Wholeschool SDP 3.0 School Development Planning Walkthrough
Wholeschool SDP Walkthrough Contents 1 – Logging In & SDP Overview ............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 – Logging In ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 – SDP overview .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 - Dashboard ................................................................................................................................... 7 2 – Background Info ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 – View Content List ....................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 – Editing or Deleting Existing Content ........................................................................................ 10 2.3 – Adding New Content ................................................................................................................ 11 2.4 – Reordering Content .................................................................................................................. 12 3 – Regulations ...................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 – Progress / Statements .............................................................................................................. 14 3.1.1 – Regulation Statements ...................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2 – Actions Sub-menu ............................................................................................................. 16 3.1.3 – Regulation Archive ............................................................................................................ 16 3.1.4 – Associated Questionnaires ................................................................................................ 17 3.1.5 – Associated Plans ................................................................................................................ 24 4 – Questionnaires ................................................................................................................................ 25 4.1 – Outstanding Questionnaires .................................................................................................... 27 4.1.1 – Completing Questionnaires .............................................................................................. 27 4.1.2 – Completing Public (Anonymous) Questionnaires ............................................................. 33 4.3 – Assign Questionnaire ............................................................................................................... 35 4.3.1 – Assign New Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 36 4.3.2 – Manage Newly Assigned Questionnaire ........................................................................... 37 4.4 – Questionnaire Results .............................................................................................................. 42 4.4.1 – Compare Questionnaire Results (Compare Questionnaires) ............................................ 45 4.4.2 – Individual User Results ...................................................................................................... 48 4.5 – Create & Manage Questionnaires ............................................................................................ 51 4.5.1 Creating a Blank Questionnaire ........................................................................................... 51 4.5.2 Creating a Copy of an Existing Questionnaire ...................................................................... 54
4.5.3 Adding Questions to the Questionnaire .............................................................................. 55 4.6 – Answer Prefill/Collections ........................................................................................................ 59 4.7 – Preview All Questionnaires ...................................................................................................... 62 4.8 – Questionnaire Archive ............................................................................................................. 64 4.8.1 Archiving Questionnaires ..................................................................................................... 64 4.8.2 Restoring Archived Questionnaires ..................................................................................... 65 5 – Overview (Action Plans) .................................................................................................................. 67 5.1 - Adding Plans .............................................................................................................................. 69 5.1.1 - Adding Sub-plans ............................................................................................................... 72 5.1.2 - Editing and Deleting Plans ................................................................................................. 74 5.1.3 - Adding Priorities ................................................................................................................. 76 5.2 - Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 80 5.2.1 - Objective Details Page ....................................................................................................... 81 5.2.2 – Using Objectives ................................................................................................................ 84 5.2.3 – Objective Actions Page ...................................................................................................... 99 5.2.4 – Using Objective Actions .................................................................................................. 100 5.2.5 – Objective Actions - Additional Features .......................................................................... 112 5.3 – Objectives – Additional Features ........................................................................................... 115 5.3.1 – Adding New Objective (Adding New Row) ...................................................................... 115 5.3.2 – Deleting Objectives (Deleting Row) ................................................................................ 116 5.3.3 – Priority/Objective’s Associated Questionnaires ............................................................. 117 5.3.4 – Changing Display View .................................................................................................... 118 5.3.5 – Adding Regulations ......................................................................................................... 119 5.3.6 – Share/Copy Objectives & Actions ................................................................................... 121 6 – Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 124 6.1 – Report Builder ........................................................................................................................ 124 6.2 – Viewing Generated Reports/File Manager ............................................................................ 129 6.2.1 – Downloading PDF & RTF Reports .................................................................................... 130 6.3 – Interactive Reports – Questionnaires .................................................................................... 132 6.4 – Interactive Reports – Action Plans ......................................................................................... 136
3 1 – Logging In & SDP Overview Some features of SDP may only be accessible to Admin or Host users, and as a result, may be hidden from the end user. 1.1 – Logging In Navigate to your school’s SDP site by visiting http://sdp.wholeschool.ie/schoolname For best results, use a supported Web Browser when using the site. (Chrome 28+, Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox 25+) When you visit the login screen you may see a message: “By logging into this application you are giving consent for the use of cookies.” Click Close to close the message. In the Name field, enter your assigned SDP username. In the Password field, enter your password. Click Sign In once you have completed the login fields.
4 If you receive an error message after you click Sign In, check and re-enter your login details and try again - if this persists, contact an Administrator.
5 1.2 – SDP overview Once you have signed in, you will see your Wholeschool SDP Dashboard. Your login information will be displayed on the top right of the screen. The name of your school, and your school emblem. The account you are logged into. Links to your Profile and to Logout of SDP. The Menu Bar: Links to the Dashboard, Background Info, Regulations, Questionnaires, Overview, Reports, Help & Support, and Admin tabs. Not all users will see each of the buttons in the menu bar. For example, a pupil/student may only be able to view the Dashboard tab where they can complete questionnaires that have been assigned to them, whereas a senior staff member may be able to see all of the tabs, as they are responsible for creating and managing the content. The Current Page/Application will be shown below the menu bar in the main part of the window. The Sub-menu for the current page/application is displayed on the left side; this will help you navigate specific sections within the application. The currently selected application will be displayed on the right side of the screen.
7 1.3 - Dashboard The first page/application that you will see after logging in is your Wholeschool SDP Dashboard. Within the Dashboard page, the Overview section will be displayed. From here you can see an overview of the Questionnaires, Objectives (Priorities for improvement), Actions, and Tasks that have been assigned to you. Note that not all user types will see all of these tabs. The tabs you see may vary depending on your user type and the permissions on your account. For example, a pupil account may only be able to see the Questionnaires section, whereas a senior staff member may also be able to view the Actions and Tasks sections. To filter the dashboard items displayed, select an option from the Filter dashboard dropdown menu. This will display the items relevant only for the selected school year. To switch between the assigned Questionnaires, Objectives, Actions, and Tasks, click on the appropriate tab for that section. Under each section tab, a table is displayed showing the assigned content, if there is no content assigned to you, the table will read: No records to display. To view the SDP video tutorials, click View Tutorials.
8 2 – Background Info Click the Background Info. button in the menu bar to use the Background Info. page. On the main Background Info. page, there are three sub-sections: View Content List (Default section shown when visiting the Background Info. page): Used to view a list of the existing content. Add Content: Used to add a new piece of content to the existing list. Reorder Content: Used to place the current list of content in a different order.
9 2.1 – View Content List On the View Content List page, any existing content will be shown in a list within the main part of the application. To view each piece of content, click on the content’s name. The title of the content is displayed at the top of the page. The content itself is displayed beneath the title. Click the Edit Page button to modify this content.
10 2.2 – Editing or Deleting Existing Content On the Edit Content page, change the title/name of the content using the Content Name field. Use the formatting toolbars at the top of the editor in the Content Detail section to format the content. Modify the content by adding or removing parts of the text in the Content Detail section. Change the number in the Display Order field to change the position where the content will appear in the list on the View Content List page. Click Save Content to save the changes to the content. Click Cancel to cancel all changes made to the content. Click Delete Content to delete the existing content.
11 2.3 – Adding New Content On the Add Content page, enter a title/name for the content using the Content Name field. Add the content by typing or pasting the text into the Content Detail section. Use the toolbar at the top of the content editor to format the content. To change the initial display order of the content, enter a number in the Display Order field. If a number is not entered, the content will be added to the bottom of the list e.g. a Display Order of ‘3’ will place the content on the 3rd row. Click Save Content to save the content and add it to the list. Click Cancel to cancel to discard the content and return to the content list page.
12 2.4 – Reordering Content On the Reorder Content page, click and drag the content title to a new position in the list to change the order in which that content appears on the View Content List page. The position of the content is displayed as a number on the right side of the content tile. After reordering the content, click the Return to Content List button.
13 3 – Regulations Click the Regulations button in the menu bar to use the Regulations page. On the main Regulations page, there are two sub-sections: Progress / Statements (Default section shown when visiting the Regulations page): Used to view the overall status of school regulations and allow access to modify the regulation statements. Associate TTI and ESaGS: Used to associate TTI and ESaGS evaluations to Regulations.
14 3.1 – Progress / Statements On the Progress / Statements page, the title of the each regulation is shown along the top (School Ethos, Curriculum Review, School Finances and other Resources, Review of school targets, School context, Constitution Arrangements, and The School Development Plan and supporting Action Plans. The status icon of the regulation is shown below each title. Click this status icon (Red ‘X’ or Green ‘tick’ icon) to view or modify that statement. The date of the latest modification is displayed alongside the name of the regulation and the user who modified it. 3.1.1 – Regulation Statements On each Regulation Statement page (in this example, School Ethos), the title of the regulation is shown. Click the Save Statements button to save any changes or updates made to the Regulation’s statements. Some regulations have multiple statement pages, each with a different title; click the tabs at the top of the page to switch to a different statement page. The Actions dropdown menu is used to perform additional actions to this Statement page. The formatting toolbar is used to apply formatting to the Statement text. Add statement content by typing or pasting the statement content into the editor. The Upload a File button is used to add content to a statement from an existing file.
