Facilitator’s Guide
Nothing But The Truth, Jacksonville, FL, NothingButTheTruth.orgWhy You Were Born Facilitator’s GuideCopyright © 2022 David L. JohnstonAll rights reserved. This book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher or copyright holder in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without prior written permission from the publisher or copyright holder as long as it is kept in its entirety and not sold for a prot.Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures taken from the HOLY BIBLE: King James Version.Scripture quotations marked AMPC are taken from The Classic Edition, Amplied Bible, Copyright © 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.Scripture quotations marked MSG are from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. All rights reserved.Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. www.lockman.org.Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Transla-tion, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.Scripture quotations marked PHILLIPS are from The New Testament in Modern English by J.B. Phillips copyright © 1960, 1972 J. B. Phillips. Administered by The Archbishops’ Council of the Church of England. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible, copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. The Living Bible, TLB, and the The Living Bible logo are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers.Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®). ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. The ESV® text has been reproduced in cooperation with and by permission of Good News Publishers. Unauthorized reproduc-tion of this publication is prohibited. All rights reserved.ISBN: 978-1-965799-06-2 (Paperback) ISBN: 978-1-965799-07-9 (Ebook)
ContentsHow to Use This Facilitator’s Guide ......................................... 1Study-Group Overview ............................................................ 11Week #1 Your Connection with God .................................. 15Week #2 Uniquely Made in His Image… Before You Were Even Born ................................ 18Week #3 Endowed by the Creator to Get, and Stay, on Track ................................................ 21Week #4 Embrace the God Factor and Being Ordinary ..................................................... 23Week #5 How to Be Yourself in a Culture That Rejects God .................................................. 26Week #6 Benets of, and Hindrances to, Discovering Your Endowment ............................. 28Week #7 You Were Born to Love and to Live Forever .......................................................... 30Week #8 Discovering Your Natural Ability… Are You a Messenger? .......................................... 32Week #9 Are You a Helper or an Explainer? ...................... 35Week #10 Are You an Encourager or a Provider?................ 38Week #11 Are You an Organizer or a Caregiver? ................ 41Week #12 Charting Your Path Ahead ................................... 44
How to Use This Facilitator’s GuideThank you for facilitating a 12-week course based on the book Why You Were Born by David L. Johnston. This unique in-depth look at how each of us can discover our unique God-given gift will equip you and your participants with refreshing clarity about who God wants you to be.This facilitator’s guide is designed to serve as your road map as you navigate the Why You Were Born book, study guide, and accompanying videos during your 12 weekly sessions. Combining the coursework with your unique perspective and leadership, the participants in your study group will embark on a truly enlightening journey of self-discovery.When each of us discovers our unique God-given gift, or endowment, we are empowered to live authentically. We learn the plan God has for each of our lives and, as a result, we walk more closely with Him, serve others more capably, and prepare to live with Him eternally.How the Why You Were Born Book Complements This Guide and the Study GuideThis Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guide by is a companion to the book titled Why You Were Born: A Blueprint for Discovering Your Life Potential, its accompanying study guide, and video series also by David L. Johnston. The book contains 23 chapters, while the study guide and videos contain 12 weekly study segments. The
2Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guidefacilitator’s guide tracks with the 12 weekly segments in the study guide.Selected content from the book is included in the study guide. Both are designed for groups to complete in 12 sessions, ideally held once per week and covering one segment per week. The videos underscore the material covered in the main text.As the facilitators, there are several fundamentals that are imperative. We must:1. LEARN IT: for we cannot teach what we do not know2. LIVE IT: for we cannot lead where we do not go3. LOVE IT: so your attendees will, in turn, learn to love the truth4. LEAD IT: so that others will then follow authenticallyIn the study guide, interactive exercises appear at the end of each weekly session. Part of your role as the group facilitator is to lead participants in both completing and discussing these exercises. Your goal is to foster their understanding about how they can apply the author’s concepts and principles to their own daily lives. There are three types of exercises:• “Knowledge Check” questions (multiple-choice and true/false questions)• Short-answer questions• Reection questions for students to answer as they consider, “What does this mean to me personally?”Please use your copy of the study guide for the questions. The answers are presented in the back of the study guide.Gathering Participants for Your GroupYour church probably has several different communication venues, such as its website and live announcements made during services, to let its members know about events and study opportunities. When you decide on the time frame and dates for conducting the Why You Were Born study group, denitely promote the group through those venues.
3How to Use This Facilitator’s GuideHowever, research shows that the number one way to encourage participants to sign up for a Bible study course is to have a member of the group invite them personally.In 2020, a Lifeway Research study revealed that, on average, 47 percent of people who attended a Bible study group did so because a member of the group invited them. The second most common reason was that the leader of the group invited them (17 percent of participants), and the third was that the opportunity was advertised through the church (15 percent).1Ask a few well-known members of your congregation to personally invite other members to participate with a group. Provide them with an overview of the Why You Were Born book and what they can expect to learn. At the end of this section is a brief overview that you and other church members can refer to in answering questions that potential participants might ask about this learning opportunity.Before the First SessionThe Why You Were Born book and study guide are available online at your favorite bookseller or on our website (WhyYouWereBornStudy.com). Find out how long it will take for the books to be shipped to you once you order them. Then, plan the schedule for your 12 weekly study sessions accordingly.To prepare yourself and your participants for the rst session, personally call everyone who has registered for the course. Welcome them. Ask what they hope to get out of the course. Their answers will give you valuable insight into what they hope to learn, and it will give you an opportunity to manage their expectations. You want to make sure their expectations align with the course content. Also, answer any questions they have about the course or its logistics.If you plan to host the sessions virtually, make sure all participants know how to download and connect to meetings via 1 “e Top Reason People Attend Bible Study Groups,” Scott McConnell, Lifeway Research, 2020, https://lifewayresearch.com/2021/06/01/the-top-reason-people-attend-bible-study-groups/.
