C H A M P A I G N C O U N T Y C H R I S T I A N H E A L T H C E N T E RThe healthcare system in the United States is in a constant state of motion.Countless moving parts translate into healthcare being provided to millions ofpeople across the country every year. Unfortunately, too often, the systemfails to provide healthcare to the uninsured and underinsured. At the statelevel, Illinois is working towards closing the gaps in care for the mostvulnerable through various policies and proposals. While the road has been tread with many obstacles, for nearly 20 years,CCCHC has provided free healthcare for thousands of people in need. Wehope more will join our efforts as there is still a need as many people are stillfalling through the cracks. We want to catch those who fall through the cracks. Will you help us?WINTER NEWSLETTER 2023OUR NEW BUILDING
CCCHC STAFFAs the founder of CCCHC, I am humbled by the growth, opportunity, and many reasonsto celebrate the existence of a clinic that was incorporated 20 years ago and saw itsfirst patient in September 2004. God has also made it clear that CCCHC is to do bigthings in the years to come. Between new state funding through Rep Carol Ammonsoffice and IAFCC, working with PRIDE Philanthropy, and engaging in other collaborativeefforts, CCCHC is being positioned to make a meaningful impact in not only improvingthe well-being of those needing healthcare, but of the overall health of our ChampaignCounty neighbors in general; especially communities of color that have major healthinequities. We are in the midst of a meteoritic rise as a ministry, health clinic, andservice to the community. I ask for your prayers, your participation, and yourpocketbooks to help CCCHC bring healing, hope, faith, and love to those that need itmost. Jeffrey Trask, PhDFounder and Operations DirectorAs the operations director of CCCHC, I am happy to report, in space shuttle terms, allfunctions are a go. We have a wonderful facility to provide care to our patients and giveour volunteers everything they need to deliver that care, along with a place our staff canwork throughout the week. Since we purchased this facility nearly one year ago, we havefurnished it, beautified the grounds, made improvements, and coordinated withcontractors to maintain it. We still have a few changes to make still, but we are makingthe most of our space. In 2024, we also anticipate making major renovations toaccommodate a full service dental space to meet the current and growing demand fordental care in Champaign County. Financially, CCCHC has been blessed. However, withfinancial blessings, come financial responsibilities. Therefore, we continually working onour strategic plan to direct CCCHC's resources according to our mission and vision.Whether managing the numerous grant reports, working with our accountant, auditor,and tax firms, or implementing our new Salesforce system, our financial well-being iswell covered. Of course, as a non-profit clinic providing medical, mental, and dentalhealthcare for free, we are always in need of resources - we just are finally going beyondsurvival mode and moving into thriving mode. Page 2
Being a Volunteer and Pharmacy Assistancecoordinator at CCCHC is more than a role; it's a calling to serve and connect with thecommunity. As the Volunteer Coordinator, Isee myself as a bridge between communityneeds and available resources, ensuring that the right volunteers are positioned tomake a positive impact. Simultaneously, in my role as a PharmacyAssistance coordinator, I view healthcaresupport as a necessity. Serving as a vital linkbetween patients and medications, I considerit both an honor and a responsibility tocontribute to the well-being of individuals inthe community by ensuring they have accessto essential medications and healthcareservices.Crystal Hogue, MBAExecutive DirectorWhat an honor and a privilege to lead such a wonderfulclinic! I am humbled to be able to be in a position to seethe uninsured and underinsured patients and those wholack access to healthcare in our community, being servedby such dedicated, caring, and committed individuals.This amazes me.Over the six years of working for CCCHC and observingthe growth, has not only brought me joy but has alsoenhanced my leadership abilities as an African AmericanWoman in the nonprofit sector. I am ecstatic seeing thediversity of volunteers who give back to the communityby using their individual God-given talents, skills,education and abilities