15 The Statement Status button will toggle the statement status between Statement Not Complete and Statement Complete. This will be reflected on the main Progress / Statements page, where the red ‘X’ icon will be changed to a green ‘tick’ icon once the statement is marked as ‘complete’. The Linked Statutory Evaluations section lists any evaluations that have been assigned to the regulations. Clicking on one of the evaluation links will display the results of the evaluation. Click the Save Statements button to save any changes or updates made to the Regulation’s statements.
16 3.1.2 – Actions Sub-menu Clicking on the Actions dropdown menu will display a list of tools used Archive the current regulation, and view or associate Questionnaires/Evaluations and Action Plans to the regulation. The Move to Archive and View Archive options will move the existing contents of the statement to the archive, and view the archived copies of the statement (if the statement has been archived previously). Archiving the regulation will remove the existing contents of the statement and set the statement status to incomplete. The statement content will need to be re-entered and the statement status updated using the Statement Status button. The Associated Questionnaires option will take you to the Questionnaires tab where the currently associated questionnaires reside, and where more questionnaires can be assigned to the regulation. The Associated Plans option will display a list of plans associated with this regulation statement. 3.1.3 – Regulation Archive Before moving a statement to the archive, it must have text content within the statement editor textboxes on the main statement page. The statement must be saved prior to moving to the archive. Move the statement to the archive by clicking Move to Archive. To View the archive for the current statement, click View Archive.
17 The archive page will only show the archived copies of the currently selected regulation, to view another regulation archive, first navigate to that regulation, and then click View Archive. To return to the statement, click Return to Statement on the statement archive page. 3.1.4 – Associated Questionnaires To associate a questionnaire with a regulation statement, or view the questionnaires currently associated with the statement, click Associated Questionnaires. The next section will take place in the Questionnaires tab, but can only be accessed using the Associated Questionnaires link in the menu shown above.
18 On the Associated Questionnaires page, the table will display any currently associated questionnaires, in this example; there are no associated questionnaires, so the table is empty. To return to the regulations section, click Return to Regulations. To associate a new questionnaire with this regulation, click Assign New Questionnaire. Assign New Questionnaire Dialog Assigning a questionnaire to a regulation involves creating a new instance of an existing questionnaire. To create a completely new questionnaire to assign, first use the Create a Questionnaire section of the tutorial, then return to this section to associate it with the regulation [see section 4.5]. In the Assign New Questionnaire dialog, select the category in which the questionnaire resides from the Select Category dropdown box, in this example; Statutory Questionnaires. Select the questionnaire from the X dropdown box. Select an owner for the questionnaire – this will allow the selected non-Admin user to assign users and view results of this questionnaire along with Admin users. To allow only Admin users to manage the questionnaire, leave this field alone. Enter the name of the person or organization conducting the evaluation in the Issued By textbox.
19 Enter a brief description of the questionnaire in the Description textbox. Tick the Is Anonymous checkbox if you wish to distribute the questionnaire by sending a link to the respondents. Leave this un-ticked if you wish to manually assign users to the questionnaire from a list of available SDP users. Click Save to finish adding the questionnaire.
20 Managing Newly Assigned Questionnaire After the questionnaire has been added, it can be modified by clicking the name of that questionnaire in the table on the Associated Questionnaires for Regulation page. This page will appear after clicking save when assigning a new questionnaire instance to the regulation, or by clicking Assigned Questionnaires in the Actions dropdown box on the regulation statement page. The owner of the questionnaire instance can be assigned or changed by selecting an option from the Select Owner dropdown box – The owner is an additional user who is able to assign users and view the results of the questionnaire, who is not an admin user, this field is optional. The displayed name of the person or organization issuing the questionnaire can be changed by changing the text in the Assigned By textbox. The displayed description of the questionnaire instance can be changed using the Description text box. An optional close date of the questionnaire instance can be added to close the questionnaire after a certain date using the Close Date field. To select a date, click the Calendar icon beside the Close Date field and select a date.
21 Anonymity toggle switch – With this switch toggled off, users that need to complete the questionnaire must first be assigned to it. Once they have been assigned to it, the questionnaire will appear in their dashboard. With this switch toggled on, users cannot be assigned to the questionnaire, and will not see it in their dashboard, but instead will need to be given a direct URL link to the questionnaire (See example titled ‘With anonymity toggled on’, below). With anonymity toggled off (default); If the users being assigned to the questionnaire fall into a specific role category i.e. Staff, or Admin; the list of users shown can be narrowed down to that specific role category by selecting the desired category from the Filter Users by Role dropdown box. If an option is not selected, all available users will be displayed. The All Users list shows a list of all users available to assign to the questionnaire, the list content depends on the option selected in the Filter Users by Role dropdown box. The Users Assigned to Evaluation contains a list of the users that are currently assigned to the questionnaire (or, the users that will be assigned once the settings have been saved). The four arrow buttons allow the users to be assigned or unassigned from the questionnaire. To assign or unassign a single user, select the user clicking their username and clicking the To Right (1st) button to assign, or To Left (2nd) button to unassign. To assign or unassign multiple users, hold the Ctrl key, then select each username by clicking on them, next, release the Ctrl key, and click the To Right, or To Left button. To assign or unassign all available users, click the All To Right (3rd), or All To Left (4th) button. Users with a registered email account can receive a notification of the questionnaire if the Send notification email of Questionnaire checkbox is ticked. Users will receive the email only if they have been newly assigned to this questionnaire instance. If users are added to the list, and the settings are saved, only the newly added users will receive the notification email, as the existing users will already have received it.
22 With anonymity toggled on; Once the anonymity setting has been toggled on, the questionnaire instance must be saved before continuing. A theme for the public questionnaire can be selected using the Themes box. A colour scheme is selected by clicking the Select A Theme box and then selecting the desired colour scheme. This is not required, and if left unselected a default theme is applied. The URL is used to provide access to the questionnaire, if the URL is emailed or posted on a web page for the respondents to see it, they will be able to click on the link, and complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire’s public URL can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the Copy to Clipboard button.
23 Once the URL has been copied, the browser will display a dialog confirming that the URL was copied successfully: Changes made to the questionnaire instance can be saved by clicking the Save button. Clicking the Delete Questionnaire button will delete this instance of the questionnaire. Users assigned to the questionnaire will no longer be assigned, and any results will be discarded. Clicking Return to Questionnaire List will cancel any changes made to the questionnaire instance since the last save, and go to the main list of assignable questionnaires. Note – This will not be the list of questionnaires associated with the Regulation, that list is only available via the Actions dropdown option within the Regulation Statement section.
24 3.1.5 – Associated Plans To view the action plans associated with the regulation, click the Associated Plans option in the Actions dropdown menu. If no action plans are assigned, the table will read: No records to display. To manage the assigned action plans, use the action plans tutorial. [see section 5]
25 4 – Questionnaires Click the Questionnaires button in the menu bar to use the Questionnaires section. On the main Questionnaires page, there are eight sub-sections: Outstanding Questionnaires - Questionnaires that have been assigned to the current SDP user but have yet to be completed. Completed Questionnaires - Questionnaires that have been previously completed by the current user. Assign Questionnaire - List of currently assigned questionnaires, and where new questionnaire instances can be assigned. Questionnaire Results - Collection of responses for each questionnaire.
26 Create & Manage Questionnaires - Create new questionnaires and manage existing questionnaires. Answer Prefill/Collections - Manage answer prefill/collections. Preview All Questionnaires - Preview available answers of current questionnaires. Questionnaire Archive - View questionnaire instances that have been completed.
27 4.1 – Outstanding Questionnaires The Outstanding Questionnaires page lists the questionnaires yet to be completed by the current SDP user. For the user to begin the questionnaire assigned to them, they must click the Name/Title of the questionnaire on their Outstanding Questionnaires page. The user can also open the questionnaire from the Questionnaires tab on their Dashboard. 4.1.1 – Completing Questionnaires Upon opening the questionnaire, the user will be taken to the questionnaire page within the questionnaires section. The status of the questionnaire will be displayed at the top right of the page. Any additional information regarding the questionnaire, and information regarding this section or category group of questions within the questionnaire will be displayed under the main title at the top of the page.
