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Winter Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Table of ContentsRegistration Dates ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2Scholarship Program �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3Creation Station ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3Workshops ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4-5Workshops | Age 21+ Only ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6-7Fitton @ The Foundry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8-10Digital Art �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11Drawing & Painting �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12-15Mosaics ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16-17Sewing �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18-19Printmaking ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20Pottery ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21-24Yoga ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25Membership Information ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26Registration Policies & Procedures ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26-29FeaturedCover Art by Intermediate Wheel Throwing InstructorRebecca Rohr

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Soldiers & SailorsMonumentWelcomeSince 1993, the Fitton Center has provided high-quality, aordable arts education and engagement� Whether it’s your first time picking up a paintbrush or you’ve been throwing pots for years, we invite you to be part of the Fitton family of artists� Our team of extraordinary instructors not only teaches, but also supports and encourages� Students of all ages explore their artistic side, learn new skills, and make new friends� Join us and reveal the artist in you! I look forward to seeing you at the Fitton Center soon�Ian MacKenzie–Thurley Executive DirectorAbout the Fitton CenterCome curious and leave inspired� The Fitton Center for Creative Arts isn’t just a building – it’s an experience� We are a non-profit community arts organization that has been a part of the Hamilton community for 30+ years� Visit and discover what we have to oer� Learn something new in one of our art classes or workshops� Take in extraordinary musicians, actors, and dancers at one of our live performances� Stroll through our remarkable art galleries or reserve one of our diverse venues for your special event� Become a Fitton Center member and redefine the way you experience the arts in Hamilton!Contact Information101 S� Monument Avenue Hamilton, Ohio 45011513 863 8873 | Front Desk Class Registrations 513 863 8873, ext� 110frontdesk@fittoncenter�org Ian MacKenzie-ThurleyExecutive Director 513 863 8873, ext� 112ian@fittoncenter�org Kate RowekampDirector of Education & Outreach513 863 8873, ext� 132kate@fittoncenter�org Caroline DigiovenaleAssistant Director of Education & Outreach513 863 8873, ext� 136 caroline@fittoncenter�org Amanda Joy PhirmanPottery Studio Manager513 863 8873, ext� 128amandajoy@fittoncenter�org

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Registration DatesRegistration Opens Tuesday,Winter Session January 6 – February 14, 2025 Register by December 30 to save $5 on each class & workshop!Spring Session February 24 – April 4, 2025 Register by February 17 to save $5 on each class & workshop!Register Early! Each class and workshop must reach minimum enrollment to be held. Messy class, please wear appropriate clothing�Supplies required� Ask for a list at our front desk or download a copy from our website�Online ClassNew OeringReturning FavoriteNew TimeSponsors & SupportThe Fitton Center expresses its thanks for the generous support that helps make our education programming possible:Art Education Sponsor Dianne Fitton Art Supplies Sponsor Thyssenkrupp Bilstein of America B2GB Fund, Mr. Kaleidoscope, Moya JonesMosaic Workshops Sponsor Craig & Susan Wilks Strongbox Press Sponsor Moya Jones Outreach Sponsor Community Design Alliance and AETNA Volunteer Program Sponsor Bill & Jackie GrothNew Theme2 Winter & Spring 2025 Education BrochureDecember 3, 2024

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Scholarship ProgramThe Fitton Center Scholarship Fund gives all students of any age the opportunity to experience a class at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts. We encourage teachers, counselors, family, and friends to invite students who may benet to apply. Applications are available by calling 513 863 8873, ext. 110 or by downloading an application at ( Scholarships are limited to one class/workshop and one camp per student, per program year.Winter Scholarship Deadline: December 20, 2024Spring Scholarship Deadline: February 14, 2025Creation StationThe Creation Station is the Fitton Center’s freeform expression hub. Like the galleries, this activity center is available to the public at no cost any time the center is open. People of all ages and skill levels can become makers with a diverse assortment of rotating art supplies. This hands-on educational component complements the exhibition currently on display. The Creation Station includes a chalk drawing wall, artwork display wall, art supplies, activity instructions, and creative space for both children and adults.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 3

