Message GOLF MAINE PARK DISTRICTPROGRAM GUIDEPROGRAM GUIDEFeldman ParkDee Parkwww.gmpd.org847-297-3000meetmeet playplay learnlearn celebratecelebrate9229 W. Emerson stDes Plaines, IL 600168800 W. Kathy Ln Niles, IL 60714........
FALLACTIVITY GUIDESpecial EventsYouth ProgramsYouth LeaguePageNo School DaysAdult ProgramsRental Info. General Info.223-53-5667-87-8991313OUR MISSION:Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for the residentsof the Golf Maine Park District, to promote a strong sense ofcommunity by providing a broad, diverse, and challengingset of cultural and recreational programs, and clean,beautiful, safe parks.PHOTO POLICY:Photographs and videos are periodically taken ofparticipants while they are participating in programs, specialevents or enjoying the park. Please be aware that thesephotos and videos may appear on park district publications.BOARD MEETING DATES:Public participation is always welcome!LOCATION:Dee Park 9229 Emerson St.Des Plaines, IL 60016847-297-3001Email: info@gmpd.orgFeldman Park8800 Kathy LaneNiles, IL 60714847-297-3000Email: Office)Recreation Center Recreation CenterSTAFF:Kevin Hubka, CPRP Executive Director Dina Weymouth, Business ManagerMike Hubka, CPO Building & Grounds Supervisor Anthony Silmon, Superintendent of RecreationKevin@gmpd.orgDina@gmpd.orgMichael@gmpd.orgAnthony@gmpd.orgAlexis Hubka, MarketingAlexis@gmpd.orgPuneet Singh, Recreation SupervisorPuneet@gmpd.orgManny Hernandez, Office ManagerManny@gmpd.org14-1514-15Sponsorships10-1110-11December 12, 2024Samir Kurcovic, Superintendent Of Maintenance Samir@gmpd.orgM-NASR1212January 16, 2025February 20, 2025March 20, 2025April 17, 2025
Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgDecember 7thSpecial EventsUnity: A Holiday WorkshopDecember 9 & 12thTime: 6 PM - 7:30 PMLocation:Fee:Dee ParkFree!Time/Day:4:15 PM - 5:15 PM 12/95:30 PM - 6:30 PM 12/95:00 PM - 6:00 PM 12/14Caroling With The CommunityDecember 18thJoin us for our Unity: A Holiday Workshop this is aheartwarming celebration of togetherness and holidayspirit! Gather around as we enjoy festive holiday crafts, andembrace the joyous atmosphere with family and friends. (Must Register @ GMPD.ORG)Location:Fee:Feldman Park Free!Age: All AgesAge: All AgesJoin us for a delightful evening of caroling with thecommunity! The talented Gemini & Maine EastOrchestra, Band, and Choir will serenade us withbeautiful holiday music, filling the air with festivecheer. Gather your loved ones and neighbors to singalong to classic carols and enjoy the magicalatmosphere of the season.Special EventsTreats With St. NickLocation:Fee:Feldman ParkFree!Time: 10 AM - 11:30 AM Join us for a magical morning at our annual Donutswith Santa event! This heartwarming holiday traditioninvites families and friends to enjoy delicious donutswhile creating cherished memories with Santa Claushimself. (Must Register @ GMPD.ORG)Age: 2 - 14 Years Old*Registration available 11/25**Registration available 11/25*February 12thHearts & Crafts WorkshopLocation:Fee:Dee ParkFree!Time:4:30 PM - 5:30 PM You're invited for some holiday cheer to our Hearts &Crafts Workshop! Come with your family and enjoymaking Valentine’s Day Crafts!(Must Register @ GMPD.ORG)Age: All Ages5:45 PM - 6:45 PM
golf_maine_parksRegister at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDEChess Beginner ClassIf you or anyone youknow is interested involunteering at anyof our special eventsplease contactanthony@gmpd.orgHOTHOTPROGRAM!PROGRAM!Youth ProgramsIntroducing our new chess program designed specifically forbeginners! This comprehensive program is crafted to makelearning chess both fun and accessible. With step-by-steplessons, interactive puzzles, and engaging exercises, you'llmaster the basics of chess in no time. 6 week sessions.Instructor: Arjun Vishnuvardhan (International Master)Tuesdays5:30 PM - 6:45 PMDate:Location:Fee:Dee Park - Kurland Student Center$90Day:Time:Session 1: 2/4 - 3/11Session 2: 4/1 - 5/6Session 3: 6/3 - 7/8Age: 8 - 14 Yrs OldJr. Blue Demons Feeder Basketball Get ready to dribble, shoot, and score with the Jr. BlueDemons! Our feeder program will prepare participants for theupcomingJr. Blue Demons basketball season. Practice are held at MaineEast High School, games are TBD. Date:Location:Fee:Maine East High School$350 Per SessionPractices: Thursdays 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM11/9 - 2/20Age: 6th - 8th GradeTry Outs: 11/9 @ 12:00 PM - 3:00 PMGame Days: Weekends / Location TBDYouth ProgramsLeague Prep BasketballThis program helps to develop fundamental skills toparticipate in our 4th to 6th grade basketball league.Participants will practice dribbling, shooting,footwork, and other basic principles. 