28 Questionnaires/evaluations involve answering each question by ticking the relevant answers, selecting the relevant answer from a list of answers, and/or providing a written answer. To choose from a yes/no type answer, the user must select the Radio Button beside the answer they wish to give. To choose from a multiple choice type answer, the user must select the Radio Button beside the answer they wish to give. To select multiple answers from a list of answers, the user must tick the Checkbox beside each answer they wish to include. Some questions may include an option to provide typed feedback to the answer. To give a typed answer, the user should type or paste the answer into the text editor, and format the text if necessary using the formatting toolbar at the top of the editor. In some cases, this written option will be a requirement depending on the setup of the questionnaire.
29 Uploading a Document Some questions may include an option to upload a document to provide additional feedback or evidence of the given answer. To upload a document to the answer, click the Choose File button. Next, navigate to the folder containing the file, and then select the file. Click Open to add the file.
30 The file name will now be displayed next to the Choose File button. To upload the file to the SDP questionnaire, click Upload Document. Note that only certain types of file can be uploaded to SDP, such as .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, etc. Once the file has been uploaded, it will appear above the Choose File button.
31 Questionnaire Save Prompt SDP will prompt you to save the questionnaire every five minutes to prevent loss of work, this can be done at any time by clicking the Save button within the Save Prompt. If you do not wish to save the current content, click Don’t Save. Finishing Questionnaire Once each page of questions has been completed, the questionnaire can be progressed by clicking Save & Continue at the bottom of the page. On each of the following pages, the Save & Previous button will save the work and go back to the previous page of questions to allow answers to be revised. Once the questionnaire has been completed, SDP will display the following message: “You have reached the end of Questionnaire Name”. To submit the questionnaire, and allow the results to be counted, the ‘submit questionnaire’ checkbox must be ticked.
32 After the questionnaire has been submitted, the message beside the checkbox will read: “Questionnaire Submitted”. To return to the questionnaire to make any modifications to the answers, click the Return to Questionnaire button. To return to the dashboard, click the Return to Dashboard button.
33 4.1.2 – Completing Public (Anonymous) Questionnaires To complete the Public/Anonymous questionnaires, each respondent need only follow the URL link for the questionnaire that was created during the anonymous questionnaire setup tutorial [see 4.3.2]. For a more detailed look regarding questionnaire responses see section 4.1.1. Anyone who has the public link is able to complete the questionnaire, so a degree of care is needed as to where the link is posted to prevent erroneous or malicious use of the questionnaire. Note that the only way the public version of the questionnaire can be accessed is by following the link provided in the anonymous setup tutorial [see section 4.3.2]. After following the link, each respondent is taken directly to the first page of the questionnaire. The Save Progress reminder countdown will remain in the top right corner of the page to remind respondents to save the questionnaire regularly to avoid loss of work. Titles, details, and categories of the questionnaire are displayed at the top of the page, before the first question. Each question type is laid out in the same manner as the corresponding private questionnaire instance. See section 4.1.1 for a detailed look. The File Upload and Save Questionnaire functions both work in the same way as with the private questionnaires. See section 4.1.1 for details.
34 Upon completion of the public questionnaire, the questionnaire is submitted automatically; the respondent can then close the browser window or tab containing the questionnaire.
35 4.3 – Assign Questionnaire On the Assign Questionnaire page, the list of currently assigned questionnaires can be seen in the table. If no questionnaires are assigned, the table will read: ‘No records to display’. If a currently assigned questionnaire needs to be modified, the list of questionnaires can be searched by typing the name of the questionnaire in the Search Questionnaires box. The list of questionnaires can be navigated by using the Navigation options at the bottom of the questionnaire list. The Assign New Questionnaire button allows a new questionnaire instance to be assigned, this new instance will also be added to the list. The Move to Archive button allows questionnaire instances to be archived once the questionnaire is no longer needed. The Preview option will show a preview of the questions contained in the questionnaire. (This won’t allow the questions to be modified, however. See section 4.5 to modify questions contained within a questionnaire.)
36 Questionnaire Table Legend Questionnaire: Questionnaire instance name. Description: Questionnaire Instance Description. Issued Date: The date on which the questionnaire was issued. Status: If the questionnaire instance has no expiry date set, or has an expiry date that has not yet passed, the questionnaire status will be marked as Active. Once the expiry date of the questionnaire has passed, or the questionnaire otherwise deactivated it will be marked as Closed. Issued By: The name of the person or organization issuing the questionnaire. Users: Displays the number of users assigned to the questionnaire. 4.3.1 – Assign New Questionnaire To assign a new instance of a questionnaire, click the Assign New Questionnaire button on the Assign Questionnaire page. [See section 4.3] The Assign New Questionnaire dialog will appear. Select a Questionnaire Category from the Category dropdown box in the Assign New Questionnaire dialog. After selecting the category, select a Questionnaire from the Questionnaires dropdown box. To assign a non-admin owner (such as a staff member) to the questionnaire so that they may manage the questionnaire and view results, select their username from the Owner dropdown box. If this field is left blank, only users in the Admin user group will be able to manage this instance of the questionnaire. In the Issued By field, type the name of the person or organization conducting the questionnaire. In the Description field, type a brief description of the questionnaire. Click the Save button to assign the questionnaire.
37 The list of assigned questionnaires will now contain the newly assigned questionnaire. 4.3.2 – Manage Newly Assigned Questionnaire To further manage the questionnaire instance, and to assign users to the questionnaire, click the questionnaire name. The owner of the questionnaire instance can be assigned or changed by selecting an option from the Select Owner dropdown box – The owner is an additional user who is able to assign users and view the results of the questionnaire, who is not an admin user, this field is optional. The displayed name of the person or organization issuing the questionnaire can be changed by changing the text in the Assigned By textbox. The displayed description of the questionnaire instance can be changed using the Description text box. An optional close date of the questionnaire instance can be added to close the questionnaire after a certain date using the Close Date field. To select a date, click the Calendar icon beside the Close Date field and select a date.
38 Anonymity toggle switch – With this switch toggled off, users that need to complete the questionnaire must first be assigned to it. Once they have been assigned to it, the questionnaire will appear in their dashboard. With this switch toggled on, users cannot be assigned to the questionnaire, and will not see it in their dashboard, but instead will need to be given a direct URL link to the questionnaire (See example below titled, ‘With anonymity turned on’). With anonymity toggled off (default); If the users being assigned to the questionnaire fall into a specific role category i.e. Staff, or Admin; the list of users shown can be narrowed down to that specific role category by selecting the desired category from the Filter Users by Role dropdown box. If an option is not selected, all available users will be displayed. The All Users list shows a list of all users available to assign to the questionnaire, the list content depends on the option selected in the Filter Users by Role dropdown box. The Users Assigned to Evaluation contains a list of the users that are currently assigned to the questionnaire (or, the users that will be assigned once the settings have been saved). The four arrow buttons allow the users to be assigned or unassigned from the questionnaire. To assign or unassign a single user, select the user clicking their username and clicking the To Right (1st) button to assign, or To Left (2nd) button to unassign. To assign or unassign multiple users, hold the Ctrl key, then select each username by clicking on them, next, release the Ctrl key, and click the To Right, or To Left button. To assign or unassign all available users, click the All To Right (3rd), or All To Left (4th) button. Users with a registered email account can receive a notification of the questionnaire if the Send notification email of Questionnaire checkbox is ticked. Users will receive the email
39 only if they have been newly assigned to this questionnaire instance. If users are added to the list, and the settings are saved, only the newly added users will receive the notification email, as the existing users will already have received it. With anonymity toggled on; Once the anonymity setting has been toggled on, the questionnaire instance must be saved before continuing. The public/anonymous questionnaires can be completed by anyone who has the URL to the questionnaire. The questionnaire does not require an SDP login for the respondents to complete it (respondents will not have dashboard access, and will instead be directed straight to the questionnaire when visiting the link). A theme for the public questionnaire can be selected using the Themes box. A colour scheme is selected by clicking the Select A Theme box and then selecting the desired colour scheme. This is not required, and if left unselected a default theme is applied. The URL is used to provide access to the questionnaire, if the URL is emailed or posted on a web page for the respondents to see it, they will be able to click on the link, and complete
40 the questionnaire. The questionnaire’s public URL can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the Copy to Clipboard button. Once the URL has been copied, the browser will display a dialog confirming that the URL was copied successfully: Changes made to the questionnaire instance can be saved by clicking the Save button. Clicking the Delete Questionnaire button will delete this instance of the questionnaire. Users assigned to the questionnaire will no longer be assigned, and any results will be discarded. Clicking Return to Questionnaire List will cancel any changes made to the questionnaire instance since the last save, and go to the main list of assignable questionnaires.