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Clay Lab: Sgrato Dish | Ages 16+ Instructor | Amanda Joy Phirman $37/members, $47/non-members Tuesday | 3 – 5pmWinter: January 7Explore the sgraffito technique to create beautiful, hand-carved imagery in your pottery. Learn to create a dish, then choose your own colors and imagery to decorate. Beginners welcome! Wearable Mosaics | Ages 13+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $37/members, $47/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pmWinter: January 16 Spring: March 13WORKSHOPSLearn how to create a mini-mosaic pendant, bracelet, or keychain. Cut stained glass and tiles to shape into a one-of-a-kind wearable mosaic. While all supplies are included, students may bring their own tiny beads or tiles to incorporate. One mosaic base is included with the cost of the class.4 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Clay Lab: Glazing Fundamentals | Ages 16+ Instructor | Amanda Joy Phirman $37/members, $47/non-members Friday | 10am - 12pm Winter: January 24Learn useful tips and tricks for glazing pottery. Practice on test tiles or bring your own bisqueware. Brush-on and bucket techniques will be covered in this two-hour workshop. Fairy Garden House | Ages 16+ Instructor | Amanda Joy Phirman$37/members, $47/non-membersFriday | 6 - 8pmSpring: April 4Use hand-building techniques to create a fairy garden house from clay. These are fun to make and look great in the garden! Select your own glazes and have your house glazed for you after ring. Beginners welcome. Pysanka: Ukrainian Egg Dyeing | Ages 13+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr$56/members, $66/non-membersSaturday | 10am – 1pmSpring: April 12Pysanka, which means “to write,” is a traditional Ukrainian folk-art form that uses a wax-resist method of dyeing eggs. In this workshop, students will learn about the symbolism of traditional pysanky eggs, and create their own patterns. Students will use styluses to melt beeswax and draw designs on hollow goose eggs, then dip the eggs into a wide range of dyes to create endless patterns. At the end of the project, the wax will be melted away to reveal the designs! Fitton Center for Creative Arts 5

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Art + Wine Instructor | Jamie Schorsch $37/members, $47/non-members Thursday | 6:30 - 8:30pmWinter: January 23Theme: Into the Blue - Picasso’s Coolest CreationsExplore Picasso’s Blue Period—where moody blues meet heartfelt emotion. Join us as we dive into his coolest masterpieces and paint away your winter blues. Painting Options:• Pablo Picasso,“Child with a Dove,” 1901Thursday | 6:30 - 8:30pmSpring: February 27 Theme: Red Balloon Adventures - From Klee to BanksyFly through art history with red balloons! Explore the whimsical works of Klee and Banksy, where these simple symbols oat through abstraction and street art in a colorful journey. Painting Options:• Banksy, “Girl with Balloon,” 2002 • Paul Klee, “Red Balloon,” 1922Create unique art while enjoying wine and snacks. Our knowledgeable instructor blends individualized hands-on painting instruction with art history and technique lessons, while also creating a wonderful social and educational experience that encourages creativity. All supplies, two drinks, light snacks, and pre-prepared canvases are included in the cost of the workshop. Students will be asked to select their choice of inspirational paintings at registration.Pricing includes two themed cocktails/drinks!WORKSHOPS | Ages 21+ Only• Pablo Picasso, “The Two Saltimbanques(Harlequin and His Companion),” 19016 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Mimosas and Mosaics: Mosaic Candle Votive Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $37/members, $47/non-members Thursday | 6:30 - 8:30pmWinter: January 30Enjoy sipping mimosas while creating a colorful stained glass mosaic candle votive. You will learn how to cut glass tiles to create colorful mosaics. Your project will be grouted by the instructor, and you will be contacted when it is ready for pickup at the Fitton Center ofce. All supplies, two drinks, and snacks included. Beers and Mosaic Butterfly/ Bee Baths Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $37/members, $47/non-members Thursday | 6:30 - 8:30pmSpring: March 27Enjoy a refreshing beer or seltzer as you learn to mosaic a terracotta buttery or bee bath for your garden. These mosaic saucers can be used to provide a bee watering station in your garden. Add colorful mosaic art to your yard with this fun one-night workshop. All supplies included. Light snacks and drinks provided. Your project will be grouted by the instructor, and you will be contacted when it is ready for pickup at the Fitton Center ofce.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 7