to make a difference in serving our patients. Life is all about serving and giving to othersand at CCCHC, we strive to do this.Social determinants of health, SDOH, have had a majorimpact on people’s health, well-being, and quality of life.Being able to serve those effected by SDOH by offeringfree healthcare is a major step towards healing membersof our community. Now that we have our own building,we can continue to help those who fall through thecracks, and those in between gaps of insurance coverageby offering our free healthcare services. We are indeedmaking a difference in the lives of many who are unableto pay for healthcare services.In order to continue meeting the needs of our patients,we are still very much in need of funding to help maintainthis beautiful new building and to be able to purchasemedical and dental equipment needed to take care of ourpatients. We thank you for your continued support andcollaborative efforts. Your time, talents and treasures aremuch appreciated. Words cannot express how grateful Iam to our supporters, staff, board members, communitypartners, volunteers, churches and anyone who hascontributed in any way to help us continue serving thosein need of healthcare in the CU community. Teddie Hill, M.S.Outreach Coordinator Shekina Mullen, MBA Volunteer and Pharmacy CoordinatorBeing a part of CCCHC is such arewarding experience for me. As theoutreach coordinator, I have theopportunity to meet so many wonderfulpeople and learn about their stories andlife experiences. Being a part of CCCHChas opened my eyes to important facetsof our community's needs and challengesrelated to healthcare and how we can bestserve those who need us. It's a blessing tobe a part of a team who prioritizes caringfor our community. CCCHC STAFF Page 3
LOOKING BACK IN 2023Turning a closet into a labroomSetting up our dental clinic!We love hearing Dr. Koehlerplay his Banjo!Dr. Alina Paul inspires uswith her beautiful voice!In the nurse/providerworkstationOSF donates lab suppliesWe finally got our own building At our first healthfairHaving fun during clinicPage 4
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CCCHC RIBBON CUTTINGCEREMONYOn Wednesday, August 30, 2023 @ 10:00 am, Champaign County Christian Health Center,CCCHC, marked a new milestone at our first ribbon cutting ceremony. The providers, boardpresident, founder, executive director, IAFCC ED, State Representative Carol Ammons,Atha Wilson representing Senator Faraci’s office, pastors and many others, attended thisevent to help celebrate this very important milestone. Together we stand in agreement thatwe will dedicate this building to serve the uninsured and underinsured and those who lackaccess to healthcare in our community. We are proud to say that CCCHC now owns ourown building, a place that our patients can call home. We could not reach this milestonewithout your help. We thank you for helping us get there. Look out world, Champaign County Christian Health Center is coming your way, expanding,building, growing, extending several hands, partnering with many, and offering moreservices to reach those who need us. Thanks State Representative Carol Ammons for your continued support!Page 6
"I’ve been a patient at CCCHC since you guys wereat Salt and Light around 2004. You guys havebeen there for me to stand by me through mystruggles every time. It was my mom that got meto come.Through the years, that remains the same is theamount of care every staff has for the patients,and it’s amazing. I can’t speak enough about it. Youguys have been a blessing. To tell you how far Icame from when I first came to CCCHC, myanxiety and PTSD made me suffer so much that itaffected me on my jobs. I thank you ChampaignCounty Christian Health Center!"- CCCHC PatientPatient Stories"I would like to thank all of the Doctors andStaff at Champaign County Christian HealthCenter. I appreciate all the help that youhave given me down through the years andam looking forward to more years with allof you. I also want to thank all of you for thiswonderful blood pressure machine that Ireceived for free. It will be a big help withtracking my blood pressure. I reallyappreciate this so much.“- CCCHC Patient"I was amazed at how nice everyone was. Ihonestly can’t tell you how I found out about it,but I was lost and just found my way in when Iwas sick. And now, I am referring many peoplehere and I tell them, if you need help, just go toCCCHC.” - CCCHC PatientPage 9