4Why You Were Born Facilitator’s GuideZoom or any other platform you plan to use. This is important. You don’t want to begin that rst meeting only to discover that several people are unable to log in. When that happens, you end up spending valuable time trying to walk them through the login process, and this will be frustrating for everyone.Also let the participants know how to obtain both books:Why You Were Born as well as Why You Were Born Study Guide. If your church plans to purchase the books, arrange to get both books to each participant before the rst session. Then ask them to read the content for the Week #1 session, “Your Connection with God,” before the rst session begins.It’s a good idea to follow up with an email to each participant that reiterates key points you discussed on the phone.Read the content for each week’s session well in advance, and answer all the questions. This will prepare you for leading the session, and it will alert you to any questions you may have about the material. If any questions do arise, you will have time to discover the answers.During the First SessionDuring your rst meeting, welcome everyone. If the partici-pants in your group all know one another, you won’t need to spend much time on introductions. If some people in the group don’t know one another, ask everyone to introduce themselves briey and to share a little about themselves.Next, ask the participants if they agree to have their email addresses and/or phone numbers included in group emails or texts. Setting up a group will make it easier for everyone to communicate with one another.Once all these “housekeeping” tasks are completed, explain how you will lead the 12 study sessions. Then, answer questions they might have.Next, lead the participants in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide their understanding and personal growth during the session.Here is an optional exercise you can do with your group that can be fun and interesting. In the rst session, explain to
5How to Use This Facilitator’s Guideparticipants that by the end of the 12-week course, each one of them will have discovered why they were born and identied their primary Embedded Natural Ability, or ENA. These are the seven God-given gifts that David L. Johnston, the author of Why You Were Born, has identied as: messenger, helper, explainer, encourager, provider, organizer, caregiver as listed in Romans 12:4-8. Ask each participant to state which gift they think they have. You can have them complete the following self-assessment, which appears in the “Knowledge Check” section of the Week #12 content in the study guide.Then, during the last session in this course, have each participant complete this self-assessment again. Ask them to state which gift actually turned out to be their primary ENA. It will be interesting to see how many of the participants identied their primary ENA correctly before the course even began.Self-Assessment: Which Spiritual Gift Do You Have?Below, for each of the seven spiritual gifts/Embedded Natural Abilities we’ve discussed in this study guide, indicate the extent to which you think and feel that you have the traits associated with each gift. On the scale, 1 indicates the least, or weakest, extent to which you think you have this gift, while 10 indicates the strongest extent to which you think you have it.1. Messenger (creates clear communications of truth)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102. Helper (creates good works to help others along their life path)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guide3. Explainer (creates understanding so others can follow a successful life path)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104. Encourager (creates inspiration and incentives to empower others on their life path)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 105. Provider (creates assets beyond his or own living expenses and shares those assets responsibly with others to enable them to function on their life path)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 106. Organizer (oversees and creates opportunities for others)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 107. Caregiver (creates help and helping processes so others can recover and pursue their life path)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Scoring:Below, write which number you circled for each gift:1. Messenger _______2. Helper _______3. Explainer _______4. Encourager _______5. Provider _______6. Organizer _______7. Caretaker _______
7How to Use This Facilitator’s GuideFor which gift did you rank yourself with the highest number? ____________What is your second-highest-ranked gift? _______________What is your third-highest-ranked gift? ________________There you have it! Those are your primary (#1) and secondary (#2 and #3) spiritual gifts. Now that you know what your spiritual gift is, it will be easier for you to fulll God’s purpose for your life and to use your gift for the good of others, and the Kingdom of God, with ease and skill. Serving God and others in the way God intended you should enable you to live a more fullling, focused life.In Every SessionAt the beginning of every session, after greeting everyone and praying together, state the learning objective for that session. Then, explain the concepts in the content for that session, and encourage participation from everyone. Some people will be more eager to speak up than others. If some participants in the group seem shy, encourage them to join the discussion by asking for their perspective on a concept or idea.It’s always a good idea to ask open-ended rather than closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions can be answered with a simple “Yes” or “No,” and they tend to squelch robust discussion. Open-ended questions require more thoughtful responses.You will notice that the author has included open-ended questions in his material. For example, instead of asking, “Have you discovered your own natural ability?”—which is a closed-ended question that can be answered with a simple “Yes” or “No”—he asks this open-ended question: “To what extent have you discovered your own natural ability?”As you go through the content and lead the discussions, check for understanding often. Ask if the participants have any questions. Encourage lively debate.Each session has an optional video component. We strongly encourage you to use these videos as they enhance and reinforce
8Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guidethat material each week. These videos run for 20 minutes each. This can be shown at a time that seems right for your group. See suggested schedules below.At the end of each session you facilitate, ask the group to read the next week’s content in preparation for the next session.Schedule SuggestionsYour sessions can be as short as 1 hour or as long as 2 hours. Here are the formats we recommend:1 hour (assumes you are already in small groups) 5 Minutes Announcements and Opening Prayer 50 Minutes Discussion and Video (if used, plan 20 minutes) 5 Minutes Closing Prayer1 ½ hour with Video 5 Minutes Announcements and Opening Prayer 5 Minutes Worship/Signing/Sharing 20 Minutes Video (option of showing here or later) 5 Minutes Dismiss to Small Groups 45 Minutes Discussion 5 Minutes Return to Large Group 20 Minutes Video (option of showing here or earlier) 5 Minutes Closing Prayer1 ½ hour without Video 5 Minutes Announcements and Opening Prayer 10 Minutes Worship/Signing/Sharing 5 Minutes Dismiss to Small Groups 60 Minutes Discussion 5 Minutes Return to Large Group 5 Minutes Closing Prayer2 Hours with Video 5 Minutes Announcements and Opening Prayer 10 Minutes Worship/Signing/Sharing 20 Minutes Video (option of showing here or later)
9How to Use This Facilitator’s Guide 5 Minutes Dismiss to Small Groups 65 Minutes Discussion 5 Minutes Return to Large Group 20 Minutes Video (option of shoing here or earlier) 10 Minutes Announcements and Closing Prayer2 Hours without Video 5 Minutes Announcements and Opening Prayer 15 Minutes Worship/Signing/Sharing 5 Minutes Dismiss to Small Groups 65 Minutes Discussion 15 Minutes Prayer Requests/Prayer 5 Minutes Return to Large Group 10 Minutes Announcements and Closing PrayerPromoting Your Small GroupOn page 11 is an overview of the course. Please download the Word le from the link below and customize by adding your name, the course dates, the physical location or virtual platform you will use, and details about how to register or get more information.You can use the overview as the basis for your church’s promotion materials or send it to your membership as an email. Also you can give it to church leaders to refer to when inviting potential participants and answering their questions. Additional resources available to you include digital les for:• a Poster that can be printed and hung in various places in your facility • a Bulletin Insert that can be printed and used as a handout or included in your church bulletin (both color and black/white versions)• Images for advertising on social media All of these resources can be found on our website:http://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbresources
Study-Group OverviewWhy You Were Born: A 12-Week Study Group Led by (insert your name here), beginning on (add date of rst session here)God created each of us in His own image, and for each of us planned a unique purpose. Yet, many people never discover that purpose—why they were born. As a result, they miss opportunities to derive the most joy and satisfaction from their spiritual, personal, and professional lives.Join us for our upcoming 12-week study, “Why You Were Born.” You and your fellow participants will embark on an exciting journey to discover your unique God-given gifts. You’ll learn what those gifts are and how they can equip you to live life to the fullest serving God and others.Study-group facilitator (your name) will guide you in discovering your God-given purpose in life and your Embedded Natural Abilities, or ENAs (messenger, helper, explainer, encourager, provider, organizer, caregiver). You will gain a new understanding about, and appreciation for, the unique gifts God has given you. Then you will be free to be your authentic self—the person God intended you to be. No longer will you feel the need
12Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guideto conform to what others expect of you or to let past experiences hinder your spiritual, personal, and professional growth.We will meet once per week for 12 weeks on ___________ (evenings/mornings) from ______ to _______. The rst session will be held on ____________, and the last session will be held on _______________. We will meet (state where the sessions will be held, or note that they will be conducted via Zoom or some other online platform).The Book We Will Study as the Basis of This CourseYou will learn the concepts presented in the 2021 book titled Why You Were Born: A Blueprint for Discovering Your Life Potential by David L. Johnston, the developer of Biblical Life Management Systems.David has pastored churches for more than two decades. He has spent most of his life developing “Life Management Systems” for individuals from many walks of life. He believes we can live our lives properly only when we understand that the Creator has made us with divine intention and purpose. No matter what challenging, hurtful, or difcult circumstances we may have faced, and regardless of how many poor choices we’ve made, each of us has the potential to experience and achieve a higher purpose.What You Will LearnIn this unique series of 12 study sessions, you will learn simple but profound ways to connect with God more closely and to fulll His purpose for your life. Here is what you’ll accomplish in this free 12-week course:1. Begin the personal journey that will help you understand why God created you.2. Examine your unique characteristics to discover your God-given giftedness.3. Accept being ordinary while tapping into “the God factor” to endure hardships.
13Study-Group Overview4. Be your true self and adhere to godly principles while living in a culture that rejects God.5. Understand how it will benet you, and others, to know your unique endowment from God.6. Understand and avoid the hindrances that can hold back your ability to discover it.7. Embrace love, which is the essence of God, and prepare to live eternally.8. Learn seven steps for discovering your ENAs.9. Explore the extent to which your God-given giftedness includes the following seven ENAs: messenger, helper, explainer, encourager, provider, organizer, or caregiver.10. Set goals to pursue your life mission by making the most of your unique abilities.Register and Learn MoreTo register and learn more about this course, please contact the study-group facilitator, __________ ______________, at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or ____________@_________.com, or visit www.__________________________.com.
