FALL 5785When Yisro came to the desert to join B’nai Yisrael, the Torah states, השמ אציו ונתח תארקל. Rashi elucidates this by noting that Moshe originally went out alone to honor his father-in-law, ןויכ הארש אוה ימו והיבאו בדנ ,ןרהא אצי השמ אציש אצי אלו ןיאצוי ולא תא. Rashi explains that, if Moshe deemed it tting to honor Yisro in such a manner, it follows that the entire congregation would also go out to bestow the appropriate respect upon him. The Maharal in his commentary, Gur Aryeh, raises a pertinent question: if indeed all of B’nai Yisrael joined Moshe, why did the Torah specify, אציו השמ, that only Moshe went out rather than לארשי לכו השמ אציו. He posits that this is ץרא ךרד ךדמלל, emphasizing Moshe’s deliberate choice to go alone. This was a strategic decision, since instructing the others to accompany him would diminish the honor given to Yisro, as they would have participated only at Moshe’s behest. Therefore, Moshe opted to go out alone, relying that everyone would inevitably follow. Moshe’s starting out by himself seemingly exposed a lack of B’nai Yisrael’s appreciation of the proper honor owed to Yisro. However, the situation in which B’nai Yisrael found themselves allowed them to come to the realization on their own that they should join Moshe. This experience seemingly inspired them to intuitively understand the true honor that Yisro deserved. While the extraordinary level of הדובע exhibited by the העד רוד in honoring Yisro may be an unrealistic benchmark for a young Talmid, the underlying theme of personal initiative is an attainable goal to strive for. The Yeshiva endeavors, with the requisite Siyata Dishmaya, to cultivate an environment that fosters each Talmid’s sense of ownership in his Torah learning. This newsletter affords us the opportunity to share with you some of the recent positive developments in this realm.Rabbi Yehuda Cheplowitz Rabbi Avrohom Boruch RauchconnectionsYESHIVA GEDOLAHThe Yeshiva Gedolah attracts outstanding Talmidim from across the country. While they are committed to learning three full Sedarim, they, nonetheless, volunteer to learn at the Mesivta Night Seder six times a week with Mesivta Bochurim. This learning partnership is not limited to the ofcial Night Seder. Walk into the Bais Medrash during non-Seder hours and you will witness sets of Chavrusos engaged in Limud HaTorah. Over the years, our experience has shown that the presence of Bais Medrash Talmidim, including their higher level of learning and Hasmadah and their role modeling, is enormously impactful on the Mesivta Bochurim in the present and in the future. The sincere concern, genuine friendship and resultant camaraderie that develop between the Bais Medrash Bochurim and their younger counterparts are indicative of the strong sense of Achdus permeating the Yeshiva. The inuence of an older Bochur can never be overestimated.FOCUS ON MUSSARMussar, Middos and their centrality in the life of a Ben Torah are stressed throughout our Chinuch program. Beyond the regular learning of Mussar with their Rebbeim, the Talmidim look to augment their interest in Mussar in a variety of optional programs. One of the most popular is Chavrusa learning with a Bais Medrash Bochur or upper class Mesivta Talmid. Their participation in these additional learning sessions augurs well for their future development as Baalei Middos Tovos. During Elul, Bochurim attended a weekly Mussar Vaad learning Tomer Devorah. Chinuch HaMussar, the application of Mussar concepts, nds our Talmidim visiting residents at the Jewish Home and Care Center. In addition, members of the Senior class chair sub committees of the Ahavas Chesed Committee, honing their leadership skills in Chesed and communal projects.A MESSAGE FROMThe Roshei Yeshiva3288 N. LAKE DRIVEMILWAUKEE, WI 532113288 N. LAKE DRIVE, MILWAUKEE, WI 532114149639317HIGHSCHOOLWITSYESHIVA.COM SSAAVVEE TTHHEE DDAATTEE!! WITS 8 GRADE SHABBATON THURSDAY, JANUARY 2ND - SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 MESIVTA HIGHLIGHTSTomer Devorah VaadTomer Devorah Vaad
