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Portugal Wine Tour

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DAY 1 - ARRIVE IN LISBON:Are you ready to journey through history,culture, and culinary delights? Look nofurther than Portugal!As you land in the capital, Lisboa, you'll begreeted by a city that effortlessly blendsold-world charm and modern vibes. Ourlocal experts are looking forward toshowing you the secrets of thisenchanting city and beyond. Lisbon & Wine Tours5 Days & 4 Nights

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Your trip begins in the neighbourhood ofBelem, a nostalgic area that played a keyrole in the Portuguese Discoveries era.You'll see the Church of the Jeronimo'sMonastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Sitethat showcases the unique Master ChiefManueline style. Listen to captivatingaudio phone commentary as you explore. Of course, no trip to Belem is completewithout a visit to the iconic Monument tothe Discoveries and the Tower of Belem,symbolic reminders of Portugal'smaritime past. And did we mention themouth-watering pastry shops nearby?You'll get to sample the finest pastriesPortugal has to offer! Get ready for a trip unlike any other. Inthis itinerary, you will experienceunparalleled service while discovering thebest of Portugal's wines, cuisines, andcultures. Join us on this adventure of a lifetime!Back at the hotel, you’ll rest and unwind,preparing for tomorrow's excursion.Itinerary crafted by Cit Global DMCDAY 2 – SINTRA & CASCAISAwaken to the stunning Lisbon sunshine,as your chauffeur eagerly awaits yourpresence in the hotel lobby. Embark on acaptivating adventure to Sintra, amesmerizing haven where mankind andnature unite in impeccable harmony.Enchanted forests and enigmatic cliffsintermingle with magical palaces,heavenly gardens, and age-old sacredsecrets. Embrace Lord Byron's words asyou immerse yourself in Sintra's wondersand witness "the glorious Eden!"Commence your exploration of thisenchanting city, a UNESCO WorldHeritage Site since 1915, which boasts anarray of magnificent palaces, picturesquelandscapes, botanical wonders, and a richzoological heritage that thrives within itsunique microclimate. Your journeyincludes a visit to the illustrious NationalPalace of Sintra, a symbol of the city'sdiverse past that dates back to the era ofMoorish rule.Savor the riches of Colares, the esteemedwine region nestled within Sintra territory.Boasting Appellation Origin status since1908, this unforgettable locale is both thewesternmost demarcated region in

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mainland Europe and Portugal's smalleststill-wine producing area. Marvel at itsgrand 19th-century edifice, encompassinga striking interior that houses over 1million liters of wine in enormous woodenbarrels, casks, and vats.Our tour then transports you throughSintra's breathtaking hillsides oralternatively toward Cascais to exploreCabo da Roca (continental Europe'swesternmost point) before delving intoGuincho's illustrious beaches andsumptuous seafood dining scene. Revel inCascais' picturesque bay dotted withcharming fishing boats before traversingEstoril's enigmatic World War II espionagehistory where astounding estates andEurope's largest casino abound. Concludeyour experience with an awe-inspiringcoastal journey back to Lisbon.Included are return transfers to yourluxurious Lisbon accommodations,ensuring a truly unforgettable adventure.DAY 3 – EVORABegin your day with a delicious breakfastat the hotel before embarking on ajourney to the enchanting city of Évora,the picturesque capital of Alto Alentejo.Delve into its rich history, from its Romanfoundations to its esteemed positionduring Julius Caesar's era. Marvel at theancient ruins of a classical temple and theremnants of the surrounding walls thatattest to Évora's significance.Explore the city's renowned attractions,including the 2nd-century Roman Temple,dedicated to Diana and exhibiting astunning Corinthian style. Revel in thearchitectural beauty of the 12th-centuryGothic Cathedral, and visit the 16th-century São Francisco Church, home to acaptivating ossuary chapel adorned withthe bones and skulls of 5,000 individuals.In the afternoon, indulge your senses atHerdade do Exporão winery. Locatedwithin Alentejo's Wine Route and DOC Itinerary crafted by Cit Global DMC