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FITTON @ THE FOUNDRYFitton @ The Foundry is our satellite classroom located in LibertyCenter. Visit us at: 7100 Foundry Row, Liberty Township, OH 45069Storefront 208, 2nd Floor of the Foundry BuildingWatercolor Basics | Ages 18+ Instructor | Bell Day $116/members, $136/non-members  Mondays | 12 – 2pm Winter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20An introduction to water-based media through ink wash and watercolor.The class will focus on the fundamental principles of painting anddrawing with an emphasis on cultivating a range of lines, textures,values, and the application of color theory to create dimension. Thiscourse will build on observational rendering skills while allowing spacefor creative growth.Drawing Basics: Graphite & Prismacolor Pencil | Ages 18+ Instructor | Bell Day $116/members, $136/non-membersMondays | 12 – 2pmSpring: February 24 - March 31An introduction to the basics of drawing with graphite and Prismacolorcolored pencils. The class will focus on the fundamental principles ofdrawing with an emphasis on cultivating a range of lines, textures, values,and the application of color theory to create dimension. This course willbuild on observational drawing skills while allowing space for creativegrowth. Students who have previously taken Drawing Basics classes  are encouraged to enroll to further their knowledge.8 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Character Design Studio | Ages 7 - 12 Instructor | Bell Day $79/members, $99/non-members  Tuesdays | 6 – 7:30pmWinter: January 14 - February 18Want to bring your OC to life? Whether you love the aesthetic of animeand manga, graphic novels, or even cartoons- you’ll want to start with thebasics! Learn how to draw characters from the ground up. Gain a betterunderstanding of how to sketch human anatomy and create engagingline art. Course aspects include learning how to draw a body by breakingit down into simple shapes, practicing specic poses and expressions,adding unique hair and clothing styles, plus inking and adding color to  a drawing. By the end of the session students should be able to create  a full-body character of their choice.Youth Portrait Studio | Ages 7 - 12 Instructor | Bell Day $79/members, $99/non-members  Wednesdays | 6 – 7:30pmSpring: February 26 - April 2Explore portrait making through various media and techniques includingdrawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking, and collage. Create traditionalself-portraits as well as expressive interpretations of the self. Othersubjects will include family portraits, friend or classmate portraits,  and caricatures of famous people.Fitton Center for Creative Arts9

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Creative Aging Mosaics | Ages 50+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $95/members, $115/non-members Thursdays | 1:30 - 3:30pm Winter: January 9 - February 13 Spring: February 27 - April 3Create mosaics from a variety of media including ceramic, pottery, and colored-glass tiles. Explore basic design principles and color theory. Learn to use specialized tools to cut and shape tesserae. Suitable for beginners or intermediate students who want to further their skills in creating mosaics.Urban Sketching | Ages 18+ Instructor | Janice Hudson $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pm Winter: January 9 - February 13 Capture the ever-changing vibrancy of urban life in this six-week urban sketching course. You’ll learn to sketch buildings, people, and landscapes, while also learning how to apply perspective, light, shadow, and texture. With guided practice and creative techniques, this course is designed for beginners and those looking to rene their artistic skills on location!10 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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DIGITAL ART | Six-Week ClassesYouth Digital Illustration | Ages 7 - 12Instructor | Sarah Hynfield $79/members, $99/non-members  Mondays | 6:30 – 8pmWinter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Spring: February 24 - March 31Learn to make digital art using an iPad, Apple Pencil, and the Procreateapp. Students will learn software navigation, artistic techniques, and howto create a nished artwork. All supplies including technology provided,though students may bring their own iPad and Apple Pencil if desired.Teen Digital Illustration | Ages 13 - 17Instructor | Sarah Hynfield $95/members, $115/non-members  Tuesdays | 6:15 – 8:15pmWinter: January 7 - February 11Learn to make digital art using an iPad, Apple Pencil, and the Procreateapp. Students will learn software navigation, artistic techniques, and howto create a nished artwork. All supplies including technology provided,though students may bring their own iPad and Apple Pencil if desired.Adult Digital Illustration | Ages 18+Instructor | Sarah Hynfield $116/members, $136/non-membersTuesdays | 6:15 – 8:15pmSpring: February 25 - April 1Learn to make digital art using an iPad, Apple Pencil, and the Procreateapp. Students will learn software navigation, artistic techniques, and howto create a nished artwork. All supplies including technology provided,though students may bring their own iPad and Apple Pencil if desired.Fitton Center for Creative Arts11