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES While the Yeshiva is proud of our Talmidim’s pursuit of continuing growth in their learning and ’ד תדובע, we remain cognizant of their legitimate needs for physical outlets and recreational activities. Basketball, baseball, seasonal ice skating or tennis, weekly swimming, access to our weight room and off campus trips are examples of the diverse activities available to WITS Talmidim. The Yeshiva’s sponsorship and coordination of these extracurricular activities offer a valuable respite, providing a very necessary balance to their strenuous learning schedule. This also facilitates a freshness and renewed vigor when they return to the Bais Medrash and classroom.NIGHT SEDERIn order to maximize a Talmid’s prociency in his learning, the Mesivta Talmidim are paired with Bais Medrash Bochurim six days a week at night Seder. Together they review that morning’s Iyun Shiur, insuring a proper understanding and true appreciation of the daily Shiur. This provides each Talmid with the opportunity to focus on his personal growth and development in learning. The palpable communal Limud HaTorah in our large Bais Medrash creates a synergy inspiring a Talmid to strive for ever greater heights in his learning.MESIVTA SUMMER ZMANWhile the regular Shiurim, set Sedarim and ofcial Zman are the staple of every Yeshiva, הרותה תבהא and הרותה תובישח transcend conventional scheduling. A number of years ago, a group of Mesivta Bochurim wanted their summer learning to replicate the learning of their Bais Medrash mentors. Thus, the Mesivta Summer Zman was created, a genuine continuation of the regular Zman. The Summer Zman includes the regular Iyun Shiurim in the Masechta that was learned during the year, Bekius Seder in the afternoon and Mussar Vaadim. The program allows for more extracurricular activities than the regular Zman. This year, over half of the Mesivta Talmidim chose to stay at the Yeshiva after the semester concluded. The Summer Zman was not only a boon to their learning, but also afforded them the opportunity to take advantage of the Yeshiva environment during their summer break. We found that a Talmid who chooses to remain in Yeshiva during the summer, returns in Elul with a newfound dedication to his Limud HaTorah.Kumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyKumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisMishnah Berurah ChaburahMishnah Berurah ChaburahYEARNING FOR MOREAn outgrowth of the Mesivta Summer Zman was the launching of a new Bekius Seder during the regular Zman. This was established as a response to the Talmidim’s heightened appreciation of their growth in Limud HaTorah that they experienced during the summer. The regular forty ve minute Night Seder is followed by a voluntary forty minute Bekius Seder, where Talmidim learn additional Perakim in Maseches Gittin, complementing the ofcial afternoon Bekius Shiur. The Bekius Night Seder incorporates Shiur and Chavrusa style learning, creating the most optimal experience for each Talmid. Beyond the aforementioned Summer Zman and Bekius Night Seder, numbers of Mesivta Bochurim take advantage of the residential setting by learning during their free time, throughout the week and on Shabbos. Shabbos offers an array of supplemental learning programs, initiated by the Talmidim themselves. They include Hilchos Shabbos, Chazarah and Beiur Telah.Erev Shabbos Learning ProgramErev Shabbos Learning ProgramExtra night sederExtra night sederOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos ShiurOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos Shiur
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES While the Yeshiva is proud of our Talmidim’s pursuit of continuing growth in their learning and ’ד תדובע, we remain cognizant of their legitimate needs for physical outlets and recreational activities. Basketball, baseball, seasonal ice skating or tennis, weekly swimming, access to our weight room and off campus trips are examples of the diverse activities available to WITS Talmidim. The Yeshiva’s sponsorship and coordination of these extracurricular activities offer a valuable respite, providing a very necessary balance to their strenuous learning schedule. This also facilitates a freshness and renewed vigor when they return to the Bais Medrash and classroom.NIGHT SEDERIn order to maximize a Talmid’s prociency in his learning, the Mesivta Talmidim are paired with Bais Medrash Bochurim six days a week at night Seder. Together they review that morning’s Iyun Shiur, insuring a proper understanding and true appreciation of the daily Shiur. This provides each Talmid with the opportunity to focus on his personal growth and development in learning. The palpable communal Limud HaTorah in our large Bais Medrash creates a synergy inspiring a Talmid to strive for ever greater heights in his learning.MESIVTA SUMMER ZMANWhile the regular Shiurim, set Sedarim and ofcial Zman are the staple of every Yeshiva, הרותה תבהא and הרותה תובישח transcend conventional scheduling. A number of years ago, a group of Mesivta Bochurim wanted their summer learning to replicate the learning of their Bais Medrash mentors. Thus, the Mesivta Summer Zman was created, a genuine continuation of the regular Zman. The Summer Zman includes the regular Iyun Shiurim in the Masechta that was learned during the year, Bekius Seder in the afternoon and Mussar Vaadim. The program allows for more