41 After saving the questionnaire, the status of the questionnaire instance will be shown on the Assign Questionnaire page. Refer to the Assign Questionnaire table legend for more information. [See section 4.3]
42 4.4 – Questionnaire Results The Questionnaire Results section displays a collection of compiled results from all respondents for each questionnaire. The Questionnaire Results section can be opened by clicking the Questionnaire Results sub-menu option under the Questionnaires tab. The main page of the Questionnaire Results section contains a list of the questionnaires that have been issued, but not yet archived. Note that these questionnaires may not have had any answers provided yet, and any answer counts are likely to change if the questionnaire is still open to users. To view the results of a questionnaire, click on the name of the questionnaire. The results for each individual question will be displayed on a chart on the results page for the selected questionnaire. To view the results of the next or previous question, click the Next or Previous buttons. Note that the previous button is only visible from the second question onwards, and the next question won’t be visible on the last question. To select a different question to view directly, select the question from the Jump to Question dropdown menu.
43 To change the type of chart displaying the results, choose a different option from the Chart Type dropdown menu. To change from Chart View to Summary View, select the Summary View option from the Actions dropdown menu. The Summary view will display each question, answer, and total number of respondents that gave each answer in one table.
44 To change to Evidence View, select the Evidence View option from the Actions dropdown menu. The evidence view will display each question in a list, and underneath each question, any typed responses that were given. In this example, no typed responses were given. To filter the results of the questionnaire, first select the Filter Results option from the Actions dropdown menu. The questionnaire results can be filtered both by answer and by question. Once the results have been filtered, they can be exported to an Excel compatible spreadsheet by clicking the Export Results button.
45 4.4.1 – Compare Questionnaire Results (Compare Questionnaires) The Compare Questionnaires section allows the user to compare the results of two questionnaire instances, as long as both instances are from the same questionnaire. To proceed, there must be two questionnaire instances assigned from the same questionnaire. To compare two sets of questionnaire results, click the Compare Questionnaires button. In the Select Questionnaires to Compare dialog, select the first questionnaire from the first dropdown box. In the second dropdown box, select the comparison questionnaire. The second dropdown box will filter the available comparison questionnaires based on the first selected questionnaire. If no questionnaire is available, it means the first questionnaire has only been assigned once before. In order to compare two sets of results, two instances of the same questionnaire must have been assigned and completed (e.g. one instance assigned to parents, and another instance to staff) by the respondents.
46 After selecting the second questionnaire, the Compare Results page will display. The results from both questionnaires will be displayed on the same chart, with one questionnaire’s results shown in one colour, and the other in a second colour. To switch the type of chart displayed, select a chart option from the Chart Type dropdown box. To compare answers within a different question, select a different option from the Jump to Question dropdown box. To go to the next, or previous question, click the Next or Previous buttons.
47 To import the questionnaires’ results to an existing Action Plan, select Import to Plan from the Actions dropdown menu. [see section 5] To return to the main questionnaire results page, click Return to Results.
48 4.4.2 – Individual User Results Individual user results can be viewed for each set of results that have been submitted by a respondent. To view individual user results, click on the Number of Users under the Users column for the desired questionnaire. In this case, the Number of Users is displayed as 1/1, which means that one user has been assigned to the questionnaire, and that one user has also submitted the questionnaire. If the Number of Users was displayed as 3/6, it means that six users have been assigned to the questionnaire, three of which have submitted it. On the Evaluation Users page, a table is displayed showing the list of users that have been assigned to the questionnaire (In this case, 1). Click the Showing: All button to toggle between displaying users that have completed the questionnaire, users that have not completed the questionnaire, and all users assigned to the questionnaire. To view the responses given by a particular user for this questionnaire, click View Questionnaire Response beside that user. To view all questionnaires that have been assigned to a particular user, click on the user’s Name.
49 The User Questionnaire History page will now be displayed. Clicking the Showing: All button will toggle between displaying the questionnaires that have been completed by the user, the questionnaires that have not yet been completed by the user, and all questionnaires, both complete and incomplete, that have been assigned to the user. To view the user’s response for a particular questionnaire instance, click View Questionnaire Response beside that questionnaire instance. The User’s Answers for Questionnaire page will now be displayed. Each of the answers provided by the user for this questionnaire will be displayed under its corresponding question; included will be any written comment if one has been given. To view only the written/typed responses to the questions, click the Evidence View button. To reassign this instance of the questionnaire back to the user, click the Unlock to Allow Users to Modify Answers button. This will reassign the questionnaire to the user but will keep the selected answers and any text/comments intact, for the user to modify. The user must resubmit the questionnaire after reviewing/changing the answers. See section 4.1.1 on completing questionnaires. To return to the user’s list of completed questionnaires, click Completed Questionnaires at
50 the bottom of the page.
51 4.5 – Create & Manage Questionnaires Create new questionnaires and manage existing questionnaires using the Create & Manage Questionnaires page in the Questionnaires section. On the Manage Questionnaires page, the questionnaires that the current SDP user has created, or has access to manage, will be shown in the Questionnaires table. To create a new questionnaire, click Create New Questionnaire. In the Add New Questionnaire dialog, enter a Questionnaire Name, and a Description for the new questionnaire. To create a completely new, blank questionnaire, click Create Blank Questionnaire. To create a new questionnaire based on an existing questionnaire, click Copy Existing Questionnaire. 4.5.1 Creating a Blank Questionnaire Categories are used within questionnaires to group specific types of questions together, and to split larger questionnaires into smaller sections. Before proceeding, the questionnaire must have at least one category added. Click the Add Category button to begin adding a category. Enter a name for the category in the Category Name textbox. Enter a description for the category in the Description textbox.
52 To add the category, click the Green Tick button. To cancel adding the category, click the Red ‘X’ button. Once the category has been added, the name and description can be edited or deleted using the Edit (Pencil) and Delete(X) buttons. To begin adding questions, click the View Questionnaire Questions button. When modifying the base questionnaire, a warning message will appear at the top of the Evaluation Details page to notify the user that any answers already provided in any assigned instances of this questionnaire may be affected if the base question for the provided answer is modified or removed. (In this case, the questionnaire is being created, and not modified, so it cannot yet have been assigned.) To change the name of the questionnaire, enter the new name in the Name text box. Select a category for the questionnaire from the Category dropdown box.
53 Add an author for the questionnaire by entering the name of the author in the Author text box. If needed, modify the description of the questionnaire by changing the text in the Description text box. To hide the questionnaire number beside each question, untick the Show question numbers checkbox (Ticked by default). Next, select a school level from the Level dropdown box based on the questionnaire target group, or select All if there is no target level. If the questionnaire that is about to be created is relevant only in certain regions, tick the appropriate Region checkboxes. To make the questionnaire available to all regions, leave all of the boxes unchecked.
54 Before continuing, save the questionnaire by clicking the Save Questionnaire button. After saving, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page stating that the questionnaire was saved successfully. To delete the questionnaire, click Delete Questionnaire (the questionnaire must first be saved before deleting it). 4.5.2 Creating a Copy of an Existing Questionnaire To create a copy of an existing questionnaire, first follow the steps in section 4.5, and select Copy Existing Questionnaire during step 5/6. Next, in the Add New Questionnaire Dialog, select the category of the questionnaire you wish to copy. After selecting the category, select the questionnaire from the list of filtered questionnaires. Click Save and Continue, then move to the next section - Adding Questions to the Questionnaire.
55 4.5.3 Adding Questions to the Questionnaire The current list of questions will be displayed in the table under the Questions section at the bottom of the Evaluation Details section. In this case the table will be empty as no questions have been added yet. The current categories can be managed by clicking Manage Categories. To add a question to the questionnaire, click Add New Question. In the Edit Question dialog, type the first question in the Question text box. Select an answer type from the Answer Type dropdown box. There are four options to choose from; Yes/No, User’s Text, List of Answers, and Choose Multiple Answers.
56 The Yes/No option will provide the respondent with two Radio Buttons to choose from, labelled Yes, and No. The User’s Text option will provide the respondent with a text box to provide a written answer; no pre-set answer options are available for this answer type. The List of Answers option will provide the respondent with a list of answers, the respondent is able to select just one of the answers. The Choose Multiple Answers option will provide the respondent with a list of answers, the respondent will be able to select one or more, or all answers. To add each answer to the List of Answers and Choose Multiple Answers options, either select from a pre-generated list of answers using the Prefill dropdown box, or, type in each answer individually. To add more answers, click the green Plus icon.
57 For the List of Answers, and Choose Multiple Answers options, see Section 4.6 for how to add a list of common answer groups to use in multiple questionnaires. Enter the order of the question in the Order text box. If the questions are added one by one, and in order, this will not need to be adjusted. If, however, a question needs to be inserted into the space between the fourth and fifth question, the Order would have to be set to 5 for that question. Select a category for the question from the Category dropdown box. (Categories can be added and managed using the Manage Categories option in the Evaluation Details screen. To prevent this question from being skipped by respondents, tick the Required Field checkbox. To add a text area to each answer allowing each respondent to accompany their answer with a comment, tick the Add Answer Input checkbox. The Answer Input text area can be set to either a single line or multiline text area by selecting the appropriate Radio button beside the desired option. To allow the respondents to upload a file such as a PDF, Word Document, Spreadsheet Document, or Presentation document, tick the Allow Uploads checkbox. This will add an Upload button beneath each selected question. To add the question, click Save Question, to cancel adding the question, close the dialog by clicking the X button in the top right of the dialog.