Week #1Your Connection with GodObjective Lead the participants to discover their eternal connection with God and how it gives their lives meaning. Guide them in beginning the personal journey toward understanding why God created them.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Introduction: “It’s About You”• Chapter 1: “You, Before You Were Born”• Chapter 2: “To Like You or Not to Like You: That Is the Question”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv1Key PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #1 content to discuss, if participants don’t mention them:
16Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guide1. It’s human nature for us to attempt to solve our difculties on our own. Then, when our strategies fail, we nally cry out to God for help. We could save ourselves a lot of agony and time if we turned our hardships over to Him from the beginning. By continuous prayer and study of His Word, we can deepen our connection to Him and follow His truths more closely.2. We must not expect Him to t into our lives; we must t into His. Why? Because He is smarter, or “wiser,” as the Bible says, and He loves us more than we love ourselves. Our proof is that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins.3. God created us for a specic purpose. To discover and live out that purpose we must seek His guidance and let go of our desire to control all aspects of our own lives. This means we must trade the life we have for the life He wants for us. We must realize that God’s will for our lives is exactly what we would choose if we knew all the facts. Our lives are much better in His hands than in our own because He knows all the facts.4. Read Psalm 139:1–18 to absorb just how much God loves you, and how truly the promises in the Bible apply to you. Replace each instance of the word “me” with your name. In the rst ve verses (Ps. 139:1–5), the words “me” and “my” are in bold type. Ask the participants to read these verses, either silently or aloud, replacing the words “me,” “my,” and “mine” with their own names. For example, a participant named Linda would read phrases in the following verse as “known Linda,” “Linda’s path,” and “thine hand upon Linda.”“O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art
17Your Connection with Godacquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.”5. No matter what has happened to you—no matter how you’ve been broken or damaged, disgraced or shamed—God wants to restore you, to return you to your original design. When you realize His plans for you, you will like yourself and others more, and you will feel excited about growing into your God-given potential. When you see yourself in Him, you will be restored.
Week #2Uniquely Made in His Image… Before You Were Even BornObjective Lead the participants to examine their unique characteristics so they can begin to discover their God-given giftedness.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 3: “You Are Not a Mistake”• Chapter 4: “Uniquely You”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv2vKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #2 content to discuss:
19Uniquely Made in His Image…Before You Were Even Born1. Many people who experience profound hardships nd it difcult, if not impossible, to discover joy in their lives. Yet others nd tremendous joy anyway because they claim the promise made to all of us in Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” This promise from God should stagger your mind, your intelligence, your reason, and your heart. God can turn the life of a person with signicant difculties into something extraordinary. God has a comfort, an answer, a solution, a x, and a recovery act for every test, trial, tribulation, tragedy, and trouble. This is why we call Him the Redeemer!2. If you have ever thought, even for a millisecond, that you are a mistake, please know that God does not make mistakes. He created each of us in His image and loves us innitely. Before we were even born, He had developed a blueprint for what He wanted us to be and do in life.3. We need one another. We are to be properly conjoined. We are social. We need to meet and merge and overlap and participate with others in the big scheme of things. Yet our culture seems to think and act otherwise. Instead of loving and appreciating one another, we often compete, conform, or compare ourselves with others. In this race to create winners and losers, or to become like others, we lose track of our real selves. Once we recognize, understand, and embrace God’s purpose for our lives, we will no longer feel the need to compete or conform. Finally, we can become our true selves, living the lives we were meant to live.4. There is no adversity too great, no devil so strong, no circumstance overwhelming enough to keep you from achieving God’s purpose for you, if you will believe and live by these four truths:
20Why You Were Born Facilitator’s GuideA. God has a purpose for you.B. God will make a way when there seems to be no way.C. God will teach, train, comfort, and equip you if you will turn to Him and follow Him with all your heart.D. You will teach, train, comfort, and equip others, using the gift God has given you.
Week #3Endowed by the Creator to Get, and Stay, on TrackObjective Lead the participants to learn what it means to be “endowed by the Creator”—equipped with a gift, value, and intrinsic worth. Guide them to begin crafting a blueprint for using their God-given gifts to get and stay on track.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 5: “You, Endowed by the Creator”• Chapter 6: “Getting Back on Your Track”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv3pKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the
22Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guidediscussion. Here are some key points from the Week #3 content to discuss:1. Whether you realize it or not, you have been endowed. Endowed means you have been provided with an asset, a quality, an ability, a talent, a faculty, an embedded natural ability (ENA). You didn’t have to earn this. It was donated to you. Deposited into each of us at birth was a great treasure that few have discovered. That discovery is what this book is about.2. God designed each one of us—purposely and lovingly—and built spiritual gifts into us intentionally. Why? Because He intends for you to live eternally. Once you fully grasp the signicance of the measure you have, you will like and love yourself more than ever before. Finally, you will know who you are—not what people think of you or don’t think of you, but that you really are somebody. When that happens, it also will be easier for you to forgive yourself for past mistakes. Many people struggle with forgiving themselves, and it holds them back from living their best lives.3. When we get off track, we must take action to correct our course. The further off track we get, the more difcult it is to come back. It is much easier to recognize when we’re off and to correct our path when we know what God intends for us to do with our lives. Denying that we’re on the wrong path only causes us to struggle more. The key is to walk closely with Him at all times so you will know when you are off track and that it’s time to correct your path.
