: Understand and apply basic concepts of rates, ratios and proportions to solve problems.Graphs: Use appropriate graph for given data; Read and interpret various types of simple graphs, including bar, single and double line, circle, pictorial, and tables.Geometry: Understand basic characteristics and properties of figures, including applications in coordinate geometryPatterns, Functions and Pre Algebra: Apply expressions and equations to solve real-world problems.Pre-AlgebraIntegers and Algebraic Expressions: use the order of operations, properties of integers, and exponents to evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions.Equations and Inequalities: simplify algebraic expressions and write and solve both one- and two-step equations and one and two-step inequalities.Real Numbers: perform operations with and compare, order, and simplify rational numbers.Proportions: understand rates, ratios, and proportions to solve problems.Applications of Percent: find percentages using estimation, proportions, and equations.Exponents and Powers: write, order, and perform functions of numbers in standard and scientific notation.Geometry: identify, find measures, classify, and find area and circumference of various types of figures, congruence and similarities, Pythagorean TheoremCoordinate Plane Graphing: graph in a coordinate plane as well as translate, reflect, and rotate figures.Surface Area and Volume: find the surface area and volume of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres.Analyzing Data (w/graphs): create, recognize, and analyze tables and graphs for various real-world situations.Probability: find the probability of occurrence in situations and events. Algebraic Relationships: understand relationships such as sequences, functions, graphs, and polynomials.Analyze and Solve Linear Equations: understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations. .Excellence, Character, Opportunity
6th Grade Learning GoalsMusicUnits in 6th Grade Music● Introduction to choral singing● Winter concert repertoire, memorization, concert, analysis, and evaluation● Theory concept review● Spring concert repertoire, memorization, concert, analysis, and evaluationArtUnits in 6th Grade Art● Art history● Elements of art ● Principles of design ● Creative use of mediaDanceChildren can opt to take dance during the regularly scheduled PE class.Units in 6th Grade Dance● Ballet technique● Modern technique● Jazz technique36 Grade 6 Learning GoalsPhysical Education The P.E. curriculum focuses on the integration of physical education into students’ everyday life. In addition to skill development, goal setting, self‐discipline, leadership, and cooperation, the teachers use cross-curricular strategies to reinforce content from other subjects.Units in 6th Grade P.E.● Fitness ● Chasing, fleeing, dodging● Toss, throw, catch● Striking, net games● Cooperative games● Dance and rhythm● Kicking● Balance and gymnastics● Team work and team building● Field day practice for eventsSpanishUnits in 6th Grade Spanish● Build on skills and knowledge from fifth grade.● Where is Spanish spoken and how are the countries similar or different?● Talking about friends and introducing family.● Grammar● Creative Writing Health and WellnessThe Health and Wellness curriculum encompasses learning strategies, self-management skills, and social skills based on the following mindsets:● Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being.● Self-confidence in ability to succeed.● Sense of belonging in the school environment.● Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning are necessary for long term career success.● Belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high quality results and outcomes.● Positive attitude toward work and learning.The school counselor encourages behavior standards through classroom lessons, activities, and/or individual/ small-group counseling. The standards include behaviors that are commonly associated with being a successful student and are grouped into three sub-categories: Career Development, Social Emotional Development, and Academic Development.Responsive ClassroomWoodward North uses Responsive Classroom, an evidence-based approach to elementary school teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning. Core BeliefIn order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies— cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.Classroom Practices and StrategiesTo build these competencies, the Responsive Classroomapproach consists of a set of practices and strategies such as:● Morning meeting● Interactive modeling● Energizers● Logical consequencesExcellence, Character, Opportunity
6th Grade Learning GoalsSTEAM STATIONIn an environment that encompasses science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM), students learn by inventing, creating and designing — and understanding the true meaning of design. The STEAM curriculum at Woodward North integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity, the skills that contribute to students’ ability to work collaboratively, think critically, interpret multiple perspectives, analyze complex data, and understand connections. It is comprised of the following content areas:Coding and RoboticsIn sixth grade, students will build on prior knowledge with an emphasis on independence and creation. Sixth grade students will create programs with different kinds of loops, events, functions, and conditionals and investigate different problem-solving techniques and discuss societal impacts of computing and the internet. The focus is on collaboration, problem-solving techniques, and persistence. Engineering and DesignIn addition to meeting with students weekly, our STEAM teachers also will collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate technology and the engineering design process into social studies, science, language arts, and math. Students will use the engineering design process while working collaboratively and thinking critically and creatively. At a sixth-grade appropriate level, students will ● Empathize: Discover deeper, human-centered insights.● Define: Develop multiple insights and synthesize into a single problem statement with little guidance.● Ideate: Develop multiple “How Might We” statements and a spectrum of ideas based on the problem statement. ● Prototype: Create a representation of an idea that can be evaluated by others and develop multiple iterations.● Test and Redesign: Real world testing with a variety of users and scenarios.Computer Literacy At a sixth grade level, students will ● demonstrate an ability to use technology to research, write, and present information.DIgital CitizenshipThe Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. It uses a spiral approach to address cross-curricular needs. The lessons are taught within the counseling, STEAM, and classroom settings, and the unit topics include:● Privacy and security● Digital footprint and reputation● Self-image and identity● Creative credit and copyright● Relationships and communication● Information literacy● Cyberbullying and digital drama● Internet safety37 Grade 6 Learning GoalsInformation LiteracyAt a sixth grade level, students will demonstrate the ability to develop good questions, search for information, select sources, hypothesize, critically evaluate and cite sources, and create and share information found.Students will continue to review and reinforce skills from previous grades, and:● use an approved note-taking process.● practice responsible use of technology by following the school’s Responsible Use Policy. ● use all information responsibly and ethically.● identify, locate, and use primary sources.Excellence, Character, Opportunity