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Meowsterpiece Makers | Ages 7 - 12 Instructor | Natalie Crain $79/members, $99/non-members Mondays | 6 – 7:30pm Winter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Inspired by our popular summer camp, we’ve created a mixed-media class just for cat lovers! Learn how to sculpt clay cats, design and build your own cat tree, and create some furry cat masks. Students will also study famous artists who were cat lovers themselves!Watercolor Basics | Ages 18+ Instructor | Bell Day $116/members, $136/non-members Mondays | 6 – 8pmSpring: February 24 - March 31 An introduction to water-based media through ink wash and watercolor. The class will focus on the fundamental principles of painting and drawing with an emphasis on cultivating a range of lines, textures, values, and the application of color theory to create dimension. This course will build on observational rendering skills while allowing space for creative growth.DRAWING & PAINTING | Six-Week Classes12 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Youth Portrait Studio | Ages 7 - 12 Instructor | Bell Day $79/members, $99/non-members  Tuesdays | 6 – 7:30pmWinter: January 7 - February 11Explore portrait making through various media and techniquesincluding drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking, and collage.Create traditional self-portraits as well as expressive interpretationsof the self. Other subjects will include family portraits, friend orclassmate portraits, and caricatures of famous people.Character Design Studio | Ages 7 - 12 Instructor | Bell Day $79/members, $99/non-members  Tuesdays | 6 – 7:30pmSpring: February 25 - April 1Want to bring your OC to life? Whether you love the aesthetic of animeand manga, graphic novels, or even cartoons- you’ll want to start withthe basics! Learn how to draw characters from the ground up. Gaina better understanding of how to sketch human anatomy and createengaging line art. Course aspects include learning how to draw a bodyby breaking it down into simple shapes, practicing specic poses andexpressions, adding unique hair and clothing styles, plus inking andadding color to a drawing. By the end of the session students shouldbe able to create a full-body character of their choice.Kids’ Drawing & Painting | Ages 5 - 9 Instructor | Winter: Bell Day, Spring: Emily Faust $63/members, $83/non-members  Wednesdays | 6 – 7pmWinter: January 8 - February 12Spring: February 26 - April 2Explore artistic expression through drawing and painting.Concentrating on developing creativity and exploring techniqueswith a variety of art media, the young artist will discover waysin which they can interact with the artistic world throughobservation and creative problem-solving.Fitton Center for Creative Arts13