Week #4Embrace the God Factor and Being OrdinaryObjective Lead the participants to understand “the God factor”—the fact that our human strength and understanding are limited, but our all-powerful heavenly Father can do what’s impossible for us. Guide them to learn how to accept being ordinary while tapping into the God factor to endure hardships.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 7: “The God Factor”• Chapter 8: “Learning How to Be Ordinary”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv4eKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the
24Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guidediscussion. Here are some key points from the Week #4 content to discuss:1. “The God factor” refers to the fact that God often shows up in the middle of our distressing life situations and does what would be impossible for us to do in our own human strength. This is a powerful concept because it encourages us to recognize that He is all-powerful, so we can depend on Him for all things. We, on the other hand, are limited because we must rely only on our human abilities. Once we recognize this fact, it is easier for us to accept that we are ordinary.2. The story of Joseph in the Bible demonstrates the power of His abilities in seemingly impossible situations. In spite of the evil intentions and behaviors of Joseph’s brothers, God was behind the scenes working for the greater good. Joseph was just an ordinary kid from an ordinary family, one of many children, but Joseph was his father’s favorite child—and he spoiled him. As a result, Joseph became boastful. His siblings resented him and they sold him into slavery. Nevertheless, Joseph knew God had planned a much better destiny for him so he continued to walk in righteousness. He faced many difculties including seven years in prison for a crime he did not commit. God was faithful to him, though. In the end, Joseph was victorious because God had given him a dream—and a gift for understanding and interpreting dreams. This gift gained him great favor in Egypt, and he went from being a prisoner to the prime minister. This wonderful story from the Bible demonstrates the unparalleled power of knowing God’s plans for you and claiming the gifts He has bestowed on you.3. The Bible tells us how twelve ordinary men changed the world. We can do the same because of “the God factor.” We must never rely on our own strength to
25Embrace the God Factor and Being Ordinaryaccomplish what He has planned for us but remain steadfast in our faith at all times.4. Our culture emphasizes a “cult of success”—a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing—and it has proven to be deadly especially among young people. Suicide rates have soared as young people feel they don’t measure up to expectations. Many experience cruel cyberbullying; they engage in destructive behaviors such as self-harm, abusing drugs or alcohol and experience a slow, painful demise. Thankfully, God, our loving Savior, promises rest for our souls. Matthew 11:29 says, “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall nd rest unto your souls.”
Week #5How to Be Yourself in a Culture That Rejects GodObjective Lead the participants to learn the devastating consequences that result when a society rejects God. Guide them in exploring ways they can learn how to be their true selves and adhere to godly principles while living in a culture that rejects God.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 9: “How to Live in a God-Rejecting Culture”• Chapter 10: “How 2 B U”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv5jKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the
27How to Be Yourself in a Culture That Rejects Goddiscussion. Here are some key points from the Week #5 content to discuss:1. In countries that are void of Jesus, the value of human life is low. Wherever genuine Christianity has inuence in a country, the value of human life goes up, esteem for womanhood is high, and respect for legitimate authority is honored. Despite our modern culture’s attempts to remove Jesus from society, we must continue to proclaim our devotion to Him and live by the code of conduct He has set for us. A society void of Jesus is a nightmare.2. Follow these ve strategies for standing by your Christian principles in a culture that rejects God:A. Keep your life under and accountable to God.B. Avoid delement by vetting all thoughts and incoming data: think about what you think about.C. Stay addicted to the use of your gifting, your endowment, deposited in you by God.D. Understand that your gifting, your Embedded Natural Ability, is your ministry.E. Stay unoffendable; do not let others provoke you—or they win.3. Join the “Fellowship of the Unashamed.” Declare that you no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, or popularity. Proclaim that you don’t have to be right, rst, tops, recognized, praised, or rewarded. Live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by the power of the Holy Spirit.4. One reason it is imperative to know your God-given gift is because it then becomes easier for you begin living as your true self. Not only will this lead to a more fullling, satisfying life; it will glorify God and enable you to serve others in the way you are uniquely qualied.
Week #6Benefits of, and Hindrances to, Discovering Your EndowmentObjective Lead the participants to understand how knowing their unique endowment will benet themselves and others. Guide them in understanding hindrances to discovering those gifts and how to avoid them.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 11: “The Benets of Discovering Your Endowments”• Chapter 12: “Hindrances to Discovering Your Endowments”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv6tKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the
29Benets of, and Hindrances to, Discovering Your Endowmentdiscussion. Here are some key points from the Week #6 content to discuss:1. Here are eight signicant benets of knowing, understanding, and using the spiritual gift, the ENA, God has embedded in you:A. You will know God’s will for your life.B. You will know your purpose in life.C. You will have energy.D. You will be relaxed just being your real self.E. You will have fulllment in lifeF. God will be working through you.G. You will understand your personal worth and value.H. You will know what member of the Body of Christ you are.2. Simply wanting to discover your God-given gift, and striving to discover it, does not guarantee that it will be an easy process. This is because most of us face various roadblocks as we set out on this journey such as concern for the opinions of others; comparison; iniquity (narcissism); limited interactions with others, which prevent us from making the most of our human relationships; attempting to choose our own endowment; trying to assign different value to the seven gifts; and assuming the gifts are personality types. Being aware of these hindrances and mistakes can help us avoid them.3. As children of God, our understanding comes from the ancient but vetted and veried documents compiled in the Bible, which is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and irrevocable Word of God. As the Chief and only Designer of Humanity and every human, He is the only authoritative expert on the matter. We must be careful not to confuse psychological theory with His divine endowment.
Week #7You Were Born to Love and to Live ForeverObjective Learn to embrace love, which is the essence of God, and prepare to live eternally.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 13: “Born to Love”• Chapter 14: “Why You Were Born to Live Forever”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv7qKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #7 content to discuss:1. We were all born to love. When we use our gifts for the Lord and for the good of His universe and all who live in it, we are better able to love others the way He wants us to. Love is the very essence of God. It is the
31You Were Born to Love and to Live Foreveronly thing pure enough to sustain us through eternity. Because you are a follower of the Lord, your death is a graduation, a promotion! He invites us to live eternal life if we will believe sufciently to forsake all wrong and to follow Him forever. This means we must adopt without compromise His philosophy of love, the eternal way of life to be pursued without regret or remorse.2. Love is the opposite of selshness. It helps keep us from becoming self-absorbed, self-obsessed, conceited, boastful, pretentious, self-centered, and self-regarding. Love is so important, in fact, that if we excel in our giftedness but have no love, our giftedness doesn’t even matter.3. If you look constantly into the mirror of God’s Word, you will see love looking back at you. You will see yourself through the eyes of love, the eyes of God. You will see yourself as He sees you. There is no other accurate way to see yourself! If you have not looked into this mirror, you haven’t seen the real, wonderful you.4. No one except God is capable of calculating your value. You and I are complete with giftings that, when properly used, will impact eternity. Imagine that! As God reaches through us to others, those others may well be part of a changed forever. This is remarkable. You are inuencing eternity. It’s simply incalculable!