Our Annual Fundraising DinnerSaturday, October 28th, 5:30 pmpm pm Page 10
Our Annual Fundraising Dinner 2023IHOTEL Conference Center Chancellor BallroomPage 11
CCCHC 2023 Volunteer Awards and NominationsLeadership Award - William DaiWilliam Dai unquestionably deserves the Leadership Award, embodying the very essenceof effective leadership. In moments of unforeseen challenges within the clinic, heseamlessly steps in, offering solutions and bridging gaps as needed. His leadershipprowess shines through his roles in medical assisting and scribing, as well as his invaluablecontribution to onboarding new student clinical volunteers.Dedication Award - Adam SyedThe recipient of the Dedication Award, Adam Syed, consistently demonstrates readinessand eagerness to assist whenever called upon. His proactive and innovative approach toclinic activities reflects a genuine passion, as he consistently puts his best foot forward asan essential volunteer. We are not only pleased with his unwavering efforts but alsoinspired by his tenacity in the field of medicine. Remarkably, Adam stands out as the onlyvolunteer nominated for each award.Innovation and Creativity Award - NomineesWhile a single winner did not emerge for the Innovation and Creativity Award this year, theseven nominees listed below exemplify our commitment to fostering a culture of innovationand creativity. As we work collaboratively, we anticipate the continued contribution ofgroundbreaking ideas for the advancement of the clinic.Nominees:Katherine TaklaPrithika RaviTeddie HillWilliam DaiHeather TrotterAdam SyedSani KimuraRising Star - Adam SyedAdam Syed claims the title of Rising Star, a fitting acknowledgment for a sophomore at theUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His remarkable contributions have not goneunnoticed by the CCCHC staff and providers, showcasing his potential as a rising force inthe field.Mentorship Award - NomineesIn the Mentorship Award category, we celebrate the numerous leaders and mentors whoselflessly contribute to our clinic. The nominees below exemplify the spirit of mentorship,enriching the clinic environment with their guidance and support.Nominees:Erica JooShekina MullenEllie KimAdam SyedDr. Kevin KimPage 12
Rising Star and Dedication Award WinnerNominee for Innovation & Creativity and Mentorship AwardThe Champaign County Christian Health Center has been an extraordinary catalyst for both myacademic and personal development. Starting off, I first confronted the challenges of triage withlimited knowledge but gradually mastered the intricacies, acquiring fluency in developingresilience and managing stress. Progressing to scribing medical charts during encounters, I honedmy decision-making, efficiency, and leadership skills while guiding fellow volunteers. In my currentstage of aiding clinic development, I willingly embrace discomfort, implementing a urinalysisprogram for our patients to have immediate insight while at the same visit. Mrs. Hogue'smentorship, coupled with the collaborative experiences with doctors and nurses, allowed me toachieve significant milestones, taking the lead in administrative assignments. This professionalenvironment not only delivers quality care to the patients but also nurtures my growth, providingme with the wings to soar. The CCCHC has equipped me to navigate moments of incompetence inmedicine, fostering adaptability and resilience for continuous improvement, ultimately contributingto the elevated quality of service we provide to our community.Thank you,Adam Syed“The recipient of the Dedication Award, Adam Syed, consistently demonstrates readiness andeagerness to assist whenever called upon. His proactive and innovative approach to clinic activitiesreflects a genuine passion, as he consistently puts his best foot forward as an essential volunteer. We are not only pleased with his unwavering efforts but also inspired by his tenacity in the field ofmedicine. Remarkably, Adam stands out as the only volunteer nominated for each award.” Shekina Mullen, MBA, Volunteer & Pharmacy CoordinatorAdam Syed“I am very proud of you Adam. Keep up the great work. I am also very proud of William Dai for receiving the Leadership Award and all the nominees.We are so delighted to have all of you a part of the CCCHC Team!”Crystal Hogue, MBA, Executive DirectorPage 13