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Youth Drawing Studio | Ages 10 - 14 Instructor | Emily Faust $79/members, $99/non-members Wednesdays | 7 - 8:30pm Winter: January 8 - February 12 Spring: February 26 - April 2 Designed for experienced students who want to improve their drawing skills in a fun and creative environment! Develop creative abilities through various drawing experiences with a variety of media. Build on observational drawing skills while growing creatively. New techniques help the student to experiment and observe the world through different perspectives.Urban Sketching | Ages 18+ Instructor | Janice Hudson $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pm Spring: February 27 - April 3 Capture the ever-changing vibrancy of urban life in this six-week urban sketching course. You’ll learn to sketch buildings, people, and landscapes, while also learning how to apply perspective, light, shadow, and texture. With guided practice and creative techniques, this course is designed for beginners and those looking to rene their artistic skills on location! Drawing Basics: Graphite & Prismacolor Pencil | Ages 18+ Instructor | Bell Day $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pm Winter: January 9 - February 13 An introduction to the basics of drawing with graphite and Prismacolor colored pencils. The class will focus on the fundamental principles of drawing with an emphasis on cultivating a range of lines, textures, values, and the application of color theory to create dimension. This course will build on observational drawing skills while allowing space for creative growth. Students who have previously taken Drawing Basics classes are encouraged to enroll to further their knowledge.14 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Creative Aging Painting | Ages 50+ Instructor | Chrissy Collopy $95/members, $115/non-members Tuesdays | 12 - 2pm Winter: January 7 - February 11 Spring: February 25 - April 1 Wednesdays | 12 - 2pm Winter: January 8 - February 12 Spring: February 26 - April 2 Fridays | 12 - 2pm Winter: January 10 - February 14 Spring: February 28 - April 4 This class will introduce students to acrylic painting basics and materials. Students will learn acrylic mixing strategies, color theory, and various approaches to painting, including blending and glazing. Modeling form, rendering space, and studying masterworks will be the focus of this class. This class is suitable for any experience level. All supplies included in the cost of the class. Students may repeatedly take the course to continually advance their development.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 15

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Abstract Mosaics: The Flow of Andamento | Ages 13+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $116/members, $136/non-members Afternoon Class Tuesdays | 2 – 4pm Winter: January 7 - February 11 Evening Class Tuesdays | 6 – 8pm Spring: February 25 - April 1 Discover andamento: the visual ow of mosaics. Learn how to plan, draw, and create visual movement in abstract designs. Explore the use of value and color and incorporate texture with mixed media and natural tesserae like rocks, shells, smalti glass, and other found items. During this six-week class students will make several small mosaics using a variety of techniques and tesserae. This class is geared toward students with some experience creating mosaics who want to explore new approaches. Creative Aging Mosaics | Ages 50+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $95/members, $115/non-members Wednesdays | 1:30 - 3:30pm Winter: January 8 - February 12 Spring: February 26 - April 2 MOSAICS | Six-Week ClassesSame class structure as described in Mosaics: The Joy of Breaking Glass, adapted for all experience, tness, and wellness levels. Students in this class may also bring dishes, cups, and other broken china to create Picassiette mosaics if desired. 16 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Mosaics: The Joy of Breaking Glass | Ages 13+ Instructor | Lori Kay Farr $116/members, $136/non-members Wednesdays | 6 – 8pm Winter: January 8 - February 12 Spring: February 26 - April 2 Create mosaics from a variety of media including ceramic, pottery, and colored-glass tiles. Explore basic design principles and color theory. Learn to use specialized tools to cut and shape tesserae. Suitable for beginners or intermediate students who want to further their skills in creating mosaics.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 17

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SEWING | Six-Week Classes18 Winter & Spring 2025 Education BrochureSewing Basics | Ages 18+Instructor | Sharon Theard $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pmWinter: January 9 - February 20 | No Class February 6 New to sewing and not sure where to start? Learn the basics needed to begin your sewing journey! This class will cover threading a sewing machine, basic sewing tools and how to use them, nishing fabric raw edges, machine hemming, how to sew on a button, and more! By creating functional projects like a pillowcase, pin cushion, coffee cozy, and tote bag, you will learn to condently operate a sewing machine, sew a variety of stitches, and neatly nish your projects.All supplies (including a sewing machine for use in class) are provided, though students may choose to bring their own fabrics to work with as the class progresses.

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Intermediate Sewing | Ages 18+Instructor | Sharon Theard $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pmSpring: February 27 - April 3 Take your sewing skills to the next level in this class, which covers essential techniques for creating professional-looking sewing projects. Learn how to work with a sewing pattern, elastic, zipper, patch pocket, fabric edge nishes, machine hemming, and more! Projects will include your choice of elastic-waist pants, shorts, or a skirt, a home decor pillow with a zipper, and a bonus project.This class is designed for intermediate-level sewers who have a basic understanding of sewing machine operation and hand stitching techniques. If you are new to sewing, we recommend taking our Sewing Basics class first. All supplies (including a sewing machine for use in class) are provided, though students may choose to bring their own fabrics to work with as the class progresses.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 19