58 The question will now appear in the table of questions at the bottom of the Evaluation Details page, to modify or delete the question, click on the Question Name edit the question in the Edit Question dialog.
59 4.6 – Answer Prefill/Collections When choosing the List of Answers or Select Multiple Answers options within the Create & Manage Questionnaires section, the user is prompted to provide each of the possible answers, either by typing them in to each slot manually, or selecting them from a pre-existing list. This list is called the Answer Prefill. Using the Answer Prefill/Collections section, it is possible to build lists of answers that are used frequently so that they can be added quickly when creating new questionnaires, instead of having to type each answer manually. To use the Answer Prefill/Collections feature, click Answer Prefill/Collections in the Questionnaires sub-menu. On the Manage Prefill Collections page, a list of prefill collections already created by the SDP user will be displayed. If no collections have been created yet, the table will read: ‘No records to display’. To add a new prefill collection, click Add Collection. In the Collection Name field, type a name for the new answer prefill collection. To save the collection name, click the Insert (green tick) button. Once the collection has been saved, the Edit (pencil) button will allow the collection name to be changed. The collection can be deleted by clicking the Delete (red ‘X’) button. To add answers to the prefill collection, click Manage Answers.
60 On the Manage Prefill Collection page, click Add Answer to add an answer to the collection. In the Answer field, enter one of the answers for the collection. Click the Insert (Green Tick) button to add the answer to the collection. Repeat these three steps until all required answers have been added. Once answers have been added, they can be modified by clicking the Edit button next to the answer. To delete an answer, click the Delete button. The answers can be dragged to a different row in the Answer table below to reorder the answers. Click Return to Prefill Collection List to return to the collection list page. The collection will now be displayed in the Prefill Collections Table on the Manage Prefill Collections page, and can be edited or deleted at any time by returning to this page.
61 Now that the collection has been added, the prefill answers can be selected when adding a question to a questionnaire. [See section 4.5.3].
62 4.7 – Preview All Questionnaires The Preview All Questionnaires section allows the user to preview all questionnaires currently available to the school. To use the Preview All Questionnaires section, click the Preview All Questionnaires option in the Questionnaires Menu. A list of categories will be displayed on the Select Questionnaire Category page. Click on one of the categories to view the questionnaires in that category. Once on the questionnaire category page, the category name will be displayed at the top of the page. The questionnaires in the category are listed in the Questionnaires table. The description for each questionnaire is listed next to the questionnaire name. Clicking the Return to Categories button will return the user to the main questionnaire category page. Clicking on a questionnaire name will take the user to the question preview page for that questionnaire.
63 On the Question Preview page, each question and its associated answers for the questionnaire are listed. Each question is grouped under the corresponding Question Group/Category. To assign a new instance of this questionnaire, click the Assign Questionnaire button on the top right, and then follow the steps in section 4.3.1 to assign a questionnaire. At the bottom of the question preview page, click the Go Back button to return to the main questionnaire category page.
64 4.8 – Questionnaire Archive The Questionnaire Archive contains the questionnaires that are no longer needed, for example, after all respondents have completed a questionnaire, and the results have been reviewed. Questionnaires can be archived by ticking the checkbox in the Archive column of the questionnaires table, then clicking the Move to Archive button in the Assign Questionnaire and Questionnaire Results sections. 4.8.1 Archiving Questionnaires To archive a questionnaire instance, first visit either the Assigned Questionnaire, or Questionnaire Results section. Within the Questionnaires table contained in the Assigned Questionnaire, or Questionnaire Results page, navigate to the questionnaire you wish to archive, then tick the Archive checkbox next to that questionnaire. Multiple questionnaires can be archived simultaneously by ticking multiple boxes. Click the Move to Archive button. A confirmation dialog will appear, to confirm that you wish to archive the selected questionnaires, click OK. The selected questionnaire(s) will now be removed from the list, and will appear in the Questionnaire Archive section.
65 4.8.2 Restoring Archived Questionnaires Each of the currently archived questionnaire instances are listed in the Questionnaire Archive table on the Questionnaire Archive page. The results of each archived questionnaire instance can be viewed by clicking on the Questionnaire Name [See section 4.4 for more info on viewing questionnaire results]. The individual user responses for the questionnaire can be viewed by clicking on the User Count for that questionnaire [See section 4.4.2 for more info on viewing individual user results]. The preview of the questionnaire can be shown by clicking Preview next to the questionnaire you wish to preview. [See section 4.7 for more info on questionnaire previews]. To restore questionnaire instances, e.g. to assign more users to the questionnaire, therefore adding the results to the existing results pool, first tick the Restore checkbox beside each questionnaire. Multiple questionnaires can be restored at once by ticking multiple checkboxes. Click the Restore Questionnaires button to restore the selected questionnaire(s). A confirmation dialog will appear, click OK to confirm.
66 The selected questionnaire(s) will then be removed from the Questionnaire Archive, and restored to the Assign Questionnaire and Questionnaire Results pages.
67 5 – Overview (Action Plans) The Overview section is used to create Action Plans used to track improvements to the school. The Overview section can be opened by clicking the Overview tab at the top of the page. Plans Page Overview The initial page within the overview section is the Plans page. The Plans page is used to create and categorize plans and priorities for the school. In this case, there are two Top Level plans: ‘Sample Plan’, and ‘Wholeschool Plan’. Within each of the Top Level plans, there are Sub-plans. The number next to the Sub-plan name shows the number of Priorities within that Sub-plan. Within Top Level Plans and Sub-plans, there are Priorities. It is within the Priorities that the school plans are managed. To view all priorities contained within all Plans and Sub-plans, click the Expand / Collapse All button. This will expand each Top Level Plan and Sub-Plan, showing the Priorities contained within those plans. The Priorities can be hidden again by clicking the Expand / Collapse All button.
69 5.1 - Adding Plans To add a new plan, click the Add Plan or Sub Plan button. The Add Plan dialog will appear. The Add Plan dialog is used to set up the plan. Within the Name field, enter a Name for the plan. Within the Description field, enter a Description for the plan. Select a Start Year for the plan from the Start Year dropdown box. Select an End Year for the plan from the End Year dropdown box. The Start Year and End Year fields can be set to the same school year if the plan is expected to be completed during the current school year. Plans can take place over multiple school years by selecting a later date in the End Year field. This can be changed later. When creating a new Top Level plan, leave the Parent field as is, i.e. keep ‘Top Level Plan’ as the selected option, as this is only changed when creating Sub-Plans. Click Save Plan to add the plan.
70 Once the Plan has been saved, a message will appear within the Add Plan dialog confirming that the Plan was created successfully. To view the plan, close the Add Plan Dialog.
71 The new Top Level Plan (‘Example Plan’) will now appear in the list of Plans on the Plans page.
72 5.1.1 - Adding Sub-plans To add a Sub-Plan, click the Add Plan or Sub Plan button. The Add Plan dialog will appear. Within the Name field, enter a Name for the Sub-plan. Within the Description field, enter a Description for the Sub-plan. Select a Start Year and End Year for the Sub-plan from the Start Year and End Year dropdown boxes. Select a Parent plan from the Parent dropdown box; in this case, we’re adding the ‘Example Sub-plan’ to the ‘Example Plan’ Top Level plan. Click Save Plan to add the Sub-plan.
73 Once the Sub-plan has been saved, a message will appear confirming that the Plan was created successfully. To view the Sub-plan, close the Add Plan Dialog. The new Sub-plan (‘Example Sub-plan’) will now appear in the list of Plans, as a sub-plan of the Top Level Plan (‘Example Plan’).
74 5.1.2 - Editing and Deleting Plans Editing Plans To Edit a Sub-plan, right click on the plan you wish to edit, and select Edit Plan. The Add Plan dialog will reappear, where the Name, Description, Start Year, and End Year fields can be modified as needed. The Sub-plan cannot be reassigned to another plan however, to assign a Sub-plan to a different plan; a new sub-plan must be created under that plan.
75 Deleting Plans To Delete a Sub-plan, right click on the plan you wish to delete, and select Delete Plan. A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to confirm whether you wish to delete the sub-plan. To continue, click OK, to cancel, click Cancel. Deleting a Top Level plan will require an Administrator to delete the plan using the Admin section of SDP.
76 5.1.3 - Adding Priorities To add a priority to a plan or sub-plan, click the Add Priority button. The Add Priority dialog will appear. In the Name field, enter a name for the Priority. Choose which Sub-plan to add the Priority to by selecting that plan from the Add to Plan dropdown box. Click Save Priority to add the priority. A confirmation message will appear in the Add Priority dialog confirming that the Priority was saved successfully. Close the Add Plan dialog to view the Priority.