extracurricular activities than the regular Zman. This year, over half of the Mesivta Talmidim chose to stay at the Yeshiva after the semester concluded. The Summer Zman was not only a boon to their learning, but also afforded them the opportunity to take advantage of the Yeshiva environment during their summer break. We found that a Talmid who chooses to remain in Yeshiva during the summer, returns in Elul with a newfound dedication to his Limud HaTorah.Kumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyKumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisMishnah Berurah ChaburahMishnah Berurah ChaburahYEARNING FOR MOREAn outgrowth of the Mesivta Summer Zman was the launching of a new Bekius Seder during the regular Zman. This was established as a response to the Talmidim’s heightened appreciation of their growth in Limud HaTorah that they experienced during the summer. The regular forty ve minute Night Seder is followed by a voluntary forty minute Bekius Seder, where Talmidim learn additional Perakim in Maseches Gittin, complementing the ofcial afternoon Bekius Shiur. The Bekius Night Seder incorporates Shiur and Chavrusa style learning, creating the most optimal experience for each Talmid. Beyond the aforementioned Summer Zman and Bekius Night Seder, numbers of Mesivta Bochurim take advantage of the residential setting by learning during their free time, throughout the week and on Shabbos. Shabbos offers an array of supplemental learning programs, initiated by the Talmidim themselves. They include Hilchos Shabbos, Chazarah and Beiur Telah.Erev Shabbos Learning ProgramErev Shabbos Learning ProgramExtra night sederExtra night sederOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos ShiurOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos Shiur
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES While the Yeshiva is proud of our Talmidim’s pursuit of continuing growth in their learning and ’ד תדובע, we remain cognizant of their legitimate needs for physical outlets and recreational activities. Basketball, baseball, seasonal ice skating or tennis, weekly swimming, access to our weight room and off campus trips are examples of the diverse activities available to WITS Talmidim. The Yeshiva’s sponsorship and coordination of these extracurricular activities offer a valuable respite, providing a very necessary balance to their strenuous learning schedule. This also facilitates a freshness and renewed vigor when they return to the Bais Medrash and classroom.NIGHT SEDERIn order to maximize a Talmid’s prociency in his learning, the Mesivta Talmidim are paired with Bais Medrash Bochurim six days a week at night Seder. Together they review that morning’s Iyun Shiur, insuring a proper understanding and true appreciation of the daily Shiur. This provides each Talmid with the opportunity to focus on his personal growth and development in learning. The palpable communal Limud HaTorah in our large Bais Medrash creates a synergy inspiring a Talmid to strive for ever greater heights in his learning.MESIVTA SUMMER ZMANWhile the regular Shiurim, set Sedarim and ofcial Zman are the staple of every Yeshiva, הרותה תבהא and הרותה תובישח transcend conventional scheduling. A number of years ago, a group of Mesivta Bochurim wanted their summer learning to replicate the learning of their Bais Medrash mentors. Thus, the Mesivta Summer Zman was created, a genuine continuation of the regular Zman. The Summer Zman includes the regular Iyun Shiurim in the Masechta that was learned during the year, Bekius Seder in the afternoon and Mussar Vaadim. The program allows for more extracurricular activities than the regular Zman. This year, over half of the Mesivta Talmidim chose to stay at the Yeshiva after the semester concluded. The Summer Zman was not only a boon to their learning, but also afforded them the opportunity to take advantage of the Yeshiva environment during their summer break. We found that a Talmid who chooses to remain in Yeshiva during the summer, returns in Elul with a newfound dedication to his Limud HaTorah.Kumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyKumzitz hosted by the Ari Shabat familyVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisVaad with Harav Shlomo Yonasan HarrisMishnah Berurah ChaburahMishnah Berurah ChaburahYEARNING FOR MOREAn outgrowth of the Mesivta Summer Zman was the launching of a new Bekius Seder during the regular Zman. This was established as a response to the Talmidim’s heightened appreciation of their growth in Limud HaTorah that they experienced during the summer. The regular forty ve minute Night Seder is followed by a voluntary forty minute Bekius Seder, where Talmidim learn additional Perakim in Maseches Gittin, complementing the ofcial afternoon Bekius Shiur. The Bekius Night Seder incorporates Shiur and Chavrusa style learning, creating the most optimal experience for each Talmid. Beyond the aforementioned Summer Zman and Bekius Night Seder, numbers of Mesivta Bochurim take advantage of the residential setting by learning during their free time, throughout the week and on Shabbos. Shabbos offers an array of supplemental learning programs, initiated by the Talmidim themselves. They include Hilchos Shabbos, Chazarah and Beiur Telah.Erev Shabbos Learning ProgramErev Shabbos Learning ProgramExtra night sederExtra night sederOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos ShiurOut Shabbos Erev Shabbos Shiur