Week #8Discovering Your Natural Ability… Are You a Messenger?Objective Lead the participants in learning seven steps for discovering their ENA. Guide them in exploring the extent to which their God-given giftedness includes being a messenger.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 15: “Seven Steps to Discovering Your Giftedness”• Chapter 16: “Are You a Messenger?”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv8rKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #8 content to discuss:
33Discovering Your Natural Ability…Are You a Messenger?1. In this session, we look more closely at the seven ENAs that author David Johnston discusses in Why You Were Born. He notes that Romans 12:6–8 lists seven spiritual gifts: prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhorting, giving, ruling and showing mercy. He says God has gifted each of us with one of these as an ENA, and we can interpret these spiritual gifts in many ways. Based on his extensive experience as a pastor and a lifelong student of God’s Word, Johnston has reframed the spiritual gifts using different terminology to foster a more effective understanding. In his words, the seven ENAs are as follows, along with the role each of these gifts plays in our lives:A. The messenger—One who is designed to carry the message of the Maker to humanity. (I also call this a Proclaimer, though the word used in Romans 12:6 is “prophet.”)B. The helper—One who sees the needs of others and offers assistance, support, advice, and aid, translated as “ministry” in Romans 12:7.C. The explainer—One who explains and conveys knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to others; “he that teacheth.”D. The encourager—One who uplifts, inspires, and motivates others toward functioning successfully; “he that exhorteth.”E. The provider—One who discreetly gives resources to others to enable and improve their ability to func-tion; “he that giveth.”F. The organizer—One who sees the big picture and engages in administrative efforts to provide creative opportunities so other giftings can function well; “he that ruleth.”
34Why You Were Born Facilitator’s GuideG. The caregiver—One who mercifully comforts the distressed so they can recover to their functionality; “he that sheweth mercy.”2. The process of discovering your unique giftedness is exciting and rewarding. Once you discover your natural abilities, you will be able to lean into them, use them, and enjoy personal and spiritual fulllment for the rest of your life. Celebrate as you see God Himself working through you to bless others. Attach yourself to a local group of Christians (a church), if you haven’t already, to help you develop and perfect your personal gifting.3. Knowing the gifts of yourself and others will help you understand the differences among you, as well as the benets of your spouse’s point of view, why your children are as they are, and how to avoid unnecessary conicts that arise merely because of differences of opinion based on the different facets of our respective ENAs.4. Also in this session, we learn the unique characteristics of messengers, who represent God by communicating the Gospel, rightly handling His truth. Messengers make great salespeople or marketers. Messengers might not have technical skills, but they have the message, the pitch, the selling technique, the presentation, and the strategy. If a messenger lacks personal skills in technology, he or she will employ the skills of a helper to get the job done, but the messenger is a master of the message and a natural persuader. Messengers’ faith in their product spurs them on. If they lose motivation, they need to hear from an encourager—an exhorter who will “re them up” and get them going again.
Week #9Are You a Helper or an Explainer?Objective Lead the participants to explore the extent to which your God-given giftedness includes being a helper or an explainer.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 17: “Are You a Helper?”• Chapter 18: “Are You an Explainer?”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv9fKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #9 content to discuss:1. In this session, we explore the possibility that your God-given ENA is to be a helper or an explainer.2. God gifts helpers to see others’ needs and to take actions to meet those needs. They meet needs by doing deeds. They tend to excel in all types of service occupations. Unlike messengers, helpers don’t need
36Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guideto sell or market products. Skill development is essential, but once in their helper and serving groove, they can function tirelessly and joyfully as they meet the needs of others.3. Beyond the work environment, helpers show God’s love through their awareness of others’ needs and the effort they put forth in meeting those needs. Because they naturally see what should happen and how to help another, they are the ones who jump up to take care of others with joy, nding personal satisfaction in the act of helping without any fanfare. They are the ones you can rely on, not only to nish their tasks but to do them with excellence—and they don’t seek recognition for these acts of altruism.4. The third of the seven ENAs is the role of an explainer.5. Explainers explain truth to bring understanding. As a result, they excel in teaching at all levels, whether in academics, vocational training, or everyday life. Explainers love to study and think. They are lifelong learners and researchers. They are Bible researchers and accumulators of truth. They crave accuracy and precision and go to great depths to properly interpret Scripture. They serve a vital role—they increase people’s understanding about the truths of God.6. Most importantly, they explain why each one of us must follow Him and His path for our lives.7. In the King James Version of the Bible, the explainer is called a teacher—a didaskalos in Greek. To fully appreciate explainers, we must have a good grasp on the importance of understanding and wisdom. These two words are coupled together in fty-three different verses in the Bible.8. Not surprisingly, Jesus is the personication of all seven gifts, and explaining was no exception.9. In James 3:1, James issues a warning to teachers/ex-plainers: “My brethren, be not many masters, know-ing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”
37Are You a Helper or an Explainer?In other words, teachers are held to the strictest stan-dards because people build their lives on what ex-plainers teach them. Explainers must be careful that they teach with accuracy and truth.
