DEVOTIONSis. Patricia PhillipsWorship DirectorCALL TO ORDERDr. Sylvia E. MooreEpiscopal WMS PresidentADOPTION OF THE AGENDAPresident MooreROLL CALL OF OFFICERSADOPTION OF THE MINUTES (EMAILED)Sis. Monica PearceRecording SecretaryWELCOMESis. Brenda Young-PriceGeorgia Conference WMS PresidentGREETINGSPresident MooreSupervisor Cordelia MitchellBishop Michael L. MitchellTREASURER’S REPORTSis. Crystal ShakirPRESIDENT’S REPORTPresident MooreBUSINESS SESSIONWMS ANNUAL DAYS1.PME BOOKS’2.MOM PROJECT REPORT3.REGISTRATION REPORTMISSIONARY BENEDICTIONIn the name of the Triune God, May the Spirit ofChristian Mission enter into every heart, this we ask inJesus name. Amen.www.wms6.orgAfrican Methodist Episcopal ChurchSixth Episcopal DistrictWomen’s Missionary SocietyThursday, February 6, 2025 | 2:00PMSaint Philip Monumental AME Church | Savannah, GADr. Sylvia E. Moore, Episcopal WMS PresidentPresiding Message