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PRINTMAKING | Six-Week ClassesPrintmaking | Ages 16+ Instructor | Billy Simms $116/members, $136/non-members Mondays | 6 – 8pmWinter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Spring: February 24 - March 31 Join our community of local printmakers at Strongbox Press, the Fitton’s printmaking studio. This class will cover both printing by hand and with a printing press. Explore a variety of printmaking methods including monotype, relief, intaglio, and silkscreen. Discover how to incorporate new forms of technology into traditional printing processes with a laser cutter.20 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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POTTERY | Six-Week ClassesYouth Pottery | Ages 6 - 9 Instructor | Abigail Martin $79/members, $99/non-members Tuesdays | 6 - 7:30pm Winter: January 7 - February 11 Spring: February 25 - April 1 Students in this class will explore the endless possibilities of clay while developing their artistic abilities. Discover hand-building techniques like coiling and slab building. Create original tiles, sculptures, pinch pots, and other useful decorative items. Learn how to nish projects with underglazes and glazes, and take home completed works of art!Clay is provided for all youth and teen classes. All adult students must purchase clay. Only artwork created at the Fitton Center with clay purchased through the Fitton Center may be red in the facility’s kilns. All prices are for 25 lbs. unless otherwise noted. Prices include glazing and ring. Type (1/2 Bag) Price1/2 BAG ICEMAN w/grog– Excellent for beginners!$18Type (Full Bag) PriceKY Mudworks ICEMAN w/grog– Great for beginners!$32112 Standard - SPECKLED BROWN$29Laguna B MIX w/grog$29213 Standard - PORCELAIN$34266 Standard - DARK BROWN$34308 - BROOKLYN RED$34Sample Pack 5lbs of: B MIX, PORCELAIN 213, DARK BROWN 266, BROOKLYN RED 308, SPECKLED BROWN 112– 25lbs Total Packs ready for pick up in the clay room. Other clays can be included in sample pack upon request (students should contact Amanda Joy at amandajoy@$34Fitton Center for Creative Arts 21

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Pre-Teen Pottery | Ages 10 - 13Instructor | Abbie Webster $79/members, $99/non-members Thursdays | 6:30 – 8pmWinter: January 16 - February 20 | Delayed Start Spring: February 27 - April 3Dig into clay and learn hand-building techniques such as slab building, coiling, and pinch pots. Create sculptures, tiles, vessels, and free-choice projects. Students will have a chance to try the pottery wheel with help from the instructor. Painting and glazing techniques also will be covered.Teen Pottery | Ages 13 - 17Instructor | Abigail Martin $$95/members, $115/non-members Wednesdays | 6 – 8pm Winter: January 8 - February 12 Spring: February 26 - April 2 Students in this class will plan their own unique clay projects and then learn the pottery techniques needed to make them real! Emphasis will be on the individual experience, with personalized guidance from the instructor. Strategies like coiling, slab work, sculpture, and basic pottery wheel skills will be used to bring the students’ visions to life.Wheel Throwing Basics | Ages 18+Instructor | Noah Faler $158/members, $178/non-members Afternoon Class Mondays | 1 – 4pm Winter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Spring: February 24 - March 31 Evening Class Mondays | 5:30 – 8:30pm Winter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Spring: February 24 - March 31 For those who are new to the pottery wheel or just haven’t done it in a while! Begin by centering clay on the pottery wheel and then learn to create basic pottery forms. Explore glazing and decorating techniques to apply to finished work. Advanced students also are welcome.22 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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Afternoon Pottery Studio | Ages 18+ Instructor | Haruko Mizoguchi $116/members, $136/non-members Tuesdays | 12 – 2pmWinter: January 7 - February 11 Spring: February 25 - April 1Enjoy spending an afternoon in the pottery studio. Both beginners and experienced clay artists are welcome. Everyone is encouraged to bring the ideas of what they would like to create and receive guidance on how to make their ideas come alive. Instructions will be customized to each student. A variety of techniques to build clay forms (e.g., slab work, wheel throwing), create surface treatments (e.g., texture and painting), and glaze will be offered. Students new to wheel throwing who wish to use this technique, are advised to take the Wheel Throwing Basics class prior to attending this class.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 23