38Week #10Are You an Encourager or a Provider?Objective Lead the participants to explore the extent to which their God-given giftedness includes being an encourager or a provider.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 19: “Are You an Encourager?”• Chapter 20: “Are You a Provider?”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv10wKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #10 content to discuss:1. In this session, we explore the possibility that your God-given ENA is to be an encourager or a provider.2. The motivation of encouragers is to see others reach their God-given potential. People with this gifting particularly excel in sales and counseling. They can enhance the performance and accomplishments of
39Are You an Encourager or a Provider?others; thus, they are good choices for management positions. They function far beyond the “if you don’t work, you don’t eat” incitement.3. Intrinsic to their gifting is the desire and ability to enthuse and inspire others to higher achievement. In a workforce culture or social grouping in which the work ethic has become in some way slack, slothful, and lethargic, the encourager is in great demand. Encouragers also play a critical role in supporting people’s spiritual and personal growth and development. We desperately need encouragers today when people are experiencing unprecedented levels of despair, addiction, loneliness, and homelessness.4. Encouragers can also see potential where others may not—in discarded products or processes. They have a high inuence factor built into their ENA. Their greatest joy is in seeing the success of others that they have helped bring about. They make great counselors. They are optimists and look for the best in people.5. In the King James Bible, the encourager is referred to as an exhorter. (We would probably think of them as motivators today.) Jesus was certainly an encourager. He encouraged the Samaritan woman at the well when she expected Him to rebuke her (see John 4).6. The fth ENA is the role of a provider. Providers acquire and use wealth for constructive purposes. They tend to excel at making money and accumulating assets, and they generously use their wealth to support philanthropic causes.7. In the King James Bible, the provider is called a giver. In contemporary terms, providers are better known as philanthropists who seek the welfare of others by giving generous portions of money to causes they care about.8. Author David Johnston provides a caution about providers: he says they might nd pride in their giving. They might use their nancial abilities as a means to
40Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guidegain popularity and inuence. They could fall prey to manipulative appeals for nances. And the list goes on. (Please see the section titled “The Weaknesses and Dangers of Providers” in the Why You Were Born book, on pages 242–43.)9. Of course, Jesus was a provider as well. Remember when he fed the multitudes with ve barley loaves and two small shes? (See Matthew 17:24–27).10. Like Jesus, whether we are gifted as providers or not, we need to remember that the only way to serve God, other than with money, is to make the money we do have serve Him as much as possible. Whether we have a little or a lot, we need to be faithful to Him in all we have.
Week #11Are You an Organizer or a Caregiver?Objective Lead the participants to explore the extent to which your God-given giftedness includes being an organizer or a caregiver.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 21: “Are You an Organizer?”• Chapter 22: “Are You a Caregiver?”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv11kKey PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #11 content to discuss:1. In this session, we explore the possibility that your God-given ENA is to be an organizer or a caregiver.
42Why You Were Born Facilitator’s Guide2. True organizers will not take the credit for their work; they are comfortable working as a team and sharing recognition. They also lead others to work together to use their giftings. Those with the ENA to organize and oversee are often referred to as “born leaders.”3. One reason God created organizers is to prevent the diffusion of responsibilities—often called “the bystander effect.” It has also become known as “the Genovese Syndrome” because of a tragic incident that happened in 1964. Catharine Susan “Kitty” Genovese was brutally stabbed to death outside her apartment building in Kew Gardens in the borough of Queens in New York City. At least thirty-eight people witnessed the crime, but not a single one of them called the police. Each one assumed that someone else had already done so, or would.2 Unfortunately, the responsibility was diffused.4. God has gifted organizers to end this diffusion of responsibility. He has entire vanguards of organizers pioneering, leading, and spearheading His work, thus creating gestalt— an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Gestalt theory, a concept in psychology, was derived from a German word meaning “unied whole.” The basic concept is that the only way to understand the individual parts is to understand the whole (the “big picture”).5. By creating gestalt, organizers also create synergism, which is the interaction of two or more parts making the effect greater than the mere sum of the separate parts (or energies). This is the concept that each part brought into proper relationship to another part causes an effect that is greater than the sum of the two parts.3 When multiple people work together toward 2 “Kitty Genovese,” History.com, updated May 21, 2021, https://www.history.com/topics/crime/kitty-genovese.3 “What Are Gestalt Principles?” Interaction Design Foundation, https://
43Are You an Organizer or a Caregiver?a common goal, each one making use of his or her unique gifts, the effort benets from an exponential surge in impact and energy.6. Organizers are administrative coordinators or “project managers.” To function well, they must be given authority—the power to act.7. Jesus was an organizer!8. The seventh and nal of the seven ENAs is caregiver. Caregivers comfort the distressed. People whom God has gifted and endowed as caregivers can excel in all types of frontline contact with the needy, the helpless, the poor, the hurting, the sick, the lonely, and the forgotten. The caregiver wants to be the person in contact with those who need help—not a cog in the wheel of a system or lost in the maze of a bureaucracy.9. In the King James Bible, the caregiver is described as “he that sheweth mercy” (see Romans 12:8). They are sensitive to the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being of others. They reach out with support and therapeutic action. Caregivers can sense others’ feelings, and they feel sincere sympathy toward those in almost any kind of distress. One reason for this is that many caregivers have personally suffered in some measure, which enables them to tune in to the pain that others feel.www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/gestalt-principles. Aristotle is the true originator of this concept, however. A 1908 translation of the philosopher’s work Metaphysics, Book VIII, 1045a.8–10. See “Who Said ‘the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of the Parts”? SE Scholar, LLC, June 6, 2019, https://se-scholar.com/se-blog/2017/6/23/who-said-the-whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts.