77 The Top Level Plan, Sub-plan, and assigned Priority can now be viewed on the Plans page. To view the objectives of a priority, click on the priority name. The Priority page will now be displayed. In this example, only one year is available to add objectives to, as the Sub-plan created in the example above was only assigned to one school year. Had the Sub-plan’s End Year been set to the year after the Start Year, two Year columns would be displayed on the Priority page. The Start Year and End Year of the priority can be changed by editing the Sub-plan on the Plans page (see ‘Modifying the Year Span for a Priority’ below).
78 Modifying the Year Span for a Priority In some cases, a plan may need to be implemented over multiple school years, or, multiple objectives will need to take place during different school years, but still occur within the same overall plan. This will require the Year Span (The Start Year and End Year) to be adjusted. On the Plans page, right click on the Sub-plan containing the priority you wish to adjust the year span for, and click Edit Plan. The Add Plan dialog will appear. To span a priority over multiple school years, select an End Year that is one or more years after the selected Start Year. Click Save Plan, and then close the Add Plan dialog.
79 Next, expand the Sub-plan containing the priority, then click on the Priority to open it. On the Priority page, there will now be two (or more, depending on the years selected) Year columns available to assign Objectives to.
80 5.2 - Objectives To add an Objective to a priority, click the Add Objective button under the year you wish to add the Objective to. The Add/Edit Objective dialog will appear. In the Name field, enter a name for the new Objective. If adding multiple objectives, the objectives can be reordered by changing the value in the Order field. E.g. the number in the order field will set the objective to appear in that position in the list of objectives. Click Add Item to add the Objective. The new objective will now appear under in the designated year column. To edit the Objective name, click the Edit Objective icon. The Add/Edit Objective dialog will reappear, allowing the Name and Order of the objective to be updated if needed.
81 5.2.1 - Objective Details Page To view or set up an Objective’s details, click on the Objective’s name on the Priority page. The details for objectives can also be viewed by clicking the Grid View icon. At the top of the Objective Details page the Name of the Priority containing the objectives is displayed. Return to the Plans page at any time by clicking the Return to Plans button. If multiple school years have been set-up in the Sub-plan containing the priority, each year can be displayed by adjusting the slider at the top of the page. Additional actions can be performed using the Actions dropdown menu; these options will be addressed throughout the tutorial. At the top of the Objective Details page, there are two content sections titled ‘Areas for Improvement Identified by Inspection’ and ‘Where are we now?’. These sections are used to enter information regarding the areas that need improvement, and the overall current condition of the school in regards to the improvement areas. To add content to one of the content sections, click the Edit button within the section you
82 wish to modify (in this example, Areas for Improvement has been selected). The Edit: Areas for Improvement… dialog will appear. In the Edit: Areas for Improvement… dialog, enter any information regarding the areas of the school that need improvement. Click Save to add the content. Once the content has been added, a message will appear stating that the content has been updated. To view or hide the content, click on the content title. The content will be displayed directly below its title. Repeat the steps above to add content to the Where are we now? section. Each Objective is displayed on its own row within the Objectives table. The majority of content for the action plan is added to and maintained within each of the sections in the objectives table.
83 A brief outline of each section/column of the Objective Details table: Objectives/targets to bring about improvement: Details of individual objectives needed to bring about improvement as outlined in the Areas for Improvement… content section. Success Criteria: The criteria determining the success of the objectives. Actions to bring about improvement: Real world actions used to achieve the objectives. Time/materials/staff/costings: An overall outline of costs in time, material, and staff needed to achieve the objectives. Current Position: Periodic updates regarding the current position/status of the objectives. Monitoring & Evaluation: Updates from staff reviewing the status of the objectives to evaluate the current position. Staff/lead Responsibility: The staff members assigned to the Action Plan. (Staff members will see the action plan in their dashboard, and can add and edit objective details.) Timescale/Resources: The overall predicted timescale of the Action Plan, and a list of resource files available for download to help complete the objective.
84 5.2.2 – Using Objectives Objectives/targets to bring about improvement To add a description to the ‘Objectives/targets to bring about improvement’ section, or to edit the existing name or description; right-click under the Objective Name (in this case, Example Objective). A menu will appear containing a list of options, click Edit. The Edit dialog will appear. Within the Edit dialog, the Objective Name can be changed by editing the text in the Objective Name field. Add a Description of the Objective in the Description field. This can be a comprehensive description or a general outline of the objective. Click Save to update the Objective Description.
85 The Objective Description will now be shown under the Objective Name in the Objectives/targets column. Success Criteria To outline the Success Criteria, right-click in the Success Criteria column, then click Edit in the list of options. The Edit dialog will appear.
86 In the Edit dialog, outline/describe the criteria determining the success of the objective in the Success Criteria text area. Click Save to add the Success Criteria to the objective. The Success Criteria will now appear in the Success Criteria column. Actions to bring about improvement To add an action to the objective, click the Add New Action button in the Actions to bring about improvement column. The Add New Objective dialog will appear.
87 In the Add New Objective dialog, enter an Objective Name in the Objective Name field. Click Save to add the Objective Action. A message will appear stating that the objective action was saved successfully. Close the Add New Objective dialog to continue. The new Objective Action will now be displayed under the Actions to bring about improvement column. Note that multiple actions can be added to each objective, to add another action to the objective, repeat the steps shown above. To add details to an Objective Action, follow the steps shown in the Objective Action section of this tutorial [see sections 5.2.3, 5.2.4, and 5.2.5]. Time/materials/staff/costings To add details to the Time/materials/staff/costings section, right click in the
88 Time/materials/staff/costings column and select Edit. The Edit dialog will now appear. In the Resources text-area, enter a list of, or details of, the resource costs of the objective. Click the Save button to add the resources. The resource costs details will now appear in the Time/materials/staff/costings column of the Objectives Details table.
89 Current Position (Status Updates) To add a Status Update to the objective, right click under the Current Position column, and select Edit. The Edit dialog will now appear. Click the Add Status Update button to add a new status update. In the Update field, enter a name for the Status Update. In the Date field, enter a date for the status update. (A date can be selected by clicking on the Calendar icon beside the Date field). Select a Status for the update from the Status Dropdown menu. To add the status, click the Insert button.
90 Multiple Status Updates can be added to track progress of the objective. Status Updates can be edited or deleted by clicking on the Edit or Delete icons next to that status. When finished adding the status updates, close the Edit dialog, the status updates will be added automatically. The Status Updates will now appear in the Current Position column of the Objective Details Table.
91 Monitoring & Evaluation To add an update to the Monitoring & Evaluation section, right-click in the Monitoring & Evaluation column and select Edit. The Edit dialog will now be displayed. Click Add Monitoring Update to begin adding a new update. In the Update field, enter a name for the monitoring update. In the Date field, enter a date for the update. (Select a date from the Calendar by clicking the Calendar icon next to the Date field.) Click the Insert button to add the update.
92 Multiple Monitoring & Evaluation Updates can be added, and each one can be edited or deleted by clicking the Edit or Delete icons next to the update. Close the Edit dialog to return to the Objective Details Table. The Monitoring & Evaluation Update will now be displayed in the Monitoring & Evaluation column. Staff/lead Responsibility To assign staff using the Staff/lead Responsibility section, right-click within the Staff/lead
93 Responsibility column and select Edit. The Edit dialog will now be displayed. Within the Edit dialog there are two main sections; The All Users section displays a list of users available to assign to the objective. The Users in Role section displays a list of users that are currently assigned to the objective. To assign a user to the role, first select their username from the All Users section, then click the To Right button to move the user across to the right section, assigning the user to the objective. The selected user(s) will now appear in the Users in Role section. To assign all available users to the action, click the All to Right button. To unassign a user or group of users, select the user(s) in the right section and click the To Left button. To unassign all currently assigned users from the objective, click the All to Left button.
94 To select multiple users at once, hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard, click each user you wish to assign or unassign, then click the relevant Assign/Unassign button. Once you have assigned the users, close the Edit dialog, the user status will be saved and updated automatically. The user(s) that have been assigned to the objective will appear in the Staff/lead Responsibility column. These users will also see the objective listed under the Priorities for Improvement tab within their Dashboard. Timescale/Resources The Timescale/Resources column displays two groups of data; Timescale, and Resources. Timescale To modify the Timescale details, right-click in the Timescale/Resources column, and select Edit.
95 The Edit dialog will now be displayed. If the Action Plan term is set to a period of more than one school year, the Term/Date of the Objective can be adjusted by selecting a start and end date from the Term/Date fields. The Action Plan duration can be adjusted by following the steps in the ‘Modifying the Year Span for a Priority’ tutorial in section 5.1.3. To select a specific date for the start of the overall Action Plan (this objective), click on the Calendar icon beside the Action Plan Start Date field, and select a start date. To select a specific date for the end of the overall Action Plan, click on the Calendar icon beside the Action Plan End Date field, and select an end date. Click Save when finished. The Term and Start/End Dates in the Timescale/Resources column will now reflect the newly applied dates.