5 week sessions. Date:Time:Location:Fee:5:00 PM - 6:00 PMDee Park$57 Per SessionAge: 8 - 12 Yrs OldDay:TuesdaysInstructor: Puneet SinghSession 1: 1/14 - 2/11Session 2: 2/18 - 3/18 Session 3: 4/1 - 4/29TuesdaysLittle DribblersParticipants will learn how to dribble a basketball, shootproperly, and other introductory basketball skills. 5 weeksessions. 4:00 PM - 5:00 PMDate:Time:Location:Age: 5 - 7 Yrs OldDay:Fee:$57 Per SessionInstructor: Puneet SinghDee ParkSession 1: 1/14 - 2/11Session 2: 2/18 - 3/18 Session 3: 4/1 - 4/29Fee:$80 Per SessionInstructor: Ethan CurescuCT Soccer Advance This program is to help kids learn and develop thefundamentals of soccer in a fun, and supportive environment.Through skill-building exercises and engaging drills, kids willmaster essential techniques like dribbling, passing, shooting,and defending. 5 week sessions. Date:Age: 5 - 9 Yrs OldTime:Location:4:30 PM - 5:30 PMDee ParkDay:MondaysSession 1: 3/10 - 4/7 Session 2: 4/28 - 6/2Session 3: 6/16 - 7/14 Session 4: 7/28 - 8/25Session 5: 9/8 - 10/6Session 6: 10/20 - 11/17(NO CLASS 5/26)
Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgAge/Time:4 - 6 Yrs Old 4:00 PM - 5:00 PMAge/Time:7 - 9 Yrs Old 5:00 PM - 6:00 PMLil' KickersIn this program your child will learn the basic rules of soccerand practice drills that involve footwork, dribbling and passing.This class is outdoors if the temperature is 60 degrees orabove. Please wear gym shoes and gym shorts or sweat pants.*NO OUTSIDE CLEATS IN THE GYM* 5 week session.League Prep SoccerDate:Location:Fee:Dee Park$62 Per SessionDay: WednesdaysAge: 5 - 8 Yrs Old4:00 PM - 5:00 PMTime:Date:Location:Fee:Dee Park$62 Per SessionDay:WednesdaysAge:9 - 12 Yrs Old5:00 PM - 6:00 PMTime:Rhythmic GymnasticsThis rhythmic gymnastics class is for girls only. The coaches arefrom North Shore Rhythmic Gymnastics, who have taughtmultiple Olympic athletes and continue to do so. We areextremely fortunate to have them part of our Park District. Ifyou're looking for a great introduction to gymnastics, look nofurther! 5 week sessions.Feldman Park$62 Per Session Date:Location:Fee:Day: ThursdaysInstructor: Georgios KatsarosInstructor: Georgios KatsarosInstructor: North Shore GymnasticsYouth ProgramsSession 1: 1/16 - 2/13Session 1: 1/15 - 2/12Session 2: 2/19 - 3/19 CO-ED VolleyballThis CO-ED class will focus on bumping, setting, andspiking. The basic fundamentals of volleyball play willbe introduced. 5 week sessions.Dee Park$62 Per Session Date:Location:Fee:Day: ThursdaysAge: 8 - 13 Yrs Old 4:30 PM - 5:45 PMTime:Session 1: 1/16 - 2/13 Instructor: Rohel TanSession 2: 2/20 - 3/20 Session 3: 4/2 - 4/30 Session 3: 4/3 - 5/1 Session 2: 2/20 - 3/206:00 PM - 7:00 PMAdvanced Session:In this program your child will learn the basic rules of soccerand practice drills that involve footwork, dribbling and passing.This class is outdoors if the temperature is 60 degrees orabove. Please wear gym shoes and gym shorts or sweat pants.*NO OUTSIDE CLEATS IN THE GYM* 5 week session.Youth Programs(Starts session 2 only with instructor approval)Session 1: 1/15 - 2/12 Session 2: 2/19 - 3/19 Session 3: 4/2 - 4/30 HOTHOTPROGRAM!PROGRAM!Session 3: 4/3 - 5/1Session 4: 5/8 - 6/12(NO CLASS 5/22)Boxing Ignite your child’s energy, build strength, and boostconfidence in our kids' boxing classes, designed for all skilllevels. Whether they’re new to boxing or have someexperience, our sessions focus on fun, discipline, andfitness. 8 week sessions. Date:Time/Age:Location:Fee:4:30 PM - 5:30 PMFeldman Park$120 Per SessionDay:TuesdaysInstructor: Sammy MerzaSession 1: 2/25 - 4/29(Safety Measure Boxing & Wellness)Session 2: 5/13 - 7/1Session 3: 7/15 - 9/2Session 4: 9/16 - 11/45:30 PM - 6:30 PM8-11 Years Old12-17 Years Old(NO CLASS 3/25 & 4/1)