Week #12Charting Your Path AheadObjective Lead the participants to chart the steps that will move them forward while using and applying concepts from this book. Guide them in setting goals for pursuing their mission in life.Chapters to read in the accompanying book• Chapter 23: “Summary—Your Blueprint for Moving Forward”• Supplement 2: “The Consequences of Not Liking Yourself”Video • https://nothingbutthetruth.org/wywbcv12m Key PointsFirst, ask participants what key messages they gained from studying this material. Encourage everyone to contribute to the discussion. Here are some key points from the Week #12 content to discuss:1. In this nal session of our 12-week course, you will focus on charting the steps that will move you forward on your journey to discovering why you were born. In
45Charting Your Path Aheadthis session, you will build a personal strategic plan with goals that will motivate you to embrace your connection with God, pursue your mission in life, and answer your calling.2. As with any course of study, our goal is to apply the author’s concepts, ideas, and strategies to our own lives in practical, easy-to-implement ways. In this session, you will list goals for living as your authentic self and optimizing your enjoyment of life, now that you understand your unique God-given gift.3. Knowing the characteristics of each of the seven ENAs, you are also equipped now to identify the unique gifts that God has endowed on your loved ones. This course of study will gain impact as each of us teaches those around us what this group has learned during our blessed and rewarding time together.
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Imagine You—In The Ministry! Yes, that is right, you are in the ministry! Christian ministry is imparting the gospel and biblical truths to others. Anyone can do this with the help of the Holy Spirit.You know people within your scope of in uence who need to be ministered to. Since we are all under biblical command to tell or publish the truth, it’s about communicating that truth with them.“Declare among the nations, Proclaim, and set up a standard; Proclaim—do not conceal it.” (Jeremiah 50:2a)The vital truths of the Bible are explained in detail in our publications, which we provide you without charge. You can share this material to everyone you know.There is a proper sequence to learning truths. On the following pages is our suggestion of the sequence of our material, along with links and descriptions. We must be careful not to dump too much at a time.You’re in the ministry now! The Lord will bless your endeavors! Your rewards will be eternal! “We are workers together with God!”
Why You Were Born - A Blueprint for Discovering Your Life PotentialWhy are you here on planet earth? Once you know why you were born you will have a new appreciation for your true self and a known purpose in life. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path, a course of action and eventually a ful lled life … no disappointments, no pressure to conform to the ideas and expectations of others. You will be free to be you, the real you.In the second part of this book you will learn how to discover your ENA, your Embedded Natural Ability. How tragic that some will cross the stage of time, be standing at the exit sign, and look back only to see a wasted life of insigni cance. None of us can run a good race on the wrong track. “My Way,” only counts if it’s the right way—God’s way. This book is also available as a 12-week group study with a Study Guide, Facilitator’s Guide, Lesson videos, and promotional material. Book Study Guide Facilitator GroupBook: NothingButTheTruth.org/wywbStudy Guide: NothingButTheTruth.org/wywbsgFacilitators Guide: NothingButTheTruth.org/wywbfgGroup Package: NothingButTheTruth.org/wywbkitThese books are free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.have a new appreciation for your true self and a known purpose in life. Then, and course of action and eventually a ful lled conform to the ideas and expectations of
How You See Yourself -The Source of Your Struggle and How to Conquer ItHave you ever gone to a carnival and looked into one of those distorted mirrors, you know, the ones that make you look three feet tall and ve feet wide? The image of yourself that you see back is distorted. It can produce a good laugh. But many of us struggle with a similar condition – we don’t see ourselves accurately. We are hindered from being the best version of ourselves by this insidious thing called iniquity.Iniquity is mentioned 334 times in the Bible, yet so many remain oblivious to its signi cant and negative impact on everyday living. Iniquity is the ancient term for narcissism. It’s one of the four reason Jesus went to the cross … “He was bruised for our iniquities” (Isa. 53:5). In this book you will not only identify the problems iniquity imposes upon us, but you will also discover the solutions.This book will help you discover:• How iniquity contributes to mental illness• How iniquity causes divorce and destroys households• How conquering iniquity will cause your prayer life to ourish• How you can nally live without fear and regret• How to embrace the bene ts that come from being free from iniquity and the way it robs you of your God-given potential!• How iniquity is different from sin NothingButTheTruth.org/hysyThis book is free to you and for you to send without charge to any and all others as part of your ministry to them.Have you ever gone to a carnival and you know, the ones that make you look of yourself that you see back is distorted. It struggle with a similar condition – we don’t see ourselves accurately. We are hindered
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Nothing But The Truth MinistriesDedicated to the single task of explaining the truth in its simplest and purest form to all peoples of the world.People matter. YOU matter! Truth is the substance of all wise decision-making. So it’s important to know the truth – about you, about why you were born, about every aspect of your life. Truth is wonderful, even when sometimes it may not seem comfortable.This site is dedicated to sharing God’s truth with you – truth that you can apply to your daily life, your relationships, your nances, your choices, your future.Visit our website at www.NothingButTheTruth.orgAll our resources are available free of charge in digital form. Printed copies are available at our cost of printing plus shipping. WE DO NOT SOLICIT FUNDS, but we give opportunity if it is in a person’s heart to give. We are a 501(c)3 non-pro t organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Contributions to the mission can be made on our website.