96 Resources To add or manage the Objective’s Resource Files, right-click in the Objectives Table within the row for the objective you wish to add the resource files to, and select Manage Resources. The Add Resource Page will now be displayed. In the Resource Details Table, click Add New Resource. In the File Description text area, enter a description of the resource file you are about to upload. Click the Select button to select a resource file.
97 Navigate to the file location on your computer, click on the File Name, then click Open. The File Name will now be displayed under the File Description. To remove the file and select a different file, click Remove (x) next to the file name. To save the resource file and its description, click the Insert button. The Resource Entry will now be displayed in the Resource Table, to view/download the file, click View. To edit or delete the Resource Entry, click the Edit or Delete buttons. Click the Return to Plan button to return to the Objective Details Table.
98 The resource file(s) will now be available under the Timescale/Resources column. The file can be downloaded by clicking the File Name.
99 5.2.3 – Objective Actions Page To add details to an Objective Action, click on the Name of the Objective Action on the Objective Details page. This will open the Objective Action Details page. A brief outline of each section/column of the Action details table: Actions to bring about improvement: Details of this action needed to successfully complete the parent Objective. Success Criteria: The criteria determining the success of the Actions. Assigned To: Used to assign staff users to the action, any staff that are assigned to the action will be see the action in their dashboard, and can add and edit action details. Current Position: Periodic updates regarding the current position/status of the actions. Monitoring & Evaluation: Updates from staff reviewing the status of the actions to evaluate the objective status. Resources: A list of available resources needed to complete the action. Tasks: Individual tasks needed to complete the action. Resources Files: Downloadable files needed to help complete the action.
100 5.2.4 – Using Objective Actions Actions to bring about improvement To Edit the Action Name, or to add details or a description to the action, right-click in the Actions to bring about improvement column. In the list of options, click Edit. The Edit dialog will then appear. In the Action text-area, update the name of the Action, if needed, and enter any details or description of the action. Click Save to add the Action details. The updated details will appear in the Actions to bring about improvement column.
101 Success Criteria To add details regarding the Success Criteria to the Action, right-click in the Success Criteria column and select Edit. The Edit dialog will appear. In the Success Criteria text-area, enter the criteria determining the success of the action. Click Save to add the success criteria. The updated details will now appear in the Success Criteria column.
102 Assigned To To assign users to the Action, right click in the Assigned To column, and select Edit. The Edit dialog will appear. Within the Edit dialog there are two main sections; The All Users section displays a list of users available to assign to the action. The Users in Role section displays a list of users that are currently assigned to the action. To assign a user to the role, first select their username from the All Users section, then click the To Right button to move the user across to the right section, assigning the user to the action. The selected user(s) will now appear in the Users in Role section. To assign all available users to the action, click the All to Right button. To unassign a user or group of users, select the user(s) in the right section and click the To Left button. To unassign all currently assigned users from the action, click the All to Left button.
103 To select multiple users at once, hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard, then click each user you wish to assign or unassign. Once you have assigned the users, close the Edit dialog, the user status will be saved and updated automatically. The user(s) that have been assigned to the action will appear in the Assigned To column. These users will also see the action listed under the Actions tab within their Dashboard. Current Position To add a Status Update to the Current Position section, right click in the Current Position column, and select Edit. The Edit dialog will now be displayed.
104 To add the status update, click Add Status. In the Update field, enter a name for the status update. In the Date field, select the relevant date on which the status changed. In the Status dropdown menu, select the type of status, i.e. Not Started, Ongoing, or Completed. Click the Insert button to complete the status. The status will now be displayed in the Current Position & Update History table. Multiple updates can be added to the table to help track progress over time. To edit or delete a status, click the Edit (pencil), or Delete (X) buttons beside the update you wish to change. Close the Edit dialog to continue, the status updates will be saved automatically. The status updates will now be displayed in the Current Position column.
105 Monitoring & Evaluation To add an update to the Monitoring & Evaluation section, right click in the Monitoring & Evaluation column, then select Edit from the menu. The Edit dialog will appear. In the Edit dialog, click Add Monitoring Update. Enter a brief update in the Update field. Select a date for the update by clicking the Calendar icon next to the Date field. Click the Insert button to add the Monitoring Update.
106 The Monitoring Update will now be displayed in the Monitoring & Evaluation table. Multiple updates can be added to the table to help evaluate progress over time. To edit or delete an update, click the Edit (pencil), or Delete (X) buttons beside the update you wish to change. Close the Edit dialog to continue, the Monitoring Updates will be saved automatically. The Monitoring & Evaluation Update(s) will appear in the Monitoring & Evaluation column. Resources To add details regarding the Resources available to the Action, right-click in the Resources column and select Edit from the menu. The Edit dialog will now appear. In the Edit dialog, enter the list of resources into the Resources field. Click Save to add the information to the Resource section.
107 The list of resources will now appear in the Resources column. Tasks To add a task to the Action, or manage the existing tasks, right click in the Tasks column, then select Edit from the menu. The Edit dialog will now be displayed. In the Edit dialog, click Add New Record to add a new task. In the Update field, enter a name for the Task. Select a date for the Date field using the Calendar icon next to the Date field. Choose a Status for the Task by selecting the Status from the Status dropdown box.
108 Save the task by clicking the Insert button. Multiple tasks can be added, and their statuses updated periodically to track the status of the task. To edit or delete a task, click on the Edit (pencil), or Delete (X) button beside that task. Close the Edit dialog to continue, the Tasks will be saved automatically. The Tasks will now appear in the Tasks column. These tasks will appear in the Tasks tab within the Dashboard of the user(s) assigned to the Objective Action.
109 Resources Files To add Resources Files to the action, right click in one of the first 7 columns to open the menu, and click Manage Resources. Do not right-click in the Resources Files column – the Resources Files column is used to display the existing files, not manage files. After clicking Manage Resources, the Add Resource page will be displayed. To add a new Resource, click Add New Resource. In the File Description field, enter a description of the file and any details that people may need to know when using the file. Click the Select button to select a file.
110 Next, navigate to the location of the file on your computer, then select the file, and click Open. The Filename will now appear under the File Description field. To remove the file and choose a different file, click the Remove (x) icon next to the file. To save the resource details, click the Insert button.
111 The resource entry will now be displayed in the Resource table. To view/download the file, click View. To edit the resource details, or delete the resource entry, click the Edit or Delete buttons next to the resource. Click the Return to Plan button to return to the Action Details page. The Resource File will now appear under the Resources Files column. Resource Files can be downloaded by clicking their File Name.
112 5.2.5 – Objective Actions - Additional Features Adding New Objective Actions To add a new action to the objective, click on the Actions Dropdown Menu, and select Add Row. The new Action will appear in its own row beneath the existing Action. Deleting Objective Actions To delete an action, click the Delete icon within the last column of the Action you wish to delete. A confirmation dialog will appear, click OK to confirm deletion of the Action.
113 Assigning Questionnaires to Objective Actions To view the Questionnaires that have been associated with this Objective Action, or to manage or associate questionnaires with this Objective Action, select Associated Questionnaires from the Actions dropdown menu. This will take you to the Associated Questionnaires for ‘Example Objective’ (Action) Page. From here you can assign and manage questionnaires that will provide feedback relating to the selected Objective Action. For more information on assigning and managing questionnaires, see section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. To return to the objective action, click the Return to Actions button.
114 Returning to Parent Objective Page To return to the Parent Objective of the Action, click the Return to Action Plans button. The Objectives page will now be displayed, to return to the action, click on the Action Name under the Actions to bring about improvement column. To add a new Action, click the Add New Action button.
115 5.3 – Objectives – Additional Features Additional actions can be performed using the Actions dropdown menu on the main Objectives Details Table / Priority Page. 5.3.1 – Adding New Objective (Adding New Row) To add a new objective to this year, within this priority; click Add Row in the Actions dropdown menu. The new Objective will appear in the table beneath the current Objective row.
116 5.3.2 – Deleting Objectives (Deleting Row) To delete an objective, click on the Delete icon at the end of that objective’s row. A confirmation prompt will appear, click OK to confirm deletion of the objective. The Objective/Row will now be removed from the Objectives Details Table / Priority Page.
117 5.3.3 – Priority/Objective’s Associated Questionnaires To view the Questionnaires associated with this priority, click Associated Questionnaires in the Actions dropdown menu. The Associated Questionnaires for ‘Example Priority’ (Priority) Page will be displayed. From here you can assign and manage questionnaires that will provide feedback relating to the selected Priority. For more information on assigning and managing questionnaires, see section 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. To return to the Objective/Priority page, click Return to Plan.