Register at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDEDance (Saturday)Join us for open level combination classesincorporating ballet, tap, and jazz. Ballet is thefoundation of all dance forms. It is also used byindividual athletes and athletic teams because itengages the entire body with greater range ofmotion, coordination, and strength. Ballet also helpschildren to mature physically, socially, andcognitively. Tap teaches rhythm and coordinationwith sounds. Jazz is full of rhythm and brings energyand life to dance. 5 week sessions. Date:Location:Fee:Feldman Park $52 Per SessionAge/Time:4 - 8 Yrs Old 10 AM - 11 AMDay: SaturdaysAge/Time:9 - Adult 11 AM - 12 PMYouth Martial ArtsStudents learn basic stances, forms, and kicks. Greatemphasis is given to the proper mastery of thesebasic skills. Students in this program improve theirmotor skills, coordination, and flexibility whichprovides a basis for life-long love of physical activity.They also learn the values of respect, courtesy, anddiscipline. 5 week sessions. Feldman Park$57 Per SessionDate:Location:Fee:Day: MondaysAge/Time: 7 - 10 Yrs Old Beginner Level: White/Yellow Belts 5:00 PM - 5:45 PMAge/Time:11 - 14 Yrs Old Intermediate Level: Orange Belt and Above5:45 PM - 6:30 PMInstructor: MBD Martial Arts AcademyDance (Tuesday)Dee Park$52 Per SessionDate:Location:Fee:Day:TuesdaysTime:6:00 PM - 7:30 PMAge: 9-Adult Mondays4:30 PM - 5 PMLittle DragonsThis program is geared towards introducing basicmartial arts skills through fun activities, games, anddrills. Children improve their motor skills, flexibility,balance, and coordination while building selfconfidence. They will also learn the value of disciplineand respect. 5 week sessions. Date:Location:Fee:Feldman Park $47 Per SessionDay:Time:Instructor: MBD Martial Arts AcademyAge: 4-6 Yrs Old Youth ProgramsSession 1: 1/6 - 2/10Instructor: Sandria Dajani Instructor: Sandria Dajani Session 1: 1/11 - 2/8Session 1: 1/7 - 2/4Session 2: 2/15 - 3/15Session 2: 2/11 - 3/11(NO CLASS 3/25)Break Dance (Beginner Course)Step into the rhythm and let your creativity flow in our BeginningBreak Dance class for kids! Designed to introduce youngsters to thevibrant world of break dancing, this class is the perfect fusion of funand fundamentals. 6 week Session/10 Classes per session. Dee Park$62 Per SessionDate:Location:Fee:Day:Mondays & WednesdaysTime:Instructor: BBoy Ramin Session 1/6 - 2/10(NO CLASS 1/20)Session 2: 2/24 - 3/31Session 3: 4/14 - 5/12Session 2: 2/24 - 4/2Session 3: 4/14 - 5/14(NO CLASS 3/24 & 3/26)4:00 PM - 5:00 PMAge: 8 - 13 Yrs Old Session 3: 3/22 - 4/19Session 3: 3/18 - 4/22Youth Programs(NO CLASS 1/20)(NO CLASS 3/24)Session 4: 5/19 - 6/23(NO CLASS 5/26)Session 1: 1/6 - 2/10Session 2: 2/24 - 3/31Session 3: 4/14 - 5/12(NO CLASS 1/20)(NO CLASS 3/24)Session 4: 5/19 - 6/23(NO CLASS 5/26)HOTHOTPROGRAM!PROGRAM!Session 4: 5/19 - 6/23(NO CLASS 5/26)Session 4: 4/26 - 5/24Session 4: 4/29 - 5/27
Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgYouth LeaguesYouth Leagues 1/13 @ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1/13 @ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 6th - 8th Grade Basketball Lg. 3/17@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 4th - 6th Grade Basketball Lg.1/13 Feldman Park$130 Date:Location:Fee:Age:4th - 6th GradeGame Days: Fridays & Sundays1st Practice:Practice Days:1X/WeekOur 4th-6th grade basketball league consists of 10 actionpacked games with 1 practice per week and an abundantamount of free basketball open gyms to work on skills! Wealso start the season off with a bang at "Draft Night", anight filled with snacks, drinks, pictures, family and fun! Tofinish things off, we end the season with a skillscompetition(selected players), a 3pt contest(selectedplayers) and pizza and awards! For more information (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Draft Night: 1/31 @6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 1/20@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 2nd Practice:3rd Practice: 1/24@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 1/13@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 3/3 Feldman Park$130 Date:Location:Fee:Age:6th - 8th GradeGame Days: Fridays & Sundays1st Practice:Practice Days:1X/WeekOur 6th-8th grade basketball league consists of 10 actionpacked games with 1 practice