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DAY 4 - VISIT TO OBIDOS / BATALHA /NAZARÉ / FÁTIMAStart your day with a delightful breakfastat the hotel before setting off to explorethe breathtaking region north of Lisbon.Arrive at "Quinta dos Loridos," aprestigious wine producer in the “Oeste”region with a rich history dating back to1430. Marvel at the stunning 16th-centurybuildings, inspired by Italian design, asyou stroll through the terraced gardensand admire the magnificent "Palladian"portal. Lose yourself in the vast 35-hectare Oriental Garden, complete withartificial lakes and plans for an impressivecollection of 6,000 statues. Find tranquilityand serenity within this must-visit gardenduring your time here.Next, journey to the charming village ofÓbidos, a classic medieval walledsettlement gifted as a queen's weddingpresent. Wander along its ancientramparts and enjoy vistas of picturesquewindmills, vineyards, & idyllic countryside.Reguengos de Monsaraz, this sprawlingestate offers an exceptional experience inagriculture and wine tourism. Discover around 700 hectares of verdantvineyards, olive groves, and organicproduce across this vast terrain.As evening falls, immerse yourself inLisbon's vibrant bohemian scene withdinner accompanied by enthralling Fadomusic and soulful singing performances.Your driver will escort you from your hotellobby to the historic Fado House "Casa deLinhares," an enchanting riverside abodedating back to the Renaissance era. Oncehome to Portuguese nobility, Casa deLinhares exudes charm and elegance withits turret and custom coat of arms.Conclude your unforgettable day with areturn transfer to your hotel for apeaceful night's rest.Portugal has 14 wine regions, including theMadeira Islands & The Azores Archipelago.These wine regions are divided into 31different DOCs. Itinerary crafted by Cit Global DMC

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The village itself is like an open-airmuseum filled with preserved medievalcharm – narrow streets lined withcharming whitewashed houses adornedwith flower-filled windows and terraces.Savor a memorable wine-tastingexperience as you sample "Ginginha," aPortuguese liqueur crafted from ginjaberries infused in alcohol with addedsugar, completed with hints of clovesand/or cinnamon. Sip this delightfulconcoction served as a shot alongside theripe fruit and even savor an optionalchocolate cup for an irresistible treat youcan fully consume.Afterward, make your way to Batalha, acity celebrated for its awe-inspiringMonastery of Santa Maria da Vitoria – astriking example of Portuguese Gothicarchitecture listed as an InternationalHeritage site. Pay particular attention tothe breathtaking Founders Chapelfeaturing vibrant stained glass windows,intricate cloisters, and fascinatingunfinished chapels (Manueline) along withChapter House.Itinerary crafted by Cit Global DMCDAY 5 – TILL WE MEET AGAIN!Start your day with a delicious breakfastat the hotel and then enjoy some leisurelyfree time to explore. When it's time tocheck out, our driver will be convenientlyawaiting you in the hotel lobby, ready towhisk you away according to your flightschedule. It's off to Lisboa InternationalAirport (LIS) for you, and so concludes anunforgettable tour experience.Your journey continues at Nazaré, anenchanting fishing village where age-oldtraditions still flourish. Witness fishermenand their wives dressed in customaryattire while mending nets and drying fishalong the sandy shoreline. Observe localfish sales happening right next to throngsof tourists, immersing you in a truecultural experience.Venture onward to Fatima, home to oneof the world's most significant shrinesdedicated to the Virgin Mary. This sacredsanctuary attracts millions of visitors eachyear, drawn by the legendaryappearances of Our Lady of Fatima tothree shepherd children – Lucia,Francisco, and Jacinta – between May andOctober 1917. The final vision wasconfirmed by a miracle witnessed by70,000 people who observed "the SunDancing."Conclude your day by returning to yourhotel, carrying with you unforgettablememories of Portugal's exquisite culture,natural beauty, and historic charm.SPECIAL NOTE: The length of thisprogram can be adjusted to fit your client’slength of stay. The itinerary can be altertedto their preference and would work wellwith both FIT and Group journeys.

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