I originally applied to CCCHC due to the holistic approach to their healthcareservices which I thought was unique compared to other internship options. Inresearching CCCHC, I learned that they serve almost strictly uninsured andunderinsured people in Champaign. After learning this I felt obligated to givemy best efforts to the clinic to assist them in serving the underservedpopulation surrounding my University. In my internship experience, I havegained an immense understanding of the administrative factors that go intomaking a non-profit clinic run smoothly. I learned how to analyze data andhow to communicate this information to tailor to the clinic’s needs. I havebecome competent in various administration and management tools throughthe different events I’ve attended throughout the semester and working withthe Executive Director. These learning tools include attending clinic meetings and discussing different topics and projects that the staff was working on toimprove the clinic. This also included doing grant research for a 501(C)3nonprofit clinic. I was able to attend clinic a few times a week to work andlearn from my supervisor, volunteers, staff, students, nurses, and physicians.Working at this clinic under the direct supervision of Crystal was very helpfuland made me strive to learn what it means to be the best healthcare worker. I constantly had to think outside of the box to complete the work assigned tome, which was a new experience for me entering into the healthcare field.This experience set me up to be able to problem-solve in different areas ofhealth care. I learned a great extent by being a part of this clinic and gratefulfor the opportunity. -Josh MassaroA Grateful InternJosh Massaro
Total Patients Served2021 2022 20233669431653 We have surpassed our 2022 patient numbers from last year.We plan to continue increasing due to raising the awarenessin our community. We hope to continue this trend in 2024!Page 14
Total Volunteer Hours...Thanks to all of our volunteers for your continued support!We cannot do what we do without YOU!Page 15
FundraisingOur goal over the next 2 years is to raise $425,000 to pay off our building.With your continued helpwe will!Donate Today!www.ccchc2003.org/donations Thank You for Your Support!We raised a total of $8,130.27! Thanksso much for donating to our fundraiser. Page 16
New Location Address: 1401 S State St, Suite B Champaign, IL 61820Medical and Dental Clinic Hours 9:00 am - 8:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and someThursdays of the month.Dates and times vary based on provider availability.Please call to schedule an appointment.Phone Number: Appointment Line: 217-402-5683Office Line: 217-398-2914Email: ccchc2003care@gmail.com Website: ccchc2003.orgMailing address:PO Box 5005, Champaign, IL 61825Q: W HO CAN BE S ERV ED B Y C CCHC ?A: A NYO N E W ITH O UT HEAL TH INSU RAN C EOR W ITH A L ACK OF SUFF ICI ENT HEA L THINSU RAN C EQ: W HAT CAR E I S OF FER E D A T CC CHC ?A: B ASI C PR IMA R Y C ARE, DE NTAL CA R E,HEAL TH E DUC ATI O N, SOCI ALWORK , L A B W ORK , NU TRIT ION AL A NDMENT AL H EAL TH C OUN SELI NG,PHAR MAC Y AS SIS T ANC E, I NFO RMAT IONON H EAL T H S CRE E NIN GS, HOP E, P RAY E R,AND MOR E !Q: H OW CAN I V O LUN TEE R ?A: P LEA S E F ILL OUT A V OLU NTEE RAPPL ICA T ION ATCCCH C20 0 3.O RG/ V OLU NTEE R O R EM AILUS A T C C CHC 200 3 CAR E@GM AIL .COM Q: H OW CAN I C O NTR IBU T E T O CC CHC ?A: B ECO M E A MO N THL Y DO NOR BYSEND ING CHE CKS MAD E OU T T O CC CHCAT P .O. BOX 50 0 5. CHAM PAI GN, IL 6 182 5.YOU CAN ALS O D O NAT E ON LIN E ATWWW. CCC H C20 03. O RG/ DONA TEYOUR CO N TRI BUT I ONS ARE TA XDEDU CTI B LE AND GRE ATLYAPPR ECI A TED .Frequently Asked QuestionsCCCHC Board MembersDr. Patricia McNussen, Board PresidentBarbara Pritchard, Board SecretaryDr. Clif Burdette, Board TreasurerRev. Terrance Thomas, Board MemberRev. Elexis Wilson, Board MemberJonathan Woods, Board MemberDr. Thomas Koehler, Board MemberThanks for your support!Contact Us!Page 17
Because of YOU we have had over 14,000 client visitsBecause of YOU we can provide basic medical healthcare for free tothe uninsured and underinsuredBecause of YOU we have a place where are patients can come andfeel comfortableBecause of YOU we can offer counseling and provide support forpatients with mental health issuesBecause of YOU we can provide medical and dental care to alldifferent walks of lifeBecause of YOU we can provide nutritional counselingBecause of YOU we can expand our services to meet more patientneedsFor that we say Thank you.Thank YOU for your continued support!May God bless you!SUPPORTERSTHANKSTO OUR and many more!Page 18