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Functional Pottery | Ages 18+Instructor | Linda Hanson $116/members, $136/non-members Tuesdays | 6 – 8pmWinter: January 7 - February 11 Spring: March 4 - April 8 | Delayed Start Students can take their skills to the next level by creating beautiful utilitarian pottery using the slab hand-building method and tons of pattern and texture! Projects will be students’ choice and individual innovations are highly encouraged. Explore glaze and underglaze techniques, altering, stamping, and sgrafto. Students will be challenged to expand their pottery expertise while enjoying an evening with fellow clay lovers.Intermediate Wheel Throwing | Ages 18+Instructor | Rebecca Rohr $116/members, $136/non-members Thursdays | 6 – 8pmWinter: January 9 - February 13 Spring: February 27 - April 3 For those who have taken a beginning class and want to learn new techniques. Students should be able to center 2-4 pounds of clay and have a good grasp on beginning pottery techniques for throwing cylinders, bowls, and trimming. This class will focus on creating functional pots with various techniques for throwing larger or more complex forms.24 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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YOGA | Six-Week ClassesLive Online Yoga | Ages 15+ Instructor | Bernadette Unger $42/members, $62/non-membersMondays | 5:15 - 6:30pmWinter: January 6 - February 17 | No Class January 20 Spring: February 24 - March 31Suitable for all experience and tness levels. Explore the fundamentals of yoga to calm the mind while improving exibility, balance, and core strength. Begin with yoga breathing techniques and movements to warm muscles and joints, followed by basic yoga postures. End with a guided deep relaxation to feel refreshed and energized. Students are encouraged to wear clothes that allow them to move freely. Instructor is a certied yoga teacher.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 25

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Membership Benefits and ApplicationBecome a member of the Fitton Center for Creative Arts. Memberships help us continue to serve our artists, students, and local partners with a variety of arts programming available only through the Fitton Center. Please note that membership benefits are renewable annually and subject to change.Individual Membership: $35 Family Membership: $70 Visit us online at, stop by our front desk, or call 513 863 8873, ext. 110 to become a member today. Fitton Center members enjoy the following privileges: • Discounted performance tickets• Discounted camps, classes, and workshops:$20 o each class; $10 o each workshop• 10% discount on all venue rentals• 5% discount on all artwork purchases• Special invitations and mailings announcing exhibitionopenings, classes, workshops, and events• Eligibility to exhibit art in the biennial Fitton Center Member Showcase• Special offerings from local businesses participating in theFitton Community Rewards program• Exclusive purchase privileges on performance tickets, one week prior to going on sale.Registration Policies and ProceduresHOW TO REGISTER • Online: Please visit• Phone: Please have your Visa, Discover or MasterCard handywhen you call 513 863 8873, ext. 110.• Walk-Ins: During our main ofce business hours:Monday – Thursday 10am – 6pm, Friday 10am – 5pmTRANSFERS Students may contact the Front Desk to transfer into a different class if space is available up to eight days before the start of the camp, class, or workshop for which they are currently registered. No transfers will be issued after that. Waitlist If a camp, class, or workshop is full, students may join the waitlist. To join a waitlist please call or email our Front Desk and provide contact name, student’s name (if different from contact), phone number, and email address. If a space opens, we will contact the rst person on the waitlist, moving down the list until the spot is filled. 26 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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REFUNDS Non-Refundable Deposit The Fitton Center for Creative Arts is a non-prot community arts organization. We rely on tuition fees to run our education programming. For this reason, 10% of tuition for all camps, classes and workshops is considered a non-refundable deposit. Refund Policy For Camps, Classes & Workshops Cancelling up to 8 days or more The tuition amount paid less the 10% non-refundable deposit will be refunded if a student wishes to withdraw from a camp, class, or workshop eight days or more before the scheduled start date of said program. Credit card purchases will be refunded via the initial payment method. Cash purchases will be refunded via check mailed to the address provided at registration. For refunds within 90 days of purchase. After 90 days credit card purchases will be refunded via check mailed to the address provided at registration.Cancellations Within 1 Week (7 Days) No refunds will be issued for any reason within one week (7 days) of the scheduled start date of a camp, class, or workshop. Referring to the information above, if you are eligible for a refund and wish to withdraw from a camp, class, or workshop please contact the Front Desk.CLASS CANCELLATIONS The Fitton Center reserves the right to cancel or merge classes due to insufcient enrollment. If a class does not have sufcient enrollment, affected students will be notied about any changes at least two days before class is due to start. If a class must be cancelled by the Fitton Center, students will be refunded 100% of their tuition or can transfer to another open class or session.INCLEMENT WEATHER CANCELLATIONS If the Fitton Center cancels classes due to inclement weather, all students will be notied by phone and closing/cancellation information will be posted on our website, Facebook, and Instagram pages no later than two hours before the scheduled program. If students do not receive a phone call, and do not see an announcement on our website /social media, then all programs are running as scheduled. When classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, a make-up class will be added to the schedule. Students will be notied of the scheduled make-up class by their instructor at the next regularly scheduled class. STUDENT ABSENCES For the best experience, we encourage students to attend the full duration of our camps, classes, and workshops. We do not provide make-up opportunities, pro-rate, or provide refunds for missed classes for any reason. TEACHER ABSENCES If an instructor must be absent due to illness or other unforeseen event, the Fitton Center reserves the right to nd a substitute teacher or cancel a class and offer a make-up date. In the event of a cancellation, students will be contacted as soon as possible. Refunds will not be issued if a student cannot attend the make-up date.Fitton Center for Creative Arts 27