118 5.3.4 – Changing Display View To switch to the Column View (Year view); click Column View in the Actions dropdown menu. The Objectives will now be displayed by year group in Columns. To switch back to the Grid View, click either on the name of one of the Objectives, or on the Grid View icon.
119 5.3.5 – Adding Regulations To add/associate Regulations with the objective, right-click in the Objectives Table, and select Add Regulations. The Edit dialog will appear. In the Edit dialog, tick the checkbox beside each regulation you wish to add to the current objective. Click Save to associate the selected regulations. The Regulations associate with the objective will be displayed in the Objectives/targets to bring about improvement column for that objective.
120 To unassociate objectives, reopen the Edit dialog by clicking Add Regulations in the right-click menu, then unticking the regulations you wish to unassociate.
121 5.3.6 – Share/Copy Objectives & Actions To Share (Copy) existing Objectives and Actions to other Priorities, right-click on the objective you wish to copy within the Objectives Table, and click Share/Copy from the menu. The Edit dialog will now appear. In the Select Priorities dropdown box, tick the Plans/Priorities you wish to Share the Objective to. To copy the Actions within the Objective also, tick Copy Actions. Click Save when finished.
122 Next, go to the Priority or Priorities that you shared the Objective to, and click on the Objective Name or Grid View icon. The shared copy of the objective will appear in the Objective Details Table. At the top of the page, a message will appear saying that the Shared Objective needs to be approved. This is because the recipient of the shared objective may not be the same person as the person who initially shared the objective. To approve or decline the objective, click on the Alert icon at the end of the Objective’s Row. The Approve Shared Content dialog will appear. Click Approve Content to accept the objective and allow it to function normally.
123 Once the objective has been approved, the details can be modified and added to independently of the original copy (i.e. the copies are not linked to each other, making changes to one copy will not reflect the changes unto the other).
124 6 – Reports The Reports section of SDP is used to generate a downloadable/printable report of the content within the School Development Plan. This includes the content in the Background Info, Regulations, Questionnaires, and Overview (Action Plans) tabs. To use the Reports feature, click on the Reports tab in the menu bar. The Reporting and Print page contains links to the Report Builder, Interactive Reports, and lists Stats regarding the number of evaluations and action plans currently in use. 6.1 – Report Builder To build a report, click the Report Builder button, this will take you to the Create Plan Wizard. Within the Create Plan Wizard, the progress of the plan can be seen on the left side of the page in the Progress Area. The first step of the wizard is to enter the Report Information. Add a Name for the Report in the Name field. Add a Description for the Report in the Description field. Add an Author for the Report in the Author field. Click Next to move to the next section. Alternatively, click the next section listed in the progress area to move to that section.
125 On the Background Information page, tick the checkbox beside each piece of Background Information content you wish to include in the report. Click Next to continue. On the Regulations page, expand each regulation, or group of regulations by clicking the plus icon next to that group. Tick the checkbox beside each regulation you wish to include in the report. Click Next to continue. On the Questionnaires section, expand each questionnaire group containing questionnaires you wish to include in the report. Tick the checkbox beside each questionnaire you wish to include. Click Next to continue.
126 On the Action Plans section, the plans can be filtered to show only those in the current term. Expand each Category to show the Action Plans within. Tick the checkbox beside each Action plan you wish to include in the report. Click Next to continue. Click Generate Preview to generate a preview of each of the items to be included in the report. To reset the report and start again, click Reset. The Preview shows the titles/names of each item included in the report.
127 Click Next to continue. On the Output Options page, select the type of report you wish to generate, the two available options are PDF and RTF. PDF files can be opened by most computers and will also be compatible with most mobile devices such as tablets and phones. Editing/Modifying the PDF file will require additional software. RTF files can be opened my most computers, but may not be able to be opened by mobile devices. It is easy however to Edit/Modify the contents of the RTF file using a word processor such as Microsoft Word. Reports are normally generated relatively quickly (within 2-3 minutes), however for a large report (such as where a lot of content has been selected) the report may take longer to generate. To receive an automatic email notification when the report has been generated, enter your Email Address in the box provided. Click Finish to generate the report.
128 To view the generated report – visit the Saved Reports section. [See section 6.2]
129 6.2 – Viewing Generated Reports/File Manager To view the reports that have been generated by SDP, click the Saved Reports option from the Reports sub-menu. If you have already generated a report using the steps described in Section 6.1 you will see at least one report listed in the File Manager window on the Saved Reports page. The File Manager allows each of the reports to be stored and managed within SDP. The Toolbar at the top of the File Manager contains options manage the files and folders stored in SDP. To go to the Previous/Next page of whilst navigating through the folder structure, click the Back or Forward buttons. To open the selected file or folder, click the Open button. To refresh current view to display any newly added reports or folders, click the Refresh button. To create a new folder to store/sort reports, click the Create New Folder button. To delete the selected Report or Folder, click the Delete button. To switch the display mode of the Folders & Reports between Grid view and Thumbnail view, click the Grid View or Thumbnail View buttons. To upload a file to the File Manager, click Upload.
130 6.2.1 – Downloading PDF & RTF Reports To view a preview of a PDF report, click on the report you wish to preview, and select Open. A preview window of the selected report will be displayed, to close the window, click the (X) icon on the top right of the preview window. To open a PDF or RTF report, right-click on the report you wish to open, and select Open Public Link. The full report will now be opened in your web browser, or saved to your computer. If the PDF report opens in your web browser, you can save the report to your computer by clicking the Save icon within the PDF document.
132 6.3 – Interactive Reports – Questionnaires The Interactive Reports (Questionnaires) section is used to filter and view the results of all questionnaires that have been created using SDP. To use the Interactive Questionnaire Reports section, click Questionnaires under the Interactive Reports heading on the Reporting and Print page. The Questionnaire Interactive Report page will now be displayed. To return to the main Reporting and Print page of the Reports section, click the Return to Reports button. The list of displayed Questionnaires can be filtered by choosing options from the three Filter dropdown boxes. The filtered Questionnaires will appear in the grid at the bottom of the Questionnaire Interactive Report page.
133 The filtered results can be displayed in list form by clicking the List tab above the results grid. To filter the results by year, select a year from the Year filter dropdown box. Only Questionnaires issued during the selected year will be displayed. To filter the results to show only instances of a specific questionnaire, select the questionnaire from the Questionnaire filter dropdown box.
134 To filter the results to show either all Questionnaire instances, Questionnaires that have been assigned to users, Questionnaires that have been completed by users, or Questionnaires that have been assigned to users but are still outstanding; select an option from the Questionnaire Status dropdown box. Once the questionnaires have been filtered, you can view a list of the questionnaires issued on a specific date by clicking the number within the grid square for that date. In this case, the ‘1’ in the grid square shown indicates that one questionnaire was issued on 24th July 2014. A list of questionnaires issued on the selected date will appear, to view the questionnaire instance, click the Questionnaire Name.
135 The results page for the selected questionnaire will now be displayed. For more info on using the questionnaire results page, view tutorial Section 4.4.
136 6.4 – Interactive Reports – Action Plans The Interactive Reports (Action Plans) section is used to filter and view all Action Plans that have been added to SDP. To use the Interactive Action Plan Reports section, click Action Plans under the Interactive Reports heading on the Reporting and Print page. The Action Plans (Objectives) Interactive Report page will now be displayed. To return to the main Reporting and Print page of the Reports section, click the Return to Reports button. The list of displayed Action Plans can be filtered by choosing options from the five Filter dropdown boxes. The filtered Action Plans will appear in the grid at the bottom of the Action Plans (Objectives) Interactive Report page. The filtered results can be displayed in list form by clicking the List tab above the results grid.
137 To filter the results by year, select a year from the Year filter dropdown box. Only Action Plans with a Start Date during the selected year will be displayed. To filter the results to display only Objectives, Actions, or Tasks, choose an option from the Type filter dropdown box. To display the results according to the Action Plan Start Date or End Date; select an option from the Start/End Date filter dropdown box. To filter the results by status, i.e. Completed, Ongoing, Not Started, select an option from the Filter by Status dropdown box.
138 To filter the Plans according to the lead staff member assigned to the plan, select the user from the Select Staff Lead dropdown box. Once the Action Plans have been filtered, you can view a list of the Action Plans starting on a specific date by clicking the number within the grid square for that date. In this case, the ‘1’ in the grid square shown indicates that one Action Plan had a start date of 12th July 2014. A list of Action Plans starting on the selected date will appear, to view the Action Plan in the Overview section of SDP, click the Action Plan/Objective Name. Depending on your chosen filters, the selected Action Plan/Objective/Action/Task will now be displayed. For more info on using the Action Plans (Overview) Section, view tutorial Section 5.2.