per week and an abundantamount of free basketball open gyms to work on skills! Wealso start the season off with a bang at "Draft Night", anight filled with snacks, drinks, pictures, family and fun! Tofinish things off, we end the season with a skillscompetition(selected players), a 3pt contest(selectedplayers) and pizza and awards! For more information (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Draft Night: 3/21 @5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 3/10@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM 2nd Practice:3rd Practice: 3/3@ 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Golf Maine Park DistrictRegister at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDENO SCHOOL DAYSNo School DaysOur lounge offers a cutting-edge space filled with thelatest consoles, games, and high-speed internet for anunbeatable gaming experience. Whether you're into epicbattles, immersive adventures, or casual play, ourcomfortable and social atmosphere is perfect for gamers ofall kinds. Gamers Lounge Date:Location: Dee ParkAge:5 - 13 Yrs Old1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Time:12/10/2024Fee: Free!Day: TuesdayPlayers of all levels can enjoy casual, friendly matches andhone their skills! Whether you’re a seasoned strategist orjust starting out, our open play sessions offer a relaxedenvironment to challenge yourself and learn from others. Chess Open PlayDate:Location: Dee ParkAge:5 - 13 Yrs Old1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Time:12/10/2024Fee: Free!Day: TuesdayHoliday Leisure CampDate:Location: Dee Park Age:5 - 13 Yrs Old8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Time:Session 1: 12/23 - 12/27 (NO CLASS 12/25)Celebrate the Holiday’s with our Holiday Camp! Join us fora festive blend of fun activities, including crafts, games,and themed challenges that capture the spirit of theHoliday’s. It’s the perfect way for kids to enjoy the holiday,make new friends, and create lasting memories. (Mustregister @ GMPD.ORG.)Days: Monday - FridaySession 2: 12/30 - 1/3 (NO CLASS 1/1)Fee: $105 PER SESSIONHoliday Sports CampDate:Location: Dee Park Age:5 - 13 Yrs Old9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Soccer CampTime/ Camp:Session 1: 12/23 - 12/27 (NO CLASS 12/25)Celebrate the Holiday’s with our Holiday Sports Camp! Join usfor Basketball and Soccer Camp with themed challenges thatcapture the spirit of the Holiday’s. It’s the perfect way for kidsto enjoy the holiday, make new friends, and create lastingmemories. (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Days: Monday - FridaySession 2: 12/30 - 1/3 (NO CLASS 1/1)Fee: $60 PER SESSION10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Basketball CampOne Day Leisure CampDate:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:2/17Days: FridayFee:Join us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Dee Park 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20One Day Leisure CampDate:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:1/20Days: Monday Fee:Join us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Dee Park 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20One Day Leisure CampDate:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:3/21Days: Monday Fee:Dee Park Join us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20
Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgNo school daysNo School DaysOne Day Leisure CampDate:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:3/31Days: Monday Fee:Dee Park Date:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:4/18Days: FridayFee:Dee Park Date:Location:Age:5 - 13 Yrs OldTime:5/26Days: FridayFee:Dee Park Spring Break Leisure CampDate:Location: Dee Park Age:5 - 13 Yrs Old8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Time:3/24 - 3/28Celebrate Spring with our Spring Camp! Join us for aseason of outdoor adventures, creative crafts, excitinggames, and team challenges that embrace the vibrantspirit of spring. It’s the perfect way for kids to enjoy theseason, make new friends, and create lasting memories.(Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Days: Monday - FridayFee: $130Spring Break Sports CampAge:5 - 13 Yrs OldCelebrate Spring with our Sports Camp! Join us for a dayof sports, friendly competition, skill-building games, andteam challenges that embrace the energy of the season.It’s the perfect way for kids to stay active, make newfriends, and create lasting memories. (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)Date:Location: Dee Park 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Soccer CampTime/ Camp:3/24 - 3/28 Days: Monday - FridayFee: $75 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Basketball CampNext Level HoopersDate:Location:Age:4th-8th GradeTime:Days:Fee:Feldman ParkThis camp is designed for players looking to elevate their skills, enhancetheir techniques, and push their limits on the court. With expert coaching,intense drills, and competitive play, it’s the perfect opportunity to takeyour basketball abilities to new heights. Get ready to step up your game!(Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)9:00 AM - 12:00 PM $1153/24 - 3/28 Monday - FridayJoin us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20Join us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20Join us for a fun-filled One-Day Camp! Packed withexciting activities like crafts, games, and team challenges,it's the perfect way for kids to have a blast and make newfriends in just one day. Don't miss out on this action-packed adventure! (Must register @ GMPD.ORG.)8:00 AM - 5:00 PM $20One Day Leisure CampOne Day Leisure Camp
Register at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDEAdult ProgramsAdult ProgramsMaine Township ProgramsMaine Township in collaboration with Golf MainePark District is offering exercise programs for adults50 and older. The hour long classes areaccompanied with music. Get 'fit' while having fun!All registration is taken at Maine Township, 1700Ballard Rd. For more info call (847)297-2510 andask for the Mainstreamers Department. Zumba With Lisa CarbelloCome join us! Discover the benefits of Zumba Fitness. Nodance experience required. Dress in comfortable clothes,and gym shoes. 5 week sessions.7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Feldman Park Time:Location:Age: 18+Day: ThursdaysDate:Recreation Men’s Basketball League Feldman Park Time:Location:Age:18+Day: Sundays2/16 - 5/4Date:$130 Per Person Fee:$45 Per SessionFee:*$11 Walk-In Fee*Painting StudioExperiment with various mediums; oil, acrylic,watercolor, pastel, etc. This class will be under thedirection of veteran artist and teacher Sue Chelmer.This Class is a 8 Week Session.10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Feldman Park $96Date:Time:Location:Fee:Age:18+Day: Thursdays1/9- 2/276:00 PM-10:00 PMWomen’s YogaDiscover balance, strength, and serenity in our adult yogaclasses, designed for all levels. Whether you're new to yogaor an experienced practitioner, our sessions offer a holisticapproach to wellness.This Class is a 6 Week Session.9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Feldman Park $55Date:Time:Location:Fee:Age: 18+Day: SaturdaysSession 1: 2/15 - 3/22 Session 2: 4/5 - 5/10 Session 3: 5/24 - 6/28 Session 1: 1/16 - 2/13Session 3: 4/17 - 5/15Session 2: 2/27 - 4/3(NO CLASS 3/13)*$10 Walk-In Fee*Zumba With Carlos Hernandez7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Feldman Park Time:Location:Age: 18+Day: MondaysDate:$60 Per SessionFee:*$12 Walk-In Fee*Session 1: 1/6 - 2/10Session 2: 2/24 - 3/31Come join us on Mondays! Discover the benefits of ZumbaFitness. No dance experience required. Dress incomfortable clothes, and gym shoes. 5 week sessions.Session 3: 4/14 - 5/19Session 4: 5/29 - 6/26Adult BoxingUnleash your power, build strength, and boost yourconfidence in our adult boxing classes, designed for all skilllevels. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, oursessions focus on technique, conditioning, and overallfitness. This Class is a 8 Week Session.12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Feldman Park $120Date:Time:Location:Fee:Age: 18+Day: SaturdaysSession 1: 3/1 - 5/3Session 2: 5/24 - 8/02Session 3: 8/23 - 10/25(NO CLASS 3/15 & 4/05)(NO CLASS 6/21 , 7/12 & 7/19)(NO CLASS 9/20, 10/18)This casual adult league features 8 regular season games +playoffs. A trophy will be awarded for regular season andplayoff winners. Every team will receive T-Shirts.Contact for more information.
Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgLooking to Sponsor? At Golf Maine Park District we have SpecialEvent Sponsors, Program Sponsors, and other packages available! Ifyou or anyone you know is interested in Sponsoring at Golf MainePark District please contact for more information! SponsorshipsneededSponsorshipsThank YOU TO OUR SPONSORS!8575 W Golf Rd, Niles, IL 534-7470Sponsorships
YOURLOCALCHICK-FIL-A8575 W Golf RoadNiles, IL 60714in front of Target atthe Golf Mill Shopping
SponsorshipsM-NASRM-NASRM-NASR Provides individuals with disabilities access to meaningfuland life-enriching recreation and leisure opportunities M-NASR ProgramsAbout UsM-NASR offers a wide range of recreationprogramming, both in person and virtual. Programsinclude athletics, adaptive sports, camps, culturalarts, social opportunities, special events, and so muchmore! M-NASR programs are offered throughout our memberdistricts. M-NASR participants are welcome to registerfor all programs regardless of location, andtransportation is available to select programs. To view the latest programs go to, has been open since 1972 and has providedfacilitated recreation programs and services forchildren, teens, and adults with disabilities. M-NASR isan extension of the park districts in Des Plaines, Golf-Maine, Morton Grove, Niles, Park Ridge and Skokie andLincolnwood’s Parks and Recreation Department. m-nasr inclusion servicesInclusion provides opportunities for individuals withdisabilities to participate alongside their non-disabled peers in park district recreation programs.M-NASR works cooperatively with its member parkdistricts to provide training and education to staff,as well as resources and reasonable accommodationsto include individuals with disabilities registered forrecreational programs they offer. For more information:mnasr.org847-966-5522
Rental Info.Facility Rentals for Parties, Meetings, and Gym RentalsGolf Maine Park District rents out its facilities to individuals and businesses for many differentpurposes. To find out more call (847) 297-3000 or send an email to *ALL BOOKINGS ARE A 2HR MINIMUM*BASEBALL FIELD (W GOALS/LINING)LIGHTSGYMNASIUM (CAP. 250)MULTI-PURPOSE (CAP. 30)SAND VOLLEYBALL CT. EAST PICNIC SHELTER$70/HR$50/HR$20/HR$35/HRWATER SPRAY PARKCRICKET (1 TIME USE)SOCCER FIELD (W GOALS/LINING)$50/HR$80/HR$50/HR$40/HR$35/HR$200$200$200$200$200$200$200$200N/AFEE: DEPOSIT:ALCOHOL FEE$35/HR$200DEE PARK RECREATION CENTER*RENTALS WITH 150+ GUESTS WILL INCUR AN ADDITIONAL $30/HR.**MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM RENTALS ARE 3HR MINIMUM*FELDMAN PARK RECREATION CENTERCLEAN UP FEEBOUNCE HOUSEGYMNASIUM (CAP. 560)HALF GYMMULTI-PURPOSE (CAP.1-80)MULTI-PURPOSE (CAP. 81-135)$130/HR$70/HR$77/HR$92/HRGYM/MULTI COMBOAFTER 10PM FEEGAZEBOALCOHOL FEE$195/HR$20/HR$15/HR$35/HR$80$200/2HRS$200$200$200$200$300$200$50$300N/A$200FEE: DEPOSIT:**Youth Open Gym times will be availableto view on our Facebook and Instagram.**Register at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDERental Information*RENTAL DEPOSIT BY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ONLY!**3% SERVICE CHARGE**RENTAL DEPOSIT BY CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ONLY!**3% SERVICE CHARGE*
Log onto www.gmpd.orgSelect online registration.Create an account, or logonto existing one. Add participants to your accountthat you would like to enroll inprograms/camps. On the registration tab,select the program youwould like to enroll in- itwill be added to yourshopping cart. Be sure toselect the correct namefor registration, andproceed to checkout!Golf Maine Park District 8800 W. Kathy Ln (847)297-3000www.gmpd.orgLate registration is permissible if space is available,permission from instructor, and payment guidelines arefollowed. Full payment is due before the program begins. Programs may be