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Registration Policies and Procedures (continued) ARRIVAL TIME Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before a camp, class, or workshop begins. This allows staff and instructors time to set up and prepare for a class before students arrive.E-MAILS & CLASS COMMUNICATIONStudents will receive an automatic conrmation email from our ticketing website upon registration. This email will contain student’s class scheduling and payment information. We highly recommend saving this email for future reference. Students will only be contacted by the Fitton Center again in the event a class is cancelled. If no additional emails are received the class will be running as scheduled.CLASS SUPPLIESIf a class features a icon, be sure to check the class registration page at  to see what supplies are required. If no icon is shown, all supplies are included with the cost of the class. Please note: Classes with low enrollment may be canceled up to two business days before they are scheduled to begin. Students may contact the Director of Education & Outreach if they would like to verify that their class is running sooner than that, before purchasing supplies.LIABILITY The Fitton Center is not responsible for any injury, loss, or illness resulting from the use of the Fitton Center’s services and premises. All students accept full responsibility for personal injury/or personal losses. STUDENT PROPERTY The Fitton Center is not responsible for artwork and other property left on the premises and has no liability if such property is lost, stolen, or damaged. Artwork or property left two weeks after a camp, class, or workshop ends will be discarded. MEDIA POLICY The Fitton Center reserves the right to use photos, video, or other media taken during classes and programs for marketing or publicity purposes. Registration in a class gives the Fitton Center permission to use images without further consent or compensation. 28 Winter & Spring 2025 Education Brochure

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ACCESSIBILITY We are committed to offering accessible education programs by providing reasonable accommodations in a supportive environment that allows for the inclusion of people of all ages, abilities, and skill levels. If a student believes that they will require accommodations to enable them to participate in our programs, please contact our Director of Education & Outreach before registration. CONTACT INFOFront Desk 513 863 8873, ext. 110 | frontdesk@ Director of Education & Outreach 513 863 8873, ext. 132 | kate@ Fitton Center for Creative Arts 29

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PRINCIPAL FUNDERS DESIGN PARTNERTECHNOLOGY PARTNER101 South Monument AvenueHamilton, OH 45011–2833 513 863 8873 | fittoncenter.orgTHANK YOU TO OUR FUNDERS & PARTNERS!