FALL 5785When Yisro came to the desert to join B’nai Yisrael, the Torah states, השמ אציו ונתח תארקל. Rashi elucidates this by noting that Moshe originally went out alone to honor his father-in-law, ןויכ הארש אוה ימו והיבאו בדנ ,ןרהא אצי השמ אציש אצי אלו ןיאצוי ולא תא. Rashi explains that, if Moshe deemed it tting to honor Yisro in such a manner, it follows that the entire congregation would also go out to bestow the appropriate respect upon him. The Maharal in his commentary, Gur Aryeh, raises a pertinent question: if indeed all of B’nai Yisrael joined Moshe, why did the Torah specify, אציו השמ, that only Moshe went out rather than לארשי לכו השמ אציו. He posits that this is ץרא ךרד ךדמלל, emphasizing Moshe’s deliberate choice to go alone. This was a strategic decision, since instructing the others to accompany him would diminish the honor given to Yisro, as they would have participated only at Moshe’s behest. Therefore, Moshe opted to go out alone, relying that everyone would inevitably follow. Moshe’s starting out by himself seemingly exposed a lack of B’nai Yisrael’s appreciation of the proper honor owed to Yisro. However, the situation in which B’nai Yisrael found themselves allowed them to come to the realization on their own that they should join Moshe. This experience seemingly inspired them to intuitively understand the true honor that Yisro deserved. While the extraordinary level of הדובע exhibited by the העד רוד in honoring Yisro may be an unrealistic benchmark for a young Talmid, the underlying theme of personal initiative is an attainable goal to strive for. The Yeshiva endeavors, with the requisite Siyata Dishmaya, to cultivate an environment that fosters each Talmid’s sense of ownership in his Torah learning. This newsletter affords us the opportunity to share with you some of the recent positive developments in this realm.Rabbi Yehuda Cheplowitz Rabbi Avrohom Boruch RauchconnectionsYESHIVA GEDOLAHThe Yeshiva Gedolah attracts outstanding Talmidim from across the country. While they are committed to learning three full Sedarim, they, nonetheless, volunteer to learn at the Mesivta Night Seder six times a week with Mesivta Bochurim. This learning partnership is not limited to the ofcial Night Seder. Walk into the Bais Medrash during non-Seder hours and you will witness sets of Chavrusos engaged in Limud HaTorah. Over the years, our experience has shown that the presence of Bais Medrash Talmidim, including their higher level of learning and Hasmadah and their role modeling, is enormously impactful on the Mesivta Bochurim in the present and in the future. The sincere concern, genuine friendship and resultant camaraderie that develop between the Bais Medrash Bochurim and their younger counterparts are indicative of the strong sense of Achdus permeating the Yeshiva. The inuence of an older Bochur can never be overestimated.FOCUS ON MUSSARMussar, Middos and their centrality in the life of a Ben Torah are stressed throughout our Chinuch program. Beyond the regular learning of Mussar with their Rebbeim, the Talmidim look to augment their interest in Mussar in a variety of optional programs. One of the most popular is Chavrusa learning with a Bais Medrash Bochur or upper class Mesivta Talmid. Their participation in these additional learning sessions augurs well for their future development as Baalei Middos Tovos. During Elul, Bochurim attended a weekly Mussar Vaad learning Tomer Devorah. Chinuch HaMussar, the application of Mussar concepts, nds our Talmidim visiting residents at the Jewish Home and Care Center. In addition, members of the Senior class chair sub committees of the Ahavas Chesed Committee, honing their leadership skills in Chesed and communal projects.A MESSAGE FROMThe Roshei Yeshiva3288 N. LAKE DRIVEMILWAUKEE, WI 532113288 N. LAKE DRIVE, MILWAUKEE, WI 532114149639317HIGHSCHOOLWITSYESHIVA.COM SSAAVVEE TTHHEE DDAATTEE!! WITS 8 GRADE SHABBATON THURSDAY, JANUARY 2ND - SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 MESIVTA HIGHLIGHTSTomer Devorah VaadTomer Devorah Vaad