cancelled due to low enrollment.Participants will receive a full refund. Program/Registration Program registration is a first come/first serve basis. Registration may be done online or in person. You cango to or call 847-297-3000NO REFUNDS once a program has started. Requestsfor refunds will be reviewed on a case by case basis.There is a $5 administrative charge for refunds. If thepark district cancels the program there will not be anadministrative charge. The park district assumes no responsibility for injuries orloss of personal property while attending a park districtactivity/facility. The signing of a waiver or release form isrequired for all participants 18+ years old.Parents/guardians must sign if a child is under 18.Rules & Regulations Show respect to all participants and staff.Refrain from using foul language. Refrain from causing bodily harm to others. Show respect for equipment, supplies andfacilities. We reserve the right to dismiss aparticipant who cannot follow these guidelines. There is a $30 fee for each returned check. 8800 W. Kathy Ln. Niles, IL 60714Feldman Park Mon-Fri: 9AM-9PM (Facility Hours) Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM (Facility Hours) (Main Office) 9229 W. Emerson St. Des Plaines, IL 60016Dee Park Mon-Fri: 3PM-9PM (Facility Hours)Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM (Facility Hours) *All hours are subject to change*General Info. Hours & LocationIf you or anyone youknow is interested involunteering at anyof our special eventsplease contactanthony@gmpd.orgGeneral Information3% Service Charge is applied to all Credit/Debit transactions.
TRACK HOURS:8:30AM-9PM8:30AM-9PM8:30AM-9AM8:30AM-9PM8:30AM-9PM9AM-3PM9AM-3PMRegister at GMPD.ORG2024-25 WINTER ACTIVITY GUIDEMuch thought and effort has gone into upgrading the outdoorareas at Dee and Feldman Park. We want to keep it lovely for allthe people who come play, walk, or simply relax. please helpkeep t that way. If you see anyone vandalizing the gardens,grounds, equipment, or facilities, please contact the park office.Help us keep our parks beautiful for all to enjoy! M-NASR The Golf Maine Park District and Maine-NilesAssociation of Special Recreation (M-NASR) believethat all individuals should be provided with leisureopportunities that allow performance at their highestlevel of ability. Although many people achieve thisthrough participation in a M-NASR program, manyothers may have greater success in a park districtactivity. M-NASR and the Golf Maine Park Districtadhere to the following basic principles when providingaccommodations so as to allow for successful inclusionpf individuals with disabilities in park district activities. Principles of InclusionThe interest and needs of the individual will beaddressed. 1.The concerns of the family will be taken into account. 2.The park district staff will be given support by M-NASR. Family of individuals with disability shouldcontact M-NASR at (847)966-5522 to discuss theindividual's participation in the program of theirchoice. 3.Non-Discrimination Services, programs, and activities of the Golf MainePark District and M-NASR are subject to all applicablelaws regarding non-discrimination, including theAmericans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A) programs areoffering classes for individuals with like impairments.However, classes are open to all as long as essentialeligibility requirements are met. Keep Our Parks BeautifulGeneral Info. Indoor Track & FitnessThe Feldman Recreation Center has anindoor track and mini fitness area. Thefitness area includes NordicTrac upright andrecumbent exercycles and gravitron. It alsoincludes weights, jump ropes, pull up bar,exercise balls and bands, as well asweighted balls. It's available to anyone 14years and older. IT IS FREE! Open during all regularly scheduled hours. General Information